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1. What is the name of the person in all the introductory videos?

Miss patel

2. What TWO things will KICK YOU OUT of your test window? Going to new tab, going
to the back button

3. How many listening tasks were there? 4 What were the prompts about? Weather,
work,house, and transportation

4. How many reading tasks were there? 4 What were the prompts about? School and

5. How many writing tasks were there? 6 What were the prompts about?

6. How many times do you get the opportunity to listen to the listening and speaking
prompt for each question? 2

7. How long of a wait time is there to choose the "replay video" button? 7 seconds

8. How much time do you have to answer each question? What were the questions
asking? 45 seconds, what my name was

9. What part do you think you'll do best at? Reading

10. What part do you want extra reinforcement with before the test? Writing

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