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21st March, 2023

“Healthy Ramadan”

We’re almost at the start of Ramadan, and the joy that we begin with, remain with enough
passion to sustain us through the entirety of the month. Many aspects of us fasting in Ramadan
reinforce environmental consciousness. From moderation in consumption to self-discipline, the
principles emphasized in Ramadan are in accordance with good spiritual, social, economic and
environmental practices. While we try to find a balance between work, food preparations, and
prioritizing our spiritual activities, we must simultaneously embrace a healthier Ramadan.

Try adopting a few of the following tips for a Green Ramadan:
· It’s best to avoid spicy, fatty and fast foods, as they increase thirst. So opt for dishes that are
grilled, baked, broiled, steamed or poached.
· Cut down on your carbon footprint by walking or cycling to the mosque in the evenings
· Exercise: working out before ‘Iftar’ is not at all as challenging so try a 20 minutes walk.
· Avoid processed foods and opt for fresh fruits and vegetables.
· Try to avoid eating white rice and bread and go for whole grain bread and organic brown rice.
· Stay hydrated: choose fresh juices / lemonade, milk and water instead of fizzy drinks.
· Choose a vegetarian diet over meat as it causes twice more climate warming emissions. Meat
accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds.
· Make the best of leftovers: either give away to the needy or save for later consumption
· Buy in bulk, that helps in reducing carbon foot prints for travelling.
· Reduce water use especially during ablution, and make sure the tap is not open unnecessarily

IMPORTANT: Discuss in Tool Box Talks and HSE Meetings - Distribute to contractors - Post on HSE Notice Boards
- Include in site HSE Induction

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