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Running Head: SHORT-TERM 1

Create Short-term wins and Don’t Let up

BUS575: Strategies for Change

Dr. Diane Hamilton

November 28, 2021


Kotter and Cohen have identified the importance of short-term wins while bringing about

a change in an organizational setting. Adopting a long-term approach during change

management leaves too much room for doubts and misunderstandings. On the other hand, when

short-term wins are created, it is easier for employees to remain focused on the main goals and

the associated objectives. In the case of the Uber organization, it is necessary to create short-term

wins so that the employees would be able to adopt a systematic and methodical approach to

integrate new digital technologies onto its mobility services. However, the creation of short-term

wins must be supported by the continuation of the change efforts so that its impact will not

diminish in the future. Author Kotter has assessed that it is a necessity for change leaders to

maintain proper momentum that is established by rapid wins. The lack of the necessary degree of

momentum could diminish the urgency and adversely affect the change management process

(Kotter & Cohen, 2021).

Create Short-term wins

Creating short-term wins is a gradual process that would also help the employees to

understand their clear progress and contribution in the organizational setting (Kotter & Cohen,

2021). According to Errida and Lotfi (2021), the success of organizational change management

success is influenced by short-term wins as it helps in motivating the employees (Errida & Lotfi,

2021). As Uber operates in a highly dynamic and unpredictable market setting, it is necessary for

the leaders to focus on the creation of short-term wins and maintaining the urgency so that the

change management process would be successful. The short-term wins that the employees would

accomplish during the change management process would serve as stepping stones and create

better and greater opportunities for success.

Facilitation of short-term wins for the team


In the Uber organization, the change leaders could facilitate short-term wins for the team

by taking a number of steps. For instance, they could make sure that solid engagement exists

among the team members so that the sharing of new ideas and opinions would be possible. In

order to make sure that short-term wins act as a major source of motivation for the organizational

personnel, the leaders need to make sure that the progress is visible to diverse stakeholders. In

addition to this, the leaders must lay emphasis on rewarding the employees for their efforts and

successes. Acknowledged (How can school leaders implement changes that result in inclusive

school environments? IRIS Center, 2021). By taking such a step in the team setting, the leaders

would be able to maintain a healthy environment where individuals would feel encouraged to put

in efforts and proceed towards goals at a micro-level. A sincere and effective communication

approach would act as the key tool that would enable the leaders in Uber to facilitate short-term

wins for the change team.

Key considerations while setting short-term goals

Several elements must be taken into consideration while setting up short-term goals in the

team setting so that it supports change management. Some of the key elements that must be

considered include timely nature, visibility, and meaningfulness. Cohen has argued that by

focusing on these integral aspects, it is possible to establish the credibility that is required for

sustaining change over a period of time (Kotter & Cohen, 2012). Focusing on the time factor is

important so that the personnel would be able to efficiently accomplish their short-term

objectives. Similarly, visibility of progress, efforts, and success are vital to maintaining the

motivation of the staff while they work in the team setting. The meaningfulness of the process

must be increased by providing valuable feedback to the employees and emotionally uplifting

them throughout the process. Such a comprehensive approach would be vital for Uber to

successfully set the short-term goals for the team members.

Ensuring change efforts do not fade

Once the employees have started to be a part of the change process, the leaders must

ensure that the intensity of their efforts does not decline. One of the fundamental aspects that the

leaders must keep in mind is keeping the employees motivated. By motivating them to

accomplish their short-term goals, they would be able to put in their efforts in a consistent

manner. The lack of motivation by the leaders could act as a major obstacle that could deflate the

morale and motivation of the staff to achieve short-term wins. According to Muscalu and Ciocan

(2016), it is also necessary that the managers must treat the employees with respect, and they

should acknowledge their efforts and contribution (Muscalu & Ciocan, 2016). It could strengthen

the degree of motivation which would not only encourage them to work but also to work

efficiently and productively. In Uber, the managers and leaders could act as major change agents

by treating the employees fairly and maintaining a healthy motivation level.

Preventing burnout

When employees are a part of the change management process, there is a possibility that

they would feel exhausted emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. Thus, it is vital for

managers and leaders to prevent employee burnout as it could hamper the change process.

Several measures could be taken to prevent employee burnout, such as listening to the views and

ideas of the employees, acting in a transparent manner, and delegating tasks and responsibilities

among the team members. By listening to the ideas and opinions of the employees, a highly

engaging work environment would be created where they could work cohesively. Maintaining

transparency is also crucial as it would ensure that a healthy work climate is established where

the organizational personnel is able to work in a stress-free manner (Pijpker et al., 2020).

Similarly, the proper delegation of tasks and responsibilities would ensure that there is a limited

possibility of ambiguity or misunderstanding in the team setting. In Uber, the change leaders

could adopt these steps in order to prevent employee burnout and positively influence their

contribution during the change management process.

Maintaining change after implementation

After the change process has been introduced and implemented in an organizational

setting, it is necessary for the leaders to ensure that it is consistently followed in the future as

well. The maintenance of the change process is critical as it could ensure that the firm is able to

function in the desired manner. Leaders could play a proactive role to sustain the change by

communicating the impact of the change process with the organizational personnel, creating new

channels of feedback, and providing necessary training to the staff so that they could

continuously contribute to the change management process. In the Uber organization, the leaders

must extend integrated support to the employees so that they would continue to put their efforts

into maintaining change (de Andrade et al., 2016). For example, the leaders in Uber must

identify the training needs of the employees so that they can contribute to the change process

involving the integration of digital technologies.

Considerations for not letting up on change efforts

After the change has been implemented in an organization, the leaders must shift their

focus towards maintaining the flow of change and ensuring that the momentum of the change

efforts is not lost. In case the rhythm is lost, the overall effectiveness of the change process could

get diminished. One of the key elements that must be taken into consideration to ensure that the

change efforts are not reduced, the leaders must establish an effective communication network. It

would play an instrumental role and allow the leaders to acknowledge and praise the staff for

their efforts. It would also serve as the pathway that the employees could use to share their

feedback. Thus, by straightening the engagement level, the intensity of the change efforts could

be maintained. Similarly, by keeping the employees motivated, it would be possible to drive

them towards their change efforts. As Uber operates in a highly competitive market, the leaders

must focus on maintaining consistency in the change efforts so that it can enhance the quality of

its mobility solutions.



de Andrade, P. R. M., Albuquerque, A. B., Teófilo, W. D., & da Silva, F. A. (2016). Change

management: Implementation and benefits of the change control in the information

technology environment. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.03110.

Kotter, J., & Cohen, D. S. (2021, August 9). The heart of change: A book. Kotter. Retrieved

November 27, 2021, from https://www.kotterinc.com/book/the-heart-of-change/.

Kotter, J. P., & Cohen, D. S. (2012). The heart of change: Real-life stories of how people change

their organizations. Harvard Business Press.

Errida, A., & Lotfi, B. (2021). The determinants of organizational change management success:

Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business

Management, 13, 18479790211016273.

Muscalu, E., & Ciocan, F. (2016). Attracting and motivating employees during changes in

organization. The role of the human resources department. Journal of Defense Resources

Management, 7(2), 153.

Pijpker, R., Vaandrager, L., Veen, E. J., & Koelen, M. A. (2020). Combined interventions to

reduce burnout complaints and promote return to work: a systematic review of

effectiveness and mediators of change. International journal of environmental research

and public health, 17(1), 55.

How can school leaders implement changes that result in inclusive school environments? IRIS

Center. (2021). Retrieved November 27, 2021, from


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