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Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Sp 23

Essay 3 Project Management Worksheet

Backcast Your Project: Envision the Desired Outcome(s) and Plan Backwards
Part 1: Determining Logistics
1. When is the Final Draft due for Essay 3? ___Monday, April 10 on Blackboard through
 What is the penalty for failing to submit the Final Draft by the deadline? ____No
 How and where will you submit the Final Draft for assessment? _____________through blackboard
utilizing the Turnitin Platform__________
 What are the minimum requirements for a passing grade for Essay 3?

Be in MLA Format Be cohesive and organized around your Theis


Be on Time Be specific and give details and examples

Have been peer-reviewed in workshops Hand in essay on time

Meet the word count (1,500-2,000)

Have been preceded by submissions of draft 1

and draft 2

Have a Theis statement with evidence from all

eight sources

2. What writing assignment is due after the Final Draft of Essay 3? When is it due? _____the reflection essay
that is due on Wednesday April 12_through Turnitin on Blackboard_____________
 What is the penalty for failing to submit this assignment by the deadline? ______no
 How and where will you submit this assignment for assessment? ___through Turnitin on
3. When is Draft 2 due for Essay 3? _____Monday, April 3__________________
 What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 2 by the deadline? ______No credit_________________
 How and where will you submit Draft 2 for assessment? ____through Turnitin on blackboard by
11:59 PM_________________
4. When is Draft 1 due for Essay 3? __Friday, March 31____________________
 What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 1 by the deadline? __no credit_____________________
 How and where will you submit Draft 1 for assessment? ___through Turnitin on
5. When will we conduct a Peer Review Workshop? __Wednesday April 5_____________________
 What is the penalty for not attending Peer Review Workshop? __receive no credit
 What materials will you need to share to participate in the Peer Feedback Workshop? How and where?
Drafts one and two, peer-review worksheet, electronic devices
Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Sp 23
 What questions do you have about drafts, due dates, and submission details?
Can we overpass the wordcount like for essay one?

Can we explain our opinion towards the conclusion or introduction in our essay ?
Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Sp 23

Part 2: Determining GAPS

1. What is the required genre for Essay 3? ____academic writing___________________
2. Who is your audience for Essay 3? ____classmates, professor___________________
3. What is your purpose, or goal, for writing Essay 3?
To state your opinion based on different articles using them as examples to support the claim

4. What is the situation for Essay 3?

We need to draw a claim based on the article we utilize and use examples

5. What are the major features and parts of the genre used in Essay 3?

Synthetize multiple Sources

Write across multiple media for specific
audiences and purposes
Evaluate and critique scholarly, popular sources
in order to determine reliability and to capable
to integrate sources with one’s own ideas

6. What formatting and referencing style is required for this paper? _____MLA Format__________________
7. What did you learn to do in Essay 2 that applies to Essay 3?
In essay 2 I learned how to use quotes from each article and explain what each of these scholars
meant when coming up with their argument

 What questions do you have about the genre, purpose, audience, and situation for this paper? What
information is not included that you would like to know to better meet the expectations for the paper?
Is it only based on scholars’ opinions and what they mean? Or we use these articles to come up with
our own opinion?
Nelson ::: ENGL 1302 ::: Sp 23
Part 3: Frontloading the Workload / Determining Tasks

What steps for finishing Essay 3 should be completed in Week 13?

Answer questions form Lunsford book, submit the final draft for essay 3 and reflection essay and answer
questions on portfolios.

What steps for finishing Essay 3 should be completed in Week 12?

Finish the homework and complete two quizzes on grammar and review your first essay 1 and jot down
noes you would like to ask and complete draft 2 attend peer review and complete peer review worksheet

What steps for working on Essay 3 should be completed in Week 11?

Complete the homework, two quizzes on grammar, and finish draft 1

What steps for working on Essay 3 should be completed in Week 10?

Read prompt for Essay 3, additionally complete project management worksheet and read chapter 12
from Lunsford and complete questions following, read chapter 19 and complete questions and finish
library research packet

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