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Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

February 24, 2022


Aerospace Industry..................................................................................................................... 4 
Magnus Aircraft Plc................................................................................................................ 4 
Agro-Industry ............................................................................................................................. 5 
Agrofeed Ltd........................................................................................................................... 5 
Hunland Group Ltd. ................................................................................................................ 6 
Water2Farm Hungary Ltd. ..................................................................................................... 7 
Automotive Supplier Industry .................................................................................................... 8 
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Suppliers (MAJOSZ) .......................................... 8 
Construction Industry and Builing Materials ............................................................................. 9 
Gémtech Ltd. .......................................................................................................................... 9 
Jet-Vill. ................................................................................................................................. 10 
Masterplast Plc. .................................................................................................................... 11 
V-Híd Plc. ............................................................................................................................. 12 
Data Centres and ICT ............................................................................................................... 13 
Ábris Consulting Ltd. ........................................................................................................... 13 
ASURA Technologies Ltd.................................................................................................... 14 
Capsys Informatics Ltd. ........................................................................................................ 15 
Care All Ltd. ......................................................................................................................... 16 
Grape Solutions Plc. ............................................................................................................. 17 
I-Cell Mobilsoft Plc. ............................................................................................................. 18 
Techwave Hungary Ltd ........................................................................................................ 19 
Webgarden Ltd. .................................................................................................................... 20 
Electricity ................................................................................................................................. 21 
Tungsram Group ................................................................................................................... 21 
Energy Industry ........................................................................................................................ 22 
MVM EGI Plc. ..................................................................................................................... 22 
Food Industry ........................................................................................................................... 23 
Kőröstej Ltd. ......................................................................................................................... 23 
Pécsi Brewery Plc. ................................................................................................................ 24 
Healthcare and Health Industry ................................................................................................ 25 
77 Elektronika Ltd ................................................................................................................ 25 
Medimetál Ltd. ..................................................................................................................... 26 
Rex-San Ltd .......................................................................................................................... 27 
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Solutions .............................................................. 28 
EOG Hungary International Ltd. .......................................................................................... 28 
Logistics ................................................................................................................................... 29 
Continest Technologies Plc. ................................................................................................. 29 
Machinery and Metal Industry ................................................................................................. 30 
FF Fémfeldolgozó Plc. ......................................................................................................... 30 
Phönix-Control Ltd. .............................................................................................................. 31 

Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Pharmaceutical Industry ........................................................................................................... 32 

Hungypt Pharma Ltd. ........................................................................................................... 32 
Safety Engineering ................................................................................................................... 33 
Műszer Automatika Ltd. ....................................................................................................... 33 
Security and Defence Industry ................................................................................................. 34 
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. .................................................................................. 34 
Jura Trade Ltd....................................................................................................................... 35 
Pro Patria Electronics Ltd. .................................................................................................... 36 
Quadron Cybersecurity Ltd .................................................................................................. 37 
Smart City Solutions ................................................................................................................ 38 
KUUBE Hungary Ltd. .......................................................................................................... 38 
Tourism .................................................................................................................................... 39 
Tanis Holidays Ltd. .............................................................................................................. 39 
Water Management .................................................................................................................. 40 
Hungarian Water Partnership ............................................................................................... 40 
Hungarian Water Technology Corporation .......................................................................... 41 
Insurance and Financing........................................................................................................... 42 
Hungarian Export-Import Bank Plc. (Eximbank)................................................................. 42 
Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc. (MEHIB) .............................................................. 42 

February 24, 2022

Magnus Aircraft Plc.

Magnus Aircraft Plc. Is a Hungarian-owned company, designing

and manufacturing two seated, composite, aerobatic and
educational light sports aircrafts.

The company has developed two-seater multifunctional, petrol

engine, ultralight and lightweight sport aircraft, the Fusion for
training general and aerobatic and manoeuvring, for sport and
leisure flight. The aircraft surpasses all existing competitors by
combining the following features: design, weight, fuel type and fuel consumption, speed,
distance, outstanding aerial acrobatics, side seating, safety (with paraglider), purchase price and
maintenance costs. It also has additional accessories for carrying out agricultural, game
management and observation tasks.

Fusion 212 received the best innovation award at the Aero 2012 show, which is the largest and
most respected European air show held annually in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The aircraft is
licensed by the US S-LSA, the German DULV and the Hungarian Aviation Authority, which
makes it available for most countries of the world. Furthermore, the European SC-SLA
qualification is also in progress.

Besides the Hungarian Headquarters the company is continuously widening its dealer network,
already having subsidiaries and joint ventures in the USA,
Russia, Africa, and China with continuous development of
their production capacities.

Company Representative

Mr. László BOROS, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 362 1606
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Agrofeed Ltd.

Agrofeed Ltd. is one of the most significant

European producers of high-quality premixes
and feed additives, selling its products not only
in Hungary, but also in 40 other countries in
Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. For
more than two decades, our company has been
a reliable partner and an internationally recognized supplier of top-quality premixes to animal
husbandry integrations and medium to large size animal husbandry companies and farms. Our
partners can choose from more than 1,000 standard and unique products made using the most
up-to-date technology, the highest quality ingredients and the most appropriate feed premix
concentrate, or pre-starter tailored to the specific production targets and feed production

Agrofeed aims to build cooperation with big and mid-sized animal farms (poultry, ruminant,
monogastric animals, aquaculture) who can benefit from our company’s knowledge and
experience – gathered by its specialists from fieldwork, not only in animal nutrition but also in
all round farm management and animal health. Our company is also
interested in establishing partnership with feed producers and try to
support them with good quality premixes, additives and a high level
of professional assistance as well.

Company Representative

Mr. Ákos MEZŐLAKI, Export Business Director

Mobile: +36 30 290 9440
Website: |
February 24, 2022

Hunland Group Ltd.

Founded in 1992, the Hunland Group has created a global

marketplace for livestock trading by connecting livestock
farmers and traders, operating anywhere in the world.
Hunland Trade’s purchase strategy is to buy breeding and
beef cattle on a wide spectrum, considering several aspects
at the same time. The company continuously maintains
cooperation with all the breeding industry partners and
through its global network of farms and export facilities the company meets the demands of
modern foreign markets.
Hunland Group pays special attention to the welfare of animals, the quality of its services and
the special needs of its customers.
Apart from trading, the company is a key player in the
coordinated service chain of animal breeding, fodder
production, transportation and after sales services as well.
Company Representative

Mr. Joseph Henri JANSSEN, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 934 1561
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Water2Farm Hungary Ltd.

Water2Farm is a water treatment process that

increases significantly, by over 10% the yield of
irrigated crops, improves crop quality and
transportability, extends export reach and shelf time.
Food waste is decreased during production and logistics, as well as in commercial units.
Water2Farm is a fully organic, noninvasive process that helps the crops intake of nutrients from
irrigation water, thus improving plant health and resistivity, and suppressing most of the
chemical additives and potentially environment polluting processes used during production
(pesticides, chemical nutrients). The equipment can be installed easily in the irrigation system
in place, does not require power supply. Water2Farm decreases significantly scale formation in
the irrigation system.
Water2Farm may be instrumental in water management, as yield increase was obtained by a
10-20% decrease of irrigation water needed. It may have significant social and macroeconomic
effects, decreasing production costs, while increasing product value and transportability. It has
a substantial effect on productivity and food safety at all levels of the value chain. It may
contribute to the introduction of sustainable and safe production models, having a global effect
on society. It may contribute to the restoration and preservation of soil diversity. As it does not
add or remove anything form the water, Water2Farm is conform with the requirements of
organic farming. According to laboratory tests, Water2Farm significantly increases the plants
potential to capture CO2, contributing to efforts to mitigate and reverse climate change, and
respect CO2 quotas. It is available today in 3/4 inch and 1-inch versions, with a water
throughput between 1000-2000 litres / hours. The product will be available 2, 3, 4, 5-inch
versions in 2023. It may be used by both small producers and in large scale production facilities.
Return on investment is typically ranges from less than a year to a few months for most
installations based on yield increase alone Water treatment may be
combined with IoT based precision agriculture services offered to
producers to optimise crop yield with decreased water use.
Water2Farm is a patent pending technology.
Company Representative

Mr. Ákos BÁCSAY-NAGY, Commercial Director

Mobile: +36 30 942 0685
Website: |
February 24, 2022


Association of the Hungarian Automotive Suppliers (MAJOSZ)

The Association of the Hungarian

Automotive Suppliers (MAJOSZ) was
founded in April 1993 as a civil
organization for promoting the interests of Hungarian automotive component manufacturers.
At the date of its foundation, MAJOSZ had 22 members. Since that date the membership has
grown to approximately 250. The Association of the Hungarian Automotive Suppliers
(MAJOSZ) aims to represent, support and connect the Hungarian automotive suppliers, service
providers and R&D development suppliers both in Hungary and internationally in order to
improve the competitiveness of our local manufacturers.
It supplies information about main trends, future programmes and plans of developments (e.g.
governmental or EU policies). MAJOSZ connects businesses together by organising many
different events. By supplying information and connecting the right businesses together it helps
its members to grow their business potentials.
MAJOSZ has cooperative or informational relations with about 60 automotive organisations
Company Representative

Dr. József NYÍRŐ, President of the Board

Mobile: +36 30 773 4150
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Gémtech Ltd.

Gémtech Ltd. is a privately owned company that has

become one of the fastest developing and largest
manufacturers of steel structures and machinery in
the Central-Eastern European region over two
The company’s scope is a high value added, qualitative structure production and its activities
are divided into three main groups: 1. design and manufacturing dynamically used / loaded
structures (cranes, lifting equipments, bridges), 2. special and custom machined units
(compressors, generator cases) and 3. custom designed machinery for the energy sector
(powerplant main parts, turbine parts, and metallurgical machinery).
The production facility has an impressive size of 130,000 m2, of which 15,000 m2 is a
production hall with built in cranes. There is also a storage with cranes for finished goods, and
raw materials in the size of 2,000 m2. The maximum lifting capacity is 150 metric tonnes in
weight and 40 metre in length. The total number of employees is 450, including a permanent
staff and a few sub-contractors. The annual production capacity exceeds 15,000 metric tonnes.
The surface treatment system uses modern technology. The company has all the qualifications
and certifications for production in alignment with industry standards. The production and
quality are audited both by TÜV and GL.
Gémtech offers complex end-to-end solutions in world-class
quality, starting from the blueprint through the
manufacturing of portal or container handling cranes.
Company Representative

Mr. Péter NAGY, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 399 89 35
Website: |
February 24, 2022



For more than a quarter-century, JET-VILL

has been a major player in the electrical
sector. Electrical installation and electrical
equipment manufacturing are the two primary
cornerstones of our business. The company's
references range from exotic cave theatre to modern bank branches. For many years,
international industrial enterprises have entrusted us with their electrical systems to assure
trouble-free production.
We place a high value on research and development, quality, and long-term viability. We are
the industry leader in underground technology, thanks to the new product range introduced
under the brand name "JFA CITYSMART." The JFA CITYSMART brand's related products
provide one-of-a-kind solutions for the construction of high-tech subterranean infrastructure in
modern cities. This product line provides win-win options. JFA CITYSMART's proprietary
products are distinguished by cutting-edge advances. These products are a great addition to
standard surface technology.
JFA CITYSMART's aim is to promote the development of smart cities of the future, where we
may enjoy an attractive cityscape as well as a comfortable, safe environment in addition to
cutting-edge technology. Today, our revolutionary underground equipment not only serves the
environment of the Parliament, the country's heart, multiple highlights of Budapest, and the
most significant places of other cities in Hungary, but it also
serves three continents in a variety of ways.
Company Representative

Mr. Ádám MAROSÁN, Export Manager

Mobile: +36 30 594 7547
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Masterplast Plc.

Founded in 1997, Masterplast Group is the

largest Hungarian-owned building materials
manufacturing company in the Central
European region. The revenue expectation of
the company is more than 190 million euros in
2021, the number of its employees is almost
1400. With its subsidiaries, it ensures a direct
market presence in 9 countries of Europe, and it is present in most of the European countries
by means of its export partners. The Masterplast Group is holding a key position on the market
of facade insulation, high-roof insulation, and dry construction systems. It has a growing
presence in the packaging industry with its products of industrial use. The product background
is supported by 7 manufacturing bases in Hungary, Germany, and Serbia and by strategic
manufacturing collaboration.
The company has entered the market of the health industry in 2020 and is going to highly deal
with the division of the health industry in the future, seeking after development deliberately.
Another strategic goal is to launch the modular business division as soon as possible. With an
extensive customer-oriented sales system, constant quality control of the manufactured and
marketed products, a stable product supply background, and flexible logistics solutions, the
company guarantees its partners competitive business services. Masterplast considers the issues
of sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental protection to be of high priority, both in
its internal process and in the manufacture and development of its products. The technical
introduction of the company’s shares on the Budapest Stock Exchange occurred on 9 November
2011. To finance its plans for manufacturing and acquisition development, the company
implemented a capital increase in a successful stock exchange
transaction in 2012. Since the October of 2017, the company’s
stocks have been listed in the Budapest Stock Exchange premium
category. Masterplast has successfully met the criteria of
admission to the BUX and BUMIX baskets of indices on 16
March 2021.
Company Representative

Mr. András SZABÓ, International Purchasing Director

Mobile: +36 30 641 9349
Website: |
February 24, 2022


V-Híd Plc.

V-Híd cPlc. is one of the youngest, and yet one of the most
dynamically developing companies in Hungary’s construction
industry as, in five years, it underwent such development that, by
2020, it had grown to be a large company of 300 employees and a
major actor in the Hungarian civil engineering industry. In 2020,
the company further broadened its scope of abilities. In addition to
its contracted machine master lease agreements, it concluded
further contracts on performing industrial production activities,
rail-welding works, rail grinding, railway goods wagon leasing,
railway transport, waste recovery and small machinery leases. Also in 2020, V-Híd introduced
its new SMD–80/UVP 2002 railway construction and reconstruction machine, the 45 meter-
long, state-of-the-art machine for renewal, laying and removal of track – one of a total of three
such units operating in Europe.
V-Híd cPlc. is capable to perform turnkey civil engineering projects from feasibility studies
through the preparation of the investment to the construction of new railway lines with ground
works, culverts, bridges, tunnels, buildings, track laying, interlocking etc.
Currently V-Híd has a professional and trading partnership with Austrian, Azerbaijanian,
Bulgarian, Czech and Georgian companies, and working with Chinese partners on Hungarian
and foreign railway development projects.
Company Representatives

Mr. István SÁRVÁRY, General Manager

Mobile: +36 30 200 2180

Mr. Benedek Dávid HOCK, Director of

International Relations
Mobile: +36 20 339 2683
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Ábris Consulting Ltd.

The company is an internationally recognized banking IT

specialist. As Temenos Technology Partners, ÁBRIS
helps financial institutions using Temenos products
achieve and maintain excellence in banking operation by
offering T24/Transact complementary software and
covering the full range of relevant services from requirement specification, through
development and deployment, to operation and support from the Americas through Europe and
the Middle East to Africa.
ÁBRIS’ flagship products are tightly integrated into the T24 technology stack to ensure a
seamless operating environment. ÁBRIS believes in highly responsive customer support that
does not end with the go-live. We offer and annual maintenance and support package. We often
perform custom development requests to meet the unique needs of their clients.
We clients on 5 continents, ÁBRIS has extensive experience with implementations in an
international environment. The company’s flexibility is also
reflected in the full remote implementation delivery.
Company Representative

Mr. Zsolt GÖDRY, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 591 2332
E- mail:

Mr. Jorge PROANO, Global Sales Manager

Mobile: +36 30 089 2382
Website: |

February 24, 2022


ASURA Technologies Ltd.

Founded in 2017, Asura Technologies develops a new generation

of video analytics systems and license plate recognition software
that use artificial intelligence to create smart parking, traffic
management, and general security & safety applications. The
company’s first ALPR product (ARU) was a Special Mention at the
2018 Intertraffic Amsterdam Innovation Awards as a solution that
can turn existing infrastructure into a “smart” system. In March
2020, Asura Technologies won the “Climate Conscious Startup”
award within the framework of the Virtual Power Plant Program
launched by Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd. The company is active around
the globe with strong strategic partnerships and ongoing projects in North America, the GCC
region, Europe and Asia.
The company’s fields of expertise are, smart parking, security and safety applications, as well
as road user charging and traffic surveillance.
The official quarantine application of Hungary using AI-based face recognition, a free flow
parking enforcement, and a vehicle identification and
categorization for road user charging can be found among the
company’s key projects.
Company Representative

Mr. Máté KISS-GYÖRGY, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 828 3620
Website: |

Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Capsys Informatics Ltd.
Capsys Informatics Ltd is present with its own and its partners'
products on the suppliers' market of customised application
development, IT and business expert consultancy, system
implementation and integration, as well as of complete
integrated IT applications since its establishment in 1998.
In its capacity as an expert on financial institution and
bankcard systems, capital markets and software development, in the past years Capsys
delivered several successful projects, covering the entirety or part of the business and IT
consultancy, solution design, system implementation and system operation processes,
supplemented by IT audit. The company’s strengths include financial institution, account
management and capital market experience, a complex mindset, financial institution IT
expertise, comprehensive technological skills, as well as the ability to translate business
requirements into IT solutions in a creative way. Its primary customer base is the banking and
financial institution sector; in addition, in recent years the company implemented several
successful projects also in the public administration sector, and in other areas of the service
sector. Its business philosophy is to satisfy the clients' special requirements in outstanding
quality, which the company tries to achieve relying on its ISO:9001 certified development
methodology, as well as on the expertise of its highly qualified IT specialist and economist
colleagues with banking and capital market background. The company has clients and
references in Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Ethiopia, Georgia, Croatia,
Poland, Hungary, Malta, Montenegro, Russia, Romania and Ukraine.
The in-house developed systems currently in use, make entries on over 1 million client accounts
daily, handling current account movements, bankcard clearing transactions, securities custody
management and pension fund administration. In the Six Sigma quality assurance system, also
applied by General Electric, the company achieved the highest (i.e. availability over 99.9996%)
certification for several years. The company has nurtured close technological partnership with
HP, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle. In addition to the implementation services, the company
renders comprehensive application operation services, not only for the in-house developed
applications, but also for third-party applications. The company also has ISO:27001
certification, to assure its clients that they are dealing with a
reliable and stable partner.
Company Representative

Mr. Anton JAKABOS, Regional Sales Director MENA & CEE

Mobile: +36 20 957 7953
Website: |
February 24, 2022


Care All Ltd.
Care All specializes in management and
automation processes for mid-, large
enterprises and state administrations. The
company is a specialist in case
management, work processes and control
systems. Its speciality is to offer NO-
CODE platform for its clients and partner to develop fast a tailored workflow and data
management tool. It consolidates several business requirements and systems into one platform.
Modern enterprises can’t sacrifice business growth for keeping their manual and paper-based
processes in today’s remote work environment. To protect business continuity, streamline
revenue generation and stay competitive, organizations need to quickly standardize, centralize,
automate, and simplify their business process workflows. Boosting digitization efforts is
essential for organizations in all industries, including finance, manufacturing, retail, healthcare,
education, transportation, logistics, telecommunication, or government agencies.
CareAll’s Itiner, a next-generation enterprise-grade digitalization platform, was designed to
precisely meet these needs. It helps organizations define, build, manage and sustain complex
business processes and workflows in a hands-on and error-free fashion. No technical
background or coding skills are necessary for business users to manage complex workflows
easily. Itiner is highly customizable, scalable, and smoothly integrates into customers’ existing
IT environment. Its microservice-based cloud-native backend and mobile-first frontend
architecture also enable easy and secure access for employees – even remotely – to collaborate.
CareAll is looking for committed partners who are open to be continuously trained and have
the openness to learn and implement the company’s 15 years of experience in process-based
system design. Partners whom CareAll can cooperate with to achieve such a successful market
position, as Care All has in the Hungarian market.
CareAll is also looking for committed clients who are committed to start digitalization
conversation and need a low-risk solution provider who has best practice knowledge to achieve
quick result, including financial sector, shared service centres and
government entities.
Company Representative

Mr. Béla TÓTH, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 20 492 9292
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Grape Solutions Plc.

Grape Solutions is one of Hungary's leading

software development companies, which
has implemented more than 100 successful
enterprise projects in various industries
since its launch in 2006. Over the past 15
years, it has worked with clients such as Wizz Air, Bayer, MOL, Rossmann, Hungarian Post
Office and Unicef, and in 2021 it was named one of Europe's fastest-growing companies by
Financial Times. Grape Solutions offers out-of-the-box products (Mobility, IoT, RPA Process
Automation, Marketing Automation, Power BI Reporting) and services (Custom Software
Development, Testing, UX/UI, Business Intelligence, Support) for different sectors, tailored to
their clients' business needs.
The company offers eMobility service provider system, Internet of Things platform, robotic
process automation, as well as CRM and marketing platform. It also provides a wide range of
services, such as IT consultancy and custom software development, reporting software
development (BI and Big Data), professional software support and
maintenance, professional software testing services as well as
UX/UI design.
Company Representative

Mr. Szilárd SZÉLL, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 20 383 2128
Website: |
February 24, 2022


I-Cell Mobilsoft Plc.

I-Cell has been successfully delivering complex solutions in

fields such as mobile payment, freight traffic monitoring, on-
street and off-street parking, toll collections, smart mobility,
control of invoice activities, and fight against tax fraud since
I-Cell holds the world record for the fastest implementation
of a countrywide toll system. This complex solution was
implemented in 2.5 months, on a 6,500 km chargeable road network. I-Cell solutions are used
by 2,500,000 end users, and more than 60,000 companies in Hungary, Austria, Germany and
China. I-Cell systems manage 30,000,000 transactions yearly. Thanks to I-Cell solutions, the
company’s clients have collected more than 8,000,000,000 EUR
since 2013.
Company Representative

Mr. Akan ZHUMABAYEV, Sales and International Relations

Mobile: + 36 30 353 6437
Website: | |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Techwave Hungary Ltd

Founded in 2000 by Hungarian

private individuals. Since 2001, the
company has become SAP's
European hosting and application
support and Eastern European commercial and service centre. Over the past 20 years, Techwave
has successfully brought many of the world's leading IT technologies to Hungary. It is proud to
have 76 employees and ensures continuous work and business growth for many of its partners.
For decades, it has been placing a very strong focus on the highest level of continuing education
and retention. This strategy ensures that it serves the business needs of more than 300 of its
Hungarian customers at the highest level and introduce projects that are unique worldwide.
Techwave is one of the highest certified SAP hosting and application support companies with
the largest capacity in the region. In 2018, as a regional trade and development centre in Eastern
Europe, it became part of a multinational family of companies present on 5 continents. This
move will further add colour to its portfolio, ensuring its participation in larger-scale
international projects. In addition to representing the major world brands, a very important
element of its strategy is the development of its own custom business applications developed
by Hungarian experts. One of these is its data asset management software, while the other is a
cloud-based, parallel project management solution under development as a result of its R&D
tender successfully won in 2020. These are the two things Techwave wants to use to break into
new markets, presenting Hungarian expertise and insight in both business and technology.
The company’s main goal is to extend its business worldwide
– especially in the MENA region –, thereby creating value for
its prospective clients.
Company Representative

Ms Rebeka MADÁCSI, Business Development Manager

Mobile: +36 30 997 6862
February 24, 2022


Webgarden Ltd.

WebGarden Ltd. is a 100% Hungarian owned

enterprise established in 2006. During its
operation so far it has maintained successfull
business relationship from many countries in
corporate and government sector. Its
subsidiaries in Morocco and Montenegro indicates the growth of the company. WebGarden’s
international presence and references proves how professional the company handles the cultural
differences in bigger, international projects as well.
SkyDream is a service of WebGarden, which is a good way of marketing for National Tourist
Boards. With its installed webcams it provides live video stream on the national tourism website
to show the beautiful view, make worldwide online marketing and get thousands of monthly
web visitors which are potential tourists. SkyDream Team provides the hardware, server and
marketing tools allowing its customers to share beautiful tourist destinations with the rest of the
world and your potential clients. With this solution the live video stream and time lapse will be
available on desktop computers, tablets, and smart phones. WebGarden offers 10-10 free
SkyDreamCam (hardware and service) with lifetime support for Egyptian Toursim Authority
to promote the country worldwide. is a joint project with Business Rally Hungary Ltd. And Artbasic S.R.O. It
turns ocean- and seawater into sweet water with WebGarden’s zero emission equipment made
from recycled material for agriculture and home use. Initial tests – done in Casablanca and the
Moroccan desert (Middle East climate) – are promising,
now the team works hard on the final prototype. For this
project WebGarden is looking for potential investors and
testing environment in the Middle East.
Company Representative

Mr. Endre KODOLÁNYI, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 70 387 1777
Website: |

Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Tungsram Group
Founded in 1896, Tungsram was established during the
second industrial revolution, thus engaged greatly in the
electrification of the world. Tungsram employs 3,700
people and exports 93% of its production while because
of its extensive sales network being present at more than
100 markets. The company generates most of its USD
250 million of revenue from the sale of lighting products and services, but in line with growing
trends in innovation new businesses arose to tackle the challenges of the 21 st century, like
achieving food security for 10 billion people, creating a clean, non contaminated, and livable
environment, optimizing the consumption and costs of energy in a nutshell, providing human
well being.
The traditional light source business offers indoor and outdoor lighting solutions to its
customers. Tungsram's range of traditional lamps continues to be available, while various
indoor solutions and product groups (e.g. LED Filament Heliax) developed with energy-saving
LED technology are constantly being developed to meet the needs of a wide range of end users.
Tungsram also produces quality products in the field of outdoor lighting with their 7 product
lines with different LED technologies and offers lighting modernization solutions within the
framework of the ESCO (Energy Service Company).
Smart Solutions unit is engaged in working out solutions aimed at cost saving, energy efficiency
and better living standards for inhabitants of urbanized areas. Due to their dense placement,
outdoor fixtures can be utilized as the center of IoT infrastructure and act as gateways; equipped
with sensors they can transmit data to broadband and are ideally placed to monitor streets and
help with e-mobility strategies.
Horticultural lighting is a significant and fast-growing market segment. The global artificial
lighting market is expected to reach $ 10.62 billion by 2026. With the help of LED technology,
plants can be provided with the color temperature that brings the most intensive growth and
nutrient accumulation in a given life stage. A further advantage of indoor farming is that 95-98
percent less water and significantly less pesticides are required than in traditional horticulture,
and anyplant species can be grown anywhere in the world, regardless of climate.
As the GCC region serves as a key market for Tungsram, we have established sales offices in
Dubai, Abu Dhabi and we are in the processof the establishment in the KSA. We plan to
introduce the brand in Bahrein based on the aboveas a key player in the streetlight arena for
their upcoming infrastructure and refurbishment pipelinethrough the ESCO funding model. Our
goal is to get insights on the Kingdom’s plan in Energy Efficiency/demand side management
programs and offer assistance in defining specs/scope of work.  
www Company Representative
Mr. Joerg BAUER, Owner, President & CEO
Mobile: +36 30 446 6447

tamas.mehlhoffer (at) |

February 24, 2022


MVM EGI is one of the key players in dry

cooling with own manufacturing and R&D.
We have been providing our medium and
large capacity cooling solutions for many
decades in the power market (incl. nuclear)
and in other industries.
Budapest-based MVM EGI Is one of the
country's leading energy companies with more than half a century of domestic and international
engineering experience. Energy development, energy efficiency and environmentally friendly
technologies have over decades been the core principles of our company. Among its references,
the company has more than 500 implemented projects in different parts of the world. Our most
valuable active markets are Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, the Balkans, China, and Eastern
and Central Europe. MVM EGI has a subsidiary in Beijing since 2005 and a heat exchanger
plant in Wuqing, China.
The company was founded in 1948, was foreign-owned several times, then in December 2020
it was acquired by the Hungarian MVM Group and become 100% owned by the Hungarian
government. Thanks to foreign owners and foreign partners, MVM EGI has gained a wide range
of international experience and professional relationships.
MVM EGI has created the world-famous Heller-Forgó water-saving indirect dry cooling
system (Heller System®), which allows cooling power plants, nuclear power plants, bio-power
plants or even solar power plants even in places where water is not available.
Depending on customer requirements we can provide any type of cooling solution for power
generation efficiency while assuring cooling water economy. Our rich product portfolio ranges
from all dry air-cooled condenser (ACC) and Heller technologies to all wet cooling towers, as
well as dry/ wet combinations. In addition to our core power cooling solutions MVM EGI is
the creator and developer of the CIRCUMIX© System,
which enables on the power plants the environmentally
friendly management and disposal of ash.
Company Representative
Mr. Balázs LAKATOS, Sales Director and Head of
Global Business Development
Mobile: +36 30 269 0775
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Kőröstej Ltd.
Founded in 1989, Kőröstej Group is Hungary's leading
cheese producer and exporter. Its cheeses are lovingly
produced across four factories spread throughout the scenic
Hungarian countryside and sold all over the world, to over
50 countries, including the Middle East, Europe, Africa,
North America, Australia, New Zealand and the Far East.
Employing about 1,000 people across its plants, Kőröstej
produces about 40,000 metric tonnes of cheese per annum. The company supplies the major
supermarket chains in Hungary, Europe, and the Middle East. The vast portfolio of high-quality
cheeses and unparalleled expertise make Kőröstej stand out: it can provide its partners with a
complete range of products, eastern or western, at a standard of quality that the consumers dare
not dream of.
Kőröstej is one of the leading producers of Kashkaval cheese in the world, but it is also an
important producer of over a hundred different kinds of cheese, from Hungarian Parenyica, to
Middle Eastern Labneh and Chilal, and globally renowned cheeses like Grill cheeses and
processed cheeses in all possible forms.
The company’s success is based not only on the extraordinary number of cheese products it is
specialized in, but also on its perpetual product development and cutting-edge innovation,
making Kőröstej a serious player on the global stage.
Kőröstej takes a great deal of pride in being a bridge between countries and cultures. Whether
hand-wrapping Hungarian smoked cheese, meticulously folding Halloumi type grill cheese, or
artfully braiding Middle Eastern Jadal cheese, it takes the utmost pride in the rich cheesemaking
traditions that Kőröstej helps to keep alive.
As a well-recognized cheese supplier in Europe and the Middle East, Kőröstej Group aims to
increase its presence in Egypt. The company aims to make progress in the GOEIC registration,
where its application was already submitted.

Company Representative

Dr. Dr. Riad NABOULSI, Managing Director

Mobile: +36 30 948 5711
February 24, 2022

Pécsi Brewery Plc.

Pécsi Brewery Plc. is an independent small brewery with

a history of 170 years of uninterrupted operation.
Besides its Gluten-Free product family, many of its beers
are organic.
The factory meets the highest quality standards (IFS), its
annual capacity is maximum 200,000 hectolitre per year.
Brewing is pursued at the brewery according to the
German Beer Purity Law.
Pécsi Brewery creates its gluten-free beers from barley-malt, hops and water. Its brewery is
certified to AOECS standards, and each gluten-free batch is individually tested by an
independent control body (SGS).
Ramping up its export activity started in 2021. Today Pécsi Brewery exports its products to
Finland, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria and Taiwan. Its best-selling products include non-
alcoholic Radlers with different fruit flavours: sour-
cherry, elderflower and lemon.
Company Representative

Mr. Domonkos LAKNER, Export Sales Director

Mobile: +36 30 456 6179
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


77 Elektronika Ltd

77 Elektronika is a Hungarian High-tech company

developing, manufacturing and commercializing In
Vitro Diagnostic medical devices, mainly urine
analyzers (Urine chemistry and urine
sediment/microscopy), POCT devices, blood glucose
meters and their consumables.
Since its foundation in 1986 the company has become
one of the market-leading actors in several fields. The
company’s first family of products, the home blood
glucose meter, continues to be a market-leading product in Hungary. Currently, the urinal
diagnostic business is accounted for more than 90 percent of the company’s export with a wide
range of products in urine chemistry and urine sediment analysis, from small urine analyzers to
high-throughput automated devices. The company’s urine sediment analyzers employ the
patented UriSed Technology, an automated version of the gold standard test in urine
77 Elektronika acquired Analyticon Germany in 2020.
Company Representative

Mr.Roland Oscar TJAMALA-BANACK, Export Sales

Mobile: +36 30 936 0895
Website: |

February 24, 2022


Medimetál Ltd.

Medimetal Ltd. has been

designing, developing and
manufacturing sterile and non-
sterile bone surgery implants and
their related surgical instruments
– which are used for osteosynthesis in Traumatology – since 1993. Medimetal offers a wide
product portfolio, including modern intramedullary nailing systems for femoral, tibial and
humeral treatment, angular stable and polyaxial plate systems, traditional and special screws as
well as surgical instrument sets.
Its products are manufactured by the company’s skilled workforce using only the highest
quality stainless steel and titanium alloy raw materials and the latest technology offered by
Swiss, German and Japanese machines. The company is aligned
with ISO 13485 and the products are EC certified.
Besides supplying the Hungarian Healthcare, the company’s
export is growing steadily since 2000; through its distributor
network the company is represented in 20+ countries.
Company Representative

Ms. Zsuzsanna ANTAL, Business Development Manager

Mobile: +36 30 665 3603
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Rex-San Ltd

REX-SAN Ltd., as a medical device

manufacturer, celebrated its 30th
anniversary in 2021. This occasion was
topped up, when the company opened a new
factory site with the area of 1,800 m2, where
production has been modernized and where
a new era begin: the next 30 years.
The company has been operating as a family business; it is in 100% Hungarian ownership. The
second-generation management succeeded in leading the company into a new era, which
guarantees quality and reliability on the long term. The company’s ISO-13485 certificate is a
guarantee to all of its operations. The EU regulation, recently entered into force, represent a
significant task for producers on the market of medical devices. REX-SAN complied with the
changeover and performed all required tasks so as to operate as a reliable source of supply for
its partners also in the new legislative environment.
Given its own sewing workshop and metal tool machining workshop, REX-SAN is available
for the customers in realizing their ideas and manufacturing their products, including the
customer’s logo on finished products.
The company will launch a new line of wheelchair products this year, both power wheelchairs
and standard wheelchairs. The company produces hospital and home care beds, and every other
possible rehabilitation devices like walkers, walking sticks, commode chairs, bathroom
equipment… etc.
The company also produces FFP2 and FFP3 face masks, and the non-woven meltblown textile
for these masks, enabling it to offer its partners the most competitive price in Europe. The
company aims to find a local distributor in Egypt.
Company Representative

Mr. Péter Leon HIDASI, Managing Director

Mobile: +36 70 603 8700
February 24, 2022


EOG Hungary International Ltd.

EOG Hungary International Ltd. is a newly

established company. It is considered a
separate entity from the mother company
in Egypt. The two companies have
succeeded in contracting to manufacture
HVAC Systems for train cars, which are manufactured in Hungary and Russia. EOG
Organization Group (EOG) develops HVAC Systems for Railway Applications with a solid
track contracting record of over 2,000 HVAC units for more than 15 Years of Experience.
EOG works as true partners with its clients to develop integrated, clean, high-quality solutions
that comply with international benchmarks. A clear and solid strategy that has guided the
company’s vision since inception and allowed it to develop a brand equity and reputational
standing in the market today. The most highly qualified, reputable names in the industry are
part of the EOG team, who work tirelessly to provide EOG clients with turnkey solutions
backed by innovative technologies and unparalleled customer servicing to achieve the best
outcomes for its clients.
A remarkable achievement that is in no uncertain terms a testament to the company’s enduring
commitment is driving value for its clients. Through the stalwart guidance of the management
team, the outstanding calibre of its human capital and a
commitment to do better with every passing year, EOG
powerfully build life for rising generation.
Company Representative

Mr. Badawy Salama Hany MOHAMED, Managing Director

Mobile: +36 70 417 7345
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Continest Technologies Plc.
Continest is an innovative market-leading foldable
container solution, specially developed for the purpose of
relatively short-period usage anywhere there is a need for
handling large crowds for temporary accommodation,
office/meeting rooms, first aid, command post, guard
post, storage, service area, cooling and heating purposes.
The containers are uniquely developed for easy and quick
set up and transport thus being environmentally friendly.
Continest is a foldable, green tech container solution that
cuts 80% of the logistic burden (transport, storage). It has proven track record with projects
from North of Europe to the Middle East.
Continest is the optimal solution, both for large temporary gatherings (pilgrimages) and
different humanitarian applications (medical, accommodation, administration) as well as for
relocatable isolation and vaccinations units (e.g. WHO, Uganda).
Overpopulated areas suffer capacity problems where container-based solutions can provide
proper access to schools, medical facilities, community spaces, sporting areas, etc.
In remote areas, such as construction and mining sites, similarly to underdeveloped regions are
also in need of temporary accommodation and community spaces, where Continest’s containers
can provide a solution. Continest’s urban business unit designed and developed container office
blocks in a cost effective approach.
Continest aims to build strong relations with local partners for a long-term cooperation and it
is interested in getting a better understanding of the way it can
participate and support international investments with its
modular, container-based solutions.
Company Representative

Mr. Péter LADÁNYI, Business Development Manager

Mobile: +36 30 096 9092
Website: |
February 24, 2022


FF Fémfeldolgozó Plc.

FF Fémfeldolgozó Zrt. (FF Ltd.) – has a

history of more, than 70 years – is a specialist
in processing of any kinds of stainless-steel
material, such as sheets, profiles, tubes, wires
and rods. Especially in the field of
gastronomy and hospital healthcare (medical furniture), but also in other areas of the industry.
The company was established in 1949, and since 2005 it is the member of the Rév Group.
Its headquarters and the administrative centre is in Budapest, the factory itself is located in
Mezőtúr (since 1965), and, has more than 300 employees in charge. In 2016/17 the company
acquired the complete hospital furniture manufacturing business
of one of its German partners – called BLANCO, and now, the
market-leading products are made in Hungary under the brand
called FF MED.
Company Representative

Mr. András RÉV, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 950 7011
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Phönix-Control Ltd.

Phönix-Control Ltd. was founded in 1981 as a

private venture. From the beginning it
manufactures liquid level measurement products
for the oil, chemical and pharmaceutical industry,
as well for different areas of the energy sector.
From the mid 90's it participated in the biggest
Hungarian and international tenders, (MOL, Paks
Npp, EU, Australia, Middle- East etc). From 2005
it has started developing its own products and as a result new safety equipments have been
included in its product portfolio. From 2015 onward Phönix-Control participated in
international fairs (e.g. Dubai), which opened new markets from
Australia to Malaysia and Peru. In Dubai alone, the company has
26 customers, in Egypt 5 and a representative office in Qatar.
Company Representative

Mr. Tamás VINCZE, Technical Manager

Mobile: +36 30 185 9441
Website: ||

February 24, 2022

Hungypt Pharma Ltd.

Hungypt Pharma is a newly established

pharmaceutical company in Hungary, founded
in April 2020 by Dr. Shadi Erfan, a self-
entrepreneur, and it operates as a limited
liability company since December 2021.
Hungypt’s main scope is to provide excellent services for pharmaceutical companies in the
MENA and LATAM region. It provides active pharmaceutical ingredients and pharmaceutical
excipients from European and from some regulated Asian pharmaceutical manufactures for an
excellent and competitive price. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic Hungypt sales exceeded 5
million USD both in 2020 and 2021.
The company has an exclusive contractor for providing EU-GMP compliance services to its
clients. It offers a full step-by-step support for pharmaceutical
manufacturers to prepare the complete documentation required
for the inspection to acuire EU GMP to export their products to
all EU countries.
Company Representative

Dr. Shadi ERFAN, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 658 1636
32 |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Műszer Automatika Ltd.

Műszer Automatika Ltd. is a family-owned company

established in 1982 with the aim to provide innovative
solutions in various fields of safety engineering. As a
result of continuous innovation and development, the
company is a market leader in several business areas.
The company’s main activities include the
development, production and service of railway
signalling and safety devices, traffic automation
equipment, public and industrial gas and solvent vapour
detector systems. The latest profile of the company is an innovative heat protection technology
embodied by MANTI®CERAMIC.
In the past 40 years over 3,000 barrier drive systems have been installed, most of them still
operating as of today. Level crossing protection systems were developed and are manufactured
in accordance with the European safety standards such as EN 50126 with safety integrity level
SIL4. Other railway products of the company include LED signals, railroad switch drives and
heating solutions.
The gas and solvent vapour detector systems are capable of detecting more than 100 types of
gases/solvents, to protect the personnel from hazardous substrates. Many of the equipments are
ATEX certified and are available for use in explosive atmospheres.
The portfolio’s most recent product – MANTI® CERAMIC – is a state-of-the-art thin layer
coating suitable for use against solar irradiation on various architectural and technological
surfaces, consequently providing efficient heat protection. Owing to its extraordinary
reflectance, this product can alleviate summer-time energy expenditure used for cooling and
thereby reduce the ecological footprint, especially in hot and sunny climates. It is water-based,
and its manufacturing process is environmentally friendly. The current production
infrastructure is able to produce more than 1 million litres of
MANTI® CERAMIC annually.
Company Representative

Mr. Bence HORVÁTH, Director of R&D and Foreign

Mobile: +36 20 359 9331
Website: |
February 24, 2022


ANY Security Printing Company Plc.

ANY Security Printing

Company PLC was founded in
1851. ANY Security Printing is
currently the biggest security
printing company and identity
solution provider in Hungary and is present in more than 60 countries. With more than 1,000
employees in 4 countries and 9 premises, their goal is to serve its Partners to the highest
standards through continuous innovation and development. The company helps state
administration in secure person and innovative product identification projects from designing
the concept to implementation. Its international qualifications and certificates assure the highest
security in the field of card and document production and personalisation.
It provides various different products and solutions for governments: identity cards (e.g.
residence permit, refugee card, driving licence, student card, voter’s card), paper based
documents (e.g. passport, breeder document, ballot printing), official documents, documents
for personal identification (e.g. visa) as well as excise and tax stamps.
Its own Document Security Laboratory, references, special technology, security preparedness
and more than 170 years of experience guarantee that it can offer the best possible products for
its customers.
ANY believes in taking a comprehensive approach to security. That is why the company strive
to provide secure, durable and innovative solutions.

Company Representative

Mr. Gábor ZSÁMBOKI, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 921 6613
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Jura Trade Ltd.

Jura Trade Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 certified

leading supplier of high security designer
software and prepress equipment. Jura only
supplies to banknote factories and document
printers with a global share of 75-80% in this
business sectory.
Jura is also a leading supplier of SW based graphical arts security for photo carrying travel
documents. These patented solutions are unique and unrivaled and are ICAO recommended.
Jura’s technologies protect the main or secondary portraits, printed or engraved on travel
documents. Our features meet the current trends of multiportraits and multidatapages. As the
features are SW based they require no additional HW investment or expansions.
The features allow for different levels of security (overt, covert and forensic) and can be
machine read and verified. Whilst these solutions were mainly developed for border control,
they can be verified by banks, hospitals and other institutions. Our security features also assist
the job of secret services and forensic document examiners.
Our reference includes the new US and UK passports. 47 countries accross 5 continents use our
personalization solutions in 61 active documents. Jura is not only reknown for its high-quality
solutions but of its excellent customer service.
Company Representatives

Mr. János György FRISS, Head of Government Unit


Dr. András HORVÁTH, Sales Director Government Business Unit

Mobile: +36 30 4785 921

jsp@jura.chu |

February 24, 2022


Pro Patria Electronics Ltd.

Pro Patria Electronics Ltd. is a

Hungarian company, established in
2000. Nowadays it became an
internationally recognized market
player of the security and defence
industry. The company is specialized in development, manufacturing and trading of
surveillance sensors (primarily radars and electro-optical cameras) as well as sensor-integration
for border surveillance solutions, based on its own-developed software. The company market
share has been dynamically increasing since 2014, mostly with effective fulfilment of export
contracts in European and NATO-countries in Africa, Middle- and Southeast Asia. The
surveillance sensors of Pro Patria Electronics belong to dual-use export goods and are 100%
Hungarian products.
The future business strategy and focus of the company is that Pro Patria Electronics has a will
to define new markets in Egypt and strengthen its market presence with supply of its own
manufactured surveillance sensors.

Company Representative

Mr. István BARDACH, International Sales Director

Mobile: +36 20 488 675
Website: |

Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


Quadron Cybersecurity Ltd
The prerequisite of an efficient protection against
cyberattacks is a well-developed IT security
strategy, which is in harmony with all legal
regulations and the local national security demands
related to an organisation’s goals. QUADRON
Cybersecurity offers full scale of IT security,
information and data protection solutions as well as advanced data analytics for both large sized
enterprises and public institutions to provide business resilience through predictive forecasting.
In addition to the classic IT security solutions, QUADRON provides a complete range of
services from planning and development to installation, customization, and set-up process, as
well as the maintenance and operation to meet special demands to satisfy every need.
QUADRON’s goal is to appear on the information security market with the broadest range of
services in the industry, to offer unique, flexible and the highest level of service to responsible
leaders who do not like to lose their competitive advantage to malicious cyber-attacks or people,
process, or technology errors. The primary aim is to provide full assistance to achieve the most
crucial components of information security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Moreover, it proposes to offer help to its customer organizations in all aspects of IT security
tasks whether it is preparation of statutes, auditing, definition and analysis of risk levels,
environment development, vulnerability inspection, penetration testing or other consultancy
activities. Its professionals have a high level of expertise in all fields of IT security services,
whether IT security system design and implementation, review of security architecture, ethical
hacking, risk analysis or IT security audit. Its experts’ professional experience and know-how
stems from having worked at the biggest IT vendors, market leading banks, critical
infrastructure providers, Big Four auditors, and the governmental sector. They possess the most
prestigious industrial certificates including ISO 27001, CISA, CISM, CRISC, CISSP, CEH,
CHFI, CNSA. QUADRON is one of the leading information security services and data analytics
companies with a footprint in Europe, Africa, the Gulf Co-operation Council and the United
States of America with a 100% founder-owned and highly talented pool of manpower. Its’
mission is to increase cybersecurity awareness amongst all our customers, protect them from
cyber-attacks by providing them consultancy and services by assessing their infrastructure and
applications and preparing best-in-class solutions.
Company Representative

Mr. Péter GULYÁS, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 30 488 0988
Website: |
February 24, 2022


KUUBE Hungary Ltd.

KUUBE is a Hungarian company based in Budapest. Since 2017

it has designed, developed, and produced solar-powered
standalone smart street furniture that combines innovative
technology with value-added features to deliver true benefits for
the public.
KuubeECO, KuubeNANO and KuubePLUS smart benches are
restrained but elegant, premium quality products, that work well
in all weather conditions. Being a smart system, it can intelligently evaluate its condition and
adjust operation accordingly (acts on its own), also inform the servers by generating and
sending reports to.
Renewable energy supplies wireless charging also powers a strong signal WiFi hotspot.
KUUBE products can check meteorological conditions and air quality; also equipped with
built-in touchscreens displays and a high-quality sound system, webcams, and sensors to
measure surrounding noises, etc.
Optional value-added services vary, market-specific features and services are optional: - audio
and video content broadcasting (entertaining, educational, cultural, and commercial), additional
functions that may increase comfort and quality of life.
Living in times of climate crisis KUBEE believes it is very important to achieve sustainability
in as many ways as possible, thus, smart furniture is not only a green future but also a great
investment in communities: - best for public spaces and venues in relation to municipalities,
institutions, event centers, conference centers, stadiums, cultural institutions, museums,
theatres, shopping malls, hotels, festivals, beaches, baths, zoos,
park forests, castle parks, universities, schools, office buildings,
residential parks, hospitals, etc.
Company Representative

Mr. Ákos SÁRENCZKY, Head of Business Development

Mobile: +36 20 393 5274
Website: |

Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Tanis Holidays Ltd.

Tanis Holidays Ltd. is one of Hungary’s leading

Incoming Travel Agencies, representing both the
leisure (groups and FITs) and MICE markets. Due to
the experience of the last years and the strong
relationship with its’ suppliers the company can offer
its’ clients high quality services at a very competitive
price level, not only in Hungary but also in the
neighbouring countries. The company’s success
demonstrates that the concept of service excellence
creates an environment in which great things can be accomplished.
The company constantly works on the creation of new ideas to the bigger satisfaction of its
clients. The last year Tanis Holiday worked with several groups of different age (e.g. Egyptian
social clubs for physical therapy, for leisure, purchasing, student groups from universities and
international schools)
Hungary provides unique medicinal waters and muds; its mountains and caves are suitable for
climatic therapy, and the country’s natural treasures provide
wonderful healing powers to revitalize the body and the soul.
Company Representative
Mr. Hany BADAWY, Managing Director
Mobile: +36 70 417 7345
Website: |
February 24, 2022

Hungarian Water Partnership

The Hungarian Water Partnership (HWP) is a

cluster-type non-profit professional
organisation supporting the development of
transferable knowledge, products, solutions
and services of the Hungarian water business
sector along with its entry into the
international market. HWP has 16 members, which are Hungarian owned, export-oriented
water industry companies as well as enterprises with connections to the field. HWP is operated
by the Hungarian Water Partnership Nonprofit limited company.
HWP’s main aim is to provide a ramified export promotional function to its member companies.
Furthermore, it focuses on making their presence on the world market cost-effective and
competitive. HWP’s mission is built upon the cooperation of its members. It realises its goals
through partnerships between foreign companies, domestic professional organisations,
Hungarian export promotion and financing institutions as well as international organisations
and foreign professional associations.
HWP also offers a “one-stop shop” service to foreign partners interested in Hungarian water
industry solutions. To that end, it has built and maintains a network of professional contacts
worldwide. Furthermore, it takes part in professional conferences, webinars and other events
either representing its members, or together with interested member companies. HWP also
organises domestic and international business meetings and workshops, often along with
partners, such as Hungarian diplomatic missions abroad. A
further important export supporting activity of HWP is the
processing and sharing of foreign market information.
Company Representative

Mr. Zoltán HORVÁTH, Executive Director

Mobile: +36 20 378 3188
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain

Hungarian Water Technology Corporation

The Hungarian Water Technology Corporation (HWTC) is a

private sector consortium comprised of three internationally
recognized companies: Szabadics Civil Engineering and
Construction Plc., Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd. and
Controlsoft Ltd. The Consortium specializes in the design and
complete implementation of drinking water treatment plants,
construction of wastewater treatment plants, production of
containerized mobile water and wastewater treatment compact
units, membrane desalination plants and recycling technologies
for industrial wastewater.
HWTC and its members have started to develop their business
activities in the Egyptian market since 2018. After a successfully
bidding for an open-tender in 2020 with its local partner the Petroleum Projects and Technical
Consultations Company (Petrojet), Hidrofilt Ltd. was successfully awarded with a contract for
the delivery of an industrial water treatment and Zero-liquid discharge system for the newly
built Assiut Hydrocracking Complex in Egypt. In compliance with the Egyptian Government’s
initiatives to reduce abstractions from the Nile River, within the framework of the project,
almost 100% of the generated wastewaters are recycled and reused for various industrial
processes. The client is Assiut National Oil Processing Company (ANOPC), and the project
implementation period is between 2021-2023.
HWTC is interested to further expand its activities in the Egyptian market, especially in the
following areas: drinking water production, sea water desalination, industrial water and
wastewater treatment technologies. The company is interested to work with municipalities and
companies from the petrochemical industry, food and beverage industry, oil and gas industry,
electronics and pharmaceutical industry as well as the energy sector.

Company Representative

Mr. Adrián KISS, Chief Executive Officer

Mobile: +36 70 521 2334
Website: |

February 24, 2022


Hungarian Export-Import Bank Plc. (Eximbank)
Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc. (MEHIB)

The objective of the Hungarian Export-Import Bank

Plc. (Eximbank) and the Hungarian Export Credit
Insurance Plc. (MEHIB) is to serve Hungarian
exporters through the provision of effective financing
and insurance facilities. Acting as a tool for providing
economic-policy incentive, the mission of Eximbank
and MEHIB is to support Hungarian exporting
enterprises in facilitating the retention of jobs, growth
in employment and an expansion of Hungary’s export
The state-owned Eximbank and MEHIB perform the tasks of Hungary’s export credit agency,
which are regulated by the legislative frameworks of the OECD and the EU, with the basic
objective of facilitating the sale of Hungarian goods and services in foreign markets. The Bank
and the Insurer, which operate within an integrated framework, carry out their duties with a
shared organisation and corporate identity, under the name of EXIM.
Company Representative

Mr. Gergely JÁKLI, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive

Mobile: +36 1 3749 115
Website: |
Hungarian Business Delegation To Bahrain


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