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Week 06 - Task: Assignment - PredictionsTeacher: Victor Manuel

Apaestegui Villegas

Jose Francisco Takia Valdivia U21211098

Once upon a time during the pandemic, I was thinking loud about the future
and how would be the world after this pandemic…

Jose: …. Hmmmmm I wish I could see my family…

Opened vortex…(robotic voice)

Jose: WOOOOOWWWWWWWW What’s that??????

Jose 2052: Jose, I’m you, but from the future, 30 years in the future and I
have a mission here…

Jose 2022: Wow wow take it easy bro, are you kidding me?????

Jose 2052: No Jose, I have a mission and I need your help to complete it…

Jose22: Ok ok, and how can I trust you?

Jose52: I know you would remember this… (whispers non audible)

Jose22: wow wow wow, were you stalking me??

Jose52: No, it is prove for you to trust me…

Jose22: Ok, if you are from the future, tell me when will the pandemic end?

Jose52: It will finish in 2030, but what will come after that would be worse
than COVID, sars cov 2 will evolve into an aggressive virus called Pegasus,
and we have to stop it.

Jose22: Pegasus???? Why’s that?

Jose52: Well, this new virus will have something like wings and they called

Jose22: Oh, I see and will we get over it?

Jose52: No, this new virus will kill 60% of earth population

Jose22: and when will it start? How can we stop it?

Jose52: You Jose, you will start this new pandemic, the virus is growing in
you, Will you go to Qatar, right?

Jose22: Well, yes… I will go to see the world cup.

Jose52: During that flight, the virus will break out and infest all the people

Jose22: Wow I feel bad about that, so will you shoot me something to stop

Jose52: I’m afraid that it is more difficult than that, I have to take you to a
special place…

Jose22: It’s interesting all this but I won’t go with you… I do not completely
trust you…

Jose52: Jose, I’m sorry but I have to take you there whatever it cost…

Jose22: oh sh**, what did you shoot me…. what will you do to me…??... To
be continued...

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