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FWA (mm) = W/4 TPC

FW W1 L1


Mass = Vol x density.;

Mass of SW disp = 1.025 V,

When in FW: Mass of FW disp = (V +v) x 1

Both displacements are the same as no cargo operations have been carried out.

 1.025V = (V+v)x 1 OR v = 0.025 V OR v = V/40.

Multiply both sides by 1.025

1.025v = (V/40) x 1.025 => w = W/40 -- (1)

w= Mass of SW in vol “v”, W = Mass of SW in vol “V”.

Using TPC formula: Cargo to load = Mean Sinkage (cm) x TPC

But in the above case Sinkage is nothing but FWA, ie FWA is increase in draft when SW to

w = FWA (mm) x TPC/10,

equating value of “w” in “1” we get:

(FWA (mm) x TPC)/10 = W/40,

FWA (mm) = W/4TPC.

DWA = (Change in density) x FWA/(1.025-1.000)

Ex 1: A ship’s load displacement is 16000 t and TPC is 20. If she is in DW of RD 1.010, find
by how much she may immerse her loadline so that she will not be overloaded when she
goes to sea.

(1.025-1.000) ------- FWA F

(1.025-1.015) =DWA = FWA X (1.025-1.015)/0.025 1010

FWA = W/4TPC = 16000/4x 20 = 200 mm. 1018

DWA = (1.025-1.010)x 200 /0.025 = 120 mm or 12 cms. S

Ex. 2: A vessel of FWA 200mm goes from RD 1.018 to water of RD 1.006. Find the change in
draft and state if it will be sinkage or rise.

Change of draft = (1.018-1.006) x 200/0.025 = 96 mm.

Vessel will immerse by 96mm, since density reduced.

Ex. 4: A box-shaped vessel 20x6x4.5m floats in DW of RD 1.010 at a draft of 2.4m. Calculate

the % RB in DW of RD 1.020.

In DW 1.010, W = 20x6x2.4x1.010

In DW 1.020, W = Vx1.020

Since displacement is constant,

Vx1.020 = 20x6x2.4x1.010; V = 285.176

Total vol = 20x6x4.5 = 540

Above water vol = 540-285.176 = 254.824

RB% = 254.824 x 100/540 = 47.19%

Ex. 6: A vessel displaces 16000 t at her summer load draft in SW. If she is now floating in
DW of RD 1.015 with her summer loadline on the water, calculate how much DWT is

At summer load draft, 16000 = V x 1.025

V = 16000/1.025.

Present displacement = 16000x1.015/1.025 = 15843.9t.

DWT available = 16000 – 15843.9 = 156.1t.

Q 1. A ship of 16000 t displacement and TPC 20 is afloat in SW at 8 m draft. Find her draft in

Q 2. A ship goes from RD 1.008 to SW. Find the change in draft if her FWA is 180mm. State
whether it would be sinkage or rise.

Q 3. A vessel goes from RD 1.010 to FW. If her FWA is 160 mm, state whether she would
sink or rise and by how much.
Q 4. A ship of FWA 175mm goes from RD 1.006 to RD 1.018. Find amount of sinkage or rise.

Q 5. A ship’s load displacement is 18000 t and TPC 25. If she is now loading in DW of 1.018,
by how much may her loadline be immersed so that she would not be overloaded?

Q 6. A box-shaped vessel 20x4x2 has a mean draft of 1.05m in SW. Calculate her draft in
DW of RD 1.012.

Q 7. A box-shaped vessel 18x5x2 m floats in FW at a draft of 1.4m. Calculate the % RB when

she enters SW.

Q 8. A vessel’s displacement in SW at a draft of 5m is 3000 t. Find her displacement when

afloat at same draft in water of RD 1.018.

Q 9. A ship’s extreme water plane dimension while loaded to her summer draft is 150m X 20m.
Her summer draft is 7.5m. Given Cw 0.75 and Cb 0.80, calculate her FWA.

Example 7. Vessel in SW with summer loadline 60mm above water on port and 10mm above
water on starboard. Find the DWT available, if TPC is 40.

Mean distance of summer loadline from waterline = (60+10)/2 = 35 mm.

Waterline is 35 mm below summer loadline, so need to submerge by 3.5 cms.
DWT available = Sinkage x TPC = 3.5 x 40 = 140 t.

Example 8. Vessel in SW with port summer loadline 80mm below water and starboard, 200 mm
above. Find DWT available if TPC 30.

Mean distance of summer loadline from waterline = (200 - 80)/2 = 60 mm.

When upright, Waterline is 60 mm or 6 cm below summer loadline, so need to submerge by 6
DWT available = Sinkage x TPC = 6 x 30 = 180 t.

Example 9. Vessel floats in DW RD 1.016 with winter loadline 100 mm below water on port and
180mm below water on starboard. If FWA 200 mm, TPC 24 and summer load draft is 9.6m, find
DWT available.
When upright, position of winter loadline from WL = (180+100)/2 = 140 mm or 14 cms below
Dist W to S = 9.6/48 = 0.2m or 20 cms.
Distance from present WL to summer loadline = 20 – 14 = 6 cms.

DWA = (1.025-1.016)x200/0.025 = 72 mm or 7.2 cms

Total sinkage = 6 + 7.2 = 13.2 cms.
TPC in 1.016 = 24x 1.016/1.025 = 23.79.
DWT available = 13.2 x 23.79 = 314 t.

Q 9. A ship’s extreme water plane dimension while loaded to her summer draft is 150m X 20m.
Her summer draft is 7.5m. Given Cw 0.75 and Cb 0.80, calculate her FWA.
13. A vessel floating in DW of RD 1.005 has the upper edge of her S loadline in the WL to
starboard and 50mm above WL to port. If FWA 180mm and TPC 24, find the amount of cargo
that the vessel can load to bring her to permissible draft.
15. A vessel’s statutory freeboard is 2.0m, she is loading in DW of RD 1.015 and her freeboard
is 2.1m. TPC = 24, FWA=200mm. Find DWT available.

Practice questions:
1. From the following details calculate DWT available: LOA: 225m, Present freeboard:
3.2m, FWA: 220mm, TPC (SW): 28, Statutory summer freeboard: 2.80 m, Summer draft:
9.56 m, Classification: LR, The ship is loading in RD 1.015.

2. A ship is lying at the mouth of river in water of density 1024 kg per cu.m. and the
displacement is 12000 tonnes. The ship is to proceed up-river and to berth in dock water
of density 1008 kg per cu.m. with the same draft as at present. Find how much cargo
must be discharged.

3. A ship arrives at the mouth of a river in water of density 1016 kg per cu.m. with a
freeboard of ‘S’ m. she then discharges 150 tonnes of cargo, and proceeds upriver to a
second port, consuming 14 tonnes of bunkers. When she arrives at the 2nd port the
freeboard is again ‘S’, the density of the water being 1004 kg per cu.m. Find the ship’s
displacement on arrival at the 2nd port.

4. A ship’s light displacement is 3450 t and she has onboard 800 t of bunkers. She loads
7250 t of cargo, 250 t of bunkers and 125 t of FW. The ship is then found to be 75 mm
from the load draft. TPC = 12 t. Find the ship’s deadweight and load displacement.

5. A ship loads in FW to her SW marks and proceeds along a river to a 2nd port consuming
20 tonnes of bunkers. At the 2nd port, where the density is 1016 kg per cu m, after 120
tonnes of cargo have been loaded, the ship is again at the load SW marks. Find the ship’s
load displacement in SW.

6. A ship has a load displacement of 5400 t, TPC = 30 t. If she loads to the Summer loadline
in dock water of density 1.010 t/ m³, find the change in draft on entering SW.

7. A ship floating in DW of density 1.005 t/ m³ has the lower edge of her Summer loadline
in the WL to starboard and 50 mm above the WL to port. FWA= 175 mm and TPC=12 t.
Find the amount of cargo which can yet be loaded in order to bring the ship to the load
draft in SW.

8. A ship is 150 m long, 20 m broad, load draft 8 m, light draft 3 m. The block coefficient at
the load draft is 0.766, and at light draft is 0.668. Find ship’s deadweight.

9. A vessel arrives at port X at the mouth of a river. Her Summer displacement is 15000
tonnes and arrival draft is 6.5m in RD 1.018. She has to cross a bar upriver before
entering port Y. The depth at the bar is 6.2 m and RD 1.005. If her TPC (SW) is 20, find
minimum quantity to offload at port X so that she may cross the bar with a safe UKC of
25 cms.


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