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● She ran through the door laughing, but her best friend Dari was stunned.

It was no
laughing matter.

● Write a short story that includes these words.

● Plot

● While Lori and Dari are havincz g lunch in the dining room and having a good time, Dari
goes to check on Napoleon in the living room. As he opens the door, Napoleon is lying
down on the ground seemingly taking his last breaths. Lori realizes that Dari has not
come back from the living room and she goes to check on her. She ran through the door
laughing, but her best best friend Dari was stunned. It was no laughing matter. Napoleon
was dying. Lori comforts Dari while they watch as their old friend passes away.

● Characters

● Lori- Dari’s best friend, has not seen Dari in a very long time

● Dari- Lori’s best friend, very caring for Napoleon, is a comedian

● Napoleon- a 14 year old dog, is very weak because of his old age

● Setting

● Dari’s apartment, Noon

● Conflict

● Man vs fate/circumstances


● Third person

● Theme

● Friendship, Death

● Story

● Dar

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