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The bedroom window is wide open, inviting the morning sun to come along with the

clean breeze from the slopes of Mount Arjuna. The chirping of birds filled the
surroundings of the simple dark brown leafy house. There were three small birds
perched on the windowsill, peeked into the cubicle and flew up into the sky leaving
some black and white stains on the window pads.
The snake-scaled youth stretched his arms twice above his head. The two eyelids
slowly moved and narrowed open when the sunlight hit the young man's eyeballs.
"Oh I overslept!", thought the young man after his eyes adjusted to the
The snake-scaled youth named Jambu Nada groaned for a moment to throw away the
remnants of last night's fatigue that were still attached.
"Sekar!", shouted Jambu Nada as loudly as possible.
His scaly upper body glistened in the sunlight, but was tied from his left arm to
his right arm. It can also be seen that Jambu Nada's ankles are tied to a thin root
which she usually wears to tie things or something. While both wrists have the same
fate as both legs.
"Babo-babo!", said Jambu Nada, squirming from right to left.
Suddenly a beautiful girl with bright eyes appeared with a sharp nose frame and
heart-shaped lips when she laughed.
"Hihihihi, hihihihi, hihihihi!", the seventeen year old teenage girl laughed out
loud seeing Jambu Nada wriggling under her bedside.
"Aisha, please let go brother!", begged Jambu Nada in a pitiful tone.
"Hihihihi, hihihihi, hihihihi!", the beautiful girl named Aisha laughed even more
at Jambu Nada's request. Aisha approached and squatted near Jambu Nada's head.
"Aisha!", shouted Jambu Nada when the virgin used her slender fingers to tickle
Jambu Nada's upper body.
"Hihihihi, hihihihi, hihihihi!", Aisha's laughter grew even louder.
"Sis, why don't you ask for forgiveness?", Aisha asked protesting.
"I don't want to, watch out for both of you!", answered Jambu Nada aloud.
"Well, if you don't apologize. I'm behind ah!�, cried Aisha leaving Jambu Nada
lying just like that. Before leaving the young man, Aisha's slender fingers pinched
the left and right of Jambu Nada as hard as possible.
"Adduuhh biyuunngg!", screamed Jambu Nada in pain.
"Hihihihi, hihihihi, hihihihi!", Aisha's laughing voice was heard until she
disappeared from behind the door of Jambu Nada's room.
"Watch out you two!", shouted Jambu Nada trying to get up.
Once in a prone position, using both legs knee and push from the chest. The young
man's body slumped upwards, he had time to stand up but due to the force of the
push, his body fell backwards and he didn't have time to balance his body.
The beautiful virgin named Aisha is the only daughter of Abdul's uncle who has five
children, four sons and one daughter. According to Abdul's uncle confession to his
father Arya Kamandanu, that he was a direct descendant of the Abbasid Caliph Al-
Musta'sim whose full title was Abu Ahmad and whose full name was Abdullah bin al-
Mustanshir Billah was the last caliph of the Abbasids in Baghdad. The Persian
Empire collapsed under the Mongols. Uncle Abdul was trading cloth until he finally
settled in one of the hamlets on the slopes of Mount Arjuna after marrying the
flower hamlet. His first child was Aisha and his four sons were still small, from
the age of eight to two.
"Brother, what's wrong in the morning screaming like you've been tortured?", asked
someone who seemed to have stepped into Jambu Nada's cubicle.
"Oh dinda Yi Hua, please untie your body!", answered Jambu Nada asking for help.
"Iihh brother!", screamed the oriental-looking girl covering her white face like
marble with her long, slender-fingered palms.
"Brother cover your boobs, iihh, I don't want to see!", added Yi Hua loudly.
�Hadeh, how can you close if you are tied like this. After all, if you don't want
to see, why do your eyeballs still seem to stare from the gaps in your fingers!",
said Jambu Nada, surprised and confused by the statement of the Chinese descendant.
"Iihh bro, this just makes me embarrassed!", exclaimed Li Hua, turning his slender
body and then stepping out to the sea from the Jambu Nada cubicle just like that.
Li Hua is the daughter of Li Tek's uncle, a foreign healer who lives in one of the
hamlets on the slopes of Mount Arjuna. Li Hua's biological mother has died due to
heavy bleeding after giving birth to Li Hua. At that time, Li Tek's uncle was not
at home because he was going to the Majapahit city to fulfill the invitation of
King Wijaya, the first Majapahit King. Arya Kamandanu knows Li Tek as one of the
healers who was invited to treat the illness of one of King Wijaya's concubines,
Dara Petak.
Li Tek also knows Arya Kamandanu as the former warlord of Prabu Wijaya and also
knows Sakawuni, Jambu Nada's late mother, because when Li Tek was in the township,
he was always escorted by Arya Kamandanu, Lembu Sora, Ranggalawe and Sakawuni. How
happy the two of them met at one of the people's markets located between the
hamlets of Rejo and the hamlets of Ngukir.
"Watch out, the three of you!" shouted Jambu Nada, getting annoyed.
In fact he could have used his inner strength to sever the thin roots that bound
his body, but he still couldn't control the power of that power. If he does, it is
certain that the contents in the cubicle will be destroyed due to his internal
"Hey, the three of them are always like this when dad isn't at home!", thought
Jambu Nada sadly to herself.
"This must be Sekar's job. Didn't he sleep on my bed last night? Ah, I wasn't aware
of that little geek, so he easily tied my body like this!�, thought Jambu Nada
again while shaking her head.
Like it or not, the young man slowly creeps. It means to get out of the room and
move around like a snake. Jambu Nada thought it was better to untie those ties in
the backyard using her inner strength.
But his efforts only reached near the entrance to his cubicle. Suddenly in front of
the door stood a young woman with her hips on. The virgin was clearly not from Java
because of her tall stature and waist-length blonde hair tied in a ponytail. His
pupils are light blue.
"Oh brother, what are you doing with the three geckos?", asked the beautiful girl,
still on her hips looking at the creeping Jambu Nada.
"Oh dinda Maria!", whispered Guava, there was no hope anymore.
"Oh crap!", cried Maria while closing the door to the Jambu Nada room which was
made of small woven bamboo the size of a little finger, not forgetting that the
beautiful virgin locked the door.
"Watch out for the four of you!", shouted Jambu Nada in exasperation.
Maria was eighteen, the first daughter of Alan's uncle. When he was young, Alan's
uncle was a head of the Crusaders from a foreign country which he said was called
Denmark. He was the only survivor when the unit he led was massacred by the
Mongols. Uncle Alan was forced to flee across the island until he met and became
acquainted with Li Tek's uncle when Li Tek's uncle was on his way back to the
village of Rejo from the Majapahit city. Li Tek's uncle asked him to live in Rejo
In that village, Alan's uncle married the younger brother of Li Tek's uncle's wife.
So Maria and Li Hua are cousins ??of their mother. Maria is the one who indirectly
becomes the leader of the four female disciples of Arya Kamandanu. Not only is he
older than the others but also has a better talent for sports and often becomes
Jambu Nada's opponent. Well, in his old age, Arya Kamandanu took some students from
the village children around the slopes of Mount Arjuna. Arya Kamandanu did that not
without purpose, it was done so that his son's Jambu Nada had friends to play with.
Not only the four female students, he also took two male students named Damar son
of Ki Ujang, the head of the Rejo village and Tole, the son of Ki Seno, the head of
the Ngukir village.

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