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March 5, 2023

Sebastian Gonzalez

ESOL 0310

Melissa Brega

Saving Javan Rhinos

Humans are the most intelligent specie on earth. We are supposed to be the ones
that take care of our planet, but unfortunately, we are doing the opposite. Due to this a
lot of species are disappearing.

One of the animals that are at risk of extinction is the Javan Rhino. With only 75
left, if humans continue to hunt them and destroy their habitat, they will soon disappear.
Javan Rhinos live in the Ujung Kulon National Park, it is the last place where this type of
rhinos can live. Unfortunately, they are still at risk even at this place because there is a
plague of Arenga palm, leaving them with less food and less space to live. Tsunamis and
the Krakatau volcano are also a cause of death of these animals. There are too many
animals in danger, but saving the Javan Rhino is a priority.

The first reason to save the Javan Rhinos is that they are only very few left. They
were not always at risk of disappearing, they used to live all throughout southeast Asia.
They started to disappear because hunters killed them as a trophy and because their horn
is a highly-priced commodity in traditional Asian medicine.

Hunters killed them even if it was illegal and knowing that they were in danger of
extinction. They didn’t care about the animals they just cared about themselves and
taking home the trophy of hunting a “rare” animal.
Because of this type of behavior that humans have, is why we need to start to raise
awareness and make people realize that it is an urgent matter that we save these animals.

Hunting was not the only reason for their disappearance. Javan Rhinos faced
natural disasters like tsunamis and volcano eruptions that left them without a place to live
and no food to eat, leading them to their death.

The second reason we need to save the Javan Rhinos is that the few rhinos that are
still alive live in the Ujun Kulong National Park but, even though it is a protected area, they
are still at risk of facing diseases, natural disasters, or plagues, like the Arenga palm, so we
need to take actions as soon as possible to save them from extinction.
The solution for these two problems that the Javan Rhinos are facing is to create a
safe space for them, a sanctuary for the Javan Rhino, where they can be taken care of and
hopefully where the population of rhinos can grow until they are as many as they were
before. For this to happen, we need to start spreading the word so people are aware of
this and cooperate for the creation of the sanctuary.

It is urgent that we do something about it before we live in a world where there are
no more Javan Rhinos. Humans were part of their disappearance so hopefully; we can be
part of saving them as well. It is our responsibility, as the most intelligent specie on earth.

“10 Of the World's Most Endangered Animals.” WWF, 

Brian Gerber Assistant Professor of Natural Resources Science. “Saving Javan Rhinos from
Extinction Starts with Counting Them – and It's Not Easy.” The Conversation, 13
Sept. 2022,

“Javan Rhino.” International Rhino Foundation, 4 Oct. 2022,


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