Morocco 1

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The Kingdom of Morocco

Population: 35.7 million
Major Cities: Rabat (Capital), Casablanca,
Marrakech, Fez, Meknes, Tangier
Official Languages: Arabic, Berber, French,
Major Religion: Islam
Currency: Moroccan Dirham (MAD)
Which continent do you see?

The red area is Morocco.

In which direction is it? North or South of Africa?

Atlantic Mediterranean
Ocean Sea
Morocco is an Arab country in the north-west of Africa. Its official name is
the Kingdom of Morocco.
It borders the countries of Algeria (to the east) and Mauritania (to the south).
The Mediterranean Sea is located to
the north of Morocco and the Atlantic
Ocean is located to the west.

Atlantic Mediterranean
Ocean Sea
Can you guess the colors?
The Moroccan flag has a color that is a symbol of bravery
and strength.
And has
The Moroccan flag a stara ingreen,
the middle that is the color of Islam
star (a pentagram) on a red background. This
design was first used in 1915 and has been
used ever since. The red background
represents bravery, strength and valour.

star has five points which

represent Islam ,love, joy,
wisdom, peace and hope.
Moroccans speak Arabic
Tamazight dialect ,French
(because France controlled the
country for a very long time), and
some Spanish.
Tamazight Arabic Dialect (short
explanation about differences in arabic
Some French Greetings
Moroccan food has been influenced by Arabic and Mediterranean styles
of cooking. Meats including chicken, lamb and beef are commonly used
as well as a range of fruits, vegetables and spices.
Common Moroccan dishes include:

“‫ ”ﻛرﯾوش‬by [Zouhir] is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Tagine Couscous Chebakia

A stew that can Small steamed balls Fried pastries in the
include meat and of wheat, often mixed shape of a rose,
vegetables cooked in with vegetables and covered in honey
a special pot. spices. and sesame.
Fun Facts!
The higher you
pour the tea, the
more welcome it
makes your guests
Fun Facts!
All around the
world , black is the
color of death and
in funerals.
Except in Morocco
, it is white!
Now let’s complete the crossword
puzzle! With the information we
just learned.
Oh! ooo!Some words are still missing...
But we have received a letter from
Hamza, from Morocco!
Maybe he can help us complete the
crossword puzzle!

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