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ir haa My KDF Profile in RPH Navarro, Sophia L BS Mechanical Engineering Al Meaning of History The world ‘History’ is derived from the Greek noun i a Ee as [- a Terres hdl) clad te ‘historia’ meaning ‘inquiry or research. Aristotle regarded it as a “systematic account of a set of natural phenomena, whether or not chronological ordering was a factor in the account." The term ‘history’ has now come to be applied ti accounts of events that are narrated in a chronological order, and deal with the past of mankind. ea Page 02 Relevance and cl eg em nce + grasp one's relationship with one's past. For exemple Importance of studying ‘one wonders why the Philippine flag has 8 stars or why. history. ee ene ee tae July 4, one has to turn into a history for answer. History is The importance of history is in its capacity to help one of immense value to social scientist engaged in research. to draw conclusions from the past events. It may be Thus the political scientist doing research on the Biererer hen em nie homeneel tetra parliamentary form of government, has to draw his to each man. It sheds the light of the past upon the ee ee en nee Rn ee ee eee en een eeeees making one acquainted with other peoples. Also, as as a beacon light, guiding society in confronting various eee eee tee crises, History is indeed, "a bridge connecting the past the lessons of the past help one to avoid the pitfalls of with the present and pointing the road to the future." the present. ea Page 02 Primary Source Primary sources are those that have witnessed the event that took place or have been part of the incident being studies. File Edit. View coe Primary Source Examples Wirt records manuscripts pubic documents fossils antfacte testimony from living witnesses, File Edit. View coe Primary Source Give historians a knowledge of historical figures viewpoints, ane provide insight into how historical figures understood or internalized what they experienced, their place or significance in history Institution-created primary sources, such asa census. or survey, can help in the documentation of basic facts ‘about an era. Primary sources are historical relics. File Edit View eee Primary Source Contribution Provide the evidence from which the historian obtains facts about the past Secondary Sources Secondary sources have not been part of the event being considered File Edit View eee Secondary Source Examples magazines newspapers pamphlets typescript articles written about the primary sources File Edit View eee Secondary Source Importance Give historians a knowledge of historical figures viewpoints, and provide insight into how historical figures understood or internalized what they experienced, their place or significance in history Institution-created primary sources, such as a census cr survey, can help in the documentation of basic facts about an era. Primary sources are historical relics. File Edit View eee Secondary Source Contribution Not only does it rely on previous thoughts, but it also reenacts them in the context of analyzing the documents and other records that have been left before, File Edit View eee Primary Source VS Secondary Source (e090 Primary Source (900 Secondary Source They represent a participants or observer's unique Interprets or examines a historical occurrence or point of view. Primary sources allow the researcher to phenomenon. itis commonly based on primary {get as close to what happened during a historical sources and is atleast one step distant from the event. ‘event or period as possible. File Edit. View eee Context Analysis Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts within some given qualitative data (Le. text), ® 4 — Pageos Context Analysis «researchers can evaluate language used within a news article to search for bias or partiality. Page 04 Context Analysis Researchers can then infer information about the texts! messages, the writer(s}, the audience, and even, the culture and time period in which the text was written ® @ — Pageos File Edit View eee Contextual Analysis a text (in whatever medium, including multi- media) that helps us to assess that text within: ‘the context of its historical and cultural setting, that characterize the text as a text. ® 4 Pageos Contextual Analysis ‘+ Customers, Customer values, preferences and perceptions. + Industry Industry trends such as new competitors centering your market Competition, Examining your strengths and weaknesses relative to the competition. Page 04 Contextual Analysis Context analysis is a technique for examining the Internal environment in which a company functions. The goal of this analysis is to guarantee that all contextual aspects that may affect a project's implementation and long-term sustainability are considered. ® @ — Pageos Panta yong: peeeaseeeneenst P a n a n a W method of acknowledging the history and development of the nation based on the “internalinterconnectedness and linking of characteristics, values, knowledge, wisdom, aspirations, practices, behavior, and experiencesas a unified whole” —a unity that is framed by and expressed in a single language; that is, within an autonomous, self directed discourse of progress and civilization. This isa reality within any ethno-linguistic group, among us or anywhere in the world, with a singular wholeness and identity. File Edit View eee Pantayong Pananaw 000 Proponent Zeus Atayza Salazar is a Filipino historian, anthropologist, and philosopher of history, best known in pioneering an emic perspective in Philippine history called Pantayong Pananaw (The 'We" Perspective), earning him the title “Father of New Philippine Historiography.” File Edit View eee Pantayong Pananaw Importance The pantayong pananaw (also called Bagong Kasaysayan, or New History) is currently the most theoretically elaborate articulation of an indigenized social science perspective that offers a viable alternative to (Western) positivist social science. Life in Pre-Colonial The Visaya's and Luzon were under the baranganic Philippines society, usually composed of 30 to 100 families and the head of their political unit was the Datu who had the Legislative, Judicial and Executive powers The Datu and the council of elders or the Maginoo were the legislative body. The created law announced by the Umalohocan or the town crier There were written and oral laws in the society, however, there was no evidence yet about the written law since the Kalantiaw Code did not pass the internal enticisms of the historical documents. “The occupation of the people in community was based o1 Life in Pre-Colonial their class and in gender. The female assumed the Philippines responsibilities inside their house while the male assumed responsibilities as farmers, merchants, hunters, warriors, fishermen, miners and blacksmith, The Chinese were one of the most active traders in the Philippines and] some of them chose to settle in the Philippines in Parian and in Minondoc. Agriculture, is main source of livelihood. When the Spaniards came to the Philippines, they noted that Cebu and Palawan were abundant in many Mode of Dressing Life in Pre-Colonial + Omaments - Both men and woren wore ornaments Phil ippines to look attractive. Itis said that both wear kalumbiga, pendants, bracelets, and leglets which ornaments were made of gold, some wore gold fillings between the teeth Tattoos were also fashionable which exhibit man's war record + Dwellings: The people in the plains make dwellings called bahay kubo, made of wood, bamboo, and nipa palm; it was built on stifts and can be entered through] ladders that can be drawn up O00 Physical Environment as; Before the coming of Spaniards, areas and near the coast Life in Pre-Colonial and rivers were already organized socially. These social Phili ppines Units came to be known as barangay among Tagalogs This| term was corrupted from the boat balangay which was the principal means of travel among the people then, A barangay is generally small, consisting from 30 to 100, households. Its residents are usually not more than 500, who were generally related by blood. Only Manila and Cebu, however, had a population of about 2,000, To ensure peace among various barangays and better protection against enemies. confederations of barangays were formed] ® 4 — pageos Life in Colonial Philippines Spain established a centralized colonial government in the Philippines that was composed of a national government and the local governments that administered provinces, cities, towns and municipalities. With the cooperation of the local governments the national government maintained peace and order, collected taxes and built schools and other public works. Page 05 Life in Colonial Philippines The Encomienda System- The term encomienda is taken from the Spanish verb, encomendar which means to entrust or to assign responsibility to a person. In the Philippines, a certain area of land with its inhabitants was assigned to particular Spaniard who was given the ity to collect tribut and to utilize the people in government and church projects. Page 05 Life in Colonial Philippines When Spain settled and established their rule in the Philippines during the 16th century, the country was a collection of scattered barangay whose populations ranged from 30 to 100 famil Page 05 Life in Colonial Philippines Through the efforts of Legaspi, and after establishing his strong government in Manila, the lowland Luzon were already occupied and by the start of 1600, the whole archipelago had been pacified for some islands ruled by the sultans in the south, Page 05 Life in Contemporary Philippines The politics of the Philippines take place within a three- branch governmental system. The country is a democracy, led by a directly-elected president who is both the head of state and the head of government. ® 0 pageos File Edit View eee Life in Contemporary Philippines In 2017, the Philippines was among the top three growth performers in the region. Only Vietnam and China did better. File Edit View Life in Contemporary Philippines Philippine society is a unique blend of diversity and homogeneity. Although geographically part of Southeast Asia, the country is culturally strongly Euro-American. Forces of assimilation have constantly worked to overcome cultural differences between the various ethnic groups that are scattered—sometimes in relative isolation—throughout the archipelago. File Edit View Life in 00 Physical Environment as Contemporary Philippines Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of Vietnam. Manila is the capital, but nearby Quezon City is the country's most-populous city. How will you manifest interest in Visiting museums of our local history, reading historical local history and books and giving respect to our hereos by maintaining show concern in their monuments clean. Also making some review, blog promoting and preserving the country’s historical and will be able to use jt cultural heritage 2 about local history saying how important to preserve our historical and cultural heritage. So, the next generation Page 03 | feel overwhelmed because this course: RPH taught me the importance of Philippines hostorical and cultural What I Feel About Reece the Course : RPH ® 4 — Pageos | should read more about historical of our country What Can I Do to because it will not only help me to pass the course but it Pass the Course : will also expand my knowledge about history. RPH Page 03

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