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Imię i nazwisko …..............................................................klasa.........................

Zad. 5. Uzupełnij dialog. Nie zmieniaj formy wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.

Customer: Have you got a pair of trousers like these, but in black ?
Shop Assistant: Yes, we have. What (size) ______________________________ ?
Customer: Medium.
Shop Assistant: Here you are.
Customer: Thank you. Where (try) ______________________________________?
Shop Assistant: The fitting rooms are over there.
(after a while)
Customer: They fit perfectly. (cost)__________________________________?
Shop Assistant: $12,99
Customer: Nice price! I'll take two pairs.

Zad. 6. Do każdej sytuacji wybierz właściwą reakcję:

6.1 Jedziesz autobusem bez klimatyzacji, a chcesz otworzyć okno. Co powiesz do pasażera
A. Do you want me to open the window ?
B. Do you mind if I open the open ?
C. Could I have a window opened ?

6.2 Mama prosi, żebyś odkurzył samochód. Jak zapytasz, czy to konieczne ?
A. Is it OK if I don't do it ?
B. Do you mean I have to do the vacuuming ?
C. Is it really necessary ?

6.3 Chcesz poczęstować koelgę swoimi ciastkami. Co powiesz ?

A. Enjoy these cookies !
B. Help yourself to these cookies !
C. Take these cookies, they're delicious.

6.4 Wyglądasz niewyraźnie i odczuwasz mdłości. Co odpowiesz na pytanie, co ci dolega:

A. I don't think I'm ill.
B. I don't feel anything except nausea.
C. I feel the nausea has passed.

Zad. 7 Przeczytaj teksty. Wybierz odpowiedź.

The new K phone P6 – you won't be 7.1 The smartphone has got:
disappointed ! The newest smartphone from
Cherry ! A. a screen that is 6 inches bigger than ever
-6 inch touch screen
-Super Retina display B. a battery that won't die for two days
-Battery won't need charging for 48 hours
-Easy keyboard to use C. a keyboard that doesn't need to be touched
-On/Off button automatic – no need to click !
Why not try the new phone at your favourite
shopping mall ?
there is a parcel on the coffee table with some 7.2 Mum asks Peter to:
books inside. I ordered them for Lucy as I have
a special discount in an online bookshop. She A. help her buy some books for Lucy on the
promised to come between 4 and 5 pm to collect Internet
the parcel so make sure you're not away then.
Don't take any money from Lucy, I want the B. stay at home in the afternoon and wait for
books to be an Easter gift for her. Lucy
Take care, Mum
C. choose an Easter present for Lucy

There are many different programs helping our

planet. Some of them save coral reefs in 7.3 This leaflet
australia, others protect elephants in Africa. As a
teenager you are probably unable to support A. promotes a local action for forest protection
them financially or travel to distant locations to
volunteer. However, you can do a lot to help the B. asks people to donate money for saving
natural environment in the place where you live. wildlife on other continents
How ? At first think about the local needs.
Maybe organizing a cleaning day of the nearby C. encourages teenagers to do something
river or beach would be a good idea ? And how positive for the nature
about preparing a campaign about safe
behaviours in the forest ? If you need some
support, our organization is here to help you.

Spring Sale at Jones's Furniture Store 7.4 When you can get the best deal:
Terrific bargains at the Jones's Furniture Store,
1 Banks Road, Gordonstwon. A. on Saturday afternoon
Half price before noon during the weekend.
35% off after midday on Saturdays. B. on Sunday morning
Free delivery within ten miles area of the shop.
Special prices and deals for curtains, carpets, C. on any work day
and wallpaper,
Monday to Friday until midday.
Hurry ! While stocks last !

Zad. 8 Przeczytaj i dopasuj brakujące zdania.

Every real globetrotter has dreamt about a trip to the Amazon, which is also known as Amazonia or
the Amazon Jungle. 8.1___________ Why is it the subject of so many travellers' fantasies ? This
still largely unexplored, warm, humid rainforest, covering an area of approximately five and a half
million square kilometres lies in the basin of the River Amazon in South America and has an
average temperature of about 79 degrees F. 8.2___________ Among them are about thirty million
types of insects and one third of the world's bird species. The Amazon Jungle can be divided up into
four horizontal layers or communities. The tallest community, found in the treetops is called the
emergent layer. The main community is found in the canopy, where most of the flowers and fruit
grow. 8.3_______ And finally – the forest floor, which has almost no plant life but does contain a
tremendous amount of forest litter, which is the food for thousands of rainforest creatures. The
tribes of the Indians – the native people of Amazonia are slowly vanishing. 8.4_______
Unfortunately, such is the present rate of destruction that in forty years the Amazon rainforest might
have disappeared forever.

A. Their unique culture, along with its shamans and medicine men, will disappear with them.
B. Most of the tribes were destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century when the Amazon jungle
started to be exploited.
C. It is also believed that in Amazonia there are about half of the world's species.
D. The jungle itself is also called the Lungs of our Planet because it produces about 20% of the
Earth's oxygen.
E. The third one, called the understory, contains most of the plant life, which grows best in the
shade produced by the canopy. It also has the biggest percentage of insects.

Zad. 9 Przeczytaj i dopasuj:

A. At the New York school, students play a special role in learning. They create tehir own
timetable and decide on their school curriculum. Students are in charge of their learning while
teachers are there to assist when asked. Students are free to learn in groups or individually with
high-tech learning tools.

B. The school in Arizona may look more like an office than a school with all its work stations. It
believes every students is different. Students work at their own private stations that have a PC.
Teachers move about the classroom checking in on each student as they work at their own pace.

C. It looks like one huge classroom in Denmark. Students learn in a large open glass building
where they move from one space to another. There are circular areas – not lounge areas – but to
apply knowledge in different ways, alone or in groups. Teachers guide students as they design and
think of new ideas as well as new solutions to problems.

In this school...
1 teachers give a hand to students only when needed
2 students develop strong creative thinking skills
3 students choose what subjects and how they learn
4 learning environment is for indidual students only
Zad. 10. Przeczytaj i uzupełnij:
Hi Rob, Announcing:
I remember you telling me that your sister Nature Snaps Photography Contest
Josephine is really good at taking photos. So, Who: The contest is open to youths from the
when I saw an advertisement for a photography ages of 10 to 14
contest, I thought of her. I've attached a flyer
about the contest. What: The theme of the picture is nature and the
Do you guys have a photo editing programme on environment
your computer ? If not, she can use mine. I can
show her how. We need to do it this week When: Pictures to be submitted by June 24th
though, because I have to write a report for
school after that. Let me know what you think ! How: Submit pictures on our website:
Debbie www.naturesnaps.com
Good luck

Hi Josephine,
My friend Debbie just sent me some information about a contest that seems perfect for you. It's a
photography contest for pictures of 10.1 _____________________________. It's for people in your
age group, so you won't 10.2 _______________________ againts older or younger teens or even
adults. I think you should enter.
Debbie offered to let you use her computer to process your photos, and also said she will show you
how to use the photo editing programme. You have to decide soon though because the
10.3_____________________________is June 24th.
Let's talk about it tonight.

Zad 11. Przeczytaj i uzupełnij:

A. from B. other C. after D. displayed E. different F. exhibited

The Cullinan diamond is the largest diamond in the world and was found in South Africa in
1905. This jewel was named 11.1___________Thomas Cullinan, the mine's chairman. He produced
nine major stones of 11.2__________________sizes and cuts. The biggest clear-cut diamond is
called Cullinan I, while the second largest diamond is named Cullinan II. Both diamonds are part of
the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. They are 11.3_______________in the Tower of London.

Zad. 12. Wybierz:

I usually go running in the evening in the park near my house. Last Thursday I had only run a
kilometre when suddenly I stopped. It was already quite dark. There was a strange shape
12.1______the distance and it was moving towards me. I looked again into the darkness and there,
in front of me, was a wild bear staring 12.2__________me. It was the first time I had seen any
animal in that forest. I quickly turned around and ran really fast. Luckily, I was not chased by the
bear, but I ran so fast that I 12.3 ____________my personal record that night !

12.1 A. on B. in C.with
12.2 A. on B. for C. at
12.3 A. have broken B. broke C. was broken
Zad. 13. Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań. Możesz maksymalnie wpisać cztery wyrazy.

13.1 Some good photographs (zrobiono) _________________________________ during the tennis

match yesterday.
13.2 I just loved hearing the thirty (tysięcy ludzi) ____________________________ singing the
national anthem at the stadium.
13.3 I won't talk to her (jeśli nie przeprosi za)____________________________________ her rude
13.4 I promise I (pomogę ci w)_________________________________the weekend.

Zad. 14. Napisz (50-120 słów)

Szukasz wakacyjnej pracy, a mama twojego kolegi prowadzi restaurację w Londynie. Napisz
do kolegi:
-poprosisz go, żeby zapytał mamę, czy mogłaby Cię zatrudnić
-uzasadnisz, dlaczego byłbyś dobrym pracownikiem
-wyrazisz wdzięczność za pomoc

Hi Rob,
Thanks for your email. School is almost over and I …........

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