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Social networking and school

Case study

Social networking has become a ubiquitous part of modern

life, especially among young people. Social networking

sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, allow users

to create profiles, connect with friends, and share photos

and updates. While social networking has many benefits, such

as allowing people to stay connected with friends and

family, it can also have negative effects on school


One of the main ways that social networking can affect

school performance is by distracting students from their

studies. When students are constantly checking their social

media feeds or responding to messages, they may be less

focused on their homework or classwork. This can lead to

lower grades and a lack of academic progress.

Another way that social networking can impact school

performance is through cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a

form of bullying that takes place online, and it can be

particularly harmful to young people. Victims of

cyberbullying may experience anxiety, depression, and even

suicidal thoughts. This can have a negative impact on their

school performance and overall well-being.

Social networking can also contribute to a lack of sleep,

which can negatively impact school performance. When

students stay up late checking social media or responding to

messages, they may not get enough sleep to be alert and

focused during the school day. This can lead to difficulty

concentrating, forgetfulness, and lower grades.

Despite these negative effects, social networking can also

have positive effects on school performance. For example,

social networking can be used as a tool for collaboration

and communication. Students can use social networking sites

to collaborate on group projects, share information, and

discuss homework assignments. This can lead to better

understanding of class material and improved grades.

Overall, social networking can have both positive and

negative effects on school performance. It is important for

students to use social networking sites responsibly and in

moderation, so that they can reap the benefits without

experiencing the negative consequences. Parents and

educators can also play a role in promoting responsible

social networking use by setting guidelines and limits on

social media use during study hours.


Social networking is widely used by young people and can

have both positive and negative effects on school

performance. While it can help with collaboration and

communication, it can also lead to distraction,

cyberbullying, and a lack of sleep. It is important for

students to use social networking responsibly and in

moderation, and for parents and educators to set guidelines

and limits during study hours to promote responsible use.

This article belong to case study because it presents a

real-life scenario or phenomenon (the impact of social

networking on school performance), and analyzes its causes,

effects, and potential solutions. The article provides

evidence from research studies and highlights the

perspectives of different stakeholders, including students,

parents, and educators. It also offers practical

recommendations for responsible social networking use.

Therefore, this article can be viewed as a case study of the

complex issue of social networking and its impact on

academic performance.
The day I left my childhood behind: A coming

Age of narrative

Narrative report

As children, we all have moments where we realize that we

are growing up and leaving our childhood behind. It can be a

sudden realization or a gradual process, but it is a moment

that marks a significant turning point in our lives. For

some, this moment is marked by a specific event or

experience, while for others, it is a gradual shift in


Regardless of how it happens, leaving childhood behind is a

universal experience that is often accompanied by a sense of

loss, uncertainty, and excitement. It marks the beginning of

a new chapter in our lives, a time when we start to take on

more responsibility and make decisions that will shape our


This coming age of narrative is a time when we start to take

control of our own stories, to shape our own identities, and

to define our own values. It is a time when we begin to see

ourselves as separate individuals, with our own unique

experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

For many of us, this process of self-discovery is

facilitated by the power of storytelling. Through the

stories we read, watch, and create, we are able to explore

different perspectives, gain new insights, and connect with

others who share our experiences. Storytelling helps us to

make sense of the world around us and to find meaning in our

own lives.

As we enter this coming age of narrative, we have the

opportunity to shape our own stories and to create a world

that reflects our values and aspirations. We have the power

to imagine new possibilities, to challenge old assumptions,

and to build a better future for ourselves and for others.

However, with this power comes responsibility. We must be

mindful of the stories we tell and the messages we convey.

We must recognize the impact our words and actions can have

on others and on the world around us.

Leaving childhood behind is a significant milestone, but it

is also just the beginning of a lifelong journey of self-

discovery and growth. As we move forward into this coming

age of narrative, let us embrace the power of storytelling,

the responsibility of shaping our own stories, and the

potential to create a world that reflects our highest


This article discusses how leaving childhood behind is a

universal experience that marks a significant turning point

in our lives, where we start to take control of our own

stories and shape our own identities. The author explains

that this coming age of narrative allows us to explore

different perspectives, gain new insights, and connect with

others who share our experiences through the power of

storytelling. With this power comes responsibility, and we

must be mindful of the stories we tell and the impact they

have on others and the world around us. Ultimately, leaving

childhood behind is just the beginning of a lifelong journey

of self-discovery and growth, and we should embrace the

power of storytelling to create a world that reflects our

highest aspirations.

This article belongs to a narrative report because it tells

a story of personal growth and self-discovery, specifically

about the transition from childhood to adulthood. The author

describes how this transition is marked by a sense of loss,

uncertainty, and excitement, and how it is a time when

individuals begin to take control of their own stories and

shape their own identities. The author also emphasizes the

role of storytelling in facilitating this process of self-

discovery, as it allows individuals to explore different

perspectives and connect with others who share their

experiences. Finally, the author highlights the

responsibility that comes with this power to shape our own

stories and the potential impact our words and actions can

have on others and the world around us.

Survival strategies of extended families in a dumpsite



Extended families living in a dumpsite community face unique

challenges that require them to develop survival strategies

to ensure their daily needs are met. These strategies

include pooling resources, relying on informal economies,

and maintaining a strong sense of community.

In a dumpsite community, resources are scarce and poverty is

rampant. Extended families living in these communities often

pool their resources to ensure everyone has enough to eat

and access to basic necessities. This can involve sharing

food, water, and other household items, as well as dividing

tasks among family members to ensure everyone contributes to

the household.

Informal economies are also a crucial survival strategy for

extended families in a dumpsite community. Many families

rely on informal jobs, such as scavenging for recyclable

materials or selling goods on the street, to earn a living.

These jobs are often unstable and low-paying, but they

provide a means for families to earn income and support


A strong sense of community is also essential for extended

families in a dumpsite community. Living in such a

challenging environment requires families to come together

and support one another. This can involve sharing childcare

responsibilities, helping each other with daily tasks, and

providing emotional support during difficult times.

Despite these survival strategies, extended families in

dumpsite communities continue to face significant

challenges. Access to clean water, healthcare, and education

are often limited, and families must constantly adapt to

changing circumstances to ensure their survival.

Efforts to support these communities must focus on

addressing these underlying challenges and creating

sustainable solutions. This may involve improving access to

basic services, providing education and training to help

families build more stable livelihoods, and promoting

community development to strengthen social networks and

support systems.

Ultimately, the survival strategies of extended families in

dumpsite communities demonstrate the resilience and strength

of these communities in the face of adversity. By working

together and developing innovative solutions, these families

are able to survive and thrive despite the many challenges

they face.


Extended families living in dumpsite communities face unique

challenges that require them to develop survival strategies

to ensure their daily needs are met. These strategies

include pooling resources, relying on informal economies,

and maintaining a strong sense of community. However, access

to clean water, healthcare, and education are often limited,

and families must constantly adapt to changing circumstances

to ensure their survival. Efforts to support these

communities must focus on addressing these underlying

challenges and creating sustainable solutions. The survival

strategies of extended families in dumpsite communities

demonstrate the resilience and strength of these communities

in the face of adversity.

This article belongs to ethnographic research because it

provides an in-depth understanding of the culture,

behaviors, and social structures of extended families living

in a dumpsite community. The article describes the unique

challenges faced by these families and their survival

strategies, which are based on cultural values and social

relationships. The research presents the perspectives and

experiences of the community members and highlights their

resilience and strength in the face of adversity. The

article also discusses the need for sustainable solutions

and the importance of addressing underlying challenges to

support these communities. Overall, this research provides a

detailed and nuanced understanding of the lives and

experiences of extended families living in a dumpsite

community, which is a fundamental goal of ethnographic

Overcoming the Odds: Stories of COVID-19 Survivors in the



The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of lives around

the world, and the Philippines is no exception. As of April

2023, the country has recorded over 5 million cases and more

than 100,000 deaths. However, amidst the chaos and

devastation, there are also stories of hope and resilience

from those who have survived the virus.

Meet Jane, a 35-year-old mother of two from Manila. She

contracted COVID-19 in May 2021 and was hospitalized for two

weeks. Jane had a pre-existing condition, making her more

susceptible to the virus. However, with the help of her

medical team and the support of her family, she was able to

overcome the illness and was discharged from the hospital

with a clean bill of health.

"It was a really scary experience, and I was worried for my

family," Jane said. "But I knew I had to fight for them and

for myself. I'm so grateful to everyone who helped me during

that time."
Another survivor, John, a 50-year-old businessman from Cebu,

also contracted COVID-19 in 2021. He experienced severe

symptoms and was admitted to the intensive care unit.

However, despite the odds, John pulled through and made a

full recovery.

"I was in the hospital for a month, and I wasn't sure if I

was going to make it," John shared. "But I had faith, and I

also had the support of my family and friends. I'm so

thankful for all the medical workers who took care of me."

These are just two of many stories of COVID-19 survivors in

the Philippines. Their experiences are a testament to the

resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of


However, the fight against COVID-19 is far from over, and

many are still struggling with the virus. The Philippine

government has launched various initiatives to combat the

spread of the virus, including vaccination drives and

stricter health protocols.

Efforts are also being made to address the mental health

impacts of the pandemic, particularly among frontline

workers and those who have lost loved ones to the virus.
Through it all, the stories of COVID-19 survivors in the

Philippines serve as a beacon of hope for a brighter

tomorrow. As John puts it, "We may have been knocked down,

but we're not out. We'll keep fighting until we overcome

this virus."


The article discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on

the Philippines, which has recorded over 5 million cases and

100,000 deaths. Despite the devastation, the article also

shares stories of hope and resilience from COVID-19

survivors, including Jane and John, who overcame the virus

with the help of medical teams and the support of their

families. These stories serve as a testament to the strength

of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The Philippine

government has launched various initiatives to combat the

spread of the virus, including vaccination drives and

stricter health protocols. Efforts are also being made to

address the mental health impacts of the pandemic. The

article concludes by stating that the stories of COVID-19

survivors in the Philippines serve as a beacon of hope for a

brighter tomorrow.
This article can be seen as belonging to phenomenology

because it focuses on the personal experiences and

perspectives of COVID-19 survivors in the Philippines. It

highlights the resilience and strength of the human spirit

in the face of adversity, which is a key theme in

phenomenology. By sharing the stories of Jane and John, the

article gives a voice to those who have overcome the virus

and provides insight into how they have navigated the

challenges of the pandemic. Overall, the article takes

humanistic approach to the impact of COVID-19 in the

Philippines, which is in line with the principles of

Alexander the Great: A Legacy That Endures Through


Historical research

Alexander the Great is one of the most famous and celebrated

historical figures in the world. Born in 356 BCE in Pella,

Greece, he became king at the young age of 20 and went on to

conquer an empire that spanned three continents. Alexander's

military campaigns, which lasted from 334 BCE to 323 BCE,

were characterized by his tactical genius, fearlessness, and

his unwavering determination to conquer new lands. He

conquered the Persian Empire, Egypt, and parts of India,

leaving behind a legacy that endures to this day.

One of Alexander's greatest achievements was the spread of

Hellenistic culture throughout the lands he conquered. He

encouraged the mixing of cultures, allowing for the spread

of Greek language, art, philosophy, and religion throughout

the empire. This blending of cultures gave rise to a new era

of art and architecture known as Hellenistic art.

Alexander's impact on the world of politics cannot be

overstated. He founded over 70 cities, all named Alexandria,

and created a vast network of trade routes that connected

the Mediterranean with the Far East. He also established a

form of government that combined the best aspects of Greek

and Persian rule.

Despite his many military conquests, Alexander was also

known for his generosity and kindness towards his enemies.

He was said to have been deeply interested in the cultures

and traditions of the lands he conquered, and he encouraged

the adoption of these traditions by the people of his


Alexander's legacy continues to inspire people around the

world, and his impact on history cannot be overstated. His

military campaigns, his cultural influence, and his impact

on politics all helped to shape the world as we know it


However, Alexander's legacy is not without controversy. Some

criticize his tactics and question the morality of his

conquests. Others view him as a hero and a symbol of the

human spirit's boundless potential.

Regardless of one's views on Alexander, his legacy is

undeniable. His military conquests, cultural influence, and

political impact continue to inspire people around the

world, making him one of history's most enduring and

fascinating figures.


The article discusses the life and legacy of Alexander the

Great, one of the most famous historical figures in the

world. Alexander became king at a young age and went on to

conquer an empire that spanned three continents. His

military campaigns were characterized by his tactical

genius, fearlessness, and his unwavering determination to

conquer new lands. One of his greatest achievements was the

spread of Hellenistic culture throughout the lands he

conquered. Alexander's impact on the world of politics

cannot be overstated, and his legacy continues to inspire

people around the world. However, his legacy is not without

controversy, with some questioning the morality of his

conquests. Regardless of one's views on Alexander, his

legacy is undeniable and continues to shape the world as we

know it today.

This article belongs to historical research because it

provides an overview of the life and legacy of Alexander the

Great, an important historical figure who lived over two

thousand years ago. It discusses his military campaigns,

cultural influence, and political impact, all of which have

helped shape the world we live in today. The article also

acknowledges the controversy surrounding Alexander's legacy,

which is a common theme in historical research as scholars

seek to understand the past and its impact on the present.

Overall, the article provides valuable information and

insights into one of history's most significant figures,

making it a valuable resource for those interested in

studying history.

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