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Ana IELTS 7@copyright

Some people think that it is a good idea for all employees

to wear a uniform at work. To what extent do you agree or

In the contemporary epoch, the argument that personnel should wear uniforms at work has sparked a heated debate
among people. I am a staunch believer that the uniform enhances staff’s sensation of belonging to the same team and
saves time that might be used in enhancing work productivity. My contention will be further explained.

To begin with, wearing identical cloth at work provides employees with specific visual signs. In other words, when
teammates consistently watch their colleagues wearing exactly like them, the whole team will be united and connected in a
positive working environment. An eminent example is many car companies, which adopted uniforms at their offices to
create friendly work conditions that have been reflected in raising profits. Therefore, sharing similar clothing instill the
sensation of camaraderie and positivity among the staff.

Furthermore, daily work clothes selection is a monotonous and time-wasting issue that can be solved by wearing the same
uniform. To illustrate, if employees exploit the time they waste in work wardrobe choices, they will be more productive and
punctual. This can be witnessed in the Egypt airline company, where adopting an identical uniform for all the staff saved
their time and enhanced their concentration on serving the customers. Hence, the less time wasted by workers on work
clothes selection every day, the more efficient they will be.

In conclusion, adopting workplace uniforms can create a positive and productive work environment. I deem this trend to
be beneficial to employees and enterprises.
Ana IELTS 7@copyright

Nowadays, people are spending more time away from their

homes because they spend longer in their workplace.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Undoubtedly, parents’ long working shifts to elevate their income have positive sides, such as providing children with better
education and convenient medical care. However, overworking will inevitably deteriorate people’s physical and mental
health. The advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon will be further explained.

On the one hand, breadwinners can afford their families’ essential requirements by working longer hours. In other words,
providing a high-quality level of education for children requires huge learning expenditures, which can be reached by working
extra shifts. An eminent example is the Egyptian international language schools that cost parents thousands of dollars
monthly. Furthermore, rewards from overtime work shifts enable families to afford the best healthcare. Accordingly,
tough work hours help parents afford advanced education and medical services for their youngsters.

On the other hand, working for unsuitable irregular durations can lead to bodily and psychological disorders. To illustrate,
when individuals are exhausted at work, their physical and mental health will deteriorate. For example, in the USA, many
adults suffer from depression and consistent fatigue due to long-hour shifts, which are indispensable to afford their needs.
Moreover, due to the absence of parents' supervision and follow-up, young family members' performance at school might
be harmfully affected. Therefore, the longer hours individuals work, the more deteriorated their physical and mental health
render, and the worse their children become at school.

In conclusion, parents who work long hours might provide their families with appropriate education and healthcare.
Nevertheless, fatigue and exhaustion will diminish their physical and mental health, and their children might suffer at school.
Ana IELTS 7@copyright

Many companies sponsor sports as a way of advertising

themselves. Some people think that this is a good thing,
while others think that it has disadvantages. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

While some socialists argue that sports sponsorship by companies is a favourable trend, others think it is a disadvantageous
way of propaganda. I am a staunch believer that it is beneficial because it puts physical activity practices in the spotlight.
Both perspectives, along with my opinion, will be further explained.

On the one hand, some sponsors market their harmful products through sports commercials regardless of their impact on
individuals. In other words, when the public watch their beloved athletes advertised for damaging products, they will be
connected to this product regardless of its danger. An eminent example is the American Football Team, which is sponsored
by a beer-producing company that uses the players in beer consumption-encouraging propaganda. Therefore, some
companies exploit sports to encourage people to consume their harmful products.

On the other hand, injecting companies' investments in sports through sponsorship and advertising increases sports'
significance among people. To illustrate, if publicity campaigns focus on sporting events and games, it will attract youths to
sports rather than drug abuse or smoking. This can be witnessed in Egypt, where PEPSI invests in a volleyball league,
followed by most Egyptian teenagers who dream about fame and success. Thus, the more investments sports receive, the
brighter and more attractive they become and the more influential in society they will be.

In conclusion, despite some commercials encouraging individuals to consume detrimental products, they attract youths to
lead productive lives like their role model players. I deem this trend to be beneficial to sports and communities.
Ana IELTS 7@copyright

In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one

is very important for people. Why might this be the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

While some tenants prefer renting their place in affluent nations, numerous developing countries' citizens favor owning their
homes to avoid unexpected circumstances. I am a staunch believer that homeownership is the panacea for social issues
encountering third-world denizens. The reason behind this trend and my opinion will be further explained.

To start with, dwellers in which countries that do not financially support families prudently buy private homes to secure their
offspring's future. In other words, in some nations, families' sudden disasters prevent parents from making ends meet, and
they pose a threat of being homeless if they do not live in their areas. For example, in Egypt, immediate termination is a
common phenomenon in the private sector; only workers who live in their areas survive without being in a catastrophe. Thus,
living in a private apartment saves the individual's life.

Moreover, I deem this decision to be a feature because it protects people from the vicissitudes of life. To illustrate, dwellers
do not have to pay housing costs, and young couples can start their life without monthly expenses. For instance, in 2017,
Egypt's National Council for Women announced that the main factor responsible for increased divorce rates in Egypt is
initiating marriage in rental houses, which did not assist couples in facing the life reversal. Hence, to preserve the social
fabric and successful marriage, most families should live in their place.

In conclusion, it is revealed that young couples in underdeveloped nations plan to possess their house to avoid sudden
fatal consequences. Whilst this rescue the children from having dysfunctional families, I believe that this is a positive stage
in man's life.

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