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Print Search Report

Total Number Of Records: 545 FOTA Request Bureau Date Number Minerals MMS February Management20l 16,2011 Service 00182 MMS Minerals June 23, Management20l 12011 Service 00181 MMS Minerals June 23, Management20l 2011 00180 Service MMS Minerals June 23, Management20l 2011 00179 Service Minerals MMS June 20, Management20l 2011 00177 Service MMS Minerals June 13, Management20ll2011 00176 Service MMS Minerals June 21, Management20ll2011 00175 Service MMS Minerals June 21, Management20ll2011 00174 Service Minerals MMS June 17, Managernent20ll2011 Service 00173 MMS Minerals Ma> 31, Management20ll2011 Service 00172 Minerals MMS Management20l 00171 Service Minerals MMS Management20llService 00170 MMS Minerals Management2ollService 00168 Minerals MMS Management20ll00167 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00166 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00165 June 09, 2011 June 15, 2011 June 02, 2011 June 14, 2011 June 08, 2011 June 07, 2011

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Requester Last Name Hartman Weismann

Subject File relating to Gateway Energy Corp.s alleged pipeline damage in HI A332-A352 during Hurricane Ike 9/08. Request for all copies of all FOTA logs of BOEMRE from January 2010 to the present Request for all documents realting to asbestos/abatement of asbestos at the Federal building, 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd, New Orleans, LA between 1993-1999. Request fro copies of Last and First names. DOI E-mail addresses, DOT Phone numbers of all employees with ajob series classification code of 2210-Information Technology Management Accident Investigation regarding FV Lia Jane in VR 320 on 5/7/10. I am requesting well logs (primarily lithologic information) for two wells in the Santa Barbara Channel offshore Carpenteria, California. The two well are located approximately 500 feet south of Platform Hillhouse. the same documents given to Energy Intelligence group in response to their FOIA request. The subject of the documents is BOEMREs discussion on new royalty rates *DWHZ* Documents regarding BPs Macondo Well.

Kesterson Moran Martin, Sr. Varnell

Ivanovich Ancel


Comments submitted on the WPA draft EIS and also on the scoping for Multisale EIS 2012-2017 in the GOM. Request for copies of documents that relate the communications, meetings and reports on second Deepwater Exploration Plan. This request is based on the press release of May 12,2011 by the Louisiana Secretary of Natural Resources-Scott Angelle. (Back to Work Coalition correspondence). Request for electronic copies of the names, contact information (business addresses, phone numbers, e-mails) of all project managers, CORs, COTRs of BOEMRE Request for copies of correspondence (electronic, paper, e-mail, documentation of phone conversations between John McCain, his staff, representatives and MMSIBOEMRE officials from 2007 to 2011. Accident Report for incident on 5/1/11 on the Noble Jim Thompson. Request on OEMM Student Loan Repayment Program-as to who participated in the program in the last 24 months (6/9/2009-6/9/2011) and the annual bonus recieved by each participant and thier current GS-rate and series Trust Agreement, Lease OCS-G 04834, MP Block 265 MSCT requests information on each Incident ofNoncompliance issued by MMS/BOEMRE in the 2010 calendar year (up to December 31, 2010) that resulted in a full facility shut-in. All documents relating to the Beaufort Sea Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan (ODPCP) submitted to BOEMRE on May 4,2011, from Shell Offshore Inc. and the Chukchi Sea Revised ODPCP submitted to BOEMRE on May 12, 2011, from Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. to include ESA, environmental review, NEPA, and WCD related to the plans since FOIA MMS-201 1-00129 received on 20 April 2011. Incident on Energy XXI GOM, LLCs, EC 334 E Platform on 7/31/10. *DXVHZ* Documents concerning BP Macondo 252.


West Beam ish Martin Epperson

Seelman Liu

Minerals MMS Ma> 31, Management20ll2011 00164 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00163 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00162 MMS Minerals Management20l IService 00161 June 02, 2011 Ma> 24, 2011
May 31,



Dancak Reimer


Certification accepted on 12/3/11 for Shell;most recent OSRP.

https://efoia.ios.doi .gov/efts/


Print Search Report

MMS Minerals Management20l 1Service 00160

Page 2 of 27

May 31,


Docs related to FOTA requests filed since 4/20/10. Oceana requests a full electronic copy of the Technical Information Management System (T1MS,) database used to track civil and criminal violations and their resolution on the Outer Continental Shelf by the OCS Civil/Criminal Penalties Program. Oceana also requests any technical documentation that explains the TIMS database and/or describes its structure. documents regarding the platform in SS 322 Request for correspondence to and from BOEMRE since 1/I/I I for: arctic drilling, atlantic or pacific coastal surveys of potential oil reserves, Gulf of Mexico drilling permits; Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and ability to respond to a deepwater blowout. Separate responses will be provided by GOM, Pacific and Alaska regions. Records regarding deepwater drilling permits from 10/1/10 to present. All BOEMRE records, from meeting between Royal Dutch Shell PLC/,s U.S. president Marvin Odum hand the White I-louse officials meeting, including specifically any and all material provided by Royal Dutch Shell PLC, its representatives, subsidiaries, or affiliates in connection with the above referenced White 1-louse meeting. All records relating to the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea exploration plans submitted by Shell Offshore Inc. on May 4, 2011 and May 12, 2011. This is a referral received from the Department of State The request is for documents relating to advice, assistance and capacity-building, provided by U.S. Officials or contractors to the Iraqi Ministry of Oil since January 2009. The Department of State referred I document for BOEMRE to review. Request for correspondence and other information requested by or provided to Senator Jacob Jake Corman of Pennsylvania and his representatives from November 3, 1998 to May 17, 2011. Im requesting complete records from some old exploration wells drilled on our current lease #240. All well logs, directional surveys, wellbore diagrams, drilling, completion, testing history records. Requester is asking for a copy of amendment ito Mississippis ClAP plan (Coastal Impact Assistance Plan) BOEMRE SME for this request = Lee Benner lam requesting correspondence, orders, letters, and memorandas for lease OCS-P 0166, from December 2009 to present, and documents from case no IBLA 2007-279, from December to present. Accident report for accident that happened on or about 2/16/li involving Starfleet Marine Transportation, Inc. and Apache Corporation I am requesting all documents and material in the Unit files, during the time period of January 1, 2005 to the present date, regarding the following nine (9) OCS-P lease files: 204. 205. 208, 209, 215, 217, 241, 549. 550. Documents relating to incident on 3/23/Il. Petrobras America, Inc., Cascade-Chinook prolect in \VR 206, 42, and 469.
. . -

MMS Minerals May 25, Management20ll2011 Service 00159 Minerals MMS Management20l 100158 Service May 25.



Minerals MMS May 20, Management20l I2011 00157 Service Minerals MMS May 24, Management20l 12011 00156 Service MMS Minerals May 19, Management20ll2011 00155 Service

L e bl ing



Minerals MMS September Management20l 1Mu 10, 2010 00154 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00153 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00152 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00151 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00150 Minerals MMS Management20l l 00149 Service MMS Minerals Management20llService 00148 Minerals MMS Management20ll00146 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00145 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00144 Service Minerals MMS Management20llService 00143 MMS Minerals Management20l Service 00142 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00141 May 17, 2011 May 16. 2011 May 16, 2011 May 12, 2011 April 20, 2011 May 10, 2011 May 10, 2011 May 11, 2011 May 11, 2011 May 10, 2011 May 04, 2011 May 03, 2011

Kauffman Cohen

Roberts Yu

a 1k er Arca

Calirey Capdeville Rainer John, Ph.D.

Inspections, violations, etc. re Maritech Resources, Inc. Injury Report re Noble Jim Thompson. Airborne Expendable data. I am requesting a copy of the Development and Production Plan (DPP) for the Sockeye Field, Santa Clara Unit, Platform Gina. I am requesting an ASCII file that contains well completion data arrayed by field name. APDs for ExxonMobil, KCI 919; OSRP certification and well containment for Noble Energy, MC 519.

egee King Dlouhy

Minerals MMS- May 04, Management20ll- 2011

https://efoia.ios.doi .gov/efts/


Print Search Report

00140 Service Minerals MMS Management20llService 00139 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00138 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00137 Minerals MMS Management2Ol Service 00136 Minerals MMS Management20llService 00135

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May 09, 2011 May 04, 2011 May 03, 2011 April 30, 2011 April 21, 2011

Shaw Dlouhy

Incident of 5/1/11, regarding Noble Jim Thompson, Garden Banks FOIA request for copies of the log or index recieved by BOEMRE since Jan 1/20 10 INC reports re Chevron platform at El 24A for 2006-2010. Well File from 2000 to present for OCS-G 1997, WC 171, Well A-7. I am requesting Abandonment estimates for Platforms Houchin and Hogan pertaining to OCS-P 0166. *DWHZ*We request that copies of the crew foreman reports from the BP Oil I Deepwater Horizon Spill be provided to Sharpton Brunson & Company, P.A. The specific documents for this request are the BP cleanup contractor/,s crew or crew foreman reports, which were generally hand written field notes...These reports were used to document site cleanup activities in Escambia County. To expedite our request we would like the crew reports for January 8 and January 13, 2011. Repairs/modifications BPs Mad Dog platform, GC Area, from the 2008 hurricanes. Comments submitted regarding Call for Information and Nominations and Notice of Scoping Meetings. Request for copy of contract of the Gulf Coast Claims Administrator Ken Feinberg. All documents relating to the Chukchi and Beaufort Spill Plans (or revisions thereto) including any changes Shell proposed following the Deepwater 1-lorizon oil spill, Shell/,s equipment inventory, the calculation of the worst case discharge,, any consultation(s) BOEMRE conducted pursuant to the Endangered Species Act, and BOEMREs environmental review of the proposed spill response techniques under the National Environmental Policy Act. OSRPs for BI-IP and Noble Requesting information on Dual Induction logs, sonic logs, and mudlogs at a scale of 2=100 for all exploratory wells and core holes drilled in variety of POCSR blocks. Request for position description.

Soileau Perry


Minerals MMSMarch 29, Management20l Sharpton 2011 Service 00134 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00132 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00131 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00130

April 26, 2011 April 25, 2011 April 21, 2011


Slaughter Barrentine

Minerals MMS April 20, Management20ll2011 Service 00129 MMS Minerals Management20l IService 00127 Minerals MMS Management20llService 00126 Minerals MMS Management20l I00125 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00124 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00123 Minerals MMSManagement20l 1Service 00122 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00121 Minerals MMSManagement20l IService 00120 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00119 Minerals MMS Management20l 1-


April 15, 2011 April 04, 2011 April 14, 2011 April 13, 2011 April 04, 2011 April 12, 2011 April 11, 2011 April 05, 2011 February
27, 2011

Deibel Traut

Seelman Traut Olivier

Correspondence regarding any redirection associated with Anaconda and Nautalus. Requesting surface locations and directional surveys for variety of wells drilled in the Sockeye and 1-lueneme Fields from Platform Gina. Request for documents pertaining to the suspension actions in the Gulf of Mexico Region from 2008 to the present.The specifics of the suspension should indicate the Office, Names, Grade, Position, the offense cited and the penalty imposed.. Accident on 1/13/10, Apaches EC 002. Request for copies of all communications between officials at BOEMRE and Noble Energy Inc including the American Petroleum Institute (API) on Monday February 28, 2011. Request for checks issued by BOMRE prior to August 01, 2010 that have not yet been redeemed, cashed or otherwise presented for payment. District no-flight logs.

Lowe Cappiello

Christian Muehlenbachs

April 05,


Print Search Report

Service 00118 2011

Page 4 of 27

MMS Minerals March 29, Foster Management20ll2011 00117 Service Minerals MMSApril 05, Management20l 2011 00116 Service Minerals MMSApril 05, Management20ll2011 00115 Service Cappiello


MMS Minerals April 05, Management20l 12011 00113 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 100112 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll.. 00111 Service MMS Minerals Management20l I00110 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 100109 Service MMS Minerals Management20l Service 00108 MMS Minerals Management20l 100107 Service Minerals MMS Management20llService 00106 MMS Minerals Management20 11Service 00105 MMS Minerals Management20ll00104 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00103 Service Minerals MMS Management20l I00102 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00101 Service Minerals MMSManagement20l 00100 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00098 Service Minerals MMS Management20l I00097 Service Minerals MMS April 05, 2011 April 04. 2011


Reference is made to the investigative report of American Bureau of Shipping with regard to inspection type CDS and the dsicontinuation the calssification body for vessels drilling system. The query is What caused the change in classification under IMO MODU code with ABS. Request for copies of the Director of BOEMRE, Michael Bromwichs calendar from the date of his appointment to the present. The calendar should include all meetings, appointments, and phone calls Mr. Bromwich has participated in and the names of all individuals who participated in those meetings. Request for copies of all communications (emails, faxes,phone messages including who called whom and when, meetig times, written correspondences..) pertaining to starting new exploratory deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico between officials working for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, BP PLC and its representatives from October 12, 2010 to the present. Request for the access of copies ofConflict of lnterest!Recusal Request submitted to BOEMRE supervisors, district managers, district regional supervisors, in district offices dealing with the Gulf of Mexico OCS leasing, inspection and enforcement since Director Michael Bromichs September 12 ethics memo.. At a minimum, the AP should have access to the number of employees that have filed Conflict of Interest/Recusal Request and which companies they have a conflict of interest with. 1st 7 Deepwater APDs and OSRPs. BPs APD to resume drilling. Requesting production data for FY 2010. Obtain the shape files for the offshore oil fields located in the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, specifically the Pt. Hueneme complex and Sockeye. Incident on 2/15/11, M/V NACIS JOHN JR allision with Dang in South Pass. OSRPs for ATP. BI-IP, Exxon, Chevron, and Statoil. Deepwater drilling permits Documents regarding the termination of suspension of permitting. Incident regarding ATP Titan on 11/3/10. Documents regarding Petrobras WR 206, 250, and 469. Request for documents relating to contract INMO9PC00037. Request for a copy of an environmental assessment created in connection with an EP submitted by Shell Offshore, Inc. ONRR FOIA # 2011-0005 Annual royalty fees paid on lease #C-0125439 between 2000 and 2010. If royalties have been paid on any of the Ieaseholdeis adjacent leases (COC 66514, C-0125515 and C-0125516), I would like to know these amounts as well. OSRPs for Noble, ATP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and BHP. DWHZ- Photos of Macondo wells blowout preventer.



March 05, Evans 2011 March 3 1, Traut 2011 March 30, Bland 111 2011 March 30, Yarvitz 2011 March 29. LaFontaine 2011 March 28, Soraghan 2011 March 28, Lambert 2011 March 28, Kelly 2011 March 25, Penland 2011 March 22. Holmes 2011 February 24, 2011 Goodman

March 24, Timm 2011 March 24, Baur 2011


Print Search Report

Management20llService 00096 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00095 MMS Minerals Management2ol 100094 Service March 24, Klimasinska 2011 March 18. Gravitz 2011 March 08, Adams 2011

Page 5 of 27

OSRPs forATP Oil & Gas, ExxonMobil, and Chevron. APDs for Noble Energy, BI-IP Billiton, and ATP Gas & Oil, related to Helix and the MWCC systems. Request copies of all drilling histories, new well drilling and summary reports and documents, first completions and recompletions. All reviews of Outer Conitinental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sale bids conducted by the Attorney General or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)- All notes, memoranda, e mails, electronic documents, ploicy statements, internal directives, correspomndence, internal external communication, or inforrmation of any nature whatsoever relating to the review of OCS oil and gas lease sale results conducted pursuant to 43 USC 133 7(c) by the AG or the FTC since 1978. *D\VHZ* This is a referral received by OS from NOAA and referred to BOEMRE. The requester is CREW. They are requesting video feeds from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and all documents concerning the use of dispersants. NOAA and OS referred 48 pages to BOEMRE for review. BHP Billitons APD and OSRP for GC 653. Requesting offshore/onshore pipeline and facility GIS data for the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin. Noble Energys APD for MC 519. Accident Investigation involving BPs Pompano platform.

MIvIS Minerals March 07, Pell Management2ol 2011 00093 Service Minerals MMS May 19, Management20l 12010 Service 00092 Minerals MMS Management20l 100091 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 00090 Service Minerals MMS Management20ll00089 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 1Service 00088


March 14, Klimasinska 2011 March 03, Alleyne 2011 March 14, Conaway 2011 March 14, Dubuisson, IV 2011

Minerals MMS February Management20l 128, 2011 Service 00087 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00086 MMS Minerals Management20l 1Service 00085 Minerals MMS Management20ll00084 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00083 Minerals MMS Management20llService 00082 Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00081 MMS Minerals Management20l I00080 Service Minerals MMSManagement2ol 1Service 00078 MMS Minerals Management2ol Service 00077 MMS Minerals Management2ol Service 00076

ONRR 2011-00014 ConocoPhillips requests copies of any materials responsive to the requests identified below. The documents sought relate to the issues raised by the Schwerdtfeger January 13 2011 ONRR Order to Perform Restructured Accounting and attached heretoand the topic discussed. Noble Energys APD & OSRP for MC 519. Copies of and and all correspondence between the BOEMRE and the Office of Congressman Trent Frank, from 2003-2011. Info regarding accident that occurred on 2/24/10 in El area. Contango Pipeline; request a list of all dredging activity in the area from 5/07-12/10. Documents regarding Marine Well Containment Company. Noble Energys OSRP for MC 519; audio file and transcript of Michael Bromwichs conference call with reporters on 2/28/11. Documents regarding Lease OCS-G 22367, from 4/20/10 to present; files related specifically to Discoverer Inspiration and Discoverer Clear Leader. Martinelli Request for the list of credit card buyers in BOEMRE ONRR FOIA 2011-00013 Requesting the annual royalty income for oil and gas sales from Federal Lease P-0166 paid to the BOEMRE (MMS) for the years 1990 through 2010. Request for a shutdown plan that is place should congressional appropriations fail and the government must shut down Baker Jasny Ccertified report OCS MMS 2009-008, accident investigation PN 696, Platform JA, OCS-G 05953, 1/19/08. CER w/Analysis on revised EP (control #5118) submitted by Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and approved by BOEMRE

March 09, Klimasinska 2011 2011 28. 2011 February 23, 2011 McNeil



March 02, Conaway 2011 March 01, 2011



February 23, 2011 February 23. 2011

Minerals MMS- February 18, 2011 Management20l


Print Search Report

Service 00075 McNamara

Page 6 of 27

MMSMinerals February Management20l 22, 2011 00074 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00073 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00072 Service MMSMinerals Management20l 1Service 00071 MMS Minerals Management20l 00070 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 1 00069 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00068 Service February 14, 2011 February 15.2011 February 09, 2011 February 05. 2011 February 03, 2011 February 04, 2011

ONRR FOJA 2011-0012: MMS payment records relating to lease rental payments made to MMS, for the period from July 1, 1991 through September 1, 2010, on numerous BLM geothermal leases. These payments would have been made under at least the following Payor Codes: 07199, Geo-Energy Partners-l983 Ltd., 09033, GEO 83/SRC/Magma. Accident Investigation for an incident associated w/ OCS G02027 in WC 639 on 2/27/09. Phase TI Decision Information Matrix pdfs for sales from 1980 (sale A62) until Sale 157.

Evans Chicu


A copy of BOEMRE/McKinsev & Co. contract, any other contract McKinsey has with DO1/ONRR solicitations relating there to and of records of ethics or conflict of interest disclosures List of names & addresses of companies drilling in the GOM and a list of all HSE people. Information related to Investigation of the fire/injuries/death at the Apache Corp. platform EC 2 on 1/13/10 Shells OSRP for GB 427 that was in effect prior to 4/20/10. all documents relating to exchanges between DOl and Carol Browners (Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change) office that relate to the Increased Safety Measured for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf Report, the April 20, 2010 deepwater drilling rig explosion, or any substantially related matter. Records or communications regarding the Departments plans to review US Oil and Gas royalty rates in the US. A copy of the application for the Construction and Operating Permit (COP) submitted by Cape Wind Associates to BOEMRE. In addition, the requester is seeking any communications regarding the Cape Wind project since January 2009, involving CWA and its representatives, the State of Massachusetts, or any pro-Cape Wind group, with the Secretary of Interior,,s Office, the Assistant Secretary of Land and Minerals Management,,s Office, the Solicitors Office and the Office of the Director of BOEMRE. The requester is seeking the supplemental information/reports submitted by oil companies in response to NTL 2010-N06 All OSRPs & modifications submitted by companies operating in the GOM 11/8/10 thru present. Requester is seeking copies of the reports that were submitted per the request of the Notice to Lessee (NTL) 2010-N05 that were due on June 17th, 2010. Request for documents that pertain to correspondences or meetings between BOEMRE and International Regulators Forum (IRF) from January 2010 to the present Request for a list of Federal Employees Personnel (names, grades, organization, mail routing number..)with in 15 years of retirement Information on for 5 oldest FOTA requests ONRR FOIA No. 2011-00011 Resources for the Future is requesting royalty information for all offshore oil and gas tracts leased in the Western and Central areas of the Gulf of Mexico and in the Eastern area west of 8730 vest longitude, after ONRR FOIA 2011-00010 Requesting documents related to the issues raised by the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department, Oil and Gas Bureau letter received
December 20, 2010

White Daigle Kahn

MMS Minerals November Danhof Management2Oll22. 2010 00067 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l 1 31. 2011 00066 Service MMSMinerals January Management20l 126, 2011 00065 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00064 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol 00063 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 1 00062 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00061 Service MMS Minerals Management20l l 00060 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00059 Service Lauren


January 25, 2011 January 26, 2011 January 20. 2011 January 14. 2011 January 21. 2011

Chris Gilbert

Minerva 0 Neil Kessler

December Ravnitzky 18, 2010 Murphy

MMS Minerals January Management20l 19. 2011 00056 Service MMSMinerals Management20llService 00055

12. 2011

Schwedtfeger 1-lill

Minerals Service



06. 2011

ONRR FOIA No. 2011-00009 Requesting records relating to or reflecting poyalties paid or owed by Louisville Gas & Electric for the use of underground natural gas storage sites in Fort Knox, Kentucky.


Print Search Report

MMS Minerals January Management20l 13, 2011 Service 00053

Page 7 of 27


Documents relating to the 1/3/11 decision to exempt 16 deepwater drilling wells from the requirement to submit revised EPs/DOCDs for supplemental review under NEPA. *DWHZ* Request for documentation related to the Det Norske Veritas inspection of the Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer at NASAs Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. LA. Requester specifically asked for a letter written by the Chemical Safety Board on December 13, 2010 to BOEMRE. This is in regards to the NOAA and BOEMRE interagency agreement for aircraft support services as part of the Bowhead Whale Aerial Survey Project and Chickchi Offshore Monitoring. Copy of all data complied to create an analysis (if used) to base the bureaus decision to use an interagency agreement rather than a private sector contract. Documents relating to applications/approvals of OCS G 05525, Platform B, located in El 371. for time period 2000-2008. ONRR FOIA No. 2011-00008 Requesting gas price data used to compute the major prices for the Navaho Allotted leases associated with the Kelly FC #2 well and section 1 2,T27N,R,3 W proration unit for years 2007 through 2009 ONRR FOIA 2011-00007 Order to Report and Pay Additional Royalties dated Oct 5, 2010 issued to Encana. Requests for documentsfor the period 2003 to present, related to the vellhead Piceance Basin inlcluding gas sales contracts; documents relating to consideration or evaluation by DOI or State of Colorado (CO.) regarding Piceance Basin. Contstruction costs & depreciation schedules for Dragon Trail Plant in Rio Blanco County CO. for the period 1987 2002. Acquired pipelines Dragon Trail plant.

Minerals MMS December Management20l Baay 17. 2010 Service 00052 Minerals MMS December Aaron Management20ll07, 2010 00051 Service MMS Minerals December Carnegie Management20ll20. 2010 Service 00050 MMSMinerals December 1-legarty Management2ol I07, 2010 Service 00049 Minerals MMS December Shepherd Management20l 115, 2010 Service 00048 Minerals MMS November Miller, Ill Management20l I08, 2010 00047 Service Minerals MMSDecember Noblin Management20l 108, 2010 00046 Service Minerals MMSManagement20llService 00045 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00044 MMSMinerals Management20l 00043 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00042 Service Minerals MMSManagement20l I00041 Service MMS Minerals Management2ollService 00040 MMS Minerals Management20llService 00039 MMS Minerals Management2ol 100038 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 100037 Service MIvIS Minerals Management20ll00036 Service Minerals MNIS Management20l IService 00035 November Gunn 24, 2010 November Weiner 29. 2010 November Berge 19. 2010 November Rodgers 19, 2010 September .Tophlin 27, 2010 November Goodridge 16, 2010 November Nosse 15, 2010 November Shu 15. 2010 November Casselman 11. 2010 November Mukherji 10. 2010 November Esparza 09. 2010

Operators using SafeZone Safety Systems. Environmental or safety issues pertaining to the BP Liberty drill rig including, but not limited to, any documents, memos, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, conversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents that have been generated, received, kept and/or considered by the BOEMRE related to BPs November 2010 decision to delay construction of the Liberty drill rig. Lease applications/revisions pertaining to the construction of one or more meterological data collection facilities submitted to BOEMRE by Bluewater Wind after October 13, 2008 Permits/applications to operated in the Central GOM during 2006-20 10 hurricane seasons. ONRR Request No. 2011-00006 Request on behalf of Energen Resources Corp. seeking materials related to an August 3,2010 Audit Issue Letter issued to Energen by the State ofNew Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Info on Food & Water Watch, Incs FOIA requests MMS-2009-00207, MMS-20l000013, & MMS-20l0-00082. All docs relating to Civil Action No. 10-1195 (EGS). DWI-IZ- Documents pertaining to oil rig blowouts, blowouts preventer valves, cement seals and/or plugs, Safety and Emergency Management Plans for oil rigs and operators, and/or cementing. Waiver/departure info for VK 25lA Field and injection wells for MP 154 #1 & 2. DWT-TZ--OSFRs for DW Horizon/MC 252 Oil Well and Platform; BP Exploration and Production Inc., Transocean Ltd., MOEX USA Corp. and Halliburton Co. Deepwater Production Riser Data in the GOM Docs re Civil Penalty Case G-2009-027, Mariner Energy *DWHZ* BPs APD for the Macondo well, approved 5/22/09 not in reading room.

All documents relating to SS 148 1-1 platform and 1-12 well which was re-designated as SS 148 K platform and K2 well. All documents re W&T Offshores I-l/H2 Platform, re-designated as K/K2, in SS148.

Minerals MMS- November Esparza 09, 2010 Management20l


Print Search Report

Service 00034 Minerals MMS November Management20ll04, 2010 Service 00033 Minerals MMSNovember Management20llMeites 01, 2010 Service 00032 Minerals MMS Management20llService 00031 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00030 Minerals MMS Management20ll00029 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 00028 Service Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00027 Minerals MMS Management20l IService 00026 Minerals MMS Management20l IService 00025 Minerals MMSManagement20ll00024 Service Minerals MMS Management20llService 00023 Minerals MMS Management20l Service 00022 November Cazalot, Jr. 01, 2010 October 28, 2010 October 28, 2010 October 25, 2010 October 27, 2010 October 19, 2010 October
22, 2010

Page 8 of 27

Request for HR related information. Request monthly royalty payments statements from 10 entity (Navajo Allottees, NM) producing oil and gas, detailing the months production, price realized on the gross and net production, quanity produced, value, all deducaiton, all amounts received and ohter information provided on such monthly statements from Jan 1,2005 to present. MMS Forms 2014, 3160 and 4025. All Audits and correspondence conducted with regard to these reports. Accident Investigation regarding 7/31/10 incident at EC 334E Energy XXI EPs & DOCDs with water depths greater than 500 ft. for the GOMR that are submitted and/or pending as of 10/28/10 OSRPs since 1990 for Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Marathon Oil Company and Shell Offshore, Inc. APDs in water depths greater than 500 ft. that have been received by the BOEMRE since 10/11/10 INCs/Spills associated with Shells G07824 in MP 252 and BPs G06886 in VK 783. Well files for OCS G 02732, G02733, and G03248, in I-lI A302, 303, and 318. l-lR information request *DWHZ* BP Request ONRR FOIA No. 2011-00004 Requesting royalties from production, and anything else associated with BP Exploration & Production Company, Inc. and any of its subsidiary and/or parent companies for the past ten years.

Reimer McMonagle


Engelken Logan Ex. (b) (6)

October 20, 2010 October 20, 2010 October 18,2010


O,Neill Brown

Variety of documents regarding rigs owned/maintained by BP and any of its subsidiary/parent companies for past 10 years. FOIA Log request. By FOIA Log I mean the document that your agency uses to track all in coming and out going FOIA-materials requested, requestor info and dates of requests.. ONRR FOIA No. 2011-00003 Requesting documents or communications related to assessment and collection of penalties and the case files for case numbers Case Number Company Name CPO8-060 Norton Frickey IT Trustee CPO6-024 American Warrior CPO3-049 Citation Oil & Gas Corp. CPO6-003 Daniel Resource Development CPO5-015 J. Thomas Development Co. CPO4-037 BC&D Oil and Gas, Inc. CPOO-022 SGGS Partnership CL99-056 N/A Info regarding P/Us requiring abandonment in the next 6 months. Same info as MMS-2010-00082. Copies of Shell Offshore Inc. APD in 2011 under its 2010 Outer Continental Shelf Lease Exploration Plan for Camden Bay, Alaska (Exploration Plan); responses to NTL 2010 11N06(and the associated executive summary); and updates to its Exploration Plan as well as all memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, conversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents, which were generated, received, kept and/or considered by BOEMRE relating to the above. Lat/long of deepwater wells/rigs. ONRR FOIA #2011-00002 FOIA Lease Numbers 071-064243-A and 071-064243-D for the dates of 12/2000 through 12/2007. ONRR FOIA #2011-00001 any back-royalty taxes due to the MMS/MRM from 1995 on. Attached is a letter from the President of Xeric Oil and Gas Corporation, the current

Minerals MMS October Management20l 15,2010 00021 Service Minerals MMS October Management20ll14,2010 00020 Service Minerals MMS October Management20ll06, 2010 Service 00019 MMS Minerals October Management20l 13,2010 Service 00018 Minerals MMS October Management20ll11,2010 Service 00016 Minerals MMS October Management20l 12,2010 Service 00015 Minerals MMS


Duplechin Wachter


Donovan Teresa

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Print Search Report

Management20l 100014 Service Minerals MMSManagement20l I00013 Service MMS Minerals Management20ll00012 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00011 Service Minerals MMS Management20l IService 00009 Minerals MMS Management 2011Service 00008 MMS Minerals Management20l I00007 Service MMS Minerals Management20llService 00006 MMS Minerals Management2ol Service 00005 Minerals MMSManagement20l I00004 Service MMS Minerals Management20llService 00003 MMS Minerals Management20ll00002 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 1Service 00001 MMS Minerals Management20 1000444 Service Minerals MMSManagement20l000443 Service MMS Minerals Management2ol000442 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000441 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000440 Service Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00439 Minerals MMS Management2olo00438 Service Minerals MMS Management2oloService 00437

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owner of the following wells giving his permission. Please send over a statement for the following wells: South Pearl Queen Unit #005 H-4-20S-35E 30-025-03328 South Pearl Queen Unit #006 E-3-20S-35E 30-025-03315 South Pearl Queen Unit #008 L-3-20S35E 30-025-033 17 etc.... Complete file on the captioned incident, including, or as well as, all permits applied for and issued to Mariner Energy, Inc. and/or Mariner Energy Resources, Inc. for the drilling ofa well at VKBI. 992 in 10/2005. report(s) conducted of MMS office of Regulation and Compliance Assessment in 2005. OCS Connect BenchmarkinglBest practices reports Status of all EPs, DOCSs subject to NTL 2010-N06 Cathodic protection readings for pipeline segment 1240 for the past 3 years Accident on 9/20/10 regarding Contangos El 11 H Accident on 4/30/07 regarding Chevrons GC 6A Accident on 6/20/09 regarding Mariners I-lI 175 Accident on 7/28/09 regarding W&Ts SS 33C Documents between March 1, 2010 and September 27, 2010 pertaining to ocean wind energy development in Maine state waters and waters offshore of Maine in the Gulf of Maine Documents regarding 1-lunt Petroleums WC 485 Platform A. Record Title Ownership for ROWs OCS G02l39, SN 1127, and OCS G02139A, SN 1128. Info pertaining to oil rig blowouts, BOP valves, cement seals and/or plugs, Safety and Emergency Management Plans for oil rigs and operators, and/or cementing. Request for correspondence regarding the moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Referred to DOl OS office for DOl correspondence. *D\VIJZ* Request for FLow Rate Technical Group documents used to study the flow of oil from the BP oil spill. The FRTG is chaired by the Director of the USGS. Request referred to USGS. API #s of all wells identified as meeting the criteria laid out in NTL No. 2010-G05. BPs Atlantis facility; existence of engineering drawings/approval of the design by BOEMRE Lease #166-Requesting copies of well logs, directional surveys, weilbore diagrams, drilling, completion, and testing reports. l-lR related request NEPA, EP, & DOCD for Mariner Energy, Vermillion BI. 380 re: API Well No. 8.3E+11--applications, permits, any comments submitted in connection with the permit application and any agency record of decision or ROD. l-ligh Resolution (Shallow) Geophysical Records Area Santa Barbara Channel OCS Lease P-0300 and P-0301 l-ligh Resolution (Shallow) Geophysical Records Area San

October 11,2010 October 07, 2010 October 11,2010 October 08, 2010


Breaud Murphy


September Hebert 23. 2010 October 07, 2010 October 06, 2010 October 06, 2010 October 06, 2010 Curtis Uzee



September 1-luber 27, 2010 September Daniel, Jr. 22, 2010 October 01,2010 Spinney

September Jophlin 27. 2010 August 11. 2010 July 26, 2010 Daly Robinson

September Donn 28, 2010 September Coffigan 28. 2010 September Cohen 20, 2010 September 24, 2010 September Urbina 21, 2010 September Lamb 17. 2010

MMS- September Poulter Minerals Management20l0- 13, 2010


Print Search Report

Service 00436 MMS Minerals September Eaton Management20l010. 2010 Service 00435 Minerals MIvISSeptember Elder Management20l014. 2010 Service 00433 Minerals MMS August Cappielo Management20l030, 2010 Service 00432 Minerals MMS September Curtis Management 201014. 2010 Service 00431 Minerals MMSSeptember Eaton Management20l010. 2010 Service 00430 Minerals MMSSeptember Strongrich Management 201002, 2010 00429 Service MMS Minerals September Jones Management 201009, 2010 Service 00428 MMSMinerals September Jeffers Mariagement20l007, 2010 00427 Service Minerals MMSManagement20l 000426 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000425 Service Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00424 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00423 MMS Minerals Management2olo00422 Service Minerals MMSManagement20 10Service 00421 MMSMinerals Management20l0Service 00420 Minerals MMS Management 2010Service 00418 September Broussard 08. 2010 September Stockel 07, 2010 September Knutson 01, 2010 September Verdun 01. 2010 August 26. 2010 August 31, 2010 August 26, 2010 August 31, 2010 Bal Urbina Pedro Bay

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Beta Unit

*D\VHZ* Request for information concerning offshore inspectors. MRM FOIA # 2010-00064 1 need to the total royalty amounts paid on the following oil and gas leases (dummy leases): 1. ARES-56404 2. ARES-55939 3. ARES-561 86 1 need this information as soon as possible. We plan on placing bids on the acreage covered by the leases in the upcoming BLM Auction on September 16th in the Eastern Regional Office (Virginia). Records refering to the Presidents memo of March 31, 2010-Expansion of offshore drilling in the GOM and off the Atlantic coast Accident on 4/12/10, Chevron platform, VK-900 INC reports, any communications from the companies to the inspector or district manager, dates of rescissions and any forms or material explaining why they occurred. Information needed for the period 2000-2010 pertaining to fixed platforms and MODU rigs. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00063 1-larold Strongrich is requesting a monthly production report for the period 01/01/2008 to the present for well Spring Gulch 1-22 COC44901 API 0508106547 Moffat County, Colorado

*DWIIZ*Accident Investigation Report (AIR) for Incident on 6/30/03, MC, Block 725, Material Safety Data Sheet, INCs & AIR for incident on 11/23/05 on MC, Block 126
MRM FOIA #2010-00062 Request for updated historical natural gas volume data (OGOR or 3160) on behalf of clients that my company represents. I would like to receive the data (see attachment) beginning with the production month of January 2002 and subsequent production months thereafter ending with the most current production month data available (July 2010 if possible). Spreadsheet of lease numbers attached to request. variety of docs concerning SS Block 80A. i.e., inspections from 1/1/03 thru 12/31/06; drawings submitted by LLOG to MMS pursuant to the LLOG letter datd 5/3/04 directed to Mike Saucier; and records maintained by MMS/BOEMRE from 1/1/05 to present.

variety of docs relating to 01 18A platform *DWHZ* MMS letter to Kent Wells of BP dated September 24, 2003.

Top 20 reasons INCs were cited in 2010, and same for 2009. Communication and documents exchanged between MMS and 14 listed companies and/or individuals since January 1,2001 This request is for the same documents as MMS-2010-00258 which was for Lessee training records regarding 710 contractor interviews, 30 formal audits, and 30 citations for noncompliance. MRM FOIA # 2010-00061 Bills or invoices delivered by New Mexico Taxation and Revenue. Any and all information that relates to an Order to Cimarex Energy. Reference 0TH 100002046; and Notice ofNoncompliance and Civil Penalty in Case No. CPO8-1 23 info on platform removals Same documents as MMS-2010-00347: Ownershp, monitoring & leaks of 27,000 abandoned vells: internal communications regarding 23 blowouts since 2006; communication with OOC Deep Spills Working Group; communication with K. Stauffer and J. McCarroll, NO Dist. concernig deepwater oil spills. Request only for the portion of #00347 that deals with communications with K. Stauffer and J. McCarroll, NO Dist. concernig deepwater oil spills. BHPs EP and CER for GC 654 Inspection reports for Chevrons Blind Faith

Budge Adams

Minerals MMS August Management 201024, 2010 Service 00417 MIvIS Minerals August Management20l026, 2010 00416 Service Minerals MMS August Management20l025.2010 00415 Service


Wannamaker Prescott. Ill

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Print Search Report

MMS Minerals Management20l 000414 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 00413 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000412 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000411 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000410 Service

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August 25, 2010 August 24, 2010 August 24, 2010 August 20, 2010 August 18, 2010


Structural documentation file for East Breaks Block 110, Platform A (Complex ID No. 10242) Accident Investigation, Galveston Area Block 151, G15740, 1/28/09 *DWHZ* Request for written statements taken by investigators from the Deepwater 1-Torizon rig workers Request for FOIAs solicited by government/public institutions from December 2 1/2009 to August 1 8/2010. Requesting information on retention bonuses given away in the last 24 months (8/18/088/18/10) for the GOM region MRM FOIA No. 2010-00058 Cimarex Energy Co. Requesting 1) Volume Reported on 2014 2)Roya1ty Paid To Date 3) A schedule of Sales Volumes due by Payor which ties to the /,Mineral Interest Ownership 4) A schedule of Royalty Values due by Payor which ties to the Calculated Royalty Duet for each Lease.... MRM FOTA 20 10-060: Minerals Management Service and Minerals Revenue Management concerning Minerals Management Royl Number R0Y100229320. The information requested includes but is not limited to: 1. All information related to system error referenced by the note from Julie Barcelona as appears on the statement for ROY100229320 dated June 29, 2010. 2. All information regarding attempts to collect these hinds from the Payor Tom R. Cone. MRM FOIA No. 2010-059: 15 items regarding the Royalty in Kind program this is a follow up to previous MMS FOIA No. 2009-00193 (MRM FOIA No. 2009-039).

Sunosky Kumar Weiler


MMS Minerals August Management20l020, 2010 00409 Service MMS Minerals August Management20 1006, 2010 00408 Service MMS Minerals August Management2Ol018,2010 00407 Service MMS Minerals August Management 201017, 2010 00406 Service MMS Minerals August Management20l 017, 2010 00405 Service MMS Minerals August Management20 1017, 2010 00404 Service MMS Minerals Management2O 1000403 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000402 Service MMS Minerals Management 20 1000401 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000400 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000399 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000398 Service MMS Minerals Management 2010Service 00397 MMS Minerals Management20l 000396 Service Minerals MMSAugust 12, 2010 August 03. 2010 May 19, 2010 March 25, 2010 August 11, 2010 August 10. 2010 August 06. 2010 August 06, 2010 August



Berman Cabrales

MRMFOIA 2010-0057: Exxon Mobil is requesting information regarding the Royalty in Kind program MRM FOIA No. 2010-00055 A copy ofa report that includes all non-proprietary data elements from Form MMS-2014 for lease number WYW134708 & WYW123020. The two federal sease numbers are federal onshore natural gas producing leases located in Wyoming for the production period October 1998 through latest current production month. Request the report be provided in Microsoft Excel Format. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00056 A copy of a report that includes all non-proprietary data elements from Form MMS-2014 for lease number WYW137644 & WYW137921. The two federal sease numbers are federal onshore natural gas producing leases located in Wyoming for the production period January 2004 through latest current production month. Request the report be provided in Microsoft Excel Format. *DWHZ*A variety of abandoned well documents Copies of records obtained and prepared by the U.S. Coast Guard in conjunction with the investigation of the Omni Energy Services Helipcopter crash at SSI3OE platform on December 17, 2004. 1-IR related information Copies for HR related information





Higham Hunter-Omar

Copies of the Defense Contract Audit Agencys audit report regarding the MMS IT contract with Accenture LLC. *DWITZ* All documents related to conversations between MMS GOM New Orleans office and BP regarding the Deepwater 1-lorizon drilling rig explosion and the resulting oil pill that took place on or after April 20, 2010. *DWljZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-287 which was for former Director Bimbaums public schedule. *DW1TZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-274 which was for all regional oil spill response plans for all companies drilling off-shore in waters under the jurisdiction of DOT. *Dw11z* Same documents as MMS-2010-267 which was for records relating to former

Urbina Urbina

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Print Search Report

Management20l0Service 00395 MMS Minerals Management20l 000394 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000393 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000392 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000391 Service MMS Minerals Management20 10Service 00390 Minerals MMS Management20 10Service 00389 MMS Minerals Management20l 000388 Service Minerals MMS Management20 1000387 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 0Service 00386 MMS Minerals Management 20 1000385 Service 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 06,2010 August 06,2010 August 06,2010 August 06, 2010 August 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 06,2010 August 06, 2010 August 05,2010 director Randall Luthi.

Page 12of27

Urbina Urbina Urbina

*DWJ{Z* Same documents as MMS-2010-254 which was for copies of hearings conducted by MMS and the Coast Guard on May 11,2010, concerning the DH tragedy. *DWHz* Same documents as request MMS-2010-245 which was for communications between MMS and Congress for the last 3 yrs. Same documents as MMS-2010-244 which was for the May 18, 2001 EQ telling every federal agency to cut the red tape and speed up energy production. *D\VHZ* Same documents as request MMS-2010-243 which was for correspondence since Jan 1,2004 between MMS and Congress re BP oil spill. *DWHZ* Same documents as request MMS-2010-242 which was for Request for communications between former Director Randall Luthi and BP. *DWT1Z* Same documents as request MMS-20l0-239 which was for emails, records, corres, relating to resignation of Dir. Birnbaum and the DH incident in the Gulf of Mexico. *DW1JZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-237 which was for travel reimbursement for GOM Region MMS employees in 2008 and 2009 and 2010. *DWHZ* Same documents as request MMS-2010-00236 which was for emails sent and received by Dir Birnbaum, subject BPs oil rig explosion. *DWJJZ* same documents as request MMS-2010-00235 which was for incoming/outgoing emails of Dir. Birnbaum, subject BP. FOTA log from June 1,2010 to August 1,2010. All copies of all memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, conversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents that have been generated, received, kept and/or considered regarding Endangered Species Act consultation or other ESA consideration for the BP Liberty Development and Production Plan (DPP) that was approved by MMS on January 3,2010. **See General Comments for additional accident that happened 10/29/08 while aboard the work barge Hercules located in Eugene Block info pertaining to Segment No. 12502 owned and/or operated by Mariner Energy Pipeline Company MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00054 Requesting a history of volumes(only) reported by the other payors in a lease/agreement for which XTO has an interest and is currently under audit by the MMS. The Agreement is 8770000760 and the lease is 082-079035-A. Would like the volumes reported on both the agreement and the lease(lease basis) by all parties with the exception of Dominion, which XTO acquired back in 2007. *DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00280 which were for documents regarding discussions of public release of records regarding the condition of the Deepwater Horizon, the explosion and oil spill, and ongoing cleanup operation. *DWllZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00289 which was for copies of the JOA for the Macondo well in MC252, between Anadarko Petroleum Corp., BP, and Mitsui & Co. *DViHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00284 which were for ADPs including revised APDs for wells and bypasses submitted by BP for Lease G32306 and corresponding responses or approvals by MMS. *DXVHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00288; copies of BPs operator of the Macondo well in MC Block 252 authorization for expenditure to Anadarko Petroleum Corp., BP, and Mitsui & Co.


Urbina Urbina

Urbina Urbina

Urbina Urbina Urbina

MMS Minerals August Management2Ol 010, 2010 00384 Service

MMS Minerals August Management20l 011,2010 Service 00383 Minerals MMS August Management20l 010,2010 00382 Service




Minerals MMS August Management20l 010, 2010 00381 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00380 Minerals MMS Management20 1000379 Service Minerals MMS Management 2010Service 00378 MMS Minerals Management20 1000377 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000376 Service August 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 06,2010


Urbina Urbina Urbina

Urbina Urbina Urbina

*DV/HZ* Same documents as MMS-20 10-00247 which was for a variety of documents related to BP and/or the Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00279 which was for BPs oil spill response plan.

Minerals MMS- August Management20l0- 06, 2010


Print Search Report

Service 00375 Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00374 Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00373 Minerals MMS Management 2010Service 00372 MMS Minerals Management20l 0Service 00371 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00370 Minerals MMS Management20l 000369 Service

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August 06, 2010 August 06, 2010 August 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 06, 2010 August 06, 2010


*DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00255 which was for maintenance/safety logs for the Deepwater Horizon...all inspection logs for the past 12 months. *DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00282 which were for written statements taken by investigators from Deepwaer Horizon rig workers.
*D\\nT-JZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00290 which was for correspondence between MMS and BPs operator of the Macondo well in MC BI. 252 over the last 2 yrs.

Urbina Urbina Urbina

*D\VHZ*Same documents as MMS-2010-00281 which was for the DWOP for the Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00285 for MMS inspection reports for inspections conducted since 4/20/10 on any exploratory drilling rigs operating from 4/21 to present in the GOM at water depths exceeding 1,000 feet. Same documents as MMS-2010-00234, which was for a list of 34 companies affected by MMS recently finalized rule setting limits on flaring or venting of natural gas into the atmosphere from wells on Federal Offshore Leases. Same documents as MMS-2010-00249 which was for documents relating to communications with the National Marine Fisheries Service, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, or the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council regarding compliance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). *DWllZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00250 which was for records regarding the Offshore Safety Index for 2005-20 10.

Urbina Urbina

Minerals MMS August Management20l 006,2010 Service 00368 MMS Minerals Management20l 000367 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00365 MIVIS Minerals Management2o 10Service 00364 Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00363 Minerals MMS Management20 1000362 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000361 Service Minerals MMS Management20 10Service 00360 Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00359 Minerals MMS Management20l 0Service 00358 Minerals MMS Management2ol 0Service 00357 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00356 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00355 Minerals MMS Management20 10Service 00354 Minerals MMS Management2ol000352 Service August 06, 2010 August 06,2010 August 05,2010 August 05,2010 August 05, 2010 August 05,2010 August 05,2010 August 05,2010 August 04,2010 August 05,2010 August 04,2010 July 28, 2010 August 03,2010 July 19, 2010


Urbina Urbina

Same documents as MIvIS-2010-00252 which were for OSRPs for Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and other major oil companies drilling in the GOM. *DVHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-0027l; documents of compliance by MMS with EPA, NEPA, MMPA, and MSFA with respect to MMSs 5 year program.

Urbina Urbina Urbina

*Dwl-IZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00272; documents regarding the construction of relief wells at the Deepwater Horizon site.

*DWHZ* Same documents as MMS-2010-00259; docs regarding amounts of oil from all ongoing spills in the GOM, as well as past 12 months.

Urbina Urbina

Same documents as MMS-2010-00260 which were for MMS inspection/safety violation reports for Cameron International, Anadarko Petroleum, M-1-LLC. Same documents as MMS-2010-00262; inspection reports, citations and other documents issued to Anadarko Petroleuii Corp. and Empire Scaffold for the Constitution Spar in the GC 680. *DWllZ* NEPA.

Urbina Harden

Same documents as MMS-2010-00263; docs re categorical exclusions under

Recent DOCD for Lease OCS-G 02115, El 330. All documents that were provided in response to MMS-2010-257 regarding the accident investigation board. All documents that have been produced in response to FOIA requests submitted by the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound or its representitives since February 2008 pertaining to the Cape Wind Energy Project Request for HR related information.




Requester wants a shapefile compatible with ArcMAp GIS that maps the outlines of the geologic basins or area boundaries for oil fields in the Pacific Region. Material pertaining to focused facility reviews, annual inspections conducted, partial production inspections conducted, pollution surveillance observations, potential incidents of noncompliance, warning incidents or noncompliance, applicable enforcement actions



Print Search Report

and a variety of various requested information. Minerals MMS Management 201000351 Service MMSMinerals Management20l0Service 00350 MMS Minerals Management20lO00349 Service August 04, 2010 August 03, 2010 August 03,2010 Morassini

Page 14 of 27

Accident investigations related to Anadarko Petroleum Corporation from 2000 to present. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00046 Requesting a copy of report SRI-I4IOBR or other report which provides the quantity of product produced and sold for the specified units in the request. Lookout Wash Unit located in Carbon County. Wyoming Information relating to deepwater well design; information used for Wall Street Journal article on 6/19/10. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00045 Requesting a copy of report SRH4IOBR or other report which provides the quantity of product produced and sold for the Schoonover Road Coal Bed Methane Unit as currently reported to the United States from November 2003 thru April 2010. Ownersbp. monitoring & leaks of27.000 abandoned wells; internal communications regarding 23 blowouts since 2006; communication with OOC Deep Spills Working Group; communication with K. Stauffer and J. McCarroll, NO Dist. concernig deepwater oil spills. *DwHz*.variety of environmental information *DWHZ* Citations/warnings for BP, Exxon, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips & Total from 1/1/05 APD & other documents regarding Contangos Atchafalaya River Bar Channel SN 17273, El 11 to El 63 Request for a record of MMS employee numbers since 1990 to the preesnt and budget records over the same 20 year period. Disqualifications, suspensions of offshore operators, cancellations by the Secretary of offshore leases and/or permits since 1/1/2000. MMS NTL 97-3N *DWHZ*5afety awards justifications; MMS awards postponed v/justifications. Citations & INCs for specified companies since 1/1/05. Lease offered by BOEMRE to Cape Wind Associates and all releated communications MMS Filings by Parker Drilling Company and/or Brammer Engineering Company concerning the work and location of the Parker Drilling Rig 20B on 7/17/2008. Well records for Leases OCS 0786 and 0787 in SMI 48 and 49. Accident that occurred on 2/24/10 on the Atchafalaya Bar. Gas pipeline was then being operated by Contango Oil and Gas Co. Request for accident report/investigation. operating permit. *DVHZ* Draft rules concerning secondary control systems for BOP stacks mentioned in testimony at the MMS-USCG hearings in May.



MMS Minerals August Management20l003, 2010 Service 00348 Minerals MMSJuly 30, Management 20102010 Service 00347 MMS Minerals Management20 1000346 Service Minerals MMS Management 201000345 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 000344 Service MMS Minerals Management 2010Service 00343 MMS Minerals Management20l000342 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000341 Service Minerals MMS Management2o 10Service 00340 Minerals MMS Management 2010Service 00339 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00338 MMS Minerals Management2ol 000337 Service Minerals MMS Management2ol0Service 00336 MMSMinerals Management 2010Service 00335 MMS Minerals Management2oloService 00334 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00333 MMS Minerals Management2ol 0Service 00332 Minerals MMS Management2o 10Service 00331 July 28, 2010 July 27, 2010 July 30, 2010 July 24, 2010 July 28, 2010 July 28, 2010 July 28, 2010 July 28, 2010 July 27, 2010 July 28, 2010 July 26, 2010 July 26, 2010 July 23, 2010 July 16, 2010 July 20, 2010 July 22, 2010



Smith Tikellis

DeGruy Rubenstein

Nalder Nalder

Nalder Nalder

Merolli Ross

Logan Aufrecht

Overby Donovan Almy Stein

Final civil penalty document for case number G-2007-024. All records that relate to Cape Wind projects compliance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act 3rd Party Indemnity Agreement. Surety bonds. etc. filed by Anadarko Petroleum Corp; approval letters for the Waiver of the Supplemental Bond requirement for 2010.


Print Search Report

MMS Minerals July 21, Management20l02010 00330 Service MMS Minerals July 21, Management20l02010 00329 Service MMS Minerals June 20, Management20l02010 00328 Service

Page 15 of27

Miller, 111 Tillotson

original pipeline permits for segments 16072, 13741. & 13742 for ROWs G23715 &

G237l4. APDs submitted and approvals granted for Lease # G24940. MRM FOIA #2010-00053 Please consider this a FOTA request for all information contained case file CPO4-022, accession number 473-10-0165, box 2 of 3. Rather than having your office copy the entire file, we would be happy to visit the record center, set up our equipment, and scan the required pages. Tn fact, we would prefer the information be furnished on a CD in pdf format, rather than in hard copy. *DWHZ* MRMFOIA 2010-00052: A complete copy of the Joint Operating Agreement: (JOA) between British Petroleum, Anadarko and Mitsui and or MOEX USA pertaining to the Macondo prospect located on Mississippi Canyon Block 252 in the Gulf of Mexico in a water depth of 4,993 feet (1,522 meters). BP serves as the operator, holding a 65% interest in the prospect; Anadarko holds 25%; and Mitsui and or MOEX 2007 holds the remaining 10% interest. MRM FOJA 2010-00051: Access to and copies of any and all records related to the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation especially any environmental records.
MRM FOIA 20 10-00050: Access to and copies of any and all records related to the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation especially any communications with the agency i.e. red flags, c-mails, etc. MRM FOIA 2010-00049: Access to and copies of any and all records related to the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation especially any safety records or incidents, red flags, etc.


MMS Minerals July 12, Management20l02010 00327 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000326 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000323 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000322 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000321 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000320 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000316 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000315 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000314 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000313 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000312 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000311 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000310 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000309 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000308 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol000307 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00306 Minerals MMS09,


2010 July 09, 2010 July 09, 2010 July 09, 2010 July 09, 2010 July 09, 2010 July 15, 2010 July 14, 2010 July 07, 2010 June 24, 2010 July 06, 2010 July 08, 2010 July 14, 2010 July 13, 2010 July 10. 2010 July 08, 2010 July 07,

Morassini Morassini



*DWHZ*Anadarko Petroleum Corp.s INCs.

MRIVI FOIA 20 10-00048: Access to and copies of any and all records related to Anadarko Petroleum Corporation especially any complaints recorded against the company by groups, employees, whistle-blowers. IvIRM FOIA 20 10-00047: Access to and coies of any and all records related to the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation especially any problems related to royalty or revenues e.g. failure to pay.



Request for HR related information. Request for HR related information. Lebi ing Request for documents regarding bonuses awarded to MMS employees for meeting deadlines for offshore oil and gas exploration leases or for other purposes. Request for records relating to the reorganization of MMS. Request for correspondence initiated by the office of Congressman Charlie Melancon with MMS between January 3, 2005 and July 6, 2010. ROW OCS-G 23715, Segment# 13742, Williams 18 Gas Export Line which passes thru VK 992/993. Documentation maintained in the MMSs file. Requesting a copy ofAn Organization Study of Offshore Programs conducted for MMS sometime around 2006. May have been done for MMS by LMT, the consulting

Gerstein Cairncross 1-lenderson

Nalder Weiss

*DWHZ*Annual review plans re temporarily abandoned wells between 2005-2010. *DWJ-JZ*_ INCs. rig inspection reports. communications re all leases overseen by MMS for BP in the GOMR for last 10 years. Documents relating to MP 299, Lease OCS-G 09372 in which MMS approved Freeport McMoRan Sulphur LLCs application in 2002 to use it as waste site.




Print Search Report

Management20l0- 2010 00305 Service MMS Minerals June 30, Management20l02010 00304 Service MMSMinerals June 30, Management20l02010 00303 Service MMSMinerals June 30, Management20l02010 00302 Service MMSMinerals June 24, Management20l02010 00300 Service MMSMinerals June 30, Management20l02010 00298 Service MMS Minerals June 29, Management20l02010 00297 Service MMSMinerals June 28, Management20lO2010 00296 Service MMS Minerals Management2OlO00295 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000294 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000293 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000292 Service MMS Minerals Managemenl20l000291 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000290 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000289 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000288 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000287 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000286 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000285 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000284 Service MMS Minerals Management2olo00283 Service Minerals MMSJune 24, 2010 June 04, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 24, 2010 June 24, 2010 June 16, 2010 June 16. 2010 June 16, 2010 *DWHZ*inspection reports of deepwater rigs conducted after 4/20/10. Initial Exploration Plan for Lease OCS-G 26261, MC 506.

Page 16 of 27

Soraghan Logan


Holman Volker


Any and all documents that have come into MMS control since May 16, 2008 concerning or relating to the use of material from the Ocean Dredge Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) at the Charleston Naval Base Marine Container Terminal in Charleston, SC. March 23 lease authorizing SC State Ports Authority to use material from the Charleston offshore dredged material storage site. And pending changes to MMS regulations concerning non-competetive bids and federally authorized projects. All documents related, in any way, to the Minerals Management Servicess (MMSs) leasing, licensing, monitoring and other regulation (including enforcement actions) of all oil drilling operations off the coast of California from 2004 to the present. Copies of MMS citations, incident reports, and accident reports thta have anything to do with as built design drawings in the last 10 years. Copies ofMMS citations, incident reports. and accident reports that have anything to do with gas and fire detection systems in the last 10 years Info between Taylor Energy or its successor, Ankor Energy, and MMS regarding its production platform in MC BI. 20 that toppled during Hurricane Ivan in 9/2004. records relating to communications betweenI and West neering Services, Inc. regarding the research project Evaliation of Secondary Methods in Well Controll and all memos, drafts, notes, emails and other records on the same topic. Records of routine and unannounced inspections of the 23 platforms offshore the coast of California from 2000 to present. Supporting documents, forms and records that go with the various list of incidents previously provided. *D\\IHZ* Access to and copies of all communications and records regarding draft rules for Secondary Control Systems for Blow-out preventer stacks. Request for FOIA logs for records from April 1,2010 to the present. *DWHZ*Well plan BP submitted for lease G32306. *DWHZ*..correspondence between MMS and BPs operator of the Macondo well in MC BI. 252 over the last 2 yrs. *DWFIz*Copies of the JOA for the Macondo well in MC 252. between Anadarko Petroleum Corp., BP, and Mitsui & Co. *DWHZ*copies of BPs operator of the Macondo vell in MC Block 252 authorization for expenditure to Anadarko Petroleum Corp., BP. and Mitsui & Co. *DWIIZ* Request for former Director Birnbaums public schedule. Request for ITC administrative review report. *DWHZ*MMS inspection reports for inspections conducted since 4/20/10 on any exploratory drilling rigs operating from 4/21 to present in the GOM at water depths exceeding 1,000 feet. *DWHZ*..APD5. including revised APDs for wells and bypasses submitted by BP for Lease G32306 and corresponding responses or approvals by MMS




Barlow Soraghan

Urbina Floulihan Warner Warner

Warner Danhof

2010 June 21, 2010 June 22, 2010 June 21, 2010 May 25, May 19.

Fay 1-lammer


*DWHZs.Water sample tests. *DWHZ*\Vritten statements taken by investigators from Deepwater Horizon rig

7/14/20 1 1

Print Search Report

Management2Ol000282 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000281 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000280 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00279 Service 2010 May 17, 2010 May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010 workers. *Dwllz*Dwop for the Deepwater Florizon.

Page 17 of 27

Kunzelman Gao Hawkins Waltzer

*DWI1Z*Documents regarding discussions of public release of records regarding the condition of the Deepwater 1-lorizon, the explosion and oil spill, and ongoing cleanup operation. *DWHZ*..Bps Oil Spill Response Plan. MRM FOIA #2010-00044 Liskow&Lewis representing W&T Offshore, Inc.(W&T) is requesting, in connection to an appeal, an order dtd 16 Mar 2010 issues by MMS. Request all documents relating related to RIK including notes, drafts, manuals, instructions policies, practices, etc. Baker Oil Tool Pneumatic Actuator. Model No. H886-92-1203-430; Serial # 32269 all inspections of the pressure relief valve or safety valve between 7/2000-1/2007. Actuator and valve were located on block 605. lease # G07 199. Area Ml and owned by Northstar Gulfsands, LLC.

MMS Minerals June 15, Management20l02010 00278 Service MMS Minerals June 21, Management20l02010 00277 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000276 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000275 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000274 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00273 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000272 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00271 Service 2010 2010 June 11, 2010 June 21, 2010 June 15, 2010 June 15, 2010



l3reselor Santos

Request for a copy of the DOl report of investigation on Island Operating Company, dated March 31, 2010, case number Pl-GA-09-0102-1. Request for a copy of the order to NCI for $173 Million Army National Guard and Air National Guard ITES-2S task order. *DwIIz* Request for all regional oil spill response plans for all companies drilling off shore in waters under the jurisdiction of DOI. *D\VHZ*Documents regarding wells with a single string of production casing design; names and locations of all deepwater wells. *D\VHZ*..Documents regarding the construction of relief wells at the Deepwater Horizon site. *DWHZ*documents of compliance by MMS with EPA, NEPA, MMPA, and MSFA with respect to MMSs 5 year program. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00043: Mariner is in receipt of the attached Order to Report. Prior to June, 2006 Forest reported and paid MMS Royalties on Mariners behalf in order to report the corrected entries can you please provide copies of what Forest reported through July, 2005. Prior to July 1, 2005 Forest is responsible for any corrections. MRIvI FOJA No. 2010-00042: XTO Energy requests that MMS run and provide us with a complete MMS 2014 reporting history under Dominions Payor Code 17080 for the Little Canyon Unit leases and agreements. XTO acquired these properties from Dominion in 2007. XTO is responsible for all prior period adjustments for these properties. Since some previous adjustments had to be made by XTO under Dominions payor code, the history we previously received is now somewhat incomplete. INCs on 15 leases for the last 2 years. Lease #s OCS 00367. 00829; OCS-G 01025.01067.01332,02319.02436.03328.06104.06105.7760.12096.l2886.15387.25540

Stephens Fowler


MMS Minerals June 14, Management20l02010 00270 Service MMSMinerals June 16. Management20lO2010 00269 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00268 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000267 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000266 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00265 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00264 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000263 Service Minerals MMSJune 18, 2010 2010 Smithberger Bernard Oberman Gold June11, 2010 June 14, Pettit


*DWlJZ* Request for records relating to former director Randall Luthi. Info on rejected bid by Bois d Arc on PL 16 at GOM Sale 205. *DWHZ* Request for all FOIA requests that MMS has granted since April 20, 2010. *DWI-lZ*Forms 123.123s. 124 and 125 for API No. 608174117000. DWHZ*Docs re categorical exclusions under NEPA.

Inspection reports, citations and other documents issued to Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

7/14/20 1 1

Print Search Report

Management20lO00262 Service Minerals MMS Management2Ol0Service 00261 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00260 Minerals MMS Management2Ol0Service 00259 Minerals MMS Managernent20lO00258 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00257 MMS Minerals Management20l000256 Service Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00255 Minerals MMS Management20l000254 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00253 Minerals MMS Management20l000252 Service MMS Minerals Management20lOService 00250 2010 June 16, 2010 June11, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 14, 2010 June 11, 2010 June 11, 2010 June 15, 2010 May 26, 2010 June 14, 2010 June 11, 2010 June11, 2010 and Empire Scaffold for the Constitution Spar in the GC 680.

Page 18 of27

Pad lila Roth

All seismic surveys conducted in the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea lease sale areas of offshore Alaska. MMS inspection/safety violation reports for Cameron International, Anadarko Petroleum, M-l LLC *DWHZ*.Docs regarding amounts of oil from all ongoing spills in the GOM, as well as past 12 months. Lessee training records regarding 710 contractor interviews, 30 formal audits, 30 citations of non-compliance. Copies of any and all studies, reports, and or communications regarding the creation of the MMS accident Investigation Board Internal review of MMS accident investigations program. *DwFJZ*Maintenance/safety logs for the Deepwater Horizon...all inspection logs for the past 12 months. *DWllZ* Request for copies of hearings conducted by MMS and the Coast Guard on May 11, 2010, concerning the DH tragedy. Comments/responses regarding Comments on the Call for Information and Interest/Nominations for Proposed Sale 220. OSRPs for Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and other major oil companies drilling in the GUM. *DWllZ*Records regarding the Offshore Safety Index for 2005-20 10. Documents relating to communications with the National Marine Fisheries Service, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, or the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council regarding compliance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Records related to NTL No. 2008-G04 issued April 1, 2008, entitled Information Requirements for Exploration Plans and Devoiopment Operations Coordination Documents. *DwHZ*..variety of documents related to BP and/or the Deepwater l-Iorizon. OSRPs submitted to MMS by 19 companies *DxliIlz* Request for communications between MMS and Congress for the last 3 yrs. Request for May 18, 2001 EU telling every federal agency to cut the red tape and speed up energy production. *D\VHZ* Request for correspondence since Jan 1,2004 between MMS and Congress re BP oil spill. *DWHZ* Request for communications between former Director Randall Luthi and BP. MRM FOIA #2010-00041 Pioneer Natural Resorces Inc-Wells name Horse Point St 34-10-16-23 Federal Lease #UTU-05 109 Requesting royalty payment history from the time period of 1982-Present to be sent to requestor. *DWHZ* Request for transcripts of hearings in New Orleans.

Mukherji Snape, 111

ONeill Nalder

Nalder Freeman

Arnold Pratt

Sohoni Nalder

Minerals MMS June 07, Management20l02010 00249 Service Minerals MMS Management2Ol0Service 00248 MMS Minerals Management20lO00247 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000246 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol0Service 00245 Minerals MMS Management20lOService 00244 MMS Minerals Management20lO00243 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000242 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00241 Minerals MMS Management20l000240 Service June 10, 2010 June 08, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 10, 2010 June 08, 2010 June 02, 2010 June 01, 2010 June 08, 2010 May 31, 2010



Tikellis Rumsey Lichtblau


Stephens Hughes Lockhart




Print Search Report

MMS Minerals June 01, Management20l02010 00239 Service MMS Minerals June 08, Management20l02010 00238 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000237 Service MMS Minerals Management2OlO00236 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000235 Service MIvIS Minerals Management20l000234 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000233 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000232 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00231 MMS Minerals Management20l000230 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000229 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00228 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000227 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000226 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol000225 Service May 31, 2010 May 29, 2010 May 28, 2010 June 09, 2010 June 07, 2010 June 04, 2010 June 04, 2010 June 04, 2010 May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 June 03, 2010

Page 19of27


*DWHZ* Request for emails. records. corres, relating to resignation of Dir. Birnbaum and the DR incident in the Gulf of Mexico.
MRIvI FOIA #2010-040 Unit Number 899000096-0 all 2014 Forms, all OGOR and all MMS-4058 filed during the period between January 1, 2000 through December31, 2008 for the Indian Lease 51 8-007056-0 and 518-007241 -0. include production volumes and values paid.


Zurik Stein

*DWFIZ* Request for travel reimbursement for GOM Region MMS employees in 2008 and 2009 and 2010. *DWF-IZ* Request for emails sent and received by Dir Birnbaum, subject BPs oil rig explosion.

Narayanswamy *DWIIZ* Request for incoming/outgoing emails of Dir. Birnbaum, subject BP. Jamijian

List of34 companies affected by MMS recently finalized rule setting limits on flaring or venting of natural gas into the atmosphere from wells on Federal Offshore Leases.
. -

Mowbray Swanson

*DWHZ*..List of all current drilling operations that are subject to the shutdown; and those sheduled to start between 6/1 and 11/30/10 in water depths of more than 500 ft. MMS records between 1/8/06 and 6/30/07 pertaining to Ml Bl Block 605-001 and A001, Lease OCS-G 7199, and Ml, Block 605 L-1, Lease OCS-G 7200 inspection reports, accident reports and /or correspondence. *DWHZ*Contract between Transocean and BP or their affiliates for the operation of the Deepwater Horizon on the Macondo well. *DWHZ*..Access to and copies of any and all docs BP has shared with MMS that detail its plan to stop a blowout in the GOM.
MRM FOTA No. 20 10-00039 Requesting a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the Wells Draw Unit as currently reported by Newfield Production to the United States from January 2000 thru November 2009. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00038 Requesting a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the Greater Monument Butte Unit as currently reported by Newfield Production to the United States from December 2009 thru April 2010. MRM FOTA No. 2010-00037 Requesting a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the South Wells Draw Unit as currently reported by Newfield Production to the United States from January 2000 thru November 2009. MRM FOIA No. 00036 a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the Wells Draw Unit as currently reported by Newfield Production to the United States from January 2000 thru November 2009.

Ad ams ang

Spear Spear

Spear Spear 1-lar p er

Requesting what companies or people publicly stated their desire to possibly pursue offshore exploration and drilling off Viringia coast. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00035 Request copies of production records and other reports filed by all payors for federal offshore oil and gas lease 754-398002-A, including all Oil and Gas Operations Reports (OGOR), all MMS-4058 Production Allocation Schedule Reports and all gas volume. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00034 Request for information ofoil and gas production, sales and deductions related to oil and gas wells located on Utah Federal Lease UTU-28652 , , (the Lease ),from January 1, 1999 to present. Requester wants information provided at well level. the

MMS Minerals June 03, Management20lO2010 00224 Service MMS Minerals June 04, Management20lO2010 00223 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000222 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00221 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00220 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000219 Service June 03, 2010 June 04, 2010 June 03, 2010 June 03, 2010



Mur p h y

OSRPs for Exxon Mobil, Shell, Royal Dutch, BI-IP, ConocoPhillips *DWTlz*.joint Operation Agreement for BP, Anadarko, Mitsui. & MOEX regarding the Macondo prospect. APMs approved 1/1/09- 4/30/10, specifically addressing BOPs. *DWRZ*Specifjc Official Protraction Diagrams, Supplemental Official OCS Block Diagrams, Coast Chart.

Clayton Ko p ach


Print Search Report

MMS Minerals Management 201000218 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00217 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000216 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000215 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000214 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000213 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000212 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000211 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00210 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000209 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000206 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000205 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000204 Service

Page 20 of 27

June 02. 2010 June 02, 2010 June 03, 2010 June 03, 2010 May 31, 2010 June 01, 2010 June 02, 2010 June 01, 2010 June 01, 2010 May 31, 2010 May 28, 2010

Kounang Bertelsen Rajagopalan

*D\VHZ*Records regarding all natural gas pipelines from 1990-1996, EAs and EISs for same. Statoils applications for Tucker prospect in Walker Ridge and Krakatoa prospect in Mississippi Canyon. Oil Spill Response Plan for Exxon Mobil approved on June 19, 2007. *DWHZ*..MDT fluid analysis, reservoir pressures, well logs, sidewall core analysis, and check shot velocity surveys for BPs Macondo Prospect, Lease OCS G32306, in MC 252. [NCs issued by the Houma District Office from 2005 April 20, 2010.


Schmidt Osborne Hartman

*D\VIJZ*..Leases, agreements, correspondence regarding BP, TransOcean, or the Macondo well. Design/construction drawings and accident investigations for Lease OCS G02601, El 57, Platform G. *DWHZ*Dociments provided by BP with estimates of oil amount in reservoir in MC 252. *DWHZ*..Documents relating to the OSRP for the Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ*..E..mails to/from Lars Herbst from April 20, 2010 through May 28, 2010. *DWlJZ*Doctjments related to BP, TransOcean, and Deepwater Horizon, from when the Deepwater Horizon was leased to BP in 2001. Oil Spill Response Plans for Cobalt, Chevron, and Mariner. *DWHZ*..Documents relating to BPs application for lisense to drill via the Deepwater Horizon; documents relating to the investigation of the explosion. Documents pertaining Pacific Operators, LLC; Carone Petroleum Corporation; Carone Energy Corporation; Signal Hill Service. Inc.; and Carpenteria Offshore Project Partnership New scope correspondence between BOEMRE and the above listed entities and/or pertaining to I-logan and 1-louchin platforms since September 1, 2005. FOTA No. 20 10-00033 Requesting for the period of January 1998 to May 20. 2010 any final depositions, including policy letters, decisions, agreements. judgments, opinions, compliance or enforcement actions, findings, c-mails, or other similar records regarding safety inspections, production inspections, and royalty collections issued for the Minerals


Fitzgerald Zurik Schwartz

Riggs May 20, 2010


MMS Minerals May 24, Management20l02010 00203 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000202 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00201 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000200 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000199 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol0Service 00198 MMS Minerals Management 201000197 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000196 Service May 27,



May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 May 25, 2010 May 27, May 25, 2010 May 25, 2010


*DXVJ1Z* Request for records on safety inspections, production inspections and royalty collections. *DWlIZ*A variety of documents regarding the Deepwater 1-lorizon. *DWHZ* Request for MMS statement given to MMS by an Oceaneering International employee. Request for travel expenses for MMS staff dating back to 1999. *D\\IHZ*Documents containing the 27 waivers given to offshore oil rigs in the GOM afler4/20/l0. *DWllZ*EP filed by BP for a permit to drill MC 252; lease and drilling permit issued to BP for drilling in MC 252.


Skrabanek Sibley Gibson



Print Search Report

Minerals MMSApril15 Management20l 02010 00195 Service Minerals MMS May 19, Management20l02010 Service 00194 MMS Minerals Management20l000193 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00192 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00191 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00190 Minerals MMS Management20l000189 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000188 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000187 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000186 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00185 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00184 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00183 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00182 MMS Minerals Management2oloService 00181 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00180 Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00179 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00178 Minerals MMS Management20l000176 Service May 20, 2010 May 19, 2010 May 15, 2010 May 21, 2010 May 19, 2010 May 18, 2010 May 18, 2010 May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010 May 14, 2010 May 13, 2010 May 13, 2010 May 12, 2010 May 13, 2010 May 12, 2010 Ma 12, 2010 Grauberger

Page 21 of 27
MRIvl FOTA No. 20 10-00032 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma is requesting production report of oil & gas sales for Absentee Shawnee tracts of land with producing leases MRM FOIA No. 2010-00031 Requesting information concerning oil, gas, and mineral interests and ownership of platforms and/or acres in the Gulf of Mexico held by Susan E. Wright a/k/a Susan F. Peters a/k/a Susan Goletz and SEWWOT, Inc.. East Cameron 24 and East Cameron 16 which Mrs. Peters is owner and/or partner.




*D\VHZ*..Video feeds, communications regarding the use of dispersants. *DWHZ*4nformation on the 27 waivers given to oil companies in the GOM since 4/20/10. *DWHZ* Relative to understanding between MMS and/or DOI relative to agreements, contracts, understanding as to mitigation of any events resulting in crude spill with BP Deep Horizon well and/or BP prior to May 2010. *DWT-IZ*Communications from members of Congress or their staffs to/from MMS or other DOT employees concerning permitting or the exploration and development of the Deepwater Horizon/Maconado project that were received prior to 4/20/10. Beginning and ending coordinates for all semi-submersible rigs that lost position in the GOM due to Hurricane Ike in 9/2008; block locations for all other jack-up and semisubmersible rigs in the path of Ike that did not move. *DWHZ* approved well plan for the MC, BL 252 Mocando well *DWHZ*A11 Form 133s for API Well Nos. 60-817-41169 or 60-817-41169-01 through 5/1/10. *DWHZ* BP EIS *DWJ-JZ*Documents used in evaluating the Initial Exploration Plan for OCS-G 32306. *DWHZ*variety of documents including CERs, APDs for Lease Number OCS-G 32306. *D\\IHZ*..Documents regarding MMS official/inspector visits to the Deepwater Horizon rig prior to and during its drilling. Request for FIR documentation re vacancy annouoncements. Request for 1-IR related documentation. MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00030 Liskow&Lewis law firm represents Aera Energy in connection with Aeras appeal of an order dated September 29, 2009 issued by (MMS). On behalf of Aera we request copies of the documents described in request. *DWHZ*Copies of the 1-listory of Inspections performed by MMS on the Deepwater l-Iorizon. MRM FOIA #2010-00029 Please provide me with a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the Schoonover Road Coal Bed Methane Unit as currently reported by Williams Production to the United States from November 2003 thru April 2010. MRM FOIA #2010-00028 Please provide me with a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the Schoonover Road Coal Bed Methane Unit as currently reported by Lance Oil and Gas to the United States from November 2003 thru April 2010. MRM FOIA #2010-00027 Please provide me with a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the following 16 wells as currently reported by EnCana Oil &Gas Corporation to the United States: 1). LOW 1 2). LOWU 10-32 3). LOWU 40-5 4). LOWU 40-8 5). LOWU 20-17V 6). LOWU 20-5V 7). LOWU 20-8V 8). LOWU 10-16V 9). LOWU 40-32R 10). LOWU 30-5 11). LOWU 30-32 12). LOWU 30-17 13). LOWU 40-16 14). LOWU 50-8 15). LOW 30-31 16). LOWU 10-8 MRM FOIA #2010-00026 Please provide me with a copy of the Gross Month to Month Production for the following 16 wells as currently reported by Cabot Oil &Gas

McCollum Parish

Schleifstein Brown Marsh Gold


Reilly Lopez


Maran Spear


Minerals MMS May 12, Management2ol02010 Service 00174




https://efoia.ios.doi .gov/efts/


Print Search Report

Management20 1000173 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00170 MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00169 MIVIS Minerals Mairngement2ol000168 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000167 Service Minerals MMS Management20l0Service 00166 MMS Minerals Management20l000165 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000164 Service

Page 22 of 27
Corporation to the United States: 1). LOW 1 2). LOWU 10-32 3). LOWU 40-5 4). LOWU 40-8 5). LOWU 20-1 7V 6). LOWU 20-5V 7). LOWU 20-8V 8). LOWU 10-1 6V 9). LOWU 40-32R 10). LOWU 30-5 1 1). LOWU 30-32 12). LOWU 30-17 13). LOWU 40-16 14). LOWU 50-8 15). LOW 30-31 16). LOWU 10-8 *DWHZ*..MMS reviews of established categorical exclusion for the Central and Western GOM re EISs. as outlined in Section 15.4(c)(lO) of the DOT Manual, 516 DM 15. Request for HR documents related to vacancy announcement MMSW-LH-10MM32 1406. Ruch
i Mst ree

May 12, 2010 May 11, 2010 May 11, 2010 May 11, 2010 May 10, 2010 May 10, 2010 May 10, 2010 May 10, 2010



*DwHZ*..Varjety of documents associate with the Deepwater Horizon. Request for copies of call logs for MMS over the past 3 years to include phone numbers, time, how long, etc. Inspection reports for the past five years for all offshore oil and gas operations located in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. *DWHz*Any documents regarding Deepwater Horizon April 13 30, 2010.

B onvechio

Taylor Gold

*DWHZ*..Documents from BP on 4/19-20/10 to displace drilling mud from the top 8000 feet of the Macondo well in MC 252. *DWHZ* Req. for cys of corres. between MMS and anyone employed with BP and Transocean from 1/20/09 to present; cys of schedules from 1/20/09 to present for L.Birnbaum, Mary Katherine Ishee, W.Cruickshank, L.Herhst, J.Rodi and M.Prendergast; cys of records detailing non-govt sponsored trips disclosed as semiannual reports of payment accepted from non-federal sources under 31 U.S.C. from 1/1/04 to present; cys of records involving ethics waivers granted to anyone with MMS since 1/1/04 to present. Request for copies of correspondence from Jan 1, 2006 to present between MMS personnel and the following members of Congress: Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep Jo Bonner. All correspondence relating to the proposed Cape Wind project impacts on birds and bats. All correspondence relating to contacts to and from Governmor of Mass; Correspondnece relating to contacts to and from Cape Wind associates regading the Cape Wind porject form January 1, 2009 to present
. .

Minerals MMS May 07, Management2olo2010 00163 Service Minerals MMS May 07, Management20l02010 Service 00162 MMS Minerals May 07, Management20l02010 Service 00161 Minerals MMS Management20l000160 Service Minerals MMS Management 2010Service 00159 Minerals MMS Management20l000158 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000157 Service MMS Minerals Management20l0Service 00156 Minerals MMS Management20l000155 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000154 Service May 05, 2010





Electronic copies of any correspondence from companies that have expressed an interest in drilling for oil and/or gas in VA Sale Lease Area 220 over the last 5 years. Request for employment records for an employee. *DWJlZ* Request for copies of contractual agreements regarding services between Transocean Ltd and its customers in the US Gulf of Mexico for the following drilling rigs: Discover Spirit, Deepwater Horizon and GSF Development Driller II *DWllz* Underwater video footage or still photos that show the leaking of oil at the scene of the Deepwater 1-lorizon incident *DwTlz*Safety inspections and related reports of the Deepwater Horizon and other drilling rigs owned/operated by BP or TransOcean Inc. in the GOM. *DWHZ*l6 MMS forms filed regarding drilling being done by BP and the Deepwater Horizon in MC 252; Forms 132, 144, 143, 131 from 2000 to present related to
Deepwater 1-lorizon.

April01, iiiji 2010 May 05, 2010 May 05, 2010 May 05, 2010 May 05, 2010 May 05, 2010 McClain Mosk Babcock

Knutson K nutson

*D\VHZ*OSCP, warnings, citations issued, inspection reports from 2000 to present regarding BP, TransOcean or Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ*Correspondence between MMS and the EPA, DOE, USCG, DOl and Executive branch from 3/1 5-5/2 relatinc to BP, the Deepwater Horizon. TransOcean. 1-Taliburton. remote shutoff device, acoustic switch, blowout preventer, shear ram, safety. compliance.
. . . .

Minerals MMS May 05, Management20lo2010 Service 00153 Minerals MMS- May 05, Management20l0- 2010



*DWfZ*..Correspondence between MMS and TransOcean, BP, 1-lalliburton from 3/155/2 regarding remote shuto Cf device, acoustic switch, blowout preventer, shear ram,


Print Search Report

Service 00152 MMSMinerals May 04, Management20l02010 00151 Service MMS Minerals May 03, Management20l02010 00150 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000148 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000147 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000146 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000145 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000144 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000143 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000142 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00141 Service MIVIS Minerals Management2Ol000140 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000139 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000138 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol000137 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000136 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 000135 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000134 Service Minerals MMS Management20l000133 Service Minerals MMS Management20l 000132 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000131 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000130 Service Minerals MMS May 03, 2010 May 04, 2010 May 03, Ma 02, 2010 May 03, May 01, 2010 May 01. 2010 May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010 May 03, May 01, 2010 May 01, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 30, April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 29. 2010 April 26, 2010 Kunzelman Elliott Murphy Hughes

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safety, compliance, or inspections. Access to and copies of letters written by Congressman Roy Blunt or his office in support or opposition to proposed MMS Rules to develop and implement a Safety and Environmental Mgmt System to address oil and gas operations in the OCS. Access to and copies of any and all leetters written by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana or his office in support or opposition to proposed MMS Rules to Develop and implement a Safety and Envrionmental Mgmt System to address oiol and gas operations in the OCS. All reocrds from TIMS regarding inspections incidents, compalints over the past 10 years. A list of datasets maintained in the TIMS, along with a description of each dataset. 2 certified copies for RUE. OCS-G 30096, approval letter from Nick Wetzel, MMS to Clay Wilkins with ATP Oil & Gas Corp. *DWHZ*..Inspection reports related to Halliburtons cementing techniques in connection with work on underground oil wells. *DWHZ*Exploration plans, contingency plans and any other documents regarding BP, TransOcean, or Deepwater Horizon. *DWITZ*.4nspection reports for Deepwater Horizon. *DwHz* Exploration Plan and Environmental Impact analysis that BP filed regarding the Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ* 2009 exploration plan and Environmental Impact analysis relating to the Deepwater Horizon. *DWHZ*Documents created between 4/20/10-5/3/10 about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. applications submitted (initial and revised/packets) by Hat Creek Energy. LLCs (GOM Co. #3097) for MMS Qualification to hold an offshore oil and gas lease on the OCS. *DWJ-lZ*Records for OCS-G 32306 other than the Exploratory Plan and the Lease sale agreement. Safety records or GOM safety stats that is available for Noble Energy *DWHZ*A variety of safety documents regarding the Deepwater Horizon. *DwlTZ* Inspection reports; citations or fines associated with BP, Transocean, or Haliburton. (Deepwater Horizon) *DWl1Z* Specific Accident Investigation reports associated with the Deepwater Horizon. *DWT1Z* Environmental Impact Statement for the Deepvater 1-lorizon. *DWHZ*Various forms for Lease G32306, MC 252 and all MMS responses. *DWHZ*4nspection reports, letters, faxes, emails between BP and MMS regarding the Deepwater Horizon. *DWfJZ*Reqljest inspection records. MMS form 131, complaints filed. and records of meetings regarding the Deepwater Horizon. Request for information on each incident of noncompliance issued by MMS in the 2007, 2008, and 2009 calendar years that resulted in a full facility shut-in.




Seelman Hughes

Pilie Albert

Wiygul Zurik

Gold Strickler



Print Search Report

Management20 1000129 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000128 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000127 Service April 27, April 22 2010 April 29, *DJJJZ*..Infoation on a specific BOP backup actuator survey. All documentation regarding ENSCO 74 *DWHZ* 4 BP APMs Deepwater 1-Torizon

Page 24 of 27

Gold Blanque


MMS Minerals April 28, Management20l02010 00126 Service MMS Minerals April 27, Management20l02010 00125 Service MMS Minerals April 28, Management20l02010 00124 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00123 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000122 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000121 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000120 Service




MRM FOIA No. 2010-00025 Seeking information regarding rules and practices in the US (federal and local level) for subsidies towards mineral/mining sector. Also need to know the laws regarding those subsidies, criteria for eligibility to receive subsidy, type of those subsidies extended (direct/indirect subsidy types, tax subsidies etc) and amount of subsidies etc Request copies of all leases, royalties, and environmental compliance records related to Phoenix Exploration Company (2006-present) and Gryphon Exploration Company (2003-2005) who drill in the GOM. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00024 Requesting copies of production records and other reports filed by all payors for federal offshore oil and gas leases 054-006581-0, 054-004090-0, 0540 15078-0, 054022539-0, and 89 1-020255-0, including all (OGOR) reports and Production Allocation Schedule Reports between February 2003 and March 2008. Because the documents will be utilized solely for the purposes of Apaches response to an Order to Report and Pay Additional Royalties dated March 31, 2010, Order No. RIKGDO3O request a damage history database of GOM offshore pipelines since the earliest record available *DWHZ* Request Daily Drilling Reports by BP on the TransOcean semisubmersible drilling rig Deepwater Horizon for the entrie month of April 2010. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00023 Requesting information in behalf of Marbob Energy Corporation for Bill Number OTH100002 160, Royl Numbers ROYIOO2 16959, and ROYI 00229320 Request any and all information and documents showing that there were holes arotind the perimeter of the building at 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard prior to September 20. 2007, the date Carolyn Crist was injured. MRTvI FOIA No. 2010-00022 XTO Energy Order to Report from MMS that involves the Little Canyon Unit in Utah. XTO will require all MMS historical information (including OGORS and royalty payment detail (2014s)), for the following leases and agreements: Leases: 042001470C, 042001470D, 1710734360, 1710757000, 1710762640, 1710762640, 1710440890 Agreements: U81878A, U81878C, U81878D, U81878X For the following Payor Codes: 18065 XTO Energy, 17080 Dominion Exploration and Production *DWlJZ*Correspondence between MMS and the Coast Guard. OSHA, the White 1-louse, DOl. and Congress concerning the April 20, 2010 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon. *Dwllz*Req1jest copies of all documents relating to the operation, licensing and inspection of every oil rig in the GOM that falls under the MMS jurisdiction. *DWHZ*.Copies of documents relating to the operation, licensing and inspection of all offshore oil rigs owned by TransOcean Ltd. and/or leased by BP PLC, including the Deepwater Horizon. Request for a list of bidders for the last 10 years for the Gulf of Mexico. Request for HR documentation. Request for I-JR documentation.

April 26, 2010 April 27, 2010 April 26, 2010 April 26, 2010

Adia nt 0 Wiegand



MMS Minerals April 23, Management20l02010 00119 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000117 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000116 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000115 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000114 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000113 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000112 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000111 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000110 Service


April 23, 2010 April 23, 2010 April 23, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 14,


Kunzelman Kunzelman Winn


Copies of speaker sign-up sheet for the Public Scoping Meeting for Atlantic G&G EIS held on Tuesday, April 20 at the Marriott Houston Intercontinental Flotel, Houston, Texas. Well Files for several wells located in SM 51, and associated with Lease # OCS 00789.


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Print Search Report

MMS Minerals Management20 1000109 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000108 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000107 Service

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April 20, 2010 April 21, 2010 April 20,


Ayers Torok

All docs concerning field tests for oil spill response and rescue capabilities in U.S. Arctic waters *DWHZ*Documents regarding safety and inspections in the GOMR from FY 1995. Request for vacancy announcement/HR documentation. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00021 Pursuant 105 U.S.C. 552 and 43 C.F.R. 2.8 we hereby request copies of all reports filed by all payors for Indian Lease 518-007241-0 (Noblitt #1-33 Unit) covering lands in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. including, without limitation, all MMS-2014 Forms, all Oil and Gas Operations Reports (OGOR), and all MMS-4058 Production Allocation Schedule Reports filed during the period between January 1, 2000 through December 3 1, 2008 for the Noblitt #1-33 Unit. Request copies of the MMS GOM Offshore deepwater activity reports for the past 3 years Proserv Study Entitled Decommissioning Cost Update for Removing Pacific OCS Region Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities, January 2010 MRM FOIA No. 2010-00020 Beveridge & Diamond PC is requesting the following information for Whiskey Buttes Unit 89 1-01388-0: Designation information of Anadarko or affiliates for Federal oil and gas leases Order to Report & Pay additional royalties documents issued to Anadarko E & P Company LP Docs relating to a request for approval to make royalty payments pursuant to an alternative method Request well records for Lease OCS 0789, South Marsh Island Block 51. Well No. A4 and A-4D. Accident Investigation Report for Mariner Energy,s lease number OCS G02588 in SM 136, Platform B, and which occurred on 6/22/09. Documents relating to a platform in GB 72, G13363. Jackup rig coordinates for ENSCO 74. PRIDE WYOMING. ROWAN ANCI-IORAGE that lost position during 1-Turricane IKE (Sept. 2008) MRM FOIA No. 2010-00019 Anadarko is requesting correspondence between the State of Wyoming and br MMS and the BLM regarding an Order To Report that covers the adjudication of operating rights for the Whiskey Buttes Unit. Records relating to MODUs and other floating structures that were moved, altered. otherwise displaced due to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Request for 1-IR documentation. Request for organizational chart for C1O, IT Division of MMS, names, phone numbers. Request for copies of FY10 annual performance standards for the regional GS-14 public affairs officers, Gulf, Pacific and Alaska Regions and the FY10 performance standards for the Director and Deputy Direcxtor of MMS in Washington. request a copy of the original structure drawings from the Structure Application(s), for Complex ID 10213, 1-ugh Island Block A-494, Platforms A and B. Request any and all documents regarding (a) the rejected bid that Chevron U.S.A. Inc. (GOM No. 00078) placed on South Pelto Block 16, in the March 16, 2005 Central GOM Sale 194 (b) Chevrons request for reconsideration, and (c) the governments reponse. Copies of any and all unit agreements that cover all or any portions of Blocks 230, 231, 234, and/or 235, South Marsh Island, with the exception of the unit formed in 1932. Well files and applications for Lease OCS G02255 for various wells from 2007 through the present Documents dated January 1. 2006 or later related to Authorizations of Departure (or

MMS Minerals April 16. Management20l02010 00106 Service MMS Minerals April 12, Management20l02010 00105 Service MMS Minerals April 01, Management20l02010 00104 Service MMS Minerals April 07, Management20l02010 00103 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000102 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000101 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000100 Service MMS Minerals Management 201000099 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000098 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000097 Service MMS Minerals Management20 10Service 00096 MMS Minerals Management 201000095 Service MMS Minerals Management20 1000094 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000093 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000092 Service MMS Minerals Man agement20 1000091 Serv ice MMS Minerals Management20l 000090 Service Minerals MMSApril 07, 2010 April 01, 2010 April 05, 2010








March 31, Brown 2010 March 29, Pettibon 2010 March 22, Fenasci 2010 March 18 10 March 18, Schuck 2010 March 17, Etchart 2010 March 18, Mills 2010 March 17, Bernard 2010 March 17, Bernard 2010 March 16, Esparza 2010 March 15,


Print Search Report

Management2Ol0- 2010 00089 Service MMS Minerals March11, Management20lO2010 00088 Service MMS Minerals March 11, Management20l02010 00087 Service

Page 26 of 27
other variance) from 30 CFR 250.113 for Na Kika, MC BIs. 383, 474, 429, 520, 522, 607, 657; Thunder Horse, MC BIs. 778, 822; Thunder Horse North, MC 31. 776. Documents related to Nantucket Sound INCs, incidents, and spills for several areas and blocks. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00018 Davis Graham & Stubbs in behalf of Peabody Natural Gas is requesting documents which the Dept. of Audit and/or MMS relied upon in determining that $.14 is the proper transportation deduction for PNGs gas which flowed on the MIGC pipeline. Requesting documents specific to the Cape Wind Energy Project between MMS and the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) throughout the onset of the Project to present day March 4,2010. Request for current list of platforms on expired leases in the GOM and also a current list of platforms with no production in 5 yrs. Records requested concerning decommissioning of the BP platform at South Timbalier, BI 160 during approx. time period 3/1/07-4/30/07 Request variety of information concerning BPs Prolect Atlantis MRM FOIA No. 20 10-00017 SOS Well Services is requesting names associated with lease royalties. Schmid Development LLC # K1903, Api #49-023-21211 Koosh Bernard Request copies of RFP M09PS00067 Technical Submission and Business Proposal from each of the bidders. Unit Agreement filed by McMoRan that covers Blocks 230,231,234, & 235 SMI, Offshore Louisiana. MRM FOIA No. 2010-00016 Liskow & Lewis representing Mariner Energy, Inc. is requesting documents pertaining to Order to Report and Pay Additional Royalties dated 8/19/09 and an Order to Report and Pay Additional Royalties dated 1/21/10 issued by MMS. Request for information pertaining to the HI A325 C Platform, the operation of said platform by Maritech Resources, Inc., and the decommissioning, plugging, abandonment, and removal of said platform. EORs and Wellbore Schematics for Lease OCS G01888, El 247, Well Numbers H002 and H004 (API Numbers 177094027000 and 177094028000). Poster
MRM FOIA No. 2010-00015 Oppenheimer& Co is requesting the names of companies paying royalties and their contract/lease locations in the shallow water areas south of New Orleans in which the Davy Jones and Blackbeard wells are located.

Areaux Kimmell Burns Glasgow

MMS Minerals March 04, Charles Management20l02010 00086 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000085 Service MMS Minerals Management20l 000084 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000083 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000082 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000081 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000080 Service MMS Minerals Management20l Service 00079 March 04, Greendeer 2010 March 02, Karam 2010 February 25, 2010 Koerner, Jr.

March 01, Corrigan 2010 February 26, 2010 25. 2010 February 24, 2010

MMS Minerals February Management20l023, 2010 00078 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000077 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000076 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000075 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000074 Service MMSMinerals Management2Ol000073 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000072 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000071 Service MMS Minerals Management20lO00070 Service MMS Minerals Management20lOService 00069 February February 23. 2010



18, 2010 February

Skrabanek Kemmerly Kemmerly Rayer

Investigative documents and correspondence related to a March 20, 2008 accident, Lease G06655. EC 346, platform A.
MRM FOIA No. 2010-00014 McNeil Kemmerly is requesting on behalfof EquityMetrix, LLC. a copy of information located from commands in a sqlplus session in the history Database MRM FOIA No. 2010-00013 Assistant US Attorney is requesting and evaluation of computer prompts. Needs to know how much the response will cost and process length for data on Civil Action No. :07-9794 McNeil Kemmerly

18, 2010 05, 2010 February February 11,2010

Request for files relating to three wells, No. 1-8, 1-17, 2-20. Lists of computerized data files that are public record. Request for a list of credit card buyers in your agency. Request access to and copies of a petroleum presentation made by Lars Herbst to an offshore industry workship during the week of January 18-22 in Texas

Staats Spencers Talle>

MMS- January Minerals Management20l0- 29. 2010

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Print Search Report

00068 Service MMS Minerals February Management20l001, 2010 00067 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l028, 2010 00066 Service MMSMinerals January Management20l028, 2010 Service 00065 MMS Minerals January Management20l027, 2010 00064 Service MMSMinerals January Management20l025. 2010 00061 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l022, 2010 00060 Service MMSMinerals January Management20l022, 2010 00059 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l013. 2010 00058 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l 013, 2010 00057 Service MMS Minerals January Management20l019, 2010 00056 Service MMSMinerals Management20l000055 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000054 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000053 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000052 Service MMSMinerals Management2OlO00051 Service MMS Minerals Management2Ol000050 Service MMSMinerals Management20 1000049 Service MMS Minerals Management20l000048 Service January 15, 2010 January 13, 2010 January 12. 2010 January 11. 2010 January 07, 2010 January 07, 2010 January 07, 2010 January 06, 2010 Wiest

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Clements Sawicki

Notices, violations, penalties, citations, Environmental/safety issues for EC 71, BOOl for East Cameron Partners, LP from Jan. 2008-Feb. 1, 2010. Request for documents related to vacancy announcement #MM293361 and for vacancy selected. announcement for the internal control manager for which MRM FOIA No. 2010-00012 Nuevo Energy audit from 10/1995 6/2001. Requesting documents provided and br reviewed in order to resolve audit issues from a possible settlement agreement that may have documents addressing the deductibility and/or possible deductibility of the cost of transporting oil and/or gas reviewed to resolve audit issues



Certified documents re: the 4-pile platform decomissioning project on/about July 27, 2008 at GI 20 #1. Reference FOIA request, MMS-2010-00052. Requester asks for 1. Proof that I stated that (I) had less than one year of specialized experience, when the announcement specifically stated that applicants need one year to qualify. MRM FOIANo. 2010-00011 This request references California Crude Oil Review and asks for all documents addressing the transportation allowance calculations and/or possible deductibility of the cost of moving oil and/or gas between SYU offshore platforms 1/1/94 through present. MRM FOIANo. 2010-00010 This request is asking for all documents addressing the transportation allowance calculations and/or possible deductibility of the cost of moving oil and/or gas between offshore platforms, for oil and/or gas produced from the Point Arguello Unit or any leases that have ever been included in the Point Arguello Unit for specified leases from 1/1/94 through 12/31/98 that have not already been provided in response to ExxonMobils previous FOIA requests. Request for copy of the monthly or annual contract price for contract 1406-04-07-CT67939 with J&J Mainatenance. Inc. Requested any FOIA records MMS received from New York Times and the Associated Press MRM FOIA No. 2010-00009 Chesapeake Operating, Inc. is requesting 2014 payor information for the production months of March-May 2002 for the following: Lease 0300693690 Lease 07102939213 Agreement 89100290413 Agreement NM 106828 Agreement 8910115910 Agreement 89l002904A Agreement 7940014030 Request for documents relating to any and all investigations relating to the sites: 1) Midnite Mine superfund site Spokane indian reservation Washington; 2) Dawn Mill Site at Ford, Washington. Request for employment dates (EODs) bi and. Request for a MMS administrative decision: Vastar Resources, Inc.. MMS-98-0l31IND. Request for documents related to referral letter vacancy ID: 295778: score sheet, name, rank and role in filling position. Shell Offshore Inc.s Beaufort Sea Regional Exploration Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan Revision I & Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.s Chukchi Sea Regional Exploration Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingnecy Plan Revision 0 Shell Gulf of Mexico Lease Exploration Plan, Chukchi Sea, Alaska Copies of all correspondence between any propibebts abd SCS Energy that has proposed a carbon sequestration project to be called PurGen One. May include SCS Energy, PurGen, PurGen One, Bradley Campbell LLC, and other entities. Certified copy of an Accident Investigation Report for an incident which occurred on 6/22/09. G02588. SM 136. Platform B.



T-leatherly Cook



Omerbashich 1-lobstetter

Hobstetter Montague


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