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CÓDIGO 900001


Deysi Patricia Orduz Sierra


Sergio Esteban Ospina

Curso: Inglés A1

Cead: CEAD -Medellín- ZOOC

09 Octubre del 2021

1. Personal presentation and daily routine

script the Personal information by Daily routine

Hello, my name is Juan Pablo Cruz Restrepo. I am 21 years old. I am from Medellín, Medellín is a beautiful city, located in the
middle Antioquia, Colombia. I am a university student and pólice officer. I am studying business administration. I speak in spanish.
I like to play soccer and swim. I hate watching tv.
Daily i get up around 8:00 am. Breakfast in 20 minutes. Then I go to the office, in the morning I have to do reports, then I have lunch
and I continue with my work day. Then I go home, have dinner and shower for 20 minutes. Then I check my email for 15 minutes
and do my college homework for 3 hours, and I go to bed.

2. Captura de pantalla del audio subido en el foro.

3. Captura de pantalla entrevista con el tutor.
4. Captura de pantalla participación en foro.

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