Assignment 2 - CE 669A - 22-23

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CE - 669 A

Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

Assignment 2
2022-2023 II Semester

1) A set of 4 bodies (P, Q, R, S) of temperatures 0,50, 75, 100 0C respectively were

bought in to contact with atmosphere whose temperature is 28 0C. What would be the
temperatures of the bodies when they are in Thermal Equilibrium?
2) Mixing ratio of CO2 and Water vapour in air at sea level and at STP are 365 ppm and
0.03 g/kg respectively (assume water vapour is same throughout column). Calculate
Number Density at sea level and in Troposphere near Tropopause.
3) The sky is transparent to short wave radiation and partially opaque to long wave
radiation. Albedo is 0.22. Emissivity of sky and surface are equal to 1. Assuming
simple model, what would be the Global Mean Surface Temperature? (The fraction
absorbed by the sky is 0.68)
4) How does the Global Mean Temperature vary with respect to change in fraction
absorbed by the sky and the Albedo?
5) What is the difference between Eulerian and Lagrangian Approach? State the cases in
which these approaches may find useful.
6) Write a one Dimensional Continuity Equation in Eulerian Form for Number
Concentration (N) in Air as the function of Distance from Plume. Include the Change
in “N” due to Chemical Process.
7) One mole of an ideal gas initially at 0 0C and 1 atm pressure. If itabsorbs 2000 cal of
heat during reversible isothermal expansion.Calculate the final volume of the gas after
8) Air at 300 K is forced up a mountain slope adiabatically through a vertical height of
2km. Pressure P(z)=P0e-z/H, H=10 km. How much is the temperature changed?
Comment on volume of parcel after reaching height.
9) An air parcel initially at surface where pressure is 1000hPa has been lifted
adiabatically to a height 6 km whose dry adiabatic lapse rate is 10 K/km. The
environment lapse rate is 6 K/km. calculate the change in potential temperature with
respect to height. Comment on the type of atmosphere prevailing. If the parcel is
continued to rise, at what height the parcel stops rising?
10) One mole of an ideal gas is heated at constant pressure from 0 oC to 200oC.
(a) Calculate work done.
(b) If the gas were expanded isothermally & reversibly at 0°C from 1 atm to some
other pressure Pt, what must be the final pressure if the maximum work is equal to the
work involved in (a).

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