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Self Activity on Fetal Development:

A. Fill in the blanks:

Q.1 Nuclei of the two cells fuse resulting in the formation of the …zygote………..
Q2. Transport of the ovum through the tube is brought about …..and the ……… …..of the tube.
Q3.Sperm and ovum usually meet in ………………..

Q4. The enzyme hyaluronidase, allows penetration of the …………… and the cell membrane surrounding
the ovum.
Q5. Fertilization is most likely to occur when intercourse takes place around the time of ovulation, within
………….. hours prior to 24 hours following ………
Q6. ………………. is the name given to the uterine endometrium during pregnancy.
Q7. After the implantation increased secretion of .....… cause the endometrium to grow four times its
original thickness .
Q8. …………………….. from the corpus luteum stimulates the endometrial glands and increases the size
of the blood vessels.

B. Answer the following

1. Mention 3 layers of trophoblast cell

2. Which layer of the trophoblast cell produces HCG ?
3. During implantation which part is developed from Trophoblast?
4. Explain the function of HCG during the early weeks of pregnancy.
5. What are the three layers developed from the inner cell of trophobla
6. What is the average weight of the palcenta?
7. Explain the functions of the placenta.
8. Briefly explain the fetal and maternal exchange

9. Describe the characteristics of gynecoid pelvis.

10. Mention the types of female pelvis.

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