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Faith Christenson

Professor Smith

English 2010

01 March 2023

Analyzing I Have a Dream

The speech, “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Junior is about how everyone

should be able to hold hands in unity. He describes in detail and with passion about how the

blacks are still not free even though the Emancipation Proclamation was written and signed. To

fulfill the American Dream, racial equality is essential. To achieve this, there needs to be a

non-violent solution with an end to discrimination.

King gave this speech 100 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation

Proclamation which freed the slaves. It was written during a time when Black Americans and

white people were still very segregated and both races were treated drastically differently.

The author of this speech, King was an activist for people in the Black American

community. He was associated with non-violent ways to help connect the country and bring

everyone together in peace. He gave his speech passionately and urged no violence.

The intended audience for this speech which was given in 1963, was people of all races.

However, the speech was a significant inspiration for Black Americans. Because King himself

was a Black American man, he was able to relate and connect on a deeper level with those who

shared his experiences. This speech was not only directed at Black American people but also at

everyone else as well.


For the world to change, we need to change as well and he knew that. He knew that to get

his point across he had to talk to people of all different kinds. He is asking and begging for white

people to change their minds about Black Americans. He is asking the whites to make it a safe

place for everyone, especially those of different races.

King gave his speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Many

people gathered to hear his speech and all sorts of people filled the area. Over 200,000 people

gathered to watch and listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech. The speech given has been a very

important part of Black American history. This speech has become famous and discussed in

modern-day history.

The larger conversation that is there is a big struggle for racial equality and an end to

discrimination in the United States. King talks about our history and how it is still affecting the

Black Americans. He emphasizes how we should have a non-violent end to discrimination and

systematic racism. He discusses that racial equality is not a Black American issue. It is an issue

connected with basic human dignity.

There are elements of logos seen in the “I Have a Dream” speech. He uses logical

reasoning which can support his message about discrimination and racial inequality. The main

sources he used, are the Emancipation Proclamation and the Declaration of Independence. He

used these things to demonstrate and show racial discrimination and injustice. He also discusses

and talks about the benefits of desegregating society.

King also discusses the emotions of his audience. He talks passionately by using

descriptive and illustrative language and powerful metaphors which can provide people with a

sense of urgency in his tone, and also feelings of empathy. Some examples of this are when he

talks about the “chains of discrimination” and also the “sweltering heat of injustice” that Black

Americans have had to deal with. He mentions and describes a future where “little black boys

and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and


We can see ethos being used when he discusses his position as a leader in the civil rights

movement. He discusses his personal experiences and struggles. He not only talks about his own

experiences, but he talks about the shared important values and ideas in his audience. He

mentions a variety of topics such as religious and patriotic beliefs which were able to create a

sense of unity and purpose for everyone.

In conclusion, King’s “I Have a Dream” speech was highly effective when bringing

everyone together and persuading his audience of the purpose of standing up and being an

advocate for racial equality. His use of logos, pathos, and ethos effectively appeals to different

emotions, and the values of his audience, and inspires and connects everyone to want to make a

change in America and to provide the American Dream to everyone.

Not only was this speech for the civil rights movement, but also for the serious topic of

discrimination and separation of race. He was able to broaden the conversation about different

races and their relationship in the Americas. This would also ultimately lead to a significant

political change.

The I Have a Dream speech is an example to everyone about how we should be treated

fairly and treat others with the same fairness. This speech has powerful rhetoric which promotes

social justice and shapes history as we know it today. King was able to effectively appeal to the

emotions of his audience through logos, pathos, and ethos.


Works Cited:

"An Introduction to MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech." Spark Education, 2019,


Facts for Features: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday: January 21, 2013." U.S. Census

Bureau, 15 Jan. 2013,


"Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Dream Speech - 1963." U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Korea,


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