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Hero Powers & Passives v 2.0

A custom rules set for the Dungeon! board game.

Overview Resting

This rules set aims to expand gameplay and player When in the Main Gallery / Great Hall or any
engagement without upsetting (too much) the core cleared Chamber, a Hero can give up their turn to
game mechanics. Presented here are new passive and rest. After resting, a Hero regains 1 Power token.
active abilities for eight Heroes. Wizards regain 4 spells after resting.

In general, only one Hero of each type should be

present in a game. While it doesn't break anything Banking Treasure [Optional]
to have both a Rogue and an Elf in the same game, it
does make it more difficult for both Heroes to fulfill
their goals, since they're competing at the same levels. When you rest, you can "bank" any treasure you have.
Banked treasure can no longer be lost, for any reason.
This is not a complete rule set; you still need to follow Any items that are banked cannot be used.
the base rules of the game, except where this rules
set contradicts. The primary overrides are to do with
Resting and Attacking (From Safety). There is also an Attacking (From Safety)
optional Banking rule that allows for more reliable
game play. A concept that has existed since the very beginning,
attacking from safety is what Wizards do when they
cast a spell into a room. For this rules set, here are the
Passives and Powers requirements for attacking from safety:
• The Hero must have enough movement left to be able
Each Hero has a passive ability it is always "on," to move into the room.
though it may require a die roll to use or only apply in • The Hero must be 1 space from the room and be able
to see into the room. A Hero that is 1 space from the
specific situations.
room can see into the room, unless a secret door that
Each Hero also has an activated Power. At the start the Hero has not detected bars the way.
of each game, each player receives 3 Power tokens
After attacking from safety, the Hero may move the 1
(glass beads, coins, etc.). To activate a Power, the
space into the room and collect any Treasure.
player discards a Power token and the Hero gains
the benefit of their Power for that turn. Many Powers The Elf, the Wizard, and the Warlock are the only
specify when they're to be used; otherwise a Power Heroes with an innate ability to attack from safety.
can be used at any time.
The Cleric is a champion of life. Protected by her
The Rogue and the Elf faith, she executes the foulest creatures with ease

Passive: Turn Undead—Roll an extra die against

Generally the weakest combatants in the game, the undead and evil Monsters.
Rogue and the Elf both have tricks to help them clear
rooms and move quickly through the Dungeon. They Power: Ward of Faith—You can Expend 1 Power to
excel at Dungeon levels 1 through 3. force a Monster to reroll 1 or 2 dice when attacking.

The Rogue sneaks through the dungeon, looking for The Dwarf is a stalwart, eager warrior, charging
hidden passages to gain an advantage against unaware headlong into the darkness and growing more
opponents. determined against proven opponents.

Passive: Sneak—You detect secret doors on a die roll Passive: Stalwart—Roll an extra die against Monsters
of 3 to 6. If you move through a secret door, you gain that have attacked you at least once.
+1 move and +1 to your attack roll this turn. You gain
Power: Barrel Charge—You can Expend 1 Power to
this bonus for each door you move through, not each
increase your movement by 5, but your movement
time you move through a door.
must end in an uncleared room or Chamber.
Power: Vanish—You can Expend 1 Power to ignore
a Monster attack and move up to 3 spaces. You
may also use this Power to avoid being stopped by a The Fighter and the Paladin
Monster while moving.

The Elf is the consummate scout, moving quickly The strongest base combatants in the game, the
through the dungeon and sniping foes from afar. Fighter and the Paladin excel at killing monsters and
clearing Chambers. They'll find the best Treasure for
Passive: Eagle Eye—You can attack revealed Monsters their efforts on levels 3-5.
from up to 3 spaces away, as long as you can see
them (you can't see through hidden doors you haven't The Fighter is a skilled mercenary, efficiint with a
discovered or around corners). If your attack is blade and effective at slaying monsters
successful, you may move up to 3 spaces, collecting
any Treasure you move over along the way. Passive: Loot the Bodies—When you clear a
Chamber, draw two Treasures of the appropriate
Power: Whisper Dash—You can Expend 1 Power level; keep one and return the other to its draw pile.
and move up to 6 spaces, passing through Chambers,
rooms, and Monsters. You may reveal any hidden Power: Backswing—You can Expend 1 Power to
Monsters and Treasures you pass through. reroll 1 or 2 dice from a missed attacked against a

The Paladin is a crusader, determined to clear this

The Cleric and the Dwarf dungeon of all foes to law and justice.

Passive: Crusader—Gain +2 move and +2 to attacks

While not the strongest combatants in the game, the on a Dungeon level if you've cleared a Chamber on
Cleric and the Dwarf are still adept warriors who that level.
excel at specific challenges. They excel at levels 2-4,
but are capable of defeating any foe. Power: Holy Decree—You can Expend 1 Power
when you enter a Chamber to reveal any remaining
Monsters. You choose which Monster to encounter.
The Warlock has bound otherworldly powers to his
The Wizard and the Warlock will, serving him in combat.

Passive: Pact Magic—You gain two passive powers:

Arguably the weakest combatants in the game, the Familiars and a Talisman. Warlocks cannot wield
Wizard and the Warlock nonetheless excel at killing Magic Swords.
the strongest monsters on levels 4-6.
You may give up your turn to drop a Talisman in any
The Wizard is the master of the arcane, wielding space. You may Teleport to that space during any
power limited only by his mind. move; when you do, you pick up your Talisman.

Passive: Spellcasting—At game start, you gain 5-10 You begin play with a familiar, either a Flame Imp
spells (roll one die and add 4 to the result). You may or a Spark Imp. You may give up your movement to
then choose spells from Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and summon or swap a familiar. While active, a familiar
Teleport, up to your starting number of spells.You allows you to attack from safety using a spell, either
can recover 4 spells when you rest. Wizards cannot Fireball or Lightning Bolt. Familiars remain active
wield Magic Swords. until they've destroyed 3 Monsters before they must
be resummoned.
Power: Quickening—You can Expend 1 Power to cast
a spell or swap the spell you've cast after a Monster is Power: Eldritch Pact—You can Expend 1 Power to
revealed. You can Expend 1 Power while resting to summon or swap your familiar at any time, without
recover all your spells. giving up your movement.

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