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Activity Bank 1 – Red 3

Lessons 1 and 2

Place the following sentences in the correct column. Add two more of your own,
one for each column.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses. Add
one more sentence of your own.
1. My parents (not like) _______________ fast food restaurants.
2. Italian people (like eat) _______________ pasta.
3. Nowadays many people (like) _______________ slow food.
4. Some big food companies (not like listen) _______________ to members of the
Slow Food movement.
5. Some farmers (like produce) _______________ food with methods that don’t affect
the environment.
6. __________________________________________________________________

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Write three sentences about fast food and slow food. Use the pictures and the
words to help you.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________

Read the following words. Check the ones that are considerd to be slow food.
1. fish _______
2. burger _______
3. French fries _______
4. meat _______
5. fruits _______

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Read the following story related to GMOs and fill the blanks with the words
below. There is an example for you.

Sue is a farmer. A big company wanted to give her GMO ____________ seeds for
free. Sue didn’t take (1) _______________. She asked her brother if it was good to
plant GMOs. He bought a (2) _______________ with an (3) _______________ about
GMOs. He read (4) _______________ to Sue. It said that some growers took
 _______________ action against GMO companies for their activities. Sue decided

not to use the GMO (6) _______________.

Read the article and choose the best option to fill in each blank. There is one
example for you.
Slow Food Mexico
Mexico is part of the Slow Food _____________. It has an (1) _______________ in
Puebla. It works with the same objectives of promoting (2) _______________
agriculture methods and producing (3) _______________ food that is clean and

It has a group of cooks that work together with local (5) _______________. Slow Food
Mexico partners with other countries like Canada, France and Italy.

a. country b. effort c. movement

1. a. city b. building c. office

2. a. effective b. cheap c. expensive
3. a. fast b. healthy c. unhealthy
4. a. fair b. expensive c. fast

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5. a. singers b. families c. farmers

Read the descriptions and look at the first letter to complete the words.
1. You eat this at birthday parties.
2. People usually feed monkeys this yellow, curved tropical fruit.
3. People eat these spicy, long meat tubes in hot dogs.
4. If you want to make wine you need these round sweet berries.
5. You may eat this Italian round dish as fast food in many restaurants.

Complete the online post with the words below.

I am Jessica, I study Agronomy. I am part of the group of people that took legal action
against (1) _______________ that create GMO seeds. I am (2) _______________ of
what GMOs can do to people’s health. Some scientists (3) _______________ they are
bad. I believe them and it makes me (4) _______________ not to know how much of
the (5) _______________ we eat contains GMOs. I think companies have to
(6)  _______________ trying to modify food because it is hurting the environment and
the people. We have to keep GMOs out of our country!

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Read these sentences about GMOs. Choose the best option to complete them.
1. Some people think GMOs can _______________ end world hunger.
a. try
b. fix
c. help
2. GMOs produce food faster because they _______________ faster.
a. plant
b. grow
c. look
3. GMOs are more _______________ to changes in weather.
a. easy
b. cheap
c. resistant
4. GMOs are _______________ and use less water.
a. cheap
b. funny
c. small
5. GMOs have pesticides, so growers don’t have to _______________ more.
a. find
b. buy
c. kill
6. GMOs are bigger and look more _______________.
a. big
b. cheap
c. delicious

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Listen to the report and choose the correct answer to each question.

1. How many countries are concerned about GMOs?

a. Not many.
b. Several.
c. All of them.
2. What did these countries do?
a. They hired scientists to analyze them.
b. They prohibited their production.
c. They made laws to stop GMOs from moving into the market.
3. Why are scientists analyzing GMOs?
a. To guarantee they are not dangerous for humans.
b. To guarantee they are not dangerous for the environment.
c. To guarantee they are not dangerous for animals.
4. What kind of insects do GMOs kill?
a. Ants.
b. Fireflies.
c. Honeybees.
5. Why are these insects important for food crops?
a. Because they fertilize the soil.
b. Because they are the most important pollinators for food crops.
c. Because they produce honey.

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Read the text and write “T” (true) or “F” (false) according to it.

The Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution

The Neolithic Age began about 10,000 years ago. This period was the birth of
agriculture. It marked the transition from small nomadic groups to larger agricultural
Before agriculture, humans had to move all the time to collect fruits and vegetables.
But when they learned to grow their own food, they could live in the same place and
start villages. Living in villages, they started to domesticate some animals, so they
didn’t need to hunt them. The first villages were near rivers and lakes because water
was essential for the crops, animals and for the people themselves.
The Neolithic Age is also called the New Stone Age because Neolithic humans used
polished stone to make tools, just like their Stone Age ancestors. But they invented
new things too, like pottery and the loom, a device to make fabric.
The Neolithic Age was a period of great changes that paved the way for the
innovations of the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

1. The Neolithic Age lasted for 10,000 years. _______

2. Agriculture began in the Neolithic Age. _______
3. Neolithic people were the first ones to use polished stone to make tools. _______
4. The Agricultural Revolution changed humanity forever. _______
Answer the questions according to the text you read.
1. How did people live before the Neolithic Revolution?
2. How did people’s lives change in the Neolithic Age? Mention at least three

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Using your own words, write a small summary of the text you read in the
previous activity.

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Oral Activities

This is a dedicated area for notes and answers to the oral activities.

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