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Words of Gratitude

“Education is the eyesight behind the darkness of this LIFE”.

To our Schools Division Superintendent, Sir Reynaldo S. Mellorida. The designated Officer in -charge of
Pantuyan National High School Mrs. Nora F. Palma Gil,the teachers, parents, fellow completers, and to
the viewers of this virtual moving up ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen a wonderful morning!.

I am honored to speak in this virtual celebration in behalf of my fellow completers. I cannot define my
feelings of talking to this day of victory. At the beginning of this school I thought The quality of education
in which the Department of Education was dreaming will be stopped by this emerging pandemic. I
thought their will of providing education will be defeated by this unseen foe. But all of this worries and
uncertainty was been wrapped up by this VIRTUAL MOVING UP CEREMONY. Today, we are viewed to be
stars of this virtual moving up ceremony. Whatever ways we go through is clearly a manifest of how the
We all know the fear this pandemic had inferred in our mind. It had caused catastrophe to the lives of
those who died with this disease.

But behind this great havoc, the Department together with the teachers had strengthen quality of
education, by using it as an eyesight to the darkness caused by this cruel disease. Still the department’s
dream of taking us away from ignorance and using this Education as a weapon to cut on the chains of
poverty inflames the heart of teachers to provide us quality of education with their sacrifice of never
running away from their duties for us learners. And as I look back I can see and feel the pressure they
have been taking from the opening of this school year. As the embrace and chose the modular
printed/Distance learning approach for our school they have sacrifice a lot. Dear teachers thank you for
printing the modules that we have answered. Thank you for patiently waiting for our modules to be
given and by the time of retrieval forgive us if sometimes we cannot give it on time. And yet dear
teachers if there are learners that needs attention thank you for visiting them and sacrificing your time
climbing the difficult roads just to see them. Your work are doubled and even tripled this time of new
normal but still you continue to serve us the Quality of Education, as well us you strengthen it for us to
become globally competitive learners amid the presence of this covid 19 pandemic. Be it that on behalf
of the fellow completers we will use the department of education’s sacrifice and teachers effort as an
eyesight for us to be free from the blindness of learning genuinely. That we will use this as our
motivation of yearning from the ignorance to a successful dreamer.

To our dear parents May, Pay, mommy, daddy, tay, nay or How you call them. Your big part and your
sacrifices are the biggest thing we treasure. Na bisan pa ahw gilingon ing kanami unod di kami
makabayad ng sakripisyo mayo para kanami. Na bisan pa unohon nami di kami makabawos ng kamayo
sakripisyo para kanami. Salamatay kay bisan pa sang kalisod ng iagihan ta doon na panahon ipili mayo na
makaeskwela kami. Na bisan kamo ideprive sang awon na mga panahon mueskwela yakita mayo ing
kahayag na kaya ihatag ng pagskwela. It is never easy to be working and giving everything we need while
attending to us who are hardheaded. Sorry may, pay if we have done bad things and sometimes
disrespect your decisions for us. Sorry if there are instances in life that we chose to commit mistakes
rather than doing what is good and right for us. Thank you for giving us the time to learn together.
Thank you for giving your time to make sure that we can be a part of this Quality of Education. Truly it
was strengthen by you together with the teachers by the time of this pandemic.
To my fellow completers thank you for responding and answering to the call for pursuing and achieving
the Quality of Education your ways of availing it is a great contribution not only to your parents, to the
institution and to your teachers but most specially to your self and to the nation who is treasuring you as
the HOPE that would soon continue and bloom for a better tommorrow.

To our alma matter the Pantuyan National High School, that you will continue to soar high, despite the
exit of our dear beloved principal Manolita H. Burgos. That your 21 years of sacrificing for the
betterment of the school push us to succeed and always know that EDUCATION is the eyesight behind
the darkness of life. That we may always dream and hope to succeed with your life as our model. Thank
you so much Ma’am.

And lastly let me leave you with this challenge fellow completers by using the spells of our favorite game
MOBILE LEGENDS. As we Flicker Physically to another stage of capturing our dreams, let us Purify our
heart, to REGENERATE the will of always finding our VENGEANCE to Poverty. That our ARRIVAL to the
senior high school will INSPIRE us to PETRIFY the time and wear the AEGIS for us to enjoy our
RETRIBUTION towards our dream. And always SPRINT to achieve the MYTHICAL GLORY of SUCCESS. And
be victorious in whatever pace of life we will chose.

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