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TR1 - Ingles

Ingles (eg Ingles)

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Trabajo Final del

Teniendo en cuenta el video de National Geographic de la Unidad 11, ubicado en el

E-book, los alumnos trabajaran en grupos (máximo 3) para planificar un video similar
acerca de un animal en peligro de extinción del Perú.


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(What causes extinction) (How to avoid its extinction)

Illegal and indiscriminate hunting, Do not contribute to the purchase of

since for years its meat was used as the mota fish, since for their fishing
bait to fish some species of fish. they use pink dolphin meat from the
Specifically, its meat was used to catch Amazon.
the speck fish.

Another cause because pink dolphins Report the illegal hunting of the pink
are in danger of extinction is the dolphin, you can go to NGOs or
destruction of their habitat. This has government entities if you know of
led to sectors of the river where they people who do this.
are located, being destroyed.

On the other hand, as with other If you yourself make excursions to

species of dolphins, mercury pollution regions where the pink dolphin is
due to gold mining has led to the levels present, be responsible, do not feed
of this material flooding the waters of these animals or interact with them.
the rivers where the pink dolphin lives,
which has caused many deaths of

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