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Starting a business doesn't have to be difficult.

Check out this 10-step guide to start your

entrepreneurial endeavor the right way.

1. Why do you want to start a business? Use this question to guide what kind of business you want
to start. Once you have the reason, start asking yourself even more questions to help you figure out
the type of business you should start, and if you have what it takes.

2. Let people interact with your product or service and see what their take is on it. It can help point
out a problem you might have missed. These people will become your first brand advocates,
especially if you listen to their input and they like the product.

3. Start researching your potential rivals or partners within the market by usingthis guide. It breaks
down the objectives you need to complete with your research and the methods you can use to do
just that. For example, you can conduct interviews by telephone or face to face.

4.You'll not only have to deal with the federal government and IRS but your state and local
governments as well. Making it official also means considering self-employment tax or business
insurance, depending on the legal structure you choose.

5. Create a business plan.It is a dynamic document that serves as a roadmap for establishing a new
business. This document makes it simple for potential investors, financial institutions and company
management to understand and absorb.

6. Get a business bank account at the earliest opportunity. Even if you have a good handle on your
finances, it's best practice not to pay for any business expenses with your personal checking

7. You need to have insurance for your business, even if it’s a home-based business or you don’t
have any employees. The type of insurance you need depends on your business model and what
risks you face.

8. To scale your business, you are going to need to hand off responsibilities to other people. You
need a team. You should look for good people who are doing well in this field. Businesses and
entrepreneurs need to learn early on how to effectively recruit and manage their team.

9. Even if you’re a brick-and-mortar business, a web presence is essential. Creating a website

doesn’t take long. You can make a standard informational website.If you sell products or services
offline, include a page on your site where customers can find your locations and hours.

10. To scale your business, you need to grow your customer base and revenue. This can be done by
expanding your marketing efforts, improving your product or service, collaborating with other
creators or adding new products or services that complement what you already offer.
Common mistakes to avoid when you are starting a new business

1. As you start your business, learn from your initial missteps and use them to guide your eventual
success. Remember that many winning entrepreneurs failed in their first attempts but came back to
thrive after studying what went wrong and improving.

2. Many entrepreneurs fail to prepare a business plan. Such a document doesn’t need to be
especially long or detailed. But taking the time to chart a business plan will help keep your efforts
consistent, serve as a rallying point for your team and give milestones to measure your progress.

3. Is not taking the time to understand the market or customers you’re building for. For technical
founders, writing code can seem easier than talking to customers, but there’s no way to know if
you’re on the right track unless you’re constantly getting feedback from current or prospective

4. Putting good money to bad use and trying to be everything to everyone instead of being niche-
focused is a surefire way to waste valuable time and money, which are the lifeblood to any startup.’

5. Don’t price too high, but don’t price too low just to gain market share. If you are good, price like
it! Many entrepreneurs start with the best of intentions and give things away for free or do free
things for charity, community or visibility. Be very careful with this because you don’t want to be
known as a source of freebies.

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