One Day

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One day, Gregorio got up from his bed turned into a strange monster, he was

very worried and scared.

Gregorio remembered that in the library of his house, there was an ancient book of spells from the

that his grandmother had ever spoken to her.

Gregorio searched the book for a position that would make him human again, and

he found, it was a postima capable of turning a

to be alive in what to leave. But, the postima consisted of 3 ingredients: ground gold, water

lake and blue dust.

The book also contained where they could find the items for each poster.

Gregorio decided to go in search of the ingredients, so he put a large sheet over it

so that no one would discover that he was a monster.

He packed his backpack and made sure he had everything he needed for his trip.

Before leaving, Gregorio had a panic attack, he wondered if he could reach the

places they need, if they were to discover

its appearance, or if the postima would work or not. He tried to calm himself, sat back up and was
filled with

courage to go out and do everything

what is possible to be him again.

When he opened the door of his house, he saw that there were people in the street, everyone

they were locked in his house.

What happened was that Gregorio was not the only one who had been infected with a virus that

had spread through the air throughout his city

while everyone slept. Gregorio, with more motivation, wanted to carry out his plan

quickly so I can help everyone.

Gregorio took out his book of spells from his backpack, began to read, the book said that, to

get the gold you need, you must go to a

abandoned cemetery, the gold was found buried next to a grave of a

priest who robbed people who visited

his church. When Gregorio was there, he dug and dug and finally found what he was looking for.
The second ingredient is found in Death Valley. Gregorio was

the creeps just thinking of such a place

chilling but he knew the great mission he had to fulfill with humanity and with him


All good thoughts accompanied him on his tour of that place so

gloomy, cold and dark.

When he was near a lake, he drew his water into a bottle and kept it.

Finally, the blue dust was found in an enchanted forest, very close to the Valley of

death. In order to enter, you had to meditate

for 60 minutes in a row. Then when you entered the forest, you should follow the smell of

raspberries that would take you to a source where

A beautiful little fairy rests, guardian of the blue dust.

Gregorio did so, he tried very hard not to get carried away and fooled by his others

senses. When he was at the fountain, he found himself

to the fairy, who gave him the dust.

Gregorio, very tired, returned to his city, prepared the position very carefully and

when he was ready, he prepared to engulf her to

leave it at the door of each house.

People like him were very distressed, they did not leave his house. It was not if not until the other

that looked out to see if humans in

the street, when they saw the bottle, they were very surprised, just seeing it, they felt peace and

they all decided to take it.

And so Gregorio remained forever, like an anonymous hero who was happy until his

death of him, returning to all the joy of him.

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