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Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)

BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

CHAPTER 4 Assessment Strategies for Science

Objectives: At the end of the chapter, students must have:

1. Characterize effective assessment;
2. Discuss principles of assessing learning in science;
3. Provide alternative forms of assessment for given competencies and traditional
assessment forms;
4. Discuss guidelines in designing and implementing performance task.
Indicative Contents:
1. Assessing Learning in Science
2. Traditional Assessment Tools
3. Using Performance Task
Learning Time: (Weeks 7-8)
Lesson 1: Assessing Learning in Science

I. Discussion
Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and implementing evidence of
student learning. Teachers reflect on findings in order to make informed and consistent
judgements to improve student learning. Three types of assessment may be utilized by the
teachers inside the classroom.
*Assessment for learning: a form of formative assessment that occurs when assessments
are integrated with instruction and help the teachers monitor the student’s progress,
identify their learning needs, and adjust their instruction accordingly.
*Assessment as learning: a form of formative assessment occurs when the students
reflected on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals.
*Assessment of learning: a form of summative assessment that occurs when the teachers
use evidence of student learning to make judgement on the students’ achievement
goals and standards.
Assessment can be formative or summative. Formative assessment aims to improve
instruction and learning by providing the students and the teachers with information about
student’s progress in accomplishing learning outcomes. Summative assessment, on the other
hand, aims to evaluate students learning at the end of an instructional unit or program by
comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
The National Science Education Standards of United State characterized effective
assessment as:
-congruent with instruction
-based on authentic task and meaningful science-learning processes and contexts

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 1

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

-multi-dimensional and uses a wide range of tools and methods

-a collaborative process involving the students
-ongoing and continuous
II. Activities
Activity A: In small group 3-4 members, choose three strategies below to examine in terms of
advantages and implementation guidelines.
Assessment Strategies Advantages Guidelines for
Group/Peer assessment
End of unit paper-and-pen
End of quarter paper-and-pen
Quiz bee
Performance task/Student
Science journal entries
Visual displays
Laboratory report
Research report
Pencil-and-paper tests/drills
Oral recitation
Computer-assisted games or

Activity B: Identify effective and engaging assessment forms for the following target
competencies in earth science and physics.
Competencies Assessment Strategies
Identify things that can make objects move
such as people, water, wind, and magnets.
Describe the changes in the weather over a
period of time. (S3ES-IVe-f-3)
Communicate how the natural objects in the
sky affect daily activities. (S3ES-IVg-h-7)
Explain the effects of force applied to an
object. (S4FE-IIIa-1)

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 2

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

Investigate properties and characteristics of

light and sound. (S4FE-IIIh-5)
Describe ways to protect oneself from
exposure to excessive light, heat, and sound.

III. Synthesis (you may provide extra sheet of papers for your answer if necessary)
1. What is the types of assessment that can be used in the classroom?
2. How assessment affects the learning achievement of students??

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 3

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

Lesson 2: Traditional Assessment Tools

I. Discussion
Traditional assessment is the classic way of testing and evaluating the students’ learning
with the use of standardized pen and paper. It makes use of multiple-choice, true or false, or
matching type test items.
Assessment is often separate from the instruction, and the curriculum drives the
traditional assessment (Abdao, 2015). The main purpose of traditional assessment is to evaluate
if the students have truly learned the content or to determine if the students are successful in
acquiring the necessary knowledge from the class lecture/discussions or activities. The students
are ranked or given grade according to standards other learners.
This form of assessment gives the teacher a snapshot of the students’ knowledge of the
content as the students demonstrate what they know through paper-and-pen tests. The students
often display lower level of thinking skills because they are asked to recall and comprehend body
of knowledge that has been taught to them. It is easy to prepare, administer, and score. It is
practical, product-oriented, reliable, valid and summative (Abdao, 2015). The students are
evaluated easily and quickly. Other examples of this method of assessment are standardized
tests, aptitude tests, intelligence tests, and achievement tests.
With this method of assessment, the students are not evaluated as to what they can do
with the knowledge that they have acquired. It is rigid fixed because it provides limited ways of
assessing students’ knowledge and comprehension. The students are asked to memorize and
recall information. They do not necessarily practice their higher-order thinking skills. It may also
stimulate feelings of anxiety that are not helpful for the students. Most of the time, the students
work alone during activities, thereby promoting competitiveness. They are pressured to finish the
exam/test in a fixed time.
II. Activities
Activity A: Traditional forms of assessment in science include multiple choice, matching, gap-
filling, and true-false tests. Discuss with a partner the advantages and disadvantages of each type
of test. Complete the table below with your answers.
Type of Assessment Advantages Disadvantages
Multiple Choice
Gap filling

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 4

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

Activity B: The alternative assessment forms indicated above are indeed engaging when
implemented properly. Look up online and print sources about these strategies. Write on the
table below the useful guidelines for the teachers to consider when utilizing alternative forms of
Assessment Forms Guidelines

III. Synthesis (you may provide extra sheet of papers for your answer if necessary)
How can teachers strike a balance in the use of traditional and alternative forms of assessment?

Lesson 3: Using Performance Task

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 5

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

I. Discussion
A performance-based assessment is the assessment of a student’s ability to apply
knowledge, skills, and understanding, usually in authentic, real-life settings that are similar to
those encountered in the world outside the classroom (Murchan & Shiel, 2017). Typically, the
students are required to create a product or demonstrate a process. Performance-based
assessment can be used to measure a broad range of learning outcomes, including more complex
outcomes that cannot be assessed using indirect measures, such as multiple-choice tests and
written examinations. Some examples of performance-based assessments include:

 representing a character from a drama or play;

 keeping a portfolio of artwork;
 demonstrating a routine, movement, or dance;
 making a video to dramatize a historical theme;
 editing a story, term paper, or essay;
 conducting a science experiment;
 working with a group of students to design a student attitude survey;
 using equipment/machine to complete a task;
 preparing a meal/making pastries or cakes in a culinary subject; and
 reporting on a project by delivering a multimedia presentation.

Performance assessments can vary in length, from activities that take just a few minutes to
complete to tasks that take several weeks and require the students to present their findings to an
audience inside and outside the school.
Various authors have identified aspects of knowledge and dispositions that can be assessed
using performance-based assessments, and some of these frameworks overlap:
 Habits of mind- According to Costa and Kallick (2008), these are problem-solving,
life-related skills that are needed to operate effectively in society and include
persisting, thinking flexibly, managing impulsivity, thinking about one’s thinking or
metacognition, applying past knowledge to new situations, taking responsible risks,
thinking independently, and remaining open to continuous learning.
 Collaborative problem-solving- The students are assessed as they work together to
complete a project another performance task (e.g., Von Davier & Halpin, 2013). In
judging the outcomes of cooperative learning, there may be learning outcomes relating
to the overall success of the project as well as outcomes specifying the expected
 Twenty-first century skills- These are skills that are deemed important for the world of
work in the 21st century. Griffin and Care (2015) describe these as: ways of thinking
(creativity and innovation, critical problem-solving, metacognition); ways of working
(communication, collaboration/teamwork); tools of working (information literacy, ICT
literacy); and living in the world (citizenship, life and career, personal and social

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 6

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

 Higher-order thinking skills- These comprise the more advanced skills on Bloom’s
revised taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) and include applying (using
information in new situations), analyzing (drawing connections among ideas),
evaluating (justifying a stand or decision), and creating (producing new or original

Tools in Assessing Performance-based Assessment

1. Anecdotal records
2. Observational checklist
3. Rating scales
4. Scoring rubrics

General Steps in Preparing and Using Rubrics

1. Select a process or product to be taught.
2. State performance criteria for the process or product.
3. Decide on the number of scoring levels for the rubric, usually three to five.
4. State the description of performance criteria at the highest level of student performance.
5. State the descriptions of performance criteria at the remaining scoring levels (e.g., the
“good” and “poor” levels of the book report rubric).
6. Compare each student’s performance with each scoring level.
7. Select the scoring level closest to a student’s actual performance or product.
8. Grade the student.

II. Activities
Activity A:
Two challenges in implementing performance assessments are time constraints and workload
management for the teachers and the students. Think of a subject in which you can introduce a
performance assessment such as a portfolio or project. What steps can you take to make it more

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 7

Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth Science and Space) (SPEC 119)
BEED 3 Instructional Material 2022-2023

III. Synthesis (you may provide extra sheet of papers for your answer if necessary)
How can performance tasks be more effective and manageable for both the teacher and the
Assessment Task: Power point presentation of the assessment strategies in science and
Assessment samples

Additional Reading:
Alata E.J., and Alata E.J. 2020. Teaching Strategies for Learning Science (Physics, Earth, and
Space Science. REX Book Store. 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St. Manila, Philippines.
Bilbao, P.,et al. (2019) Teaching Science in Elementary Grades
A Guide to Teaching Elementary Science Ten Easy Steps Yvette F. Greenspa

Prepared by: ELIZABETH C. DAYAL, ED. D. 8

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