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As every year, many of us are excited about the Novel Price, and this time, the

winner is Annie Ernaux, who has recently been awarded the Novel Prize in

Literature, and who is now in everyone’s eyes.

Annie Ernaux has a well-known reputation around the Swish Academy, and her

work is mainly focused on feminism, the perception she has about the world and

his service cause books.

France24 dedicated her an interview in which some of her books are presented

such as Happening, an autofiction book where he addresses topics such as identity

and inequality between women and men, and which has even been adapted into a


This looks like she is definitely a reference!

A Girl’s Story is more about sociological and political demonstration, where she

touches her adolescence during the 60s.

But this does not stop here, in 1974 she wrote Cleaned out, and A man’s place,

where she explores the world of literature and in some way, focuses on her

modest life.

Annie Ernaux explores the fracture between different social classes and

hierarchies, and addresses the relation between power and the world.
A more recently one, called Le Jeune Homme, where she explores her

“emancipation years”, and where she defines herself as a revel and scandalous girl.

A new documentary called The Super 8 Years will come very soon, here we will be

able to see some “theatral events” as she called, as well as some original images of

her life.

The writer Annie Ernaux, with his auto-fictional style, nominated to the Novel Prize,

is now the 6th French women who has been well compensated and perceived by

everyone as an inspiration.

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