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April 26, 2023

CONTACT: Tim Griffin,

Attempt to Disenfranchise Tim Griffin Fails

Bedford, VA - Today the Bedford County Registrar rejected a politically motivated attempt to
disenfranchise Mr. Griffin of his sacred right to vote, and ability to run for the Republican
nomination for the House of Delegates. The Registrar has found that Tim Griffin is a legal
resident of Bedford County and the 53rd House of Delegates District.

“As an election attorney, I understand that our ability to vote is a Constitutional right that should
never be taken away,” Griffin said, “There is an ugly history in this Country of disenfranchising
Republican voters. I am glad we were able to defeat the return of this revolting legacy to deny
suffrage. I hope this serves as a clear message for my opponent’s team. It is time to focus on the
issues, stop the mudslinging, and attacks on my right to vote.”

Since announcing his run for office in March, Mr. Griffin remains the frontrunner for Delegate in
the 53rd District with a positive and issue-focused campaign on election integrity, life, limited
government, protecting gun rights, and providing school choice.

The 3 citizens that filed the disenfranchisement complaint against Mr. Griffin, includes one of his
opponent’s financial supporters, as well as a disgruntled backer of a 2022 candidate that Mr.
Griffin played a role in defeating.

“This case was nothing more than a desperate last-ditch attempt, by my opponent, to smear my
name before the May 6th Convention at Jefferson Forest High School.”

“More than ever, we need a leader in Richmond who fully understands Virginia’s laws and has
been fighting for Conservative principles in central Virginia for the last decade. I am humbled by
the overwhelming support our campaign has received throughout Bedford, Amherst, and Nelson,
and I look forward to earning your vote on May 6th.”


Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Tim Griffin

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