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Chaplaincy Newsletter –2nd Febuary 2023

God restored Job’s

Job: 42:10


A friend of mine told me she was upset at work because her boss had
highlighted a mistake she had made. She didn’t deny it and knew it was an
error. It upset her because it didn’t feel just. She had made one mistake but
her boss never took the time to highlight all the things she did right all of the
time! This January we have been reflecting on Job from the Bible who also
feels that he has been unfairly treated and sinks into depression.

Who have been your best and worst employers?

Job talks about his problems with three friends who all chip in their reasons
for why God is punishing him. None of their reasons are true. Finally Elihu
suggests that suffering can build character.

Do you feel that negative life experiences can make you stronger?

Looking down from the top of a hill helps me to view my problems and concerns
from a different perspective. The poem ends with God reminding Job that we
humans can never have God’s perspective: looking after the Universe is a big job
and our ‘suffering’ is not a direct judgement from God.

Where do you go when you want to clear your head?

Spiritual health toolkit

The best way to navigate a storm is not in a storm but prior to it! There’s a greater
chance of getting through a test if you have learnt some of the material before and
have had a good night’s sleep. Elihu suggested to Job that perhaps one reason why he
was struggling with his sorrows was because he hadn’t prepared himself.

There are a number of people who have never given much thought to their spirituality
and can then struggle more when a ‘crisis’ occurs, such as ill health or bereavement.
Whether we want to believe in God or not, it is still important to be aware of what
gives us meaning, hope and purpose in our lives. Having good spiritual health can be an
asset to your toolkit for your mental health. As your Chaplain on Yewdale, I am
available to talk to every Wednesday morning and will help you to talk through where
your spirituality lies and how it might help you to move forward positively.

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