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Disciplina:Língua Inglesa

EscolaMunicipalPadreLourençoTori IUNIDADE Série:9º ano

Prof:Evani de Souza
Turno:vespertino Data:___/___/____
CONTEÚDOS: Simple Past.
 Nãoserãopermitidasrasurasenemusode corretivo; Nota:__________
 Nãoesquecerdeassinara prova;

1.Complete as sentenças com o passado simples dos verbos regulares:(1,5)

a.I ________my friend yesterday. ( to visit)

b.They_________a new restaurant last week. ( to open)
c.The little boy_________your question. ( to answer)
d.Jonas________very well yesterday. ( to dance)
e.The children___________the new recreation center last week.(to visit)
f.You_________computer games yesterday. ( to play)
g.We_________some museums yesterday. ( to visit)
h.I__________basketball last Friday.(to play)
i.We________the new coffee shop.( to love)
j.I ___________Australian last month. (to visit)
k.My father ____________Canada at university. ( to study)
l.You__________German last week. ( to study)
m.Brenda________us to his birthday party.( to invite)
n.Sue _________with Peter. ( to dance)
o.Daniel __________a film. ( to watch)

2.Escreva (R)para os verbos regulares e (I) para irregulares:(1,0)

Infinitive Past tense Tradução

a)to live lived( ) morou

b)to work worked( ) trabalhou
c)to take took( ) pegou
d)to sleep slept( ) dormiu
e)to see saw( ) viu
f)to play played( ) jogou
g)to study studied( ) estudou
h)to look looked( ) olhou
i)to like liked( ) gostou
j) to dance danced( ) dançou

3. Complete as frases, usando os verbos no passado:(1,0)

a) I ________ Mary yesterday. (to see)
b) Paul and Mary _______ to school in the morning. (to go)
c) They _______ back at 1. (to come)
d) My mother ________ at 9. (to get up)
e) I ________ breakfast at 7. (to have)
f) She ________ to mee in English. (to speak)
g) I ________ a galss of milk. (to drink)
h) She ________ at home. (to be)
i) They ________ the books from the shelf. (to take)
j) She __________ a coin in the strees. (to find)

4. Analise o texto abaixo e retire todos os verbos regulares ( regular verbs). Escreva-os nas
caixas de texto ao lado.(0,5)

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