Client Program Review

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Client Program Review

During the review the client seemed to be pleased with the program and had no

improvements to give for the instructor on their coaching and cues. However, they claimed that they

had never done a program before, so was unsure of what to expect. They did suggest that they

wished to have more lower body strength exercises programmed for the future. This has been taken

on board to be implemented into the home-based program which will be sent to the client.

When reflecting on the program, the Johns’ model developed by Johns (2009) is utilised as it

allows a person to reflect on an event in a cyclical pattern, allowing for more critical thinking and

reflection for improvement (Wain, 2017).

Johns (2009) model for structured


Using this model, I can reflect on how I felt unorganized when it came to giving coaching

cues and I felt sometimes unprepared and as though I had forgotten what to say. I think an

influencing factor may have been the stress of the situation and wanting to get it right too much to

focus. I also didn’t want to be wasting my clients’ time. I could have dealt with it better by bringing

paper notes of all the cues for each exercise. I will learn from this to be more prepared in future

training sessions to bring session plans, cues and information relating to the exercises. Overall, the

situation could have gone worse and apart from being somewhat unprepared, I am happy with my
exercise instruction ability. Another improvement I would like to make is how I felt uncomfortable in

rest periods and making conversation. It was quite difficult to make conversation as I felt under

pressure to do well and the client seemed to be slightly uncomfortable as well. I could have dealt

with it better by just talking more about the exercise selection, but unfortunately, I was too

unprepared. In the future I will make more effort to make small talk in between exercise periods, so

that it will be more enjoyable for the clients. The situation wasn’t too bad as I did try to make small

talk and keep the conversation going through rest periods, but improvements can be made in the

future to help the session flow. However, despite this I believe rapport was created with the client

and they appeared to enjoy the overall sessions.

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