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Government of India
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
BP&L(DAS Section)

Dated f )- -09-2014


Sub: Registration as MSO to operate in DAS notified areas of Cable

TV - Streamlining of procedure for obtaining Security Clerance
from MHA.

of Home Affairs (MHA) has devised a new format for

furnishing details in respect of applicant MSO Companies and
Directors/Key Executives of their companies as attached herewith for
providing the requisite Security Clearance.

2. Since the final grant of permission to MSO applicants by this Ministry

for operation in DAS notified areas is based on the security clearance oi
othenivise received from MHA, ail MSo appricants, including those who are
yet to get the necessary permission, are requested henceforth to furnish
information as per the revised format prescribed by MHA.

3. In this connection, it is also informed that as per MHA guidelines the

approval/permission/license granted will also be liable to be cancelled in the
event of withdrawal of Security Clearance by MHA.

4. All MSO applicants are, therefore, requested/advised to adhere to

the above.

5 For any clarification or enquiry, applicant compantes are requested

to participate/ attend the open House Meetings being organized by this
Ministry on every Tuesday at 11.00 hours in the Room of Director
leelly in
Room No.662, A Wing 6th Floor Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi by confirming
their participation through sending an emair at
or at by Friday of every week.

(Shanker Lal )
Deputy Secretary(DAS)
i) Details in respect of Company/Firm (lndianforeign)
Name of Shareholding )etails of Ultimate ownershiP of
s1. Full Name Date Present & Joint Activities
md other CEOs/Partners Pattem for larlier shareholding comPantes
No of of Permanent Ventures
Companies reglstr Address of with other business (with details) as applicant company rpproval, if (and the investing

and its ation Head Office, business rwned in (ii) below (and investing my ref. No. & company if aPPlicable)
foreign Regional owned company, if :late along with detailed
collaborator Office and particulars of owner as
s lI ilry Registered [n (ii) below
including Office
details of
Board of
Director as
in(ii) below

ii.) Details ofthe Directors/Key executive in respect ofwhom clearance is sought:
Date Complete National Passport Nos. and issne Contact Address & telePhone
sl. Name Parentage Present
number, il
position held of Prcsent & itv date, if an1"
o. with date Birth Permanent any
(since when) Address
g shareholding mole than t0%
Complete Present Nationality (ifhold % ot'Sh"r.t Iteld t Company- 1il'
Present & Position dual nationality, any) than namc of company & complete
Permanent held both rnust be clearlY' address nray be Provided

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