Trade of Canada, 1933: Condensed Preliminary Report

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YEARS 1931 AND 1932
(Fiscal years ended March 31st)

Iy !

Published by Authority of the Hon. H. H. Stevens, M,P.,

Minister of Trade and Commerce

,, 0 1nr




YEARS 1931 AND 1932

(Fiscal years ended March 31st)

Published by Authority of the Hon. H. H. Stevens, M.P.,

Minister of Trade and Commerce

c .


Preface........................................... .............................. 4
Review of Canada's Foreign Trade, 1932-33.........................................5
Condensed Statistical Record of Canadian Trade....................................93
Summary Tables
1—Trade of Canada with All Couxitries, 1868-1933..............................94
2—Trade of Canada with United Kingdom, 1868-1933...........................96
3—Trade of Canada with United States, 1868-1933..............................98
4—Trade of Canada by Main Groups, 1930.1933................................100
5—Trade of Canada by Principal Countries, 1930-1933...........................102
6—Imports by Main Groups and Principal Countries, 1933.......................104
7—Exports by Main (;roups and Principal Countries, 1933.......................106
Detailed Tables-
8—Principal Imports, 1931-1933 (Totals, from United Kingdom, from United States) 108
9—Principal Exports, 193 1-1933 (Totals, to United Kingdom, to United States) .....128
Trade with Other Principal Countries, 1932 and 1933:-

- Imports Exports - Imports Exports

Alaska ........................ ..140 140 Honduras .................... ..147 147

Argentina ................. .... .. 148 148 hong Kong .................. ..170 171
Australia ..................... ..172 173 Hungary...................... 161 161
Austria.........................162 162 Iraq (Mesopot.amia) .......... .167 167
Azores and Madeira ........... ..164 164 Irish Free State .............. ..163 163
Barbados.......................143 143 Italy. ....................... 155 157
Belgium ...................... ..152 154 Jaiiiaica ..................... 144
.. 144
Bermuda.......................141 141 Japan ........................ ..170 171
Ilolivia ....................... ..149 149 Jugu-Slavia (Sec Vugo-
llr.LzlI .......................... 148 148 slavia'')
British Africa, Fast ........... ..166 160 T.atvia ....................... .. 159 159
$outh............166 166 texico ....................... ..141 141
166 1645 Morocco ..................... .. 164 164
C,uiana ............... ..148 145 Netherlands................... 155 157
India ................. ..169 169 Xewioun(Iland ............... ..141 141
West Indies, Other 144 144 New Zealand ................ ..172 173
Bulgaria ...................... ..161 161 Nicaragua ................... ..146 146
Canary Islands ................ ..165 165 Norway ..................... ..15$ 158
Ceylon ........................ ..169 169 Palestine ..................... ..167 167
Chile........................... 150 150 I'anania...................... 146 146
China ......................... ..170 171 Paraguay .................... . 151 151
Colombia ... . ................. ..151 151 Fersia....... ..167 1157
Costa Rica ................... .. 146 146 ....... .. .......
Per,,.......................... 1545 150
Cuba.. ...................... ..143 143 Philippines.................... 165 168
Czechoslovakia ............... ..166 160 Poland and Danzig.......
.... 100 160
Denmark ..................... ..1.58 155 Puerto Rico .................. 140
.. 140
Dutch East Indies ............ .. 168 168 Portugal ...................... 101 164
Guiana ....... ......... ..149 149 Portuguese Africa ............ ..1455 165
West Indies.............. 145 145 Ilouiiiania ................... ..162 162
Ecuador ...................... ..149 149 Russia (U.S.S.R.,) ............ 159 159
Egypt......................... 168 165 St. Pierre and Miquelon 145 145
Estonia ....................... 159
. 159 Salvador ..................... ..147 147
F'iji ........................... . 172 173 San I)omiago ................ ..143 143
l'inland ....................... . 160 160 Spain ........................ ..163 163
t'rance ........................ . 152 1.54 Straits Settlements ..........
. 169 169
lrench Africa ................. . 165 165 Sweden ....................... 155 158
Vrench \Vest Indies ........... . 145 145 Switzerland ...... ............ ..155 157
ermany ..................... . 152 154 Trinidad and Tobago ........ . 144 144
Ireece ........................ . 163 163 Turkey....................... 162 162
uatemala .................... . 147 147 Uruguay ..................... ...150 150
Flawau ....................... . 140 140 Venezuela .................... 151 151
Yugoslavia ................... 161 161

65116—lI 3
All features of previous issues of the Condensed Preliminary Trade iteport
are continued in the present number. It consists, as before, of two main sec-
tioiis—A Review of Canada's Foreign r1rade during the fiscal year just closed
(1932-33), and a series of statistical tables ("Condensed Statistical Record
of Canadian Trade''), partly summary and historical, but mainly a presentation
of the main items of the trade of Canada with the more important countries of
the world.
In the first sect.ion, the external trade of Canada is examined from several
angles and the outstanding features of the year explained in both text and
tabular form. This section also contains historical summary of Canada's
import and export trade by decades from 1890 to 1930 and the year 1933,
distinguishing imports and exports for principal countries and colflIflO(lit.ieS.
All the tables have been revised and expanded to meet altered conditions
of trade. Commercial exchange with eighty-three different countries is dealt
with in detail.
Throughout the report, figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1933,
are unrevised; those for earlier years are final.
The "Review of Canada's Foreign Trade for 1932-33," was written by
Mr. W. A. Warne, B.A., Chief of the External Trade Branch of the Dominion
Bureau of Statistics, while the "Condensed Statistical Record" was compiled
by Mr. A. L. Neal, B.A., B.Sc. (econ.), Statistician of the Branch.
It. 11. COATS,
Dominion S1aiisician


OTTAWA, June 16, 1933.
Canada's foreign trade during I lieear ended March 31, 1933, in t'oinnion with that of most
other countries, continued the declinewho-h had its toiception in 1929. The value of Cana(la's
imports in 1033 was lower than for any year since 1910, and exports than at any time since 11115.
From 1932 to 1933 the decrease in the Dominion's foreign trade was: Based on declared value;
imports 20-S per cent, exports 18-2 per cent; based on volume; imports 25-7 per cent., exports
• .1 per cent.. 1)uring the year runny adverse factors tended to reduce the export trade of all
nations. The chief factors were: increases in tariffs, extension of exchange controls, and depreci-
it'd currencies, as well as quotas and other restriedons. A further decline in commodity prices,
whit-h was world-wide, also kept the purchasing power of British and foreign countries, as well
as that of Canada, at a low level, The foreign trade of Canada suffered materially under these
unprecedented handicaps.
Canada, however, amongst the principal coniniercial nat ions has ]n:Lintained a high posit ion
in international trade iluring the calendar year 1932. There have been some notable changes
in 1932 in the relative position of certain leading tacling countries of the world. Germany in
1932 as in 1931, occupied second position in export trade, the United Kingdom being in third
position, while Canada once more moved up to fifth place, displacing Belgium and Argentina.
In import trade in 1932 Canada moved down to ninth place, yielding eighth place to Japan,
but in total trade she occupied seventh place, as in 1931.
The following table shows Canadas position nniongst the twelve leading countries in
world trade in the calendar year 1932, the values being in millions of Canadian dollars, the
figures in parentheses being the relative position in 1931.

tal Trad Total Total
Country Net Imports Domeitie Exports
Bank Amount Rank Amount Rank Amount
Million $ Million $ Million $

t'nited Kingdom ............................ ...1 (1) 4,045-1 1 (1) 2,5552 3 (3) 1,452-9
Unitt'dSt.ates .............................. ... 2 (2) 3,2530 2 (2) 1,402-1 1 (1) 1,750.0
Germany ..................................... 3 (3) 2.806-4 4 (4) 1,258-6 2 (2) 1.547-8
Franee ...................................... 4 (4) 2,2036 3 (3) 1,227-3 4 (4) 8763
Bctgiuiii ................................... ... 5 (5) 982-1 6 (6) 5138 8 (5) 408-3
NetherIund .................................. 6 (5) 882-0 5 (5) 594-7 10 (Itt) 387-3
('anada ..................................... 7 (7) 938-4 9 (8) 444•6 5 (7) 493.5
Japan ....................................... .. 8 (8) 888-1 8 (9) 447-5 7 (9) 440-6
Italy ... .................................... .. 9 (6) 877-0 7 (7) 480-6 9 (11) 390-4
llritisli India ................................ . 10 (11) 812-4 10 (11) 402-2 8 (8) 410-2
Argentina ................................... 11 (10) 620-8 12 (10) 244-4 II (6) 376-4
Switzerland. ................................. . 12 (12) 964-8 11 (12) 388-3 17 (16) 1755

('anada's trade for the past stifle years may be divided into two periods, one front 1925 to
1930 of expanding trade, followed by three years of depression, from which she has not emerged.
The decline in Canada's import trade, however, was much greater than in her export trade; the
decrease in both imports and exports, 1932 to 1933, was not so great as from 1930 to 1931, or
from 1931 to 1932, indicating a probable cheek in the downward inovdnient. The percentage of
decrease in Canada's trade set forth in the following table indicates this:-

ears ended March .11 Total Total 'roil

Trade Imports Exports

1829 to 1030 ........................................................ . ............. .9-8 1-4 17-6

1930 to 1931 . ........................................................ .............. . 27-8 26-6 28-6
1931 to 1532 ....... ........................... ...... ............................ .. 32-4 36-2 28-1
1932 to 1933 ....................................................................... .23-9 29-8 18-2


In comparison with the trade of the Jni1ed Kingdom and the United States, year ended
March 31, 1933, compared with similar period in 1932, Canada's trade during this interval has
withstood the general trade slwnp as well as the United Kingdom, and possibly helter than the
Inited States. The statistics in the following table demonstrate this:-

United United
- Cd
ann a Kingdom States
(In Canadian Dollars)
Total Imports-
Years ended Match 31;
1932, ........................................................... 578,504.1)00 3,784.122,000 2.071,731,00))
1935 .......................................................... ..4t10,271.000 2.663.790,000

Decrease in 1933 .................................................. ..172,233.000 1.120.332,000 699,330,00))

Per Cent of Decrease .............................................. ..298 296 338

ToOt> Erporio-
Years ended March 31:
1932 .......................................................... ..587.566,000 1,980,886,000 2.345,009,000
1933 ............................................................ 450.714.000 1.632,351.000 1.696,851,000

Decrease in 1933 .................................................. ..106,852.000 348,535,000 648,158,000

PerCetitof Decrease .............................................. ..18.2 178 276

Total Trade-
Years ended March 31:
1932 .......................................................... ..1,186,070.000 5,765,008.000 4,416.780,000
1933 .......................................................... 886,985,000 4,296.141.000 3,069,252,000

Decrease in 1933 .................................................. .279,085,000 1,468,867,000 1,347,488.000

Per Cent of Decrease .............................................. . 239 255 305

The average level of prices changed only moderately during the five or six years prior to
1930, but during the past three years drastic declines have seriously affected the comparability of
trade statistics. When the fluctuations in import and export prices have been eliminated from
C';tnaclian trade in 1933, i.e., when the cjuantities imi)or(e(l and exported in 1933 are re-valued at
1932 average import and export prices, the trade of ('anada, according to preliminary survey,
on a volume and value 1)0930 was as follows: litiports, on a vohlinl(' basis $429,943,852, value
basis $406,271,329; Domestic exports, on vohinie 1)0518 $528,395,250, value basis. $473,799,955.
The decline in Canada's foreign trade in 1933 compared wit Ii 1932 was: Initeirts, by volume,
257 per cent, by value 29.8 per rent; Domestic exports, by volume, 83 per rent, by value.
178 per cent. The statistics in the following table set forth ('anada's imports and domestic
exports on a volume and value basis by main groups, with Increases or decreases, 1933 compared
with 1932.

Canada's Trade Percentage Inc. (4-)

Dec.)—) inVotame
Main Groups . . Quantity and Value. 1933
n a ue sale 1933 Valued Compared with 1932
1932 1933 1932 Price Volume Value
Imports 8 8 $
Agricultural and Vegetable Products ........... ..128.621.260 88.220,858 100.753,520 (-1 21-7 (—) 314
Aniniuland Animals Products ..... ........... ..24.563,246 15.438,577 20,140,011 (—) 180 (—) 17-1
Fibres, Textiles tad Textile Products ............83,879.3 6 2 61,214,824 67,648.751 (-119.3 —) 270
Wood, Wood Products and Paper ............... ..32.008.168 20.489,242 21,894.114 ( 1 31-6
1—) —) 360
Iron tt,d Its Produrt ....... ... ............... .. lii, 811.71)6 59.336.785 59.630.4(7 1—) - 31)7 —) 365
Nor-Ferrous Metals and Products .............. ..34.31)1. IllS 7.684.958 17,766.462 482 ( - 1 484
Non-Metallic Mii,eral and Products .............. 107.147.3 4 7 87,058.005 52.569,50)) (—>18-8 (-1 14-2
Chenot'a!s and Allieti Products ................ ..3)),731.M5 25,455,482 26,3.50,090 (—) 14-3 ( - 1 17-2
Miscellaneous Coittateditict.. .................. ..43.440,365 30,772.668 32,852,387 (-1 24-4 (-1 292

Total Imports .................... ..578,503,904 406,271.329 429,943,852 (—) 25'7 (-1 29-8
Domestic Exports
.Agrirulturai and Vegetable Products ........... ..293.308.365 203.370,418 218,815.585 (+) 71 (-1 05
Anims.lsand Aninial Products ................. ..68.795,683 54:133,047 61,242.900 (-1 110 (—t 210
l'ibres, Textiles and Textile Products ......... ...5.517.13(1 4,7:11,1)54 6,316 ... 98 (-4-) 147 (-4 142
Wood. Wood Products and Paper .................175.740,269 120,886,706 139,449.798 ( 4 206 () 312
...... ..15.402.977
Iron tad It-s Products ............ 7,277,090 17,228.246 (+4 11-4 (+) 11-7
Non-Ferrous Metals and Products ............. ...65.077.888 -12,642,318 53,137.737 4—) 23-1 (-4 18-3
Non-Metallic Mineris and Products ............ .. 13,456,71)1 9.215,837 9,410,039 () 30() () 315
Clieirucls anti Allied Products ................ ..10.535.038 11.099,814 11,374.299 (+) 8-0 (+4 .5-4
3liacellaneousCornmodities .................... ..13,307.251 10,243.532 11.417.148 (—>146 (> 234

Total Domestic Exports ........... .578,344.302 473,790.955 528,395.250 (-4 8.3 (-178

The trade of Canada suffered less from the world-wide depression than the principal com-
mercial countries of the work!. A comparison of the decline in the imports and exports of the
chief trading countries of the world with that of Canada, as also the United States, is of special
interest. The statistics in the following table showing (1) I'ercentage of Increase or Decrease in
Imports and Domestic 1'_xI)orts, 1932, compared with 1931; and (2) Percentage Belation of
Domestic Exports to Imports in 1931 and 1932 of 'FortySix Leading Trading Countries of the
World" indicate that each country had a decrease in both imports and exports, except Australia
and Palestine in imports; and Algeria, Norway, Palestine and Union of South Africa in export8;
and that twenty-two of the forty-six countries had a favourable trade balance in 1932 compared
with twenty in 1931. It will also he noted that Canada in import trade occupied twenty-third
position ammgst the forty-six countries in respects of percentage of decrease, 1932 compared
with 1931, and thirty-second position in respects of percentage of decrease, in export trade; being
exceeded in percentage of , in imports by Argentina, Austria, British Malaya, Chile,
Czechoslovakia, Denmark, I)utch 1ast Indies, Esthnia, Greece, Ilung:irv, Irish Free State,
Latvia, Lit liunnia, Peru, Polanil, Thi.ssia, Sweden, Union of South Afrji-:t. I tiitt'd Kiiigdom,
United States, Uruguay and Yugoslavia; and in exports by Austria. Itelgiunit, Brazil, British
India, British Malaya, Bulgaria, ('hile, China, Czechoslovakia, Denniark, 1st,mi:t, Finland,
France, (vroianlv, 1 Lungary. Irish Free St ate, Italy, •Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Net lierlaiid,
Poland, Ronunania, Russia, spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, I>nitetl States, Uruguay
and Yugoslavia. In reference of visible trade balance amongst the forty-six countries, Canada,
in 1932 occupied eighteenth position, compare(1 wit Ii twenty-fourth posit ion in 1931.
EXPORTS. ('U E".D&R ii Ut 1932 (nlPtRF U '.'.11 H I91 AND ( II RCENTAGE RI I ATIUN
OF DUIFTIC I \I )R I' Ii) I%Il 4 )RF" C U I \ 1) 'dl \ L 'ER" 1931 AND 193' FUR FORT'x

Percentage of l'ercentnge Percentage of I'ercenthge

Inc. (-4-) or 1{elation of Inc. t+t or Relat,on of
Dec. (—) I )ome,,tic Dee (—) 1),uiiest,c
1932 Exports 1932 Exports
compared with to compared with to
Countries 1931 Imports Countries 1931 Imports
Dorn- Dom-
Imports estnc 1931 1932 Imports estic 1931 1932
Exports Exports

Algeria ................. () 4.9 4-120-5

Argeatina ............... .. —)52-2 —1159
Australia ............... .. 4-) 82 —1 8-2
Austria ................. (-559-9 (—(35-5

Itelgium ................ (—)25-6 (-130.2

Brazil ................... (—(11.9 (—(186
British India............. (—(17-0 (– 30-2
. . . . . . . . . . k)
88-6 Irish Free State .......... .. —)29-2
154-0 Italy .................... .. —>24-0
146- japan .................... .. —(273
54.9 I,atvia
911 Lithuania .................343
1&7-( Netherlands .............25-2
102-p New Zealand ............21-4
( 243
British Malaya........... -131-2 ()33.7 88-7 85-4 Norwv ................. 182 (+)248 338 821
Bulgaria ................ .. —)I9-6 (-385 127-3 97-5 Palestine ................. .. +1125 (+126 - fl 27-6 31-7
Canada ................. .. —(27-9 (—(18-4 149-4 109-1 Peru ..................... .. —(367 (—(12-9 170-6 2351
Chile. ................. .. —(698 (—)62-2 130-7 1658 Poland ................... .. – (35.7 )37.1 1284 125-7
China.. ................ .. -124-5 (—(41-2 63-4 46-9 Portugal ................ .. –> 7-9 —(16-3 46-7 425
Cneeh,xslovakia ..........N)30-8 (—(30.1 1118 98-3 Roumania................. —(19-8 —(It)-)) 139-3 139-3
Denn,arlc ................HO-i (-1214.1 894 99-1 ltuss,a (U.S.S.R.) .......... —)36-8 —>30-5 734 807
Dutch East Indies 28-2 (—US-tI 1295 1464 Spain..................... —(23-4 —(29-0 81-9 75-7
Egypt..................25-6 (—>156 84-0 93-2 Sweden .................. —(36.0 —(32-4 780 823
Estonia ................. 33-9 (—)34-2 116-)) 1155 Switzerland .............. .. —>14.8 —>35-4 6)4-0 454
Finland ......
............ (—>27-4 —(24-4 129-I 134-6 Turkey ................... —)17-0 —(12-8 100-5 168-5
66-0 In(on of South Afrna.... —)32-8

France .................. 1-1230 (—(29.5 72-1 (+)18-0 116-1 203-9

Germany ............... (—>24-2 (—(31-9
... 1308 122-0 Fnited Kingdom.......... (—(30.7 (—(207 45-4 51-9
Greece .................. 1-1351 (—(17-8 47.9 4(9.5 States............. (—(31-1 —(278 113-7 119-2
101-7 Uruguay.................. (—(43-3

tisyti....................1–) 5-5 (—) 8-2 1(4-8 —129-7 88-3 109-5

Hungary ................ .(-133.1) (—)36-9 104-8 118.9 Yugoslavia .............. .(-137-5 (—)33-3 100-0 106-7


(a) Analysis of Total Trade.—The fore(gn trade of ('an:,ila &ltiriiig I lie year t-iiil,t March
31, 1933, was valued at $SS6,9S5, I 26, o)IiIl)ared with a similar trade in 1932 valued at
421. and in 1931 at $1,723,640,743; showing a decrease compared with the year 1932 of $279,-
084,295 or 23•9 per cent, and with 1930 of $836,655,617 or 48-5 per cent. Imports as well as
exports show a decrease compared with the year 1932, the decrease in imports amounting to
$172,232,575 or 298 per cent., and in exports to $106,851,720 or 18-2 per cent. During 1933
imports amounted to $406,271,329 compared with an import trade in 1932 valued at $578,503,904,

and in 1931 at $906,612X95; the decrease in imports in 1933 compared with 1932 amounting to
$172,232,575 or 29.8 per cent, and in 1931 to $5(x,341,366 or 55.2 per cent; while the exports
(domestic and foreign comhined) tluring the year 1933 were valued at $480,713.797 compared
with a similar trade in 1932 valued at $587,565,517, and in 1931 at $817,028,048; the decrease
in 1933 compared with 1932 amounting to $106,851,720 or 182 per cent, and with 1931 to
$336,314,251 or 41.2 per cent. During the fiscal year 1933 Canada's domestic exports were
valued at $473,799,955, in 1932 at $576,344,302, and in 1931 at $799,742,667; the decrease in
1933 compared with 1932 amounting to $102,544,347 or 178 per cent, and with 1931 to $325,942,-
712 or 40•8 per cent. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 1933, Canada's trade balance wa
favourable to the extent of $74,442,468, compared with a favourable balance in 1932 of 59,061,61:;
and an unfavourthle balance in 1931 amounting to $89,584,647; the improvement in Canad:
trade balance in 1933 compared with 1932 amounting to 565,380.855, and with 1931 to $164,027,11-5.

- Years ended March 31- Incree(±)1)rense(-)

1031 1932 1933 1931 1932

$ $ $ $
Dutiable .................................. ..574,090,230 388,498.048 256.319.685 (- )317,740,545 (-)132,148.31>3
Free .................................... ..... 332,522.465 190,005.856 149,921,644 (-(182,600,821 (-) 40,084,212

Total Imports ..................... .. 906,612,695 578.503,904 406.271,329 (-(500,341,386 (-)172,232.575

Canadian ....... ........................... ..799,742.667 576,344,302 473.799.955 (-)325,942,712 (-(102.544.347
Foreign .................................... .. 17,285.381 11.221,215 6,913,842 (-) 10,371,539 (-) 4,307.373

Total Exports ..................... ..817,028,048 587,365,517 480.713,797 (-(336,314,251 (-)106,851.720

Total Trade ....................... ..1,723,640,743 1.166,909,421 886,985,126 (- )836,655,617 (-)279,084,295

Balance of 'Frade:-Favourahle (+) Un-

favourable (-) ............................ ..C-) 89,584,647 (+) 0,061,613 (+) 74,442,468 (+)164,027,115 (+) 65.380.855

Six Months ended:-

September30 .............................. (-) 71,631,2711 (-) 1lS,539,057 (+) 16,207,208 (+) 87,838,484 (+) 33.1411,26&
March31 .................................. . (-(17,953,371 (+) 26.000,1>70 (+) 58,235,260 (+) 76,188.631 (+) 32.234.590

(10 Analysis by Main Groups.--- 'l'ltc decrease in the imports into (.'anada, 1033 tomnpared
with 1932, amount ing to $172,23 2, .5 75 or 298 per cent occurred in eatli of the ninie main groups;
while the decrease in the Domiiinons doiitcstmc exports, amounting to $102.544,347 or 178 per
cent, occurred in sevtIi of the nine inain groups, the two main groups. Iron and Its Products and
Chemicals and Allied Products showing an increase of $2,378,898 compared with a decrease for
the other seven main groups of $104,923,245. The total value of each of the nine main grouis III
imports, arranged in order of imrtI)ortanre, with decrease 1933 compared with 1932 was: (1)
Agricultural and Vegetable l'roduct-s. $88,220,858, decrease $40,400,402 or 31.4 per cent; (2)
Non-Metallic Mineral Products, $87.658,005, decrease $14,489,342 or 142 per cent; (3) Fibres,
Textiles and Textile Products, $61,214,824, decrease $22,664,538 or 270 per cent; (4) Iron and
Its Products, $59,336,765, decrease 539,4744141 or 444 per cent; (5) Miscellaneous Commodities,
$30,772,668, decrease $12,667,697 or 29• 1 per cent; (6) Chemicals and Allied Products. $25.-
455,432, decrease $5,275,913 or 17.2 per cent; (7) Wood, Wood Products and Paper, $20,489,242,
decrease $11,518,926 or 36.0 per cent; (8) Non-Ferrous Metals and I'roducts, $17,684,958,
decrease $16,616,147 or 484 per cent; and (9) Animals and Animal Products, $15,436,577,
decrease 59,124,669 or 37.1 per cent. The total value of each of the nine main groups of domestic
exports, arrungeti in order of importance, with increase or decrease, 1933 compared with 1932, was:
Agrwult ural and Vegetable Products, $203,370,418, decrease $1,027,947 or 05 per cent;
Wood, Wood I'roducts and Paper, 5120,986,796, decrease $54,853,473 or 31•2 per cent; (3)
Animals and Animal Products, $54,333,047, decrease $14,465,636 or 21.0 per cent: (4) Non-
Ferrous Metals and Products, $42,642,318, decrease $26,430,570 or 383 per cent; (5) Iron and
Its Products, $17,277,099, increase 51,814,122 or 11 •3 per cent; (6) Chemicals and Allied Products,
$11,099,814, ijicrease $564,776 or 54 per cent; (7) Miscellaneous Commodities, $10,243,532,
decrease $:3,123,719 or 233 per cent; (8.) Non-Metallic Minerals and Products, $9,215, 1;37,
decmc'ise l 2-it) '61 or 31 pereent, and (9) Hltres Textiles and lextile Products $4 7l 0')4


decrease $781,036 or 142 per cent. For further (1('tails of Canada's commodity imports and
exports, with increases or decreases, 1933 compared with 1932, see statistics in the following
(Year ended March 31. 1933. compared with 1932)
GEOCP 1 -Ai.RiCt?i.TUR.tL AND VEGITAnX Pnooucas

Comiiiodity Iniported Comi,ioditv Exported Enc wrease(+1

$ $ $ $
of Geaup ................ . 88,220,858 (-)40,400.40TotaIo1 Group .............. .. 203,370.419 - 1,027.1(47
I'r.n.'#pal imports'- Principal exports-
"car for refining ........... .. 14,068,983 1-) 5,230,65 \%'heat. ................... . 130,546.365 (+) 14,900.982
8I'oholicbeverage 13,934(80 )-)12.293,877 Wheat flour ................. . 19.987.110 (-1 1.910,433
Fruits, fresh ..... ............ . 11.306.599 1-) 4,098,410 Whiky .... .............. . 9,920.907 (-) 1,701.349
Fruits. dried ... ....... . 4.913,221-) 17.152 Apples,fresh ................ ..7,352,912 (+) 8(5,328
Vegetable oils ............. ... 4.747,494 (-1 2,896,523 its ............. ........... .,300,592
4 (-) 311.743
'I'ea ......................... . 4,720,435 1-) 2,404.879 l)arlev ...................... . 4,21(3,341 1-) 5,709,570
Coffee and .'hi.'orv........... . 4118(1845 (-) 102754 JOy... ....................... . 4(00,240 1+) 2,005041
Vegetables, fresh ............ . 4,055.192 (+1 1,653,743 'l'oha.'co, raw ............... . 3,902.2(4 (+1 1,365,246
Gorn ........................ . 2.9(0,476 (-1 1.010.777 Rubber tires ................ . 3,205,1)8 )-) 1,942.007
Tobacco, raw ................ . 2.866,883 1-) 974,582 Cereal foods. ............... . 2,3911,732 (-) 5.072
Nuts, edible ................. . 2,454,729 (- ) 1,191.414 Rubber footwear ............ . 2,313.757 (-) 1,207.784)
Rubber. raw ................. ..(.693.257 (-1 I.€72.003 Oatmeal .................... 2(88)807 (-) 032.825
Molasses and syrups .......... ..1,649,651 (-) 187.608 (Iran and shorts ............. ..1,8)1.521 (+1 257.976
Rubber, n.o.p................. 1,615,729 (-) 1,090.710 Rubber, no.9 ................1.126.1174 -) 1,176.872
cocoa and chocolate 1,306,901 -) 390,390 Pickles and sauces .......... . 1, 080,851 -) 157.59(1
Gums and resins ... ........ .. 1.194.520 1-) 407,115 Potatoes .................... . 77(1,272 -) 1.995,932
Seeds.. ............... ..... ...1,1711.058 t - 467,107 heeds ....................... . (182.042 -) 1,3111.329
Jruits, prepared ............ 1,1112.82)1 (-) 851,898 Maple sugar ................. . 543,153 (-) 8,6(1
Rice ......................... 989,872 1-) 424,884 ("nuder, nop. .............. . 51(1,787 (-) 344,543
Plants and trees ............. . 814,5011)-) 291,058 Sugar, refined ............... :11(3.846 (-) 211:1,:1o4
'ptces 741 287)-) l'1 #82 \egetables canned 281. 207 (-) 568.739
Vegetables, canned 288,591)-) 210.489j Hay ... ...... ............. . 212,682 (-) 310,420

Gsour 2-Aytaest.9 AND Ax'tMst, PRODUCTh

l'otalruf Group ................ . 15,438,577 (-) 9, 124.6691 'I'otuul iii Group ................ . 54,333,047 (-) 14,465,636
Principal inuporta - I'rim'ipa( exports-
Furs, raw .................... . 2,230,248 (-1 1,025.599 Furs, raw. .................... 10.633,750 (-) 1,47(1,4(17
Leather, unmanufactured,,, 1,950,878 1-) 918,009 Cheese ...................... ..8,758.4(5 (-) 1,835,552
Leather, manufactured 1,1111,538 I-) 1,677,8831 Fuel., fresh ................... 6.7:1(1,552 (-) 1,874.837
hides, raw .................. 1,608.144 - 1.259.801) Fish, canned .............. . 6,693,467 I-) 2.8.50.w'.D
Animals, living .............. 1.439.297 (-1 283,222 Meats ....... ........... ...(1.683.1401+) 1,722,321
Fish ........................ . 1.266,879-I tll4,4.37 Fish,dried,smoked. pickled 3,216.397)-) 2,229,117
Grease for soap and leather 784.439 (-1 269,798; J.ea,her, unmanufactured 2.428,693 (-) 387,894
Meats ... ................... 978,873 1-) 1.010,876 Cattle ..................... 2.374.785 (-1 1.251(999
Furs, dressed ................ ...134.152 c-I 625,297 Milk, preserved ............. . 2.211,751 1+) 2:11.059
Stiusugocasungs .............. . 380,3l'i:-) 320,184 ItLutter . ......... ......... ..589,537 (-) 1.773,351
Cheese ................... .... 296,725t - I 90,533 llu.4es. raw....................5)3,040 1-) 1,212.291
Butter .... ............... .... 138,6)7 I-) 129,699. Fish iuuenI.................. 4)9,3*55 (-1 285,596
J,ard and u'oinpounds 2(1(1,436 (-) 272,290

Onotr 3-Finans, TEX?u.ns AND Tnxrtt,n Pooucis

'fotsi of Group ................ ..$1,214,824 (-)22,8154.5381 Tota1 of Group . ............. .4,731.094 (-1 781,039
Principal imports- Principal exports -
Cotton products, n.o.p ....... ..8.846.402 1-) 3.095. 784 Sucks and stockings ......... . 1,035,369 (+1 238.907
Cotton, raw and haters 7,615,483 1-.) 429,2916 ('.itlort products, n.o.p 515.084 1+) 4411,374
uIk r'o% 4,783.327 -I 1.715.827 ]tiniIi r toast 855,438 1-) 643,928
Flax and jute products, cop 3,728,782 )-1 1,016.508 SuIt manufactures ... ..........(((9.807 (-1 148,472
Wool products, n.o.p ......... . 3,288,487 (-1 1,5(5,554 \V..uul, raw ................... . :174. 613 (-) 199,018
Worst.eds and sergea ......... ..2.895,502 1-) 1.771,357 Ilags ...... ............... . 19.1,8(11 (-1 1611.u.180
Nods and tops................ 2,858,702 (--H 80.6181 cotton clothing ............. .11(4.192 (-1 37,7:13
Cotton yarn ................. . 2.342.372)-) 41.616 .'8rtifivialsilk 61,586 (-1 130,175
Woollen yarn................. 2.193,754 -1 445.212 Cotton duck 76,804 ( - 1 41.976
Manila and sisal fibre 2.128,341 ('r) 272.029- W(ollen clothing 75,621 (-1 14,1*86
Jute fabrics .................. 2.113.542 1-) 814.749 Sulk ruuanufu.cture. n.o.p 60,588 (+1 6,2(5
Silk fabrics ...... ........... 1,785.921)-) 1,1(71,566. Coruet and brassieres 34,459 (-) 2.002
Artificial silk fabrics 1,390.693 1-' 1,798. 0721 Wool produue(s. n.o.p 19,790 (-1 18.79.3
Wool, raw ................. 1.553.328 - 708.9331 Gloves and mitts 7,795 (-1 19,588
Binder twine . .............. ..1,445,91(1 I - 73,963 Carpets, wool ............... .4.501 (-) 6,217
Woollen clothing ..... ........ ..(.2)8.230 (- 088.003
Cotton clothing . ........... . 1,041,061)- 530.057
Fishing lines, et.c ... ......... . 016,706 1-, 52.16
Artificial silk products, sop 858.984 (-1 799.112
Silk clothing ...... ......... ..854,582 (- I 895.004
flags and waste .... .......... ..885.2591-i 317.003
Hats and caps ............... ..780,7511 1-) 615,739
Silk products, n.o.p 405.882 391,813
Carpets, wool ................ 286,662 1-) 330.501


(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)

Geout' 4-WooD. W000 Paooucts AND PAFIIt

Commodity Imported Commodity Eaported

$ $ 8 8
'Iota] of Group ................ . 20.489.242 (—) 11,518.92C Total of Group...... .......... . 120,886,7011 (-)54,853.473
Principal imports- E'rincij,aI enport.s - ...........
Books and printed matter, Newsprint paper . 74,138.863 (-126,865,489
n.o.p.... ................. .. 5,136,11881-) 1,151,66 Wood1iulp ................ . 17,786.135 -H. 5.898.647
4,018366 -) 1,493.74 Planks md boards .......... . 11,098.960 I 7,007,602
Paper products, n.o.p ........ .
Newspapers and magazines 1.679,667 -1 1:1116.2' Ptilpwood- ................. - 4,287,42.5 f, 3,908.71:1
Wood products. cop ......... . 1.586,541 182, t0ij Shingles .. ................. . 2,400,3l0{±I 1,021
T.umber and timber .......... . 1.452,222)-f 2.058.240 Logs...... ................. . 1,970,572-1 717,695
Teat books ................. 1.045.0(3.5 -) 102.771 Wood products, n.o.p 1,882.998 1 -) 219.726
Advertising matter 994, 103)-) 430,249 Paperboard ................ 1.629.940 -1 121,758
Printing paper ............... . 897.6411!- 63,059i Timber, square ............. . 1,269.351 - I 880.826
Paper board ... ............. . 518.416.!- 786.649 Paper prisluets. n.o.p 822,578 (-1 107,495
Cork manufactures . .......... . 500(172!'- I 148,458 Wrapping paper.. .......... . 598,7191-> 468.204
Containers, fibreboard 490, 2431)- I 1911,547 Books and printed ittatter 569.079 (-1 166,497
Wood pulp ............... ... 401,25(1 (-1 28(1.1)18 Poles, telegraph and tale'
Furniture .................... 387,914 1-) 618,982 phone... ............ . 542,8481-) 699,425
Photographs, ehrom. etc 315.6114 (-1 269,723 Lat%i ....... ................ . 435.007 (I 660.659
Virapl>ing paper .............. 255.237 I -1 105.246 Shooku .................... 433,500 I - f 1,1175
Veneers wood) .............. . 250.53(1 I -1 525,422 Spoolwood .................. . 370.645 -i 103.973
Pulpwood.. ................ 230,048-i 345,018 Pickets .................... 228,794>-) 11,255
Railroad ties ................ . 173,620)-> 154,5241 Railroad ties................. 216.691 1-') 281.071
Staves........................ 157,7 15 1-) 119.600 Christmas trees ............ .. 200,372)-) 124,703

Gitour 5—moN aso ITS Paoouc'rs

Total of Group ................ 59,336,765 (-)39,474,941 Total of Group .............. . 17.277,0991+) 1.814,122
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Mn.chinery .... ............. . 14,010.252 (-(10.377,337 Automobiles ................ . 5.795,531 1+)
Automobile parts. ........... . 10,022.832 1- 3,428.993 Machinery ................ 3.938,433 1+1 202,815
Plates and sheets ............ 9,354.335 1- 4,005.6841 Automobile parts .......... 2.016.653 (+1 1.302,431
Enginesandboilers .......... . 5.297,109)- 1.913,148 Farm implements............1.324.77(i)-I 1,160,189
Farrit implements .............2,208,1(28 - 1, I07.5l4 Pigs. ingOts and blooms 907,680 1-) 178.050
Hardware and cutlery 1.790.528 - 678.947 Hardware and cutlery 896.735 (+1 44.988
Castings and forgings 1.385.514 - 442,034 Tubes and pipes. ............ . 613,7391-) 498.332
Bars, including rails 1,194.962 1- 707,798 Tools ..................... c-
357.557 I- f 249,792
Statiiped sndeoatedproducts 1,188.135 1-, 335.853 Rolling mill products 235,212 f-I 96,606
Automobiles ................. 913.71(4 (-1 3,841.959 Scrap mr,n...... ... . .... . ... . 199,7(17 1+) 51,075
l'ubes and pipes.............. . 890,868)-) 703,749 Furnitureof metal 151,839)-I 9.782
Structural steel........... . 884.721)-) 2,519.674 Wire ...........
........... ..
05,2541-) 67.193
Band and hoop iron 879.267 i-I 297.1113 En5inps and boilers 58,138 (-) 48.294
Tools ........................ . 709,31)11 - I 309.131 Railway cars and parts 9,680)-) 10,739
Wire ......................... 695.1(8l 11 051.444
Scrapiron................... 375,5 .50 ) - I 66,797
Stoves, except electric 351.(K5 '-) 488.771
Drums, tanks. evlinmlcrs ,,, 333.534]I-I 252.203
Pigs. ingot.s and blooms 304.48tH- I 301,111311
Railway curs and parts 249.017 -1 51.883
Iron ore ..................... 180.91l 1-) 1,518.072
Furniture of metal ........... .172,961 1-) 270.031

Guoum' 6-Noro.FgRRotIs MgTAt,S AND Tiazia Paooucm

Totalof Group... ............. .17.684,958(-)I6.6l(1.l47TntaIof Group ................ 42,642,318 (-126,430,570

Principal importn- 'I'ritir-ipal enports-
Electric apparatus. n.o.p 2.688.397!! - 2.5:11 8lI1 Copper bars, rods, etc ....... 10,118,191 (—) 2,939,542
Itrasa ..................... 1,836.556!-) 1:158.011:11 ,\Iumninimmm .................. 3,864.576 (+1 99,024
Alummna,bauxiteanderyolite 1,411i.32l, -) 1,588.255 Nickel, tine ................. . 3,825,323)-) 2,237,825
Aluminium manulactures. ,. 1,203,476!)-) 5,38 . 242 1 Gold, raw.. ............... .. 3,797,351 )- I 9,874,214
Nickel products ............. . 1,045,900)-) 593,1133. Zinc naelter. ............. . 3.468.443 1-> 1,785,669
Wireless apparatus ........... . 1,043.345 1'-) 3.02i,035 Silver bullion ............... . 3.449.627 (-1 955,18.3
l'rem'iouu metals .............. 1,039.570 1-) 295,7741 Lead in pigs . ............ ... :1,164.142 -I 1,100,456
Clocks and wimtches..,, 918,2411 1-1 845,5221 Nickel in ore ............ 2.815,425 f-i 2,415,852
Electric motors .............. . 878.381 1-) 872.475' Electric apparatus .... . .... . 1,347,077 I-) 50,579
Tin in blocks ................ 749,0l7 (-I 228.257 k Silver in ore. .......... ...... .9titi,944 )' 88,794
Copper products, sop 508.094 (-) 596,151! Copper in ore ............. . 936.990 I - 3.140.754
401,282 -) 491.708) Copper blister ............... . 640.441',- I 1.428,897
Switches. etc., electric
Telephones .................. 367, 11113 -) 744,06t Nickel onide .... .......... . 823,752 1±) 8,777
Transformers, electric 294.425 -) 188, 7l6l Platinum concentrateS . 684,490 1-) 688,182
Electric light lixtures 187,947 1-) 509(48 Brass ............... ...... 675,658 1-) 214,108
Dynamos, generators 187.159 1-) 258. 13531 Lead in ore ........... ...... . 148.518 1-) 28.446
Copper bars and rods 76,364 1—) 400.982 Cobaltore .................. . 39.259 (—) 86,747
Manganese oxide ............. .71,303 (-1 208.273!


(Year ended March 31. 1933, compared with 1932)


1rTPta Increase Ets crense(4-) 1

Commodity Imparted Commodity Exported

$ $ $ S

liii of Group ................ ..87.558.005)-) 14.489,342 Total of Group ................ . 9.215,837 (—) 4,240,864
I 'ri n,'ipaI imports- Principal e,cports-
Coal .......................... 28.989,6503-1 0.511.712 Asbestos, raw ............... . 2,970,6323-1 1.057,485
Petroleum, crude.............. 28,878.1253±) 2,684,041 Coal ........................ 1,383,6591-) 488,541
Gasoline ... ............... .. 7,983.845 - 1.767.861 Abrasives, artificial, crude 967,0401-) 537.834)
Glass and glassware ......... ......... - 1.675,469 Gasoline and imphtha 63&4'32 (j 1(17339
Lubricating oil. .............. . 2.1115,3111 1-J 480,502 Stone products, n.o.p 501,056 (-1 369.547
Tableware otchina .......... . 2,8,11,422 3- 244,755 Gypsum, crude ............. 389.074 3—) 347,465
Coke.. ..................... 2.740.699)-) 345,2:33 Coke ....................... 238,613 (-3 123.358
Sulphur . ... ............... . 2.054,563)-) 172.371 Petroleum,crude ............ . 178,127(-t 283,882
Stone and products .......... . 1.91)1.853 (-3 1,891,092 Glass and glassware 127.648 ('-) 43,167
Clay products. a.o.p. ........ . 1,322.765 (-1 829.610 Insulators, porcelain 84,203 3-) 162,579
Bricks, fire .................. ..596,671 -) 514,73 Creosoteoil.................. 35.2251-) 47,491
................... ..5811,490 (-1 143,91
Salt ...... Sand and gravel ............. . 33,629 3'—) 109,163
Asbestos products. .......... ..428,232 1-) 128.12
Diamonds, unset ........., 326.563 3-) 384.47

Pipes and tiles, clay ........ .. 170.281 3—) 375.955
Baths, tuba, urinals, clay.... 151,221 3—) 185.08

Gaour 8-Causzscsi,s AND Awils PRODUcTS

'l'otal of Group ................ . 25,455,432 3—) 5.275,913 Total of Group ................ . 11,099,814 3+) 564,776
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Dycingand t:uiningmaterials 3.510,598 (+1 64.788 Fertilizers .................. 3.068.879 3+) 1,122,694
Drugs and medicines 2,577,201 3-) 527.191 Sodium compounds ......... . 2.698.143 (-1 143.468
Paints and varnishes ......... 2.412.204 i- 879.13........... . .806.602
1. 3-.) 306,365
Sodni ju compound.s.... ...... . 2,3.37,067 (-1 518,91 Drugnand medicines 796,953 3+) 325,867
Cellulose products ......... ... 2.174.126(- 456,91 Soap ....................... . 501i,277 3-) 85,433
Fertilizers... .............. ..1.642,712 (-3 1,425,04 Cobalt oxide and salt 427.540 (+1 4609,0
Coriipouuds of tetraethyl lead 1,681.99(1 1+) 213.18 Paints and varnishes 377.(65 3+) 41.085
Soap ... ... . .............. . 870.080 1-" 19.26
Arias ..................... 867.321 1-) 178,48
Perfumery ... .............. . 611.838)-) 393.228
Sulpbiteoi aluniina 579.1893+) 15
l',,tu,ssiul,i coi,ipouiids ...... .. 318,198 (-1 135.16
Explosives................. 208.833 (-1 144.96

Gnoui' 9-Mi ELI,ANE0cs CoMuooinxs

Total of Group ................ 53.772,668 3—) I2,667,6836talof Group ........ ........ . 10,243.532 3-) 3,123,719
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Settlers' effects .............. .6,716,111 (-3 1,546,331 Film,........................ 3,500,2503-) 511.422
Scientific equipment.... ..... . 2.531,774 3-) 792055 Settlers' effects ............. . 3,066,981 3—) 903,024
Containers (outside cover- Electrical energy ............ . 1.657.555 3-) 1.(52,855
ings) ....................... 2.409.4413-1 940.238 Stationery, n.o.p ..... ........ 487.887 (-1 83,717
Post oflireparceLs. ........... . 1.968.281 1-) 770.6)6) Shipe .......... ...............347,6513 (-) 169,028
Articles, re-imported ......... . 1,312,369 3- 655,882 Containere (outside cover-
Toys and bUs ............... . 1.208,584 3-) 286,255 ings).... .................. . 226.421 3—) 134,783
Express parcels .............. 1,076,341 3-) 547.548 Musical instruments 52,570 (-1 122,371
Jewellery .. .................. . 670,508 (-I 420.949
Articles for manufacture of
fertilizers ... .............. . 592,125 3-) 787,013
Spectacles and parts 553,621 )+) 15.670
Films ....................... . 550.295 3-) 327.686
Pocketbooks ................ . 499,866 (-1 150,345
1.Vorksofiirt........ ........ . 387.666)-) 491.590
Vehicles (except iron) 367.8693-) 422.1(34
Musical instruments 316.004 t - 354,91(13
'l'obaeeo pipes, etc ........... . 299.005 ) - . 99,854
Refrigerators... ............. . 270,08,)),-) 1,876,848
Pencils, lead ... .............. . 278,4243-) 386.344

For further information respecting Canada's trade in principal commodities with all coUn-
tries, fiscal years, 1931, 1932 and 1933, for imports see Table No, 8, pages 108 to 127 and for
exports see Table Nt). 9, pages 128 to 139.


(a) Analysis of Total Trade.--'I'lie total trade of Canada with the United Ktngdom
dtiring the year ended March 31, 1933, was valued at 271,486,8S8, compared with a similar

trade in 1932 valued at S281 ,334.603. and in 1931 at $370,184,696; the decrease in 1933 compared
with the year 1932 amounting to 59,847,715 or 3-5 per cent, and compared with 1931 to
697,80S or 20 6 per ccitt. Imports in 1933 show a decrease of $20,018,088 or 188 per (POt (0111-
pared with 19E12, while exports show an increase of $ l0,l70,373 or 5-8 per cent. Imports from
the l'tiited Kingdutit ill 1933 were vttlitvd at $86,333,691, in 1932 at $106,371,779, and in 1931 at
$149,497,392; the det-rease in 1933 compare(I with 1932 amounting to $20.018,088 or IS S per
cent, and with 1931 to $63,143,701 or 422 per cent; while total exports from Canada to the
Inited Kingdom in 1933 were valued at $183,133,197, in 1932 at $174,962,821, and in 1931 at
$220,687,304; the increase in 1933 compared with 1932 amounting to S10,170,373 or 58 per
cent, and the decrease compared with 1931 aniountirtg to $35,554,107 or 165 per cent. The
domestic exports to the United Kingtloiti In 1933 amounted to $184,361,019, in 1932 to $174,043,-
725, and in 1931 to $219,246,199; the increase compared with 1932 amounting to $10,317.294
or 5-9 per cent, but compared with 1931 the decrease amounted to 534,885,1St) or 15-9 per ,'€'nt.
For the fiscal year ended Mart-it 31, 1933, Canada's trade balance with the United Kingdom was
favourable to the extent of $95,779,306, compared with $68,591,045 in 1932, and $71,159.912 in
1931; the improvement in Canadas trade balance with the United Ktngdoin in 1933 compared
with 1932 amounting to $30,188,461, and with 1931 to $27,589,594.


Years ended March31 1ncrene (+) I)erease (-)

1933 compared with-

1931 I 1932 I 1933 I 1931 1 1932

$ 8 $ $ S
Dutiable ................ ....... ...........108.570.362 79,993.730 55.664,050 (-452,806,312 (—)24,t)29,680
.......................... .........40.927.030 26.678.040 30,1189,041 (-410,237.2891+) 4,011.502

Tottil Imports .................... ...148,407.392 106,371,770 86,353,691 (-463.143.701 (-420.018.088

Cuui(lian ... ........................ ....... ..219,2411.499 174,(M3.725 184,341.019 (—)34.895.480 (+110.317,204
Foreign ........... ......................... ..1,440,805 919,099 772. 178 (-4 668,6274-1 146.921
Total Exports ..................... ..221)687,304 174,962,824 185.133.197 (—)35,554. 107 (+)10.170.373
Total Trade ...................... ...370,184,696 281,334.6433 271,486,8884-498,667.808 (—) 9.847,715
Balance of Tracle:—Favourable (+), Unfavour.
able (—) ................................... . (+)71,188,912 (+)68,591,04$ (+108,779,506 (+)27. 589,594 (+)30.188.461

Sii Mont lis ended:—

epzetnber30 .............................. .(+142,403,175 (+)29,491,306 (+)41.083.342 (—) 1,319.833 (+)11.59.030
Mir,'l, 31................................ (-4-128,786,717 (+139.099.739 (+)57,690, 164 (+)28. 909. 427 (+)18,591,,425

(b) Discrepancy in Canada-United Kingdom rrade.—Itnports into Canada from

the T'nited Kingdoiti sitlotill tirthnarilv agree fairly well with the corresponding export figures
from the United Kingdom to ('anada, the value of merchandise itnitorted into Canada from the
United Kingdom being the fair market value or price thereof at the time when the same is cx-
ported directly to Canada., while the value of merchandise exported from the 1 nited Kingcloni to
('anatla is the fob, value. 'l'here is, however, a consideralile discrepancy between the two sets
of figures (the discrepancy being in favour of Canada) chiefly in the trade iii distilled spirits.
The Canadian value of distilled spirits imported from the United Kingdom is in excess of the
'United Kingdom export value to (_'atiiwlit, due to t he fact that since about 1)42(1 1 he C'anadian
value not only includes the United Kirtgdont declared export, value but the lInt tsh excise tax
as well. From 1920 to 1932 (calendar venrs1 the Canadian imports of (list illed spirits from the
'Inited Kingdom, and the exports front tlit' Inited ICingdoiii to Canada, year by year, vary
somewhat in the quantity and mntei'ial lv in ti te value. The variation in the,y is prob-
ab1' due to the fact that the distilled spirits mmiv not, be taken out of the Cu.stomns warehouse
by the importer for some time subsequent to importation. From 1919 to 1932, Canada's imports
of clist illed spirits from the 'United Kingdom amounted to 17,043,636 proof gallons, valued at
$317,667,740, while the United Kingdom exports to Canada totalled 17,22.877 proof gallons,
valued at $110,240,902, a slight discrepancy in the quantity but a very considerable discrepancy


in the value over a period (if years. For the years 1919 and 1920 the total value of imports into
('anada from the United Kingdom, as well as the imports of tljstilkd spirits agree fairly well
with the total exports and exports of distilled spirits from the 1:nitecl Kuigdorn to Canada. The
statistics in the following table illustrate this feature.

(Calendar Years, 1919 to 1932)

Total Total
Exports Imports Exports of I)istitled Imports of Distilled
Calendar '5 PSi'S from into Spirits from Spirits into
United Canada from United Kingdom Canada trout
Kingdom United to Canada United Kingdom
to Canada Kingdom
$ 8 P1. Gal. S Pt. Gal. $

1919 ............................. .87,919.613 87.659.198 535,520 3.584,290 476.276 2.928,071

1920 ............................ . 237,297,785 231.487,979 1,754,101 12.440,722 1.711.159 12.478,070
1921 ............................. 1(14.709,147 123.149.776 1.309,853 9.853,704 1,4111.743 28,559,467
1922 ............................ 135,217.962 1311,959,352 878,131 6,700,318 1113,245 17,583.812
1923 ............................. 147.490.725 154.473.720 1.1114,623 6.538,5013 839.367 16,732.405
1924 ............................ 119.534,303 143.891.714 1,240389 8.320.408 842.807 16.450,101
1925 ............................ 148.331.310. 102,113,705 1.245,737 7.256,052 963,137 19,555,983
1926 .... ...................... . 135,872.83) 104.707.111 1.283,231 7,375.612 1.177,471 24,205,929
1927 .......................... 152.021.201 182.1120.421 1.64,620 9.998. CIO0 1,703,643 35,375,269
1928 ........................... . 180,200.804 190.750,736 2000,936 12.997,900 1.91)8,636 39.154.579
19 29 ............................ . 189.531,454 194,777,115(1 1,652,523 10.072,024 1.819.753 37.087,690
1(130. ........................... . 132,611:1,600. 1112,132,406 1,250,138 7,5311,709 1,513,11613 31.067,2.36
1931 ............................. 107.8111,748 10(1.408.081 956.372 5.113.746 1,074,951 22033,170
19.32 ............................ .84,605,992 93.508, 143 (a) 401,603 (a) 2,520,246 652,722 13.570,605

(a Domestic exportS only.

Nt,rr. —Value of Exports from the United Kingdom to Canada converted into Canadian currency at par of exchange

'I'here is a very marked discrepancy, however, between Canada's exports to the United
Kiiigdoiri and the Initeti Kuigdoin unports from Canada, though the disei'o'panc'ics for 1931
and especially for 1932 were not So pronuunt't'tl as in former years, citie not doubt to a nuio'h smnallt'r
quantity of prtsiucts, especially wheat, being shipped to the l'nited Kingultun via the United
States in tliest' veers. (For the fiscal year 1933 these shipments amounte(l to $29.61 1,608 com-
pared with $217,590,205 in 1929.)


Years ended December 31—

1928 1020 19311 1931 1932

1 8 $ $ $
Exports from Canada to United Kingdom ................ .447,888,035 291,831,471 236,527,017 172,597,542 179,094,627
Imports into United Kingdom from Canada .............. .278.095,252 221,353,607 185,044,236 153,976,090 171, 711,770

C'nnada's declared exports to the I buitetl Kingdom do not represent the at'tuai amtmnt of
'anadian products received b' the l'nitcd Kingdom from Canada. the British imports being
much less than the Canadian exports. The discrepancy is due in large nto'itstire to diversion of
Canadian grain, especially wheat, from its original destitiul ion, the United Kingdom, to other
destinations, chiefly continental Europe. 'l'his diversion takes place, print'ipallv in the move-
ment of Canadian products to the Ittited Kingdom via tin' I nitetl States. If an adjjtstnient
is marie for this diversion, the revised exports to the United Kingdom would be less and those to
continental Europe greater than the declared exports.
In the following Tables Nos. I and II the more important statistics bearing on the imports
of wheat into the United Kingdom from principal exporting countries, and especially from Empire
('Olin tries are assembled:-

Table I--in the firt section of this tal)Ie are shown total imports of wheat into the TJnite
Kingdom for the calendar years 1923 to 1932, with Imports froni the BriIi4i Empire niul foreigi..
countries res1wctivdv, hased on the 1Tjttj Kitigilorn tra(Ie returns. The ilnIrts from ('uiida
are also shown for the reason that their accuracy has hiecri questioned owing to the possibility of
confusion between ('anadiitn and United States whea in the recording of imports into United
Kingdom from North Aniericit. The imports of wheat from other principal countries are also
shown in this section.
in remaining sections of the table certain figures bearing on the wheat problem are quol ('d.
First, imports of wheat into the ITnited Kingdom from the United States (taken from British
trade returns) are shown in juxtaposition to the exports of wheat from the United States to the
iTnited Kulg(lom (taken from the trade returns of the lTnite(l States). The excess of the former
of these figures over the latter represents it possitile error in the United Kingdom import figures,
the United Kingdom crediting the United States with certain wheat of Canadian origin which is
shipped via United States.
In the third section of the table, the exports of United States wheat via Canada are shown
as indieatmg the extent of a possible over-statement in the United Kingdom returns of imports
from Canada. Inasmuch, however, as Canadian records show for the years 1929 to 1931 that
on an average about 15 per cent of United States wlwat sIIil)ped via Canada to overseas countries
is destined to the United Kingdom, Cstilflate(l figures on this basis are inserted for the years 1923
to 1928, those for 1929 to 1932 being the u'tuaI record.
In the final section of the table a recalculated or a(ljnnste(1 figure of imports of wheat. into
United Kingdom, segregated on the above basis, is shown, indicating the approximate amount
received from the British Empire, foreign countries and ( 'anada. 1923 to 1932, and the per-
centage which these consist of total iioports of wheat into the United Ki,igdnm.
Table 11.—The non-correspondence between Canadian figures of exports of wheat to the
United Kingdom, and the United Kingduini figures of imports from ('anada are examined in
this table. Canadian exports to the 'United kingdom are showin, for the calendar years 1927
to 1932, these being divided into (a) exports via Canadian ports, and (h) exports via the United
States. The latter figures are then adjusteil on the basis of intransit figures taken fruin ( Tunadian
and United States Government records showing (a) exports to the 1 :i i ited kingdom of re-routed
Canadian wheat from United States lake ports via. Canada, chiefly the lairt of Montreal, and (b)
exports of Canadian wheat. to United Kingdom via Inited States Atlantic Sea Ports. In a final
figure, exports of Canadian wheat via Canadian ports and via 'United States ports, the latter
corrected by the Canadian and United States intransit figures, are shown, in total, together with
percentages of what the imports of wheat into 'United Kingdom from British Empire would be
of tital United Kingdoiii imports if the figures thus segregated were substituted for the United
Kingdom Figures of imports from Canada in Table I.
On the basis of adjusted imports of wheat into the 'United Kingdom, based on United
Kingdom records (see Table I) the average percentage of wheat imported into the 1.ioted King-
(loin from the British Empire of the tot1 imports of wheat. for time ten years, 1923 to 1932, was
57.9$ compared with 450$ for British itniports. Inasmituch as for the year 1921)1111(1 part of 1930
and 1931. the (.'anaihiami exports of wheat, due to restricted marketing policy and the depressed
condition of the wheat market, were somewhat curtailed in these years, the average percentage
from the British Eml)ire for the years 1923 to 1928, and the year 1932, would probably be it fairer
indication of the amount of wheat imported into the 'United kingdom from the Brit ishi Empire,
the average percentage for these years being 6331, Colnli8red with 52 •52 for I3ritish inipurts.
This adjusted average percentage is a miniiiium one as there is it possibility that some of the wheat
exported from the 'United States to the I nited Kingdom may have been diverted on the high
seas to other destinations, thereby augmenting the percentage from Canada and the Empire.
On the basis, however, of adjusted exports of wheat front Canada to the 'United Kingdom
(see Table iI( the average iereemitage of total imports of wheat into the United Kingdom from
the British Empire of the total imports, for the years 1927 to 1932 was 6-1-8 enmnpared with -174
for British imports. This adjusted average percentage is it mnaxiiflurii one, as records for 1931
show that about 10 per rent of the wheat exported to the United Kingdom via Vancouver, B.C.,
is diverted to other destinations on the high seas, though practically no diversion occurred in
exports to the United Kingdom from Canadian Eastern ports in 1931, thereby reducing slightly
the percentages given for the Empire in Table ii.


(Based on United Kingdom, United States and Canadian Records)
(Yearsended December31, 1923 to 1932)

- I 1923 I 1924 I 1925 I 1926 I 1927 I 1928 1 1929 I 1930 I 1931 I 1932

(In Thousands of Bushels)

Total Imports into United King-

dons...........................187538 219,185 180,794 179678 206,147 193,345 208,832 195,580 222.911 197.259
From Empire Countries............ 87,625 111,861 99.689 88.790 97.178 98.644 75.199 79.235 95.047 132,577
Per Cent of Total Imports.... 46-72 51-03 55-14 4942 47-14 51-00 36-06 40-41 4264 67-21
From Foreign Countries............ 99,913 107,324 81,105 90,888 108,969 94.701 133,433 116,345 127,867 64.682
Per Cent of Total Imports.... 53-28 48-97 44.86 50-58 52.86 49-90 63-94 59-59 57.39 3279
From Canada ............... ....... 53,175 72,369 55,397 66,583 60,072 76,544 50,756 48,867 50.582 87,460
PerCentofTotallrnports.... 28.35 3301 30-64 37-07 29-14 38-58 2433 24-94 22-69 44-34
.......... ..39,249
From Argentina........ 44,641 22,320 22.212 86,311 45,54.5 84,700 28,352 38.703 38,484
PerCentofTotallmports.... 20-93 20-46 12-35 12-37 17-61 23-61 40-60 14-48 1737 19-51
From Australia ................... .8,688
. 20,293 30.438 17.148 27.697 19.102 23,888 23,731 43.493 45.086
Per Cent of Total Imports.... 4-63 9-26 16-84 9-55 1344 9-88 11-45 12-09 19-47 22-88
From British India............... ..23,376 18,323 13,672 5,030 9,360 2,886 264 0,238 899 ..
PerCent olTotallmports .... ..12-46 8-36 7-56 2-80 4-14 1-49 0-13 3-18 040 .
From Russia ..................... ..282 1,406 2,362 4,233 4,591 152 . ....... . 34,939 54,004 6,113
PerCentofTotallmports.... 0-15 0-64 III 2-36 2-23 0-07 ...17-96 24-24 3-10
From United States .............. ..58,739 56,598 49,484 58,208 66,489 44,170 41,563 39,267 20,984 8,653
PerCentofTotallmports.... 31-31 25-82 27-37 3240 3225 22-86 1992 20-07 10-60 4-38

United Kingdom imports of wheat

from United States ............. ..58,729 56,598 49,484 58,208 66,489 44,170 41,563 39,267 20,984 8,653
United States exports of wheat in
United Kingdom ......... . ..... ..11,996 34.091 17,100 37.897 42.580 14,222 21,772 23,113 13,996 5,460
Excess United Kingdom imports
of wheat over United States ex
ports (Canadian wheat) ......... ..43,733 22,507 32,384 20,311 23,909 29,948 19,791 16,154 6,988 3.191
Exports United States wheat to
overseas Countries via Canada. 24.459 60,349 18,426 26,197 47,794 37,062 17,064 17,682 13,597 8,443
Proportion exported to United
Kingdom (United Stateswheat) 3,669 7,552 2,764 3,929 7,169 5,559 2,250 3,055 1,580 1,093

Adjusted Ftitres
From Empire Countries .......... . 127,689 126,816 129,309 105,172 113,918 123,033 92.740 92.334 100.455 134,677
l'erCentof'rotallmports.... 68-09 5786 71-52 68-53 55-26 6363 44-45 47-17 45-04 68-27
From Foreign Countries .......... . 59,849 92,369 51,485 74.506 92,229 70.312 115,992 103,246 122,459 62.582
Per Cent of Total Imports .... 31-91 42-14 28-48 41-47 44-74 36-37 55-55 52-83 54-96 31-73
From Canada .................... . 93,239 87.324 85,017 82.985 76,812 100.933 68,297 61.906 55.990 89,560
PerCentofTotallmports... 49-72 39-84 47-02 40-17 37-26 52-20 32-73 31-67 25-12 45-10

Norr.-The adjusted figures of wheat imports into United Kingdom from Empire and foreign countries and from
Canada, 1(123 to 1932, have been computed by adding the difference between the excem of United Kingdom imports of
wheat from United States, and United States exports to United Kingdom (Canadian wheat) and the amount of United
Stateswheut shipped to United Kingdom via Canada, to the United Kingdom imports from Empire countries and Canada,
and deducting thesameamountfrom United Kingdom iiiiportsfrorn foreign countries. That thedifTerenc&' between United
Kingdom wheat impi,rts from the United States and United States wheat exports to the United Kngdoni represents
Canudian wheat is burns out by a special compilation made by the United Kingdom showing imports of wliciit into the
United Kingdom; (1) by Country of Origin; (2) Country of Puretianc'; and (3) Country of Consignmcnt, for tho year 1931.
In this year, the only year for which statistics are available on this bmiH, the di ITerenee between i roports of w gut from
Canada based on (1) Origin, and (2) Consignment (Ii. 246,000 bustle(s) approximately agrees with the difference h,etween
United Kingdouiiwbeatimportefrom the United Stustesiund United Stateswheat exports to the United Kingdom (6,883,000


(Based on Canadian and United States Records)
(Calendar Years. 1027 to 1032)

- 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels

ACC0TIJiSIQ to Canadian Trade Retums
Canadian Sea or River Ports ........ .47,738,009
. 73,091,503 43,458.858 45,204,514 45,410,697 92,059.502
United States Border Ports......... .. 35,407,569 163,862,135 78,778,718 86,296,769 61,971,478 48,175.037

Total Exports ................... .181,145,578 236,953,638 122,217,570 111,501,283 107,388,175 140,234,539

Noia.—According to United Status intransit figures a very large percentage of the Canadian wheat shown in Canadian
trade statistics as exported to the United Kingdom via United States bord,'r ports is diverted while intransit via the United
States to other destinations, chiefly the continent of Europe: while a considerable amount of this Canadian wheat is also
re-routed chiefly via Montreal, and in the re.routin8.process about 63 per ct-nt of this wheat is diverted front United King-
dom to other destinations, chiefly the continent of Europe. When adjustments are made for these diversions the amount
of Canadian wheat exported to the United Kingdom would be approximately. without accounting for diversions of direct
shipments on the high seas, especially via Vancouver. B.C., as under:-

- 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels

Adjusted Pipurea
Re-routed Canadian wheat from United
States Lake Ports via Montreal (d) ...... ..12,589,250 18,933.640 5,677,451 3,846,901 2.479.882 5.958.020
Canadian wheat via United States At.
lantic Sea Ports ......................... ..60,069,020 43,790.114 35,503,348 28,799,715 15.125.956 4.875.783
Canadian wheat via Canadian Sea and
RiverPorts(direct) .................... ..47,738.009 73,091,503 43,458,858 45,204,514 45,416.697 92,059,502

Total Exports Canadian Wheat to

United Kingdom (adjusted fig-
ures)................................ 120,996,279 135,815,257 84,639,657 77,851,220 63,022,533 102.883.305

Percentage of Imports into United Kingdom

from the Empire if the above Canadian
export figures are substituted for United
Kingdom Imports from Canada.... ....... .76-6 81-6 523 552 48.2 750

The figures of re-muted Canadian wheat from United States lake ports via Canada to the United Kingdom in 1929,
1930 and 1931, are the actual records, while those for the earlier years are estimates based on the average (27 per cent ) for
the years 1929 to 1931.

It may be of inivrest while cunsith'ring t he wheat trtult' of the I nit ed Kingdtnn to give the
latest available figures relative to her wheat imports. During the twelve months ended May
31, 1933, compart'(l with similar periotl in 1932, the imports of wheat into the United Kingdom
from Empire countries show an inercast' of about 52 per cent, the increase from Canada being
about 84) per cent and from Australia 17 per ccitt. Of the titlal ittijairts of wheat into the United
Kingdom for the twelve months ended May 31, 1933, Canada supplied 49.48 per cent and
;ustralia 2557 per cent., while for the same Period i,n 1932 Canada furnished 24-88 per cent,
and Australia 19-90 per cent..
The proportion of the wheat imported from Empire countries of the total imports into the
United Kingdom for the twelve months ending May 31, 1932, was about 45 per cent, and for the
sense l)eriod in 1933 a) a nit 73 per cent . 'It ic in ii torts of wheat in to the United K ingtltiiii for the
twelve months ending May 31, 1932 and 1933, from principal exporting countries, were as under:-

Twelve Months ended May 31-

1932 1933
Iriiports from
Bushels Bushels

Argentina ............................................................ ..49,782,8.35 21-61 32.780,581 1571

.,i,trati,i ...... ... . .................................................. ..45,554. 164 1980 53,360,810 25-57
British India ......................................................... ..4)71,8714 030
Canada .............................................................. ..57,313.021 2488 103.246,437 4948
Ru',sia ................................................................ 41.721. 844 1812 3,963,1104 190
t'nited States ...................................................... ...21.002.507 912 3,746.6417 1-80
(itherCountries........................................................ 14.212,423 617 11,578,047 554

Total Imports ............................................ .230,301,673 10000 208,079,546 100-00


(c) Analysis by Groups.-The decrease in the imports from the United Kingdom, 1933
compared with 1932, amounting to $20,018,088 or 18'8 per cent, occurred in seven of the nine
main groups, imports under the main groups of Non-Metallic Minerals and Products and Chem-
icals and Allied Products showing increases; whereas the increase in the domestic exports, amount-
ing to $10,317,294 or 5.9 per cent, 1933 compared with 1932, occurred in four of the main groups,
viz.: Agricultural and \egetable l'roducts, iron and Its Products, Non-\letallic Minerals and
Products, and Miscellaneous Commodities; while five of the main groups show decreases, viz.:
Animals and Animal Products, Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products, Wood, Wood l'roducts
1(11(1 Paper, Non-Ferrous Metals and I'roducts, and Chemicals and Allied Products. The increases
itnder the four main groups to show i,ncreases totalled $17,823,253, while the decreases under the
five main groups to show decreases amounted to $7,505,959. The total value of each of the
nine main groups of imports from the United Kingdom, arranged in order of importance, with
increases and decreases, 1933 compared with 1932, was:-(1) Fibres, Textiles and Textile Pro-
ducts, $25,580,195, decrease $4,969,742 or 163 per cent; (2) Agricultural and Vegetable Pro-
ducts, $17,302,932, decrease $12,918,065 or 427 per cent; (3) Non-Metallic Minerals and
Products, $12,582,165, increase $2,295,924 or 223 per cent; (4) Iron and Its Products, $12,009,-
727, decrease $1,373,895 or 103 per cent; (5) Miscellaneous Commodities, $5,182,144, decrease
$1,925,831 or 27.1 per cent.; (6) Chemicals and Allied I'roduct.s, $4,583,344, increase $480,648
or 119 per cent; (7) Wood, Wood I'roducts and Paper, $3,398,230, decrease $428,794 or 11.2
per cent; (8) Non-Ferrous Metals and Products, $3,308,947, decrease $975,809 or 22-8 per cent;
and Animals and Animal Products, $2,406,007, decrease $208,524 or 80 per cent. The total
value of each of the nine main groups of domestic exports to the United Kingdom, arranged in
order of importance, with increase or decrease, 1933 compared with 1932, was: (1) Agricultural
and Vegetable Products, $114,201,252, increase $15,476,139 or 15-7 per cent; (2) Animals and
Anititrtl Products, $29,952,648, decrease $2,075,517 or 6.5 per cent; (3) Non-Ferrous Metals
and Pruduct.s, $11,598,651, ciccrea,se $2,667,788 or 154 per cent; (4) Wood, Wood Products and
Paper, $11,301,700, decrease $2,433,177 or 177 per cent; (5) Iron and Its Products, $5,574,895,
increase $1,776,532 or 46-8 per cent; (6) Miscellaneous Commodities, $3,254,169, increase
$174,935 or 5-7 per cent; (7) Chemicals and Allied Products, $2,893,574, decrease 1237,221 or
7-3 per cent; (8) Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products. $1,293,979, decrease $92,256 or 6-9 per
cent; and (9) Non-Metallic Minerals and Products, $1,290,055, increase $395,647 or 44-3 per
cent. For further details respecting Canada's commodity imports from and exports to the
United Kingdom, with increase or decrease, 1933 compared with 1932, see statistics in the follow-
ing table.

(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)


Conunodity Imported Commodity Exported r

J1 ts Increase(+)

$ 5 $ $
Total of Group ................ . 17,302,932 (-312,918,065 Total of Group ................ 114,201,252 (-(-)15,479,130
Principal imports- Principal exports-

Alcoholic beverages .......... . 11,060. 107 (-1 I0.614,44 Wheat ...................... . 79,63(1,390 (+)14,333,776
Tea ......................... . I,783,856)- 1 1,499,874 Wheat flour ................. .7,823,094 +1 505.184
V egetable oils ............... ..016,183 () 122,47 Apples, fresh ................ . 9,878,165 +1 1,300.826
Coffee and chicory .............430,069 )-) 68,302 Tob,scco, raw............... .,880,008 3 +) 1,380.036
Confectionery ................ . 429,183)-) 3.156 Oats ........................ . 2,605,419 +) 633,963
Rubber. flop ................ . 391,373 (-1 86,397 Barley .... ................. . 2.426,115 -) 599,737
Spi"es ....................... . 365,471 (-i 5j.17s Cereal foods ................ . 2.260.207 -) 63.428
Tobacco, manufactured 331,523 (-) 184, 254 Oatmeal.. ................. . 1,727,523 -) 474,3014
Se eds ........................ 179,406 (+1 26. 082 Rubber footwear ............ . 1,280,142 -) 546,225
Fruits, dried ................. 175,469 1-) 126,618 Bran and shorts.,,,,,,,,,.,, 1,226,559 +) 1,054,850
Biscuits ..................... . 171,901 (-1 .17.367 Pickles and sauces ........... 1,043,955 -) 468.975
Pickles and sauces ........... . 141,400 (-) 64.924 Rubber, n.o.p ............... 603,628 -) 968.496
Fruits, fresh ................. . 131,755 (+) 10.616 Fruits, canned .............. ..528,900 +) 136.792
Nuts, edible ................. . 91,246)-) 13,14 Rye ........................ . 483,983 -) 432,155
Cocoa and chocolate 73,969 ( - 1 41,678 Seeds ....................... . 224,211 -) 462,255
Fruits, prepared ............. . 62,141 -1 35.779 Vegetables, canned 178,978 -) 275,147
I'fsnts and trees ............. . 50,410 (-i 10,91 Fodder, n.o.p ............... . 178,075 (+1 67.934
Rubber, raw ................. . 49,8461+) 45,19 (Jileake...................... 101,862 1+) 41,680
Gums and resins .......... .... 47,741 1+) 18.38 Whiskey..... ............ .... 68,765 1-) 4.021
Molaseesandsyrups 19.6421-) 10,87 Hay ......................... (14.567)-) 79.841
\'egrtnbles, fresh .........
.... 18,353 (-) 2.224 Rubber tires................. 111,746 1-) 4.141




(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)

Gisots 2—AsoasaLa AND AsuMi, Paor,ucrs

Commodity JoLported Irriports Increase 1+) Commodity Exported Exports Increase (+)
1933 Decrease (—) 1933 Decrease (—)

$ $ I $

Total of Group ............... .. 2,406,007 (—) 208,624 Total of Group ........... .. 29,952,648 (—) 2,075.517
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Leather. unmanufactured 600,264 1+)
46,171 Cheese ...................... . 8.344.304 (—) 1,660.770
leather, manufactured 480,861 (—) 157,801 Furs, raw ... ...... ........ 6,720.827 1+) 210.290
Furs, raw ..................... 310,067 1+)
71,942 Meats ...... .................
Fish, canned ................ .
. 4.905,118 1+) 2,086,046
3,350.6(4 1—) 1,654,662
Fish ......................... 147.596 1—) 14.387
Feathers and quills 133.404 1+) 57 Leather, uninaniifactured. . 1.883.546 +) 312,169
Meats ....................... . 119.6621—) 47,946 Cattle........................1,721.544 —i 443,879
Glue. powderedorshoet 62.601 (—) 51,754 Milk, preserved ............. 1.221.662 +1 638,468
Hides, raw .................. . 60.394 (+1
46,171 Fish, fresh................... 412,563 —1 43,991
Sausage casings .............. . 52.902)—) 86.363 Butter....................... 346,499—) 1,475,982
Animals, living .............. .51.8321—) 40.7291 Honey ............ ........... 269.833 +1 85,332
Furs, dressed................. 42.139 (+) 6.5.5( Lard ....................... 214.2801—) 191,981
Cheese ...................... 27,233 ( -4- )
8,959 Leather, manufactured 129.414 (—) 8,036
Greusefor soap and leather. 17,402 1—) Hides, raw................... 62,441 (+) 24,950

Gaoti' 3—Fiaaxs, TZXTLLELI ANO TEXtILE I'RoDt'tiq

Total of Group ............... . 25,580,195 (—) 4,969,74 fotal of Group ................ . 1,293.979 1—) 92,256
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Cotton products, n.o.p 4,7(15.152 1—) 421.172 Wool, raw.. ... ..... .... . 309.736)—) 21,610
Wc,ol products, sop ......... 3.73(1,1381—) 312,275 Itinder twine 261.099 1—) 172,013
Worsted,' and Merges.......... 2.548(143 I—) 1:120.920 $ocks and s(cii'king' 194,513 1+) 106,352
Flax and jute products. n.o.p 2.447,1124 1—) 368,851 Cotton products, I' 168.909 (-4-) 35,343
Nods and tops .. ............ . 2,429.367 1+) 342.251 Felt, znanul.',,'tur,'s 131,468 —j 18,381
Woollen yarn .............. . 2,(77.335 1—) 375.298 Rags.................... 42,263 )— 63,218
Cotton yarn.. .............. . 1.250.156 1+) 326,81(3 Bags of cott,,n. i'tv 30,503 - 4,067
Artificial silk fabrics ......... 1.202.232 1—) 462.457 Cotton duck ............... 22.459 1 — ) 7,117
%%oollen clothing ............. . 1.049.784 1—) 530,tIiij, ('otton clothing 16,133 1—) 12.041
Wool, raw ................... 922.800 1— 452,8:17 (iloves and mitts 4.9th 1+) 2,884
Fishing lines,ete. ............ . 835.897 + 68,8)1) Wool proslticts. n.o.p 3.Stt7 1—) 2,871
Jute fabrics ................. . 37(1,652 1—i 113,876 Woollen chilling 2,80)' (—) 176
Ilinder twine. ............... . 238,71:1(+) 13,1(73 ('ors&'ts and l,ra'etc'ree.... 1,716 (—) 2,545
Hats and cups ............. .200,91)84
. — I 110,291
cotton clothing.............. 1911.976 4— 55.707
Artificial silk products, n.o.p 152,909 ) —) 195,171
Carpets, wool................ 90. 708 1—) 198.218
Silk pr(Aia'ts, n.o.p 65.627 (-1 14.885
Silk clothing ................. . 8.9.538 1—) 40,9L.1
Itags and waste.............. 82.033 4—) 25.755
Silk fabrics.................. 68.495 (—) 60 . 08 &1

Geoti' 4—Woos,, W000 l'KoDttcrS AND PArES

Total of Group ................ 3,398,230 (—) 428,794 Total of Group. .............. . 11,301.786 C—) 2,433.17
Principal iniportic— Principal exports-
Books and printed matter. Planks and boards .......... 3.785.809 1+ 543,181
n.o.p........ .......... . 1.234.958 4—) 246,120 Newsprint, paper .......... .. 2.1150,081 1— 2,435,791
Paper products, n.o.p 833.1487 1—) 64,406 Wia1 pulp ................. . 1,192,17)11— 251,987
'rent books ............... 443.345 1—) 115.711 Paper board ............... 967,773 H- 31,531
Printing paper 204. 714 +) 19,164 Wixal products, n.o.p 799482 1— 78.781
Advertising matter 147.982 —C II. l95 Thither. square 445.226 (-4- 21.407
Newspapers and magazines 124,370 ±1 411,61 ipoolwood 363.927 j— 96,431
Wood products, n.o.p 115.790 (-1 827 Paper proclur-t, n.o.p 249.118 1 + 6,211
Furniture 83.874)—) 84.831 Shooks ....... ........... . 152,274 i± 15,081
Cork manufactures 56.2311 (+1 35,331 Logs .................. 136,895 4— 27.781
Wrapping paper .............. . 65.545 1+) 10.648 Itooks and printed matter 128,562 (-i- 3,571.
Paper board ............... 38.022 (+) 1.285 Wrapping paper ........... 88.023 4— 94,881
Photographs, chrinos. etc 29,170 (—) 24.735 Veneers..... .............. .. 31,671 1— 40.011
Containers, libri' board 2(1.7241+) 5.568 Railroad ties ................ . 779 1—) 48.541
Lumber and timber 6.1(261+) 2,93
Venceis 3.409 (—) 2,745

(Year ended March 31, 1933. compared with 1932)
Giuou' 5- 1 RON AND ITS Paooc'rrs

Commodity Imported Conunodicy Ezorted Er
51L Deereaaet.)

$ $ 5 $

'Fotal of Group .... ......... . 12.009,727(-) 1,373,895 Totalof Group ................ . 5.574.895 (-4-) 1.776,532
i'rimipal iiiiport'- Principal exports-
Platesand 6heeta .......... 5,498.181 1+) 21.443 Machinery .................. . 2,920.7191+) 592.125
Machinery 1,896,972 1-') 703.51. Automobiles ........ ........ . 1.055.404 (+1 913,228
Hardware and cutlery 743,835 1+) (34.8511 Hardware and cutlery 529,103 1+ IS, 991
lIars, including rails 402,059 1-) 30.739 Automobile parts ........... . 360.537 1+) 339.557
Wire 400,200-: 393,78) Farm iziplements ........... . 217.495)- 1 97.641
Tubes and pii*s 345,1121±) 78.8911 'fools.. ................... . 160,6261±1 121.911
Enginesand boilers 334.920 4.1 17.333 Furniture of metal 65.863 1-). , 5,421
Castingsandlorgingu 294,021 (+1 91,118 Chains ...................... . 29.2181+1 278
Structural steel 259.477 -1 86.254 Rolling mill products 23.901 (+) 20,642
Stamped iindcoatedproducts 180,453 (-1 4.42)) Tubes and pipes 13.562 )- I 52.412
Tia,lu 159.634 -1 26.507 \%ire .................
....... . 12.595 1-) 11.577
Automobiles ............... .. 152,771) (-1 185.898
Fariti itupletnnts 94,567 - 14.038
l'igs, inol-, bbooni', 87,440 (-) 49.034
Ilmmnd and himimli iron 85,465 4-1 20.254
Aut.ommmobmk parts. .......... . 64.789 I +1 23. 743
Valves........... ...... . 53.788 4-) 26.754
Druimis, tanks, cylinders 34,943)-) 11.799
Furniture of metal 11,265 4-) 5.823
Railway ears and parts 10,888 (-) 5,384

O,.ocrv 6-Noa-F'ranous METALS AND Timm Paoorcrs

Total of Group.. ............. . 3,308,947 (-) 975.809frotaloI Group ................ 14.598,651 (-) 2,067,788
Principal imilports-' Principal exports-
Aluminium manufactures., 857,886 1+)
432.65 Copper bars, rods, etc 5.828.109 (+1 4.252,355
Precious iiietals .... ... ..... ..444.972)-) 192.593 Zinc spelter.. ............... .1.897.585 (- 1.311.578
Braac 338,024 I-) 114.45 Lead in pigs ................. . 1.812.774)-) 511.735
Elertrieiupparntus. n.o.p 297.029 1-) 2311,72J Aluminium ................. 1.260.6)17 1-) 444.119
Trantoriiiers.electrie 242.900 1-) t) ,405 Nickel in ore .... .......... . 982.555 (-4 2,495,796
Electric motors ............. 168.57)1 i-i 136,0413 Platinum concentrates 616.600 (-) 705.910
Tin in blocks . ............. . 15(1,933 (') 47.54(4 Brass ...... .............. . 550.427 (-1 156.355
Nickel products ........ ..... . 137.825 (-I 74.257. l'.lei'trieappacatus..... ...... . 451)246 4+) 184.535
C'opper ..... .. ......... . 114,373)-) 26.619 Coppermnore ................ . 321.314 (-4 1.151.0(13
Vessels,equipmiit'nt for 89,659 4-') 148.81)1 Nickel, fine ................. . 140.426 (-4-) 38.073
Telephones . ................ . 49.379 1-) 210.774 Nickel oxide ................ 31.883 (+4 849
Wir'lesuapparatus ......... 36.192 1+1 3.001 Silver bullion --- ........... .. 12.762 I-i 26,578
Clocks mind watches 28.745 4-) 14.836 Gold, raw .................. . 300 (-4 937,067
Switches, elc.,electric 26.544 1-) 49. 257
Dynamos. generators 23.866 4-) 93.67

Gaorrp 7-N0N-Mn'rswc MiNERALS AND Tatia Paooucxs

Total of Group ................ . 12,882.185 (+) 2.295.024 Total of Group ................ . 1,280,055 1+) 395,647
Principal ilmiports- Principal exports-
Coal ...................... 8. 134.358 (+) Abranives,artiticial 419,1781+) 318,650
Tableware of china .......... 2,282.861)-) 52.1162 Carbon and graphite elec-
Glass and glassware 502.821 1-) 167.218 trades ..................... . 112.783 1+) 112.783
Clay products. n.o.p 272.788 I-) 44.316 Asbestos, raw ............... . 112. 649 (-1 38,704
Salt ... .................... . 261,1112(+) 40.072 Glass and glassware 1(10.7614 4+) 4,9115
Stone and produttu ..,t7 Sm) - I 79.4(0 far and pitch coal I Ott) )+j 73.030
Coke ..... ................. .. 53,26(1 44-) 131)92(1 Stone products, n.o.p 72.1)91) ) -4- 7,522
mim unset ............. .. 114.40)) 4-) 41.177 Coat .... .................... . t14,505 )+i 15,549
Bmitlis, tubs, urinals, clay .... 113. 648 (-1 142, 7l9 Insulators, porcelain 411.468 (-1 77,175
Bricks, fir................. 1114.656 (-1 71.992 Petroleum and products 22,905 (-1 54.168
.Aslsi'stm'si proilucts ........... . liii). 431 (-1 1.261
I' t's and tiles.,('lay tIll, 342 (-4 143.555
Lubricating oils .............. . 67.405 (-) 83.268


Total of Group.... ............ . 4.583,344 1+) 486.Gl8flTotalof Group ................ 2,81)3.574 (-) 237,221
Principal imports- (Principal exports-
Drugs and medicines 815.8011 ( - 4 38.389 Acids........................ 921.271 (-1 477.831
l'nintml and varnishes 752.317 (+1 82.362 Drugs and medicines 534.356 1+) 271.454
Sodium compounds 660.0681+) l32.00i, Soap .... ................... . 373.620 (-1 48.240
Dyeing and tanning materials 440.119 +1 164,33511 Cobalt oxide and salt 314.575 (-4-)
Acids ....................... . 228.050 (-) 26.404)1 Paints and varnishes 138,594 (+4 11,440
Perfumery ................ 168.583 1-) 5.127
115.817 (±1 12.420
Soap .... ................... .
Potassium compounds 01.564 (+1 201886
Cellulose products ........... . 83.2251±) 11,3585
Explosive', ................... 16.872 (-1 23.7851)
Glycerine .................... . 7.300 (-4 31.61
Fertilizers ................... 7.273 (-4 13,24

(Year ended March 31. 1933 compared with 1932)
Gitour 9—MINCELLAVEOUS CoMMoorriza

Commodity Imported 1°r Commodity Exported Decrease I

$ I I $

Total of Group ................ . 5.182.144 (–) 1.925.831 Total of Group ................ . 3,2.54,169 (+) 174,
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Cont:iir,ern(outaidecoveruig) 1,321.591 (-3 467.904 Films ....................... . 2. 159,244 (+3 88f 08
Scientific equipment 354,tt85 (+1 95.574) Settlers' effects.. ........... . 420.497 (-1 3,1 24)
Post office parcels ............ . 288,126 (-1 78.323 Stationery, n.o.p .......... ... 362,184 1—) 30, 67
Articles re-imported 277.406 (+3 91.389 l'oys and other fancy goods 71.9.58 1+) 53.( 76
Settlers' effects .............. . 232.862)—) 1193.331 Brushes .................... 03,811 (+)
47,1 38
Articles for exhibition 219,105 ( - 1 55,4)14 Container, (oatside cover-
Articles es-warehoused for ingo ...................... 8.951 (+) 1.( 3118
ships' stores ............... ..176,411 (-3 11.089 Musical instruments ......... . 6.495
Pocket books. etc............. 172.974 (-1 33,372
roys 1,11(1 dolls ............... . 105.275 1—) 22.1)1)14
Works of art ................. . 159,520 (-1 152,041
Articles for the army and
navy ....................... 15(1.623 —) 8. 134
Tobacco pipes, etc ........... ..11:1416—i 47,170
Films ....................... 1)1)1,241) 1+) 4.434
Pencils, lead ..... ............ . 81,122 (—) 52,189
Vehicles, except iron 79,969 (–) 138.918
Jewellery ............. .... .... 01,990 (-1 7.544
Articles for the manufacture
of fertilizers ............... .34)105)—) 548.074

For further ntfortuat.ion respecting Canada's trade in PrP1 commodities With United
Kingdom, fiscal years 1932 and 1933, for imports see Table No. 8, pages 108 to 127 and for exports
see Table No. 9, pages 128 to 139.

(e) United Kingdom-Canada Trade.—The trade statistics of the United Kingdom

indicate a marked tendency towards Empire trading. The imposition of Customs duties by the
United Kingdom in November, 1931, and March, 1932, on foreign imports, i.e., imports non-
British. evidently had the effect of curtailing imports from foreign countries. The statistics in
the following table relative to the trade of the United Kingdom for the twelve months ended
March 31, 1932 and 1933, indicate that imports from foreign countries from 1932 to 1933 de-
,ereased from $2,690,418,312 to $1,691,490,752 or 367 per cent., and from Empire countries
from $1,123,704,061 to $972,298,769 or 13.6 per cent. During the same period imports from
('anada increased from $156,044,841 to $180.3 10.575 or 149 per cent, while imports from the
Vnitpd States decreased from $448,673,017 to $308,992,445 or 31-2 per cent.


(Twelve Months ended March 31, 1932 itiid 1933)

— All British Foreign c

insd a United
Countries Countries Countries States

(In Canadian Dollars)

Imports from-
1932 ....................................... 3.784.122,373 1,123,704,0111 2,060,418.312 1519,944,841 448.671,017
11433 ....................................... . 2,803,789,521 972,298,769 1,691.490.752 180,310,975 308,992,415
Exports to-
19:92 ........... ............................ ..l,980.885.572 814,837,775 1,166,047.797 96.136,611 119,058.027
1933 ....................................... 1.632.350,924 697,302.976 935,047,948 67,221,329 79,563,514

'lime imports of leading commodities into the United l'.ingclom from Canada (which comprise
about two-thirds of the total ilnp)rts from Canada), for the twieve months ended May 31, 1932,
and 1933, segregated to show (a) Increase in Quantity or Value or both, and (Ii) Decrease in
Quantity and Value, were as under:-


Twelve Months ended May 31-

Commodities Quantities Values

1932 I 1933 1932 I 1933

(a) Increase in Quantify or Value or Bulk (In Caundian Dollars)
Bacon .................................................. I.b. 14,011.648 27,202,336 1.613,029 2.855.028
Barley ................................................. Bush. 2,906.295 5, 911. 558 1.407,(099 2.810,242
Cheese ...... ........................................... Lb. 81,218.480 81,721,504 10.364.090 8,852.496
Footwear of rubber ................................... Dee. pr. 104, 1411 123.1(46 1,424.328 1,281.1)27
Hain .................................................. 1.b. 10.642.1116 8.4 16, 172 1.571)114 2,272,962
Ont ................................................... J6uuh 6,657, 945 7.077.039 2.571,320 2.427,655
Piglead ................................................ Lb. 99.952. 480 133.91(1,84(1 2.589.361 2,753,5117
Patent leather .......................................... 1.1). 812.336 I, 126.608 1.186.820 1.422.595
Timber, sawn—Hard ................................... Hit. 44.652 40. 351 2.038.827 1,821.796
Soft .................................... Sift. 94.2111 150.555 3.463,141 1.3011.1188
Tobacco, unmanulactured ............................... Lb. 10,576.116 12.462,1610 3.446.585 3.603, 132
Wheat ................................................. l3uuh. 57.313.1121 103,246.437 4)1,475,049 65.744.808
Wheat flour ............................................ I6r1. 2.184.08(1 2,4115,327 7,425.127 7.365.567
Wood pulp, mechanical, wet ............................ Lb. 78,912,960 101,915 520 4801184 535.1)11)
Total of Commodities under (a) ............ 79,961.244 108.076.782

(b) Decrease in Qunniifv and Vaina

Cattle .................................................. No. 28,165 27,653 2439,475 2,127,547

Copperoro. ............................................ Lb. 40.716.480 23.423.6W) 3.282.665 1,268.401
Hide leather ................ ........................... Lb. 5417,808 349,532 149,200 92,719
Lobsters,canned ....................................... Lb. 3.1168.685 2,763,376 1.336,813 1.231,1168
Paper—Packing ........................................ Lb. 1,338.20$ 1.113.302 172,230 40,274
Printing ........................................ T.b. 208,046.8:12 108.185,101 5.443,766 2 .... 0,750
Salmon, canned ........................................ Lb. 18,586.400 11,144.336 3,123,311 2,1179,853
Timber, hewn—Hard ...................................H it. 4.377 2,862 291,655 103.795
Soft .................................... .H IL 9,137 7.198 354,353 204,242
Zinc, crude ............................................. Lb 139,991,040 86,457,280 3.636.851 2,3415,344
Total of Commodities under (9) .................. ............... ............ .. 20,320,319 13.131,893
Total Imports under (a) and (9) ............................................ 100.281,563
.... 121,208,675


(a) Analysis of Total Trade.—( zLiladas total trade with the United States for the year
ended March 31, 1933, was valued at $381,077,886, compared with a similar trade in 1932 VaitleCi
at $51,M6,037,639, and in 1931 at $948,330,042; the decrease in 1933 compared with 1932 amount-
ing to $214,959,753 or 361 per cent, and with 1931 to $567,252,156 or 59-8 per cent. Imports
in 1933 comparcl with 1932 show a decrease of $119,138,720 or 338 per cent, and exports a
decrease of $95,821,033 or 392 per cent. Iiiiports from the United States in 1933 were valued
at $232,548,055, in 1932 at $351,686,775, and in 1931 at $584,407,018; the decrease in 1933 corn-
pared with 1932 amounting to $119,138,720 or 338 per cent, and with 1931 to $351,558,993 or
60-2 per cent; while the total exports to the United States in 1933 amounted to $148,529 7831,
in 1932 to $244,350,864, and in 1931 to $363,923,024; the decrease in 1933 compared with 1932
amounting to $95,821,033 or 392 per cent, and with 1931 to $215,393,193 or 592 per cent.
The doniestic exports to the United States in 1933 amounted to $143, 160,400, in 1932 to $235,-
186,674, and in 1931 to $349,660,563; the decrease in 1933 compared with 1932 amounting to
$92,020,274, or 39• 1 per cent, and with 1931 to $206,500,163 or 59•1 per cent. The trade balance
with the United States has been unfavourable to Canada each year since 1882. For the year
ended March 31, 1933, Canada's unfavourable trade balance with the United States totalled
$84,018,224, being less than for any fiscal year since 1908, except for the years 1909 ($79,409,973),
and 1925 ($82,595,366). In 1929 the unfavourable trade balance, with the United States, amount-
ccl to $346,745,142, in 1930 to $310,753,856, in 1931 to $220,483,994, and in 1932 to $107,335,911.
The improvement in Canada's unfavourable trade balance with the United States in 1933 com-
pared with 1932 was $23,317,687, and with the year 1931 it was $136,465,770.



Years ended March31, Increase (4-) Decrease)—)

1933 compared with-

1931 1932 1933 1511 1932

$ $ $ $ $
Dutiable ....... ........................... ..359.610701 229.639,736 143,813,884 (-1215.826.817 ()85.825.852
Free ....................................... ..224.7130.317 122.047,039 88,734,171 (—)136,592.146 (—)33.312.863
Total Imports ..................... .584.407,018 351,686,775 232.548,055 (—)381.858.963 (-1119,138.720

Canadian .................................. ..349.(180.563 235.1813.674 143,160,400 (—)206,500. 163 (—)92,026,274
Foreign .................................... ..14,262.461 9,184,193 5.369,431 (-4 8,893.030 1—) 3.794.759

Total Exports ..................... ..363.923.024 244.350,864 148,529,931 (-1215,393.159 (— )95.821.033

Total Trade ....................... ..946,330,042 596,037,639 381,077,886 (—)567,252.156 (—)214,959,753

Balance of Trade-
Favourable (4-), Unfavourable (—) ........ ..(—)220,483.994 (—)107,335,911 (—)84,018.224 (+)136.465,770 (±)23.317,687

Six Months ended-

September30 . ............................. . (—)133,208.143 (—>84,125.313 (—)48,625,680 (+184.642,463 (+115.499.633
March31 .................................. .(—)87.215,85l —)43,210,598 (—)35,382,544)51.8Z3.307 )+

(U) Discrepancy in Trade Figures.—In considering the discrepancy between Canada's

trade with the United States and the United States trade with Canada, many factors must be
noted in arriving at a satisfactory explanation. In the I tiited States, Alaska, 11avaii and Puerto
Rico are considered aU nited States territory for trade and other purposes, while in Canada they
are considered as separate entities, and (amltequently adjustments must he made in the trade
statistics of the two countries to bring them to a conilnun basis. lii the United States, ulso, raw
gold, silver ore and silver bullion are not included in the general trade figures, whereas in ('anada
these non-ferrous metals are included, consequently an adjustment must be made in respect to
these metals. When these adjustments are made in the exports from Canada to the 'United States,
there is still a discrepancy in the movement of products from Canada to the l,njted States, as
recorded in the trade figures of the two countries, anlo(lflt.iflg to less than 2 per cent in 1928 and
1929, about 3.7 per tent in 1930, and 6 per cent in 1031 and 1932, as indicated in the following,le
ICatenduir Yeses, 1928 to 19321 -

Imports Exports In favour of
Calendar Years into trout Canada (it)
United States Canada In favour
from to United of United
Canada States )c) States (bi

$ 8 $

192 8 ........................................................................ 489.301) 11 .)97,3f5't,flfl() (,) 7.960,000

512.11)0,000 (s 7,5(0,000
1929 ........................................................................ . 501,3011,020
3011, tilt), 0(X) hi 15. 1)I),I)I)I)
1930 ........................................................................ 402. 300, (XII)
1931 ........................................................................ . 266.300,000 246.500,000 h) 17.900.000
1932 ......................................................................... 171.100.000 164,100.000 (b) 10,000.000

- (c) Canadian ligates adjusted by adding to the exports to United States, exports to Alaska, Ilawati and Fuerto Rico,
and deducting exports of raw gold, silver ore and silver bullion.

With reference to the above discrepancy, it may be of interest to point out (1) that in the
years 1928 to 1930 Canada exported large quantities of alcoholic beverages to the 'United States,
while the 'United States in these years, recorded no imports of alcoholic beverages from Canada
and (2) that from 1928 to 1932 the 'United States wheat imports from Canada were much in
excess of Canada's wheat exports to tile United States, due to the fact that large quantities of
wheat shipped to overseas countries via the I nited States were diverted to the 'United States, this
diverted wheat being credited to ('anada in United States trade Btatisti('s, though ('anuda had
no export record of sudi diversions. If these differences in the years 1930, 1931 and 1932 are
taken into account, it will be found that the discrepancy in the foregoing table in favour of the
'United States, in 1930 would be reduced by about $4,000,000; in 1931 by $7,000,000; and in
1932 by about $5,000,000.

There is, however, a considerable discrepancy between the Canadian imports from the United
States and United States exports to Canada, even when adjustments are made in Canada's im-
ports. This is largely due to United States recording in their exports to Canada, grains, mainly
wheat, which are only in transit, via Canada to overseas countries. The United States Depart-
nient of Commerce is aware that a large percentage of the exports shown as shipped to Canada are
really only intransit to overeas countries via Canada. On pages 31 and 32 of Trade Information
Bulletin No. 602 re Foreign Trade of the United States, 1928" the Bulletin states that "the figures
of trade by continents as originally puhhshed are somewhat misleading in the case of exports to
North America and to Europe. This is due to the fact that especially during recent years, large
quantities of grain have been shipped through ('anada to foreign countries, almost exclusively to
Europe, which, because the exporter at the time of shipment does not know the final destination,
are credited to Canada," Such shipments (10 not appear in the import or export trade of Canada,
being considered as intransit trade. The amount of these grain shipmeuts to Canada has varied in
recent years, in 1927 amounting to $113,900,000 and in 1932 to $4,000,000 It will appear from
the statistics in the following table that when these grain shipments are eliminated from the
United States exl)orts to ('anada, the revised United States exports to Canada and Canada's ad-
justed imports from the United States agree fairly well In fact., the discrepancy between the two
sets of figures is less than 3 per cent
(Calendar Year,, 1528 to 1932)

Total I.ees Total Canada's In favour of
Calendar Years Unrevised United States Revised 'djusted Canada (a)
Exports front Exports Exports from Imports from In favour of
United States of drains United States United States United States
to Canada to Can,ula to Canada Ic (b)

$ S S S $
1928 ........................................... 014,7(tO,000 82,800,000 831,900,000 825,100,000 (hi 6,800,50()
1929 ........................................... . 948,500.000 49, IOU. (MI 889, 100,000 803,200,00t) (h) 5,900,000
19:10 ........................................... . 059.100.000 15.100,000 644.lttt,000 1J53,SOj),015j (,u 9,50 ttot)
1031 ........ ................................... . 413,5(10,000 10,600,1)0(1 432.900.000 393, loLl. 0(Y) hi ft. 21)0,900
19:12. ................................
. 274,2ttO,000 4,000000 270,200,000 203, 100,000 (h) 7.1(111.000
(c) Canadian figures adjusted by adding to the import from United States, inporta from Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto
Rico and tledueting imports of silver huh on.

(e) Analysis by Groups.—The decrease in the imports from the United States, amounting
to $119,138,720 or 33.8 per cent, occurred in each of the nine main groups, while the decrease in
the exports of domestic nierchandise, amounting to $02,026,274. or 301 per cent, occurred in
eight of the nine mniain groups, the exports under the main group of Chemicals and Allied Products
showing an increase. The total value of each of the nine main groups of imports, arranged in
order of importance, with decrease 1933 compared with 1932, was:— (1) Non-Metallic Minerals
and Products, $62,921,986, decrease $14,949,169 or 102 per cent; (2) Iron and Its Products,
$44,324,848, decrease $36,680,536 or 453 per cent; (3) Agricultural and Vegetable Products,
$30,220,182, decrease $14,358,666 or 320 per cent; (4) Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products,
$22,479,022, decrease $8,465,005 or 273 per cent; (5) Miscellaneous Commodities, $20,915,558,
decrease $9,216,022 or 30.6 per cent; (6) Chemicals and Allied Products, $15,465,420, decrease
$4,894,402 or 240 per cent; (7) Wood, Wood Products and Paper, $15,096,704, decrease $10,-
4S8,123 or 410 per cent; (8) Non-Ferrous Metals and Products, $12,549,915. decrease $14,476,684
or 53'6 per cent; and (9) Animals and Animal Products, $8,574,417, decrease $5,610,113 or
9'5 per cent. The total value of each of the nine main groups of (lornestic exports, arranged in
order of importance, with increase or decrease, 1933 compared with 1932, was:—(1) Wood,
Wood Products and Paper, $03,914,355, decrease $46,558,997 or 331 per cent; (2) Animals and
Animal Products, $13,948,092, decrease $8,393,823 or 37'6 per cent; (3) Non-Ferrous Metals and
Products, $13,807,581, decrease $22,368,909 or 618 per cent; (4) Miscellaneous Commodities,
$5,152,526, decrease $2,808,044 or 35.3 per cent; (5) Non-Metallic Minerals and Products,
$4,937,120, decrease $3,206,197 or 400 per cent; (6) Chemicals and Allied Products. $4,668,260,
increase $544,771 or 13•2 per cent; (7) Agricultural and Vegetable Products, $3,90,813, decrease
$7,129,445 or 646 per cent; (8) Iron and Its Products, $1,958,419, decrease $1,139,464 or 30.7
per cent; and (9) Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products, $867,628, decrease $876,166 or 502 per
cent. For further details respecting Canada's commodity imports from and exports to the United
States, with increase or decrease 1933 compared with 1932, see statistics in the following table:-
(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)
GaouP 1-AaiucvarUrisL AND VEGETABLE Psooucss

I mports Ets jcresse(±) 1

Commodity Imported Commodity Exported

$ 8 $ S

Totalof Group ................ . 30,220,182 (-)14,358,666'l'otalof Group ................ . 3,905,8131-)

Principal imports- Principal exports-
Fruits, fresh ........ ......... . 9.311,139 () 3,494.45 Malt ........................ . 863,695 (-) 134.567
Vegetable oils ...... .......... 2,918,854 (-) 1,308.885 Maple sugar ................. . 538,108 -) 7.692
Vegetables, fresh ............ . 2,700.334 -) 1,983,836 Turnips ..................... . 358,543 -) 8,938
Tobacco, raw.......... .....
. . 2.530.725 -) 666,558 Seeds ....................... . 284,696 -) 928,431
Rubber, raw ........... . ...... 1.555.636 -) 1,875,108 Bran and shorts ............. . 232,439 C-) 789,052
Fruits, dried ................. . 1.469,961 (-) 632,019 Fodder, n.o.p ............... . 223,520 (_) 313,572
Corn ........................ . 1,181.811 C-) 124,025 Potatoes ................. .... 219,259 (-1 1.253,251
Rubber, n.o.p ................ . 1.060.760 (- 1,010,2771 Rubber tires ................ . 157,724 (+1 121,872
Gums and resins ............. . 1,042.1)88 )-) 388,1321 Blueberries. fresh 108,938 (-1 48,659
Nuts, edible ......... ........ . 515,222 -) 390,878 Apples, fresh ................ . 86,032 (-)--) 21,002
Oats ......................... . 460,830 +1 96,809 Hay........................ .54,803 (-1 109,237
Seeds ........................ 484,456 -) 351,076 Cereal foods................. 39,832 (±1 14,280
Coffee and chicory ........... . 432,719 -) 58.881 Rubber, n.o.p ............... . 28,123 (-C 53,374
Turpentine spirits ............ . 384,816 (-) 46,123 Wheat ...................... . 20,578 1-) 2,644.072
Cocoa and chocolate 298,882 +) 28,511 Oats ....................... .. 7,088 (-) 6,368
Rice ................... ...... 266,532 -) 132,827 Wheat flour.................. 3,757 (+)
Broom corn ............ . ..... . 161,702 (-) 39,203 Vegetables, canned 1,813 (-) 302,491
Vegetables, canned 148,040 (-) 104,289
Molasses and syrups 148,322 1-) 152,401
Plants and trees. ............ . 145,0301-) 102,397
'robacco, manufactured 106,031 (-) 69,406

Gaot'r 2-ANIMALS AND ANlanat Paooucra

Tots! of Group ................ . 8,571,417 (-) 5,510,113 'roth.I of Group ................ . 13,848,692 C- ) 8,393,823
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Furs, raw .................... 1.740,119 (-1 1.0:35,215 Fish, fresh ............ ...... . 6,185,819 -) 1,664.583
Animals, living............... 1,360,5781-) 215,986 Furs,raw.................... 2,450.115 -) 1,837.885
Leather. uninaninfactured., 1,144.351 1-) 970,770 Fish, dried, smoked, etc 813,760 -) 321,329
Hides, raw ........ .......... . 971,125 1-) 611,276 Finn. canned ................ . 811,942 C-) 131.182
Grenseforsoap and leather 700,4 1)3 -) 321,165 SIesta ....................... . 737,746 (- 273,142
Leather, manufactured 453.250 -) 839,245 Cattle ...................... . 531,809 - 738.783
Fish .......................... 434 ,3 29 -) 147,637 lhiden,raw .................. . 365,833 -) 1,134,561
Furs, dressed ................ 353,935 -.1 440,271 Leather. unmanufactured 306,220 -i 521,577
Meats ............ ........... . 227,543 -) 531.012 Fish meal ................... . 184,710 (-1 270,336
Bones ........................ . 168.1)79 1-) MOlt Tankae .................... . 174,835 (±1 9,081
Sausage casings .............. . 119,613 (+) 18,684 Fish oils..................... 102,488 (-1 275.942
Furs, manufactured 84,858 1-) 189,289 Cheese ...................... . 78,25)) (-) 121,224
Leather, manufactured 52,601 (-C 158,082

Gaoup 3-Finass. 'rExnLEa AND Txxx'u.0 Pnooucrs

'l'otalof Group ................ . 22,479,022 (-) 8, 4 65.005 Tot.alof Group ................ . 867,626 (-) 876,166
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Cotton, raw, and haters ...... .7,338,08 (-1 469,143 Binder twine ................ . 499,517 (-1 424,872
Silk, raw .................... . 4,035,019 (-1 1,188,171 Rags ............... ........ . 98,171 (-1 116,103
Cotton products, n.o.p 2,756,552 1-) 2,108,737 Wool, raw ........... .... .... . 54,390 (-) 132,413
Manila and sisal fibre ........ . 2,015,007 (+1 274,559 Woollen clothing ............ . 22,259 (-1 15,639
Cotton yarn ................. . 1,087,0701-) 304,877 Wool products, n.o.p 10,472 (-1 14,338
Rags and waste .............. . 596,3271-) 297,989 Cotton duck ................ . 8,4751+) 5.240
Silk clothing ................. . 517,20.5 1-) 520,121 Cotton products, n.o.p 4,026 (-) 4,672
Flax and 3ute products, n.o.p
Binder twine ................ .
Silk fabrics .................. .
383,410 1+)
437,002 -) 412,114 Carpets (wool) .......... .....
365,218 Silk manufactures
356,882 -) 580,018 Felt manufactures
3,366 (-) 989
2,652 1-) 195
2,643 1+) 100
Fishing ltns, etc ............. 233,002 -) 93,625
Cotton clothing .............. . 205,126 -) 375,250
Hats and cape ............... . 191,861 (-C 238,509
Silk products, n.o.p .155,809 (-1 215,553
Sur6iesl dressings ............ . 134,052 (-1 93,810
Artiticial silk fabrics 124,248(-) 275,885
Woollen clothing ............. . 104,783 (-) 109,094
Artiticial silk products, .o.p 93.094 -) 144.561
Wool products, n.o.p 88,487 -) 186,33
Woollen yarn ................. 48,013 -) 15,577

(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)

Gour 4-Woo, Woo!) Paonrcrs AND PAPER

Xn;ts Exts rease(+)

Commodity Imported Commodity Exported

of Group ................ . 15,096,704 (-)10,488,123 Total of Group ................ . 93,914,35.5 (-)46,559,997

'"pal imports'- Principal exports-
lt,0k5 and printed matter, 3,574,795 1-') 758,539 Newsprint paper ............ . 64,489.012 (-)24,900,6.54
iio.p Wood pulp .................. . 14.043,850)-) 7,374.170
l'aperprodui'ts,n.o.p......... 2.275,196)-) 1. 974,142 Plan ks and boards........ ... 4,874.777)-) 7.670,144
Newspapers and magazines 1,543,042 (-) 1,442,47 Pulpwood................... . 4,287,425 (-) 3,90719
Lumber and timber .......... .1.429,639 00, 254 Shingles .................... . 2,350.129 (-) 8,549
Wood products, n.o.p ........ .. 1 ,262,571 (-) 1010,89 Loga ........................ . 885,994 (-) 565,751
Advertising matter, 804,072 (-) 412,955 Wood products, n.o.p 553,859 (-) 67,824
Printing paper ............... . 633,210 (-1 8.5,4 Poles, telegraph and tale.
Tent books .................. 525,248 (-1 78,286 phone ..................... . 538,279 (-5 607,835
Paper board ................. . 474,248 I.-) 776.661 Laths ....................... . 429,108 (-) 660,581
Containers, fibre board 454,387 -) 195,378 Paper board................. 358,502 1-) 116,029
Wood pulp ................... . 401,200 (-1 271,2 Books and printed tter
iwi 206.715 (-1 150.2111
Photographs, cbrornos, etc 260,783 (-1 210,772 Pickets. .................... .213,892 -) 12.637
Furniture .................... . 235,057 -) 463,8 Railroad ties.. ............. . 210,367 1-) 159,993
\'enerrs, ...................... 231 .507 -) 633,8 Christmas trees ............. . 260,372 1-) 124.703
I' ulpwood.................... 230,946 -) 345.0 Paper products, n.o.p 150376 (-1 89,632
Cork manufactures 188,511 (-1 184,119 Timber, square ............. . 31,695 ( - 5 58,569
Railroad ties ................ . .173,620-I 154.5
Wrapping paper............... 166,3311 -) 69.5
Staves .................... 157. 715 - 119.
Log s.... ................... .66,419 1-) 41,818

Gitotp &-Iaow AND Sm Pjtoorc-rs

'Iota1 of Group................. 44,324,848 (-)36,680,536 'l'otal of Group ....... ......... . 1,958,419 (-5 1,139,464
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Machinery ................... 11,531,058 (-) 9,593,284 Pigs, ingots and blooms 873,087 (-) 182,426
Automobile parts ............ .. .9,889,555 (-) 3,472.195 Farm implements... ........ . 220,794 1-) 573.218
Engines and boilers .......... . 4,879,166 -) 1,918,141 Rolling mill products 1118,922 (+) 179,04
Plates and ,,heets ............ 3,410,002 -) 4, 206, 187 Tubesand pipes ............. . lli8,662 (-) 247,612
Farm implements ............ .. 1,097,286 -) 1,031,810 Machinery................... 150,808 (±5 14, 82 1
Castings and (orgings ........ . 1,1811,0811 -) 510,160 Automobiles................. .85,7.86 (-) 57.081
Stamped aadcoatedproducts 878,563 (-) 328.715 Scrap iron ................... . 75,711 ( - 5 55,146
Automobiles ................. ..759,184 (-) 3,630,40 Automobileparts........... . 32,636)-) 35,05 ?
Hardware and cutlery 727,009 -) 573,35 Hardware and cutlery 31.636 (-) 76.572
Band and hoop iron 695,265)-) 311,620 Engines and boilers 27,920 ( - 5 33,191
Bars, including rails 634.907)-) 546,554
'l'ubes and pipes ............. .512,094 (-1 742.84
Structural steel .............. . 494,800 (-5 2,250,07
Tools ........................ . 368,495 -) 340,22
Stoves (except electric) 343,452 -) 450.55
Scrap iron ................... . 335,391 -) 94.97
Drums, tanks, cylinders 234,3.56 -) 169,231
Railway cars and parts 232,938 -) 50,866
Furniture of metal ........... . 154,517 (-1 265,004
Iron ore ..................... . 143,311 I-) 1,070,483
WirS.......................... 135,773 1-) 244,803

Gxovr Q-Nan-Fr.xaovs Mmi.s AND Tgtg Paooucns

'intel of Group. ............... . 12,549,918 (-) 14,478,684 rotalof Group ................ . 13,807,581 (-)22,368.00t
Principal irmipnrt.s- Principal exports-
Electric apparstus, n.o.p 2,287,894 (.-) 2,174,772 Gold, raw ................... 3,797.051 (-1 8,937.147
tlummnmumn nisnulartures 179 45 +1 990,581 Nwkel line 2, 969,726 (-12. 150 PlC
Brass ........................ ..1.345.321 -) 1.118,044 Copper bars, rods,etc 2,231.020)-) 7.?'.7,764
Wirelessapparutue ........... . 1.005.459 -) 2.990.951 Silver in ore ................ . 966,944 1-) 66.794
Nickel products ............. 739,448 (-I 475,602 Copper blister. .... . ......... . 840,441 (-) 1,128.89?
Alumina, bauxiteaadcryolite 725,139 (-1 2,105.561 Silver bullion ............... . 775,586 (- 149.141
Electric motors .............. . 683,543 )-) 730.241 Nickel in ore ................ 581,482 (-1 151.124
Precious metals .............. . 546,808 (-8 99.374 Copper in ore ................ . 536,670 1- 1,865,58)
Tin in blocks. ............... . U3,757 1'-) 293,452 Aluminium ................. . 336,277 (-) 71,284
Copperproductmm.n.o.p 390,492 )-) 556,11 Lead in ore ................. .148.5181-) 27.84(
Switches, etc., electric 306,630 (-) 448,811 Nickel oxide ................ . 117,940 1±) 76,762
Telephones .................. 315,783 1-) 535,184 Brass ....................... . 42,197 (-) 75.388
Zinc ......................... .. 313,918 1-) 60, 917 Electric apparatus 35,297 (-) 5,481
Clocks and wntrhes 258,622 -) 351.04
Electric fixtures .............. . 160,138 (-) 481,560
1)ynamos, generators 158,672 (-) 134,776
Copper liars and rods 71.428 1-) 403,371
Manganese oxide ............. . 115,774 -1 22,507
Triumsformmmcrs. electric 51,084)-) 112,127


(Year ended March 31. 1933, compared with 1932)

imports Increase (+1 Commodity Exported Exports Increase (+)

Commodity Imported 19:33 I )ei'roase (- 1983 Decrease (-)
S $ $ 9
Total of Group................ 62,921.986 (-)14,949,16 tal of Group ............. 4.937,126 (-) 3,296,1137
Principal iri,ports- rincipal exports -
Coal...................... 20.6346140 (-) 9.4331.76 Asbestos, raw 2.004.937 (-3 839,012
Petroleum, crude............ 19,653.714 '+3 3150.01 Ahrnaives, artificial, crude,, 541,856)-) 852.332
Gasoline ................... 31.809.400 3- 1,007,66 Coal 467.426' -3 265.452
Lubricating oils.............. 2.841,775 3-) 397.59 Gypsum. crude............. 389.074 3-) 347,465
Coke...................... 2,587,169 (-3 481.41 Stone products. n.o.p........ 371.414 (- 29.3,769
Glass and glasware......... 2.741144 '-3 1,212.04 Coke.................... 233.802 -1 124.623
Sulphur 2.014.OhuI 1-' 177.58 Gasoline and naphtha ... .... 1434.811(-1 102,595
Stone and products.......... 1.386,9703- 1,543.87 l'etroleum, crude............ 139,714
)-) 143.011
Clay products. n.o.p......... 877.917-3 735.18 Tale........................ 61.793 I-) 5,763
18r,eks, fir' ................ 491.503-3 447.16 Sulphur 60,842 3-) 46,871
Asbestos products.......... 313,493 3-) 127.55 Creosote oil................ 33,169 3-) 47.547
Salt...................... 209,393 (-3 170.19 Tar, coal ................... 33.848 4) 2.710
Baths, t ubs. urinals, clay. 37,231 3-) 40,00 Sand and gravel............ 33,629 3-) 109,163
I'ipes and tiles. clay........ 20,42:3 3-) 78,97
'l'ishleware of s'h inn......... 15.211 (-3 18,38

Gusovi' 8-CHEMICALS AND AlLIED Paooucm

Total Group
of ................ . 15.465.420)-) 4,894.402ITota1of Group.............
.. . 4,668,260(+) 544.771
Principal import" - , Principal exports-
Dyeing and tanning materials 1.768,012 3-) 251,7321 Fertiliners . ............ ... 2,460.482 (+3 708.234
Cellulose prodart ....... .... 1,664.326 (-1 526.0911 Sosliumcornpounds 992,3783-) 113.46
Compoundsolteirnethyllead 1.681.3199 +3 213.18 Acids ...................... 951.767 3+) 161.871
Sodjuiri compounds. ........ . 1.493.661)-) 617.325) Cobalt oxide and salt 83,792)-) 61,793
1'aint. and varnishes...........1,231.9473 - 960,2 Paints and varnishes 37.542 (-1 I2.65
Drug' and medicines ......... . 1.lSl.025 •- I 353.973 Drugs and medicine., 16.015 (+) 6,911
Soap ...................... 665.640 1±' 9,274
Fertilizers ................ 664.3)40 I 1,118,002
Suiphaic of alumina 474.019 1 50.407
Ethylene glycol .............. . 433.214 ±3 337.068
Antis.... ................... . 357.7(34 1-) 1318,431
Perfumery ................... . 284,3477 3-) 271,11231
Explosives.................... 1il.2.13H") 119,149


Total of Group ................ . 20.915,552 (-) 9,216.022 Total of Group ................ . 5,152,526 (-) 2,808,04
Principal imports- Principal exports-
Settlers' effects ..... ......... . 6,350,646 3-) 1,244.SOC. Settlers' effects ............. . 2.445,525 3-) 850.91
Articles for exhibition......... 2.801.108 3+) 547,037 Electrical energy ............ 1,654.087 3-) 1,052,57'
Seientitic eiuipInent. ......... . 1.811.252 (-3 764'893l Films ... .................. . 632.134 (-) 360,573
Post office parcels ............ . 1,680.03113-I 692,470 Containers (outside cover-
Expressparr'els .............. . 1,065.1332 (-3 544 .tli ings) ...................... 45.074 3-) 52.88
Articles re-imported 864.129 3-) 604,4691 Staiionery,n.o.p ...... ...... . 26.950)-) 18.96'
Spectacle and eye-glass I Musical instrurutents 25.994 3-) 78,56:
frames and parts............ 536.748 (+) 13,285 Ships ....................... 23.148)-) 118,09
Containers (outside cover-
ings)....................... 407,0(37 -) 183,05
Films........................ 366.525 -) 340,393
Articles for the manufacture
olfertilizers ............... . 358.2081-) 424,628
Toys and dolls ............ .... 3331,1:38 I .) 230.3)33
Refrigerators ................ 276.298 3- 1 1.980,15
Jewellery .................. 231.856 () 268.32
\ehi'li's (except iron) 229,5541 (-I 247.384
Musicnl instruments 193,9043-3 285,294
Pocket bcx)ks, etc.. .......... . 137,58(3' - I 83,39
PenciLs, lead.. .............. . 114,3377-1 194,33
Works of art ................ .. 110.621 3-) 247,8r

For further information respecting Canada's trade in principal commodities with United
States, fiscal years 1932 and 1933, for imports see Table No. 8, pages 108 to 127 and for exports
see Table No. 9, pages 128 to 139.

(d) Decrease in Canada-United States Trade.-Imports from the United States in 1922
were less than for the year 1921, but from then on there \'I1S an upward trend (except for the
year 1925) until by the year 1929 imports amounted to $868,000,000, which in 1930 declined to
$847,000,000, this figure being only $9,000,000 less than for the year 1921. In 1930 and sub-

sequent years the duties on imports under the General Tariff were raised, and from 1930 to 1933
the imports from the United States decreased from $947.000.000 to only $232,(.00,000, (If course
the decrease in the purchasing power of ('anada, due to the depression, which was world-wide,
as well as the fall in prices, also had a marked effect on the drop in imports. ('anada's imports
from the United States for the years ended March 31, 1921 to 1933, were as mder:-

Fiscal Years $ Fiscal Years 8 Fiscal Years $

1 .................... . 856,177,000 1923 ..................... 509,780,000 1930 ................... 847,442,000

2 ..................... 515,958,(04) 1926 ..................... . 608,4119.000 1931 .................... 584,407,000
19 13 ...................... 540.990.0(14) 1927 ...................... 687,023,0410 1932 ................... . 331,087,000
14 .....................
. 601,256.000 1928 . .............. ....... 718,896,000 1933 ................... . 232,548.000
1929 ..................... .868,012.000

The exports to the United States for the year 1922 show a marked decline compared with
1921, but from then on they show an upward trend, until by the year 1930 they amounted to
$515,000,000, this figure being only $27,000,000 less than for the year 1921. Total (loinestie
exports to the United States for the years ended March 31, 1921 to 1933 were as under:-

Fiscal Years $ Fiscal Years $ Fiscal Years $

1921 ...................... 542,323,000 1025 ..................... .417,417,000 1930 ................... .515,050.000

1922 ..................... .292,589,000 11126 ..................... .474,887,000 1031 ................... .340,861,000
1923 ...................... 369.080.000 1927 ..................... .460,423,000 1932 ................... .235,187,000
1924 ..................... 430.708.000 1928 ....... ............... 478)45,000 1935 ................... 143,160.000
1929 ....... ............... 499,612,000

An analysis of Canada's exports of wood products (chiefly raw and semi-manufactured)

paper (largely newsprint), and non-ferrous metals (principally raw and senii-manufactured) to
the United States, indicates that the increase in the exports of these products from 1921 to 1930
offsets the decrease in farm products to the United States during this period. From 1921 to
1930 tile decrease in the exports of farm products amounted to $98,000,000, while the exports of
wood products, paper, and non-ferrous metals increased $93,000,000. From 1921 to 1933 the
exports of domestic wood products, paper, and non-ferrous metals, and farm products to the
United States, were as follows:-

Yenre ended March 31— (2) Paper

Metals 1,2 and 3

$ 1 8 8 $

1921 ........................................... .143.293.000 72.170,000 30,030.000 245.483.000 100,790,000

. 61.481,000 14,687,000 162,402.((14) 73,044.000
1923 ........................................... .20,933,000 70,054,000 27,889,000 218,876.000 75,044,000
1924 ............................................ 139.564.000 90,204,000 43.432.000 273,200.000 83,484,000
192.5 ........................................... . 127.797,000 91.725,000 57,334,000 276,856.000 76,676.000
1926 ........................................... . 138,907.000 98,410,000 58.740.000 206.117,000 105,577,000
1927 ............................................ 131.1115.000 110.189,000 39.007.000 280,361,000 107,046.000
1928 ............................................ 117.971.000 120.200,000 44.114.000 282.294.000 120,553,000
1029 ........................................... 109. 400. WO 124,898,000 63,222.000 297.920.000 115.175.000
1030 ........................................... . 108.632.000 128,082,000 101,720,004) 338.443.04)0 92,134.000
1931 ............................................ 76.248.000 111,974.000 58,826.000 247,059.000 42.383,000
1932 ............................................ 49.925.000 90,007.000 36,176.000 176,202,000 17.918.000
1933 ......................... .................. .28,1)10,000 64,998.000 13.808,000 107.425,000 0,948,000

('anada, under the Underwood Tariff which was in force in the 'United States from October 3,
1913 to May 27, 1921, increased her domestic exports to the United States from 1913 to 1921
from $139,725,000 to $542,323,000, while the exports of farm products in 1921 totalled
$190,790,000. Under the Underwood Tariff SS'4 per cent of Canada's exports to the United
States in 1920 was allowed free entry; thus, insofar as Canada was concerned the TJnders'ood
Tariff was practically a free trade tariff. Under the Emergency Tariff, which was in force from
May 27, 1921, to September 21, 1922, and the Ford23ey-McCumber Tariff, from September 21,

1922, to 18, 1930, Canada's exports of farm products (chiefly raw materials) from 1921 to
1930, decreased from $190,790,000 to $92,134,000, and under the Hawley-$nloot Tariff, which
caine into force on June 15, 1930, and which was practically as prohibitive tariff in respect to farm
products, Canada's exports of farm products to the Ijuited States from 1930 to 1933 declined from
$92,134,000 to $6,948,000. The Vnited States under the Fordney-McCuntber and the Hawley-
Sinoot Tariffs placed a heavy duty on fish which seriously affected the iiiarket in the 'L'jiited
States for Canadian fish, and in June, 1932, a heavy duty was placed on softwood hiniber and
copper. The exports of lumber and copper from Canada to the United States for the period
July 1, 1932 to May 31, 1933, compared with a similar period last year, decreased as follows:-
Lumber from '185,027 M ft. to 139,7S2 M ft.; and Copper from 175,636,500 pounds to 22,245,600
The statistics in the following table showing Canada's exports of certain farm, fish, cohaper
and lumber products, to the United States, 1921 to 1933, indicate the extent to which the e.'ports
of these products to the lJriited States were affected by changes in the United States Tariff Acts
of 1921. 1922. 1930 and 1932.

A,nni.s, Livixo COmIS

Years ended March 31—
Cattle Horses Poultry Sheep In Ore Blister In farms
No, No. No. No. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt.
1921 .............................295.279 2.925 718,819 184,061 274.637 346.903 1,849
1922 ............................ .172,061 2,129 848,007 98.130 52.409 292,727 69
1923 ............................ .220,895 1,477 602,697 74,320 67,723 378.492 109
1924 ............................ 124,168 1,945 506,903 28.393 331,798 441,252 10
1925 ............................ .125.103 1.011 839,44)) 26,110 394,377 436.616 632
192(1 ............................. 171.633 691 982,952 32,577 460,676 515,500 50
1927 ............................ 155,707 704 856,003 19,341 507.048 468,606 -
1928 ............................ 283, 780 449 700.626 19,361 513,776 574,448 2
1929 ............................. 237.638 545 682.742 12.772 641,585 1,1(87,012 32
1930 ....... ......................236,332 672 OIa.65i 0,848 749.481 1.430.995 -
1931 .............................36.393 8,020 102.8(10 1,848 593,447 1,144,9112 1511.958
1932 ............................. 27.375 6.713 69,193 890 334.691 309,929 1,141.707
1933 ............................ .0,226 5.124 24,822 700 178.893 161.935 364,295
Fise Faun, Ga61N
Years ended Msrch 31:— in the Fresh Dried, Preserved A
ppi en, Apples.
Shell or Pickle:I or rena ri Barley
Frozen Smoked Canned
Dozen Cwt. Cwt. wt, BrI. Lb. Bush.
1921 ............................ ..191,258 1,101.557 410,115 77,591 48,107 125,756 304.878
1922 ............................ ..311,271 1,070.867 429,1(17 41,131 406,415 840,872 5,167
3923 ............................ 290.480 1,121,372 445.1:17 48,604 71.744 29.200 919,408
1924 ............................ ..141,370 1,1)80,031 315,15(1 53,084 54,042 36,500 102.117
162.5 ............................ 110,435 1,197,194 380,765 57,095 42.959 - 9,881
1926 ......... ................... ..
..62,865 1,054,841 381.054 46,252 26,362 - 4,790
1927 ......... ................... ..47,827 1,186,500 375.254 68,514 32.827 43 5,929
1929 ............................ 19,786 1.154.540 333.243 50.333 57,263 - 13.202
1929 ............................ ..5(143 1.284,991 375.421 57.277 48.005 - 67,816
1930 ............................ 61.051 1.149.430 331.99)) 50,460 111.007 90,209 68,425
1931 ............................ ..1,400 997,311 298.300 38,915 52,039 - 6:12,119
1932 ............................ 2.100 005,657 212.213 70.420 17.202 - 55,723
1933 ............................ 9.314 779,527 206.461 42.831 17,074 80 133
C hAm—Con. P,toouc'ra
Yeses ended March 31:—' lOran,
Beans Buckwheat Oats Pens Rye Wheat Shorts,
Bush. Bush. Buah Bush, Bush. Bush. Cwt.
1921 ............................ ...12,282 247,884 4,765,202 50,098 717,086 42.324,804 719,948
1522 ............................ ...4,390 138,922 3.217,419 175,175 103.831 10.282.797 054.829
1923 ............................ .. 74,877 214.801 842.931 192,935 441,229 16,213.629 1,725,033
1924 ............................ .. 2(1.938 392.811 1.001.365 143,416 916 21.228,507 2,304.520
1925 ............................ ...(4,521 528,831 4.488.24(1 190,824 3.784 5,418.5)6 3,366,222
11(26 ............................ .. 54,445 164.310 583,733 193,490 17.805 8,11(6.903 3,003,053
1627 ............................ .. 20,770 61,372 530,792 107,372 4,960 8.212.019 1,524.410
192$ ............................ . 118.735 83,013 876.284 129.854 1,522 7,503.661 1,829.215
1929 ............................ 44,324 59,051 31.662 35,358 - 10,834,834 3,562.618
1930 .......................... ... 218,277 155,505 53.888 2.5,538 42 6,604,009 1,6:14,712
1931 ........................... .. 23,956 448,399 817.414 6,550 63 10, 33 1,690 2,624,5:18
1932 ............................ 10,283 23,692 46,729 46,300 548 4,815,085 1,725,442
5633 ............................85 24.183 16,697 49.607 100 51,910 426,266


5TATES, 1921 TO 1933. AFFECTED BY UNITED STATES TARIFF ACTS OF 1921.1922.1930 AND 1932-Con.

Years ended March 31:- HAY
Wheat Dz1aa
Exports Fir Hemlock Pine Spruce

lIds. Ton M ft. 83 ft. 83 ft. M ft. 83 ft.

4921 ............................ 1.187.750 162,763 1,061,977 76,936 - 356,789 517.979
1922 ..........................570,567 19.435 033,882 71.405 25,648 263,093 514,371
1923 ............................ . 612,564 14.585 1.740.478 247.423 54.175 473, 174 855,742
1924 ............................. 221,641 291.027 1. 9.36, 756 263,364 68.158 431,648 862.644
1925... ......................... ..57,215 185.812 1.633.1)51 :127.757 82.781 352.048 736.987
1926 ............................ 13.417 314,295 1,834.81)7 382,881 69.740 409.000 807.599
1927 ............................ 11.639 283.402 1,725.628 373,024 80.171 394.423 7:17,791
129 ..........................7,111 95.826 1,563.653 366,134 81.886 332,929 659,207
1929.............................. 2,073 50,433 1.317.167 317,064 102.441 259,029 528.455
1(1311 ............................1,902 35,719 1.419.327 402.912 129.898 267,846 479.717
1934 .............................634
. 119,464 975,215 35(1.898 67.637 154,003 344,905
1(132........................... ..1,204 32.811 597,712 194,874 12.245 97,575 242.147
1(133 . .......................... ..1,662 9,851 232,845 23,454 2,160 63,241 122.223

MAPLE Pnoouc'xs Mg.trs

Years ended March 31:- Bacon Mutton
Sugar Syrup anLaIflI). . Pork.
Ha Freal Fresh' Dry-suited

J.b. Gal. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt.

11421 ... ........................ ...7,970.570 9.373 5,997 358,383 (42.421 0.338 394
1922 . ....................... ...2,052,774 2,739 1,404 216,478 69,988 7.146 600
1923 .......................... ... 2,6(15.561 5,019 1,680 182,640 35,022 5.486 -
1924.. ....................... ... 2,763,097 4,829 3,529 137,571 15,547 8,111 -
1923 ........................... ...3.114:1.743 6,2.37 9...2.5 96.028 1,487 66,084 369
192') .. ...................... ...4,523,615 7.287 12,3112 120,388 21.247 66,445 98
(927 ................. . ....... . 4.141,462 23.715 24,722 147,647 10.474 131,540 11(0
11126 ...
........................ ..6,500 519 13,572 42,868 495,063 15.622 83.053 33
17)79 ....................... ...... 7,6i)3.247 23,825 29,781 411,532 8,781 72.137 -
1(130 .............................12.477.894 7.808 20.046 258,285 3,084 30,938 8
111:11 ............. ............... ..6.369,187 113,995 11,624 29.233 12 7,455 32
1532 ............................ ..2,940,840 10.919 13,814 3,402 69 19,640 32
1033 ............................ ..3,144,600 10,839 12,685 3,052 - 14,507 3

Max Pooi-t-m
Years ended March 31:- Other
Butter Cheese Cream M '1 k, '111k
Pickled Meats Frest Preserved
Cwt, Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Gal. Gal. Cwt.
1921 ............................. 806 25.685 39,938 6,419 1.279,195 1,508.818 149.192
1922.............................331 11,806 30,329 29.608 1.671,878 1,391,299 48.947
1925 ...........................19 14,257 24,231 59,0213 1.712,241 856,039 73,342
1924 ... ....................... ..- 12,520 63.949 33.479 2.783.886 2.191.305 108,614
1925 ............................506 15,677 34,377 7,388 3.384,18(1 3,088,212 89,575
1926 ................ ........... ..- 20,204 17,774 1,958 4,120.181 4.598,11(9 99.890
1927 .......... ........... ..10,379 35.121 3.488 140,620 4,495,917 4,886.445 92.066
17)28 .... .................. ......10,009 43,000 2.661 125,335 4.016.961 3.1124,794 55,735
17)29.............................003 52,282 2,314 74,119 2,833...40 3.753,871 31.303
193)) ........................... 1,089 30,993 207 67,867 2.293.271) 3.090,754 18,636
...................... ..5,915 10,371 702 32,701 1,121,074 1,2(18,478 22,516
1932 ........................... ..5,909 3,114 6,736 15,747 65,814 362,794 5.902
1933 ........................... ..10,720 3.271 345 6,195 80,615 15,896 4,506

'1 ears ended SfarClI 31:- Cl Clover. TALLOW
Flasseed G Douglas
Aluike ad Seed Fir
Bush. Bush. Bush. Bush. Bush. Cwt. Sift,
1921 .............................82.091 2,149 59,284 1.352.815 81,130 18,512 3,723
1922........................... 121.357 7,620 100,127 3.617.101 83,475 35,653 3.171
1923 ..... ....................... . 106,717 652 56,270 2,494,068 56,730 14,092 7,641
1924 ..... ...................... .181,262 14,803 131.715 2.483,505 01.105 10,597 17,530
1925 ............................ . 163,865 31.548 142,479 2.1162,137 (10,280 18,360 15.981
1926 ............................ 198,185 64,197 158.258 5,378,435 31,316 13,601 12,671
1927 ............................ .74,517 88,082 168,570 2.664,070 64,156 10.694 13,001
1928............................ 124.455 17,175 81,072 2,170,090 70,391 30,262 91118
1928 ............................ . 55,1(72 3,501 77,365 3,027,155 102,942 30,619 8,859
19.30 ............................ 90,507 309 10,099 769,894 47.553 7,067 15,498
1931 .... ........................ .. 31,831 2.716 129 651,510 72,488 3,167 10,086
1932 ............................42 6,313 5 1.041,602 28,332 19,853 5.166
1933............................. 250 355 2 334,621 8,043 1,418 2,248
STATES, 1921 TO 1933, AFFECTED BY UNITED STATES TARIFF ACTS OF 1921, 1922, 1930 AND 1932—Cos.

Tinessa, SQcos.—Con. VEGETABLES, Finsn

Years ended, March 31:— RAW
Hardwood Pine Other Potatoes Turnips

M. ft. M. ft. B. ft. Bush. Ton Bush. Lb.

1,083 4,204,1184 11,502 1,758,538 7,128.085
1921 ............................. 299 77
10.481 1,648,803 1,011,270
1922 ............................. 1)15 - 1,256 1,822,004
1.842 771,638 11.430 2,010,918 8.614.t.08
1923 .............................. 22 53
10,7)12 2.742.765 5.261.it5
1924 ............................. 180 201 46,029 563.975
8,539 413,729 22,032 2,995,426 4,553,166
1925 ............................. 125 301
45.097 2,427.707 6.468,804
1926 ............................. 176 1,032 1,087 3,714,485
43 204 6.220,899 62,650 2,038,770 4,790,683
1927 ............................. 1 948
5,19:1,680 52,225 2,617,847 8,254.566
1928 .............................34 867 534
762 375 1.873.317 40,646 2.829,590 7.4,910
1929 .............................47 42.772 2,668,696 5,088.598
1930 .............................36 1,692 583 5.392,657
937 156 5.010,348 47,551 1,911,025 2,687,651
1931 .............................48 6,115 1,954,615 1,190,005
1932 ............................ . 62 356 69 2.949,377
190 774,821 9,911 1,937,288 465,416
1933 ............................. 79 166

Trade With Other Countries.—Thc British Preferential Tariff enacted in 1897, which
antecl a trade preference to the products and manufactures of the l.nited Kingdom and recip-
rocating Dominions and Possessions of 121 per cent froni April 23, 1897, which was increased
to 25 per cent from June 30, 1899, and to 331 per cent. from June 30, 1900, and the New Customs
Tariff Act, 1907, which conttnued the preferential policy; as well as trade treaties and agree-
ments, negotiated with British and Foreign Colwtries, have had the effect of stimulating (.'anada's
external trade. When the British preference became effective in 1897 Canada's total imI)orta
from the ITnited Kingdom in that year amounted to only $29,401,000, compared with an import
in 1887 valued itt $44,741,000, and in 1873 at $67,997,000, the decrease in 1S97 compared with
1S87, amounting to $15,310,000 and with 1873 to $38,590,000. From 1873 to 1897 imports
from the l'nited Kingdom decreased $38,596,000 or 56-7 per cent, while front 1897 to 1930 they
increased $159,779,000 or 543-4 per ccitt, hut since 1930 the imports have declineil year by year
until for the year 1933 the imports show an increase over the year 1897 of $56,953,000 or 1937
per cent. The British l'referential i'ariff was 110 doubt largely responsible for the increase in
imports from the I'nited Kingdom as well as from other parts of the Empire. By reference
to tue statistics in the following table giving "Trade of Canada with the British Empire and
Foreign Countries" it will he noted that in the fiscal year 1896, imports from ''Other British
Emnipire', i.e., British Empire, except the 1.11ited Kingdom, amounted to $2,389,000. in 1906
to $14.606.000, in 1916 to $27,826,000, in 1926 to $45,059,000, and in 1930 to $63,495,000, but
by 1933 they had decreased to $33,918,000; while diiniestic exports to the "Other British Expire"
in 1890 were vahied at $4,045,000, in 1906 at $10905000, in 1016 at $30,677,000, in 1926 at
$90,330,000, and in 1930 at $97,825,000, but by 1933 they were valoel at $37,758,000. Ihiring
the samma' wears the imports from ''I Ither Foreign Coucit rica''. i.e.. Foreign Countries, except
the l'nited States, were: in 1896, $16,619,006). in 1906, $30,691,000. in 1916, $32,091,000, in
1926, $109,890,000, and in 1930, $148, 1 7.i.0))0. litt in 1933 tlic' were $53,451,000, while doniestic
exports to ''tIther Foreign ('ountrics'' wert': iii 1)'96, $5,152,000. in 1906, $135160110, in 1916,
$57,974,000, in 1926, $241,800,000, and in 1930, $225,637,000, hut in 1933 they were $108,521,000.
From 1911 to 1930 imports from "Other British Enipire' increased from $19,533,000 to
$63,495,000 or 225-1 per cent, and front ''6 )ther Foreign ('ojuitries" from $47,433,000 to $148,-
157.000 or 212-4 per cent ; while domestic exports to ''Other British Empire'' increased from
$16.81 1,000 to $97,525,006) or 481 -9 per ccitt, and to 'Other Foreign ('omintries" from $21,233,000
to $225,637,000 or 962• 7 per cent. limiports froimi ''6 )ther British 1'mpire" in 1933 totalled
$33,918,000, and from "Other Foreign ('ounfries" $53,451,000; while domestic exports to ''Other
British Empire itmnominted to $37,758,000. and to ''()tlmcr Foreign Countries" to $108,521,000;
the increase over 1897 being:—lmports''Other British 1'mnpire" 73-6 per cent "Other Foreign
Countries'' 12-7 per cent; t)oinestic Exports:- ''6)) her British Emiipire" 124 6 per t'ent; ''6 )titer
Foreign Countries" 411-1 per cent. The decrease in the value of imports and exports in 3933
compared wit Ii the Past three or four wears was practically due to it serious decline in commodity
prices, which was world-wide. On it quantity basis, the decrease was not so marked, indicating
that it was largely a price and not a quantity decline.

The tendency of CaIa.da's trade, quite apart from the trade agreements, during the past
three or four years has been towards a greater exchange of conunodities with Empire countries.
The statistics in the folkwing table giving percentages of Canada'g trade with Empire and
foreign countries for a series of years indicate that the I)ropOrt.ion of Canada's iniports from
Empire countries from 1930 to 1933 increased from 203 to 29.6 per cent, and exports to from
340 to 46-9 per cent; while the proportion of imports from foreign countries decreased from
79-7 to 70.4 per cent, and exports to from (lb 0 to 53.1 per cent. During the same period the
proportion of Canada's imports from the United Kingdom increased from 15-2 to 21.3 per cent.,
and exports to from 25-2 to 38-9 per cent; while imports from the United States decreased
from 67 . 9 to 57 . 2 per cent, and exports to from 46-0 to 30 2 per cent.
With further reference to the trade of Canada with countries other than the United Kingdom
and the United States, attention is directed to Tables Nos. 10 to 36, pages 140 to 173, giving
the trade of Canada in leading commodities with SI British and Foreign Countries for the
fiscal years 1932 and 1933.
(Fiscal Years 1886, 1891, 1896, 1901, 1906, 1911, 1916, 1921 and 1926 to 1933)

Canadian Trade with-

Fiscal Years
United United Other Other Total Total
Kingdom States EritiIi Foremn Britih Foreign
Empire Countries Empire Countries

$ $ $ 8 8 8
1886 ....................... ..39,033.006
. 42,818,651 2,383,560 11,756,920 41,416,500 54,575,871
1891 .........................42,018,843 52,033.477 2.316,108 15,163,425 44,337,052 67,196,902
1896 ........................ .32,824.905 53,529,380 2.386,647 16.618,619 35,213, 152 70,148.009
1901 ........................ .42,820.334 107.377,906 3.832,894 23.899,785 46,653,228 131.277,691
1906 ........................ .66,183,915 169.256,452 14,605,519 30,684,394 83,780,434 199.850,846
1911 ........................ .09,934,753 275,824,265 19,532,894 47,432,691 129,467,817 323,256,956
1916 ........................ .77.404,361 170,880,549 27,825,016 32,090,698 105.229.977 4,971.197
1921 ........................ . 213,873,562 856,176,620 52,029,129 117,979.374 266,002,688 974,156.194
1926 ........................ .163.731,210 008,618.542 45,088,918 100,890,062 208,820,128 718,508,604
1927 .......... .............. . 163,939,065 687,022.521 50,129,473 129,801,446 214,068,539 816.823,967
1828 ....................... . 186,435,824 718,696.270 63,124,733 140,499,624 249,560,557 859,395,960
1929 ....................... ..194,041,381 868.012.229 63,346,829 140,278,652 257.388,210 1,008,290,881
1930 ....................... ..189,179,738 847,442,037 63.494,864 148.158,943 252,674,602 555,588,980
1931 ........................ 149,497.392 584,407.018 55.401,034 117,307,281 204.898,426 701,714,269
3932 ........................ ..106.371,779 351.688.775 41,440,214 79,005,136 147,811,993 430,691,911
1933 .................. ..... .. 86,353,691 232.548.055 33,918,218 53,451,365 120.271,01)0 285,999,420

S'rports (Canadinn,)-
1886 ........................ ..36.884,263 34,284.490 3,292,803 3.515,148 39,957,066 37,799,638
1891 ........................ ..43,243,784 37,743,420 3,893,419 3.791,105 47,137,20:) 41,534,525
1896 ....................... 62.717.941 37,789.461 4,048,198 5.192.185 66.760,1:10 42,941,669
1901 ........................ ..92,857.52.5 67,983,673 7.890,572 8,699,616 100,748,097 76,083,289
1906 ........................ ..127.456.465 83,546,306 10.064,757 13,516.428 138,421,222 97,062,734
1911 ....................... ...132,156.924 104.115,823 16,810,518 21,253,288 148,967,442 125,349.111
1916 ........................ ..451,852,390 201,106,488 30,677,334 57,974,417 482.929,7:13 259.050,905
1921 ........................ ..312.844,871 542.322.967 90.607.348 243.388.515 403,452.219 785.711.482
1926 ........................ ..508.237,560 474,987.367 90,330,435 241,800,429 598.567.995 716,787,796
1927 ........................ . 446,872,851 466,422,789 93.564,910 245,296,956 540,437,761 711.719,745
1928 ........................ . 410,691,392 478,145.383 88,264,515 251.228,053 498.975,907 729,373,436
1029 ........................ 429.730.485 499,612.145 106,258,803 328,106,2.19 535.989.208 827.720,384
1830 ........................ . 281,745,965 515.049.763 97.825,173 225,637,401 379,571,138 740.687,164
1931 ......... ......... ...... . 219,248.499 348,880,563 73.617.897 157,217,708 292.884,396 506,878,271
1932 ........................ . 174,943.725 235,186,674 44.912,662 122.201,241 218.956.387 357,387,915
1933 ....................... . 184,361.019 143.160,400 37.757,008 108.520.628 222.118,927 291,681.028
(Fiscal Years 1886, 1881, 1806, 1901, 1906, 1011, 1916, 1921 and 1926 to 1933)-Conalwied

Percentage or Canadiwi Trnda with-

Other Other Total Total
Fiacal Years United
Stales Emipire
Co untrie.4

British Foreign
Empire Countric I %
Impor#.a'- 12-2 43-2 SI',
1886 ........................ 40.7 446 2-6
39-8 61)
1891 ......................... 37 . 7 46-7 2-1 135
33.4 Is)-
1896 ......................... 3 12 50-8 22 158
213-3 73.7
1001 ......................... 241 603 22 12-4
109 29-5 7(1-5
19011 ........................ . 244 59.5 5'1
28-7 71-3
1911 ......................... 243 60-8 4.4 10-5
63 20-7 79.3
19111 .................. ...... ..15-2 730 5.5
21-5 78-5
1921 ......................... 173 680 42 9-5
22-5 77.5
19211 ........................ ..17-6 658 4.9 119
1927 ........................ ..13-S 666 49 12-0 20-8
1928 .......................... 168 649 5.7 12-6 22-S 77.5
11.1 20-3 79.7
1920 ........................ ..15-3 438-6 5-0
20.3 79.7
1931) ..........................152 679 5-1 118
22-6 77.4
11331 .......................... 16 - 5 645 6-1 129
1932 ....................... ..18-4 430-8 7-2 13-8 25-6
29-6 70-4
1933 ..........................213 57-2 83 132
Ezpots (Canadian)- 51-4 48-6
1553 ................... . ... . 47-2 44-1 4-2 4-5
1891 .............. . ......... . 48-8 426 44 42 53-2 46'S
11196 ........................ . 57-2 344 3'7 4-7 60-9 39-1
1901 ......................... 62-3 38-3 4-5 4.9 56.8 43-2
3906 ................ . ...... .. 54-2 35-5 413 5-8 58-8 41-3
1911 ......................... 48-2 38-0 6-1 7-7 54.3 45.7
1916 ........................ . 60.9 27-1 4-2 7.8 66-I 34.9
1921 ........................ 26-3 45-6 7-6 29.5 33.9 66-1
1926 ........................ .
18-7 36-1 6-9 18-3 45-8 54.4
1927 ........................ . 35-7 37-3 7-5 19-5 43-2 50-8
1928 ........................ . 33-4 38-9 7.2 20-5 40-6 59.4
1928 ........................ . 31-5 36-7 7-8 24-0 39.3 60-7
1930 ........................ . 25-2 46-0 8-8 20.0 34-0 06-0
1931 ........................ ..27-4 43-7 9-2 19-7 36-6 634
1932 ........................ 30-2 40-8 7-8 21-2 38-0 62-0
1933 ..........................38 - 0 30-2 6-0 22-6 40-13

The British Preference.-Since the inauguration of the British preference in 1 8, 97 statis-

giving the average ad valorem rate of duty on dutiable imports into Canada from the l,llitCd
Ji1lg1il)1n and the United States, respectively, have been frequently in use, the average rate
of duty being lower as a rule on dutiable imports from the United States than from the United
Kingdom. It must he remembered, however, in this connection that the dutiable imports
from the United Kingdom consist very largely of highly manufacttsred commodities, and
necessarily are subject to high rates of duty, whereas the dutiable imports from the United
States consist, in a large measure, of semi-manufactured commodities for further processing
in ('anadian industries, and consequently are admitted at reasonably low rates of duty.
Another factor in Canada's imports from the Vmte(l Kingdom, compared with those from
the United States, which affects the rates of duty for the two countries and which is frequently
ignored, is the trade of alcoholic liquors, which are imported in large volume from the United
Kingdom, but in very small volume from the United States. Imports of tobacco should also
l'o added, as in almost all countries alcoholic liquors and tobacco are subject to extraordinary
high rates of duty, the principle of tariff makers in dealing with these commodities bei,ng not
so much protection as the raisi,ng of revenue or the discouraging of consumptn. In recent
years the Canadian Government has considerably expanded the list of commodities which are
admitted free under the preferential tariff, but which are diitutble under the i,ntermediate and
general tariffs. In 1933 the imports from the United Kingdom free under the preferential
tariff were valued at $21.929,368. The statistics in the following tables present (1) Imports
without the adjustments of these items, and (2) Import.s with the adjustments. It will be noted
from statement No. 2 that the ad valorem rates of duty on dutiable imports from the United
Kingdom, alter adjustments have been made for the years 1922 to 1933, are lower than those
for the United States, and that the average ad valorem rates of duty for the United Kingdom
were: 1931, 15-65 per cent; 1932, IS-62 per cent; and 1933, 14-52 per cent; and for the United
States: 1931, 24-73 per cent; 1932, 27•45 per cent; and 1933, 28-06 per cent; indicating an
advantage to the United Kingdom under the preference of 9-OS per cent. in 1931; 8.83 per cent
in 1932; and 13-54 per cent in 1933.


(Years ended March 31, 1922 to 1933)

Canada's I)utiuble Import,s Canada'e Dutiable Imports Ad \tlloreflm
from United Kingdom from United States Rate on I)utjable
1-iscal Yeam Imports from

Value Duty Value Duty U.K. U.S.

$ $ $ $ % %
1922 ..... ............................... .......95.144,553 23,585,155 312,093,534 71,834,942 24-78 23-03
1923 ........................................ ..118,162,439 28,424,485 332,237,955 74,779,234 24-47 22.51
1924 ........................................ ..123,047,103 28,139,459 355,934,430 79.345,250 22-32 22.29
1925 ........................................ ..12.4,665,804 27,513,640 297,037,214 63,317,460 22-09 9310
1926 .......... .............................. .. 133,125,438 30.134,250 337,872,320 80,814,739 2264 23•91
1927 ........................................ 134.970.927 32.330,634 392,665,317 90,779,493 23-95 23-12
1928 ........................................ . 150,053,603 38,377,522 410,047,944 97.124,431 25-58 23-34
1920 ................... ..................... ...154,457,231 39,080,380 523.846,093 122,779,394 25-88 23-44
1930 ........................................ 148,643,048 37,846.167 523,299,322 122,122.853 25.46 23.34
1931 ........................................ . 108,570,362 29,264,637 359,640,701 89,157,323 26.95 2479
1932 ........................................ . 79,693,730 23.305,724 229,639,736 63.162.716 29-24 27-51,
1933 ........................................ . 5.5,864,053 14,342,623 143,813,884 40,411,877 25-77 2810

DII OR N OF U ( fib! IC BE\ LR GE'. A \ D I (ill t(C() I t T PLUS 1\1PO1{T FRI r OF Dt TY
(Years ended March 31, 1922 to 1933)

Canada's Imports Canada's Imports Ad \'aloremn
from United Kingdom from United Staten Ratoon Dutiable
Fiscal Years Imports from

Value Duty Value Duty U.K. U.S.

1 1 $ $ %%
1922 ........................................ 76, 178, 125 15,977,248 310,641.315 71,056,875 20.97 2298
1923 ....................................... .... 98,726,831 19,033.512 331.557.774 74.254.698 19-28 22-39
1924........................................ .. 98,240,653 19,107,658 355.602.796 79,034.573 17-65 22-23
1925 ........................................ ..109,077.778 19.275,978 286,837,836 66.092,666 17'67 23'04
1926 ........................................ ..112.153,950 19,513,817 337.745.276 80.564,888 17.39 5.3.85
1927 ........................................ ..112,317,706 20.002.688 392,414,228 90,502.549 17-89 23.06
1928 ........................................ . 115,245,088 19,874,228 415,776.746 96,82.5,728 17-24 23.29
1929. .......... ............................. ..124.284,349 20,665,148 523,564.068 122,449,986 13-33 23-39
1930. ....................................... 121,092,817 19,897.186 522,993,501 121,773.816 16-43 23•28
1931 ........................................ . 93,722,500 15,135,145 359,393,734 88,939,918 15.35 24.73
1932 ........................................ . 69,799,303 13,1)06.442 229.463,754 62,993,474 18-62 27-45
1933 ........................................ . 66.181,768 ((.309,757 143,707,562 40.326.933 .14-52 28-06

1931 1932 1933

Dutiable imports from United Kingdom --------- $ 78,434,058 $ 57,463,404 $ 44,252,420
Preferential free from United Kingdom .......... 18,288,442 12,313,899 21,929,368
Total ............... ..................... 8 96.722,500 8 69.799,303 $ 66.181.798


Relation Between Trade in Raw and Manufactured Products.—Canada was not

engaged to any great extent in manufacturing proeses for sonic ve:trs after Confederation,
and consequently her imports consiste(l very largely of manufactured goods and her exports of
raw and semi-manufactured products. Since the opening of the twentieth century, a eon-
spieuOUS change in the character of Canada's imports and exports has developed, a large per-
centage of the imports consisting of raw and semi-manufactured products for use in Canadian
manufacturing industries, and the exports consisting to a considerable degree of products which
have undergone some process of manufacture. Canada, during this period, has passed through
much the same stages of development in her economic life as did the I nited States from 1870
to 1900. From 1870 to 1900 the imports of raw materials into the rnited States increased
from 25-2 to 44-0 per cent of the total imports; and fully manufactured products decreased
from 62- 1 to 40.2 per cent; while exports of raw materials from the Viiited States during the
same interval decreased from 67.7 to 40.2 per cent of the total exports, and fully manufactured
products increased from 28-6 to 48-6 per cent. Statistics for 1932 show a further improvement,
though the percentage of imports of raw materials is less than for any year since 1921 and of
manufactured products more than for any year since 1921. (.'onipiired with 1900 the 1032
statistics show that imports of raw materials into the 'United States increase(1 from 44-0 per
cent to 44-3 per cent of the total imports, and exports decrca.sed from 40.2 to 34-6 per cent of
the total exports, whereas imports of fully manufactured products decreased from 40 -2 to 38.7
per cent and exports increased from 48-6 to 52-6 per cent. Compared with 1930 the inited
States statistics for 1932 indicate a decline in the percentage of raw materials imported, but an
increase in the percentage exported, a decrease in the percentage of semi-manufactured products
imported and exported, while the iiiiports of manufactured tiroducts in 1032 show an increase
over 1930, and the exports a decrease.
Canada, industrially, has not made as great progress as the United States and consequently
she has not increased imports of raw materials for manufacturing purposes, expanded exports of
manufactured and processed goods and curtailed imports of manufactured goods to the same
extent as the 'United States, yet she has made considerable progress in this respect. From
1914 to 1932 the percentage of imports of raw materials of the total imports increased from
21-8 to 25.1 per cent, while the exports of raw materials of the total domestic exports decreased
from 63•2 to 39-2 per cent. In 1932 the percentage of imports of raw materials of the total
imports was more than for the years 1929 to 1931 but less than for the years 1922 to 1928, while
the percentage of exports of raw materials of the total doniestie exports was the same as in 1931,
more than for the year 1930, though less than for any year from 1920 to 1929. Canada's imports
of fully manufactured products, from 1914 to 1932 decreased frorn S426,300,000 to $384,500,000
or 9-8 per cent, while the domestic exports of fully iiianufo't.utrcd pr(dlIctS dtring the suni e
period increased from $115,300,000 to $263,500,000 or 128-5 per cent. The percentage of the
imports of fully manufactured products, from 1914 to 1032 decreased from 68-9 per cent to
66-5 per cent, while the percentage of exports of fully inaiiufaeturcd goods increased from 26 -7
to 45-7 per cent. In 1932 the percentage of imports of fully manufactured products of the total
imports was greater than for any of the past twelve years, except for the years 1929, 1930, and
1931, while the percentage of exports of fully manufactured products of the total domestic ex-
ports was more than for any year since 1920. The decrease in the percentage of exports of
raw materials and the increase in the percentage of fully iniuiuifat-t.ured goods was attributable
to the drastic decline in conumnodity prices, the prices for raw materials, falling much more rapidly
than those for manufactured goods.
(Values in Millions of Dollars)

Raw Materials Partly Manufactured Goods Fully Manufactured Goods

Imports Domestic
Imports 'T" Imports D1mentic

%of of
% of Total % of Total % of Total
Value Total
Value Value Value Value Value
ports Eu' ports En- ports En-
ports ports ports


Years ended
June 30:
1900........... 430 249 70-1 415 18-3 106 29-8 17-7 111-4 645 68-9 40.8
1905............(142 25-6 79-5 41-6 23-7 9-5 34-8 18-2 164-1 65-0 76-6 40-2
Years ended
March 31:
1910 .......... .90-9
. 24-2 143-1 51-2 37-5 16-0 44.9 16-1 241-9 65-8 91-2 32-7
1914.......... .. 39-2 21-8 272-6 63-2 57-6 9-3 43-7 10-1 426-3 699 115-3 26.7
1920 .......... ..294-7 27-5 440-6 35-7 143-9 13-2 185-3 15-1 625-9 59-3 613-6 49-2
1921 ........ ... 310-3 24-9 524-1 44-2 151-4 11-7 193-6 111-6 778-5 634 471-4 39-2
1922 .......... - 216-4 28-9 329-4 44-5 71-8 9-6 107-2 14-5 469-5 61-5 303-6 41-0
1923 .......... - 228-0 28-4 416-3 44-7 77-8 0-7 150-9 16-2 496-7 61-9 364-2 39-1
1924 ----------- - 54-0 28-4 453-5 43-4 100-3 11-2 176-0 16-8 539-1 60-4 415-9 39.5
1925 .......... - -220-0 27-7 477-5 44-7 85-7 10-8 161-4 15-1 490-3 61-5 430-2 40-2
1926---------- - -255-9 27-6 620-0 47-1 93-1 100 189-2 14-4 578-3 62-4 506-1 38 -5.
1927. -----------263-9 25-6 578-4 46-2 104-7 10-1 183-3 14-6 602-3 64-3 490-4 39-2
1928 .......... - 283-8 25-6 580-0 47-2 1061 9-6 189-4 15-4 718-8 64-8 458-8 37.4
1929 .......... - 290-5 23-0 961-4 48-5 101-2 8-0 195-1 14-3 874-0 69-0 507-2 37-2
1930 .......... - 288-3 23-1 429-4 38-3 1)6-0 7-7 213-3 19-1 864-0 69-2 477-8 42-8
1931 .......... - 216-5 23-9 313-3 39-2 68-7 7-6 134-3 16-8 621-4 68-5 352-1 44-0
1932 ......... - 145-6 25-1 226-1 39-2 48-4 8-4 86-7 15-1 384-5 611-5 263-5 45-7

Years ended
June 30:
1900 .......... --374-2 44-0 551-1 40-2 134-2 15-8 153-3 11-2 341-5 40-2 666-3 48-6
1905- ......... - 535-3 47-9 690-3 39-6 177-8 15-8 209-9 14-1 104-4 36-2 691-5 46-3
1910 ......... - ---711-0 45-7 875-8 39-5 285-1 18-3 267-8 19-7 960-7 36-0 766-5 44-8
11114 ........ --- ---880-8 46-5 930-2 39-9 319-3 15-9 374-2 16-1 693-8 36-6 1.025-2 44-0
2920 .......... - 2,763-5 52-8 2,595-2 32-6 801-2 15-3 961-5 12-5 1,673-6 31-9 4,362-6 54-9
1921 .......... - -1,501-5 41-1 2,267-9 35-6 543-0 14-8 660-2 10-3 1,609-9 44-1 3,457-8 54-2
1922 .......... - -1,211-1 46-4 1,446-0 39-1 407-2 15-8 412-1 11-1 989-8 38-0 1.841-8 49-8
1923 .......... - - 1.828-3 48-3 1.412-0 36-3 711-4 18-8 487-0 12-5 1.243-6 32-9 L987-6 51-2
1024 .......... - -1,585-8 44-6 1.505-8 35-7 658-2 18-5 595-7 14-1 1,310-0 36-9 2,122-5 50-2
1925 ......... -- - 1,904-2 49-8 1,884-2 39-4 701-1 18-4 646-3 13-5 1.218-8 31-8 2,217-6 47-1
1926 .......... - -2.435-4 54-5 1,550-4 33-1 794-7 17-8 635-3 13-6 1,236-6 27-7 2,467-8 53-0
1927 .......... - -2,172-5 51-1 1.701-9 35-0 759-3 17-8 693-8 14-1 1,321-1 31-1 2,471-9 50-9
1928- ......... - 2,087-1 50-3 1,541-0 32-3 7461 18-0 713-6 14-8 1,312-3 33-7 2,517-7 52-8
11129 ......... -- 2,055-2 47-9 1.563-8 29-6 849-6 19•8 730-0 13-8 1.387-0 32-3 2.990-2 56.6
1930 .......... - 1.788-7 46-5 1.249-1 27-0 786-6 20-4 636-7 13-8 1,274-3 33-1 2-732-7 59-2
1931 .......... - 1,114-5 46-8 883-5 29-1 453-5 18-7 404-5 13-3 864-3 35-5 1,744-4 57-6
1932 .......... - 706Ij 44-3 661-1 34-9 17-0 243-5 12-8 669-5
295.61 38-7 1,004-5 52-6


In ('anacin, grains (chiefly wheat) and in the United States, raw cotton, grains (principally
wheat) and raw tobacco are the leading commodities which comprise the bulk of the exports of
raw materials. It is of interest to note the results in Canada and the United States when certain
staple raw materials, of farm origin, which are reproducible annually, are eliminated; such as
grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and raw tobacco, for 1)0th countrieS, as also raw cotton
icr the United States. The results, for the years 1900 to 1932, are set forth in the following table:-


(Values in Millions of Dollars)

Carntda's Exports of Ilaw Materials United States Exports of Raw Materials

Grains, fresh Grains, fresh

Other raw fruit and veg- Other raw
fruits andveg.. materials
nuiterialu ,'tlles. see,.le cotton
ettl', seeds
and raw tobacco and raw tobacen
Fiscal Years

of of of
or %of
Value Total Value 'i'otal
Value 'I'caal Value Total Value Total
Exports Exports Exports
Exports Exports

288 2200 166 241'8 17 82-7 6-0

127 485
1000 ................................216
31-6 1011 68 3814 255 1078 7.3
10-0 00-4
1905 ................................ 19-I
27.0 130-0 7-6 450 , 5 26-4 9.53 5-1
24-2 755
1910 ...............................676
230 178.3 76 6105 26.2 1414 6-1
1014 ............................. ... 160-6
15-9 806-5 10.2 1.3817 17-3 407-0 51
1020 .............................. . 243-8 19.8 1968
13-1 1,165-4 18-2 600-2 9'4 5023 7-1
369-9 31-1 154-2
1921 .............................. .

12.7 650-0 17-6 5064 16.1 109-0 5

235-7 31-8 937
1922 ............................. .

12-1 5218 13-4 0590 16-9 231-2 6-(

303-3 32-0 113-0
1023 ............................. .

13-3 352-9 8-4 904-0 21-4 248-9 5-1

.. 314-2 30-1 139-3
1924 .............................
505-6 12-4 1.0610 22.2 227-6 4-1
316-4 29.6 161-I 151
1825 ............................. .

12-6 398-8 8-6 917-7 19-8 233-9 5

34-5 165-7
1928 .............................. 453.3
10-2 8660 178 333'9 71
33-8 155-8 12-4 5011
1927 ................................ 422-6
13-5 491-4 10-3 8205 17-2 229-1 4-
33-7 165-6
1929 ............................... 414-4
165-9 12-2 473-8 8-9 868-2 165 221-9
1929 ............................. ..495.5 36-3
15-5 370-2 8-0 671-2 14-5 207-7 4•
..255-0 22-8 173-5
1930 ......................... ....
113-7 13-1 304-3 10-0 424-6 14-0 154-6
159-6 25-0
1931 ............... . ............. .

13-7 2037 111-7 3303 17-8 118-1 6-

1932 ............................ 147-4 25-li 78-7

According to the statistics in the above table Canadian and the United States exports of
"Other raw materials," from 190) to 1932 (i.e., total exports of raw materials less certain raw
materials which are reproducible annually), increased as follows: Canada from S48,500,000 to
$78,700,000, or 623 per cent,, and the United States from 82,700,tXX) to I119,100,000. or 44-0
the ease of Canada the percentage of the exports of 'Other raw materials" of
per cent. In
the total domestic exports, from 190(3 to 1932, decreased from 288 to 13-7 per cent and in the
case of the United States increased from 6-0 to 62 per tent.
It will be observed from the statistics in the following table, showing '('anada's Imports
and Exports by Leading ( 'ountries, according to Degree of Manufacture," fiscal year 1933,
that Canada's imports from those countries with highly developed manufacturing industries
consist of manufactured products, and her exports to those countries are made up largely of
raw and semi-manufacttire(l products; while on the other hand Canada's trade with cowttries
whose industries are not so highly developed consist chiefly, in the case of imports, of raw and
semi-manufactured products and in the case of exports, of manufactured products.
(Year ended March 31, 1933)
NOTe. Values in Thousands of Dollars

Import. Exports (Domeetic)

Raw Partly Fully Raw Partly Fully

Countries Materials Manufactured Manufactured Materials Manufactured Manufactured

Value %of Value V.I. Value

Total 'tel Value Value Total

Austria ......... ..11 6-1 169 93-I 7 1000
Belgium 143 3-9 252 6-9 3,248 89.2 12,346 852 1,018 70 1,127 78
slovakia 51 2-11 32 1-8 1,686 95-3 ....8 71 104 92-9
Denmark 35 27-lI 34) 28-3 56 44-1 1,709 63-4 73 2-7 912 330
Estonia ......... ........I 100-9
Finland 14 25-9 ... 40 74-1 .....263 100-0
France.. ........ ..28.1 3-7 275 3-5 7.154 92 10.337 812 1.681 13-2 712 5-8
Germany 734 8-1 262 2-9 8.093 89- 6.688 83-0 797 99 572 7-1
Greece 3 67 18 40.0 24 53-3 337 98-5 ......4 1-5
Irish F. State,
I 4.2 ..... 23
222 .....28
95-8 . .......2
77-8 600
8 26-7 137 6-1 1,514) 17-2
Italy ........... ..571 20-4 141 5-0 2,094 74-11 2,482 80-2 834 20-2 810 19-6
Malta ........... ..........3 29 98 147-1
Netherlands 728 106 62 1-7 2,926 787 13.944 84-7 1.551 9-4 963 5-9
Norway 3 0-7 30 6-6 420 92-7 2.743 74-2 160 4-3 792 21-5
Poland-Danzig 23 27-1 1 1-2 61 117 9 29-0 12 38-7 10 32-3
Portugal 1 0-ti . ..174 149-4 98 69-5 .....43 30-5
Roumania ...... ......S 100- ......58 100-0
(U.S.S.R.) 530 98-3 . .. 11) 1-7 811 45-4. 56 3-2 909 51-2
Spain ........... .. 189 14-5 138 11-9 854 73-8 751 30-2 9 0-4 1,722 69-4
Sweden 55 7-8 65 9-3 584 82-1 1,630 Ill-S 374 14-2 632 24-0
Switzerland 50 2-1 .5 0-2 2,344 97- 8 3-8 8 38 196 142-4
Kingdom 11,496 13-2 4,328 5-0 70.619 81-1 109,072 59-2 19.400 10-6 55,799 30-2
Other Europe.. 10 810 3 2-0 138 92-4 5 9-8 18 W. 28 64-9
Total Europe... 14,819 122 5.659 4-7 100,749 831 163.570 63-6 26,229 10-2 67,274 20-2

Alaska 18 47-4 1 2-6 19 50- 88 509 1 0-6 84 485
Elermuda 139 76-0 1 0-5 43 23-5 470 29-6 51 3-2 1,060 67-2
Hr. Iloncjuras,,, 43 86-0 1 2-0 6 12- 6 0-9 8 1-2 652 979
Hr. W. Indies-
Barbados ..... ..3 (1-1 1,651 57-8 1,203 42-1 59 5-6 177 16-9 814 77-5
Jamaica 2,129 641-6 986 30-9 79 2-5 65 2-6 50 21 2.315 9.5-3
Tobago 1.103 45-4 1.285 52-9 40 1-7 1041 6-0 85 4-8 1.582 89-2
Other B.W.L. 398 32-2 587 47-5 251 20-3 49 2-9 65 3-8 1.599 93-3
Costa Rica. 43 100-0 ..............1 2-2 45 97-8
Cuba ........... ..276 39-1 366 51-8 64 9-1 3.53 42-5 3.5 4-2 442 53-3
DutchW. Indies 335 21.5 .......1.223 78-5 ..........71 100-0
W. Indies ..... ........ ..5 314 36 27-9 88 68-2
Guateniala 15 100-0 ..........4 4-3 ......88 95-7
Hayti..............4 5-2 73 94-8
Honduran 1 100-0 ..............1 0-9 108 99-1
Mexico............ 811 92-2 .......69 7- 1 0-1 48 3-6 1,262 96-3
Newfoundland 154 28-3 41 7-5 3.50 64- 1,374 24-4 37 0-7 4.233 74-9
Nicaragua.......... 1 100-0. ............19 100.0
Panama 3 100-0 ..........6 4-4 23 20-4 85 75-2
Puerto Rico..., 1 1014-0 ..........3 1-1 ......266 08-9
St.. Picrre-Miq 3 3-5 ....... 84 96-5 133 1-7 20 0-3 7.441 98-I)
Salvador............13 10)1-0
San Domingo...... 101 100-0 .....2 1-1 6 3-3 173 05-6
United States... 83,575 35-9 11.318 4-9 131.655 59' 28,458 164-9 29,788 20-8 84.915 59-3
Other North
America 2 50.0 2 50- ......2 33-3 4 68-7
Total North
America ...... . 89,952 36-1 16.339 0-6 141.088 57-3 31,181 18-5 30,438 18-0 107,437 03-5
MA N UFACTU RE-C'oncluded

Imports Exports (Domestic)

Raw Partly Fully Raw Partly Fully

Countries Materials Manulaetured Manufactured Materials Manulactured Manufactured

Value Value Value Vnluo Value , Value

, . Total

Argentina....... 454 55.2 ....101 3.3 127 51 2,299
44.1 94 918
Bolivia........ 83.1 .. II 51 169
Brazil.......... 532 992 .....58 0-ti 253 181 1,133
98 8 81-3
Br. Gui'ina..... 32 14 2.145 933 123 12-1 32 40 5.31377 96 839
Cliik. .......... 17 77.3 2 91 3 ill I 02130 Ill 21 842
Colombia ....... 3.385 100.0 ....I 221 2 0-5 3W 86 774
Dutch Guiana.. 41 1000
Ecuador........ 3 . ...2 40t.. 9 37.5 IS 025
Paraguay....... 2 1000
Peru............ 2.573 100-0 ..... 302 419 139 193 28tt 388
Uruguay........ 5 71.4 . . . . 2 28'i.. J7 239 55 764
Venezuela....... 862 100.0 ..... 12 34 340 0136
Other South
America...... 47 100.0

Total South
America...... 7.883 74.2 2,147 20-2 590 56 653 10.0 592 90 5.318 810

Br. India...... 390 7.5 fl 05 3765 920 4 0-2 1,415 58.6 1(95 412
Br. Str. Sett... 78 202 51 13-2 258 116-li 7 1.8 1 03 381 979
Ceylon......... 58 54 51 47 972 89-It I 16 ...(12 98-4
China......... 713 463 129 8•0 734 457 3.867 504 2.184 285 1.1318 211
Dutch K. ladie 176 782 4 1.8 45 20-0 2 0.7 6 2-0 265 973
Hong Kong.... 243 47I .... 272 52-9 64 60 84 79 914 86-1
Iraq........... 156 100-0 1 25-0 3 7540
Jnp, in.......... 1.293 33.5 132 34 2,438 63-I 3,956 383 4,045 39-6 2.287 221
Palt, tine....... 70 642 ....39 358 I 2-9 5 14-3 29 82-8
J't'rsia......... 72 lOot.. 2 40-0 3 60-0
Philippines..... 18 11.6 121 800 13 84 5 1-4 ....342 986
Siam........... I 25-0 3 759
Syria.......... 2 400 ....3 60-I.. 10 38-5 Iii 61-5
Turkey........ 171 100-I.... 32 100-0
Other Ania..... 7 77.7 ....2 22-3 .... 25 100-0

Total Asia. 2.991 24-1 513 41 8,937 71l 7.907 34.9 7.794 34.3 0,995 30-8

Awtralia....... 275 4-7 2.181 36-9 3.446 58-1 242 33 1.449 19-8 5,622 76-9
Fiji............. I (I-I 2,210 99-6 7 0-3 I 1-I) 27 20-7 73 72-3
Hawaii......... 32 76-2 1 2-4 9 211 18 4.1 .... 416 959
New Zealand... 593 60-1 230 23-7 157 16- 222 6'1 39 I-I 3,347 92-8
Other Oceania.. I 0-I 15 1-7 893 98•2

Total Oceania.. 891 0-8 4,622 50-8 3,619 39'6 484 3.9 1,530 12-4 10,351 937

Br. E. Africa... 683 94-2 0-32 40 5.5 1 (1-2 ......4tt8 99.9
Br. S. Africa.... 1.767 36-0 3,078
62-7 62 1-3 398 100 97 2-4 3.507 87-11
Br. W. Africa... 139 82-2 17-S ....31
30 102 2 07 270 89-1
Canary Lqlanda. 11 100- ..........14 100-0
Egypt.......... 403 988 3 0-8 2 0.4 88 47-3 2 1-1 116 518
French Africa... 9 17.3 3 5-8 40 76- 59 64-8 ..... 32 35-2
Morocco........ 79 1000 ......... 2 1-2 ..... 150 98-8
Africa........ 1 100-0 .........3 0-3 9 I-I 830 988
Other Africa.... 9 511-2 5 31-3 2 I25 .........39 100-0
Total Africa.... 118. 729
3.090 48.5 3121 499 157 2 582 96 110 1-8 5.355 88-6

Grand Total....' H01 79 255,140 62 204 fl 43 6693 UI 0 42-8


A further analysis of the statistics in the foregoing table, relative to Canada's imports and
exports according to degree of manufacture, indicates: (1) that 83-1 per cent of Canada's imports
from Europe in 1933 consisted of fully manufactured goods, 12.2 per cent of raw materials and
4-7 per cent of semi-manufactured products; while 6.3-6 per cent of her exports to Europe was
made up of raw materials, 20-2 per cent of fully manufactured goods and 10-2 per cent of
semi-manufactured products; the proportion of the trade with the United Kingdom being, im-
ports: fully manufactured goods 81-8 per cent, raw materials 13.2 per cent; and semi-manufactured
products 5.0 per cent; and exports: raw materials 59-2 per cent, fully manufactured goods 30-2
per cent and semi-manufactured products 10-0 per cent; (2) that 573 per cent of the imports
from North America consisted of fully manufactured goods, 36-1 per cent of raw materials and
6-6 per cent of semi-manufactured products; while 63.5 per cent of the exports to North America
comprised fully manufactured goods, 18-5 per cent raw materials, and 18-0 per cent semi-manu-
factured products; the proportion of the trade with the United States being, imports: fully manu-
factured goods 59.2 per cent, raw materials 35-9 per cent, and semi-manufactured products 4-9
per cent; and exports: fully manufactured goods 59-3 per cent, semi-manufactured products 20-8
per cent, and raw materials 199 per cent; (3) that 74-2 per cent of the imports from South Ame-
rica was made up of raw materials. 20-2 per cent of send-manufactured products, and 5-6 per cent
of fullmanufactured goods, while 81-0 per cent of the exports to that continent consisted of fully
manufactured goods, 10-0 per cent of raw materials and 9-0 per cent of semi-manufactured pro-
ducts; (4) that 71-8 per cent of the imports from Asia were fully manufactured goods, 24-1 per
cent raw materials and 4-1 per cent semi-manufactured products; while 34-9 per cent of the
exports to Asia consisted of raw materials, 343 per cent of semi-manufactured l)roducts, and
30-8 per cent of manufactured goods; (5) that the proportion of the trade of Oceania was: imports
semi-manufactured products, 506 per cent, fully manufactured goods; 39-6 per cent, and raw
materials 9-8 per cent; and exports: fully mariifactured goods 83-7 per cent, semi-manufactured
products 12-4 per cent, and raw materials 3-9 per cent; and (6) that the proportion of the imports
from Africa was: semi-manufactured products 49.0 per cent, raw materials 48•5 per cent, and
fully manufactured goods 2-5 per cent; while the proportion of the exports to Africa was: fully
manufactured goods 88-6 per cent, raw materials 9-6 per cent, and semi-manufactured pro-
ducts 1-8 per cent.

The following table shows how Canada's imports and exports, analysed into the three
categories of raw materials, semi-manufactured products, and fully or chiefly manufactured
goods, are distributed among the United Kingdom, other British Empire countries, the United
States and other foreign countries:-
CANADA'S I1PoRDS AND ExpoRTs. AoronDnqo ro Doasa or MAN UThCTtEE, 1928 to 1933. DISTINOVISNING

Raw Partly Fully

Materials Manufaetured Manuiatured

Value Value Value Of

Thousand Thousand Thousand

imporla 8 8 $

British Empire ..................................... 1)418 25,128 101 37,899 150 186,598 749
1929 22,581 8.9 34,609 134 200,229 77-7
1930 23,584 9-3 28586 11-3 200.533 79-4
1931 20,815 10-1 27,215 13-3 156,868 76-6
1932 10.735 11-3 24,266 16-4 106.811 72-3
1933 19.022 16-3 18,893 12-7 81.765 680
United Kingdom................................ 1928 13,617 7-3 0,162 4-6 163,657 88-1
1929 11,117 5-8 9,941 5-1 172,963 89-1
1930 11,279 5-9 8,633 4-6 189,268 89-5
1931 10,886 7-3 4,759 3-2 133,852 89-5
1932 8.352 7-9 4,188 3-9 93.832 88-2
1933 11.406 13-2 4,328 5-0 70,678 81-8
Other British Empire ........................... 1928 11,511 18-2 28.737 45-5 22,874 36-3
1929 11,464 18-1 24,668 38-9 27,2151 43-0
1930 12,300 19-4 18,953 31-4 31.242 49-2
1931 9,929 17-9 22,456 40-5 22,010 41-6
1932 8,323 20-2 20.076 48-5 12.076 31-3
3933 8.216 24-2 14,557 429 11.145 32-9
Foreign Countries ................................... 1928 258.679 30-1 68,422 8-0 552,227 63-9
1929 287.904 26-8 66,618 6-6 873,737 66-8
1930 264.693 26-6 67,384 6-7 663.493 66-7
1911 195,692 27-9 41,443 5-9 464,579 66-2
11132 128,808 29-9 24.126 5-6 277,6(18 64-5
1933 99.308 34-7 13,516 4-7 173.375 60-6
United States...................................1928 221,361 30-8 51,484 7-3 446.053 61-9
1929 233,999 27-0 57,307 6-6 576.620 68-4
1930 225,151 26-8 56,930 6-7 565,332 66-7
1931 162.191 27-8 35,525 6-1 386,691 66-1
1932 108.279 30-8 15.919 5-7 222.489 63-5
1932 83.575 35-9 11.319 4-9 137.655 592
Other Foreign Countriee ......................... 1928 37.319 28-8 16,938 12-0 86,243 61-4
1929 33,905 24-2 9,232 6-6 97,142 69-2
1930 39.54 26-7 10,425 7-0 98.195 66-3
1931 33,501 28-8 5,510 5-0 77,888 08-4
1932 20.589 26-1 4.2647 5-3 54.21)9 68-8
1033 12.533 28-1 2,108 4,1 35,7242 60-8
Ezporti (Domes2k)
British Empire.....................................1928 300-849 60-3 29,817 5-9 368,900 33-8
1929 324,682 60-6 27,321 5-1 194.124 34-3
1930 182.825 48-1 29.843 7-9 166,982 44-0
1933 140,82,4 48-1 24,861 8-5 127.149 43-4
1032 103,750 47-4 20.576 ('4 94.589 432
1933 112.872 50-8 23.254 105 05.992 39-7
United Kingdom ................................1928 293.46)) 71-4 22.708 5-5 54.524 23-1
1929 314.037 73-1 22.058 5-1 95.596 21-5
1930 175,773 62-4 22.362 7-9 83,811 29-7
1933 135.340 60-8 30.386 8-9 641-514 50-3
1932 92.166 55-8 16.696 9-41 644.182 34-13
1933 109.077 59-2 19.489 10-5 55.800 30-3
Other British Empire...........................1928 7,389 8-4 7105 80 73.788 836
1929 10,645 10-0 5.223 4-9 90,3(10 85-1
1930 7,1152 7-2 7,483 76 83.290 85-2
1931 7.508 10-2 5.475 7-4 60.035 82-4
1932 6.624 14-8 3,88(1 8-6 34.408 76-6
1933 3.801 10-1 3,705 30-0 30.192 79-9
Foreign Countries...................................1928 279,322 38-3 159,564 21-0 290,197 39-5
1929 336,713 40-7 167.022 20-3 323.047 39-0
1930 246,529 33-3 103,419 24-8 310.660 41-9
1933 171,521 32-2 109.458 23-2 225,899 44-6
1952 122.388 34-2 06.084 18-6 168,916 47-3
1933 91.503 38-4 43,440 17-2 316,738 40-4
United States ................................... 1928 153.418 32-1 123.519 25-8 201,209 42-1
1929 163.403 30-7 129,274 25-9 216,936 43-4
1930 160,255 31-1 144,016 28-0 210.779 40-9
1931 99,282 26-1 89,362 27-9 161,036 46-0
1932 58.812 250 48,511 20-6 127,864 54-4
1933 28.458 19-9 29,788 20-8 84.934 59-3
Other Foreign Countries.........................1928 125,904 50-1 36,043 14-3 82.279 35-0
1929 123.331) 55-9 38,548 11-8 106,248 32-3
1930 86,274 38-2 39.403 37-5 90,9640 443
1933 72,239 45-9 20,097 12-8 64,883 41-3
1932 63.570 52-0 17.573 14-4 41.052 33-6
1933 63.045 28-1 13.1)52 12-6 31.824 29-3

Seasonal Fluctuations.—The seasonal movement of Canada's external trade during the

fiscal year 1933 presents no abnormal tendencies except a general decrease in each month compared
with 1927-28 to 1931-32. except for the month of October in exports, reflecting the general world
depression and decline in eornmodify prices. The table of Canada's Monthly Imports and
Exports" indicates that the imports for the summer and early fall months are usually greater
than for the other months of the year, except the month of March. In 1932-33 the imports
showed the usual seasonal trend, reaching the highest peak during the spring and summer months,
dcclinrng slightly in September, with an upward trend in October and November, followed by the
usual slump during the winter months. Exports, however, as a result of the influence of agri-
cultural products, especially wheat, reach a low point during the summer months, rise to a peak
during the autumn, gradually decline (luring the winter months, and with the opening of navi-
gation on the St. Lawrence in the spring, show an upward tendency. The monthly variations,
however, are not so marked as the lack of direct. shipping facilities via the St. Lawrence in winter
would indicate. The very large increase in recent years of the exports of pulp and paper and
other manufactured products, the export of which is not seasonal but almost constant, has had
the effect of reducing the proportionate seasonal fluctuations of Canada's total exports. The
trade figures for March in each year are usually greater for imports than for any other month,
while in the case of exports they are not, as a rule, as large as those for the spring and fall months,
when large quantities of grains, especially wheat, are being shipped. The totals for March are
alys greater than those for April. March figures must include all entries at all ports to the
close of the fiscal year (March 31). In all other months the records are closed at Ottawa on the
last day of the month. Late import and export entries (which in the case of the great, but
distant, port of Vancouver, may cover a week or ten days' business at the end of each month)
are regularly included in totals for the succeeding month. April totals include nothing for
March, while they are short some amounts carried forward into May.


(\'alues in Millions of Dollars)

Imports 1 Exports (Canadian)

Months -- --
1927-8 1928-9 1929-30 1930-1 1931-2 1932-3 1927-8 1928-9 1929-30 1930-1 1931-2 19324

.... 74-3
ApiI .......... 78-5 97-9 714 .51-2 29 77-3 590 65-7 50-7 33-9 269
May ....... ....54-4 113-6 125-6 1015 73-5 44.4 108-8 118-0 107-5 77-3 $9-8 40-5
June........... ..101-0 11017 111-9 91-5 325 40.7 103-7 107-1 112-2 78-7 54-4 40-9
July ............ .96-0 103-4 114-2 84-6 48-4 35.7 794 125-5 102-2 70-4 49-6 42-3
August ........ ..99-3

114-2 111-6 77-9 47-3 36-5 94-2 1125 90-3 69-3 48-8 41-3
September 91-8 108-1 99-4 87-9 404 34-5 974 1008 87-8 810 490 422
October 93-9 119-3 116-3 78-4 45-8 37.7 103-0 141-8 119-3 82-8 35-5 56-6
November 94-3 103-0 108-7 76-3 46-0 37.8 153-I 1670 Ill-I 73-I 57-5 45-9
December 83-3 94-6 84-4 60-3 40-3 29- 130-3 1308 88-5 66-8 53-3 426
January ......... .79-5 97-0 84-7 50-4 34-1 24-4 82-6 94-9 73-5 44-6 38-4 31-6
February 86-0 97-0 80-9 51-0 356 235 8816 82-9 66-7 43-9 36-4 26-4
March .......... .20-3 135-3 113-0 75-4 57-4 32-9 106-9 114-8 896 55.0 39.7 36-6

Trade by Continents.—During the year ended March 31, 1933, Canada sold more goods
to Europe than to any other continent, her sales ahllounting to $257,100,000, compared with
$169,000,000 to the continent of North America, while her purchases front the North Anierican
continent amounted to $216,400,000, contrasted with purchases from Europe valued at $121,-
300,000. During 1932 and 1933 the continents of Europe and North America took 89-9 per
cent of the Dominion's total domestic exports, compared with 89-1 per cent in 192$. The
proportion of the products shipped to Europe in 1933 was 54-2 per cent, compared with 43.6
per cent in 1932, and 46-9 per cent in 1928, while the proport.ion sent to North America in 1933
was 35-7 per cent, compared with 46-3 per cent in 1932 and 42-2 per cent in 1928. From 1928
to 1933 the proportion of Canada's domestic exports to the ITnited Kingdom increased from
33.4 to 38-9 per cent, and to other Europe from 13-5 to 15-3 per cent; while the proportion
exported to the ITmted States decreased from 38.9 to 30-2 per cent., and to other North America
increased from 3-3 to 5-5 per cent.. The continents of North America and Europe in 1933
furnished Canada with 90-5 per cent of her total imports, compared with 90-9 per cent in 1932

and 92-2 per rent in 1928. The proportion of goods received from North America in 1933
- was 60-6 per cent compared with 63-8 per cent in 1932 and 67-7 per cent in 1928, while the
proportion received from Europe was 29-9 per rent in 1933, 27.1 per cent. in 1932, and 24-5
per cent in 1928. 1"roni 1928 to 1933 the prprtion of ('anada's imports furnished by the
United States decreased front 649 to 57.2 per cent, and from other North America increased
from 2-8 to 3.4 per cent; while the proportion furnished by the Litiled Kingdom increased from
16-8 to 21-3 per cent, and from other Europe from 7-7 to 8. 6 per tent. Canada's sales in I
to every continent were less than for anyear from 1928 to 1932, except to Oceania, the s
being greater t.haii in 1932; while her purchases from every continent in 1933 were less than
any year from 1928 to 1932, except from Africa, the inirritasus in 1933 heing less than for
years 1931 and 1932, but greater than for the years 1928. 1929 and 1930. From 1928 to 1933
Canada's imports from South America decreased from $32,400,000 to $10,600,000; from Asia
from $32,400,00() to $12,400,000; from Oceania from $18,300,000 to $9,100,000; while imports
from Africa increased from $4,000,000 to $6,400,000; whereas domestic exports to South America
decreased from $27,400,000 to $6,600,000; to Asia from $65,800,000 to $22,700,000; to oceania
from $26,300,00() to $12,400,000; and to Africa from $14,900,000 to $6,000,000. For further
details respecting Canada's trade, by continents, 1928 to 1933, see statistics in the following


(With proportion of Trade with each Continent)

Values in Millions of Dollars I Per Cent of Total


1928 1929


United Kingdom ........ 1859 194-0 59•2 149-5 106-4 96-4 16-8 15-3 152 16-5 18-4 21-3
Other Europe ........... 85-8 92-7 957 74.7 50-8 349 77 7-3 7-6 8-2 8-7 8-6

North America-
United States ........... 719-1 868'1 847-4 584-4 351-7 232-5 04-9 95.8 879 643 608 57-2
Otla'r North America. 30-6 26-2 24-0 2:1-4 17-6 13-9 2-8 2-1 1-9 26 3-0 3-4
South Aracrica ............ 324 26-5 31-9 25-8 17-3 106 2-9 2-1 2-6 2-9 3-0 2-6
Asia ................... 32-4 3315 31-1 27-7 18-8 12-4 29 26 2-3 3-0 3.3 3-1
Oceania ....... ............ 18-3 22-5 24-5 14-4 9-5 9-1 1-6 1-1 1-9 1-6 1-7 2-2
Africa .......... .......... 4-0 2-2 45 6-9 0-6 6-4 04 02 0-4 0-7 1-1 1-6

Total Imports.... 1.108.91 1.26571 1.24831 906.8 1 578.51 40621 106.01 100.01 10001 100.01 100.01 100-0


United Kingdom .......... .. 410-7 429-7 281-7 219-2 174-0 184-4 33-4 31-5 25-2 27-4 30-2 38-9
Other Europe ............. - -104-I 213-I 125-9 90-0 77-2 727 13-5 15-6 11-2 11-3 13-4 15-3

North America-
Unimd States. ... . ........ .. 4780 500-2 515-0 349-6 2352 143-1 38-9 36-7 48-0 43-7 40-8 30-2
Other North America 41-0 42-9 40-2 45-8 31-6 25-9 3-3 3-1 4-1 5-7 5-5 5-5
South Aiiierica .............. -- 27-4 32-6 34-7 20-6 8-9 6-6 2-2 2-4 3-I 2-6 I-S 1-4
Asia. ....................... ..658 87-2 03-I 39-4 28-3 22-7 5-4 8-4 3-6 4-9 4.9 4-8
Oceania .................... - -26-3 37-6 38-I 20-0 10-2 12-4 2-I 2-8 3-2 2-5 I-S 2-6
Africa ..................... - -14-9 203 17-6 15-0 10-9 6-0 1-2 1-5 1-6 1-9 1-9 1-3

i'otalExporte ...... . 1,228-2 1.363-6 1,120-3 799-61 570-31 473'81 10091 100-01100-01100-01 100-01 100-0

Imports by Principal Countries :—lmports into Canada in 1933 compared with 1932 show
decreases in twenty-eight of the thirty-five countries, the decreases for the twenty-eight countries
amounting to $172,621,191, while the increases for the seven countries amounted to $2,177,820.
Of the total decrease in imports in 1933 amounting to $172,232,575 or 29-8 per cent, the British
Empire accounted for $27,540,084 or 16-0 percent of the total, and foreign countries for $144,692,-
491 or M1-Opercent.. Theprin(-ipal t'ountriestoshowdeereases were: Cnited States, $119,13S,720;
Umtcd lungdoni $20 018 038 1 ranmc $5 S7 83 Urni my $2 it8 %4 Briti-.h (suiana,

$2,242,108; Japan, $2,129,490; China, $2420,106; Netherlands, $2,111,971; Argentina, $1,713,381;

Colombia, $1,669,S03; Belgium, $1405203; Italy, $1,387.076; Switzerland, $1,287.882; Jamaica,
$121 1,660; British India, $1,005,535; ('zeehuslovakia, $990,820; I'eru, $942,068; Newfoundland,
$938,354; British East Africa, $711 $60; Iririnlad and 'lohago, $696,650; ('evlon, $492,894;
Braidi, $391,403; Fiji, $388,079; Oilier l3ritish \Vest Indies, $325,040; Spain, $315,S77; Cuba,
$275,267; and Sweden, $1 7.5,283; while the following countries show iru-reases'. British Sout ii
.\frica, $583,895; Venezuela, $532,809; 1tiisizi (U.S.S.R.). $521,418; Australia, $205,817; Bar-
lados, $183,400; Mexico, $92,394; and Dutc-li West Indies, $58,087.

The statistics in the following table re "Canada's Imports from Thirty-Five Leading C'oun-
tries, 1933" show that the United States and the United Kingdom furnished Canada with 78-5
per cent of her total imports. The Imied States, year by year, since 1S2, has supplied the
Dominion with the largest proportion iif its imports, amounting to 57-2 per cent in 1933 com-
pared with (10.8 per cent in 1932. The United Kingdom ranks next in order of importance
I iv a very wide Iliargin si ipplyii ug Can:n La with 21 3 per cent of her total imports in 1933 ('0111-
pared with 18-4 per cent in 1932. With reference to supplies from other countries, Gerriiauiv
moved up to third position displacing 1'ran i-c, (lermany being in four! Ii posit ion in 131 and 1932,
but in nineteenth position in 1922; France occupying third PSiti01i in 1922, 1931 and 1932,
hut fourth position in 1933. In 1933 Australia moved into fifth 1,osituoi. being in seventh position
in 1932, sixteenth in 1931, and thirtieth in 1922. British $oiith Africa occupied sixth position
in Canada's import trade in 1933, being in thirteenth position in 1932, twentieth in 1931, and
forty-seeondth Position in 1922, while British India moved froni eighth position in 1932 into
seventh in 1933, being in sixth position in 1931 and ninth in 1922. .Japan in 1933 occupied
eighth position, the Netherlands ninth, and Belgium tenth position, but in 1932 Japan was in
fifth Isisition, the Netherlands in sixth and Belgium in ninth position. In 1931 Argentina occu-
pied ninth place and New Zealand tenth place, but in 1933 Argentina moved down to twenty-
seventh place, being in twenty-first, place in 1932; and New Zealand down to twenty-sixth place,
being in twenty-ninth in 1932. In 1930, however, New Zealand occupied fifth place. Imports
from New Zealand in 1922 were valued at $1,784,000, by 1930 they had increased to $16,283,000,
in 1931 they had declined to $6,671,000, and in 1933 to $970,000; the whole decrease practically
occurred in the imports of butter, which decreased in value from $13,620,000 in 1930 to $125,000
in 1933.
A survey indicates, even when adjustments are made in the 1933 imports to account for the
drastic decline in import commodity prices, that while there has been a decline in the volume
of Canada's imports, the decline is largely one of price than of quantity. On a quantitative
basis the decline, 1933 compared with 1932, was 25-7 per cent, but on a declared value basis
it was 29-3 per cent. See remarks on "Fluctuation in Import Trade, 1933 compared with
1932", page 56.

In 1868, 89-9 per cent of Canada's imports was obtained from the United Kingdom and
I.nite(1 States, proportions being: United Kingdom 56-1 per cent; I nited States 33-8 per cent..
In 1900, 84-9 per cent of the Dmii mon's iniports was furnished I y the sammue two comi tries,
the proportions being: United Kingdom 25-7 per cent; United States, 59-2 per cent; whereas
in 1933, 785 per cent of ('anada's total imports came from the United Kingibinu and the United
States, the proportion for each being: United Kingdom 21-3 per cent, United States 57-2 per
cent. From 1868 to 1933 the proportion of the imports into Canada from the United Kingdom
fell from 56•1 to 21-3 per cent of the total, while the proportion from the United States rose
from 33-8 to 57-2 per cent. The proportionate loss in imports front the United Kingdom,
1868 to 1933, amounted to 34•8 per cent of the total, the United States absorbing 234 per cent
and Other Countries 11.4 per cent of this amount. If the United Kingdom, from 1568 to 1933
had been able to hold her proportion of Canad&s import trade, imports from the United Kingdom
in 1933 would have been valued at $227,919,000, compared with an import from the United
States valued at 8137,319.000, and Other Countries at $41.033,000.AsCauuada developed in-
dustrially she had to go afield for certain raw materials, such as cotton, rubber, fibres, etc.., and
semi-manufactured products, for her expanding manufacturing industries, whi'li could not be
obtained directly from the United Kingdom, and consequently, it was largely due to her industrial
expansion that the proportion of Canada's imports from the United Kingdom fell off.

The proportion of imports from Other Countries in 1868 amounted to 10.1 per cent; in
1900 to 151 per cent; 1931 to 19-0 per cent., in 1932 to 20•8 per cent, and in 1933 to 21•5 per
cent. The imports into Canada from the United Kingdom, the United States and Other
Countries with proportions received from each during the years 1868, 1900, 1931, 1932, and
1933, were:-

1868 1900 1631 1932 1933

Countries Per rent Per cent Per Cent Per rent Per Cent
Thou- J"
.° ,, of of of of
sands d ,, nds tf 5n
1 otal Total nollarn 1° '° Totit
Dollarn Dolliira Dollars

United Kingdom 37,617 561 44,280 25-7 149.497 16-5 101072 184 86.354 21-3
United States 22,660 338 102,225 59-2 594.07 645 351687 608 232.548 57-2
Other Countries 6.813 10.1 26.146 15-I 172.7011 19-0 125.445 20-8 87,:69 SI-S

Of the total imports from Other Countries in 1933, amounting to $87,369,000, the con-
tinent of Europe, except. the United Kingdom, stipitlietl $34,900,000; North America, except.
the United States, $13,900,000; South America, $10,6OO,000; Asia, $12,400,000; Oceania. $9,100,-
000; and Africa, $6,400,000.

Nore: Countries arranged in order of importance, 1933

Increase (+) or Decrease (-) 1933 compared

Ha k
Imports, 1933
1922 1931 1932 1933 1922 1931 1932

$ $ $ 8
I I I I United States ..................... ..232.548.055 1-)
283,410,141 1-) 333.858.903 (-) 119,138,720
2 2 2 2 United Kingdom ................. ...86.353.691 1-> 30781.652 -) 63,143.701 (-) 21)018.088
19 4 4 3 Germany ........ .................. .. 9.034.955 -4-) 7(147.881) 1-) 7.108.131 (-) 2.564,964
3 3 3 4 France ........................ ..... 7,712.5381-) 5.769.447)-) 11.201.544 1-) 5,857.583
30 16 7 5 Australia..... ..................... .. 5.912.987 1*) 4,823,263 (+) 1.285.865 1')- ) 205,817
44 20 13 6 British Sout,h Africa .... ........... ..4,91)7,1164 1+) 4.779326 (s-) 1,577,536 1+)
9 6 8 7 liritish India ...................... ..4,(1114,21(1 (-) 1,185.656 (-1 4,332.515 1-) 1.005.535
6 5 5 8 Japan. ... .......................... ..3,86(1,1111 I-) 4,333.770 1-) 5 482.1156 (-) 2.129,490
11 8 6 0 Netherlanda ....................... ..3,713.985 I-) 286.1149 1-> 3,571.134 1-) 2.111.971
12 7 9 In Belgium ........................... ..3.642,518 I -) 203.204) - I 4 777 501 1-) 1,405,203
35 13 10 II Colombia ................ ......... ..3.345.598 H-) 3.004.999 I-> I.t. :19(1 (-) 1,660.803
36 15 12 12 Jamaica... ...... .................. ..3,194,364 )+) 078.833 -i 1.518.235)-) 1,211,660
14 19 20 13 lOarI,taloe .......................... ..2.856,815 -) 137.723 (-1 1,4.17.6731+) 183.400
28 12 14 14 Italy .............................. ..2,6.5,361 +1 1,418,901 1-) 2,242,50)11-) 1,387.076
7 17 17 iS Peru ............................ ..2.573,52! (-) 4,409.882 -1 1,9626( )31-) 942.068
23 28 18 16 Trinidad and Tobago .............. ..2,428.252 (4-) 749.594 1±) 107,245 696.6301-)
5 II 16 17 "aituerlaud 9 .399 615 -> 6,271.973 I'-) 3,084.828 (-) 1.287.982
8 18 ii 18 British Guiana .................... ..2,299 (4)4 I - 3,866.8.5)) 1-) 1,088,313 (-1 2,242,108
20 23 95 Itt Fiji ................................ 2.218.331 5-, 352.171 1-) 5811.004 )-) 58.079
36 21 It) 20 Czechoslovakia .................... ..1,7,19,1144 ±) 1.417.I20)-) 1,407,343 )-) 590.820
26 14 15 21 China..... .............. ......... ..1.615,4521±) 191,1125 (-I 3,203,232)-) 2,120,106
75 33 25 22 Dutch West Indies... .............. ..1,537,788 -4-) 1,556,283 )-) 281.176 (-I-) 58,087
29 25 24 23 Other Itritialt West Indies,..,,...,, 1,235,476 1+) 10,451 1-) 1,336.42)) (-1 325.040
22 31 27 24 Spain..........,..,.,.........,, 1,160,753 )-) 618,555 I-) 80)00(1 (-) 315,877
17 24 23 23 Ceylon ............................ ..1,081.022 )-) 1.106,307 )-) 1,627,623 1-) 492,894
21 10 29 26 New Zealnnd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 900.7)14 I -) 813,79)) I - ) 5,7111,548 )) 110,526
15 9 21 27 Argentina .......................... ..81(4,1132 -) 1,4011,1181-) 5,844.713 )-) 1.713.381
13 38 33 28 Mexico ............................ ..88)1,841 )-) 2.917,561 (+) 111,518 1+) 92.394
37 22 40 29 Venezuela ......................... ..861.835i±) 347,530 -I 2,1112.74(1+) 332,809
65 29 28 30 BritishEastAlriea ................ ..724,1178 )±) 717,864 1 -) I,357.147I 711,360
4 27 31 31 Cuhu ........., .....................7()5.824 4 - ) 12.336.734-) 1,702,823 -) 275.267
38 30 32 32 Sweden .............. .............. ..704,1)0 )+) 458.898)-) 1,353,2(4 )-) 175,283
24 34 30 33 Brazil .............................591.141 I-) 934.104 )l 757,983)-) 391,403
27 26 26 34 Newfoundland ..................... 543.527 )-) 846,409)-) 1,9511,234 1 - ) 938,354
73 32 73 35 Russia )t'.S.S.R,) ................. ..859,415 1+) 537.736 )-) 1.378,233 1+) 521,418

Totalabove3TlCountrjes 401,0Y1,244 ( -) 333.147.041<-) 493,880,188 (-1 170,443.371

Total Imports ................. ..406,271.329 (-) 341,533,093 C-) 599,341,366 (-) 172,295,575

Britich Empire ............... ..120.271909 1-) 28,837.344 (-4 84,628,517 (-) 27,540,084
Foreign Countries.............. 285,1(90.4201-) 512, 1>95. 655 1 - ) 415,714,8491-) 144,692,491

Exports to Principal Countries.—The domestic exports from Canada during the year
ended March 31, 1933 compared with similar export trade in 1932 show a of $102,544,347
or 178 per cent. Decreases occurred in twenty-four of the forty principal countries, increases in
sixteen. The decreases in the twenty-four countries which had decreases in 1933 compared with


0 100 200 '.0O 400 5O0 600 7)0 P00
.6W 1922 26
AV. I922-26E TI I I
1931 L_ :ii I I
1933 I I

AV. 922-26

AV. 1922-26

.6W 1922-26

AV. 922 - 26

Ày, 922-26

Ay, 1922- 26

AV. 1922-26

AV. 1932 26



1932 amounted to $120,156,575; while the increases in the 81Xt.eefl which had increases totalled
$22,672,200. The domestic exports to the British Empire from 1932 to 1933 increased $3, 162,540;
while the exports to foreign countries during I he caine interval (lerreace(l $105,706,887. The
principal countries to show decreases were: United States, $02,026,274; Japan, 86,228,198;
}rance, $5,224,095; British South Africa. $4309958; Gerniariv, $2,34S,151; Greece, $2,070,514;
Argentina, $1 ,S35. 150; I)ern,isrk, $1,181,468; St. l'ierre and Miquelon, 81.048.916; Newfoundland,
$957,627; Cul,:i, $07,499; Other British West. Indies, $681,250; British India, $626,936; Irish
Free State, $414,259; Finland. $403,731; Trinidad and Tobago, $374,398; Hong Kong, $372,416;
Bermuda, $301 ,90 ; and British Honduras, $312,490; witi Ic ii a' principal count nt's to show
increases were: Initeil Kingdom, $10,317,294; Netherlands, $2,955,753; Australia. $1,924,592;
Spain, $1,915,014; ( hina, $1,761,095; Russia (U.S.S.R.), $1,721,749; Belgium, $454,502; Brazil,
$414,376; Norway, $370,563; and Sweden, 8250,611.
When adjustments are made in the 1933 exports to account for the drastic decline in export
commodity prices, it will be found that while there has been a general decline in the volume of
Canadas exports, the (Ieclln(' is largely one of price than of quantity. On a volume basis, 1933
compared with 1932, Canada's exports declined 8-3 per cent.; while on a declared value basis
the decline was 17-8 per cent. See remarks on 'Fluctuations in Export Trade, 1933 compared
with 1932", page 56.
It will be noted by reference to the statistics in the following table re "Canada's Domestic
Exports to Forty Leading Countries, 1933", that the United States and the United Kingdom
took 69'1 per cent of the Dominion's exports, the proportion for each being: United Kingdom
38'9 per cent; the United States 30-2 per cent. The United States has occupied first place
in Canadian export trade during the years 1927 to 1932, and the United Kingdom second place,
though the United Kingdom was in first lilaee in 1926 and 1933. Of the other liniding markets
for Canadian products, the Netherlands occupied third place in 1933, being in sixth place in
1932, and eleventh in 1931; while Belgitirri has moved from fifth place in 1932 into fourth place
in 1933. France has moved down to fifth place, being in third pl:tcc in 1932; Japan dowit to sixth
place this year, being in fourth place bust \ear; while Germany occupied seventh position, as last
year. China has moved from eleventh up to eighth place; St. Pierre and Miquelon into ninth
place, from eighth place last year; Australia from twelfth into tenth iil:iee; and Newfoundland
into eleventh place, being in tenth place last year; while Italy has moved up from fourteenth to
twelfth place; and British South Africa from ninth down to thirteenth pl:ice.
In the fiscal year 1568 the exports to the United Kingdom and the United States combined
represented 89-2 per cent of the total domestic exports, the proportions being: United Kingdom
36-9 per cent; United States 523 per cent. In 1900 similar exports to the United Kingdom
and the United States were 91'3 per cent of the total domestic exports, the proportions being:
I 'muted Kingdom 57.1 per cent; Inited States 342 per cent; while for the year 1933 the domestic
exports from Canada to the same two countries represented 69.1 per cent, the proportions
for each being: Enited Kingdom 3-9 per cent compared with 30'2 in 1932, and the United
States 302 per cent compared with 40.8 per cent in 1932. From 1868 to 1900 Canada's domestj e
exports to the United Kingdom increased from 36-9 to 57- 1 per cent of the total exports, while
those to the United States decreased from 523 to 342 per cent; whereas from 1900 to 1933
dome8t.ic exports to the United 1ingdoni decreased from 57.1 to 38-9 per cent of the total
exports and those to the United States decreased from 34-2 to 30-2 per cent. Time proportion
of the exports to "Other Countries" was as follows: 1868, 108 per cent; 1900, 8.7 per cent;
1931, 28•9 per cent; 1932, 29•0 per cent; and 1933, 30'9 per cent. The domestic exports of the
United Kingdom, the United States and Other Countries with proportions for each during the
years 1868, 1900, 1931, 1932 and 1933 were:-

1865 1900 1931 1932 1933

ountrief, :iue \:atue \njue in \tuC in I \;alue in I Per cent
rt u- Per Cent l'hou- PerofCfli Thou Per cent Ihou - Per cent
sands of Total sands of s&nds of 'Fud niandsof Total of
Dollars Dollars Total Dollars t)ollams I Total Dollars I

United Kingdom 17,906 36-9 96,563 57-1 219.249 274 174.4I 30-2 1,361 38-9
United States .......... . 25.350 52-3 57,096 34-2 349,661 43-7 235.1671 406 143,1601 30-2
Other Countries 5,249 10-8 14,413 8-7 231)836 28-9 29-0 309
167.1131 146.2791

The increase in Canada's domestic export.s to "Other Countries" from 1865 to 1900 was
$9,164,000 or 174 per cent, but from 1900 to 1933 it was $131,506,000 or 914.9 per cent. During
1933 the exports to Other Countries, amounting to $116,200,000 were distributed by continents
as follows: Europe, except United Kingdom, $72,700,000; North America, except United States,
$25,000,000; South America, $6,600,000; Asia, $22,700,000; Oceania, $12,400,000; and Africa,
Nora: Countries arranged in order of importance, 1933

Rank Increase (+) or Decrease (-)

1932 COIIIPared with-
Countrien of
031 932
1933 1922 1 1931 1 1932

United Kingdom ............ 184.361.019 (-) 115.000.656 (-) 34,885,480 (±) 10.317.291
2 I'nited Stales ............... 143.115,40(1 (-) 149.428.243 (-) 206.501.193 (-) 92.026,274
Netherlands .................. 16.457,010 4+) 6.874.086 4+) 5,9811.357 4+) 2.955.753
Belgium ...................... 14.4161,939 4+) 2.131.639 (-1 471.105 (± 454,502
France ....................... 12 7311.226 4+) 4,521.068 4-) 555,532 (-I 5.224.095
Japan ......................... 10,327,402 (-3 4.504.1128 -( 8,931.473 4-) 6.228,198
12 G .'rn,any..................... 8057.1054±1 3.547.558 -1 4,865.131 4-) 2,348.151
23 Glum, ....................... 7.6611.228 4+) 5,768.6111 -1 1.452,962 4+) 1.761.095
40 St. I'irrre and Miquclon ....... 7,59:3,263 (+4 7.164.613 (-) 3.411.276 (-) 1,048,016
6 10 Australia .................... 7312.574 4-) 3,366.026 (+) 523.866 (+1 1.974.592
11 Newfoundland ............... 5.644.223 4-) 3.673.414 C-) 5.1)14.412 3-) 657,627
12 Italy ......................... 4,126.362 1-) 11.209.456 - ) 10,425,957 138.962
16 13 Ilritinh Soul-la Africa .......... 4,001.538 (-4-) 111.118 ('-) 6.285.41)24-) 4,399,958
'5 14 Norway .................... 3695.335 -) 218.037 (+) 39:1,001 4+) 370,593
13 15 New Zejdaund ................. 3.608,5011 4-) 52(1,031 (-) 9,079,975 (-4 115.723
20 16 1)eato.u'k ..................... 2.11(4.212 (+1 451.0.31 I - ) 01(1.280 1,181.468
99 17 Sweden ...................... 2,936,403 4±) 1.416. 204 (+4 189.1654+) 250.611
17 IS Argentina ..................... 2.509.593:-) 723.8384-) 7.498.2319)-) 1.835,150
33 19 Spain ........................ 2,481.717 4+) 1,664.740 (-3-) 1,184.637 "4-) 1.915.014
2! 20 .Jalntea .................... 2.430.41114+) 216.246)-) 1.318,981 1-4 204.289
25 21 (tnt nh mdi,, ................ 2.4(4,58(4 '+) 777.141 4-) 4.542.464 1-) 126.936
22 lr,sti l"ree StaIC ............. 2.747. 162 4+) 2,247.167 (-) 517.327 I.-) 414,259
18 2:1 ]±,, ,i'+ 5.13.1 ............ 1.776,046 4-) 8411,793 4+) 1.208,816 4-'-1 1.721,7411
24 'Iris jtail ,nd 'rohugo ......... 1,773.2311:-I 2.775.296 (-) 1.512.831 4-: 374,398
24 25 3 ((her llritinl, S'u'nt Indies.... 1,711,122 (-) 115.676)-) 2.550,753 4-) 684,250
3) 26 Iter,,,UII, ................... 1.587.1012 4+) 507.889)-) 905,758)-) 361.898
22 27 Brazil ...................... 1,364.230 ( - 3 1)08.2191-) 1.465.337 (+4 414.376
30 28 Mexico 1.3)) 231 1+1 113,630 I -3 724340 (-4 55.711
26 29 llong Kong .................. 1,062.243 4-1 349.456)-) 81111.(;11 372.416
27 30 Barbiolos ..................... 1.040.044 4-) 328 1140 iili. ( 1.0 42.481
98 31 French Oeenia ............... 890.819) (+) 809.756 '±1 4167.800 1+) 146.164
48 32 Portuguese Africa ....... ...... 842,446 '+4 917.417 -4 267.280 4-) 220.837
14 33 Cut,:, ...................... 8311.1774-I 3.144.235 -) 2.1137.926)-) 807,499
IS 34 l(r,tish Guiana ............... 896.550 4-) 1.491.555 4-) 333.365 1+) 28,081
63 35 Peru 721262 4+) 649.570 ( - 3 858.632 '+4 93.065
53 36 llnilish honduran ............. (131.5,1(224+) 514,958 (-4 1,076.542 4-) 342.493
68 37 Hawaii 434.5403+) 373.980 1+) 312.21.2 '-i-) 233457
51 38 British Last Afraca ........... 4(81.276 4+) 241.073 (--1 559,6224-) 36,888
58 39 C.olomhia ................... 389,296 4+) 262.097 4-) 81(2.644)-) 144.595
35 40 Straita Settlements ........... 388.438 (-4 2111.856 4-) 296,943 (+4 48,366
Total above 40 eziuntrien. 4118,716.802)-) 257,303,720)-) 310,207,318)-) 97,484,375
Tot .I 1':...rts (1)nn.estie) 473.790,955 4-) 266,440.725 (-4 325,942,712 (-3 102,944.347
British Empire ........... 222.118,1(27 (-4 123,716.483 (-4 70.745.469 (+1 3.162.540
Foreign Countries ........ 251.681.028)-) 142.724.242 (-4 255,1117,243 (-) 105,706.887

Trade Balances.-There have been marked changes in Canada's trade balances with the
leading commercial countries of the world in recent years. In 1914 Canada had a "favourable"
trade balance with Europe, Oceania and Africa, but an "unfavourable" balance with North and
South America and wit 1l Asia, but in 1933 she had a 'favourable'' 1(ulanc(' wit ii till' ('lInt merits of
Europe, Asia, and Ocmuiiu, and an "unfavourallie' balance with the contiiieiils of North and
Stn,tli .%lilcrica and Africa. Cariada had it "favouralIle" trade Ilalance wit Ii Etiria' in 1914 of
$65.032.000. which had increased to $426,719,000 in 1926, 1.ut which had (l('l'lmned to $136,012,000
in 1933. This decline in Canada's ''favourable" trade balance with Europe wis largely brought
about by failing off in her exports of grains, particularly wheat, and also to lower export prices..

From 1914 to 1933 the number of countries in Europe with which Canada had a "fa'ourable"
trade balance had increased from seven to fifteen. The only European countries of importance
in 1933 with which the trade balance was "unfavourable" were ('zc1slovakia, Germany and
Switzerland. From 1914 to 1933 the Dominion's annual credit balance, with the United King-
dom iiiereaaed from $90,252,000 to $98,779,000, with Germany the debit balance of $10,152,000
cle('rensNl to $956,000; with Belgiiuii from a (re(lit balance of $330,000 to $l0,S90,000; with Italy
from a debit balance of $1,435,000 to a credit balance of $1,327,000; with Greece from a debit
balance of $433,000 to a credit balance of $296,000; with the Netherlands from a credit balance of
$2,494,000 to $12,S01,000; with Denmark from a credit balance of $525,000 to $2,568,000; and
with Sweden from :t debit balance of $426,000 to a credit balance of $1,950,000. In 1914 Canada
had a dcliii balance with France of $10,466,000, which was changed to a credit balance of $5,069,-
(XXI in 1933, while the debit balance with Switzerland decreased during the same period from
$4,265,000 to $2,160,000. These trade balances with European countries do not represent the
true situation, as a very large quantity of the grain, especially wheat, shown in tanadian export
statistics as for the United Kingdiini is diverted from its original desi inatiou, the United Kingdom,
to .ther destinations. As a result of this diversion, the credit balance with the i'nited Kiiigdom
would he iiiul criallv reduced and (lie balances with other European countries increased by a
corresponding am' nint

Canada's trade balance with the continent of North America has been unfavourable since
1852, the debit balance with the United States being responsible for this situation. If the trade
of the United States is eliminated from North America, the trade balance with "Other North
America" increased from a debit lnlani'e of $2,353,000 in 1914 to a credit balance of 812,329.000
in 1933. In 1914 the debit balance with the continent of North America amounted to $221,739,-
000 and in 1933 it had decreased to 871,600,000, while the number of countries in North America
with which Canada had a debit balance was reduced from eight to five. The Dominion's debit
trade balance with the United States from 1914 to 1933 decreased from $219,354,000 to $84,019,-
000, being $23,317,000 less than last year; wit Ii Newfoundland from a credit l,alanie of $2,000,000
to $5,307,000; with St. Pierre and Miquelon froni a credit ba]nnu' of $117,000 to $7,534,000;
with Mexico from a debit balance of $1,419,0{)0 to a credit balance of $434,00{); with Cuba from
it debit balance of 82.124.000 to a credit balance of $124,000; with llernutda from a credit balance

of $397,000 to 81,430.000; and with the British \Vcst Indies from a credit balance of $143,000 to a
debit balance of $2,671,000.

With the continent of South America the debit balance of $4,994,000 in 1914 amounted to
$4,007,000 in 1933. The debit laln<'e of $465,000 with Argentina in 1914 was changed to a
credit balance of $1,615000 in 1933, while the debit balance with Colombia in 1914 of $125,000
amounted to $2,975,000 in 1933 and the debit balance with Peru during tin' same interval iii-
creased from $737,000 to 81,845,00).
The most notable change in the trade balance wit Ii any continent. from 1914 to 1933, occurred
with the continent of Asia., a. debit balance of $5,115,000 being comivertc.1 into a credit balance of
$10,297,000. The principal countries reponible for this change were Japan and China, the
trade balance of the former increa.sing from a debit balance of 81,015.000 to a credit balance of
$6,475,000; and of the latter from a debit balance of $440,000 to a credit balance of 86,093,0(X).
The credit Imlance with the cont innt of Asia, and particularly with China and Japan, was much
less in 1933 than in 1930 due to falling off in the exports of wheat and flour to the Orient.

The credit trade balance with (.hcnnin from 1914 to 1933 increased from 82.603,000 to
$3,243,000 and with Africa decreased from $3,459,000 to a debit balance of $313,000. From
1914 to 1933 the trade balance with Australia decreased from a credit balaiii'e of 83,993,000 to
$1,417,000; while with British South Africa the credit balance of $3,355,000 decreased to a debit
balance of 8901,000; and with New Zealand from a debit balance of $1,256,000 to a credit balance
of $2,641,000.


(Values in Thousands of Dollars)
Noi.'-Credit balance marked (-H Debit balance marked (—)
Years ended March 31-
— 1914 1920 1930 1931 1932 1933

Belgium ..... .................. . 1+) 330 1+) 27,688 1+) 8,785 (+) 6,670 (+1 9.131 (+ 10,890
Czechoslovakia................. ( - ) 2 (—) 3.307 ( - ) 2,918 ( - ) 2,579 ( - ) 1.655
Denmark....................... (+1 525 (+1 2.834 1+) 3.930 1+) 3,342 1+) 3,781$ (-1-) 2.568
(+1 451+) 321+) 441+)
1+) 72 (+1 1.240 1+) 1,299 1+) 610 +) 209 (
1 ..

France......................... —) 10.466 i+i 51.196 (

- ) 8.465 ( - ) 5.618 (±) 4.480 (+1 5.069
3.007 1-) 1,142 C-) 958
Germany ..................... .. - ) 10,152 3.9631-)
G reece.......................... - ) 433 (+1 28,861 1+) 5,013 1+) 5,410 1+) 2,307
+1 2,444 (+) 2,992 1±) 2.616 1+) 2,213
(+) 2116
Irish Free State.................
Italy.......................... - 1,435
Netherlands.................... + 2,494
(1+ ~
+ 15,968 +) 6,427 (+1 9,520 1+) 75 1+) 1.327
3,516 +1 6,584 1+) 3.371 1+) 7.731 +) 12,801
Norway........................ ~ 359 +) 4,348 (+1 2,571 (+1 2,4881+) 2,7791+) 3,248
Poland and Danzig.............. +) 156 ( - ) 58 1-) 78 ( - ) 38 ( - ) 53
Portugal....................... —) 222 - ) 116 1+) 728 1+) 33 ( - ) 290 ( - ) 34
Roumania...................... +) 65 1+) 12.954 (+1 422 1 - ) 46 1+) I 1+) 55
Russia U.S.S.R.).............
Spain ..........................
+) 949 1+) 1,484 1+) 2,829
( - ) 1,288 1-) 419 (+1 1.719 - 681
Sweden ....................... ( - 426 1+) 4.090 1+) 2.435
- 1.349 1+) 381+1

+) 438
( - ) 911 (+
1+) 1.509
) 1.321
1+) 1,950
Swit zerland..................... — 4,268 1 - ) 6,2(18 ( - ) 6,089 ( - 1 4,894 (-1
3,392 ( - ) 2.160
United Kingdom............... + 90,252 (+) 369,597 1+) 93,919 1+) 71,190 1+) 68.591 1+) 98,770
Other Europe................... - 1,252 (+1 6.609 ( - ) 254 (-1 118 1+) 35 ( - ) 194
Total Europe............ 1+) 65,032 (+) 523.225 (+1 124,868 1+) 87,127 (+) 96.368 (+) 136.912
North America
Alask't.......................... +) 101 (+) 38 +1 349 (+1 381 1+) 304 1+) 138
Bermuda ....... ............... +) 397 1+) 1,222 +) 2.278 1+) 2.248 (+) 1.901 (-f.) 1,430
British honduran.............. —) 346 1 - ) 271 +) 568 1+) 1,557 (+) 9181+) 825
British West Indies............. 1+) 143
( - ) 5,382 ( - ) 3,316 ( - ) 3,113 ( - ) 1.552 ( - ) 1,793

) 745
Jamaica ...................
Trinidad and Tobago......... )
1+) 667 t+> 6 ( - ) 953 ( - ) 1.720
+1 2,839 (+ 1.455 1+) 1.015 1-) 949 - ) 639
Other Ii. W. Indies ....... ..... +) 747 1+) 3,417 +) 1,752 1+)
Costa Rica ................ ..... +1 8 - ) 84 - ) 36 - ) 26 1+) 20
Cuba .... ...................... - ) 2,124 ( - ) 10,727 + 736 +) 461 (+) 657 (+1 124
1+- )
+) 5011
Guatemala ..................... - )
Hayti ......................... 1+) 38 1+) 1
Itondarns ........... ........... . (+) 41+)
61(-) 140 +
1+)135 +1
72 (+) 911+)
110 (+)

44 ( - ) 208 (+1 132 1+) III (±1 108

83 +1 80

Mexico ................. ........ ( - ) 1,419 (-1 2.234 (+1 1 1 838 1+) 1,274 ( +) 5801+) 434
Newfoundland.................. +) 2.900 (+1 14,795 (+1 10,273 1+) 8,560 (± 5,437 1+) 5,307
Nicaragua..................... +1 5 (+1 18 1+) 34 (+) 7 (+1 18 1+) IS
Panama +1 224 +) 410 1+) 879 1+) 707 1+) 334 1+) 110
Puerto Rico.................... +) 541 4- ) 1.488 (+1 870 1+) 677 1+) 45(1 1+) 267
St. Pierre and Miquelon........ +1 117 +) 746 (+1 5,986 1+) 10,404 (+1 8.564 1+) 7.534
Salvador .......... ........ ...... - ) 6 (+) 3 (+1 77 1+) 120 1+) 22 (4-) 13
San Domingo ............. ..... - ) 2.882 (-1 10.406 ( - ) 1,549 ( - ) 124 - ) 261 (+1 80
107,336 84,019
United States................... - , 219.354 ( - ) 299.967 (-1 310,754 (-1 220.598 - ) 1,363 (-1
Other North America........... - ) 225 +) 516 (+) 205 ( - ) 3,451 ( - ) ( - ) 1,356
Total North America.... (-) 221,739 (-) 305.697 (-) 286,685 (-3 196.787 (-) 92,765 (-3 71,690
South A merica
1 - ) 468 (+ 2.730 1+) 8,975 1+) 3.270 (+) 1,741 1+) 1.616
1 - ) 396(+ 739 1+) 2.6051+) 1,451 1 - ) 3 823
1 - ) 1.470
British Guiana .............. ... ( - ) 2.526 ( - 4,291 (-1 2,275 1-) 3.100 ( - ) 3,73
Chile ....................... ... ( - ) 633 (+ 8921+) 1.6131+) 6291+) 296 +1 117
Colombia...................... '- 3 125 - 397 (-1 5,599 - ) 3.842 1 - ) 4.499 - ) 2,975
2,885 1 - ) 1,8-15
Peru........................... - ) 737 - 4,798 ( - ) 5,692 1-) 2,952 - ) 85
Uruguay....................... +) 35 +3 36(1 (+1 1.029 1+) 564 +) 2941+)
+) (+3 6 105 1+) 758 ( - 1 1,956 +) 221 ( - ) 510
- ) 160 1+) 156 1+) 485 C+ 278 1+)
218 1+-) 173
Other South America..........

Total South America....... ( ) 4.994 C- ) 4.495 1+) 1 1 899 ( - 3 5,658 1 - ) 8,348 1 -') 4,007

British India...................
Ceylon .........................
( - 3 4.589 - ) 2,965
- ) 2,966 -
84 ( - ) 1,469 (- 3 2,057 (-3 1,677
2,114 ( - ) 2,527 ( - ) 1,515 - ) 1.018
China .......................... -) 440 +) 5.507 +) 13.570 (+1 4.354 (+3 2.211 +) 6,003

1 - ) 956 - ) 2.216 +3 1.650(+) 513 1+) 166+) 68

Dutch East Indies.............
Hong Kong.................... +) 872 - ) 1.845 (+) 756 (-f-) 1.134 1+) 7751+) 549
Japan.......................... -) 1.015 - ) 5,747 (+) 17.945 (4-) 9,829 (+3 10,587(+) 6,475
Philippines..................... +) 55 +) 246 (+) 95 1+) 82 1+) 179 +3 192
Straits Settlements (British)... —) 335 - ) 3.625 (-1 427 1-) 80 ( - ) 211 4-) 2
Other Asia..................... - ) 1.710 1+) 53 1+) 429 1+) 125 ( - ) 380 - ) 387

Total Asia......... ( - ) 8,118 ( - ) 13.458(+) 31.988 (+) 11,7111 1+) 9,755(+) 10,297




Years ended March 31-

1914 I 1920 I 1930 I 1931 I 1932 I 1933

Auntralia ...................... 3.993 (+) 10,166 (+) 12.124 1+) 2.179 1-) 3071+) 1,417
Fiji........................... ..1. - ) 122.)-) 588)-) 3,244 (-1 2.593 1-) 2.470(-) 2,114
New Zealand .................. ..- 1,256 (+) 3,515 (+) 2,905 (-I-) 6,039 1+) 2,048 1+) 2,641
Other Oceania ................... .- 12 (-) 185 (-) 172 1+) 65 1+) 849 (+1 1,299
Total Oceania ............... ..(+) 2,603 (+) 12,910 1+) 11.813 (+) 5.690 (+) 720 1+) 3,243

Britinh East Africa ...... ........ 41 1+) 105 (-) 275 -) 1 1 113 1-) 1.064 (-) 316
British South Africa .... .........+) 3,358 (+) 7,917 1+) 10,095 +) 6,958 (4-) 4,079 (-1 901
Britiah West Africa ...............+ JO (+1 894 ( - 1 239 (-) 233 (+1 76 (+ 334
Egypt ..........................+ 141+) 218 (+1 873 1+) 704 )-) 97 ( - 1 222
French Africa .................. ..(-I-) 15 (+1 364 1+) 499 1+) 454 1+) 214 1+) 39
Portuguese Africa ............... ..(+) 911+) 49 1+) 1,2101+) 1.104 1+) 1.0$30+) 842
Other Africa .................... ..(-) 701+) 99(+) 8191+) 2981+) 63+) 111
Total Africa ................ ..1+) 3.459 1+) 9,846 (+) 12,982 1+) 8,172 4,331 (-) 313
Grand 'Fotal ................. (-) 163.757 (+) 222,131 (-) 103,335 (-) 89,675 1+) 9.061 (+) 74.442

Principal Commodity Imports. -The statistics in the following table showing "One
Hundred Leading (.'ornmodities Imported into Canada, 1933" indicate that the total declared
value of these commodities atnounted to $327,207,082 or 80.5 per cent. of Canada's total imports.
Of the one hundred comTn(xlit.ies listed four only show in'reases in value, and ninety-six decreases.
Of the fifty-one commodities for which there were (piant ity statistics, two show increases in both
quantity and value; seven show increases in the quantity but decreases in the value; two show
decreases in the (1uantity hut increases in the value; and forty show decreases in both quantity
and vahie. Of the forty-nine commodities for which there were no quantity statist cs, being
entered at value only, the whole number show decreases. The commodities imported which
show (a) increase in the quantity but decrease in the value; (b) increase in both the quantity and
and value; and (c) decrease in the quantity but increase in the value; 1933 compared with 1932,

Increase (±) or 1)ccrense (-)

Imports, 1933 1933 compared with
Commodities 1932 in-
Quantity Value Quantity Value
$ $
(a) Increase in hoM Qannlliji and Value
Noils, tops and waste wool.............................Lb. 8,061,673 2.873,193 (+1 400.395 (+) 29,035
Manila and easal fibre...................................Lb. 74,90f,400 2, 128,341 (+)28.057. 1001+) 272,629

Increase in Quanlilv-Decreasi, in Value

Raw cotton............................................Lb. 94.705,651 7.448.53e,± 1 1.670.(33 (-1 333,508
Dried fruits,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lb. 81,314,844 4,913,221.*, 3,281,915-) 17,152
Rawailk ............................................... Lb. 2.572.949 4,783.327 -j-j 33,816)-) 1.715.827
Rawcoffee ............................................. l.b. 32,578,011 3.640,7)171+) 141,379.4-) 33.616
Coke................................... ................ Ton 588,377 2,740.6991 1+) 2.492.(-) 345,253
Cottonyarn.,.,.....,...,,...,,,,,,,,,,,....,.,,,,,,,,, Lb. 4,074,613 2,342,377 (+) 60.271(-) 41,616
Bi nder twine...........................................Lb. 25,264,900 1,445,8101+) 3,166,800(-) 75,963

Decrease in Quantily' in Value

Crude petroleum....................,...,.,,........... Ga]. 897,580,2151 26,878,125 (-)178,696.896 (.4-) 2,684,041
Dyeing and tanning materials,,...,,.....,,.,..,,....... Lb. 35,026.8911 64,788

In the case of the fifty-one commodities for which there were quantity statistics, thirty-three
of these were imported at a lower average lrice per unit in 1933 than in 1932, and eighteen at a
higher average price. Those imported at a lower average price per unit were valued at $125,814,-
613, while those imported at a higher average price were valued at $66,193,651. The thirty-two
commodities imported at a lower average price were -Automobiles, hinder twine, coal, cocoa
and chocolate, coffee (raw), coke, corn, cotton (raw), cottons (coloured), cotton yarn, dress

goods (wool) to be dyed, fertilizers, fruits (canned), hides (raw), jute cloth, lumber and tiIIil)er,
tflanhllL and sisal grass. molasses and synips, foilS, tops and waste wool, nuts (except cocoanuts),
oils (vegetahlt'), rice, rubber (crude), silk (raw, silk yarn (artificial, spirits and wines, structural
iron, sugar for refining, tea, tweeds, wool raw. worsteds and serges, and woollen yarn. The
eighteen cornmntsht k's imnporte(I at a lower average price were:— Alumina, bauxite and cryolite,
band or hoop iron, bars and rails (iron), cottons (unbleached), dyeing and tanning mimaterials,
(nuts (dried), gasoline, iron ore, pigs and ingots (iron), plates and sheets (iron), petroleum (crude),
rds, (iron), soda and soda compounds, sugar (refined), sulphur, tin in ingots, tobacco (raw), and
v'getat,les (earuned).


Non: Commodities arranged according to value, 1933

Total Im nor, Increase (+) or Decrease (-)

Rank 1933 compared with 1932
Commodities Imported
1932 1933 Quantity Value Quantity Value
$ $

I Coal .. ............................ ..Ton 11,045,180 28.989,650(-) 2,072,110(-) 6,511,712

2 Crude piaroleum ....................... Gal 897,580,215 26,878.125 ( - 1 178.696,896 (-61 2,684041
3 Sugar for refining ...................... Lb. 878,434,800 14,068,983 (-) 72,748, 100 (-) 5,230,652
4 Machinery .................................. ......... .... 14,010,252 ............ C- 1(1,377,337
Spirits intl wines.... .................. Gal 1,402,130 13,415,734 (-) 896,675 (— IS, 125,827
Gr,'en fruits ................................. ............... 11,304.598 ............ (-C 4.098,41(3
8 Autoinoijile parts ..................... ................ 10,1122.832 .. . (- 3, 428.993
(1 Plates and sheets (iron)...............Cwt 3,404,313 9,354.335 (-) 1.634,164 (-1 4.(8)5.684
10 ..
I3ookt, and printed matter ......... .......... ..........----- (I, 16(1.487 ....... ....... (-1 3,440.838
11 10 Gasoline . ............................ Gal 93,894.758 7,98,845 (-) 21,958,199 (-1 1.767,861
14 Il Raw cotton ........................... Lb 94,705,651 7,449.836 (+) 1,670,635 (- 353.508
13 12 Sett.ler'effects ............................ ............... .. 6,716.111 ............ - 1,546,334
12 13 Parer... ................................... ............... .. 6,179,897 ............ - 2.645,244
7 14 Electric apparatus.. ......................... ..................6.048,542 .............-) 8.623.881
16 15 F:nginesand boilers ......................... .......... ....... 5,297,100 .. ...... ..... ( - 1 1,813.140
17 16 CIa',' and its products. ...................... ........ .... .. 5,1172,380 .. ......... ( 2,123,077
23 17 Dried fruits ........................... Lb 81,314.844 4,91:1,221 +) 3,281,915 (-1 17,152
19 18 Raw silk .............................Lb 2.572,049 4.783.327 +) 33,816 C-i 1,715,827
15 19 Vegetable oils ......................... Gal 9.703,392 4.747,494 -1 4,258,641 C-) 2.896,523
18 20 Tea . ............................. Lb 38,417.276 4.720.435 ('-) 4.348,427 (-) 2,404,879
20 21 GIaasandglaware ......................... ............... .. 4,069.147 .......... (-1 1.675.460
21 22 Fresh vegetables............................. ......... .... .. 4(55,192 ............... . () 1,653.743
22 23 C'c,ioured or printed cotton............. Lb 6.150.880 3.669.528 (-C 2.760,428 C-) 1.674,201
32 24 lluw ,'otlee ..........................Lb 32,578.011 3,6411.797 +1 141,379 (-1 33,616
36 25 Dyeing and tanning materials ......... Lb 35,026,891 3.5111.599 -) 1,868,987 (+) 64,788
24 26 Raw and dressed furs ....................... ............... ...1. 11(2, 757 . ......... (-C 1,798,145
29 27 Corn .................................Bush 7.614(184 2.9111,476 (-C 1,436,048 (-1 1,010,777
27 28 Woretedsandserges ................... I.b. 2,520,948 2.891,502)-) 1.522,114 C - ) 1.771,357
30 28) Raw tol,acco .......................... Lb 10,109,212 2.8(16,883 () 2,876,123 () 974.582
52 50 Nails, tops andwastewool ............ Lb 8,061,673 2.87:1,183 (+1 400,395 (+) 29,038
47 31 Coke ..... .. ......................... Ton 588,377 2.740.699 (+) 2,492 (-1 345.223
25 32 Wood, manufactured ........................ .......... 2,700,312 ........... C-i 2,117,494
46 33 Medicinal preparattom ...................... ............ 2.577.291 ........... (-C 527.191
42 34 Sent)tic and educational equipment ........ .......... 2.531.774 ........... (-I 792.059
44 35 l'sints and varnishes ........................ .......... 2.412,204 . ........... -) 879,138
40 36 C'ontainers (outside coverings) ............... ...............
.. 2,400.441 . ........... -) 940.238
58 37 Cotton yarn..... .............. . ....... Lb 4,074,613 2.342,377 (+1 60,271 -) 41,616
51 38 Soilti and soda compounds ............. Lb 113,330,452 2,337,01(7 (-1 42.876,736 -) 518,814
35 311 Nuts (except coconnuta) ............... Lb 35,024,209 2.307,689 () 7.271,034 C-i 1,181.487
43 40 Fart,, implements.... ....................... .......... 2.21)8.028 ............. - i 1,107,514
56 41 Woollen yarn ................. . ........ Lb 3,011,734 2,1)13,754 (-) 524.283)-P 440,21.2
65 42 Manila anti sisal fibre ................. Lb 74.901.400 2.128.341 (4- 28.057,101) (-C-) 272.629

. . . . . . .1-)
48 43 Jute cloth or canvas ................... Yd 60,866,988 2.113,582 (- 9.950,887 C - C 814.748
66) 44 Sulphur.............................. Lb. 212.850,500 2,054,5631- 28.661,700)-) 172.371
54 45 Post ofticeparcels ........................... .......... 1.968,281 ............. -) 770.699
49 46 1,eatltcr, unmanufactured .................... .......... 1,930.878 . ............ -) 1(18.009
39 47 Fertilizers ...........................Lb 220,447.400 1.942,712 (-) 123,042,400 1,425.640
31 48 8l,,ncand products...................................1,901.953 . - ) 1,891,002
45 49 truss and products...................................1,836.598 . ............. -) 1.358,883
57 50 lIur,Iwiire and cutlery ....................... .........1,790,528 ........ -) 678.047
28 31 Silk I,Lbrics and velvets................................ 1,785.1(21 ............... - ) 1,971,566
33 52 Rubber, crude ........................Lb 41,077,906 1,61(3.257 (-) 14,180.108 -) 1,872,003
41 53 Leather, manufactured ...................... ........... 1,651.538 ................ -) 1,1(77,883
67 54 Mol.aneesandsyrups ................... Gal 8,653,461 1,649.651 (-)' 337,874 ( - 1 187.008
55 55 Rubber, manufactured and partly
manufactured ............................. ........... 1,611.698 ............. (-I 1.067.156
50 .50 Raw hides ...........................Lb 26,835.500 1,608.144 (-) 1.296.100 (-) 1,259.801
38 57 Artificial silk fabrics ........................ ............1,590,1)83 ................
. .. (-C 1,798(172
59 58 Raw wooi ......................... .... Lb. 8,355.731 1,553.3281-) 1,268,75.3 (-I 708.11:13
34 59 Lumber and timber ................... 23 ft 33.828 1,452,222 (-) 45,052 (-) 2,058.240
78 60 Binder twine .......................... Lb. 25,264,000 1,445,810 (4-) 3,166,800 (-C 75,963
70 61 Animals, living ............................. ............. 1,439,267 ................ (-) 283,222
53 62 Alumina, bauxite and cryolite ......... Cwt 745,455 1,416.321 (-) 958,574 (-C 1.588.295
66 63 Castings and forgings (iron) ................. .............. 1,385.514 ................ (-C 442.034
82 64 Goods returned within five years ............ .............. 1,312.369 ................ (-) 655,882
72 65 Cocos and chocolate .................. Lb 21,549,506 1.306.961 (-3 383,1)19 (-) 390,390

Ran L TOnI!
0 mPOT , 1933 compared with 1932
Commodities Imported

1932 1933 Quantity Value Quantity Value

$ $

61 68 Fish ..... ................................. ......1.286,876 ................-) 614,437

63 67 Woollen clothing ............................ .....1,238.230 ...............-) 688,003
79 68 Toys and dolls . .......................... ........1,208.584 ............... -j 286.255
64 69 lIars and rails (iron) ................... Cwt. 434,896 1,194.863 C- I 311,130 -) 707.798
75 70 ceeds ... ............... .................... .....1,176.058 ............... -) 467.107
77 71 Cotton clothing ....... .................. ........ 1.041.061 ............... -) 530,057
80 72 Rice .. ....... ...... ..... ............ Lb 51,426,500 989.872 (-) 15,639,500 -) 424,884
84 73 Cotton fabrics. unbleached ............ Lb 4,125,924 987,69)))-) 1,175,671 -) 248,608
68 74 Clocks and watches ........................ ...... 918,240 ....-) 845,523
26 75 Automobiles....... .................. No 1,178 913.794 (-1 4,417 -) 3,841.999
74 76 Tubes and pipe (iron)............................. 890,868 ....-) 763,741
37 77 (tructura1ironandstoe1 ............... Cwt 479,740 884.721 (-1 1,365,860 -) 2.519.974
85 78 Baidorhoopiroa ..................... Cwt 249,444 879,267 (-) 119.871 -) 297)113
90 79 (4oap...... .................................. .....870. 080 ....-) 19,262
69 80 Silk-clothing. .............................. .....854,582 ....-) 895.004
91 81 l)rcss goods to be dyed ..............Lb 846,841 785.80)1 (-) 2,113 -) 74.797
81 82 lInts and cape................................... 76)). 751) ....-1 615,738
88 83 'i'm in blocks..........................Cwt 28,763 749,017 (') 9,332 -) 226,257
87 84 Tools ...................................... .....70)1,361 ....-) 399,131
82 85 %%ireolironorateel ......................... .....695,881 ....-) 651,444
73 86 Mcts.. ..................................... .....$178,871 .... -) 1.010, 876
86 87 iewellery. ................................. .....670,598 ....-) 420,949
76 88 Copper and its products..........................584,458 ....-) 99)3.497
93 89 Canned fruits ........ ................. Lb 13,434,65)) 582.040 (-) 12,796.294 -) 728,021
96 90 Cotton lace and embroidery .............. ........ 571,358 ....-) 95,900
89 91 Silk yarn, artificial .................... lb 958,047 540,16(1 (-) 543.692 (-1 587,573
92 92 'rweeds .... .......................... Lb 483,728 477,079 (-) 280,054 -) 282,081
93 93 l)iarnonds, unset ............................ .....326,563 ....-) 384,471
94 94 Musical instruments ........................ ......:116.004 ....-( 354,966
98 95 Pigs and ingots (iron) ................. Cwt 164.82)1 304,480 (-1 202.278 -) 301,613
100 96 Canned vegetables .................... Lb 2,963,820 288.591 (.-) 2,586.538 -) 210,489
97 97 Carpets (wool). ............................ ......286,882 ....I 330,591
71 98 Iron ore ............................... Ton 68,514 180,911 (-) 735,649 -i 1,518,072
99 99 Iletinedsugar ......................... Lb. 1,718,500 11)2,091 (-1 15,85)1.500 ).-) 381,277
95 100 Rods, iron and steel ..................Cwt. 67,581 -__111,683 (-) 3(31,199 (-1 556,208
Total Value of above Commodities... .............. . 327,207,082 . ................ . (-1 138,800,346
Total Value of Imports......
....... ......... ....... 406,271,321) . ................ . (-) 172.232.573
Percentage represented by above
Commodities ...... ..... ....... ................ 80-5

Imports for Canadian Industrles.-An analysis of the statistics in the following table
giving Imports of Sixty-two Leading ('onunodities for Canadian Industries, 1933" ifl(lieatC that
about, one-third of the total imports into Canada c'oi1sit of commodities for use in the various
industries of the Dominion. The total value of the sixty-two commodities iniported for ('ann-
than industries in 1933 totalled $132,250,124, compared with a similar import. in 1932 valued at
$168,667,578, representing a decrease of $36.417,454 or 21.6 per cent, while Canada's total
decrease in her import trade was $172,232,575 or 29•7 per cent. The proportion of these imports
classified according to degree of manufacture, with decrease 1933 coIill)are(l with 1932 was:-
Raw materials, $70,630,978, decrease $13,457,027 or 16-0 per cent, SeTIii-m)L1I)Ifaetured, $27,307,-
242, decrease $14,077,273 or 34.0 per cent, and fully manufactured, $34,311,904, decrease
$8,853,154 or 20•5 per cent.

The statistics in the following suunlnary fully amplify this point.



Imports. 1933 Decrease, 1933 compared with 1932

Degree of Manufacture Per cent Per cent Percent-
Value of Value of age of
Total Total Decrease

$ % S % %
Raw materials ..... ........................................ .70,830,978 53•4 13,487.027 37-0 16-0
Semi-manufactured ..... ................................... ..27.307,242 20-7 14,077,273 38-7 34-0
Fully manufactured ........................................ .34,311,904 25.9 8.853.154 243 205

Total 62 Commodities ............................. .132,250,124 100-0 36,417,454 100-0 21-6


The decrease in the imports of products foruse in Canadian industries, especially raw materials,
naturally reflects a corresj)Onding slowing down of those industries dependent on importe(l raw
materials. From 1932 to 1933 the decrease in the imports of the sixty-two commnoilities listed as
for Canadian industries amounted to $36,117,454 or 21.6 per cent, whereas the decrease in the
imports of commodities other than the sixty-two listed for Canadian industries t4talled $135,-
l5121 or 33.1 per cent, indicating that proportionately the decrease in those commodities for
('anadian in(hlstries was less than for those imported for other purxwes.
A further analysis shows that fity-four of the sixty-two commodities listed for Canadian
industries, 1933 compared with 1932, had decreases, and eight increases; while forty of the forty-
eight commodities for which there were quantity statistics, had decreases and eight increases.
Of the forty-eight commodities for which there were quantity statistics, five had increases in both
the quantity and value; seven increases in the quantity but decreasr's in the value; thirty-three
decreases in both the quantity and value; and three litul decreases in the quantity but increases
in the value. Of the fourteen eoniniodit.ies entered at, value only every one of the fourteen had
a decrease. The commodities unl)OrtCd for Canadian industries which show (a) Increases in
both the quantity and value, (b) Increases in the quantity but in the value., and (c) 1k-
creases in the quantity but increases in the value, 1933 compared wit Ii 1932, were:-

Increase (+) or Decrease (–)

mpor •1933
I ts 1933 compared with 1932 in-
Quantity Value Quantity Value

8 $
(a) Increase in Quariiit9 and Value
Wool tops, noils and waste .......................... Lb. 8,061,973 2.873.183(+) 400.395(+1 29.038
Manila and sisal fibre .............................. Lb. 74.901,400 2.129.341 (-f) 28.057,l00(+)
Compounds of tetraethyl Lead ................. ..... Lb. 1.723,737 1,69L,990 (±1 421.8431+1
885.073 (+1 2.510,9001+) 3,1122
Raw cocos ..... ................................... Lb. 17.310,600
Sulphate of alumina ................................ Lb. 47.971,200 378.1661±) 112,3001+1

(ii) Increase in Quantil,—Decreane in Value

Raw cotton ........................................ Lb. 94.705.651 7.448,536 (+) 1,670.635 (—) 333,508
Rawsilk .......................................... Lb. 2.572.949 4.793,327 1+) 33,818)—) 1,715.827
Raw rotTen ........................................ Lb. 32.578,011 3.64(1.7971+) 141.378 (-1 33,616
Cotton yarn ........................................ Lb. 4,074,613 2,312.377 (±1 60,271 (—) 41,816
378,000)—) 185,477
Crude cotton seed oil............................... Lb. 311,005,500 1,416,6951+)
Zinc in sheets. ..................................... Lb. 4,011.607 2)19.5861+) 33,41)8)—)
2,822,200)—) 78,500
Ores of metals, n.o.p ................................ Lb. 9,652,900 98,485 (+)

(c) I)ecrease in Quanlitp—Increase in Value

Crude petroleum .................. ........... ...... Gal. 89.5,590,215 26,879,125 (—) 178.686,8961+) 2,684,041
Dyeing and tanning materials ....................... Lb. 35.028,891 3,510.598 (–) 1,808,987 (4- ) 64,788
Locomotive tires in ro,h .......................... I.b. 9.670,700 453,847 (-1 180,200(+) 9,925

Of the forty-eight commodities imported for Canadian industries for which there were
quantity 8tfttistics, an investigation indicates that thirty-one of these, valued at $71,147,518,
were imported at a lower average price per unit in 1933 than in 1932, and seventeen, valued at
$42,171,161, at a higher average price per unit; while fourteen commodities, which were entered
at value only, valued at $18,931,445, show decreases. The thirty-one commodities which entered
Canada for Canadian industries at a lower import price in 1933 than in 1932 were: Artificial silk
yarn, automobile engines, bituminous coal, bristles, cocoa (raw), coffee (raw), compounds of
tet.raethyl lead, cotton (raw), cotton seed oil (crude), cotton yarn, dress goods (wool) to be dyed,
grease for soap and leather, gums and resins, hemp, hides (raw), logs (wood), lumber and timber,
manila and sisal fibre, noils, tops and waste wool, oil for soap industry, ores of metals, n.o.p.,
rubber (raw), rubber (hard, recovered, etc.), silk (raw), silk cloth to be dyed, skelp iron, sugar
for refining, sulphate of alumina, wool (raw), woollen yarn, and zinc in plates and sheets. The
seventeen commodities which entered Canada at a higher average import price in 1933 compared
with 1932 wcre:—Alumina, bauxite and cryolite, boiler plate, copper bars and rods, dyeing and
tanning materials, glycerine for explosives, iron ore, locomotive tires in the rough, manganese
oxide, peanut oil, (crude), petroleum (crude), pigs, ingots and blooms, sand, silica for industries,
sulphur, tin in blocks, tin plate, tobacco (raw) and wire rods for making wire.
Canada in common with every manufacturing country ot the world is dependent on imported
raw materials for certain of her manufacturing industries, e.g., raw rubber, raw cotton, raw silk,
sisal fibre, iron ore, bauxite, sulphur, manganese oxide, crude cotton seed oil, crude peanut oil,
raw eot'oa, cocoanut oil, etc. A survey of the imports of raw materials into a country dependent


on imported raw materials for its industries will indicate as a general rule whether such industries
are in a flourishing or depressed condition. For instance an increase in the imports of raw
materials for such industries will invariably reflect greater industrial activity in those industries,
as well as an increase in the exports of those commodities manufactured from imported raw
materials, while a decrease in the imports of raw materials would indicate the very opposite result
Not-u--Commodities arranged in order of importance. 1933

Rank Total Imports, 1933 Increase (-,-, or Decrease (—,

____________ Commodities Imported compared with 1932
1932 1933 — Quantity Value Quantity Value

I I Crulepetroleuni ...................... Gal 895,584.211 26,878.125 (-1 178,096,890 '+i 2054,041

2 2 Sugar for refining ...................... Lb. 878.434.81)1) 14.04)8.983 () 72.744.100 —, 3.230.652
3 3 i9itumjnoui, coal ......................Ton 7.063,981 10.155.274 (—) 2.127.093 —) 4340874
4 4 Automobile parts ....................... .............. 10.022,932 .................3,425,993
5 Ilaw cotton. .......................... Lb '34.705,4)51 7.44i. 536 1,670.035 -i 3.53,508
6 Raw silk ......... ..................... lb 2,572,14-19 4,783.327 (4- ) 33,810 — 1.715,827
7 A stotiiobile engines. .................. No 21.471) 3,851,321 (—) 1.31)) — 80.5,192
9 Raw coffee ..........................Lb 32.578.1)11 3,8-10,757 j+) 141,37)) — 33,616
12 Dycingand tanningmaterials ......... lb 35.0211,891 3.510.598 -) 1.8418.987 ) 64 : 788
13 10 'I'm plate. ............................. Lb 79,283.293 3,182.945 —) 5.329,790 102,4Th
8 II Raw tobacco ...... .................... lb 10.195,212 2,886.883 -) 2,8741.123 (-I 974,552
18 12 Wool tops. noilsand waste ............. Lb 8.061,073 2.873.193 +) 400.395 (+ I 29,038
20 13 Cotton yarn ............................Lb 4,071,013 2,342,377 (+) 60.271 — 41,616
14 14 Raw furs ................................ .............. 2,230.248 .... ...........(' 1,025.599
19 15 Woollen yarn ...... ................... Lb 3,011,734 2,193.754 () 524.283 449.212
25 16 Slaniloandeisal fibre ................. Lb 74, 9111.460 2,128,341 4-) 28,057,100 1-I 272,629
22 17 Sulphur ..... ......................... Lb 212,85(1,593 2,054,563 —) 28.4161,700 (—) 172.371
18 IS leather, univanufactured ................... .................1,950,878 . ....... ........ - 918,009
10 19 Raw rubber.. .......... .............. l.b 41,077,906 1,693,257 (-1 14.180.108'—' 1,872.003
30 20 Compounds of tetruethyl lead ......... Lb 1.723.737 1,651.699 (+t 421.84.5 c 213,182
I? SI Itaw hides... ................ Lb 26,535,504) 1,608.144 (—) 1.294.100 I—' 1.259 901
21 22 ftsiw wool......
.................. Lb 8.355.731 1.553.325 (-1 1.2418.753 I- 708,95.3
11 23 I,undwrand hinter .................M ft 33,828 1,452.222 I 45.052 -1 2,059.240
28 24 Crude cotton seed oil .................Lb 39,605,504) 1,4111,695 .). 578.000 — 183.477
15 25 AIui,jii, b,iunjO, and cryolite. ........ Cwt 745,455 1,4111,321 (-I 958.574 (-1 1,588,295
24 26 (hI for soap industry .................. Gal 3,689,1)95 1.348.933 1-) 553.239 (-1 635.192
23 27 Skelp iron for pipe ..................... Lb 86,361.2011 1,272,2043 1—) 22.574.905 C— 756535
29 28 Gures andresins .....................1.)i 31.754.009 I, 194.520 (-) 3.23:1,091)—, 407,115
31 213 Celluloid in lumps ......................... ............ 1,057.088 . (-1 323,369
38 30 Itaw cocoa... .... ................... f.b 17.:)lb),I56; 865.073 (+1 2.5114,900 )-)-. 3,922
39 31 l)rens goods (wool) to be dyed ........ Lb 64)1.641 785.800 C-) 2,113 (—' 74,797
34 32 Greaneforsoapand leather ............ lb 24,702,300 784.439 (-) 2,563,400-1 269.798
35 33 Tin in blocks ... ...... ..... ...... Cwt 28.763 749.4117 1-) 9.332 1—) 22)1 237
33 34 Furs, wholly or partially dressed ............ .............634.152 ...............(— 4355597
32 35 Articles for manufacture of fertilinere ........ .............592,125 ...............—) 787,013
45 34) Sulphate of alumina ................... lb 47,971,21)0 575.166 +) 152
57 37 hatters' materials .......................... ............546. 930 ................ -1 371,791
36 38 Artificial silk yarn .... ............. lb 958,047 540,14(91—I 543,692 (—I 367,573
49 3!) l,ee'oniorive tires in the rough .........Lb 9,670,793 453.847 "—) 180,200 (4-) 9,925
47 40 Iron and steel articles for agricultural
inipleroent ........................... ............... .388.272 ..............(- I 101,551
42 41 Sausage casings ...................................... 380.316 ..............1—) 32)1,184
41 42 Diamonds, unuCt .................... ................. .326.503 .............. (-1 384,071
44 43 Pigs, ingotu and bloonis (iron) ......... Cwt 164.824) 304.180 1-) 202,278 (( 31)1,613
50 44 Axles for vehicles .................... . ...... .............269, 25)) .............. (-1 100.468
53 45 Zinc in sheets and plates.. ............ l.b 4.011,607 288,586 (4-) 33,408 1—) 1,1)49
40 4)1 Vl'neers of wood....... ...................... .......... 25(1 536 ............. 1-3 525,422
46 47 Rubbcr,hnrd, recovered, etc .......... Lb 6.009.237 237,2891—) 5,6241.160)—, 252,939
27 48 Iron ore .. ... ......................... Ton 66.514 180.911 C-) 735.6491— 1.518,07-2
56 49 [(room corn ........ .................... ............101,826 ............ (-I 10,641
55 3)) Sand. silica, for industries ....... ...... Lb 115,174.300 155.3571—) 85.449.500)—i 72.705
59 51 Bristles ... ........ .......... ...Lb 170,475 l:B 4 O74 1—) 29,529 (-1 40,500
51 52 l)iainond dust or bort and black
diamonds for borers ................ ....120.129 ................ ...(-1 158,141
43 53 Wire rods for making wire ............. Lb 107,445 1—) 35.972,500 1—) 554,714
58 54 [toiler plate. .... .. ................... Lb 4.976.5)))) 195.2)71—) 4,243.500 3—) 79.169
57 .55 ores of metals, sop. ................. Lb 9,0.52.9)))) 98.483 1- 2.822.200 (-1 78.501)
48 50 Copper bars and rods .................. I,h 11.50,300 76,364 —) 3.896. 700 (-1 409.982
52 57 thid of manganese ................... I.b 3.690.701) 71.363 —) 49,556.930 1— 206,273
60 58 f.ogs (wood)..........................M ft 5.692 643.448 1—) 3,217 1 —' 58,806
62 59 Ilen,p ......... ...................... l.h, 1,341,0191 64,0.55 —) 253,890 - 1)) 669
26 00 Crudepeanut oil 796,70)) 37.785(—) 37,014 9901—) 1.789,647
lii 01 Sitkelothtohedyod ................. Yd 51.454 11,171)—) 537)1831—I 85,401
54 62 Glycerine for explosives ............... lb...... (—) 3,339,854 3—) 240,211

Total above Commodities ............ ...132,250,124 ... 1—) 35.417.454

Importa according to degree of manufacture-
Raw materials................. . ...... ................. 70630979 . .............. ... 13,487.027
f4)erni-mrsnufaeturecj .. ........ .......... ................ 27.307,242 .................. (—I 14.077,373
Fully or chiefly manufactured. ...... ................... 34,311,904.................. (-1 8,85:1,154

Principal Commodity Exports.—The statistics in the following table giving "Seventy

Leading Domestic Exports from Canada, 1933" show that the total valise of these commodities
was $442,304,587 or 934 per cent of the Dominion's domestic exports. Fifty-six of the com-
modities show decreases, 1933 compared with 1932, and fourteen show increases. Of the fifty-
four commodities for which there were ouantity statistics, nine show increases in both the quantity
and value; four increases in the quantity but decreases in the value; forty-one decreases in both
the quantity and value; while none show decreases in the quantity but increase in the value.
Of the sixteen commodities for which there were no quantity statistics, being entered at value
only, eleven show decreases and five show increases. An analysis also shows that of the fifty-
four commodities listed for which there were quantity statistics, thirty-seven were exported at a
lower average price per uuit in 1933 than in 1932, and seventeen at a higher average price. The
total '.alue, however, of the thirty-seven commodities exported for which the average export
price was lower in 1933 than in 1932, amounted to $324,075,351, while the total value of the seven-
teen commodities for which the average export price was higher amounted to $72,194,868. The
total value of the sixteen commodities for which there were no quantity statistics was $46,034,368,
eleven of which of a value of $31,151,730 show decreases compared with 1932, and five of a value
of $14,882,638 show increases.


NOTE.-Comlflodittes arranged according to value. 1933

Increase or Decrease (-)

Rank Total Exports. 1933 1933 compared with 1932-
Commodities Exported

1932 1 1933 Quantity I Value Quantity I Value

$ $
Wheat . ............... ............... Bush 239,373.255 130.546,3(ki (+1 48.057,322 1+) 14,808,982
Newspriit paper ...................... Cwt. 33. 259.697 74. 136.803 ( - 1 Ii. 662,452 (-) 28. 806,489
Woodpu!p ...... ................ ...... Cwt. 8.785.833 17.786,135 (-) 2)170,740,-) 9,898,647
Wheat hour ....... ................... ltd. 3,298.371 16.987,1101-) 145,369 (-) 1.910.433
Fish ...... ......................... Cwt. 2,401,048 16.658,75) 1-) 1,178,1931-) 6,981,303
Planks and bosrd .................... M ft. 619675 I 1,098,91)0 (-) 288,604 (–) 7,937.492
Rawfurs .................................... ......... . 10.033,750 .. ..(-) 1470,407
Copper bars, rods. etc ................. Cwt. 1.785,253 It), 118.191 (4-) 196,46)) (–) 2,939,542
Whiskey .......................... .... 1,992,039 9.02)91)7 1-) 320,548 (–) 1.701,349
Cheese ............................... Cwt. 857,116 8.758.415 1+) 2.869 (–) 1,635,552
Nickel ................................ Cwt. 325,607 7,41)4,5041 -) 218.184 ( - 1 4,644.901)
Apples, fresh .......................... Br!. 1,780,026 7.352,1)12(4-1 121,144 (+) 815,328
Meat', ............................................... 6.683.140 .......... +) 1,722:124
Automobiles ......................... No 13,368 5.794.63) (+1 4.529 +) 2,177,281)
Silveroreand bullion ................. Oz. 15,585,632 4,410.571 1-') 2,167.1)1)9 -) 743.957
Oa1. .................................. Bush 13.824,449 4,300.592 -) 16,851 (-) 361.743
Etarle . ................................ Bush. 9,803.054 4,260,341 (-) 14.474.624 (-) 5,709.57')
Pulpwood ... ......... ................. Cord 476,748 4,287,425 (-1 356,176 1-) 3.908,719
Rye .................................. Bush 8,211,332 4,039,240 (4-) 3.851.519 (+) 2,005.4)41
Machinery ................... ....... ................. .... . 3.938,433 ... .....1+) 262,81))
Raw tobacco ........................... Lb. 14,748,069 3,902.244 (4-) 6.525,147 (+) 1.365,240
Raw gold ..................................... ............ . 3,797.35! ... .........(-1 9.874.214
Films ............................... ........ ........... 3,500.251) ... .. ........1'-) 311,422
Zinc .................................. Cwt 1.625,559 3.404.783 (-1 688,9701-) 1.766,882
Lend ...... ........................ Cwt. 2,372.145 3,312.91)4)1+) 171), 134 (–) 1.128,902
Rubber tires .......................... No. 635,004 3,2115,207 (-) 421)91)2 (-) 1.1)47,407
Fertilizers. ........................... Cwt. 2,684,567 3.068.871)1+) 1,273,677 (4-) 1,122,664
Settlers' effects ...................... ....... ........... 3.0)19,981 .............(-) 993.024
Asbestos, raw.. .......... ............. Ton 104.894 2.9714,032 (-1 42.255 (–) 1,857,485
Alumin,u,n in bars .................... Cwt. 181,929 2,786.55)) 1-) 12,630 1-) 375,4)58
Soda and soda compounds ............. Cwt 584,100 2,698.143 (-) 175.930 -) 143,4410
leather, unmanufzu,tured ............ .... .... ..... ........ 2.428,093 . ............. –) 387.894
Shingles wood) ....................... 93 1,209,793 2,4)10,310 (4-) 171,274 +) 1.821
Cereal foods........................... ...... ......... 2,390,732 . ............. –) 5.672
Cattle .... ........................... No 37,359 2.374.785 (-1 20.820 –) 1,259,909
Rubber footwear .. .................... Pair 2,510,080 2,313,737 (-I 1.378.041) –) 1,297.760
Milk. preserved. ...................... Cwt 276,85! 2.211,751 t+) 78,394 4-) 231,659
Auozoobile parts... ....................... ..... .... ..... 2,016.653 ... ............ 1+) 1,302.431
Oatnieu! ar,drolledoats ............... Cwt 568,731 2,1)00,807 (-1 230,109 (-1 632,85)
Logs (wood) .......................... 93 ft 215,91)2 1,976,572-1 4)1.2571-) 717,605
Acids..... ............................ Cwt 291,977 1,806,0)2 1-) 65,397 ( - 1 209.365



Noi'g.—Commodities arranged according to valuc, 1033

Rank Total Exports, 1933 Ineresse (+) or Decrease (–)

1933 compared with 1932-
Commodities Exported

1832 1 1933 Quantity I Value Quantity Value

16 42 Copperoreand bunter ................. Cwt 473.914 1.776.531 (—) 338.202 (-1 4,509,661
33 43 Electrical energy ................. M KWh 647.789 1.657.555 (—) 393.305 –) 1.052.865
48 44 Paper board ............................... ...
...... ......1.629.949 ..............(—) 121.758
55 45 Bran and shorts ...................... Cwt 2,142.785 1,531,524 (+1 124.453 (+1 257,876
47 40 Coal ................................. Ton 280,057 1,383,1)59 (—) 77,232 (–) 488,541
Electric apparatus ....................... ................. 1,347,677 ...............
Fargo implements ..................... .................1,324.776 .... .......
...... (–) 1,160.189
42 49 Square timber .................. MIt
... 100,978 1,209,351 (-1 42,142 (–) 800,828
50 50 l'jekkn and sauces ... . ........ . ... ...............1,088.851 . . . (-1 457,596
57 51 Malt. .... ..... ..................... llush 1,376,802 1,1911.880 t —) 224,252 (—) 140.568
51 52 Abrasives, artificial, crude ............ Cat 241.444 (917,01)) —1 397,112 (-1 537,830
65 53 Hardware and cutlery 896.735 (+1 44,008
62 54 Ferro-inanganese and ferro-silicon. ... Ton 18.084 81)2,277 —'I 1.082 (—) 11)7,521)
52 55 Itindertwine ......................... lb 16,612.90(1 855,430 ) 1.828,200 (-1 643,928
38 56 Potatoes .............................. Bush 1,861.813 770,272 —) 2.861.775 (—) 1,695,932
53 57 Platinum concentrates ................. Ox 9,002 684.450 —> 8,145 (—) 686,182
83 58 Brass ....................................... ...... 675.058 ....(—) 214,108
6.4 59 Gasoline and naphtha Gal
................. 4,723,038 656,4(12 (—) 525,992 (–) 107.338
59 60 Tub(s and pipe (iron) .................. ..... ......613,739 ....1—) 498.332
61 61 Wrapping paper .... ................... Cwt. 160.695 568.7111 —) 84,322 (–) 466.204
11 62 Butter.. ........ .................... Cwt. 32.060 589,537-1 77,113 (—) 1,773,351
68 63 Maple sugar.. ................. ..... Lb. 3,176.471 043.153 ±) 2064,265 (—) 8.611
56 64 I'olen, telegraph... ............... ..... o. 15(1.3(1)) 542.910 ) $1?. 61(7 (— ) 61(9,425
49 1)5 Raw hides.... ... .............. ... Cwt. 132.087 533,040 1—) 39,247 (—) 1,212.291
60 66 Laths, wood ...................... ... M 105.175 435,01(7 I — ) 255,259 (—) 660,659
67 67 Sugar, refined .. .................... Cwt. 84.252 393.846 (-3 56,573 (–) 293394
58 68 Flax ',aed ....... ...................... Bush 371.438 291.376 I —) 675.036 1—) 880.405
69 69 hay. ...... ..... ...................... Ton 27,138 212,062 —) 29,143 (-3 310,420
70 70 Crude petroleum .....................Gal, 5.859,750 170,127 (-3 5,592,720 (–) 293,882
Total Value of above Commodities ...... ........... ..... 442.304.587 .. ............... . (—) 95.485.830
Total Value of Exports (Domestic) ...... ................ 473.799.955 .................. (–) 102,544,347
Percentage represened by above
Commodities ...................................... 93.4

Fluctuation in Import and Export Values.—Changes in the values of imports and exports
over a given period may be caused by (a) variation in quantity; (Ii) fluctuations in price; or
(c) combination of these two factors. It will be noted by reference to Tables I and 11 (which
follow) re Preliminary Comparison of the Value and Volume of Canada's Im)orts (p. 58) and
Exports (p. 66) that Canada's imports on a declared value basis in 1933 compared with 1932
decreased $172,232,575 or 29-2 per cent, and her domestic exports $102,544,347 or 17•8 per cent,
whereas on a volume basis during the same period imports decreased $148,560,052 or 25'7 per
cent, and domestic exports $47,949,052 or 8-3 per cent. Further, it will he noted from these
import and export tables that when allowance is made for the fluctuation in Canada's import
and export values, 1933 compared with 1932, that the decrease in imports due to price changes
accounted for $23,672,523 or 137 per cent of the total decrease in her import trade, while the
decrease due to changes in the volume of the import trade accounted for $148,560,052 or 86-3
per cent; whereas the decrease in the Dominion's domestic exports, due to price changes, accounted
for $54,595,295 or 33-2 per cent of the total decrease in the domestic export trade, while the
decrease due to changes in the volume of the export trade accounted for $47,949,052 or 46•8
per cent..

It will also be observed in the list of commodities imported (see Table No. 1) that 34 of these
show increases in the quantity and decreases in the value, while 7 show decreases in the quantity
and increases in the value; whereas in the list of commodities exported (see Table No. II) 13 of

these show increases in the quantity and decreases in the value, while none of the export items show
decreases in the quantity or increases in the value. The following import and export cominod-
ities show (a) increases in the quantity and decrease in the value, or (b) decreases in the quantity
and increase in the value.

Increase (+1
Commodities Decrease (—)
in the-

Quantity Value

Increase in Quandt11 - in Value

Anthracite coal, grate, egg, etc .................................................................. . (+) 1-6 —) jo-a

Bindertwine ................................................................................... +) 14-3 ...) 5- 0
Citricacid ...................................................................................... 1+) 0-5 —) 10-1
Chinaclay ..................................................................................... ..(+) 41 —) 13-4
Coal es-warehoused ships......................................................................
for (+1 5.4 —) 2-2
Coaltar. ... ..................................................................................... (-I-) 11-0 —> 17-1
Cswoanut oil for soap ........................................................................... ..
1+) 7-0 —) 20-3
Codliver oil ................................... .................. .............................. .. +) 59-2 —) 3.9
Codeine.......................................................................................... +1 44 () 29-8
Coke .................................. . ................... . .... ..................... + 0-4 (—) 11-2
C'ott'n raw) ................... ............ ...... ............ . ....... ..... ..................... +1 I-S —) 4-5
Cot ton seed oil, crude............................................................................ +1 10 —) Il-fl
Currants )dried( .................................................................................. (-I-) 25 —) 11-2
Curtains (cotton) ... ..................... .......................................................1+) 0-6 (-1 7-6
1)cstrjne, dry ............................ ........... (+1 125 (-1 0-8
l -:lectric lamps .................................................................................. (+1 32-8 (—) 2-1
Electric vacuum cleaners .......................... ............................................... (+1 12-9 —) 30-2
Essentialoil...................................................................................... (+) 33 —) 15-3
Flaxseed........................................................................................ (+1 2-9 —) 12-5
Incubators and broodors ........................................................................ .....(+) 359 —) 548
Iiu crude....................................................................................... 1+) 3.7 (—) 32-5
Lithirgi- ................. . ................................................
........................................(-F-) 1-2 (—) 11-4
oliveoil ..... ............................... . ............................................... ..1+) 75
OlIvia and cherries, in bnno ..................................................................... ..
) 5-2
PaperprInt2nR. ............................................................................. (-F) 19-2 —)
5-I —) 17-4
Peaches (dried). .............................................................................
..............(+) 1-7 —) 15-2
Pepper(unground). ............................................................................. .. + 6-2 —) 11-5
Salmon , fresh................................................................................... (4-) 59-2 —) 2-3
Scrupironorsteel............................................................................... (4-) 16-7 —) IS-B
Silk(raw)....................................................................................... c+) 0-6 —) 26-3
Stereotypes.................................................................................... ..1+) 397 (.) I-S
Walnuts , not shelled............................................................................. (+) 29-6 (—) 6-0
%Sorsti-d tops.................................................................................... (+) 0-3 (—) 4-5
Zinc plates for marine boilers.................................................................... 1-)-) 2-2 (—) 2-2

Decrease in Quanti2y-
inciazsein lalue

Anthracitecoal,n.o.p .......................................................................... .. i— 5-0(4-1 1-5

Carrots,fresh .............. ................................... .................................. () 8-31+) 5-I
Chiorideof lime .......................................................... .............. ....... ..1—) u-i + o-
Fetes-alloys ..... ...................................................... .......................... 36-4 +) 388
Marine engines.................................................................................. —) 35-0 +) 51-1
Petroleum, crude, iii its, natural state............................................................ —) 18-9 1+)
Tires, steel, in thorough ...................................................... ................. ..—) 1-8 (-f-) 2-2

(a) Increase in Qwinlify-
Decrease in lidue

lt eef,frs-sh or frozen ................................................................... ..........(+) 52-1 (—) 1-0

B rass, old and scrap ....................................................... . ...... ..............)±) 16-3 1—) 19-3
Buckwheat .................................................................................... ..(+1 6-8 (—) 7-7
Cheese ......................................................................................... (+1 0-3 1—) 17-3
Copper in bars, plates, sheets, etc--------------------------------------------------------------- (+) 12-4 (-1 22-5
F erro-manganese------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1+) 0-9 (—) 15-4
F ootwear of leather---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1+) I - I (-1 0-9
Leadin pigs.................................................................................... 1+) 8-4 1—) 25-8
Maple sugar ........................................................................... --------- (+) 9-4
Nails, wire and other.................................................................. -- ------- 1+) 17-4 (—) 5-8
(Juts----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------- (+1 0-8 (—) 9-9
iteaper-threshere------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (+1 15-8
Ships--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- 1+) 35-0
(—) 29-3
(—) 33-2
(0) Decrease in Quantity-
increase in I'aiue

No Exports showing Decrease in Quantity and Increase inValue.

(Vnr nn, March ti. 1933 comnared with 1932)

Percentage Inc. (+) or

Imports. Your ended Average Imports, Year etided Qitiuntity Dec. ( -) in Value and
March 31, 1932 Import March 31, 1933 1933 Quantity 1033 compared
Unit of Valued at with 1932
Commodities Imported Quantity Price per
- -- Unit, 1932 ---- - - 1932 l'rico
Quantity \ due Value Quantity
Qu an tity Value

$ $cts. I $
A9ricidhu'uZ and Vegetable Preducta
120,036 537,an7 448 71,100 278.068 318,528 48.3 -) 408
Apples, fresh.......................................... Br), 1,353.125 1,572,958 (-) 360 - ) 25t
Bananas, fresh ..................................... ...Stein 3,960.197 2,114,627 0-23 2,997.845
38,110.494 1,081,236 0028 28.618.474 893,642 801.317 (') 174 -) 258
Urapeiruit,freah .................................... .. Lb. 17,300.229 608,183 899.612 1-) 358 . - ) 50
(.irapea, fr es h ....................................... .. Lb. 111,122,292 946,640 0.052
387.215 1,419.260 367 245.629 1,289,100 901,447 (-) 8-1 (-I 35-2 -5,
lemons ............................................ ..Box 006 4,887,219 287,644 292.003 (-1 38-6 () 37(
Melons ................................................ No 7,732.134 468,289
4,124.931 5,095.381 5,321,165 1-) 211 ( - 1 17-1
5,019.622 6,459.907 129
Orang es .................................. . ... . ...... . Cu. It. 015 3,613.302 138.245 108,399 (_) 598 - ) 68-t
Peach es , fresh ...................................... .. Lb. 10.340.187 335.340
12.839.442 469.336 0037 10,078.7 64 297,9711 172,914 1-) 36.5 - ) 20-2
Pears, fresh ......................................... ..Lb. 4,380.786 393.164 523,699 (-) 33-2 - ) 101
Atrawberries, fresh .................................... 1.b. 4.725,570 596.834 012
1,941.918 183.058 0-094 2.347.653 199.422 229,679 1+) 89 (+1 20 (
Apricots, dried ...................................... .. Lb. 5,640.566 440,639 508,191 ( - ) 112 (+1 21
Curr an ts, dried .............. . ........ .. ........... ..Lb. 5.505.404 495.900 009
14,095,699 12. 140,945 311.353 364,228 ( - ) 30-li 1 - ) 1 9.l
Dales .................................. ............... 1.1,. 450.733 003
1,384.087 85,387 102,422 1-') 152 1±) 1'
1,367,400 100.738 0074
Peaches, dried ........................................Lb. 15,489,187 588.327 697.013 ( - ) 18-U - ) 3'(
Prunes and dried plums ............................. ..Lb. 16,034.658 717,525 0045
:1.1)76.9721+) 12-3+) 13-I

33.964,927 2.709.298 0-08 38.462,151 3.042.719
Enisins...............................................Lb. 83,831 (-2 83-2 1-) 81'i
7.309,846 458,459 0063 1.362.402 77.028 1711
Peaches and ap ri cots, canned ........................ ..Lb. 0-039 11,666,090 455.427 454.978 -1 29-7 1-) 29-I
Pineapples, canned.. ............................... ..Lb. 16,676.579 647.893
2)11.709 009 606 .167 49,585 54,555 - ) 78-4 (-1 73•
Fruits, other, canned.................................. Lb. 2,444,528
629 .545 76.790 012 504.203 57,150 (i0,5)14 -) 25-6 (-1 2I'l
Jellies, jams and pr eserv es ........................... ..Lb. 435.421 246.261 318,603 - ) 17-4 1 -)- ) 5:
Olives and cherries in brine .......................... . (lal. 413,253 298,253 072
2,154,554 104,584 0-076 790.253 59,557 60,059 - ) 63-8 (-1 83 1 -3
Fruit pulp. .............. . ......................... ...I.b. 124,226 138. 03 2 1 - ) 474 ( - ) 41-)
179.498 236,123 132 104,570
Fruit juices (total) ................................. .. Gal.
9.469.182 106.886 132,568 1+) 51 1+) 30- -3
Cocoanuts ........ ... ............................... ..No. 7,182,303 101,748 0-014
1.5011,314 55,239 0-037 1,085,140 40.149 40,150 () 273() 27' -5,
Cocounut, desiccated .................. ................ Lb. 1,278,215 90.830 1 00 .979 () 141 () 4'l
Brazil nuts, not shelled ................ ................ Lb. 1,343.299 105.738 0079 '-3
28.967,735 115)1.1111 0033 23.059,259 0 80 .030 7)10.856 (") 289 () 20
l'eanuts, green .......................................Lb. 0-12 1,467.944 127.881 17i).l53 ( - ) 6-U (-I-) 29'
Walnuts, not shelled .................... ............... Lb. 1,141,907 135.959
1,724.387 172.635 022 1.5117,665 316.797 851.186 - ) 14-0 ( - 1 5-'
Almonds, shelled ..................................... Lb. 022 4.315,900 593.678 1105,498 () 507 () 24.:
Walnuts, shelled ................................... ... Lb. 5.379.894 1.203.454
17,645.541 261.3 09 0015 10.293,238 252,969 154.3981-) 3-Il-) 40"
Cabbage ........................................... ... Lb. 10.000,451 279,339 243.8101+) SI (-1 8-:
(.'arruts ............................................ ...Lb. 11.566.6411 265,806 0.023
15, 033.882 4117,864 0(812 12,733.122 329,998 407,460 (-1 32-4 1-) 16.
Celery ............................................. ...Lb. 0-028 078.932 1 - ) 399 (-1 21.
Lettuce ............................................ ...Lb. 30,527,075 865,232 24,247.571 529,300
17.724.226 :0(3,605 0-022 17.937.738 365.265 374, 830 ( - 1 72 - 1 4'
Onions ............................................. ...Lb. 0-046 33,280,7011 1.392,912 ( - 1 34-7 -) 30-
'l'utuatOeS ............................................. Lb. 43,300.60)1 2,0(93.030 1,309 ,710
283,551 146 112,514 173,820 lii-1,270 (-3 38-8 1-) 42'
I'otatuea ............................................. Cwt. 193.573
0011 2,903.820 288,591 206744 () 42-2 () 46
Vegetabl es , canned (total)............................. lb. 5,550,358 499.080
441,6811 420,925 095 324,989 303,399 308.740 (-) 28-0 (-1 37-
Pickles, snuces and eatsupe (total) .............. .--- ...Gal. 115,564 0053 1,599,291 72.55(1 81,762() 3721-) 29'
Beans................................................. 1.b. 2,199.7911
11,050,73 3,921,2 53 043 7,1114.684 2,910.476 3.274,3141-) 2581-) 18-
Corn . ............................................... . Bush.
490,161 581.661 ( -f- ) 247 (+i 48
Oats ................................................. Bush 1,577.480 393,033 025 2.326.842
182,824 006 2,326,358 114,872 118,3181-) 298 1-) 28
Peas ................................................ 3,161.430
386,440 699.530 738,Il2.(-) 29-7 -) 25'
" ..-,,l.'.,.,.,' Cwt. 521,281 9116,223 1-91
Rice, cleaned Cwt 149.379 419,533
Wheat ............................................... 281 127,819 290342 359,171<-) 30-8 ( - 5 113
Bush 142.745 90,272 0-53 75,129 47.212
Biscuits............................................... Lb 47.331 (-) 477)-) 47.6
2,295,689 325,084 014 1,784,545 259393 249.836<-)
Sugoandsapioce......................................Lb 3.078,724 230 (- 23'l
OliveoiI .............................................. (Ia! 86.028 0028 2.860.631 65.497 80,098<-) 23.9)-)
357.546 411,412 115 384.600 389.953
Peanut and soya beanoil ........................ .... ..Gal 442,300 -) 5-21+) 7-5
189.244 89.378 0-47 174,871 84,849 82.189 -) 3-I ( - 5 8'l
Confectionery......................................... Lb 4,775,629 700.533 015
51o1 .............................................. Gal 4.290.522 592,507 63,593 -) l5.
8,991,335 1.838,654 020 8.653.462 1.549.951

Sugar, nov., not above No, 16 D.S ...................cwt, 1.750.602 -) 101 -) 5-8
8,113,743 16,296.513 201 6.227,302 9.891,614 12.516,877 -) 387 -) 232
Sugar, above No. IGD.S.............................. Cwt 1,603,846 3.546,490 2-21
Cocoa, raw........................................... (2wt, 2.804,241 4.239,460 5.755.373 +5 194 5)-) 620
149, (97 861.151 5-76 173 106 86507:1 857,091 +5 05 (+1 15.5
butter......................................... Lb 1,394,672 654,012 0'15
Cor'oa , inpowderform ................................ Lb 2.424,909 299.178 363,738 -) 54-3<-) 44.4
2,535,059 148,791 0-059 1,664,587 119.435 98,211 -) 265 -) 340
Coffee, green .......................................... Lb 32,436.632 3,674,413 0-I1
Coffee, roneted ...................................... ..Lb 12.578.011 3,640,797 3,585,581 -) 09 -) 25 C
634.612 288.226 0.44 491,598 223,881 216.303 -) 218 -) 245
Mustard, ground......................................Lb 751,053 351,801 049
Pepper, unground ..................................... Lb 652,428 311,132 303,558 -) 115 -) 137 ?
1.877.605 217,861 0-12 1.927.347 192,841 251,282 -) 115
Tea (total) .......................................... Lb 42,765,705 , 6-2
7,125,314 017 34,417,276 4.720,435 6 550.937 -) 338<-I
Yeuat,eotupred ................. ................... Lb 1,679.587 304,295 8-3
11 o()9 ................................................. Lb 018 1.485.758 280,016 267,136 -) 8-0 -) 52-1
1,039,434 197,253 0-I9 686,075 122,398 13(1,354 -) 37-9 -) 33.9
Liquorice ............................................. Lb 1,286.170 173.459 0-13 1,222,901 172,809 158,977 -) 0-4 -) 84
Malt syrup............................................ Lb 2,428.051 226.212 0093
AL', beer and porter................................... Gal 1.159.574 108.9!)) 107.840 -) 51-9 -) 52-3
195,614 388,2(9 198 106,587 218,256 211.1(42 -) 438 (-) 456
Brandy............................................... Pr. gal. 210.957 1,505,398 7-41
Gin ................................................. P1. gal. 128,584 945.313 952.807)-) 395 C--) 391
257,507 5,425,714 14-42 99,578 1,406,252 1,4:15.015)-)
Rum..... .... .............. . gal. 198.788 39(1<-) 581
Whiskey... ........
. ................. ..... ............ P1 gal. 2.901.810 1460 99,179 1,494,432 l,448,1113 (-) 485 (-1 50-1
.............................. 742,207 15,1)73,064 2112
non-sparkling (total)........................... Gal. 388,310 8,250,624 9.201,107)-) 47.4 ( . ) 47.7
851.549 1.445.391 174 640,319 1,004.433
Champagne .......................................... Gsl 46,242
1.114, 155 (-5 St'S (-1 22-9
Chisle gum ............................................Lb 2(18,118 645 29,530 184,452 190,469 (-5 381 (.- ) 311-I
815.229 319,918 039 726,238 231.695 283. 233 (-5 26-9 (- ) lOG
1)m'ulrine, dry......................................... wt, 4:1,311)
l.s, -rude ................ 171(46(1 4-14 48,770 177.953 21)1,998 (-) U'S S I') 125
............................Cwt 8,909 212,438 23-84 9,238
Ilosmn ..............................................
............. Cwl 143.339 220.234 (-) 32-5 ('H 37
247.495 544,974 220 224,621 441,426 10!,l66 ('-. 5 lOt) (-1 93
t)ilsske ttotmml)........................................ Cwt 1:10.8211
('m,sommnmmt oil for eoom..................................... (Jul 138,621 0-99 88,814 80153 97,926 5-) 349 (- I 36.5

1,475,540 0-48 3,287.870 1.175.350 1.578. 178 5 - ) 203 H- 70
Cotton seem! and crude cotton seed oil..................... Cwe 380.275 1,6(12,172 415
Essenta1 oil ........................................ . Lb 390,055 1,416,699 1,618,728 ( - 5 11.6 ( -I- ) I'D
465.111:3 658.811 141 482,626 558,133 681.1,503 -) 153 (+) 33
Peanut oil, crude, for reh)ning .........................Cwt 378.056 1,818.432 481 7,867 37,765 37,840 -> 87(1(-) 979
Peanut and soya bean oil for soap.....................Gal 848,1175 331.335 039
Rubber, crude....................................... Lb 322,305 126,195 125.699 -) 819 () 621
55.289,300 3.572.854 0065 41,077,906 1,693.257 2,670.004 -) 526 (-) 25.5
llulmbs'r thread ....................................... Lb 261.500
Doz 210,814 081 110,285 93,006 91.191 ( - 5 5511 -) 53.3
39.749 110,411 3-00 34,138 1(10,989 101,414 154 -) 142
( .'lm , verseed........................................... Lb 1,045,104 150,11)4 015 101,473 23,157 15,221 85'5 -) 904
1-lax seed............................................. Bush, 383,720 353,273 0-92
SmeLl uced, weighing over one pound ........ .......... Lb 416,859 309,262 383,310 -) 12-5 +5 29
2,168.358 130,558 0058 1,638,084 68,858 61.733 -) 47.3 -) 29.7
'l'ollnm'co, raw......................................... Lb 13,075,335
'l'obaeco, manufactured............................... Lb 3,86(465 030 10.199,212 2,886,883 3,059,764 -) 25-2 -) 209
308,4(13 77)1,1)87 2-50 196,587 483.548 491.468 -) 37-2 -) 362 5.3
Starch................................................. Lb 5,066,904 l83,79e 0033
'l'iir(mentine, apiritsul .................................Cia! 2.110.518 84,755 69,047 C-) 48-9 (-5 570
1.000,222 431,616 043 853.042 385,799 366,808 (-) 10-6 (-5 140
vegetableproducte . .......... .......12,686.880
0.082,674 11.128,917<-) 284 ( - 5 123
'l'ol,iul Agricultural and Vegetable Products............... 128,021,260 ......
88,220,854 100,753,520 (-3 31.4 (--) 217

Ani,nois and Animal Produaa

Cattle ................................... ............. No. 841 170.618
Horses ............................. ............ 202.87 359 82.343 72.850<-) 51.7)-)
........No. 4,362 1,335,339 306-12 s7.g
Bone dust ............................................ 4.145 1,214.418 1.268.867 1-) 91 5 - ) 5.0
Cwt. 49,58! 133,442 269 42.579 118,912 114.538<-) 1639<-) 141
Ma.-eh 21 1023 enmnared with 1932)

Percentage Inc. 1+> or

Imports. Yearended Average Imports, Year ended Quantity Dec. (-) in Value and
Import March 31, 1933 1933 Quantity 1933 compared
Unit of March 31, 1932 with 1932
Price per Valued at
Commodities Imported Quantity 1932 Price
Unit, 1932
Value Quantity Value Value Quantity

$ $cts. $ $ % %
Animate and Animal Products-Con.
492,231 43,574 0004 426.591 31,284 40.100 () 282 () 77
Ualihut,frnsh ...................................... ..Lb 229.967 223 86,020 146.6611 191.825 (-1 361 ( - 1 16-6
Uysters.shellcd .............. . ... . ................ .. Gal 103,118 23 (+) 592
992.137 109.987 011 1,580.256 107.459 173.828)-)
i'altnon, fresh ... .................................. .Lb 7,312.827 282.087 270,575 () 39'1 () 41'8
12.5511,895 464.46(1 0037
l"kh, dried, salted, smoked (total) .................. . Lb 0.068 3 8 3)9 3 8 254 9 9 () 26 6 () 28.6
"ardines in boxes 8 on and lens Box 5,293.293 tliO 2
197,409 1711,384 089 166.255 35.3711 147,967 1-) 232 (-) 158
Bristles, animal ...................................... l,b 116,337 9.09 209.398 21.897 12.594 (-) 812 1-) 895
Ilair, cleaned ....................................... Lb 1,9811,807 4-6
281,3111 2.867,945 1019 268,355 1.608144 2,734.5371-) 439()
lljdes(totat ........................................ Cwt 410.443 268 110.149 253.470 2115,199 () 383-1 280
l6x)ts(inen's) ....................................... l'air 373,9(17 757.985 234 174,816 331(613 409,069 1-) 5t13 1) 480
ltoots (women's) ..................................... l'air 75,687 017 361,935 22.244 61.529)-) 7061-) 21-0
Bc,'),frenh ....................................... Lb 458.577 882
1,433.401> 120.684 0084 169.213 12,127 14,214 )- 1 900>-> '-5
Mutton and lamb, fresh ................ ..............Lb 64.684 024 15,65) 4,916 3.7511-1 9241-) 941
Bacon and hams ....................... ..............Lb 265076 487 (-) 30-6
6,122,319 657,095 OIl 4,249,339 337.710 467.4271-)
Canncdirtaats .................................... Lb 256.910 007 2,354.544 120,961 164,818 1-) 52-9 1-) 35-8
I'ork, barrelled, in brine ............................. Lb 3,669.622
879,670 288.336 031 876.894 39,952 271.837 (-) 85-1 (-) 03
Butter ............................................... Lb 387.258 028 1.103,391 2011, 725 308.9491-1 233 (-) 19-9
Cheese. ... ......................................... .Lb 1.377.344 20. 2
1 296 142,374 0 67 255, 083 131 810 170,906 (- 3 9
Cod lixer oil Gal 33,446)-) 518)-> 45-7
228.007 61,631 027 123.874 29.699
Beeswax .........................................Lb 995,281 3-82 234,344 732,023 895,194 1-) 265 1-> 100
Grease for soap and oil .......................... . ... . Cwt 260.453 2097
513,418 27.806 0054 1.590.252 119,924 85.8741+) 151-51±)
Lard and compounds ................................. Lb 25,061 044 30.294 15,507 13.3291-) 381)-) 463 -I
Eggs in the shell ... ........................ .........Dos 56.451
145,908 65.302 045 78.481 38.235 35,316 1-) 415)-> 462
Eggs, dried and prepared ............................ Lb 027 1.422.081 382,957 383.962 (-) 146 (-) 15-4
1,680,618 448,353
Gelattne ........................................... Lb 200,640 009 1,286.617 99,954 113,996 () 50-2 (> 431
Glue, animal, pwdercd ............................Lb 2,228,432
13,588.849 ... 8,532.007 11. 134,638 () 372 () 181
Other animaLs and animal products .................... 3

20,148.011)-) 37-I 1-) 18-0

Total Animals and Animal Products ... .......24,563,246 ... 15,438.577

Fibres, Textiles and Ter)il, Products

93,035.016 7.802.044 0084 94.705.4151 7,448,538 7,955.275 (-) 4.5 (+) 1-9
Cotton, raw ..... ....................................... Lb. 250.934 0-03 6.390.580 177.317 191.717 (-1 293 ( - 1 20-4
Cotton linter', ....... ..... .... .......................... Lb. 8,030.669
4,174.815 2,514,930 0-60 4.005.439 2,319,489 2,403,263 1-) 7-8 (-) 41
Cotton yarns ................................... Lb. 37.398 2-81 5.520 16,598 15,511 () 55' 6 (_) 582
(7s,uon socks and stockings .......................... Don. pr. 13,293
5.301.595 1,236.298 0-23 4.125.924 987,690 948,963)-) 20-1
Woven fabrics, not bleached .......................... Lb. 816,278 1-) 19-7 (-) 229
2,072,255 1.048,849 051 1,600,545 942,4)1
Woven fabrics, bleached .................... ......... . Lb.
068 2.263.729 1.518.459 1,539.336 1-) 360 1-) 354
Cotton fabrics, printed ......................... .... Lb. 3.504.121 2,375,951
4,670,1>79 2,522.215 0.54 3.430.8116 1.8711.968 1.852,6118 ) - •1 256 (-) 261
Cotton fabrics, piece ...........................
dyed . Lb.
462,285 273.101 277.371 - 38'6() 37>
Cotton fabrii's.yarn dyed ........................... . Lb. 743.1(18 444.Sttl 080
557,381 450.232 079 500:110 381.361 395,245 (-1 152 (-) 10'
Velvetcens and corduroys (cotton).................... Lb. 580.355 11-) 133 (-) 3-1
Lb. 369,009 585.(159 1-59 356,198 507.935
Lace', bobbinet, ct, , ,'otton. .................. ...... 316.867 108 295.240 792,721 318.845111 () 7111+> 04
,.,*t,-,n .Lb. 293,502 .
I lail kerciiic'fi ml wu 1.b. 363. 7)11 585.488 15.5
Hemp 363, 89 568.90 564.033 1+) 08 (+1 003
Cwt. 18,348 81.324 443 15.81( 64,115$ 70,038)—)
Flax, hemp and jute yarn 205 (—) 13-S
Lb. 3.594.14.5 392.849 0-I1 2.701.386 211(1.9811 297,483)—)
Linen thread . 25-9)—) 248
lb. 224.719 232.308 103 193,76)1 187. 4 1 1
Woven fabrics of flax, not t,k'aehed .................... \d. 199.581)—) 193 3— 138
1.339.466 169.816 013 761. 622 611)132 99,011i—)
Woven fabrics of flax, bleached...................... 489)—) 43-I
360.281 98.095 027 127,766 33.11115 34.4601-1
Woven fabrics of flax, printed... .................... ... sd. 65-71---) 64•6 250.260 0-22 375,015 75,318 82,503)—)
Woven fabrics of jute, not bleached..................... I d. 69'9)—) 97.7
70.630,609 2,918. 159 0-04 60.1151.888 2.06(1.292 2.426.076)—) 28-4 (-3
Silk , raw ..................... ...................
.................Lb. 142
2,667,308 6.537.131 245 2.682,306 4.818.743 11.571.657 (—)
Woven silk 1ahric, wholly of silk...................... Yd. 26-31+) 08
3.684,852 1,729. 739 047 683.335 3811,636 325.869) 77.5 (—)
Woven fabrics,
silk 26 inches wide or less ............ .. I d. 81-2
476.788 121.422 0-25 430. 029 89.241] 107.507 (—) 265 ()
Woven silk fabrics, with cut pile....................... Yd. 9-8
925,503 796.604 086 596. 1011 530. 870 312,1)54 3 — )
Wool, raw ... ..........................................Lb. 308 (—) 356
9,624.484 2,262,261 0-24 8,355.731 1,553.328 2.005.375)—)
Worsted tops .........................................Lb. 313 (-1 132
7.208.244 2,725,529 0-38 7,231.491 2,6112,164 2.747,967 I—) 45 (+3
Woollen yarns .......................................
.........Lb. 0-3
3,5881,017 2.642,966 075 2,944.251 2.159.491 2,208.188 (-3
Woven fabrics to be dyed............................. Lb. 183 (—) 167
848,954 860,6(13 101 689. 042 157.414 695.932 (—) 23-il ( - 3
Overeontings.......................................... Lb. 18-8
467.090 402.048 0-88 185.501 1(5,4211 159.531 )—)
Tweeds.............................................. Lb. 55.9 (-3 60-3
7113, 782 759.160 099 483, 728 477.079 179,891)—)
Worsteds and .serges...................................Lb. 47.2)—) 36-7
4.052,062 4.6611,839 116 2,529,948 2.895,502 2,9081.440 1—)
Woven fabrics wholly of wool............................ Lb. 38-0 I —) 376
1,429.512 1.728.368 121 991,404 1,103.988 1.199.599)—)
Carpets and rugs ............................. ..... .... Sq. ft. 36-2—) 30-4
1,089.974 617.253 057 628,895 286.662 358,470 1—)
Woollen socks and stockings ......................... ....Dos. pr. 53-6)—) 423
183.218 758.510 414 105,641 403.778 424.934 3 — )
Readymado clothing ............................... .....Lb. 46-83—) 450
229.045 924.327 404 157.930 1115.923 638.037 (-1 33.4 C — )
Felt, pressed........................................... Lb. 310
119,794 106,141 0•80 79,892 61.421) 63.9141—)
Artificial silk yarn.... .............................. 42-1 1—) 33.3
....... Lb. 1.501.739 927.742 062 958,047 540,169
Woven fabrics of artificial silk ....................... ....Lb. 593.989)—) 41-8 C—) 362
2.482.722 3,375.991 1-39 1,190.648 1.573,299 1,819.281 (-1 53'd(—)
Artificial silk socks.................................... Don. pr. 52-0
8,774 26.730 3.05 2.557 8.854 7.7991—) 66'9 (-3
Manila fibre............................................ Cwt. 70-9
48.030 230,034 4.79 292. 544 352.180 '+3 22-8
Sisal fibre. .........................................
..............Cwt. 531
417.963 1,614.704 387 1.645, 797 2.1)14. 146 I-f-)
Hinder twine ........................................ .....Cwt. 14-3 ( -3- ) 617
220,981 1,521.773 689 252.648 1.445.8111 1,740.752 1—)
ltugs and waste jiusterials ........................... ..... Lb. 5-0+) 14-3
31.038.519 1,289,847 0042 21,215,684 923, 721 881.059 (—)
Cordage, rope and twine ................................ Lb. 284 3—) 31-6
2.115.387 227,513 0-I1 1,941,625 2181, 757 213.579 (-3 118 (-3
Other fibres, textiles and textile products. ........... ............. 8-2
22.732.188 15,527,473 17.1.53,94811 317(—) 24-5
Total Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products 83.879,362 61.2 14,824 - 67.648.731 1—) 270 (—) 19:6

Wood, Wood Products and Paper

Railway ties ....................................... ... No. 233,821 328.144
l.ogs................... ............................. 1-40 125,025 173,620 176.036 (-1 47-1 (-3 46.5
. M . 6.908 125,254 1813 3.802 96.448 641.930)—)
Lumber and timber.................................88 ft. 48-93—) 48'6
. 78.8110 3.510.462 44.50 33,828 1.457,222 1.505,346 (—) 58.6 1—) 57-1
Shingles ........................................... .88 24.541 48.751 199 1,418 3.042 2.822 (—) 938 (— I 422
Pulpwood .......................................... . Cord 69.288 575.964 831 32.094 230.948 266.701 (-3 59-9)—) 53'7
Stavesol oak ....................................... .88 3.130 151,551
Corks .............................................. .Lb
. 4841 2,628 77,1347 127,221 (-3 1611,—) 160
317.268 718,695 0-09 265. 051 145.969 182,885 (-3 33-3 1—) 165
Wood pulp (total) ................................... . Cwl.. 328,924 681,308 207 251,1164 401,290 520.9883—) 41-11—) 23-5
Doors.............................................. 67,791 140,210 207 5.340 12.606 11,054 (-3 910)—) 21-2
Cardboard........................................... Lb. 1.850,529 130.702 0.07 551,898 711.108
Chipboard ............................ .............. . 59,633 3—) 418 (— 540
Lb. 3,081.959 81,633 0027 878,753 28,553
Miliboard............................................ 23,7283 — ) 680)—) 716
I.h. 1.412.528 59,728 0-04 599.269 21,1120
l'ulphoard........................................... 23.971 (-3 638 ( - 3 576
Lb. 17,650,574 558.721 0032 6.376.91)8 211.176
Strwboard... ...................................... 204,003 (-3 622 (-3 639
.................... Lb. 1,686.769 33,956 002 330,026 9.078
Printing paper....................................... 6.1101 3—) 733 1—) 80'4
Lb . 9.380.757 960.700 0-10 10,334,180 897.641 1.033.418 (-3 66 3+) 10•2
Waxed paper ........................................ ... Lb. 2.118.924 372.378 008 2.451,876 181,533 19(1,1501+) 5-3 (+3 157
Wrapping paper...................................... Lb. 5, 3118, 581 360.477 0067 4.303.589 255,237
Envelopes ............................................ 88 788,340 (-3 292 3—) 198
51.505 147,478 286 39,023 98.823
Bond and ledger paper............................... 111,1306)—) 330)—) 24-2
Lb. 592,809 70,613 012 565,639 61.18.3
'rissue paper ........................................ 67.877 (-3 13-4 (-3 46
.... LI). 1,568.149 149,995 010 477.005 46.448 47.701 (—) 69-1 3—) 690

Percernage Inc. (+) or

Import-s. Yearended Average Imports, Year ended Quantity Dec. (-)193.1
in Value and
mt of March 31, 1932 Import March 31, 1933 Valued at with 1932 Quantity
Commodities Imported Quantity Price per
Unit, 1932 - 1932 Price -. - -
Quantity Value %aluc Quantity
Quantity Value
$ $ ct-s $ $ %
Wood, Wood Products and Paper- Con.
037 2.396,618 991,103 886.749 (-) 303 (-) 367
Advertising pamphlets. ............................. .Lb 3.791,318 1.421.352 168.776 60.667 60,759 () 34.7 (.) 342
Carduforplaying ...................................Pack 256.301 92,944 036 ( - 1 11
Pictorial post cords, etc ..............................Lb 424,803 410.891 097 418,488 311,037 405.933 (") 233
...21,576,291.14,671.268 15,618,601 1-) 320 (-3 270
Otherwood, wood products and paper ...............
... .20.489,242 21,894.114 (-) 36' 0 (-') 31 I -
Total Wood, Wood Productsund Paper ...... ...32.008.188.....

Iron and ha Producfs

iron ore ............................................ ... Ton 802,183 1.698.993 212 66.511 180,911 141.010 (-3 89'4 (-3 9l'
Pig iron .......................... ................... ..Ton 8.039 132.510 1648 4.786 70,729 78,873 (-3 466)-) 40
18,264 61,523 3.53 31,626 911.459 41,0401+) 3861-) 36'
Ferro.manganese,ferro_aiIieOflafldallOYs .............. Cwt.
ingot-s ofironorateel .................................. Ton 4,775 282,4531 5915 2,1177 139,56)) 158.345 (-1 5081-) 431
15.6 (+1 19-
51.587 438,544 850 60. 223 37(1,113 511.866 1-)
Scrap iron or steel ..................................... Ton 721 39.25(1 259.863 275.76.3 ( 1 46-8 (-I 43')
Castings of iron or steel ............... ............... Cwt. 67,892 488,335
Tires of steel ... .................................... . Cwt. 118,509 443,1322 '151 96.707 45:1,1347 436.149 + 22 (-1 II
24(1.444 879.267 795,726-) 253 (-1 32"
Bandand hoopiron (total) ........... ................ Cwt. 399.315 1,176,88(1 33)3 434.89)) 1.1(34.883 1.108.985 L) 372 () 41'
Bars, includingrails (total) ........... ................ OwL 746.026 1,902,761 2-55

3,404,333 9:354.333 9,021.429 (-) 321
Plates and sheets. .................................. . Cwt. 5,038.477 667.891 1-56 67.551 111.683 I05.36((-) 833 (-) 84-:
13,360.019 263
Rodsofironorsteel ................................. .Cwt. 428,750 3690 23,987 884.721 885.120 )- 740 -) 74')
Structural ironorsteel ................................Ton 92,280 3.404,0115
3,403 106.967 31-43 838 28,336 26,3381-) 736 -( 75'
Cast iron pipes ...................................... ..Ton 535,299 8-47 10.8134 261.878 294,584 3-) 511 -) 52- 4 .-
Wire for rope manufacture ........................... .Cwt. 82.796
47,724 125.010 2-80 41.757 115.1)53 108.368(-I 3-) 70 (-) 13'.2
Wire, barbed fencing ................................ .OwL 70.915 634 3.666 28.18) 23,242 603 67- 2
Coil chaim ........................................... Cwt. 11,188
22,786 4,656,513 204-38 21.470 3.851.321 4.387.609 1-) 17'3 -1 5' 9
Engines, auto ....................................... ..No. 164 457,475 689.607 1-) 39'9 -) 9
Engines. Diesel ..................................... ..No. 181 761.0111 4.20492
340 94.440 27770 221 148,364 61.385 (-3-) .571 -) 3.5 0
Engines, marine ......................................No. -) 43'
Cream separator" ..................................... No. 10,530 455.721 43.28 5.193 287.548 268,033)-) 42'4
257 54.399 21168 445 88.884 94,189 )+l 634 1+3 73'
Harvesters, self.binding ............................. ..No. 148 128,370 108.98$ 3-) 648 (-3 69-
Traction engines (farm) ............................... No. 483 33.5.619 73627
795.747 130.013 107,2051-) 26-I (- 39'
Safety razor blades ............................ . ..... ..Dee. 1,264,676 175,967 0'14 13.216 137,237 146,585)-) 346)-) 39'
Nuts and bolts ................................ ...... .Osa'l.. 21,676 240.443 1109
Electric vacuutncleanera ............................. No. 7.745 249.556 3222 8,746 174.117 281.756)-I 302 (+3 12-
No. 6.921 522.332 75-47 1.779 233,327 134.261 3-) 65.3 -) 74-
Washing machines ...................................
Sewing machines ..................................... No. 6,441 297,7181 4621 6,0114 214,444 281.804 ( - 3 280 -) 5'
3,941 65,192 16-64 2393 21,915 38,5811)-) 665 -) 30'
Watcr pumps......................................... No.
275 335,904 1,22147 188 2333,093 229.636 1-) 217 (-) 31-
Rock drills ......... .................... .............. No,
681 351.464 152,517 (-3 227 (-3 66
Adding itiachines ......... ............ ............... No. 2,030 454,832 22396
Typewriters ........................... ............... No. 8.316 207.561 85-78 4,362 153.364 156.072 (-i 485 (-3 47'
1,269 1,343,782 1,05893 902 71)8,610 637,4781-) 473)-) 52
Printing presses ..................................... .No. 19 40,432 41,9481-) 6371-) 48-
Cranes and derricks ................................. .No, 38 83.893 2,20776
.1 No. 4.186 487,445 116-45 1,915 270,807 223.002)-) 444)-) 84-
£ower p....q.'?,
No 4 402.615 10.06538 S. 03.845 80.523)-) 76.71 -t 80-0
Files and rasps Doz. 75,59 118,250 156
Wrenches 71.402 107.600 111,387)-) 9'0 -) 5-9
Dos 40.20 181.893 452 35,823 117.636 161.920)-)
Autos: Freight 35.4 -) ((.9
79 939.306 1.175-60 266 246.244 312 , 710 (-) 73.9)-) 67-8
4,79 3.816,447 795-75 912 667,550 725, 724 (- 825 (-) 810
Motor cycles............................................. No 1,07 241.040 225-27 773
Trastion engines, n.o.p................................... No, 185.647 174.134 (-I 33.8)-) 278
13 272.223 2.07803 67 118,337 139,228)-I 56.5 (-1 489
Railway fish-plates ................................. .....Cwt 27.0* 92,105 3-40
Apparatus designed for cooking or for heating build. 4.126 14.475 14,028 (- 84-3 (-) 84.8
Forgug ........................................... .No 10,3)9 (60.506 1647
For electricity ...... ................................ No 3.830 73.490 63.080 (. 1 56-7 -) 628
971 77.235 7889 217 30.930 17,110- 60-0 -) 77-8
Other iron and its products............................. 56 . 669,076 .......33.830.312 35,806.643 1-) 371 -) 36-8
Total Iron and It Products................. 98,811,706 .......59,336,78.5 59.630.417(-) 39-9)-) 39-7
Non-Ferrous MeSal Prodnth
Bauxite ore............................................ Cwt, 1,638,801 2.730,764
Aluminium in inots, bars, etc.........................Lb 1,869, 19 457,839
167 742,189 1,387,310 1,239,422)-) 492 -) 54-6
Brass in blocks. Ingote or pigs.......................... Cwt 025 1,536,033 350.216 384,068<-) 2(5 -) 166
6.561 58,663 8-99 862 6.443 5.951 )- 891 -) 89-9
Brass scrap ..........................................Cwt 1.961 9.725 4.94
Brassinbnrsandrods................................. Cwt 597 2.788 2.9401-1 715)-) 69-7
4.236 59.767 14'10 1,350 (9,968 19.035)-, 682)-) 83-0 "
Brass in strips, sheets or plates........................ Cwt 4.1176 82.608 16-40 1.863
Brass tubing.......................................... Lb 32.336 30.353 1-) 609 -) 630
Brass wire ............................................ Lb 2,55.654 418,912 016 901.430 159,532 158,6301-) 61-9 -) 62-1
268,402 89,822 022 204,240 58.425 58,573 (-1 23 -) 2-1
Copper in blocks, pigs or ingota........................ Cwt 2.767 28,939 10-48 2,592 17.35.1
Copper bars ned rods .................................. Cwt 45.470 27.112 (-1 39.3 (-1 6-3
477,346 10-50 6.503 76.361 68,282 (-1 840)-) 857
Copper in strips, sheets or plates....................... Cwt 7.503 127.424 96-98 2,092
Copper tubing ....................................... ..Lb 34.345 35,522 (-1 73-0 ( -1 72-1
1,609,401 318,213 019 776,972 139,774 148,005 (-1 501 (-) 53-5
Copper ware ......................................... ..Lb 90,814 19.023 021 43.520
Lead, bars nail sheets ............................... ..Lb 7.397 9 , 139< - ) 611 (-1 52-0
296,450 14,596 0.05 141,279 5.445 7.004 )-) 62-7 (-1 51-6
Nickcl Ira bars or rods................................. Lb 570,574 216.619 0-37 258.02)1
Nickel silver.......................................... Lb 121.825 05.660)-) 438)-) 55.8
05.785 20,082 0-31 30,847 (0,420 9.563 (-1 48-1 (-1 52-4
Tin an blocks.......................................... Cwt 38.05 975,274
'Zan bare, rods or plates ............................. 25-60 28.765 745.017 736.333 -) 23-2 (-I 24-5
..........Lb 383,771
Zinc straps, sheets, eta,, for marine boilers .... ......... Lb 3,078,1111
11,570 0-03 123.709 3,285 3,714 -) 71-6)-) 679 po
274,034 007 4.011,607 268,584 280,812 -1 22 (+) 2-2
Zinc dust............................................. Lb 503,360 43.380 0-077 432,397 30.128
Phosphor tin and bronse............................. Lb 33,298)-) 30-8)-) 23-2
Electric batteries- Storage...........................No
185,688 0.30 312,109 78.831 93.633 <-) 49.5)-) 39-9
392.331 51-75 2.950 168.71yj 152.663 (-1 57.0<-) 61-1
Electriclaneps....................................... N, 1,689385 78.661 0-047 2.222.011 70.984
Stereotypes.......................................... 5gm 104,435 (-1 2-1 (+1 32.8
7.434,37 426,107 0037 10.446, (42 417.838 595.430 (-) 1-9 (+) 39-7 tXj
Antimony or regains of............................... Lb 783.048
Manganese oxide..................................... Cwt 49,004 0-063 447,266 25.125 - 28.178 C-) 48-7 C-) 425
474,350. 283,649 0-56 36,907 71.303 20,718)-) 73-0 (-) 92-1
Other non-ferrous metal products...................... 26.530,167 . ............ ........... ..(3.356.200 13,417,754 (-) 49-7
'l'otal Non-Ferrous Metal Products........... ................ 34,301,105 .............17,684,958 17.786.462 (-) 48-4 (-)
Nos-jfcfal(j,' (lasers! Products
Asbe.stospaeking ....... ......... .................. Lb. 122.100 3.8,440 048
China clay............................................ 104,984 49.061 50,392)-) 16-0 I-)
Cwt. 330.100 1117, (911 0.51 341. 1e13 144.723 173,993 (-) 13-4 (-)-)
Fare clay.... ....... ... ..........................
........ Cwt, 750,1143 155,1146 0-21
Coal: Anthra-ite, grate, egg ........................ ..'Iota 387,627 89.181 91.41)2)-) 42-5 (-I 4
2,793.800 15,684,249 705 2,836,436 17,690.8.16 19.996,)174 (-1 101
Anthracite coat, flop ........... ...............'('on 228719 650,467 2-44 217,379
Bituminous.................................... 'r 668.342 530. 07 4-) IS 1-
9,811.074 14,696,116 1-50 7.683.081 11,525,972 :3o '-I
Ex-warehoused for ships' stores ................ . Ton 275.545 433.446 1-57 l 0 .l 55 . 274 i
290,357 423,023 455,914).)-) 22)4-I
(V..,.,. .,.,,I,.l M,. .4, 31 1 ci33 ,',rninarod with 19321

Percentage Inc. (+) or

Imports, Yearcnded .&verugc Imports. Year ended Quantity Dec. (-) in Value and
Import March 31, 1933 1933 Quantity 1933 compared
Unit of March 31, 1932 with 1932
Price per Valued at
Commodities Imported Quantity 1932 Price -
Unit, 1932
Quantity Value Value Quantity
Quantity Value

$ $ eta. 1 8 %
Non.Melsflic Mineral Products-Con.
1,519,025 105,329 0-069 1.675.356 87.363 115.600 (-) 171 (-F) 11-0
Coal tar ........................................... .. Gal 262.618 013 655,086 74.262 85.161 (-1 71-71-) 68-0
Carbolic oil ......................................... . Gal 2,045.935
585.885 3,085,932 527 858,377 2,710,699 3.100.747 (-) ll•2 (+1 04
Coke ................................................ 'l'on 653.*1511 727.937 (+1 06 (+> 114
21,7115.048 649.745 0-03 24.254.560 ............................... Sq. ft 0-38 1.955.536 704.1181 703.903 (-) 340 (-) 32'S
2.896.461 1.061.787
Plate glass .......................................... Sq. ft 480.148 071 234.114 173.513 166,221 '-5
Asphalt, solid ....................................... Cwt 674.826 83 () 189
22.036.451 0-02 822.869,414 23.872.116 16.457.3881+)
Crude petroleum in its natural state ................. Gal 1,014.366,757 1,090.492 1+) 1,0819 (+) 1,0424
1,988.1104 96.214 0048 22,718.588 1.137.116
Crude petroleum not in itanaturalstate ...............GaL 0033 51.598,595 1,820.723 1,702.754 (-) 7-8 -) 13-5
59,877.494 1,975,887
Fuel oil. ... ................ ............. ............GaL 922.549 0-036 29,521.703 793,251 767.564 1-) 14-0 -) 184
Oil,er.warehousedfor8bips'$torea ...................Gal. 36.178.989
3.016,166 184.138 0-06 1.653,944 127.590 99.237 (-1 31-6 -) 452
Kerosene oil.......................................... Gal 8.457.054 6,079,1*13 (-2 18-4 -) 20-0
84.465.491* 7.729,425 0-09 67,546,273
Gasoline ............................... .............. Gal 2.022,281 0-085 26.318.485 1.5211.791 1,710.702 1-) 24-5 -) 16-I
Natural caainghead .................................. Gal 31,357,459
13.320.955 3,388,110 025 lt),978,82r 2.915,319 2.744,707 (-) 14-0 -) 17-6
Lubricatingoil ...................................... Gal 0-06 2,823.268 149.433 141.163 (-1 240 -) 26-7
Grease,acle . ...................................... Lb 3,848.921 197.407
3.384.781 314.840 0-09 1.9*18,419 184.4511 177.185 (-) 414 1-) 41-8
Naphthn and produetsof petroleum .... .............. Gal, 101,881 0-59 14.023 17.255 8.274 1-> 83-1 1-) 19-0
Plaaterof Paris. calcined ............................. Cwt 173,103
1211,129 136.517 1-08 78.155 5 1, 434 84.407 (-1 62-3 (-) 38-0
Oement., Portland .................................... Cwt 668,154 0-22 809.590 237,024 178,110(1 64'4(-) 732 '53
Phosphaterock ...................................... Cwt 5.032,015
2,006.238 228,062 0-11 1.151.743 155.257 126,802 (-1 31-9 (-) 42-6
Silicasand ............................... . ...... Cwt 43.156 29.811 88!)-) 78-0
151.974 135.275 0-89 33.496 (-I
Sandandgravel .......................... ............Ton 1-31 119,656 108.727 136.749 1-)- 138 (+> 10-7
.Cwt 108,084 141,260
Silas ... ............................... .............. 199.498 107.860 054 171.006 85.480 92.343 -> 21-71-) 143
Whiting. ... .... ....................... .............. Cwt 586,490 584,353 (-> 19-7 -) 20-7
2.540.772 730.400 029 2,015,010
Salt ... ................................ .............. wt 2,228,934 092 2.128,605 .054.5*61 1,958.225 (-1 7-7 -) 119 '-5
Sulphur ........................... .............. Cwt 2.415.122 713
.......11.627,135 10,995,957 (-2 32-9 -> 36-6
t)theraon-met.allic mineraiproducts .................... 17,317.213
87,658.005 82.899,500 (-) 14-2 (-) 18-8
Total Non-Metallic Mineral Products .............. 102147.347 . ......................

COemicate sad Allied Products

10,031 0058 6l7,0'24 25.492 20,987 -) 49-7)-) 41-C
Acicl,boracio .......................... ............... Lb. 874.097 16-C
209.908 22,419 0-Il 177,472 20.00*1 19.522 >- 1 10-SI-)
Acid, nitric .......................................... Lb. 93,277 0-23 403,867 93,722 92.889 -I 10-I 1->-) 0-2
Acid, citric ......................................... Lb 401,772
1.516,037 24*1.264 0-18 1.114,065 184.059 178,256)1-) 26-7 (-) 28-f
Acid. cresylic ......................................... Lb 0-07 1.341.929 62,044 93.935 12-4 (-1 0.
Acid,stearie ... ....... ............................. Lb 1.350,868 94,308
791,448 182.567 0-23 717,064 130,236 164,925 1-) 34-1 (-1 9-4
Tartaric acid crystals................................. Lb 161 31,031 48.322 49,980)1 333(> 33')
Industrial alcohol.................................... Pt. gal. 45.037 72.497
23.152 77,615 3-35 24.171 54,381 80,973 29-8 +) 4')
Codeine ..... ....................................... On, 145,325 (±1 244-91+> 352*
Lb 36.489 32.219 088 185,142 111,137
Nicotine sulphate.................................... 0-42 92.877 44.784 39.0081-I 30-I (-) 39-
On 154.099 64.093
Quinine ............................................. 2,080,141 0-62 31033.331 2,029,704 1.880.685 (-) 2-4 (-) 9-)
Aniline dyes......................................... Lb 3,315,686
138,007 0-33 882.209 314,2761 284.5291+) 131-1 (+) 109-1
Lb 412,361
(7hemical compounds Lb 2,610.430 272.181 0.10 1.125,925 015.138 112.593 (-) 577'-) 57.0
Oak,oakbarkandextrncts Lb 25.509,338 738.340 003 23,847.941 624,239 715.438)-> 155 (-) 6-5
Giant powder Lb 777,624 175,677 0-23 512.896 110,483 117.921 ( - 2 428 I. - ) 34•1
Fertilizers (total) ................................... ..Cwt 3,524.5118) 3,367,752 0-96 2,294.474 1.942.711 2.202.695 (-) 423)-) 34.9
Litharge ..................... ....................... ..cwt 22.426 135,812 6-05 22,706 120.124 137.371 (-) 114 1+) 12
Carbonbiack ...................................... ... Lb 10.180.327 353.082 0-053 6,285.226 204,473 218,983 t-) 421 -i 384
Lithopone ............................................ Lb 14.532,280 591.901 1204 14.006.315 487.520 561.853 (-> 17-6 (- i 3.3
Oxides, iireprnots,ete ............................... ..Lb 5,747.494 669.628 012 4.192,433 537,800 500,092>-) 197)-) 271
Zinc, white ........................ . ........... ..... ..Lb 10,661 $223 580.106 0054 8,955,975 341,887 483.623 (- .342 -> 160
Liquid paints .........................................Gal, 180,740 282398 145 85,017 137,1,94 123,275 N-) 474 (-) 530
Varnish ............................................. ..Gal 70,486 127.900 180 58,642 110.735 105,5561-> 212 N-) 16-8
CantOn soap .... Lb 1,299,047 79.305 006 1.012,686 50.767 60,761 (-.) 2511)-) 220
Common soap ...................................... Lb
...................................... 7,153,072 560,378 0078 7.722.493 589.111 602,354 (+) 5-1 H- ) 7'5
Sulphate of alumina .................... ..............Cwt, 478,589 579.014 121 479,712 579,166 580.452 (-> 0-02 N-) 02
Ariiinonia i'oiiipounds.. ................ . ........... .. Lb 4,803,159 190.533 4.798.279 184.322 282.931 (-) 138 1-) 0-1
Coppersulphate .... .... . ........................ ..Lb 4,421,995 160,701 4.058,240 129,131 146.007 (-1 198 (-) 8-2
onipounds of tetraethyl lead ......................... Lb 1.301,862 1.408,017 113 I 723,737 1.681,699 1.947.823 (H-) 14-5 N-) 324
Chlorine, liquid.. ................................... ..Lb 7,160.805 172.456 1.120.737 229.544 146,898 (-2 24-91-) 14-7
Chloride of lime ................................... ..Lb 4,892.493 76.090 4.203.643 76,545 67.258 (+ 0.61-1 141
l'otjsah and cotiipounds (total) ....................... ..Lb 8,941.534 453,366 1.532,221 318,198 268.449 (-) 29-8)-> 406
Soda and roriipounds (total) ...........................Lb 158,207,188 2,955,881 113.330,452 2,337,067 2.039.948 )-) 18.2 (-) 27-4
Acid phmphiite ..................................... .. Lb 2,528,276 194,382 2.748.012 222.990 211.597 (+) 14-7+> 91
Ethylene glycol ..................................... .. Lb 1.089,807 187,871 017 3.319.055 465,1)53 564.239 1+> 147-ti ±) 2046
Glycerine ...... ..................................... ..Lb 3.728,177 272.224 00371 270,199 21.194 19,725 (-) 922-) 928
Other cheiiiicals and aflied products .... ............ ...... 13.054.190 10,780.839 11,159,790)-) 174 1-) 14-5
Total Chemicals and Allied Products ....... ......30.731,345 - 25.455.432 28.350,690 ( - 1 17.2 (-) 14-3

Miscefla,,,oua Corn mod 16 leo '-5

Cinematograph films ................................ ..Feet 10,477,240 877.981 0084 6.340.214 550,295 532.578 (-) 37.3 (-) 39-5
Boot,a and shoes (except rubber and leather) ......... ..Pair 214.751 85,950 040 240.501 82.1131 96.200 4-9 (-) 12.0
Stefrigeriutors, electric .... .......................... ..No 15,915 2.122,949 13339 3.81$> 284.752 482.3.38<-> 87-5 1-) 77-3
Pianos. ............................................ ..No 134 52.603 392'50 30 15,108 11.777 713 1-) 77-6
Boats, open ......................................... ..No, 222 18.294 82-41 190 18.917 15.658 H-) 3-4 (-) 14-4 -s
Launches ........................................... ..No 108 92.788 87538 43 24.851 37,640 (-) 73-2)-) 596
Aerop1ane ............................................No 41 445.701 10.872-95 38 242.6>13 380.553 (-) 45-6 -) 14-0
\agons ................................ ............. ..No 268 29,946 11170 72 5,671 8,042 -) 81-H-)
Wheelbarrows ....................................... ..No 73-1
1.342 27,673 2062 889 10.538 20.393 -) 629 -2 26-3
Electrical energy ......................................KWH 5,646,914 90,381 0016 3,737,893 771.102 39.801 -) 19-1 -) 338
Incubators and brooders ............................... No 590 35.849 0070 802 18,291 48.730)-) 54-6 (-)-) 35-9
Waste paper clippings, etc .............................Cwt 1.081,953 528,758 0-49 595.404 122,070 291.748 H-) 39-9)--) 45.0
Wax, vegetable and riiineriil. ....................... .. Lb 2,773,819 162.946 006 3,2618,981 1173. 709 196.139 (+) 05 1+) 17-9
Other miscellaneous products. .... ................... ......38.871.450 28.982.070 30.670,790 <-> 254 (-) 211
Total Miscellaneous Commodities ........... ......43,440,385 30.772.068 32,852,387 (-) 29-2 244
Total Imports............................................ ............ .... . 578.503,904 406,271,329 429,943.852 (-) 29-8 (-) 257

(Year ended March 31. 1933, compared with 1932)

Percentage Inc. (±) or

Expnrti Average Quantity Dec. (-) in Value and
1933 Quantit', 11133 compared
Commodities Exported 01 March 31. 1932 Expoper March 31, 1933 Va at
Qujntit 1932 Price
Unit, 1932
Quantity Value Quantity Value Value Quantity

Agricultural and l'epelable Frediida S $ eta. $ %

Apples , fresh ........................................ En. 1,659,682 6,537581 3'94 1,760.026 7.332.912 7,013.3021+) 125 1+) 7.3
Blueberries, fresh ................................... l.b. 1.010.276 157,665 008 1.050,639 100,012 196,051 (-) 3091-) 10
Fruits, canned ....................................... I.b. 7,105.132 423,452 005 0.742,653 553.971 581.559 (+) 308 (+1 38.0
Pottocs ............................................ Bush. 4,723.616 2.466.204 0•52 1.861.843 770.272 005.158 (-) 688)-) 007
Turnips ............................................ Bush. 1.967,162 971,411 0•19 1.950.482 362.214 370.5921-) 25 (-) 02
\'egetablee, conned ................................. T,b. 22,477.522 849,946 004 6.755, 112 281.207 270.204 (-1 659 (-) 682
Barley .............................................. Bush, 24,337,676 10,002,911 041 9.863.054 4503.341 4,043.852 1-) 57.1 (-1 596
Buckwheat ......................................... Bush, 741,041 332,077 045 788,137 306.538 351.862 (-1 771+1 68

O*te ................................................ Bush. 13,841300 4,662.536 034 13.824.449 4.300,592 4,70(1,3131-) 9-0 (+1 0-8
Rye ................................................. Bush. 4.359.813 2025.199 046 8,211.332 4.030.240 3.777.2131+) 09-0 (+1 865
Wheat .............................................. Bush. 191.315.933 115,739,383 080 239,373,255 130.546.36.5 143.1123.953 1+) 128 1+) 24'l
Bran, shorts and middlings .......................... Cwt. 2.018.332 1,273,648 063 2,142,785 1,531,524 1.3411,9551+) 2021+) 6-0
Oatmeal and rolled oats ............................. Cwt. 799,840 2,633,632 330 562,731 2,000,807 1,857,012 1-) 24-01-) 295
Wheat flour ...... .................................. Brl. 5,413,740 18,897,543 3-49 5,268.371 18.087.110 18.386.6151-1 101 27
Biscuits and bread .................................. Cwt. 11.171 103.050 922 9,122 71.005 84,105 (-) 311 -) 184
Malt ................................................ Bush. 1,601,1)54 1,211,448 076 1,376.802 1.061,880 1,046.370 -) 123 136
Screenings .......................................... Cwt. 741,340 106.623 0-14 387,60 65,459 54,273 -) 386 -) 49-!
Candy ............................................. Lb. 890,877 233,867 0•26 583.7112 133.64)) 151,76,3 -) 429 -) 351
Maple sugar ....................................... Lb. 2,97(1,206 551,764 019 3,176,471 543,153 603,5291-) 161+) 94
Sugar. refined ............. .......................... Cwt. 140,825 687,160 4.88 84,252 393,846 411.150)-) 441 (_) 40.2
Ale, beer and porter ................................. Gal. 25,438 24,129 095 35,667 40,764 33.884 (+1 68-9 (+1 40-4
Gin ................................................. P1. gal. 9,436 17,296 2'05 4,054 9,571 8.311 1-) 447 -) 51.9
Whiskey ............................................ Pf. gal. 2,512.607 11.622,256 463 1,992.050 0.020,907 0.223,233 (-1 14-6 -) 200 '-2
Oilrake .... ........................................ Cwt. 281.411 374,905 133 174.901 221.407 232.618)-) 409 -) 380
Belting or rubber ... ................................ Lb. 873,173 261,374 030 557,010 176,243 167.283 (-) 326 -) 36.0 '-3
Canvas shoes with rubber soles ...................... Pair 2,372,796 1,508,835 064 1,172.944 641.806 750.684)-) 575 -) 502
Boots and shoes, n.o.p ............................... Pair 1,515,324 2,102,682 136 1,337.136 1,671,951 1,868.6191-) 20-5 -) 118
Rubber tire casings ................................ No. 614,100 4,696,432 765 429,359 3.022.931 3.284,598)-) 35-6 -) 30-1
Rubber inner tubes .................................. No. 432,826 443,328 102 207.25*) 181.76,1 211,401 () 59'0 () 523
Clover seed ......................................... Bush, 126,303 776,406 615 68,121 335.660 418,944 1 - ) 56-8 (-) 160
Flaxseed ... ........................................ Bush. 1,046.474 1,151.781 110 371,438 291,376 408,5821-) 747 (-) 64-5
Grassseed .......................................... Bush. 33,282 35,344 103 13,732 0,819 14,144 (-1 750)-) 600
'l'obacco, raw ....................................... Lb. 8,222,022 2.536.998 031 14,748,(60 3.902.244 4,571,901 1+) 538 1+) 802
Hay ..... .............. ............. ................ Ton 66,291 523,102 9•29 27,138 212.682 262,112 (-1 59-3 () 618
Other agricultural and vegetable products ........... .... ........... 9.066,605 .....7,037. 186 7,571.442 (-) 22-3 1-) 10-4

Total Agricultural and Vegetable Products .... 204,398.365 ......203.370,418 218,815,385 (-) 0-5 1+) 71

Animals and Animal Prcduseta

Cattle ......................................... No , 50.179 3,634,784 62-48 37,359 2,374,785 2,331,1901-) 347 -) 35-8
Poultry, alive .................................. No. 77,81)7 90,642 116 33,859 33,611 39,276(-) 629 -) 5)0-7
Foxes .......................................... No, 683 53,955 79.00 290 11,755 22.910 (-1 782 -) 575
Fish, fresh, chilled or frozen .................... Cwt.. 952.000 8,505,189 9-04 836,532 6.730.5.52 7,582.249 1-) 21•8 - 12-1
F ish, dried, smoked, pickled ................... Cwt. 1.090.038 5.445.514 2-74 1.141.727 3.216.397 3.128.332 (-1 40'9() 42'6
Fur -kim. heuver................................... &.a it I I I) III '0 s 64K I 30 I 5 1)
Fur skins, fox . No, 243,834 5,952.056 2441 249.148 6082.38; 0.081,703 Ii-) 2-2 1+) 22
Fur skins, marten . No. 27,093 373.020 13-711 22.066 278,573 304,290)-) 25-4 (-) 18-5
Fur skins, mink ................................... No. 111.668 1.105,716 7-80 172.640 1 1 101)006 1.346.592 (+1 8-3 (-f) 218
Fur skins, muskrat ................................. No. 2,082,156 1,429.494 0-69 1,785.728 916.422 1,232,152 (-i 35-91-) 138
Fur skins, .,jf .................................. No, 30,117-1 311,420 8-29 22.439 136.028 186.010 1-) 529)-) 44-9
hides and skins, raw ............................... Cwt. 272.234 1,745,331 6-41 132,58; 533.0411 852.4471)-i 69-5 (- ) 51-2
Lpa3.hpr. sole ...................................... Lb. 1,607,511) 354.523 0-24 1)79,925 109,043 l53,34l(-) 55-1 1-) 06-8
Footwear, leather .................................. Pair 17,386 51.025 2-59 17,560 51,451 52,504(-) 0-11 (+1 1.1
Cut soles of leather .................................. 1,1). 300.223 171,0911 0-57 107,980 17,372 61,5451-I 899)-) 04-2
Beef fresh, chilled or trouen ........................ Cwt. 33,4411 376,035 1124 55.6711 373,333 571,8811 (-) 1-0 (+) 52-1
Bacon and hams ........... ........................ Cwt. 186.146 2,446.564 13-21 4112. 101 4,023.518 5,311,754 (+1 6451+) 117-1
Fork, dry-salted and pickled.. ..................... . Cwt. 41,211 377,882 917 61,104 479.841 560.3241+) 26-91+) 48-2 8
Pork, fresh, chilled or fronpn ......... ............... Cwt. 20,576 288.833 14-04 38,31.5 364,072 537.943 (+1 26-0 (+1 86.1
Butter ............................... .............. 87wL 109,173 2,362,888 2154 32.060 589,537 693.778 1-) 75'1 -) 700
Cheese .......................................... (7wt. 854,247 10,503,967 12-40 857,116 8.788,115 10,628,238)-) 17-31+) 0-3
Cream ............................................. GaL. 65,814 129,255 1-96 80,615 143,406 158,005 1+) 10-9 (1-) 22-2
Milk, fresh ......................................... Gal. 362,764 51,806 0-14 15.896 1.884 2.225)-) 964 1-) 57-1
Milk, condpnaed ................... ................. . Cwt, 198,457 1,980.092 9-98 276,851 2.211.751 2,762.973 1-)-) 11-71+) 39-5
Fish oils............................................ Gal. 2,459,133 382,941 016 1,527,414 225.146 244.3861-) 41-21-) 36-2
Honey ............................................. Lb. 2.672,975 229,710 0.09 2.679,336 281.575 2411581+) 22-81+3 5-1
Tankage ......................................... Cwt. 187,371 174,707 0-93 249,316 109.796 231,864 (+1 14-4 1±) 32-7
Other aniotal, and animal products ................. 8,595,209 ... ............... 6,954,981 7,8.19,486)-> 284 (-) 19-3
Total Animals and Animni Products ........ 55.798.683 .............. .................. --54.333.047 61,242,9001-) 21-01-) 110

Fbrea, TczWcs and Te.xlik Prrducfs

Cotton duck ....................................... 173,599 118,810 0-32 322,757 76,864 103,282 (-) 35-3)-) 131
Wool, raw .......................................... Lb. 5.121,034 543,631 0-11 4,020,751 374,613 442,283)-) 31-1)-) 15-6
Bindertwine ....................................... Cwt, 18-1,411 1,400.366 813 160.129 855.438 1,350,6201-) 42-01-) 9-9
Corsets and brassieres .............................. No. 40,966 36,461 0-89 30.441 34.159 27,0112)-) 5-5)-) 28-7
Socks and stockings ................................ Doz. pr. 89.766 766,402 8-54 141,846 1,005.300 1.211.365(4') 311 (4') 580
Other fibres, textiles and textile products ........... 2,547,460 ...... ..2,384,411 3,165,047 (-) 04 (+) 280
Total Fibres. Textiles and Textile Products. 5,512,130 . ................ 4.731.094 6.319,698 (-1 14-2 (4') - Il-i

Wood, Rood Prodzcts and J'apr

logs (wood) ....................................... MIt. 262,219 2,694,267 1027 215.962 1,976.572 2,217,930)-) 20-6)-) 17-7
Poles(wood I ....................................... No. 331,006 1,242.273 3-75 150.399 542,848 560,9961-) 56-3(-) 04-0
Planks and hoards ................................. SIft. 905,679 18.71)6,452 20-72 619,675 11,098.960 12,839.666 (-I 40-9)-) 31-8
Laths iwood) ..................................... 33 420.434 1,095.660 261 195.175 435.007 431,107 1-) 60-3 (-) 60-7
>hingles wood) .................................... 33 1.038.486 2.398.489 231 1.209.780 2,400,310 2.704.546+ 0-1 1+) 16-8
Railroad ties ....................................... No. 616.627 447,763 0-73 303.606 216.691 221.632 )-1 51-6 -) 505
Timber. square ................................... 33 ft. 143.120 2,150.177 15-02 100.978 1.269.351 1.516.690(-) 410 -) 295
Pulpwood .......................................... Cord 832.924 8,196,144 9-84 476.748 4,287,425 4,691,200 1-) 477 -) 428
Wood pulp ........................................ Cwt. 11.762,563 27,684,782 2-35 8,785.823 17.786,138 20.646.884)-) 35-8 I-) 254
Pulp and fibre board ............................... Cwt. 196,028 718,335 366 148.580 500.186 543,803 -) 304 (—) 243
Bookpaper ....................................... Cwt. 24,355 196,725 801 21.307 176,496 170.669 1-) 10-3 1-) 183
Newsprint paper ................................... Cwt. 39,942,149 103.003,352 258 33,2511.697 74, 1.36.853 85,103,018)-) 28-01-) 167
Wallpaper ........................................ Roll 1,316,297 180,807 0-14 805,496 101,759 125,30 )-) 420 (-) 308
Wrappinapaper ................................... Cwt. 244,417 1.01)4,923 430 160.095 556.719 698.014)-) 43-8)-) 345
Other wood, wood products and paper .............. 5,900,314 ......5.356.475 8,178,474)-) 9-21+) 4-7
175,740.269 ......
Total Wood, Wood Products and Paper. 120,888,796 139,449,798(-) 312 201)

(Year ended March 31, 1933, compared with 1932)

Expor ts. Exports,

Percentage Inc. (+) or
Unit Quantity
Commodities Exported March EXp Qmat3 d
Of Marh313
Price per WIt 3
Valued at
'eUAJItIty Unit. 1932 1932 Price
Quantity Value Quantity Value Value Quantity

$ 8 cte. 1 $
Icon and its Prod ucla

Ferro-manganese .................................... Ton 18,489 941,711 5711 16.644 79'i.385 950.539 3-) 154 (+) 09
Ferns-silicon ........................................ Ton 2,677 88,066 3290 1,440 65.892 47373 1-) 252 (-) 46-2
Rolling rostl products ............................... Ton 10,618 331.812 3125 5,634 235,212 176,0631-3291 (-) 46-9
Internal combustion engines ......................... No. 359 41,887 11668 91 21,553 10.618.,-) 485 3-) 74-7
Harvesters ......................................... No. 1,675 323.426 19309 602 111,955 116.240-3 634 () 641
Mowing machines .................................. No. 2,218 115,662 52-13 332 18,265 17.314 1 84.2 3-) 850
Reaper-threshers .... ................................ No, 165 163,381 99019 191 115,558 189,126 - 293 3+' 158
Cultivators ......................................... No. 1,853 134,357 7251 489 23,994 35,457 '-i 8213- 736
Drills, seed ......................................... No, 612 87,474 14293 347 52.028 49,50? 405 4- 433
Nails, wire, and other ...... ........................ Cwt, 20.597 102.819 499 24.192 96,886 120,71$L-.-) 5-8 -4- 174
Automobiles-Freight .............................. No. 2,868 1.059,271 369-34 2,247 606,093 829.907 ;- 24.0- 21-7
Passenger ............................ No. 5,971 2,857,980 42840 11.121 4,988,438 4.764,2331 -3-) 950 (+ 86-2
Skates .... ..... .................................... Pair 168,468 116,664 0-69 70,667 44,350 48,760-1 618 3) 582
Other iron and its products ... ....................... 8.398.447 ............... 9,900,290 9.872,295 1+) 53 +> 50

Total Iron and Its Products 15.462.977. ................. 17.277.009 17.228,246 (-1-) 11-7 '-3-) 11-4

Non-Ferrous Meld Produrla

Aluminium in bars, etc ............................. Cwt. 194,559 3,161.608 16-25 181,929 2,786,530 2.936,346 1-) 11-9 (-3 6-5
Brass, scrap, dross and ashes ........................ Cwt. 30,792 123.975 4-03 35,763 100,021 144,125 3-) 19-3 (-3-) 163
Copper in ore ....................................... Cwt. 502,237 4,076,854 812 312.029 936,090 2.533,675 (-I 77-0 4-) 37-9
Copper blister ....................................... Cwt. 309,929 2.269,338 732 161,935 840,441 1,185,364 -) 630-) 476
Copper in bars, rode, plates, etc ..................... Cwt. 1,588.793 13,057,733 8-22 1,785.253 10.118,191 14.674.780 3-) 22-3 +3 12-4
Lead in ore ......................................... Cwt. 44,217 176,964 400 37.133 148.518 148.532 (-3 16-1 (-4 16-1
Lead in pigs, etc ... .......................... ....... Cwt. 2.157.794 4.264,598 198 2,335,012 3,1114,142 4.623,324 3- 25-84+4 8-4
Nickel in ore ...................................... Cwt. 286,580 5,231,277 18-25 156.587 2.815.425 2.957,7!:) 1- 4)3-2 1-) 45-4
Nickel, fine ........................................ Cwt, 231,623 6,063,148 2618 141.861 :3.825.553 3,713.921- 36-9 I-I 38-7
Nickeloxide ........................................ Cwt. 25,588 814,975 31-85 27.159 823.752 865,014-' I 1-1 +4 6-6
Platinumconcentrates ............................... Os. 17,147 1,370,632 79-93 9.022 684,450 719,530 4- 50-1 1-- 3 47-5
Silver in ore ....................................... Os. 3.752.121 1.055,738 028 3.479.351 966.944 974,2161 8-4 4-) 7-8
Silver bullion ....................................... Ox. 14.001,510 4.104,790 0-29 12. 106.781 3,449,627 3.510,821 (-j 15-0 4- 145
Zincspatter .......... ............................... wt. 2,307,298 5,254,112 228 1.588.107 3,468,443 3,620,684 - 1 34-01-) 31-1
Cobalt ore .......................................... Cwt. 2,171 126.006 58.04 838 39,269 48.638 4 - ) 688 (-3 61-4
Other non-Ferrous metals ............................ 17,921, 110 ...... 8.474,942 10.560,852 4-) 52-7 4-) 41-1

Total Non-Ferrous Metal Products 69,072,888 . .............. ........ ..42,642,319 53.137,737 (-) 39'3 (-)23-1
Non-Meizllic Mmcml Pro4sctu
Asbestos, raw , Ton 62.050 3.437,088 5539 43.728 2.107.563 2,422.094 (- 38-7 (-) 29-5
Asbestosaand and waste ............................ . Ton 85,099 1.191,029 13-99 61,166 853.069 9.55.712 (-) 27-5 (-) 25-2
Coal ................................................. Ton 357,289 1,872,200 8-24 280,057 1,383,659 1,467,499 (-) 26-I (-) 21-6
Coke .................................................Ton 31,647 361,971 1144 22,012 239,613 251,817 1-) 34-1 (-) 30-4
Tar and pitch......................................... Gal 2,279,254 103,913 0-05 3.002.063 201,548 150,1031+) 93-9 +1 45.9
Oil, petroleum, crude ................ .................Gal 11,452.470 462,099 0-04 5.859.750 176,127 234,390 (-) 61-4 -) 49.3
Oil, gasoline and naphtha ............................. Gal, 5,349.030 8.53.800 016 4.723,038 656,462 755,686 (-) 231 -) 11-5
Abrasives,artificial, crude............................ Cwt 538,556 1,504,870 236 241,444 1167,640 569,808 (-) 35-7 (-) e2-1
Cement...............................................Cwt, 335.663 104.787 0-31 182,722 37,965 511,644 (-) 63-8 (-) 45-9
Gypsum, crude....................................... Ton 597.474 756,539 1-23 316.8155 :189,074 389,670 (-1 47-2 (-1 47-I
Lime ............................................ ..... Cat 273,026 272,007 099 153,320 149,344 151,787 C-) 45-11-)
Sand and gravel.......................................Ton 44-2
473,370 142.792 0-30 175.509 33,629 52,653 )-) 764 (-) 631 c
Other non-metallic mineral products....................... 2, 413,726 .. 2.009,824 2.052,176 1-) 16-7 I - ) 15-0
Total Non-Metallic Mineral Products............. 13,458,701 .. 9,215,837 9.410,039 (-) 315 C-) 300

Chemical, and AWed Products

Acids................................................. Cat 357,374 2.112,967 5-9! 291,97e 1.805,1)02 1.725,584 1-) 14.5
Fertilizers ............................................Cwt (-) 183
Soap .................................................. Lb
1,408,890 1,948,185 l38 2.684,567 3,0119,979 3,704,702 1+) 577 )+) 90-4 '
6,650.215 591,710 009 6,509.312 506,277 585.838)-) 144
Soda and sodium compounds..........................Cwt 760.030 2,841,609 1-) 1-0
3-74 584.100 2,1)911.143 2,184,534 1-) 5.0 (-) 231 tsj
Cobalt oxides and cobalt salts ........................ Lb 317,346 381,531 1-20 430,968 427.540 517,162
Other chemicals and allied p roducts................... 1+) 12-1 1+) 35-5 N
2,661 ,539 ....2.592,373 2,656.478 (-) 2-6 (-) 02 "
.... ,, ......
Total Chemia1s and Allied Products 10 515038 - -- - 11.009.814 11374299 (+) 5 4 (-3-) 11 0

Misccllan,nua Commodities
Electrical energy...................................... M K.W TI 1.041,094 2,710.410 2-60 647.789 1,697.555 1,684.251 (-) 38-81-)
Organs ................................................0 37-9 1-3
76 97,197 1,278-90 35 19.847 44.762)-) 79-9)-) 53-9
Pianos ................................................No 66 15,102 228-81 62 13,808
Ships................................................. No 14.186 1-) 8-6)-) 61 7i..
20 483,200 24,160-00 27 322.875 852.320 (-) 33-2 1+) 35-0
Other miscellaneouseommodities....................... 10,061,342 .....9229747 9.021,629 (-) 18-2 (-) 10-3
Total Miscellaneous Commodities.............. ., ........13,367,251 ......-. ....10.243.532 11,417.148 () 234 () 146
Total Exports (Canadian) ................... ...... ......
................. 576 . 34 4 , 302 ................................ 473.799.985 528,395.250 (-> 17-8 k-) 83

Trtde via the United States.—Canadu's imports from over
States have steadily declined in recent years, especially those from the British Empire. Thi
decrease has resulted from: (1) general propaganda to utilize Canadian sea and river ports.
(2) additional concessions to goods imported under the British Preferential tariff if imporfe' I
direct; and (3) provision in trade treaties and agreements negotiated with foreign couri
that goods must be imported direct in order to obtain the full benefits of special rates of d
There was a decrease in imports from overseas countries via the United States durinc
fiscal year 1933 compared with similar imports in 1029. of $7,977,377; the decrease in the ha 'v
from the British Empire amounting to $2,278,047, and from foreign countries to $5,699,330.
The statistics in the following table provide an analysis of this feature ('.I .' nin'rt tr'I
for the last five fiscal years:-


Years ended March 31-

Imports from-
1929 I 1930 1 1931 I 1932

United Kingdom via United States ........ ...$ 987,752 1,042,154 1611,820 202,451 2.
Per cent of Total Imports from United 010
Kingdom.......................... 051 0-55 0.12
Other British Etnipire via United States ....... $ 1.645.950 1,221.720 807,078 6511,924
Per ccitt of Total Imports from Other 1-45 1-59 0
British 1-:rlkpire........................ 259 1-92
4,097,946 2,709,5v
Foreign Countries via United States........... 8.408,832 7,585.005 7.981.306
Per cent of Total Imports from Foreign 519
Countries.............................. - 5-99 542 6.81

Total Imports via United States...... 11 11,042.534 - 9.849.889 8.958.201 4,960.32-I 3,065.i.
Per cent of Total Imports from Over. 2-19
seas Countries.................... 2-78 2-46 2.78

The exports from Canada to overseas countries via the United States show a decided .......
during recent years, the proportions for the fiscal year 1920 being about 3671 per Ccli:,
3390 per cent, 1931, 27.49 per cent, 1932, I872 per cent, and 1933, 14• IS per cent, of the tot:t
exports to overseas countries. From 1929 to 1933 the proportion of the Dominion's exports I
the lJnited Kingdom via the United States decreased from 5068 to 15.99 per cent; to 0th''
British Empire from 2890 to 10-74 per cent; and to Foreign Countries from 20-99 to 12.2
jier cent. When adjustments are made for the re-routing of Canadian barley, oats, rye and whe'
from United States lake ports, Via the St. Lawrence route for ocean shipment at Canadian si
or river ports, chiefly Montreal, it will he found that the proportions of Canada's exports
overseas countries via the United States will be considerably decreased and those via Canadi:i:.
sea or river ports increased by a siurtilar amount. The total value of commodities exported
overseas countries via the United States in 1933 was $270,101,713 less than for the fiscal ye;ir
1929, wheat accounting for $157,810,725 or 58.4 per cent of the decrnts'. I'-; Fr
past five years were as fidlows:-


Years ended March 31-

Exports to-
1929 1930 1931 1932 19

United Kingdom via United States .... .... ... I 217,590,205 113,333.242 79.880,087 44,083.161 29'
Per cent of Total Exports to United King 25-53
don, ................ .... ....
......... . 50-68 40-22 3643
Other British Empire via United Sttea....... 30.749.198 22.762,811 12,746,171
Per ecnt of Total Exports to Other British 17-31 1009 11)
Empire.............................. 28-00 23-25
Foreign Countries via Unite,1 States ........ .. I 68,850,420 69,067,677 31,108.810 14,953,1161
Per rent of 'I'otnl Exports to Foreign Count 30-62 19•78 12-19 12
ries ........................ ............ 2099

Total Exports via United States ..... 317,189.823 205,163,730 123,735.068 84.240,792 47,088.11
r-:x,rIu I, (


The statistics in the following table giving "Principal Commodities Exported from Canada
to Overseas Countries via the United States and via Canadian Sea or River Ports, 1933," illus-
trate the details of this movement. The 43 commodities listed are representative of the Dom-
inion's exports to overseas countries, as they comprise 86.1 per cent of the total exports to
overseas countries; and they also represent 82 1 per cent of all goods shipped to overseas countries
via the United States, and 868 per cent of those going via Canadian sea or river ports. During
i he past few years a considerable amount of Canadian grain exported from Fort William and
, l'ort Arthur to overseas countries via the United States has been re-routed from United States
like ports for shipment, chiefly at Montreal. The amount of Canadian grain re-routed for
xport at Montreal or other Canadian ports during the calendar years 1923 to 1932 was:-

GraIns 1928 I 1926 I 1927 I 1928 J 1929 I 1930 I 1931 I 1932

Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels

Barley ........... .1.439,000 391,000 2,533.000 3,065,000 1,035.000 1,114,000 1,593.000 1.594.000
Oats ............. .2,395,000 697,000 597,080 394,000 213,000 66,000 153,000 19,000
Rye .............. .1,170,000 370.000 2,052.000 2,589,000 193,080 390.000 1.575,000 1,178,000
Wheat ........... .
..7,779,000 15.794.000 34.025,0110 51,172.000 15,188,000 15,298.000 8.668,000 11,899,000
Total ......... 22,783,000 17.222,000 39,207,000 57,240,000 16,627,011016,876,0110 8,989,000 14,690,000

This re-routed Canadian grain was not recorded as an export at Montreal or other Canadian
ports because it had already been recorded as an export at Fort William or Port Arthur. It
was recorded, however, as "int.ransit" grain from the United States via the Port of Montreal
or other Canadian ports. In order to obtain the actual amount of barley, oats, rye and wheat
shipped via Canadian sea or river ports, this re-routed C'anadian grain should be added to the
quantity already thus recorded and deducted from the quantity shown as exported via United
States channels. When adjustments are made the actual quantities of barley, oats, rye and
wheat exported to overseas countries via the United States (indirect) and via Canadian sea or
river ports (direct) during the fiscal years 1929 to 1933 were:—

Years ended March 31— Percentage of Total

CN ,,,. U,..

1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933

Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels % % % % %

via United States 21,709,000 9,209,000 893,000 4,774,000 - 609 625 210 197 -

via Canadian sea or

riverports ......... ..13,923,001 5.519,080 2,242,000 19.606,000 11,278,000 39.1 375 790 803 1000

via United States 718.080 118,000 31,000 833,000 19,000 46 1-8 13 6.0 02
via Canadian sea or
river ports ......... ..14,908,000 6,254,000 2,410,000 12,962.000 13.786,000 95.4 98-2 88-7 940 998

Via United States..., 1,979,080 54.000 639,000 422,000 - 20-9 3'5 51'9 8•7 -

via Canadian sea or

river ports ......... ... 7,477,000 1,472,080 688.000 3,837,000 8.265.000 791 968 481 80.3 100'

via United States 114,545,000 62,930,000 73,845,000 59,068.000 36,376,000 32.0 37-0 357 317 15.2
via Canadian sea or
riverports ......... .248,280.000 107,272,000 133,060.000 127,432.000 202.945,000 680 63-0 643 683 848

NOTE:—Exports of burley and rye via Canadian sea or river ports in 1933 exceed Canada's exports to overseas countries
(see page 72), the excess representing barley and rye consigned for export to overseas countnes via the United States in
the previous fiscal year, but not actually shipped, and re-routed via Cu,adian ports during the current fiscal year.
Noys.-Commodit.ies arranged in order of importance of total value.

Exports (1933) via Percentage via

Commoditos to Canadian Son or
Overseas Canadian United
River Ports
Countries United Sea
1933 States or River
Ports 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 103:.

1 Wheat....................... Bush. 2.30,321,345 48.255,177 191,066168 43-1 347 20-2 56-9 66-3 79
$ 130,519,787 24,395,875 1(16,123,912 42.3 33.6 187 57-7 66-4 81
2 Wheat flour .................... Rn. 5,266,709 587,2(6) 4,679,509 220 173 11•1 780 82.7 88
$ 16.983,353 1,724,090 15,259.263 20-8 16-6 102 792 534 89
3 Whiskey ................... Fl. gal 1,992,059 . ............ .1,992,059 .............. ....... .. 100
$ 1,920.907 ..........9.920.907 .......... ...... .. 100
I Newsprint paper............... Cwt. 4,959.529 151,713 4.707.816 5-7 8.0 31 94.3 970 96
$ 9,647,851 276.098 9,371.753 5-1 3-9 2-9 94.9 96-1 97-
ICheese ......................... Cwt. 850,921 GOd 850.255 0.1 0.2 0-1 99-9 99-8 99-
$ 8,662,156 10,351 8,671,805 0-2 0-1 0-1 998 99.9 99.
6 Raw lure .................... .* 8,173.655 937.120 7.236,506 7-2 9-2 11-5 92-8 90.8 88
7 Apples fresh ................. Br! 1,762,952 42.197 1.720,755 28 2-6 24 97-2 97-4 97.
7,263,880 189.415 7,074,465 3-5 30 2-6 965 97-0 97.
8 Copper, ingots, bars, etc....... Cwt. 1,176,091 1,998 1.174,183 ........... 02 . ...... ....... ... 99-
(1,412,030 12,931 6,31)9, 09 9 . ...... .....02 ........... 99-
9 Planks and boards............. M It 386,830 477 386,353 0-4 01 0-3 996 99-9 09-
* 6.224,183 22,217 6,201,966 0-9 0-3 0-4 991 99-7 99-
10 Automobiles .................. .No. 13,067 6,558 6.509 51-3 48(1 53-8 48-7 51-4 46
$ 5.709,705 2,903,614 2.806,181 54-0 49-2 509 46-0 50-8 49
11 Oats ......................... Bush, 13,805,552 38.367 13.767.185 3-9 6-1 0-3 961 939 96.
$ 4.293.504 6,15.4 4.287.351 2-1 47 0-1 97-9 95-3 99.
12 Barley ....................... Bush. 9,862,021 120,058 9.733,863 60-3 26-2 1-3 307 73-8 98-
$ 4,283.258 3(1,974 4.262,284 47-5 22-7 0-7 52•5 77-3 99.:
13 Rye .......................... Bush. 8,211.232 1,124,176 7,097,056 78-3 45-8 13-7 21-7 542 86-:
4,41)0.19(1 4(19-580 3(120-801 69-3 42•5 10-1 307 675 89-'
14 Tobacco teal ................... Lb. 14,745,668 2,191,551 12,554,117 .............. ..14-9 . ...... .........85.
8 3,901,682 541,949 3,359.737 . ...... ......139 . .................86-
15 Nickel........................ Cwt 168,901 23,171) 143,722 9-7 6-4 14-8 90-3 936 85-:
3,71(5,352 879.773 2.915,570 16-2 10-5 23-2 83-8 895 76.1
16 Slachinery ................... $ 3,787,625 746,890 13,040.733 408 18-8 197 59-2 812 80-1
17 Wood pulp..................... Cwt. 1,876.135 1.72.9 1.874.412 0-1 03 01 99-9 99-7 99-:
$ 3,742,285 13,617 3,728,668 01 05 04 99-9 99-5 99.
IS Bacon and hams.............. Cwt. 389,416 5.210 384,206 2-2 04 1-3 97•8 996 98-'
$ 3,701,575 51,767 3,649,806 2-4 0-6 1-4 976 99-4 08-1
19 Canned salmon................ Cwt. 279.551 ................270,55! . ...... ........100-0 100-0 IDOl
$ 3,556,421) . ............. 3,5.56,429 . ...... 01-4.........100-0 100-0 190.1
20 Zinc spelter .............. ..... Cwt, 1,588,107 1,568 1,586.539 0-4 0-7 0-1 99-6 99-3 1(9.
8 3.468,443 3,238 3.463,205 06 0-0 09 99-4 891 89-
21 Pig lead....................... Cwt 2,335,012........... 2.333,012 0-3 ...........99.7 100-0 100-1
$ 3.164,142 .......... 3,984.142 ...........99•6 1000 100-1
22 Rubber tire casingi ............. No 401,621 227,621 174,000 71-2 (16-6 56-7 28-8 34-4 43-
Ox 2.886,525 1,699,646 1(66,860 71-5 67-8 69.3 28-5 322 40-1
23 Silver bullion................... 9.461,467 ........... 0.461.467 ...............100-0 100-0 100-I
$ 2,674,042 . ............2.674.042 ............... 100-0 100-0 10(4-I
24 Aluminium in bars ............ Cwt. 163.429 13,030 119,490 ............. 8-6 ..........9l-
$ 2,403.617 25-3,826 2,230,689 .............. ....102 . ...........89-i
25 Ceresifoods .................. $ 2.359,906 494,48:) 1,865,417 36-4 284 21-0 63-6 71-6 79.1
26 Rubber footwear ............. I'air 2.54(9.788 298,390 2,211,428 16-6 17-7 11-9 83-4 823 88-
2,313.316 218.2)15 2,085.051 16-1 16-7 9-4 8,3-9 83-3 90-1
27 Milk, condensed ............... Cwt 272.345 30.0311 241.400 37-0 19-8 11-4 63-0 80-2 88•
8 2,113.721) 314.141 1.799,570 45-5 25-0 14-9 54-5 75-0 85-1
28 Canned lobsters............... Cwt 49.758 I 49,757 0.0 ................99-0 100-0 100-(
8 2,104,544 28 2,104.516 12 . ...... .........98-8 100-0 100-1
29 Oatmeal and rolled oats....... Cwt 5198,329 35(115 533,314 21-1 16-0 6-2 78-9 84-0 93-I
* 2,000,281 162.471) 1,837,808 233 19-4 8-1 76-7 806 91-1
30 Leather, upper ............... $ 1.992.042 76,75)1 1,915,286 . ...... ..........3.9 .............. 96)
31 Automobile parts ............. $ 1,974.017 1.260,895 713,122 408 49-1 63.9 59-7 51-0 36-1
32 Cattle.......................... No 28,133 28,133 21 .........100-0 079 100-c
8 1,842,976 ........... 1,842,076 0-2 . ......... 100-0 99-8 100-1
33 Copper, rods, strips, etc ....... Cwt 244,867 150 244,717 ............. .................... loot
8 1,474,241 2,796 1,471.445 . ...... ..........0-2 . ............... 99-1
34 Paper board ................... 8 1.271,447 29,456 1,241,951 124 5-8 23 87-8 04-2 97
35 Codfish, dried................Cwt 229,022 14.700 214,322 68 7-8 65 03-1 92-2 93-2
$ 1,189,385 148,669 1,040,718 8-3 10-2 12-5 91-7 89-8 87-2
36 Farm implements. ............ 8 1,103.982 617.452 466,530 75-3 63-7 55-9 24-7 36-3 44-1
37 Asbestoe, raw ................ Ton 20,522 3,749 16,773 04 2-0 19-0 99-6 98-0 81-C
965,795 182,516 783,279 0-4 1-6 18-9 99-6 984 81-1
38 Wrapping paper................ Cwt 159.467 . ............ .....159,467 0-4 1-2 ........ 996 08-8 100€
8 597.144 ............... 587,144 0-4 1-2 . ........ 99-6 98-8 100-c
39 Butter........................ Cwt 31.715 2.453 29,262 0•4 0-7 8-5 99-6 993 932
$ 583.387 50,462 532,925 0-4 0-7 8-6 996 99-3 91-1
40 Potatoes..................... Bush. 1,087,022 6,24)) 1,080,782 10-5 2-9 0-6 89-5 971 994
8 561.013 795 550,218 53 13 02 94-7 98-7 99-8
(DIRECT)—YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 11133—Concluded
Notg.—Commodjtics arranged in order of importance of total value.

Exports (1933) via Percentage via

Rank Commodities United States Canadian Sea or
Overseas Canwliaa RiverPorts
Countries United Sea
1933 States or River
Ports 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933

41 Copper in ore ................. Cat 133.136 . ............ ..133.1311 ............100-0 100-0 100-0
$ 399.411 .... 399.411 ............100-0 1000 100.0
42 Sugar, refIned ................. Cwt 84.234 2 84,232 8-5 .... 1000 91-5 1000
6 393.757 16 393,741 8-3 .... 100-0 91-7 100-0
43 Oilcake ....................... Cwt 144,401....164,401 002 0-01 ....9098 99-99 100-0
$ 207,974 ............ 207,974 003 002 ....99-97 99-911 1000
Total Exports of above Corn-
inoditien .................. $ 284,744,578 38,668.462 246,076,116 30.4 212 136 696 768 86-4
Total Exports to Overseas
Countries ................. $ 330,639,555 47,088,110 283,551,445 27-5 18-8 14-2 72-5 81-2 85-8
Percentage represented by
above Commodities........ 86-1 821 868 .........................................

Canada's Position in International Trade.—Canada, during the calendar year 1932,

even with It material decline in her foreign trade, has maintained a relatively high place amongst
the principal commercial nations of the world. The statistics in the following table giving
"Comparison of the Trade of l'rinci 1 ail Countries of the World" indicate that from 1913 to 1932,
only four out of the twenty countries listed show an increase in imports, viz.: Denmark, Japan,
Sweden and Switzerland; six in exports, viz.: Canada, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, Norway
and the Union of South Africa; and only four in aggregate or total trade, viz.: Denmark, Japan,
New Zcaland and the 1.'nion of South Africa. The most notable decreases in foreign trade, 1913
to 1932, occurred in the following countries:-

I Decreases, 1932 compared with 1913, in-

Total Per Total Per Total Per
'Irade Cent Imports Cent Exports Cent

Million $ % Million $ % Million $ %

Germany ..................................................... . 2,1598 43-5 1.304-7 509 8551 356
Nethiorland ................................................... 1,8324 65-1 980-3 62-2 852-1 68-8
United Kingdom. .............................................. 1,7160 298 6127 191 1,103-3 43-2
United States ................................................. .. . 952-2 22-6 294-8 16-8 6574 26-9
France........................................................ ..7496 25-4 2980 18 3 451-6 340
Belgium ...................................................... . 6143 385 381'1 42-6 233-2 332
British India .................................................. . 563-6 41-0 1916 323 371-7 47-5
Italy ......................................................... . 311-3 26-2 223-0 31-7 88-3 16-3
Brazil ..................................................... .... 309-0 48-2 201.8 61-9 107-2 34-0
Spain ......................................................... . 299.6 55-7 163-0 1147 1366 66-9
Argentina ..................................................... . 251-4 28.8 162-2 39-9 89-2 19.2
Australia ..................................................... 219-8 30-3 164-5 44-4 55-3 15-S
Canada ....................................................... . 156-9 14-3 2145 32-5 (+1 57-6 1+113-2

Canada in the calendar year 1932, in export trade, moved up to fifth place from seventh
place in 1931, displacing Belgium and Argentina, but being exceeded in value of exports in 1932
by the United States, Germany, the Foited Kingdom and France; in import trade Canada
moved down to ninth place from eighth place in 1931, yielding up eighth place to Japan, and
being exceeded in value of imports by the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany,
the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan; but in aggregate or total trade she occupied seventh
place as in 1931, being exceeded in value of total trade by the United Kingdom, the United
States, Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In export trade, Canada, in 1913
occupied tenth place amongst the leading trading countries, but in 1932 she moved up to fifth
place; in import trade in 1913, Canada was in eighth place but in 1932 she had moved dowii
to ninth place, while in aggregate or total trade Canada in 1913 occupied ninth place and in 1932,
seventh place. Canada, during the past twenty years has occupied the following positions
amongst the leading trading countries of the world in respect of her foreign trade:-

Total Impart Export

Calendar Yeara Trade 41 Calendar y

1913 ......................... 9 8 10 1922 ........................ 5 6 6

1924 ........................ 6 10 8
19141 6
19i61 ......................... (War Ysara) 1926 .........................3 7
1917) 1921 ........................ 5 5 5
1918 1928 ........................ 5 5 5
1919 . .............................. 1929 .......................
1920 ......................... 4 5 41930 ........................ 5 5 6
1921 ......................... 5 8 4 1931 ......................... 7 8 7
1922 ......................... 5 7 51932 ........................ 7 9 9

In trade per capita Canada has made a very creditable showing since 1913. In that year
she occupied seventh position in exports per capita, but in 1932 she moved into fifth position,
heing exceeded in exports per capita, by New Zealand, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands.
In 1928, however, Canada occupied second position in exports per capita, New Zealand occupying
first position. In imports per capita in 1913 Canada occupied fifth place, but in 1932 she moved
down to seventh place, being exceeded in imports per capita. by Switzerland, the Netherlands,
Denmark, Belgium, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In 1928 the Dominion occupied
fifth place in imports per capita. In aggregate or total trade per capita Canada, in 1932, occu-
pied, as in 1913, sixth position amongst the leading commercial nations of the world, being
exceeded in total trade per capita by New Zealand, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands
and Belgium. In 1928 Canada was in second position in total trade per capita, New Zealand
occupying first place. In 1932 the trade per capita of the six leading countries, arranged in
order of importance of total trade per capita, were: New Zealand: Total trade $138.8, Imports
$ss.:io, Exports $80.28; Switzerland: Total trade $138.39, Imports $95.15, Exports $43.24;
Denmark: Total trade $130.51, Imports $65.54, Exports $64.97; the Netherlands: Total trade
$123.03, Imports $74.51, Exports $48.52; Belgium: Total trade $120.37, Imports $62.97, Exports
$57.10; and ('anada: Total trade $89.32, imports $42.32, Exports $47.00.
With regard to visible trade balance Canada in 1913 occupied seventeenth position amongst
the principal trading countries of the world, it being unfavourable in that year to the extent of
$222,900,000 or $29.61 per capita, but in 1928 she was in third position, with a favourable trade
balance of $151,900,000 or $15.72 per capita. In 1929 the trade balance was unfavourable
to the extent of $90,600,000; 1930, $103,000,090; and in 1931, $10,899,000, but in 1932 it was
favoural,le to the extent of $49,200,000 or $4.68 per capita. In 1932 Canada occupied seventh
position in amount of favourable trade balance, being exceeded by the United States, Germany,
Imon of South Africa, Argentina, Australia, and Brazil. In 1932, as in 1913, the United States
was in first place in amount of favour:il,Ie trade balance. On December 31, 1932, Canada stood
in seventh position (in 1931 ninth) amongst the leading commercial countries of the world with
reference to the amount of her trade balance, but in fifth position (in 1931 eleventh) as respects
her trade balance per capita.
(Calendar years 1913 and 1932)
Non,—Cowitries arranged in order of importance of trade, 1932.

Increase (±) or
Rank Foreign Trade Decrease (—) Trade per Capita
1932 compared with 1913
1913 1932 1913 1932 Amount Per cent 1913 1932

Million $ Million $ Million S $ C. $ c.


1 United Kingdom ...................... . 32079 2,5952 (—) 612-7 —) 19-1 69 88 56 00

2 United Statee ......................... ..1,156-9 1.4621 (—) 2948 (- 1 16-8 18 10 II 71
4 3 France ................................ ..1,6253 1.3273 (—) 2980 ('') 183 41 04 31 71
4 Germany.............................. ..5633 2 1.258-0 (—) 1.3047 (-1 509 33 62 19 23
S Netherlands ........................... ..1,5750 5947 () 93)-3 —) 622 2.56 35 74 51
S Itolgiuni ............................... ....884-9 5138 —) 3611 —) 42-Il 118 07 62 117
7 Italy .................................. ....703-6 480.0 (-1 2230 —) 317 20 28 11 52
13 8 Japan......................................3033 447-5 (+) 84-2 j+) 23-2 6 94 (1 95
8 9 Canada ................................ ....6591 444-6(—) 2115 —) 325 8755 4232
9 tO British India .......................... ....594-1 402-2 —) 1919 —) 32-3 1 88 1 14
12 II Switzerland ........................... ....3705 388-3 ±1 17-8 +) 4-8 97 99 95 IS
10 12 Argentina.. ............................ ....408-6 2444 —) 162-2 (- 1 30-9 4)1 76 20 98
16 13 Sweden ................................ ....2269 2112 (+) 14-3 +1 63 40 44 39 20
17 11 Denmark .............................. ....208-1 233-7 (+1 254 +) 12-2 75 08 65 54
II 15 Australia ................................ 3706 200-1 (—) 164-5 —) 444 7830 3147
18 III Union ot South Africa..... ............. .... 196-5 1804 () 101 () 82 28 72 21 80
14 17 Itrasil..................................... 520-0 124-2 (-1 201-8 (-1 61-9 13 41 3 08
19 18 Norway................................... 148-0 119-21—) 28-8 —) 19-4 6011 4209
15 19 Spain..................................... 252-I 89-1 (—) 163-0 —) 64-7 1264 3 78
85-9 (—) 15-2 —) 14-6

20 20 New Zealand .......................... ....104-I 9889 58 30

2 1 United States ......................... . 2,4483 1.750-9 — )) 657-4 —) 26-0 2523 14 35
3 2 Germany ...................... 2,402-0 1,547-8 — 855-I —) 35-6 50 22 23 65
1 3 United kingdom
...................... . 2,550-2 1,452-9 —) 1,103-3 —) 432 5552 31 35
4 4 France ................................ ..1,327-9 878-3 —> 451-0 —) 34-0 3353 2004
10 .5 ('umid,i ................................... 410-2 493-8 +1 57-8 +1 13-2 5705 4700
7 6 Fk-lgiuiu ............................... ....701-5 468-3 —) 233-2 (—) 33•2 92 55 57 40
13 7 Japan ......... ............................ 313-5 440-0 +1 127-I (+) 40-5 5 90 6 84
6 8 British India .......................... ....781-9 410-21—) 371-7 (—) 47-5 2 48 1 III
S 9 Italy .................................. ... 484-7 396-4 —> 88-3 —) 18-2 11 97 9 50
5 10 Netherlands ............... ............ .. 1.239-4 387-3 —) 852-1 —) 68-8 201 71 48 -52
9 11 Argentina................................. 465-6 375-4 1—) 89-2 —) 19-2 53 81 32 28
18 12 UnionolSouthAtrica .................. .... 133-9 367-81+) 233-9 +) 171-7 19 58 44 58
11 13 Australia................................. 354-0 298-71—) 55-3 —) 15-8 74 78 45 61
17 14 Denmark .............................. .... 170-8 231-7 +) 60-9 +) 35-7 61 58 64 97
12 15 Brazil ................................... 314-7 207-5 c—I 107-2 (—) 34-0 12 94 5 15
15 10 Sweden ................................ ... 219-U 198-5 —) 20-5 (—) 9-4 38 05 32 27
14 Il Switzerland ........................... ....265-6 176-5 —) 89-1 (-1 33-5 70 25 41 24
19 18 New Zealand .......................... .... 102-1 122-4 +) 20-3 (+) 19-9 87 01 80 25
20 IS Norway................................... 102-I 114-7(f) 12-61±) 12-3 41 46 40 50
16 20 Spain- ........................ -........ - -- 204-1 67-5 (-1 136-6 (—) 68-9 10 23 2 86

AoonzoaTE Tenon
United Kingdom ......... -------------- .5.764- 4.048-1 (—) 1.716-0 C—) 29-8 125 20 87 35
2 United States ............ -------------- 4.280-2 3.253-0 (-1 952-2 —) 22-6 43 33 26 06
3 Gerciiany .............................. . 4.9611-2 2,806-4 1 — ) 2,159-8 (—) 43-5 74 84 42 88
4 I"rance ................................ . 2.953-2 2,203-6 (-1 719-6 (—) 25-4 74 51 52 65
5 Belgium. .............................. .1.596-4 982-1 1—) 6143 (-1 38-5 210 62 120 37
8 Nctherland ........................... .,814-4
2 982-0 1—) 1.832-4 (-1 65-1 458 08 123 03
7 Canada ................................ - -1.065-3 938-4 1—) 156-9 ( - 1 14-3 145 50 89 32
12 8 Japan .................................. -676-8
-- 888-1 If) 211-31+1 312 1293 13 79
8 0 Italy......... ........ . .... ........... . 1.188-3 077-01—) 31I-3(—) 26-2 3425 2102
7 II) British India........... .... ........... 1376-0 812-4 (-1 563-81—) 41-0 4 30 2 30
10 II 'rgentina ....... ..................... . 872-2 620-8 (—) 251-4 (—) 28-8 100 35 53 24
14 12 Switzerland.. .... ..................... 636-I 564-81—) 71-3 (—) 112 18824 13839
18 13 Union olSouth Africa .................. . 330-4 548-2 1+) 217-8 (+) 65-9 48 50 86 44
11 14 Australia. ............................. 724-6 504-8 1—) 219-8 —) 30-3 153 08 77 08
17 15 Denmark. ............................. . 570-I 465-4 1+) 86-3 +) 22-8 136 63 130 51
16 16 Sweden ................................ - 445-9 439-7)—) 6-2 —) 1-4 79 49 71 47
13 17 Brazil ................................. . 640-7 331-7 (-1 309-0 —) 48-2 20 35 8 23
19 18 Norway ............................... 250-1 233-9 (-1 18-2 —) 6-5 101 17 82 59
20 19 New Zealand .......................... . 2002 211-3 (±) 5-1 +1 2-5 195 90 138 58
13 -0
9 Spain .................................. - 456-2 156-6)—) 299-6 —) 65-7 2287 604
(Calendar years. 1913, 1931 and 1932)
Noig.-Countries arranged in order of importance of Trade Balances, 1932.
Credit balance marked (+). Debit balance marked (-).

Rank 1913 1931 1932

Countries -

1913 1931 1932 Amount Per Capita Amount Per Capita Amount Per Capit:

Million $ $ c. Million $ $ c. Million $ $

1 2 1 United Staten ................. (+ 91914 1+) 713 (+) 3484 (+) 2-84 (-1-) 3289 1+)
14 Germany...................... .1- 1604 (-) 2 42 (4-) 6120 (+) 9-40 +) 289-3 (+1 4 4,
Union of South Africa.......... (- 62-6)-) 9 00 (4-) 346 (+) 4-32 +1 187-4 1+) 22

12 8
3 4 Argentina...................... (+) 59-0 (+) 6 78 (+1 1197 (+) 1046 +1 931-9 (+) 11 32
7 3 5 Australia...................... () 16-6 -) 3 51 (+) 226-4 (+) 134 89 +) 92-6 (+) 14 94
6 5 6 Brazil .......................... (-) 11-3 -) 0 46 (+) 2 82 +) 83-3 (+1 2 02
17 9 7 Canada ....................... . (-) 222-9 -) 29 61 (-) 10-9 -) 1 051+) 49-2 +1 4 64
4 7 New Zealand.................. (-) 2-0 -) 1 90 (+) 44-9 20
+1 761+) 335 +1 21 99
2 6 9 BrItish India................... 1+) 187-8 +1 0 80 (4-) 103-21+) 0 29 4-) 7-9 0 02
8 12 10 Denmark ...................... 1-) 37-5 13 51 -) 351 (.-) 9 88 -) 20 () 52
9 16 11 Norway........................(-) 45-9 -) 18 60 -) 101-3 (-) 36 25 -) 4-5 1 55
II 13 12 Japan...........................1 - ) 49-8 -) 0 95 -1 45-3 (-) 0 70 (-) 6-9 (-) II
10 Il 13 Spain........................... -) 48-0 -) 241 (-1 21-4 (-) 094 (-) 29-6 -) 92
5 14 14 Sweden ......................... -) 7-9)-) 1 41)-) 81-7 (-1 13 30)-) 42-6 6 94
15 90 15 Belgium ........... ........... .. -) 193-4 (-) 2550)-) 17-9)-) 221 -) 45-5 -) 52
16 15 16 Italy................ ... ...... .. -) 218-9)-) 631)-) 86-0)-) 2 09 -) 84.2 -) 02
19 18 17 Netherlands ---------
--------- -- -) 335-6 -) 54 62 (-) 243-9 (-) 30 80)-) 207-5 C-) 25 95
13 17 18 Switzerland ..................... -) 105-I -) 2780)-) 182-8)-) 44 95)-) 2118)- 51 91
18 19 19 France ..... ................... .. -) 2974 -) 7 5))-) 481-4 (-1 19 50)- 450-6 -1 10 72
20 20 20 United Kingdom................ -> 651-7 (-) 94 18 (-) 1,9991-6 (-) 39 09 (- 1.142-3 C- 24 61

1927 TO 1932
(Countries arranged In order of inportanee of Per Capita Trade Balances. 1932)

Norz.-Credit balance marked (+). Debit balance marked (-).

Countries 1913 1927 1928 1929 9930 1031 9932

Ic Sc. Sc Sc, Sc.

Union of South Africa (-) 9 00 +)2 43 (-) 035 (-) 0 37 +) 1 46 (+) 4 32 1+) 22 72
2 New Zealand ............. (-) 1 90 +) 10 73 1+) 34 50 )+) 22 72 +) 7 44 +) 29 76 1+) 29 98
Australia ----------------- (-) 3 59 -> 16 30)-) 2 71 (-I 16 91 -) 2 19 +) 34 89 1+) 14 94
Argentina ................ . 1+) 6 78 (+) 14 22(+)
Canada .................. ..-) 29 61 (4-) 1592
Germany ................ ..-) 2 42)-)
United States ----------- --±) 7 93 (+) 74 +)
10 52 +1 8 12 (-) 10 78 (+) 10 46 (+) It 32

(-) 9 13 -) 1038)-)
(4-) 7 01 ±) 6 38 (±) 2
1 05 4-) 4 68
14 77 -) l' 01 (-4-) 0 18 4-) 3 44 (+1 9 40 +) 4 42
84 +) 2 64
8 Brazil ..................... -) 0 46 (+) 19 +) 84 (±1 0 99 (+) 1 54 1±) 2 82 (-1-) 2 07
British India------------ - 1+) 0 60 (-4-) 83 1+) (4-) 94 0 76 1+) 0 70 (+) 0 29 1+) 1) 02
Japan..................... (-) 095 C-) 41)-)
Denmark .................. -) 13 51 -) 49 - 1)
63 -) 0 47 (-) 0 55)-)
27 -) 656 -)
Spain--------------------- - -) 249 -) 32 -) 32 -) 412 -) 076 -) 0114 -) 092
887 -)
Norway------------------ - -) 18 60 (-) 28 19 -) 31 58 -) 30 08 -) 36 42 - ) 36 25 -) 59
0 70 -) 0 Il
9 88 -) 057

14 Italy .................... . (-) 631 (-) (1 05 -) 11 1)7 -) 527)-) 654 -I 209 -) 202
15 Belgium ----------------- - (-) 25 50)-) 8 68)-) 4 98 -) 11 39 (-) 16 20 (-) 2 21 -) 5 57
16 Sweden ------------------ - (-) 141 (+) 1 61 -) 6 31 -4-) 1 47 1-) 4 51 (-) 13 30 -) 6 93
17 France .............. ...... -) 751 1+) 228 -) 202 -) 790)-) 909 4-) II 50)-) II] 77
18 United Kingdom.......... -) 14 18 (-) 41 67 -) 27 67 -) 40 67)-) 41 06 () 39 09 () 24 64
19 Netherlands ............. .. -) 54 62 (-4 3414 -) 36 39 (-1 39 93 (-) 35 66 (-) 30 81))-) 25 91)
20 Switzerland.............. (-) 27 80)-) 26 30 -) 29 501-) 32 84 (-) 42 95)-) 44 95 () 51 91

Canada's Share in World Trade.—Canada, since 1913, has made remarkable progress
in the expansion of her trade in the world's principal markets, both in imports and exports. It
will be noted from the statistics in the following tables Nos. 1 and 2, showing "Canada's Share
in the Imports and Exports of Principal Countries " that in 1913 the total trade of these countries
(forty leading countries) amounted to $34,868,143,000, imports amounting to $18,257,000.000
and exports to $16,611,143,000; but in 1931 the total trade of the identical countries was $32,-
616,004,000, imports totalling $17,266,820,000 and exports $15,349,184,000, the decrease from
1913 to 1931 was: in total trade, $2,252,139,0(X) or 6-5 per cent; in imports, $990,180,000 or 5-4
per cent.; and in exports, $1,261,959,000 or 7-6 per cent. During the same years, viz.: 1913

and 1931, the trade of these same countries with Canada was: 1913, total trade, $918,208,000;
iniports, $355,222,000; and exports, $562,986,000; in 1931, total trade, $1,212,473,000; imports,
$617,490,000; and exports $594,983,000; the increase in the trade with Canada, 1913 to 1931
being: in total trade, $294,265,000 or 321 per cent; in imports, $262,268,000 or 425 per cent.;
and in exports, $31,997,000 or 5-4 per cent.. From 1913 to 1931 the total trade of the forty leading
countries listed in Tables os. I and 2, decreased 6-5 per cent, but with Canada the increase
was 32.1 per cent; imports into the identical countries decreased 5-4 per cent, but from Canada
the increase was 42-5 per cent; while the exports from the same countries decreased 76 per
rent, but to Canada the increase was 5-4 per cent. Canada's share in the trade of these countries
was: imports, in 1913, 1-95 per cent; in 1931, 3-58 per cent; exports, in 1913, 3.39 per cent;
in 1931, 3-88 per cent.
In 1931 Canada's stated imports from the forty countries listed amounted to $618,082,000
but the reported exports from these countries to Canada were valued at $501,983,000, a dis-
crepancy in favour of Canada of $23,099,000. A large proportion of this discrepancy ($13,-
967,000) occurred in the movement of goods from the specified European countries to C'anada
and is largely accounted for in the discrepancy between Canada's imports from the United
Jingdom and British exports to Canada. For explanation relative to tliscrepancy between
('anada-United Kingdom trade see page 12. Canada's imports from certain specified countries
of North America Practically agree with the recorded exports from these North American
countries to Canada, while the discrepancies for the specified countries of South America
($1,845,(00); and Asia ($2,316,000), were largely tlue to the fact that these South Ame lean
and Asiatic countries credit goods dest.ined for Canada, but shipped to Canada via the United
States, to the United States and not to Canada.
With reference to the movement of goods from Canada in the calendar year 1931 to the
various markets of the world, the declared exports to the forty leading countries amounted to
$581,019,000, while the recorded imports into the forty countries from Canada totalled $617,-
490,000, a discrepancy between the two sets of figures of $36,471,000 in favour of the forty
countries. The discrepancy of $13,093,000 between the exports from Canada to the s1)ceified
European countries in 1931 and their imports from Canada was no doubt due to the fact that
the specified European countries credit the United States with the grain intransit via Canada,
to Canada, while such intransit grains (valued at around $11,000,000 in 1931), do not appear
in Canada's exports to the specified European countries.
The discrepancy of $22,321,000 between Canada's exports to specified North American
countries and their imports from Canada is largely accounted for by the fact that the Canadian
figure includes domestic exports only to the specified North Americun countries, and the imports
into these North American countries include exports of foreign as well as domestic produce
exported from Canada; and also probabldue to the fart, that goods intransit from other countries
via ('anada are credited to Canada in these North American countries and not to the countries
of origin.
The particulars are set out in the following table, year 1931:-

Canada's Recorded Canada's Recorded

Principal Countries of Imports Export5 to Exports Imports from
from Canada to Canada

$ $ 8 $
Europe ....................................................... ..138.166.000 144,190.000 247,269.000 260,362.00(1
North America ............................................... . 408,849,000 407,115,000 277,176,000 299,497,000
South America ............................................... ..17.377.000 15.532,000 9,746.000 8.359,000
Asia ......................................................... . 17,990,000 15.664,000 27,459.000 28,438,000
Oceania ...................................................... ..10,747,000 7,866,000 9.482,000 11.923,000
Airs's ....................................................... ..4.963,000 4.607,000 9 1 887,080 8,909.000
Total ..... .......................... ........... .. 618.082,000 494.983,000 581,019.000 017,490,000
(Years ended l)ecemher3l. 1913, 1922 and 1931)

Canada's Share in
'Iota1 Imports Imports from Canada Imports

1922 1931 1913 1922 1931 1913 1922 1931

Thousands of Dollars) % % %
894,865 735,346 690.184 5,677 15,709 6.007 064 213 0-87
Belgium ............................ . 2.655 0I2 III 0-68
331,085 392.436 269 3,667
Denmark .......... ................. . 229,234 1-97
1.724,952 3,597 13,684 33.910 022 0'69
France...............................1.625.310 1,986,456
1,860,714 15,256 (a) 2,907 24.485 0.59 0'19 1.44
Germany ........................... . 2.563,331 1,500,114 4-35
114,111 114,733 ..15,125 4,902 . 13.26
Greece............................... 34,341 174
932,218 2,#33 14,252 11,210 039 1.88
Italy................................ 703,666
794.702 3795 9,969 7,574 025 1-25 1-01
Netherlands ......................... 1.574.990 134
232.828 293,713 217 687 2.740 015 0•29
Norway ........................... 172
425.164 116,301 .. 1,744 ..
Spain .............................. ..273,084 0'69 054
290,701 370,732 70 2,065 1,695 003
Sweden... .......................... . 226,872
455,981 3.830 13,240 9.482 1.04 3-59 197
Switzerland ......................... . 370,525 369.492
4,038.071 148,377 246,532 153.97$ 3-80 548 3-81
1.'nited Kingdom .................... .. 3,741,176 4,506,623
73.850 60,028 4,052 12,053 11,076 9-69 18-32 1845
British West Indies ............... .... 41,908
45,987 62,294 475 57 1,981 1-32 0-13 3-22
Central .American States ............ .. 35,824
180,758 83.573 1,499 3,570 1.752 103 1-97 2-38
Cuba .................................143,827
154,250 79,790 151 590 426 015 0-38 033
Mexico .............................. .. 97,880
19.317 16.273 4,855 8.247 6,491 31-97 41-38 37.50
Newfoundland (0) ................... ..15,188
142,128 364.025 277,771 7-92 11.69 1275
United States........................ 1,792,596 3.112.747 2,180.951)
360,557 1,886 2,262 4,714 049 0-30 1-38
Argentina ........................... ..408,712 665.507
34.763 1-83
Bolivia ............................. ..21,357 19,487
141.013 1,331 1,449 286 0-30 0-47 0-20
Brazil ................................328,429 213,518
10,906 7,053 692 2.377 1,100 926 18-18 1437
British Guiana ...................... ..7,475
86.571 89.791 424 13 266 035 002 029
Chile ............................... ..120,274
40.696 41,056 ..3,115 424 0-52 7-68 103
Colombia ........................... .. 28,536
51,480 28,992 2 856 . . 0-04 2.95
Peru ................................ ..29,591 012
44,758 46,008 13 54 ..003
Uruguay. ........................... .. 52,367
10,458 37.262 .. 24 ...006
Venezuela ........................... ..18,030
464,590 29 1,926 1,482 .. 028 0.32
liritish India (d)......................820,688 725,529
238,895 253,303 84 60 772 003 0-03 030
British Malaya ..................... ...313,550
82.592 77,861 108 134 ..0-13 0-17
Ceylon ............................. ...60,288 15tl
784,392 492.384 1,362 6,973 7.888 032 0-89
China ................................. 427,902
921,33t 630.515 915 8.071 18,203 0-24 0-87 2-89
Japan ............................... ..363,257
80,197 160.972 90 175 159 0.17 0'22 0-15
Philippines ............. ............. ..53,313
4.005 (c) 22,753 (c) 5,995 1-23 3-89 116
Australia ............................. 380,554 (c)59I.7O7 (c)l89,63tl
4.237 4,343 102 148 188 2-49 349 4-33
Fiji ................................. .. 4,101 4-95
156,463 116,076 2,202 6,091 5,742 2-09 4-49
New Zealand......................... 105,381

242.337 248.239 4,314 5.822 8,762 2.03 248 353

Unionof South Africa ............... ..212,608
197.646 149,921 49 126 129 004 006 009
Egypt .............................. ..137,654
29.247 20,788 2 16 ... 001 0-07
Gold Coast. ........................ ..17,083
46.288 30,520 14 4 2 0-04 0-01 0-01
Nigeria ............................. ..35,049
355.222 788,776 617,490 195 3-78 I'M
Total 40 Countries ......... ..18,257,00020,890,610 17,266,8'20

(a) Statistics for 1923.

(0) Statistics for veers ended June 30. 1014, 1923 and 1932.
Statistics for years ended June 30, 1923 and 1932.
Statistics for years ended March 31, 1914, 1923 and 1932.
(Years ended December 31,1013,1022 and 1931)

Total Exports Canada's Share in

Exports to Canada Exports
1913 1922 1931 1913 1922 1931 1913 1922 1931

'I'housands of Dollars) % % %
Belgium ............................ ....717,112 404,070 672.257 3,568 3.303 5,877 0-49 086 0-87
Denmark ........................... ....170,812 25(1,715 337.595 17 74 80 001 003 0-02
France .............................. ..1,327.882 1,774.8418 1,243,911 5,290 9.223 13,621 039 0.52 105
Germany.............................2.402,887 1,471.316 2,369.608 14,399 (a) 4,056 11.652 059 027 049
Greece ............. ................. ....22,952 89.808 54,612 148 39 .........0.16 0.07
Italy ............................... ....484,746 446.979 554,370 1,743 521 3.081 0-36 0•12 0-56
Netherlands ........................ ..1.239,360 491.122 588,791 1,092 1,715 5,013 0-09 035 0-141
Norway ............................ ....102,084 139,526 121,203 311 422 518 030 0-30 0-43
Spain...................................230,636 206.745 95.086 . ..........
........... 4,033 ..............424
Sweden ............................. ....219,049 307,233 291,489 388 349 989 018 011 034
Switzerland............................. 265,945 330,984 273,199 5,976 7.855 3,541 2-21 2.31 1.29
United Kingdom ................... .2,556,194 3,232,529 1,831,470 115.802 113.167 96,365 453 349 5'26
Britiah West Indies ................. ....31 .363 50,157 43,514 3,688 11.205 11,108 11.75 22.34 2565
Central American States ............ ....45,584 60,450 73,773 3 15 5 001 0.02 0.01
Cuba ............................... ....165,125 331,379 124.081 2,920 4,999 937 1.77 151 0.76
Mesieo .............................. ....150,203 321.775 147,254 744 4.655 136 0-49 145 0.59
Newloundland (b) ................... .... 14,975 20.1)58 25,067 1,905 1.540 1,075 12-72 952 419
United States... .................... . 2,448,204 3,765,091 2,480.711 587,607 552,532 393,864 15-8.5 1460 15-88
Argentina ........................... . 488,999 652,348 447,174 204 1.757 ...... 0.03 039
Bolivia ............................. .. 36,511 36,990 41,227 .........
Brazil .............................. ..315,165 $01,303 254,760 160 366 813 005 012 0-32
British Guiana ...................... ..9,566 12,944 81999 3,820 5,029 3,884 39-93 38.46 39-83
Chile ............................... ..144,053 123,584 104,907 20 55 .. ..... ....0-02 0-95
Colombia ........................... ..34,316 51,150 98,009 103 4,459 .......0-20 4.55
Peru ................................ ..44,410 90,847 ..1,687
58,447 . .......... 4,558 . ......1-85 7-80
Uruguay ............................ ..71,230 80,558 43,909 .............
Venezuela ........................... ..29,484 26,603 115,206 60 306 0-03 0-05 026
British India (d)......................819.7.50 W. 138 556.493 4,633 6.484 5,249 0-56 0.73 094
British Malaca ..................... .. 300,989 256,361 224.328 469 382 624 0-15 0-I5 028
Ceylon .............................. ..72,652 85.154 73,800 1,224 2,037 1.633 0-64 2-39 221
China ............. ....................294,413 542,8941 309,222 476 11057 1,270 0-16 010 0-41
Japan ............................... ..313,501 780,282 585,259 2.534 8,671 6.668 0-81 0-86 114
Philippines .......................... ..47,773 00,583 99.179 7 1485 220 0-02 1-03 0-22
Australia.............................354,241 (e)5{lO.518 fr)405,527 814 'c.) 1.622 (c) 4,429 025 032 1-09
Fiji................................... 6,940 8.033 4,370 324 440 2,392 4-67 5-47 5474
New Zealand......................... 100,870 187,341 143,783 2,936 1,962 1,048 2-67 105 0-73
Union of South Africa................. 325,115 273,066 282.863 91 66 3,857 003 003 136
:gypt .............................. ..156,411 222.194 132.757 27 5 368 002 ....028
Gold Coast ......................... ..24,401 29,796 30,495 18 382 ....0-00 125
Nigeria ............................. ..55782 39,504 40,103 ............
Total 40 Countrje ........... 111,011,143 19,076,736 15,340,184 562.986 744,951 594,983 3-39 300 3-88

(a) Statistics for 1923.

(9) Statistics for years ended June 30, 1914, 1923 and 1932.
Statistics for years ended June 30, 1923 and 1932.
Statistics for years ended March 31, 1914, 1923 and 1932.


Canada in the 1)roduction and exportotton of many staple products ranks high amongst the
leading nations of the world. In the pro(luction of printing paper, nickel and asbestos she leauls
the world; occupies second place in the production of gold and zinc; in output of cepper she occupies
third place; and fourth place in the production of automobiles, copper, wheat and lead. In the
production of wheat Canatht in 1932 was in 1,ui h place with 428,500,000 bushels, being ecee(led
by Russia (production not available for 1932), the United States, 726,800000 bushels, and China
(production not available for 1932). In export trade, the Dominion led the world in 1932, in the
exports of wheat, printing paper, nickel and asbestos; occupied third place in exports of wheat
flour, Australia being in first place, and the United States in second place; fourth place in the
exports of automobiles and wood pulp, being exceeded in the exports of nutoniohiles by United
States, United Kingdom and France, and of wood pulp by Sweden, Norway nut1 Finland; sixth
place in the exports of rubber tires, being exceeded by United States, United Kingdom, France.
Belgium and Italy. The exports of these staple products from Canada make up fifty per cent
of the l)ouninion's total domestic exports. Canada also ranks high in the worlds exports of
many other staple products such as lumber and timber, fish, copper, barley, cheese, raw furs,
whiskey, meats, farm implements, pulpwood, cattle, raw gold, silver, rye, oats, rubber footwear,
leather and hides.
Automobile Statlstics.—The growth of the automobile industry is one of the most remark-
able industrial developments of the twentieth century. Thirty years ago the automobile was
emerging from the experimental stage and the world production consisted of a few thousand cars.
In 1929 the estimated world output was 6,277,451 cars, though in 1932 the output had declined
to 1.979,251. Canada has made great progress in recent years in the production and exportation
of automobiles. In production Canada in 1932 occupied fourth place with 60,789 cars, made
of 50,694 passenger cars and 10,095 motor trucks and buses, while in 1929 her product ion
was 262,625 cams. The United States occupied first place in 1932 with an output of 1,370,678
cars, of which 1,135,491 were passenger cars and 235,187 were motor nod buses trucks; the
United Kingdom occupied second place with an output of 244,434 cars; and France third
i,lace with 170,955. In 1917 Canada's pr(eln(tion was 93,810 automobiles, though from 1904
to 1916 the total production was only 135,000 cars.
Canada's exports of automobiles for the fiscal year 1900, the first year for which export
statistics are available, were only 67 cars, valued at $63,329; in the fiscal year 1911 the exports
were 627 cars, valued at $395,746; ten years later (fiscal year 1921) the exports had increased to
19.910 cars, valued at $13,979,121, made up of passenger cars 15,620, of a value of $11,376,268,
and motor trucks 4,290 of a value of $2,602,853; while for the fiscal year 1933 the exports were
13,368 cars valued at $5,795,531, consisting of passenger cams 11,121 of a value of $4,989,438, and
motor trucks 2,247, of a value of $806,093. Three years ago (fiscal year 1920) Canada's exports
of automobiles consisted of 103,566 cars, valued at $43,059,733, the passenger cars amounting to
2, 108, of a value of $31,264,999, and motor trucks to 31,458, of a value of $11,794,734.
From the statistics in the following table re 'Exports of Automobiles from Principal Auto-
mobile Producing Countries of the World," it will be noted that Canada occupied fourth place in
the exports of automobiles for the calendar year 1932, with 12,534 cars; the lJnited States being
in first place by a considerable margin with 66,401 cars; the United Kingdom in second place
with 40,424 cars; France in third place with 16,261 cars; Germany in fifth place with 11,415 cars;
and Italy in sixth place with 6,508 cars.


No'rz.—'Countries arranged in order of importance of eaport. 1932

Years ended December 31-

1929 1030 I 1031 I 1932
Cars I I I
e'senger Motor Passenger Motor Passenger Motor Passengerl Motor
Trucks Cars Trucks Care Trucks Cars I Trucks
No. I No. I No. I No. I No. I No. I No. I No
1 I 1 1 United States........... 530.613 106.758 153.103 84.512 82,457 48,248 41.441 24,960
4 3 2 2 United Kingdom....... 33,702 8.219 23.210 6,543 19.032 5.610 32.043 8.181
3 4 3 3 09.200 9.925 22.557 5,718 20,269 2,416 14.485 1.776
2 2 4 4 C,mada......
... ........ 64.841) 36,848 25,84! 15,712 9,282 4,531 9,800 2,734
6 6 6 5 Gernuiny ............ ... 4.8092,975 3,895 2,284 8.332 3,496 9.131 2.264
5 5 5 6 Italy ............... .... 23.700 20,735 10,680 1,227 6.191 317

Norr.—In ISIS, the total exports ol motor rio's were: United States 26.889 cars United Kingdom 9.814 cars; and
Canada 6,304 cars. No statistics available ix 1913 as to number of motor curs exported from France, Germany and Italy.

Newsprint Paper Production.—Canada, according to statistics issued by the Canadian

Pulp and 1':tper Associittion and from other sources, led the world as it producer of newsprint
paper (luring the Ca1endor Year 1932, as also for the years 1926 to 1931. The statistics in the
following t;d.ilc showing ''Product ion of Newsprint l'apt'r for Principal Paper-Producing Countries
of t 1 as W rh!" I nilic'ate that f tr 1932 Canada's luroil wi it as of laws] inn t taper anioimted to 3,830,-
000.000 pounds; the United States being second wit It 2.014,000000 pounds; the inited Kingdom
third with I .550,000,000 pounds; and ( ern1anv f',urtlm with 900,000,000 pounds. The total
production of newsprint pper for the world in 1932 was estimated at about. 12,550,000,000
pounds, of which Canada, Newfoundland and the linittal States supplied 51 per cent, and Canada
alone about 30' 1 per cent. The estimated production of newsprint paper for eighteen of the
leading paper-producing countries of the wi old , 1926, 12,092,000,000 pounds; 1927, 12,706,-
000,000 pounds; 1928, 13,235,000,000 pounds; 1029, 14,611,000,000 pounds; in 1930, 14,230,000,-
000 pounds; in 1931, 13,244,000,000 pounds; and in 1932, 12,550,000,000 1)oILrl(ls.


Norx.—Countries arranged in order of importance of production, 1932

Rank Yenta ended 1)ecernber 31-

103O1193l1!932 1028 1929 I 1030 1 1031 1 1032
Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds
1 1 1 I 1 Canada ............... ... 4.762,000,000 5,458.000,000 5,1l0S,000,0011 4,442,000.000 3,830,000000
2 2 2 2 2 United States . ... ...... 2.830.000,000 2,785,000,000 2.564,ttOO.000 2.314,000.000 2.014,000.000
3 3 3 3 3 United Kindom ........ .. !.260,000.t)00 1,4811,1Xll),0041 I,600,It)0.000 1.438.050,000 1,580,000,000
4 4 4 4 4 Germany .............. .. l,200,000,000 l.246,00L01)tJ 1, l9fl,lI:XJ.tll))l l,060,01J)l,lalIl 900,U:10.I1)Jl)
10 10 8 8 5 France ....... .......... .... 400,000.000 484,000.00)1 488.000,000 550.000,0)6)
5 5 6 Newfoundland 491.000,000 511,000.001) 574,000.00)) .500,06)0,000 544.000,0)lO
6 7 Japan ..................... 534.000.000 572.000.0(10 370,000.000 516.000,000 544,000,000
7 6 8 'wedon ............ ..... 480.000,000 5.50,000,000 485,000,000 530,000,000 514,000,000
9 9 0 Finland .......... ...... .... 428.000,000 130.000,880 4411,00l1,00() 482,01)0,000 .50S,00(1,000
10 10 IC Norway ..... ....... .... 398.000,000 408.000.01)0 404.000,001) 208.000,000 400.000,000
18 18 12 II II Russia (U.S.S.R.) 14.000.000 60,000,001) 150,000,000 201). 000, 000 250.000,000
11 II 11 12 12 Xetherjai,ds ............... 152,000,000 154.000,1100 168,000.000 158.000,000 170 0)10.000
15 14 13 13 13 Italy ................... ......00,009,000 190,000,000 138,000,00(1 139.OJ)),000 146,000,))))))
16 17 18 15 14 Spain....................... 52.000,000 60010,000 64,00)).00lJ 124,00)1.1)0)) 150.000.000
12 12 14 14 1.5 Austria......................114,000,000 124,000,11)11' 120,0011,01)0 124.000.0(40 100.000,06)0
1.5 15 10 I') S,vjtzerland......................... 88,000,0)1(1 04.000.000 99 000,000 00.0011.000
13 13 17 17 17 I(elgiiam ................ 100,000,000 114.090,000 72.000,000 68.001)001) 80,000,000
14 19 16 18 9 ('z,s'hoitlov,skja ........ . 95,000,000 94.000,000 85.103,600 84 106.001) 530000 , 19



1913AND 1932
1913 I 1932


0 600 200 600 2400 3000 3600 4200









53 60 70















Newsprint Paper.—Exports.---'Canada, during the calendar year 1932, occupied first

place by it very wide margin among the worlds chief exporters of newsprint paper, her exports
being over six times as great as those for Newfoundland, her next competitor. From the statistics
in the following table giving ''Exports of Newsprint Paper from l'rinripnl Paper-Producing
Countries of the World," it will be obsercd, that even in 1913 (aniula led the world as an exporter
of newsprint paper, Norway being in second place, the United Kingdom in third and Finland in
fourth place. In 1932 the total quantity of newsprint paper exported by the t hirteen leading
paper-exporting countries was 6,052,077,000 pounds, coinpareil with 11,220,947,000 pounds in
1927, 6,896,475,000 pounds in 1928, 7,811,572,000 pounds in 1929. 7.378,458,000 pounds in 1930,
and 6,568,577,000 pounds in 1931; of which amount Canada in 1927 contril)uted 3,763.731,000
pounds or 60•5 per cent; in 3928, 4,413,175,000 pounds or 639 per cent; in 1929, 5,030,990000
poUnds or 64• 4 per cent; in 1930. 4,665,019,000 pounds or 63-2 per rent; in 1931, 4,016,482.000
pounds or 6 1• 3 per rent, and in 1932, 3,553,528,000 pounds or 58•7 per cent. ('anada's exports
of newsprint paper, therefore, exceeded the expors of the other twelve leading countries corn-
limed by 1,306,515,000 pounds in 1927; 1,929,875,000 pounds in 192$; 2,250,40,000 pounds in
1929; 1,951,580,000 pounds in 1930; 1,164,387,000 pounds in 1931. and 1,054,979,000 pounds in
1932. Canada's exports of newsprint stper are greater than those of the rest of the world corn-



Nos'u,—Countriee arrunged in order of importance of export, 1032

Rank Years ended December31-


1913 1929 1930 1931 1032 1913 1929 1930 1931 1932

I'oundl Pounds l'oundn Pounds Pounds

I I I Canad, .................. 513.322 000 5,031000,000 4,605,0i0,00tJ 4,010,482,000 3.553.528,000
7 3 2 2 2 Newfoundland ............90.510,031 487,847,000 558,003,00hi 599,1)21.000 557,408,000
4 5 3 4 3 Finland ........... ....154.425,001 382.701.000 413. 9)9,05' 420,700,000 442.880,000
II 4 5 5 4 Sweden ................135.87l1.000 435.303.000 38,1,044.00 403.661(006 408.1)5.1.090
2 6 6 6 5 Norway ............ ....217,014,000 378.420.000 377.21)1.060 103,077.030 355.847,000
5 2 4 3 6 (Jern,anv ............151.522.000 508,671,000 407,034.000 458,466.00) 278.174,000
3 7 7 7 7 United hingdom 210.305.000 215,345.000 177, 750,1(1)1' 132,670.006 188.1)74.01)0
9 9 9 9 8 Austria ................. ..29.7ll.000 108.010,000 116,084.0I1I 319,459.000 100,713.I100
10 8 8 8 9 Japan .................. ..6,540.000 115,3l5,0(X) 145.061,000 i2't,1)4,5.(01)) 1)0 481.000
-. . 10 10 10 10 Netherlands ........... .....04.030.000 70,054.01(0 57.427.0101' 55,587,000
8 II II 11 II United States ............88,602,000 37.391,000 20.4u8.08r 19.30.5,000 03.028.000
12 12 12 12 Czechoslovakia ........ ....26.210.030 20.1152 1IIk 17.207,00), 15.130.000
II 13 13 13 13 Switzerland. ........... ..24.000 21,189.090 19.277,000 7,350,000 (12)000

Total above 13 Coun-

tries .................. .............. 7,811.572,000
. 7,378.458,000 0,566,577,000 0,052.077,000

Rubber Tire Exports.---Canacht's rapid advance as a rul,ls'r tire producer and exporter
since I he war has heen Iiascd on the great development of the automobile industry. In the
fiscal year 1917, the first veal for whicli there are export statisties of rubber tires, the exports of
rubber tires from Canada were valued at $726,768; ten years biter (fiscal year 1927) the exports
had increased to $18,565,909; in 1930 the exports were valued at. $18,153,225, but in 1931 the
exports had dropped to $11,761,918; in 1932 to $5,147,205 and in 1933 to $3,205,138, the decrease
being (lIle ta the drastic decline in the price of raw rubber and other materials used in the tire
industry. Export figures show that when there is a marked increase or decrease in the exports of
automobiles, there is also a marked increase or decrease in the exports of rubber tires, thus indi-
cating the close relation existing between the two industries. Thus, from 1917 to 1927 the
increase in the exports of autonlol)iles was $27,116,353 and rubber tires $17,839,141, but from
1930 to 1932 automol)iles show a decrease of 829,513,114 and rubber tires a decrease of $14,948,087.



It will be observed by reference to the statistics in the following table re 'Exports of Rubber
Tires frms the Principal ltiibber Tire-Producing Countries of the World" that Canada occupied
sLxth position in 1932 with an export valued at $3.2 49,550, but in the years 1927 to 1929 she was
in third position. The United Kingdom in 1932 occupied first place with an export valued at
$13,169,739, France second place with an export valued at $8,885,605; United States thtrd position
with an exl)ort valued at $8,806,545; Belgium in fourth place with an export valued at $5,519,635;
and Italy in fifth place with an export '6alued at $5,467,262. In 1929 the United Kingdom was in
second position and France in fourth position, but in 1927 and 1928 France occupied second place
and the United Kingdom fourt.h place.


Nore,—Countries arranged in order or importance of enport. 1952

Rank Years ended December 31-

1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1993 11129 1930 1931 1932

8 $ $ $ $
4 2 2 2 1 United Kingdom 10.600,122 211.547,340 21.751.576 15,172,1310 13,169,739
2 4 3 3 2 France ...... ........... 23,445.1117
18,282.821 14.455,758 11,509.335 8,885.805
1 1 1 1 3 tjnitedStatos .......... .. 33,078.032
36,1125,175 31,702.801 20,437,040 8,803,543
6 6 3 4 4 Belgium ................ .6,875,487 8,932,106 8,062,373 8.651,145 5,510,035
5 5 6 8 5 Ita 10,5113,921
11.1184. 7,722,928 5,033,964 5,467,262
3 3 4 5 6 Canada . 18.826,357
13.768.302 14.370,443 6,478.352 3.249,556
7 7 7 7 7 Germany ............ 7.972,286
5.886,154 7.198,072 4,767.000 3,034,573
8 8 8 8 8 Japan 2.930.441
I 2.330.346 2.610,998 1.908,793 1,412.342
0 9 0 9 9 Netl,erian,ls ....... 632.951
579 1 150 663,814 504.293 235,713
Wheat Eports.—Tlie rapid incresse in the production of wheat in the Prairie l'rovinces
during the past decade and t half or so, and the practical elimination of Russia. Boutnania and
oilier wheat producing Cnlilitrie.s of Europe as leading factors in the grain trade up to three years
ago, have had the effeet of establishing Canada, up to that tutie, in second place as a wheat
pro(Lueing country, the first place being held by the United States. During the past, two vesrs,
however, Bussia has enormously increased her production of wheat, so that in 1928 and 1920
(accordmg to latest information) she occupied second position in wheat production, while ('anada
during 1929, with the falling off in her wheat yield, moved down to fifth position in the world's
wheat production. In 1932 Bu.ssia was in first lilace, (production not available); the United
States in second with 720,800,006) l)ushels; China in third place (production not available); and
('anada in fourth place with 428,500,000 bushels.
With reference to exports of wheat for the calendar year 1932, Canada OeeUl)ied first place,
with an export of 226,220,000 bushels; Argentina soi'oimd position with 126,032,000 bushels;
Australia tlib'd place with 123,713,000 bushels; the limmiled States in fourth place with 54,879.000
bushels; and Russia in fifth place with 19,741,000 bushels. Canada's exports of wheat for the
past nine years, as also for the year 1913, have exceeded those of the United States. 'l'lic 1)omi-
mons exports of wheat for the fiscal year 1900 amounted to only 16,845,06)0 bushels; in 1910 they
totalled 49.741.000 bushels; in 1920, 77,978.000 bushels; in 1931, 217,213,000 bushels; in 1932,
191,316.000 bushels; and in 1933 the amounted to 239,373,000 bushels. It will he noted by
reference to the statistics in the following table showing 'Exports of Wheat from Principal
Vheat-I'roducing Countries of the World" that in 1913 ('anada occupied first place as a wheat-
exporting country, wit It an export of 129,950,000 bushels; Russia being in second iilam'e with an
export of 121,953,000 busheLs; Argentina in third pho'e with 103,300,000 bushels; and the United
Slates in fourth place with 99,509,000 bushels. In 1932 the order had heen changed considerably,
'ztnada being in first place, .\rgcntina in second, Ausi rahitt in third place, the United States in
fourth place, and Russia in fifth place. Canada having occupied first place in wheat exports
for some years yielded first place to Argentina in 1029 but reverted to first posit ion again in 1030.
Wheat occupies first place among Canada's exports.
NOTE,—GOuntrjes arranged in order of importaio, of esport, 1932

flank Years ended December 31-

10131102811929119301193111932 1913 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

(In thousands of buheJs)

1 1 2 1 1 1 Canada .......... ..... ...... .... 129,950 365,429 210.0411 20.761 194.826 229.220
.3 2 I 4 2 2 Argentina ................... .... 103,30)) 180,908 245.773 81.305 133.661 120,032
6 4 4 5 3 3 Australia ................... ..... 42,923 58,325 75,409 40,375 131,654 12.3.713
4 3 3 3 5 4 United St,ttes ............... ..... 03 509 99,295 90,130 07, 774 80,311 54.879
2 10 .... 2 4 5 Russia (U.S.S.R.) ......... .... 121.953 122 .......... 02.0(01 91,700 19,744
O 6 7 7 7 6 Algeria ...................... ......4,283 7,113 1,0211 12,41)8 '14,734 11.427
10 5 11 6 8 7 tlungsry ..........................706 10.440 17.9110 12.755 15,285 5.287
7 9 9 8 0 8 ltou,nanin .................. .... 42.337 990 239 11.258 25,312 5,217
9 7 5 9 9 9 Yugoslavia ................ . (a) 3 ...31 5,770 20.350 0.277 11,353 4,890
5 8 8 10 10 10 British india ................ .40,211' 4 244 1191) 7,231 86(1 106

(a) Statistics for 1012, no statistic,. wailable for 1913,

\Vheat Flour Exports. ( utada, slice the opening of the twentieth century, has made
retitirkahle progerss in the flour-trolling ilaluSt ry. This expansion in her flour production
is reflected in the increase in the Dominion's flour exports. 'lodny Canada ranks third among
the c010ltrI'S id the world as a wheat-flour exporting country, the first place being occupied
by Australia, and second place by the United States. Canada's exports of wheat-flour for the
fiscal year 1900 amounted to 768,000 barrels; ten vetrs later they totalled 3,0b4,000 barrels;
in 1920 they amounted to S,S63,0(X) barrels; in 1932 to 5,414,000 barrels; and in 1933 to 5.268,000
barrels; compared with 11 ,267.00() barrels ml lie fiscal year 1929.
It will be noted froiti the .stat:sties in the following table. showing "Exports of Wheat Flour
from Principal l'bnsr-I'rodiicing Countries of the World' that in 1932 Canada was in third place
with an export of 5.132,000 barrels; Australia being in first piace with III export of 6,270,000
barrels; the United States in second place with 5,795,000 barrels; Ihe I nited Kingdom in fourth
place with 2,736,000 lairrels; Japan in fifth place with 2.494,000 barreLs; and France in sixth
place with 1,658,000 barrels. The exports of wheat-flour froits I lie United States in 1932 were
(l,483,000 barrels less than in 1913; from Canada 238,000 barrels greater, and from Australia
4,008.000 barrels greater. From 1028 to 1932 the wheat-flour exports of the United States
decreased from 11.848,004) to 5,795,000 barrels; froni Canada, from 10.737.000 to 5,132.000
barrels; while the wheat-flour exports from Australia (uring the same lI('riod increased from
4,879,000 to 6,270,000 barrels.


No'rn,—'Countries arranged in order of ii,,pe.rtasc'e of esport, 1032

1(ak Years ended December 31-

- Countries
19131928 1920 1030 19311932 1913 1929 1920 1630 1931 1932

Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels

3 3 3 3 2 1 Australia ................2,292.000 4,879,000 5.537,051) 4,802.000 6.455,000 6,270,00e
I I I 1 es
2 UnitedStat............... 12,278, 9,654.000 5.795.000
2 2 2 2 3 3 Can.......... .............. . 4,894,00)10.737,609 9,574,010 7,515,000 5.697,000 5,132,000
7 4 5 6 5 4 United Ringdorn ............ ....912.0:10 2.501,000 2,472.001) 2.299.000 2,3511,000 2,736j0X)
14 7 8 7 0 5 Japan ....................... ....1.000 1,613.000 2.083,001) 1.349.00(1 1,52)1,000 2 494,090
II 13 14 4 4 6 France ...................... ....231.000 25.009 22,000 3,253,05(1 3,992.)100 1,650,000
0 II 8 10 9 7 Italy ....................... . 1,041,1100 292,000 755,000 579,000 869,1100 1,572,000
10 3 4 5 7 8 Hungary .................... ....369.001) 2.209.090 2,952,001) 2,587,000 1,402(100 769,00(1
5 6 7 8 8 9 Argentina ................... ...1,402.000 1,916,000 1.410,001) 1.173,000 969.000 ((25,000
8 8 9 9 10 10 British 1,,dia ................ .... 91)8,000 000.090 527,000 592,000 493.00(1 321,1)00
12 12 13 12 13 II Algeria ..................... 149,001) 197,05)) 81,1)0)) 139(1)1() 04.000 167.000
4 10 12 11 11 12 Rouu,anizi ......... ... ...... ...1,585,000 308,000 01.000 227,00)) 301,00)) 181,1)00
13 14 II 14 14 IS Yiigslavjn...................... (a) 79,1)50 21,001) II)) (01) 81,010) 40,01)0 45,000
9 9 1)) 13 12 14 Belgium .......... .... ...... ..545,009 349,000 2.54,10))) 90,1)00 85,000 34.000'

(a) Statistic8 for 1012, no statistics svailnble for 1913.



1913 AND 1932

153 5 200
0 25 50 75 br 125




- I



0 2
19 'r II r










0 600 000 _800 24003000 36004200 4800
I -







Wood Pulp Exports.—Canada's great advance as a newsprint paper producer and exporter
since the opening of the present century, has been based on the great. expansion of her wood
pulp industry. Canadas exportS of wood puip during the fiscal year 1890 were valued at only
$168,000 and in 1900 at $1,816,000. In the year 1910 the I)oniinion's exports of wood pulp
amounted to 590.346,000 poiins. value $5,205.000; in 1920, or ten years later, they amounted
to 1,538,958,000 pounds, value $41,383,000; and in 1933 to 878,582,000 pounds, value $17,786000.
The decrease in the exports of wood pulp from ('anda from 1920 to 1933, is chiefly due to the
fact that year by year larger quantities of wood pulp are used in the ('anadian paper industry
in the manufacture of newsprint and other forms of paper, and consequent lv the product. is bring
exported in a manufactured form (paper) rather than in a semi-manuf;u't cited form (wood 1)LulP).
Ac'cur, hug to statist irs ii, the following table giving 'Exports of Wood Pulp from Principal
I Pulp-Producing C mlii tics of the W crli I'', ( ana(la, during the cii leicihar year 1932, occui ned
f',iirt It posit ion among the worlds exporters of wood puip, with an export of 904,586,0(X) pounds;
the first piace being held by Sweden, with an export of 3,295, 135,00() pounds; Finland was in
second place with an export of 2,618,975.000 pounds; while Norway wa.s in third place with an
export of 1,931,058,000 pounds. In exports of chemical pulp in 1932 Canada occupied third
position, with an export of 662,965011) j)ottnds, the first place being held by Sweden, by a wide
margin, with an export of 2,303,362,000 pounds; and second place by Finland with an export of
1,925,339,000 pounds. With regard to exports of mechanical pulp, Canada occupied fourth place
in 1932 wit Ii an export of 241,621000 poinu Is; the first., second and t.h in! places being bek 1 by
Norway with 1.342,337.000 pounds; Sweden, 901,773,000 pounds; and Finland, 693,636,000
p,unds. In 1913 Sweden occupied first place as an exporter of wood pulp, Norway second place,
and ('anada third.

NOTF—CO-IntTieS arranged in order of importance of eaport, 1932

Years ended I)ecember 31-

1913 1931 19.32

Total Total 'l'otal Proportion 1932

Wood Wood Wood -

1913 1931 1932 Pulp Pulp Pulp

Chemical Mechanical

Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds

1 1 1 Sweden ......................... 2.224,626.000 4.001,555000 2,393,362,000 901.773,000
5 2 2 Finland ......................... 285,348.000 2,123,206,000 2,618,975.000 1,025,339,000 693,630,000
2 3 3 Norway ........................ 1.558.040.000 1.432,237.000 1,931.058.000 588.721,000 1,342,337.000
3 4 4 Canada ......................... 596.339.001) 1.245.(174.000 9)4.586,000 062,965,000 241.621.000
4 5 5 Germany ....................... 412.083.000 632.123.000 135,3711,000 822.226.000 13,150,000
6 6 6 Austria ........................ 223.428.1)00 296.822.0(M1 224.160.001) 200.32)1,001) 23,840,000
8 7 7 Cze'1,osI,vakia ................ 47.871.000 257.473,0)))) 182,156,000 182.156.1)00 ..
0 8 8 t'nited Stt ................... 30,552.1)(0 106,615 000 95.722.00(1 1*4.158.000 1.534.1)00
10 10 9 Switzerland .................. ... 14,655.001) 17. 126.000 18. 788.000 14.483.000 4,305,1100
U10 Poland .......................... 35,001,0()11 18.009,000 18,000,000 ..
7 .., II Newfoundland ........ ... ....... 114.331.000 ..........

Total above II Countries.... 10,117,232,096 9.924,046,000 6.701,9.50,000 3.222,106.000


('anada's import, and export trade has ('hanged very materially since 1890, both as to its
origin and destination as well is in its char:ieter, The statisti('s in the following Tables Nos.
1 and 2, relative to Canada's imports and exports, by countries, indicate that the Dominion's
trade, both import and export, and especially export, with ''Other (.ocintries'', i.e. countries
except the United Kingdom and the Inited States, made very little progress from 1890 to 1900
or even 1910, but that from 1910 on there was a marked improvement in this trade. This better-

niettt in (a.nak trade with Other (ountries' was no (Lol1I)t (Ille to the provision in the (.LstoIs
'Fariff Aet. 1907, for the extension of 1)(11(fits of the BrItNtI I'referenl.tal l'tiriff in whole or in
j)art to any British (outitry and the Ienefits of the 1ntertneIiate nlurIff in \\I1O1 (' or in 1)rt to
any British or foreign country that grants trade benefits to Canada satisfactory to the (lovernor
in Council. Prior ta 1907 Canada had no bargaining machinery of this kind, In 1.890 ('anada's
imports from "Other Countries' amounted to 817,040,000; in 1900 they totalled $20,1470)0;
in 1910 they had increased to $56977000; in 1920 to 8137,06)4(8)0; aiLd in 1930 to $211652000;
hut, due to the world-wide depression and the fall in coininotlity prices the imports from "Other
Countries' in 1931 had declined to $172,699,000; in 1932 to $120,466,000; and in 1933 they
amounted to $87,370,000, the imports in 1932 and 1933 being less than for the year 1920. The
1)ominion's domestic exports to ''Other ('ountrics'' iii 1890 were valued at 87,544300; iii 1900
at $14,413,009; in 1910 they were valued at only $35,366,000; in 1920 at $286.31 1.000; and by
1930 they amounkil to $323,463,000; but in 1931, owing to unstable trade conditions and decline
in commodity prices, the exports to ''1 )ther Countries" declined to $230,830,000; in 1932 to
$167,114,000, and in 1933 to $146,279000, Compared with 1930, the imports in 1933 from
"Other Countries" show a decrease of $121,282,000, and exports to, a decrease of $177,184,000,
the decline in the trade, both import and export, being due to decreases in both the value and
the volume. 'I'hie decrease in the value was more pronounced than in the volume, due to drastic
decline in commodity prices.

Further, from these Tables Nos. 1 and 2, it will he observed that the imports from the
)'nikd States from 1890 to 1933 ineressed from 851,366.000 to 8232.5-18,000 11930 8847,442,000);
the United Kingdom from 843,277.000 to $86,351,000 (1930 8189,180.000; the liritish West
Indies ( Ilerniuda) from $1,182,000 to $9,898,000 (1930 $13,755,000); Germany from
83,779,000 to $9,081,000 (1930 $21,505,000); France from $2M16.000 to $7,713,000 (1930
$25,158,000( ; Australia from $205,000 to $5.91 3,0(X) (1930 $4.21 1.000); British Africa from
$113,000 to $3,801,000 (1930 84,132,000); liii l4ritisii Eit Indies from $183,00() to $3,564,-
000 (1930 813,170.1)00); Japan from $1,258,000 to 83.861,000 (1930 812.537.000); the
Netherlands from $422,000 to 83,710,0(8) (1930 $9,433,000; Ilelgiutmit from S721,000 to 83.643.-
000 (1930 813,019,000); Colombia from .$I,6180 to $3,366,000 (19:10 87.253,000 ; Italy from $163.-
000 to 82,806,000 (1930 $4,964,000); l'eru front nil to $2,574,000 1930 87.492,000); Switzerland
from 8317.000 to $2,100,000 (1930 $731 3.1)18) ; British Guiana from 8212.000 to 82,300,000
(1930 $3,982,000; l"iji from nil to $2,218,000 (1930 $3,677,000) ; ( 'hina from i8-12,000 to
$1,005,000 (1930 $2,977,000); Spain from $323,000 to 81,101.000 (1930 82,781,000; and New
Zealand from $12 to $970,000 (1930 810,28:1,000).

During the same interval, 1890 to 1933, Canada's domestic exports to the United Kingdcm
increased from $41,499,000 to 8184,361.000 (1930 8281,746.0001; tile United States front $36,-
213,000 to 8143.160000 (1930 8515,050,(M); the Netherlands from 81.000 to $16,458.000
(1930 $15,944,01)0); Belgiwn from $41,000 to 814,491,0(8) (1930 $21,693,000); France from
$278,000 to 812.730,000 (1930 810,307,1)00); Japan frcii $27,000 to $10,327,000 ( 1930 $30,476,000
lie British West Indies ) nicluidiuig Bernoi(hii from $1,461,000 to $8,535,000 1930 817,316.000);
burinsnv front $161 0(100 to $8,057,000 I ¶431) $25,344,000 t ; China from $32000 to 87,64(9,000
(1931) 816,528,000); $t. Pierre and M iqiu'lntt from 8161,000 to $7,593,000 (1931) $5,$59.000;
Australia. from $471,000 to 87.313,000 (1930 816,32:000'; Newfoundland from $982,000 to
85,644,000 (1930 812,178,01)0); British Africa. from 823,010 to $4,714,000 (1930 813,803.000);
Italy from 881.000 to $1,126,000 (1930 $11,387,00; Norway from nil (not specified in 1890) to
$3,695,000 (1930 83,675,000); and New Zealand from $20,000 to 83,008,000 (1930 819.166,000).

By referemiec to Tables Nos. 3 and 4 which show the trend of Canada's imports and exports
since 1890, it will be noted that t here has 1 a'en a marked ('hange in the character of the 1)ominion's
jiniports and exports, as well as in the immiportance of the various coinniodities which comprise
the import and export trade. In the imports and exports of leading commodities from 1)490
to 1933, it will he observed that commodities that occupied an immtportant position in Canada's
import and export trade in 1890 have, due to econommiic changes in the industrial life of the coun-
try, been materially changed in their importance in relation to other commodities in 1933.
(Fisc'l years 1800, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1933)
Yrir c-Countries arranged in order of importance, 1033.

Facel Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal

Countries Year, 'Year, Year, Year, Year, Year,
1800 lOUD 1910 1920 1930 1033

8 8 $ 8 $ 9
United Staten ..................... 51.365.601 102,224,917 218,004,556 801,097,318 847.442,037 232,548.035
United Kingdom ............ ...... . 43.277.000 44,280,041 95,337.058 126,362,631 160.179,738 86,353,691
S British West Indies (including Ber-
muda) ................ ........... ..1,181,510 801,613 5,777,508 12,170104 13,755,373 9,897,667
Germany .......................... . 3.778.0113 8,383.498 7.935,230 44.335 21,505,428 0,088.966
I France ............................. . 2.015,602 4,368,246 10.109,544 10,930,861 25.158,207 7,712,558
Australia ...... ... .................. .......265,384 560,884 423,017 1,371,775 4,211,351 5.902.587
ItritishAfrica. .................... .......112,573 87.003 1,041,565 010,078 4,131.389 5,801,117
8 l0rjtjsb Eaat Indies ................. ....... 182,051 1,308.937 3.526,164 10,236,412 13,170,212 5,563,502
9 Japan .............................. .....l,2S8.411 1 751,415 2,170,930 13,637,287 2.537,253 3,880,911
10 Netherlands ... ................... .......422,207 579,582 2,009.900 2,265,103 9,432,608 3,715.988
11 l3elgiuin .......................... .......72L332 3.223.918 3,239,888 911,407 13,019.006 3.642,518
12 Colombia ........................ .......1,587 3,935 28,514 592,656 7,252,691 3,365,509
13 Italy .......... ..................... .......163,480 144.573 893,398 999.046 4,963,694 2,806,301
14 Peru ....................................... 173 41,580 5.072,108 7,492,128 2,573,521
IS Switzerland...............................316,523 529.176 2,603,858 7,758,051 7,314,840 2,399,63.5
10 Rritieh Guiana .................... ........212,121 67,680 2,980,238 7,412,031 3,982,493 2,209,814
17 Fiji ................................ ...........153,853 714,30(1 3.670.604 2,218.351
18 China..................................841,624 829.720 790,708 1,266,220 2,377.022 1.865.452
10) Spain ......... ........................ 322,506 560,701 1,019,773 1,528,298 2,784,050 1.180,753
20 New Zealand ....................... .........12 .........775,365 3,494,6011 15.282 719 969,704
21 Argentina ..... ..................... .........25 571.269 2,181.534 3,402,554 10, 232.327 894,082
22 Slexico ............................ ..367 56.218 558,515 2,648,915 749,645 880,841
23 Cubaund Puerto Rico .............. ..1,773,023 516,164 628,437 17,587,430 .3.517,914 707,625
2.4 Sweden ............................ ..19,116 58,951 208,147 380,353 2,259.409 704.193
25 Brazil................................ 784,104 231,358 660.500 1.973,768 1,687,707 591,141
26 Newfoundland ...................... .. 460,711 837,444 1.467,010 2,116,414 2.378,103 545.527
27 Russia (U.S.S.R.) .................. ..7,097 24,650 345,207 14,496 00,525 539,419
28 hong Kong ........................ ....117,610 243.231 3.208 8.30 ' 1 259,085 515,014
29 Norway..............................(a) (a) 172,042 461,848 1,104,935 452,903
30 San Domingo ...................... ... ............ ..845,228 10,075,287 1,778,772 101,310

Total Imports from above 30

ountries.,,..,,..,..,.,... 110.013,660 171,720,295 368,224,134 1,056,815,019 1.236,141,473 399,419,563
Total Imports ....... ........... ..111,682.573 172,851,675 370.318,199 1.064,528,123 1,248.273,582 406,271.329
British Fmpire. ................ . 45,641,204 47.853,080 111,782,703 174.336,027 252,703,704 120.271,999
Foreign Countries .............. . 66,041,369 124.788.596 258,535,496 860,192.090 905,569,878 285,999,420

(a) Included with Sweden,

(Fiecal years 1800. 1900. 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1933)

No'rn.—Countries arranged in order of importance. 1933.

Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fincal Fiscal

- Countries Year. Year, Yeir. Ye:ir, Year, Year,
1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1933

$ 1 8 $ 8 1

1 United Kingdom ................ .....41,499.149 96.562,875 139,482.945 480,152.637 281.745,965 184,381,019

2 United States ...... ... .......... 38,213,279 57.996,488 104.199.675 464,028.163 515.049,763 143,160,400

187.158 1,376.807 5,653,218 15.944.469 16,457,910

...... ..1.042
3 Netherlands...............
859.715 1,840,156 28,463,855 21.692.858 14,490,939
4 Belgium ............................. 41.421
277.827 1.372,359 2.601,097 61.108,693 16.507.011 12,730.226
5 France .......................... .....

110.758 659.118 7.732,514 30.475,581 10,327.492

6 Japan .................. ... ......... ..26.530
7 British West Indies (including Ber- 12,118,296 17.316.442 8.554.717
muda) ......... ........ .....1,460,668 1,673,163 3,534,766
1.108.183 2,063,766 610,528 25,343.601 8.057.105
S Germany .............. ... .... ..... 461,011
254,814 1.249.189 6.665.805 10.527.959 7.069,228
9 China ............... .......... ....32.143
226,126 133,802 748.573 5,859.251 7,593,208
10 St. Pierreand Mir1uelon.... ..... .....160,800
1,622,531 3,551,075 11,415,62:1 10 322.771 7,312,574
............... ..471,028
11 Australia ..........
2.029,723 3,806.902 16,175,443 12,178.392 5,044,225
12 Newfoundland ........... .............982.154
1.294,093 2,349.159 9,825.526 13,603,171 4,714,110
13 British Africa ....... .............. ...22.552
290,456 345.984 16.059.557 11.387.294 4,126.362
11 Italy .............. ....... ........ ...81.059
(a) (a) 487,147 4.798,299 3,674.985 3,695,335
15 Norway ...................... ........

............ ...10,070 20.395 887,058 6,987,0(18 19,168.488 3,608,560

16 New Zealand ......
41,003 58,180 8,762,259 10,716 590 2,867,122
17 Brit.isliEast Indies ... . ............. ..0,038
43.5,053 2,938,026 4.108,704 2,694.212
IS Denmark ............................ 42,261
4,449,105 4.678.037 2,638,400
19 Sweden..............................850 . 698 81.014 111.672

.rgentina .... ........................ 763,146 473,395 2.867,785 6.126.457 19,206,746 2.509,585

813.456 51.502 1,096,053 4,503,231 2.481.717
21 Spain ........................... ..... 69.788
(b) (B) (b) 2,711,544 2.247. 102
22 Irish Free State...................... (hI
70,530 598,433 1.492,041 0.738.401 1,778,940
23 Russia (USSR).. ................ .. 10.2.50
..352,046 480.241 823,402 2,703,488 4,292.293 1,394.23(1
24 Brazil................................
149,560 895,934 410.825 2,583,440 1,311.236
25 Mexico ........ .................. ... 9,480
1,110.251 2.194.118 7.819.450 5,123.510 1,098,222
26 Cubsand Puerto Rico ........... ....1.163,507
... 7,254 0,117 508.551 1,343.887 2,000,124 1.062,243
27 Hong Kong ........ ....... .......

1,424 29,588,954 5,387,067 341,521

28 Greece................................ 2.382
2,370 1.402,775 2,279,871 292.991
29 DutcliEast Indies .................. ...079
61,118 242.717 890.960 2,280,003 138,581
30 Chile................................132.154

Total Exports to above 30 ...... ......-

Countries ................... ....84,647,701 168,103 874 277,371.741 1.209.558.048 1.096.005,622 465,355.513

iota1 Exports (Domestic)........ 55.257.588 108.972,301 270,237,551 1,230,492.098 1.120,258,302 473.799,955

British Empire ................. . 44,669.52.3 103,462,544 154,937,457 561,788,003 379,650,268 222,118.027

Foreign Countries ............. .. 40,588,060 65,509.757 124.310,094 077.704,095 740,608,034 251,681,028

(a) Included with Sweden. (b) Included with United Kingdom.

Fisca1 years 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920. 1930 and 1933)

NotE—Commodities arranged in order of importance, 1933.

- Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiacal Year

Commodities Imported Fiscal Year Fiseal Year Fistal Year
1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1933

8 8 I S 8
I Coal ... ..... ......................
..... 8.013,186 11.012,223 27,519,678 90.072.629 36.812.478 28,989,633
2 Crudepetroteurn .................. .............. 2'3.241 1.189,071 2)306,693 33.951.202 20,878,125
3 Frth', .... ..................2,400,8.51 3, 33.407 8.310,4 33.43.2u 34.277,882 I7,350.874
4 ugir and products. ............... ....6.432.e34 8.1111)645 14.0 2.'7() 7:1.618.151 27,087, 156 16.484,007
.5 .%I:LI.inery .......................... 1.877.551 5,159.912 14,tiOJ.073 :l6,71rS,791 60, 117,528 14.010.52
6 A)'ol'oIie I,eversges................ ....1,61)5, 101 1.918, 112 4.430,5(6 9. 135.536 45.02u,487 l3,I31.0Q3
7 II lii I g in i ii pr )dUCtS 5 (elS 01 1 I B 03 15 09 (15 ,J 55 i 46 t I 891,002 12 421 i 9
8 I'eroieuin, refined ...................... 69W 283 830.025 2,2'23, liOl 1P. 500, 692 25, 80, 470 I 1 , 09,049
9 (]oton ....... .......... ....3,792.384 6.399,71)5 17,920,e92 5l.4:ji.0l7 20:110,037 10,054.410
IC kutowotik prte............................ 2159,586 12. 074, 821 35, 746, 929 10.022. 8-32
II Itouksandprjnted matter 1.404,593 588,132 4,127,179 11,228,018 18.130.778 9,168.487
12 Wollen goods. irtcIudingcarpes 10,9:113,609 9.427.575 20.767,020 45.543,127 32,8-32,927 7,694.400
13 II a )ttofl 3 519 ?4 I 4 ,32J IJO 11.384.801 33 84 4 21 08 4133 7.448.5.36
14 eUlers'effecte ... ... ..... .........1,810,217 3.005.411) 10.273,428 10.181,034 11.181,203 6.718.111
15 l'per .... ................... 1.208,8-03 1,378,749 4,567,810 9,949,574 14,764,8-14 Ii, 179,897
16 Elceirk apparatus..................... 317,515 810.993) 3,688.538 15,950,4 37,91 I .263 6,1)48,542
17 Flax. hempand jute .. ............. ..1,416,217 35.51,937 5,340,312 13.923.836 11,655,198 5,8-45.324
18 Grain and grain produeta............ 3,034.049 8.298.894 7.806,6' 9,085.073 25.082,671 5.8)13.602
19 I ngtne and h km 188 )9 778,364 " Oil) SaS I' 437 51 15.140.437 5 21) 109
20 Clay and produels .................. 948.876 1,593,255 3,418,844 6.371.507 12.250,709 5.072,380
21 Raw stlk .......................... 11)3.32.) 277.708 393.011 3,003,845 0:160,988 4.78327 ...
22 Vt'get.ableoil ...................... ...612,671 828,882 1,802,205 15,973.417 12,244,151 4,747,494
231'ei ... .......................... . 3,073)143 3,604,027 5,347,854 8:136.18-S 10, 1)04,371) 4,720,435
24 Vegetables ........................... 337,859 125,749 1,751,265 5.722,600 11,04)1,765 4,61)7,306
25 Glius and glawsre ............... ......I269,3l4 1.658.694 2,932,104 6,926,459 1)1,453,706 4.069.147
26 ( ....................... .......591.198 491,148 1,194.061 4.711,079 5.924.835 3,640.797
27 leather ........................... .....1,173.777 1,870,333 4,202.934 17.102,702 11.537.331 3.602.419
28 1)yeingand tanning materials 484,217 711.908 1.412.0)19 -5.623.720 3,348.4156 3,510,398
29 Rubberandproducts .............. .....1.512.427 2.942.944 6,151.157 18,059.435 20.025.310 3,308.980
30 Furs... ................ ........... ......1,058.001 2,1)30,441 5,768,075 12.877,520 11,11.53,949 3,107,232
31 Silk goods ...........................2.034.505 3,8-81)535 5,590.829 31,341,944 19.1106,589 3,016.385
32 'I'obacco,row ........... .. ........ .....1,344.685 1,508.359 3,220.231) 13.604.757 6.471,626 2.88'i.88-3
33 Noiln.topsandwaatewool 12.10)) 151,510 590,144) 5,930,957 3,833,8)11 2.873,18-3
34 Colic .................................... 155.513 5fJiI.839 1,61)5,603 2.4741,451' 6.44)3.354 2,7411,0',)))
35 Wood, manufactured ............... .....1.355,23)) 824.195 3.08-5,079 7.893,2.54 12.7417,244 2.703)342
31) Uui,,iniutu ................................ 159 12,543 794,493 2,747:18.5 0.698.864 2,619.797
37 lImes and mcdicjne ...................... 513.331 481,3514 002,1183 3.402,1)32 :1,8118,721 2,577,291
38 Nut.,. edible 231,449 400.441 1.257,2)12 5.880.573 .5,4965.1181 2,454.729
39 haul, uruuianultwtured ............. .....1,444,727 3,775,240 8,324.58.5 14. 112.391 15,348,151) 2,440.516
4)) P,jn)s and varnishes ............... .......672.883 1,1)12,535 1,378,023 3,821.880 2,412,204
41 Cott&,n yarn . ....... ...... ....... .......17,87( 321,349 767,761) 4,1)78.510 3,827,817 2,342.377
42 Soda and sodium compounds 329,084 1)24,873 785,524 2.1)02.371 4,41)3.1121 2,337.4)4)7
43 Farm iluplelnent.1 ....... ......... .......161.277 2.140.867 2.061,21)7 14,570 11)1) 30,1)75,453 2,205,3)28
44 hhoffllen yarn..... ..... .......... .......117,729 41)2,328 1,671,765 4,443,270 5,8711,353 2,193.754
45 Stanilsandaisalfibre ............................... 1544457 .5 193,812 3822,615 2,128:341
46 Sulphur ................................. 44.276 215,433 430,432 1 294.438 3.823,245 2,054.58-3
47 Fertilizers ............................... 14.444 09,974 5.595.423 1.7116,752 5,033,592 1,942.112
48 Stone and products ................ ....... 802,1137 1,0211,711 1,773,953 3.6*7,702 8.792,988 1,601.653
49 lOran, and products ................ .......554,545 8-51.606 2.278,215 4,531,015 7,030,455 1,836,593
50 Iliirdware and cutlery .............. .... 1,250.3'19 1,134,200 1.1)37,847 4,210,142 4,1)90,111) 1.790.528
51 lljde,antiskjns, raw ............... .....1,703,093 4.214,1112 8.235.819 22,654,681 8.402,075 1,008.144
52 Ilaw wool .. ....................... .....1,729,058 1,574,834 1,587,175 7.972.211 4.3148,935 1.553,328
53 Animals, living.... ................. ....... 837,395 841.1)19 1,711.723 2,570,377 2,892,754 1,039.267
54 Cocoa and cbocolate.,.,,,,,,,, 118.3119 284)34)3 I, 1311,335 7,6241,745 3.1451.425 1.31)8.001
521 Fish 8119.418-3 1.0191.71.18 1.830.744 3.4111.679 3.471,921 1,2110.876
58 Gum, and resins., ............ ... ....... 150,338 287,57)) 2,2.5)1,31)7 4,987,716 3.431,591 I, 1114.520
57 nurgietfI instruments .... .......... ....... 25,18)4 1113.74)) 209.302 1.137.507 1.1137.334 1.189:113
58 Stamped and coated products 42,042 268,545 492,884 1.1)1)1.777 2.5211,820 I. 188.135
5)1 Seed, .... ..................... ...... 478:1)47 1,910,994 1,1117,321 4,210,782 5,04)1,255 1,1711,058
60 Celluloid in lumps ................... .......18,311 27.136 1211.1)02 743.836 2.1142.941 1.057.1188
61 Clocks ansi watches. ............... .......773,535 698,378 1,159, 617 2.124,207 3.495,659 918.240
62 Autr,ni,hile, ........................................ 1.732.215 15.035.545 34.464.666 915,794
63 I'ubesandpipe(jron).................. 484.000 1.122.987 2.358.848 4,100.378 5.948.162 890,86*
64 Soap ... ....................... .... 148,018 446.135 813,619 1,534,1)82 1.310,418 870,080
6.5 Plantsandtrees .................... ....136,329 28,510 178.470 7011,507 1,913,147 814,5011
66 Flateandeaps ...................... . 1.258,4014 1.1137,422 3,420.0011 4.219,333 2.1)09.340 780,759
67 Spices..... ........ ................ ... 213.677 242,567 428.075 1,130,902 1.478.575 741,297
08 Niekelplated ware ................. 13,578 19,813 573,591 1,6311,1)47 3,1J22,933 727,149
89 Tx,ln. .......... ................... ... 427.305 825,541 891.8211 2(150,28)1 3,1112.449 709:061
70 Wire (iron) ........................... 387493) 1,844798 3,530,2211 3,943,623 3.1)58,799 695,941
71 Meats. ............................ . ....
1,632.14:) 1,371.184 2.427.1611 22,1011,333 7.51)14.473 678.873
72 Salt . ... . .................... . 500,840 :125.4:43 4115,253 1.53)3,176 9247,925 591i,49()
73 (Topper intl products ................ . 484.1811 1.271,271) 3,488,260 8, 5118.(135 14.898.11:12 584.4.58
74 l)plieal instruments ................. .. 40,515 181.852 .575,929 947,075 1.391.043 358,100
75 l)iamond,, unset. ................... ..119,496 454,792 1,1)02.710 4,470,848 5,11)3,971 326,563
76 Musical instruments. ............... . 434.814 390,44)7 1,207,592 4,329,093 5,13)1,873 316.004
77 Ironore ............................ 551 282,191 3,345.550 4,601,716 5,020.921 180.011
78 flutter................................. 62,212 290,220 92,934 176,994 14,471.688 138,637


(Fiscal years 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1933)
Nor.-Commodities arranged in order of importance. 1933,

- Commodities Esported Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Yeai Fiecl Year
1894) 1 1900 1 1910 11120 1930 1933

$ I I $ $ $ $

1 Wheat ............................ 388,861 11,005,488 52,9311.351 185.044,830 215,753.4 13(1. 546, 365
2 s'sirint. paper.................... 2,612,243 53.1140, 122 145.41111,5 74, 136,863
3 Wood pulp.......................... 168.180 1.8113.016 5,204,5)47 41,36:1,482 44,704,9 17,786.135
4 %Vlir'at Sour........................ 521.383 2.791,885 14,8511854 94,2112,922 45,457,1 II), 987. 110
SFish............................... 8.099,1374 10.564,688 15,179,015 40,687,172 34,7r)7,7 16,08. 723
6 Planks and boards.................. 17.537.308 2-2.015,990 33,1011.387 75,216.103 49,44)3,9 11.098,960
7 Furs, raw.......................... 1.874.327 2.264.580 3,749,005 20,928,103 18,7011.3 10. 53:6, 750
8 Cnrpper liars, etc .... ................ 541,338 48.1 19,118.191
9 Whiskey.......................... 25,380 396.671 1,010.607 1.504.122 25,8011.1 14,9214,907
10 Cheese............................ 9,372. 212 10,856.324 21,607, 692 36,336, 863 18,276.0 8,758,415
11 Fruits, cliieSy apples.............. 1,073,800 3,305.662 5,4112,197 8.347,549 9,583.4 8,676,256
12 Nii:kcil ............ ................. 1,040,495 3,3214,054 0,039.221 25. 5 (4 , S 7, 4 III, 500
13 Shots............................. 805.707 13.515,521 8013.680 96.1111.234 15.03(1,5 ni,)193, 140
14 Automobiles ..................... .. 405.011 14.883.607 35,307, 11 5,794,531
15 lilver............................. 201.615 1.354.053 15.009,037 14,255,601 11,569,8 4,416,571
143 Oats.............................. 156,15>1 2,143.179 1,366.612 9,349.455 4.0:55.9 4,300.592
17 Barley............................. 4,500.409 1.010,423 1,107,732 20,209,1(72 10,368,7 4.253,341
18 Pulpwood......................... 90,0(15 932,772 (1,076,620 8,454.803 13,8611,2 4,287,425
19 Rye................................ 220,761 279,2011 84.638 3.175.804 1,451,6 4,030,240
20 Machinery........................ 143,815 440,391 524,5111 6.4111.3111 7,154.7 1.808,433
21 Tobacco leaf........................ 234 3.661 76.564 13(1.264 1.504,2 3,902,244
22 Gold. raw.......................... 657,022 14,148,543 6,019,126 5,974,334 34,375.1) :1.797.351
23 Furies............................. 7,748 4811. 079 4, 79]) . Ii 3,51)0,250
24 Zinc.............................. 9541,1)82 8,SrOi.7 1,494.7)15
25 Lend............................... 2.000 688. 891 529'422 I ,il>:t, 144 10,537.8 :1,112,660
26 Rubber tires ........... ... ... .... 7,395,172 18,153.2 :1,205,207
27 Fertilizer's.......................... 4,291 51,410 371,315 6,891.113? 7,995,3 :3,068,879
28 Settlers' effoets ................. .. 818.001 1,095,5331 2,274,005 6,304,1 (((Si, 981
29 Asbestn, raw..................... 444,150 490,050 1,885,513 8,7117.806 12.074,'] 2,070,932
50 Aluirithiura in barn, etc............ 1,2(12,723 5.580.871 13.620.1.1 2.7811,559
II Sodium eo:ripounds................. 4,2(48.5 2.1196.143
32 V'g.,'t,at,ien......................... 597,074 503.993 1.534.228 11,0511.480 11.240,7 2. (89, 598
33 leather. unmnnufacturod........... 727.087 1,535,440 1.294.4813 11.742.268 9,494.9 2.426,693
34 Shingles (wood) ............ ....... 340.872 1,131,509 2.331,443 10, 84 8. 042 6,704,4 2.460,510
35 Cereal foods ..... ......... .......... 1.680.648 1,087,901 2.431,1 2. 399, 732
36 Cattle......................... 6.049.417 8.704.520 10.792.156 46.0114.531 15.119,4 2,374,785
37 Rubber footwear................... 129.618 1.7511.907 9,986,3 2,313.757
38 Milk, preserved.................... 541,372 8,517,771 3,21(2,1 2,211.751
311 Automobile parts................... 3,097.466 2,298.7 2.1)16.683
40 Oatii,eal and rolled oats............ 254.857 474.991 1,123.891 4,283.772 2,440.0 2,1100.807
41 Log,s.wood......................... 682,572 750.416 (>99,681 1 819,1>83 3.677,3 I .975,572
42 Stone and products................ 949.158 575,749 955,636 3,531,916 6.90(1.1 1. 890, 799
43 Acids.............................. 5.545 1)7......... 001.3117 5,996,5 1.866.602
44 Copper ore and blister............. 133,251 1,387,380 6.023.925 11,871,039 37,725,4 1.77,1.531
45 Electrical energy.................. 1,657.555
46 l'atrer hoard........................ 4.510.066 2,509,4 1,529,949
47 l6r in and shorts ............... ..... 86,225 145,206 1.847.620 1(6:1, 843 2,582.4 1.531,524
49 Coil. .... .......................... 2,447.036 4.599,902 5,010,221 13,163,056 3.0116.5 1.383.659
49 Electrical apparatuo............... 27,743 424,474) 2.521. 1:1 1, 147, 4377
50 Petroleum products .... ............ 15.812 1.653 1.185 1, 176. 644 2,527.1 1.2211.374
51 Furor irnpli'srrsents.................. 397,198 1,692.155 4,1111.385 11.611.400 18.391." 1.324.779
52 Tirnber,s1uarc. ....... ... ...... . 4.353,870 2,013,7411 014,723 2. 148. 162 4,535,7 1,259 051
53 Sugtr and products ....... . . ... 18.101 100.108 1 153.357 30,695,005 4,70)8, (.225,214
54 Mitt .............................. 150,380 10.939 11,528 1.320. 773 415. I. 06 I. 88')
55 Pigs, ingots. etc. (iron)............. 137,451 220.18') 6.505.1186 4,727.1 91)7.68))
56 Ilirilgare 84.109 278,054 100.085 7.730.826 1.743,1 896,735
57 Itirriler twine ...................... 5, 53(1, 9011 1,502.1 855,43R
58 Pl'rl inurri concentrates.............. 91.717 39,058 337,7 684.45))
59 leeds .............. ............... 182,200 322,652 4.602.797 9,1118.591 7.237,7 >182.042
86) Brass .............. ................ 1,644,157 2.332,5 >375. >358
61 Tubes and pipe (iron). ...... ........ 2,323.369 2,202. 613.739
82 Wrapping paper ............ ......... 9.095 2,617.107 1.635,5 598.716
63 flutter... 340,131 5.122.156 1,010,274 9,814.3,58 543,9 589.537
04 Poles, telegratrir and telephone 92.326 36,801 511.177 2011.854 3.11(7 3 542,848
0 1 tides and skjiri. raw.............. 506,402 1,393,937 5,508,165 10.762.646 7,7:1(1.11 333.040
643 Sausage r'iesings ....... . ..... ..... 564,222 655.)] 524.241
67 T,urtlrs,wood ........... ............. 302,500 749,301 1.882.950 3,6)18,511 3 01>5. .1 435,01)7
68 lIne... ..... ... ................ 1,059,554 1.414.109 1,8135.849 4.08 7.4(711 2.007,0 212. >392
60 Milk and cream, fresh.............. 1,6(19,1013 5.379,) 14.5.293
78 Stationery, ........................ 23.380 274 20 4)1)2,1 100.411
71 Ale, beer and porter................ 10.347 6.272 2.667 III 077 1.995,11 40.794




Importa Entered for Coneumption (Merehandiae) Exporta (Mercbaadiae)

Average Ad
Fiscal Val. rate of
Years Duty Duty on Canadian POtlTi
Dutiable Free Total Collected Irodu.0 roduce Total
11J11- T

$ $ $ $ P.C. P.C. $ $ $

1868 13.655,696 23,434,463 67,090.159 8,801.446 202 13•1 48,504.899 4.196.821 52,701.720
1869 41,069,342 22.085,599 63,154,941 8.284.507 202 III 52,400,772 3,85.5,803 56,256.573
1870 45,127,422 21,774,652 66,902.074 9.425,028 20•9 141 59.043,590 6.527.622 63,571,212
1871 60.094,362 24.120,026 84,214,388 11.807,590 196 140 57.630.024 9.853.244 67.483,268
1872 68,276,157 36,679,210 104,985.367 13,020,684 39-1 124 03,831,083 12,796,182 78,629,265
1873 71,198,176 53,310.953 124,509,129 12,997.578 183 104 76,538,025 9,405,910 85,943,935
1874 76,232,530 46,948,357 123,180,887 14,407,318 180 117 76,741,907 10,614.096 87,356,093
1875 78,138,511 39,270,057 117,408,568 15,351,139 196 131 69.709,823 7.137,319 76,S47,142
1876 60,238,297 32,274,810 92.513.107 12.828,614 213 13-0 72.491,437 7,234,061 79,728,398
1877 60,916,770 33.209,624 94.126,394 12.544,348 20-6 13-3 68,030,54)) 7,111.108 75,141,654
1878 50.773.059 30.622,812 00.395,851 12,791,532 214 14-2 67.989.8011 11,164.878 79,184.678
1879 55,426,836 23,275,683 78,702.539 32,935,269 23.3 164 62,431.025 8,355.644 70,788,669
1880 34,182,967 35,737,575 69,900,542 14,129,953 261 20-2 72,899,697 13.210.006 86,139,703

3881 71,820.725 18.867.604 90.488,329 38,492,645 25-8 20-4 83,944,701 13,375.117 97,319,818
1882 85,757,433 25,307.751 111.145,184 21.700,028 25-3 10-5 94,137.657 7,628,153 101,760,110
1883 91,588.339 30,273,157 121,861,080 23.162,553 25-3 19-0 87,702,431 9,751,773 97,454,204
1884 80,010.490 25,962.480 105.972,978 20,156,448 232 10-0 79,833,008 0,380,106 89,222,204
1885 73,260.618 28,486.157 99,715,775 10.121,254 261 10-2 70,131,735 8,070,646 87,211,381
1880 70,658.819 25,333,318 95.092.137 19.427.390 27-5 202 77,756,704 7,138.079 85.194.783
1887 78,120.679 26,986.531 105.10,210 22,438,309 287 21-3 80,980.909 8.648,333 89,510,242
1088 69.645,824 31,025,804 100,671.029 22,187,869 31-8 22-0 81.382,072 8,803,394 90,185,466
1969 74,475,139 34,623.057 109,098,190 23,742,317 31-0 21-8 80,272.451) 8,938.455 87,210.911
1890 77,106.288 34.576.287 111.932.573 23.921,234 31-0 21-4 85.237,586 9.051,781 94,309,361

1891 74,530,036 36,997.918 111.533,654 23,416,266 314 210 08,671,738 8,789,631 97,470,369
1892 69,160,737 45,995,676 115.11)0.413 20,550.474 29-7 17.8 99.032.466 13.121,791 112.154,257
1893 69.873,571 45.207,259 115.170.830 21,101,711 30•3 18-4 105,488,798 8,941,856 114.430,654
1894 62,770,182 46,291.729 109,080.901 10,379,822 309 17-8 1(0.851.764 11.833,805 115.085,569
1895 58,557,655 42.118,230 106.675,801 17,887,269 30'3 17-8 102,828.441 0,485,043 109,313,484
1896 67,230,750 38,121,402 105.361.164 20,219.037 300 10-2 108.707,805 0.606,738 116,314,543
1897 66,220,765 40,397,062 108,617.827 19,861,007 30-0 187 123,632,540 10,825,163 134,457,703
1898 74,025.068 51.682.074 126,307,162 22.157.788 297 17-5 144.548.61)2 14.980,883 109,529,543
1899 89,433,172 59.980,244 149,422,418 25,734,229 28-8 172 137,360,792 17.520,088 164,880,890
1900 104,346,793 68,304,883 172,031,076 28,889.110 27.7 10-7 168,972,301 14,265,254 183,237,555

1901 105.969,736 71,981,163 177,930.919 29,106.980 27-5 18-4 177,431,388 17,077.757 194,509,143
1902 118,5.57,406 78,000308 196,737,804 32,425,532 27'3 16-5 100.019,763 13,964,101 209,970,864
1903 136,798,065 88,298,744 225.004.809 37,110.355 27-1 16-3 214,401,674 10.828,087 223,229,761
1904 148,909,876 94,099,839 243,909,415 40,954,349 27•5 16•8 198,414.130 12,841,230 211,055,678
1905 150928.787 101.035,427 251.901.214 42.024.340 27-8 167 190,854,946 10. (17.115 201,172.081
1906 173,046,100 110.684,171 283.740.280 48,871,101 270 16-4 23.5,483,958 11,173,848 246,657,802
190 152,065.529 98.180.3(11) 280,225,835 40,200,172 26'6 16-1 180,545,306 11.541,927 192,087.533
1908 218.180,047 13-1,380,832 352,540,879 58,331 .074 26•7 16-5 246,060,988 16,407,984 263,368,852
1909 178,014.160 113,680,036 288,504,198 48,059,792 27•5 167 242.803.588 17,318,782 230,922,306
1910 227,264,316 143,053,883 370,318,190 61,024,239 268 16-3 279.247,551 39.510,442 298,763,993

1011 282,723,812 370,000.793 452,724,603 73,312,368 269 162 274.316,533 13,683,657 290,000,210
1913 355.304.060 187.1011.635 522,404,675 87,576,037 26•1 36-8 290.223.857 17,492,291 307,716,151
1913 441,606,885 229.1)00349 073,207,234 115,063,688 26-1 17-1 355,751.600 21.313,755 377,068,355
1914 410.258,744 208.935254 819,193,998 107.180,578 26-1 173 431.588.439 23,848.785 455,437,224
3915 279,702.195 176.163.713 455,955,908 t 76.587,437 274 1618 409.418., 836 52,023,673 461,442,508
3916 233,366,527 238,834,607 808,201,134 t 78,683,313 272 15-5 741,630.638 37,689,432 779,300,070
, 23'8 130 1,151,375,708 27.835,232 1.179,211,100
3917 461.733,609 3R4,717,269 846,450,878 tl09,801.028
1918 542,341.522 421,191,056 963,532,578 tll6.577.067 238 12-1 1,540,027.780 46,142,004 1.586,160,792
1919 520.404.658 303.217.047 919.711.705 t133,320,242 235 12-3 1,216,443,806 52,321,479 1,268,765,285
1920 693,658,168 370,872,058 1,064,528,123 t156,154,885 225 14-7 1,238,492,098 47,31)6,611 1,286,658,709

1921 847,561,4031 392.597.476 1,240.158,882 fl74.775,787 206 141 1,189.103,7))1 21.264,418 1,210.428.119
3022 495.1)20.323 252.178,009 747.804.332 tl2L482.495 24-5 16-2 740,240,680 13,686,329 753,927,000
1923 537.2.58.782 265.320.462 802,579,244 f133.802,899 24-9 16-7 931.451.443 13.844.394 945.295.837
1924 591,299,094 302,067,773 893,366,867 135.122,343 229 151 1,045,351,056 13.412.241 1.058.763,297
1925 516,034.455 280,938,082 796,932,537 120,222,454 233 15-1 1,069,067,353 12,294,290 1,081,361,643
1926 583,051,670 344,277,062 927,328,732 143,923,110 24-7 155 1.315.385.701 15,344.346 1,528.700.133
1927 650.897.013 370.995.4921,030,892.505 158,966,367 24-1 15-1 1,252,187,5011 15,415,636 1,21)7,573,345
1928 710,050,228 398,990,2381,108,956,466 371.872,768 24-2 35-5 3,228,340,343 22,248,091 1.280,508.034
1929 821.075.430 444.603,6611,265.679,091 200,479,505 24-4 15-8 1.363,708.872 25.186,403 1,388,896,072
1930 839.230.474 429.043,1081,240,273,582 199,011,628 243 15-9 1,120,288.302 24.670,768 1,144,838,070

1931 574,090,231) 332.522,465 906,612,695 149,007,992 260 164 790,742,667 17.295,381 837.028.040
1952 386498048 190,01L5.856 578503,904 113,997,851 29-3 10-7 576,344,302 11,221,215 587,585.517
1933 256349,685 149.1121.6441 406.273320 70,029,065 27-3 172 473,708.955 1)013842 480.713,705

9 months ended March 31. fExcludos "War tax" in 3915 of $2,638,493, in 1916 of $23,238. 788. in 3917 of 837,830.427, in
1918 of $45,018,562, in 1919 of $44,726,092, in 1920 of $33,369,297, in 3921 of $4,891,896, in 3922 of $4,899, and in 1923 of $471.
IFigures not available.


Coin and Bullion Total

Total Excess of Imports
or Imports c
of Imports - for Duty
for for Con.suniption mPor ian
xports Col- is
Consumption Consumption Exports and Total spits per
and (i) or Imports Exports ears
Exports Total for Morchandiac Capita
(Merchandise) Exports (e) Consumption and Coin
Canadian Foreign and Bullion)

$ $ S $ $ $ So. Sc. Sc.

119.791.879 (i) 14,388,439 4,805.147 4,866,168 . .............. ..129,553. 194 19-90 1438 2•61 1868
119,411.514 (i) 6,898,368 4,247,229 4,218.208 .. ............. ..127,876.953 1850 15-35 2'43 1869
132.473.286 Ci) 1.330,862 4,335,529 8,002,278 . .............. ..144,811,093 1937 17-09 2'73 1870
151.697,656 (i) 16,731,120 2,733.094 8,690,350 ............... 161,121,100 2391 1838 3.36 1871
183.584.6.32 (i) 26.326,102 2.753,740 4,010,398 ............... 190,348,779 2906 18-23 3.62 1872
210.453.004 Ci) 38,565,194 3,003,465 3,845.987 .............. 217.304.116 33-94 20-87 3-54 1873
210,536,980(i) 3.5,824,794 4,223,282 1,905.835' .............. 216,756,097 32•20 20-09 377 1874
194,255,710 )i) 10,561,426 2,210,089 1,0333,837 .............. ..197,56.5,6313 3021 1793 3-95 1875
172,239,53)5 Ii) 12,706,708 2,229,111 1,240,037 ..............175,699,653 2343 1836 372 1876
169.288,048 (i) 18.1384,740 2,174,089 . .............. .... 733,739 172,175,878 23-45 1697 3.1:1 1877
169,554)529 ( i) 11,241,173 803,726 .............. 168,989 170,52:1,244 22•16 38-67 3-14 1878
149 489.188 (i) 7,911.888 1,638,089 . .............. ....704,383', 151.832.863 18.98 1506 3-12 1879
156,940,245(e) 16,239,161 1,881,807 . .............. ..1.771,755 159.693.697 16-58 17-29 3-35 1880
187,808,147 (e) 6,831.489 1,123.275 . .............. ....971,005 189,9(2,427 20.86 19-39 4.26 1881
212,911.294 (i) 9,379.074 1,503,743 . .............. ... 371,093 214.786.130 25-35 21-47 4-93 1882
219,315,708 Ci) 24,407.292 1.275.523 ................ 631.608) 221,222,823 2740 19-78 5-23 1883
19.5,195,182 (i) 16,750,774 2,207,666 ............... 2,184.2332 1339,587,14(1 25-63 1780 4-49 1884
186.967,1511(i) 12.544.394 2,954,244 . .............. ..2,026.980 191,918,380 21-98 17'43 4-21 1885
181.186,920 (ii 10,797,354 3.610,557 . .............56.531 184,854.008 20-92 16-94 4-23 1886
194.617,452 (i) 15.596,968 532,218 ..............5,569 195.155.239 22.66 17.46 1.84 1887
190.887,094))) 10,486.162 2.175.472 .............. 17,5.31 193.050.100 21-47 17-36 473 1888
196.309,1317 (il 21.887,285 175.251 . ..............
... 1,978,256 199,862,611 23.02 1694 5-01 1889
205,991,943) Ci) 17,373,206 1,083,011 .............2,439,702 208,514,733 2330 17-79 4-99 1890
209,004,323 (i) 14.0)13,585 1.811,170 129.328 817.50)) 211.782.420 23-02 18-31 483 1891
227.314,317(1 Ci) 3.080,150 1,819,530 .300,447 1,502.673 '331,942,318 23-55 20-26 4-20 1892
229.601,4.84 (i) 740,176 6,534.200 :106.459 3,924.239 240,299,382 2333 21-57 4•29 1893
224.750,48)) (c) 6,614,658 4,023,072 3131.006 1,529:374 230,618,832 21-88 20-84 3-80 1894
209,989,375 (e) 8.637.593 4,570. 020 256.571 4,068,748 218,891,314 20•00 20-43 3-55 1895
221,675,704 (e) 10.953,382 5,226,319 201.532 4,491.777 231.801.332 20-72 21-57 3-98 1898
241,075,530 (e) 27,039,876 1,676,194 327,290 3,365.252 249,244,274 20-73 24-4)4 3•87 1897
285.830.707 (c) 33.222.383 4.390,944 1.045,723 3,577,413 291.050,680 2429 2780 4-26 1898
304,303,296 () 5,459,464 4,629,177 1,101,245 2,914,780 312.948,198 28'41 26-12 4-99 1899
355,889,231 (c) 10,585,879 8,152,640 1.670,068 8,987,100 372.699,039 32.44 5175 5-43 1900
372,440.062 (c) 18,578,224 3,307,069 .................1,978,4833 377,725,620 33-13 32-84 539 3901
406.708.668 (,) 15,233.060 6,053.791 ............... ..1,669.422 414,431.881 35'56 35-43 5-86 1902
450,324,57)) 1i') 134,952 8,695,707 . .............. ....019,963 459,640,240 39-68 57-70 6-54 1903
464,965,1393 Ci) 32,853.737 7.554.917 .................2,465,557 464,90.5.567 41'87 34-06 7-03 1904
45,3,436,275 Ci) 50,492,153 9,961,340 .................1,844,611 465,242,126 42•05 33-85 701 1905
530,398.082 Ci) 37,082.470 6,620,527 . ........ ........9,928,828 546,847,437 45-98 38•16 7-513 1906
442,313,068 (ii 58,138.602 7,029,047 . .............13,188,964 462,532,079 39-70 28-63 9-39 1907
613,909.931 (i) 89,171,927 5,987,737 ..............10,637,31.54 638,435,222 8431 38-05 8-99 1908
548,516,562 Ci) 28,071,830 9.611,761 2 1,589.791 559,718,116 4310 30-24 7-18 1009
669,082,102 Ci) 71,554,200 5,114,817 ..............2,594.536 677,191,545 53-54 4037 8-82 1630
742,724,813 Ci) 162,724,393 9.226,715 ..............7.196.155 739.147,683 62-82 38-06 10-17 1911
950,121,826(3)214.688,524 25,3177,515 ..............7,601,199 862,799.440 7093 39-40 11-89 1012
1,348,275,569 (ii 294,138,879 4,369,811 ..............16,16.3.7 2 1,068,749,102 89-17 4726 18-20 1913
1,674,631,222 (3)363,756,774 14,490,451 1.210 23,559,485 1,112,690,377 80-49 36-10 13-93 1914
917,398,417 Cc) 5,486,601 131,483,396 067 20,365,701 1,078,248,181 57-99 52-08 t 9-74 1915
1,287,501,204 (e)27l,099,936 33,876,227 315 103,572,117 1,424,949.863 6324 92-29 t 979 1916
2,023,601,978 (c)332,760,222 20,980,548 86,1)97 196,460,9131 2,249,195,574 103'48 144-75 k13-42 1017
2,549,792,373) (e)622,637,214 11,290,341 290,281 3,201,122 2,564,484,111 118'69 18101 9340(3 3918
2,188,476,3390 (e)349,053,580 1 t 1 1 108.48 143-46 913.37 1919
2,351,106,832 (e)222,130,586 50,463,494 230,117 49.835,279 2,451,695,722 123'34 143-63 f18-C9 3921
2,454),587,Oc1 (i) 29,730.76.3 7,218,775 24.368,646 9,835,827 2,191,990,449 111-20 135-32 119-89 1921
1,311,731.341 (c) 6,122.677 4,788,246 18,085,901 5.253,430 1,529,856,918 83-84 83013 (33.64 3922
1,747,873.081 (e)142,716,593 26,455.231 1,766,000 25,782,806 1,801,879,178 89-30 103-30 t14'85 1923
1,952,130,164 Cc) 163,396,43* 3,496,705 12,321,618 12,924,211 1.981,072,809 97-72 114-35 14•76 1924
1,878,294,180 (oC284,429,108 4.142,292 2,048,333 1,971.650 1,887,356,415 8576 115-04 12-94 1925
2,256,028,869 (e(401,371,405 51,437,8.50 45.890,108 25,242,303 2,378,580,439 08-13 139-18 15-24 1926
2,298,46,5,847 (c)236,680.637 46,066,458 2,011,3331 43,040,819 2,380,004,315 100-99 129.06 16-50 1927
2,359,554,50(1 (e)141,641,568 31,308,807 30,855,6.56 31,031,311 2,452,750,274 112-78 124-92 17-48 3928
2,634,575,166 (c0123,216.3184 29.560,316 36,932,46.5 58,2339,998 2,779,367,939 126-23 130)1(3 19-9UJ 1929
2,393,211,632 (3)103,335,512 2,710,210 410,435 1,494,783 2,400,833,068 122-33 117-03 19-50 1930
1,723,640743 (i) 89,584.647 39,120.624 80 44,996,532 1.807,764.239 87'39 77-09 11-37 1931
1,166,069,421(c) 9.061.613 1,815,016 44.094.578 22.860.214 1.235.739,229 55-06 5.5-86 10-85 1932
886,985,126 (e) 74,442,468 1,010.985 50,722,602 6.842,342 045,563,053 38-20 44-55 0-58 1933


Imports Entered for Conumpt.ion (Merchadi8e) Exports (Mervhundie)

Average Ad
Fieal Vz1. rate of
Years Duty I)uty on Canadian Foreign
DutibLo Free TotL Collected Totit
t Duti- Total
Imports Imports

$ S $ $ P.C. P.C. $ $ $

1868 28.284,194 9,333,131 37,617,325 17,905,808

1869 28,483,645 7,013,119 35.486,764 4,799,788 16•9 13'5 20,486,389
1870 30,1122,048 7,514,147 37,537,095 5,037,141 16'8 13-4 22,512,991 t
1871 39,815,580 8,682,052 48,498,202 6,544,069 16-4 135 21,733,556 9 7
1872 48,197,337 14,011,917 62.2(0.254 7,908,152 164 127 25,223,785 7
1873 47.443,269 20,553.742 67.996.045 7.392.957 13-6 109 31,402,234 7,257,277 38,859.511
1874 47,794,745 13,629,662 61,424,407 7,887,481 16-5 128 35,769,190 9,105,404) 44,874.596
187.5 48,949,869 11,059,281 60,009,084 8,881,998 181 148 34.199,134 5.782.837 39,981.991
1876 32.383,482 8,093.771 40,479.253 6,075,736 188 15-0 31.379,005 6.369,459 40,653.464
1877 32.016.776 6.411.845 39,331,621 6.377,596 194 162 35,491,671 6,035,618 41.527,296
1878 32,139,788 5,112,986 37,252,769 6.445.885 201 173 35,861,110 10,056,888 45.917.693
1879 27,075,556 3.802,223 30,967,778 5,541,933 20-5 180 29.393.424 6,873,695 36,267,115
1880 28,038,118 5.726,321 33.764.439 6,737,997 240 20-0 35,208,031 10,600,085 45.814,126

1881 33,860,461 7.024.681 42,885,142 8.772,950 245 20-5 42,637,219 11,110,151 53,747,376
1882 41.459,730 8,896,538 56,350,268 10,011,811 24,1 19-0 35,416,813 5.457,117 45,273.936
1883 40.732.476 10.947,286 84,679,762 8,8117.785 24-3 192 39.538.067 7.473,113 47,011,186
32,828.307 0,096,814 41,925,121 8,001,371 244 19'1 37.410.870 6,324,767 43,735,1553
1885 30,7(12.359 9,329,089 40,031,448 7,617,249 24-8 190 36,479,051 5.392,940 41.871.901
1886 30.385.797 8,647,200 39,033,006 7,817.357 257 200 36.691,263 4,646,041 41,810.304
1887 35,76(1.273 8,973,077 44,741,390 9,318,920 261 208 38,714,331 3.856,981 44,571,315
1888 30.848.118 8,319.528 39.167,844 8.972,740 29-1 229 33.648,284 6,430,700 40,084,991
1889 32,219,807 10,031,382 42.251.189 9,450,243 293 22-4 33,504,281 4,583,770 38,088,051
1890 33,267,721 10,009,288 43,277,009 9,576,868 288 221 41,499,149 6,854,545 48,353,694

1891 31,447,660 10,571,283 42.018.943 9,114,272 29-0 217 43.243,784 9,037,074 49,280,851
1892 30.831.809 10,231,902 41,063.711 9,074,201 294 22-1 54,049.055 9,957.494 64.906.541
1893 31,860.267 10.660,073 42.529.340 9,498,747 298 22-3 58.409.008 5,670.887 64.080,493
1894 27,493.160 9,542.8(0 37,695,963 8,245.846 300 223 03,878,056 7,600,800 63.538.85(
1895 23,311,841 7.747,421 31.059.332 7,18)6.677 30•1 22-6 57,003,564 3,953.426 61.858.991
1898 24.366.179 8,458,326 32.824,585 7.358,514 30-2 22-4 62,717.941 3,971.312 66.689,253
1897 20,217.422 9,185,760 20,101.188 6.205,367 30-7 211 09,533,852 7,693,650 77.227.805
1898 22,856,171' 9.488,982 32,043,461 6,645,429 295 208 93,005,019 11.933.799 104,998,811
1899 27,521,508 9,445,044 34,1166,552 7,324,192 26-8 198 85,113,601 13,973,300 90,980.081
1900 31.561,7833 12,718,285 44.280.041 8.074,541 25'6 18-2 68,562,875 11.173,069 107,735.961

1901 31,701,654 11,118,680 42,820,334 7.845,4043 24-7 183 62,8.57,525 12,471,431 105,328,954
1002 38,062,364 13.960, 162 49,022.726 8,424,693 240 172 169,347,345 7,870,876 117,318,221
1969 42.210,165 16.582,873 58,763.038 9,841.627 533 16-7 125,199.980 6,002,118 131,202,001
1904 44,930,820 10,785,014 61,724,803 10,838,017 24-1 176 110,120,892 7,470,484 117,591,374
1905 45,0914,527 15,243,177 60,342,704 11,171,010 248 18-5 97,114,807 4.843,904 101.958,771
1906 82.615,725 16,548,190 69.183,915 12.041,249 24-0 18-7 127,456,40.5 5.638.106 133.092,571
1907 48,750.741 15,465.015 84,415,756 11.823,197 24-3 18-4 98,691,186 6.438.415 105,129,601
1908 71,212,207 23,205,113 94,417,320 17.20.5,263 24-2 18-:1 126,194.124 8,283,0(8) 134,477,12
1009 52.219,881 18,462.719 70.682.604) 13,449,342 258 19-0 126,381,724 7,360.389 133,745,127
1910 71.822,941 23,514,117 05.337.058 18.032.629 25-1 18-9 139,482,945 10,147,543 149,630,484

1911 84,511,835 25.422.918 109,934.753 20,756.811 24.6 18-9 132,150.924 4.806.047 136,962,97
1912 89,514.201 27,392.159 116.906 360 22,367,040 25•0 191 147,2411,413 4.592.946 151.833,371
1913 108.055.863 30.686,779 138.742,644 27158,162 251 19-6 170.161,903 7,820,099 177.982,001
1914 102,375.867 29,694.539 132.070,4043 25,816.854 25•2 19-5 215.253.969 7,068,323 222.322,29
1915 88,010,299 22,146.905 80137,204 18,447,534 271 20-5 186,864,584 25,089,164 211,757,711
1016 52,089,1(78 25,3115,283 77,404,584 14,782,858 28-4 19-1 451.832.380 11,224,842 463.081,24:
1917 75,304.932 31,801 .Si3 1(17,1(00.735 16,801,123 2444 17-6 742,147,537 11,923,522 756.071(15)
1018 58.047.170 23,277,113 81,324,293 14,077.045 24-3 17-3 845.4101,669 15,303,330 861.073,38!
1810 50,10)6.008 23.027.110 73.1135. 118 11,164,090 22-3 15-3 3411,750.877 20,160,139 500,830,111
1920 93,244,068 33,117.662 126,362.631 22-1 16-2 480,132.837 0.807.481 495,960,11!

1921 170,135,906 43,837.636 213,973.562 35.615,766 20'9 168 312,844,871 1,38.3,800 314,228,67
1922 93,144.553 21.990.790 117,135,343 23.585, 155 24.8 20-1 209.361.675 1.001,518 300,363.19:
1923 116,162,438 23,167,705 141,330,143 28.424.485 248 201 370,1167,445 851,081 379.918,521
1924 126,1J47,Il)327,5.39,5%7 153,586.890 28,134,438 22-3 18-3 3110,057,782 1.103,020 361,160,80:
1925 124,665,804 20,418,142 151,083,946 27,543.640 22-1 18-2 395,843.433 1.324.615 397,168,041
1926 133,125.458 30,605,772 163.731.210 30,134,250 218 18-4 508,237,500 1.028.583 509,266,14:
1927 134,970,927 28.968,138 169,939,063 32,3311,634 239 19-7 416,872.851 1,140,233 448,018,08'
1928 150,05:1.6133 313.382,221 1811,135.824 38,377,522 25-6 2116 414.691,392 2,071,084 412,763,35:
1929 154,457,231 39,381.150 194.041.381 39,080,4)80 25-9 20-13 421(730485 1,1130,456 431, 060,04
1930 148,643,048 40538,690 189,179.738 37.846.167 255 20-0 281,745.965 1,352350 283,098,32-

1931 108.511.362 41),977,010 149.407,332 29.264,637 26-9 19-6 210,246.499 1,440.88.5 220,687,30
1932 79.669.730 20.678.049 106.371.779 23.305,724 29-2 219 174.1943.725 919.699 174,962.82
1933 55.664.056 30.689.641 86,355,691 14,342,623 25-8 16 6 184,361,019 772,178 185,133,19

9 molIthS ended March 3I. tEzetusiveof Special Dutius and War Tax. 7Figuros not available.


Coin and Bullion Total

Total Excess of Imports Per cent Per cent
Per cent
of Imports of Imports for Imports
for for Consumption from xport mnporti,
E xporte Fiscal
Consumption Consumption po,.
and Total
';i 2 Uof
Fxoorts Thtal naumption (Merchandise Imports san, 'Jotal
(Merchandise) Exports (e) Exports Duty
Canadian Foreign n(j?ihi> (Mdse.)

$ $ $ 6 $ 8 P.C. P.C. P.C.

.. (i) 10.711,517 16.370 889,032 ..................... 56-I 36-9 1 1866

.. 15,010:175 267,700 12,486 .....................56-2 39-1 579 1869
.. Ii) 15,02-1,104 . ..............
........1.134.784 ..................... 56-1 38-1 534 1870
.. (i) 26.764,1316 788,183 2,578.738 ............. ........
.....57-0 37.7 55-4 1871
.. Ii) 36,985,160 880,371 5.355 ..................... 59-7 38-3 60-7 1872
106.656.456 (i) 29.337.434 462,820 ............... ............ ...1(17,119,285 54-6 41-0 56-9 1873
100.298,997 II) 16,549,817 1,624,187 67,652 . ..............
...107,990.836 49-9 4)9-6 54-6 1874
98,984.073 I 20,027,093 48,607 .............................1(81.039.742 51-I 491 579 1875
81,161,717 (e) 210,211 248,200 38,017 .. .............
...81,447.934 43-8 47-4 47-4 1876
841,658,911 el 2.193.669 240.618 ...................... 40,179 81,139.706 41-8 52-2 51-0 1877
83,170.462 el 8.664,924 178,411 ......................23,846 83,372,719 41-2 52-7 50-4 1878
67,234.897 el 5.299,341 25,27(1 ...................... 28,599 67,288,766 39-3 47-1 43-0 1879
79,578,565e) 12,049,687 606,785 ...................... 31,866 80,507,280 48-3 48-5 47.7 1880
06,632,512 'e) 10.862,228 698,065 ......................4,200 97,335,378 47-4 50-8 47-4 1881
95,630,198 (1) 5.082,338 241,1)73 ........................531 95,871,802 45-3 42-3 46-1 1882
98.690642 11) 4.668,582 372,703 ...........................99,063.645 42-4 45-I 42-7 1883
85,660.758 (e) 1.811)516 1,492.004 590 87.154,242 396 4(39 3137 1884
81,003.430 (C) 1,8431,543 1,375.329 5,71-I 8:1,284.482 40-1 411-I 39-1) 1885
80,573,110 le) 2,507,298 1,568, 193 . .....................2,325 82.143,820 40-7 47-2 40-2 1806
89,312,062 Ii) 1t1,038 22(1.88:1 534 89.534.3179 426 47-8 415 1887
79,252,3328 Ic> 017.340 131,1177 . ......................... 79.383.705 38-9 41-3 40-4 1888
80,339,240 (i) 4,163.138 60,200 ...................... 17,075 80.422.515 38-7 41-7 39.8 1889
91.630.703 (e) 5,076,685 113.232 ........................... 91.743.935 38-8 48-7 40-0 1890
91,299,801 (e) 7,261.015 28,583 ..........................01.528.384 37-7 48-8 380 1891
106,070,260 (e) 23,542,838 284,724 .............. ..............
...106,254,984 357 55-5 44-2 1892
100.64)9,833 (c) 21,551,153 619.073 .............. ..............
...107.228,906 30-9 55.4 44-9 1893
105,574.815(e) 31.502.89:1 1,661,3(4 .............. ....... ......
. ...107,256,123 34-1) 58(3 42-6 1694
92,91)1,322 (c) 30.797.638 72,405 .............. ..............
...02,988.727 30-9 59-3 39-2 1895
99.513.750 e) 33,8194.748 155.237 1,000 35 99.670.030 31-2 57-2 30-5 1896
106,1320690 e) 47,826.314 .
11,01)0 ............... .............106,639,690 27-6 56-2 31-3 1897
137,042270 (c) 72,955,357 457.436 39 137,499.774 25-4 64-4 30.5 1898
136,053,5.33 (e) 62,120,429 93,571 874 4,000 138,151,978 24-7 62-0 28-0 1899
152.018,009 ( c) 63,4551127 509.689 400 152.526,098 257 57-1 28-0 1900
140.149,206(c) 62.508,1322 197.830 . .............. ...............
...148,347.120 241 82.3 27-0 1961
106,340,947 (°) 68,295,495 101.0313 ........................ 2,000 166,553,883 25-0 55-8 26-0 1002
189,995. I:)ti ( c) 72,408,3930 103,885 223 19)3,1(99,222 262 584 28-6 1903
179316,260 (e) 55,866.485 52,681 . .............. .............179,368,950 25-3 55-5 28-5 1904
162.301.475 Ic> 41,616,1)67 5 . .............. .............182,301,480 24-0 50-9 28-7 1905
202.276,486 Cc) 63,908.636 10,673 .............. 2.366 202.289.525 24-4 54-1 27-9 19045
169.543.337 (e) 40,713,845 W.617 .............. 6.200 169,717.174 25-8 54-7 29-5 1907
220,894,444 (c) 40,059,804 542,151 . .............. .........7,032 229,443,627 26-8 511 29-8 1908
204,427723 ( c) 63.0(32.523 344 2 250 204.428,319 24-5 52-1 28-1 1909
244,967,546 (e) 54,293,431) 13,242 .............. 3.619 244,984,407 25'8 500 29-7 1910
246.897,724(e) 27,028.218 1,409 .............. 2,140 246,901,573 24-3 46-2 28-5 1911
268,739,739 (c) 34,927,0)9 662 . ........................20,034 268,760,435 22-4 50-7 254 1912
316.721.646 (e) 39,239.358 6,323 . .......................... 316.730.969 20-7 47.8 23-7 1913
354,382,698 (c) 90,251,6811 470 54 42)) 354,393.642 21-4 49-1) 24-2 1914
301,914,022 (e) 121,60(),514 2,61)) 45 1,100 301.918,686 19-8 45-1 24-2 1)315
540,485,602 (e)385,676.886 2,704,434 ........................... 543,190,030 15-2 60-9 18-9 1916
803.1137.794 (e)1140,974,324 14,1360,479 18 . ..............
.. 877.834,291 127 64-5 17-2 1917
942,397.682 e)779749.116 531 . ............................042.398,213 8-4 549 12-2 1918
033,874.234 (e)487,603.098 80 44-5 9-9 1919
622,322,749 (e)369.597.487 45,032,067 10 60,251 607,415,047 11-9 39-5 13-3 1920
528,23(2,233 (e) 100,252, 109 1,119 8 2,958 528.206,318 173 26-3 205 1921
417,4(38,530 (e)183.227. 650 7,527 .............. 2.154 417,508,217 157 404 19-4 1922
521,248,669 (e)23.S,588,38,3 13,544 . .............. .... 2,007 521.264,220 17-6 407 21-2 1923
514,747,492 )e)207,574,112 5,272 . .............. .... 2,468 514.755,232 17-2 345 20-8 1924
548,251.994 (e)246.084.1O2 4,072 . .............. .... 4,359 548,260,425 19-0 37-0 22-9 1923
672,997,353 (c)345,534,933 4.558,997 490 677,555.840 17-6 38-6 20-9 1926
611,958,149 Ie)284.080,019 2,194,669 572 614,153,590 15.9 35-7 20-3 1927
590,19)3,177 e)228,327,52)l 7,786 . .............. . 3,655,643 602,852,606 16.7 33-4 223 1928
625,71(2,322 )e)237.619,561) 4,939,532 . .............. . 1,115,886 631,757,720 15-3 31-5 19-9 1929
472,278.062 (c) 93.918,586 10,452 . .................1,647 472,290,361 152 252 19-0 1930
370,181,69(3(e) 71,189,912 11,177 . ................ 1,004 370,196,877 16-5 274 19•6 1931
281.334,603 (e) 68.591.045 15.689 . ............ ... 1,194 281,349,486 184 30-2 20'5 1932
271,486,888 Ce) 98,779,5045 18,985 10 233 271,5043,116 21.3 38.0 20•5 1933



Imports Entered for Conuinptioø (Merchandise) Eiporte (Merchiuidie)

Average Ad
Fi8caJ Val. rate of
Yeats Duty Duty on Canadian Foreign
Dutiable Free Total CoIIeced Totai
t Dut i-
Importa ImPOrt5

S 5 S 8 P.C. P.C. $ S S

1868 10,014,304 12645828 22.660,132 1 2.340.56

1869 7,7113.748 13,70c3.632 21,47.380 1,565,566 201 73 2.717,656
1870 8,698,845 12,998,392 21,617,237 1,700.252 19.5 3().31.32
1871 14,08.,383 13.100,203 27,15,586 2,290.881 16•3 84 29.164.358
1872 13.271.042 20,470953 3,741,119 2,385,592 ISO 71 32.87I,4It
1873 36,976,805 28,510,305 45.189,110 2,945,966 177 65 36,714,144 1,317,871 38,232,015
1874 21.097.531 30,609,375 51,706,906 3,681,014 174 71 33,105,805 1,183,194 34,378.990
1875 22,312,546 26.617,812 48,930,358 3,853,634 173 7-0 27,903.748 1,020,307 28,923,055
1876 23,334,633 22,765.207 44099,880 4,104,484 192 9-3 5(1,08(4,738 653,701 30.734.439
1877 23.510,846 25,865,362 49,376,64)8 4,393,511 187 79 24,326,332 758,513 25,084,845
1878 21 444 804 24,538.371 48.002,H75 4 ,90 42 20 4 9.4 24 .301 0014 ilS 096 25 100 105
1879 23.803,457 18,366,849 42,170,306 5.524,879 23-2 132 25,491,356 1,007,218 26,498,574
1880 10,360.567 8.627.236 28,193,783 4,512,415 23-1 19-0 29,566,211 2,043.879 31,610,090

1881 25.632.313 10,706.388 36,338,701 5,649,152 22•0 155 34,038.431 1.863,989 35.902.420
1882 32,941.061 14,111,874 47,052,9:15 7,073,912 21-5 150 45.782.584 1,787,563 47,570,149
1883 38,652,045 16.493.198 55,147.243 8.148,268 211 148 311,513,223 1,637,935 41,171,160
1884 35,7(16.697 13,989,191 49.785.888 7,411,946 207 14-9 34,332.641 2,324.197 36.656,838
1885 31,231,947 14,344.563 45,576,510 6,624.100 21-2 145 35.566,830 2,104,658 37,731.468
1886 29.659.876 13,158.775 42.818,631 6,769,365 228 15-8 34.284.490 2,244.179 36,528,869
1887 30,570.609 14.223.299 44.7115.906 7.268.195 238 16-2 33,269.922 2,385.242 37,633,184
1888 27.097.880 19.342.616 46.440,296 7,100,234 262 153 40.407.483 2,147,048 42,554,531
1889 28.982.283 21,047,136 50.029,419 7,371.148 254 147 39.539.940 2,041.283 41,561,223
1890 30,575.397 20,790.264 31.363.661 8,126,625 266 158 33,2(3,278 1,869,749 38,083028

1891 29,790,402 22.243.975 52.033,477 7,734.515 2631 14-9 17,743,430 2,451,136 40,394,566
1892 29,505.550 22.2311,582 31.742.132 7.814.559 26'5 181 34.6611(17(1 2,512.839 37,178,906
1893 28.562,050 23.777,746 32.339.799 7,636,076 287 14-8 37.296.110 2.493.202 39.789,312
1864 25,823,636 24,922,455 50.746.091 6,960.951 270 13-7 12.512,509 1.408,051 33.970.560
1895 23.795.538 24,383.466 50,179,004 6,897,395 26-7 13-7 3.3.64)3.863 1.860,784 37,404.657
1896 29,11)1.946 24.427.744 53.529.331) 7,767,993 26-7 14'5 37,789,481 1,960,746 39,7511,221
1897 3049.' 503) 26 540 431 57. 023.342 8,147,075 26 14.3 43,664,187 2. 216.735 45 890 9"2
1898 38,00.960 36.760.903 74.824.923 9,943,624 261 13-3 38.3489,523 2.092,712 41.082,237
1896 44,471,824 44.1535.037 88.508.881 11.713,859 263 132 39,326.485 1.795,883 41,122.370
1964) 53,897.581 48,327.356 102,224,917 13,491,873 250 13-2 57,986.488 1,966,417 59,962,905

1901 53,6019.278 53.777.628 107.377,906 13,311,750 24-8 12-4 67,983,613 2.423.188 70,406,841
1902 60,181.898 54,819.723 115)8)1.533 15,153.136 252 13-2 68.567.784 2.1194,448 69,562,232
194)3 68,538.323 60.532,874 129,071.187 17,18(9.881 24-9 13-3 67.7116,367 3,443,802 71,209,969
1904 77,543.7814 415.78.5.9( 7 143.3214.697 19,554.586 252 13-6 691,9.56,885 3.856,168 70,713,053
1905 78, 7147,440 73,981,136 192.778,376 20,580.302 26-1 13-5 70,426.765 5.136.250 75,563,015
1900 85,540,776 79.715,676 160,258.452 22,187,103 248 131 83.546.506 4.455,003 88,001.309
1807 78,969.028 70.116,540 149.083.377 19,094,738 242 128 62.186.439 :3.658,197 65,838,636
1908 110.361.367 3)4,1)48,436 205.369,803 27.132.543 24-6 13-2 911.814,871 6.105,267 3)8.920.138
1009 (40,384.5(47 79.847,813 170.432,3190 22,52)1.96)7 249 13-2 85,334, 60( 5.1187,581 3)1.1(22,387
1010 118,834.173 09,170,383 218,004,356 20515,836 248 135 104.110.675 6,414,652 110.614,327

1011 153(467.232 122.757,033 273,924,265 37,854,728 24-7 13-7 034,118,023 8.492,853 112,208,676
1812 106,8811,150 134,495,507 331.384,657 49,177,384 250 149 ((12.041,222 10,915,073 112,956,295
1013 276.330.434 160,556,881 436,887,315 68,029,805 240 15-8 1:19, 725, 953 33.235,722 150, (1131.675
11114 249, 492, Ii 11) 116.819.520 1(1)1.232.138 61.805,160 249 15); 103.572.825 3:3.575,474 176.946.269
11115 168 6. 6 (II I (4483 (O0 2117, 112 069 42,335,575 25 1 14. 2 173, 320.216 140' 63(1 184 342 856
1916 199.4(6,6(15 171.413,864 370,880,549 49.008,889 25'0 13-5 201.106.489 35.552,774 216,64(9,2(12
1617 332,10(4,327 333.273,432 663,312,759 73.516,314 22•7 114 280.6113,3311 11,9112,413 290.578,773
1818 420.298, 758 36.3,5(46,111(P 792,894,857 88,018,759 20'5 11-1 417,233.287 23,378.313 440,851,460
1819 436,470,422 333,732,6442 750,203,024 87,079,923 209 116 454,973,170 22,822.489 477.685,4389
1920 490.716.623 3((1,)814,695 8()1,097,318 112,350,703 22-5 14'0 464,028,183 37,101,834 501,138,117

1021 544,1110,980 312,163,049 856.176.820 110,3641,7741 20-3 129 542322,967 18,378.069 560,701,936
1822 312,093,534 203.864,662 515,958,196 71.864.842 23-0 13-li 242,581.643 11,515,534 304.104,177
1823 332.237,955 2118,731,793 840,989,738 74,779,234 22-5 13-8 369,080,218 11,267,503 380347,721
1924 355,934,436 245.322,017 84)1.25)1,447 79,34.5,254) 22'3 13-2 430.707,544 10,935,365 443.642,909
1923 267,037,214 222,742,795 .509. 780. 009 66 1 317,480 23-1 13-0 417,417.144 31767,499 427.184,043
13)26 337,972,326 270.4840,2111 (108.618.542 80,814,739 23-9 13-3 474,967.367 111,1164,868 485.952.235
1027 392,6113.317 294,357,2(4 587,022,521 90,779,493 23-1 13-2 4641,422,789 12,912,441 479,335,230
13128 416,1447,644 302.848,626 718,890,270 97.124,431 235 13-5 478,145,383 18.640.873 495,786,256
1929 523.846,086 344.106,143 888,012,229 122.779.384 23-4 14-1 499,612.145 21,654.942 521,267,087
1930 523,299,322 324,112,715 847,442,037 122122,853 23-3 14-4 515.04076.3 21,038,418 536.688.181

1931 359.640,701 224,7641.317 594,407.018 89,157.323 24-8 15-2 349,660,563 14.262.463 383,923,024
1932 229.630,736 122.047.039 353,686.775 03,162.716 27-4 17•9 2,35,186,674 6.184,160 244,550,884
1933 143.813,884 88,734,171 232,548,055 40,411,677 23•1 174 143,160,180 5,369,431 148,529,831

9 months ended March 31. tE8cIan've of Special Duties and War Tan. 3Figures not available



Coin and Bullion Total

Total Enoes of Imports Percent Per cent Per cent
ol Imports of Imports for Imports Duty on
br for Consumption horn Fx;,rt
froui FisI
Consumption Consumption Exports and 'rotal ('.5. of
and U) or Imports 1'nports of TO(4l Yoars
lola! U.S. of
Enporle Total for (an
'21'Icrcl,andis( - mportl . ' '10)14!
(Merthandise> Exports (e) Consumption and Coin (Mdse.) Duty
Canadian Foreign and Bullion) (mclseJ

$ I I $ I $ $ I $ P.O P.C. I P.C.

(e) 2,680.43€ 4,848.777 3,975.18) 33 , 9 1 1868
(e) 5,220,276 3.976.325 4,205.721 346 51-C 1811 1869
(e) 8,664,4301 6.867.494 324 51-4 180 1879
(e) 1.078.772 1.044.911 4.113.613 32-3 500 194 1871
1) 874.1,4)18 1,873.370 3.388.761 321 498 183 1872
83,421.125 i) 6.957.095 2,542.636 3,740,115 89,704.719 363 48•0 227 1873
86.085.9l1) II) 17.327.907 2,9.095
59 1,928,183 9)4.013. 183 426 43.3 255 1874
77,853,413 1) 20,46)7.303 2,161,422 1,0339.837 81,054.672 417 400 251 1875
74.854.311 ) 13.3415.441 1,1471.911 1.202,026 78,008.254: 47-7 41-5 320 1878
74.4644 8563 1) 24.201,163 1,933.471........... 690.400 77,1484.724 325 358 35-I 1877
73.102. 9814 1) 22.9O2.779 623.315........... 144.793 73.873.088 53-1 35-8 37-5 1878
68.668.854),i) 15.671.732 1.565,819........... 866,254 741,900,053 536 408 42-7 1870
58,803.873 )e) 3,416,307 1,153,195........... 1.739,819 02.696,857 40-3 40-6 319 1880

72.241,121 (i) 436,281 385.411............... 903,805 73,570,337 406 40-5 305 1881
94.623.004 (c) 517,214 1,236.117........... 3744,562 146,229,763 423 48-f 326 1882
96.318.440 Ii) 13.976.083 885.080........... 031. 6604 97. 835.093 45 , 3 45-I 352 1883
86.442,731 'I) 13,129.050 706.938........... 2,183,702 84,.311. 368 47.1) 43•1 388 1884
83,307.1478 Ii) 7,845,042 1,574.691........... 2,021,266 86940.935 45-7 44.5 3441 1885
70.347.321) i> 6,289.982 2,039.388........... 50.116) 81.403.805 44-6 441 348 18841
82,451.072 '0 7.140.744 311.158........... 5,4435 92,74)7.205 426 430 324 1887
88,994.827 iC 3.885.765 2,041,552........... 17,534 83.053.913 46-1 496 320 1888
01.590,642 10 8.4118.106 508.021.......... 1,961,181 94059.844 4.5-5 48-2 31'fl 1889
59,445,689 0) 13,282,633 826,312. ............. 2,439,782 02,814,783 425 340 1890
92.228.043 (i) 11,835,911 1.652,180 129,328 814.801 94.824.552 330 1881
88.921,041 1) 14.563.223 1.395.440 306.447 L502.4171 02,125.599 44•0 381 1882
92.129.108 (i) 12.550.484 5,882.180 309,459 3.824.239 102.144.986 45-4 35.4 361 1883
84.716,651 ii) 16.775.531 2.288.009 310.006 1,528,374 465 314 35-9 1894
87,643.661 (i) 12.714.347 4.455.517 256.571 3,5741,448 1)1.032,1)47 408 34.43 386 1805
93,279,611 (I) 13,779.169 5.044,634 206.447 4,491,742 303.022.434 50-8 34.4 385 1886
102,904,264 Ii) 11,142.420 4,625.699 327.298 3,165.232 111.022,513 53.5 35.3 411 1807
115.907,160 (1) 33,742.586 3,880.667 1,045.723 3,574.718 124,408.268 59-2 270 438 1808
129,626.251 1) 47,384.311 4,860,285 1.100,371 2,910. 780 138,140.687 59•2 29-0 457 1809
162.187.822 Ci) 42,262.012 7,619,481 1,670 1 680 6.986.050 178,463,401 59-2 34-2 460 1900
177,784,747 1)) 30,971.083
3. 107, 102.............. 1,975.389 182,867.238 603 383 4.5-8 1901
184,563.765 ii 45,439.301 5.803.517 .............. 1,635.452 182,004,734 58-4 34-0 46-8 1902
2640,281,!8l ii 57.951,228 8.533.998.............. 573.955 209.389.119 57-3 31-6 46-1 1901
214.042.730 1 72.616,644 7,496,518.............. 2,460,496 224,000,004 58-7 33 , 7 47'S 1804
228.341,5)11 il 77,215,561 8,1459. 985.............. 1.841,058 240.142.842 60-6 36-9 49-2 11105
257.257.783 '4 81.255.143 6, 005, 61)4 . ........... 9.805,243 273,663,023 .59-6 35 , 5 47-8 11406
214.924,213.1) 83.246.941 6.857.452............ 13.182.044 234,064,509 59 , 5 34-4 47-6 1907

302.2214.1141 I) 108.389,665 5,343.022............ 16,4100.362 124, 173,325 582 36-8 468 1)108
261.454. 747 1) 79.409,973 9.594,190............ 1.581.970 272,630,407 352 471 1909
328,618, 883 Ii) 107.3)))), 228 5.497.253............ 2,536,451 336.652.587 37-3 496 1910
388.032,liOl,iC 185.613,558 9.110.474............ 7.188.123 804.331,340 519 1911
444.340 . ('52, ii 218. 4 28, 362 24,968,621............ 7.578.339 476.880.112 85.4 565 1912
587.848.14110 1) 285.923,640 4.255.278............ 16.148,707 608,232.975 64)2 1013
573.230,437 (i) 219,253,839 14,48:1,953 1.013 23,510,059 4)11,245,464 4)40 378 581 1914
483.484,915 0 11(1,7(1)4.203 131.474.868 582 29,065,888 644. 020.253 63-2 42-3 55-6 1915
587,549.611 Ii) 154.211.287 27.813.171 115 103,535,703 718.918.800 73-0 27-1 638 1016
855,891.332 U: 374.753.986 12.318.857 152 196.210.765 1,184,502.306 78-6 24-4 692 1917
1,233,706,357 1 iC352,083.557 11,221.118 513 2,573,428 1,247,501.414 823 27-0 711-I 1919
1.227.898,685 (i) 272,867.363 816 37.4 77•4 1919
1,302.227.435 (i) 299,067,201 5,431,252 18.430 48,448.881 1,357,26.078 75 , 3 57-4 724 1920

1.416.878.756 1)295.474.884 ; 7,172.300 24,362,089 9.706,808 1.458.120.017 690 45•6 03-7 1921
820.082.373 (i) 211.854,019 4,770,453 18.085,097 5.2:16.480 846,156,4413 39-5 592 1822
1121.337.45)4 11) 160,642,017 26,422,574) 1.766.4460 25.75)4,122975,285,211 398 55'9 1923
l,042,899,3541 Ii) 159.613,538 3,476.1)441 12.521,610 12,873.427 1.071.770,598 41•2 587 1924
)136,964.652 I)) 82.503.366 4.12)1.475 2. 1446, 2114 1.933.344 943.973,733 38•0 552 1925
1.()94.570.777 i)122.666. 3117 46.971,053 45.880,408 25.208.290 1.212.530,528 36-1 561 1926
1,1416,357.751 i.'207.687,291 43,985.599 2.011.391 42.867,589 1.253.222,331' 37-3 571 1927
1.213.682,526 (i)222,111),014 31,296,316 30,855.656 27.292.468 1,305.126,966 56-5 1928
1.399,279,316 6) 346, 743,142 24.600,646 36,932,465 57.124,912 1,507.837,330 612 1920
1,384,130,219 iC 310.753,858 2.623,508 410435 4.419.619 1.391,5813,780 61-4 1930
1148,330 . 012 :1) 220,483,984 39.070,901 80 44,944,176 1,032.345,199 598 1931
596.037.639 Ci) 107,335,011 1,721,437 44.057.911 21,684,792 663.501.779 55.4 1932
381.077,886 Ci) 84.018,224 965,372 50,722,502 6.820.429 439,589,279 583 1933


4—StmIMARY OF TIlE TRADE OF CANADA, by Main Groupl, during the Fiscal Years eiide.d March
Kingdom and the United

Total Trade
1930 I 1931 I 1932 I 1933

Imports for Conumptio $ $ I $

Agricultural and Vegetable Products .................. ..227.048.817 177,836,778 128,621,260 88,220,858

Animals and Animal Products ........................ .69.853,833
. 45,995.705 24.563.248 15,438.577
Fibres and Textilo Product.s.......................... .. 85.241.252 130.717022 83.879,362 61214,824
Wood, Wood l'roducta and Paper ..................... .60,951,077
. 46.042,029 32.18)8.168 20189.242
Iron and Its Products................................. .. 14.366, 791 193,933,477 96,911,706 59, 33)1,765
Non-Furman Motal.s and 'I'heir ProdLiets .............. .90.421
. 154 69,5)15(34 34,301,105 17,884,958
Non-Metallic Minerals and Their Products............ .. 86.496,388 155,578,658 102. (47,347 87,658,005
Chemicals and ALlied Products ....................... ..39.907,503 35,6.50.772 30.731,345 25,455,432
Miscellaneous Commodities ........................... ..73,086,767 62,471.220 43,440.365 30,772,668
Total Imports ................................ ..1,248,273,582 906,612,695 578,503,904 406,271,329
Dutiable Imports .................................... ..819.230,474 574,090,230 388,498.048 256,349,685
Free Imports ......................................... ...429.043.108 332,522.465 100.005,856 149.921.644
Per cent of Freo Imports ...................... 34'4% 36'7% 32.8% 369%

Exports (Canadi'vi Produce) I $ I 8 I $ I $

Agricultural and Vegetable Products .................. 384,635,751 292,280,937 204,398.365 205,170.418
Animals and Animal Products ................... ....... 133.009,145 83,714,772 68,798,683 54,333,047
Fibres and Textile Products.. ................... ..0,066,226
....... 6.504, 182 5,512,l:40 4.731,094
Wood, Wood Products and Paper....................... 289.566.675 230,8111,474 175,740,269 120,886.796
Iron and Its Products ................................. 78,589.580 38,937,661 15,41)2,977 17,277,099
Non 1 errous \1(thls and 1 heir Products .164,319, 429 9, I),' 06.3 69,072,888 42, (A2. 318
Non-Metallic Minerals and Their Products ............ ..28,545,096 21,107,780 1:1,456,701 9,215.937
Chemicals and Allied products ....................... ..22,468,41)2 12,825.852 10,535,038 11.099,814
Miscellaneous Conimodities ........................... ..20,057,938 18,115.646 13,397, 251 10,243,532
Total Canadian Exports ...................... .l.120,258,302 799.742.6671 576.344,3021 473,799.955

Er ports (Foreign Prod ucu)

Agricultural and Vegetable Products .................. .. 8.061.858 2.540.5(6) 1.499.705 3,027.989
Animals and Animal Products ........................ ..1.367,215 1,041,519 672,331' 433.305
Fibres and textile l'roductu .......................... ..1,481,775 1,367,60:1 755,397 367,207
Wood Wo,d jrclticta and l'aper ..................... .401.708
. 502,618 322,358 2)6,928
Iron and Its l'roducto................................. .. 4,790,770 3,713,065 2,962,695 1,884,050
Non-Ferrous MetaL's and Their Products .............. .. 1,178,770 1,346,992 616,1170 413,991
Non.Metallic Minerals and Their Products ............ ..1,286,495 950,6))) 662,476 254.292
Chemicals and Allied t'roduet ....................... ..563,645 582,191 294,047 270,542
SI iscollaneoun Commodities. ....................... .....5.545,532 5,209.808 3,436,125 1.875,532
Total Foreige Exports ....................... ...24,679,768 17.285.381 11.221,215 6,913,842

Excess of Imports (i) or AU Exports (e)

Agricultural and Vegetable Products .......... ......... (e) 165,648.792 (e) 117,191,759 (e) 77.276,8111 (e) 116,177.549
Animalsaad Animal Products ................ ......... (e) 64,522,527 (c) 38,760,586(e) 44,90,776 (e) 39,327.775
FiI,resandTextile Products .................. ........ . (I) 174,1(93,251 (1)122,815,147 (i 77,611,835 (i) 56,116.333
Wood, Wood l'rodueta and Paper ............. . ....... . (e) 228,017,306 ( ) 185,06063 (c .1 144,0.54,450 (r) 100,1614,482

Ira,, and Its Products ................................. . () 230,986,441 (i) 151, 282, 751 () 80,786,034 (i) 40,165.610
Non-Ferrous Metals and Their Products .............. . (n) 65,077,042 (e) 3649.401l(•/ 35:487,853 (e) 25,371,351
Non-Metallic Minerals and 'l'beir Products ............ . (1) 156,662,797 (i) 131.520.183 1 88.028,167(i) 76,147.876
('h,',nicala and Allied Products ....................... ..(i) 16,875,396 (i) 22,242,499'),) 19,902,264 (,) 14,09.5.076
Miscellaneous Commodities ........................... . (i) 48,383,297 36, 145.566 (i) 26,636,889 () 18,553.604
Net Excess ................................... . (i) 103,335,512 80,584,647(e) 9,061,613 (e) 74.442.488
31, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933; with Amounts Imported from and Eported to the United
states (Merchandise only).

Trade with United Kingdom Trade with United Staten

1930 1931 1932 1933 1930 1931 1932 1933 -

$ $ $ $ $ $ 8 *
51,279.282 41.762,787 30,220,997 17,302,932 98,752,133 67.580,381 44,578.848 30,220.182
5,288,529 3,783,222 2,614,531 2.400,907 37388,126 26,153,435 14,184,530 8,574.417
88,243.821 49.207,1211 39,549,937 25,58(1.1(12 71,997,597 48,244,419 30,941.027 22,475.022
5.250,702 4,540,694 3,827,071 3,398,230 51,736,243 38,138,028 25,584,827 15.096.704
21.323,484 19.069,5(15 13,383,622 12,009,727 282,102,471 167.674.719 81.1805,384 44,324.848
7,825,832 11,32(1,121 4,284,756 3.308.947 75,683,919 49.161.117 27,026,602 12,540.1118
13,601,753 12.902.472 10,286,241 12.582.165 149,293.985 118,984,418 77,871,155 62,921.886
5.128.785 4,601,656 4,096,690 1,553,344 26.982.460 23,201,992 20,359,822 15.462.420
10,934,571 8.309,605 7,107.978 5,182.144 53,415.103 45,268,509 30,131,580 20,915,558
169,179,738 149,497,392 106,371,779 86,353,691 847,412,037 584,407,018 351,586,775 232,548,055
148,643.048 108,570,362 79,693,730 55,664,050 523,299,322 359,640,701 229,639,736 143,813,884
40,536,690 40.027,030 26,678,049 30,689,641 324.142,715 224,766,317 122,047,039 88,734,171
214% 274% 251% 35.5% 382% 385% 34'7% 38.2% .,1

8 8 $ $ 1 8 $ $
186,521,591 541,108,053 98,723,113 114,281,232 48,626,508 27,644,374 11,035,258 3 905,813
40,673,780 31,173,615 32,028,108 29.952,048 68,694,165 34,068,408 22,342,515 13948992
970,569 1,048,925 1360231i 1,293,979 3.961.130 2.008,931 1,743,794 967928
21,450.183 37,359,424 13,734,673 11.301.706 237,6611,413 188,019,408 140,473,352 93914 355
6,848,000 4,073,233 3,798363 5.574,865 11,635,491 6,118,120 3,007,883 1,959,419
15,404,363 17,153,570 17,266,4311 14.598,651 101,728,976 68,835,683 36,176,490 13 807.581
1,952,156 1.546,819 894.408 1,290055 18,682,236 13,255.236 8,233,323 4,937,126
4,888,740 2,714,386 3,130,795 2,893,574 12,535,510 6.361.691 4,123,489 4,668.260
3,030,584 3.077,174 3,079,234 3,254,169 13.338.314 12.359.090 7,960,570 6,152.526
281.745,965 219.246,499 174,043,725 184.361,019 515,049,763 349.660,563 236,188,674 143,160,400

34,040 13,462 31,632 11.713 7,490,257 2,168,443 1,201,560 817,713

170,945 63,148 67,9116 76,177 1,129.789 916,838 566,189 311,658
245,608 189,702 124,540 76.208 802.050 839.840 406,630 1615,247
21,638 120,252 30,651 18,751 351.740 336,415 264,747 179,463
169,174 2619,0601 163,021) 163,378 4.313.190 3,296,341 2,715,633 1.623,577
79,071 107,804 50,657 85,472 1,052,328 1,193,738 536,186 3415.616
218.325 116,808 i 114,308 35,254 888.252 574,052 397,553 306638
16.603 16.396 33.9w 22,498 201,082 825,081 199,971 207.574
396,946 545,023 296,208 282.697 4,819,730 4,301,913 2,875,721 1,5,,51J,945
1,352,359 1,440,805 919,099 772,178 21,638,418 14,262,461 9,164,190 5,369,431

(e)135.276,358 (c) 09.358,728 (c) 68.535.748 () 96,910.033 (1) 42.635,308 (1) 37,767,594 (1) 32,342,030 (i) 25,496856
(e) 35,550. 197 (r) 27.453,541 Fr) 29,481,030 1.') 27,622.818 1.) 30,635,828 (e) 8,831,611 (r) 8,724.174 () 5.623.933
(I) 67,021,645 ) 47.968.403 (1) 29(139,1112 1) 24,210.008 (,) 67,144,417 (I) 45,336,048 0 28,793,603 (i) 21,445,147
(e) 16.221.119 (1) 12,929,872 (e) 9.914.54(1 (' 7,922,317 (e)188,284,910 (e)l5I,I67,795(e)115,l53,272 (e) 78,997,114
(a) 14 301, 310 (,) 13,728,212 (i) 9 422 10(i) 6 2.1 4a4 (i)2116 041 00 91( i') 191 668(a)
(a)158 21,0 2 ) 40.742.852
(e) 76541)2 () 10941I3)e) 1101 !lI)(r) 1I3516(c) 2 71.097,3M (e) 10868 1(14(r) 968604).') 15(1279
(1) 11.431.272 (i) 11.238.845 (1) 9.277,525 (,) 11,256.826 (6)129,743,477 (1)103, 155,108 (1) 69.240,276 (U 57.778,222
(1) 523.422 (1) 1,870,684 (1) 931,944 (a) 1,067,272(j) 13,945,868 (1) 18,315,220 (1) 16,036,362 (6) 10,580,586
(I) 7,507.041 (6) 4,687,198(6) 3.732,443 (I) 1,665,278(6) 35,259,959 (1) 28,517,506 (6) 19,295,289 (1) 14,212.08T

(e) 93.918,586 () 71,189,912 (e) 68.591,045 (e) 98,779 206 (1)310.753,856 (1)220,483,094 (1)107,335,911 (1) 84,018,224
5-1MpOR FOR CONSUMPTIO.t AND EXPOWVS OF CANADIAN PRODTCE, by Principa' Countries, during the Fiscal Years ended March 31, 1930,
1931, 1932 and 1933 r

Imports for Consumption (Mdse.) Ezpor'ts of Canadian Produce (Mdso.)

1930 1931 1932 1933 1930 1931 1932 1933

Brilieh Empire $ $ S $ 5 5 $ S
U nited Kingdom...................................... 199.179,738 149,497.192 106,371,779 86.353,601281.745,965 219,248,499 174,013,725 184,391,019
Irish Free State....................................... 267.903 678,115 45.311 36,309 2,711.544 2.761,489 2,801.121 2,247.162
Aden ....... ................................ .......... 12,510 4,734 6,135 3,00 63,355 33.265 9,319 19,692
Africa-British East ................. .................. 1,982,243 2.082.135 1,436.338 724.978 1.707,1117 968,898 372,388 4(61,276
British South....................... ..... ...... 824,025 3,320,528 4,323,169 4.967,06 10.917.642 10,296,940 8,401,4110 4,1811,338
British West ................ .................. 1,321,906 I, 156.779 323,678 1611,1171.083,260 924, 149 400,0113 3(13,296 0
Bermuda ....... .................... .................. 93.460 297.004L 95,729 182.740 2.287,280 2,492.260 1,948,908 1,587,002
British East Indios-British India..................... 9.932,740 8.426.716 5,099,7311 4.094,20 9,116.231 6,957,1150 3,041,522 2.414.386
Ceylon ............... ............ 2.600,423 2,708,945 1,373,916 1. 08 1. (Y22486.236 181,65:1 59,183 62,771
' -5

Straits Settlements ..... ......... 1,536,879 708.963 550,777 386,424 1,105.228 685,381 340,072 388,438
Other ......... ................... 170 16,971 14,519 1,83. 8,875 130 1,324 0
Brush Guiana ................... ..................... 3,982,493 4,288,157 4,541.922 2,299,81 1,961,332 1,139,915 779,4110 806.5.50
Brutish 1{o,idura.q .................. ............. ....... 340,577 207,1811 105,780 50.519 892.318 1,742,464 1,008.412 665,922
British Sudan 3,414 25,356 9,969 5.511 95,003 13.971 1.570 318
Brutish Wr",t Indies-Barbados ................... ...... 4,675,158 4.264,508 2,673,435 2.856,935 1,324,569 1,119,003 1,992.425 1.040,1144
Jainuornu ........................ 5,194,973 4,792,599 4,406,024 3,194.364 5.138.757 3,749:194 2,634,6119 2,4:01,111)
Trinidad and Tobago ........ .... 2,590,157 2.321,007 3,124,903 2,428.25 3,998,197 3,2811.070 2,147,637 1,77:1.239
Other............................ 1,201,625 2,571,906 1,590519 1,255,470 4,587.639 4,273.903 2,398,372 1,714.122
Gibruiitar .......................................... ... 71,4 0 1 41,978 9. 62 2 10,272
(long Kong ........................................... 1,259,085 833,608 690039 515,614 2,000,124 1,961,854 1,434,1)311 1,062,243
Malta, Cyprus and Gozo............................... 1,627 4,322 1,1126 429 318.85:1 537.741 207:112 1111.5411 0
Nea louiuuI land ........................................ 2,378,103 2,501,761 1,483.881 545,527 12,178,392 10,658,637 0,601,651 5,644,22.5
Un'eauuis-Australja................................... 4.211,331 1,616,722 5,696 7711 5.902.587 16.322.771 6,788,706 5,387,983 7,312.574
Fiji.......................................... 3,6711,1104 2,81)7,352 2 606 430 2,218.331 431,211 212,682 123 :176 11)1.3117
New Zealand................................ 16,282,719 6,671,252 1,080.730 909,704 19,168,488 12,688.475 3,724.723 3.6468.500
Other........................................ 7 1 . 113 7 23,435 8,310 7, 3 44
Palestine .. .................................... ....... 24,717 23,617 20753 108.476 98,934 83,980 29,043 35,220 '-1
Other British Countries................................ 10 ........

Total, British Empire..................... 252,674,602 204,898,420 120,271,90 379.571.138 292,884,396 '-'1

147,811,993 218,956,387 222,118.927

Porei1,n ('ouu,Eries
Abyssinia............................................ 35,693 30.398 28,007 7.973 8,183 957 385 1,242
Argentina............................................. 10,232,327 6,7391)97 2,608:163 894.98 19,906,7411 10,007794 4,344,735 2,509,585
Austria ........................... 797,370 595,319 :122,872 178.7117 435,770 2:14,878 101,14:1
Belgium.............................................. 13,019,006 8.420,018 5,047,721 3,642.51 21,602,858 14,962,044 14,0:16.437 14,460,9:10
l6iuLivi .............................................. . 53 132:113 42,964 91,711.1 653.57
Brazil................................................ 1,687,7a7 1.349,134 942,544 591.14 4,292,29:1 2,799,567 979,854 1,394,230
Clilu................................................. 667,126 428,310 109,6:15 21.41: 2,280,000 1,057,410 405,359 138.381
('hiss................................................ 2,977,022 4.810.814 3,723,558 1,608,45:. 16,527.059 9,122,190 5.908,133 7.809.228
('olombia............................................ 7,252,691 5,036,898 5,035,311 3.3115.51 1,643,048 1,191,940 533,891 389.296
CostaRica........................................... 1311,034 88,652 27,361 43.222 97,617 61.232 45,078 40.442
('uha................................................. 3,510,227 2,408.1147 881,081 705.824 4,245,576 2.868,10:1 1,627,676 830,177
Czoeholovakia....................................... 3,792,389 3,176.387 2,759,8(14 1.769.041 478,847 252,4341 173,098 111,8111
Denmark ........................... .................. 178,660 265,642 89,266 126.&65 4,108,704 3,604,492 3.875,680 2,694.212
Ecuador.............................................. 3153 30)4 111574 soim 0I1La
Egypt . 155,852 77,257 269,503 407,581 1,028.530 781,305 173.201 186.008
Estonia . 636 817 371 32,509 44,510 861 797
Finland . 91,273 90,408 56,578 53,976 1,331.652 1.388,556 666,459 262,728
France . 25,158,207 19,004,103 13,570,141 7,712,558 16,507,011 13,283,758 17,914.321 12,730,226
French Africa . 113,329 107,501 130,168 52,091 612,653 561.185 343.758 91,199
French \Vest Indies .................................. 561 59 222 137,990 374,382 245,004 129,409
St. Pierre and Miquelon .............................. 64.169 636,415 107081 86,652 5,859,251 11,004.479 8,642119 7,503.203
Germany .............................................. 21,505,428 16,197,036 11,657,869 9,088,905 25,343,661 12.842,236 10,403,256 8,057,105
Greece ................................................ 374,266 233,794 104,492 45.041 5,387,067 5,642,245 2,412,035 341,121
Guatemala ............................................ 37,598 30.673 14,914 14,629 172.877 140.599 153,543 01,596
Ilayti ................................................. 70,783 45 3361 147,578 90,891 83,296 77,637
Honduras .............................................. 352.805 4,260 290 1. 256i 143.701 133,917 111,058 108,906
Iraq (Mesopotaunia) ................................... 29,102 45,525 99,340 156,024 79,130 19.749 5,231 4.736
Italy .................................................. 4,963,694 5.048,957 4,193,437 2,806,361 51,387,294 14,552,319 4,261,324 4,126,362
Japan .................................................. 12,537,253 9,342,967 5,990,401 3,800,911 30,475,581 18,958,965 10,555,690 10,327.452 2
Korea ............................................... 1,928 718 17 196 18,509 8,961 10,237 2.248
Latvia ............................................... 4,317 615 5,451 4,676 11,248 10,813 4,260 461
Mexico ................................................ 749,645 769,323 788,447 880,841 2,583,440 2,035,576 1,366,947 1,311,236 tzl
Morocco ............................................... 48,556 32,159 55,043 78,642 30(3.554 100,411 71,709 161,314
Netherlands ........................................... 9,432,608 7,287,132 5,827,969 3,715,998 15,944,469 10,477,553 13,502.157 16,457.910
Dutch East Indies ................................... 630,120 440,546 340,807 224,997 2,279,871 953,778 507,258 292,951
Dutch Guiana ....................................... 28,135 ...... 102.204 75,216 63,356 40,764 tZI
Dutch West Indies ................................... 441,151 1,839,904 1,499,701 1.557,788 264.502 183,885 53,225 71.202
Nicaragua ............................................. 28.152 29,212 4,278 58 61,999 35,758 22,363 18.810
Norway ............................................... 1,104,935 820,902 548,988 452,903 .,674.985 3.305,334 3,324,772 3,685,335
Panama ............................................... 3,441 3.207 877,780 706,035 336,323 113,047
Paraguay .............................................. 21,229 27,057 ...75,401 59,954 17,303 1,828 7,
Persia ................................................. 248,954 106.043 38,848 71.403 148,929 88,465 5,393
Peru ................................................... 7,492,128 4,535,521 3,515,589 2,573.521 1,795,003 1,579,294 628,167 721,262
Polandand Danzig .................................... 143,430 139,00:1 72,555 84,861 85,234 60,118 35,089 31,34(1
Portugal ............................................... 683.114 578,824 341,218 175,308 1,410,606 611.643 81,472 141.112
Azores and Madeira .................................. 139.290 158.151 130,015 135,253 153,946 163,333 44,743 26,330
Portuguese Africa .................................... 5,512 3,450 591 1.210,116 1.109,735 1,063,283 842,446
ltouiiuuiia ............................................. 27,308 95,427 21,867 4,730 449,303 49733 22,548 57,866
Russia (U.S.S.R.) ..................................... 909,525 1,917,652 18,001 538,419 3,738.401 568,100 55.197 1,776.946 i-I
Salvador .............................................. 14,032 1,408 1,088 ...91,432 120.990 22,61(1 12.67:1
SanDomingo .......................................... 1,776,772 387,872 522.884 101,310 227,5111 243,614 2(12,273 180,1(65
Siam ................................................. 51,393 .... ....126,808 47,017 0,222 41(75
Spain ............................................. ..... 2,784,058 1,960,759 1.476.630 1,160,753 4,503,231 1,297,080 560,103 2,481,717
Canary Islands ................................. ..... 5,568 4,300 5,046 10,989 89,048 (30,7150 23,2(14 14.017
Sweden .................................... ............ 2,259,404 2,037,457 879,476 704.193 4,678.037 2,447,205 2,385,780 2,636,400
Switzerland ........................................... 7,314.840 3,484,463 3,687,517 2,389,635 1.197,480 561.747 280,090 212.267
24.142 26,825 tLj
Syria ................................................. 17,612 13.1.51 4,620 212,184 82,057 25.785
Turkey ................................................ 496,156 399,593 256,720 171,010 82.679 22.303 7.714 32.206 ci
United States ........................................ 847,442,037 584,407,016 351,686,775 232,548,055 515.049,763 349,660.563 '235,186,6'1 143.160.400
Alaska ............................... ............... 177,692 106,098 63.282 37,799 515,1328 468.978 :163,147 173.388
Hawaii .............................................. 332,250 287,673 115,505 42,18(3 37,576 92,248 201,083 434,540
Philippines .......................................... 171,474 154,408 118,437 155,787 266.794 2:16,478 296,9:11 347,368
PuertoRico ......................................... 7,687 431 1,437 1,201 877,934 677,118 450.181 268.045
Uruguay ............................................... 66,147 152,424 131,344 7,104 1,094,771 736,658 424,027 71.721
Venezuela ............................................. 528,962 3,024.584 329,026 861,835 1,286,943 1,058,223 519,827 351.777
Yugcelavia ............................................ 30,938 68,911 12,080 7.908 28,058 12,916 4,185 2,016
Other Foreign Countries ............................... 268,563 297,937 226,207 34,553 785,033 603.814 933,571 1,000,646

Foreign Countries ....................... 995,588,980 701,714,269 430,603,911 285.955,420 740,687,164 506,878,271 357,387,815 251,681.028

Grand Total .............................. 1,248,273,582 906,612,695 578.503.904! 406,271,329 1.170.258,302 799,742,667 576,341,302 473.799,955
6-I51PORTS INTO CANADA FOR COSMPT10N, by Principal Countries and Main Groups, Fiscal Year ended March 31, 1933

Agncultural Animals
and and
No jFeus MaaXI.S
1rO Is Tend WOOP Chernal
d M1s11aneoun Total
Countries from which Imported its
C1erniiils, ca Products Products duta (xcpt Products modities (Mdse. )
Fibres and C emic
and Wood) Fibres)

EnS IsO Empire $ 5 $ 8 $ $ $ $

United Kingdom ......................... .....17,302,1)32 2,406.007 25,580,195 3,308,230 12,009.727 3.308.947 12,582,165 4,583,344 5.182,144 86,353.591
1nih Free State .......................... .........15,45)) 3,5)15 9,971 1,087 5,003 .... 1,293 36,309
Aden ..................................... ......... 2,50)) 582 ................3,091
Africa-British East ...................... ........ 685,895 7,479 30,715 425 ... . 360 724.1)78
British South ..................... .......4,846,430 587 48,644 8,478 5 4,654 4.907.064
British West ..................... .........169,060 ....... 9 169.075
Bermuda ................................. .........138,284 920 74 57 7,497 153 152 . 35,833 1 82, 740
British Eaat Indies-British India ........ .......2,031, 938 852 1,821,278 1 1 803 934 7,360 33,428 16,412 180,196 4,01)4.201
Ceylon .............. .......1,0719,610 .... 2)13 246 874 . 3,029 1,081.022
Straits Settlements, 308.052 127 1,140 53 48.352 379 28,321 386,424
Other ............... .........1,134 ....S . .. 716 1,855
British Guiana.................................. 2,292,434 54' 4 127 5,732 .... 1,2.17 2,299,814 cL
British Honduras ..... .............................42, 740 ....1,338 590 . .. 5,823 50,519
B ritish Sudan ........ ............................. 5,5)) ....... 5,511
British West Indies-Barbados ........... .......2,856,357 ....134 ... 9 335 2.856.825
Jamaica ............. .......3,168,24)4 2.097 785 167 2,347 6 9,489 11,269 3,194,344
TrinidadandTobago 1,575,48)) 103 5 . .. 850,556 152 1,956 2,428,2.52
Other ............... ..1,171,2011 27,434 81 581 400 ...27,950 538 7,284 1,235.476
Gibraltar ................................ ...........
hong Kong .............................. .. 356,203 43,934 4,802 18,546 581 452 1.676 33,253 56,167 515,014
Malta, Cyprus and Goio .................. ..78 351 ........ 429
Newfoundland.............................. 2,942 335,439 1.916 2,489 74,796 1,156 2,696 35 104.065 1)45,527
Oceania-Australia......................... 5.061.715 182,368 603,034 22.561 1,503 551 195 407 30,252 .5,902,567
Fiji .......... ................... ..2,218,326 .......... 2.5 ...2,218,351
New Zealand ................... .. 89,981 497.064 362.311 761 3,502 1,022 15,080 969,704
Other .......................... .............. CQ
Palestine ................................. ..71,842 462 507 132 56 42 876 34.305 254 108.476
Other Briti5h Countries .................. ................
Total,BritJahEmpire ............ .. 45,491,841 3.528.893 28.484.801 3,449,608 12,109.548 3,370.755 13,507,061 4,680.001 5,669,311 120,271,909
Foreigii Cowifriei
Argentina .............. .................. 327,039 423,484 3,728 445 31,381 ................................ 90,658 9,247 894,982
Austria ................................... ......... 2,055 1,704 79,254 14,124 9.002 21,619 13,809 2.012 36,098 170,707
Belgium .................................. .........208,774 375,289 519,350 329,249 652,820 66,626 952.849 408.010 129,351 3,642,1)18
Bolivia ............................... ........................................................................................................... ... 55 55
Brazil..................................... 590,297 37 ...................................... 375 .......................................... 502 591.141
Chile...................................... 17. 149 ....................................................................................... 1,544 2,750 21,443
China..................................... 931,451 82.979 511,436 7,428 1,117 11,092 4.689 12,752 42,508 1,605.452
Colombia................................. 655256 .......................... ......... .....
..................................... 2,709,510 712 3,365,508
Costa Rica................................. 42,882 116 172 ............................................................... 52 43,222
Cuba...................................... 698,519 4,464 85............................................................. 2,726 705,624
Csechcalovakia .............. ............. 05,282 250.889 692)140 27542 01 711 21 Sin 229 212 lfl 715 595 RMI 1 769 044
Denmark . 21.476 43,825 50 42 20,859 7,269 16,151 3,881
Ecuador , 13.252 126,605
2.982 ...........1,487 . ............ 553 5034
Egypt , 138,571 ...........268,521 115 76 5
Estonia , 288 407,581
188 20 ........... 163 ............................ 371
Finland . 175 7,522 26 9,281 6,011 43 27,668 .................. 3,248
France . 33,976
2,321.771 773,456 1,992,811 659,938 84,690 94,087 163,842 973,843 648,123 7,712,558
French Africa 41,818 ............ 7,091
French West Indica . 374 2,475 52,091
222 222
St. Pierre and Miquolon . 74 2.597 ...........2,029 383 106 303 81,160
Germany ................................ 86,652
280,095 425,946 1,177,476 384,752 1,284,413 751,040 717,189 2,170,287 1,896,805 9,088,905
Greece ................................... 35,41)2 3,156 ...........617
Guatemala ............................... 4,688 1,198 45,04!
14(129 .............. 14 , 629
liayti .................................... 324 12 . ..............339
Honduran ................................ 1,251) ................. 1 , 225
Iraq (Mosopotarnia) ...................... 156,024 . ..............
Italy ..................................... 136,1)24
1,124,027 218,052 1,095,9,51 36,820 22.901 13,021 90.778 65,676 13,5.346 2,806,361
Japan ................................... 1,071,946 146,001 1,221.340 65,014 9,102 122,674 456,155
Korea .................................. 107,817 693,062 3,860,01!
196 196
Latvia ................. .................. 204 4.280 212 ........ .........4,676
Mexi co................................... 806,754 215 70 21 4,527 53,860 ....................15,394
Morocco .................................. 880,841
4,635 . ........ .... 1,381 .............72,628 .................... 78,642
NetherIand .............................. 1.279.2945 86,419 1.225.680 27,313 115,493 14,257 46,772
Dutch East Indies ...................... 872.093 48,645 3.115,998
149,287 ............ 72,733 252 25 1,662 1,038 224,997
Dutch Guiana ..........................
Dutch West 1ndie .....................
Nicaragua ................................ 1,557 . 788 .........................1,557,788
586 .................586
Norway .................................. 1,651 292,755 15,447 58,856 32,444 622
Panama .................................. 1,025 42,447 7,860 452,903
3,120 .................87 3,207
Paraguay ................................
l 'ereia ............................... ..... 890 ........... 69,778 ..................825
Peru ................................... 71.493
2,573,021 500 2,573,521
Poland and Danzig ....................... 25,236 41 4,010 7,146 634 232
Portugal ................................ 46.240 1,322 84.861
96,670 6,187 2,187 6 1 ,0 1 6 ......4,272 ........................ 6,027 175.368
Azores and Madoira .................... loll .............133, 622 ..............1,122
Portuguese Africa ...................... 135,233
SI! ........................... 80 591
R.oumania ................................ 3,898 Il 17 ......746
Russia (U.S.S.R.) ........................ 52 4.730
557 9,690 2 ......529,130 40
Salvador ................................. 639,419
San Domingo ............................ 101,310 .............................. 101,310
Siam. ................................ ....
Spain .................................... 860,685 10,384 3,554 194,522 793 1,153 35,819
Canary Islands ......................... 28.626 25,237 1,160,753
10 . 007 ..............82 10,989
Sweden .................................. 10.045 4,182 8,511 26.488 548,972 55.634
Switzerland .............................. 30.114 3,176 21,171 704.103
20,796 121,815 1,079,180 18,176 46,858 575,455 5,479 451.474 80.402 2,399,635
Syria .................................... 871 6 2.38.5 234
Turkey .................................. 17 4 1,103 4,620
137.463 ..............50,453 141 ..........2,385 568
UnitedSt.aten ............................ 30,220,182 171,010
8.574.417 22,479,022 15,096,704 44,324.848 12.549.918 62,021.08(1 15,465,420 20,913,538 232,548,035
Alaska ................................. 273 18,919 23 636 3.617 ....9,265
Hawaii ................................. 5 5.071 37,799
39,867 28 833 Ill ........1,341
Philippines ............................. 109,533 .............. 42,186
43,674 2 , 21 8 ............1,362 155,787
Puerto Rico ............................ 697 .504 ................ 1,201
Uruguay ................................. 7, 104 ................
Venezuela ............................ .... 39,318 ............822,517 ........
Yugoslavia ........................... .... 7,103 ............153 861,855
201 451 7.908
Other Foreign Countries.................. 24.316 3,038 6.011 149 437 57 3,4158 37 4,082 42,826
Total, Foreign Countries.......... 42,729,017 11,009,684 32,750,023 17,039,834 47,227,217 14,314,203 74,1511,914 20,775,341 25,103,367 285,999,420
T otal Import,.................... 88,220.858 15.438, 577 61,214,824 2.0,489,242 59,336, 765 17, 084.958 87,658,005 25,455,432 30,772,808 406.271,329
7—E,zpon!rs OF CANADIAN PRODUCE FROM CANADA, by Principal Countries and Main Groups, Fiscal Year ended March 31, 1933

Agricultural Animals
and and
Nooun ji't cieialj Miscseous ri
Countri to
& which Exported
Products ducts (except Products modities (Mdae.)
Cum?a1s, Chemicals)
F ibres and
and Wood) Fibres)

$ri.duhEmpire $ $ $ $ $ $ 8

United Kingdom ......................... 114,201,252 20.952.648 1,293,979 11,301.796 5,574,895 14,598.651 1,290.055 2,893,574 3.254,109 184,361.019
199,610 30,961 357,331 12,073 32,405 4,271 7,718 51.343 2.247.462
IrishFreeState .......................... .1,551,392 5)))) 19.6132
Adan ..................................... . 4.5)38 6.4 30 13.550 ..
1.675 277 1,219 296.492 2,110 1,494 1.433 2,424 400,276
Africa—British East ...................... . 101.152 37,238 4,0111.538
British South .................... 055,285 98,999 575,795 677,695 1,410.928 329,437 13,157 23.004
1,664 2,575 117,781 185 20.250 2.548 256 303.290
British Wust..... ............. . l5$,tXO? 42.657 1.587.18>2
Bermuda .............. ........ . .......... . 884,968 426.492 18,770 107,344 36(585 14.5.40 24,342 31,207
British East Indies—British India 239,582 34,068 4,245 22.037 404.564 1,486.952 23,776 114.1153 14,426 2,414.586
eyIon ..............21,505 6,528 2,952 488 21.918 4.843 871 3.1848 515 62. 774
Straits Settlements 154.452 23,954 508 8.704 194.190 4,868 1.243 2.1127 594 389.4:46
Other 71 365 ............. 88)) 1,324
17.975 90.565 33,323 10,524 12.19$ 30,613 34,860 806.550
British Guiana ........................... . 427.559 148,935
British Honduras.......................... 514,648 $7,119 6,701 11.884 15,641 2,184 3,036 6.759 7,950 665.1422
British Sudan.............................58 2641 .... 3(8
British Wust Indies—Barbados............ 390.024 176,093 15,353 217,072 49,1384 3,323 3,373 20,187 171,135 1,049.944
Jamaica .............. .1.163.433 721.027 56,118 161,452 211.618 12,165 8.21)8 52.644 311,4)5 2,1:H,410
'l'rinidadand'I'obago 868,228 456,411 36,846 137,584 112.469 11,614 32.31)6 55.371 12.1)81 1,773,2:111
Other ................1.302,739 212.759 13.150 95,440 32,873 5,815 7.693 21,126 22,227 1,714.122
Gibraltar .................................304 6,95(1 75 299 2,634 10 .. 111,272
60,414 57,158 26,537 527 80,392 21,1463 1.562.243 eLc
Hong Kong.. .... ....................... 875,267 1111.674 8,311
30.330 (68 253 22,962 274 I :134 872 1(11.541)
Malta, Cyprus and 0050 ...................45,440 5,044,225
905,294 (71,4114 187,147 263.004 57.657 1,166,041 241,263 1514.5011
Nefoundlsnd ... ................... .......2,447,959 213,104 7,3(2,574 19
Oceaniu'-'Australia ........................ 16.705 985,598 640,002 3,745,216 1,255,588 174,766 153.056 127.548
Fiji .............................. 17.434 35,761 3,363 34,587 8,854 23 311 822 242 101,397 07
227,218 324,014 1,040,261 588,501 212.944 24,389 58,394 25,150 3,608,500
Now Zealand ....................1,107,629 -5
5,367 10 005 46 600 10 0 7,344
Other ...........................1,000 35,220
Palestine.................................. 19,277 8,560 2 300 1,394 1,620 22 3,445
Other British Countries....................

Total, British Empire.............127,147,079 34,895,320 3,225,139 18,271.392 10.861,957 16,973,842 2,828.721 3,777.460 4.138,017 222,118.927

Forcia CounSxiea
Argentina.................................... 455,001 33.593 180.533 1,321,569 271.352 225.351 8.077 8.521 5.588 2,509.585
1.300 96 1,103 2.252 . ............................................ 1.045 6,623
Austria ......................................... 827 14.490,930
Beliumn................................... 12,504,820 288,504 28.762 29(589 5)0,957 728,689 87.809 3,384 66,645
Bolivia. .............................. ..... ... 65.075 387 6 32 57 .......................................... 65.517
.. 535.875 25,400 1,761 2,677 483,87 205.068 9,398 576 71.615 1.394,230
Brazil ....... ... ....... ....................
Chile ........................................ 31.740 250 3 98.417 4.812 1,192 IS .....138,581
2.152 . ..............
4,265,754 174.493 30,478 1,271.226 57.588 1.664,181 36,337 141,6148 27,005 7,660.228
China .................................... 381)29)1
Colombia ................................ .. 252,136 11,235 8,365 62.490 12,105 19,728 3,677 15,510 4,050
3,528 65(1 836 472 35 ........................ 4,072 445 4)3.442
Costa Rica ............................... ...38,797 830,177
Cuba . ............................. ....... 454,042 100.705 6,801 153.065 8.415 7,857 1(133 76.808 14.351
3.299 5.753 3.605 3,228 4 5 242 111,891
Caechoslovakia ..................... ........ 95,755 2.694,212
S950 iris 7211011 13.214 4.293 300.557 78.154 525 . ........... .... 4,535
F.tiiador . 9,443 9,390 62 1,972 2,725 32 . .............. .................. 1,129
Egypt 24,753
124,880 25,254 6 4,001 26,153 1,085 339 827 3.463 186,008
Estonia . 325 99 150 23 .....................797
Finland . 234,908 . . . 15,013 ......................(1.918 19
France . 4.000 250 1,580 262,728
9,193,455 1,507,576 8,628 699,414 0:4.897 983.564 248,419 1,471 12,730,226
French Africa . 23.772
06.545 1,764 20 22,744 44 76 6 91,199
French Went Iiidies . 79,272 8.070 292 37,160 1.8(10
St. Pierre and Miquelon ................ 74 82 2.1150 129.409
7,104,756 99.650 36,753 51.3.51 37,600 4,806 101,235 12,4109 8.1.435
Germany ................................ 6,174,053 7,593,203
753,426 9,221 228,383 97,891 607,832 163.942 10.380 11.409 9.057,105
Greece .................................. 337.446 330 14 431
Guatemala ............................... 62 3.038 2110 341.521
85.163 239 1.327 1.777 380 552 127 201 1.830
Iluyti .................................... 31,070 91,596
41,379 088 7,168 1.829 12 150 341 77,837
Hondurn ................................ 29.819 1,522 1,159 4.915 632
Oract (Stesopotaunia) ...................... 428 68,228 2,203 108,906
1.120 2,581 130 305 1(3 7 ....................... 4.236
Italy .................................... 2.625.9(18 524,971 4.385 417,873 47.468 377.290
Japan .................................... 37,573 7,131 83,703 4.126,362
2.905.518 517,849 86.333 3,238,078 170,385 2,536.934 408.218 44,323
Korea .................................. 333,254 10,327,492 >
1.593 125 196 1(15 167
Latvia ................................... 298 ........................72 2.248
66 .......................25 461
M exico........ ................... 41,832 4,430 51,449 9,072 57,25:3 82,924
... .. ... ....................
6,573 1,047,266 111,307 1.311.236
M orocco...... 111.835 81(1 .................... 14(1,585 ....................... 714 ................. 1111,314
N.'therlands ..... ......................... 14.145.053 5(16,237 39,628 11114.333 130:102 1,382,302 31,070 101.503 45,4174 10.457.910
Dutch East Indies ...................... 104,718 20,161 483 8,887 15,304 111,731
Dutch Gtjjaan .......................... 13 66,435 2711 202,1191
7.0115 32,978 474 46 .......................171 102
Dutch Went Indiea .............. ....... 35.487 40,7114
28,184 6,310 668 140 54 105 804 1.450 71.202 '
Niearaguz ............................... 4.454 161 359 599 1,338
Norway .................................. 148 .............. 11.712 211 18.810
1,997.310 24,516 52,015 1,306 21.257 1,482,919 110,307 22 5,683
Panama .................................. 54.2(15 3.695,335
14,027 495 34.402 2.3141 423 276 4,309 2,560 113(1147
Paraguay ................................ 2(18 424 ..............1.118 ............. 28
l 'eraizt ................................... 3.702 1.828 -,
1,691 .................
.................. 364,897 13,070 10,506 238.883 51,156 8.625
Poland and Danzig ....................... 8,119 21,383 4,823 721,262
1.633 9,140 ..............13.472 5,202 967 ..............926
Portugal ............................ 127,574 31,340 >
8,036 421 311 491 1.247 15 :9,01; 141,112
Azorn and Madeira ................... 9.437 723 ..............16,170 .. .... ......
I'ortugueue Africa ...................... 81.525 26,3:10
18,163 2,330 27,214 103,970 (1.562 3,148 588.206 1,319 842.446
}lOuIIIu.nia ................................ 36,25:1 734 398 15,956 3.869 2(16 43(4 57.8(16
Ruesia (1,5,5.14,) ........................ 811,47(1 ......8.871 956,256 ..............:143
Salvador ................................ 8.387 1,770,1(46 .
188 0 663 542 1.242 .............. 1.507 139 12,1173
San Domingo ............................ 35,014 126.364 21 2,636 1,160 0.572
Siam ..................................... 141 3,099 3,958 180.965 .
424 345 34 2,847 259
Spain ................................... 1.005,589 4975
13.662 3,454 2,132 1,423.334 8,830 17,553 4,630 2,513 2,481,717
Canary Islands ......................... 13,793 ... 142 53 ..
Sweden .................................. 29 14,017
.... 1,718,853 273,721 44,065 11.498 234,4sj 335.258 11,990 133 6,401 2,836,400
Switzerland .............................. 60.868 18,445 1,581 10,992 .31.1155 0.2041
Syria .................................... II 1.351 81,754 212,267
10,523 10,892 245 1.847 300 22
Turkey .................................. 378 1,954 25,785
70 . .................211,770 1,916 72 32,206
United States ............................ 3,905.813 13,948.692 867.628 93.814,355 1,1(53,4111
A lanka ................................. 13,807,581 4,937.128 4,868.260 0,152,526 143.160,400
482 4.387 103 7.859 11.11141 134,009
hawaii ................................. 111 10,717 173,388 '
14 22.300 75 11:1.287 3,070 9 ....293. 254 2.426
Philippines ........................... 261.587 18,588 434,140
III 11.425 1,31111 3,770 60 49, 133 1.1S7 347,308
!'u'rto Rico ............................ 6,051 240,032 18 2.272 7o4 ....1,187
Uruguay ................................. 14,409 2,11:12 268,043
28,350 558 20.571 4,01i4 15,256 667 348
Venezuela ................................ 252.265 1.871 71.721
427 5,823 30,276 9,573 12,796 51 35,945 4,1121
Yugoslavia ............................... 8 185 ...... 260 351.777
747 ......816 2.016
Other Foreign Countries ............... ... 964.867 7.787 - 248 - 17.697 7,179 253 11 660 3,188 1,001,958
Total, Foreign Countries ....... ... 76,223.339 19.437,727 1,505,955 102,615,404 6.415,142 25,688.478 6,387,116 7,322,354 6.105,515 251,681,028
Total Exports (Canadian) ........ 203.370.418 54.333,047 4.731,094 120,886,796 17,277.099 42.642,318 9.218,837 11,065,814 10.243.532 473,799,955

8—PRINCIPAL IMPORTS INTO CANADA FOR CoNsuMlrIoN, Fiscal Years 1931, 1932 and 1933,

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 . 1932 1933 1932 1933


PRooucra—A. MAINLT Foou—
Fresh— 64.742
Appie8 ................. BrI 139,474 120.036 71,100 281 113,680
11 627.137 537,057 278.068 . 1,987 495,693 239,128
B ananas .............. Stun 3,689,713 3,1460.197 2,1467.845 ... 814. 6146 339.080
2,475,270 2,114.827 1,353,125 .. 036,182 618,264
Cranberries............Bri 21,667 18.871 18,652 .. 18.766 16.223
$ 192.183 124,508 127.964 . 124,018 126,203
Grapefruit ............. Lb 28.348.217 38,110.404 28,818.474 . 6.256 34,302.607 25,601,582
1,186.437 1,081.236 803.642 393 050.738 036,340
Grapes.................Lb 32,701.064 18.122,292 17,300.229 231.547 143,328 17,836,505 16,959.420
1.095.499 946.640 608.183 13.949 9.015 908,8& 586,681
Lemons ................ 13o 389,302 387.215 345,628 0.227 16.488 268,393 178,612
$ 1,533.408 1.419.280 1,289.106 40,014 56.244 1.018,439 797.863
Muskmelons and cante- No 8,061.238 3.84:0,092 ......... 6,030,172 3,515,376
l oupea ................ $ 283,294 227,758 127,995 ......... 227,757 122.128
Melons.................No 1,684,624 1,71)1,0(42 1.064,127 70 1.608,564 1,032.051)
$ 288,164 240.531 159,649 III 239,947 157,448
Oranges .............. Cu $ it 2,400,433 S. 018, (.221 4,124,934 46.137 37,201 4,4173,7414 3,502.047
9,492,922 11, 459. 707 5.095.381 66,984 63,700 5,709.149 4,487,868
Peaches................Lb 11,894,287 10,340.187 3.1413,392 .. 10,335,847 3.613,392
$ 688,673 335,3443 138,245 .. 334.957 138.245
p0 ...................Lb 23.422,634 12,630.442 141, 078,764 .. 4.000 12.783,630 9,067,089
8 1,630,108 409,338 297.1178 203 462,1484 293,553
Pineapples...........Crat 214,416 208,640 168.180 .. 182,504 150,918
$ 644,082 453.742282,048 .. 415.185 260,139
Pluma................... LI, 6,919,0:40 4,809,717 100 6.900,714 4,809,617
557,526 211.129 104,359 14 239.512 164.345
8t.rnwberrie ...........Lb 3.712.179 4,725.570 4,380,780 .. 4.720.84:4 4,380.706
8 589,791 586,634 393.164 .. 586,431 393,184
Other .................. $ 323.567 166.402 96.700 192 . 153.735 00,772

Total Fresh ........ $ 21.021.129 15,405.008 11.306,598 121.139 131.755 12,805,589 9.311,139

Currants ............... Lb 1,653,223 5.505.404 5,646,506 1.368 1,246 1,796 .
449.254 495,900 440,839 193 187 173 .
Dates................... Lb 11,902,113 14.005,699 12.140,045 8.817,560 3,927,838 1,143,291 364.228
503,135 450,733 311.353 255,046 99.080 64,740 10.368
Fi.................... Lb 2,905.568 3,845.781 4,349,074 8.023 161,510 1.017.229 1.011.170
191,703 2161.478 190.2419 344 34,272 61)288 55.571
Peaches................ Lb 1.253,335 1,367.460 1,384,087 91.472 15.375 1.102,518 1,343,347
$ 108.124 100.7:46 85.387 4.988 1,420 79,448 81,605
Prunes and plums ....... Lb 16,670.146 16.934.638 15.489.187 .. 16,02054 ,41 15,4811,047
908,385 747,525 588.327 . 716,820 588.309
Raisins................. Lb 36,719.363 33.964.927 38,4(12.154 337,758 827.903 16,339.772 10,131.920
$ 2,357.648 2,709,296 3.042,710 22.875 25.823 998,930 537.767
Other .................. 8 261.859 246,705 254,527 18.640 32,687 181.872 196.341

Total Dried ........ $ 4.780,108 4.930.373 4,913,221 302,087 175.460 2,101.980 1,469.961

Otherwise Prepared-
Canned ................. Lb 38.832.673 26.230.953 13,634,659 67,233 34.308 3.623.705 724.339
2,526,662 1,308,061 582,040 3,557 1.130 308,7034 62.771
Jellies and jams......... Lb 1,218,337 629,545 504,203 558.157 444,627 53,452 50,450
155.429 76,790 37,150 62,243 48.370 10,087 6.530
Other .................. $ 607,245 519.877 373,839 32,128 12,635 92,580 58.088

Total Prepared ..... $ 3,289,336 1.904,728 1,012.820 97,920 62,141 411,302 125,390

Fruit juices and syrups.CaI 323,596 179.498 104,570 9,822 6.460 125.026 64.921
$ 407,976 236,123 124.228 23,816 8 1 508 185.565 104.087

Total Fruits ........ $ 20498.549 22,476,232 17,3543.874 544,662 377.870 15.504.556 11,010,577

Cocoanuts. ............. No 7.206,588 7, 182.103 9,469,162 . .........................49753 35,247
S 115,745 1(11.748 106,886 . .......................... 2.572 1.229
Cocoanut, desiccated ... Lb 2.785,083 1,509,314 1,085.140 5.805 2.813 1.604
$ 138.816 85.239 40,141) 325 222 236
Copra, not prepared.... $ 25 5
Alz,.onda, not shelled... Lb 931.556 1,017,088 916.704 7,394 65.471 1.283 18,520
$ 97.900 72.944 55,507 687 3.090 28)1 1,262
Brazil nuts, not shelled,Lb 1,055,977 1,343,299 1,278,215 359,994 854.4211 701,1934 153.214
$ 133.727 105,738 90.03(4 28,321 61,377 66,521 13,671
Peasuts, green, shelled
or not ............... Lb 25,323,421 28,067,735 23.059,259 7.469 14,629 4,090,385 4,872.102
$ 971.216 956.161 680.030 245 575 243.383 1191,121
Walnuts, not shelled.... Lb 1,388,093 1,141,907 1,467,944 24.482 11.305 25.1.143 282.889
I iat 3M 125 0541 107 SCi o g,)11 QR7 53 825 80.033
Oranges shown in "Hoe" in 1931.

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from imports from

Claaaiftcation (Merchandise) United hingdom United State.
1931 1932
j 1933 1932 1933 1932 I 1933 -
AanlcuvrrBAL AND VsoetAs
Other, not shelled......L 4. 1,707.129 1,368,242 1,670.728 22,201 14.140 264.778 182.301
193,611 143,083 95479 2,017 1.333 51.711 25,131
Almonds, shelled ....... 2. 1,732,343 1,726.851 1,537,665 63,119 44.421 14.438 2,003
441.131 373,530 3141.797 20,143 12.514 4,597 703
Peanuts, n.o.p..........L 2.877,571 730,729 342,524 546 4.001 175,836 138.914
163.239 41,746 15.402 50 175 20,184 9,096
Walnuts, shelled........L 4.806.662 5,377.410 4,115,900 27,364 3,041 487,533 127.808
1.003.151 1,202,559 593,678 7,207 469 181,517 15,222
Other, shelled........... L 1,562,152 1,522,972 1,504,960 1091353 47,038 689.577 780.652
055,228 457,436 331,995 43,204 9,501 281,304 217.511
Total Nuts ......... I 3,998,144 3.816.143 2.454.729 104,395 91,246 906,100 515,222
Cabbage ................ I 17.645.544 10,293.231i 24 17.406.180 9,911.097
430.101 261,300 252.969 3 2,55,648 245.182
Carrots ................. I. 11,566.648 10,800.451 ............ ............. ..10,794,02.5 9,767,320
26.5,808 279.7.3'.. ............ .........246,213 263.999
Celery..................1! 15,033.882 12 , 73 3,1 22 ............14.737.372 11,179,161
662.934 187.864 :120.908 ............479,002 288.172
Cucumbers...... ....... 1, 3,700.547 1 .25 :1 ,034 ............. 3,690,76.5 1,2.36.231
$ 201.8711 61 1,604 .............204.25.5 80.264
I.ettucp .......... ..... L 30,527,071) 24.247.571 ............30,528.831 24,212.873
S 928.907 865.232 13211,300 ............ 863.227 529.280
Onions .................. 2. 17.724,226 17,(07.738 946,473 771,001 8,726,730 3.474.099
$ 435,317 393,603 34)5,285 20,491 18,084 206,118 89,908
Potatoes, sweet........Cw .51.246 61,613 57,020 . ............ ...60.524 50,372
$ I (((.277 107,909 77.156 . ............ ...105,833 75,627
Potatoes (exeeptawoet)Cw 407,525 103.573 112.514 .. ............ 102,272 107.635
$ 693.600 283.5.51 173,329 ...279.9(81 100,716
Tomatoes, fresh ......... I; 300.666 30.280.706 ....29.534.204 7,809,108
1.899,835 2,006,030 1,3(19,710 ....1,321,432 415.062
Other fresh.............8 1,687,574 835.859 057.385 86 266 792,538 020,864
Dried..................$ 12(1,407 117.782 50,124 26,997 2.778 21.497 14,463
Canned ................. LI 15,290,617 5,550,3.58 2,963,820 41.875 3.398 2,042,104 1,327,507
$ 1,329,919 499,080 289.591 5.540 408 252.329 148,4)40
Sauces and pickles.....Ga 582,774 444,688 324,909 123.451) 66,401 129,591 98,334
- 601,937 420,925 303.399 205.424 114,400 126.912 89,030
Total Vegetables... $ 8,949,811 6.746.722 4,607,306 258.438 102,939 5,153.932 3.020,875
Grains and Farianceous
Beans ................ LI 8,536,577 2,109,798 1,590,291 472,503 186,649 865.423 691,773
$ 392,471 115,564 72.599 26,025 8.953 57.890 34,993
Corn...............Bust 10,055,152 9,050,730 7,044,094 108 52 2.291,195 3,214,2.56
8 7.417.271 3.921,2.53 2,910.4711 327 100 1.306.736 1.181.811
Oats ............... Bust 1.319.245 1.577.480 2328.4142 15 464 1.577,465 2,326,172
597,31S 393,053 490,161 26 320 393,027 489,836
Peas, split ............ LI l,Ol7,982 733.508 738.350 472.178 480,613 3,345 19,414
8 3.3,6.39 33935 944111 12,293 12.4112 153 980
Peas, n.o.p ........... LI 8,940,04)1 2,427.925 1,588.19(8 48.570 87,5214 1.237.877 557,519
205,620 138.699 00.462 2.410 5.347 101.327 56477
Rice................Cwi 917,725 070,660 .514,2115 8.279 2.71.5 188.768 1115,234
- $ 1.6130.395 1 1 414,756 990,872 21,576 8,025 399.150 200,532
Rye................Bus h 16,500 13 2 .......................2 13 ..........
$ 15,711 18 :1 . ... ......... 3 18 ..........
Wheat.............Bush 148.906 142,745 75.120 .. ........................
.......... 140,734 75,124
S 137,743 90,272 47212......................... 88.987
Other ................ $ 8,777 47.200
479.4 2.915 ............ .............1,778 2.899
Milled Products-
Corn meal ........... Bri 35,517 28,690 26,335 276 10 28,414
159.830 26.32.5
I 95,109 (12,794 1,151 19 9:1,958 02,765
Wheat flour .......... Bri (6,832 24,907 19,40(3 118 4.812 13,708
250.285 4,488
113,190 70,793 754 10,932 88,718 22,189
Other ................ 8 451,879 285,307 225,513 31,709 28,950
Prepared Foods and 246,601 187.874
Bakery Products-
Biscuits .............. Lb 3,221.384 2.295.688 1,784,545 1,555,076 1.342,212 590.315
475,408 315.488
$ 325.084 250,393 209,268 171,901 88.452 52.973
Cereal foods, prepared $ 235,330 182.659 122,209 13,434 12,112 166.240
Macaroni, etc.........Lb 2.696.020 108,388
969,829 682.550 978 1,072 880,414 654.711
$ 198,246 70,828 52.932 91 129 65.060 44,541
Other................$ 467,736 201,839 211,082 6,185 1,901 195,177
Other grains and (aria- 238,871
aceous products-
Malt ................. Lb 12,078,909 2,942,884 679,835 1,000 .....2,338,35)1 346.687
S 295,226 71,755 25,379 63 ...57,708 9.330
Sago and tapioca.....Lb 3,268,929 3.078,724 2,860,631 23,938 37.823 318.518 377,908
$ 138,828 88.028 08,497 689 1,692 24.172 18.057
Other ................ 5 81,640 51,606 58.299 3,915 6,581 28,556 28,562
Total Grains and Farm-
aeooua Product. ...... $ 7.585.738 5.803,602 329,916 276,427 3.406,723 2.861,278

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 19112 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Povc'ra-A. MAINLY Fooi
Oils. Vegetable, for Food- 43.319 35,879 35.046
Cocosnut oil, n.o.p.....Gal 71.268 111.831 79.191 72.120
S 71.925 94.298 66.182 62.333 39.848 28,873 25.571
Cotton seed oil for can- 35.135 9.169 4.300
ning fish.............Gal 89.802 72.040 39,435 (3.480
$ 67,206 43,791 21.443 38.117(1 111.554 5,111 1,889
Cotton seed oil, n.o.p. . Gal 29.587 48.790 72,590 11.05() 14,141 40.746 58,449
$ 33.194 40.284 42.006 4.166) 7.133 36.124 34.871
Olive oil, n.o.p ......... Gal 506,512 357.546 384.608 4.364 1.964 13.062 10,612
$ 546.896 411.412 389,953 5,090 2,402 20,120 13,998
Peanut and soya bean 23.828 58,372
oil. n.o.P ............. Gal 197,753 1811.244 174.871 78,566 81,307
I 129.581 80.375 84,048 37,342 41,621 9,426 111,237

Total Oiis. Vegetable.

for Food ............. 8 9.68,802679.150 004,433 147,595 110,560

Sugar and Its Products- 553.413 127,722

Candy (mel. chocolate) Lb 4.737,916 3,302,076 2,729,729 2,436.11111 2,4112,683
794,042 534,660 431.918 376,145 371,926 91,681 20,623
Molasses, 56 degrees or
less, imported under
Preferential Tariff ... Gid 5.193.745 4,632.067 5.948.636 . .
$ 1,733,201 1.431,406 1,411.238 . .
Sugar, not above No. 1 ..
16 115.. ............ Cwt 8,301.800 8112,132 6.227.302 .
19.482,796 16,202.441 11.991.014 . 6. .
Sugar, above No. 16. .Cwt 1.022.076 1.605.457 2,604.241 4.812 15.559 53.086 13.500
2,376,209 3,550.56 4.239.460 14,094 58,458 141,477 58.306
Other .................. $ 764.982 589,011 410,457 88.830 76,899 329.246 169.488

Total Sugar, etc ...... I 25.151,230 22,398,080 16.484,687 479,060 507285 562.410 257.417

Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and

Cocon beans, not
roasted, crushed, 18.548 15,008
or ground ......... Cwt 163.631 147,0117 173.100 16,61(1 8.8211
1.401,082 861.151 865.073 97,064 59,4116 154.389 03,702
Cocoa butter ......... Lb 5.348,300 4,394.672 2.424,900 47.045 26,957 114.357 1.1104.501
$ 1.061,480 654.012 299.178 0.774 5.093 14.0118 126.648
Other ................ $ 178.449 182.188 142,710 8.009 9,380 101.914 78,532
Coffee and Chicory- 119.025
Coffee, green ......... Lb 31.501.596 22.436,832 32.578.011 2.854.466 2.437,008 187.477
4.385.637 3.074.413 3,640.797 478.073 415.680 22,472 18,373
Other coffee and 414,348
chicory ............ $ 492.747 515,186 446.048 20.298 14.380 470,128
Spices- 6,251
Ginger, unground.....Lb 547,422 507.331 532.100 1110, 25:1 79.230 7,775
50.792 35,141 35.065 6.295 3,021 5611 310
Mustard, ground ...... Lb 888,895 731,023 632,428 009,421 549.651 121.272 82.777
387,482 351,001 311,132 136.256 300.708 15.507 10,424
Pepper, unground.....Lb 1,789,229 1.1177.005 1,927,347 394.730 334.367 15.192 110.151
331,093 217.861 192.841 43.1151 35,002 2.299 6,0(17
Vanilla beans, crude. Lb (12.905 113,1154 72.223 1,150 1.254 48.315 44,223
97.720 73623 58.380 1174 800 61.555 44,450
Other spices .......... S 2118,065 184.653 143,879 35.470 24.270 29.783 20.083

Total Spices ........ S 1.135,862 863.070 741.297 422,648 - 385,471 109,713 81,334

Tea.................... U 53,404,341 42,765.703 38.417,276 16.302.582 10.368.187 41.165 33.122

$ 13,048,877 7,125,314 4.720.435 3,282.730 1,783,856 13.190 7.004
Yeast ..................... LL 2.224,233 1.680.938 1.487,781 44,3117 66.006 1,619.286 1,410.054
$ 308,720 304.826 280,731 5.989 8.681 293.896 269.417
Other Vegetable Pro.
ducts, Mainly Food-
hops................... Ll 2.746.277 1,939.434 686.075 128,948 159,735 212.504 36.609
408,710 197.223 122,398 38.571 22.587 48,916 7.503
Liquorice paste ......... IA 1,359,991 1,280,239 1.221.362 2.234 1.680 1.255,661 1.205.224
182,468 172,513 172,183 311 1417 1117.029 169,028
Malt syrup. ............. LI 3,832.309 2,428.6.51 1,159.574 502,1136 543,308 1,924.206 615.100
318,490 220,212 108,910 39,121 44,777 183,539 61.277
All other agricultural
and vegetable pro-
ducts. mainly food... 8 215,010 153,846 40,874 14,049 9,5701 133,123 25,871

Total .Agrieult'l and

Vegetable Products
-A. Mainly Food.. $ 104.963,726 78,462,028 58,982.265 6,282,512 4,265,028 27.345.751 19,106,970

Total Import.s for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classification (Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 193. 1933
PnoDrcTs-'B. Oxaaa Ta IN
Beverages, Alcoholic-
Brewed (beer, etc.)... tl 230.995 195,604 106,605 155.270 91.477 52 .............
482,337 388.319 218.260 318.08,1 151.429 108 .............
Distilled spirits... Pt. g 2 1,990,574 1.421.214 732.281 1.028.786 519.070 14 .............
32,692,269 23,798,052 12.226.849 21.1110,223 10,755,419 89 ..
Non-sparkling....... 1. 971.200 831,349 640,319 43,467 23.303 223 65
1,763,207 1,445.391 1.004,433 216.024 132.989 353 291
Sparkling............ 526,804 298,118 184,452 217 270 ..
Total Beverages.,,, 35.434,637 25.929,880 13.634.003 21,694,549 11.080,107 545 291
Gums and Resins-
Chicle gum, crude......L 1,254,463 813,226 726.238 ............645.859
531.056 642.172
316.918 231 . 693 .. 235.535 200.126
Lao, crude ............ Css t. 11,794 8.905 9.238 385 1.834 8.475
371.714 6.422
212.438 143,338 7,923 29.152 203.722 104,599
Resin or rosin......... t. 277,532 247.49.5 224.621 138 408 245.872
767,688 544.874 223,698
441,429 687 1.236 949.561 438,493
Other.................. 729,618 927.405 378.060 20,842 17,353 450.382 298.850
Total Gums and Resins $ 2,350,076 1,601,635 1.194.520 29,352 47.741 1.430.200 1,042,008
Oilcake and meal........Cw 136.569 134.829 88.814 4,739 2.794 104.099
248.108 138.621 87,301
$ 90.453 7,187 4.673 100.429 56,651
Oils, Vegetable, Not Food-
Chinawood............Cw 48.369 41.280 34.996 8 . ............. 40.813
I 450.559 29.390'
271.695 176,511 200 ..............268.374 173,569
Coroanut, palm, etc.,
not edible, etc., for
mfr. of soap..........Ga 3.080,001 3,073,477 3.211,316 07,71(3 2.33,166 2.620,087
2.015,972 2.4151529
$ 1.475.540 1.195.657 47,421 105.487 1,258,288 877,717
Cotton seed, crude, I or
refining.............Cw 174.711 380,275 390.065 79,334 (10.646
1,025,235 306.901 299.409
1.002.172 1,416,095 385,780 434,808 1.216,186 091,887
Essential (except pepper-
mint and eueuiyptus).Ll 549.128 465.943 482.626 66.644 73,084
868.828 238.863 256,897
$ 658.811 588.153 119,982 87,586 330.88(1 302.259
Eucalyptus ............. Li 14,697 11,720 14.888 17
6,263 74 175 1.366
5.569 3.380 22 40 102 501
Flaxneed .............. ç. 6.427 11.033 5.886 8.257 5,3(6)
62.111 2.721 926
81.690 24.944 54,840 19.337 26.494 5.163
Peanut for refining for 8
edible purposes ...... Cwi 599.385 378.0.56 7,867 31,258 3.597
4.249,550 80.580 4.270
S 1,818,432 37.785 169.113 22.832 443.204
Peanut and soya bean 14,953
oil, for soap, or can.
sing fish............. Ga 902,379 848.675 322,3(15 15,184
696,343 9,154 120,829 117.096
331.335 126.195 7.493 3.503 55.519 34.236
Other .................. s 746,843 735,663 643.541 130,213
Total Oils, Vegetable, 132,030 529.084 433,027
Not Food .......... $ 10,021.904 6.964.867 1,143.061 891.067 805,625 4.128,085 2,825,288
Plants, trees, shrubs and
vines................... 1.629.504 1,105,587 814.509 61.325 50.410 247,427145,030
Raw (mci. balata)......Lb 59.559,131 55,269,390 41,093,996 5.084 1.402.076 51,020,066 38,963.4112
$ 6,781,261 3.572.854 1.607.288 4,902 49,910 3,482.050 1.6(13.003
Recovered............Cwt 133,343 01.807 42,131 10 . ............ ....'21.797
(itil,483 42,631
$ 426,171 1i19.504 71 ............421, 100 1691504
Thread.................Lb 201.721 281.500 116.265 82.053 54.909 171,732 44.821
250180 2113,614 113,01(11 56,454 44,853 140,253 30.132
Pneumatic tire casings,
(except bicycle)......No 12. 813 36,853 11,489 206 817 36,618 15,641
S 334,09i 239,645 112,8(15 2,929 8,987
Inner tubes, n.o.p.......No 17,830 236,492 103,482
10.098 1(8(5 125 108 9,974 8(98
$ 21.422 11,182 2.904 120 104 11.062
Other tires.............$ 69.172 2.751
71.963 50.373 17,900 14.022 46.345 32. 772
Other rubber...........S 2,446,327 1.739.279 1.185,106 406.048 323.343 1.214.41)9 733,157
Total Rubber ........ 5 10,564.737 6.271,708 3,308,986 482,424 441.219 5.565,781 2.680.398
Clover ................. Lb 2.1116.524 1,045,104 191.473 54.495 84.391 517.560 11.1179
$ 312,677 159,194 23.157 10.501 18(124 79,326 3.575
Flax ................. Bush 525,295 383.720 116.050. 230 1183
1,183,542 818
353.273 309.262 786 1,022 (154 4
Timothy................Lb 11,523,9.3 7.208,401 5,740.242 ....39 751
S 7. 198,5111 5.718.tItL1
1.017.593 451.607 249,119 lOss 430.581 248.111
Other .................. 8 881.945 679.0(11 594.520 141.139 158,154 304.071 232,766
Total Seeds .......... 5 3,395,757 1.643,165 1.176.058 152,426 179,408 835.532 484.456.

8— PHINCU'AL Isiroam no'ro CANADA FOR CONSUMPTION, ETC.—C on hnued

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1933 1933 1932 1933 1932 I 1933

AolucrLtoRAL AND Vrczma'

Pno,icm—B. OTBEB TBA
Tobacco- 10.199,212 380 1,155 12,218.103 9,620.218
Unmanufactured ........ Lb 16,580,394 13,075.335
5,488,919 3,861.40$) 2,884,883 810 1,416 3,107,283 2,530725
270,661 201.450 135.029 85,634 56,217 05,211) 58.150
cu t..................... Lb 523,115 427.393 284,871 302.780 201,112 117,417 75,374
451,683 342.780 198,678 212,997 130,411 58.020 39.687
Other manufactured.... $
6..463.7474.631,5.523.370.432 516,593 332.039 3,372,7202.636.756
Total Tobacco ....... $
Other Agric. and Veget.
Products. Not Food- 161,828 92 . 200.005 161,702
Broom corn ............ S 339,784 202,407
4,753 1,444 153 ...1.444 153
B ay ................... Ton 2,101 . 18.479 2.107
66,335 18.479
Starch, including corn
starch, potato starch, 119.475 153,359 2,581.000 1,317,903
potato flour, etc......Lb 6.961,051 5.066.904 2,110.518
230.797 163,786 84.755 0.040 10.463 112.128 01.047
279,632 228.408 123.938 6,044 5,772 179.903 108,410
Tar, pine, crude........Gal 2,021 1,425 34,382 17,270
$ 60,827 47.220 20.274
1.090,222 833.012 III) 1,019 959,970 831,421
Turpeatine, spirits of... Ga] 1.134.500 384,816
477.122 431,810 385,71)6 173 1)78 430,630
Other 5gris. and veg. 92,236 82,316 755,545 617.334
products, not food.... $ 1,380.117 1.006,669 851.813

Total Agric. and Veg.

Products—B, Other 23,938.485 13.037.304 17.233.097 11.113,212
than Food ........... $ 72,865,052 50,159,232 29,238,593

Total Vegetable Pro. 44,578,848 30.220,182

ducts (A. and B.).... S 177.628.178 128,621,260 88,220,858 30,220,997 17,302,932


Animals- 1,179,118 240 640 1,273,519 1,178.108
For exhibition .......... $ 1,272.318 1.273,759
For improvement of 71.761 39,009 113,314 53,899
stack ................. $ 525,882 195594 05,256
452,962 253,138 164,863 20.260 11.883 193,701 128,771
Other .................. $
Bone dust, charred bone 5.217 4.352 36,542 26.437
sndboneah .......... Cur 44,509 49,581 42,579
118,113 133.442 118,012 9.561 11,593 97,123 71,330
Bone, ivory and shell 7,861 10.262 127560 97.349
262,447 164,149 172.025
p roducts. n.o.p.........$ 298,170 195,244 132,834 133,404 118,214 33,733
Feathers and quills ....... $ 249,630

Fishery Products, n.o.p.—

Fresh- .134,324 115.162
Halibut ............... LI • 1,064,796 462,231 426.591 ............
114.114 43.574 31.284 .. 9.155 6,124
125.985 103.118 86,020 ....103.11$ 86,020
Oysters, shelled ..... Ga • 229,667
303.724 229.697 148.11W) ... 140.1106
20,928 18.049 18.314 ...17,457 15 533
Oysters, other........8 84,618
Other fresh fish ...... 8 372.590 249,472 193,562 1,277 2,108 105,893
Dried. Salted, Smoked
or Pickled, n.o.p.- 1,454 . .
Cod. dried ........... LI 5,314,119 3,841,498 2,222,270 ....
$ 213,671 127.534 92,153 ...141 . .
5,481,921 1.620,805 587.1144 .. 1,000 7,615 2.470
Cod, other ........... LI 753 238
8 68,500 25.744 6,840 158
Herrings, pickled.....U 0.230,503 4,941.627 3,282,819 1,044.685 1,182,419 369,778 479,405
281.208 190.791 129,168 07.433 75.769 21,356 24,683
Herrings, smoked.... U 166.285 21)1:174 242,383 275,437 204,630 300 6,515
18.975 30.222 22,627 29.400 20,288 76 939
Other flab, dried, etc. I 145,807 120,199 60.013 4,832 509 20.907 19,436
Canned- 20.036 7,948
Sardines, Sos. or less & 6,030,785 5,293,293 3,778.320 206.599 307,360
* 453.192 3110,277 232.782 10,266 13,351 1.855 759
Sardines, other.......8 83,397 44,82)) 26,029 20,260 13,357 1,237 909
Other canned fish.... $ 595,453 470004 335,252 10.515 22,056 173,760 134.333
213,644 158,296 118,420 6.023 6,021 64,954 51,452
Other fishery products. I
Total Fishery Pro- 485,781
ducts. n.o.p ......... $ 2.885,203 2.039.009 1,385,200 168,006 153,617 647,220

Furs and Fur Skins—

Undressed (including 1.740,119
marine)............ 5.925,411 3,255.847 2,230,2.48 239,1)2.5 310,0457 2,775,331
2,636,421 1,645.055 872,500 58.202 47,460 957,935 409,301
Other ............. ... 29,389
Manufactured..........I 221,4481 169.1061 64.475 23,705 19,785 110.298

Total Furasad FurSkina I 5,070,008 3.167,232 320,932 377,321 3,843.567 2.178,812

S—PRINCIPAL hiosrs INTO CANADA FOR Coxsurn"r1oN, n'rc.—Conthoued

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classification (Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Bristles, animal .......... LI 276,358 197,400 166.255 10.184 1,725 178.756 154,155
$ 315,416 176,384 135,376 10.806 4.562 156,263 122,620
Bair and mire, of, n.o.p... $ 280,847 175.358 67,984 9,275 4,895 142,282_ 39.453
Hides and Skins-
Calf ................... Cw 46.599 38.008 35,740 2 2.272 21,433 7,393
$ 1.223.285 626,350 375.457 122 27.040 425.206 74.237
Cattle................ Cw 251,699 207,374 395,38.5 373 5.037 107.456 152,397
2,731,899 1.784.658 069.190 1,868 18.241 826,958 711.510
Sbeep................. C 29,299 23,423 29.929 207 070 20025 22,142
$ 371,057 211,906 182.021 11,363 5,075 168.668 134.808
Other................. Cw 17,842 11,521 7.303 95 1.458 8.750 5,816
378,684 244,971 66,878 870 10.038 183,178 80,480
Total sides and
Skins............. Cw 345,439 281.316 268,355 477 9.437 357,664 187.748
$ 4,704,924 2.867.945 1.608,144 14,223 60.304 1.582.401 971,125

Unmanufactured ....... $ 4,311,261 2,868,887 1,950,878 530,483 603,254 2,115.121 1,114,351
l3oots and shoes-
Pegged, etc....... Pair 18,495 22.383 751 068 660 10.460 84
S 28.738 16,940 1,570 2.070 1.356 10.930 212
Mona ............. Pair 330,243 163.005 110, 349 111,202 93,326 38)1135 11,643
824.499 410,442 2.52.470 334,583 229.246 74,937 23,882
Women's.......... Pair 612,125 323,967 174.816 20,219 32548 282,885 91,105
1,594,831 757,985 2:)) .1(9:) 36,977 38,974 927,774 200,487
Children's........ Pair 127,056 72,292 -38,799 32,426 32.305 36,871 111,103
$ 87.6.69 40.823 26.392 22.728 26.402 21,070 11,340
Gloves ............... $ 1.425,073 1,840,860 251,701 70,349 39.133 6,355 2,908
Other ................ $ 899,995 547,337 384.112 171.955 158,745 350.823 210,421
Total Leather ...... * 9,171,686 6,198.308 3,002,418 1.169,145 1.084.125 3,207,616 1,597,601

Beef, fresh .............. Lb 2,003.705 350.232 361,935 25.290 95 143.008 41.706
$ 106,936 56.727 22.244 2.147 11 40,853 9.202
Mutton, fresh ........... U 1,794.878 1,541.751 189.213 8.622 1,344 106.944 9.122
$ 217,503 139,644 12.122 873 327 20.858 1.912
Pork, fresh ............. Lb 948.880 18.252 37.955 ..............18.252 37.955
$ 137,442 4,1228 2.561 ..............4 628 2.5 46 91
Other fresh meats ..... .$ 155.224 67,223 32.747 2,462 2,876 51.875 24 : 049
Bacon and hams........Lb 6,333,430 265,0711 15.633 40 15 265,036 15.618
929,758 84,684 4,936 12 3 64,672 4.913
Canned meat ..........Lb 8,292.069 6.122,319 4.249.330 171,612 76.958 139385 44.672
1.134,836 657,935 337.730 39.156 32.343 25,269 7.267
Pork, barrelled in brine Lb 7.533,637 3,680,822 2,354,544 ...... 36.267 3,86)3,422 2,318,277
775,863 2313.910 120.9)13 .. 1.365 256.890 119.598
Pork, dry salted ........ Lb 1,246.940 14.647 13 .274 .. 14,047 6,274
181.939 2,835 2,509 .. 2,835 2,509
Sausage................ Lb 456,683 237.576 94.421 .. 237,570 114.421
* 164,818 77.665 27.556 77,60.5 27,556
Soups, all kinds ........ 8 1,479,070 184.416 8.492 10.3013 2,448 172.943 3,975
Other meats ........... $ 208,646 177,084 107,055 112,582 80,292 42,067 23.333
Total Meats ........ $ 5.584.058 1,689,749 678,873
167,608 119,862...760,555 227,543

Milk and Its Product-

Butter .................. Lb 16,500,801 879,670 876,894 546 30.952 19.380 7,799
4.786,521 268,336 138,637 154 7,425 6.393 1.893
Choose ......... . ....... Lb 1,685,045 1.377,344 1,193.393 51,634 91.4(13 158.766 1.1114,991
$ 465,666 387,258 286,725 18.204 27.253 50.965 36,610
Other .................. $ 93,905 77,276 28,719 2,558 3.143 70.311 24,507

Oils, Fats, Greases and

Cod livoroil ........... Gal 218,571 212,296 258,083 1,370 8.285 18,345 18,011
8 189,681 342.371 138,810 1,447 6,500 22,222 23,202
Grease, rough, for mfr.
of soap and oils......Cwt 222,462 260,451 234,344 2,206 324 257,100 213,722
1.169,661 993,291 732.)323 14,875 1.833 978,397 667,958
Lard................... Lb 944,221 158,748 1,221,441 7.100 12,434 153,558 3,209,007
101,436 9,431 55,57:) 594 961 8,837 54,012
Lard nompound ......... Ib 1.455,205 354,679 33(8,831 15,197 1,214 116,525 201.887
$ 132,708 18,375 14,353 1098
, 72 8.552 7.809
Other.................. 367,948 305,403 182,913 27, 290 40.410 208,566 130.251
Total Oils, Fats, etc.. $ 1,961.524 1,470,804 1,121.870 45.302 49,776 1.219,374 863.832

Total Imports for Consumption Imports From Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1032 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Other Animal Products-
Eggs in shell.........Doz. 158,210 56.451 30,294 20 26 41,5611 19,541
5 52,547 25.061 15,507 56 88 111.958 11.535
Egp,n.o.p ............. Lb. 1.608,900 145.908 78,481 7,926 2.876 73,149 14,282
$ 680,492 65,302 38,235 3,0811 1,872 40,099 7,379
Gelatine ................ Lb. 1,904.880 1,680.618 1,122.081 570,959 552,176 187,654 161.798
8 610,917 448,353 382,957 118,827 116,1115 133,731 94,201
Glue, powdered or
sheet ................. Lb 2.835.860 2.226.132 1,266.617 1,383,426 836,002 177.220 100,414
$ 287.928 200,640 99,954 114,355 62,601 30333 11,749
Glue, liquid ............ $ 56.230 34.878 37.591 9.171 13.30$ 24,797 19,499
Sausage casings ......... $ 1,890.517 700,500 380.316 139,2335 52.902 11809211 119,613
Other .................. $ 502.097 349.158 127,497 63.1168 60.018 224,288 194,623
Total Animals and
Animai Products... $ 45,992,705 24.563,246 15,438,577 2,614.531 2,406.007 14,184,530 8,571,417

FIBnEH AND Taxmes—

Raw, and linters, merely
ginned ................ Lb 106,722,241 100.902.263 100.907,328 269,472 59.608 99,127,127 98.586.525
1 12,420.880 8,644.769 7.615,453 38,797 8.773 7,807,451 7,338,308
Other unmanufactured. 1 119,173 111,403 181,878 3,671) 4.708 135,657 155.110
Yarn. Thread and
Rovinge, yarns and
warpn,singles ...... Lb. 84L213 21.772 73,148 12,854 63.995 7.927 7,879
8 169,414 12,091 29,950 7,775 23,141 4.387 6.350
flovinga, yarns, etc.,
for Hewing, packag.
ing,etc., n.o.p.......Lb. 592.162 373,481 327.221 118,365 162.681 251,883 159,907
$ 278,431 189.819 140109 47,392 65,654 136,376 70,390
Crochet and knitting.Lb. 43.988 22,823 10.922 500 841 7.238 500
$ 86,690 57.561 32.582 1.623 224 4.030 2194
Cordsandtwine,n.o.p. Lb. 250,647 90,139 72,056 33,942 37,414 61.362 34,284
5 94.707 29,221 16,048 6.650 6,894 22,348 9,125
Sewing thread on
spooI ..............$ 60,810 44,155 21,9(17 19,840 111,745 19.125 10.823
Yarn and wares, mar-
cerized, No.40 and
finer................Lb. 2,535,160 1,979.673 1,833,226 335,2113 70.342 1,644.380 1,273,184
1 1,980,561 1,386,888 1,292,739 228,879 433,857 1,158,009 858,882
Yarns, two or more
strands for mfr. or
spooling of thrad. Lb. 592,316 557.057 505,087 435,492 422,544 121.565 85,543
1 446.179 345,669 310.113 265.450 259.308 80.219 50.805
Other yarn, warp, etc. $ 146,733 449,023 509,466 373,857 468,106 73,056 100.1143
Piece Goods-
Not bleached ........ Lb.. ... ... ... .. 5,301,595 4,125,924 913,930 763.738 4,369,832 3,349,947
3 2.402,068 1.23(1.298 987,690 343.1301 281.967 883,087 698,314
Canton flannels, etc.. Lb.. ..... . ... .....230,547 193.872 154.5511 172.934 09.602 20.557
$ 141,874 111.571 83,432 71,718 72,7411 38,208 10.509
Bleached or rnercer-
................ Lb.. ..............l'72 2511
izeci 1,600,515 982,3(13 1174.728 1.029,042 590,761
$ 1,362,529 l.l34.043 842.411 575,332 525,754 425.961 277.467
Printed, sop ......... 1,b,..... .... 3,9(4.121 2.263,729 1,661.4111 1,515,851 1.528,454 621,114
9 3,015,080 2.379,151 1.518.459 1,050.084 938,881 1.151,635 495,330
Yarn or piece dyed.. Lb.. ....... ........3, 07 :3,893.151 2,14:1.959 2.168.534 1.090,052 834,795
5 3,705,528',770 2,150,0613 1,3(38,711 1,231,306 850,700 533,27.5
With cut pile (velvet-
eene and corduroys)l.b.. ........... ...557:161 500,310 247,820 333, 812 241,174 96,007
8 690.573 450,232 381.361 248,071 278.082 148.987 60,207
Otherpiecegoods .... $ 223,164 111,855 69,223 47,208 43,208 ' 14,023 25,469
Lace and Embroidery-
Embroideries ........ 8 164,026 55,004 33,053 2.452 1.990 5.573 2.176
net and mfrs.,. $ 923,347 (111,544 538,305 267,024 309,234 141,404 61,237
S earing Apparel-
Gloves of cotton ..... $ 642,307 604,724 486,700 32,323 18,882 7,230 7.792
Socks and stocking of
cotton ......... Doz. pr. 506.071 13.293 5,520 4,961 1.942 1,657 95
$ 424.438 .37.398 10.598 16.9115 6.071 4.221 451
Shirts, not knitted... Lb.. .......
...... (3.2314 5,457 4,266 1,907 28.709 2,947
$ 82,365 34,364 9,759 8,089 5,509 25.623 3,030
Otherelothing ....... 8 1,232,1711 894,632 528,004 185.274 155,917 543.502 103,150
Manufactures, no.p.-
Blankets, hon8ehold. lb...............9,2(37 3,205 1,323 748 4.471 2.457
$ 232.422 5,520 1.4338 856 328 3.321 1.306
Curtains.............$ 418,978 316.807 292.721 129,378 140,4313 73.834 28,144
Handkerchiefs ....... 8 834.582 505,488 508,914 357,671 355,842 8.304 2,357
Qailte, etc., not colour-
231.737 174,139 131,133 82,121 83,000 67,7H
$ 108,703 137,018 102,936 78,6391 52.432 33,191, 31,561

Total Imports for Connumption Imports from Imports from

C1aificatiou (Merchandise) United Kingdom United State,
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

FlaxEs AND IcarlLEn-COn.

Manufactures, n op-Con.
Sheet,and pillow
canes, not coloured. $ 335.613 287.930 213,668 236,677 188,636 7.140 3.273
Other manufacture,.. $ 2.133.477 1.388.132 830,047 428.764 332.823 742,651 330,572
Totni Cotton ....... I 33.174.433 23,912,069 19,845,323 6.391,155 6,211,068 14.706.363 11,387,2.58

Flax, Hemp and Jute-

Hemp. dressed or un-
dressed ............. Cwt 28.423 18.346 15.810 ....................... 16.247 6,621
$ 176,772 81.324 64 . 655 ....................... 73.416 3: 1051
Other raw flax, ete., $ 133,448 90.477 60,748 5,221 8.621 78,448 46 30
Rovings, yarn,, etc.. for
wearing or for insula. FrM
tingwire ............. Lb 2,198.486 1,433.444 1.052.456 1,228.230 1,42*26 166.005 r7o1
8 339.817 200.553 140.856 174,708 135.732 20,019 PW 101
Linenthreadforsewingl.b 197.013 224,719 103.768 210.857 1913,757 4.816 1.114
8 217.955 232,3438 187.439 223.510 183.136 4.5.53 '1.143
Otheryarn, thread, etc $ 200,750 192,048 150673 155.723 135.949 14.974 18.305
Fabric,, flax, not Yd 2.021.232 1,339,466
761.632 1.193.483 644.043 210 387
bleached ............1 295.574 169,818 80,832 153.942 75,973 82 ' 84
Fabrics, flax, printed, .
dyed or coloured......d 3,454.917 1.159,284 375,015 1.110.274 361,308 18,233 3.244
9 550.309 250.260 75,218 229,402 67.423 8,786 1.737
Fabrics, flax, bleached, ,
or mercerized ........ 'Id 639.298 360,281 127,703 339,703 116,510 2,081
* 165.382 98.0(45 43)1(45 81.652 30.602 841 1122
Fabric,, woven, (ute.....d 85,048.023 70.817.875 60.866.984 6,077.698 4,856,728 860,679 10.041
* 4,013.257 2,928.288 2.113,542 484.528 370.052 45.483 17.956
Other fabrics ........... 3 338,496 5.81.550 740.451 476. 02 1133,094 47,463 4(4,085
Bags ..... .............. 8 255.928 166.239 75.916 20.393 7.059 127,334 58.211
Handkerchief, ......... $ 650.440 438.782 4014,842 327.539 317,630 1.844 932
Sheets, pillow-cane,, etc. $ 169,5.48 265.4137 06,51 ' 1 17.097
Table-clothes, napkins 9 4173,787 65.11)0 . 911,234 461,473 629,lI3 5.341 9,240
Towel') ...................231.470 212,534 154.926 J 3.379 i
Other flax, hemp, jute $ 2,656.242 998.841 791,523 245.297 223,292 445,399 232.801
'rota] FIax,etc ..... 8 10,301,171 7,673.578 5,845,324 3.301,003 2,838,276 894.659 45.5,018

Raw, singles, not de-
gummed .... ......... Lb. 1.954,305 2.539.133 2.572.940 . ............ ...........2,043.912 2.250.277
$ 6,695,844 6,490,154 4,785,327 ....................5,224,090 4,035.919
Other raw, yarns and
thread...............9 308,845 280,527 157,619 76.998 57,254 154.646 70,151
Fabrics, unfinished ..... ..1 2.487.478 408,537 51.454 ...........2.794 .........
$ 1.043,164 96.872 11,471 ...........2.003 .........
Fabric, exceeding 26
inchesjnwjdth ....... .d. 9,240,436 3.684,852 693.339 41.903 19,543 850.9114 282.882
9 4,366,032 1,729,739 389,4438 44,610 20.878 748,048 210.325
Fabrics, 26 inches or
less .................. .d. 471.798 476,788 450.028 11,744 L883 1,585 166
$ 126.252 121.422 59,246 (1.059 2.4407 1.133 128
Velvet, and plushes .... ..d. 925.878 925,5)63 5446. Itt) 56.734 15,4113 18.039 13,282
$ 9F,4413c 796.604 550,870 53,304 16,246 26.974 10.902
Ribbons ............... $ 348.221 261.924 104.(450 9.6344 5.486 82,931 34,083
Fahricsfornecktie,,,., 9 1,151,15.4 1,009,724 732,884 21,680 28.307 155,657 117,536
Other piece goods .....$ 56.753 44.1044 48.834 544 1.730 34.457 42,126
Socksandstocking,, 27.132 3,502 2.017 1.04) 422 1.802 1.0447
104.438 33.154 21,277 7.880 3.642 15.974 12.762
Otherapparel.......... 1 2,994.142 1.716,432 85:3.305 116,470 70.830 1,021.352 504,443
Other silk .............. 1 656,644 314.304 3)47. 191 43,432 21,274 102,541 21,230
Total Silk .......... $ 18,885,963 12.903,962 7,829,712 383,541 237.660 7,569.868 5.065.065

Raw ................... Lb. 9,410,830 9.381.304 8.320,490 4,876,513 4,028,483 1,220,349 42,441
8 2,667,554 2,237,898 1,648,302 1,373,921 921.446 221,611 7,054
Hair of the camel, alps-
ca,etc ................ Lb. 1.334.053 243.180 35.241 7.004 10,627 236.176 24,614
3 398.137 24.365 5.026 1,724 1.388 22.641 3,638
Noil, ................... Lb. 236,088 161.156 775.584 158,209 766,070 707 970
$ 04.058 52.555 256.528 50,686 254.3448 471 1,223
Worsted tops ........... I.h 6.415. 109 7.208,244 7,231.49) 5.786,067 6. 105.391 14.218 :3.745
8 2,600,832 2.725.529 2.002.1414 2.036,430 2.175.310 7.083 1,662
Wnste,garnetted ------- Lb. 228,918 291.879 54.594 269,415 52.322 22,463 15.603
8 59.440 66,063 14.483 60,189 13.6413 5,872 312
Yarn, ................. .Lb. 5,358,905 3.536.017 3,011,734 3,364,883 2,901,586 60.695 56,995
1 4,485,916 2.642,966 2,393,754 2,452,633 2.077,335 63,590 48,033

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(1erohandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Foinra AND Tgxni,zs—Con

Fabrics, to be finisbod..l.b... 848,954 600.042 558,413 519,506 2 110
$ 879.285 860.603 657.414 559,127 500.001 4 217
Lustres. Italian linings.Lb . 65,250 47,214 64,764 47,181 61 .
$ 191.987 80,451 50,011 79.578 50.566 93 ..
Overcoatinga ........... Lb... 467.4)00 185.501 310,8.56 164.324 521 16
$ 1,209,103 402,048 165,428 255,801 116,802 901 20
Tweeds ................ Lb...763,782 483,728 639,470 472.759 2,877 92
1 1.742,921 769.100 477,079 621,767 463,071 4.842 262
Worsteds, serges cost.-
ings .................... Lb 4,052,062 2,520,848 3.364,428 2,202,554 6.577 2,142
1 7,914,472 4666.859 2,895,502 3.870,563 2,349.643 20,658 5,940
Woven fabrics, with nut
pile .................. lb..65 ,692 40,369 31,1142 34,776 7,065 522
$ 475,799 109,502 48.256 44,600 38.315 38,482 1,002
Otherpiece goods ...... $ 3,793,209 2.004,237 1,635.362 1,181.90$ 1.366,831) 129.693 42,023
Carpets and rugs ,. .i4,. It.. 1,000,974 628.8115 593.475 209.1)74 33.103 14,029
9 1,7115,940 617.25:1 286,602 288,926 90,708 29.890 8,376 440,398 183,296 102.641 179,461 90 1(39 771 176
$ 1,823.1153 758,510 41)3,776 735,733 301.022 4.308 9611
Underwear ............. $ 343.140 234.749 210,889 215.834 11)7,505 1,370 730
Yl olneli ' s and clIildren'8
outergarnionta ....... $ 454,545 240,912 172,244 64.218 68.970 119,572 69,743
Otherapparel .......... $ 1.188,763 692,462 451,319 550,965 309,197 88,1323 33.341
Blankets, household.... Lb... 296,6:10 162.181 285,420 159.202 8.008 2.808
1 729,848 157,913 81.011 149,587 78,023 11.916 2,001
Felt, pressed ........... Lb. 357,751 119,794 78.892 13.1)83 10.456 15,748 5,315
8 216,817 100.141 61.426 19,5)18 10,805 2(1,1115 8.007
Otherwoolmfrs ........ $ 492,319 157,865 97.419 711,268 58,222 60,415 30,858

Total Wool ......... $ 33,637,656 19,597,697 14,314,665 14,710,046 11.865,783 847,084 2(18,311

Artificial Silk-
Rovings, yarns, warps,
etc .................... Lb. ' 2,509,574 1,501,7311 958,047 229,710 106,181 54,120 21,448
$ 1.700.829 927.742 540.169 240,217 83,687 50.699 25.809
Woven fabrics, except
ribbons .......... .... ..
Lb 2,482,722 1,190.648 1.131.861 932.534 191.280 57,163
1 8,000.416 3,375.691 1,573.299 1.684,264 1,200,018 387.347 11)8,136
Other fabrics ........... $ 229,434 240,396 165,009 2,188 2.496 42,868 41,052
Socks and stock.
inga .............. 375,357 8.774 2.557 1.237 1,066 3.781 888
$ 698.153 28.730 8.854 14.31111 4.093 3,163 2.509
Other manufactures.., 6 832,672 474,1102 100.046 91.704 63,847 148,311 39.836
Total Artificial
Silk .............. $ 11.331,404 5,045,161 2.447,377 2,012.769 1.355,141 637.788 217,342

Other Fibres-
Mexican,istle,tampicowt 1,595 1,384 4.336 131 239 924 3.347
$ 24,1171 20,972 23,305 2,099 3,377 14,841 13,251
Manila ................ Cwt, 147,400 40.030 73.524 . ......... 31,051 58,721
3 877.752 230.6:14 282.544 .. 152,340 230,1)81
.................. Cwt.
Sisal 338,042 120.11:) (175.491) .. 411,34) 1)91,863
$ 2,19(1.824 1,1)23,1)70 1.845.797 1,587,502 1,764.386
Bindortwias Cwt 109,109 220.1)81 252,649 26,396 37.365 1,580 58.144
6 1,150.570 1,521.773 1,445.810 226,1)4)) 236,713 18,1112 383.410
Other .................. $ 487.071 258774 194,914 44.862 46,995 1011.531) 67.274

Total Other Fibree $ 4,720,188 3,664.231 3,792.370 273,591 290,085 1,883,1141 2,479,002

Mixed Textiles-
kIngs, wnnt. etc ........ $ 1,945,078 1,289.847 923.721 138,915 105,623 091,024 650,187
Fishing lines, nets,
twint'in banks, ate.., $ 1,738,705 968,866 916.706 598,037 635,897 326,027 233,002
Twine and cordage,
n.o.p.................Lb. 2,790.376 2,115,387 1,941.625 1.236,986 1,534,733 496.200 240.720
3 414,202 227.513 200,757 126,382 148.251 68.094 36.121
Artificial leather ........ $ 171.562 56,593 68.000 771 2,1)82 55.1110 65,078
Cotton fabrics, coated,
rubberized. etc,,,... $ 1,188.159 750,946 511.468 199,982 152.312 543.453 355.838
Oilcloths, iill kinds....
. Lb . ..........1,553.102 1,109,678 1,272,170 064,373 273,557 115.707
$ 652.035 281,284 170.426 216.654 140.413 63.1170 29.9411
Other,coated,etc ...... 1 311.957 276,414 219,943 56,406 99.166 218,555 115.534
Embroideries, lace,
etc.. n.o.p ............ $ 1,562,148 823,495 487.017 375,027 269.934 59,970 35,113
Garments, knitted.
n.o.p. (md, under-
wear) ................ 9 1,470,648 1.238.780 812,303 659,565 524,068 142,688 66,129
Gloves, knitted or cut
fromfabric ........... $ 172,499 316,767 199,974 220,443 112.621 15,585 3.821
Ilatshapes,crowns. etc. $ 326.939 295,466 114.483 70.803 37.848 (1.1)98 2,441
Hats, felt..............8 868.769 589.445 298,209 203,217 130.284 ' 111,152 50,50
cans. etc.. nap... $ 1,173,832 807,052 484,550 108,013 70,685 319,218 141,3111

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classification (Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

FIBRES AND Tgxiuj',s—Con,

Mixed Toxtilee—Cen.
Other apparel .......... $ 438.851 321.330 185.292 114.078 58,778 122.130
Braids, etc., for hats... $ 82.40r
ThL060 564,907 .121.671 9,1)81 884 233,735 152.631
Surgical dressings, etc.. $ 492.088 397,345 287.411 167.053 146.532 227.871
Other mixed textiles.... 5 134.052
2232,678 1.826,627 640.063 245.393 177.812 929.446 452,031
Total Mixed
Textiles .......... $ 15,216,207 12,064,667 7.140,053 3.477,832 —_2.812,290 4.405,224 2.608.188
Total Fibres and
Textiles .......... $ 130,717,022 83,879,362 62.214.824 30,549.937 25.580,195 30,944,027 22.479.022


Wood, I'nmanufactured or
Partially Manufactured-
Railway ties ..... ...... N 450,587 233,822 125,025 8 ............. 233,814 125,025
$ 547.717 328,144 173,620 12 ............. 328,232 173.1320
Sawmill Produt.-
Lur,,le'r and timber-
Chestnut .......... Mi 4.976 3,390 688 ..............339 688
248,956 180,122 33,279 .............. 180.122 33,275
Gumwood ........ Mi 14,679 9,344 31.136 ..............9.339 31.136
S 611,835 354,076 1)9,701.) 353,691 1)9.700
Oak ............... Mi 25,435 20.388 10,256 2 20 389 11), 102
1,464.905 1,058,479 45)3.225 927 1,058,248 483,534
Pitch pine......... • 10.939 4,787 2.t193 .............4,787 2.693
I 332,131 135,061 74.278 ............. 135.061 74.278
Yellow poplar ... M S • 11,193 4,0):) I,3 . .............4013 1337
312,185 161.929 45 , 225 ...1111.929 45,225
Walnut............B 5.612 4.745 2 . 694 ...4.745 2,694
$ 610,026 357,712 193.585 44 357.352 193.541
tOter .............$ 2,331.716 1.2)1.1.1)4:) 515.1134 3.096 5,055 1,243.095 500,086
Veneers .............. $ 890,384 775,958 251)536 6,154 3,409 795,422 231,597
Other sawmill prod.. S 239,075 169.468 75 :168 .. 169,468 711,366
Other unm(d, wood.....$ 2,175,883 971,834 488,770 1.439 2,215 857,274 466,014
Total Wood, Unmanu-
factured or Partially
Manufactured ....... .$ 9,808,816 5,755,868 2,440.516 10,701 11,650 5,610,1892,376,235

Wood, Manufactured.-
Barrels, empty.........Nc 88,590 43,006 17.740 17 25 41,341 16,571
$ 85,698 41,949 22,017 31 80 40,406 19.699
Staveeof oak ........... B 4,355 3,130 2.828 ...........3,130 2,028
268,476 151.551 77 . 842 ........... 151,551 77,642
Other cooperae........I 280,587 214,834 126,559 ............214,654 120,559
Corks over i-inch in
diameter.............Lb 285.890 256,802 225,8154 25.292 48.851 47,668 29,601
$ 214.879 173,887 120,760 13.157 25,370 87,019 27.701
Other corks.............Lb 68,408 60.666 39.187 505 2,634 20.179 10.652
I 54,694 44.8118 25.209 513 2.503 16.696 11.829
Other cork mire ........ $ 587,101 429.835 354.103 7.230 28,353 288,935 153,981
Turned and carved
wood................. 320.110 253.877 165,428 41.688 34,938 193,003 123,241
Wood pulp............Cwt 306,917 328.924 252.684 ............. 324,684 251,684
647,365 681,308 40 1.2512 ... 672,548 401,290
Doors.................. 347,937 140.210 12.606 397 139,823 12.209
Fibre. kartavert, and
mire, of .............. * 274,503 200,184 146,022 987 2.625 197,991 239.911
Furniture ............... $ 2,526,139 1,006,876 387.914 168.505 83,874 898.863 235.057
Other wood manufac-
tures ................. $ 2,408,383 1,478.697 8130,792 72,460 75,539 1,269,612 677,410
Total Wood, Manu.
factured ............ $ 8,013,842 4,817,836 2.700,342 304.572 253,685 3,951,101 2.001.129.
Total Wood and Wood
Products ........... $ 17.822,658 10,573,702 5.140,858 315,272 265.333 - 9,561.290 4:377.365.

Chipboard ............. Lb 5,445.566 3,061.058 878,753 .... ....................
...... 2,506,494 878.753
$ 105,741 81,633 28.553...........................61,045 28.553
Neweboerd ............ Lb 15.801,399 . .... ....................................................
8 563,303 . .... ........ ........ ..................................
Strawboard.... ....... Lb 1,199.857 1.686,769 330.026 560 . ..... ...... 759,058 302.007
$ 28.980 33,956 9.078 22 .... 21.630 8.017
Other paper boards... $ 788,737 1.189,470 460.779 36,705 38,022 1,188,234 437,678'
Book paper for maga-
Zine. .................. Lb 4,721.324 75,969 281,240 25,617 127.866 50,352 133,374
$ 240.571 3.858 12,708 1.572 5,660 2,078 6,048.



Total Imports for Consumption Imports from imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


P aper—Con.
Book and printing paper.
not coated, n.o.p......Lb 6,742,138 6,077447 6.437.359 1.657.499 1,949,800 4,300,925 4,403,609
6 596,531 443,185 377.440 130,054 142.990 208.781 220,390
Surface coated paper...Lb. 2,143,398 1,734.881 1.518.022 57.011 207,510 1,I98.84' 1.214.218
$ 433,435 359.133 361.830 9.804 25,153 305,398 292,305
Printing paper, n.o.p.... $ 248,335 185,712 146.654 38,150 30,955 112,371 105,458

Wrapping and packing

paper ................ . $ 1,151,590 675,960 619,524 105.204 141.174 419,651 349.087
Writing paper and eta-
tionery, n.o.p ......... $ 261.808 180.267 138,488 68.727 59,884 82,717 54,562
Envelopes .............. St 68,278 51.505 30,023 5,276 5.072 38,708 27,113
8 170,256 147.478 98.823 15.933 10.240 114.978 7u.042
Wall paper ............. lb.. 1.510.327 770.898 375,251 247.382 1,947,410 435,006
8 344.092 157.851 98,136 48,890 32,072 1)5,788 53,651
Otherpaper ............ $ 3,131,846 2,322,121 1.727,499 276,91)3 308,264 1,427,185 912,593
Paper boxes and con.
tainors............... 1 1.029.278 686.790 400,243 15,156 20.724 649,765 454,387
Other manufactures of
paper................. $ 2,980.276 2.388.915 1.591,153 427,517 331.899 1.644.047 1,000,630

TotalPaper .......... $ 12,082,870 8,825.141 6,179.897 1.180.763 1.153.052 6,403568 4,002.399

Books and Printed Matter-

Newspapers and maga- 3.644,063 2,685.807
zin,'ncoruplte $ 4.165.517 3,734,439 2.822.705 77.760 124,451
Photographs. chrornos. 480.555 269,783
engravings. prints..... 8 1,436.476 585,387 315,664 53,905 29,170
Advertising and printed 3.287.544 1,953,950
................ 1.b.
matter 5.980,504 3.791.318 2,396,618 396,457 300 149
$ 2.300.960 1,421,352 091.103 159,187 147992 1,217,027 894,972
Labels, tags, tickets, 37,162 31,939 144,806 91,949
etc ..................
. 1 298.186 194,738 133,545
Pictorial post cards ..... 1.b............. 424,803 418.488 50,328 99,557 252,238 200.218
$ .. ... 410,861 315,037 43,694 66.855 304.061 187,278
Bibles, prayer books. 150,667 139,650
hymn books, etc ..... 8 468,170 480,762 361,043 101.697 122.585
1,331,503 1.237,836 1,945,065 559,059 443,345 603,534 625.248
Other books and printed 3.074.656 2,013.063
matter. .............. $ 6,145.689 4.543,950 3.184.325 1.208.525 1.013,506

Total Books and Print- 9,619,060 6.716.940

ed Matter ............ $ 16.138,501 12.609.325 9,168.487 2,330,989 1,979,843

Total Wood, Wood Pro- 25.584.827 15,006.704

ducts and Paper ...... $ 46.042,029 32,008.168 20,489.242 3,827,024 3.398.230

IRON AND ITS PaoDt?cra- 58,396

...... ........... Ton
Iron ore 1,428,07)) 802.163 66.514 ... 544 , 900
3,266.402 1,6981983 180,911 ...1.213.794 145,311
Pigs. Ingots, Blooms and -. -
Billets- 4.250 1,8118 3,301' 732
Pig iron...............Ton 10,445 8,039 4,786
184,214 132,51)) 70,720 70,)183 51,430 5)1.8)12 14,244
8 8,375 3.118 4,821 5.797
Fecroa!loya ........... Cwt. 116.581 18.204 11,620
800,417 64.325 89,459 14.716 9.044 31.1111 61,782
Other pigs ingota, 51,683 20,074 268,2118 54.835
blooms and billets.,. 8 433,202 400,058 144.202

Total Pigs, Ingots, 136,482 87.448 357.071 150,861

Blooms and Billets $ 1,217,833 606.093 304.480

104,388 51,908 61.135 70 ...50.127 52.314

Scrap iron orst.eel. ...... .on 335,391
8 996.275 442,347 575,550 163 ...430.366

Castings and Forgings- 7,508 356.200 264.742

Axles, p3rts and blanks 1 415,892 369,718 269,250 11.443
Castings, n.o.p., not 127 56 38.596 23,670
malleable...........Cwt. 95,285 18.723 23,726
425.328 237.569 144.788 2,073 421 235,490 144,367
Locomotive and ear 54,976 67,732 41,731
wheel tires Cwt.
......... . 140,026 98,509 06,707 30,777
624,392 443.922 453.847 147,362 256.701 296,560 197,146
Other castings and 29,391 719.990 487.831
forgings .............. 8 1,304.170 776,339 517.629 42.025

Total Castings and 294,021 1,610.246 1,091,086

Forgings .......... 8 2,709,782 1,82T,548 1.385.514 202.903

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classili lation (Merchandise) United kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Iaoa At.5 ITS Pa )DOCTS—COfl,

Rolling Miii Pi oduets-
Band and ho Cwt. 605,451 369,315 249.144 13886 19,944 399,943 197,260
$ 2,358,573 1,176,880 879,267 65,211 85,465 1,006,885 095,265
Bars and Rn Is-'-
Railway ri its ........ .on 15,910 10,268 4,581 21 2.280 13,874 2,044
8 521,939 378,547 157,815 817 01,420 370,941 01,986
Other bars andraile,Cwt. 1,338,518 540,7116 330.489 78,000 53.000 287,502 193,331
8 3,375,738 1,521,214 1,037.148 431,981 310.630 810.520 572.921
Plates and SI eete-
Boiler plati Cwt. 151,157 92,190 49.765 20,809 30.760 69.929 18.522
$ 343,417 184.386 105.217 40.650 61,395 141.576 40209
Tinned plal Cwt 1,787,797 851,149 797.852 806,008 782,6432 44.682 15.085
$ 8,785,617 3,285,420 3,182,945 3.073.057 3.106,103 211,850 75,773
Plates not less than
30 in. ( y 3 in..
n.o.p..... Cat 88,187 . ..........................
$ 171,773 .........................
Sheets, roll d 080 in.
or less in ;hickness.
n.o.p..... Cwt. 1,148,375 701,857 511.607 135,521) 224,582 546.052 274,039
8 3.852,531 2.220,112 1,540.153 340,069 613,645 1,856.438 996,704
Plates, rol eel, more
than 60 nchee in
width. a. Cat. 1.163.955 865.185 206.001 447.176 158.935 348,462 19,850
$ 2,053,194 1,558,734 382,197 850.303 315,122 821,058 40,010
Sheets, etc coated
with zinc or other
metal, n.i Cwt. 528,038 268.199 272.010 171.334 242.248 93.407 25.095
9 1,884,835 915.400 843,135 541,308 724,026 394.658 108.547
Sheets, etc for the
niiinuhttt ire of sheets
iiiirl pint s co:iI 'ii
with zinc or metal,
except tin Cwt. 1,11.91.585 273.695 205.345 140,716 184.211 123,970 21.734
6 2,915,380 651,561 431.052 304.697 377,592 349,884 53,460
Skelp, for I pa, etc..Cwt. 2.533,5)5 1,002.761 863,012 46.405 49.573 988.226 458.241
9 4.564,676 2.028.601 1,272.296 120,3043 133.734 1.857.001 808.100
Other pta) es and
sheets.,.. Cwt. 080,65' 895,441 5)14.022 90,509 67,641 725,543 302,504
1 2.5340.933 2.506.7% 1.597.370 197.294 1113.265 2.213.834 1.377.209
Rods........ Cwt. 714,693 128,750 67,551 11,200 38.1404 234,079 24.40;
$ 1,093,769 067.891 111.683 15,208 53.496 424.885 49,785
Structural iro on 163.066 92,281) 23.1)87 9,645 7.222 69,252 11.599
$ 9,120,485 3.404,695 881,721 345.731 250,477 2,744,870 494.800
Total Rot ing Mill
Products. $ 40,613,750 20,512,240 12.424.909 6,335,686 0,298.848 12.974,380 5,284.849

rut, Pipes an I Fittinp-

Cast iron pipe Ton 8.871 3.403 838 2.595 790 159 33
6 287,143 106.1)67 28.336 77.648 25,590 13.516 2,124
Pipes and bee for
boilers..... $ 874,656 552.849 320.140 80.745 155,773 397,579 138,016
Other tubes, mipes, etc. $ 2,366280 994,793 542,383 197.0) 165.741 844.441 372,554
Total Tub s, Pipes
and Fittir $ 3,528,079 1.054,600 890.808 286,221 345.112 1.255,530 512,694

Barbed fenci Cwt. 122,608 47,724 41,757 2.218 5,807 14,210 12
1 334,214 125,010 115,053 10,382 28,578 39,076 171
Coated with zinc or
spelter, not) rlegraph
or telephone Cwt. 28,526 13,933 0.471 765 1,011 3,733 ..
1 70,154 38.620 17,687 2,120 2.568 9,967 ..
Woven or we dod wire
fencing...... $ 447,315 178,306 74,814 59.530 18.039 99. 108 27,224
Wire, twisted, braided,
stranded, i ocluding
Wire rope... $ 367,642 215,205 73.486 152,274 57,752 28,425 5,376
Steel wire for ope.....Cwt. 121,125 82,796 411,894 82,4)9) 40.727 396 167
$ 759,849 655,299 261.878 532.480 260.1139 2.819 1.259
Other......... $ 457,403 254,979 153.063 37.189 32.624 201.183 101,763
Total Wire., 8 2.436,607 1,347.428 695,9811 793.981 400.200 380.576 135.773
Chains.......... 8 510,363 227,009 117.154 81,55951,950 131,07261,044


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
—__1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Engines and Boilers- 4.051 42.007 130,058 31,534
BoilersILnd parts ....... $ 365,207 134109 73,641
Engines, aircr.sft ........ No. 136 52 23 12 8 38 14
$ 451,350 167,768 60,718 54,245 19,109 107,770 39,446
Gasoline and steam en- 272 2499 2.154
ginen for trucks.......No. 1.444 2,499 2.427
5 209,229 285.818 190,499 22,703 285,818 176,798
Engines, automobile. 179 22.786 21,289
n.o.p................. No. 27,957 22,786 21,460
$ 5,283,597 4,656,513 3.848,601 8,607 32.728 4.646.141 3.814,114
Engines, Diesel, and 56 88 51
parts ................. No. 242 181 164 64
$ 1,408,480 761.091 457.473 159,765 138.344 534.322 247.180
Outboard motors and 6 923 573
parts ................. No. 1,214 927 585 1
$ 138,378 131,844 80,040 90 864 131,246 77,328
Engines, internal cons- 63 104 2.125 1,365
bastion, n.o.p No.
......... 3,952 2,195 1.476
$ 914.678 652,723 453.852 43,087 57,958 667,672 391,155
Locomotives and psrts.No. 78 17 I . 17 I
$ 546.702 166,236 1,239 . 16t3 . 23b 1,239
Other boilers, engines. 21,208 188.044 100.274
etc ................... $ 716.343 254,147 121.078 47.682

Total Engines and 6,797.307 4.879.166

Boilers ........... $ 10,033,904 7,210,240 5.297.109 317.387 334.920

Farm Implements and

Machinery- 32 5.921) 3.177
Cream separators ....... No. 23,838 10.530 6.103
* 1,089.904 455.721 262.548 - 1.374 338,323 205.508
Otherdairymachinery. 8 188,170 191,686 87.5341 34,623 27.571 154.205 59,545
Harvesters ............. No. 3,029 257 445 .....257 445
$ 1,439.947 54,399 88.884 .....54 .396 87.975
Other harvesting imple- 13.401 65,755 39.264
meats and machinery $ 434,595 82,136 68.009 6,533
Planting and Tsllage-
Drills and parts No. 2.056 348 1.114:1 ...77 348 940
210,569 13.714 11.223 211 13.714 8,832
$ 18.832 3.1414
Harrowsandparts... $ 317,0119 19,122 3.451) 136 202
Ploughe and parts.... $ 997.795 23,4411 42.388 49 121 22.614 41,907
Otherplantitia ........ $ 191,062 53,156 141.974 1.481) 92(1 51(113 15.325
Seed Separation- 24 19.267 6,170
Fanning mills ........ $ 34,310 19,688 0.194 510
Threshing machine
separators ......... . No. 855 .54 44 .. .. 4 41
738.195 18,019 37,168 ....48.019 37,106
Threshing machine 21,785 23.162
separator parts.....$ 235,548 21,785 25,269 ...107
Ijarvesters in corn-
bination with
threshing machine
1 .... ..II
separators and
1,524 13
Traction engines for farm
parts ............... No.
2,215,1.59 17,008 1.964 ......17.008 1.870

purposes- 3 5 471 116

Notover$1,400eecb.No. 8.550 474 136
8 4.816.830 335,632 107.05(1 1,187 152 334,445 89,219
Other ................ No. 286 9 12 .. ..I 9 II
581,380 19,987 18.720 1,813 19,987 17,107
Farm tractor parts and 3,830 558,504 682,208
repairs............... 8 1,744,501 580.352 703.482 8,419
1.260. 1711 1,379,688 727,661 55,868 45.041 1.310.912 676,774
Other farm implements 1
Total Farm Implements 108.60594,867 3.049.102 1,997,286
andMachinery ....... $ 16,495,217 3.315.542 2,208.028

Hardware and Cutlery- 468,927 229.745 110,843

Cutlery ................. 1 1,294,512 981,768 815.081 403,757
Hardware- 1,269 2,966 3(1.807 18,071
Nails, spikes and tacks 8 39,106 63,440 24,762
Needlesandpins * ..... 450,693 426,817 381.547 219,581 222,560 162,606 130.199
Nuts and bolts......Cwt. 34,101 21,676 13,216 2.084 2,308 10.189 10,676
$ 357,620 240,443 157,237 14,24 12,287 224.309 143.7211
117,917 88,389 55,404 711 954 811,008 53.890
Screws ............... $ 4.318 1412,441 57,960
................ $
Locke 408,928 193,640 85,561 7.218
Otherbardwaro ...... $ 718,211 474,978 270,996 32.190 31,826 4113.41(1 211.744

Total Hardware and 1.300.361 727,009

Cutlery ............ $ 3,404,989 2.469,475 1.790,626 678,970 743,636


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

ClasejOcation (Merc.handie) United Kingdom United States

1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Machinery (except Agri-
Cleaners, vacuum
electric...... No 17,560 7,745 8,746 6 7.237 1,890
8 779358 249,556 174,117 170 241,105 57.075
Clner.,vacuuin, hand $ 517.269 462,373 26 273 515,384 460.746
Sewing machines ....... No 15,386 6.441 1.094 1,00() 1.719 5,425 4.639
8 472,138 297,700 214.444 38,555 45,227 257,7911 158.400
Sewing machine ports
and attachments ..... $ 243,199 150,426 115,477 10,834 25,701 106,924 86,868
Washing machines,
domestic ............. No 11,809 6,921 1.779 2 1 6.919 1.775
$ 1.010,381 522.342 253.327 1,075 1,175 521.201 232.023
Pumps ................. No 9.818 3,941 2.393 324 815 2.115 948
$ 152,776 65,192 21,915 1,215 2,794 59,185 17,269
Other household ma-
chinery .............. $ 47,236 34,158 33,745 41 III 34,079 33,372
Diamond drills and
parts ......... ........ 8 177,671 26,931 ....22,215
59,974 . ............ 26,851 37,447
Ore crushers, stamp
mills................ $ 1,340,246 674,282 456.920 210,011 241,880 440,006 200,661
Rock drills............. No 351 275 188 156 36 119 152
$ 493,296 325,904 263,093 98,690 54,885 236,997 207,954
Well-drilling machinery
and equipment. ....... $ 1,869,936 279,645 53,127 840 753 276,929 52.374
Other mining and metal-
lurgiml.. ............. $ 2,448,668 935,976 477,343 67,623 65.418 843.187 387.690
Office or Business-
ding ............... No 5,113 2.030 681 5 1,906 655
$ 603,167 454,062 351,46.4 518 13 445.678 347,150
Typewriting .......... No 11,158 8.316 4.3112 184 142 8,112 4,209
8 534,427 297,561 153,364 11.698 8,742 285,02)) 143,991
Other................8 870,625 528,241 87)1,312 4,470 9,683 523.652 872,622
Printing and Bookbind-
Printing presses ...... No. 1,742 1,265 602 93 204 1188 371
$ 1,668,796 1.343,785 708.610 122,842 135.124 1.135.537 524,205
Typesetting machines $ 718,205 454,965 198,735 898 327 453.893 198,408
Other pasting. etc.... 8 1,006.564 654,431 527,242 50,260 95,974 542,211 357,231
Air cOmpressLeg ma-
chinery ..............$ 693.006 377.627 147.561 64.653 45,914 394.773 101.474
C.okeandgasrnachinery 8 359,699 56,167 272.774 26,784 261,775 29.251 10,999
Concrete mixing ma-
chines ................ No 235 6(1 9 I 80 8
8 273,444 68.813 6,125 704 68.813 5,421
Cranes and derricks.... No 133 38 19 1 37 It)
$ 793,594 83,895 40.432 481 19 83,414 40,413
Fire extinguishing ma-
chines ,....... ........ 8 1)13,124 94,794 47.028 88 ...............94.608 47,028
Ice making and refrig-
erating machines .....8 315,692 485,070 306.466 3.511 485.070 302,948
Lawn mowers .......... No 5,653 2,339 1.298 114 419 2.225 878
$ 193,353 79,200 33.568 3701 7,136 75,589 26,123
Logging machinery .... $ 318,313 127.859 51,225 326 ...............127.107 50.311
Metal-working machin-
I)rillingandboring... $ 270.514 357.299 216.053 21,627 9.064 329.522 201.651
Grinding machines... 8 201.698 193.532 20.593 2,687 168.294 189,416
... 8 394,939 221)583 143.011 23.975 28,750 265.5111 111.825
Milling machines ..... $ 131.319; 132.998 11,651) 1I9.(I1l) 17)1.955
l'loncra ............... 8 22.917 7.407 18,525 56 4.25:) 2:351
I're'acs.... ........... $ 192.00 59.253 2.438 ...........182.4)17 59.1)43
Rolling mill machines 8 931,548 1 00 .792 1)1.535 10,211 88,6111 111.2)17
i$hiiper ........ ..... $ 50j31 54.057 3.644 1,060 45.134 51,550
other metal-working
machinery ......... 8 3.382.395 1.147.978 684.593 161.349 38,178 1.285,948 630.480
Papermillmnehines.... 8 1.071.146 300,452 233.492 4.612 12.2010 289.456 200.308
Pumps, power .......... No 7.420 4.186 1,915 100 69 3.873 1.944
8 616.095 487,445 2711.807 38.150 36,241 447,581 234,356
Road makingreachinery $ 883,744 101.467 15.937 ..............101.467 15.937
RolLers, street or road . $ 94,212 45, 673 3.540 12,205 1.193 33,466 2.350
Rolling-mill roll' ....8 117,961 7)1.736 5,193 6,633 112,768 63.837
Saw null macloses ..... $ 4(1.624 38,408 15.776 29 30,164 15.808
Scrapers, railway or road $ 135.518 53,1811 6,447 ..............53,18(1 6.4(11
Shoe inuc'hinery ........ $ 170.629 131). 749 97.846 613 4,051) 120,13!) 88.280
Shovels, power ..... ... 8 1.015,330 402.1115 9:1.845 82 2,085 399.412 01,295
Yarn, cordage and is-
brie niachinery ....... $ 3.661,193 3,513.213 2.088,556 783,325 419.772 2,621.379 1.592.583
Other machinery .......8 13.825,545 7.266.110 3,327,010 726.791 307.850 6.295.564 2.873.380

Total Machinery (ez-

oeptsgrieultural)... 8 44,360,038 24,387,589 14,010,252 2,600,519 1,898,972 21.124.340 11,531,056

Springs ................... 8 154,099 134,197 62,007 2,6291 498 131,566 60,920



Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports From

(Merchandise) Umted Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

IRON AND ITS Pa000crs—Con.

Stamped and Coated
Tin cans (for canning) $ 457,890 78,381 132,813 ...78.351 132.813
Hollow-ware coated with
vitreous enamel ...... $ 425,589 299,887 174.650 71.748 61.3643 132,883 37,899
Other .................. $ 1,545,328 1,145,750 880,672 110.133 99,089 995.044 707,800
Tools and hand imple-
ments..................$ 2,078,213 1,078,492 709.361 186,221 159,634 708.723 368.495

Automobiles, freight... No. 2,987 799 265 34 41 764 225
$ 3,913,301 939.3041 246.244 93,421 52,522 848,542 193,722
Automobiles, passenger.No. 17,058 4,796 912 74 70 4,708 841
$ 13,358,529 3.816.447 5)17,554) 248.241 100,248 3,550.0511 565,462
Automobileparts ........ $ 19,597.213 13.451,825 10,022,832 41.045 64,788 13.363.750 9.889.555
Railway cars, all kinds.No. 11006 2:1:3 257 73 233 274
3 387.968 147,5417 132.2711 4.533 147.567 127,085
Railway cars, parts of.. 1 1,296,603 253.333 116,741 141.272 10.888 136,23)1 105,853
Other vehicles of iron.. $ 1,780,222 771,643 382,3811 - 210,816 186.378 549.168 1112,613

Total'Vehicles ..... 8 40.313,897 19,280,121 11.568.023 6(3)1,802 411,557 18,593,333 11,074,290

Drums, tanks, cylinders $ 1.104,177 5415.737 333,534 46.742 34.943 403,597 214,356
Furniture ................. $ 891,858 442.1191 172.063 17.083 11.265 419.521 154.517
Stoves ................... $ 1,658,076 897,041 381.985 22.444 3.4136 870.239 373.692
Valves ................... $ 923,959 518.796 308,504 80.542 53,788 438.259 253,841
Othorironnndsteel ...... $ 14,647,034 8,651,528 4,931,741 713.588 598,478 7,611.127 4.093,648

Total Iron and Its

Products ......... $ 193,933,477 98.811,706 59,336,765 13,383,622 12,009,727 81.005.384 44.324.848

Noa-Fiunoue MerAm.a—
Bauxite (ore) .......... (7wt, 2,373,892 1,836,600 742,160 ...285,893 1.606.6(:'.4 358.046
$ 3,325,955 2.730.764 1.387.310 . ........... .494,821 2,730.704 700,370
Cryolite ............... Cwt. 46,296 47,433 2.6,53 .... 2,833 2.455
$ 190,719 191.813 22.361 ....21.4113 20.718
Aluminium ingots, bars,
shoots ................ Lb. 3,071,272 1,869.292 1,5341,033 1.435.901 1.071.317 407.582 464,736
$ 733,486 457,830 339.210 3413,03)) 2419.840 308.725 1113,576
Otheraluminiuin ....... $ 1,885,330 1.365,918 850.920 78,344 94.435 1.158.469 042.049

Total Aluminium... $ 6,135,570 4,746.334 2,619.797 - 425.244 857,1941 4.039.572 1,454,313

Scrap ................. Cwt. 13.599 1.9)1(1 507 1.1110) 9)11) 21)4
$ 133,305 0,725 2.768 3.23)1 ....6.469 1.709
Bars and rods ......... Cwt. 6,478 4,238 1,350 2.756 882 1.482 468
$ 118,667 59.767 19.988 :17,28). 12.3613 22,487 7,629
Strips, sheets, plates..Cwt. 8.219 4.97.5 1.863 697 424 4,277 1.439
$ 152,058 82.41118 32.336 113,908 41.61,18 71,662 25,668
Tubing ................. Lb. 3,516,084 2.565.034 991.439 573,190 321.448 1.975.240 6115.091
$ 684,265 438.922 159.532 101.321 52.095 313,1)04 207,437
Wire, plain ............. Lb 544,786 268.41)2 2)141.2441 60.4)83 17)1,559 206.439 72.571
$ 117,959 59.822 58.425 13.478 37,475 45.84)9 26.803
Wire cloth .............. $ 40,369 40, 896 25,4417 25,333 21,018 10,1447 3,882
Other .................. $ 3,522,059 2,523,751 1.538.082 2410.270 208.399 1,992.807 1.182,203
Total Brass........$ 4,768,722 3,195,481 1.836,598 452.480 338,024 2,462,065 1,345,321
Blocks, pigs, ingots....Cwt. 69,751 2.767 2.592 ......2.767 2,592
$ 805.247 28.939 17,554 .......... 28.939 17,554
Scrap... .............. Cwt. 17,297 2,216 92 01 2,2)01 12
8 183,445 22.840 5414 1119 21,788 174
Bars and rods ......... Cwt. 307,474) 43,47)) 6,503 179 335 45,291 0,168
$ 3,940,097 477,340 76,364 2,537 4.9241 474,91)1) 72,438
Stripe, sheets, plates. .Cwt. 19,885 7.503 2.092 1.494 1.0413 5.11211 2.029
$ 406,135 127,424 34,349 26.103 17.042 95.374 17.307
Tubing ................. Lb. 2,035,672 1.699.401 778.972 2116.571 335.8)1.5 1. 530,303 341,768
$ 437,113 318,213 139.774 33,49)) 40,949 284.231) 98.000
Other .................. $ 1,298,716 607,193 315.853 78,853 51,137 516.270 256,857
Total Copper ......1 7,070,753 1.580,955 584.458 140.092 114.373 - 1,421,418 483930
Lead and its products $ 373,810 200,918 112 1111 78444 34329 0571 40,992
Barn, rods, sheets, etc..Lb. 870,669 579.574 258,620 157,743 ............ 421,831 258,620
$ 316,088 216,629 121.823 37.221 ............ 179.308 121.825
Nickel-plated ware..... 3 1,778,039 1.130.199 72)1,59.1 139,4)5)1 113,645 798,947 451.068
Other .................. $ 496,055 292.715 197.482 35.202 24.180 256.603 1115,949
Precious Metals-
Electro-plated ware.... $ 943,405 521.413 308.636 411,5(81 249.582 85,620 43.417
Silver in bars, blocks,
etc...................$ 580.878 520.241 517,382 85,933 87,120 435,523 430,236
Other..................1 486.081 293.698 213.560 14(4.134 108,294 127.049 73.135

Total Import.s for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classification (Merchandise) United Kingdom United Staten

1931 1932 1933 1932 1033 1932 1933

Blocks, bars, pigs.....Cwt 49,727 38,095 26.763 1,295 5,497 32,790 21,363
1,455,362 975,274 74 10.017 109,384 156.533 637,209 543,757
Foil....................Lb 49,331 23,343 5.571 1,874 1.1180 21,251 3.7112
$ 23.540 10,0911 3.223 1.378 9114 8,509 1,821)
Other (collapsible tubes) $ 58,648 03,555 70,402 38,194 37,935 25,301 32.005
SpelLer ................. Lb 1,048.013 22,413 227.438 13,451 60.031) 8,982 167,408
45.425 1,113 6.1184 470 1.531 037 5,153
Sheets and plates.......Lb 4,612.252 3,853,479 4,011,607 49,9119 58.791 2.745.859 2.550,400
$ 323.611 263,393 265,086 2.370 2.495 217.047 208.546
Other .................. $ 318.155 170,349 104.731 9,621 1,12:1 157.151 100.21'.)
Phosphor tin and broeze,.Lb 794.143 520,539 312.105 100,505 10*366 157,9110 81,486
$ 260.872 155,655 78,631 29,377 29,2)6 48.402 15.681
Other alloys, n.o.p ........ $ 36.856 25.481 29,174 5.498 8,7(6) 17.999 15.636
Clocks and watch ......I 2.551.826 1.763,763 918.240 41,581 28,745 607,662 256,622

Electrical Apparatus-
Batteries, storage......No 12,527 7,581 2,950 19 179 7,533 2.771
$ 615.815 392,331 168,709 183.900 92,105 208.184 76,5911
Electric heating and
cooking apparatus ... $ 471.882 306,639 178.0)10 1,471 1.274 299,910 174,244
Dynatiios, generators,,. $ 1,263.378 446.112 187.159 117,541 2.3,866 293,448 158,072
Incandescent lamps-
Carbon filament.....No 1,308.338 476,907 213,498 630 192 26.552 28.142
8 88.355 33.779 2.106 232 90 9,678 6.154
Metal filament.......No 456.125 1,209.458 2 oo8,513 4,432 2,076 117.423 871.978
3,5.751) 44.882 04.378 1,945 1.063 15.460 32.761
Electric light fixtures... $ 1,012.336 696,995 187.947 14.0)5 5.997 641.698 160.138
Meters ................. $ 304.6*34 184,142 84.11)) 41.496 23,451 139,477 59,975
Motors ................8 2.742.463 1,750.859 878.384 3(14.639 168.576 1.413.781 983,543
Spark plugs, etc ........ $ 455,330 239,937 2)11. IOU 21,2112 48.11(1 210.017 208.572
Swit.*'hi's, etc ........... $ 1,533,265 892,990 401,282 71601 26,344 815,441 30*3.630
Telegraph instruments. 8 :182.344 304,754 25.11)1) 28.103 4.751 271*651 22.027
'l'elephone instrunwnta, 8 2,544,619 1,111.063 367.603 2611.153 49,370 850.937 315,783
Trasisforniers ........... 8 780.439 463,208 204.425 319,305 242.900 10.211 51,084
Radio tubes ............ I 236,929 92,829 61.448 9,9975 ,409 82,932 56,105
Wireless and radio ap-
paratus, n.o.p.........$ 7.545.188 4,067,380 1,04.3,345 32,291 311.102 4.004.418 1.005.459
Other .................. $ 6.438,602 3,623.923 1.829.7110 245,335 120.727 3.222.529 1,650,626

Total Electric Appa-

ratus, n.o.p ......... 8 26,804,362 14,672,423 6,048,542 1,653,346 854,283 12,646,875 5.029,203

Gas apparatus ............ 8 209,561 94,838 100,125 2,978 3,534 90,438 95,538
Printing materials (except
Stereotypes .......... Sq. in 5.618,562 7,434,367 10,446,142 58,745 104,829 7,372,578 10.339.478
$ 326.738 426,107 417.638 2.562 2,796 423,146 414.794
Other .................. 8 256.328 288,816 2013.503 48,259 11,966 236,116 102.439
Manganese oxide ........ Cwt 1,973,139 537.506 36.997 31 28 52.854 24.956
8 933.1142 279.576 71,303 99 85 83.281 65,774
Ores, n.o.p..............Cwt 143.514 68,307 O'i.5291 5.810 5.51 62,317 95.678
$ 294.128 178,985 08.480 4,418 6)61 172,482 97.872
Antimony, not ground.... Lb 1,308.5713 793,918 447.206 81.976 34.328 613.617 322.239
8 82.6.31 49.004 25,l25 5,995 2.117 37.833 18.315
Mercury..................Lb 59.19)) 24,528 40.298 8511 13.217 17,227 19.751'
8 86.821 27.938 31,96(1 1,134 9.789 19.978 16.456
J.smpn, sideligh(s, etc.... 8 593.592 162,709 40,W111 7,1111 2,205 123,219 29.271
Articles for shipl,uilding. $ 1,134.544 546,959 179,699 238.475 896.59 21111.349 82.035
Other non-ferrous metals. $ 1,823.683 1.448,672 996,740 135,683 138.771 1,145,617 730,066

Total Non-Ferrous
Metals ........... 8 60,595,034 31,301,105 17,684,958 4,284.756 3,308,947 27.026,602 12.549.918

Asbestos, otherthan crude I 858 1 880 558,352 428,232 101,692 100,431 441.051 513.495

Clay and Clay Products-

China clay ............ Cwt 454,267 330.180 341.163 204.272 224.438 125,389 110.096
271,530 167,1118 144,723 81,171 86,882 85.440 57,828
Fire clay..............Cwt 1,070.717 750.643 387.627 14.526 13,437 735.872 374,158
$ 208.230 155,068 89.181 7,403 5.572 147389 03,804
Other clays ............ 8 178.749 105,253 184.066 1,845 1.428 190.207 180.303
Bricks, building ........ M 13,378 3,817 ...119 ....3.098
I 309,839 123,279 24,291 4,563 7.207 118.716 17,084
Bricks, fire. ............ S 1.708.942 1.111,402 59*1,671 176,678 104,686 9:13,688 491.51)3
Brick and tile, n.o.p.... $ 919.021 701.201 187.560 246,575 10(1.0:11 2.56.783 35,914
Pottery and chinaware. 8 1,399,764 3.557.152 :1,173,160 2.512.620 2,425,276 191.144 78.951
Artificial teeth ......... $ 390.259 518.909 311.222 551 662 513.047 295.407
Bath-tuba, etc .......... I 546,855 336,302 151.221 256.361 113.648 77.237 37,231
Other .................. I 498.908 329,695 210.285 41,196 27.033 249.207 165,355

Total Cl53' and Clay

Pr,s,jucts ........... $ 9,432.135 7,195.457 5,072,380 3,328.963 2,873,325 2,756.898 1.441.180


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

United Kingdom United States
Classi (Mercluuidise)______
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Noc-METAwc Mi i,-EnAI,s--Con.
Coal and Coal Products-
Coal. anthracite.......Ton 3.946.997 3,026.373 3.068.423 886.938 1,456.715 2,082.431 1.558.819
5 27,729.432 2O.350.32 18,399.913 4,764.291 7,293.189 15.302,100 111,947.796
Coal, bituminous ...... Ton 12.999,942 9.811,074 7.683.991 118.995 357.447 9,692.076 7.326.532
6 23,782.073 14,696.148 19.155.274 330,078 851.109 14.366071) 0.304,081
Coal for ships' stores. Ton 340.579 275,545 293.357 .....275.545 290.357
6 655.159 433448 423,925 .....433. B 423,925
Coaltar ............... Gal. 3,938.067 1,519,025 1,675.358 1.750 500 1,517.275 1,074.856
6 250,023 105,329 87,363 359 21)4 104,97)) 87,159
Coal pitch ............. Cwt..... 42.4(11 7.189 5.768 312 35.254 (1.876
.8 51.378 40,649 7,885 2.082 882 36,632 7,003
Carbolic oil ............ Gal. 1,917.044 2.045.933 655,1)86 740,730 247,761 778,667 86.701
8 316,999 262,618 74,262 77,983 20.31(2 130,901 22,531
Coke .................. Ton 1,001,846 841,766 649,081 2.617 40,399 838.593 608.627
8 5,268.290 3,410,256 3,106.455 16,342 153.268 3,392.904 2,952,925
Lignite and coal pro-
ducts, n.o.p ........... $ 64.525 21,446 19,538 ........21,446 10.538
Total Coal and Coal
Products ........... $ 58,117,809 39.320.211 32.265,015 5,191.735 8.309,104 33.787,619 23.755.958

Glaus and Glassware-

Carboys. bottles, jars.
etc. (mci. milk hot.-
ties)..... ............ $ 1,379,610 974,667 606,5!)) 77,112 43,999 780,986 448.822
Tableware ............. $ 1,019.453 792,095 490110 50.670 33,841 51)2,163 282,382
Incandescent, lamp bulbs
and tui.dng for ........ $ 506.735 528.525 422.388 99 ....528,272 422.388
Lamp chimneys, shades
orglobes ............. $ 419,077 271,676 177.211 1.558 10,128 223.735 130.353
Common window
glass .............. Sq. ft. 35.002.296 21,765,018 24.254.56(1 599,331 1,491,822 25 1. 087 58.228
$ 1,118,965 649,745 653.956 29.947 55,913 13,779 2,860
Plate glass-
Notovor7sq.ft..Sq.ft. 2.575.535 1.861,062 1,273.382 429.743 293,292 1,283,216 899.038
$ 817.286 608,300 428.280 123.753 84.507 437.633 :125.170
7 to 258g. ft ....... Sq. ft. 728.051 432,984 255,984 165,083 1)11.278 200.658 1110.134
6 301.1:11 173,273 102,031 68.831 43,832 77.19:1 40,069
Other, not bevelled Sq. ft. 840.232 602,415 426.170 269,005 193.606 132.748 193.201
$ 363,530 270,214 174.370 127,408 91,684 51,319 14.969
Other glass and glass-
ware.................$ 1,949.506 1,478,121 1.014,591 190,781 339.087 835,114 554.131

Total Glass and Glass'

ware............... $ 7,875.293 5,744,616 4,069.147 670.139 502.921 3,453,191 2.241.144

Grapbiteandproducts.... 8 103.745 124,343 92,537 32.119 29.657 01,723 61,961

Petroleum. Asphalt and

Their I'roducLi-
Asphalt, solid ......... Cwt. 823.654 674,826 234.114 5 159 674,621 232.883
6 611.464 480,148 173.513 28 412 479,870 171.485
Otherasphaltandoil... $ 156,271 73.603 20.142 32 121 72,847 20,021
Crude petroleum-
Natural forrefining.Gal 988,604.2601,014,366,757 822,809,414 ......713.196.634 435.685.801
$ 35.752.622 22.036.451 23,872,116 ......14,651,277 18.135.025
Otluer,forreflning Gal. 7,781)6.58 1.989.64(4 22.718.583 ......637(e))) 158.436
$ 167,791 96.214 1,137115 ......42.894 11.752
Othor,'8235&heavierGal. 61.896.977 59,677,494 51,598.593 ......33.231.429 21,553,421
$ 2.210.276 1,875,687 1,820, 723 ...... 1,127,101 866.308
Fuel oil for ships'
stores .............. Gal, 33,709.370 36.178,989 29,521.703 ......28,365,547 23,802.389
8 875,743 922.649 793,251 ......762,584 1187.762
Coal and kerosene oil, 1.716.883
refined .............. Gal. 4,908,916 3,178,248 1,720.174 ......3,176.248
$ 342.418 198,430 134,059 ......198,1:19 133,234
Gasoline .............. Gal. 142.011,931 84,465,498 67,546.273 800 ....65.222.9(2 411.612.954
$ 15.008.013 7,729,425 6.457,054 381 .... 6,664.78.5 5.282.609
Casinghead gasoline For
blending ............. Gal 14.793.714 31.357,459 26,318.485 ......31,357.45(1 26,318,485
1 1.182.1652.022.281 1,526,791 ......2,022,281 1.5211.791
Lubricating oil ......... Gal 16,213,717 13.343, (34 10,978.826 26.3,340 123,013 13.005.6)61 11)840.530
$ 4,860,168 1,3115,821 2,915,319 150.673 67,405 1,239,36) 2.841.775
Otharoils .............. $ 255.536 211,361 123,997 5.322 2,4811 200,176 118,7711
Other petroleum pro- 572.305
ducts ................. 8 906,591 844.143 640,021 12.227 10,988 773,018
Total Petroleum, As'
phalt and Their
Products .......... 8 62,659,858 39,988,222 -_39,623,101 168.663 81,409 30,284,638 30,361.838



Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Importa from

Claedfication (Mebasdisa) United Kingdom United Statee
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

N0N-MzTu.uc M,isai.a—Con.
Stone and Its Products-
Abrasives .............. 8 2.258.104 995313 551.734 97137 78.533 854.747 561,138
Building and paving
stone ................. $ 675,316 335,183 148374 48.872 41,336 190,954 43,133
Cement, Portland ..... wt. 447.075 126,129 78,155 46,145 38.397 78.693 19.853
$ 505.112 136,517 51,434 55.306 18.631; 60.451 25.553
Silica nsnd ............ Cwt. 3.103.913 2,006,238 1,151,743 392 123 1,539,947 684.0(61
$ 328.101 228.062 135.357 324 250 187.245 130.043
Whiting...............Cwt. 245,590 199,598 171.009 127,386 195.706 43.559 20,626
$ 139,663 107.860 6.5,480 61,909 50.231 32.938 20.078
Marble, slate and other 8 2,445,598 1,990.110 899,174 53,363 48.281 1,584,391 597,275
Total Stone and Its
Products ........... $ 6,356,004 3.793.045 1,901,953 316,973 237,573 2,930,697 1,386,820

Carbons, electric ....... 8 436,733 350.855 261,812 377 981 325.315 253.171
Diamonds, unset ....... $ 1.797.225 711.031 326,563 155.577 114,400 11,986 5.523
Insulators, electric .... .$ 501,522 248,103 118.846 4,254 6,981 231.554 108,566
Salt ................... Cwt. 2.529,103 2,540,672 2,0I9,0I0 493,584 579,808 1,222,725 712,554
$ 658,140 730,400 5811.491> 221,030 261,1132 370.586 209,395
Sulphur ............... Cwt. 3,498,462 2,415,122 2,128.505 157 68 2,411,9319 2,122,572
41 3,102,740 2,226,034 2,054.50 414 185 2,221.641 2.044,061
oralsnon-metallic mm-
$ 1,680,465 1.159,772 856,763 94,295 64,096 975,256 738,780
Total Non-Metallic
Minerals ........... 8 153,578,658 102.147.347 87.668.005 10,286.241 32.582.168 77.871,155 62,921.986



Acid, citric .............. Lb. 365,876 401,772 405,867 366,577 306,903 4,235 14,306
$ 131,456 93,277 83.772 84,758 06,147 1,745 4,709
Acid, stearic.............Lb. 1,712,005 1,350,869 1,341,920 846,784 7711,362 260,495 241,020
8 159,084 94.308 82,044 55.076 46,047 21.828 16,571
Other acids .............. 8 772,327 708,222 640,055 114,620 114,956 502,652 336,461
Alcohols, industrial...Pf. gal. '30,181 45,037 31(611 .......... 9 41.147 27.402
$ 83,408 72.497 48.322 ......... 40 60155 36.215
Celluloseproducts ........ 8 2.470,022 2,631.058 2.174,120 71.877 83,235 2,210,417 1.084,326
Drugs and medicinal pre-
parations............... $ 3.802,875 3,104,482 2.577,291 854,255 815,866 1,465,898 1,131,925

Dyeing and Tanning

Anilineandcoal tar dyeaLb. 3.139, 3,315,686 3,033,331 263,2 357.625 1,726.936 1,240,127
8 1,929, 2.080,141 2.029.704 163,6 208,942 989.090 820,095
Coal tar dye products,
n.o.p ................. Lb. 791, 751.489 1,216,183 ' 20. 131.103 555,055 840,772
8 167, 175.076 358.481 6.8 84.270 97.600 174.952
Oak, oak bark, qua-
bracho extracts......Lb. 22,342, 25,509.338 23.847.941 173,7 348.340 22.6.53,901 19.650.998
1 774, 738,346 624,230 5,5 13,517 657,085 510,501
Other dyeing and tan-
fling articles .......... $ 414, 452,247 498.174 99.4 133,390 275.369 262,464
Total Dyeing and Tan-
ning materials ........ $ 3,285, 3.445.810 3,510.598 278.7 440.119 2,019.744 1,768.012

Explosives ............... $ 434. 353,793 208.833 40.6 16.872 290,385 171.236

Fertilizers, n.o.p.-
Potash, muriatoof,, .Cwt. 652,50 526,017 276.215 ......120,634 6,413
8 1,186,27 887,850 440.1363 .......... ........ . 220.760 13.542
Soda, nitrate.......... Cwt. 543.37 304.819 323.04)7 560 103 238.359 282,079
$ 1,000,93 621.769 477.750 919 359 477,154 413,183
Superphosphates ...... Cwt. 2,337,66 1.774,820 1.l02,i'83 2 1,552,822 431,873
8 1,223,04 833.009 480.319...... 44 748.617 207,124
Other ................. $ 1,705,05 1,025.144 513,680 19,602 8.870 326,928 30,531
Total Fertilizers,
n.o.p............... $ 5,205,31: 3,367,752 1,942,712 20.521 7.273 1.782.462 664.380
Quantity in imperial gallon., in 1931.


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933



Paints, Pigments and

Litharge .............. Cwt, 41,743 22.48 22.706 9,967 9,005 12.326 13.604
273,136 135.612 120,124 6.3.876 52.401 70.883 67.291
Lead, red.............. Lb 1,480,080 1.165.670 011.315 000.120 318.721 455.818 260.710
$ 111,183 76.878 35.2.59 43.748 18.861 31.807 14.650
Black, carbon.......... Lb 11,436,010 10,100.327 6.285,2211 10.060 4.676 10.120.314 6.2711,110
$ 494,1123 333.082 2114.473 702 385 345,714 203,630
Blacks, other.......... Lb. 947,895 021,049 959,648 156,970 414.08)' 740.490 513,487
$ 70,723 62.640 54.3414 0.553 17.572 53 8114 34,794
Lithopone.. ............. Lb 15,062,103 14,332.280 14.046.315 1,986.951 2,503,820 7,439,739 3.691.763
667,500 501.14)) 487.520 68.676 83,419 330.651 173.805
Ojide of cobalt, etc.... Lb 245,785 221.752 148.971 43.758 71.014 171.114 67,184
$ 72.648 57.1)26 41.281 9.594 21,175 40,333 17.891
Oxides, fireproofu ....... Lb 6,952,008 5,747,494 4,192,433 1.147.032 1,01)6.368 4,404,2(6) 2.863,078
653.725 660,628 537.81(0 125.838 146,194 5111.774 3 69. 25 4
Zinc,white (oxide)..... Lb 13,899,949 10,661.623 8,0551175 3,367,305 5.490,1111 4,681.516 830,247
$ 838,865 580.3(41 381.887 143.709 226954 318,398 58.692
Liquid fillers, etc..... Gal 328,662 100.740 85.017 39.857 31.721 136.010 48.427
807,426 262,398 137.994 58.953 43.029 18.3.093 80,227
V&niah, lacquers, etc., Gal 121.2411 70.486 58.042 11.733 10,342 57,822 47.886
218,341 127,900 110.735 22.036 20,393 110,348 80.272
Other paints, etc ....... 8 419,878 374.160 3011,450 176,370 121,934 177,552 116,422

Total Paints, etc .... .8 4,368,048 3,201,342 2,412.234 668,955 752,317 2,192.167 1,231.947

Perfumery, Cosmetics-
Perfumes, over 4 os.... Gal 2,234 1.038 1.343 85 91 533 303
83,492 56.223 53,285 3,539 2.821 12.505 8,221
Other .................. $ 1,270,427 948,845 558,543 170.171 365,702 543,598 278,656
Cuetile ................. Lb 1,192.383 1,299.043 1.012.086 10.383 3.001 9.557 31,163
85,548 79.305 58.787 755 396 1.204 2.298
Common laundry ...... Lb 10.648.446 7,383.072 7.722.4113 71.374 58.086 7 094.880 7,615.428
791,630 500,378 509.111 6,507 4,817 552,291 581,305
Other .................. I 360,432 249,659 222.182 06.135 110,604 103.071 82,387

Inorganic Chemicals,
Alum in bulk.......... Cwt 25,190 18.993 19.932 6.505 9.071 12.466 10.823
37,010 28,971 32,910 11.311 35,6)4)4 17.621 30.939
Sulphate of alumina.., Cwt 473.341 478.589 479.712 43.8113 86,363 41)1,39)1 378.276
541,078 575,014 579, 168 43,420 86.219 504.056 474,019
Ammonia, nitrate of.... Lb 5,320,674 1,262.155 712,018 1,120,1100 456,004 39,1(114 112.922
193.978 48.873 21)3(14 43.070 17.666 2.115 4,814
Sal ammoniac.......... Lb 2.606,721 1.797.927 1.577.339 225.955 276 126 33:3.438 321,1917
$ 95.607 65,529 65.1$)) 8.304 11.693 37.177 18.514
Copper sulphate........ Lb 7,887.451 4.423,995 4.058.246 1.226.478 2.295.577 1.484.877 1,299.868
340.507 183.701 129.131 46.130 78.323 59.804 38,460
Compounds of tetra-
ethyl lead............ Lb 379,705 1,301.892 1,723.737 ....1,301,892 1.723,737
418.350 1,468,517 1,601.699 ....1,468,517 1,681,600
Chlorine, I quid........ Lb 7,808,440 7,160,805 6,126,737 11,200 .... 7.140.605 ((.120.737
S 194.785 172.450 3219544 580... 371,071 129.544
Chloride of lime....... Lb 4.220.377 4.802.493 4.203.f3.E1 2992 061 2.425.48.3 1.711.592 1.273.653
8 73.598 76,090 76.549 27.319 :39.420 311.29) 30.373
Potash compounds..... Lb 4,808.202 5,941.534 431.394 312.339 1,14)1.956 408 1117
$ 419,869 453.366 318,1118 7(1.678 1(1,564 9:1.877 53.544
Soda compounds....... Lb 190,502.335 156.207.188 113.330,452 17.328.410 20.2(11.003 129.015.3130 86.254,477
3,324.615 2,8.55,881 2.337,03(7 527.050 610,14(8 2.199.081 1.483,3161
Acid phosphate ........ Lb 2,376,250 2.51827 2,748.1912 77.062 364.002 2,11((.014 2360.039
8 169,523 194,382 222.98.0 4,717 27.76)) 1011.663 194,536
Other .................. $ 1,618.597 1,566,631 1,393.818 203.085 342,821 1,260,379 907.077
Total Inorganic
Chemicals, n.o.p... $ 7,423.622 7,672,411 ':1)13,241 iN3,1(02 1,371,492 5.028,96.3 5,033,238

Other Drugs, Dyes and

Glycerine .............. Lb 8.469,197 3.728.177 270,1)4: 513.799 78,171 32,405 38,460
090,066 272,224 21,104 38,910 7,300 3,758 4,047
Other chemicals and
allied products .... ..$ 4.246,077 3,639,779 3,275,672 600.494 576,380 2,007.170 2,431,583
Total Chemicals and
Allied Products.... 8 35,650,772 30.731,345 25,455.432 4,095,690 4.583.344 20.359.822 15,165.420


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

Classification (Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Miii'.ctos CoxlMoornaa-
Amusement and Sporting
Films for motion
pictures ............. Foci 16,572,300 10,477.240 0,3411,214 1.316.449 1.360.378 8,115,774 4,033,240
1,306,224 877.981 5511,295 104.306 100.240 706.918 300,525
Toys and dolls ......... $ 1,981.455 1.494.829 1.208,584 188,184 195.275 572.50)' 336.436
................. $ • 1)66, 77)1 977.074 8)18.1179 221.781 253.19(i 608.248 586,282
Brushes .................. S 556,179 374.888 287.924 123,642 99.188 107.531 117,4112
Containers ............... $ 3,826,939 3,349.679 - 2,409,441 1.789.388 1,321.501 590,118 407,007

Household and Personal

Boots and shoes with
canvas uppers.......Pair 19.573 90,311 168.977 496 1,849 11.409 13,532
16,255 30,605 53,949 1,012 2,1183 8,436 10084
Boots and shoes with
felt uppers...........Pair 243.341 124.440 71.524 85,726 54.115 32,158 11.014
132.833 55,38.5 20,082 37.700 23.247 15,670 4.182
. 417.318 254,936 202.309 14,172 11,065 111.057 08,930
Combs ................ . $ 211,423 161.5911 124.743 39.046 38,51)7 14,814 4.304
Jewellery ............... $ 1,057,303 1,091,547 1170.598 69.114 61,11911 500,183 231.956
Pocketbooks, etc ....... 8 961,048 050,261 499.886 200,3411 172.974 220.978 137.58))
Refrigerators........... No 17,387 16,596 3,945 I 50 10.58.3 3,889
2,377,670 2,156.831 279.983 171 3,085 2,156.450 276,298
Tobacco pipes .......... $ 627,577 398.8.59 29(1.005 160,586 113.416 17,885 6,043
Other .................. $ 2,370.008 1.978.270 1,507.672 347,737 283390 1.3116.304 1.042.206
Total Household, etc. $ 8,771.595 6.778.253 3.666.807 876.004 711,283 4.441,777 1,781.633

Mineral and aerated

waters. ................ $ 193.063 152,418 105,592 14,487 7,691 44,374 32.8123
Musical Inatrunient-
Phonographs and parts S 758,023 188.612 07.1115 11,568 7.309 179,174 56.084
Other .................. 8 864,414 482,358 248,389 29,682 24,453 300,014 137.900
Scientific and educational
equipment ............. 5 4,114,019 3,323,829 2,531,774 239,425 354 905 2.576. 145 1,811,252
Ships and materials for,
n.o.p...................S 827,842 333.957 126,948 113.881 29.152 215.186 92,049
Vehicles. n.o.p............$ 1,665 1 625 790,503 307.869 219.887 79.959 470.840 229,556
Works of art, n.o.p ........ $ 1,764,240 879.265 -- 387.006 312.1111 159.520 358.471 - 110,621

Miscellaneous Imports
Under Special Condi-
For army and navy.,.. S 73,076 161,296 155.519 158,757 150.623 2.059 1.04
Re-imported...........$ 4,140.098 1.908,251 1,312395 1811.017 277.406 1,468,588 864.120
For exhibition. ......... $ 4,697,115 2,540,780 3,026.456 274,569 219.105 2,254,076 2,801,108
Es-warehoused for ships'
stores ................ S 482.598 301,417 317.520 187.500 176.411 147.107 116.735
Other .................. $ 3,485.760 2,154,540 1,165,473 521,00)) 121.1178 1,313,991 752.631
Total Miscellaneous
Imports Under
Special Conditions. $ 12,879,847 7,186.290 5,977,646 3,327,939 945,223 5,185,801 4,536,001

Incubators and brooders.No, 10,176 590 802 1 589 802

210,818 35.849 111.291 387 211 35.4112 15,949
Pencils, lead ............. $ 836,142 644.708 278.424 133.291 81, 122 309.014 114.1177
Precious stones ........... 8 443,855 210,047 132,108 63,677 211,949 41.053 34.1(81)
Settlers' effects...........S 11,480,320 8.262.445 6.710.111 390.1)13 232.862 7,51)5,152 6,350.646
Waste paper, etc ......... Cwt. 857,720 1,081,853 595.404 33,7112 7.867 1.047,088 586 871
407,328 525,758 322,07(1 23,005 4,1911 499,016 316,506
Wax, vegetable and min-
eral, n.o.p...............Lb. 2,820,178 2,773,819 3,268,981 442,064 168.228 1158.923 1107.178
If 206,959 162,946 163,709 19,543 7,446 82,282 81.127
All other articles import-
ed ..................... $ 8,244.957 6.408.495 4,328.666 885.737 581.320 5,114,804 3.450.778
Total Miscellaneous
Commodities......$ 62.471,220 43.440,365 30.772,668 7.107,075 5,182,144 30,131,580 20,815,558
C0NSOMPn0N ...... $ 906,612,695 578,503,904 400.271.3291 106,371,779 86353,691 351,086.775 232.548,055

9—PRINcIPAl. 1xpoaTs OF CANADIAN PRODUCE FROM CANADA, Fiscal Years 1931, 1932 and
and 1933

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Export.s to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1951 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Puonrcra—A. MAINLY Fooi,-
Fresh— 17,074
1,664,739 1,658,882 1,780.026 1,422,603 1,1177,220 17.292
Apples ............... Bri.
7.095.719 6,937,584 7.332.632 5.577,339 6,878,166 68.030 89.032
13, 222,574 1,o10.279 1.550.339 . 1,909.653 1.948,887
Blueberries, fresh.....Lb.
508,349 157,665 109,012 157,597 108.938
8 .

89,128 73.375 98.4110 820 9 71,571 67.858

Other berries ..... .... $
87,677 56,481 235.215 42.459 228.472 7,145 3,977
Other fresh ..........$ 80
Dried apples ........ ... Lb. 2,445,555 775,616 489,305 88.975 371,825
184,599 50,435 31.313 5,874 26.875 7
8,949 21,484 21.518 .. 140 .
Dried, n.o.p............Lb.
$ 1,105 2,345 2023 1 1 1.
3,444,304 7,2113.180 5,787.056 0.774.912 9,403,604 128.842 16.184
Canned or preserved.... Lb.
255,581 431,813 558.792 352,117 528.905 12.277 1,672
273,731 2151.559 423.1138 2311.2111 399,351 3.780 10
Fruit)uices and syrups.Gal.
180,973 197,142 315,529 175,758 2115.812 2,1103 39
8.403,141 7,507,040 8.678.2566.194,367 7,958,246 319,1323 271.523
Total Fruits ........ $

47,551 6,115 9,911 .,, .........9,115 9,911
Beets,sugar ......... Ton
288,346 33,198 48.322 . 33.198 48.322
31,077 195,813 132,487 . 132.71)1) 5.683
31,058 1132,537 100.710 120.1)28 7,634
8 .. .... ..........

Potatoes ........... Bush. 7,102.119 4.723.618 1.801,843 . 2,949.377 774,821

5,058,367 2.4153,234 770.272 ... 1.472,510 219.259
1,928,332 1.967,162 1.050,482 . 1,954,1115 1.937,288
Turnips ............ Bush.
$ 545,682 371.411 3112,214 . ... 367.481 358.543
Pickles ................. $ 1,377,228 1,5:18,447 1,088.851 1.512.530 1.843,555 2,923 1191
11,023,935 22.477,523 6.755.112 5.177.018 .1,557.634 11.446.874 26.53))
$ 674,980 849.946 281,207 454,125 178.978 304,31)4 1.813
120,005 132.325 42,952 . . . 32 100,284 21,188
Total Vegetables.....$ 8,695,725 5,554.068 2,680,598 1.966.655 1,222,1133 2.408,728 657,720

Grains and Fnrinaeeoua

Barley ............. Bush, 3,468,729 24,3.17.678 9,663.0.34 8.168.571 1.758.394 55.72.') 133
$ 1,169,403 10,002.911 4.293.341 3,025,832 2,426,115 18,989 93
Beans..............Bush. 25,620 26.327 44,098 12,858 40481 111,283 55
70,918 29.939 35.193 8.395 31.535 16.1130 76
Buckwheat.........Bush. 681,189 741.041 788,137 370,507 238.102 23,1392 24,183
$ 425,183 332.077 306,539 76093 88,700 111,533 9,390
Oats ............... Bush, 3.258,501 13,841.300 13,824,449 9.082.1121 8.522, 742 413,720 18.897
$ 1.146,266 4,662.335 4,300.592 1.971.456 2,605.419 13,4511 7.088
Peas, split..........Bush. 5,798 8,281 2,845
$ 12,964 13,249 4.3013 . ..
Peas, whole........Bush. 19,262 57,770 87.032 8.683 14.127 16. 300 49,607
5 77,386 111.809 157.057 29,748 38.399 77,6)3 91.407
Rice ................. lb. 116,685 54,169 857.943 . 672.00)) 7,720 .
$ 3,703 1,857 13.061 . 9,553 491)
Rye .............. ..Bush. 1,327,453 4.359.813 8.211.332 2.116.572 1.287.472 348 100
9 934,549 2.025.109 4.030.240 916.138 403.993 169 50
Wheat ............. flush, 217,243,037 191.315.933 239,373.255 110.852.532 150,791.239 4,815,968 51,910
$ 177,419,769 115.735.38.3 1311,546,365 115,302.614 79.63)091) 2,670.650 20,578
Other (corn) ......... $ 13,967 11,670 29. 17$ 609 6,380 2,593 8
Total Grains ....... $ 180,874,218 332,930.429 143,695,931 71,330,995 85.328,533 2.8)19.580 134,680

Stilled Products-
Bran, shorts and mid-
dlinga ............... Cwt, 3,008,674 2.018,332 2,342,785 204.889 1,635,934 1,725,442 426,266
$ 2,962,696 1,273,648 1,531.524 171,709 1.220.559 1,021,491 232.439
Oatmeal..............Cwt. 486,334 798.84)) 568,731 330,395 505.294 1.150 402
8 2,523.668 2.633,632 2,008.807 2.201,827 1.727,523 1.512 526
Wheatfloeir ............ BrI. 7,218,168 5.423,740 5,268,371 2,065,077 2,400,747 1.21)4 1,662
5 32.876,234 18,897.543 16.987.110 7,317.919 7,823,094 3,756 3,757
Other .................. 1 41,222 77.133 83.165 22.447 8,951 2,438 1.186
Total Milled Pro-
ducts...............5 38,407,020 22,881.966 20.602,606 9,713,893 10,784.127 1.029, 197 237,908

Prepared Foods and

Bakery Products-
Cereal foods, prep'd. $ 2.492,467 2,405,104 2.399,732 2,323.635 2,260.207 25,543 39,832
Other ............. ...$ 343,688 190,391 225,273 52.755 97,959 46,344 32,616
Other Grains and Farm.
aet'oua Products-
Malt ............... Bush. 404.534 1,601,054 1,376,802 ....2,519 1.374.342 1.169,323
8 284.886 1,211,448 1,061.881) ....2,968 958,663 863,698
Other (screenings).... 8 514.629 106,623 65,459 336 1.671 1041.287 63,413
Total Grains and Far.
inaceous Products.. 8 222,916.888 159,726,251 108,050,883 83,421,504 98.473,465 5,015,820 1,372,148


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (,1dse.) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


PRoDt,CTs—A. Idan4vr F000
Sr and Its Products-
Vndy ................. Lb. 1,411,004 889,877 50.3,702 3,493 26.154 1,258 1,306
8 393,477 233.867 133,641) 1.260 4.202 405 398
Confectionery.n.o.p.... 8 178,091 129,928 79,775 74,982 39.806 5,231 4365
Maplenugar ............. Lb. 6,411,904 2.970,206 3,176,471 29.284 25,944 2.940.840 3,144.600
$ 1,327.349 5.51,71)4 543,153 5.048 4.0011 545.800 538.108
Maplesyrup ............ 8 158,936 24,582 26.576 7,600 12,738 16,687 13,284
Sugar, n.o.p...........Cwt. 187,754 140,825 84,2u2 ...13 18
1 904.209 687,150 393,848 ... 112 89
Other .................. 1 226,366 125,883 46.224 15,217 .247
109, - 45,476
Total Sugar and Its
Products ......... $ 3,108,138 1.753,174 1,223.214 104,887 61,005 877,462 601,723

Tea and Coffee-

Coffee and imitations. Lb. 60,088 41.613 48,773 2,200 9,670 1,246
$ 21,640 13.662 14.054 $95 3,425 448
Hope ..................... Lb. 216,01)5 54.819 09.380 42.191 54.032 ....
8 48,362 6,204 11,813 4.876 10,742 ....
Other agric. and veg. pro.
ducts for food .......... $ 235,448 207,601 187,781 13.408 20,787 81,162 54.140
Total Agric. and V
table Product.-
Mainly Food ....... $ 243.609,542 174,768.000 180,850,597 81,705.797 107,747,405 8,484,020 2,957.609


Beverages, Alcoholic-
Brewed (ale, beer).....Gal. 270,102 25,458 36.807 103 139 ....
* 337,210 24,129 40,704 303 211) ....
Whiskey. ........ Fl. gal. 3,239,164 2.512.607 1,992.059 20,389 19,899 ...
S 18,722,198 11.622,256 4 .920,907 72.786 68.785 ...
Other ............. Pf. gal '41(342 8,501 4,1)54 1)) .....
1 194.843 17.608 9.575 74 ....
Fermented (winos) ..... Gal. 11.441 1,778 994 205 142 ...
8 71,793 2,346 II 277 208 ...
Total Beverages ...... $ 19.286.044 11.668.339 0,972,611 73,320 119,183 .. .... .......

Oilcake and meal ........ Cwt. 312,336 281,411 174,901 45.448 78,551 47,8.50 10.560
8 564.598 374.905 221,407 60.182 101.862 60.515 15.433
Foote etc. of cotton-
seed................ Cwt. 19.387 14,568 38,902 . ........... ............ 14,568 36,402
$ 38,900 11.569 21.383 . ........... .......... 11,369 21,014
Oils, vegetab)e, n.o.p. Gal. 5,777 10.213 5,110 40 lii 3,066
6 5,707 10.029 2,873 40 39 1,517
Waate .................. Cwt. 91.684 75.173 50,546 72.204 47.186
5 72,953 42.308 23.490 . ....... ...... 37,450 18,149
Belting.................Lb. 1.270.183 873.173 557.610 225.425 87,978 8,070 220
6 438,556 261.374 176,243 65.239 30,496... 1,000 114
Canvas shoe, with
rubber soles ......... Pair 5,217,179 2,372,796 1.172 944 756,828 334.930 101 80
1 3,577,080 1,508.825 641 806 486,329 184.754 60 60
Bootsandshoes, n.o.p Pair 1,652,067 1.515.324 1.337 1:01 903.070 870.182 161 232
* 2,598,477 2,102.682 1,671 931 1,340,048 1,0115.308 350 381
Hose ................... $ 205,601 102,115 64,107 8.418 ... 4.180 20,546 168
Tires, auto, casings ..... No, 1,153,660 614,106 429 151) 4.072 2.874 8.702 27. 738
* 10,508,716 4.696.432 3.022 0.3! 14,870 10.0.14 30,560 156,406
Tires, auto, inner tube,.No. 904,621 432,826 206,236 34 lOt 7.180 84))
3 1,339,190 443,328 181,703 17 112 3,33)) 1,318
Tires, solid.............No. 757 278 3:1 . ........ ..45
8 17,042 7,443 624 ....1.953 ..
Othermanufacture,.... 5 2.404,590 1,898,150 863,125 1.498,425 569,050 16.08-58.251 ..
Total Rubber ........ 8 21,082,785 11,062,668 6,545.809 3,413,346 1,894,514 117.349 186,847

Alfalfa ............... Bush. 3.143 5,008 3511 42 ....5,307 155

6 39,870 32,980 1,062 464 ....27,580 1,927
Alsike ................ Bush. 71,1)38 58,902 1(3, 359 49.743 31,677 42 250
$ 530.209 318,152 3(0.4)7 273.809 156,350 237 1,11(1
Other clover ......... Bush. 874 61,393 4.' 03 47361 2.1)28 11 2
8 3,093 427.574 23.091 390,317 14,011 71 22
Flaiseed ............. Bush. 1,390,892 1.016,674 371,418 4.872 3(1.817 1,041.602 334.621
5 1,917,2.36 1,151.781 2)11,: 16 9,685 35,947 1,142.095 255,429
Other .................. 8 321,783 84,184 55106 12,190 11,055 43,164 20.208
Total Seed, ........ $ 2,819,096 1,992,371 682,042 086,468 224,211 1,213,127 284,695

• Quantity in imperial gal. in 1931.



Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdae.) United Kingdom Tiriit'ed States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


PR000Cm—B. Orait THAn
Unmanufactured ........Lb 6.053.319 8.222,922 14.748.069 7.950,353 14,518.897 3.001 2.401
$ 1,806.594 2.536,998 3,902,214 2.500,060 3,880.096 1.115 562
Other .................. $ 67.511 84,242 76,020 909 518 11855 6,769

Other Agric. and Veg. Pro-

duets, not Food-
Fodders, n.o.p .......... $ 1,206,218 857.330 510,787 110.141 178,075 537.101 222.529
Hay..................Ton 156,722 59,281 27,138 12.5118 6,812 32.814 9.831
S 1,590,657 323.102 212,682 144.408 64.567 254.040 54,800
Benegaroot ............ Lb 183,392 346,263 255,907 45,645 69.775 158,853 37.808
$ 103.950 131,335 68,748 18,697 21.284 56.898 10.346
8traw ................. Toii 18.212 17.301 15.773 239 247 16.959 15.393
8 97,315 67.2.59 51.788 2.049 1,854 64,462 48.898
Other .................. $ 422.122 312.222151,372 11.738 17.643 223.168 90.700

Total AgrIc. and Veget-

able Products-
B. Other than Food... $ 48,770,695 29.630,365 22,519.821 7,019.316 6,453.847 2,551,238 948,114

Total Agric. and Veg-

etablo I'roducta-
(A.andli.) ........ 8 292,260.037 204.398,365 203,370,418 98,725.113 114,201,252 11,035.2583,905,815


Animals, Living-
For exhibition .......... 8 254,261 238,565 100,609 25,200 150 210,330 100,459
Cattle for improvement
of stock. ............. No 2,646 5,274 3,758 . ... 5,139 4,729
8 544.110 556.129 290,296 . ...536,674 286.551
Anim1s for improve-
ment of atock. other.. $ 95,165 49,310 32,958 302 167 36,589 23,840
Cattle, 1 year or Ioas.No 27,690 17,059 2,884 .... 16,423 1.894
8 338,175 287.696 38.151 .......... 282,244 31,002
Cattle over one year
old.................No 18,920 35.816 30.717 26.734 24.301 5,813 3,603
S 1,717.913 2,790.939 2,046.338 2,163,423 1.721.544 451,674 214,256
Horses ............... No 6.452 7.308 5.221' 10 I 6.713 5,124
8 169.823 209,855 215.282 900 200 168.127 201.674
Poultry..............No 111,114 74,1 32.015 .......... 67,041 23,444
8 72.313 66,676 19(115 . ....61.635 15,385
Sheep................No 1,148 1,030 038 123 33
9,174 9,073 4.815 .....829 151
Swine................No 2,267 3,714 5.555 ..... 1.195 1.682
21,397 26,071 23,461 . ....6,814 3.224
Foxes ................ No 992 683 291) 77 50 510 233
$ 199,888 53,955 11,755 12,004 1,750 34.251 9,555
Other ................ S 147.3251 81,596 47.273 1.518 883 63.627 42,586

Total Animals, Living. 8 3.769.548 4,367,085 2,829 1)53 2.205.347 1,724.674 1,852,811 928,683

Bones, horns and hoofs... $ 39,303 28,616 29,032 ............ 3.044 27.165 23,194

Fishery Products. n.o.p.-

Fresh Fish-
Halibut ............. Cwt 34,919 37,597 16,402 5 348 37.277 15.596
443.068 369,193 125,286 56 2,328 36.6,405 119,576
Herrings ............ CwI 190.995 103,265 95.133 ......102,054 94.717
$ 413,601 308,081 210,219 300.382 207,748
Salmon trout or lake
trout..............Cwt 34,482 25,570 20.060 .....25,570 20,058
8 371.352 244.993 176,686 . 244.993 179,866
Lobsters............Cwt 97,394 (16.131 119,251 ,,.., 96.131 119.249
$ 2,208,189 1,331.562 1,913,941 ... ..1,831,554 1,913,900
Mackerel............Cwt 10.774 20,443 7.043 .....20.442 7,043
8 60,241 121,624 26.262 ... 124.616 28.262
Salmon ............. CwI 94.353 113,195 76.759 26,909 32,136 55.4151 28,741
$ 1,4116,924 1.213,670 731.732 456.218 409,708 517.571 231.916
Smelts .............. Cwl 64,887 68,373 70.167 .....65.362 70,165
8 832,984 786,022 715.127 .....78.5.839 715,107
Tullibee ............. CwI 36,110 111,868 14.824 16.8(18 14,824
8 267,420 210,400 70.531 .....203.460 79,531
WhiteSab...........Cwl 94,443 81,464 86,321 . , 81.464 86,321
8 1,0115,617 879,347 824.457 879.347 824.457
Other fresh........... 8 3,103,446 2.614,288 1,924,111 280 527 2,590.275 1.887.456

Total Fresh Fish... $ 10,292,840 8,605,189 6.730.552 456.554 412,5631 7,850.402 6,185.819

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Clasei fication Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
- 1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933 -


Fishery Products. n.o.p.-C
Dried, Salted, Smoked
or Pickled Fish-
Codfish, dried ...... C's t. 403.345 367,104 319,288 594 63 96,186 81,268
3.195.190 2,210.468 1,563.386 4,315 328 $22,811 374.001
Codfish, pickled... C's 1115.887 70.545 80,676 IS (16.811 62.028
459.058 271,767 227.728 53 256,072 180.867
Codfish. smoked,.. C's 8.678 5.478 5.775 .........................5.327 5,643
108.937 57.330 51.47I .........................55.273 50,116
Haddock ........... C's 36,971 21,040 16,618 ...... ....................1(1,420 8,529
2119,863 151.949 101.454 ........................ 1.15,676 63,708
Herring, ecu-
Dry salted ........ C's 771.998 939,711 3117.199 ......................... 298 1.840
1,279,775 887,235 276 618 ........................1.439 1,810
Pickled ........... C's 47.584 25,591 27.608 ........................ 5.932 6,419
171,672 87.586 1,4,140 ........................21,59(1 18.449
Smoked ........... C's 67.253 43.733 45.813 21 20 8,879 14,934
$ 230,525 156.530 118.529 172 135 29,461 40,407
Mackerel, pickled ... Cw 90.894 80,403 84iJ150 .........................14.498 12,556
$ 482,985 350,005 255,277 .........................75.074 40,317
Polloek, hake and
rusk, dried....... Cw 45,633 48,551 38.813 563 2.414 3.044
$ 267,375 202,693 135,909 2,590 8.345 9,219
Salmon, dry salted
(chum) ........... C's 123.449 431.491 763.603 .....19 22
$ 359.367 771,122 108.891 .....11(1 58
Salmon, pickled..... Cw • 22,446 15,284 15.663 586 1.786 3,535 1,557
$ 403.651 188,010 155.547 9.826 22,112 45.549 16,555
Other ............... $ 159.198 110,519 77,447 28 12 23,677 18.225
Total Dried, Salted.
Smoked or Pickled. $ 7.427,499 5,445.514 3,216,397 16,931 22.540 1.155,089 813,750

Canned Fieh-
Clams .............. Cw 5.925 2,342 1.327 5 31 2,268 1,277
100,293 31,858 23.533 66 762 30,936 22,543
Codfish, boneless... C's • 19.523 20,138 17,626 . .........19.679 17.287
$ 195.466 194.970 1:15,857 .........190. 092 132,800
Lobsters ............ Cw 54.289 63.416 15.962 28.646 3(1.849 17.036 15.304
$ 3.048.713 2,913.304 2.711.3117 1.355,138 1,356,179 746,678 05(1.763
Salmon.............Cwi 427.387 473.077 288.286 205,178 102.201 30,009 8,735
0.317,741 6,078.833 3,603.4)26 3.546.303 163.903 47,199
Sardines............Cwi 37,780 32,283 22.691 41)7 1,904 892 ..
$ 550,087 271,427 168.51)1 3.214 7,860 4,361
Other ................ $ 95.722 53,115 50.561 - 455 4 7253 2,637
Total Canned Fish. $ 10,117.022 9.543,527 6.893.467 5.005.286 3,3.50.604 1.143.124 811,942
Other fishery products. I 1.057,622 842,848 544.935 2.550 9.562 522,918 ..
Total Fiebery Pro-
ducts, n.o.p ........ I 28,894,983 24,437.078 17,185,351 5.481.301 3,795,369 10.651,533 8.086,807

Beaver............... No 78.540 85.296 80,475 29.424 43.607 54.869 36,410
S 1,664,064 1.197.208 836.648 422,344 158.862 761.217 371,343
Fox, black and
silver.............. No 95.034 136,294 141,4118 911,307 97.03)) 7,606 3.645
4,599.681 3,900,673 4.513.72) 2.4711.781 3(197,5611 222.448 113,91)6
Fox, other............ No 64.731 107,540 1117.6811 71,039 79,092 37.670 25.647
2,235.269 2,051,383 1.518.661 1,379,320 1,01.40225 830.768 390,924
Marten............... No 26,568 27,093 22 ((641 16.203 14.612 10.853 7,286
$ 549.502 373,520 270.573 217.639 181.817 155,134 94.991
Mink................. No 124.339 141,668 172.04(1 63.854 70.149 76.994 101.453
$ 1,187,894 1,105,716 1,198,1196 400.499 395,104 697.140 798.366
Muskrat .............. No 1.704,501 2.082.356 1,785.728 1,282,003 1,586.153 780.778 175.848
1.264.892 1,420,494 4111.422 793.824 784,929 1)22,631 117,524
Other ................ s 3.135.531 2,052,163 1.321,624 820.130 712.330 1,109,662 570,009
Dressed................ 78,753 51,789 87.126 3,467 53,145 19,974 8.434
Manulacturee ........... I 78.232 56,153 36.536 7.899 5.542 43,427 25.585
Total Fura ........... $ 15,093,798 12,218,099 10,757,412 6.521,703 6.779.514 4,361.401 2.494.134

hair..................... $ 324.789 209,128 11,047 659 129,170 61,352

651 16-9


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States -
1033 1932 1933 1932 1933 -

ANIMsi.s ANDANuui, Pao-

Hides and Skins, Raw- 17 33.8)10 15,105
Calf ................... Cwt 55,371
98,818 100 293.102 85,105
$ 854,889 62,845
234.186 r 21I' 2 1,' 3 ?1919"6 97934 4.944 14,770 181.239
Cattle................Cwt 37,244 61.544 1.1183,579 208,144
$ 2,264,891 1,318)339 357.641
15,562 12.251 15.562 12.251
Horse ..... ............ Cart 18.569 38,46*
$ 104,003 80,543 35.468 ...60.543
8.131) 3,622 .. 3.021 2.923
Sheep.................Cwt 36.175 18.973
87,935 36,193 16,973 ..
27,277 21.940 247 797 27,1130 21,143
Other .................. $ 41,249

Total Hides and 02,441 1.500,429 - 365.833

Skins ............ 8 3,332.967 1,743,331 533,04)) 37.491

Leather, Unmanufactured- 51.765 .
Harness .............. $ 374,034 53,855 1.986 212 ..
3,196,095 1,507,546 838,92)) 451.83* 257.931 1)30,369 304,813
Sole .................. Lb 00.036
$ 1,100.033 354,523 150,04:) 153,052 77.873 1(10,344
2,553,751 2,350.785 2,242,528 1.379.102 1,786.549 6)0,889 243,488
Upper ................ $ 19,124 4,790 2,698
Other ................ 8 49.946 48,424 25.136 38,111

Total Leather, 827,707 306,220

Unmanufactured 8 4,077,664 2,815,587 2,426.693 1.571,377 1,883.546

Leather, Manufactured-
Boots, shoes, mocva- 2,787 8.000 6.381
sins, etc...........Pair 73,147 18.212 111.278 1.053
202,018 52.741 52,68.5 5.248 7.347 29.119 27,671
I 181.565 24.930
478.054 333.788 169.128 130,204 122.067
Other ................ $
Total Leather and 1.038,481 358.821
MIre. of .......... $ 4,758,336 3,203.115 2,650.503 1,706.827 2.012.960

Fresh- 4.781 25.307 3.402 3,052
Beef ................ Cwt 61,168 33,446 50,870
015,813 376.035 373,333 28,776 100.378 37.212 30,855
8 37.553 22.045
Game ................ 8 49.386 37.787 23,626 ....
2,535 3.295 3,58)) ...229 60 ..
Mutton.............. Cwt 761 .
8 46,109 53,360 46.8)7 ...2.151)
11.217 10,576 38,315 6.817 20,492 10.640 14,507
Pork ................Cwt 71.133 174.019 179.678 150.873
8 294.838 288.933 364,1172
.... 8 90,014 217,739 307.205 39,284 242.751 109.513 8.398
Cured. Canned or Pre-
pared- 366.077 13.814 12,685
Bacon and hams.... C'wt 121,770 185.146 402,101 150.276
8 2,914.273 2,440,564 4,023.518 1,751.231 3,430.212 423,873 321.943
2,073 738 4.132 1 69 86
Beef, pickled ........ Owl 1.611
8 28,266 5.582 29.473 16 983
154.808 68,879 602.964) 15.617 513.368 7.725 8.364
Canned moats ........ Lb 3,441 4.278
8 34.019 19,382 1)11,396 4,675 87,861
Extract of beef.......Lb 23.019 16,107 7 .... 18. 101 .
$ 62.979 29,671 20 .... 2)1 .657 .
7,057 13, 22,412 11,389 18,799 32 3
Pork, dry salted.,, Cv) 82
$ 154,553 119.694 191.092 101.037 159,360 898
28,364 28,123 38,6)12 38 1.21)7 5.969 111,720
Pork, pickled....... Cwt 119,123
I 339,978 238.188 288.589 306 6.329 84,628
Soupe, all kinds ...... $ 633,363 672.857 831.105 665.554 509,0811 4 3,122
579,390 435,024 297.844 155,576 1 06 . 35 4 102,687 68,516
Other meats ........... $
6,104,970 4,960,816 6.683.140 2.818,472 4,905.118 1.1110,888 737.746
Total Meats ........ $

Milk and Its Producte- 80,615

Cream ................. G& 1,121,074 65.814 80.615 ....65.814
8 2,168,849 129,285 143.4041 ... 129,285 143,460
Milk, fresh ............ Ga 1,208.478 302,764 15,696 362.764 15.899
$ 239.814 51.806 1.884 . 51.806 1.884
109,173 32,0611 86.927 21,022 6.730 345
Butter................ Cwl 11.529
8 389,419 2,362,888 580,537 1,822,481 34(%,41*9 148,275
Casoin .................. LI 171,053 170 33,61)11 . .. 33, 1 )11) 1 10 ..
I 15.279 25 1,2)))) 1.2160 5
Cheese ................ Cwl 795.904 854.247 857.116 813. 106 825.68) 15.747 6,195
I 12,989.726 10,593.967 8.758,415 111.005,074 8,344.31)4 197.483 76,259
Milk powder .......... CsI 55,088 48.987 37.373 39.378 30.396 5,847 4,500
845,327 491.431 341.1)22 284.269 200.768 133.287 98.031
Milk, condensed....... Cwi 110.443 74,074 78.24)) 6.538 43.1*))
1,361,304 865.106 7511,916) 62.281 29:1.344 5
Milk, evaporated ...... CI 85.640 75,396 11)1.238 :13,475 1)9.790 55
977.825 623,555 1.113,829 236.6441 727.610 321 ..
Total Milk and Its
Products ......... I 18,787.543 15,118,063 11.706,193 12,410,749 9,913,665 660.467 325,730


Total Exnorts of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.l United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Oils, Fats, Greases and \ax
Animal oils... ......... Gal. 152.891 82.797 34,815 325 20,779 1,213 4,334'
$ 125,162 45.704 18.1)84 250 11.2115 1,585 2.445
Fish, whale, etc., oils.Gal. 3,039.524 2,530,483 1,528.953 85.380 109,730 2,437,859 552.105
I 776,410 396.990 225.1)06 15.974 24.873 378.809 102.044
Grease and scraps.....Cwt. 18,870 19.900 18.205 6,895 14,306 10,803
* 23,796 18,158 23.153 ., 18,242 7,848 3,01)0
Lard .................. Cwt. 1,720 65.103 39.332 53.438 34.33.5 ..
1 24,841 510.153 2511.151 405.773 300.1)17 ..
Lardeompound.......Cwt. 5,392 3,853 3.328 5)) 1.211 2.023 1.294
$ 59,386 31,573 10,285 458 1,23:1 14,349 7755
Tallow................Cwt. 3,341 37.897 15,1)21 15,777 5.454 19,831 1.418
$ 17,654 105,519 30.433 47.916 16.613 49.239 4,947
Wax, animal............Lb. 32,140 18,142 62,315 14.497 20,152 3,645 41.945
$ 11,177 4.933 10.404 4.551 4.1)48 382 5.700
Total Oils, Fats,
Greasoaand Wax... $ 1,038,425 1.113,030 580.716 474.028 280.891 452212 127,700
Other Animal Products-
Eggs .................. Dos. 186,936 559,941 370.343) 431.070 24.72).) 2,106 9.3)4
3 66.122 161,008 66.4)11) 911.911 3,972 622 1 .801
Honey ................. Lb. 1,752,628 2.672,975 2,679.533 1.948.047 2.457.005 31.218 8.262
5 167,505 220,710 281,575 184.501 269,833 7), 207 765
Sausagocasings ......... $ 646.096 621,243 524,241 39,347 121.406 383.096 206.236
Tankago .............. Cwt. 209,721 187,371 249.3)6 ........ 11,1)84 182,946 223.303
$ 364,173 174,707 199.70)3 ...... 1')....24 1115.754 174.835
Other .................. $ 306,208 210,663 149,011 39.541 56,088 10.5.189 58,805
Total Animals and
Animal Products... 3 83,714,772 68.798.683 54,333.047 32.028.165 29.952.848 22,342.515 13.918.692
'!HRz8 AND Tzxxn,zs—
Waste ................. Cwt. 981 848 236 ...701 50
$ 8,968 3.950 1.6410 ...., 2,674 104
Duck .................. ..d. 350,261 373.590 322.757 138,510 11)8.693 568 1.469
8 210,036 118,810 76.814 29.576 22,459 3,235 8.475
Otherfabrics........... Yd. 680,705 996,618 2,070.333 46,325 75.610 2,136 3,902
8 74,950 256.760 689.035 7.402 16.51)2 714 1)91
Underwear.............$ 163,158 105.173 74,301 24.776 10.264 93
Other..................$ 30)1,558 244,752 253.39) 129.587 158.24) 5,817 3,831
Total Cotton ....... $ 783,679 729.445 1,096.140 191.311 207,526 12.533 13,101
Flax, hemp and Jute-
Flax Obro and tow .... Cwt 501 53 15 13 53 2
$ 2,540 122 167 140 422 27
Other .................. $ 13,434 7.469 2.362 922 422 4.454 424
Total Flax, Hemp
and Jute ............ $ 15,974 7,891 2,529 922 563 4,876 451
Silk and Its Products-
Socks and 8tockings,
silk .............. Doz, n....... 132,360 ...22.2113 3
S ...... 958,250 ...183,104 .., 22
Silk manufactures......$ 96,416 54,351 60.51)6 1,462 3.474 2,847 2,639
In the eaae ........... Lb 3,185.873 5,053,371 3,973.117 3,641,063 3,434,295 1,10)3.005 465,415
8 460,769 528,007 371.174 322.327 309,738 186,803 54.390
Scouredorwasbed ..... Lb. 10,114 67.680 47.604 22,000 ....
$ 3,901 15,624 3,439 9,029
Pulled oraliped ......... Lb. 73,836 .......
$ 13,822 .......
Fabrics ................ Yd 14,723 9.267 9,872 1,060 8,227 3.294 80
6 18,082 8,354 4.906 1,8.55 3,095 1.858 256
Underwear ............. $ 8,349 3,925 1,787 III 144 541
Otherclotliing ......... 8 263,978 116.672 73.834 2.869 2.806 37,754 21,718
Other manufactures.... $ 157,481 40,817 10,445 5,643 712 27,307 13.582
Total Wool ........... 8 872,582 713,499 474.585 341,006 318,349 253.860 ..
Artificialsilk ........... $ 219,744 212,061 81,586 702 689 881 985
Rags .................. Cwt. 133,402 102,173 77.838 14.840 7.324 85.572 65,786
8 602,841 331,481 164.801 105.499 42.283 214,474 98.171
Bindertwine .......... Cwt. 138,750 184,411 166.129 59,786 51.945 107,153 95.418
1,502,939 1.499,366 825.438 433.111 281008 924,369 499,517
Bags, textile ...........$1 66,937 95,433 85:154 34.570 30.503 8 323
Felt manufactures .....$ 614.848 545,279 356.007 1431,849 131.468 2543 2.643
Corsets and brassieres..No. 86,883 40,966 30,4)) 2,301 384 24 5
8 107,468 36,461 34.450 4.261 1.716 35 31
Gloves, etc., textile ..... $ 136,253 27,383 7.791 2,082 4.9)5)5 2,614 7
Socks and stockings... 8 866,591 766,402 46.050 88, 161 11,349 1,348 1.030
Other fibreand textiles $ 635,010 401.078 455,725 33,269 08.831 123.381) 158,250
Total Fibres and
Textiles ............ $ 6,504,182 5,512,130 1,388,235 1,299,979 1,743.794 807,628
lncludee "Silk socks and stockings" prior to 1933.


Total Exports of Canadian Etsxpor to Exports to

Cisasi Scatton Produce Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Wood Uninanulactured-
Logs and Round Timber-
Logi, cedar ......... Sl $ it 46,338 70.8151 71.318 .. 10,415 33200
480,395 678,911 792,633 . . . 158.574 307.419
Logs, other ......... Bit 191,085 191,383 144.644 4.427 4.359 126(121) 67,319
2,320,773 2.015,353 1,27:1,939 104,518 136.895 1 203.171 578.575
Polee, telegraph......No 865,251 331.00)1 150.3911 .. 320,807 145,251
3,610,531 1,242,273 512.848 1,236,112 538,279
Railroad ties.........No 1,355,016 616.627 303.606 90.050 2,000 467.069 288.981
987,351 447.763 219.691 49,324 779 370,360 210367
Other round timber., $ 314.201 170,739 134,451 500 80 120.959 112.697
Total Loge and
Round Timber 8 7,719,251 4.555,042 2.870.562 214.473 137.754 3.179.178 1.747,337
Sawmill and Planing Mill
Planks and Boards-
Birch ............. B it 58,221 48,812 44.371 28.709 37.276 19,735 6,745
2,348,918 1,517.803 1.169.368 823.552 929,605 672.664 228,192
Cedar ....... ......MIt 34,532 22,837 11,462 91 85 22,214 11,113
1,262,949 729,814 399472 3.403 3.474 710,375 367,415
Douglas fir ........ Mft 518,414 373,019 228.401 50.811 91.783 164.874 28.454
8,527,885 5.057,624 2,791.433 847.301 1,268.837 2.441,227 252.806
Hemlock ......... B It 86,790 56,604 64,133 305 1.95)) 12.245 2.180
1,1110,147 713,703 715,363 7.511 30.1179 141,576 21,102
Pine .............. MIt 18.5,419 121.01))) 81.010 17.244 10.17)1 97,575 03,241
9.608330 3.981,421 2,108,641 1,02(1.381) 407,248 2.710,122 1,426.859
Spruce ............ B It 499,337 269,3)12 181,172 16.553 51.715 242.447 122.223
10,830,240 6,236,044 3.511,329 375,991 843,1113 5.559.872 2.449730
Other ............. Nit 16.770 13,055 0,036 3,338 4.822 8.622 3,909
791.033 529.441 41.13.893 174,773 253,583 303085 114,673
Total Planks and
Boards ........ M It. 1,309,483 905.679 610 075 117,051 197.807 597,712 232,645
31,598,202 18.766,452 11,098,0)10 3.252.621 3,795.800 12,544,921 4,874,777
Timber, Squiue-
Douglas hr........MIt. 115,727 140,600 04,344 18,599 21.613 5,160 2.248
1,976.056 1,964,521 1.072,322 289.014 312.143 71,815 18.997
Other ............. N It. 5.141 2,520 6.634 1,869 1,630 587 435
277,642 155,653 107,1129 134.809 133.983 18,452 12.701
Laths ................ B 414.973 420.434 165,175 2 417.916 163.104
1,269,274 1,095.66)1435,007....... 5 1,080.889 429,108
Pickets..............M 34,691 29,074 25779 405 932 29.045 24.847
11 319,215 240,029 228,794 11,200 14.902 228,529 213,892
Shingles .... .......... B 1,101,760 1.038,486 1,2)10.71)0 570 2,181 1.024.764 1.183.000
3,489,164 2,398.480 2.4110.310 1,171 4.427 2,358.671 2,3511.120
Shooks ............... $ 554,477 439,175 433.500 137,209 152,274 8.250 1.590
Other saw and planing
mill products ....... 8 277,704 208,015 132,718 155,691 85,455 34,300 18.096
Total Saw and Plan.
lug Mill Products $ 39,761,734 23,285,003 15,008,040 3,981,715 4,498,098 16,352,627 7,818,290
Christmas trees ........ $ 383,395 325,075 200,372 .. .......... .- 325,1175 200372
Pulpwood ...... ..... Cord 1.104,555 832.924 471). 748 ....832.924 476.748
12.040,484 8,198,144 4,287.425 ....8,196.144 4,287,425
Spoolwood ............. $ 521.318 474.622 370,645 460.3011 303,927 14,256 6,718
Other unmid. wood.... $ 398,801 380.579 420.202 17,138 67,195 360,209 355,979
Total Wood, Un-
manulactured.... $ 60, 744,084 39,228,465 21,153,908 4,673,692 5.066,974 28,427,48 14,517.121
Wood, Manulactured-
Cooperage ..... ......... 8 134,649 142,333 172,519 5 10.312 14,758 10.264)
Wood Pulp-
Sulphate (kralt) ..... Cwt. 1.482,008 930,966 757,877 ............ 3.1211 897,306 7311.63))
4,627,136 3.020.976 2.401,66! ...15.613 2.951)755 2,395.385
Suiphite. bleached. .Cwt. 4,634,136 5.308.838 4,121.761 238,953 253,862 3,992.560 3,110,920
16.122,124 15.898,585 10,503.222 782,777 794.47)) 11.572.380 7,887,256
Suiphite, unblenched Cwt. 3,343,375 2,341.810 1,4111732 17.17:1 7,200 1,580,1)55 1)34,51)2
7.997,022 4,365,281 2,207.290 25.287 8,671 3.337,095 1,501,194
Mechanical..........Cwt. 3,872.002 2,88.3.280 2,28.1.1107 434,866 3117.412 2.418,599 1,976.193
5,540,973 3,858.473 2,438.000 616,096 373.422 3.242.378 2.664.638
Wood Pulp, other... .Cwt. 126,652 65,548 :111,164 ..... 65,548 30,104
429,373 158.950 5)1,950 .....158.650 50,050
Screenings..........Cwt. 401,658 232.145 13(1,682 .....205.534 118.277
345,061 182,817 59,852 .....155,862 49,327
Total Wood PulpCwt. 13,862.122 11,762.563 8.785,823 690,782 371,504 9.190.493 6,909,658
$ 35,001,680 27,684.782 17.781)135 1,424.159 1.192,176 21,418,020 14,043,850

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Experts to

Classification Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Wood, Manufactured-Con.
Doors, sashes, blinds... I 19,481 12,691 21,576 2,552 13,133 946 1,0114
Furniture ................ $ 270.252 154,239 117.588 2.003 13.113 28,891 9.981
Match splints ...........$ 494,157 526,891 450.774 446,612 364,369 ..
Other manufactures.... $ 644.949 507,237 427.110 - 312,457 258,162 39,114 38,831
Total Wood, Manu-
factured ............ $ 36,624.477 29.028,173 18,975,702 2.188,388 1.851,265 21.501,729 14,102,621
Total Wood and
Wood Producta ..... $ 97.369.481 68.254,638 43,129,608 8,862,080 6,918,239 49,929,216 28,619,750
Paper, cop.-
Paper board ............ 5 2,002.946 1.751,707 1.629.949 956,242 907,773 474,331 358,505
Book paper............ Cwt 34,237 24,5,55 21,307 4,632 3680 958 359
310,789 196,725 176.496 59.124 31.620 6,140 4.750
Newsprint............ Cwt 44,848,479 39,942,149 33.259.097 2,143,336 1,433,137 34.377.953 28,400,108
127,352,706 103,003,352 74, I36.SI'I8.385.872 2,050.081 89,389.666 64,489,012
Wrapping paper........ Cwt 282,395 244,417 160.095 36.956 17,870 13.153 628
1.416,482 1.064.923 5118,71) 182,887 88.023 22,942 1.575
Bond and writing Cwt 2.1187 8433 544 281 370 224 ..
paper ................. $ 23,203 9,047 4.888 2,20)) 3,320 3,427
Wall paper............ Roll 1,9115,046 1,316.297 895,490 473.126 205.243 1213. U43 35,263
250,212 180,607 104,759 72,207 25.974 23.177 5,291
Rang paper .......... $ 1119,350 60,573 53,014 5,057 9.037 1,626 2.133
Waste paper........... Cwt 296,220 213.177 180.6417 .. 213,077 188.455
$ 180,785 133,536 105,250 .. 123,421 104.039
Other paper and mfrs.
of.................... S 392,264 383,58.5 378,191 124,319 179,101 52,275 32,588
Total Paper, n.o.p... S 132,038,737 106.750.055 77.188.109 6.747.906 4.254,995 90,097.265 64.097,890

Books and Printed Matter-

Books .................. $ 166,834 182,746 84.401 23,875 17,482 102,843 50,337
Photographs ........... $ 6.073 6,256 2.531 409 lOS 3,447 1,433
Newspapers, etc ........ $ 1,023,369 586,574 482.057 100.703 110.912 340 641 244,945
Total Wood, Wood
Products and Paper. 8 230,804,474 175,740,269 120,886,790 13,734,973 11,301,796 140.473,352 93,914,355
AND ITS Paootycm-
Ore ...................... Ton 438 1,735 540 .. 1,735 540
$ 1,585 5.842 1.704 .. 5,842 1.704
Pigs, Ingots, Blooms and
Pig iron ............... Toe 407 3.171 2.67! . ............ 3,171 2,671
8 8,974 55,933 45.403 ....55933 45403
Ferro-manganeee and
ferro-eilicon .......... Ton 32,156 19,156 18,084 22 ...18,811 17,699
$ 1,094,336 1,029,797 802,277 ... 999,583
1,532.. 827,684
Billets, ingota and
blooms..............Ton 1,488 . ......
8 37.373 .......
Total Pigs, Tngots,
Billets and Blooms. Ton 34,061 22,337 20,755 22 .... 21,982 20:170
8 2,039.983 1,085,730 907,680 1,532 ............ 1.055.516 873.087

Scrap iron................Ton 36,031 24,584 38,621 48 58 22,752 15.546

311,089 148,029 199,707 890 1,527 130.851 75,711
Castings ................ Cwt. 14,085 6,488 5,894 2 1,032 5,845 2,288
83,286 37.323 33,655 35 13.728 30.241 13,275
Forgingn ................. 1 319 4.317 - 419 4,317 419

Rolling Mill Products-

Barsandrods ......... Ton 5,903 749 493 ...............288 322
234,551 34.190 20,695 .......... ....11,918 11,513
Plates and sheets......Ton 96 131 31 4 23 1
8,544 9,840 2.124 619 21 1,309 112
Rails..................Ton 22,815 9,333 4,848........200 4,848
613,729 244,870 187.237 ......6,053 187,237
Structural steel........Ton 2.546 405 262 24 240 1
291.784 42,906 25.1511 2,640 23,880 60
Total Rolling Mill
Products ........... $ 1,148,908 331,812 235.212 3,259 23,901 10,280 108,922

Pipe and tubing .......... $ 1,652.280 1,068,481 581,916 54,950 765 415,686 168,182
Pipe fittings, iron or steel I 43,590 31,823 11,024 12,797 591 500


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Prodiire (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1031 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Wire- 3 18
Barbed .......... ..... Cwt, 9,637 1,470 3.178 ..
33,345 4,656 10,522 .18 75
$ 1,205 04
Woven fencing .......... I 88.584 27,164 21,661 11.3111 9.431
409,438 90.627 33.171 12.811 3,164 2.225 179
Other .................. $ 29,218 59)8 23
Chains ................... $ 112,809 01,507 66,931 28.910
Engines and Boilers-
internal combustion 32 13
engines and parts.....No 1.198 350 01 2
151,126 41,887 21,553 339 525 3,780 4,635
Other .................. $ 8,91)9 64746 36785 .. 57,334 23.285

arm Implements and

30,792 5.660 5.118 385 . 3.102 1.856
33,345 ....88.78 1
Cream separators ......$ 32.750
Milking machines ...... $ 269,637 90.188
3,787 1.875 6(92 369 113 71) 27
Harvesters.............No 24,107 38,917 5,146
$ 682,303 323.426 111,955 64,570
1,748 4)15 105 2.4 33 173 55
Hay rakes.............No 5.910 1,979
61,064 13.783 3,330 762 813
6,318 2,218 332 363 6 182 78
Mowers................No 312 0,991 4,239
$ 380,842 115.662 18,205 17.989
Reapers................No 54) 10 .. I...........
4645 1,003 .. 14 8 ...........
Roaper-threshers ....... No 367 105 191 .. 132 28
471,144 163.381 115,558 . 122,716 22.089
8,971 1,853 48)) 31 46 638 188
Cultivators.............No 40,533 16,082
$ 450,521 134,367 23,994 2,479 1,108
Drills..................No 1,460 612 347 (9 31 170 12
8 207,291 87,474 52.028 1,169 6.565 21,090 1,494
Harrows............... $ 142,230 34,312 25,64W) 8.061 12.754 14,303 7.420
Ploughs................$ 1,564.462 303.843 198.553 21,973 19.729 93.055 20,366
Threshing machines....$ 401,873 236,015 90.144 450 370 169, 11)1 23,739
Spades and shovels.....$ 135.894 86.522 48,576 10 .
Other implements, 629,686 234,005 148,646 1141.405 45.785 48.621 19.377
Parts.................. 8 1.755,694 655,261 4419,604 130,880 195.894 133,665 58,247

Total Farm Imple-

ments & Machinery $ 7,198,078 2.484,965 1,324.776 315,136 217.495 794.012 220.794

Hardware and Cutlery-

Razors and razor blades $ 625,571 17,227 03.107 100 Il 30 .
Nails, wire............Cwt 31,552 13,963 15,407 68 141 320 426
I 115,623 53,229 52.492 448 1.340 1.197 1,432
Nails, other ........... wt 19.225 6.634 8,785 193 207 166 84
I 110,776 49,56)1 44.394 5,850 1.725 1.210 311
Needles and pins ....... I 382.776 502.380 503,583 446,24.91 496,583 (4) 244
Bolts and nuts.........Cwt 6,395 4.653 6,384 1,4919 2,766 02 234
I 49.580 30,149 41,895 8,624 16,571 395 1,169
Other .................. $ 288,507 109,172 81,174 55,889 12,870 1(18,310 28,150

Electric vacuum clean-
ers...................No 52,657 52,989 35.893 49.9416 34,538 4 2
$ 2,099,533 1.925,131) 1,305,998 1.827,241 1.257,663 674 218
Sewing machines ....... $ 1,851,210 692,447 435,549 343 787 2.618 1,332
Adding machines.......No 1,423 761 367 513 287 4 2(1
143,405 60,230 50,237 38.616 40,764 305 3.157
Typewriters............No 1,433 1.531 16.453 1,346 13,423 19 14
91,260 103,768 992.950 96,462 879.422 1.706 1.605
Metal-working ........ ..$ 10,485 ...68.181 ...48, 03 1 . . 20,000
\"ood.working .......... 8 23,338 11,267 4.733 396 200 125 414
Other machinery ....... $ —_1.314,722 882,781 1.080,785 366.536 693,822 130.559 124.085

Total Machinery... $ 5.542,753 3,675.623 3.938,433 2,328,594 2,920,710 135,087 150,808

Tools, hand or machine.. $ 161.091 107,765 357.557 28.715 160.628 - 13,21)4 6,635

Automobiles, freight-
One ton or loss ....... No 3,981 1,660 977 ...... 14 11
$ 1,305,592 545,964 281.209 . ...... 2,015 1.520
Over one ton.........No 9.563 1,208 1.270 13 4 3
$ 3,907,856 513,307 524.884 9.944 2.500 2.100
Automobiles, passenger-
$Sl)Oorloss ........... No 17,999 4,889 7,613 104 561 343 261
6,818,126 1,902,392 2,690.244 48,572 192,408 86.060 85,502
ON to $1,000.........No 5.859 1,047 3.208 136 1,282 48 21
$ 3,669,333 608,680 1,1)92,518 88.449 807,728 34,746 15,564
Over $1,000 ......... ... No 145 35 210 3 32 10 5
$ 178,533 48,908 199.670 5,155 65,268 17.493 11,050

Total Automobiles. No 37,527 8,839 13,368 243 1,888 419 301

8 15,879,240 3,617,251 5,795,531 112,176 1,065,348 142,820 85,736


Total Exports of Canaduui Exports to Exports to

Classification Produce (SOdas.) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 193.3


Automobile parts ....... $ 1,250.043 714.222 2.016.653 20.980 360,537 67,689 32,6.36
Railway cars and parts. No. 38 2 I ....2 1
$ 204,604 26.419 9.080 . ... 14,196 3,345
Tractors and parts ...... No. 11 9 10 ....7 lo
$ 19,123 8,774 5.700 ....8.276 5.674
Other vehicles of iron... 1 63.273 18.183 16.519 710 383 2184 5,162
Total Vehicles ..... $ 17,418.283 4,384.849 7.844,083 163.868 1.428,268 235,165 132,5.53
Furniture, metal ......... .$ 167.608 161,421 151,639 80,442 85.863 1.292 1.430
Stoves ................... 5 108,162 78,512 49,724 17.117 14.191 9.895 1,940
Other iron and steel ...... $ 823.022 672.295 531,013 226,240 125,771 72,723 52.582
Total Iron and Its
Products ......... S 38,937,661 15,462.977 17.277,099 3.798.363 5,574,895 .3.097.883 1,958,419

9crap ...... ........... Cwt. 22.476 31.053 9,321 474 1.62.3 15.072 4,2.59
$ 395,876 322.684 90.669 5.771 10.573 1.54.559 41.749
Bars, blocks, etc ...... Cwt. 322,919 194,589 181.929 107,076 80,523 16,887 18,50(1
$ 5.791,984 3.161.608 2,786.550 1,682.128 1,216,537 248.571 292.933
Manufacturee ........... 5 1.180,896 281,260 987.357 10,587 33,557 4.431 1,395
Oldandacrap ......... wt. 49,568 30.792 35,763 621 4.2211 28.571 17.511
$ 335,095 123,975 100,021 3,352 14.480 114,158 39.337
Valves ................. $ 196,191 148,823 95.836 104,866 76.862 351 171
Other .................. 5 602.295 616,908 476.801 596,564 459.085 3.076 2.689
Fine, in ore, matte,
regulus..............Cwt. 629,971 502,237 112.022 147,339 107.105 334,891 178,8113
$ 6,629.512 4.076,854 936.1101) 1,472,397 321,314 2,402,2.59 5311,670
Blister ................ wt. 1,144,962 309,920 161.935 ......308.029 161,93.5
8 15,048,000 2,209,338 840.441 ......2.269.338 819,4.11
Old and scrap ......... Cwt. 54,313 53,494 47.862 482 6.147 34.015 III. 83
$ 463,548 283,959 197,588 2.850 26.743 163.180 33.451
Bars, rods, stripe, etc.Cwt. 155,645 1.588,793 1.785.253 205,898 1,056,042 1,141,797 304295
* 1,703,703 13,057.733 10.118,191 1,575,758 5,828,109 1,559,684 2,231,920
Wire,insulated ......... 5 58.401 76,479 145,173 5,186 236 638
Other .................. $ 9 1 880 38,387 30.630 . ........... ..11,793 1.827 494
Total Copper ....... 8 23,483,044 19,802,750 12, 268,114 3,051,003 6,193,147 14.398,526 3,663,623

Snore ................. Cwt. 210,624 44,217 37,133 ............
. ....44,027 37,133
$ 1,100,376 176,964 148.518 .................176.064 148.518
Pig ................... Cwt. 1,985,308 2,157,794 2,335.012 952,096 1.321.152 ....
1 6,944,144 4,264,598 3. 164. 142 1,869,509 1,812.774 ....
In ore.................Cwt. 423,835 286,580 156.587 194,348 54,735 40,768 32,335
3 7,725,696 5,231,277 2.811,425 3,478.0.31 1182,835 732.606 581.482
Nickel,oxide .......... OwL. 34,038 25.585 27.1511 1.472 1.335 1,960 5.631
3 991,254 814,975 823,7.52 31,034 51,883 41.175 117.1140
Fine .................. Cwt. 361,420 231.62.1 141,811 2,935 3.906 205.143 118,740
3 9,529,425 6,063,148 :1,825,323 102,353 140.426 5.119,742 2,909,726

Precious Metals-
Gold-bearing quartz,
dust,otc ..... ........$ 17,832,608 13,671.665 3.757,351 937,367 300 12,734,198 3,797,051
Platinum, in ore ........Os. 21,332 17,147 9,002 16,546 7,711 2 ..
3 1,730,661 1,370.632 684.450 1.322.519 616.600 138
Silver in ore. concen-
tratea,etc ............. Os. 7,994,815 3,752,121 3,479,351 ......3,752,121 3,479,351
$ 3,098,337 1.055.738 966.944 ...... 1.055.738 908,944
Silverbullion ........... On. 18,701,012 14,001,510 12.106.281 142,456 50.047 3,074.456 2.644,814
8 5,826,875 4,104,790 3,449,627 39,340 12.762 024.726 775,585
Other .................. 8 341,814 243,586 298.124 30,795 81.522 212.791 216,570
Total Precious
Metals ........... $ 28,832,299 20,446,311 9,196,496 2,330,012 711.184 14,927,591 ..

In ore ................. Cwt, 427.003. ............. .... 22,540 . ............
8 801,096 ............... 14.008 ..............................................
Speller ................ Cwt. 1.745.17& 2,307.298 1.568.107 1.425.420 863,592 ........................
$ 5,122,994 5,254,112 3.468,413 3.209,143 1.897.565........................
Scrap,drossandashesCwt. 39,063 7.211 14.80? 2,166 5.411 660 53
1 64.130 7.535 12.314 3.146 7.154 1.108 170



Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdae) United Kingdom United States
1931 I 1932 I 1933 1932 I 1933 1932 I 1933

Nou-FrtcRots MzrM.a-Con.
Clocks and watches..., $ 182.493126. II 178,417 46,894 30,040 3474 2,248
Electric apparatus ...... $ 2,009,389 1,297,06 1,347.1177 271,711 456.240 40.780 35,297
Cobaltinore .......... Cwt. 4,224 2.13 838 208 344 2
$ 397.158 1241.01 39.259 12.496 . ..111.286 84
Cobalt, metallic........Lb. 27,000 55,11 58485....55.51(1 68.485
8 45,408 68.74 63.178....(18.746 60.178
Ores, n.o.p ............. Tori 587 31 188 25 213 187
$ 55.564 19,33 9.024 500...17.035 8,969
Other non-ferrous
metals ............... $ 863,258 718,66 727.994 448.436 524.303 108. 131 81.716
Total Non-Ferrous
Metals ........... $ 95,652,063 69.072,84 42.642,318 17.296.439 14,598.651 36,176,496 13,84)7.581
NoN-Sf CTAI.LIC M,cnaMa-
Asbestos... .............. Ton 100.223 62,03 43.728 1,058 1,518 17.415 27.321
$ 5,921.357 3,437,1)9 2,107.563 126,704: 85.534 1,772.076 1,225,310
A8beatoS sand .......... .Ton 119,318 8.5,011 01.168 1.160 1,201 79.466 57,051
$ 1.798,617 1,191.10 863.04(9 24,647 27.115 1.072.423 779,521
Asbestos manufactures,... $ 178.252 105,42 74219 59,631 32.354 10.331 7,155
Porcelain insulators ...... $ 463,211 2441,74 84.203 121,643 46,468 4(17 338
Other clay and products.. $ 95.597 8.5.31 52.644 872 493 08,971 43,142
Coal (mel. lignite)........Ton 562.434 357,24 280.1(57 7.51.5 10.452 (415.232 120,010
1 2,976,426 1,872,26 1,383,669 43,954 64,503 732,878 467,426
Coal Products-
Cinders ................ $ 693 61 2741....668 276
Coke .................Ton 56.396 3164 22.012 45 51.253 21.69))
$ 739.225 361,93 238,613 3.004) 338.285 2.13.662
Tr ................... Gal. 2,751.619 2.27922 3,002.0113...962. 1011 425.516 6119,337
122,087 103.91 201.548 73.030 31,138 33.848
Creosoteoil ............ Gal. 1,069,469 491414: 20.5.993 . .....41(1.60)) 21)5,883
$ 163.868 82,71 35,225......82.7111 35,189
Glass and glassware ...... 8 163.686 170,81 127.1)48 95.801 100.769 1)320 .3,937
Graphite..... ........... Cwt. 30.288 18,91 20.683 500 1.444 18.412 19,378
$ 76.081 46,31 44120 2,990 8.888 43.473 34.861
Stieasplittings .......... Cwt. 1,022 9 1.116 30 44 55 1,071
; 41.951 5,11 311,547 1.660 1.502 3.542 29.045
Other mica .............. 8 44,760 32.01 4.993 98 31,768 3,655
Petroleum and Its Prixiucts-
Petroleum, crude.......Gal. 21,790,307 11.452,43 5.859.75)) 1.424,780....8,238,592 5,348,352
$ 862. 7418 462,04: 178.127 63,562....282.728 135,714
Xeroeene,refined ...... Gal. 961,262 502, 1.192,716.....21.131 29.908
$ 93,824 171.737.....2. 11 1 0 2,037
Gasoline and naphtha..Gal. 6,429.080 5.349,10 4,723,038 250 1,6114.610 1.222,7)18
$ 1.063.811 853.84: 056,462 51) 267.20$) 164.811
Other oil...............Gal. 311,599 974.9:1 7.1170,958 33,11 54,637 7T7.)63 7.373,868
8 110,743 202.41 276,903 13.601 22.945 133,610 157,617
Wax..................Cwt. 18.568 1.5.4)2 16.115 . ....15.611 15.984)
$ 80,888 48:19 43955 . ....48.1 12 42,512
Stone and Its Products-
Abrasives, artificial.. .Cwt. 1,047.807 038,53 241.444 30,107 55,986 608.3(5 184.257
1 2,577.730 1.304,83 967,041) 100.528 419.178 1.394,218 541,856
Grindstones ............ $ 8,703 11.3) 7343.....6.42:) 3,543
Gypsum, crude ........ .on 704.938 597.43 316.84)5.....501.474 3(0,802
$ 848.778 736.5:1 389.074.... flhi,5:lO 380,074
Lime.................Cwt. 420,207 271.02 153.320.....27(1,1141 153,199
$ 416.059 272,0( 149.344.....269.8.54 149,177
Cement. Portland ..... Cwt (1412,852 3:15,4)1 182.722.....1.9(9 665
$ 203,811 194.7.9 37683.....1. 24 9 309
Feldspar ............... ..on 11.223 11.94 .5112 10 11,921) 495
$ 89365 66,03 5,9))) , 300 9.5,47:) 3,33))
Sand and gravel.......Ton 2,560,624 473:13 l7S,50(..... 473 . 37)1 175,509
$ 463.816 142.71 33.621) . (42.792 33.629
Talc .................. Cwt. 157,910 159 1 03 156.252 21.1)52 28,001 (:17.321) 127.0(17
$ 90.079 84.51 86.112 111,421 23.600 117,536 01,763
Other .................. 8 482.491 304,83 215,162 48.736 48.799 224.1)28 153,062
Other non-metallic
minerals.............$ 829,623 839,16 750.431 166,736 331,449 345,299 197.111
Total Non-Metallic
Minerals ........... $ 21,107,780 13,456,7C 9.215.837 894,408 1,290,055 8,233,323 4.037,126

Cnnsici.i.s smm ALLIED Pno-

ovc,Ts- (4.758
Acid, sulphuric .......... Cwt. 11.928 20.56 14.873 . ......... ................. 20.510
$ 6.553 19,511 10.683 . ................ ............ 19.316 30.341
Acids, other............Cwt. 276,273 736,84] 277,104 190.978 121.971 14.3.306 152,339
8 1,874,603 2,0113.46 1.795,919 1,302,102 824,271 770,375 1441,42)1
Wood alcohol............Gal. 8,070 4.22 5,794 ................... 4.974 ......................
$ 6,351 3.86 3,625 ................... 2.706 ......................
Other industrial spirita $ 9.432 5.011 599 ................................. 452 20
Drugs, medicinal ......... $ 560,485 471.08 796.953 262.902 534,356 9,097 36,013
Hemlock bark extract.... 8 445.......... (90 ................................................
Explosives ............... $ 238,709 $3.60 62,902........................... 304 633

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Classification Produce (Mdse) United Kingdom United States
1931 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Cuesocs.i.s AND Ai.uao Pso-

oucm— Con.
Ammonium sulphate. .Cwt. 182.863 218.658 914.515 20 98,784 190.200
$ 298,811 313,889 751,539 . 15 146,354 186,399
Cyanamid............Cwt. 1,987.607 935,411 1,338.1:15 12 925,733 1,338.867
$ 3.094.734 1,143,693 1,721,105 18 1,131,880 1.701.426
Othermfd..n.o.p ...... Cwt. 153.196 254.790 411,017 40 247,134 399,549
$ 305,221) 489,603 591.235 88 474,009 572,658
Paints, pigments and 'ar-
nisbes .................. S 400,191 336,010 377.095 127,154 139,594 50,199 37542
Soap, toilet...............Lb. 5,259,717 6.243,7:17 6,203.182 4,784.007 4,725,726 349 ..........
8 612,692 564,672 494.280 421.675 373,097 70 .........
Soap, n.o.p ............... Lb. 487,347 406.478 306.130 2.55! 4.810 3,926 1.232
$ 95.487 27,038 11.1)91 185 523 801 2191
Inorganic Chemicals,

Arsenic,n.o.p .......... Cwt. 22,723 32,102 13.868 ...............32.102 13.868

$ 83,750 117.975 51.01(1 ............... 117,915 81,910
Acetateof lime ........ Cwt 77,752 30 1152 ......
$ 118.239 105 1.755
Sods and nodiuni corn-
pounds..............Cwt. 680.593 760.030 584,100 . ...487.107 316,013
$ 2,870,365 2,841,609 2.698,143 ....1.1(15,845 992.378
Cobalt oxide and salts. Lb. 287,105 317,346 4:01,9118 154,000 318,500 121.546 82,9.50
8 536,135 381,531 427.54)) 180.455 314,575 145,591 83.792
Other..................5 693,917 518,372 356.180 7,949 15.917 11,590 7,304
Total Inor13anic
Chemicals, sop... 8 4,302,406 3.859.592 3.535.528 188.404 330.492 1,380,911 1.135.384
Glycerine...............Cwt. 10.091 7.138 7.138
5 53.275 41.513 ......41,553 ..
Other drugs, dyes and
chemicals .............. $ 1,026,449 1.113,281 041,164 828,373 689.414 97,959 68,188
Total Chemicals and
Allied I'roducts.,., $ 12,825,852 10.535,038 11,099,814 3,130,795 2,893,574 4,123,489 4,668,260

1 IELLA'cEOr5 CoMMoomxa-
Amusement and sporting
goods .................. $ 122.569 79,843 141.545 34,147 105.729 23,890 11,785
Drushes..................$ 117,463 56.513 103,339 16,875 63,811 78 441
Containers ............... $ 505,800 361.204 228,421 7,320 8,951 97,988 45,074
Household and personal
cuipment.............S 1.001.055 719.744 607.577 417.217 3941.848 66.599 39,620
Mineral waters ........... 8 6,385 15,094 5.758 3.128 982 6,253 462
Musical Instruments-
Organs ................. No, 177 76 35 2 1 13 0
$ 154,684 97,197 18.547 265 25 80,140 16,765
Pianos.................No 122 66 62 30 25
5 28.616 15,102 13.808 3.245
10 11
3,0(10 7.330 4,745
Other .................. 8 118,957 62,051 19,224 3,303 2,870 17,086 4,494
Scientific and Educational
Cazueras...............$ 4,103 13.777 4.118 1,609 1.157 1,519
Films .................. ...4,250.536 4,011.672 3,500.250 2.070,696 2.159.244 902.713 832.134
Other .................. .....411,258 25,366 24,901) 8,855 9,809 12.032 8,269
Ships and vaels 562.719 512.678 347,650 5,442 4:37 141,239 2:1,148
Vehicles, n.o.p 123,953 36,289 27,371) 12.405 12.542 4.248 2.128
Works of art .............. .. 120.594 95.165 91.700 25,940 21.7(12 116,562 114,840
Cartridges ............... .. 30.40.5 42.083 110,825 1,035 10.725 828 402
Contractors' outfits 442,319 201.451 43,59.5 ...... ... ......195,717 34,106
Electrical unergy..M K.W.H. 1,697,814 1,041,904 847,789 ................1,041,041 047,742
$ 4,453,280 2.710.410 1,057,555. ...... .... ....2.706.6)11 1.1154,087
lee ....................... $ 112,733 108.354 93.454..........1061)39 93,552
Junk .................... Cwt. 9,732 6.709 2.547 97 6.612 2.547
$ 37.794 20.399 2.725 86 ....20,313 2,72.8
Settlers' affects...........5 5,604.055 3.970,005 3.068.981 424,417 420,497 3,2(16,497 2,445,585
Allothetarticles......... 5 318,598 212,314 135,162 43,489 30,307 115.233 06,996
Total Miscellaneous
Commodities ...... $ 18,115,846 13.367,251 10,243,532 3.079,234 3,254,169 7,960.570 5.152,526
TOTAL ExroltTs, Cas-
ADIA7 l'itODt7CE ...... S 799.742,667 576,344.302 473,799.935 174,043,728 184,361,019 255,186,674 143,1130,400


(Fiscal Years)

Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico

Articles 1933
1932 1033 1932 1933 1932


............................... Stem ... 1.375 ..

B ananas
$ ... 1.523 ..
(106 585 1,437 677
Pineapples, fresh ........................ .$ .. 68.212 ..
Pineapples, canned......................Lb.... 503.944
8 .. 40.631 6.532 . ..
Other fruits, preserved (except dried).... $ ... 7.462 967 ..
Coffee, green ............................. lb...403.231 218,240 ..
30,011 ..
Cigarette't .............................. ...127 89 .....
I"ish, fresh or frozen .................... ... 24. 178 16.019 .. 28 ..
tIther fishery products .................. ... 91 801) ....
}'urs, undressed ......................... ...11.650 1.352 ....
23 .... 504
Cotton products.... ............ . ... ...84 .
;Vood, uni,ifd. (inc) Lumber) ............ ...13.198 548 ..
Machinery. except for farms ............. ....
ttther iron and steel ..................... ...127 3.617 ...
I'etroleurn and its products ......... . .... ... 3 9.255 ...
Ships ................................... ... 1.500 36 ....
Articles re.importod ..................... ...7735 520 20 455 . .
2.574 2,65(1 ...52 ..
Ships' stores, n.o.p ...................... ... 512 . .
Settlers' effects ......................... ...285 1.686 600
604 9,216 1,521 20
AU other articles ........................ ...1.654
63,292 37.799 115.505 42,186 1.437 1,201
Total Imports ................... 8


Apples .................................. BrI. 20

: ::: :: : .... :::: :' ': : :: :::: ......: :: : :::::''::::''.:::::
Groceries...............................$ 60 150 . ..............
$ ....... 3 . 597
Rubber tires ............................ 115 880 50
Animals, living .......................... $ 200
Salmon. fresh .......................... Cwt......182 .... ..
$ ......
Fish, dried, salted, smoked, etc ......... $ 170 80 654 2.829 423,970 238.197
Bait fish ............................... Ton 665 ......
$ 11.100 ... ...
Furs and mfrs. of ........................ $ 206 1,563 .................
Meats................................ $ 818 1.327 27.704 17,915 .. ..
Wood. unmanufactured (md. lumber)... 8 8.164 4,942 765 ......425
Wood, manufactured .................... $ 137 50 ..................
894 2,787 145.114 112,954 2,106 1.356
Paper and manufactures of... ............ $ 2,636 323 29(1 601
Itooks and printed matter... ............ $ 52 St.)
Farm implements and machinery ........ $ ........ 1 . 623 ..
85 180 ....... 594
SIae}iinery, except for farme ............. $ 6. .
Automol,ih's and parts .......... ........ $ ......... 3.070 24 200
other iron products .................... $ 159 9,470 400
Clay manufactures ...................... .$ 25 75 .. ....27
15.902 10.593 ....... 166
Coal ................................... Ton
09.146 .......8.'tO
$ 102.896
Petroleum sari products ................. s 223,673 64.84)) .......
Cement ............................... Cwt..... 88 .......
$ ....88
Ammonium sulphate. .................. Cwt....... 12.450 350.974 ....
$ ......18.982 289,665 ....
1.010 9,708 12.801
Cyanamid ............................. Cwt.........1.537 11,804 14,469
$ ........
Containers (packages) ................... $ 4,902 10,731 ........
2.219 77 2,1105 2,628
Stationery .............................. $ ...... 30 ........
Boats, canoes. etc... .................... $ 85
Contractors' outfits ..................... $ 1.6.55 663 ........
Electrical energy ........................ $ 1.749 3.468 ........
1.591 1.120 1.890 200 ..
Settlers' effects ............................2.723 1,975 2,329 3,372 3,053 5,161
All other articles ........................ $ 2.319
364.147 173,388 201,083 434,540 450,184 268.045
Total Exports (Canadian) .......$


(Finest Years)

Bermuda Newfoundland Mexico

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

Ixii'oais FOR CoaavMrnoN.

Ber;ie, wild ........................... $ .............3,234 139 .................
Mtiskuoelons and cantoloupes ............ No.............. 287 . 535
$ .............5,880
Oranges ................... ........... Cu. It 6 ............8,006 1,900
$ 6 ............9,208 1,149
Cabbage ................................ $ 4.867 7,646 4 ..................
Onions .................................. $ 4.(188 34,075 ..........
Tomatoes ............................... Lb 319,404 1,256.046 .........8,400,319 13,718,118
$ 16,336 '23.1)55 ..........458.11)5 684.745
Other vegetables ....................... $ 30,676 7 1. 031 10 .................8,8,51) 8,504
Rice, uncleanod ........................ Cwt................ 8.105 ........ .. ..
$ .............. 13,699 .........
Coffee, green ........................... Lb............... 1,403,285 813.237
$ .... 227,777 103,886
Florist stork: Azaleas, etc ............... $ 1,984 1.772 ...
Fish, fresh. ............................. $ .... 140. 212 11(7.493 .............
dried, salted, pickled .............. $ ....249. 98 ! 1)0)784 .............
canned ............................ $ .....106,1)10 41,67)1 .............
Fishery produet', n.o.p. (except oils) ....$ ....1 6 , 802 11.743 .............
Fox skins, undressed. ................... $ .... 15, 928 13,876 .............
Other furs, undressed .................... $ .... 38 ,548 18.997 ..............
Hides and skins ........................ Cwt 31 49 8 .............
$ 203 243 21 .............
Leather boots and shoes...............Pair .....50 220 .............
$ .....85 312 ...........
Fish, seal and whale oils. ............... Gal...... 180. 1 99 170.452 ...........
$ ..... 83.382 59.944 ...........
Grease, rough .......................... Cwt. 153 256 .....
$ 459 677 .....
Artificial silk...........................$ ...........9 . 229 . ...........
Fibre, vegetable ....................... Cwt........... 309 ............
$ ............(161 . ...........
Itags and waste ........................ Cwt. ........9 194 ............
$ ........63 1,113 ............
Fishing lines and nets ................... $
Ilarrels, empty .......................... No .........1 . 619 252 ............
$ .......1477 252 ............
Furniture otwood ....................... 8 5 54 2111 38 132 ............
Iron ore..................................on ......230,851 ....
44( 1. 3)11 . ....
Scrap iron ..............................9 ......11.818 37,812 ...
Iron drums, barrels, etc................$ 11,552 6.837 54,578 34.453 16 21
I5riue scrap ............................ Cwt .........303 ...
$ .........1 . 659 ...
Mercury ................................. Lb..............2.451 8,072
$ ............2,514 4,527
Fuel oil for ships' stores ................ Gal............. 2,327,533 2,415,1)29
* ............45,046 48.794
Stone, refuse.................................... 100 . 023 ........
9 ...... 08,814 ........
Salt for the fisheries .................... Cwt........ 20 , 547 12.093 ....
$ ...... 8,481 2.437 . .............
Containers, of Canadian mIt ............. 9 8,720 10.787 72,827 28,235 100
Containers. n.o.p ........................ * .........2 3 3
Launches. etc ........................... No ...... I
900 .......
Vessels, etc., n.o.p.... ................... ....... 380 .......
Articles for army and navy .............. ... 3811 3,282 ....230 ....
Articles re-imported ..................... ...12,05)) 13.732 98.901 55.047 3,939 3.779
Articles for exhibition ........... ......... ... 1.174 . ...145 500 ....
Ships' stores (except coal and fuel oil)... 1 504 1,000 128 20 346 35
Junk...................................Cwt.......1) ......
8 ...... 13 ......
Settlers' effects
......................... 8 710 1.900 27,844 18,843 5,740 9,55))
All other articles ........................ $ 2,006 4.069 16,662 10,342 1,076 9.988

Total Imports .................. $ 95,729 182.740 1,403.88! 545.527 880,841

788.447 ..


Apples, fresh ............................ En. 3,542 3.120 15,222 12.668 .......................

$ 14,415 12.868 60,574 52.718 .......................
Potatoes .............................. Bush. 46,909 40.031 127.981) 225,055 .......................
$ 20,916 22.278 39,1016 53,546 .......................
Pickles, sauces and cat.sups .............. $ 728 2.5:11 11.301 14,2.........................
Vegetables, canned ....................... Lb. 381,276 418,3l6 038.230 8ii.5.388 ............ ...

$ 18.540 20.851 27,541 33.749 .......................

Dats .................................. Bush. 288.343 309.873 .315.418 380,996 20.585 .............
$ 100,()0)) 11)9,551 126.455 140,026 9,550 .............
Bran, aborts nd middlings ............. Cwt. 41,868 44.826 21,1)30 20.306 600.............
1 39495 40.529 20,762 18.687 570.............


(Fiscal Years)

Bennuda Newfoundland Mexico

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Cornmeal ............................... BrI, 45)) 480 10,280 7,000
$ 1.496 1,398 26,983 17,040 ...
Flourof wheat .......................... En 21,225 26,695 273,566 281.736 ...
$ 88.090 102.541 1,219.124 1,163,35)) ...
Malt................................. ...$ 737 ...19,499
Confectionery, all kinds ................. $ 21,859 12,993 125.200 84.250 ...
Sugar,n.o.p ............................ Cwt 207 141 113,171 72,908 ...
* 1.152 766 553.320 339,709 . .
Ak'oholicbeverages ..................... $ 611.200 417,328 4,352 11.310 4,008 4,815
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 7.344 7,700 142,4133 183.149 240 119
1 4.885 5.055 118,649 200,951 128 82
Rubber tires ............................ $ 1,023 560 9,046 1)692 346 12.674
Foddern,n.o.p .......................... $ 25.541 34.735 31,386 36.340 ....
Hay ................................... Ton 3.306 3,208 4.240 4.350
6 42,797 32.573 50,006 37,(54 ....
Cattle .................................. No 58 70 2,583 2,547 ....
$ 4,458 5,025 119,885 87,983 ....
Horses .................................. No 10 12 131 86 ....
$ 0.750 1.964) 11,485 10.398 ....
Fish, dried, united, pickled .............. $ 28,398 24,801 36.148 67,050 .. ... .
Fish, preserved or canned ............... $ 10.827 8,724 4,681 2.473 7.098 2,025
Furs and mfrs. of ........................ $ 1.731 3.190 688
Leather and rnfrs.of ....... ............. $ 2.151 828 15.764 20.336 225 29
Meats ................................... $ 234.161) 215,710 428,915 369.129 .....
Butter ................................. Cwt 2,461) 1,218 4.393 4,028
$ 50.512 22,988 183,414 86,674 ....
Cheese ................................ Cwt 1,937 1,861 4,1.165 3,761 ....
8 29,981 23.904 53,74)1 13.366 ....
Milkpowdered,eondensed,evaporat.edCwt 7.389 6,734 13.498 13.905 44 74
6 64.206 86.152 132,08.0 112.371 600 1.050
Animal oils, fats, greases ................ $ 394 17,905 1,3.51 1,256 ..
Eggs .................................... Doe 22,941 73,4(0) 186,290 138,222 ....
$ 7,347 21.2.31) 50.112 32.97)) ....
Cotton manufactures .................... $ 6,397 0,133 72.110 30.548 2,737 1,751
Silk manufactures ....................... $ 2.118 4.127 15,1)3)) 17,505 272
Wool clothing ........................... $ 3.152 1.759 47,716 19.310 .088 2.832
Felt manufactures ....................... 8 5 62,5)93 31.381 21,814 18.835
C'lothing,n.o.p .......................... $ 3, 2.345 69.)):)! 47.374 1.559 ..
oilcloth ................................ $ 1.121 2,269 15,057 9,133 2.590 28,234
Wood. unmanufactured (med lumber).... $ 52,630 55,779 63,861 25,755 3,792 515
Furniture of wood ....................... $ 31.6711 25,388 46.315 23.196
Paper and manufactures of ............... 8 16.71)7 11,681 125.16)11 99,356 4.957 7,322
Jlooks and printed matter ............... 1 7.045 7.417 55,11)12 33,054 1.026 687
Ferro-silicon and manganese ............. Ton . ............... 151) 192
8 12.740 14,155
Rolling mill products ................ ..$ 1,267 806 41.1)44 6.984 . ...
Iron pipeand tubing ..................... 8 3.633 2,018 14.179 12,404 890 2,453
Wire, iron or steel ....................... $ 1.249 393 10,655 9,776 2.535 42
l':ngines, all kinds ....................... 8 334 2,033 27.1119 11.849 .. ..
Farm implements and machinery $ ....... 320 90 8. 94 4 1.654 5,522 1,017
Hardware and cutlery ................... $ 10,419 8,378 33,51f1 29.432 16,954
Machinery, except for farms ............. 1 2,886 3,610 1U6,0170 66.054 9.209 4.9.39
Automobiles ............................ No I 143 49 3
8 183 .......68.633 22,415 810 ..
Railway cars and parts .................. 8 6,890 6.335 ....
Staves .................................. 9 6.33 431 27,167 20.264 ..
Aluminium .............................$ 540 1,066 1,959 1.259 110.975 15,693
Copper and rnfrs. of ..................... 8 17 17.41)2 6,890 2,974 10,705
Electricapparatus ....................... $ 12.419 10,527 30,74.5 32,704 5)1,797 47,359
('oal .................................... Ton 44 35 112,389 97.682 ....
8 352 262 614.1(57 517.189 ....
Petroleum and its products .............. 8 3.306 2.481 499,316 626.631
Cement ................................ Cwt 85.757 34,238 11)8.299 51.697 ....
6 25.194 8,676 416.51 12.982 ....
Medicinal preparations .................. 1 8,678 10,357 11.354 55.913
Explosives, all kinds .................... I . 48.572 56,867 ....
Paints and varnish ...................... 8 7.692 9.017 34,752 29.385 4,067 1.392
Bakingpowder ......................... Cwt 56 107 1,918 1.919 .
1 1,061 1.942 46)09 39.846
Soda and compounds ................... Cwt. 5 ...... 4:12 164 150.573 148.717
8 85 ..... 1.1)58 857 951,51)4 946.833
Other inoreanic chemicals ............... 8 . . 7,1)86 9,304 09.516 72.523
Ships, boats, launches ................... $ 75.192 301) 78.765 36.023
All other articles ........................ 8 206,190 179,713 813.016 600.663 72.258 76,361
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... 8 1,948.898 1.587,002 13.6(11.852 5,644,225 1,366.947 1,311.236


(Fiscal Years)

Barbedee Cuba San Domingo

3932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Pineapples, fresh...................... Cra e ..........26.315 16,882 .............
$ 36.399 22.301
Molasses ............................... Ga 4.099.541 4,419.848 14.157 68.04)7
1,278,924 1,111)4,980 2.352 14.985
Sugar, not above No. 18 D.B........... Cw 656,331 906.479 107,738 443,247 413.232 124,182
1,365,723 1,051)913 136.248 359.293 520,550 101.110
Sugar, above No. 16 D.S ............... Cw 15 450 125.995 6.0410 ............
$ 37 837 265.008 7,730 ............
Rum................................ Nga 4,851 712 3.500 824 .............
8 18.018 1,695 40.455 8.469 .............
Tobacco, unmanufactured ............... LI 597.254 435.429 . ............ .............
372,166 218.231 ....
Cigars .................................. LI 8.537 4.301
$ 65.085 32,956
Sponges................................. 8 13.851 4,097
Cotton bags............................. $ 7.073 .....
Iron drums, tanks, cylinders, etc ........ $ 3,820 144
Articles re.imported ..................... $ 43 52 200 301
Settlers' effects......................... $ 350 50 7.574 500 2,000 ..
All other articles ........................ $ 6,725 3.308 34726 37.162 33
Total Imports .............. $ 2,673,435 2,856.835 981.091 705,824 522,884 . 101,310


Potatoes .............................. BusS 45.282 22.495 1,145.704 480.106 2,791

20,601 6.937 722,144 329.777 . ............ .........1.891
Other vegetables ........................ 8 5,690 7,808 1,728 ..........................302
Oats.................................. Bust 156,743 123,169 4,042 15 In ...........
56.519 35.875 1,978 5 5 ...........
Wheat floor ............................. Br 77.836 81.215 40,312 22.970 5,797 5,781
S 2410.663 260.625 156.005 71,695 18,324 16,444
Sugar and its products .... . ............. $ 6.016 5.457 82 ................. - 127 ..........
Whiskey ....... ...................... P1. ga • 38 973 1.177 84
8 14)) . 4,324 7.263 345
Oilcake ................................ Cw) • $5.789 31.208
$ 78,795 38.684
Rubber manufactures ................... $ 19.162 13,874 4.632 1,248 19,218 11,088
Hay................................... Tor 75 12 2,487 1.989 ...................
950 1139 19.938 13,393
Fieb, dried, smoked, pickled............ 78.141 63,850 202,396 86,688 160,421 118,943
Canned fish........................... 21,296 18,479 168 250 3,263 3.131
Leather, unmanufactured............... 456 11.300 1.171 3.427 1.348
Meats. ................................. . 40,954 01,943 10 ............................. 132
Butter ............................ ..... CwI 251 88 3 76 98
7,939 2.541 78 2,479 2,770
Cheese ................................ Ctl 671 732 31 5 ........................
12,958 11.270 8-4! 120 .....................
Milk, condensed ....................... Cwl 1.009 831 4.654 996 50
14,412 11,862 45,586 9.747 485 ...........
Milk, evacorated ..................... CwI 15 96 ..........................
14! 1.362 ...........................
Cotton manufactures.................... 10.021 6.474 189 826 79 6
Planks and boards..................... M ft 4.024 5,855 12 18 40 ...........
94.699 116.1)4 605 372 1,090 ...........
Shingles....,.......,....,,............. it 7,444 14.26))
8 17,477 25.599
Staves and headings.................... S 51.543 54.885 1.481 527
Newsprint paper....................... Cwt 329 212 97.054 94.068 1.421) 1.235
1.045 535 200.697 149.569 3.922 1.822
Books and printed matter ............... $ 1.691 2.496 2.015 1,449 254 244
Rolling mill products .................... $ 137 ..................
Nails, all kinds ........................ Cwt 1.997 509 98 .. 5
9,195 2.819 887 .......................43
Automobiles............................ No 44 81 2 6 2
19,795 35,161) 550 2,680, 920
F urniture, metal ....................... S 2.715 4,419 18 124 32
Copper wire and cable ................... 8 31 13.144 ...........
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 3.254 1.996 1,125 550 1.219 886
Coal ...................................Ton 597 1,748
3.622 10.327
Ammonium sulphate ................... Cst 35.265 .....................
54.910 ... .
Paints and varnish ...................... $ 2,804 3.996 2.314 3.754
Inorganic chemicals ..................... $ 1.054 4,859 187,342 72.883 4.021 3.053
Stationery, n.o.p........................ $ 2.752 1.910 4,519 5.578 3.708 3,178
All other articles ........................ $ 191.308 247,768 61.539 62.280 24.285 14,423
Total Exports (Canadian).,, 8 1,01)2.425 1,049,944 1,637,676 830,177 262,273 180,965

(Fiscal Year.)
'1 rInl(la.I ns a ,j tcIer
amatca Tobago British West Indies
Artic1e 1933 1932
1932 1933 4932


Kansas ............................... Stem 3329017 2,571.411 . 33 453
8 1,163.193 697.950 60 505
2.726.412 2347.345 101,131
260.124 170.443 182,110
.............................. Lb
C rape fruit 13,3953,889 5,134 6,633
$ 89.412 33.015
169.481 1.297 836 3,176 3,666
C ranges.............................. Cu. ft 123,514)
2.4761,422 3.780 4.405
$ 134.428 61.854
.............................. No 3,672.610 5,962.350 1899.640
1,571,005 64.360 64,435
C ocoanuts
49.022 62.432 30,430
22,547 1.900 4,348
280 341 . 197,7 01) 463.448
I omatoes...............................$
1,504 588.404
567,191 464,022 1.054,137
1. obese ............................... Gal 32.88(4
28,21)2 144.841 484.225
8 . . 223
1417.272 594.350 095.587
1.353,628 442,525 304,280
S or, not above No. 18 P.S ........... Cwt 1,283,929 951,529 578,976
$ 4,888.992 983,250 2,753.199
S Jgar, above No. 16 P.S ............... Cwt, 560 . 22.393 0 ...
8 1,380) . 43.890 29 ....
Cwt 39.021) 413,8113 30.470
27.895 13,899 36.234
C ocoa beans, not roasted ............... 184,905 198,524
175,752 71.971 172.157
$ 1711 11)1
offee. green ............................ Lb. 7,15(1,745 9,880.279 494.675
667,634 22,515 .
C 1.056.04)) 86.207
)11,87 2.428 .
1 745,535
a ....................$ 22,135 29.33)) 1.087
1.086 18.155 15,624
Pima 63 532 510
urn .... . ........................... P0. gal 20.851 12.345 241
81.113 52,482 1,194 279 0,527 10.661
3 8.901 0,356
C us, vegetable, not food ................ $ 5911 04 7,93731511
a 38.195 26,422
ponges, marine ......................... 8 .. .......... 380
'on drums, tanks, cylinders ........ ..... $ 120 . 4.100 ....11.156
I etroleum. crude ............. ...........Gal. ... 17,739 . 024 ...
* .... 848 . 940 202,037
S ................................... Cwt, ...
alt 27.005
7,119 36.3413
62.058 37,731
I ilotherarticies ........................ $ 52.717 32.470 8,676
4,400,024 3,194,304 3.124,902 2,426,282 1.560,516 1,235,476
Total Imports .................. $
ExPoacs (CANADIAN) 1114.643 51.264 44.03)) 20,889
otatoes .............................. Bush. 30.369 29.364
17,674 16,642 57.405 24.24(1 8.527 44.390
$ 2)1,1196 24.444
.................................. Bush. 43964 4(4,759 123,3041 144,676
$ 17,4)12 15,538 17.287 47,971 7,488 8,130
299,200 314.654 241,189 204,343 165.563 181,925
.......................... Br!.
lourol'whent 064.688 511,443 509,227
$ 987.245 944,410 854.955
III 144 575 149 674 723
.i,cuit.s and bread ..................... Cwt. 2,458 10,832 8,200
$ 2(141 1,9.48 40.082
33 823 719 11.1)90 1.301
ugar, all kinds, n.o.p ................. Cwt. 282
28.881 0,138
$ 1,443 185 5,055 4,342
2.124 646 829 437 224.600 134.921
............................. P1. gal.
'hiskey 585 1,152,938 681,591
$ 8.026 3.375 3.244
................................ Cwt. 252 375 25,671 8.927 7,118 8.540
'ilcake 10,859 10,532 11,095
$ :308 4911 35,924
ubber manulactures ................... $ 135,978 67,457 94.468 67,279 54.14.32 38,1)65
lab, dried, salted, pickled .............. $ 502.303 463.558 215.363 188.059 69.225 54.456
611,476 35.503 :10.074 19.762 7.781 7,126
(sb canned ............................ $
37,254 28.475 36.386
................................... $
[eats 57,318 60,128 35,298
utter ................................. Cwt, 1,652 342 4.080 552 4,786 1,574
$ 43,1)17 9.195 31,341 42.901 52.688 39.432
'heese ................................. Cwt. 3.510 3.741 2.454 2,81)7 939 1,083
$ 56,048 51,164 43.728 40.778 17.725 17,727
[Ilk, condensed, evaporated, etc ....... Cwt. 13,001 7,20.5 10,027 0.085 3,011 3.933
6 172,173 99,951 [53.449 142,333 48,591) 55,176
nrd and lard compounds .............. Cwt. 100 33 4,375 1.007 433 101
$ 983 .545 14.304 9.465 4.846 1.081, n.o.p ........................... $ 1.925 (412 2.3044 1,247 903 82
Ither fibre and textile products ......... $ 44,928 65.17)1 211.948 35,699 19.147 13.066
78 276 2,919 3,632 1,949 2,190
..................... Mft,
lanksandboards 60.290 68.061
$ 2,144 4,447 61,925 59.859
hooks ................................. 5 12,010) 41,4111 24,280 23.417 0,152 6.636
'urnitureof wood ....................... $ 14,885 12,22(1 6,104 9.014 3.145 2.122
'aper and manufactures of .............. 8 68.308 75,788 35,111 28,255 6,1188 8.056
aih,,allkinds ........................ Cwt. 1,092 4.791 938 5,397 2.541 3.246
8 9,142 6,724 3.109 15.134 10.316 42.710
!aehinery,exceptforfarma ............. $ 20,534 40.865 21,094 1.547 2.103 826
............................ No.
utomobiles 267 323 468 326 69 15
$ 129,754 154,837 78.282 96.701 24,123 6.781
'urn,(urof metal ...................... 3 12,270 12,835 1(1.126 10.724 047 1.71€
lectricapparatus .......................8 4.944 9.758 4.422 4.359 1.320 2.111
.................. . ............. Cwt.
)ernen4 18,124 5076 53,447 33,376 12,999 16,254
8 2,042 524 43.888 4.427 3.410 2,607
!edicinnl preparations ..................$ 24,465 27.410 16.673 19,337 7.141 7,001
...................... $ 8.921 8,519 8.857 8.775 4,284 3.09€
oap .................................... Lb. 23,352 44.284 372,920 282.050 25.881) 17,45)
8 6.389 8396 28,101 11.951 3.214 2.51(
)ontainers (packages) ................... 8 6,347 1,968 41,371 0,744 5.571 5.241
tationery .............................. $ 11.812 9,4110 44.444 7.242 4.144 6,32)
11 other articles ........................ $ 160,897 249.845 139.620 458,460 101.724 89.467

Tntal F.snnrts (Canadian).......3 2.634.6001 2.147.637 4,773.239 2,398,372 1,7I4.12


(Fiscal Years)

French West Indies St. Pierre and Miquelon Dutch West Indies
1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Whiskey ............................ Pt. gal... ............
. 9 7.
$ ... 51 38 .
Other distilled spirits ................... $ .... 18 .
Furs, undressed (md. marine) ........... 8 ... 3,018 2.417 .
hides and skins ......................... $ ... 28 171 ..
Petroleum oils, crude .................... $ .... 465.481 391,679
Gasoline ................................ $ .....1,034,224) 1,166,109
Containers (packages) ................... $ .... 97,092 76,998 ..
Articles re-imported ..................... $ 222 3,679 3.558 .
All other artirle'l. ....................... $ ...3,219 3,851

Total Imports .................. $ ........ 222 107.081 86,652 1,499.701 1,557.788

Exrowrs (CaNADIAN)
Potatoes .............................. flush. 10,550 0,792 19.75(1 19.280 . ..
8 5,799 4,579 6,880 1.0441 . ..
Other vegetables ....................... $ ...220 6.131 .5.912 . ..
Grains .................................. $ 11 .... 5,8112 2.946 . ...
Flourof wheat .......................... lid 49,224 22,701 4,731 3,337 2.822 4.715
8 148.717 69817 39,962 13.529 10,080 17,000
Sugar and its products .................. $ 24 19 15.8111 11.089 227 49
Whiskey..............................Pt. gal.......1,794.507 1,341,252 379 $39
8 .....8,049(101 7,081.575 1.599 2.394
Rubber booth nndsl,oes ............... Pair 55.177 12,591 8,375 14.453 11,5411 357
8 31,977 6.559 5,389 11,180 7,307 211
Rubber clothing ........................ $ .... 2.453 .3,321 4 ..
Rubbertires .............. .............. 1 8.569 2,017 993 1.199 8,430 15,551
Hay ................................... Ton .... 458 442 .. .
$ ....6,687 4,419 .. .
Cattle .................................. No.....879 1,162 ...
8 .... 22.1447 20.549 .. .
Swine ................................... No.....721 964 .. .
8 .....8.129 7,461
Other live animals ...................... $ 6 8 4,111) 4,163 ...
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt........4 6 516 368
$ ......69 62 4.935 2.932
Other fishery products .................. $ 11,589 6.448 1.679 1.340 5.098 3.542
Boots and shoes, leather ............... Pair ......3,1)42 6,066 . ..
$ ......6,880 9,282 ...
Meats ................................... $ 1,394 1,603 18,188 17,469 355
flutter ................................. Cwt........1.382 1,149 .. .
$ .......32,1475 22,985 ...
Milk, evaporated ...................... Cwt . ......245 175 128 1,283
3,214 2,422 1.962 19,200
Eggs ................................... Don........ 16.398 17,928 . ..
4.855 1,456 . ..
Cotton clothing ......................... ........ 6,790 (5,730 8
Silk manufactures ....................... I 292 1,128 2,057 547 4,948
Woollen clothing ........................ ........ 8,921 10.898 3 ..
Bags, textile ............................ 8 .......10.596 2.003 . ..
flats and cape ........................... $ ....... 1,649 1,793 . ..
Oilcloths ...... .......................... 8 .......4,420 5.248 ....
Socks and stockings. .................... 8 381) 3,407 2.419 4,308 552
Planks and boards ..................... 35 ft 1,540 1,536 728 802 22
$ 33,033 35.750 25.405 19.111 219
Wood, manufactured .................... $ 403 9.076 21.785 70
Paper and manufacturre of .............. 8 35 8.783 6.834 1.664 282
Automobiles ............................ No, ii ....7 12 ....
8 2.248 . ... 3,357 6,944 ....
Otherironandateel ..................... 8 2,380 1,804) 31.805 30.662 40 140
Aluminium.............................$ .......7 8 25 ...
Coal .................................... Ton .......4.531 4.171 ....
$ .......27.043 2:4.193 ....
Petroleum, crude ...................... Gal........ 426.351 1814.152 ....
8 .......30.411111 1)1.34(5 ....
Coal oil and kerosene ................... Gal........ 22.938 24.757 ....
$ .......4.051 4,1)13 ....
Gasoline and naphtba .................. Gal........104.872 82.435 ....
$ .......18,0143 14.445! ....
Mineral oil, n.o.p ....................... Gal........ 12.11211 142.536 ....
$ .......9.473 17.985 ....
Cement ................................ Cwt. 2,280 ....3,294 5.245 ....
$ 580 ....1)32 767 ....
Medicinal preparations .................. 8 78 743 1,251 699 461
Paints and varnish ...................... $ .......1.717 1.884 ....
Containers (packages) ................... I .......100.4115 68,642 ....
Ships...................................8 ....... 100 093 ....
All otherarticles........................$ 3,586 3,721 94,966 93,427 6,291 3,253

Total Exports (Canadian) ....... $ 249.904 129.409 8.642,119 7.593,283 53.225 71,202

• Included "Silk socks and stockings" prior to 1933.


(Fiscal Years)

Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

IMPORTS P011 CorcsuMj'TIoN

Bananas...............................Stem 12,933 44,526 . ............ 2,511' 4,763
6 10,952 27.400 ... 3,257 2,968
Sugar, above No, 16 D.S .............. Cwt....1200 .....
$ ... 3,181 .....
Coffee, green ............................ Lb. 75,03.5 87.097 7,600 .....
9 16,269 15,475 1,006 .....
Lumber and timber ..................... 8 140 172 .. 586 ...
AU other articles ........................ $ 175 91 184 239

Total Imports .............. $ 27,361 43,222 4,278 586 3.441 3,207

Expoa'rs (CANADIAN)
Potatoes .............................. Bush...............
.. 22,319 14,866
I ...........6,681 4,049
Flour of wheat .......................... SIn 3.700 9,528 50 9,453 7,824
8 12,199 30,846 121 27,607 23,432
Candy .................................. Lb 268 826 ............4,037 15,102
8 121 .. 1,187
326 .............. 3,439
Whiskey ............................ Pr. gal 27 47 150 37 32.857 874
8 82 165 599 189 124.745 4,089
Canvasshoeswithrubbersolea ......... Fair 3,330 647 1,000 475 1,710 1,395
8 2,022 445 592 206 803 614
Rubbertires ............................ 8 5,426 6,505 1,645 1.750 12,910 15,630'
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt, 1,291 2041 .............. 2,637 308
$ 8,006 840 .............15,435 1,882
Mackerel, pickled ...................... Cwt 139 102 ............. 995 269
8 808 461 ............. 4,531 879
Other dried and salted fib .............. 8 122 417 .............802 125
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 138 146 63 29 980 68
8 935 833 387 161 8,883 466
Other canned fish ....................... $ .............. 379 111
Iippor loather .......................... $ 161 305 1,470 ............4,398 2,747
Butter ............................... .Cwt. 77 10 .............617 .
8 2,364 323 ............ 13,661 .
Milk, condensed ....................... Cwt 42 ..............109 48
8 ............... 1,560 890
Milk, evaporated ...................... Cwt................ 2,566 536
* ................ 34 ,500 7.045
Cotton duck ............................ .d. 2,247 2.565 7,603 1,483 3,244 .
8 698 605 2,191 353 814 ..
Planks and boards ..................... Sift................. 1 ,397 1,362
8 ................ 22,215 19,205
Furniture of wood ....................... $ ..... 601 36
Paper and manulacturea of .............. $ 5,938 796 1,123 454 19,020 11,459
Books and printed matter ............... $ 39 40 103 145 716 844
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... I ....... 890
Farm implements and machinery ........ ....18 ..............36 143
Dther machinery........................S ....... 1,415 .. 48
utomobi1es, freight .................... No..........1
$ .........285
6.utonnobiles, passenger .................. No.
'::::::::::: ::::::::::::

'ement ................................ Cwt........ 940

$ .......280
Medicinal preparations .................. $ 481 157 .... 4,138 4,129
Soda and compounds ................... Cwt.....940 1.165....
8 ....5,988 7.424 ....
Dther inorganic chemicals ............... * 1.461 1,513 3.289 4,288 640
dattresses and pillows .................. S 76 ....157 29 442....
Stationery. n,o.p ........................ 8 292 3(15 1,225 ...3,5451,945 ..
,1usicai instruments ..................... 8 .........86
Settlers' effects ......................... $ 190.........
41.1 other articles ........................ $ 2,937 1,830 3, 16 1,690 12,7139,874 ..

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 45,078 46,442 22,363 18,810 336,323 113,047



(Fiscal Years)

Guatemala Honduras Salvador

1932 1933 5932 1933 1932 1933


Bananas...............................Stem 33.5 ....315 645 ...

$ 39k) ....290 1,256 ...
Coffee, green ............................ Lb. 82,003 98,562 .....7,500 ..
1 14,515 14,621k .....1,088 ..
All other articles ........................ $
Total Imports .............. $ 14.914 14.629 200 1,256 1,088 ..

Wheat ................................ Bush. 3,357 6.136 373 353 ..........
8 2,143 3,567 210 223 ...........
Flour olwlient .......................... BrI. 6,696 10.240 26)) 5.619 232 ...........
6 21.073 31.693 050 20.423 013 ...........
Alcoholic beverages.....................S 96,82k) 29,137 19,203 537 1.610 1,230
Canvas shoes with rubber soles.........Pair 15,082 885 3,341 3,368 852 ...........
$ 9,05(1 454 1.722 1,504 506 ...........
Tires, pneumatic casings.................No. 1,335 1,803 754 485 845 753
$ 12.326 18,153 10.278 5,751 7.083 5,981
Tires, inner tubes ....................... No. 1.272 1,685 905 400 1,153 1,072
1.443 1,749 1.235 504 1.226 11069
Fish, dried, salted, smoked 117 ...................
canned... ......................... ............ 490 215 65 134 ...
Upperleather ........................... ............ 242 24 1,011 1,118 1,319 188
cotton ma,iufacture ........................ 917 0 ....1,137 542 6
I'aper and, inanulacturee of .............. .... 3,013 970 245 4 926 419
[kooks and printed matter 520 807 1) 4,811 406 244
ruhing and pipe of iron and steel ........ .......... 1,850
l'arm implements and machinery ........ ..... II .......
)ther iron .............................. $ 3.54 309 142 632 308 542
kluminium and manufactures 59 19 10 ...2,324 297
Electric apparatus ....................... ...1,435 521 .....460 .. 802
oment ................................ Cwt. 2,10)) 488 4,025 1,880 ...
$ 579 97 1.217 428 ...
Oodaand compounds ................... Cwt....... 11,123 10.683 ...
8 ...... 72,986 07,988 ...
)ther inorganic chemicals ............... 8 335 201 100 201 2.010 1,507
3ruhes ................................. $ 1,280 1,153 572 127 1,187
ontaanera, n,o.p. (packages) ............ $ 276 78 738 300 ....
klattresses and pillows .................. 8 ......290 235 ....
Otationery .............................. $ 707 48 ........138
%It other articles ........................ 8 355 2,323 285 2,772 17 .. 250
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 153,543 91,598 111,088 108,906 22,619 12,673

(Fiscal Years)

British Guiana Argentina Brazil

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

lMpoam roa Coicetesrriou

Nuts .................................... ..2,234 ............ 75,220 50,519

Corn .................................. Bush ...2,676,1)21) 35,060 ..
5 . 944,866 18,700 .
Molasses ............................... GuI 727, 6435 1.078,010 . ..
$ 49.754 51.478 ...
Sugar, not above No. 16 S ........... Cwt 2,19.3.190 1.278.147
$ 4,294.1.513 2.145,064
Sugar, above No. 16 D.S ............... Cwt 447 406 . ..
5 974 589 ..
Cocoa butter ............ ............. Lb .. 103,6111 220,945
$ .. 11.402 22.957
coffee. green ............................ Lb 32.000 356.550 ... 10,613,254 5,578.754
$ 2,0131 29.873 .. 866,141 515,454
Runi ................................ P6. gal. 31,954 13,393 . .
s 10:3,391 62.362 ..
Flax seed ............................. Bush .. 390.592 415,701
$ ....338, 002 106,574 .
l'lides and skins, raw .................... * ... 606,264 162,054 14.000 .
Meats ................................... . $ . 563,8 253,152 .
Cusein ................................... Lb.. 91.751 13,190 .

$ . 3.138 486 ..
Wool, raw ............................... Lb...65.387 14,780 .
$ .. 14.82.) 3,546 .
Iron drums, tanks, c,Iinders ............. $ 16.905 5,732 12.5 .
Oak, quebracho and similar extracts.....Lb..5,826.909 3,845,972 .
$ . 53,411 99,658 ..
All other articles ........................ $ 8.060 4714 83,848 50.803 15,78! 2.211

Total Imports ............. .$ 4,541,922 2,299.814 2,608.363 894.982 982.514 . 591,141

Exroiws (CAuADr.4N)
Potatoes .............................. Bush 116.770 122.87! .. 22 ..
$ 56,954.) 56,453 11
Oats .................................. Bush 58,546 134,829 ....
$ 71,200 23,956 . ...
Flour of wheat .......................... Br! 115.706 69,537 . .. 550 ..
6 226,406 222,320 .... 1,779 . .
Malt ............... ................... Bush...... 15,277 534,669 117,993
15,250 124,741 114,673
Sugar and Iteproduets ................... $ 6,694 2,842 .....
Rubber manufactures ................... $ 31,664 19,706 734,645 381,906 280.073 410,472
l"ish, dried, salted, smoked, pickled ...... $ 48,405 41,602 3.5 25 112.668 24,361
Fish, canned .................. ......... $ 17,9213 18,453 888 ...........
Meats ..................... ............. .$ 28.787 26.825 ......
Butter ................................. Cwt 2713 172 .. ....
$ 8.522 4.797 .. .....
Cheese ................................ Cwt 411 511 73 .............
$ 7,295 6.83)) 1,851 .............
Milk, condensed ....................... Cwt .3.533 3,289 ItO 12
1 47.013) 47,040 561 269
Cottons .................................. 5 5,1)1:) 4,267 92,03)9 177,068 602 542
Binder twine ........................... Cwt......7,500 .. .......
Cordage, other............................. 1,904 1.826 .... 1.022 272
WOOd. unijianutactured (md. lumber) 36.871 31,329 24,031 4,498 945 41)4
Wood, manufactured ....... ............. ... 41.724 47,533 7,714 5.164 6,137 347
Paper and manufactures of .............. ... 13.789 8,127 2,143,54)) 1,309,355 1,114 8.53
lronpipoandtubing ..................... ... 125 72 38,484.) 35,401 17.241 12.694
Engines..................................... 70 32 .............. 10,091
Farm implements and machinery 516 2.167 175,712 184.496 1,576 1,607
Nails, spikes, tacks, etc., all kinds 3.5110 2.074 1.708 45 221 ...
Sewing machines............................... 438.81! 438 152.895 423,33(
Automobiles ............................ No, 28 29 494 8 1 .. .
11.017 13.217 222,506 9.459 1,158
Automobileparts ............... ...........1.608 1290 4,520 363 541 374
Other vehicles of iron ........... ...........362 356 910 933.,,..
Aluminium ............................. ...9 . ...93.03.5 59.060 57.245 48,371
Copperandproduct .......................... 110 21.204 76.215 25.85! 94.821
Lead in pigs ............................ ........55,082 5,53)) 54,5139 57.421
Zinc speltor ............................ Cwt....... 36 .845 20.615 4.033 6.051
I ...... 711 . 188 41.391 9.4813 13.861
Electric apparatus.. ..................... $ 788 2.270 20,338 30,426 30.176 46.701
Insulators, porcelain ..................... $ .........1.22! 1,55(
Coal ................................... Ton 1.056 ..... 6,104 ...2,317 ...
$ 7,92)) ..... 36.71)9 ...14,4(13 ...
Pntro1ein and products .................. $ 11,0)17 8,030 ......28 . ..
Cement ................................. Cwt 18,424 13.150 .........
$ 6,434 3,185 .........
Paints and varnish ...................... $ 3.888 5.508 1.645 53! 959 I3
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) ............ 8 32.112 22.277 37 .......
Allotherarticlea ........................ $ 105.849 182.018 75,059 169,392 78,617 130,961

Total Exoorts (Canadian)... $ 778,469 800.550 4,344,735 2,509,585 979.854 l.394,23(



(Fiscal Years)

Bolivia Ecuador Dutch Guiana

Articles -
1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Bananas ............................... Stem . .4 0 ....
$ .. 2.982 .
St.raw manufactures ..................... $ .. 1.487 .
Articles re-imported ...................8 . 1841 555
All other articles. ....................... $ . 55 219 .

Total Imports ............... $ . 55 399 5.024 .

Exoats (CaNADIAN)

Wheat ................................ Bush. 94.153 106,400 .

$ 6748 54,069 .
Flourofwheat .......................... Bri.. 114 310 2,056 2.440
8 . 300 1,187 5,631 6,729
Alcoholic beverages..................... 8 . 210 278 ...
Canvassboeswithrubbersoles ......... Pair .. 3,389 75
8 .. 2.513 43
Rubber tires ............................. $ 10.966 30.854 2,562 7,618 lOS 173
Alewives, salted ....................... Cwt....5,342 1,850 2.125
$ .. 4.471
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt...361) I
$ ..
Haddock, dried ........................ Cwt....2,100 1,901
$ ... 12,342 9,631
Herring, sea, smoked ................... Cwt.... 504 309
$ .... 2,442 1,113
Polloelt. hake and cusk, dried.. ........ Cwt.......3,299 2,368
$ .......13.911 8,577
Salmon,pickled ...................... ..Cwt....... 1.111 1.339
$ ....... 8.101 7,222
Salmon, canned........................Cwt 2424 313 71 1941
$ 148 . ..2.251
158 387 1.235
Othercanned fish.......................S .......2.532 405
Leather, unnisnufactured................$ . ...1 0, 210 9,390 ...
Grease and scraps......................Cwt........ 428 . .
S . ..... 1 . 703 . .
Cotton duck ............................ Yd.....427 101 314
I ..259
.. 56 841
Cordage. etc.. n.o.p.....................$ ....... 18 liii
Furniture of wood.......................I ..
.. 159 .... 349 ..
Wrapping paper (kraft) ................. Cwt..... 554 180 8 7
8 ..2 , 216
.. 1.138 39 37
Wall paper ............................. Roll .... 15.868 4,000 ...
$ ....1.475 248 ...
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... S 1.009 ...3,921) 1.829 ...
Farm implements and machinery ........ $ 367 .. 481) .....

.kutonmmmlnles, pmlnmmenger .................. No...... 1)) .1 .. ...

4 . 801 ... 405 .. .

Other iron and steel ..................... ... 1,827 .... 168 896 10 ..
Alunminiumim immanufactures ................ ... 52 ....348 32 ....
Electric apparatus ......................... 406 57 ........
Inorganic chemicals ..................... ... 5,196 ..........
Other chemicals, etc .................... ....... 144 51 171
Brushes ................................. ...58 ....102 578 ....
Trunks and valises ...................... ........... 129 ..
Allotherarticles ............ ............ ...3,614 190 2,041 1,503 4,521 70)

Total Exports (Canadian),,. $ 91,704 65.557 29,846 24.753 63,356 40,754



(Fiscal Years)

Chile Peru Uruguay

-_ 1932 19133 1932 1933 1932


Dniona .................................. $ 959 10974 ...

Hideaandekine,raw ..................... $ ..... 122,715 5.016
Meat., canned ........................... Lb.... 72,000 . .... ........
$ ... 5,169 .............
S1eata, extracts of ...................... $ ... 2,088
Wool, raw .............................. Lb.... j,o3s .............
$ ... 3,460 .
Petroleum, crude, for reftning ........... Gal.... 108.343.516 52.377.049 ...
$ ...3,017.46.5 2.062.727 . .
Petroleum, n.o.p., '8235 or heavier ...... Gal..... 13,392.885 15,033,795 ..
$ ...498,124 510,204 ..
Soda nitrate ........................... Cwt 48,515 1,124 ...
$ 100,156 1.544 ...
fettlers' effe'te..........................I 2,750 ...500 ..
All other articles ........................ $ 3,121 175 ...
Total Imports..................8 109,935 21.443 3,515,589 2,573,521 131,344 7,104


Wheat ................................ Bush.. ............ .37,100 306,331 511.2:12 .. ........... .......

8 ...........20,940 211.880 297,255 ...........
Flour of wheat ........................ .BrI............ I. 133 2,890 1.1)24
2,771 11,833 3,888 ...........
tIaIt .................................. Bush ............. 1,839 ........... 34,085 6,111
$ ............1,550 ...........38,643 7,958
Whiskey ............................. ..1. gal 113 113 86 328 448
8 422 420 40)1 1,0013 1.505
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 30,287 24 68 15.752 4,615
8 18,249 52 142 9,315 2,349
Rubber tires ............................ $ 68.10*) 7,279 81.186 60,090 91,999 15,219
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt. 284 46 553 308 ...........
1 2,426 222 3,640 1,788 .............
Butter ................................. Cwt.............. 110 ............
$ .............3,546 ............
1(11k, condensed and evaporated........Cwt............ 1,376 670 24 ..
8 ...........9,481 4,611 257..
Lard .................................. Cwt............ 20 .............
8 ...........222 .............
ordage, etc., n.o.p ..................... $ 317 ..................6,000 6.059 ...........
Wood, unmanufartured (joel. lumber),., $ ...........77,417 138,095
Wood, manufactured .................... $ ........... 117 79 1,300 ..
E'ulp and fibre wallboard ................ 8 90 ..................1,880 028 ............
Sook paper ............................ Cwt 92 122
$ 633 ........... 1,105 205 ............
ewnprint paper ................. ......Cwt 90,821 63,584 33,451 52,445 90.574 10,169
8 210.707 97,790 74,669 95.939 185.992 20.030
Wall paper ............................. Roll 20,532 8,520 56,094 ..............
uipeandtubing,iron $ 1,648 618 5.172 ..............
$ 21,207 2.130 16,685 814 .. .
hairis .............. ....................$ 587 ....(ii 535
farm implements and machinery ....... $ 7,125 2,682 958 1,084 3.817 3,541
Itazorn .................................. $ ... 15 .............
i ewlng machines........................8 .......
)ther machinery, except for farms ....... $ 1,445 .. 3,814 2.143 ...
'kutomobilos ............................ 2.o. 6 ,,,, 24 10
1 2.268 .. 0,911 ....5,462 ..
'kutomobile parts ....................... $ ... 82 117 12
furniture of metal ...................... $ 605 .. 48 . 245 ..
liuminium and manufactures of .........$ 14.767 379 430 234 9,227 9,104
[.eadinpige............................. s 733 490 1.631 2.136
oa1 ............ ........................ Ton .....2709 5*38 ....
$ .....17,985 3.653....
M. mineral, n.o.p ....................... Gal..... 42 15 1,211....
8 .... 18 17 493 ....
Jement................................Cwt........ 2,821 ....
$ ........559 ....
norganicchemicals ..................... ... 495 1,229
Srushea ................................. $ ......3,102 1,035
3,284 ....
7ontainors, sop. (packages) ............ $ ........ 450 ....
lU other article ........................8 54,257 1,784 87.371 94,079 12,091 9,327
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... $ 405.359 138.581 028,167 721,262 424.927 71,721


(Fiscal Years)

Colombia Paraguay Venezuela

Articles 1933
1932 1933 1932 1933 1932

Isroztxa FOR Coesuan'UON

Cocoa beans, not roasted...............Cwt .... 540 300
$ ... 3,857 1.38.5
Coffee green ........................... Lb. 5.858,823 5.544.443. 481,448 298.558
$ 866,666 655,266 .. 63,262 37.921
Plants, trees and shrubs ................. 5 470 20
. 5,220 .
Canned meata ......................... Lb..... 102,000 .............
$ ............ .13,634
. ............
Petroleum, crude, natural ............... Oal. 170,960,367 68,766.319 23.217,532 60,888,122
6 4.166,752 2,709,510.. 254,277 822.517
Oak and quebrecho extract ............. Lb.... 389,892

$ ...13,423 ............
All other articles ........................ $ 1,223 712
.. 2,410 12
Total imports ................ $ 5,036.311 3,365,508 27,057
. 329,026 861,835

Wheat................................Bush. 448,962 168.917 .

$ 272,660 8.5,745 .

......................... Br1
Flour of wheat 557 1. 181 . 70,250 48.621
$ 2,052 .. 235,336
2,987 ............ 139.721
Candy .................................. Lb 71(4 .... 2,405 4.6(1(4
8 158 ... 778 1.359
Whiskey ............................. P1. guI.....28 . 1 64 180
$ 139 . 704 717
Rubber boots and ehoes ................ Pair 1,127 75 3,850 ... 312 ...........

$ 472 II 2.400... 98 ............

Rubber tires ............................ $ 96,316 150,817 8,72.3 258 95,066 109,725
Other rubber ........................... $ 1,705 6,346 49 359 342
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 29 35 . 4,422 48
$ 198 225 . 26,944 278
Sardines ............................... Cwt. 10 ....
$ 88 ....

Milk, condensed and evaporated ........ Cwt. 769 404 . 43 ...........

582 ...........
$ 10,381) 5,400 .
Cotton duck ............................ .d 15,934 14,458 . 19.3.54 22,274
$ 4,776 4,929 . 5,099 4,498
Cotton clothing ......................... $ 45(3 18 . 6
Cordage, rope and twine, n.o.p ........... $ 2,565 .. 789
Planks and boards ..................... Mft. 27 5.
$ 395 3.55 .

Shooks.. ............................... $ .....1,899 11.908

Pulp and fibre wa1I.board ............... $ 171) 242 .
Newsprint paper ....................... Cwt 22,371 25.842 341 ...12,645 5,884
$ 70,775 57.627 949 ...31,334 12,725
Wallpaper ............................. Roll 20,233 5,370 . 13,240 9,958
1,952 1.1111 . 950 650
Books and printed matter 527 563 . 2,045 2.035
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... .... 1,030 . 55 572
Wire, iron ................................. 43 173 .

Chains, iron and steel ................... ... 37 64 . 95 805

Engines ................................. ...... SI ............
Farm implements and machinery 1,103 545 . 1,118 45 75
Needles and pies ........................ ..... 2,425 . 3,026
Machinary,exoeptforfarms 562 1.787 5,166 ... 3,340 2,691
Tools ................................... ... 23 336 . 3 ............
Automobiles ............................ No.....I . 85 ............
500 . 35,268 . ......... ..
Automobile parts ....................... ...... 335
Bicycles and parts ...................... ... 871 170 .

Other iron and atel ..................... ... 14.2114 7.500 . 6,024 5.005
ALuminium ............................. ...3,338 4,848 . 5,450 11,070
Brass and manufactures of 36(3 374 . 59
Copper wire and cable.......... . ........ ... 12,832 0,180 .

Other copper...............................914 4,516 . 583 88

Electric apparatus ....................... ... 52:1 1.178 .. 379 162
Cement ................................ Cwt. 3.017 ...
934 ...
Chemicals and allied products 7.746 15,510 10 28 81,229 35,91.5
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) (317 80 . (10 492
Stationery .............................. ...4,305 3,096 . 4,488 1,89.1)
Allotherarticles ........................ ... 19.1(08 16,149 424 11.620 1.811
TotalEzports(Canadian).....$ 533,891 389.296 17.303 1,821) 549,827 351,777



(Fiscal Years)

Belgium France Germany
1932 I 1933 1932 I 1933 1932 I 1933


Dates................................... Lb. 202,713 1.493,125 15,415 15,32C 90,703

I 0,109 37.565 2.922 2.094 2.983
Jellies, jams, mince meat................ Lb. 8$ . ............ .......4.907 30,401 83 176
$ 30 ................. 2.657 1,347 20 211
Wslnut, shelled or not.................. Lb 977 2,2410,122 1,834.141
$ 293 537.920 300.888
Other nuts.............................. $ 99 218 4.087 12.597
Vegetables, canned...................... Lb. 800,883 446.271 654.3)3 427,071 22
59,728 32,800 90.220 53,867 15
Beans................................... Lb. 8.877 8.504 8,266 11,986 55 310
$ 344 302 4144 1,276 13 33
Olive oil, edible .............. ........... $ 01,136 83.085
Brandy .............................. P1. gal. 207.884 125.392 9
1,541)658 918,301 300
Cordials, liqueurs, etc ................ Fr. gal. 204 160 21,366 10.693 45 57
1,420 1,421 150,07(1 72,211 3110 469
Whiskey ............................. P1.gI4l. 21 204 2.728 120
130 3.411 37,972 1,629
Winos .................................... $ 3.868 1,004 812.860 558.332 25.330 13.421
Essential oils (except peppernunt) ........ Lb. 4.480 .................37,218 :11,344 32,51)7 43.885
827 .................121.709 85.909 11.637 15.735
Peanut oil for refining .................. Cwt. 7.700..........
Plants, trees, etc ........................ $ 57,375 54,513 5.5,229 47,308 23.1)10 12,993
Rubber and manufactures of ............ $ 1.148 9,816 11.327 4,062 56,211? 31,108
Seeds ................................... $ 6,2)11 6,613 83.341? 14,1197 78.5)) 72.0.3(4
Furs, undressed (mc!. marine) ........... $ 1.176 3,435 56.061 40,264 36,136 58,754
Furs, droased ........................... I 11,224 14.601 310.836 153,790 126.592 64.170
Hatters' furs, not on the skin ............ $ 18,3.002 170.507 1,894 5,390 14.28$ 1,655
Hides and skins, raw.................... $ 35,8(10 01,062 77,084 92,444
Gloves of leather ........................ 8 280.71(4 107.354 578.540 238,031 16,571 7.377
Cheese.................................. Lb. 26.345 68.235 228.355 216.764 4(4 20
$ 7,648 16,468 74.311 63.304 12 4
Gelatine ................................ Lb. 201,522 242,378 113,576 37,143 3.562 00.9)6
$ 39,293 61.58$ 29,581) 9.681 1 078 47.957
Cotton, crochet and knitting ............. Lb. 15,070 10,345
$ 51.908 32.064
Cotton fabrics, dyed ....... ............. 1.b. 290,964 287.477 12.874 22,400 34,884 24,416
$ 140.7014 118,215 57.0110f, 17.991 21.693 15,398
Woven fabrics with cut pile.............. Lb. 26.897 21.760 1:1.1199 4,495 2,340 1,125
18,508 12.072 12,259 4,163 3.424 1.503
I.nce, net and n,frs. of (cotton) ... . ...... $ 75)) 2,030 121,75)) 01,348 18,057 6,123
Clothing of cotton ....................... I 8,040 7,791 1)2,1:18 52.043 413,693 282.070
Other cotton ............................ I 68.423 40,956 78.11,52 3(1.564 66,8,36 54,453
Flax. hc'rzip, jute, products ............... 8 127.33)) 116,244 74.107 53.733 72,654 50,358
"ltihbon.q," silk, not en. 12 ins, wide ..... 8 18$............
. ..112.873 30,579 6.937 5.752
Woven silk fabrics, unfinished........... 8 40.4)4)7 2.776
Velveta and plush, silk or artificial silk.. Yd. 4,582 3 ,- 901 ?;.s,liI4 477304 152,216 70,406
$ 4.647 3.808 5211.178 426.253 162,084 82,205
Other silk piece goods ................... $ 6.097 5,594 298,239 115,609 319.089 245,800
Silk clothing ............................ $ 3.059 1.500 37,3,5))0 152.622 1,5.451 5.306
Wool , raw ............................... Lb. 96.81$ 27,110 123.57?? . ... ........ 28 .599.........
8 35.661 8,881 34,414 .1.560 ....... .. .
Worsted tops............................ Lb. 16.873 13.800 44,410 38.621 4,087
4,764 13,676 23,5111 13,511 :1.2141 :159
Woollen yarns ........................... lb. 851 82.851 11.352 20.832 40,836
668 101.88,? 30.984 111 2115 36.712
Woven fabrics, wool, unfinished.......... Lb. 21.10.5 39,545 263.100 130.844 1.2241. ... .......
$ 19,833 31,554 273,218 117.403 115
2.4..... ....
Worsteuls, serges, coatings................ Lb. 19348 10,775 2011,754 79,891 90,429
21,711 10.809 304,093 124.925 96,554 14,377
Tweeds ................................. Lb. 6.58)? 878 29,405 2.4)9) 38.208 539
8.814 1.213 45.417 3.276 37.807 861
Other wool piece goods............... 05,000 0.983 398,489 134,779 143.1160 18.939
Carpets, wool........................... $ 83 1,499 7,409 216 .307 278
Women's and children's outer garments.. $ 23 28,623 26,258 4.174 2,260
Felt, pressed ............................ Lb. 56(1 ......... . 43,494 26.314
3,95! 33.1)20 18,797
Other wool ............................. $ 15,662 10,503 25.699 11,974 18,347 9.672
Artificial silk rovings, yarns, warps ...... Lb. 65 ............82,35! 29.288 31,572 96,734
S 43 ............60.586 23,863 26,717 76,766
Artificial silk, fabrics and mire .......... $ 30. 872 7,158 531,671) 147,929 119.560 28.859
Ragsandwaate ......................... S 20.3W 22.932 12,444 1,518 14,65)) 1,564
Embroideries, lace, etc., mixed materials 8 (.292 2,228 214.2711 81.824 67,220 27.028
Knitted goods, mixed materials ......... I 1.1(71 48 1.939 1)99 3.076 1.047
Hats, all kinds .......................... S 7.1)88 9,345 222,7110 144,736 28.468 20.449
Garirionts, knitted, mixed ............... $ 60, 2)0 31.480 110.532 25,551 38,011 35.484
Gloves of textile fabrics ................. $ 411)2 200 11,62) 1.443 63.575 :10.962
Furniture, wood......................... $ 13,540 5,002 27,71)1 11.559 27,6116 10,482
Paper and manifacturo of .............. S 181.206 252.489 556.512 414,767 276.881) 194,328
Books and printed matter............... S 100.94)) 119.812 321,871 205,035 162.897 126.193
Iron in pigs, ingote, blooms, billets...... $ 2.1180 4,035 6.180.............
(Fiscal Years)

Belgium Prance Germany

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Wire rods .............................. Cwt 143,994 ............ 39.322 ........................4.478
8 178.606 ............48,597 . .......................6.098
Rolling mill products .................... $ 764.472 583.661 21.555 8.001 84,386 153.133
Cast iron pipe ........................... Ton 3 658 12 .................
$ 138 15.805 476 . .............
Iloiler tubes ............................. $ 2,344 3,422 . ..............66,670 25,663
Wire, ron ............................... $ 42.577 26,347 148 49,510 23,970
Engines and boilers ..................... $ .51(6 1,090 838 34.108 52 . 1:35
Pen knives, jlwk.knives, etc ............. $ 3)17 .................2,484 734 76.598 60.956
Scissors and shears ...................... 5 295 450 320 49,831 42,207
Other hardware ......................... $ 27.363 2,678 24,325 10,971 266,498 183.030
Machinery .............................. $ 11,966 15,876 52,923 32,322 414.489 298.1117
Agate, enamel, etc.. ware ................ $ 2.()8 83 1,440 593 65.001 43.611
rods and hand implements ............. 8 1.387 498 3,332 2,433 137.827 137,027
Guns, rifles, Clv ......................... $ 38,904 10,404 919 192 4,188 2.789
Aluminium and macat ctures of ......... $ 2,178 2,513 11.433 7,722 97,071 281.941
Brass and manufactures of ............... $ 4.925 1,1)33 38,602 23.588 122,718 93,932
Nickel and rnunutncures of 4.031 3.950 27.869 21.530 100.783 74.779
incsheetsandplates ................... Lb 1,004,625 1,080,621 110 11,332 52,976 171.473
40.40.4 48,010 9 633 3,495 10,699
locLq and watches ..................... ........208 81 8,894 7,389 182,9.52 100.756
63oct mc apparatus ......... . ...... . ...... ......3,279 1,649 23,382 6,666 89,473 34,8311
rnI,(es'areofchina,etc.. ............... ......2,243 5,657 116,770 56,033 113.047 .58.97)
iIaas carluova, bottles, etc 923 783 22.351 12,545 83,400 76.588
3lasstablewaze ......................... ......643,605 42.213 9,532 8.243 60,244 55.152
.ommon window glass ............... Sq. ft. 17,252,846 19,357.378 307,890 430.557 1,379,236) 177.136
8 501,138 504:149 7.366 11,242 36,396 4,653
Plate glase not over 7 sq. ft ........... Sq. ft. 129,631 73,558 7,402 4,218 11.501 3,246
8 35,074 111,020 3.158 1.111 3,7511 5)43
Plate giass, 7 to 25 sq. ft .............. Sq. ft. 45,821 12,781 ................. 4,387 12,074 5,532
6 17.261 13,512 1.390 4.536 2,1135
Plategiaes,n.o.p.,notbovellednorbontSq.ft, 172,377 138,399 5,366 6,803 1,728 1,486
$ 73.240 43,1)60 2,310 3.385 708 839
land, silica ............................ Cwt. 469,562 167,1 1 12 .................515 ..................
8 40.471 15,663 ................. 193 ...................
Diamonds, unset ........................ 9 417.181 178,244 1,245 1,801 530 181
.........................8 13,637 111,775 9,853 12,559 149,532 (43,796
"ellulc,,se products ....................... 5 17,327 42.51)0 7,958 4,1011 248,9.37 298,2:12
Drugs and medicinal preparations ....... 8 7,244 7,584 469.650 326.780 140,730 134,171)
Dyes, aniline ............................ Lb 4,840 3:1)12 63,489 73,544 734,691 811,595
8 4.943 (.763 29.584 45.466 570,112 619,895
Ilast furnace and bnic slag, ground .... Cwt 231,677 120.306 ...................11,038 .........
$ 102,501) 5.5)157 .................5,000 . .......... ...
'otash, muriatoof, crude .............. Cwt. 30,100 21,844 132.441 154.087 218.802 52.471
.................. $ 51,930 32.708 244,688 234,737 339,200 94.612
Jthopone ............ Lb. 746,083 583.731 22.046 ........... 1.117.577 694.456
$ 24,816 10.000 729 ...........47,891 28,145
inc, white .............................. Lb. 986,275 51)1)220 26,642 21,1148 298,466 180,74))
1 45.9911 1)1,233 1,318 1,1)15 11.807 5.101
'erfumery .............................. 1 1841 1211 259.793 143)198 9,684 7,509
ocip .................................... $ 610 (67 113,372 80.183 7,858 3,002
opper sulphate ......................... Lb. 1,050,342 238.4)11 ...................... 060,297 224.334
8 30,495 41.548 .......................24.263 5,811(1
7ream of tartar.........................Lb. 8,409 2.8)4) 39)3,737 210.774 1,118 ...........
$ 1.039 389 01,350 29.332 195 ...........
biter potash compounds .............. ..$ 891 89 4,979 176,189 119.173
thyleneglycol.........................Lb. 6,930 ..... ........ ............... 121,655 ............
8 1.451 ........................... 22.011 ............
lycerine for explosives ................. Lb. 33s,3no .............. .......438,325 ............
24.553 ...........................
...... 31.857 .........
32 2.710 2.190 91.330 78,450
'03'S ................................... ........... 727 .5(4 13.198 8,962 423,908 400.011
lrusJis ................................. ......... 7.068 2.919 6,702 8.438 38.110 33.447
lontainers, no.9. (packages) 32,144 22,424 136,996 98,501 178.130 13.5,290
omhs ................................. ............143 ...(0,451 2,499 84.072 84,290
swdllery ............................... ............105 81 38.384 14.180 100,350 191.427
ocketboo1s, etc ........................ ............637 2,999 50,716 42.024 141.818 120,2)11
'obacco pipes, cigar holders, etc 27 4.q101 151)294 11)13.502 9,913 6.822
[ineral waters .......................... ...1,17(1 7011 86,402 11,819 5.328 1.748
Iusieftl instruments ..................... ... 2,169 1.1)2.5 28.959 12.330 80.330 51.615
cientific apparatus, etc ................. ...5.392 20,400 97,840 71,610 327,705 248.183
'orks of art ............................ ...2,096 12,184 80,428 30.021 29,305 32.219
'anthem, etc., artificial, for hats ........ ....... 21.389 4,774 22,207 8.751
ones, fancy, ornamental cases. etc 313 169 23,7)36 13,851 (27.737 80,158
'oncils, lead ............................ ....... 3,294 ISIS (57.982 61 .549
'recious stones, n.o.p .................... .......5.511 3.063 12,340 5.971
.11 other articles ........................ ...743,802 545,585 1,43.5,514 825,847 3)11)9,933 2.430,557
Total Imports .............. $ 5,047,721 3,642.518 13.873,141 7,712,558 1(637.800 9,088,905


(Fiscal Years)

Belgium France Germany

Articles 1933
1932 1933 1932 1933 1932

77,714 10,780 30.039 3,470 502 843
............................ BrI
Apples, fresh 16.687 2.134 4,873
$ 302,209 02,637 118.363
21.975 ... 7, 500 44.5.031 10,000
Apples, dried ........................... Lb '27,392 600
8 1,337 ... 450
2,291.542 1,158,546 178,333 121,072 5.090,397 241.758
Barley ................................ Bush 55.010 2,163,026 110.708
$ 1.013,089 514.778 72.813
2,087.5:11 2,1107.156 327,814 204.960 504.039 47.036
Oats .................................. Bush
85,147 173,856 14.110
8 714,880 607.699 113,769
................................... Bush 184.813 1.224.609 68,570 61.603 250809 667.350
Rye 34.514 119,383 357,251
$ 91.853 679 581 30,857
Wheat ................................ Bush 14,274,143 18,393.969 20,071,074 15.380.304 4,832.555 8.902,983
8 8,861.221 10.318.510 12.753.1111 8,901,097 3,225,468 5,332.858
354 19,252 7,065 331 .. .
Oatmeal and roiled oats...............Cwt. 6,313
$ 31,852 2.739 106,575 39.236 607 ...
0.645 2,865 224 . 335,672 84.148
Wheat flour ............................. BrI
31,237 10.584 83) . 1.021.887
Alcoholic beverages ..................... ..4 2 2 214,969 8.731 3,862 1.413 621
Rubber ...... tires...................... .. 352,1)42 43.310 77.541 5,608 ...
Other rubber manufactures .............. .. 30.138 15.700 130,171) 10,698 19,94) 1,914
Seeds ................................... ..10,314 13.440 21,087 38,019 10.837 85,060
1,008 . 9.963 5,327
Fodders, n.o.p .......................... ... 2.525 50 4
Foxes ................................... No 20 ..
2.500 100
$ 1.000 ..
Fish, fresh .............................. 8 520 5773 40,966 22.564 82,287 46,005
Fish, dried, saLted, pickled ............. 8 1.064) 5.084 10 . 84.518 72,056
....................... Cwt 1,24)) 1,468 8,013 10.696 405 275
Lobsters, canned 21,887 50,737
$ 66.479 67,763 324,349 3741,442
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 20,442 11,732 38.731 10,629 876 65
8 174,094 95,681 316,222 73,308 6.694 558
Other flMhery produote .................. 8 2,836 5.443 571 5.000 109,055 91.698
Furs and manufactures f ................ $ 21,552 9,050 738,742 997,860 445,947 318,869
SIesta ................................... $ 3.5117 1,634 13,800 21,559 2.486
Cheese ................................. Cwt 7.938 3.680 620 361 212 57
$ 37,2)9 30,903 9,137 4.288 4.582 917
Neat's-foot and other animal oils ........ ..202 .. 20,805 2.18)
Sausage casings........................... 2.932 2,110 . 133. 1 98 141,827
Fibres and textiles ...................... .. 25.359 28,762 6,195 8.628 8.960 9.224
Wood, unmanufuctured (md lumber) 7.606 20,718 29.1191 14,816 48,882 28,642
............................. Cwt 196.678 87.075 160 704 260.386 124,796 67,631
Wood 177,091
$ 775,1311 213,595 616,015 975,674 480,549
Harvesters and binders ................. No. 9. 166 40 014 . ..
9 1,046 . 35,08) 9.490 18,290 . ..
Mowing machines. ...................... No. 26 . 398 . 29 . ..
8 1,382 . 19,526 . 1 ,688 . ..
Respers ................................. No......
$ ......2.658 28.5 ...
Ploughsandparta ....................... S .... 19.84) 3.356 80 137
Other agr. implements and parts ........ $ 4,59) 3.310 130,111 36,117 29.811 14.500
Electric vacuum cleaners and parts.. .... No......
$ ......52 503
Adding and calculating machines ........ No. 52 ...... 6 . ...
1 3.786 . ...
Automobiles ............................ No 5 302 2 1 33
$ 5.618 83,494 1,100 500 . ....10,472
Automobile parts ....................... 1 2.323 419,628 106 590 57,715
Aluminium in bars, etc ................. Cwt 2.767 70 33 5 090 230
1 62,212 1,122 476 148 13.463 3,722
11,435 . ...
Aluminium scrap ....................... Cwt.......
I ..... 128 . 413 . ...
Brsesandmanufaeturseof ............... $ 2,650 3.276 5,448 4,182 5,634 30.44t
Copper bars, rods, sheets, etc .......... Cwt .50.842 72,379 93.779 141,072 18.833 39.046
$ 296,852 402,658 781,796 8443.688 148.863 2)0.570
Leadinpigs,etc ....................... Cwt 15,238 24,640 215,351 21.591 122.5(44 27,460
$ 29.871 33,632 435,)404 29,667 247.917 38.181
Nickel, fine, and oxide ................. Cwt 6,642 2,781 1.2(12 115 9.803 2.511
$ 223.668 93.244 43,287 4,066 351.705 80.306
Zinc,spelter ........................... Cwt 69.114 87,925 153.428 55,446 156,175 33.831
8 1436,776 107,034 374.086 122.438 383,15)) 78.771
Ores, n.o.p. (mcI. cobalt ore) ............ $ ......31,494 15.077 67.534) 24.151
Asbestos ...............s ................ 8 514,347 61,928 241,768 15:1,238 398.630 144,634
Coal ................................... Ton 551 1,071 3.020 646 536 . ....

8 3,506 5,588 17.04)4 2,739 3.213 . ....

Coal tar and pitch ...................... 05,1 .......1,801.1183 1,343,335 .......
$ ...... 64.066 88,282 .......
Abraivee, artificial, crude .............. * 1,732 ....... 1,276 7,055 6.004
J'ainth and varnish ...................... $ 1.4190 3,325 2.279 281) 6.506 9.794
Films ................................... $ 4742)) 53.531 14,1)1) 251 5,1)42 1,851
Settlers' effects ......................... 8 3,840 11,989 27.1145 18.403 11,275 8,323
Al) other articles ........................ $ 113,648 1)7,875 192.42) 55,029 349.333 257,431

Total Exsorts (Canadian) ....... $ 14,036,437 14,490,939 17,914,321 12.730,226 10,405,256 - 8,057,101

(Fiscal Yearn)

Italy Netherlands Switzerland

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Lemons.................................$ 3.52.351 419,350 ..................

Other frui), fresh.......................$ 4.370 5,871 401,) .......................
Citron etc., rinds in brine...............8 16.139 44,458 ..................
Fruits, canned .......................... 8 .........................2.206 .........................
hves and cjierrjei, in brine ............. .$ 129,180 78,906 ......................
Fruitpulp .............................. .Lb. 2,750 2,156 181,593 2,5 ...................
$ 79 326 15,804 205 .....................
Nuts....................................8 94,765 125,582 ............................ 104
Vegetables, fresh........................$ 4,578 1.602 3,490 2 ....................
Vgetnhle5, dried.. ..................... $ 55,015 23.243 t ...............................
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb. 64i,5.59,S 235,035 164,786 60.987 ......................
$ 21,035 16.642 11.399 5,586 ......................
Rice .................................... $ 57.321 6.737 52,199 30,502 ......................
Macaroni, etc ........................... Lb. 7.674 8,135 ......................................
$ 476 49.5 .........................
DIiveoil edible ......................... Oil. 266.712 294.093 .........................
8 271,533 2436,241 9 .........................
confectionery, chocolate ................ lb 600 154 89.023 28.175 9.180 11.421
$ 375 116 20,494 6.091 2,943 4.125
Sugar, above No. 16 D.S ............... Cwt....................5.601 ................................
$ .................... 34999 ................................
ocoabutter...........................Lb..................... 4.149.609 1,112,506 .......................
8 ................... 618.7)18 144,486 .......................
7000a in powder form ................... Lb.................... 1,573.0)14 1.045,857 104 1,090
$ .................... 57.3.51 45,921 15 521
) 4 ................... 80.378 40.459 .......................
8 420 .................. 504.620 282,980 .......................
Wines ................................... $ 106,8)19 76,990 ......................1.156
3seontia3 oils (except peppermint) ........ Lb 1,333
29,1)47 23.582 3.622 1,747 8,287 10,137
$ 31.144 26,289 10.001 3.881 9,657 12,955
'mets, shrubs, trees, vines .............. $ 23.5 32 615.800 466.735 46
leeds................................... $ 4
5,955 2,913 60,99.) 50,901 324 314
robacco, unmanufactured ............... Lb .......................... 136.878 106,707
8 .....................172.86.) 119.785 ..................
itarch, potato, and potato flour ......... Lb .....................2,125.187 519,708 ...................
$ ......................38.077 9.673 ...................
lone duet, meal, etc...................OWt.......................7 822 10,730
8 ....................26.758 34.258 ...................
Tish, dried, eatted, smoked, pickled.....Lb. 2,716 ................. 469.291 404.221
8 313 ...................22.585 12.656 . ........... ..... ....
lidesandskins,raw .................... 8 712 19.278
eather and manufactures ............... $ 103.206 44,799
318.35) 95.829 4,491 629 10,363 24.493
cheese ................................. Lb 382,4945 339,343 107.254 76.701 394.068 189.298
8 97.635 92.153 18,136 9,691 115.06.5 47,562
Silk, condensed ........................ Lb. ... ... ..................
112 .......................
8 ........................13
)elatine................................Lb 42 41,904 77.827 17.134 11,880
$ 18 8.817 16,071 5,071'
otton fabrics, bleached or mercerized. .1.1,. 3,434
287 70 2,217 19,013 21.210
8 72 30 1.154 32.699 34.385
'otton fabrics, dyed or printed ......... .1,1). 754,679 282,102 76.292 37.874 38,251 27.140
1 259.214 98.204 34.076 20.580 75.15) 55.974
otton fabrics, cut pile (velveteens) ...... lb. 1.155 21,546 2.953 1,170
8 2 81
2otton handkerchiefs ................... 8 1.127 10,612 2,039 822 5 65
inibroiderien, cotton .................... 8 8 213 ............................. 145,8611 183.440
31)8 122 223 44,629 34.452
otlon lace, net, and manufactures of 8 2919 85 ............................ 41,773
lovings. yarns, warps of flax, etc ......... Lb. 41,758
96.18)) 64,88,5 113,674 501 150 148
Iandkerchtefs, linen, etc ................ ........ 47612.87:1 9.062 8,265 69 140 161
tuItionS of iIk ......................... ........32.617 1.435 .........................41.251 31.003
ilk fabrics for neckties ................. ........130.003 3997 503 46.719 23,558
ios'&'n silk fahrlc, unfinished ........... .... . , 199,048 .........................173.357 1:13,635
ilk piece goods, n.o.p ................... ........40.008 3.095
weeds ................................. Lo. 12,652 1.119 .................. 98.199 31,703
37.562 4.008 6.14)8 1.009 3,50 ..........
orteduu, serges. coatings ................3.b.
8 26.1)89 3.703 9.436 1.583 856
297.277 204,233 64 395 8.887 1.954 954
ther wool piece goods ................. ........242,951
168.089 83.375 11,291 2.049 1,318
.rtificial silk rovings, yarns, warps......Lb. 6.5,044 69,820 11.075 19.027 10,201
9042 1.054.29:1 6.50,189 36.483 33.73,5
$ 1,2541 5.142 503,205 296.618 27.368
rtmflcial silk fabruce andmanufactures.. $ 23.947
jades twine ........................... in 2 375 4,627 389 246.721 88.719
..C't ............................ 192.160 154.812 .....................
1,267.939 790.932 . . . ., . .................
traw manufactures, n.o.p ............... ...........198 604 . .................... 92
:umgs and waste.........................S ........................... 41 ...........
Urtaifls,n.o.p..........................8 58 834 56 013 .....................
mhroideries, lace, etc.,n.o.p. (mIxed).,, $ 40 ... 246 ' 01 ............. 12.992 3.931
ailed garments, n.o.p ................. $ 5,259 2,391 4,813 96)3 71.454 52.229
1 os's, textile .......................... $ 22.40.5 20 887 ........................... 04.992 22.118
at shapes and crowns..................8 71 3240.............................. 143 20
lath, felt ...............................$ 2oi.o .......... : ' ............... 1.141 445
200,727 74,853........................... 1.733
(Fiscal Years)

Italy Netherlands Switserland

Articles 1933
1932 1933 1932 1933 1932


48,622 28,088 .. 1,488 738

Hats, straw.............................$ tIll
Hats, caps, hoods, n.o.p................. $ 77,817 70.266... 4.533
14.418 3.598 .. 278.934 119.489
Braids of grass, etc., for hats ............ $ 33.666 262,027 184,881
$ 452,008 312.146 60.811
other teatile products.... .............. 5,387 3,0.32 1.462
17,527 11,728 853
Wood,manufactured .................... $ 2,773 908
6.835 24.874 20.006
Paper and manufactures of .............. .. 4,271 14,873 15.806
18,266 1.692 1,920
Booksandprintedmatter ....... ........ .. 14,784 92,894 134 .
Viire, iron .............................. 1.788 18.421 174
63 4,998
Engines and boilers ..................... .. 448 39,693 35.290
4.631 20,365 7.396 373
Machinery (except for farms) 44
Automobiles and parts .................. 6.380 .... 3,675
54 43 7.800 1,193
AluminiumandrnenufucturesOf 6,688 3.994
603 4,577 2,680
Brass and uan:fae)iir's of ............... ..2.286 14 .
9,261 5,036
Lead and manufactures of ................ .. 43 276 467
1,366 301 58 28
Precious metals ......................... .... . 78 2 2. 693 3.438
Clocks .................................. ....26,73! 145.271 93,761
Watches ................................ .... 68 ...
b9,58 12,180
Watehcstaes ............ ................. ...... 705,84! 422,880
Watch actions and pacts .......... ....... ..... 65
Lamps, electric, incandescent, metal ..... No......
12 423 22 1,327 55
Electriemotors .......................... ... 257 3,787 455
Electric swit.ches, etc ................... .... 6,045 .. so 47
Electric transformers .................... ...208 380 ..
11.890 3.876 546 44 45 145
Tableware of china ...................... $ 4,454 411 40
5,448 3.187 4,753
Tablewareof glass ...................... $
154 .
Incandescent lamp bulbs and tubing for.. $ ..
910 .
Plate glatu, .........................8 . ..
Marble and a anufactures of ............. $ 115,378 33,888 .. ..
109,935 25.818 198 347
Diatuiorels, ,insot ......................... S ...
2,240 31.228 . ..
Citric acid .............................. Lb
$ 488 4.660
18,968 3(1.44') 12,320 36,818 .
Tartaric acid crystals ................... Lb.
35,54 4,377 3.809 6.688 .
$ 3,941
1,303 1,237 18.417 23.720 2,809
Other acids . ............ * 18.045 35,613 55.468
8.337 2,838 36,072
Dru and medicinal preparations ....... $ 4,655 552,142 537,182
Aniline dyes............................. Lb. .. 4.689 322.455 325,752
$ ..
6,040 .
Potash, niuriate of.....................CWt... 17,000
20,712 10.984 .
$ ..
Superphosphate or acid phosphate 518,335 .
of lime............................. Cwt ... 76.131 217,364 .
$ ..
2,88S.46 6.515.448 .
$ .. 11)9.267 183.473 .
1.324.1125 1.890.482 .
Zinc, white .............................. Lb... 60,579 ..
$ .. 58,678
Cream of tartar ......................... Lb 13.263 95,780 .
$ 2.029 12. 288 .
08 20.252 75,753 144
Soda and compounds....................$
Glycerine forenplosives.................Lb 544.48(1 ...1.627.882 ....
$ 39.442 ... 110.125 ... .
913 1,793 9 917 2.982
Toys arid dolls..........................$ 445 400 4.578
133 9 949
Brushes .. ............................ $ 20.448 10.795 6.548
Containers, n.o p. (packages)............$ 39.150 20,982 41,409
Buttons of vegetable Ivory............ Gross 11.634 ...
$ 2.757 ...
1,285 238 266 50
Buttons, no.p...........................$
Combs.................................$ 1,683 313 .....2
5,052 10,717 64 283 12!
Pocketbooks, satchels, etc..............8 1,803
Musical instruments.....................$ 6,940 0.987 240 .....1.888
5,988 1.0)18 39.242 11,620 19,391 ..
?ainting'u............................... $ 532 330 ..
$ 19.112 13.939 1,703
Statues and statuattes ........
Feathers, etc., artificial, for hats ........ 8 83 .....1)12 ....
1.997 3,7(12 25,475 2.986 943$ 6.191
Settlers' effects ......................... $ 434,977 341.079 188.30(1
290.157 214.195 621,812
All oilier articles ........................ $
2,806.361 5.827.969 3,715.998 3,687,517 2,399.631
Total Imports .............. 9 4,193.437
(Fiscal Yosra)

Italy Netherlands Switzerland

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Apples, fresh ............................ BrI.. ............ ............. 6911 251 1 246

$ ...................29.150 1.000 4 742
Apples, dried ........................... .Lb...................166.595 36. 770 .....................
$ ..................11.891 2.0111 .....................
Barley ................................ Bush............... ...6,1180,812 2.482,823 . ............ ........
9 .................. .... 2,41)2,1111) 1.139.732 .....................
Buckwheat ........................... Bush .............. .......
....518.386 41)3.2211 . ............ ........
$ ..................232.315 181.1)67 . ............ ........
Oats .................................. Bush 9.412 38,881 3,061.819 1.673.533 .....................
$ 2,821 11.6115 1,035.719 527.915 .....................
Rye .................................. Bush................. 8.286 989.381 3,543.307 ....................
9 4,437 492.01)0 1.81)6.784
Wheat ................................ Bush 4.003.429 3,821,383 9,473,592 111,345,021 4 .........
$ 2.701.474 2,362,599 5,493,042 10,143.5(18 10 .........
Oatmeal and rolled oats ................ Cwt................... 32.145 33(1 . ...................
I ..................44.052 719 . ...................
Flourof wheat .......................... Brl 48.912 55,388 62,142 32.318 . ...................
$ 177.172 172,898 201.931 99.395 ....................
Oiloakc ................................ Cwt................... ...93.355 23,805 ....................
S . ................. 120.421 33.545 ....................
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 21.501 37,643 8.754 9,342 6.572 10.526
$ 48.628 81.029 10,499 19.3)1 4,140 6.214
Rubber tires............................S 55.450 5.119 371,911 129,294 137.836 50,095
Seeds ................................... $ ....................610 4,1915 . ............ ...........
Fodders. n.o.p .......................... $ ...................105.911 9,93(1 . ............ ...........
Codfish, dried ......................... Curt 58,928 54.021 ...................23 ........................
$ 476.049 331.950 ..................191 . ...................

Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 6.574 14.509 3.496 554 677 718
S 51.213 86.(167 27,789 3,898 4,023 4;335
Fox skins, black ........................ No 418 1.407 1.195 544 245 91
5 13.882 52,561 33.917 13,1)79 8,781 3,650
Hidesandakins........................Cwt. 2.318 .. ..............3.766 1,103 ....................
5 13.988 ...........33.873 2,116 ....................
Soleleatber ............................. LI,......................... 23223 1,497
$ ..........................7.275 404
Upperloather ........................... $ 608 48.586 21,205 17,817 4,962 2,100
Meats ................................... S 3.553 1,019 2.236 ................................
Milk, condensed, evaporated, etc ....... Curt.. ............ ............22.570 3,256 .......................
$ .........................221.160 51,893 6 .............
Animal oils ............................. Gal.. ........... .............4.411 ................................
$ .......... ..............2.462 ................................
Honey... ............................... Lb............... 522.057 1711,057 .......................
I ..............30.105 7.884 .......................
Sausagecasings.........................$ 494 1,226 10,685 15.823 3,858 1,507
Cottonfabrics...........................d 38.560 15,016 14.700 31,9.81) .......................
5 5.966 2,301 2,231 5.823
Bags of cotton, jute, etc.................$ 2.9641 2.1100 29.978 29,077
Wood, unmanufactured (ind, lumber).... $ 19,983 13.418 23,555 16,213 ......................
Wood pulp.............................Cwt 83.528 148,001 28.633 5.5,359 240
$ 321,746 401.458 56.727 140,041 1,245
Paper and manufactures of..............5 2.334 651 21,384 32.569 12,839 9,683
Farm inlplement8 and machinery........1 16.789 5,881 7,668 4,645 3,911 2.204)
Electric vacuum cleaners and parts ...... No................ 1,1420 120 385
$ ...............34.303 495 4.877 15.027
Addingaadcaloulatingmaehines ........ No 106 I 34 4
5 9,825 ....474 3.120 1.632 ...........
............... .......... No 80 131 14
$ 37.013 65.103 8.504
Autoniot,ile parts .................. ..... 5 33 1,321 547 52.515 5 285
Aluminium and manufactures of ......... $ 3,570 61)5 87,735 2.', 4 4,281
Brass an,l ,,anufacturesot ............... $ 426 8.563 5.850 2.323 868
Leadinpigs ............................. 5 ........ ......139.970 121.334 ....
Nickel, fine, and oxide ................. Cwt. 3.363 :1,234 19.889 28,274 ....
8 116.740 123.1(51) 691,367 987.238 ....
Zinc, spaltor ........................... Cwt.....22.4118 101.715 43.125 ....
$ ....52,3)17 24(1,003 93.781 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 1,982 2.178 6.210 4.967 1,330 730
Asbestos and asbestos sand ............. Ton 97.5 582 1,867 1.11)5
$ (1.5.78! 35.538 90.920 33,9)15 . ...
Coal .................................... Ton 1,210 307 1,060 2,345 ....
$ 7,318 1.689 5,510 12,206 ....
Toiletsoap .............................. Lb....... 1,095,646 1.268,864 ....
S ...... t)l.72l 92.414 ....
Stationery .............................. S ...... 82 ....15 ..
Films ................................... $ 92,30)) 31,5(14 47.452 38,233 11,157 70,900
Allotherarticles ........................ 5 54.234 278,1041 909,197 531.518 31.102 28,498
TotalEsports(Canadian)... $ 4,265.324 4,129,302 13,502,157 16,457,910 280,090 212,267


(Fiscal Years)

Denmark Norway Sweden

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Distilled beverages ..................... 8 1.609 804 2.960 087 3,787 2886

Semis ................................... $ 11.024 11.684 ....307
Feathers ................................ $ 1,153 4,493 .....138
Fish—Sardines in boxes ................. 8 299.419 201.250 3,449 1,632
Other preserved or canned ........ 8 17 ............. 34.388 32,445 247 197
Hides and skins, raw .................... 8 7,694 4.961 . ...16,596 148
Leather and manufacturc .............. 8 288 2,893 1.177 322 97 ...
Cod liver oil ........................... Gal 74,728 74,263 ..
53,829 51,631 .
Rennet ................................. I 7.742 31.408 391 ...
Wool manufactures ...................... $ 73 40 1.041 520 1,080 316
Fishing lines and nets ................... I 160 ............21,938
. . 14.392 33
Wood, manufactured .................... $ 45 2 14.210 '2 ,403 15,165 1,524
Paper and manufactures of... .......... $ 32 26 50,545 56,258 60,676 24.172
Iron ore ................................ TOS 8.112
Pigs, ingots, blooms, etc.. iron ........... $ 6,123 5,821 02.768 65,122
Rolling mill products .................... $ 1(0.506 84.003
Engines................................. I 1,226 11,772 29,402 12,198
Cream separators ....................... $ 80 1,032 . . 193.663 41,891
Fish hooks .............................. * 18,604 7,906 .
Other hardware and cutlery ............. $ 146 217 20 ............ 8,343 1.645
Machinery, except for farms ............. 8 17,542 19.095 300 1,070 ...98.754 149,235
Saws ................................... * III 67 ....8,413 15.71(1)
Other tools ............................. $ 25.440 22,2l4
Automobile parts ....................... $ 43.737 60,600
Articles for mfr. agric. implts. (iron)..... I 2,823 1.334
Aluminium................. ...........
. I 16 ....5
Electric apparatus ........... ........... $ 210 6.891 .... 40,741 10.460
Articles for building ships ............... $ 188 400 2.758 1,030
Stone ................................... $ 15,875 13,412 580 39.284 25.446
Potash chlorate........................ Lb 411,157 2,240
31,122 168
Settiers' effects......................... $ 4,515 1.162 400 150 1,220 2,290
All other articles ........................ I 21.130 28.426 42.614 64.900 146.020 132,830
Total Imports.................. $ 90.206 126,605 548.098 452.903 879,476 704,193

Apples, fresh ............................ BrI 37,824 550 1,827 1,231 16,638 7,043
133,234 2.2(5) 8.507 4,784 74,957 24,850
Barley................................. Bust 2,223,867 40.83:1 363,284 .... 35,001 )
957,276 18,175 158,781 .....15.75(1
Rye................................... Bush 529,576 620.148 ............ 178. &58 218,787 487,81(7
8 263,470 290.457 ..91.388 110,788 259.578
Wheat ................................ Bush 1,120,310 2,425,639 1.412.1(88 2.324,657 1,940,267 2.089.900
710,157 1.367.0116 852,404 1,316,885 1,250.165 1.325,470
Flour of wheat .......................... Dr 196.562 115,631 187,804 185,005 4,226 4,311
729.256 397.03(1 596,291 529,157 14,104 14,066
Rubber manufacture, ................... I 615,899 06,103 60,616 40,460 18.3.168 57,564
Foxes ...... ............................. I 4.000 ..
Salmon, pickled........................ Cwt 223 05 186 620 1,179 1,182
3,617 717 2.929 6,986 19,728 14,111
Lobsters, canned. ...................... Cwt 2.050 1,246 321) 129 5.340 4.700
I 108.154 55,853 17,783 6,593 201.775 219.293
tipper leather ........................... 8 13.807 11,997 673 8,821 136,678 34,332
Meats................................... S 403 3,926 639 5.197 2,129
Animal oils ............................. Ga, 26,852 2,262 .......
13.753 1,075 ......
Socks and stockings ..................... $ 1.840 11,032 1,228 6.918 12,426 21.730
Felt manufactures ....................... $ 47.483 38,756 52.951 21,397
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... $ 50,754 22,268 52 ...14,110 11,818
Internal combustion engines............. No 30 . ...... 1
3790 . ...... 110
Farm implements and machinery ........ $ 89.070 1.401 19,119 7,676 23.357 4.498
Automobiles............................ Nc 1 1 1 12 413
$ 500 1,500 1,15(1 7,095 293,712
Automobile parts ....................... 8 4,589 266,355 727 518 1,676 1,514
Aluminium and II)anufax'tureS of ......... 8 267 83,505 228 193,779
Brass and manufacture, of............... 8 8,489 1,647 290 38 89 ..
Copperin ore .......................... CI 20,207 26,031 ...
202.198 78.097 . ..
Lad in pigs, etc ....................... CwI 16.454 2,239 ...27,037 9.519
29.347 4,232 ...54,008 12,881.
Nickel in ore.......................... Cwt 51.464 69,517 ...
$ 1,020.040 1.251,108 ...
Platinum in concentrates ................ Ox 599 1,291 ...
8 47,984 67,850 ...
Coal................................... To, 30 ...1,729 ....
$ 225 ............ 7.347 ....
Electrodes, carbon, etc .................. $ 144,999 110,290 6,374 11,796
Cameras ................................ $ 159 10
Films ................................... $ 18.727 1,9,19 .....19,861 5,180
All other articles ........................ 8 149.184 120,849 126,903 43.707 125,917 180,850
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... $ 3.875.680 2,694.212 3,324,772 3,695,331. 2,385,789 2.636,400
(Fiscal Years)

Estonia Latvia Ruaia (U.S.S.R.)

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1 1933

S uar products .......................... ..............

Fisheryproduce ......................... $ 20 1,350 1,207 8.490
Furs, undressed (mc!, marine) ........... $ ... 5,558
Furs, dressed ........................... $ ... 2.371
Rennet .................................. 1.h.... 2.000 4.356 ..
$ ... 1.100 3.053 ...
I'aper and manufactures of... ............ $ ... 1.606 212 .
Books and printed matter ............... $ ... 2
Niekel-plat.ed ware. ..................... * ...188 ...
Petroleum crude ........................ Gal..... 13,317.369
$ .... 520,130
Settlers' effects ......................... S .... 40
All otherarticlo ........................$ ....1.305 582 557
Total Imports .................. * 371 5,451 4,676 18,001 539,419

Rye ................................... Bush........................ 31 , 500
$ ............16,144
3heat ................................ Bush............t000 1,284,074
* ...........893 793,294
lVheat flour ............................ BrI............ 78 ............. ............
8 ...........242 ...................
ubber manufactures...................8 260 525 237 298 28
ieeds...................................$ ..............25 .............. 33.545 10
7olton fabrics .......................... $ ..............99 .............
7hai,is, iron.............................$ ..............150 ............
nternal combustion engines.............No................ 12 ..............
$ ..............1,457 ..............
'lougha and parts.......................$ ..............499 .............
arrii impleme.nt, n,o.p.................$ ..............12 ...............
'arts of farm implements, n.o.p.........S 421 981 10 7,902 ............
ikatea..................................Thur ......57 32 ............
$ ......101 50 ............
Vood-working machinery.........................2,191
tutojuobiles.............................No............ 19
* ...........8,871
lulomobileparts....................... S .........4,561 ..
tliuiiinjum in bars.....................Cwt.......... 231 2851
$ .........4.597 56,279
lumithum manufactures, n.o.p..........$ 23 1,160 ......899.977
kit other articles ........................ 180 45 103 1,009 343
Total Exports (Canadian).. ..... $ 861 797 4,260 461 55. 197 1,776.945


(Fiecal Years)

Czecboslovakia Finland Poland and Danzig

Articles 1932 1933 1932 1933
1932 1933


........... 21,120 . ............

Peas. n.o.p ............................... Lb. 845 . ..........
Slult, whole, crushed or ground .......... Lb. 288.182 282.683 .. ............
$ 1:1,234 12.747 . ..............
41)3.199 153,175 ..............148.523 149,061
Hops.................................... Lb 33,15'...............15.23? 21,151
8 611.379
0.348 634
Tar, pine, crude. ........................ S ..1.652 2,151 7,332 9.304 ...........
Furs.................................... 1 244,463 . .............
Leather and manufactures of ............ $ 352.861 25 .

Glue, animal .............. . ...... . ....... l.b 158. 40(1 122.10(1..............

$ l6.Si,1 9.384 ..............
440.536 374.033 10 1,082 508
Cotton and n'anutaetures of ............. $ 103,513 10 184
Fb,s. hemp and jute products ............ $ 180.519 268
85)02 50.846 .............. 304
Silk and manufacture' of................ 5 2.600..............
Worsteda, serges, coatings ............... 1.b 11.7134
$ 16.891 3,763 ...
39,163 33.254 ... 6.410 4,553
Felt, pressed ............................ lb 21,229 ... 4.024 2.588
25.190 293
Other wool and manufactures 01 67.888 19,211) ...3.622
9,534 . II
Artificial silk ........................... ..42.041

1l:,ts, felt ............................... ..2.164 2.054 ...

5,282 84 98 8,769 4,859
1"urnitureof wood ....................... .. 13,041) 14,743 6.281 7,995 81 230
Paper and inanufactuires Of .............. .. 32.047 2,026
848 401 19 1,469
Books and printed matter ............... .. 3)126 1.924...
Chains, iron............................... 10.583
2.207 4,294 .
Cream separators and parts................ 2 . 796 .
Ware. agate, granite, enamel 9,225 5.404 . .
Nickel and tuunulactures cu4 ............. .. 13.285 8.815
Electric :Lppiiruitue....................... $ 11,255 4,11)7
lamps and lanterns ................... ..$ 2.835 1175 .. 48
152.8211 67,(01' .. 411
'l'idleware of china ...................... $ 59,27)1 31.576 221 208 40 .. 78
Other clay products. ................... $
71.43)) 48.550 4 259 .. 89
Tableware of glass ....... ................ 5 15.485 10.786 ..
Glass lump chimneys................... 5 2,381.985
Common window glass........... .... Sq. ft 1.830,955 .
5 511,946 64.884 .
1)16,181 104,177 . 106
Other glans and products ................ $ 2.207 37,137 27,462 .
Stone.................................... 8 11.604 44.800
Ammonia, sulphate of ............ . ..... Cwt...
17.384 14,1,18 . 66 41.82069
Toys ................ ................... ..52.942 29.222 2,006 1,482 1,316 533
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) 18.970 .
ltutt.ons ................................. ..18.134 140,622 .
Jewellery ............................... ..261.489 1.498 3.400 .
Pocket books ........................... .. 9,286 5.419 .
Tobacco pipes, cigar holders. etc 15.1)), 115 250 .
Musical instruments ..................... ..22.877 2.224 .
Feathers, etc., artificial, for hats 7,457 . ............2 .
I5oxes, fancy, ornamental cases 6,736
Pencils, lead.............................. 16.331 4.288 .
Precious stones ...........................358735 33295 21,65(1 .
246.547 5,971 4,797 16,526 0.407
All other article' .........................
2,759,864 1,769,044 56579 53,976 72,555 84.881
Total Imports .............. 8

Exrosrs (CANADIAN)

Oatmeal and rolled oats ............... Cwt...11.731 "

8 .. ....
23,058 21,198 141.749 89,113 1.529 478
Flouroiwbeat .......................... Dcl. 5,629 1,247
8 (17,312 64,483 508.498 184.202
87.718 30,02)) 10.618 49638 27 ..
Rubber tires.. ........................ $ 2.480 2.261
Canned fish ............................. $ 20.293 9,140
Furs and manufacturenof................ 8 5.794 .... 12 ..
........................C wt . 300 912 ....
5753 ....30 ..
$ 2,700
27.587 15,013 ...
Felt manufactures.......................$ ... 4.)103
Wood pulp, sulphate, bleached..........Cwt .... 9)17 ....1.122
2.419 .... 4.208 11.652
2.630 183 541 lOS 22 24
Farm implements and machinery........1 3.860
Skates................................Pair 702 1.544 ....1.737
754 1.965 .... 2.791 4.054
Automobiles ...........................8 . ... 4 . 799 72 384 ..
Automobile parts ....................... .. 8 ....
Aluminium bars, bIonics, etc ............ Cwt. 11 ......
165 ...... 728 721
3,545 4.6(27 33,613 13,346 1,361 4,502
All other articles ........................ 5
173,098 111.981 668, 459 262,728 35,089 31.340
Total Expotz (Canadian)... $


(Fiscal Years)

BuIgria Hungary Yugoslavia

1932 I 1933 1932 1 1933 1932 I 1933

Iie,oem FOR Cossusirriorc

Valnuts, shelled ....................... .. Lb. 16,535 57.831 .....................
$ 3,850... 9,205 .....................
Vegetables, dried ...................... $ 90 ....113 .....................
Spices.................................. $ 587 73 ..........
Hope................................... Lb.. ........... .. 33.384 34,814
$ 4,515 4.670
Essential oils ............................. Tb 282
Rubber manufactures ................... ..... 1.225 3,671 ....
See................................... 53 931 889 ....
Drugs, crude (vegetable) ................ ..... 453 ....4.696 1,612
Fur skins, undressed .................... ...1.472 1.050 ..
Cheese. .......... .......... ............ lb 1.273 1,082 1.628 ......
173 356 500 ......
Cottons ................................. ..... 305 241
Silk and n inu(actire 01................ I 160 24 ....
Wool and manufactures .................. ..... 532 ....
Gariuients, knitted .......................... 3,775 335 ....
Hate, n.o.p.............
................. ..... 2.099 2,357 ....
Hooks and printed matter.................... 42 121 ....
Nickel and manufactures ................ ..... 60 48 ....
Chemicals and allied products ........... ..... 104 37 201
_l'oys ........................................ 4,815 3.336 ....
Containers, n.o.p.. (packages) 86 97 108 231
Musical instruments ..................... ... 35 10 215
All other articles ........................ $ 3.660 3,185 1,711 979

Total Imports ............... $ 8.068 499 18,802 24,274 12,080 7.908

Tires, pneumatic casings ................. No..... 2 2.129 . ....
I .... 12 24,288 .....
Tires, inner tubes ....................... No....... 2,618 .....6
$ ...... 3,770 .....8
Upper leather ........................... I .........1,963 ..
Other animal products ............... ..$ 1.012 142 9 10 177
Harvesters .............................. No.......23 ................
$ ............. ............ .. 4,557 .....
Other farm implements... .............. $ ......20 8 ....
l'arts of farm implements. n.o.p ......... 1 122 .... 3,399 .....
Adding machines ....................... No.......... IS ............
$ .........864 ..
ltrass valves ............................ 8 ...... 174 .....
'l'elegraph, telephone and radio apparatus $ .........214 747
Toilet soap .............................Lb. 856 .........
1 204 .........
Films ................................... $ ......266 .....260
Paintings ............................... * ......... 400
Settlers' effects ......................... $ ......50 2,000 400 556
All other articles ........................ $ ......256 10 334 ..
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 326 1,024 38,922 2,027 4,185 2,016


(Fiscal Yeari)

Austria Roumania Turkey

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

hipoaxa roa ColesuaLr'rIoN

.................................. Lb...15.3,664 8,762
$ ... 9213 271
Fige .................................... Lb... 2,500,942 2,920,675
$ ... 138.857 121.154
... .............................. Lb. ............ . 18,437 100.394
1.841 7.319
Nuts .................................... .. 18,162 3,421 3,813 8.719
Rubber and nuinufact ares of 6,162 480 .
Furs and manufactures .................. ... 96 . 2.081 14 ..
Cotton and manufarturesof 6.749 5,061 .
Silk and manufactures of ................ ... 67. 86 1 18,546 . 79 .
Wool carpets ............................ ... 555 196 . 99,350 30,240
Other wooIlen ............................. 4 . 673 1505 . 27 213
Artificial siLk (rayon) and manufacturesof 2.107 3,212 .
Garments, knitted ...................... ... 46.457 35,808 .

Felt hats ............................... ...8 . 855 6,716 .

Other hats and shapes ................... ... 4.794 3.695 .. .
Paper and rnanufa"tures of .............. ... 17,547 10,798 . 42
Iron and steel manufactures 4,042 9.002 .

Brass manufactures ..................... ... 12,833 8,960 . 2.

Nickel manufactures. ... ................ ... 16,157 8.446 .
Lamps, incandescent, carbon filament ... No 206,595 . .
14,584 .
Lamps, incandescent, metal filament .... No 0.000 .
'I'oyu and dolls .......................... ...2,550 2,186 .
4,3(8) 1.987 . 670 168
Containers, flop. (packages)
Combs..... ............................ ... 2,582 2.581 .
Pocket bre)ks, purses. etc ................ ... 9,795 3.515 .
Tobacco pipes, cigar holders, etc 11,128 6,439 .
Tobacco pouches ........................ ... 2.541 1,920 .
Toilet, and I,mnicure sets ................ ... 1,733 294 .
Musical iristruinent,s.., 225 100 .
Scienttfic instruments, etc... ............ $ 10.03(1 7,813 .
Works of art ............................ $ 5,023 2.727 .
Boxes, fancy, ornamental canes, etc ...... $ 3,928 1.194 .
Fountain pens ........................... $ 108 .
310 40 52 350
Settlers' cifects ......................... $ 2,534
54,200 36.218 1,584 1,243 2.968
All other articles ........................ $
322.872 179,707 21,867 4,730 256,720 171 .010
'l't.a1 Imports .................. $

Exi'oers (CANADLN)

Wheat flour ............................. Brl. 5.199 . .... 28€ ..

$ 13,870 .. ... 820 ..
Canvaashoeswithrubbersolei ......... Pair .. ..... 250 ..
8 .. ....... 163 ..
Rubber tires ........................... $ 50.230 545 16.250 36.059 .. ..
Fish. canned ............................ 8 4.225 1,300 .. ....300 66
Ploughs ................................. $ ..... 905 1,088 SI ..
Other farm imploments and parts ........ $ 2.808 481 296 .538 190 ..
Skates .................................. ..air 1.392 1,558 ....91 . ...
$ 2,148 1,837
Automobiles, passenger ................. No......... 22 12 1
$ ........12.020 5.019 460
Automobile parts ....................... $ 220 22 63 215 29,140
Aluminium and masufacturee of ......... $ ........ii ....
Brass valves ............................ $ 334 .... 2,071 376 ....
Copper woe ............................. I ........3,502 .... l.Olf
Sporting goods .......................... $ 108 ......48 ....
Film8 ................................... $ 3,462 ....250 332 ....
Settlers' effects.........................$ 17,815 1,005 ....56] ....
All other articles ........................ $ 5,914 1.633 2,711 3,762 9 616

Total Exports (Canadian) ....... $ 101,143 6,623 22,548 57,866 7,714 32.208
(Fiscal Years)

Irish Free State Greece Spain

1932 1933 1932 1933 1032 1933

Grapes.................................. LI 36.961
70 . 794
3.795 2,257
Oranges................................. 8 32, 6 70 23,276
Currants, dried .......................... 1.1 63,930 133,841) ...................
7,695 9.301 ..................
Figs, dried.............................. Ll 189,114 131.393 31,292 22,030
8,832 4,271 1.149 560
aisins................................. Li 2.404 420,156 293.. 152
207 50,882 27.851
Fruits, prepared. n.o.p. (except dried).... $ 19,438 16.897 124.486 134.407
Nuts.................................... $ 502 . 108 363,503
Onions .................................. $ 80.507 60,150
Vegetables, canned ...................... LI 612 3,399 306.820 318,042
39 328 20,681 17.9119
Rice, unclenned ........................ Cw 16.791 8,41110
36,387 19.04)5
Biscuits ... ............................. $ 5.039 11,672 .........................
Olive oil, edible........................ Ga 78 743 22,589 26.548
130 694 23.161 21.4195
Spices.................................. 8 15.103
Distilled spirits ...................... P1. ga 154 186 1,506 441 411 174
3,180 3.317 11,127 2.613 2,615 1,2041
Wines, non-sparkling .................... $ 31 262,718 159,030
Tobacco, uniiianulaetured ............... LI 5 , 990 213 ..........
1.263 46 ..........
Horses, flop ............................ S 10,847 3.505 ...........
Furs undressed ......................... 8 5,482 2.622 ..........
Silk n.ansfactures ....................... 8 308 2,281 .............10 75
Wool, raw ................................ 1.1 47,536 30,090 ..............
7,492 4,215 ................
Wool carpets............................ 310 47,364 .............61 ..
\Vool ianufa'tiires, other............... 3,106 3,110 ............... 121 6
Cork manufactures...................... 168,218 191.674
Traction engines and parts............... I 10,763 4.272 ......
Mercury ................................ LI 120 4.000 1.130
105 4.312 1.112
Salt................................... CwI 32 5.005 313.621
25 ,487 33,964
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) ............. $ 219 788 863 206 23,185 21.936
All other articies ........................ 8 4,557 2.839 2,238 7,731 06.18666,432
Total Imports .................. $ 45.511 36.309 104,492 45.041 1,476.360 1,160,753
Barley ................................ Bust. 253.687 12.50)) ..............................
125,708 6,211).... ........ .................
Oats .................................. Bust. 461 .311 75,293......................
156.752 28.250 .....................
Wheat ................................ Bush 560.083 919.085 3,441.615 654,485 ...............1,095,518
382.764 5541.722 2,351.725 333,940 ...............734.619
Oatmeal and rolled oats ............... Cwt. 46.950 11.919
127.334 38,868
Flour of wheat .......................... un 222,714 232.442 8.871 971 510 ..........
$ 850.026 882,390 26.100 3,506 1.503 ..........
Rubber boots and shoes ................ ..air 23,480 ..........................826 8.626
17,604 14,582 ........................1.002 41968
Rubber tires ............................ $ 121 ..............314.550 263.515
leather, unmanulactured ................ 8 3.636 25
Cheese .................................. 8 79.840 415,1)54 ..........................272 204
Fibres and textiles ...................... 8 12.614 30.4161 3,198 ..............5.261 3.454
Planks and boards ..................... Sift 6.706 2,11)2..............16 ..........
146,634 43.301 ..............407 ..........
Wood pulp............................. Cwt 1.957 ..............11.199 125
Match splints ........................... 1 7 . 747 ............43.903 281
80,279 86.4)45 ....................
l'iiper b.,aril (mel. wall beard) ........... 8 49.029 47.906 1,216 .......
Newsprint paper........................ 328,055 175,501 ..................813 ..........
Farm implements and machinery ....... S 9.081 5,452 176 6 5.409 89
Machinery, except for farms ............. 8 1.032 433 ......184 1,479
Automobiles............................ No 2 ......289 2.457
400 .....123.751 1.326,400
Automobile parts....................... $ 469 .......5.808 90,940
Tools................................... $ 1,119 449 ......21 69
Aluminium xnanufiictureu ............... $ 62 4.775 402
Asbestos ................................ S 5 . 080 15.313
Insulators, porcelain ..................... 8 3.693 1,171
Coal................................... . 736 694) 2,328 405 161
4,416 3,938 13.968 3,038 960
Soap.................................... Lb 238.606 102.061 .........
20.280 7.562 .........
Films................................... 38,881 50.062 202 ....11.910 ..
All other articles........................ S 220,504 202,006 7,502 969 38,993 37,628
Total Exports (Canadian)....... '2.6411,421 2,247,162 2,412.035 341.521 566.103 2,481.517



(Fiscal Years)

Morocco Portugal Anores and Madeira

1932 1933 1932 1933 1032 1933


Seeds, aromatic, crude. ................. .lb. 46,568 ......

Wines non-sparkling Gal 106 545 80 389 338 94

$ .......178,552 95.377 1.849 509
Seeds ................................... $ 15,982 4,635 ....

Sardine', . ............................. $ ....5,653 6,187 ..

Handkerchiefs, cotton ................... $ ..... 8
Sheets arid pillow cases, cotton .......... $ ....838 531 13.449 21.297
Embroideries, cotton .................... $ .... 188 ...
Clothing, cotton ........................ 8 .....43 1.297 5.248
Other cottons ........................... $ ....423 21) 8,723 5,516
Clothing, linen .......................... $ ..... 112 384 3,817
Other articles of linen or flax ........... $ .... 9,616 1,451 103,178 97,173
Vegetable fibre, n.o.p .................. Cwt. 313 986 . ....
$ 525 1,381 .....
Embroideries, n.o.p ..................... $ ....639 337 68
Corkwood, unmanulactured ............. I .... 52 .558 ...
Corkwood, manufactured ................ $ ....79.556 59.578 ..
Slate and manufactures .................. 5 ....3,848 4.272 ..
Phosphate rock .......................Cwt 160,317 256.205 ....
$ 3.5.710 72.625 ....
Containers. n.o.p. (packages) ............ $ ....9,124 5,933 693 1,122
Allotherarticles ........................ 8 1,905 223 1.834 125 495

Total Imports .............. 8 55.045 78,642 341,218 175.368 130.015 135,253

Exroare (CANADIAN)

Wbeat ................................ Bush.....9 .. ..160 , 533 ...

$ ....20 .. ..98,277 ...
Elourof wheat ......................... BrI..... 128 ..... 6,047 2.773
$ 341 .... 21,763 9,215
Rubber manufactures ................... 8 44,720 16,337 32.826 28,806 2,352 121
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt........5,382 1.279 876 128
$ .......39,856 7,907 4,872 640
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 576 lOS 5 14 12
8 4,054 639 36 121 83
Artificial silk .......................... .5 . ...... 4.064 .....
Planksandboarda ..................... MIt..........419 429
8 . ........ 15,321 16,170
Ploughi and parts.......................$ 5,189 5.873 230 .. ....
Threshing machine separators and parts. S 2.206 ..........
Other farm implements and parts ........ $ 14.392 12.432 800 187
Needles and pins ........................ $ .......797 43 ....
Automobiles, passenger .................. No...... 251 .......
8 ....122,088 .......
Electric batteries ....................... $ .......1,447 1,247 ....
All other articles ........................ 8 1.168 3,584 1.426 4.845 314 101

TotalExports(Canadian) ....... 8 71.709 161.314 81.4721 141,112 44,74326.331


(Fiscal Years)

French At rIca Portuguese Africa Canary Island,

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Oranges ........ ....... . .............. Cu. It......... 2.513 . ....
$ ... ... .... 3,024 ......
Coffee,green ........................... lb. 1.772 13,232 .. .......
$ 447 l,587 . .......
Wines, non-sparkling .................... Gal. 33,514 28,143 . ......
$ 40,492 36,384 .......
Olive oil for 'cop ........... ............ (is).....4.352 ........
$ ....2.873 .........
T,baeco, raw .......................... I.b......... 1,05(1 . ..
$ ........511 . ..
hides and skins ........................ Cwt. 1.727 ..........
$ 39.276 ...........
Flax and man:it'ictures of ................ $ ...........4.800 10,875
Cu'pet.n, oriental. etc., squares ........ Sq. ft. 54 .. ........
Other wool and manufa"turea of ......... $ 49 .. .........
Corkwood unrounufactured. ............ $ 7.036 .........
Ironore ................................ Ton 26.403 ..........
$ 44,888 ..........
Containers (packages) ................... $ 2,848 2.475 ......34 82
All other articles ........................ $ 2,103 1,736 426 80 212 32
Total Imports ............... 1 130.168 52.091 3,150 591 5.046 10.989

Wheat ................................ Bush 330.645 88.563 10,315 ......
1 210.028 59.051 6.310 ......
Flourof wheat .......................... SrI 1,563 1.271 14,127 14.137 996 1.041
8 7,433 4.850 64.401 61,186 3,478 2.942
Rubber boot, and shoes ................ ..air 6,715 325 7.046 2.138 ....
$ 3,285 130 4,684 998 ....
Pneumatic tire casings ..................No 394 205 1.705 1.178 1.180 1.054
$ 6.007 2.212 14.752 14.823 14.421 10.330
Innertubes..... ........................ No 508 268 1.755 1.894 819 398
$ 718 285 1.855 2.253 883 380
Other rubber nuuiufacturee ..............$ 28 17 5,366 504 141
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt. 426 242 2,575 2.751 589 ..
$ 3,153 1,537 20.558 18.098 3,957 ..
Sardines ............................... Cwt.......20 .......
I ......208
Cottonduck ............................ Yd....... 2.933 3.116 2.661 ..
8 ......475 426 511 ..
Plank, and board, ..................... M ft.......4.351 664 ....
$ ...... 78.818 8.415 ....
Timber, sQuare, Douglas fir ............ M ft....... 102 ......10
$ ...... 1.508 ....... 142
Pulpand fibre wall board ............... $ ......2.488 1,810 ....
Newsprint paper ....................... Cwt....... 12.121 424 ....
$ ...... 33.5I5 830 ....
Wrapping paper, kralt. .................. Cwt....... 1.139 2:173
8 ......5.703 11.872
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... I ...... 713.087 31.650
Chains .................................. ..... 27 2,275 Slit ....
Farm implements and machinery ........ ... 106.379 21,910 4,014 6.103 ....
Machinery, except torfarms ............. $ 3.303 120 962 33 ....
Tools. ............ ...................... $ ...... , 400 ......
Automobiles ..................... ....... .Mo. 1 1 198 117 ....
8 360 462 80,188 49.601 ....
Automobile parts ....................... $ ......21.083 13,460 16 ..
Furniture of metal ...................... $ ... .......432 ......
Copper .................................. 8 ........ 160 ....
I,ead in pigs, refined lead. etc .......... Cwt........ 9.959 561 ....
$ ......19.534 662 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... $ ......2.529 3,393 ....
Coal .................................... Ton 447 ..........
$ 2.682 ..........
Soda and compounds ................... Cwt....... 92.100 94.214 ....
$ ...... 591.908 598,345 ....
Refrigerators ...........................8 ...... 1.015 656 ....
Settlers' effects ......................... $ ......393 185 ....
All other articles ........................ $ 381 598 19.604 16.092 82
Total Export, (Canadian)... 8 343.758 91.199 1,06,283 842,146 23,264 14.017

(Fiscal Years)

British East Africa British South Africa British \Vest Africa

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Oranges ..............................Cu. ft....SI. III 6,090...
$ ... 110.4431 8.096...
.aisins ................................. lb....171.195 89,106 ...
$ ...9547 5959 ...
Pineapples, canned .................... ..Lb... 10 ,116 155.311 130.781
564 15.6341 9.397 ...
Indian corn, not for distillation ........ Bush.... 3,992,756 4.334.469 ...
$ ... 1,032:408 1,701L651 ...
Sugar, not above No. 16 D.S...........Cwt.... 753.574 1132.7(42 ...
$ ...1,572.524 1.450.251 ...
Sugar, above No. 16 D.S...............Cwt 516.817 16,782 380.801 1.012.229 ....
$ 1,225,420 32,645 793,331 1,623.950 ..
Cocoa beans, not roasted...............Cwt......25.337 30.048
.. 141,831
cegruen............................Lb 2.182.819 6,412,685 22,080
$ 177.757 644.290 1,373 ..
Spices...................................$ 23,052 7.992 . 6,003 4.220
C.oconut and palm oil for soap .......... Gal.....129,030 30 , 023
$ ....
Hides and skins, raw .................... $ ... 4,163 ..
Wool,rav ............................... Lb.... 292.370 242,039 .
$ ... 73,027 48,080 .
Sisal fibre............................. Cwt 2,580 12.572 ..
$ 8.843 30.719 ..
Manganese oxide ....................... CwL.... 56,156 ..421 . 465 .
$ ... 15,198 ..175.269 .
Diamond dust .......................... 8 ... 14.904 1.209 .
Diamonds, unset ........................ $ ...14,302 5.269 .
1.296 8,748 60,105 45.203 515 9
All other articles ........................ $
Total Imports ............... $ 1,436.338 724,978 4,323.109 4,907,004 323,678 169.075

Apples,froah ............................ BrI.......33,185 7. 087 4,640 . .
$ ...... 24.536 ..
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb..... 1.717 412.586 415,780 148
3 132 20.451 18.375 27
Wheat ................................ Bush......4,114.290 488,648 ...
$ ..... 2,607,613 331,815 ...
Oatm al and rolled oats ................ Cwt 54)0 5,789 7,181 90
$ 5,049 33,909 36,056 987
Flouroiwbeat .......................... BrI. 875 .....8,336 5,028 30,251 35,470
2,975 .. ...33,048 19,243 128,573 121.906
Candy .................................. 1.b....... 279 . 481 106,9(10 ...
$ .....709(2 24,138 ...
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 11695 215 72.865 45.341 1,194 ..
3 1.293 148 52.773 28,884 846 . .
Rubbertires ............................ $ 110.252 94.038 807.7(46 299,348 16.885 24,7E
Other rubber ........................... $ 840 946 641,667 33,725 136 131
1.450 147,585 72,466 7,250 1,100
Fish, canned ............................ ...5,050 596 32
Leather and manufactures of ............ $ ....1,546
Cotton and manufactures of ............. 8 17 ...47.678 37,562 . ..
Artificial silk ........................... $ 39 75 44.877 46,531
Binder twine ........................... wt..... 9 . 631) 13.275 . ..
60,442 ...
S ....00,545
WOOd, iuimanufactured (md. lumber) ....8 1,910 ...139,005 86.014 5,621 2,381
Wood, manufactured .................... $ 102 ...35.112 22,416 . ..
Paper hoard (ted. wall board) ........... S ....72,059 70,492 2,390 44
Nswuprintpaper ....................... Cwt..... 279.263 108.375 ...
$ ....776,460 297,725 ....
Wrappingpaper ........................ Cwt. 67 ...59,318 34,9(8) . ...
525 ... 295.403 168,427 . ...
Other paper and mnanufaeturesof ........ .....GIl 3(4.331) 28,091 ....
Pipoand tubing. iron .................... ...3,120 .....118,020 61,055 ....
Wire, iron orstenil. ............. ... ...... ....... 108 15 ....
Farm implements and machinery 3.992 6.653 413.552 396.833 ....
Hardware and cutlery ................... ....... 6,820 8.901 ....
Machinery, except for farms 1.008 2,9(11 43,104 03,593 ....4.46)
Tools ................................... ...137 252 0:124 5,556 .. ..
Automobiles ............................ No. 480 574 2,022 1,070 525 254
180,093 231,021 1,032.407 612.035 170,110 81,071
Automobileparts ....................... ... 33 , 940 51.024 149,524 198.551 54,349 31.124
Brass and nianijfactures (valves) ........ ..... 8 8,919 5,161 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... ...5,672 2,09(1 390.895 302.005 2,129 181
fnsulators, porcelain ..................... ... 58 70 35,848 1,905 ....
Coal ................................... Ton ..2.951 1.607 1,211 3,521
............... 17,700 9,012 7.200 20,254
Paintaandvamish ...................... ... 56 8 8,034 7,343 ....
Refrigerntors ................................ 75 25.873 12,420 ....
Musical instrumentS ..................... ...50 .... 4,188 1,358 ....
Vehicles, n.o.p ..................... ......279 ....0,105 5. 270 ....
All other articles ........................ ...8,350 10.83$ 721.3(10 595,975 4.501 14,221
Total Exoorte (Canadian)... $ 372,388 44)9,276 8,401.496 4,001,538 400.062 303.294
(Fiscal Yeacs)

Iraq (Mesopotamia) Palestine Persia

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Oranges..............................Cu. ft.......9,594 67,207 ....

$ ......10,151 66,752 ....
Dates ................................... Lb 3,236.639 6.160,380 .... 277,024 28,252
5 97.381 154,017 .... 10,136 492
Other dried fruits ....................... Lb...... 60,434 ...20 ...
$ .... 1,407 . . 2 ....
Brandy.............................. Pt. gal.......459 l6 ....
$ ......3,46-I 762 . ..
Cordials.............................Pt. gal....... 82 14 ...
$ .......741 54 ...
Wines, non.sparkling....................Gal....... 330 445 ...
$ ......984 1,312 ...
Animal products........................$ ......670 462 ...
Carpets-Oriental squares, etc...........$ 918 ....1,915 484 26,046 68,554
Other ...... ................... $ ....... 577 1,224
Furnituro,wood ...... ...................8 ......95 97 ...
Manufactures of wood, n.o.p ............. $ ......45 19 ...
Itibles, prayer books, etc ................ $ ......42 13 ...
lk,tush, muriate ol ..................... Cwt....... 20,020 ...
$ ...... 34,282 ...
Containers. n.o.p. (packages) ............ $ 51 146 77 279 800
Oettlers' effects ......................... $ ...... 500 100 25
Ill other articles ........................ $ 10 ....2,000 4,060 1.210 398
Total Imports .............. $ 98.340 158.024 20,753 108,478 38,848 71,493


Flourof wheat .......................... Brl....... 5,993 6,749 ................

$ ......20,101 19.216 ................
Pneumatic tire casings .................. No. 23 62 ........262
$ 78 983 ........3,702
Inner tubes ............................. No. 23 8 ........
$ 14 12 ........
)thor rubber manufactures .............. $ .... 153 ........
Salmon. canned ........................ Cwt. 89 267 68 ................
$ 657 ....2,115 501 ................
Sardines ............................... Cwt....... 392 482 ................
$ ...... 2,888 8,140 ................
Upperleathor ........................... 1 913 1.088 2,118 4.829 ................1,591
Ililk. evaporated ...................... Cwt. 512 244 60 .......
$ 3,466 1,513 446 . ......
Paper and manufactures of ............... $ ....305 .........
Ploughs and parts ....................... $ ......309 903 .....
)thcr farm implements ................. 8 33 130 491 .....
.utomobile parts ....................... 1 21 60 . ........
Electrical apparatus ..................... I .......300 1,620 .....
.lusieal instruments ..................... $ .........1,445 .....
Settlers' effects.........................$ ............. ....... 1,950 .....
'.11 other articles ........................ 8 82 137 936 1,125 .....
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 5,231 4,230 29,043 35,220 -...... - 5,393

(Fiscal Years)

Zypt Dutch East Indies Philippine Islands

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Nuts.......... $ ... 29.554 24.184 ..
Onions........ $ 61.708 121.189 .. .

................... Lb...
Sago and tapil ca flour 50.188 52,996 . ..

$ .. 1.393 1,281 ..
Sago and tapl Lb...1,994,587 1,797,180 ...
$ .. 47.510 38,718 . .
Coffee, green. Lb ...
......... 79.269 72.5112 . ..

$ ... 17.787 18.387 ..

Spices........ 8 .....1 7 . 885 41.433 . .

Tea.......... Lb.....45.107 9,955 ..
$ ... 4.265 798 ..
Gums......... $ 4,513 2.788 ... . . 179 . .
Cocoanut and palm oil for manufacture
of eoap. Gal .............
... 111.098 .. .. 382.063
$ ... 48.193 .... 108.524
Rubber. crud Lb.... 383 . 926 280.178 . .
8 .. . 31 . 273 13.968 . .
Tobacco, raw ............
Lb.... 60 . 515 10,935 . .
$ .... 78 . 508 9,774 . .
Cigarettes. Lb. 542 322 . ..

$ 2,840 1.604 . ..

Cotton and 10 products ................. $ 194,518 268,402 .. 35 . .

Flax hetap at djuto ..................... $ .... 4.273 13.542
Woof carpets. $ 1,290 125 .. ...
Manila grass. Cwt..... 9.93 1 16.979 4.872
I .. .. 33 . 431 77.088 18,432
Vegetable fibi e,other, tool. sisal ....... Cwt..... 5. 223 9,248 654 ..

$ .... 25.008 25,512 2,726 ..

Straw mnnufn tures. n.o.p ............... $ ..... 658 1,587 20
. 25 . 006
Mixed tactile )roducts ................... I ... 3,334 17,552 11.880
Wood, unman ifactured (mci lumber).... $ ...... 232 15.640 2.218
Furniture of v cod .......................$ 84 90 .. 20 12 ..
Containers, a, ).p. (packages) ............ $ ....3 1,597 1.000 ..
Settlers' effec $ 250 30 25 50 1.340
All other art', lea ........................ $ 4,753 13.130 12,143 13,769 1,096 31

Total Imports .................. $ 269.503 407,581 340,807 224.997 116,437 15.5,787

Es PORTS (Cawaozat)
Apples, fresh. BrI 9.828 16,213217 308 ...
9 55.146 87.621
1,290 1.383 ...
Potatoes ..... Hush 30lOt) ....22.013 1.333
$ 50 60 . .. 9.001 357
Oats......... Bush........... 1 1 . 527 13.652
$ .......... 3.903 4.549
Flour of when Mn 9.115 9.828 1,899 7.325 52.967 51.731
8 28.848 31.715 5.712 23,554 173,579 233,658
Alcoholic box wages ..................... $ 6,0(6) 3,600 300 . ...18.963 18.79')
Rubber mann 6 10,513 751 161.727 139.431 4.453 4,079
Fish, canned. $ 8,333 2,317 18.859 7,329 43.181 17,186
Upper lentbei $ 1.773 1.415
Meats........ $ 143 184 52 6 ..
Butter....... Cwt........... 140 30
$ ........... 3 . 267 663
Milk, evaporn ted ...................... Cwt 3.553 3.187 1.380 1.538 11 9
24.116 29,571 11.140 11,928 95 80
Paper and ml refacturesof .............. ... 1.296 3.024 4.742 2,771 6.00(1 11,019
Hooks and pcI ntecf matter 478 977 222 159 5.087 408
Farm ituplein nta and machinery 3,589 4.443 1 1 808 236 3911
Hardware an I cutlery ................... ... RIO 2.843 2,330 ....
5.Iachinery, ei cept for farms 721 ISO 450 62 913
Automobiles. No. ' IS 40 479 20 1 ..
5.1156 20,826 204.794 9.858 1.159 ..
Automobile i nrta ....................... ... 87 14 973 79 ....
Furniture of cud ...................... ... 427 720 ......420 ..
Aluminium si d n,anufncturesol ......... $ 134 ....8.127 835 ....
Copper wire iii nianufactur(s 404 .......... 3.685
Clockx. watci and parts 162 ....3.616 2,618 ....
Electrical apt warns ...................94 661) 2.68) 12.584 Ill
Asbestos mat uftwturen 339 1,3:18 ......
Arnmonium S ilphnte ................... Cut....... 44.160 90,830 ....17.059
$ ......57.373 66.401 ............ 11.810
Soda and con pounds ................... Cwt ........... 3.800 4.816
$ .......... 23.662 28,939
Films........ $ 1,874 2.857 ........
Stationery.. $ 1,146 138 126 220 478 1.087
All other art, lea........................$ 23,534 3.323 18,871 11.099 3,402 9.335
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... 1 173,2))) 186.008 507.258 292.991 296.931 317.368


(Fiscal Years)

British India Ceylon Straita Settlements

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Pineapples, canned....................... Lb 36,000 181,800 133,200 13,557.871 7.438,915
856 4,987 2,980 409.780 177,226
Cocoanut, desiccated .................... Lb 1.506.215 1.062.036 ....
54.869 38,485 ....
Rice................................... Cwt lt)l.9l0 143,355 .. ..3 ..
240.488 199.750 ....7 ..
Sago and tapioca flour.................... Lb 28,000 580.405
431 6,041
Sago and tapioca........................ Lb 28,080 . ...615.487 646.589
659 ....10.962 9.932
Cocoa beans, not roasted, etc........... Cwt 4.243 8,127 ....
36,297 45,305 ....
CoSee, green............................ Lb 101.052 78.456 ......
19.391 14,901 .......
Spices .................................. $ 83.860 57.594) 2)1,301) 9.689 56.953 60.297
Tea..................................... Lb 15,556.803 17,767,796 7.114.738 7,622.869 ....
$ 2.063.083 1,710,316 1.310,730 920,35.1 ....
OiIe, vegetable, not food ................ $ 310 10,524 120.225 55.343 ....
Rubber, crude.......................... Lb 337.040 67.200 523.279 348.383
22,376 2,051 32.205 19,03)
Boots and shoes, rubber................. 31,888
Hides and skins, raw.................... 17.868 . .........
Leather, unmanufactured................ 4.108 ,...
Cotton and manufactures................ 9.627 2.837 .......
Woven fabrics of jute .................... Yd 63.636,528 55,580.763
2.376,615 1.723.833
Bags of linen, hemp, jute ................ $ 18,166 12. 106 . ......
Wool carpets ............................ $ 39.231 41.593 ... ....126
Cocoa carpeting ......................... $ 11.293 1,727
Coir and coir yarn ..................... Cwt 5.973 5.625
20,138 22,420 .......
Brass and manufactures ................. S 9.813 1.877 38 55 .....
Tin in blocks.......................... Cwt 1,010 1.903
28.681 49,327
Manganese oxide....................... Cwt 12.1881
S 5.404 .. .....
Mica and manufactures ................... $ 41,712 18,045 .. ....
Boots and shoes, canvas upperu.......... S 25,637
Wax, vegetable and mineral, n.o.p ........ Lb 1,012.080 2.374,400
I 54,088 67.061
All other articles........................ $ 90.945 202,341 3.329 6.572 11.758 10.018
Total Imports .................. $ 51099.736 4.094,201 1.573,916 1,081.022 550,777 386,424

Exi'owrs (CANADIaN)
Wbet flour ............................ Bri 457 ..........1.226 082
1.486 .......3.869 2.133
Rubber belting.......................... Lb 23.706 28.330 381 3.375 25.581 9.468
9.640 8,333 133 1 1 050 8,535 2.836
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Paii 2.438 177 244) 75 435 ....
1,380 80 140 102 232 ....
Rubber tires ............................ $ 215,320 141,954) 41.457 19,099 73,822 129.976
Salmon. canned........................ Cwt 2.662 2,393 252 788 708 140
18,901 6.438 1,918 5.102 4.455 1.074
Artificial silk ........................... $ 94,823 1,288 25 ii 18 ....
Planks and boards.................... M ft 429 .548 ... 15 I ....
0.228 6,331 ...165 16 ....
Paper and manufactures of .............. $ 4.487 4,736 10 101 14.746 3.350
Books and printed matter............... I 2.705 6.622 19 222 2.973 3.1.148
Iron pipe and tubing ..................... $ 39.903 19.536 . ........
Wire, iron, woven fencing ................. $ 6,071 5.879 . .... . . .
Farm implements and machinery ........ S 919 2.727 171 439 345 241
Hardware and cutlery ................... $ 1.058 5.595 .....217 1.477
Machinor', except for farms ... ..... .... $ 3.235 2,830 . ......2.131
Automobiles, freight.................... No 618 498 ...22 54 110
$ 228.638 148.957 .............8.075 10,261 41.061
Automobiles, passenger................. No 602 515 1 26 235 227
$ 246.528 232.1)85 800 11.635 98.436 100.1158
Automobile parts ....................... $ 123.020 71.257 658 1,690 60,980 42.117
Aluminium and manufactures of ......... $ 165,349 16,643 .........
Silver bullion ........................... Ox 4.971.248 3,911.0117
$ 1.458.849 1,174.54)0 .........
Zinc, speller ........................... Cwt 40.097 80,221 .........
$ 102.549 185.341 .........
Clocks, watches and parts ............ ... $ 18.778 22.150 5.466 1.527 1,062 557
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 11.214 26.1413 1,386 3.243 8.958 4.312
Insulators, porcelain ................. .... $ 54.694 18.1171 ......134 131
Medicinal preparations .................. $ 29.737 45.423 1,806 2.185 453 668
Inorganic chemicals..................... S 33.262 45,718 479 187 211 1.731
Stationery, n.o.p........................ 7.508 1.158 195 99 618 501
AU other articles ........................ $ 133.234 201.214 4.511 7,833 43.731 44.138
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... $ 3.041.522 2.414.586 59.183 62.774 340,072 388,438

(Fiscal Years)

Hong Kong China 3apan

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933

huroars FOR CoNsvMl"rIoN'

Oranges..................................8 1,739 1,083 ........ 282.705 339,691
Fruits, dried ............................ Lb 79.303 50,961 781 810 2,064 465
$ 9,669 6,403 31 62 376 85
Nuts ... ................................. $ 3,984 4,053 1,190,126 773,846 5,553 5,686
Vegotables,fresh ........................ $ 58.525 14,075 203 230 11.520 11,730
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb 127,060 04,889 4.689 3.040 136,308 72,373
8 7.876 5.75:1 251 126 25,075 5.975
Pickles and saucea ...................... Gal 51.403 50,315 717 4.440 75,423 62.490
$ 37,272 15.006 354 219 37.353 30.531
104,690 85.391 10,470 3.573 580,981 499,039
Beans ................................... Lb 20,999 18.015
8 3,816 2,988 352 5
Pens, n.o.p .............................. Lb 133.746 92,1641 .....9,850 181.160 1011600
8 2,324 3,281 207 7,303 4.980
Rice ................................... Cwt 107.607 82,768 2,385 927 75,324 72,882
8 256,886 185,670 6,232 2,288 224,525 260,480
Peanutandsoyabeanoil ............... Gal 31,071 31,754 55,984 2.142 5115 30
$ 20,030 19,201 19,640 1.059 293 12
Ginger,preserved ....................... Lb 296,771 581,930 150,585 45,980 4,138 4.637
$ 17,056 28,381 8,081 2.184) 333 331
Spices ................................... 5 10,655 13,333 6,801 6.181 1.842 6,128
Tea ..... ................................ Lb 1:13,818 117,041 110,498 73,3118 3.457.174 2.421,407
5 19,695 17.746 20.651 15.758 409.353 264,052
Boverages,alcoholic .................... 8 16.323 9,799 5,159 4.302 54,532 23,554
Peanut, etc., oil for soap and fish.......Gal. 32 . ............ .. 699,364 195.105 ...
$ 12 .... 2413,248 88.456 ...
Peanut oil, for refining ................. wt. ..... 2 58 . 518 ......
S .....1,106.883 .....
Plants, trees,etc ........................ $ 3,755 4,404 1,175 555 :10,789 30,159
Drugs,erude(vcgetable) ................ $ 8,618 8,155 '2,096 159 14.412 11,863
Bone, ivory and shell products .......... $ 154 204 6,725 8,518 18,221 52.4192
Fish, dried, salted, pickled ......... ..... Lb 143.052 124.923 2,300 2,947 29.801 19,053
8 18.596 14.8404 323 273 11.842 3.055
Fish, canned..........................
.. 5 20,178 14,635 549 142 07,050 79,548
Furs, uiidresned (including marine) ...... 8 . .... 30,698 10,004 7,651 536
Furs, dressed ........................... $ 50 ....3,430 5,736 25 33
6,100 9,460 625 588
Bristles, animal .......................
... Lb......
1 1 1159
$ .....4,481 4.704) 2.444
Hair, manulacture of ................... $ 7 14,998 17,694 10 5
Eggaintheshell ....................... Dos. 14,467 10.594 125 133 . ..
5 4.950 3,836 44 45 ...

Eggs and egg products, n.o.p .............. Lb.... 1(111 60,813 61.023 ...
$ ....35 21,724 28.769 ....
Gelatins ................................ Lb 360 173 . .... 1.290 23,063 1,486
$ 15 32 702 16,341 1,006
Cotton fabrics, dyed .................... Lb 5 31 .... 40,226 22.054
$ 12 36 .... 12,694 7,742
Cotton lisce, net, etc ..................... $ 6 8,238 12.320 4 23
....... . ........ $
Cotton clothing......... 527 622 1,140 224 46.1411 36,406
Silkmidmiinufacturesof ................ $ 11,995 1,607 248,778 226,1044 2,023.371 766,705
Wool carpets ............................ $ 11 05 53,0841 35,1611 807 23
Artilieiui silk products .................. $ 77 .... 1.504 1,93.5 714,893 140,296
Straw carpeting ......................... $ 184 40 125 10,007 27,388
Fuihreg lines and nets ................... S ............24.1133 4.003
Furnitureof wood ....................... 8 12,127 2,503 7,608 4.016 0.383 4.677
Paper and maniiIacturesof ............... 5 8,910 7.243 669 505 14.2441 11,264
Books and printed matter ............... ... 4,385 4,121 2,708 1.038 17,945 14,979
Brassandmiuiufaeturesof ............... $ 54 64 00,439 8.955 6.086 3.373
Nickel and manufactures of .............. $ 25 19 47 106 30.535 46.534
Lamps, incandescent, carbon filarnent....No........... 213.1116 177,457
$ ..........7,913 5.794
Lamps, incandescent, metal filament ..... No...........1,014.856 1.108.947
$ .......... 24,691 20,437
Chinaware and clay products ............ 8 2,095 1,607 9,945 3,840 353,151 390,300
Carbolicorheavyoll ................... Gal............. 320,624
$ ............31 . 330
Glsssandglaaswaro ..................... 8 183 56 3,081 519 35.0711 32,481
Drugs and medicinalpreparations ....... $ 18,035 16.117 5.288 5,575 49,916 51,103
Fireworks .............................. $ 5,848 5.344 11.043 7,033 492 114
Camphor ............................... Lb...........49.262 38.325
2 4,468 20,496
Dolls ................................... ...104 95 134 45 25,468 31,409
Toys ....................... ........... ...94 9113 523 1.693 142.806 158,249
Bruhce ................................. ... 401 485 244 61 87.383 83,600
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) 18.573 16.821 12,006 6,305 140.228 133,160
, 4,928 3.969 1,117 609 28.385 10,555
Buttons ................................. .......27 5 88.314 66,662
Jeweflery ............. . ................. ... 354 204 5.392 1.501 19,602 18.971
Baskets ............... .................. ...1,781 970 2.954 2,1)93 8.905 6,255
Bores, fancy, ornamental cases, etc 344 279 8.007 2,217 26.082 25.345
Preciounstones .......................... ...1.546 77 6.597 2,547 43.899 36,165
Allothorartio1e ........................ ...107,399 101.826 498,746 307,754 677.035 524.514

Totallmporta .............. 8 660,939 515.614 3,725,558 1,605,452 5,990,401 3,8430.911



(Fiscal Years)

Hong Kong China Japan

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Fruits .................................. $ 2,632 5.658 14,331 8,863 257 178

Wheat................................Bush. 33 ............
. ...3,200,561 8.077,503 0,805,602 4,087.720
$ 20 . ............
...1,580,029 3,748.149 3.911.631 2.564.312
Wheat flour ............................. lOrl 230.556 224,053 1440,805 125,625 168.252 142.416
8 653,410 5911080 293.200 324)375 493.040 372,326
Sugar and its products ................... $ 745 323 8.707 8,001) 753 394
Alcoholic beverages... .................. 8 2.869 3.458 28.014 19.800 11.694 1,678
Rubber belting .......................... Lb...... 14..b6 1,092 ..........
$ .....4.680 364 ..........
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair ..... 4.31)2 8.217 ..........
I . ....2.231 4.114 ..........
Rubber tires ............................ 8 1,825 1.889 17,461 75,948 19,051 774
Senega root ............................. Lb........ 44,730 22,125
$ ......20,096 7,378
Fish, dried, salted, pielded .............. 8 358,506 41.066 332,167 113,192 980,145 300,738
Other fishery products .................. $ 7.084 4.250 3,210 6 1 511 198,236 53,321
Cattle hides ........................... Cwt...... 21,246 18.347
S ......148.930 86,081
Lcather,unmanulartured ................ 8 83.296 37.634 22.569 4.087 8.150 1.676
Meats ..................... ..............$ 1.467 2.652 23,371 7,239 10,639 8,833
Butter.................................Cwt 365 410 4 II 415 241
$ 8.924 9.467 116 205 10.366 3,802
Cheese ................................ Cwt 265 73 132 152 562 577
8 4.627 1.226 3.430 3,592 16.552 14,308
Milk, evaporstedand powdered ........ Cwt 4.803 4.415 4.264 2,809 1.046 8511
31,302 27,715 28.309 21,046 44,870 19,557
Cotton and products....................$1 2.510 3.323 6.304) 4,366 1,880 1,701
Wool and products ...................... 8 578 549 1.202 885 4.790 70
Felt manulactures ....................... $ 1.302 829 16.027 18,405 111,723 04.420
Logs ................................... Mft 1)1 067 2.509 0.569 104.235 91,923
3 6.075 6,410 18.580 42.995 959.945 791,629
Piling (wood) ....................... Lin. ft 11.387 . ..60.217 71.83)) 476.525 102,628
3 1.400 ...3,996 8,873 39,364 6.924
Railroad ties ............................ No...... 46,087 5,283 .........
$ ..... 10,062 1,712 .........
Planksandboards ..................... MIt 661) 2,4421) 50,580 47.472 42,996 16.064
$ 5.724 17.921 640.900 447,902 627,497 262.390
Timber, square, Douglas fir ............ H ft 415 380 4,981 4,205 99.805 35,818
8 7,009 5,159 57.034 30.611 1.420,747 361,038
Wood pulp ............................. Cwt 971 ... 15.712 44.317 1,215,236 622,904
1.495 ...24.770 5.5,011 2.466,509 807,836
Paperand manuiacturesof...............$1 12,466 28,825 320,927 671,528 1.369.666 1,025.0417
Scrapiron .............................. Ton .....50 ... 1,637 23,001
510 ....14,516 122,029
Iron pipeand tubing ...................... ...14.196 23,370 51.271 22.709 1, 0 .........
Wire, iron ................................ ...2,327 ...1,44)) 4,765 73 .........
Farm implements and machinery 44 626 489 3,587 638
Hardware and cutlery ................... ... 405 264 8,011 11.761 14,213 2.928
Machinery, except for farms 1,538 2.65)) 6,341 6,162 15,302 2.175
Automobiles ............................ No '24 63 171 10 202 1
8 12.017 27.623 73,401 5,904 101,082 000
Automobile parts ....................... $ 140 2,458 74 697 4,567 405
Aluminium and inanufacturenof ......... 8 4.437 5.801 148,280 46,708 637,829 782,942
Lead,pig,refined,ete .................. Cwt 6.593 13.275 74,846 70.772 590,176 670.l4l2
$ 12.077 16,010 147,629 93.399 1,168.406 610)255
Nickel, fine ............................ Cwt........... 3,821 2,466
8 ..........120.217 92,994
Silver bullion ........................... Os...... 5.762,350 5,372.245 ..
$ .....1,687.375 1.450.080 ...
Zinc,spelter...........................Cwt 1,230 558 19,701 18.788 285,747 337,245
8 2,527 1.245 41.514 41,701 624,153 726.819
Electric apparatus ....................... 8 0,243 3,382 32,183 21.309 20,001 14,241
Asbestos ................................ $ 323 3))8 265 285,329 375,474
Coal ............................ ....... Ton .....2,385 4.853 4.382 6,994
$ .....17,856 36.309 31,426 20,205
Ammonium sulphate ................... Cwt. 13,440 92.033 4,184) 135.474 ...
$ 16,500 68.834 5,19)0 99.826 ...
Cobalt oxide and salts ................... Lb....... 18.500 14.000 23,500 15,000
$ ...21,785
....... 14,330 59,719) 11,300
Musical instruments ..................... $ 3,944 1.971' 18,734 4.837 1.344 869
Films ................................... $ 6,5,50 6,983 355,548 241,524
Shipsand vessels ........................ $ ............. 60.000
Settlurs'effects ......................... $ 1,015 1.752 12,549 11,697 8,947 16.568
All other articles ........................ $ 160,705 117,035 168,841 150,370 237.040 174.693
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 1.434,659 1,062,243 5.905.133 7.609.228 16.553.690 10,327.492


(Fiscal Years)

Australia Fiji New Zealand

1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933


Apples,fresh ............................ BrI. 17 10 . 6.312 6.0611

8 66 44 . 42.082 36.906
Grapes..................................Lb. 111.815 99.750 . .
8 8.2(15 6.685 ..
Oranges.................................$ 69,488 29.418 4 1,023 . .
Otheriresh Fruits.......................$ 5.1)06 13.311 310 275 ...
Currants, dried..........................Lb. 5,438,31(1 5,411.480 . .
8 487.831) 431,151 . .
R.ais,nB .................................. Lb. 16.674,279 27.317.009 ...
8 1.623.169 2,427.7811 ..
Other dried fruit. ...................... 8 39.958 419 . ..

Pineapples, canned ....................... Lb. 1,219,429 3.523.057 05.230 154.757 ...

$ 113.056 237.399 5,210 6.987 .. ..
Fruits, canned, other .................... Lb. 0,7191.942 1,272.014
$ 418,219 69,955 .....
Fruits, prepared, other, including fruit
pulp..................................$ 49.481 14.814 766 1.549 55
Onions .................................. .8 2.796 2.413 .... 2,16 1 7 14,594
Pens .................................... Lb.....11.270 .... 21.382 32.438
8 . . 330 (151 751
Sugar, not above No. 16 D.S ........... Cwt 134.62)) 343,278 1.139.799 111)5.052 . ..
$ 552,214 455.586 2.250.847 1183.1)36 ...

Sugar, above No. 16 D.S .............. Cwt 21)0.562 757.650 (59.419 750.607 ...
$ 507,331' 1,221.450 345. 197 1,223.258 ...
Wines ................................... $ 70.131 89.598 .....
Gums: Australian, copal, kaurie,etc .... Cwt 1.863 .... 3.950 3.751
$ 1.704 .... 23.153 16,736
Eucalyptus oil...........................I.b 10,6(0 12,745 .. ...
$ 5,063 2,500 ... ..
Seeds ..................... $ 236 .. ...44.260 19,868
Furs, undressed (md. marine)...........8 11,296 499 ......306
Hides and skins, raw, calf..............Cwt............9 . 861 9.545
8 .. ..........78.742 104.165
Hidesandskine, raw, cattle............Cwt 7,961 446 .... 6.542 (.2(0
8 73.010 2,034 .... 56.70)) 9.500
Hidesand skins, raw, sheep ............ Cwt .. ..........446 11.3511
$ ............5.357 38,780
Beef, fresh ............................... Lb 147.021) 156.331 .. .. 34.905 11)3.8(13
8 10,678 7,132 .... 3.049 5,809
Mutton and Iamb, fresh .................. Lb 353.51(1 144,457 ....72.669 14,290
8 112,625 9.531 ....5.288 352
Poultryandgame ....................... 8 . 9.638 3,074 ....830 1,247
Canned meats ........................... Lb 180.407 438.361 ....1.578 20.357
$ 21,7111 37.033 . ... (97 3.149
Butter ................................... Lb 776.892 22.196 9.408 ...72.984 806.6147
8 241,241 4,299 3.052 ...17.404 125.026
Cheese .................................. Lb........... .......332
8 ............4(1
Grease, rough, for soap andoils ........ Cwt 206 20,042 .....
8 34)) 61.555 .....
Qelatine ................................ Lb 520.824 257,932 ...... 1)1,800
8 98.366 38.929 ...... 2.992
Sausagecasings .......................... 8 2.273 5,411 ..... 455.921 56)2.300
Hemp ................................. Cwt..............
$ .............3.021 11.051
Wool,raw ................................ Lb 582.544 881,084 ......1,910,011 2,936.6116
$ 144.888 11)2.075 ...... 304,91)61 349.335
Worsted tops ............................ Lb 1,342.480 1.1,49,638 ........
8 65(1.488 393,637 ........
Vegetable fibre, n.o.p .................. Cwt.... .........884 ..

8 .............3.695 ..
Gumwood lumber ..................... Mit. 5
8 385 ..........
1,umber, n.o.p ..................... ......$ 3.371 2,340 ........
Books and printed matter ............... $ 3.052 5.819 12 343 61'l
Articles used in the manufacture of agri.
cultural implements ................... $ 39.694 . ........
Soap ........... . ........................ $ 302 68 ....25 ....
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) ............ 1 9.144 9,059 ......784 208
Articles re.importod ..................... 8 65.146 4.885 315 ....9.558 8,811
Ships' stores, n.o.p ...................... 1 3.1(12 1.995 400 .... 9.042 1.356
Settlers' effects ........... .............. 1 1,115(1 7.139 ...... 2.975 (143
Allotherarticles........................$ - 169.37(1 111.310 317 198 10.262 11.743

Total Imports .................. $ 5.606.7701 5.902,587 2.606,430 2.218,351 1,080,230 985,703



(Fiscal Years)

1932 I 1933 1 1932 Flji
I 1933 1 1932 New Zealand
I 1933

Apples, fresh............................ 129 123 4.366 2,017
696 641 20.655 10.294
Fruits, canned ........................... Lb 570 2.66( 1,985 1,340
$ 58 2l 135 89
Onions................................ Bush 580 206 7.620 70.791
$ 567 174 7.730 80,812
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb. 4.931 3.986 209.396 38.329
431 301 13.118 1.671
Wheat. ............................... Bush. 151.002 164.169
$ 114.860 125.368
Wheat flour ............................. BrI, 60,306 6:1,489
S 241.811 230,452
Cornstarch ............................. Lb. 249.300 449.060
$ 12.157 20,968
Confectionery, all kinds ................. 8 21.932 1.225
Rubber manufactures ................... $ 5.587 8,849 23.632 14,943 891.073 630.019
Seeds................................... $ 692 1,272 .. ... 5.914 0,516
Fish, canned ............................ $ 1,187,420 971,026 32 .149 199.076 207.864
Furs and manufactures of ................ I 5,201 10,337
Leather and manufactures of ............ * 18.308 6.487
Cotton manufactures .................... 8 143.555 502,014 462 693 46.655 30.607
Silk soek.4 and stockings ................ $ 57 . . 1.90 245,964
Silk manufactures, other ................. $ 951 13.238 401 331 1.221 610
Felt manufactures ....................... I 38,271 46,763 ..... 2.782 228
Braces and suspenders ................... $ 2 193 826
Corsets and brassieres................... No. 182 ..... 24.536 12.935
I 518 .... 19.288 17.204
Gloves and mitts (textile)............... $ 20.107 1.566 1.083
and stockings' ..... ............... $ 4,203 57 2,244 2:357 284.557 1.198
Oil cloths............................... $ 50 20,465 .. 61 3.575 4.330
Wood, unmanufaoturod (md. lumber).... $ 990,607 1,519,446 37.680 29.743 63.644 32,736
Wood pulp............................. Cwt. 18(159 4,064 ..... 3,645 9.538
26.601 4,489 ...... 6,037 4,186
Doors, sashes and blinds ................ $ 34 333 71
........... $ 111 1.851) 503
Paper board, mel. wall board ............ $ 19.314 26.413 ...... 62.516 70,549
Bookpaper............................ Cwt. 6.620 6.807 ..... 5,618 4,056
52,7118 56.441 38,421 28,654
Paper, printing......................... Cwt. 649.931 874.588 2548 193 268.174 320.936
1,880.391 2.053,877 962 574 767.985 779.323
Paper, wrapping........................ Cwt. 1.827 759 223 148 16.0(85 18.152
14.547 6,077 1,277 .094 108.851 91,222
Paper, bond and writing ............... Cwt. 137
Paper, hangings or wall................ Roll 161.196 230,378 ..... 70.452 129.035
21.617 30,083 ..... 9,917 13.465
Books and printed matter ............... S 6.118 3,070 329 5.873 5.715
Iron bars and rods..................... Ton 214..
$ 7,681
Structural steel........................ Ton 158)..
I 15,250..
Iron pipe and tubing .................... I 61.651 75.529 ..... 13.114 76,841
Wire, iron ............................... I 7,531 2,603 ..... 47,728 16,689
Chains.................................. I 668 ..... 1.318 162
Farrii implements and machinery ........ * 95.480 35.364 221 39,815 53,580
Razors.................................. I 124) 42,150
Nails, spikes, tacks of all kinds......... Cwt. 1,172 432 23 3,230 4,025
10.540 2.774 100 17.680 18,262
Needles and pins ........................ $ 30.703 37.738 1,408
Machinery, except for (arms ............. $ 51,694 125.056 920 440 71,547 44,889
Stampedancicoated .................... $ 665 956 10,042 45,897
Tools ................................... $ 9.030 140.181 2.196 732 15.223 25,906
Automobiles............................ No. 1 2.140 12 6 9.5 400
$ 504) 594,438 3,842 2.585 34,287 181,963
Automobileparts ....................... $ 65.363 195,996 2,604 1,986 61,182 56.944
Bicycles and parts of .................... I 18 153 32 ... 309 722
Copper and manufactures of ............. $ 860 2,232 ..... 9,181 13,758
Electric apparatus ....................... I 34,442 55.793 606 ... 237.614 168.285
Asbestos ......................... ....... I 27.053 35.261 750 1.150
Coal....................................Ton 13,603 14.327 ...... 1,058
109.5111 105,319 11,938..
Glass and glassw&e ..................... 8 5,503 2,974 8.472 3.879
l'lustc'r of Paris......................... $ 768 630 ...... 19,475 3,078
Medicinal preparations.................. $ 1.432 2.329 269 11.084 19.592
Paints and varnish...................... 8 3,374 3.290 1.421 530 5.334 7.414
Soda and compounds.................... $ 5.5.218 50.701 ........
Other inorganic chemicals ............... 8 2,147 ...... 30,735 22.126
Stationery, n.o.p ........................ $ 5,788 3.859 300
Musical instruments ..................... 8 2.857 22 15 310 238
Films .... .............................. $ 231 .380 175,078...... 1,03.4 8.450
Allotherartieles ....................... $ 163.179 380,019 9,764 7.036 267,782 203.546
Total Exports (Canadian) ....... 8 5,387,982 7.312,574 123,376
. - 101.393 3,721,228 3,668,500
Includes' Silk socks and stockings" prior to 1933.

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