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Allan James Salvador


April 26, 2023

Reflection Paper

Midterm Exam

“Life is a moving exam, with new challenges and tests around every corner. It’s up to us
to stay adaptable and ready to face whatever comes our way.”

The midterm exam, also known as the moving exam, was a unique experience that
challenged me in a way I had never experienced before. I was nervous entering the
classroom, not knowing what to expect from the exam. However, the format of the exam was
interesting and kept me hooked throughout the exam.

The moving exam was named so because we had to change seats to answer each
question. Each seat had a distinct question, and we had a limited amount of time to answer.
This format was demanding since it required quick thinking and the ability to adjust to
varying questions and environments.

One of the most challenging aspects of the exam was avoiding cheating. The teacher
was vigilant and kept a close eye on us, making it difficult to copy answers from our peers.
This made me realize the importance of preparing for exams on my own and not relying on
others. During the exam, I struggled to recall some of the information I had studied. I had
memorized the words but had not fully understood their meanings, which made it difficult to
answer some of the questions. However, I appreciated the opportunity to test my knowledge
in a new way and to learn from my mistakes.
Despite the challenges, I enjoyed the moving exam. It was a refreshing departure from
the traditional exam format and allowed me to interact with my classmates differently.
Although I was not entirely content with my performance, I recognize that I learned a great
deal from the experience and will endeavor to do better on future exams.

As the saying goes, “success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue
that counts.”

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