Ow2 Worksheet 5.3 Ame 0

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Activity Worksheet 5.

Day by Day
1 Look at the chart about Thuy’s day.  Write the answers.

in the morning in the afternoon

washes her face plays with friends
eats breakfast rides her bike

in the evening at night

eats dinner brushes her teeth
watches TV goes to bed

1. Thuy watches TV in the evening.

2. She rides her bike .

3. She goes to bed .

4. She plays with friends .

5. She eats breakfast .

6. She eats dinner .

2 Talk about Thuy’s day and your own day. Work

with a partner.

Thuy watches TV in the evening. I watch TV in the morning.

Our World 2 1
Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.
3 Look at the chart about what Sam and Jenny do
every day.  Write sentences.

Sam Jenny
always gets up late on Sundays never gets up late on Sundays
always plays video games never plays video games
always goes to bed late never goes to bed late
never plays with his brother always plays with her brother
never gets up at 7:00 always gets up at 7:00
never plays soccer in the morning always plays soccer in the morning

1. Sam never .

2. He always .

3. He never .

4. He always .

5. Jenny never .

6. She always .

7. She never .

8. She always .

4 Ask and answer questions about Sam and Jenny. 

Work with a partner.

What does Sam do on Sundays?

He always gets up late.

Our World 2 2
Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.

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