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Received: 5 January 2017    Accepted: 24 February 2017

DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.12665


Review of D-­dimer testing: Good, Bad, and Ugly

L.-A. Linkins1,2 | S. Takach Lapner1,2

Department of Medicine, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Abstract
Department of Medicine, University of D-­dimer assays are commonly used in clinical practice to exclude a diagnosis of deep
Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. More recently, they have been also been
Correspondence used to guide patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) when faced
Dr. Lori-Ann Linkins, McMaster University,
with the decision to continue or stop anticoagulation after initial treatment is com-
Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Email: plete. D-­dimer assays vary widely with respect to the antibody used, method of cap-
ture, instrumentation required, and calibration standard. These differences have an
important influence on the operating characteristics of the assays. Consequently, the
evidence available in the literature for one assay cannot simply be extrapolated to
another. In this review, we will outline the general properties of D-­dimer assays, dis-
cuss the concept of raising the D-­dimer threshold used in diagnosis of VTE according
to pretest probability and age, and provide clinical perspective on the role of D-­dimer
testing in the diagnosis and prognosis of VTE.

D-dimer, venous thromboembolism, DVT, PE, diagnosis, prognosis

With the generations that followed, there was dramatic improve-

ment in the performance characteristics of D-­dimer assays and conse-
quently a shift of their clinical utility into the field of acute thrombosis
1.1 | What is D-­dimer?
medicine. Now, clinicians routinely use them as part of a diagnostic al-
During hemostasis, the formation of fibrin clots by the coagulation gorithm to exclude the diagnosis of thrombosis within the lower limbs
system in response to vascular injury is balanced by the breakdown (deep vein thrombosis; DVT) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism; PE).
of clot by the fibrinolytic system. D-­dimers are one of several frag- More recently, D-­dimer assays have also been used to predict which
ments that are produced when plasmin, an enzyme activated through patients are more likely to experience recurrent thrombosis when an-
the fibrinolytic pathway, cleaves fibrin to break down clots. It con- ticoagulants are stopped.
sists of two covalently bound fibrin D domains that were cross-­linked In the discussion below, we will provide a brief overview of the
by factor XIII when the clot was formed. This fragment forms unique general properties of D-­dimer assays; compare and contrast assay
epitopes that can be targeted by monoclonal antibodies in D-­dimer types; discuss the importance of the threshold chosen to define a pos-
assays to confirm that the coagulation cascade is generating thrombin. itive and negative result; and provide clinical context for the role of
The role of D-­dimer assays in clinical medicine has evolved over D-­dimer testing in the diagnosis and prognosis of venous thrombo-
time. When D-­dimer assays were first introduced in the 1970s, embolism (VTE).
they were primarily used to check for evidence of disseminated in-
travascular coagulation, a condition that promotes rapid turnover of
1.2 | Determinants of D-­dimer concentration
clot formation and breakdown within the microvasculature. These
first-­generation assays detected both fibrinogen and fibrinogen deg- Low levels of D-­dimers are detectable in healthy individuals, as small
radation products and were therefore more of a blunt tool than a fine-­ amounts of fibrinogen are converted to fibrin physiologically. D-­dimer
tuned diagnostic instrument. levels in healthy individuals increase with age; in a population-­based

98  | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Int J Lab Hem. 2017;39(Suppl. 1):98–103.

cohort, the upper 95th percentile for D-­dimer was 2.5 times greater in
people over the age of 70 compared to people less than 50 years old.1 Learning Objectives
D-­dimer levels are increased in almost all cases of acute VTE. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should
However, any process that increases fibrin production or breakdown be able to do the following:
also increases D-­dimer levels. Examples of these conditions include 1. Summarize the general properties of D-dimer assays
pregnancy, inflammation, cancer, and surgery. Therefore, an elevated 2. Explain the concept of varying D-dimer thresholds ac-
D-­dimer is not a specific test for VTE. cording to pretest probability and age
Among patients with VTE, D-­dimer levels vary with clot burden, 3. Describe the role of D-dimer testing in the diagnosis and
timing of measurement, and initiation of treatment. Among patients prognosis of venous thromboembolism
with confirmed PE, higher D-­dimer levels are observed among patients
with larger emboli, such as those involving more than 50% of the lung
volume, compared to patients with smaller thromboses.2 Similarly,
among patients with DVT, higher D-­dimer levels are observed among for different epitopes on the D-­dimer molecule. It follows that a D-­
patients who have thrombosis extending above the level of the knee dimer molecule must have the two different epitopes present to be
compared to patients who have thrombosis confined to their calf detected by such assays.5 In agglutination based assays, the same
(proximal vs distal DVT). D-­dimer levels fall with increasing dura- monoclonal antibody serves as both capture and detection antibody.
tion of VTE symptoms. Patients with confirmed DVT who have had Only ­D-­dimer fragments with multiple identical epitopes are captured
symptoms for more than 7 days have lower D-­dimer concentrations with these assays.5
compared to patients with DVT and a shorter duration of symptoms.
D-­dimer levels also fall rapidly after initiation of treatment (eg hep-
1.4 | Assay types
arin, low-­molecular-­weight heparin, vitamin K antagonists). Within
24 hours of heparin treatment, D-­levels fall by approximately 25%.4 The range of commercially available D-­dimer assays is daunting. A
Therefore, D-­dimer testing is most accurate in patients with larger clot recent publication reported 30 different assays using 20 different
burden who have symptoms for less than a week and who have D-­ monoclonal antibodies.6 The assays differ in the D-­dimer epitope tar-
dimer testing performed before initiation of therapy. geted by the antibody, method of capture and detection (as discussed
above), instrumentation required, and calibration standard. A brief
overview of the major categories of D-­dimer assays is given below.7,8
1.3 | Principles of D-­dimer measurement
(Table 1) For a more comprehensive listing of assay types, see the re-
The process of measuring D-­dimer can be conceptually divided into view by Riley et al.8
two steps: (i) D-­dimer fragments must be captured by monoclonal
antibodies, and (ii) the D-­dimer plus monoclonal antibodies must be
1.4.1 | Enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
detected and quantified. Captured antibodies are immobilized on a
larger structure, such as a microplate well or membrane, or linked Microplate ELISA
to a latex bead or red cell. Detection antibodies can be labeled and Plasma is added to microtiter wells that are coated with D-­dimer an-
produce a colorimetric or fluorescent reaction that is quantified after tibody. After incubation, a second labeled antibody also specific for
binding captured D-­dimer or can be linked to a large particle such as D-­dimer is added to the well that binds to immobilized D-­dimer mol-
a bead or red blood cell to induce agglutination. In sandwich-­based ecules and then produces a colorimetric reaction. Due to high sensitiv-
assays, the capture and detection antibodies may have specificity ity of these assays to low levels of D-­dimer, they are considered the

T A B L E   1   Comparison of categories of D-­dimer assays

ELISA ELFA Latex-­enhanced immunoturbidimetric Whole-­blood point of care

Description Quantitative Quantitative Quantitative Qualitative

Turnaround time 2-­4 h 35 min 15 min 2-­5 min
Sensitivitya (95% CI) 94% (86-­97) 96% (89-­98) 93% (89-­95) 83% (67-­93)
Specificitya (95% CI) 53% (38-­68) 46% (31-­61) 53% (46-­61) 71% (57-­82)
Advantages High sensitivity High sensitivity Comparable sensitivity to ELISA Can be performed at
Fully automated Fully automated bedside
Higher specificity
Disadvantages Labor-­intensive Moderate specificity Moderate specificity Observer dependent
Moderate specificity Lower sensitivity

ELISA, enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assay; ELFA, enzyme-­linked immunofluorescence assay.

Summary estimates for diagnosis of DVT reported in systematic review by Di Nisio et al.11
100       LINKINS and LAPNE

reference standard assay for D-­dimer. However, they are time con- From a clinician’s perspective, variation in assay types means
suming and require specialized personnel and therefore are impracti- variation in operating characteristics. Systematic reviews and meta-­
cal for routine D-­dimer determination. analyses of studies that have evaluated D-­dimer assays for diagnosis
of DVT and PE have reported sensitivities ranging from 69% to 97%
and specificity from 43% to 99%.11 Consequently, the results of clini-
1.4.2 | Enzyme-­linked immunofluorescence assays
cal studies performed using one assay cannot simply be extrapolated
to another.
Designed along the same principles as the microplate ELISA, ELFAs Key point: All D-­dimer assays are not made equal. Each assay must
are fully automated and binding of the detection antibody produces a be independently and prospectively validated within the target popu-
fluorescent product. These assays have a rapid turnaround time and lation of interest.
can be performed on single samples.


1.4.3 | Latex assays
These assays use latex particles coated with D-­dimer antibod-
ies. They are available in qualitative, semiquantitative, and A D-­dimer assay should not be used as stand-­alone test to diagnose
quantitative formats. Second-­generation latex-­enhanced immu- VTE. As outlined above, elevated D-­dimer levels are nonspecific; con-
noturbidimetric assays are fully automated, quantitative assays sequently, a positive D-­dimer result in a patient suspected to have
that measure transmission of light with a photometric analyzer. VTE should be followed by an imaging test to confirm the diagnosis
If D-­dimer antigen is present in the plasma, the antibody-­coated (eg ultrasound of leg, computed tomography pulmonary angiogram of
latex beads agglutinate around molecules of D-­dimer producing lungs).
a large aggregate. The degree of light absorption by these larger A negative D-­dimer result can exclude the diagnosis of VTE without
particles can then be measured. These assays have similar operat- further testing, but only if the sensitivity of the test is high (>98%).12
ing characteristics to ELFAs. However, high sensitivity comes at the cost of specificity. A D-­dimer
with high sensitivity (eg ELISA) will miss few patients who have VTE,
but due to low specificity, it will also produce a large number of false-­
1.4.4 | Whole-­blood assays
positive results. False-­positive D-­dimer results lead to unnecessary
A drop of whole blood is added to a slide followed by a reagent con- ultrasounds and CT scans. Ultrasounds cost money and time, but are
taining a hybrid, bispecific antibody that binds to D-­dimer and a red relatively innocuous. On the other hand, CT scans require exposure to
blood cell membrane antigen. If D-­dimer antigen is present, erythro- radiation and the risk of contrast dye-­induced nephropathy.
cyte agglutination occurs. The agglutination is detected visually by the To improve the utility of D-­dimer testing in patients with suspected
operator. Other rapid point-­of-­care assays apply a similar principle, VTE, D-­dimer measurement is usually combined with other tests as
using slides with a chromatography membrane containing immobi- part of a diagnostic algorithm. (Figure 1) A key component of validated
lized monoclonal antibodies conjugated to colloidal gold particles or
fluorescent-­labeled monoclonal antibodies that produce reactions Suspected VTE
that are read by portable fluorometers.
From a laboratory perspective, D-­dimer testing is further compli- Clinical Pretest Probability

cated by lack of a standardized unit of measure. D-­dimer levels are re-

ported as a unit of mass per volume. However, there are two different
units used to describe D-­dimer mass: (i) purified D-­dimer units (DDUs) Low Moderate* High

or (ii) fibrinogen equivalent units (FEUs). FEUs express the mass of D-­
dimer as the equivalent mass of fibrinogen that would be needed to D-dimer Diagnosc Imaging

produce the D-­dimer in the sample. One FEU has approximately two
times the mass of one DDU; therefore, 1 μg/L of D-­dimer as measured Negave Posive Negave Posive

in DDU is about equal to 2 μg/L in FEU.5,9 There is no standardization

with respect to the mass unit used to report D-­dimer levels, with some Diagnosc Imaging

laboratories reporting D-­dimer concentration using DDU, while oth- Negave Posive
ers report FEU. Many laboratories also do not clearly identify which
mass unit they use. Furthermore, the magnitude of the unit of measure
VTE Excluded Treat VTE Excluded Treat
varies widely across laboratories using the same assays (eg ng/mL,
μg/mL, μg/L). An additional problem is the lack of a universal calibrator
F I G U R E   1   Diagnostic algorithm for venous thromboembolism.
that can be used to standardize D-­dimer concentration across assay *D-­dimer testing may also be performed to exclude VTE in this
types.6,10 category depending on the assay used (Linkins et al.21)

diagnostic algorithms is the application of a clinical decision rule be- value (PPV) of a test will decrease because a positive result is more likely
fore performing any diagnostic tests, including D-­dimer measure- to be a false positive. In other words, if the prevalence of DVT in a pop-
ment. Clinical decision rules are comprised of independent predictors ulation is low, elevated D-­dimer levels are more likely to be due to con-
for disease (ie signs, symptoms, risk factors) that have been derived ditions other than DVT; therefore, PPV is low and NPV is high.
from clinical studies and incorporated into a score. The score divides
patients into different groups according to their likelihood of having
2.1.1 | Varying D-­dimer threshold according to
DVT/PE (eg low/moderate/high, or likely/unlikely). Several clinical de-
cision rules for diagnosis of DVT and PE have been developed, but
the most validated include the Wells’ score and the Geneva score.13-18 Varying the threshold according to a patient’s baseline C-­PTP for VTE
In a typical VTE diagnostic algorithm, patients who are scored as has been shown to improve the clinical utility of D-­dimer testing. As
“low” or “unlikely” to have VTE have a D-­dimer level drawn. (Figure 1) previously discussed, the Wells’ score is a validated clinical decision
If the D-­dimer result is negative, VTE is considered excluded and no rule that separates patients into pretest probability categories—”low”
further testing is performed. This is the primary role of a D-­dimer (5% prevalence of VTE), “moderate” (25%), or “high” (60%)—based
assay—to safely exclude the diagnosis of VTE without requiring any on the presence or absence of certain risk factors, physical signs,
further investigations. On the other hand, if the D-­dimer result is pos- and symptoms.13 VTE prevalence is low in patients with a low Wells’
itive, imaging tests are ordered. If the patient is scored as “moderate/ score; therefore, a high D-­dimer threshold (less sensitive) can be used
high” or “likely” to have VTE, D-­dimer testing is omitted and imaging to exclude VTE within this subgroup. Conversely, VTE prevalence is
tests are performed. A D-­dimer result is unhelpful when the pretest high in patients with a high Wells’ score, which lowers the NPV of D-­
probability of VTE is “likely” for three reasons: (i) the result is unlikely dimer testing and limits the safety and usefulness of D-­dimer testing
to be negative even if VTE is not present (ie many of the factors that in this subgroup. Furthermore, hospitalized patients commonly have
increase the risk of VTE will also increase D-­dimer levels, eg cancer, other reasons to have elevated D-­dimer levels (eg malignancy, infec-
recent surgery); (ii) a positive result still requires confirmatory imaging; tion, surgery); therefore, a negative D-­dimer result in this subgroup
and (iii) there is uncertainty that D-­dimer testing can safely exclude is both unlikely and unhelpful. Consequently, varying the D-­dimer
VTE in this subgroup. Algorithmic approaches similar to this one have threshold according to C-­PTP and patient admission status may be
been well validated in clinical studies.19,20 more efficient than using a one-­threshold-­fits-­all approach.
Key point: D-­dimer assays play an important role in diagnostic al- To test this strategy, Linkins et al. randomized patients with sus-
gorithms for VTE. They should always be used within the context of pected first acute DVT either to a uniform strategy where the same
pretest likelihood for VTE. D-­dimer threshold was used for all patients (<500 μg/L; STA®-­Liatest®
D-­Di; Stago, Asnières sur Seine Cedex, France), or a selective strategy
where the D-­dimer threshold varied according to C-­PTP.21 In the se-
2.1 | D-­dimer thresholds
lective strategy, a higher D-­dimer threshold (<1000 μg/L) was used for
The D-­dimer level which defines the boundary between a “positive” patients with low C-­PTP; the manufacturer’s recommended threshold
and “negative” result is referred to as the threshold or cutoff level. The (<500 μg/L) was used for patients with moderate C-­PTP; and D-­dimer
threshold is determined by the manufacturer, and it is important to testing was not performed in outpatients with a high C-­PTP or inpa-
note that it is not equivalent to the upper limit of the reference inter- tients (irrespective of C-­PTP). The incidence VTE at 3 months was the
val for the assay. Traditionally, the threshold used to define a positive same in both arms (0.5%; difference 0.0%, 95% CI: −0.8% to 0.8%)
test was intentionally set low to maximize the sensitivity of D-­dimer which confirmed the hypothesis that a higher D-­dimer threshold can
testing and limit the likelihood of missing patients with DVT or PE. safely be used in patients with low C-­PTP. Furthermore, the selective
However, as discussed previously, maximizing sensitivity comes at the strategy resulted in 22% fewer patients requiring D-­dimer testing and
cost of lowering specificity. If specificity is too low, the end result is 8% fewer requiring ultrasonography compared with uniform testing.
reduced clinical utility of the assay because few patients will have a The primary limitation of this strategy is concern about the ability to
negative result (ie the majority will have a positive test and need to extrapolate the results to other D-­dimer assays.
proceed to diagnostic imaging).
Investigators have attempted to improve the clinical utility of D-­
2.1.2 | Varying D-­dimer threshold according to age
dimer testing by raising the threshold that defines a positive test, pri-
marily among patients with “low” or “unlikely” clinical pretest probability Another strategy that improves the clinical utility of D-­dimer test-
(C-­PTP), as determined by a clinical prediction rule. The principal behind ing is to vary the threshold according to patient age. It is known that
this approach is that the negative predictive value (NPV) of a diagnostic ­D-­dimer levels naturally increase with age; therefore, older patients
test (ie the probability that a patient with a negative result truly does not are less likely to have a negative result even if they do not have VTE.1
have the disease) is dependent on the prevalence of disease within the Righini et al. proposed that the D-­dimer threshold for patients above
population being tested. If the prevalence is low, the negative predictive 50 years of age could be safely increased by multiplying their age in
value of a test will increase because a negative result is more likely to be years by 10 (eg D-­dimer threshold for a 60-­year-­old patient would
a true negative. Reciprocally, if prevalence is low, the positive predictive be 600 μg/L instead of the manufacturer’s threshold of 500 μg/L).22
102       LINKINS and LAPNE

In their prospective trial, consecutive patients presenting to emer- of anticoagulant therapy, patients with unprovoked VTE are informed
gency departments with suspected PE had C-­PTP determined by the that the risk of recurrence while off of anticoagulant therapy is 10%
Wells’ score (likely or unlikely) or the revised Geneva score (likely or un- in the first year and 30% over 5 years.26 Anticoagulant therapy carries
likely). Patients who were categorized as “PE likely” proceeded directly a risk of bleeding that increases with age; therefore, it is not a benign
to diagnostic imaging. Patients who were categorized as “PE unlikely” treatment. Some patients will be uncomfortable with this level of risk
underwent D-­dimer testing. Six different quantitative D-­dimer assays of recurrent VTE and choose to remain on anticoagulation indefinitely,
were used (VIDAS D-­Dimer Exclusion [bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, whereas others will choose to stop it. However, a substantial propor-
France]; Tina-­quant [Roche, Basel, Switzerland]; Cobas h 232 [Roche, tion of patients are undecided about what to do. D-­dimer testing can
Basel, Switzerland]; STA-­Liatest D-­Dimer [Stago, Asnières sur Seine be helpful in these cases to aid decision-­making.
Cedex, France]; D-­Dimer HS 500 [IL Diagnostics, Orangebury, NY]; From our discussion about diagnostic testing for VTE, we know
and Innovance D-­Dimer [Siemens AG, Munich, Germany]). For patients that D-­dimer levels increase with acute thrombosis. For most patients,
<50 years of age, the threshold for a positive test was 500 μg/L. For the level drops over time; however, for some patients, the level re-
patients ≥50 years of age, the threshold for a positive test was calcu- mains elevated which is thought to indicate a persistent thrombotic
lated by multiplying the patient’s age in years by 10. Patients with a state. Meta-­analyses of clinical trials have shown that the risk of re-
positive D-­dimer underwent diagnostic imaging, patients with a nega- current VTE in patients with a positive D-­dimer after 3 months of an-
tive D-­dimer had no further testing and were not anticoagulated, and ticoagulant therapy is higher (8.9% per year; 95% CI: 5.8% to 11.9%)
all patients were followed for 3 months. than in patients with a negative D-­dimer (3.5% per year; 95% CI: 2.7%
The investigators reported that the 3-­month rate of VTE in pa- to 4.3%).27 Overall, the evidence suggests that a positive D-­dimer
tients who had PE excluded based on a D-­dimer level higher than after completion of 3 months of anticoagulant therapy in patients with
500 μg/L, but lower than their age-­adjusted threshold, was 0.3% (95% a first unprovoked VTE predicts a risk of recurrence that is approxi-
CI: 0.1%-­1.7%). Furthermore, in patients over age 75 with pretest mately double the risk in patients with a negative D-­dimer.
probability of “PE unlikely,” using the age-­adjusted threshold increased While D-­dimer testing to predict recurrence is used at many centers,
the proportion of patients who had PE excluded without the need for individual practice varies. As with diagnosis of VTE, there are concerns
imaging by 23%. about extrapolating the results of studies using one D-­dimer assay to
Others have questioned the use of the age-­adjusted D-­dimer. In another assay. There is also controversy over the timing of when the
an analysis of individual patient data from two clinical studies, Takach prognostic D-­dimer level should be drawn after stopping anticoagulant
Lapner et al. compared the proportion of patients who had VTE ex- therapy (3 weeks? 2 months?) and the threshold that should be used to
cluded using (i) age-­adjusted D-­dimer interpretation, (ii) a uniformly indicate a positive result (manufacturer’s threshold? a different thresh-
higher D-­dimer threshold in all patients, and (iii) a higher threshold old?). One meta-­analysis using patient-­level study data suggested that
only in younger patients (ie an opposite age-­adjusted strategy, but the while timing and threshold level may not influence the predictive ability
same average D-­dimer threshold as age-­adjusted interpretation).23 of D-­dimer testing, gender does appear to be a factor.28 For reasons
The results from this analysis showed that the gain in specificity with that are not entirely clear, a negative D-­dimer in patients who have
the age-­adjusted strategy merely reflected use of a higher average completed 3 months of treatment does not predict a lower risk of re-
­D-­dimer threshold overall (ie 620 μg/L) and not just the selective use currence in men with the same accuracy as it does in women.
of a higher threshold in the elderly. Furthermore, variation in D-­dimer As with diagnosis of VTE, D-­dimer testing should not be used as
results with different commercial assays can make interpretation of a stand-­alone test for predicting risk of recurrence. Clinical prediction
the age-­adjusted threshold difficult. For example, in one retrospective rules which include the result of D-­dimer testing as one factor in the
study, an 86-­year-­old patient with PE had D-­dimer levels that ranged score have been developed.29-31 Furthermore, it is important to con-
from 590 to 1170 ng/mL across five commercial assays. sider the risk of bleeding on anticoagulant therapy as well as the pa-
Key point: The clinical utility of D-­dimer testing is limited by a one-­ tient’s personal preferences when making this important decision.
threshold-­fits-­all approach. Varying the threshold according to C-­PTP Key point: D-­dimer testing after 3 months of anticoagulant therapy
or age improves utility, but the safe threshold values differ from one for a first unprovoked VTE can guide decisions about duration of ther-
assay to another. Laboratories and clinicians must be familiar with the apy, but should be used as part of a clinical decision model.
literature on the D-­dimer assay used at their institution to interpret

3 |  D-­D IMER TESTING FOR PROGNOSIS D-­dimer testing plays an important role in the exclusion of VTE and,
to a lesser extent, in the prediction of recurrence in patients with a
In recent years, the role of D-­dimer testing has expanded to include first acute unprovoked VTE. However, wide variation in the types and
prediction of risk of recurrent VTE. VTE in patients who have no obvi- operating characteristics of D-­dimer assays means study results with
ous provoking risk factors (eg recent surgery, immobilization of a limb, one assay cannot be extrapolated to another. Much work remains
cancer) is referred to as “unprovoked” or “idiopathic.” After 3 months to be done with respect to standardization of the performance and

reporting of D-­dimer assays as well as translation of results of D-­ 17. Klok FA, Kruisman E, Spaan J, et al. Comparison of the revised Geneva
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