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Juan Bautista Lucca: He holds a degree in Political Science from the National University of Rosario

(Argentina); Masters in Latin American Studies from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and PhD of Social
Sciences from FLACSO (Argentina). He is a professor of Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Political
Science and International Relations at the National University of Rosario. He is a researcher at CONICET. He
is a member since 2005 of the Argentina Society of Political Analysis and coordinator since 2013 to 2018 of
the Working Group "Democratization in Latin America and the Caribbean in Comparative Perspective" of the
Latin American Association of Political Science (ALACIP in Spanish) of which he is a partner since 2009. He
has been a fellow of institutions like the CONICET, PROFOR, AUGM, UNR, American Institute of Berlin,
DAAD, the University of Cadiz, Carolina Foundation, CAPES / MINCyT, LASA, CLACSO, among others;
also, visiting professor at the Ibero-American Institute (IAI) in Berlin (2009), Metropolitan Autonomous
University (Mexico 2010), University of Mina Gerais (Brazil 2010), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul (Brazil 2012), University of Wurzburg (Germany 2013), Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de
Mesquita Filho" (2014). Winner of the International Essay Contest "The production of social sciences in Latin
America," organized by ICONOS, Journal of Social Sciences (Ecuador), as part of the celebrations of its tenth
anniversary and the fiftieth anniversary of FLACSO (2007), and Award winner "Maria Grossi research on
Latin American Politics" awarded by the Argentina Society of Political Analysis (SAAP I Spanish) during the
IX National Congress of Political Science. Organized by SAAP, UCSF and UNL, in the city of Santa Fe
(Argentina) in the month of August 2009.

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