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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Twos Times tables


Students will be able to explain the 2 times tables for numbers 1-10

State Standards: The hands on experience

Context: Teaching elementary students the multiples of 2 will help them understand the

difference in multiplication. The multiples of 1 will come before this lesson. The knowledge the

students will bring is what multiplication is. After this lesson students will have a grasp on how

to multiply by 2. I am teaching students how to multiply by 2 for their multiplication.

Data: The students will be placed into 3 groups a teacher directed, Independent study, and

collaborative. Each group will be based on what number 1-3 the students will call. The data will

be collected through notes the students will take and a Kahoot game when the lesson is over.

Materials: List all materials used (, pencils, computers, Notebooks, Noggin.)

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Procedures: In each group circle, the groups will have their notebooks and the designated

website for their times tables. The groups will have 20 minutes each to work on certain equations

the websites will give to them. After 20 minutes the groups will switch until each group has had

a turn in the 3 areas. When the areas are completed the groups will play a Kahoot game to test on

what they learned.

Introduction (20 minutes):

I will first allow the students to unpack their bags to pull out their pencils and notebooks

for the lesson. I will then take attendance and introduce the lesson to everyone after everyone is

called. After explaining the lesson to everyone, I will have the students count from 1 to 3 and

when everyone has a number, I will direct each student to the designated corner by their number.

The ones will go in the teacher directed corner, the twos will go to the independent study corner,

and the threes will go to the collaborative corner.

Teacher Directed (20 minutes):

I will show the group a short YouTube video explaining some aspects of the 2 times

tables while having them take any notes on what they find interesting about it while the video

plays. After the video I will allow the students to ask some questions related to the video then

show them a PowerPoint related to the topic. When the 20 minutes are up, I will notify each

group and have them switch to the next activity group.

Collaborative (20 minutes):

The collaborative group will log into noggin and will have a worksheet to write down the

equations used on the app. The students will talk with each other and explain their answers and

how they got them. If any of the group members had a question, they could ask their partners and

try their best to answer them. After 20 minutes have passed from their start of the work, I will

announce the group activity swap.

Independent Digital (20 minutes):

The independent group will go to and work on some math equations

relating to our lesson to help them understand how the equations work. While they work on the

site the students will do the equations in their notebooks and write down what they learn in them.

If any of the students had questions, they could use the computer’s search engine to answer their

questions. After the 20 minutes are done, I will notify each group and have them switch to the

next one.

Closure (20 minutes):

When each group has a chance to experience the 3 groups, I had assigned the students to

go back to their original desks and I will explain how the lesson will end. I will open Kahoot and

tell the students we will play Kahoot so see what we have learned so far. I will allow the students

to use their notebooks to do the equations themselves. When the Kahoot game has finished I will

ask the students if they have any questions on Kahoot. When all the questions are answered I will

let the students go to their next class.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)

(Multimedia 1= This is multimedia as it can be accessed on a computer and an

iPad. The goal of this website is to help educate students on math and other school subjects. I

know this is high equality as my friends used this site when they were in school. The media

supports LORI as it does not have foul language and has animals to help students focus on the

questions. The site has different instructions as the levels in the subjects become harder as you

level up.
(Noggin.): This multimedia can be found on windows and apple stores. This media uses

childrens favorite cartoon characters in math problems to make the work fun for the students. I

know this is high quality as I had witnessed the work when I was mentoring an elementary

classroom? I found this site works to help students have fun while learning. Noggin focuses on

having the characters be in problems and solving the equation helps them get out of those


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