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Poverty has grown to be a signifipcant global issue over time. While efforts

are currently being made to eradicate poverty worldwide, the challenge is that it

still persists. This issue has had an impact on a person's economic well-being

and day-to-day practices. Based on the World Bank Organization, poverty

emerges when a person experiences hunger, housing instability, difficulty

accessing healthcare services, illiteracy, lack of educational opportunities, and

unemployment. It has evolved from place to place and over time into a call to

action to reduce and combat it in order to guarantee that more people can

access the basic necessities of life, healthcare, education, and protection from

violence. In this instance, the researchers believe that this can lead to more

serious societal conflicts. Based on Britto (2005), conditional cash transfers

(CCTs) are a popular poverty reduction policy. CCT programs share three

features: cash transfers to the very poor with conditions such as sending children

to school or regular medical checkups.

In the Philippines, a 2017 Commission on Audit performance audit report

found that 90% of the active household beneficiaries who have been taking part

in the program for seven to thirteen years have had positive effects on the

majority of the targeted educational and health outcomes for children and

expectant mothers, but the program was unable to address its clear connection

with the decline in poverty in the country.

Furthermore, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, which invests in

human capital and provides conditional cash transfers to eligible household

beneficiaries, is frequently linked to the nation's efforts to end poverty. It is also

viewed as a human development initiative that works with relevant groups, local

governments, and other stakeholders to provide social protection, social

assistance, social development, and other complementary services.

As researchers in social work, we will constitute the next significant wave

in social change, policymaking, and program development. We have been given

the responsibility of leading the progressive change in the Philippines as we are

the spearheading members of the workforce and perhaps the government. Thus,

in order to provide more information on the implementation of the aforementioned

program and explain the varying perceptions that are expressed by the

beneficiaries of Zone 52 Sampaloc, Manila's Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program, the researchers seek to identify and comprehend the pertinent factors

that are crucial to their perceptions. The researchers will try to find out how the

program affects the health and educational needs of the participants.

Research Locale

Figure 1.

This study will take place at Zone 52, Sampaloc Manila within the span of

nine months from September 2022 to June 2023.

 Among other zones located in District 4 of Sampaloc, Manila, the life

situation of the people residing in Zone 52 is clearly visible wherein there are

impoverished families that can be seen from the area. With that, the researchers

posit that it is relevant and admissible to conduct the study in the said area and

to assess and know the importance of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. 

Zone 52 belongs to District 4 which is located in the northeast portion of

Sampaloc, Manila. It has the third most number of barangay in the 4th district of

the City of Manila. It consists of 11 barangays from Barangay 521 to Barangay

531. Its population as determined by the 2020 census was 13,380.

The researchers will select this locale to give benefits to the beneficiaries

of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in order to address their perceptions

regarding their health and education statuses supported by the program. They

would be able to share the knowledge they got from this research to co-students

and other people. Also, the local government unit of Zone 52 Sampaloc, Manila

will provide the necessary data and information needed in this study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the outcome of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program implementation in Zone 52 Sampaloc, Manila. Specifically, this study

sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the monthly income of the beneficiaries?

2. What are the perceptions of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

beneficiaries on the program's health and educational assistance in terms of:

2.1 capacity to finance healthcare expenses;

2.2 sustenance from food; and

2.3 capacity to pay for educational expenses?

3. How does the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program assist the education

and health of the beneficiaries?

4. What recommendations to the local government unit of Zone 52,

Sampaloc, Manila can be extracted from this study?

Scope and Limitation

The researchers will use the qualitative design in analyzing the different

data sets about the outcome of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to be

obtained. Furthermore, the researchers will also use the descriptive-narrative

method to gain the perceptions of the participants.

The researchers have chosen Zone 52, Sampaloc, Manila to conduct the

study because they have researched that the locale is appropriate for the said

experiences under such a program. This study only focuses on the outcome of

the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program under the health and educational

demands of the participants. It is only limited to the residents in 11 barangays of

Zone 52, Sampaloc, Manila, who are Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

beneficiaries. Since the researchers will primarily focus on assessing the

beneficiaries, data will be gathered through an interview with 10 respondents 

who have experience as beneficiaries. With that, the researchers seek the

perception of the participants through first asking permission from the local

government unit of Zone 52, Sampaloc, Manila, to allow them to conduct the

study in the said community.

The researchers and the participants—filtered by means of a snowball

sampling method—will be involved in this undertaking. The researchers will use a

self-devised interview guide with open-ended questions for the participants to

further explain their thoughts and perceptions. The researchers will also consider

the rights of the participants.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the results of the study would be beneficial

for the following:

● To the government officials. The study will gather insights from those

who have benefited from the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, which will

then assist government officials in conducting a more thorough analysis of the

program's implementation and continuing to improve it over time.

● To the community. They will have a better understanding of the

program's objectives for the intended beneficiaries, as well as the significance of

the program in terms of the education and health of families and children.

● To PLM-School of Social Work. To broaden the community's knowledge

of the DSWD's programs, and for the community to come up with insights on how

to enhance more when they are at last social workers.

● To the researchers. They will be able to determine from the analysis of

the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program whether the program is profoundly

advantageous for the beneficiaries' health and education. Moreover, to offer

suggestions that will enhance the program's educational and health benefits for

the community.

● To the future researchers. With the help of this study, they would be able

to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program, refine the study, and generate more effective recommendations for the

greater good of society.

Definition of Terms

To provide a better understanding and clarification of terms used in the

study, the following are defined:

Assessment. It refers to the process to be done in the research study. 

Beneficiaries. It refers to the respondents who are to be chosen from Zone 52

Sampaloc, Manila. 

Implementation. It refers to the enforcement of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino


Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. It refers to the government program

that is to be assessed in the research study. 

Perception. It refers to the insights that are to be acquired from the respondents.

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