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Life After High

Class of 2023
Ms. Ramirez and Ms. Mortiz

Ms. Mortiz

● Pre-Test Survey
● Review Graduation Requirements
● Important Senior Timeline
● Motivation
● Organizational Skills & Time Management
● Stress Management
● Post-Test Survey
Graduation Requirements

● 220 credits completed in specific

● A-G- C’s or better in core academic
courses (including 2nd semester
final grades)
● 20 hours of community service
○ Uploaded on Thrively
Graduation Regalia


● A-G
● Dual Enrollment
● Golden State Seal
● Principal’s Honor Roll
● State Seal of Biliteracy You will purchase all regalia in
58A when available… make
sure to check your email
Senior Timeline

April 24th May 1st May 8th May 12th May 14th May 17th May 19th May 24th

First jeopardy Second Third jeopardy (tentative) FINAL Senior Senior GRADUATION
list jeopardy list list Senior jeopardy list Awards Grades Due 6PM @
Signing Day Handel Stadium
“Motivation is a feeling,
commitment is a choice.”
—Jessa Madrid
Intrinsic Motivation

3 main elements of intrinsic motivation:

1. Autonomy – the understanding and ability to

control your life
2. Purpose – Enjoyment? Satisfaction?
3. Mastery – Hobbies, a certain subject/topic, etc

If you are doing something that you find rewarding,

interesting, and challenging, you are more likely to
come up with great ideas and creative
Extrinsic Motivation

This motivation is purely focused on outside rewards:

● Good grades
● Paycheck
● Avoiding punishment/negative outcomes

Extrinsic motivation is NOT a bad thing. External

rewards are useful and effective for people to stay
motivated or on task.

As future high school graduates,

The goal is to create and find the right balance.
Two types of Mindsets

1 2
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
● Belief that people are born ● Belief that abilities and talent
with or without certain abilities can be cultivated/improved
○ Think “abilities cannot be with hard work
changed” ○ Think “abilities can improve
● Shy away from challenges with time and effort”
because they do not want to ● Enjoys a challenge – struggles
appear to be struggling and failures are necessary to
Organizational Skills
and Time Management
“For every minute spent organizing,
an hour is earned.”
Why is it
important to be
Organization Helps

Reduces Stress Save Time Be on Time

Think about what our
main man Ben said!

Improve Work Keeps you on Track Everyone’s happy

Ethic :-)
Take 3 minutes and pick which of the following things you struggle with
organizing the most. Write about what is hard about organizing that particular
thing or how you think you could improve it.

● Time/Schedule ● Backpack

● Planner ● Study Space

● Homework ● Materials for School/Work

● To-Do Lists ● Bedroom

Materials for
❏ Have specific folders and binders (each subject/project)

❏ Label folders and binders/color code

❏ Don’t have loose items

❏ Prepare materials the night before

❏ Make a list if needed

Study Space
& Bedroom
❏ Clear any loose papers ❏ Make your bed

❏ Throw away trash ❏ Put away loose clothes or

❏ Have a “home” for items

everything ❏ Clean dirty spaces


Planning and being deliberate about how you spend

your time →
● Reduces stress
● Avoid burn-out
● Improves efficiency,
● Creates balance
● Allows time for things YOU want to do
1. Be intentional → Keep a to-do list

2. Be efficient → Rank your tasks (ABC Method)

3. Be focused → Manage your distractions

4. Be structured → Time Block (Pomodoro


5. Be self-aware → When are you most

Be intentional, Be efficient
Keep a To-Do List &
rank your tasks using the ABC Method!
Be focused, Be structured
Manage Your Distractions
● Put away your phones
○ Do Not Disturb
● Be in an area where you feel

Time Block
● Pomodoro method
● Use calendar
○ Pick a specific time to work
on assigned/most
important task
Be self-aware
What time are you most efficient?
“Stress is a NATURAL human
response that prompts us to
address the challenges and
threats in our lives.”
The three A’s –, Alter, Adapt & Accept

ALTER the situation ● Take control of your

environment – What can you
change right now?

ADAPT to the stressor ● Reframe problems and way of

thinking – these are
opportunities to grow
● Practice gratitude
● Look at the big picture – Put
things in a different perspective

ACCEPT the things you can’t ● Some sources of stress are

unavoidable – “the only way out
change is through”
How to Relieve Stress in the Moment

Deep Breathes 5 Senses Move your body

Regulates the body What do you feel, see, Exercising helps reduce
taste, hear, smell? stress
What brings
you joy?
“How to” Handout:
Budget and Preparing for an Interview
Scan if you would like to discuss your
graduation status with Ms. Ramirez

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