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1991 LU



ROLL No.:11 07
TITLE.Name.Sahil.Kumas.Mishsa. ***

Rall.No..A.0... PAGE No.. .

Due-4efine DEfex. Lhok are the legalKules Kegasding a vald-

DECex? Explain sith Case And Öxoambles
ae Section 2a) of the Rct dekines a sabtsalthus
When one þeKson signifies to anothes his illingness
to do on to ahstain fzam doing onuthing Luith 0 vieu to
nkbtaininq the asaent of thot ithex to Such act M ahati-
nence he is said to makKe a hiabOsal_
he PexsOn mking the hrobosal ox O££er is calledtheNEfexor
D DEfexKex os koposer. The hexson -t Luhom the0f¢ex
OKsobosalis made is called the DE£exee. lhen the o£f-
esee accepts the Of£es, he is called the accebAox.
EXampleH Says to B, Tamilling to sellmy.cartouu
fos 2400400.0Hexe R has made an o£feK to sell his car
o B. A is DE£ exos and B is 0EE eree.

Ihe folloing OKe the essentials of an Offex a8 þeK the_

definition given in Sec.2a)
(i An 0£fes must be on exhxesslon o illingnesS to do D
Hogbstai.n fsam daing SOmething
iDThe expKeasion D£ uiNing.noss to do oK to abstain fsam
dolog must be made +o onothex beKSOn. A pereon Cannat
make an Ofex o himself.
it The of£ek must be made Luith a vieL) to btaining the
ASsent DC the Dthex þerson to such gck oK ahstinence
TITLE.Name..Sahi...Kumax..ishra.. DATE.6D1.22....

.Rail.No. ADA. PAGE NO.. . **


he follouing aKe tho legal Kules for o Valid OH£eri
4HnDFFes may- be exhsess 06 imsled
An 0££ex mabe exhKesS OK imblied. As bek Sec 9, 1
he Of£es iA made bu wgda SpoKen_oK LKitten, t is
Called an exbxeS6 DC£ PK
0 0 DEfeK is mado otheKluise than in LinKds i.e, inf-
esed fsom the Conduct Df the þast, it iscalled an
imblied offer
Exambles 66
a ExhKess DE£en+ A saus +o B_I am illing +O Sell mu.
Pakkex pen to Ou fok J00
bImpliedDf£ex A sansbort Combant4 Kuns buseS On
dicfoxent Koutes in o mets.abalitan city fo CasK4 bose
engexs ot fixed foxes
2Hn D£f eK muSt Contemblote to giye Kise +o legal conge
quenceS and be caknble Of Cseoatlnq legal selationg
An ofeK mus intend to cseate ledal xelatlons Theke-
fose,1F an o££ek does not intend to Ckeate. lega
Kelatlon8, 1t 1S NO+ aValid Ofex inthe eues R lat
Ex examble ,0 An o£fotD a fsiend fa dine ot OEteKor'ss
aD Similosly, 1E G beK SOn makes 0n 0£feK 0 One's life
to take hes to a hill statlon 1S 00t a Valid offek and
thexefoKe cannot Constitute a leaallu blnding agKeement.
TITLE.NJame.Sahil.Kumas.Mishsa... DATE.6.02.22..
...Rol.NO.A10 . PAGE NO. ...3.

CHSE Balfnurs VS Bolfnus_

Boalfous,uuho Lias SeXving the GapuOSOment of eylon,H
nent to England luithhis uife on leavNe HHex he-
expicOf the pe[lod of leave, M. BalfouK had 0
0 back to Ceylon, bu his nife Could not accombany
im fox mediical Keagons. Consequentl, h Komised
OKally td fay on allouuo.n.ce of £ÅO O month.he
amount wasNot fixed a6 Comben 80tLon fos OK 1n_
Satlsfoction 0 f the Obligation of the husband
OKds hls aife to maintola heK
0ahis failuxe to make the bou mentthe iife 6ued
him foK the 6ecoVeKL Of he psomised OMoutHe
Suit ns dismissed b the Coust of Apral on the_
g6DUnd that the agseement nas only an Konge.met
etLDeen hus band and Loife, and the harties néVeK
inteaded to make a basgoln.
3The tesus 0£ the Df SeK mut be cextain and not
ooSe oK Voguelnot cleas
The teKmS Of On 0ffex must be definiHe and CEKtain
and not \aque 0K ombiquDUSdoes not amount toa lat)-
ful oF£ex
Fox example An aqteemeat o 0qgKee in futuXe i8 not a_
Contsact 09 the+esmS 0f he 0gKeemen+ OKe Ucestain
becaus.e they OKe At \et to be settled

AcCOKdingly, if the teKmS of an o£fer aKe vague os indefi-

nite O Contact aanot be CKeated hetLne en tlo BasHles
even if he O££ex iS OCcepted

examplei Aofkes +o Sell hig C fos2,00,000 nK

2,50,0O0. Hese the 0f£ex Made by A Is ndt CeKtaln_
because it is NO+ cleaK Luhich 0f the tLo hKices is_
TITLE..Jane.ahil..Kumas..lishxa... *****

..RoL.No. 0 . ..PAGE NO. . . . .

4Aainvitatlonto O£fes OK a Mexo statement of intent-|

on is not an 0££ex.
Hnoffex MuSt be distinquished bsom annvtationt0
OHeR O invitation t sentoK 'DEfexs+oKeæive
DEFCKS OK O££ex to neqbtiate
Ihe followlng aKe tho boints of distioctlon betLieen_
a I n CaSe DE inuitadlon to of fex,he þexson does Nt
make 0n 0£feK hu+ Only invites Othe40 makeOEEeK
Un the Othes h0nd in Case 0£ an 0£feK, the bPKSOn_
makiaq the offex signifies his uillingneGA t0 do of
Nt E0do gomeAhing Luith a vieu+o Dbtoining the aegent
D thot Othes to `uch act K Abstinence
bInCmse D£ inyitationto DE£KO basty knpose6
+ma on uhich he ísLuilling td 0esotiate, Ho ddeg
no maKe DR£O biH inviteS theXS+6 make offeK on
those+exms. Incase of an Offex he þerson 8
ilLao 0 e0tex into a ontKact on the +eKMS the

CInvitotLon o O£fex, When acted ubon bu the Dthox

OOrt KesultG in On Deter. An offex idhe n acte.d
ubon b4 the other bat, M04 eSult in a Contxact_

he follousing oKe Some inSBanc eS R inÍtotion to nsfer

a BdvestlGpmedt fog Sale of qnods by aLctlon
b Display of gods in a shab ith_rice tag8.
CCatoloqu es and psice lists.
d Adestige ment inviting tendexs and Quototions
e Mexe Statemeat D£Ioest pslce
fAnnALO Ce Ment D£ 6lutoKr KOtiKemon+ Schome eHC.
TITLE...Name..Bahil.lKumas..i.shxa.. DATE. D422...

..Rall.No...A0.... **
* PAGE NO. ..

CHSE HaxKis va. Nickexson LIBBL

In this case,in xcshonae to an ad/etisemont, thot nftice
fusnituse DuLd be 6old bu puhlicauctton, Athe blainti
KaNelled allalong isom LDndon to AdvoktisLd place.ond
found ha QuctLAn Gale Jas Cancolled A filed a Suit foK
theKecOMeKr D£ the exhcnse s 00the oKound that the ClvK
isement ds on oECOK made to the þublic and that his
occehtance by tothe ploc.e, Constituted a-
ContKact.The Cout held that the aduOstisement Lnas.
onlu OdecloxatLon of ite0tion which Cannot be Congi=
deaesOs a hlnding consat
Hn 0fFes may be Shecific o6 QROeKAL
Hn DHEK moy be Shecific 0 qenegal. T+ is Said to be
Speci fic jhen Oddkegsed to a Shecific individual DK_
La she.clEicgsoub Individuals. Llhen an 0Hfex iS made
o an unoscestQínod body Of indiauiduals OS F0 fne-
lbublic.ot lasoe,t is soid t0 be a genesal 0f£e
Ano£fexto a deLinite peKSOn Can-
0nly be accebted bu him Ond N0 008 Plse n the Cose
0f a Aenal offes hoLONIEK Ahe OffeKoK IDdícades hig
ullling.ness FoCongac+ t b any nembex OF +heiblic
uho accepts his OFtes.beauontly auch omiso.s OSe_
made in Etuxn fox an OCt,+hus 1eading+0 the fosma
+ion 0-unilateral ContxaCtSection 8_Df the Act xect-
nizesOccebiti.n.Ce_b peHos Conditlong the
ICASE Cazlill S. Cosbnlic Smake Roll Camkonl-
n+his case o COmbanyte detendonts ho Litketho
pophletOKS and Vendoss Df a medi.calg þkehakatiDD Called
he cosbolic SMNKE balls, inseKtesin NeusabeKS OD
Oertigemet 0F£orlng a Kelnsd DE IDo +0 anuone
dhb Cont50cte d in£luenzó AfHex using thoix SM 6mik-
TITLE.NameSahil..Kumas..listma. DATE.04-22

RollMo..1103. PAGENO..a.

ball theo times dail foc tLD Laeeks, a ccoBding to the

xinted disectionsdLaS also Stated that ELh0o had
been debosited with tho Allionce Bank, Regent Stxeet,
to Shoutheix slncexity in-he matek. Mis Coxlillthe-
hlalnti.c, bught Dn of the balls on the faith 0
the adueKtleement, and uSed it os disected £K the
xomised £kam Nov.20 o Jan.F ihen Ghe Lias attack-.
ed by influeaza. Ghe Sued the Coman fox the íoml=H
Sed K0md. Hns held thot the Comanu uns lioble
to pauthe xeundd. The cOLNheldhat oenokalofoKLns
avalid a£tox and the ladu had accebted the DHex by
eOKming.the conditionsOttHache.d+o the Hthex.
The cout fxthex held thGt Inco
Nenience SUstained by one axty ot the KeaMeGt ofH
he OthK is enaugh to Ckeate a cansicbxatloDnhe
defendants alen eceiwed a hnefit from ths usex Df
he smoke balls£or the DSe Af the.Smuke hall as
Contemblated bythe.defcndants a6 being ind (sec-tlu0
henefit to-them,because this ould hsanote thois

6.The 0£fes must be Communicate.d to the 0£Kee

An offeK does not becmme Dherative until it has keen_
Communicated to the bRSSon to lhlham the Same is addxe
SSedThis is ohiouslu because D he eOSON +hat the
OF fexee annot acce on ofkex unlesg he KaouOs af
i Oxistence

Cormmunicatlan is necessas 4 Luhethei the offeia shecilid

O genexal Acchsdlnqto Section4 Df theActIhe
Communicatlon o£ &psbosal iscombleBe uihen itComeg
totho KnoLaledge 0f fhe þheKson ta iham It is made
Tfoxe can be no"acceptanco_Unless these is kouledge
DE the DFfex.
.Rol.No.440. . PAGE NO. . **

CASE alman Shuklg ws nausiDutt

In the leading CaGe A's(the detondantS neþheu) abs-
conded Kom home. A Gent hils SegMants +o diffexent
plac est0txace tho boy ADOng gt hese Se6 VantS L0e
B,munLm+heblaintiSwhd aA Se0 to HasiduaK,_
ulseauently, A issued hand bille offesing o Keaxd D
504+0 anyone Ldha mioht tKaco the bo AKaced
ho boy and eH atelëqxamt6 A dhd uen-t f0
Hasidun and boughtthe boy back fo Kanbur He
gse B, intesalia }0, 8, aiihout asking fOK anthin
mOK eContinURLd to wOKK £ox B fOK Sx MOnth
hexeodes, heuaas dismissed
He then filed a suit agalnst A clalmi.nq the KeLndd
he CoUt held tha:t Stnce -theKP Can be nd occebtanCe
uness these isknoLsledgeot the ofSex, B Laas no-t ent|
led tothe KeLoK d T+ hag fusthes heldin this Case
thothese uasalkeady a Subststioq obligation and
these foKethe þeK £osmdnco Df the dct Cannt ho,
Segsde d 06 con&deratlon £or de-fendant'S pKomÍSe

An ofes Should not Contalnany toKn the non-Compaliare

D£ Luhich amaunts +0 0ccebtance
The OFFeKOK Mna preS.CKible anu mode 0f accehtance
but he canonA TeS CKible the fÖxm oX fime of KPAusal
SO OS 0 fIx o ContKaCt On the.accebBOS..
He cannot fK ingtonce Say thot f the accebtosdoes
n0t Communí.cote his accebtance lwithin a Shecified time,
he is deemed o have Occebted the DffeK
For examble- A O£teK t0 Sell bts CaK t0 8 fox 2.00,00o
A satdAf i do not Kecelve yo Kebly aftex one
Lsee k I ull bfesume that uÖ have accebted the
DE feK 8 does not sepl TH ddes not amounH +p_
accept the Of£eK.
TIE..Nome.Sahil.Kumag..LsmKa.. ** *
DATE.. M.22.
Roll.No..10.. PAGENO...

8An DEfes can_be made subiect toany texms gnd Cond-|

AnDEfex.ON May, ottach any texmg and CondiAins +o
he o£fex ho makeS ho nay even pKegcKible the mtd
accebtance.and the_oEfeKeo wi{l have to.accept
all ho *sMs Of +ho,of FerThose LilLbe no Coathnc,
unless.all theesms of the offes oKe Comblied
Lith and accebted in the modebresckLbe.d.
h s segands mod e Of aceptancein caSe otdeiated
accebtanCe,the 0££PK.X ma4 decline to tKeatthot
AcCebonce as ValLd accebtance proVided he qives
a notioe to hot effect tothe OfeKe e nithin_
O KeaSonable tlme affoK +he. accestance LS Commi
icated fo hLmTE ho does D0t infoKnthe OEf eKe e,
he is de emed to have aCcohted the doíated accob
Examble 0f coyloted acceptance Raaks fox sendinq the
Occeptonce by*elebhtbno an d the oFexee `ends
Hhe aCCe ptance by Post_
9.wo csoss offeKs do not KesUIt inaCotaoct.|
uo identical oRfesG, o0ch belng made In Lgnoxanc.e of
the Othes, do Oot maKe acantsact. T mas cKOSS into
|COUSSE of +6oneH, a SiMiOK OEEes made by anohas hessDn.
The tu0 OffeKS do Dot makKe 0 on cluded ContsacH hetuheen
thotud hey ase only identical of fess Knoan aS_
CsoSS DSHKe? and thou do not ConGtitute acceatanco
0 onelg Offes by tho OtheK and theKe£oke those ig_
no Cond8act.
TITLE..Mame.Sahil.Kumas.iahxo.. DATE..M22...

..RalLMo.11.03. .. PAGE NO. ...

Eos example 0n Aest Noy 2020 A LSKoto ta B offexing

to sell him l00 tons of ixon Qt Rs 25,000peK +on
Dntho Same da BwKOto a lettes to A DEfexing tg
hU100 fons of iKon at Ra.26,000 Þes ton
10DFEermay be Positive os Neg.atie
OEEeK may inNOlve uuillLngneae to do Os not f0 do
The offex to do SomethlagLOCtis kaon, 0S pasiiv|
OEfer_and the offeK not +0 do Something.lahStinence|
19 KaOwn a8 ne9.atlVe 0£fe.
PositiMe Q£feK 0S ueIl as negative offer iS alid.
LD£Eex may be definite 0ffex on Sianding.0ffer
ihen an offeK IS mado to SLbhly Specki c_ gnods 0x
9eKViceS itls Called dofinite OSfex.
when o£fer ls_mode to Sufbly 900ds peKlodicolly ox ln_
accosdonce with the KeguKementS Of theO£CoKee,
iS Knoan a StondinglopenlContinuOUS Qffer.
A Sebesate ContsaC+ is OKLaEP d edch flme Luhen an
DKdes S placed
Ihis DEfer can be KeNnke dos +6 future Oßdex but
an osdes alKeadiy placed amnnot be KeVaked
Eo eXample A of£ess tO KtOSuhply IO0 Ik Klce f0x_

12 shecialtecns ond Conditions shobuld alsobe Communi-

Kis Kule ls an extenslon ok Kule no.6 above_Lushich
a that OFfos should hR Communicated
This Kule Keauiges thodt the ecial tesms Of theOCox_
MUst be SpPCioly bsOught 30 ne NOtiCO 0f the
bessonto whom l I6 made,OthesLaisp thoy ake
not blndinq on tho Accobth
TITLE.Narm.e.ahi.l.Kumas.ishxa.. DATE.104.22.
RalL Na.A4.0.. . FAGE NO. . O....

ue2 An agseement in
sestsa int of -sade is void
scuss the Statement uith examples._Ldhat aKe the
XCebkions t0this BUle. Explain indetalLLoith cases
and exomples.
ans Hn agseement uhich in£sioges the. Kight 0f a þSAD
6Cass yon
a louful businees, pK.ofessionOK E6ade
1San encsoachngnt ubon hig ibekty b1S_libebiy_
Thisibesty 0% fseedom_ quaxonteed b Bsticle 19 of
the ConStitution can netthe be intexfeK ed Luith n0
baxtex.ed by_ On ogmeement ox by Cont50c ting-OLH-
Section29 0f-he. Act in the _context lays dotin that,
Evesy Ogseemet by ihich any ODe is Kestaalnod
fom exexcisinga lauwful bKo£essi.on+Xade s bsiness|
fany Kind is o that oX+ent void
JheseStxalnt o Kade may be
astialOr total. Whethe the eGtKaint is genexaL
0 postlculox, unqualified oK qadified, if the
0Q6eement is n the 0otuse 0f Kestsoalnt 0f tsade
i tls Noid. ThUs the Gection is akoli.cable even when_
theKesHGaLOt is fox alimited peKiod 0nl OK 1S
Confined to _0 hastiCulak mP a.-
NoteTf Qn aK LR MON Can be bsoken_into þasts,it nillL
be valt d ín sesRAof thOSe hasts which OKe n n_
KeshToto 0£ sade._
ICASE Madhab ChandeK VS._ Raj. Coomar
Tn his leading cose ALthe blaintfee )_and Bthe
defendant)) uese glyal ShohkeebfXS in alACality
in_Kolkota. R_ Ogteedt0 hay Q Sum 0£ mon to
Af bo oOuld close the businegs in thot localit.
A acoKdingl cloSed the business but R Ke Rosèd
A SUed B£ox themoney Contending that
the sestKaLat_
\ n _this Case nag önly þacialas
TheuaS KeSBrolnod fsom oKylng on fhe bu6iness
Rol.Na 1 0 . ...PAGE NO. . .

IN O0elocalityIH uos held hat S.24 intended to

pscen t Not_Mesely. a.tOtal KeSBKalnt bUH ale0 A_
paxtial Kestsaint
Section24 0 the Indtan
ContxacAct has ps.arided
only one statutoxy exembtion tothe Kulethat an
agsdement in Sestxalnt of trade is Noid This excobr
tLonselates tothe Sale ofqoodlill. Besides his, H
thexe oKe
alsoOthes.Gt0tUtOKY OXCeptions_Mentione
in theIndlaa Pastnexeshi.bAct1932 heK e iS Anothek|
Se of exceptions asisinq from jidicial inteshxelotlon
Of Sec24 The excepBion OKe diGcusSed belou
IStotutosu Excebtions
a Sale 0f go0dilL,.
Jhe sell of the 0odini of a businesS Can be
eStai.ned zomCocsing-on a sini las busineSS,
uithin Ghecttie.d localLmi ts 8o Long as the
buyes 0anu aeKson_dexiving_titlo fo the gooduill
fnom him, coies on a like husioesS thexein,
oLLd ed the Keskraia4 iS Keagonable_in þoint 0
imeand Shacel Excehtion to Sec.2)
The Kestsictions impoSed on the SelleK 0R Q00dlailL
Should Satisfy
he follousing coaditlons
a The selles Shduld not CaKsy oha Similax bUSinesS,
biTheKe SsickidnS ShaulLd aphly Only Lalthin SkeciFled
can be in fox ce onl sital-n Sketified
I6fa-l limitsj50.lonG aS the bUeK_OX a seKSon
desisino tIt\e to the good laill E<dm_him_CoKK les_
on_aIIRe buslnessi Ond
_dTho limlts_should be consldeK.ed Keasonable by theNKt
TITLE.Jame..Sahil.Kumax..iShsa.. DATE.01.2.2..

* .

Rall.No. 10.. PAGENO..2.

Kea.axd helng had to the natuxe Df the businese

CASE: ald Sall MS
n thie leading Case C a Sellc of mito-ton jeuelleKy
in London sells his husiness to0 and.psomisestha+
Ds a eexlod of tLd ueoxS he uOuld not deal
(ayin imitation jeellexuia Eogland,(h)in Keal jolelleky
i n England, andC) iñ<eal os imitation jeiellexu In
ceBtaln faxeiQn Countxles
he Fist þsomlse alone ias hold lauful Tho bthox_
Hon omi ses,namelu.(6) andlc), LKe_held Vald 0s
theceStKalnt ag uhKeasongble in þoint Df Ghace_
and the numbeK 0Of business
b.PaxtnoKs's _agKeements
The0theK fkfukoKy eXceptlons mentioned in +he Tndian
Paktnexshih Ac oxe'
c Reskriction_on exietingpastnes=An agsepe.ment
he akn£KS Lihesehy O posthPx indestattes not toCosku |
onang OHhes bDSIneGS +han h t 0the tigm Lahen he
continueG to heo hartnexLSection lL l2
i RocixictlonooOtgoina bLnox= An 0gsee.ment beiieen
0 Ketlsing poktnes andho ContlnUing_paKtnexs LdhatH
slmilortothot Car ried on b the fixm wlthin
pectfied peslod DK Lwithin Ghecified ldcal linits lSecSEA
(fiDl Restsictlan on BUtaaiag hartnex Sban oK in_aOHicihaTtlNh
O+he d(6SallUAion o sm=Hn agsemen+ amongst-
the_hoxHnQES that Ukon diesilutlon 0fthe fikm Sóme
QY al Of the maqse not o Cas On 0 gimilax busineSs
Laithin0 pectted pesiOd 0% Ldthin SkeciEle d Ioa
ilKaita SectlO.n 54
TITLE..NameSahil.Kumax.Mi.Ghso.. **

Rall.Mo....140. .. PAGE NO. .

LiV Restsiction in cose of Bale of oaodLaill o fIKn- An Qgremn

ent betuueen any bastne aad he buyer Of fh e_
fism's gooduui L that 9uch postne wilL not CaxKY An
A0 business símilac +0 tha t 0f th e fixm unithin oa
GpecrfLed pesiod ox ithin Sheci fied limits
psoded theegtslctions imbosed oKe eOsonable
L6ection 5.5(3)J_
ITExceptions asising som Judicial Tntexbxetatio0
asade Combinotiong
TE the pximas obectHve of a.tsade Combinatlon isto
Kequoe busingss ond not to segt 0initthe.agn.eemet
isValid.LS.B Exoases.and Co.Ng The eombay Tce ManufactKígCa.
Butacomblnatlon iohich tende toCreote monphalk,-
it ould bo VaidLKoxe s vs koRS Mfg eo
Ltd.A9 58)
b.Seruice Agaeements Ao ogsecment 0f SPKVico betLaeen
the embloyex and emploue hy Luhich an employee birla|
himself duslng the. tesms of the agKeeme.nt ñoH H0
take up SKie ith on othex emblaerianat Kegní-
ded oe sechcatnack lauutdl þKofoeslon and is fexfectly
Valid LNisan kan ShanKar GaolkarI ys.Centusy Sbinning
and Manufo.cturing
HoLeMeK the KeSksickLOn beuond the þesiod Of emblou
mentOK OfteK the tecmino+lon of Service (g not
Nalid. An agOement uuhexe huthe emþloyRP a g
6e Shained fxom Combeting wlth the émplap
FOx ELe yeauS OfAeK the boKlod o employm ent
w0 hod VoLd DATE.18.01-22.

Roll.Na. A0. *******

PAGE NO. . .

C Solus os exclusiye dealino aqKeemen+6

Hn agK.Lement betuneen oa maniufo.ctuses oxpoclucex
and o sSole-Gellinq nqent ox dighálbutoKuühege ldy the
manufoctLKeK aggees net o blu Sell allhis outhut to
the Sole celllng0gent Udho la tuxn, 0Qsees NOA E0 B
hia xeauicemonts fkom On othex G0uKCe, doe s not
OBdlnasil amont t0 an 0QKeoment In SegBsal0+ 0
Hhsad e Under Bection 2
But whege a manufatUKeK O5 Suboliex, aftos Meefing
a ltho Keqlur ements OF tho bHOK hQ SOlo- Gellinq.agen
hos SKplus t0 Sel to OthesG he Cannot be Kegfsained
Fsam doiog. So

CHSE: Subho Naidu vg.Hail Bad cho hahib -

Im his COse A agseed to Gell ail the mica þroduced
b hin to BHthe plainti f£ and not t0 Sell the m to
lant 0fhex hesSon and not to keeh in GtockIho
OgKe ement uias held Nalid hecOUse eGUch ne0.0tive_
GHhul0tlon d0 not KeStgain the monufaciuxRT
dNegatie Stipulations in_ gegiCe agheements
Hqséemonts 0f SeKViCe Dften ConHalLn Deqative Stiblulatlons
pre ventlng Ahe emplouee som u0KKLng PlseLhex
ho CoLtS hoMe draun O diStInction betLieen_Kestkaims
Cduxlng the tesm of the contx.act of embloumpnt 00d_
cilhoSe Ahot apbly afteg the tes minotion of sexvlce,

Negative CoenantS dhesatlng. duking the hexiod of

emplmont uwhen he employOe is böond to GeKue
his ermploges ex.clLsiMel aKo qenesally not Kegokded
as Kectsalat 0f Asade and +hege foe do Not fall
Londox Sectlo.n24 DR tho Indtan Contsa.ct ActALÍKanLan_
TITLE...Name.Sahil.Kumas.ishxa. DATE..18.D4.-22.

RoALNO...14403.. .. PAGE NO. ***

Shaakas GIolKasiN5. CentuKy Sblnning ond lanufacuKing_

COLtdJ, HouosNeY the KfGHKlciioH beyond tho þeK{Od
O emplou.mena OOLUld notbhe Malid. LBkahmbutsa Tea Co
Ltd. ys.`canth.J

ASE Brahmblutra TeaCo. Ld.NS.Scacth

A peKSon 0g60.ed not t.o emploj hlmself 0K t0engogo
hlmselfin añy aimilar bustn@ss as that of hls.Cmploye
sf thin A0 miles from Assam, foxa þeKloda£ Siue
eoss from the date of texminction of his segvice.
TheCOu held that
agpeement uuos VOid.
the afoK csaid clause in the

Que 3 DeFine Coes cion and Uadue influenc e. Giive examble

and Cages Distingui sh beBtneen Coegclon and undue
ang Coes ciona
Luhena Þesson ig foxced o glve his Consent then
CoeKcLon is soid to beemploued.
Sec.15 DE the Act defineS Coexc ion asfollauos
CoescLon Is the committt0g 0K thzeate.0ing,to CoMME,
ony octtosbidden by the Indian PbneI Codel45 AE 1B60
O the onlatufol detaining 0sthge atening +o detain,
an bsoDeSty, t0 the pse judice Of onupeKSOn Lihat|
eNeKith the intentlon df_ CQLSinG_ On besghn t0
Q0tes ittO a 09Kee ment
The Explonatlon to the Se.c.I5
Stotestht, Tt ls immatexial uuhe iheK the Indian
|Penal Code is 0K not In £osce n the place uheKe CoeKci
O0 le employed.
.Rall.No.. .0. PAGE NO. . 6 . .


The Exhlanatlan to the gectlon States that t Is

immatesial Lahethes the Tndion Penal Code is oK is
nO+ in force ln the blace uwhese the coexcion 1S.
employed Thedetinition is amly6ed as under
1.Coercion is the Committlng. ox thxeate.ning. to.Commit,|
an oct fos bidden by the Tndian Penal Code wlth tho
Intention.ot Calsingany þesEOn to entes into aan
Exam ple A thseatens to kilLB, if ho does nt 6eil hig
house D him fox Alakh. Bagsees to sell tho house
o A. The Consen+ of B has been induce.d by CoeKcloN-

|CHSERanganayakamma \8. AlLonr SeHy

In thlS Cose A pénsOn died leazing a young uudo
she uas foxced to adohB Q. boy Of thors choice by-
hox Kelatlyes uho Ke.fued to cemove tbe dead body
O hos huskand unless She ongenBed to the Odopilon.
I uag held bthe CoUGt tho- tho adoptlon ag not
bindinQ O0 ho Blnce hos ConSent uas NOt 6ee blH
induced bl CoeKCI On in as Uch a6 on peKSON Who
obatructed a dead body Esom being Kemoved toould
be quit of an ORfence undes Section29t Df the
Indtan þenal Code
2 Unlauful dekaining. ox thxeatening to dotaln any
lsalso oeKclon
þöejudice of any persan uhatoves

CASE: Muthlab Chebtlos VR.Karuppa

In this Cage on ageat Kefused +o hand OMer the
OCCOunt books of bü t0 the ney Ogent unlesS
he pincikal Keleased him Ssam llabili+ In Keshect
oF all the þosGt ksans oactlons.T+ Las hold bu tho
..RoLNo..40.. PAGE NO. . ..

COUsthat the Keleoge dead woag voida.ble at the OhtiaD

DEthe pincipal as t uag qiven undes Chescina
3.Theact ox thseat amounting tocoes.cion may hoceed
eithex bu a pasty to the igseement 0 een_by to t T t neons thoB the SoUKCO Of COexcíon
moy be Stbangex to coHsact,
Examble: A thcatens to lkiu e if he does nt Sell his-
houseto C fosA lakh.B agees Asthreat amuntss
to Coerclon even though he ls à GBsangeK tO CotKac
betueen B andC_

4Thoact 05 thseat amountiog to CoKcion may he dixectal|

ethex0qaingt a ast to the Contsact 0K ún4 Othes
person, .e Victlm_múp be thixd besson.
Examblei A thseateng ta kil 8's son Bdoes not Sell
hle.houSe to A £os 4 Lakh. B ogsegs, R's thxeat is

5.ThoOctg thseat amaunting-to oerclon must ho done

os piNen_uith the inteation_Of Causlng the Other
RKSOnD entes Lnto a Contsact.rf thexe La no intenti
tainduce he bthe eKSon tO ontes into a ontKact
hege iS no CoeKclon
Example: A thkeateng to fakeinto þoSsession the land
be lonolnq to B not t0 LOCat e it Thls does nat amon+
to COe Tclon as these ie no Lotpnt ton t0 PateK int6 a_
6T 1s imaoteK ial tuhether the Indion Penal Code is OK_
i9 not n fox ce Ot the place Luhexe Coesclan l6embloye
Exanple A, hn baardan Engligh shihon the hig.h-
SRaS, oUseS A tO enAex_intd anagseement bi aHact|
.. PAGE NO... .
RLLNa.A.0. ******

amountl0q to cximioal intimidaHlon LundeK fhe Lodlan

anel code A aAACXLOKds gues B O6 breach 0f CanHKaCA|
O Kolk0ta A_ has emþloue.d coeKclon, aHHNAh hís aC
SnOt oa0 Offenco bå the laun of England and alHhogh
6S06 0e the Indian Ponal Code uas not In faMCe0t
the time uhen r place Luhere the acunsdone-
Undue InfluenCe
Sectlon 16)de fines undue inflLe.nce aS olloLh,
AContsact is soid to be induced b undue influente
Luhes e thexelatong Subsl6ting. hetineen the axties OKe
ALch th04 One of tho þastios is in a position todomimHe
he Luil 0f *hR Othox 0nd he uSes thnt hosltlon to
Obtain anunkaiy Oduontage over +he othex
Sec Ik(CA delLadtlon of undue ln£lueace as Kalse One.
Qogtion Ond that 1G ulhen i6 the ÞeaSon_oakosition
+0dominate 1siLLO£ OtheKThe 0nSLDeY +0 thls quoion 1S_
brovidod under 8ec.i6(2)Lshich Odds hat a Rrson is-
doemed t0 be ina positlon todomiocto theLsil ofGQother
auhexe he hold& 0 KealoK ophaKent authoxits oVeK
+he othes DK
blwhexe ho sBands inaducianyKelotlonShib +o tho

c heKe he makes Q Contsoct uth a bOK Son whoSe mental

mbocu iS Hembsasil O pegomnentlu Qt£ected bu
segon of age, illLnesg os mental ox bodils distkeds.
.PAGE NO. . 9 . . .
Ifexence beteen Coescion and Undue.Intluence

S.Na Basis- CooxciOD lndune nfluen.cP-

byConsent is obtainedb4
4Natuse. Consent is ohtainedeningdominatingthe.unill
ommittlng.on th eat of the
o Commit anaCt fosbi-Dthes.
dden by the I PC.0x bsa
unlawfully detaining Os
thseatening todetalqthe!
bxobeKt4 Of anothek

Coexcion igmainly Of Undue influence s 0f

bhysical charactex T mosal chakactes T+ is
is the physlcal ox ialent |the mosal foxce OK metal
foxce Luhich is UBOd In_ KessURe Lshich is USed
his caS in thig cOse

3.RelotionShib| Pastiesto a Contact oxtles mus he Kelated

need no4 beselated to t0 each 0thex (n tsmg
each Oth0 Of QUthosity Or Ke laBion-
sbib e.g-,Di and badiet,
MOStOK ond Seryoa

4 Pasties to he berson eXeKCÍAlng- Boththe beKsonsldomin-

Hhe ContxoactCoescion may not be.áated ond domina kíng
pasty to the Contxact.must be bartles to the
Similoxluthe ac OfContxact-
Coescion may bedoected|
againsta pesson Who
may not be apast
TITLEName..Sahi.l..kumax.Mishxa.. *

RoLLNO.A10. *********************************************
*** PAGENO..20...

S.NaBasis Coexcion Dnduo

SHsesumbilan Lau neMeKSAPSUMesIt Busden of KO0flies

TH hag t0 be_phONed byLilth the Gtion.ox_aty
tho.aggaieved bast4 incage OE pKeaumptlon-
OFOndue influence and
Hhe weakesþanty has-
orove in caseOf no-


6.Restoxatlon The bastluho Laandshese lsestosatlon

Of beneeitS |to set aslde the onfmctbenefits,pasHyON ihoNG
has +o KeS HOKe. +he.bene-as pex tho disectlons
etstothe bartyfsomof iho CoLst{Sec.19A
ulhom+he bepetits have
been entDAPd LSec.6A)_

Place Coexcion May even heUndue_IntluencemUS

exescteed at à þla.ce be exeKcised in Tndia-
LoheseTPC is DOt
applicoble e-g,Coexcion!
ex.enctsed in high £AMg-
3Crimlnql hrties CommittlggtheODminQtlng þasties oKe
Liahilit ac aKeexposed tbecimi-not exbosed tooslmlnal
nailtability.ond Maybeliability-
punlghed UndeKIAC

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