Four-Digit Numbers With No Regrouping: Same-Day Intervention: Column Addition of

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Same-Day Intervention: Column Addition of

Four-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping

Children will learn how to set out and use column addition to add a three- or
four-digit number to a four-digit number.

Pre-Intervention Check
To access this intervention, can the children… *Tick as appropriate.

...use column addition with two- and three-digit numbers?

...mentally add pairs of multiples of 1000?

Explaining the Gap in Mathematical Understanding

Once children have mastered mental addition out, resulting in an incorrect answer.
strategies, they should progress to learning a
2 3 4 2
written method of addition for those numbers that
are too tricky to add mentally. They should begin + 6 5 1

by calculating with numbers that do not require 8 8 5 2

any regrouping, where the digits in each place
As well as identifying the value of each digit in
value column add to less than ten. It is important
order to set out the calculation correctly, it is also
that children initially explore this abstract method
important that children understand that they must
alongside concrete or pictorial representations,
start with the least significant digit (on the right). To
such as place value counters or base ten blocks,
show mastery of column addition, children should
so they can see what is physically happening to
be able to solve missing digit problems, where the
the numbers as they add. When children are faced
missing digit or digits are in different parts of the
with two numbers with different amounts of digits,
column addition calculation. Children must gain
they may encounter difficulties setting out the
fluency with this written method to ensure they are
able to calculate with more challenging numbers as
For example, when calculating 2342 + 651, the they progress through KS2.
children may misalign the digits when setting them

Preparation Key Vocabulary

• Place value grids (laminated) • Addition, add, total

• Place value counters (or printable place • Three-digit number, four-digit number
value counters)
• Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones
• Whiteboards and pens
• Column addition
• Spot the errors challenge
• Place value columns, value, digit
• Missing digits speed challenge

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Same-Day Intervention: Column Addition of Four-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping

Addressing the Gap

Children will begin by recapping their understanding to a four-digit number. After that, they will find the
of the place value of numbers with three or four missing digits in additions involving three- and
digits. Next, they will use place value counters and four-digit numbers. Finally, children will play fun,
written methods to add a three- or four-digit number interactive games to consolidate their learning.

Key Questions for Deepening Understanding

Explain that children will be learning how to use the Ask them to add 243 by physically adding the
column method of addition to add a three- or four- place value counters. Then, children write, in digits,
digit number to a four-digit number. To start, quickly what they have in total, at the bottom of their place
check that children are confident with the value of value grid.
numbers with up to four digits and can place them Th
Place Value Grid


correctly on a place value grid. Say the number 568

1000 100 10 1

1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1

and ask children to write it on their laminated place 1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1

value grid. 1000 1000 100 Place Value Grid

100 10 visit

Th H T O
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
1000 100 100 10 1

• Where have you written the 5/6/8 digits?

10 10 1 1

Explain why. 100 100 10 10 1

• Which has the greater value: the 8 or the 6? Why? 6 9 9 7

• What is the value of the 5 digit? How do you know?

On your board, model how this would look using
• Why is it important to write these digits in the digits and the column addition method.
correct place value columns?
6 7 5 4
Now, ask children to write 7349 on their place
value grid. + 2 4 3

• What is different about this number? Which extra 6 9 9 7

column have you had to use this time? Why?
• Which digit do we always begin with when we are
• Which digit has the greater value: 9 or 7? How do
adding in columns?
you know?
• How do we make sure we add the correct digits
Next, ask children to write 9048 on their boards.
together? Why is it important to make sure the
• What is different about this number?
digits are in the correct columns?
• Why is it important to include the zero in the
• Why did the value in the thousands column not
hundreds column?
change when you added?
In pairs, ask children to use place value counters to
On your whiteboard,
make 6754 on their place value grids. Th H T O
use column addition
4 5 3 2
Place Value Grid

to incorrectly calculate

Th H T O
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
1000 100 10 1

4532 + 325.
+ 3 2 5
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1

1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1

1000 1000 100 100 10

7 7 8 2

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Same-Day Intervention: Column Addition of Four-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping

Key Questions for Deepening Understanding (Continued)

• Is this correct? What is wrong with it? (e.g. 2465 + 4534), this time just using the column
addition method with digits.
• How can we avoid this mistake? Why does the way
we place the digits in the columns matter? Next, write ? + 6 = 9 and 4 + ? = 7.

Ask children to use place value counters to • How would you find the missing digits here?
represent 5346 on their place value grids. Next, ask
Write a column addition with missing digits on your
them to make 342 on the grid below the 5346.
board (as shown).
• How did you arrange the counters? Can you
explain why? 3 4 2 6 4

• How do you know the counters are in the + 3 2 4 + 3 2 4 6

correct places?
6 9 7 7 8 9
In pairs, ask children to complete the addition
5346 + 342 on their whiteboards, using the Ask each pair to use their number facts and place
column method. value knowledge to find the missing digits.

• Does this match the way you arranged the place • In which columns are the missing digits?
value counters? How do you know?
• How did you work out what the missing
• How do you know your answer is correct? digits were?

• Why are there still five thousands in the answer Repeat with similar missing digit problems, making
when the other digits from the original four-digit sure that the digits in each column do not total
number are different? more than nine.

• Why is it important to have the digits in the correct Give each pair a spot the errors challenge sheet.
place value columns? Each of the six additions on the page contains
errors. In pairs, children must identify the errors
Next, ask each pair to use place value counters to
and then rewrite the column addition calculation
make 3754 on their place value charts. Now, ask
correctly in the boxes below.
them to add 4132 to it using place value counters
and to write the total underneath. Each correct answer is worth one point. The team
with the most points wins!
• Which column did you start with?

• How many tens do you have in total? How

If there is time, children can use two of the empty S
boxes at the bottom of the sheet to create addition
do you know?
calculations containing
• Can you explain your answer? 5 4 3 4
errors. They can then
+ 3 2 4 5
Now, ask children to write the calculation out using ask another pair to
digits and column addition, with Th H T O at the top spot the errors and 8 8 7 8
of each column. rewrite the additions
correctly in the other
• Does your answer match the answer you got using
empty boxes. +
the place value counters?

Repeat with other similar calculations

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5 6 1
+ 2 2 0 7
Same-Day Intervention: Column Addition of Four-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping

Additional Opportunities to Reinforce Learning

3 2 6 2 6 4 7 4 3
Give each pair a missing digits speed challenge shout, ‘Finished!’ Tell children their time, e.g. 1
+ 4 2 8 + 4 2 5 + 4 3 + 4 2 5 4
sheet. Each of the eight column additions has digits minute 32 seconds, and ask them to write it on
7 that7 children
missing 8 8
have to fill in.9At the
9 beginning,
8 8
their sheet. 7 9
The fastest 7 their
6 team with all 6 answers9
start a stopwatch. When a pair is finished, they correct wins.

5 3 9 3 2 2 4 2

+ 8 2 2 3 + 4 5 6 2 + + 2 3

9 5 6 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 6 7 8 4 8


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Home Learning Slip
Today, at school, your child has been working on number but can use either three or four digits for the
using the column method for bottom number that you are adding to it. You can ask
5 5 6 2
addition (as shown). your child to either calculate the answer or you could
+ 3 4 2 7 write out the addition with the total and
They have learnt that it is very
8 9 8 9 ask them to find some missing digits
important to line the digits
you have left out. You could even make
up in the correct place value
some mistakes on purpose and see if
columns and to always begin with the ones column
your child can find them! It is important
when adding.
that each pair of digits your child is adding do not total
To help your child consolidate their learning, you could
more than nine so that no regrouping (carrying over of
complete the following activity with them at home.
digits to the next place value column) is needed.
Write out a column addition (similar to the example
Thank you for your support with this. Your help will
above). You need to have four digits for the top
really make a difference to your child.

Home Learning Slip

Today, at school, your child has been working on number but can use either three or four digits for the
using the column method for bottom number that you are adding to it. You can ask
5 5 6 2
addition (as shown). your child to either calculate the answer or you could
+ 3 4 2 7 write out the addition with the total and
They have learnt that it is very
8 9 8 9 ask them to find some missing digits
important to line the digits
you have left out. You could even make
up in the correct place value
some mistakes on purpose and see if
columns and to always begin with the ones column
your child can find them! It is important
when adding.
that each pair of digits your child is adding do not total
To help your child consolidate their learning, you could
more than nine so that no regrouping (carrying over of
complete the following activity with them at home.
digits to the next place value column) is needed.
Write out a column addition (similar to the example
Thank you for your support with this. Your help will
above). You need to have four digits for the top
really make a difference to your child.

Home Learning Slip

Today, at school, your child has been working on number but can use either three or four digits for the
using the column method for bottom number that you are adding to it. You can ask
5 5 6 2
addition (as shown). your child to either calculate the answer or you could
+ 3 4 2 7 write out the addition with the total and
They have learnt that it is very
8 9 8 9 ask them to find some missing digits
important to line the digits
you have left out. You could even make
up in the correct place value
some mistakes on purpose and see if
columns and to always begin with the ones column
your child can find them! It is important
when adding.
that each pair of digits your child is adding do not total
To help your child consolidate their learning, you could
more than nine so that no regrouping (carrying over of
complete the following activity with them at home.
digits to the next place value column) is needed.
Write out a column addition (similar to the example
Thank you for your support with this. Your help will
above). You need to have four digits for the top
really make a difference to your child.

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