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Step motor :

Gear 1 Gear 2
54355128 -0504A

9200 full steps / rev > ✗ (42/8) > ✗ (58/8) →

7612.5 full steps /reu
• 400 half steps / per 15225 half steps /rev

Pulled F#nal
Polley 61-2 Belt

26 teeth > 2mm / teeth 7 7/52 revlmm > 146.39 full steps /mm

L revolut#on ~ 52mm d#stance 292.79 half steps / mm

Theoret!cal Prec#s#on of the system > 1/146.39 mm

= 6.83µm for full steps
1/292.79 mm
3.42µm for half steps

Measuremt D#stances
10mm ~ 1463.9 full steps
2927.8 full steps

30mm ~
4391.7 full steps
40mm ~
5855.6 full steps
50mm ~
7319-5 full steps
60mm ~ 8783.4 full steps

70mm ~
10247.3 full steps

~ 10979.25 full steps

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