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Tape No.

B-6004 Page 1


How to Recognize and Expel Demons

The word “devil” is the translation of a Greek word diabolos which is found in the English words

diabolic, diabolical; in Spanish diabolo and so on. It means literally the slanderer or the accuser and it’s a

title of Satan himself, it’s a title of one person. It is not normally used in the plural. What we are dealing

with is not Satan directly, what we are dealing with is correctly called demons or evil spirits. The word

demon comes from a Greek word diamonion which has a very long history in the Greek language and it

means some kind of a spirit being whom the ancients regarded as half divine and half human and who

was normally worshiped or propitiated in certain ways. In fact, the majority of pagan religions all through

human history have centered around the recognition of demons and attempts to propitiate them or enlist

their help or prevent their wrath. More or less, that’s how you can sum it up.

The other phrase that’s used interchangeably in the New Testament is the phrase “evil spirit” or

“unclean spirit.” When I say interchangeably, in the synoptic gospels where one writer will use the word

“demon” telling the same story about the same incident another synoptic writer will use the word “evil

spirit” or “unclean spirit.” These are interchangeable. We are not talking about Satan himself, the prince

of the kingdom of darkness. We are not even talking about angels; we are talking about spirit beings. As I

understand it, they are not angels. This is not essential for your deliverance to know this but I observe

certain distinctions. Angels have their habitat in the heavenlies. Evil spirits are earthbound. Angels

apparently have wings and fly. Evil spirits apparently do not have wings and walk. Jesus said the unclean

spirits walketh through dry places seeking rest. Angels have bodies of their own and would not feel at

home nor have any reason to desire to be inside a human body. Demons or evil spirits are spirits without

bodies that intensely crave to be inside bodies. Primarily they would choose to be inside a human body

but rather than be without a body to inhabit we find in the gospels that they would prefer to go into the

bodies of pigs.
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Without a body they cannot express their nature. For instance, a demon of blasphemy must have a

tongue to blaspheme through. A demon of doubt must have a mind to doubt through. A demon of lust

must have a body and physical members to lust through. A demon of alcohol must have the appropriate

physical organs to crave and to consume alcohol through. They are tied up to the need of a body to

express themselves.

Where demons came from is a matter about which I have opinions after many years but it isn’t

important. Jesus dealt with demons by the thousands but he never stopped to explain in his public

teaching where they came from. The important thing for you is not to know where they come from, it’s to

know how to get rid of them. That the Bible tells you clearly.

In regard to these there are certain phrases used in the New Testament and I’ll enumerate them

briefly. The three main phrases used for a person who is in some way under the influence or power or

control of a demon or an evil spirit, these are the following phrases. First of all, to have an unclean spirit

or a demon. Secondly, to be in an unclean spirit or a demon where I think modern English would speak

about being under the influence of. Thirdly, there is a Greek verb “to be demonized.” The Greek verb, if

you are familiar with Greek, is daimonzomai and it means “I am demonized.” It’s directly formed from

the noun for demon. Demon in Greek, diamonion, to be demonized, daimonzomai. See, it’s just a verb

formed out of a noun.

In the King James Version the verb that I have spoken about, daimonzomai is normally translated to

be possessed with devils. This translation is a disaster. It has misled more people than it will ever be

possible to calculate because there is nothing in the original Greek—and I challenge any Greek scholar to

say to the contrary—there is nothing in the original Greek to justify the use of the word possessed. This is

what has misled millions of people. You see, the word possessed in the English language suggests total

ownership. If I possess my Bible then it is entirely mine and every page in the Bible belongs to me.

There’s no shared ownership, no one has a claim over 15 pages in my Bible; I possess it, it is my Bible.

People say can a Christian be demon possessed? The answer is obviously no. A Christian essentially is
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one who belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. If he belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ the devil cannot own

him, that is absolutely clear. But, it doesn’t mean that a Christian cannot have areas in his life which are

still under the control of evil spirits. He may belong by the choice of his will and the surrender of his will

in salvation or the new birth to the Lord Jesus Christ. Though he has given himself generally to the Lord

Jesus it may well be that there are areas within him where the Holy Spirit and the nature of Christ are not

in effective control. You say, “Brother Prince, how do you know that?” I’ve been a Christian over 30

years and I know it from my own personal experience.

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit about 30 years ago, having found the Lord about two weeks

previously in an Army barrack room. I had a marvelous conversion, a total transformation. But many,

many years later there were still areas in my life where the Lord Jesus was not in effective control. How

many of you would say that’s pretty normal? Thank you. I just want you to see I’m not talking to people

from another world and I’m not talking about abnormal people.

Let me put it to you this way. I’m not jesting and I’m not making fun of you at all. I want you to be

serious, I’m serious. Let me ask you each one this question. How many of you would say by raising your

hand, “Brother Prince, I believe I have the Holy Spirit”? Praise the Lord. Now I’m not making fun of you.

If you put your hand up I will not laugh at you. How many of you would say by the same token, “Brother

Prince, I’m totally controlled by the Holy Spirit”? Praise God. Thank you. Well, there was one person

that raised his hand. I praise God for that, I don’t question it. Every Christian should be in that condition.

But we all know that most Christians aren’t as yet.

Lots of people think the Holy Spirit will only start a work in you and bless you when you’re perfect.

Isn’t that silly? When you’re perfect you won’t need it. The idea that you’ve got to be perfect before the

Holy Spirit will move in and do things for you is like sending young people to a university and the

professors come to them and say, “Now when you young people graduate, we’ll start to teach you.” When

do you need teaching? Before you graduate. When we get to heaven we’ll have graduated. Then I don’t

know that we’ll need all that teaching. We need the Holy Spirit to help us now in our weaknesses. You
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know what Romans 8:26 says, “The Spirit helpeth our infirmities.” The places where we’re weak, the

places where we’re having problems is just where we need the Holy Spirit.

Likewise, evil spirits, though they cannot own a Christian, can move in or be in residence and occupy

certain areas of their personality. To illustrate it from personal experience, I was a full gospel preacher for

a good many years but I had various internal problems. I’ll mention only one, it’s a common one, it was

depression. I was subject to fits of depression. They would come down over me and overshadow me and

press me in like a great, dark, moist cloud settling down over me, shutting me in. I would have a feeling

of helplessness and hopelessness. It would be others can but you can’t. I would be aware that I would

carry this pressure around with me where I went. And particularly, in my own home. It was very, very

embarrassing to me to think that I was subjecting my wife and children to the pressure that I was under. I

tried every means I knew of to get rid of this depression. I fasted, I prayed, I can’t think of anything I

didn’t do. The embarrassing thing was the more I fasted the worse it got. In fact, one of our daughters said

to me one day, “Daddy, I wish you’d stop fasting because you’re worse when you fast.” Well, that’s

embarrassing for a preacher. It was quite true because what fasting did was bring the thing out into the

open. It didn’t get it out but it forced it into the open.

Another thing I noticed was when I really wanted to serve Christ to the utmost, that was when the

pressure was worst. But when I was content to kind of go along with the stream and not make too much

efforts against the kingdom of Satan the pressure let up. I could not find the solution to this until one day

reading in Isaiah 61:3 I read this phrase. “The garment of praise in place of the spirit of heaviness.” When

I read that phrase “the spirit of heaviness” I suddenly saw that’s your problem. It’s not a mental attitude,

it’s not a psychological attitude; it’s a person, a spirit that knows you. Immediately I saw a whole host of

truth. I saw that the same spirit had troubled my father most of the time that I knew him. It was a kind of

family ghost that followed us down from generation to generation. I could trace its activity. I realized that

it understood me, it knew my thoughts and it definitely planned its strategy against me. It had one

supreme aim, to prevent me serving Christ effectively.

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I will tell you this with regard to demons. Their headquarters are in Satan’s kingdom and they have

two main orders in relation to you. Number one, to keep you from Christ. If they fail in that their second

order is to stop you serving Christ effectively. If they can’t stop you from being a Christian then they’ll

stop you from being an effective Christian.

You will find out that this makes sense and explains a whole lot of things in your experience. For

instance, why can you stay awake till midnight watching the TV but fall asleep before 10 o’clock if you

read your Bible? Because the demon of slumber which is referred to both in Old Testament and in New

doesn’t mind you watching the late night show with Johnny Carson but does mind you getting to know

the word of God. Or, you take the case we had of the neighbors with the pestilential little girl of about 3

and we used to watch. Friday night when they went out grocery shopping she’d dress up and walk out all

smiling and sweet. Sunday morning when they wanted to go to the full gospel Sunday School and church

she’d lie on the floor and kick her legs in the air and scream. The spirit in that little girl didn’t mind the

grocery store but hated the full gospel church. If you will work out a lot of things that happen in your

life—I sometimes tell people in meetings like this if you find an absolutely abnormal resentment for

Brother Prince rising in you right now, be on your guard. There are many good reasons why you could

resent me but if I’ve done nothing to you and it suddenly rises up in you, remember it’s the devil trying to

stop you from coming to me for help. Behind these things, if they are demonic, there’s always an

intelligence that plots and plans and works out how to frustrate you, defeat you, keep you miserable,

make you sick and, if possible, kill you. That’s their objective.

Don’t forget what Jesus said about the devil. “The thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill, to

destroy.” That’s why he’s there. If you tolerate him, that’s what he’s doing. Don’t forget. If you tolerate

Satan in any area of your life whatever, he’s there to steal, to take away the things that are rightfully

yours; your peace of mind, your innocence, your health, your right relationships with your family and

neighbors, your prosperity, your success. All these good things that are yours in Christ the devil will seek

to steal from you.

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Secondly, he’s there to kill you physically. Many Christians every year die murdered. Murdered by

cancer and tumors and all sorts of things. They don’t live out their natural, normal appointed life span;

they’re murdered by the devil.

Then the third thing he does to the unsaved—not to the believer—is to torment them eternally after

death. That’s his program. Jesus warned us, he said be very clear why the devil comes, what his aims are.

They’re stated for you: steal, kill, destroy. If you make friends with him you know the kind of person

you’ve made friends with.

Now, the next question is what are the typical marks of demon activity in a person? We all know that

we have a nature—at least, I trust we all know—that is prone to sin. We’re born rebels. I hope you know

that. Ephesians 2:2, “We are all by nature the children of wrath because we are the children of

disobedience.” Adam never begat any children until he was a rebel. Every child that ever was begotten of

Adam and Adam’s descendants was a rebel by birth. This is not my purpose to teach this this afternoon,

it’s another message. We are born with a rebellious nature. You ladies never had to teach any of your

children to be naughty, did you? No. But you had a problem teaching them to be good, in most cases. So,

we have a rebellious nature. We tend to desire to do the wrong thing.

The remedy for the rebellious nature is not deliverance. The remedy for the rebellious nature is the

cross. Our old man, that old rebellious Adamic nature, is crucified with Christ. If you’re just dealing with

the Adamic nature, don’t come to Brother Prince and ask him to cast the old Adam out because it isn’t

scriptural. It can’t be done. The only remedy for the old Adam is the cross. “They that are Christ’s have

crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts.” This is the basic solution beyond all solutions, it’s the


But, in addition to the old Adamic nature multitudes of people have the compounded problem of what

I call the vultures that fasten on the carcass. The carcass: the old man; the vultures: the evil spirits that

fasten their claws and their beaks into that rotting old carcass and feed upon it. If that’s your situation, in

addition to the cross you may need the ministry of deliverance. The remedy for evil spirits is not to
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crucify them; you cannot crucify an evil spirit. It is to cast them out.

On the other hand, you cannot cast out the old man, you have to crucify him. See, the remedies

correspond to the needs. You cannot mix up the remedy for the opposite need. Multitudes of people have

been struggling manfully to crucify demons. It just doesn’t work. The Bible says “reckon the old man

dead.” That’s scriptural but it doesn’t say reckon demons dead because they aren’t dead and they’ll never


Now, naturally the question arises, “Brother Prince, if I have this recurrent, persistent, disturbing,

frustrating problem, how do I know whether it’s just the old man or whether it’s an evil spirit exploiting

the old man? Well, on the blackboard I have written up there in the middle “Activities of Demons.” I have

learned by experience that these are the main ways in which demons operate and manifest their presence,

the things they habitually do. We’ll glance at them. Number one, they entice. This is temptation. The

Bible says every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. There’s something

within each one of us called lust, perverted desire; but there’s an agent that plays upon the lust. It’s like

the mouse, there’s something in the mouse that likes cheese. But to get the mouse into the trap there’s got

to be someone that places the cheese just where it will cause the mouse to be caught.

The enticer, the agent, is the demon. He plays upon lust, perverted desires within you and me. One of

the basic activities of demons is enticement. Personally, I don’t believe that Satan comes down from the

heavenlies every time you and I need to be tempted. I believe he’s got a very well trained multitudinous

army doing the job for him against us all the time. He says, “There’s a young man just going into the

ministry. He could be a danger. Demons number 23AZ and number 537X, get on his tail. Get him

interested in some smart divorcee who’s got about three children and a rotten past and get him

side-tracked because otherwise he’s going to do damage.” See, that’s the piece of cheese that’s baiting the

mousetrap. Those evil spirits are playing upon something called sexual lust inside a young man. That’s

just an example.

The next activity is to enslave. Let’s look at this particularly in reference to sex. First of all, in regard
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to sex I want to say sex is not evil—contrary to the opinion of most Christians—it’s good. God created

man sexual and after he created everything he saw that everything he had created was very good,

including sex. The church has got a totally wrong, negative attitude toward sex. However, sex is also very

powerful in most persons and, therefore, the devil is smart enough to know that if he can get control in the

sex area he’s got a very important measure of control in that person.

The next thing I want to say about sex is it is no sin to be tempted. Jesus was tempted in all points like

as we are, yet without sin. So you can be tempted without sinning.

Further, if you are tempted and sin sexually with a wrong act, that does not necessarily mean you

need deliverance from a sex demon. All you need to do is repent, confess to Jesus, receive forgiveness

and cleansing and there you are back again, you’re all right. But, if this thing becomes enslaving, if no

matter how many times you repent and confess and get forgiven and cleansed you’re back again doing it,

then it’s a demon. I believe every form of sex perversion is demonic in its origin.

The third thing demons do is torment. They are the tormentors. In Matthew 18 there’s a parable told

about a servant who was forgiven six million dollars and refused to forgive a fellow servant ten dollars.

I’m putting it in modern values. When the master heard about this unforgiving servant he said, “Thou

wicked servant.” He was very wrath and he commanded him to be delivered to the tormentors ’till he

should pay the uttermost farthing. The last verse of that parable says “So likewise shall my heavenly

Father do also unto you if ye do not from your hearts forgive every man their brother his trespass.”

What’s “so likewise”? To deliver you to the tormentors. Who are the tormentors? The demons.

God awakened me to this fact because I’ve had multitudes of Christians, uncounted multitudes,

coming to me in torment. I said to myself, “God, how could that be? They’re your children. How do they

get in the hands of the tormentors?” God said, “I put them there because they refused to forgive another

believer.” So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you.

There are various areas of torment. There’s spiritual torment. The demon of fear is probably the chief

tormentor. The apostle John says, “Fear hath torment.” There’s a natural fear which is perfectly normal.
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There’s the fear of the Lord which is reverence and respect and awe for God which is clean and endureth

forever. But there’s another kind of fear which is demonic, it’s abnormal, it’s unnatural, it’s excessive and

it’s tormenting. There’s a tormentor.

There’s another tormentor and it’s condemnation, condemned all the time. The Bible says there is no

condemnation for them who are Christ Jesus.

Another tormentor is doubt.

Then there’s physical torment. Cancer, arthritis and so on.

Number four, the fourth main activity is to drive or compel. The Gadarene demoniac was driven out

of habitation of man into the area of the tombs. Anything that is compulsive suggests the activity of a

demon. Compulsive eating, compulsive talking, compulsive sleeping. There are many areas. All these

things are normal. It’s normal to talk, normal to eat and normal to sleep. But when it becomes driving,

compulsive, nagging, you can suspect a demon.

Number five, defiling. Demons are unclean. All evil spirits are unclean. Many people have their mind

and their conscience defiled by demons. Their minds are filled with thoughts and suggestions that they

resent and hate but they come crowding in almost endlessly. They’re defiled in their minds by evil


Then number six, harass. They just get at you, they disturb you, they trouble you. Just the moment

you’re going to do something for God they begin to get on you. My family learned years ago when I was

about to preach, stop talking to him because he’s got everything he needs to keep calm before that

message. As a matter of fact, since I’ve had deliverance from three particular spirits which came in

different phases: depression, anger and embarrassment, I can be perfectly relaxed before I preach. But

that’s an achievement. It didn’t come in one day and it isn’t true of all preachers, believe me. Any

pastor’s wives here? Don’t put your hands up, but you know what I’m talking about.

The normal preacher is a bundle of nerves before he gets into the pulpit. He’s harassed.

Now, we want to deal with what I call the city within. The order on the blackboard is different from
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the order of speaking but that won’t bother you, will it? I have said that though a Christian belongs to the

Lord there may be areas within him where the Lord is not in control. The Bible compares the inner nature

of man to a city. Proverbs 16:32:

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit better than he that
taketh the city.

Ruling your own spirit is better than taking a city in war.

And the other one, Proverbs 25:28:

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.

No defense, he can’t keep anything out. Any demon that the devil sends against him can come in and

settle in that city because it has no protection.

Many drug addicts are like that. Persistent dope addiction makes a person inwardly like a city broken

down and without walls. Everything will come in one after another. You’ll find most persistent drug

addicts not merely need deliverance from the drugs like heroin, they need deliverance from deception,

hatred, resentment, rebellion, sex perversion and all sorts of other things because they’ve lost the ability

to keep anything out of that inner city within them.

There are other people besides drug addicts that have become like a city that is broken down and

without walls. My purpose in speaking is to bring out this illustration of the city that’s within each one of

us. The city I always use to illustrate this is one which I lived, Chicago. The mayor of Chicago is Richard

J. Daley and many people feel he’s doing a good job as mayor. But, though Richard J. Daley is duly

elected mayor, everybody who knows Chicago knows there are quite a lot of areas in Chicago where

Richard J. Daley is not in control. There are some areas in Chicago where even the police have to go two

at a time in daylight. There are other areas of Chicago—and they include certain areas of the political life

of the city—which are run by the Mafia although Daley is the duly elected mayor.

This is like a Christian. You’ve elected Jesus Christ, he’s mayor, he’s in the mayor’s chamber but
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you’ve still got the Mafia running around somewhere inside. As a matter of fact, the Mafia actually is a

very vivid picture of demon activity because demons regularly operate in gangs, they do not operate

singly. So much so that I’ve learned that if I meet one member of a gang, to look for the others almost

instantly. For instance, let’s take a few. You have the case of depression, fear, loneliness, self-pity,

despair. Do you know the next one? Suicide, that’s right. When you find that group you it’s only a

question of time if suicide hasn’t come in. Each one opens the way for the next.

Or, you can take anger, violence. And the next one, murder.

Bear this in mind. Demons do not come in necessarily because you’ve committed the thing; they

come in to make you commit the thing. For instance, the demon of suicide obviously doesn’t come in

because you’ve committed suicide but it comes in to make you commit suicide. The demon of murder

does not come in to because you’ve committed murder; it comes in to make you commit murder. Lots of

people have said to me in horror when I’ve called the demon of murder out of them, “Brother Prince, I’ve

never committed murder.” I say, “No, but that demon came in with the intention of making you commit

murder somewhere further along the line. As long as you had him in you were always in a dangerous

position. Because, in a sudden moment of anger, who knows what you would have done?” How many

people you read about in the newspaper commit murder and when they’re charged with it they say, “I

don’t know what made me do it.” No, they don’t but the devil does. He had that demon waiting for maybe

15 years ’till he got that man to a place where he was drunk and somebody insulted him or ran off with

his wife and then the demon of murder went into top gear and said, “Now is my opportunity.”

Other people have the demon of adultery who have not committed adultery but it’s there pushing

them into it.

Let’s take briefly the main areas in the city. I could illustrate this from Chicago. You have The Loop

with the businesses. A little further west you have The Banks. You go a little south from the center of

Chicago and you have the depots, the warehouses. Go further south you have a residential area which is

basically Negro. Go back to The Loop and go west and you have an area which is primarily Polish. Go
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back to The Loop and go north and you have an area which is primarily Jewish and then another area

which is primarily Swedish. You go back to the suburbs with their different characteristic levels of social

success and prestige and so on. Every area of the city has its own distinctive characteristic occupations

and inhabitants.

This is like the city within you. It’s divided up into areas, each with its own characteristic inhabitants.

I’m going briefly through this list and I’m not going to dwell on any. I would say the first main area is

emotions, attitudes and relationships. And for every negative attitude, emotion and relationship there

exists the corresponding demon. Resentment, hatred, rebellion, fear, depression, loneliness, self-pity,

envy, jealousy, pride and a whole host of others. There’s a demon for each on. The fact that you feel envy

every now and then doesn’t mean you have the demon of envy as I’ve said. But when it becomes

compulsive, when it is persistent, when it is beginning to occupy a sort of major part of your life, then it’s

a demon.

The commonest, I would say, is fear. I say about 1 in 5 persons need deliverance from the spirit of

fear alone.

As I said already, they go in gangs. Find one and you can pick out the others. They go in succession.

For instance, the problem of multitudes of young people in America today is this: resentment [always

against their parents], hatred, rebellion. When rebellion enters, first of all, it’s directed towards their

parents, then the church, then school, then the government, then God. It’s more or less that way. This

explains what’s happened to multitudes of young people. I would like to say that in most cases it’s the

fault of the parents. But it’s the problem of the children. I would like to say to anybody who has problems

as a result of their parents wrong treatment, remember it isn’t your parent that’s bothered so much as you.

I was talking to a girl a couple of days ago whose father had molested her sexually and so on. I was

trying to urge her to forgive her father and she was finding it a hard job. I said, “Remember, he’s ruined

the first years of your life. If you go on hating him he’s going to ruin the rest of your life. Do you want

him to do that?”
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I remember talking to a woman once who said to me her husband had run off after 15 years of

marriage with another woman and left her with the kids. I said, “Are you going to forgive your husband?”

She said, “Why? He’s ruined 15 years of my life.” I said, “Do you want him to ruin the rest? As long as

you go on hating and resenting him, he’s ruining your life. He’s not suffering one quarter as much as you


Remember, in resentment it’s not the one who’s resented that suffers, it’s the one who resents. You

know, when a man has ulcers the question they ask is not what the man’s eating, it’s what’s eating the

man. Resentment just eats people up from inside. Don’t get eaten away inside.

Then there’s the realm of the mind, the thoughts. There are certain specific characteristic demons.

Doubt, unbelief, indecision, procrastination [putting things off], compromise; these are mental. Very, very

real, very powerful. Many people have had unbelief injected into them by the seminary, by the church.

They’ve been just fed on unbelief.

Compromise is a remarkably powerful demon. A Lutheran minister came to me once, he had the

baptism in the Holy Spirit but he said, “I need deliverance.” He had a problem with homosexuality.

Another minister and I prayed with him and he was delivered but he said, “I’m not fully free.” I

commanded the next spirit to name itself and it said compromise. I was astonished. I said, “Have you had

a problem with compromise?” He said, “All my life since I was a boy I’ve never been able to make a

clear cut commitment on anything.” When we commanded that spirit to come out of him it was so

powerful it threw that man around like a rubber ball.

There’s a lady here and I’m not in any way going to indicate who she is. She wouldn’t mind if I did,

actually. She’ll remember she had the demon of forgetfulness. When I was casting that out it spoke out of

her and said, “I’m not coming out, I’m locked in her brain.” These are the mental demons and there are

others but I’m just giving you a sample.

Then there’s the demons that specifically relate to the tongue. Blasphemy. Any blasphemer has a

demon. That’s one sufficient evidence. Lying, unclean talk. And do you know another one? Gossip. The
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gossip demon has ruined more churches maybe than the sex demons put together. If you are like a carrion

bird feeding on the bad traits in other people, you have a gossip demon. Some so called prayer meetings

are just outings for gossip demons. I’m sure they lick their lips with expectation when the prayer day rolls

around every week. “Oh, sister, did you hear about Mrs. So-and-So? She really needs prayer. Yak, yak,

yak.” How much prayer does she get? How much good does it do her?

Then there’s the area of sex. As I’ve already said, sex is good, not evil but it’s powerful and if the

devil can move in and grab that area, then he’s got a major measure of control over your personality.

Something that will drive you, force you, enslave you. My personal conviction is every form of sex

perversion is demonic. That, again, is sufficient evidence. Any form of homosexuality—and there are

many different forms—in my opinion, is the manifestation of a demon. I have seen homosexuals of all

shades delivered when it has been dealt with as a demon. There was a man in Chicago—and again I won’t

mention his name but he wouldn’t mind—He’d been a homosexual for many years. When I preached on

this, ultimately he received deliverance but he said to our daughter later, “I never got deliverance until I

was willing to face the fact that it was a demon and I had to deal with it that way.”

Another demon in the sex area which is tremendously common—and I know this doesn’t sound good

for a preacher but I’m going to tell you nevertheless—is masturbation. I know that doctors and

psychologists say it’s harmless and it’s a safe outlet and so on. Well, it’s demonic. Again, a person may

have a fall, a slip, repent, confess, be forgiven and cleansed and that’s it. But when it becomes enslaving,

it’s demonic. I’ve dealt with many married persons, both men and women, that were still enslaved by the

demon of masturbation years after marriage. I was dealing with one last week. A married man with a

child. I said, “Have you ever had a problem with masturbation?” He said, “Yes, and I still have.” I don’t

know whether to say this or not but I will. I can say it now and I couldn’t say it later. Frequently when

you’re dealing with people who need deliverance you’ll find if you watch them that their fingers become

stiff and distorted. Often they’ll complain of a tingling in their fingers. Never have I found this to be

anything but masturbation. I’ve dealt with hundreds of cases. As soon as I see those symptoms I know
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that’s what I’m dealing with. In many cases that evil power has to be driven out specifically out of the


I remember another instance of power in fingers. I had a deliverance service some years back and a

collective deliverance prayer. I didn’t know the results—in many cases the people came forward, I prayed

and then the service closed. But a woman a few days later said, “You know, I’m a mother with three

children and I love my children but I have the most intensive compulsion to spank them for unreasonable

things. When I came forward in the deliverance service I felt that evil power leaving my hands. Now I

have no urge to spank my children.” See, the Bible says we’re to yield our members as instruments of

righteousness unto God. But sometimes the devil has got there first and he’s using our members as

instruments of sin and then we have to drive out his power.

Then we have the area of addictions. Addictions are appetites which have gone out of all proportion

and become enslaving. All appetites, basically, are healthy. It’s healthy to eat, it’s healthy to drink and so

on. But, when an appetite becomes abnormal, perverted and enslaving, then it’s an addiction and all

addictions are demonic. I discovered this by experience and I believe firmly it’s true. I dealt some years

back with a young man who was the son of a doctor, a medical doctor, a well educated young man. His

addiction was to cough mixture and he used to drink five bottles of cough mixture every day. I understand

that the ingredient that was addictive was benzoturpinhydrate. I don’t know what it is. When I was in a

morning worship service preaching on the power of the blood of Jesus, that young man was driven by that

demon out of the service to the drug store to buy a bottle of cough mixture, so intensive was the

compulsion to drink cough mixture. When I prayed with him that evening this demon spoke out of his

voice, out of his throat with a deep bass voice and said, “I’m addiction. You can’t have him, I have his

soul and I will not let go.” It was a real battle to get that demon out.

Another case of addiction that was remarkable, I dealt with a young woman of about 18, a Pentecostal

girl saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit who had an addiction to nail varnish. She loved the smell of nail

varnish. She said to me, “When I go into the cosmetics department of a major store I cannot act like a
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normal person. I have this compulsion to go and buy nail varnish. I either have to buy nail varnish or get

out of that department.” When this spirit came out of her it tore her and came out screaming. It was not

just a figment of the imagination.

The commonest addiction in the United States is—some of you have heard me say this many times—

food addiction, gluttony. That’s just as much an addiction as alcohol. There was a Presbyterian minister in

the camp last August, some of you will remember him. He had a tremendous battle for deliverance. I was

really longing to get over to him but I couldn’t. There were some sisters ministering to him. When he was

delivered I said, “What was that man delivered of?” One of these sisters said gluttony. He was in his late

fifties or early sixties and he said, “This has absolutely warped my life. It’s even poisoned my relationship

with my wife. It’s caused me to be deceptive. I’ll go downtown in the middle of the day, buy $2 worth of

candy, eat it all in the car on the way home and then lie to my wife about where I’ve been.” It’s just like

an alcoholic.

I’ll tell you what happens. Addictions are not the trunk, they’re branches. An addiction is a branch

that grows on a trunk and the trunk if a frustration. So, in dealing with addiction if you don’t deal with the

basic frustration you’ve not done a complete job. Let’s say a lady is frustrated. Her husband is running

around with another woman and spending a lot more money than he earns. If that lady is an Episcopalian

she’ll go to the martini, she’ll become an alcoholic. But if she’s Assemblies of God or Church of God

she’ll go to the cookie jar and the pastry tray. She’ll become a foodaholic, that’s all. There isn’t any basic

difference, they’re just the same. There are more foodaholics than there are alcoholics in the church; I’m

not talking about the world at large. See, it isn’t respectable to be an alcoholic but it’s perfectly

respectable in most religious circles to be a foodaholic.

Then there are other addictions. Nicotine, very common. It cannot be the will of God for a person to

smoke and destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit which is the human body. Have you seen people die of

lung cancer? I have. It could not be God’s will that you greatly increase the probability of your dying that

terrible death. Be realistic. You can pass it off as a social expression or something harmless but it’s
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destroying you. Furthermore, it’s enslaving. You go to a prayer meeting and you’re a smoker and you

walk outside, the first thing you want to do is light up. You just can’t hold out any longer. Maybe if the

prayer meeting is too long you go out before it ends. You’re a slave. That’s a demon.

A Church of England rector in Britain told me that in his congregation there was a move of the Holy

Spirit and a number of people who were never converted but were members of the church got saved and

baptized in the Holy Spirit. There was one man who had this problem nicotine. He just could not stop

smoking. Some people smoke and they don’t mind but he smoked and hated it and hated himself for

doing it but he could not stop. This rector was a real good Anglican evangelical. He knew all about the

6th chapter of Romans, reckoning yourself to be dead indeed unto sin. Every time this man came to him

he said, “Just reckon yourself to be dead.” The man said, “I’ve reckoned but it doesn’t work.” They had a

prayer meeting one day and this rector told me this himself. He said, “In the prayer meeting he was

suddenly moved by the Spirit of God. He walked up to that man, placed his hands on his chest and said,

You demon of nicotine, come out of this man.” The man gave a kind of cough and a gasp, something

came out and he couldn’t bear to be in the same room with people smoking after that. That’s the example

of a person whose heart is right but they’re enslaved. He didn’t want it.

Now, wicked people want to do wicked things. But, good people hate wicked things and if they do

them it’s because they’re enslaved.

Heresies. I think we’ll have to leave that for another session. The whole area of religious deception. I

think we’ll deal with that tomorrow. Thank God we’ve got four sessions and it’s so important in modern

America. Do you know the greatest enemy of modern America today? I say this soberly, it’s witchcraft.

There’s a professional witch that’s right enthroned at the door of the white house. I don’t want to name

her but I’ve just been in that area and I’ve had firsthand information of the nature of her activities and the

persons whom she has influenced. I would say one thing. It’s a good thing that Nixon won the last

election. Not for political reasons but because his rival regularly consults that prophetess. I have this on

the best, most up to date, firsthand information. Her best friend has just been converted and is going to
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write a book exposing her, incidentally. Pray for that book because the devil is going to fight it tooth and


Another interesting piece of information about books is that Don Basham, who is a personal friend of

mind, has got a book in the final stages which is going to be published by John Sherrill on how he came

into this deliverance ministry and the stories and experiences. It will be a best seller without any doubt. It

will be a real counterblast to these other books that you can see on every book stand, every drug store,

every air terminal and so on.

We’ve come to the point of how to be delivered. There we are. Physical, we’ll deal with them later. I

don’t have more time. I have got ten minutes in which to tell you how to be delivered. The physical we’ll

deal with, hopefully. Let me just mention certain things which I believe are demonic. Allergies, almost all

sinus problems, tumors, ulcers, arthritis, heart attacks... These are my opinions. I am not a medical doctor,

I am not practicing medicine. But there is a medical doctor from Columbus, Georgia—some of you

probably know him—who was in the CFO retreat last spring and heard me preach this. He said, “I’ll see

if it’s true.” He had a persistent allergy that he could not eat wheat or anything with wheat in it. He came

forward in my deliverance service, prayed the deliverance prayer and said, “If I’m delivered I can eat

wheat.” He went away and has been eating wheat ever since. He was a Baptist. So, if you can convince a

Baptist physician that allergies are demonic I think you’ve won the battle!

How to get delivered. Simple. I’ve outlined the conditions. Let me tell you first of all the Bible says

“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” That’s just as inclusive a promise as

“Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish.” One’s John 3:6, the other is Joel 2:32. So, all you have to

know is the conditions, meet them and receive deliverance.

Number one, humility. I don’t mean that you’ve got to be a saint in humility. I mean, you’ve got to

humble yourself. If I could have written it up without using too many words I would have. It’s not

persistent humility of years, it’s humbling yourself. That’s an act of your will, it’s a decision which you

can make in the next five minutes, to humble yourself. You see, I tell people this: There may come a
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moment when you’ll have to choose between your dignity and your deliverance. Then if you humble

yourself you’ll let dignity go and get deliverance. Dignity will come back again later. But if you’re proud,

you refuse to lose your dignity and you lose your deliverance. People come to me sometimes and say,

“Brother Prince, could you pray with me in private?” I say, “Certainly I could, but what’s the motive? Is

it pride? Because, if it’s pride, you’re not in the right basis to meet God in the first place.” God resisteth

the proud but giveth grace to the humble. God knoweth the proud afar off and that’s where he keeps them,


Number two, truth. Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” One thing

is knowing the truth of God’s word but the other which is more down to earth is knowing the truth about

yourself. Today I’ve tried to show you the truth about yourself. I’ve discovered people that are downright

honest always get delivered. But people that you have to keep drawing it out of them and you never know

when you’ve got the last item, it’s very hard to get them delivered. I say this: Truth in your case means

calling a spade a spade and not an agricultural implement. Or, to put it this way, call your problem by the

same name you’d call it in your husband and you’ve got the right name.

You know, I was saying at lunch I get letters. People get my little booklet, Expelling Demons. About

several times a month I normally receive a letter from some poor, harassed lady somewhere in the county.

She says, “Brother Prince, I’ve read your book Expelling Demons. My husband has all seven symptoms,

what shall I do?” I don’t have an answer to that question so don’t bother to write. If you have all seven

symptoms, then you act on what the book says.

Thirdly, you have to confess your sins. It’s old-fashioned but God still requires it. You don’t have to

confess to men here today but you have to confess to Almighty God. When it comes to confessing your

sin let me tell you something which is obvious but few people realize it. You’re never going to tell

anything to God about yourself that he doesn’t already know. See, you’re never going to shock God. Oh,

isn’t that good news! God is unshockable. When you’ve told him the worst he says, “I knew it all along.

It wasn’t for my sake you were telling me, it was for your sake because you’ve got to get it off your chest.
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You’ve got to come out in the open with it.” Light has come into the world and men love darkness rather

than light. They would not come to the light. Confession is coming to the light. It’s exposing that area of

your life that you just wish wasn’t there. You have to expose it to the light of God. Not to the light of man

but of God.

Number four, repent. That means to renounce, to turn away from, to count as your enemy. David said,

“Oh, God, do not I hate them that hate thee. Am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate

them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies.” And then he said, “Search me, O God, and try my

heart.” He was talking about the things inside him that were God’s enemies. He said, “Lord, if they’re

your enemies they’re my enemies. I’ll not be friends with the enemies of God. I’ll make God’s enemies

my enemies even if they’re in me.” You see, God will not deliver you from your friends. If you enjoy lust

and gossip and these things, God’s not going to take them out. But if you hate them he’ll deliver you.

Hating everything evil, renouncing it, refusing to have anything to do with it, this is repentance. In

this category I want to say though I’ll deal with it tomorrow more thoroughly, you have to denounce

occult involvement. Every type of involvement with the occult. The Ouija board, horoscopes, fortune

telling, Jeanne Dixon, Edgar Cayce, handwriting analysis, automatic writing, ESP, hypnosis, the whole

works. You have to renounce it because those are the agents of Satan and you cannot be friends with

Satan’s agents and friends with God at the same time. You have to hate the enemies of God.

I’m going to preach on this tomorrow but I want to say it because in many cases it will hinder your

deliverance. If you are still in any way under the shadow of the visit to a fortune teller, playing with a

Ouija board, dealing with tarot cards, all these things, the devil still has a legal claim over you and when

you come to deliverance he’ll say, “No. Wait a minute, now. I’ve got a right to that area. Don’t you think

you can get me out because you can’t.” He’s a legal expert.

Number five needs a sermon on its own. Forgive others. Do you remember why? The unforgiving

servant was in the hands of the tormentors because he refused to forgive his fellow servant. If you refuse

to forgive any person living or dead, you are not a candidate for full deliverance. Forgiveness is not an
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emotion, it’s a decision. In simple language, it’s tearing up the IOU.

Your parents owe you $10,000 for all the love, care, affection, consideration, teaching they never

gave you. You’ve got it there in your hand. You can pray for them, you can wish for them, you can pray

for deliverance but the only thing that matters is tearing up the IOU. Your husband owes you $15,000 for

running around with three other women. Well, you can hold onto that IOU as long as you like but you’ll

not be delivered ’till you tear it up.

The last thing, call on the name of the Lord. “It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the

name of the Lord shall be delivered.”

Now, it is quarter to five, our period is ended and I want you to do it this way. This is the end of the

teaching session. All I’m going to do now is minister. “Lord, we thank you for your presence with us. We

thank you for your word, we thank you for your Spirit. We know that you love us, you care for us, you’re

concerned, you want the best. You sent your word to heal and to deliver your people. Now Lord, let every

person here be guided by your Holy Spirit in making the right decision whether to go or whether to stay. I

pray that all that do not need deliverance or are not ready to receive deliverance will go. I pray that your

blessing shall go with them. I pray that those that have come to the realization that they need deliverance

and are willing to meet the conditions will stay, Lord, and that your blessing will remain also with those

who stay. Bless the next meeting, the speaker and everything we’re going to do throughout the remainder

of this camp. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Now, Brother Prince is not the deliverer. Nor any other human being here. Jesus said, “Him that

cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.” So, if you come he will not turn you away. All right?

Secondly, even when he was on earth Jesus said, “If I by the Spirit of God cast out demons, then is

the kingdom of God come unto you.” So, even while he was personally present on earth, the power by

which he drove out evil spirits was the power of the Holy Spirit. How much more when he’s now in

heaven? Therefore, the agent who actually administers deliverance to you is the Holy Spirit. In order to

receive deliverance you have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. If you resist the Holy Spirit, you resist
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your deliverance.

In cooperating with the Holy Spirit there is one simple, basic, physical fact that I will tell you. I’m

always in a strait between two things. One is not helping people as much as I could and the other is I’m

liable to be accused of planting suggestions in people’s minds which cause them to act in a certain way

that they would not otherwise act. Well, I’m going to take the risk of being accused of making certain

suggesting because I prefer to help the people that need help. If you’re receiving the baptism of the Holy

Spirit, as I understand it, it’s important for you to know that it will culminate in your speaking with

tongues. If I instruct people who want the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I tell them the culmination will be

that you will yield your tongue and your vocal organs to the Holy Spirit and as you speak he will give

you a new language. But I always tell them remember, he will not do the speaking. You must do the

speaking, he gives you the language. Therefore, if you want to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit

immediately without a lot of delay and fuss, you yield your vocal members, you begin to speak, he’ll give

you the words. I’ve led thousands of people into the baptism almost instantly in that way.

Now, they could receive the baptism without my telling them that but it would normally take them

longer to do so because they wouldn’t realize how they can cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

The same thing is true in deliverance. Phillips translation of Mark 16:17 says this:

These signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall expel demons.

That’s why I call my book Expelling Demons. The key word is expelling because it takes it out of

King James English into modern English and modern thinking. Everybody really knows what the word

expel means. If you have inhaled tobacco smoke and it’s in your lungs and you don’t want it, what do you

do? You expel it or exhale it. What is that? It’s a decision of your will and an action of your muscles.

Expelling evil spirits is the same. If you’re a believer then you have the authority in the name of Jesus

to expel them. From whom? Who better than yourself? Begin with yourself. What is to expel? It’s a

decision followed by an action. In both Hebrew and Greek the word for spirit is also the word for breath
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or wind. An evil spirit is an evil breath just as the Holy Spirit is the breath of the Almighty. In the

baptism, what I tell people to do is drink in the Sprit of God. Jesus said, “If any man thirst, let him come

unto me and drink.” I find the people that drink always receive. I’ve never seen a person come to Jesus,

meet the conditions and start to drink in without receiving the baptism. Never.

Now, expelling is the exact opposite of drinking in. It’s exhaling. When you’ve met the conditions,

when you’ve prayed the prayer, don’t go on praying. Again, it’s the same with the baptism. Many people

pray themselves out of the baptism. They come to Jesus and go on telling him they want the baptism

instead of drinking. You’ve seen that happen, haven’t you? You don’t get the baptism by praying, you get

the baptism by drinking. You don’t expel demons by praying, you expel demons by expelling them. So,

when you’ve come to this moment where you’ve been through this prayer and said everything that I lead

you to say, you’ll have met the legal conditions if you prayed the prayer in sincerity. Now you’re a legal

candidate for deliverance. You’ve come to Jesus, you can rely on the Holy Spirit to begin to minister

deliverance to you, what do you do? Cooperate with the Holy Spirit. How? Begin to breathe out, begin to

expel. It may happen the first breath will be pure human breath. The second likewise. The third also. But

somewhere down the line something other than human breath is going to start coming out. That’s your


When evil spirits come out they come out with a variety of different manifestations. It says in Acts

8:7 when Philip preached in Samaria, unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were

possessed with them. There are many different operations as an evil spirit comes out. Sometimes it’s

scarcely perceptible. Just a little sigh. Sometimes it’s a yawn. I know a lady that was delivered of the

demon of nicotine, she yawned so wide she thought she was going to dislocate her jaws. But when they

came together again she was free of nicotine. Often it’s a sob. Habitually the spirit of fear will come out

with a sobbing sound. Often it’s a cough. Sometimes it’s a scream or a groan or a roar. The demon of

anger or murder often comes out with a roar.

I am not encouraging you to scream or sob or roar. But what I am trying to do is prevent you from
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being inhibited if it happens that way. Because, when that scream rises to your lips, if you suppress it,

you’ve suppressed the demon.

You know what happens when the ambulance goes down the road and its light is flashing and its siren

is going. All other traffic draws off to one side or the other, isn’t that right? That’s like the demon. When

the ambulance starts coming out, get everything else out of the way. Stop praying, don’t speak in tongues,

don’t use the name of Jesus, let it go. I say to people if I’m ministering to them, “Listen, let me do the

praying, you do the letting go. Your praying isn’t going to do it. In fact, your praying is going to hinder

the demon.” The demon cannot cross the name of Jesus when it’s on your lips. If you speak in tongues

you’re holding the demon inside because the tongues are more powerful than he is. So, when you come to

this moment, whoosh, let them go. If you’re really prepared, if you’ve gone along step by step, you can

get rid of a dozen in no time—and you may have to get rid of more than a dozen, believe me. Don’t let

numbers worry you. Okay, I think that’s enough.

I don’t see why you shouldn’t remain seated. Actually, I’ve never been an obstetrician—and I trust I

never will be! I’m speaking from guesswork but I think there are certain position of the body in which it’s

easier to get them out. Very often when your body is inclined forward like that you’re expeller works


Now, we’re going to say this prayer to Jesus and this is your confession of faith and you’re meeting

the legal requirements for deliverance. When you finish the prayer you say, “In Jesus’ name, amen.” Then

I’m going to do the praying. I’ll command the demons to come out. You let them go.

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