English Home Learning Grid (Y3) Newspaper Report Reading Comprehension Attached at The Bottom

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Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

English Home learning Grid (Y3) newspaper report

Reading comprehension attached at the bottom
Please write the date and WALT in your book and complete each day.
Some of these activities may need adult support however other tasks can be completed independently.
Please make a comment on how much your child was supported in each activity.

Monday 22nd June Tuesday 23rd June

WALT find the key features of a newspaper. WALT be able to organise my ideas into writing.
Independent task Independent task
Activity: Using today’s resources read through the three Activity: watch this clip about the first moon landing,
newspaper reports. Which is your favourite and why? fill in the sheet below to help you think about reporting
Which is the worst one and why? Now look at the success key information – the 5 W;s and a H (Who, What, When,
criteria that Miss Newcombe created, is everything there Where, Why and How)
in the 3 extract?. Challenge: Can you write interesting fronted adverbials?
Challenge: Can you label the key sentence styles that were
used to aid you later on?

Wednesday 24th June Thursday 25th June
WALT distinguish between fact and opinion. WALT use direct speech (quotes)
Independent task Independent task
Activity: Read the statements on the sheet below, decide Activity: Have a look back through all the articles that
if they are a fact or an opinion. Then read the news article are in this pack and highlight all the speech – what do
by Newsround, using the same colours decide what is fact you notice? Do they follow the rules on the poster
and what is opinion. under Thursday’s resources AND what do you notice
Challenge: find your own news article – are there more about all the speech verbs? Past tense!!
facts or opinions, why do you think this is? Challenge: see on todays sheet.
Friday 26th June Spellings Year 3/4
WALT plan our own newspaper report. Learn these 10 spellings from your spelling list.
Independent task
Activity: Using the resource sheet below think of a story Suppose, possible, medicine, grammar, describe, arrive,
that your classmates might like to read about (remember it believe, different, group, mention
can be fictional but it must not be unkind), or pinch one of
Miss N’s ideas. Plan your story today ready to write and Challenge: can you write them into sentences on Friday
publish next week. with your spelling test?
Challenge: can you think of a catchy headline. Use SUPER challenge: can you include any in your setting
newspapers and magazines around you for inspiration. description?
Success criteria – what you need to include to be successful
Fact – something that we know, or can prove, to be true.
Opinion – a view, or judgement, that is not always based on fact or knowledge.
Third person –You are telling us what is happening, how people are feeling, uses she, he, him, her, they, them.
Past tense – when writing in a newspaper report the event has already happened – I walked, I ran, we sang…

Monday 15th June

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020
Feature Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
A catchy Headline
A by-line (the name of the writer of the
Past tense (it has already happened)
Chronological order
Clear paragraphs- TiP ToP
Details that bring it alive
Summary, or conclusion with authors

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020
Tuesday’s resource

SPaG: To use fronted adverbials for when & where

Watch the clip about the first moon landing and complete the table about Who, What,
When, Where, Why and How the event happened.

Who is the report about? ______________________________________________________




What happened? _____________________________________________________________




When did the event happen? _____________________________________________________



Where did the event happen? ____________________________________________________




Why did the event happen? ______________________________________________________




How did the event happen? ______________________________________________________




Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020
Wednesday’s resource

Create a coloured key to decide whether these statements are fact of

opinion. Colour each statement appropriately.
Key: Fact Opinion
1. Girls are better than boys.

2. The first moon landing was in 1959.

3. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

4. Miss Newcombe has a dog called Ki.

5. Looe Primary is the best school in the whole world.

6. Our school had to close because of corona virus.

7. Looe Primary is situated in the beautiful town of Looe, on the South West coast of England.

8. London is the capital city of England.

9. Boys are better at football than girls.

10. School dinners are delicious.

Now look at this Newspaper article – can you highlight the facts and the opinions in the colours you

have chosen.

Did ancient species of crocodile walk on two legs?

11 June 2020

Crocodiles are known for their short legs, scaly skin and mighty snap.
However, new research suggests the reptiles may have once walked on two hind legs!
Scientist believe an ancient species of crocodile which is thought to have lived between 110
and 120 million years ago got around on two legs just like dinosaurs.
Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020
This reptile is thought to belong to a new species of crocodylomorph, which are the
ancestors of what we know as crocodiles and alligators today.


The scientists put together this image to show how the 'crocodile' would compare with a

The team who made the discovery studied large and well-preserved footprints found at an
excavation site in South Korea.
At first, they thought the footmarks were from a winged ancient reptile known as a
However, when the scientists took a closer look at the footprints, they realised they
probably didn't belong to the flying dinosaurs.
"At one site, the footprints were initially thought to be made by a giant bipedal pterosaur
walking on the mudflat, we now understand that these were bipedal crocodile prints," said Dr
Anthony Romilio from the University of Queensland in Australia.
"The footprints measure around 24 centimetres, suggesting the track-makers had legs about
the same height as human adult legs."
Although the footmarks suggest the animals moved in a similar way to two-legged dinosaurs,
they show clear heel impressions similar to those made by crocodiles according to professor
Kyung Soo Kim who led the research.
"Dinosaurs and their bird descendants walk on their toes," he said. "Crocodiles walk on the
flat of their feet leaving clear heel impressions, like humans do."
However, the marks reveal the animals would have had a narrower stance compared to the
crocodiles we may have seen in pictures, videos or the zoo.
"Typical crocodiles walk in a squat stance and create trackways that are wide," said the
"Oddly, our trackways are very narrow looking - more like a crocodile balancing on a tight-

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020
Thursday’s resources

Look at these quotes. Add in inverted commas (speech marks) and any other punctuation.

1. My favourite hobby is being a soldier said William proudly

2. My home town was Looe it is beautiful explained George


Write examples of direct speech.

Think about the clip of Neil Armstrong, can you think of 3 quotes he might have said, and

how he would have said them. Don’t forget punctuation.

Friday’s resources

Miss N’s newspaper article ideas:

Aliens land in Looe.

Dolphin washed ashore, rescued by Looe Primary children.

Winning a life supply of galaxy chocolate.

Teacher wins the lottery and takes whole class to Disneyland, Paris.

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020

Year 3 English WB 15/06/2020


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