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MSJ0010.1177/1352458514521309Multiple Sclerosis JournalEditorial

Editorial JOURNAL

Multiple Sclerosis Journal

The benefits of exercise in progressive 2014, Vol. 20(3) 269­–270

© The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permissions:
MS: some cautious optimism
DOI: 10.1177/1352458514521309

The therapeutic landscape in progressive multiple sclerosis likely explanations seem to be improved core stability and/
(MS) is bleak. The promise of disease-modifying drugs has or improved arm-swinging during walking.
not extended to this subgroup of patients, which has meant Of particular note is the observation that exercise may
that treatment is confined to symptom management. Here too enhance certain aspects of cognition. Cognitive dysfunc-
the challenges are considerable given the greater all-around tion can affect up to three-quarters of patients with second-
morbidity that accompanies the transition to a progressive ary progressive MS and half of all patients with primary
disease course coupled with a dearth of clinical trials focusing progressive MS, and the deficits cast a wide shadow imped-
specifically on this subgroup of patients. Cognizant of these ing the ability to work, maintain relationships, pursue lei-
challenges, researchers and clinicians from seven countries sure activities and complete basic self-care tasks.7 There
have recently joined forces to form a Progressive MS Alliance are as yet no effective pharmacological treatments, while
with a multiplicity of aims, one of which is to advance treat- the benefits of cognitive rehabilitation are still considered
ment options for patients left behind by the disease- equivocal, notwithstanding some recent promising devel-
modifying bandwagon.1 All of which makes the study by opments.8 Enter exercise, an intervention that is both com-
Briken et al. timely and important. The authors have shown plied with and relatively free of side effects, and the data
that three different aerobic exercise modalities tailored accord- indicate some notable gains in memory and attention. It is,
ing to a patient’s physical condition at baseline and undertaken however, surprising that no improvements were seen on the
two to three times a week over an eight- to 10-week period Symbol-Digit Modality Test, considered the most sensitive
produced an array of benefits, including improved walking marker of information processing speed, the quintessential
and cognition plus a reduction in fatigue and depression. cognitive abnormality in MS.9 While this highlights the
Furthermore, a low drop-out rate suggests that patients were need for the data to be replicated, the findings do overlap
comfortable with the exercise intervention. broadly with those found in other disease groups and in
The primary outcome of the study by Briken et al. is healthy subjects, as the authors note, and where intriguing
cardiorespiratory fitness in terms of the gold-standard neuroimaging results enhance the validity of exercise as an
measure of this, the peak oxygen consumption (VO2- effective treatment for cognitive dysfunction.
peak). The VO2-peak is an important health2 and physical Exercise also appears to boost mood, another aspect of
performance marker3 known to be impaired in patients behavior that is particularly vulnerable in the MS patient,
with MS.4 Moreover, a VO2-peak score below 20 ml/kg/ for whom rates of depression exceed those found in most
min has been shown to be the threshold for independent other neurological disorders and are three times those seen
living in elderly people.5 Importantly, Briken and col- in the general population.10 Given that severe depression
leagues found a general beneficial effect of exercise on may further adversely affect cognition, if exercise does
VO2-peak, and further that particularly bicycling induced indeed enhance mood, it holds out the additional benefit of
the largest improvements. Also of note is that several dif- secondarily boosting cognition as well. Whether the same
ferent aerobic exercise modalities were applied and found may hold true for fatigue is less certain.
feasible and potentially beneficial, providing evidence- In a challenging disorder like progressive MS, it is all too
based choices both for progressive MS patients and thera- easy to get carried away when a putative intervention that
pists when choosing aerobic exercise modalities for future has been there all along, right under the noses of everyone,
rehabilitation programs. suddenly pops out to reveal itself as potentially effective,
Walking distance covered during the 6-minute walk test moreover for a multiplicity of symptoms and without induc-
improved following exercise. In the arm-ergometry and ing side effects. However, there are as yet many important
bicycling groups the improvement was most pronounced, unanswered questions. For example, can the benefits of
and corresponded to ~63 m and ~56 m, respectively. These exercise be enhanced and, just as importantly, maintained
average changes are well above the threshold required for a by other concomitant interventions, like cognitive behavior
change to be regarded as clinically relevant from a patient therapy for depression or psychostimulant medication, like
perspective for the 6-minute walk test of 22 m.6 Surprisingly, methylphenidate for fatigue? And can exercise influence
arm-ergometry improved walking distance, and the authors disease progression in progressive MS? Furthermore, repli-
struggle to explain this improvement. However, the most cation is needed and sample sizes need to increase

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270 Multiple Sclerosis Journal 20(3)

substantially. Nonetheless, the study by Birken et al. is the 6. Baert I, Freeman J, Smedal T, et al. Responsiveness and
pilot showing us one way forward. Exercise will not be the clinically meaningful improvement, according to disability
panacea for a tough disease, but it has revealed albeit tenta- level, of five walking measures after rehabilitation in multi-
tively that there is some plasticity in a central nervous sys- ple sclerosis: A European multi-center study. Neurorehabil
Neural Repair (in press).
tem afflicted by a progressive condition. That in turn holds
7. Rao SM, Leo GJ, Ellington L, et al. Cognitive dysfunction
out a bigger promise to patients looking for help and the
in multiple sclerosis. II. Impact on employment and social
clinicians, basic scientists and funding agencies working to functioning. Neurology 1991; 41: 692–696.
provide it. 8. Sumowski JF, Leavitt VM, Cohen A, et al. Retrieval practice
is a robust memory aid for memory-impaired patients with
Conflict of interest MS. Mult Scler 2013; 19: 1943–1946.
None declared. 9. Sonder JM, Burggraaff J, Knol DL, et al. Comparing long-
term results of PASAT and SDMT scores in relation to neu-
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