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Name: ____________Ospina Navarro Francy Lorena __________ Date: __29/06/2022__


VOCABULARY (10 Points)

1. Choose the correct preposition.

1. What do you usually ask FOR / ON if you go to café with friends?

2. Who do you think should pay AT / FOR the meal on a first date?

3. Who do you normally speak with when you’re worried ABOUT / TO something?

4. Do you spend more money ABOUT / ON clothes or gadgets?

5. Do you think it’s possible to fall IN / TO love with somebody without meeting them fac-to-face?

2. Complete the dialogs with the words from the box.

Called Pay taking Give Come

a. I need the money, so I hope you _____pay______ me back by the end of this year.

b. I love Thailand. I want to ____come______ back soon.

c. Last night, I ____called______ you back but you didn’t answer. I want to talk to you too.

d. That is my bear, so ______give______ it back to me or I will tell my father.

e. Yesterday, I noticed the new TV was not working. Tomorrow morning, I’m ___taking_______ it back.

GRAMMAR (10 Points – 0.5 Each)

3. Choose ´ WILL or GOING TO´ to complete the sentences

1. Mrs. Simons, those bags are heavy. I WILL / GOING TO help you to carry them.
2. Experts say the Earth WILL / GOING TO suffer seriously if we continue polluting.
3. Look at those black clouds. I think it WILL / GOING TO rain.
4. Next summer, I WILL / GOING TO fly to New York. I want to see my sister.
5. This spring, I want to go back to college, but next year, I WILL / GOING TO travel a lot.

4. Choose the correct tense of the verb and complete the sentences correctly.

A. I usually WRITE / WRITING a letter to my friend Elizabeth on Fridays.

B. Mr. John DRIVES / DROVE his car very fast yesterday.

C. We ENJOY / ENJOYED our tour in Mexico last month.

D. I TOOK / TAKING Kate to the station last week.

E. My sister IS / BE a good cook, do you want to have dinner at her place to night?

F. I AM / WAS watching a football game yesterday.

G. Antonio VISITS / VISITED his grandfather every weekend.

H. Sara IS / BE going to the sea right now.

I. Paul GO / WENT to class yesterday.

J. We LIKE / LIKING to play soccer at weekends.

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences correctly.

1. "Do we need any tomatoes?" "No, we have MANY / MUCH. Look, three bags!"

2. When you make the pie, put LITTLE / FEW wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.

3. "Do you like this program?" "Not MUCH / MANY. You can change the channel if you want."

4. Lots of people in Spain like to take a LITTLE / FEW siesta during the hottest part of the day.

5. I have been to America MUCH / MANY times. Twice in 1996 and again last year.



Some scientists recommend that healthy adults and children can take drugs to increase their intelligence. Other
scientists suggest that some pills can become as common as coffee and tea in the next years.
In the USA, some students take pills before the exams like athletes.  There are already pills that increase
mental Processes, like Ritalin, which children with concentration problems take.  A drug that people with
sleeping problems take also helps people remember numbers.
These drugs increase the number of serious legal and moral questions, but people already take vitamins to help
them remember things, so it is not a simple problem to resolve.   It is probably very difficult to decide at what
point a food supplement becomes a drug in an examination.

According to the text:

1. Pill are only for sick people a) True b) False

2. Only children take pills to increase their intellectual performance a) True b) False
3. Intelligence pills are already as common as coffee or tea a) True b) False
4. Coffee is as common as tea a) True b) False
5. In the USA, Students have to take intelligence drugs tests a) True b) False
6. The drug “Ritalin” helps children to pay more attention a) True b) False
7. A sleeping pill helps people remember numbers a) True b) False
8. Vitamins that help people study are illegal a) True b) False
9. The problem with vitamins is very easy to solve a) True b) False
10. A food supplement is a drug in an examination a) True b) False

WRITING (20 Points)

7. Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study. Use WILL and GOING TO + verb
 what the plan is
 when you thought of the plan
 who is involved in the plan
 how you think you are going to achieve the plan

I plan to go on a trip next week, I am going to travel with my boyfriend, I thought about this trip
3 months ago. It will be the best trip I will have in my life, however it is very hard to be able to
achieve this great plan, I will need a lot of money and a good travel guide, I really hope that this
trip will be given to me, because I have always wanted to go on a trip with my boyfriend,
although my boyfriend is going to be involved, I am going to make him very happy on the trip,
and I am going to do many activities with him. I will be the happiest woman in the world if the
trip takes place.

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