Trade of Canada, 1929: Condensed Preliminary Report

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YEARS 1927 AND 1928

(FscaI years ended March 31st) TATISTeos

MAR 112008

Published by Authority of the Hon. James Malcolm, M.P.,
Minister of Trade and Commerce


Review of Canada's Foreign Trade, 1928-29.........................................5
Condensed Statistical Record of Canadian Trade....................................45
Summary Tables-
1—Trade of Canada with All Countries, 1868-1929..............................46
2—Trade of Canada with United Kingdom, 1868-1929...........................48
3—Trade of Canada with United States, 1868-1929..............................50
4—Tra& of Canada by Main Groups, 1926-1929 ................................ 52
5—Trade of Canada by Principal Countries, 1926-1929..........................54
6—Imports by Main Groups and Principal Countries, 1929.......................56
7—Exports by Main Groups and Principal Countries, 1929.......................58
Detailed Tables-
8—Principal Imports, 1927-1929 (Totals, from United Kingdom, from United States) 60
9—Principal Exports, 1927-1929 (Totals, to United Kingdom, to United States)... 79
Trade with Other Principal Countries, 1928-1929--

- Imports Exports - Imports Exports

Alaska ....................... ...91 91 Honduras .................... ....... 98 98

Argentina .................... ...99 99 Hong Kong .................. .......121 122
Au,4tralja .................... ..123 124 Hungary ..................... .......112 112
Austria ... .................. 113
. 113 Iraq (Mesopotamia) .......... .......118 118
Azores and Madeira .......... 115
. 115 Irish Free State .............. .......114 114
Barbados...................... 94 94 Italy ............................... 106 108
Itclgjum ...................... 103 105 Jamaica ..................... .......95 95
Ibriciuda .................... .. 92 93 Japan ........................ .......121 122
Bolivia ...................... 100
. 100 Jugo-Slavia (see "Serb") ..... ............ .......
Brazil... .................... .. 99 99 Lettonia (Latvia) ............ ..110 110
British Africa, East .......... 117
. 117 Mexico ....................... .. 92 93
South.......... 117 117 Morocco ..................... ..115 115
" West ......... 117
. 117 NetherlandM ................. ..106 108
Guiana ............... .. 99 99 Newfoundland ............... .. 92 9.3
India ................. 120
. 120 New Zealand ................ ..123 124
West Indies, Other 95 95 Nicaragua ................... ...97 97
Bulgaria ..................... ..112 112 Norway ..................... ..100 109
Canary Islanth................ 116 116 Palestine ..................... ..118 118
Ceylon ....................... ..120 120 Panama ..................... .. 97 97
(lcilc ......................... . 101 101 Paraguay .................... ..102 102
(.3Liim ........................ 121
. 122 Perch ....................... ..118 118
('oloricicia .................... 102
. 102 Peru ......................... ..101 101
Costa Rica .................. .. 97 97 Philippines ............... ......119 119
94 04 Poland and Danzig ........... ..111 111
(zeclo-Slovakia ............. Ill
. ill Porto Rico ................... .. 91 91
Denmark .................... 101)
. 100 Portugal ..................... ..115 115
Dutch East Indies ........... 119
. 119 Portuguese Africa ............ ..116 116
Guiana ............... 100
. 100 Roumania ................... ..113 113
West Indies ........... .. 96 96 Russia.........................110 110
Ecuador ..................... 100
. 100 St. Pierre and Miquelon 06 96
Egypt ....................... 119
. 119 Salvador ..................... .98 08
Estonia.... ................... ..110 110 San Domingo ................ .94 94
Fiji........................... 123 124 Serb-Croat-Slovene State 112 112
Finland ...................... 111
. III Spain ........................ .114 114
France ....................... 103
. 105 Straits Settlements ........... 120 120
French Africa ................ 116
. 116 Sweden ...................... . 109 109
French West Indies .......... .96 96 Switzerland ................. .. 106 108
Germany.................... 103 105 'lrinidad and Tobago 95 95
Greece ....................... 114
. 114 Turkey ...................... . 113 113
Guatemala ................... 98
. 98 Uruguay ..................... . 101 101
Hawaii ...................... 91
. 91 Venezuela ..................... 102 102

All features of previous issues of the Condensed Preliminary Trade Rel)ort
are continued in the present number. It consists, as before, of two main sections
—A Review of Canada's Foreign Trade during the fiscal year just closed (11928-
29), and a series of statistical tables ("Condensed Statistical Record of Canadian
Trade''), partly summary and historical, but mainly a presentation of the main
items of the trade of C'anacla with the more important countries of the world.
In the first section, the external t.rade of Canada is examined from several
angles and the outstanding features of the year explained in both text and
tabii lar form.
In table No. 8 of the Statistical Record, numerous changes of classification
will he found in the section dealing Nvith the tmports of ''Fibres and Textiles."
These were necessitated by the extensive revision of Customs tariff schedules
inaugurated by the budget of February 16, 1928. This is the first trade report
on a Fiscal year basis incorporating the revised textile classification.
All the tables have been revised and expanded to meet altered conditions
of trade. Commercial exchange with eighty-three different countries is dealt
with in detail.
Throughout the report, figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1929,
are unrevised; those for earlier years are final.
The "Review of Canada's Foreign Trade for 1928-29" was written by Mr.
W. A. Warne, B.A., chief of the External Trade Prancli of the Dominion Bureau
of Statistics, while the "Condensed Statistical Record" was compiled by Mr.
Ernest Green, F. R. Hist. S., assistant chief of the Branch, Dominion Bureau
of Statistics.
Dominion Statistician.


OTTAWA, June 15, 1929.
('aru1a stti di lv nia intains lie r h igh placc among t he lead ing c onlin e rcial na ti o ns. Ihirng
the calendar year 1928 she occupied fifth position in imnort and export trade, second place in
export and total trade per capita, thrd position in favourable trade balance, and second position
in f:tvourablr trade balance per cal)ita. Canada also leads the world in exports of wheat., news-
pi-int pnper, niekel and nshesths oceupies second place in exports of wheat-flour, and third place
i n exports of wood pulp; as well as occupYing a very high place in the exports of ninny other

~ ta He pn)ducts, such as lumber and timl)er, atitomoijiles, fish, copper, barley, cheese, raw furs,
a Isiskey, meats, rubber tires, farm implements, pulpwood, cattle, raw golrl, silver, lead, rye, oath,
rubber footwear, leather and hides. While the Dontinion's total trade for the fiscal year 1929,
('olrtparcd with that for 1928, shows an increase of $295,010,004) (imports $156,723,0(8) and
':ports $138,317,(X.)0), there is every reason to anticipate that her position in international
trade during the calendar year 1929 will he velT maintained.
Canada's total trade for the fisenl year 1929 reached a ileclarcil value of .$2,654,452,000,
the lartp'1 for any twelve-months period on record. The largest previous yearly record was
for I lie twcl ye ition tlis ended 1)cecml ter 31, 1917, when the I)oun iniors '5 total trade was valun 1
at $2,6:19,726,000. The total trade for the fiscal year 1929, therefore, exceeded a siuitilar trade
for the i'21l('ndar year 1917, it previous record year, by $14,726,000. Imports for the fiscal year
1929 ($1 ,265,070,00()) exceeded it similar tra(lc for any previous fiscal year, though th(, imports
for the calendar year 1920 ($1,336,921 ,O(X)) were greater than for the fiscal year 1929; while
exports for 1929 ($1 338,773,0(X)) were larger than for any previous fiscal year, except. 1918
($1,586,170000). Suit',' the outbreak of the war, price fluctuations have obscured the real changes
in the physical volniuse of trade, aiid the growth as a whole during this periu(l has been over-
e.stimate(I. In view of the great deflation in prices in some commodities that has takers place Since
the record Ii('r)(ls of 1918 and 1921, this is it truly remarkable achievement, and reflects a great
expansion in the production of Canada and in the growth of foreign markets for her varied
Allowing for the price changes, however, the physical volume of Canada's imports and ex-
ports was greater for the fiscal year 1929 than for any previous year, the in the dechired
value of imports compared with the calendar year 1920 and exports compared with the fiscal year
1918, being u'ntir('lv mute to lower average import and exports prices.
Analysis of Total Trade. —The total foreign trade of Canada (luring the fiscal year ended
March 31, 1929, uunotmtrd to $2,654,452,000 compared with a similar trade in 1928 of
$2,359.41 2,04)4) and in 1927 of $2,298,466000; the increase over the year 1928 antountiuig to
$205,04)),))00, or 12.5 per ('('at and over 1927 to $355,986,004) or 15.1 per cent. Imports its well
as exports show an improvement over the years 1928 and 1927. Diirini 1921) Unports amounted
to $1 .2(15,071)4)04) compared with an import trade in 1928 (if $1.1 03,050,04)4) and in 1927 of
I hr crease in imports in 1929 over 1928 antoniO ing lo or 14 '

per cent, ii nil over 1927 to $234, 756(X))) or 22 . 7 per cent ; while I t ii exj tort a (don t&'stic and
foreign eornhiuted ) during 1929 were v:tlitu'ul at $1,333,773,000 eoittpareil with it siutolar I rude in
1925 valued at $1 250,-I SU.( I)))) and in 1927 at $1 267,573,000; the increase over (lie year 1928
I eitig $1 38,317,000 or II I per ccitt and over 1927 $121,200,000 or 96 per ccitt. Canada's
(tolnesti' exports in 1929 were valued at$l 363,587,000 0, in 1928 at $1 .228,208)100, and 1927 at
$1 .252,158.1))))); th(,, mereitse in 11)21) over 1923 amounting to $1 3.5,379,4)00 or II 0 per cent,
and over 1927 to $111,120,000 or 9-0 per cent.
Analysis of Commodity Trade.—The increase in the imports from 1928 to 1929, aoiouust-
ing to I 50,723,04)4). ua'cuu'rel iii eight of the nine main groups; while the irwreasc in douttestie
exports. totalling $135,379,000, occurred in seven of the nine main groups. The increase for
the eight main import groups that had increases totalled $161,778,000, while the decrease in
one group was $5,055,000. In exports, the total increase for seven main groups amounted to
$143,693,000, while the decrease in the other two totalled $8.314,0()0. The import groups
arranged in order of importance of increases in 1929 compared with 1928 were: (I) Iron and Its
Products, $346,611,000, increase $37,037,000; (2) Fibres. Textiles and Textile Products,
$206.444,0(X), increase $19,448,000; 3 Yon-Ferrous Metals and Their Products $75,4:38,0()0, in-
crease $15,248,148) ; (4) Nun-Metallic Minerals and Their Products, $166,964,000, increase

$13,015,000; (5) Miscellaneous Commodities, $68,492,000, increase $8,643,000; (6) Wood, Wood
Products and Paper, $59,215,000, increase, $7,464,000; (7) Animals and Animal Products,
$71,662,000, increase $5,872,000; and (8) Chemicals and Allied Products, $37,723,000, increase
$4,151,000. The Agricultural and Vegetable Products group alone shows a decrease of $5,055,-
000, the imports under this group amounting to $233,130,000. The seven main export groups
arranged according to importance of inertases, 1929 cOmI)ared with 1928, were: (1) Agricultural
and \eget.ablc Products, $646,514,000, increase $91,403,000: (2) Non-Ferrous Metals and Their
Products, $112,655,000, increase $21,815,000; (3) Iron and Its Products, $82,257,000, increase
$19,503,000; (4) Wooa, Wood Products and Paper, $288,622,000, increase $1,073,000 ; (5
Miscellaneous Commoditi6s, $18,264,000; increase $3,227,000; (6) Chemicals and Allied Pro-
ducts, $19,438,000, increase $2,073,000; and (7) Non-Metallic Minerals and Their Products,
$27,402,000, increase $1,594,000. The two main exports groups to show decreases were: (1)
Animals and Animal Products, $158,757,000, decrease $7,088,000; and (2) Fibres, Textiles and
Textile Products, $9,678,000, decrease $1,226,000. For details of commodity imports and ex-
ports, with increases or decreases, fiscal year 1929 compared with 1928, see the following table.



CoiiooiIity Imported Imports Increase (4-) Commodity Exported Exports

Increase (+)
Decrease C—)
19211 Decrease (-1

8 $ $ S

( - 1 9.055,310 Total of Group. ............... . 940,514.058 (+)91,403,400

Total of Group ....... ......... . 233.130,244
Principal niports— Principal exports-
48,844,110 1+) 2.943,923 Wheat....................... 428 ,524,320 (4-) 70,407.176
Alcoholic L,evorxges..........
Sugar for refining.. .......... . 26.405.199 ('H 0.8I)1,689 Wheat flour ................ . 69,117.779 (-i-) 5,238.477
.............. 25.0)5.838 (+1 1.056.333 Barley....................... 29,743,971 (4- ) 2,271,173
Fruits, fresh. ... .
Rubber, crude ............... . 17.416(6)1 —, 3974.7(61 Whiskey .................... 24.192.725 (4- 1 2.07,999
... 13.792.1-13 H-i 734.311 Rubber tires .. .............. . 19.119.859 —) 731.340
Corn..... ................
(-1 557.893 Rye. ............ ............ . 10.969.029 1 1'1 160,280
Tea ...................
..... . 11,752.25!
10,9(11). 181 i—i 892,204 .................... .10.241,538
Oats .... H-i 5.906.585
Vegetable oil ................ .
4'i 2.241.827
Vegetables, fresh ............ ..6,838.215 (-I-) 8)18,991 Rubber footwear....... .... ...8.569, 349
0,706.285 (—) 252.595 Seeds.. ...... ............. ...7.944,625 4-) 748,187
Tobacco, raw . .............. .
5(6)9.315 H-) 212,411 Aleand beer. ............... . . 5,1)08.366 )+) 206,937
Fruits, dried .................
5.956.317 (-H 189.949 Bran and shorts ............. 5,496.024 (-C-) 2.745,828
Coffee, green -----------------
Nuts, edible .. ............... . 5,175.287 (-(-1 117.257 Apples, fresh ................ . 4,867.180 (4-) 623.394
3.892.502 986.392 l'otatoes...................... 1.983.452 'H) 4.255454
Cocoa alit chocolate ......... . 'H)
Fruits, j,repare,I .............. 3.751.136 'H) 743.185 Oatmeal .... ............... . 5.075,375 .+ 1.273.907
(4-) 221,623 Sugar, refined .............. .2,170,548 (—) 4,084,635
Gums and rodna ............. .3,348.542

Gnou 2—ANLMsI.s AND Asxnoo. I'ruooac-ts

158,757.272 (—) 7,087,824

Total or Group ................ .71.661.754 1+) 5,871,733 Total of Group ................
Principal exports-
Principal iniports
17,185.840(4-) 512,919 FIsh........................... 34.982,115 (+1 1,462.815
lutes, raw .................. 12.429.221 (-1 1.711.117 Cheese----------------------- 25. 181.853 (-3- ) 4.091,928
l3uItu'r . ......... ..... .... 9.029.528 i-) 1 3.495,1)18 Furs, raw ................... . 24,250.172 'H) 926.939
Meats........................ 19 , 184.950 i—C 5,287.548
I.enthe.r. unmanafactured .. .6.009.148 (4- i 49,013 —" 1,895,624
5.904.979 -- H 1,319,144 Animals, living ............. - 17.034,157
Meats .......................
Leather, manufactured 4,988.881 -ii 430.892 I,eather, unnianufactured,.. 9.51)! .900 'H 1.1111.504
3.452.233 'H) 355.706 111(11 rca 9 4 4 991 — i 94 66))
Ani,,ials, living ............... 3,104.353 (+1 597.743 Milk and cream -------------- 6,0)10, 1190 (—I 1,780,792
Grea',efors,xip--------------- 1 , 052,032 (-1 78.073
Milk.eondensed.............. 3.720.745 (—i 298.835

Guoce 3—Fxsaxs, Texrri,as AND Txrrn,s PRODUCTS

206,444.044 (+1 19,448,230 Total of Group ................ . 9,678,019 (—) 1.226.054

Total of Group................ .
Princia1 imports— I'rincipal exports-
33.777.347 (+1 2.566.943 Wool, raw ....... ............ . 2.79)1,987 (-1 352.980
Woollen goods ............... .
30,897.907 4-) l2li.231i Rags ......................... . 1.8011,885 14- ) 34.42(3
Cotton goods ............... ..
28,204,28! i-I-) 3,576.775 Binder twine ................ . 1,317,93)) 'H) 733,725
Cotton, raw' .... ............. .
15,854.434 1±) Cotton .... ................. . 7111.800 (-1 307,794
Flax, lamp and lute ........... 721.488
561 .527 1±) 74,429
Silk fabrics ............... ... . 14,337. 212 1—) 4.082,365 Felt munufacture ............
8.533.088 (+) 1,459.577 Socks nnd stockint 484.794 ) 197,782
Silk raw ....................
5,823,174 (-F) 892 '8 V,00ll fl), ol 459 III 'H 102.835
oil a I tops 30)' 68
ill 471) -4-) liii' 'ut,li,i ii 24n 11,—)
Wool raw 037 ilk
5,700.251 '-(-'i 1.511,171 Gloves and mitts 906,091 'H) 11,384
Manila and sisal grass 12.003
5 '33 444 , 1.377.209 ( orwts and brassieres 149.513
Wool! a yam 19,437
5.038.461 -i-i 1,037,430 ('ordage....... ............ . 141.441
Silkelothing .................
4.191,555 4- 1 1.311, 172) Silk manufactures. .......... . 124,610 ( - 1 12.748
Cotton yarn ................. .
Carpets, woo1 ............... - 5.3114.13! -3-) 497,780
Slats and caps .............. . 3.229.804 1+) 14,782
Binder twine ................ .2.912, 755 1 -4-) 918.239



Commodity Imported Imports Increase (+) Commodity Exported Exports Increase (+)
1929 Decreatce(—) 1929 Decrease 1—)

$ I $ I

Total of Group .......... .......59.214,818 (+) 7,463.894 Total of Group ................ .288,621.745 (4- ) 4,078.349
Principal imports— l'rincipal exports-
Wood,unmanulactured ,,.. 16,639.348 (+) 2.369.715. Newsprint paper.............. 142.342,064 (4-) 13,83.5.903
Books and printed mutter 16.539.633 (+) 1.707.892 Plnnk and boards............ 47.663,849 (-1 7.733.772
r:p,'r 13.649.415 1+) 1.720.9131 Wood pulp.................... 44,8119,717 —I
W.od. rcc:ciiufc)i i 12.386,421 (+1 1,655,626 Pulpwood .................. . 14,187.100 H 99.5,742
Shingk.s ... .................. ..7.793.271 (H 973,025
laths ...... ...................6.024.025 1 — 475,293
log's......................... 4,048,807 (— 335.609
Tiiiiber ..................... .3,853.8(5(4': 1147.(M
Gaorp 5—mow AND ha l'uoDrcts

Total of Group ................ . 346.610,939 ('4-) 87,037,271Tothl of Group................. 82,255.717 (+) 19,502,783
Principal imports— Principal exports-
....... . 80,262,591 ('4- ) 21,661.9781 .\utoinbcleu . 43.059,733 (+118,219.058
Rolling mill products ........ . 60.084.144 14) 16,0!6,708, l"cirnu inipli'nients. .......... .15,870.918 ('+1 227,537
Automobile parts............. 55.761.414 (+1 22,524,23:1 Machinery.. ................ ..7.337,075 +d 1,170.101
Automobiles ................ . 42.909,476 (4-) 8,5411,9911 l'iga and ingots .............. . 3.884,1(16 I-)' 1.101.883
Farm implements ........... . 413.292.890 I-i-i 10,6.513.450 1 \utoiriohik' parts ............ ..2,393.193 (—) 103.767
Engines and liolk-ru .......... . 19.307.250 (-rl 21.300.421 l5pc' and tubing....... .... ... 2.222.432 (±) 4117,935
Ilcirclware and cutlery 4,774.857 (4-) 677.265 llarclwarc' and cutlery 1,969,652 ( - 1 914,951
'l'iibc'e and pilX'S .... ., ... , 4,697.270 fl 958,7:11
Iron ore ..................... . 4,391.2110 (±1 1.501.501
Wir.. ........................ . 3.800,253 H 468.477'
Tools ....................... 3,194.980 1+1 643.8112
Pigs and ingote .3,113.014 '4.1 I .1181.275
Gimom' 6—NON-FERROUS 3IEmLS AND Tngxa Paooccm

Total of Group.. .............. . 75,438,431 (+) 15,248,3951 Total of Group. ............... . 112.655.194 (4-) 21.814.753
Principal imports— I Principal exports-
Electric apparatus ........... 26.775.215 (4-) 7,730,751) Nickel... ................... . 23,880.402 (+3
Copper ...................... . 13. 007.982 (4-) 5 . 816 . 2501 Copper blister ............... ..18.908,309 H 11,540.323
lIons ... ................. .... 8.754.494 (I-) 1,600,6:1! (loll, raw ................... ..12.3911.444 (s-I 3:09)710
Aluminium ............... .... 8.371.6112 1—) 1.0(8.672 dv,'r ....................... .11.8:19.026 (-1 21.005
Clocks and watches ......... 3.577.073 3i+) 27 .273 ].ea'.l . ....................... . 11,130.339 !1 750.327
'i'm in ingots ................ . 2,987.502 k -)-) 716 Aluminium ................... 8.1144. 194 1-') 1.051,602
Zinc ........................ . 8,3011.847 1+) 188.148
oc ore .................. .7,936.178 )4( 852.4.54
Gaotrp 7—Now.Ms'rsu.ic MINEILu.s AND TaxIs I'RODVcTS

Total of Group ................ . 168,964.231 (+1 13,814,703iTotal of Group ................ . 27,401,790 (4-) 1.593,597
Principal imports— , Principal exports-
Coal (except for ships) .54.483,327(-1 3.785.751 Asbestos, raw ............... . 11,2117.188 (-4-) 590,017
Petroleum, crud............... 37.060.071 (+1 3.534.502 Stone and products .......... . 6.538, 633 (-'cl 1,045,361
Petr,,kui,i, refined. .......... . 23.672,418 (±) 7.714.507 Coal ........................ . 4,593,989 (-1 271,871
Clay and products ...... ...... 10.417.264) 4-) 754.848 l'etro]euin. crude ............ . 1,308,112:1(4.1 495.216
Glass .................. . .... . 9.717.518 4-) 1,587.903 Gasoline and naphtha 724.385 (-4-) 200,037
Stone and products .......... . 8.537.8113
'-.' 2.142.283
Cake ........................ . 6.047.055 (-'-1 1,837.501)
Diamonds, unset ....... .... 3.182.2891±1 114.451
GROUP 8—CaEimucAl.s AND ALLIED Psonuors

Total of Group ................ . 37,723,046 (+1 3,110,933 'rota! of Group ................ . 19.438.064 (+) 2,072.548
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Paints and varninhe ......... 5,854.804 4-) 8.39.818 Fertilizers ................... . 9,078.938 (4) 663.745
Fertilizers . .................. . 4.847.488 (-(-1 702,340 Acidu..... ................. 4,240,672 (4-) 6111,738
Dyeingandtanningmaterials 3,981,720 (4-) 40,787 Scala and compounds ........ . 3.918.515) Ii'? 253.318
Drugs and me,lirines 3.727,190 (1-) 690,097 flrugs and medicines 600.867(4') 210,789
Sodaaedcompounds.......... 3.6115.773 (+1 484,409 Paintsand viuniimlies 529.293 (+) 109,096
Soap ...... . 1.162.051 (—I 10.057

Totalof Group ................ . 68,491,584 (+) 8,642.092 Total of Group..... ........... . 18.263.813 (4-) 3,221.454
Principal imports— Principal exports-
Settlers' effects ............... 10.390.922 (+1 1,198,552 ...... ....... .
Settlers' effects 5,917.62.5 )+) 119.820
Containers .................. . 5.479.780 (4-) 1,391,866 Films................... .... . 4.2o5.322 (+) 722,916
Scientific equipment ......... . 4,458.096 (+1 310,824 Electrical energy (a) ........ . 3,938.182 (+1 3,938,182
Poet otfice parcels ........... . 3.637.841 (-4-') 227,842 Musical instruments 7117,80(1 (-1 504.253
Articles for exhibition 3,295.342 (+1 407,612 Containers .................. 572.1(18 1-1 143,011
Articles returned within five Stationery .................. . 401,116 (+) 54,994
years....................... 3. 21 3,5 65 (") 558,437 Vessels ...................... . 209.187 () 400.580
Musical instruments...........2.826,227 (+1 448,951 Cameras .................... .128.040 (—) 511.480
Jewellery .................... . 2.605.322 (-I-I 747,730
Toys ......... ............... . 2.250.895 (+1 411,800
Express parcels .............. . 1.984.622 (+1 234,299
Pocket books, etc ..... ....... 1.288,276 4-+ 230.067 (a)Thisitem appears for the Orst time in Canadian trade
Vessels ................ ....... 1,056.163 (— I 798,7S21rfrom April!, 1928.
Films ........................ 868,163 (—I 43.987l

For further information respecting Canada's trade in principal commodities with all countries, fiscal years 1927, 1928
and 1929, for imports an Table No.8, pages 60 to 78 end for exports age Table No.9, pages 79 to 90.

Trade with United Kingdom.—The total trade of Canada with the United Kingdom
during the year ended March 31, 1929, amounted to $625,690,000, compared with a similar
trade in 1928 of $598,659,000 and in 1927 of $611,958,000; the increase in 1929 over 1928 being
$27,031 .0(X) or 45 PCI. cent, and over 1027 $13,732,(X)() or 2.2 per cent.. Impoi'ts from the United
kingdom in 1929 were valued at $104,021,000, in 1928 at $185,896,000 and in 1927 at $163,939,000
the increase in the imports in 1929 over 1928 amounting to $8,125,000 or 4•4 per cent and over
the year 1927 to $30,082,000 or 18•3 per cent. Total exports from Canada to the United King-
dom for the year 1929 amounted to $431,669,000 compared with it total export in 1928 of
$412,76.3,000 and in 1927 of $448,019,000; the exports for 1929 show an increase over the year
192S of $18,906,000 or 46 per cent, but compared with 1927 a decrease of $16,350,000 or 3-
per cent. The domestic exports from Canada to the United Kingdom in 1929 were valued
$429,730,000, in 1928 at $410,691,000 and in 1927 at $416,873,000; the increase over a similar
export. in 1928 amounted to $19,030,000 or 46 per ccitt, but compared with the year 1927,
the 1929 exports show a decrease of $17,143,00() or 3.8 per cent. It should be note(1 that a
large proportion of the exports to the United Kingdom, especially grain, and particularly
wheat, is diverted from its stated destination (the United Kingdom) to other countries. This
diversion takes place, as a rule, in the movement of goods from Canada to the United King-
dom via the Lnited States. 1)uring the fiscal year 1929, the amount of ('anadian wheat
exported to the United Kingdom via the United 8tates was 163.292,000 bushels, valued at
$179,446,000. A portion of this wheat was re-routed from United States lake ports via
Canadian ports, principally Montreal. With reference to the shipments of wheat to the United
Kingdom via the United States, we know from United States intransit figures, that only about
fifty per cent of such intransit wheat is shown as an export to the limited Kingdom when it
leaves ITnitecl States ports. it is evident, therefore, as about fifty per cent of all exports to
the United Kingdom are shipped via the United States, that the Canadian exports recorded as
shipped to the United Kingdom are about eighty to one hundred million dollars in excess of
the amount of Canadian products actually received by the United Kingdom, while stated
exports to other European countries are short this amount.

During the fiscal year 1929 imports from the United Kingdom compared with 1928 show
increases under six of the main groups and decreases under three, viz.: Animals anti Animal
Products; Non-I'Iet:d1ic Mineral Products and Miscellaneous Commodities. Import.s tinder the
main group of Agrictil t ira! and Vegetable }'rod ucts i icreaseil fi'unt $51 ,134 ,000 to $53,671 ,000
or $2,537,000. (Vnder this group alcoholic beverages (chiefly whiskey) iricreasid from $38,603,000
to $40,315,000 or $1 ,622,(X)0; tea front $5,280,000 to $5,23,(XX), or $3,IXM); vegetable oil from
$388,000 to $1,456,000. or $1,068,000; green coffee froni $627,000 to $830,000, or $203,000;
while tobacco decreased from $801,000 to $778,000, or $23,000; and rubber from $724,000 to
$698,(00, or $26,000). The main group of Animals and Animal Products deerea.wxl from $6,091,-
000 to $5,664,000 or $427,000. (Unmanufactured leatliet' under this group decreased from
$1,501 .000 to $1.281.00() or $220,000; nianuf:mc'timred leather from $1,336,000 to $1,283,0XJO,
or $53,000; furs from $1,234,000 to $1,111 .000, or $123,000; butter front $15t,0(X) to $229,000,
or $229,000; while animitimis, living, increased from $236,000 to $295,000, or $59,(X)0). The
l"ibrcs, Textiles and Textile Products group imicreaserl from $71,464,000 to $77,021,000, or
$5,557,000. (The chief increases under this group were: wool and its pro(iucts from $37,-
364.00(1 to $41,116,000, or $3,752,000; flax, hcntp and jute from $6,655,000 to $7,154,000, or
$199,000; and artificial silk and products from $3,647,000 to $5,302,000, or $1,655,000; while
the imports of the following show decreases: cotton and its products from $13,791,000 to
$13,617,000 or $174,000; silk and its products from $2,281 (XX) to $1,616,000, or $665,000; and hats
and caps from $1 439,0(10 to $1,247,000, or $192,000). The main group of WootI, W ood I'roclucts
and Paper increased from $4,360.00() to $4,935,000, or $575,000. (Books and printed matter
under this group increased front $2,181,000 to $2,449,000 or $268,000; iapr from $1,452,000
to $1 532,0(X), or $80,000; and wood and its pro(lIIcts from $726,000 to $953,000, or $227,000).
I ron arid Its Products group increased front $17,726,000 to $18,997,000, or $1,271,000. (The
principal increases under this group were: rolling mill products from $5,329,000 to $6,737,000,
or $1,408,000; wire from $1,170,000 to $1,488,000, or $318,000; hardware and cutlery from
$1,002,000 to $1,133,000, or $131,000; engines and boilers from $965,000 to $1,119,000, or $154,000
vehicles from $698,000 to $778,000, or $80,000; while time imports of machinery decreased from
$5, 104,000 to $3,997,(X)0, or $1,107,(00). The main group of Non-Ferrous Metal Products

iw'rcased from $5,795,000 to $6,654,(X)0, or $859,000. (The commodities to show increases

under this group were: el(trieal)paratus from $1 ,74(000 to $1,927,000, or $187,000; tin in
mgots from $948,000 to $1,113,004), or $165,000; and brass from $527,000 to $648,000, or
$121000). The Non-Metallic Mineral Products group decreased from $14,168,000 to
$12,101,000, or $2,367,000. (Under this group the following commodities show decreases: cuni
from $6,6,000 to $4, I 59,000, or $2,529,004), and glass from $1,331,000 to $1,226,000, or $105,000;
while the following show increass: clay and its products (chiefly tahieware of china) from
$3909004) to $3,958,000, or $49,004); diamonds, unset, from $987,000 to $1,086,000, or
$99,000; and stonc and its products from $522,000 to $606,000, or $84,000). The Chemicals
and Allied I'roduct.s group increased from $4,422,000 to $4,943,000, or $521000. (The chif
items to show increases tinfler this group were: drugs and medicines from $909,004) to $1,044,000,
or $135,000; paints and varnishes from $771,000 to $895,004), or $124,000; soap from $148,000
it $1 65,4)0(1, or $1 7,(XX) and dyeing and tanning materials from $1 38.(K)() to $153,000, or
$15,000; while inpurts of soda and sodium compounds decreased from $727,000 to $534,000, or
$193,004)). The Miscellaneous Commodities group decreased from $10,436,000 to $10,035,000,
or $401,000. (Tue principal decreases under this group were: settlers's effects from $1,179,000
to $760,000, or $4 19,04)0; vessels from $995,000 to $43,000, or $952,0)0; and tobacco pipes from
$454,004) to $326,000, or $128,000).

Canada's domestic exports to the United Kingdom (luring 1929 compared with 1928 show
increases under five of tha main groups and decreases under four, viz 'Animals and Animal
Products; Fibres, 'ldxtjles and Textile l'roducts Non-Metallic Mineral Products; and Chem-
icals and Allied Products. The domestic exports from Canada to the United Kingdom under the
main group of Agricultural and Vcgmtal lu Products from 1928 to 1929 increased from $310,211 .(J00
to $325,100,000, or $14,895,000. (The chief comnnm,hities responsihh' for this increase were:
wheat from $241,816,000 to $260,000,000, or $15, 193,000; harley fromrt 815,330,04)1) to
$17,553,004). or $2,223,OMI; rye from $4,505,000 to $5,369,000, or $s640410; oats from $1,395,00()
to $4,043,000, or $2,61800; apples, fresh, from $3,568,000 to $3,88. 5000, or $317,000; oatmeal
and rolled oats from $1,481,004) to $2,073,000 or $592,000; and cereal foods from $2,023,000 to
$2,176,000, or $1 53,04)0; while the following commodities show decreases: wheat flour from
$20,247,000 to $16,972,000, or $3,275,000; rtt)>la'r goods from $6,740,000 to $5,724,000, or
$1.01 6,(00; tobacco from $2,213,000 to $1,9280.0, or $285,000; vegetables from $1,731,000 to
$1 1 454,(XX), or $277,000; and sugar from $3,046,000 to $733,000, or $2,313,000). The Animal
and Animal Products group decreased from $48,683,000 to $47,645,000, or $1,038,000. tThe
main Iti'liis under this group to show dereascs were: meats from $11,742,000 to $7,591,000,
or $4,151,000; fish from 85,417,000 to $3,718,000, or $1,699,000; unnmanufldct.ured leather from
$2,453,000 to $2,012,000, or $141,000; and condensed milk from $1,138,(W to $895,000, or
$243,(W; while the exports of cheese increased from $17,828,004) to 822,640,04)0, or $4,S12,00();
and furs from $9,15,04)0 to $10,062,000, or 8877,(XX)). The J"ihres, Textiles and Textile Products
group decreased front $1,897,004) to $811,000, or $1 .4)86,000. )'l'hc items responsible for this
decrease were: raw wool from $720,(XK) to $211,000, or 8509,4840; cottons from $424,000 to
8127.000, or $297,000 an([ art.ifieial silk front $327,000 to $6,000, or $321,000). The exports
under the Wood, \Vood Products and Paper group increased from $17,171,000 to $22,351,004),
or $5,180,004). (The principal commodities to account for this increase were; paper (chiefly
newsprint) from $4,486,000 to $10,965,000, or $6,479,00); while the exports of unmanimfactured
wood (largely planks and hoards) dleereasedl front 88,637,00)), to $8,502,000, or $125,004); and
manufactured wood (mainly wood pulp) from $3,916,0040 to $2,696,000, or $1,220,000). The
main group of Iron and Its Products iticrease(l from $8,196,004) to $8,721,000, or $525,000.
(The exports of the following items were largely responsible for this increase: vehicles (chiefly
autOn101)iles) from $4,804,000 to 85,588,00), or $784,000; machinery from $1,350,000 to
$1,379,000, or $29,000; and hardware and cutlery from 8502,0400 to $67S,000, or 81700(10b.
The exports under the main group of Non-Ferrous Metal Products increased from 815,6041,060
to $16,347,000, or $651,000. (The principal items under this group responsible for this increase
were: lead in pigs from $4,256,000 to $4,747,000, or $491,000; zinc from $1,218,000 to $1,424,000
or $206,000: almmnminimim in bars, blocks, etc., from 8546,0(X) to $1,421,000, or $575,000; while
the exports of nickel decreased from $5,755,000 to $5,149,004), or $636,000; copper ore from
$1,771,000 to $1,603,000, or 8168,04)0: and brass from $787,004.) to $676,000, or $1 11,000). The
Non-Metallic Mineral Products group decreased from 81,934,0410 to $1,771,000, or $163,000.

(The main commodities to account for this decrease were: asbestos from $823,000 to $539,000,
or $284,000; and coal from $216,000 to $148,000, or $68,000; while crude petroleum increased
from $304,000 to $493,000, or $189,000; and artificial abrasives from $183,000 to $239,(00, or
$56,000). The exports under the Chemicals and Allied I'roducts group decreased from $4,234,000
to $4,037,000, or $107,000. (The chief commodities responsible under this group for the de-
creases were : acids from $2,235,000 to $2,156,000, or $79,000; soap frorii $878,000 to $524,000,
or $354,000; and cobalt oxide and salts from $289,000 to $161,000, or $128,000; while exports
of drugs and medicines increased from $157,(00 to $296,000, or $139,000; and paints and
varnishes from $144,000 to $196,000, or $52,000). The Miscellaneous Commodities group
increased from $2,660,000 to $2,941,000, or $272,000. (The exports of films under this group
increased from $1 341,((K) to $2,050,000, or $709,000; arid settlers' effects from $371 ,00() to $428,001)
or $57,000; while the exports of cameras decreased from $401,000 to $6,000 or $395,000).
For further information respecting Canada's trade in principal commodities with the United
Kingdom, fiscal years 1928 and 1929, for imports see Table No. 8, pages 60 to 78 and for
exports see Table No. 9, pages 79 to 90.

Trade with United States.-The total trade of Canada with the Fnited Statss for the
year ended March 31, 1929, was valued at $1,389,870,000 compared with a similar trade in 1928
valued at $1,216,081,000 and in 1927 at $1,166,358,000; the increase in 1929 over 1928 being
$173,789,000, or 14•3 per cent, and over 1927, $223,512,000, or 191 per cent. Canada's
imports from the United States in 1929 were valued at $868,056,000, in 1928 at $719,436,000
and in 1927 at $687,023,000; the increase in 1929 compared with 1928 amounting to $148,620,000,
or 207 per cent, and with 1927 to $181,033,000, or 263 per cent; whereas the total exports
from Canada to the Inite(l States amounted to $521,811,000 in 1929, to $496,645,000 in 1928
and to $479,335,000 in 1927; the increase in 1929 over 1928 being $25,169,000, or 5-1 per cent,
and over 1927 $42,479,0(X), or S's per cent. The domestic exports from Canada in the United
States in 1929 totalled $500,168,000, in 1928 $478,004,000 and in 1927 $466,423,000; the increase
in 1-029 compared with 1928 amounting to $22,164,000, or 47 per cent, and with 1927 to $33,745,-
000, or 7'2 per cent.
The imports from the United States in 1929 show increases in each of the main groups com-
pared with 1928. The Agricultural and Vegetable Products group increased from $102,209,000
to $103,691,000, or $1,482,000. (The chief commodities to show increases under this group
were: fruits (chiefly green fruit) fr)m $30,087,000 to $31,185,000, or $1,098,000; grain and
products (principally corn) from $12,784,000 to $16,390,000, or $3,606,000; vegetables from
$6,496,000 to $7,338,000, or $842,000; tobacco (largely tobacco leaf) from $5,859,000 to $5,895,-
000, or $36,000; gums and resin from $2,908,000 to $2,957,000, or $49,000; nuts, edible, from
$1,557,000 to $1,604,000, or $47,000; sugar and products from $1,298,000 to $1,556,000, or
$258,000; and cocoa and chocolate from $957,000 to $1,020,000, or $63,000; while the following
items show decreases: rubber (mainly crude rubber) from $23,775,000 to $21,332,000, or
$2,443,000; vegetable oil from $9,822,000 to $7,287,000, or $2,535,000; and seeds from $1,079,000
to $1,011,000, or $68,000). The imports from the United States under the Animals and Animal
Products group increased from $40,583,000 to $42,654,000, or $2,071,000. (The principal items
under this main group to show increases were: furs (chiefly raw furs) from $12,304,000 to
$13,243,000, or $939,000; unnianufactured leather from $4,398,000 to $4,637,000, or $239,000;
meats from $3,609,000 to $4,283,000, or $674,000; animals, living, from $2,228,000 to $2,800,000
or $572,000; manufactured leather (largely footwear) from $2,446,000 to $2,598,000, or $142,000
and fish from $968,000 to $1,216,000, or $248,000; while chief decreases occurred in the following
items: hides, raw, from $10,185,000 to $9,286,000, or $899,000; grease for soap and oil, $1,043,000
to $973,000, or $70,000; and eggs in the shell from $450,000 to $380,000, or $70,000). The
Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products group increased from $69,431,000 to $81,890,000, or
$12,459,000. (The commodities under this group to show increases were: cotton and its pro-
ducts (chiefly raw cotton) from $40,622,000 to $46,267,000, or $5,645,000; silk and its products
(chiefly raw silk and silk fabrics) from $8,604,000 to $10,700,000, or $2,096,000; manila and
sisal grass from $3,829,000 to $5,453,000, or $1,624,000; wool and its Products from $2,676,000
to $3,601,000, or $925,000; binder twine from $866,000 to $1,566,000, or $700,000; and
hats and caps from $947,000 to $1,091,000, or $144,000; while the imports of flax, hemp
and jute decreased from $2,752,000 to $1,871,000, or $881,000). The main group of Wood,

Wood Products and Paper increased from $43,992,000 to $50,564,000, or 86.572,000. (The
principal commodities to account for this increase were: unmanufactured wood (mainly lumber
and timber) from $13,909,000 to $16,246,000, or $2,337,000; hooks and printed matter from
$11,955,000 to $13,383,000, or $1,127,000; paper from $9,168,000 to $10,678,000, or $1,510,000;
and manufactured wood from $8,960,000 to $10,258,(00, or $1,298,000). Iron and Its Products
group increased from $233,991,000 to $317,089,000, or $83,098,000. (The imports under
this group responsible for this increase were: automobile parts from $33,104,000 to $55,467,000,
or $22,363,000; machinery from $42,343,000 to $54,614,000, or $12,271,000; rolling mill pro-
di:ts from $36,227,0(H) to $49,812,000, or $13,585,000; autoniohiles from 834,017,000 to $49,619,-
(55), or $8,602,000; farm implements from $29,133,000 to 8:39,826,000, or $10,693,000; engines
ni boilers (chietiv automobile engines) from $15,928,000 to $18,033,000, or 82.105,000; tubes
oil fittings from $3,052,00) to $3,88-1,000, or $832,000; iron ore front $2,227,000 to $3,425,000,
or $1,198,000; hardware and cutlery from $2,339,000 to $2,860,000, or $530,000; tools and
iJii(llimnents from $1,865,000 to $2,427,000, or $562,000; pigs, ingots anO blooms from $1,364,000
to 82,264,1)1)0, or $1,100,000; and wire from $1,825,000 to $1,997,000, or $172,000L The Non-
Ferrous Metal Products group increased from $48,386,000 to $62,105,000, or $13,719,000. (The
chief increases occurred in the following items: electrical apparatus from $16,762,000 to 824.411,-
000, or $7,649,000; coiper from $7,062,000 to $ 12,716,01)0, or $5,651,1(M); brass from $4,264,000
(tu $5,699,000, or $1,435,000; nickel-plated ware from $1,751,000 to $2,269,000, or 5518.000;
and clocks and watches from $1,219,000 to $1,333,000, or $114,000; while the imports of alum-
iniulit (chiefly alumina, bauxite anul eryolite) decreased from $7,521,000 to $5,454,000, or $2,067,-
000; and tin in ingots from $1,763,000 to $1,307,000, or $156,000). The Nuut-Metallie Mineral
I'rouluicts group increased from $117,448,000 to $135,154,000, or $17,706,000. The maui imports
responsible for this increase were: crude petroleum oil from $23,580,000 to $27,824,(XX), or
$4,244,000, relimmed petroleum oil from $15,701,000 to $23,397,000, or $7,696,000; stone and
its pro(lucts front $5,378,000 to $7,307,000, or $1,929,000; coke front $4,594,000 to $6,448,000,
or 51,854,000; glass from $4,070,000 to $4,861,000, or $791,000; and clay and products (chiefly
bricks) from $3,831,000 to $4,479,000, or $648,(00; while imports of coal decreased from $59,356,-
1)1)0 to $55,661,001), or $3,605,(M). The imports under the main group of Chemicals and Allied
Products increased from $22,246,000 to $26,225,000, or $3,979,000. (The main items under
this group to show increases were: paints and varnishes from $3,728,000 to $4,136,001), or $408,000;
fertilizers from 82.921,000 to $3,659,000, or $738,000; dyeing and tanning materials from
$2,555,000 to $2,963,000, or $408,000; soda and sodium compounds from $2,211,000 to $2,839,000,
or $508,000; cellulose products (chiefly celluloid in sheets) from $2,146,001) to $2,274,000, or
$128,000; drugs and medicines from $1,4470)0 to $1,947,000. or $500,000; while soap decreased
from $893,000 to $866,000, or $27,000). The Miscellaneous Commodities group increased
from $41,150,000 to 818,685,000, or $7,535,000. (The chief increases occurred in the following
items tinder this group: settlers' effects from $7,737,000 to $9,343,000, or 81,606,000; sciemutifie
equipment from $3,466,000 to $3,638,000, or $172,000; articles for exhibition from $2,098,001)
to $3,130,000, or $1,032,000; vehicles (except chiefly iron) from $1,41 8,0(X) to $2,643,000, or $1,225,-
(0)' musical iostrwnents from $1,897,000 to 82,273,00), or $376,0010: containers (usual outside
coverings) from 81,380(100 to $2,045,000, or $765,000; jewcllery from $1,145,000 to $1,408,000,
or $263,000; rcfreigerators from $672,000 to $1,319,000, or $647,000; works of art from $557,000
to $1,140,000, or $583,000; and toys and dolls from 8838,1)1)0 to $1,096,000, or 8258,000; while
articles re-imported decreased from $3,002,000 to $2,581,000, or $421,000).

From 1928 to 1929 the domestic exports from Canada to the L'nited States show increases
in seven of the main groups and decreases in two, viz.: Animals, and Animal Products and Wood,
Wood I'roducts and Paper. The main group of Agricultural and Vegetable Products increased
from $56,009,000 to $58,527,000, or $2,428,000. (The chief increases under this group were:
wheat front $9,504,000 to $12,381,000, or $2,877,000; seeds (chiefly flaxseed) from $6,439,000
to $7,503,000, or 51,064.000; bran and shorts from $2,626,000 to $5,352,000, or $2,726,000; sugar
from $1,274,000 to $1,423,000, or $149,000; while the exports of alcoholic beverages decreased
from 824,132,01)0 to $24,051,000, or $81,000; and vegetables (largely potatoes) from $5,811,000
to $2,411,000, or $3,400,000). The Animals and Animal Products group decreased from
$92,241,000 to $84,994,000, or $7,250,000. (The following conunodities under this group show
decreases: furs (principally raw furs) from $14,336,000 to $13,281,000, or $1,055,000; meats,
$11,289,000 to $10,383,000, or $906,000; hides, raw, front $11,417,000 to 59,2-14,000, or $2,173,000;

uninanufactured leather from $8,240,000 to $7,091,000, or $1,140,000; milk and cream, fresh,
from $7,840,000 to $6,059,000. or $1,781,000; and cheese from $2,444,000 to $1,870,000, or
$574,000; while the exports of fish increased from $13,821,(X)0 to $14,804,000, or $983,000; and
cattle from $13,527,(X)0 to $14,463,000, or $936,(00). The main group of Fibres, Textiles and
Textile Products increased from $4,922,000 to $4,931,000, or $9,00(. (Under this group wool
and its products (chiefly raw wool) increased from $2,414,000 to $2,626,000, or $202,000; whi1
the exports of binder twine decreased from $823,000 to $573,(XX), or $250,000). The Wood,
Wood Products and I'aper group decreased from $238,986,000 to $235,665,000, or $3,321,000.
(The principal items to account for this decrease under this group were: unmanufnct.ured Woo
(chiefly planks an([ boards, pulp wood, and laths) from $79,884,000 to $72,312,000, or $7,572,000;
manufactured wood (mainly wood pulp) from $3M,0,0()0 to $37,488,(X)0, or $6(X),000; whil
paper (largely newsprint) increased from $120,209,000 to $124,898,000, or $46890001. Tb
exports of Iron and Its Products increased from $8,831,000 to $11,157,000. or $2,326,000. (Th
leading commodities to show increases were: farm iniplenwnts from $3,523,00() to $4,367,000,
or $844,(X)0; pigs, iimgots and blooms from $2,735,000 to $3,809,000, or $1,074,000; scrap iron
and steel from $547,000 to $911,000, or $364,000; and tubing aiicl pipe from $667,00() to $745,(00,
or $78,000). The exports under the group Non-Ferrous Metal Products increased from $44,115,000
to $63,777,000, or $ I9,662.t)00. (The ('olflmodities under this group to account for this increase
were: copper from $13.433,(XX) to $23,829,000, or $I0,396.000; nickel from $7,132,000 to
$13,489,000, or $6,357,000; raw gold from $8,990,000 to $12,371,000, or $3,381 (XX); and silver
from $4,499,000 to $5,970,000, or $1,171 (XX); while the ('x)x)rtS of aluminium in bars, bhx'ks. etc.,
decreased from $7,919,000 to $4,323,000, or $3.596,(XXb. The Non-Metallic Mineral I'roducts
group increased from $16,037,00() to $17,995,000, or $1,958,000. (The follo),% - ing items show
increases under this group: asbestos $6,535,XX to $7,380,000, or $$45,000; and stone and its
products (chiefly abrasives and 'psum)) from $4,699,(XH) to $5,7I200, or $I,013,000; while the
exports of coal decreased from $2,1 15,00t) to $2,077,0X), or 938,(XX)). The main group of Chemicals
and Allied Products mereased from $8, 151,00(1 to $10,779,000, or $2,628,000. (The principal
items under this group to show increases wer'' fin iii nt's principal lv cynnainidi rrolu $4,776,000
to $5,536,000, or $760,(W; soda and sodium compounds from $1 ,363,(KX) to $2,023,000, or
$660,000; and acids from $1,030,000 to $2,021 ,00t), or $991,000). The exports under the main
group of Miscellaneous Commodities increased from $8,619,(XX) to $12,343,000, or $3,724,000.
(The chief increases under this group were: electrical emiergy from nil to $3,938,000. or $3,938,000;
settlers' effects from $5,148,001) to $5,197,0(X), or $19,t)00; while exports of films decreased from
$1,397,000 to $1,330,000, or $67,000). With ni'fcrence to the exports of electrical energy it should
be noted that it appears as an item in Canadian export statistics for time first tune from April 1,
1928, For further information respecting Canada's trade in prin('iptul commodities with the
United States, fiscal years, 1928 and 1929, for imports see Table No. 8, pages 60 to 78 and for
cxl)Orts see Table No. 9, pages 79 to 90.

Trade with Other Countries.—Thc Bnit nih I'rcfuruntial Tariff enco'ted in 1897, as well as
trade treaties and agreements negotiated ui t Ii En! ish and Foreign (',nnitries have had the
effect of stimulating Canada's external trade. When the British prefc'rc'nce became effective
in 1897 Canada's total imports from the I imited Kingdottm in that veiir only anmounte,l to
$29,401,000, compared with an import in 1887 valued at $41,741,000, and in 1873 at $67,997,000,
the decrease in 1897 compared with 1887 amounting to $15,340,(X) and with 1873 to $38,596,000.
l"roni 1873 to 1897 imports from the United Kingdom decreased $38,596,000 or 567 per cent,
while from 1897 to 1020 they increased $164,620,000 or 550 9 per cent. The British Preferential
Tariff was no doubt largely responsible for the increase in imports, not only from the 1 nitcd
Ringdom but also from other parts of the Empire. By reference to the statistics in the follow-
ing table giving "Trade of Catiada with th( ,. 1trit81i Empire and Foreign Countries" it will be
noted that in the fiscal year 1014, imports from "Other British Empire'', i.e., British Empire
except United Kingdom, amounted to $22,4560M). in 1922 to $31,974,00), but in 1929 they had
increased to $63,378,000; while imports from ''t )thcr Foreign Countries'', i.e., 1"oreign Countries
except United States, in 1914 totallci.l $68,365,000, in 1922 to $82,737.00)) and in 1929 they were
$140,224,000. Exports, however, during the same years show a greater irnprovelmunt. In 1914
exports to "Other British Empire" were valued at $23,388,OIX), in 1922 at $46.474,(J :iiu,l in
1929 they had advanced to $106,200,000, while exports to "Other Foreign Countries" were
valued at $29,573,000 in 1914, at $101,817,000 in 1922, and in 1929 they were $327,393,000.


From 1914 to 1929 imports from "Other British Empire" increa.sed $40,922,000, or 1822 per cent,
:nd from "Other Foreign Countries" $71,859,000, or 105-1 per cent, while the exports to "Other
British Empire" from 1914 to 1029 iticreased $82,908,000, or 354.5 per cent, and to 'Other
Foreign Countries" $297,820,000, or 1,0070 per cent.
With further reference to the trade of Canada with other countries than the United Eingdom
and the United $tates, attention is directed to tables Nos. 10-36, pages 01 and 124, giving the trade
if (tnuda in lt'utIini t'nnuno.lii is with 81 British and foreign countries for the fiscal years 192


(Fiscal Years 1886. 1896, 1906. 1914, 1972 and 1929)

Canadian Trade with-

Fiscal Years tnited United ()t her OIlier Total Total

Kingdom States ISrit iii Foreign British Foreign
Empire (ount rn-s Empire Countries

Imports $ I $ 1 $ 8 $ $

1886 ..................... 39.033.006 42,818,651 2.383,2 11,756,920 41,416, 54,575.571

18641 ..................... 32.624.565 53529.390 2.388,6 16.618.619 35.213. 70.148.009
1006 ..................... 60.183.915 160.256,422 14.605,2 30,694,394 83.789. 199.950,646
1914 .................... 132. 070. 406 39)1,302,135 22,456.4 68.365,014 154,5211, 464.1117.152
1922 ................. 117.131.313 515.058.1911 11.973,1 82.736.883 140,109, 598.695.079
1920 .................... 194.020,573 868.056,680 63.377,1 140,223,890 257,398, 1,008.280.580
Expert. (Canadian)
36.694,263 34.284,490 3.262,8 3.515. 148 39,957, 37,799.638
62,717,941 37,789.481 4.048,1 5.152,185 60.766. 42.941,666
127.456.465 83.546.306 10.964,3 13.516,428 138. 421. 97. 062. 734
215,253,990 10.372.825 23.388,1 20.573,097 238,4142, 192,945.922
299.361,673 292,588.843 46.473,3 101.816.627 345.835. 394.405.270
429.730.48.5 500,1)17,599 108,295,2 9.327,393,056 536.026. 827.560.655

Percentage of Canadian Trade wit Ii-

Fiscal Yearn (It her tIther Total Total
Unitoil United British Foreign British Foreign
Kingdom Staten Empire tountriea Empire (.opntries

1886 ........................... . .40'7 44-6 25 12-2 432 568
1896 ..............................312 50-8 22 158 334 666
1906 ..............................244 596 51 109 29-5 70'5
1914 ............................ . .21-4 840 3-6 11-0 25-0 75'))
1922 ............................ . .15-7 690 43 11-0 20-0 80-))
1929 ............................ ..15-3 68-6 50 Il-I 20-3 79-7
Exports (Canadian)
1886 ............................ . 47-2 44•1 4-2 45 51-4 48-6
1896 ............................. 572 34-4 37 4-7 600 391
191)6 ............................ 54-1 355 4-6 58 58-7 413
1914 ... ....................... . 46'9 379 5-4 68 55-3 44-7
1922 ............................ . 40-4 395 03 13-8 441-7 53-3
1929 ............................ . II'S 36-7 78 240 393 607


The statistics in the following table indiestte the trend of Canadian trade from 1914 to 1929,
(a) with All Countries; (b) with the United Kingdom; and (c) with the United States.


(Values in Millions of Dollars)

Imports into Canada I Exports from Canada

Excess I Percentage
Yearn ended of relation
March31 Imports (I) of Exports
Dutiable Free Total Per Cent Canadian Foreign Total Exports (c) to Imports
Goods Goods Imports Free Produce Produce Exports

(a) Wrns ALL Cotsraira

1914 ....... 410-3 208-9 619-2 33-7 4316 23-8 45.5-46) 1638 734
1915................. 2798 176-1 455-9 38-6 409-4 520 4814(e) 5-5 1012
1916 ................. 289-4 2188 508-2 430 7416 377 7793 e) 271-1 153.3
1917. ................ 4617 384-7 846-4 45-4 1,151-4 27-8 1,179-2 e) 332-8 1393
1918 .......... ....... 542-3 4212 91335 43.7 1,540-1) 461 1,586-1 e) 622-6 1646
1919 .......... ....... 526-5 393-2 9197 42-7 1,216-4 52-3 1,208-7(e) 319-0 137-9
1920 . ........... 693-6 371)'9 1,001-5 348 1,239-5 471 1.286-6(e) 222-I 120-9
1921 ................847-5 3926 1,240-1 31-6 1.189-2 21-2 1,210-4(i) 29-7 97-8
1922 ................ 495-6 262-2 747-8 33-7 740-2 13-7 763-9(0) 6-1 100-8
1923 .........
.... ... . 537-3 2663 802-6 33-0 931-5 13-8 945-3(e) 142-7 117-7
1924 ............ .... 59i-3 302-1 893-4 33-8 1.045-4 13-4 1,058-8(e) 165-4 118-5
1923 .... ....... 516-0 280-9 796-9 35-1 1.069-1 12-3 1.081-4(e) 284-5 135-7
1926 ................ .. 583-0 344-3 927-3 37-1 1,315-4 13-3 1,328-7(e) 401-4 143-I
1927 ................ 659-9 371-0 1,030-9 36-0 1,252-2 15-4 1,267-6(e) 238-7 123-0
1928 . ............... .. 710-0 398-9 1.108-9 36-0 1.228-2 22-2 1.250-4(e) 142-5 112-8
1929 ..
............... 821-1 444-5 1.265-7 35-1 1.363-0 25-2 1.388-8(e) 123-1 109-7

(b) Wim mi UN1TLD kINGDOM

1914 ................ . 102-4 29-7 132-1 22-5 215-2 7-1 222-3(e) 90-2 157-6
1919 ................ ...68-0 221 90-I 24-5 186-li 25-I 211-7(e) 121-6 234-9
1916 ................ .. 62-0 25-4 77-4 32-8 451-9 112 463-Its) 385-7 598-3
.... .. 75-5 31-6 107-1 20-5 742-1 13-9 756-0(e) 648-9 705-9
1918. .............. ... 58-0 233 81-3 28-6 845-5 15-6 861-ICe) 779-8 1,059-1
1919 ................ 50-0 23-0 73-0 31-5 540-7 20-1 5)10-8(c) 487-8 768-2
1920 ................ .. 03-2 33-1 128-3 26-2 185-2 6-8 49(1-0(e) 360-7 3927
1921 ................. 170-1 43-8 213-9 20-5 312-8 1-4 311-210) 100-3 146-9
1922 ................ - - 95-1 22-0 117-1 18-8 200-4 1-0 300-4(e) 183-3 256-5
1023 ................ - 116-2 25-I 141-3 17-7 370-1 0-8 379-9(e) 238-6 288-9
1924 ................ . 126-1 27-5 153-0 17-8 360-1 1-1 361-2(e) 207-8 235-I
1025 ................ - 124-7 26-4 151-1 17-5 305-9 1-3 307-2(e) 248-1 262-8
1026 ................ . 133-1 30-6 163-7 18-6 508-2 1-1 509-3(e) 345-6 3111
1927... ............. . 135-0 28-0 163-0 17-0 4411-0 1-1 448-0(e) 284-1 2731
1928 ................ . 150-1 35-8 185-9 19-1 410-7 2-1 412-8(1-) 226-9 222-1
1929 ................ -154-4 39-6 194-0 20-4 420-7 2-0 431-7(e) 237-7 222-4

(c) WITH TUL UNftZD Smisa

1914 ----------------- 249-5 146-8 396-3 37-0 163-4 13-6 177-0(i) 219-3 44-8
1915 ............ -168-6 1285 297-1 43-2 173-3 13-0 188-3(i) 110-8 62-7
10111 . ............ .199-5 171-4 370-9 40-2 201-1 15-6 216-76) 154-2 58-4
1017 --- ............ - 332-0 333.3 66.5-3 50-1 280-6 10-0 290-6(i) 374-7 43-7
lOIS .. ............ ..429-3 363-6 792-9 45-8 417-2 23-6 410-8(i) 352-1 55-8
1919 . .... .... ....... .416-5 333-7 750-2 41-5 454-9 22-8 477-7(i) 272-5 63-7
1920 ................ - 499-7 301-4 801-1 37-6 4114-0 37-I 501-1(i) 300-0 62-5
1921 .... ............ . 544-0 312-2 856-2 36-5 542-3 18-4 560-76) 295-5 65-1
1922 ................ - 312-1 203-9 516-0 39-5 202-8 11-5 304-1(i) 211-9 58-5
1923 ................ . 332'2 208-8 541-0 38-6 369-1 11-2 380-36) 160-7 70-3
1924 ........ --------- 365-9 245-3 801-2 40-8 130-7 10-9 441-6(i) 159-6 73-1
1925 ........ ---------287-1 222-7 509-8 43-7 417-4 9-8 427-2(i) 82-8 83-8
1926 ---------------- 338-0 270-7 608-6 44-5 474-8 11-0 485-9(i) 122-7 79-7
1927 ................ - -3927 294-3 687-0 42-9 4118-4 12-9 479-3(i) 207-7 69-7
1928 . ............... . 416-0 303-4 719-4 42-1 478-0 18-6 496-6(i) 2228 69-C
1929 ................ .523-9 344-2 888-1 39-6 500-2 21-7 521-9(i) 340-2 60•I

The statistics in the following table indicate the trend of Canadian trade by Main Groups,
1914 (pre-war year), 1921 (peak year of post-bellum boom) and 1929, (a) with All Countries;
(b) with the United Kingdom; and (c) with the United States.


Value of Exports Percentage, 1929

Main Groups Value of Imports (Canadian)
(tillion 8) (Mutton 8) Of Imports Of Exports
1914 1921 1929 1914 1921 1929 1914 1921 1914 1921

a VitO All CowUrie,

\g-i.1raI and Vegetable Pro
97-6 259-4 233-1 201-2 482-1 646-5 238-8 89-8 321-3 134-1
&nirj,ala and Products ............ .411 617 71-7 766 1884 158-8 174-4 116-2 2073 84-3
lihree and Textiles ............... .. 09-2
2435 206-5 1-9 18-8 9-7 1801 84-7 5105 516
Wood and Paper .................. .37-4
. 57-5 59-2 63-2 284-6 288-6 158-3 102-9 450-3 101-3
Iron and Its l'rodurts ............. .. 438 245-6 346-5 155 78-6 82-3 241-0 141-1 5309 1076
on-Ferrous3(etaIe .............. ..35-6 55-7 75-4 53-3 459 112-7 211-8 135-3 211-4 2455
fon-Metallic Minernlq ............ .. 85-3 206-I 167-0 9-3 40-1 27-4 105-7 SI-I 204-6 68-4
hemianle and .&llii-,1 Produet 17-I 37-6 37-7 4-9 20-4 19-4 2204 9915 395-9 95-1
'.tiscelLLneouu Coniinodities 521 72-7 68-5 5-7 32-4 18-2 1314 942 3193 561
Total ................ ..6192 1,2402 1,2657 431-6 1,189-2 1,303.6 2044 102-5 315.9 114.6
With United Kingdom
igricu1tural and Vegetable l'ro-
ducts .......................... ...18-2 38-7 53-7 146-8 141-2 325-1 331-4 138-8 221-4 230-2
.nizua1e and Products ............ .. 5-7 5-2 5-7 35-4 91-3 47-7 100-0 109-8 124-7 52-2
Fibrcs and Textiles ................. 60-6 111-3 77-0 0•2 2-6 0-8 127-0 69-I 400-0 30-7
lVoodandl'i1per. ................. .3-7
. 3-1 4-9 12-8 36-8 22-3 132-4 158-0 174-2 60-5
Iron an,I Its l'roducts ............. .. 7-3 16-7 19-0 1-4 17-6 8-7 109-8 113-8 621-3 49-4
Nn-Ferroue Metals .............. ..4-8 6-7 6-7 16-6 9-9 16-3 139-5 100-0 98-1 164-6
No-Methllie.Mine.raIs ............ ..6-3 tI-I 12-1 0-4 3-I 1-8 192-0 132-0 460-0 58-0
hemicaIs and Allied Products 4-3 6-0 5-0 0-6 3-4 4-0 116-2 83-3 666-6 117-6
ttiscellaneoue Commodities 13-2 17-1 10-0 1-0 6-9 3-0 75-7 58-4 300-0 43-4
Total ................ ..132-I 213-9 194•1 215-2 312-8 429-7 146-9 90-7 199-2 1374
With United Slates
&gricultural and Vegetable Pro-
ducts ........ . .... .............. .44-I 110-6 I037 341 1464 58.5 2351 867 1715 400
&njfliala and Products ........... .23-3 42-9 42-7 32-3 75-8 85-0 183-2 99-5 263-I 112-1
EibresandTextilce ............... -32-5 101-7 91-9 1-2 7-1 5-0 252-0 80-6 4I6-6 70-4
Wood and Paper .................. .31-7 52-4 50-6 45-2 216-0 2357 159 4 965 521-4 1091
Iron and ltaproduct ------------- - - .21-4 226-0 217-1 20 10-7 11-1 201-2 139-7 555-0 66-3
Non-FerrousMetals .............. ..27-7 40-0 62-I 34-2 300 63-8 224-1 1350 1865 2126
Non-MetallieMinr-rnls ............. ..74-2 188-4 135-1 7-2 22-3 18-0 182-0 71-7 250-0 80-7
hemicalu and Allied Products... 9-8 28-I 26-2 32 12-2 108 2724 932 3375 884
tisce1laneoueCommoditiee 31-8 50-2 48-7 4-0 12-7 12-3 163-1 970 3075 968
Total ................ .396-3 856-2 868-1 153-4 542-3 5002 2190 1013 3061 922

Relation between Trade in Raw and Manufactured Products.—For some years after
Confederation Canada was not engaged to any great extent in manufacturing processes, and
consequently her imports consisted very largely of manufactured goods and her exports of raw
and semi-manufactured products. Since the beginning of the present century there has been
a marked expansion in the manufacturing industries of the country, which is reflected in the
character of its imports and exports. During this period Canada has passed through much
the same stages of development in her economic life as did the United States from 1870 to 1900.
The imports of raw materials into the United States, from 1870 to 1900, increased from 25-2 to
44-0 per cent of the total imports, and fully manufactured products decreased from 62-1 to
40-2 per cent; while exports of raw materials from the United States during the same period
decreased from 67-7 to 40-2 per cent of the total exports, and fully manufactured products
increased from 28-6 to 48-6 per cent. Statistics for 1928 show a further improvement. Com-
pared with 1900, the 1928 statistics show that imports of raw materials into the United States

increased from 44 0 to 50.3 per cent of the total imports, and exports decreased from 40.2 to
323 per cent; whereas imports of fully manufactured products decreased from 40.2 to 31•7
per cent, and exports increased from 48.6 to 52-8 per cent.

While Canada has not made as great progress as the United States, in increasing imports of
raw materials and curtailing exports, while curtailing imports of fully manufactured products and
increasing exports, she has made some advance in this respect. From 1910 to 1928 the percent-
age of imports of raw materials into Canada increased from 24-2 to 25.6 per cent of the toOti
imports, and exports decreased from 51.2 to 47.2 per cent of the total exports; while the per-
centage of imports of fully manufactured goods decreased from 65-8 to 64-8 per cent, and I
exports increased from 32-7 to 37-4 per cent. Further, it will be noted from the statistics in
the following table that from 1910 to 192$ the imports of raw materials into Canada increase'!
from $90,900,000 to $283,800,000 or 212 per cent, and exports from $143,100,000 to $580.000,000
or 305 per cent; while imports of fully manufactured products increasetl from $241,900,000 to
$718,800,000, or 194 per cent, and export.s from $91,200,000 to $458,800,000, or 403 per cent.


(\ulues in Millions of Dollars)

Raw Materials Partly Manufactured Goods Fully Manufactured Goods

Domestic I)omcstie Domestic

Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports

- %of of of
',. of Total . of Total of Total
Value Total Value Dom- Value Total Value l)om- Value Total Value Dom-
tin- etic Tm- tactic Im- tactic
ports Eu- ports Ex- ports Ex-
ports ports porte

Years ended
june. 30:
1900 .....
......... 43-0 24-9 70-1 41-5 18-3 10-6 29-9 7-7 111-4 64-5 68-9 40-8
1905 .............. 642 25-5 79-5 41-6 23-7 9-5 34-8 18-2 164-1 650 766 40-2
Years ended
March 31:
90-9 24-2 1431 51-2 37-0 10-0 44-9 16-1 241-9 65-8 91-2 32-7
1914 ........ ...... i:1s-i 21-8 272-6 63-2 57-6 9-3 43-7 10-1 426-3 68-9 115-3 26-7
1920 .......... ... 294-7 27-5 440-6 35-7 143-9 13-2 185-3 16-1 625-9 59-3 613-6 49-2
1021 .............. 110-3 249 524-1 44-2 151-4 11-7 193-6 16-11 778-5 63-4 471-4 39-2
1922 .......... ... 216-4 28-9 329-4 44-5 71-8 9-9 107-2 14-5 459-5 01-6 303-6 41-0
1923 .......... ... 228-0 28-4 419-3 44-7 77-8 9-7 150-9 10-2 496-7 61-9 384-2 30-1
1924 .......... ... 264-0 28-4 453-5 43-4 ioo-:r 11-2 1780 18-8 539-1 110-4 415-9 39-8
1925 .......... ... 220-It 27-7 477-5 44.7 8.5-7 10-8 161-4 IS-I 490-3 91-5 430-2
1929 .......... ... 255-9 27-6 020-0 47-1 93-1 10-1) 189-2 14-4 678-3 62-4
1927 .......... ... 293-0 25-6 .579-4 48-2 104-7 10-1 183-3 14-6 662-3 (4-3 400-4 39-2
1928 .......... ... 283-8 25-9 580-0 47-2 106-3 0-6 89-4 15-4 710-8 84-8 4.58-8 37-4
Yenn, ended
June 30: 860-3 48-6
1900 .......... - -- 374-2 44-0 551-1 40-2 13-1-2 15-8 153-3 11-2 341-5 40-2
1905 .......... - -- 535-3 47-9 590-3 39-6 177-8 18-9 209-0 14-1 404-4 36-2 691-5
1910 .......... - -- 711-0 45-7 1175-8 39-5 285-1 18-3 2117-8 15-7 090-7 36-0 766-5
36-6 1.025-2
1914 .......... - -- 880-8 46-5 930-2 30-9 319-3 16-9 374-2 16-1 603-8
1920 .......... - 2763-5 52-8 2.505-2 32-6 801-2 15-3 991-5 12-5 1.673-6 31-9 4362-6
44-1 3,457-8
1921 .......... --1.501-5 41-1 2.267-9 35-5 543-0 14-9 9110-2 10-3 1.600-9
38-9 1.841-8 49-8
1922 .......... - -1,211-1 46-4 1.449-0 39-1 407-2 15-6 412-1 11-1 989-8
1923 ......... - -1.828-3 48-3 1.412-0 36-3 711-4 10-8 487-0 12-5 1,241-6 32-0 1,987-6
36-9 2.122-5
1924 ......... - -1.585-8 44-6 1.505-8 35-7 658-2 18-5 141C,-7 14-I 1,310-1)
31-8 2.247-6 47-1
1925 .......... - -1,904-2 40-8 1.884-2 39-4 701-I 18-4 6-3
1.239-tI 27-7 2.467-8 53-0
1926 ----------- 2.435-4 64-5 1.550-4 33-4 794-7 17-8
51-1 1,701-8 35-0 759-3 17-8 693-8 14-I 1,321-i 31-1 2.471-9 50-9
1927 ----------- 2.172-5
50-3 1,541-0 32-3 746-1 18-0 713-6 14-9 1,312-3 31-7 2,517-7 52-8
1928----------- 2.057-I

In Canada grains, chiefly wheat, and in the United States raw cotton, grains, principally
wheat, and raw tobacco are the leading commodities which comprise the hulk of the exports of
raw materials. It is of interest to note the results in Canada and the United States when certain
staple raw materials, of farm origin, which are reproducible annually, are eliminated; such as
grains, fresh fruit.s and vegetables, seeds and raw tobacco, for 1)0th countries, as also raw cotton
for the United States. The results, for the years 1900 to 1928, are set forth in the following
ta lie:-
1:\v \l\n.It1'.L J:\I ']:TI.l llt')M CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, 1900TO 1928
,luee in Millions of Dollars)

Exports of Raw Materials1 United Statea Exports of Raw Materials

;r,dn. Ircab
1 flrnins. frcah
Fruits and veg. ()tlwr raw fruits and veg- Raw Other raw
-tuhles, weds mutorial.0 etalles, seuslu cotton materials
Fiscal Yearm and raw tol,ni-co and raw tohacco
of of '.. of of % of
Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total
Exports Exports Exports Exports Exports

19410 ............................... 21.6 127 48-5 28-8 226-6 16-6 241-8 17-6 82-7 6-0
1905................................191 10-0 130-4 31-6 101-I 68 381-4 25-5 107-8 73
......................... .. 67-6
1010 ... 242 75-5 27-0 130-0 7.6 450-5 26-4 95-3 5-5
19 14 ............................... 1 03-41 393 103-0 23-9 178-3 7-6 1110-5 26-2 141-4 6-I
11420 ............................. .24341 131-S 1911-8 1.9-S 93415 10-2 1.361-7 17-3 407-0 5-I
1921 ............................. . 3039 lI -I 154-2 13-1 1.163-4 18-2 1300-2 9-4 502-3 7-9
1922 .................... .......... . 235-7 :11-8 93-7 12-7 6341-0 17-tI .996-4 16-I 199-6 5-4
1923 .............................. . 303-3 32-6 113-0 12-1 521-8 134 656-0 141-9 231-2 6-0
1924 ............................. . 314-2 541-1 130-3 13-3 332-9 8-4 0044) 21-1 248-9 5-9
1925 ...................... ......... 316-4 29-6 161-I 15-1 595-9 12-4 1.061-13 22-2 227-6 4-8
1926 ............................... 45.3-3 .34-5 166-7 12-6 398-8 8-6 3417-7 19-8 233-9 5-0
1927 .............................. - 422-6 33-8 155-8 12-4 501-1 10-2 8611-9 17-8 333-9 7-0
1928 .............................. .414-4 33-7 165-6 13-5 491-4 103 820-3 17-2 229-I 4•8

According to the statistics in the above table Canadian and the United States exports of
"Other raw materials", from 1900 to 1928 (i.e., total exports of raw materials less certain raw
materials which are reproducible annually), increased as follows: Canada from $48,500,000 to
$165,600,000, or 237 per cent, and the United States from $82,700,000 to $229,100,000, or 177
per cent. In the case of Canada the percentage of the exports of "Other raw materials" of the
total domestic exports, from 1900 to 1928, decreased from 28-8 to 13-5 per cent and in the case
of the United States from 6-0 to 4.8 per cent.

It will be observed from the statistics in the following table, showing "Canada's Imports
and Exports by Leading Countries, according to Degree of Manufacture" that Canada's imports
from those countries with highly developed rnanufact.urmg industries consist of manufactured
products, and her exports to those countries are made up largely of raw and sxrmii-imiamxufactured
products; while on the other hand Canada's trade with countries whose industries are not so
highly developed consist chiefly, in the case of imports, of raw alnd semi-manufactured products
and in the case of exports, of manufactured products.


(Year ended March 31. 1928)

Non: Values in Thousands of Dollars

Imports Exports (Domestic)

Raw Partly Fully Raw Partly Fully
Countries Materials Manrfacturod Manufactured Materials Manufactured Manufactured
%of of of %of "..ol %of
Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total

.'.u'tria......... 7 1-2 9 1-5 579 97-3 I 0-4 2 0-8 290 989
Belgium....... 934 9-4 922 9-3 8.042 81-3 17,886 86-1 1.721 8-3 1,175 5-6
Slovnkjn..... 175 7-2 10 0-4 2,239 92-4 8 06 401,392 2-8 96-6
[)enmark...... 48 381 10 7-9 68 54-0 1.591 24.9 204.779 0-3 74-8
l',stonm........ 174 100-0
}inland......... 14 151 ......... 79 84-9 7 0-4 ....1.831 99-6
J"rjuue.......... 658 2-5 1.909 7-2 23,906 903 4,634 46)1 2,1)45 20.5 3.2117 32-9
(''rinany...... 822 48 717 4-2 15.517 91-0 29.805 70.5 3.415 8-1 9.025 21-4
.. 12 4-7 13 5-1 229 90-2 2,1)12 .505 ....2.120 495
11 Ingary ...... 61 910 ...........6 9-0 10 Ill-I .... 89 89-9
irish F, State,,, 4 13-9 ........... 2.5 86-2 1,424 32-9 379 8-7 2,523 584
Italy........... 821 194 179 4-2 3,242 76-4 14,764 78-8 1.789 9-5 2.180 11-7
Malta 1 100-0 1 0-3 .... 341) 99.7
t1ierland,... 1,447 16-5 831 9-4 6,516 74-1 27.731 78-0 9.490 15-5 2.311 6-5
Norway ..... 4 0-4 22 2-1 1,027 97-5 2,731 409 90 1-3 3.845 57-9
Poland-Danzig.. 92 67-6 3 2-2 II 30-2 14 3-1 .... 4.42 96-9
Portugal....... 160 22-2 ... 562 77-8 817 867 .... 125 13-3
floumania...... 14 20-8 ...33 70-2 ....7911 100-0
Russkl.......... 62 84-9 2 2-7 9 12-3 381 7-5 768 31-7 1,475 60-8
Spain.......... 530 20-6 343 5-6 11899 72-8 8 1-3 237 35-6 385 63-1
Sweden ........ 149 8.0 53 28 3,660 89-2 2,963 64-2 74 1-6 1.577 34-2
Switzerland..... 111 1-3 421 4-9 8.063 93-8 9 1-8 13 2-6 4711 95'6
Turlicy........ 3 0.6 ..524 99-4 ...63 100-0
Kingdom..... 13,617 7-3 8,623 4-6 163,656 88-1 293.460 73-4 22,708 5-5 94.524 23-3
Other Europe.,. 48 22-4 ..159 77-6 5 0-8 4 07 576 985
Total Europe.,. 19,791 7-3 13,867 5-1 238.092 87-6 400,210 696 38.781 8-7 135,798 23-7
Alaska........ 132 76-8 15 8•7 25 145 248 90-0 6 20 57 18-0
Bermuda. 29 53-7 2 3-7 23 42-6 496 38•3 72 5-3 797 58-4
Br. Honluni&, 145 91-8 II 6-9 2 1.3 12 2-0 1 0-2 591 978
Br. W. Indies-
Barbados..... 4.100 88.0 2,116 34-0 188 10-2 2)10 34-6 3.380 75-2
Jamaica ..... 1,944 35-4 3.309 60-4 228 4-2 123 2-4 72 1-5 4.756 96-1
Tohgo.... 508 24-3 1.564 744 28 1-3 241 5-7 116 2-7 3.884 91-6
tither B. W. 1. 358 101 2.959 832 237 6-7 42 1-1 157 4-1 3.663 94-8
('osta Rica .... 47 100-0 ....... 2 3-0 201 990
('uli ......... 968 17'3 3.244 583 1,37.5 24'6 2.461 45.7 210 4-0 2,715 50-3
1),t'h W. Indies 75 15-I ...420 84'8 2 3-2 I 09 161 982
l'r'neh W.
Indira....... 61 164 311 82-6
(1 iat.emala...... 93 100-0 ..........39 22-2 137 77-8
ITiyti.......... 198 100-0 ........... 9 2-5 3,56 97-5
1 I onduras...... 18 2-9 604 97-1 ........... III 3001)
881 75-0 86 3-1 257 219 13 9 0-4 0.5 2.519 991
Newfoundland 939 44-8 11 0-5 1.147 54.7 2,939
194 25-2 1-7 8,528 73-1
N i'LriigIII..... 2 66-7 ......1 333 1 8 10-0 1-4 64 87.7
Porte Riro..... I 100.0 ........I 0-I 12 1-5 802 98-4
St. Pi'rre-Miq.. 3 38 ......75 962 136 9-2 30 2-0 1,310 88.8
23 100-0 ............. 3 3-9 95 87-0
San I)omingo,.. 2,453 100-0 .........12 3-0 403 97.0
I'nitesl tntee... 223,381 30-8 $2.746 7.3 445,329 61-0 153,276 32-I 123,519 258 201.209 42-1
(ither N.
America...... 3 21-4 2 143 9 64.3
Total N.
America 227.527 30.8 73.252 9-5 451,263 60-2 160.185 3018 124.801 24-1 234.067 45.1

Imports Exports (Domestic)

Raw Partly Fully Raw Partly Fully
Countries Materials Manufactured Manufactured Materials Manufactured Manufactured
% of % of % of of % of % of
Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value Total

\Tgentifla....... 9,065 920 ............784 8.0 10 01 280 2-5 10,796 974
I Ou VOL ......... 2 1000 ...............5 42 114 1158
.. 2,083 99.7 ............5 03 3 01 24 0-3 4,870 994
Pr. Guiana...... 7 01 5,991 987 75 12 178 78 89 39 2,019 883
.. 522 100-0 .....3 02 1,344 99'8
( OlOtiLbiti. ...... 7,574 99.9 . ...7 0-1 695 401 9 0-5 1028 59-4
l)utch Guiana.. 13 100-0 .....2 1-8 ....114 98-2
I,,ui&lor........ 618 2000 .......2 1-6 123 98-4
l 'anama........ 1 333 .....2 66.7 49 4-4 14 1-2 1,062 94-4
l'aragiiay....... 41 31-6 .....89 94.4 .. ...81 100-0
Peru 4,906 941 311 59 ...380 29-8 6 0-5 999 699
Uruguay........ 72 90-0 .....8 10-0 5 0-3 19 1-2 1,604 98-5
Vene7ueln....... 212 99.1 .....2 0-9 ... 13 09 1,485 99-1
Other south
America...... 92 100-0
Total South
A nierica..... 94594 759 6924 21-1 972 3-0 1.322 4-8 464 1-7 25,630 93-5
Hr. India...... 395 4.3 35 04 8820 953 3 . ..3,138 28-4 7,902 71-6
Br. SIr. Sctt... - 1637 905 284 11-9 539 219 . ....7 05 1534 995
Ceylon.......... 227 8-3 118 43 2,386 97.4 . .......727 1000
China .......... 704 21-4 398 15-5 1,470 57-I 2,646 19-7 4,956 368 5,837 43-5
Dutch E. Indies 861 58-4 .....471) 410 . .....14 0-6 2.351 994
hong hong 7(15 53-1 1 01 675 46-8 52 2-1 58 2-4 2,356 95-5
Iraq ........... I 1-5 .....6)) 98-5 . .........290 200-0
.lnpan.......... 2,234 11-9 3,181 26-4 7,060 567 13,663 41-4 14,458 43-8 4817 14-7
Palestine....... 1 67 .....14 93.3 ..... ....194 100-0
Percia......... 25 20-2 .....99 788 . .. .. . ........73 100-0
Philippines..... ISO 93-8 6 37 4 25 19 7-0 .......254 83-0
Siam........... 42 100-0 ............1 0-0 116 99-1
Syria ........ 1 6-2 1 6-2 14 87-6 .....27 17-0 132 83-0
Other AMa...... 79 91-8 ........... 7 81 34 6-5 10 1-9 481 91-8
Total Asia.... 6,922 212 4.021 12-1 21.644 641-4 16,417 2-4-9 22.663 34-2 27,004 40-9
Australia....... 930 17-5 3.023 570 1,349 255 320 2-3 1,394 9-8 12,475 879
Fiji............. 1 4,300 998 17 04 2 07 77 25-8 219 73-5
Hawaii......... 120 38-8 .. ....180 612 23 29-1 .. ....58 709
New Zealand... 1,482 18-0 1.845 223 4.935 59-7 378 3-3 556 4-9 10,433 91-8
Other Oceania. 4 6-8 6 10-2 49 83-0
Total Oceania... 2,533 13-9 9,168 50-4 8.490 35-7 727 2-4 2,033 7-8 23.232 89.8
Br. E. Africa.... 73 6-0 940 .............1,223
1,150 100-0
Br. S. Africa... 119 29-5 22
54 263 65-1 974 11-2 506 55 7,245 83-0
Hr. W. Africa,. 1,932 99-6 04 ......II
7 12 20 2-3 861 96-5
Canary Islands. 2 1000 ... .. 4 3-1 127 96-9
Egypt. ... ...... 120 69-2 3 1-9 48 289 I 0-I 10 0-8 1,787 99-4
French Africa... 91 63-4) ......52 30--I 181 39-6 ......276 60-4
Morocco........ 14 93-3 ......1 97 .........278 100-0
Africa........ I 0-1 79 7-5 974 92-4
Other Africa.... 202 94-5 6 5-5 .........20 6-I 306 93-9
Total Africa.... 2,441 61-1 1,188 29-8 364 9-1 1.168 7•8 639 4-3 13.076 87-9
Grand total... 2 83 .805 25-6 1 06 ,3 23 9-6 718,825 64-8 580,024 47-2 189.381 15-4 458,797 37-4

A further analysis of the statistics in the foregoing table, relative to Canada's imports and
export-s according to degree of manufacture, indicates: (1) that S7 -6 per cent of Canada's imports
from Europe in 1928 consisted of fully rnallu.fiu'turecl goods, 7-3 per cent of raw materials and
5•1 per cent of semi-manufactured products; while 69-6 per cent of her exports to Europe was
made up of raw materials, 23-7 per cent of fully manufactured goods and 6-7 per cent of semi-
manufactured products; the proportion of the trade with the l'nited Kingdom being: imports,
fully manufactured goods 88-1 per cent, raw materiaLs 7-3 per cent and semi-manufactured
products 4-6 per cent; and exports, raw materials 71 -4 per cent, fully manufactured goods

23•1 per cent and semi-manufactured products 55 per cent; (2) that 60-2 per cent of the imports
from North America CuflSiStC(1 of fully manufactured goods, 303 per cent of raw materiaLs and
9-5 per cent of semi-manufactured products; while 451 per cent of the exporLs to North America
comprised fully manufactured goods, 308 per cent raw materials, and 24.1 per cent semi-
manufactured products; the proportion of the trade with the United States being: imports,
fully manufactured goods 61 -9 per cent, raw materials 308 per cent and semi-manufactured
products 7-3 per cent; and exports, fully manufactured goods 42.1 per cent, raw materials
32.1 per cent and semi-manufactured products 25-8 per cent; (3) that 75-9 per cent of the
imports from South America was made up of raw mittt-rials, 21-1 per cent of semi-manufactuil
products and 30 per cent of fully manufactured goods; while 93-5 per cent of the exports I)
that continent consisted of fully manufactured goods, 4.8 per cent of raw materials and I 7
per cent of semi-manufactured products; (4) that 66-4 per cent of the imports from Asia wet
fully manufactured goods, 21 -2 per (-cut raw materials and 12-4 per cent semi-manufacture I
products; while 40-9 per cent of the exports to Asia consisted of fully manufactured good-.
34-2 per cent of semi-manufactured products and 24-9 per cent of raw materials; (5) that the
l)roportion of the trade with Oceania was: imports, semi-manufactured products 50-4 per cent,
fully manufactured goods 35-7 per cent and raw materials 13-9 per ct-nt; and exports, fully
manufactured goods 89-8 per cent, semi-manufactured products 78 per cent, and raw materials
2-4 per cent; and (6) that the proportion of the imports from Africa was: raw materials 61 '1
per cent, semi-manufactured products 29-8 per cent and fully manufiutureti goods 9-1 per cent;
while the proportion of the exports to Africa was, fully manufactured goods 87-9 per cent, raw
materials 7-8 per cent, and semi-manufactured products 4-3 per cent.
The following table shows how Canada's impui'ls and exports, aitalscd into the three
categories of raw materials, partly manufactured goods, and fully or ehicfly malliLfactUred goods,
are distributed among the United l'iiigdom, other British Empire countries, the United States
and other foreign countries:-
CANADA'S IMeoars AND ExPORTS, AOBDING TO l)KGREE or M ursc-rvaa, 1928, oisnisouisrnso IMPORTS PROM AND EXPORTS.


- Raw Psrtly Fully

Materials Manufactured Manufactured

Value TtuI Value Total Value Total

Thousand Thousand Thousand

imports mrom— $ $ $
British Empire ............ ..................... ..25,129 10-I 37,361 15-0 386,598 74-9
lnitd Kingdom ..................................I3617 71 8i123 4-6 163,656 88-1
Other llritisli Empire ........................... - -11,512 18-2 28,738 45-5 22,942 383

Foreign Countries ................................... 258.678 30-1 68,992 8-0 532,227 81-9

United States. .................................. . 221,38! 30-8 52,749 7-3 448,328 111.9
Other Foreign Countries ......................... .37.318
. 211-6 16,219 11.5 86,888 61-9

Exporte (Domestic) to-

British Empire .................................. . 00.849 80-3 29,817 5-9 168i100 338
United Kingdom ... ............................. . 293,481) 71-4 22,708 5-5 94.524 23-I
tither itritisl, Empire. .......................... ...7,389 83 7,100 8-0 74,076 837

Foreign Countries ................................. -- 279, 180 38-3 159,564 219 290.197 398
United States ................................... ..153,271% 321 123.519 25-8 201.209 421
Other Foreign Countries ......................... . 125,904 50-1 36,045 14-3 88.988 336

Seasonal Fluctuatlons.—The seasonal movement of Canada's external trade for 1929

shows no abnormal tendencies except in the exports for the months of Ma', June and ,July,
principally due to heavy exports of wheat in those months. The table of "Canada's Monthly
Imports and Lx1mrts" shows that the imports for the summer months are usually greater than
for the other months of the year, though the monthly variations are not as marked as the lack
of direct shipping facilities via the St. Lawrence in winter would indicate. Exports, however,
as a result of the influence of agricultural products, especially wheat, reach it low point during
the summer months, rise to a peak during the autumn, gradually decline during the winter, and
with the opening of navigation on the St. Lawrence in the spring, show an upward tendency.
The very large increase in recent years of the exports of mlii) and paper and other manufactured
products, the export of which is not seasonal but almost constant, has had the effect of reducing
the proportionate seast)nal fluctuations of Canada's total exports. The trade figures for March

in each year are g7eater for imports than for any other month, while in the case of exports they
are not, as a nile, as large as those for the spring and In]l months, when large quantities of grains,
especially wheat, are being shipped. The totals for March are always greater than those for
April. March figures must include all entries at all ports to the close of the fiscal year (March 31).
In all other months the records are closed at Ottawa on the last (lay of the month. Late import
and export entries (which in the case of the great, but distant, port of Vancouver, may cover
four or five days' business at the end of each month) are regularly included in totals for the
succeeding month. April totals include nothing for March, while they are short some amounts
(-:lrriecl forward into May.
(Valuen in Millione of Do11ar)

Importe Exports (Casadin)

1923-4 1924-5 19254 1926-7 1927-8 1928-9 1923-4 1924-5 1925-6 1926-7 1927-8 1928-9

68-2 60-2 59-1 67-8 74-3 78-5 53-6 48-9 59-9 60-2 77-3 59-0
April .... ....... .

May... ......... 843

. 721 75-9 86-1 94-4 115-6 74-8 166-2 96-3 91-3 108-8 118-0
Jun. ............ . 84-6 66-4 75-5 91-5 101-0 110-7 94-9 87-2 93-5 118-2 105-7 107-1
July ............ ..77-1 72-6 815 88-6 911-6 103-4 82-0 87-1 101-7 110-3 79-4 125-8
Auguel .......... ..788 61-9 82-1 811-7 093 1142 80-I1 73-8 111-4 94-2 112-8
Septrmbar 71-4 539 78-6 85-8 91-8 106-1 67-6 80-9 108-5 02-2 97-4 109-8
Oeioher 756 682 80-8 88-I 939 112-3 1911-1 103-3 143-5 130--S 103-9 141-8
Nove,r,t,er 72- I 662 753 57.7 943 103-0 138-1 118-9 140-3 152-4 153-1 167-0
65-6 60-9 76-9 81-7 83-3 94-6 123-9 124-4 175-6 138-4 130-3 130-8
11(1-6 64-7 84-1 82-8 94-9
January .......... 66-6 58-4 16-7 78-8 79-5 07-0 75-3
87-8 78-5 88-6 82-3
}'ehriury .........62-I 61-4 70-0 74-7 86-0 117-0 67-5 70-1
105-6 108-9 114-8
Mr,'h .......... .86-9 54-6 100-6 11(1-6 120-5 135-3 92-4 112-3

Trade by Continents.—During the fiscal year 1929 Canada sold more products to Europe
than to any other continent., her sales amounting to $642,800,000, compared with $543,100,000
to the continent of North America; while her purchases from Europe only amounted to
$286,700,000 compared with $894,300,000 from the North American continent. During 1929
the continents of Europe and North America took 86-9 per cent of the Dominion's total exports,
as compared with 89-1 per cent in 1928, and 90-7 per cent in 1925. The proportion of products
shipped to Europe in 1920 was 47. 1 per cent, compared with 46-9 per cent in 1928, and 47-9
per cent in 1925; while the proportion sent to North America in 1929 was 39-S per cent, com-
pared with 42-2 per cent in 1928, and 42-8 per cent in 1925. From 1925 to 1929 the proportion
of Canada's exports to the United 1ingdoni decreased from 37-0 to 31-5 per cent, while the
proportion from other Europe during the same period increased from 10-9 to 15-6 per cent;
whereas the proport ion exported to the United States from 1925 to 1929 decreased from 39•1
to 36-7 per cent and to other North ! merica from 37 to 3-1 per cent. The continents of Europe
and North America in 1929 furnished Canada with 93-3 per cent of her total imports, compared
with 92-2 per cent in 1928 and 93-3 per cent in 1925. The proportion of goods received from
Europe in 1929 was 22-6 per cent, compared with 24-5 per cent in 1998, and 25-4 per cent in
1025; while the proportion received from North America was 70-7 per cent in 1929, 67-7 per
cent in 1928, and 67-9 per cent in 1925. From 1925 to 1929 the proportion of Canada's imports
furnished by the United lcingdom decreased from 190 to 15-3 per cent, while the proportion
from other Europe during the same interval increased from 6-4 to 7.3 per cent; whereas the
proportion furnished by the United States from 1925 to 1929 increased from 64-0 to 686 per
cent, while the proportion from other North America decreased from 3-9 to 2-1 per cvnt.
Canada purchased more goods from every continent in 1929 than in the years 1925 to 1928,
except in the cases of South America and Africa, purchases from South America being larger
in 1928, while those from Africa were greater in 1927 as well as in 392.3. During 1929 ('anzLcL-L
sold more goods to every continent than in the years 1925 to 1928, except in the cases of Europe
and South America, the sales to Europe being larger in 1926, while those to South Alnerica were
larger in 1927 From 1925 to 1929 imports from South America increased from $20,100,000 to
$26,500,000, from Asia from $27,500,000 to $33,500,000, from Oceania from $4,600,000 to
$22,500,000, and from Africa from $1,300,000 to $2,200,000; whereas exports to South America
from 1025 to 1929, increased from $20,600,000 to $32,600,000, to Asia from $39,500,000 to
$87,200,000, to Oceania from $27,700,000 to $37,600,000, and to Africa from $12,200,000 to
$20,300,000. For further details respecting Canada's trade by continents, 1925 to 1929, see
statistics in the following table,
(With proportion of Trade with each Continent)

Values in Millions of Dollars Per Cent of Total

1923 1926 1927 1928 1929 1925 1929 1927 1928 1929

United Kingdom ............. ..151-I 183-7 183-tI 185-9 194-0 19-0 17-0 15-0 16-8 12
Other Europe ................ .51-4
. 50-7 78-I 85-8 92-7 6-4 6-5 7-6 7.7
North America-
United States ................ ..509-8 600-8 687-0 719-5 888-1 64-0 63.7 66-7 64-9 lis
Other North America ........ ..31-1 34-9 34-7 306 28-2 3-9 3.8 3-4 2-8 2
SouthAinerica ................... ..20-I 17-I 20-0 32-4 213-5 2-5 1-9 I-S 2-9 2-I
Apia ............................... 27-5 327 32-0 32-4 335 3-4 3-5 3-1 2-0 2-6
Oceania ............... . .......... ..4-31 8-7 12-5 18-3 22-5 0-6 0-9 1-2 1.6 1-8
Africa ................. ........... . 1-3 0-8 2-7 4-0 2-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-4 fl 2
Total Imports ..........7969 927-4 1,600-9 1,108.9 1.265-7 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0

Europe -.
t:nth'd Kingdom ...............395-9 508-2 446-9 410-7 429-7 37-0 38-6 35-7 33-4 31-5
Other Europe ..................116-I 140-3 155-9 164-1 213-1 10-9 10-7 12-5 13-5 15-6
North Amerian-
United States ..................417-4 474-9 466-4 478-0 800-2 39-1 36-1 37-2 38-0 36-7
Other North America ..........39-7 41-3 39-0 41-0 42-9 3-7 3-I 3-2 tO 3-I
South America .....................20-6 27-4 32-9 27-4 32-6 1-Il 2-1 2-9 2-2 2-4
Asia ............................... 39-5 77-2 83-5 65-5 87-2 3-7 5-9 511 5-4 8-4
Oceania ............................27-7 32-6 33-2 26-3 37-0 2-6 2-5 2-5 2-1 2-8
Africa .............................. 12-2 12-3 13-5 14-9 20-3 I-I 1-0 1-I 1-2 1-5
Total Exports ......... 1,069-1 1,315-2 1,252-1 1,228-2 1,363-6 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0

Imports from Principal Countries.—Imports into Canada in 1929 compared with 1928
show increases from sixteen of the thirty-five leading countries. Of the total increase in imports
in 1929, amounting to $156,722,000, the British Empire accounted for only $8,311,000 and foreign
countries for 8145,41 t,Ot)0. The principal countries to show increases were: lJnitE'd States
$148,620,000; United Kingdom $8,125,000; New Zealand $4,509,000; Germany $3,742,000;
Ilelgiuin $2,116,000; Fiji $1,380,000; Trinidad and Tobago 81,277,000; and British India
$1,127,000; while the following show decreases: Argentina, $2,422,000; Australia $1,817,000;
British West Indies, Other $1,475,000; San 1)omingo $1,317,000; British Guiana $1,199,000;
and Barbados $1,017,000. The statistics in the following table showing "Canada's Imports
from 'I'hirty-uive Lead ing Countries, 1929" indicate that the United States and the United
Kingdom supplied Canada with 83-9 per cent of her total imports. The United States has
supplied Canada with the largest amount of her imports since 1882, the United Kingdom being
second by a wide margin.. With reference to supplies from other countries, France has occupied
third place for the past four years, though Germany is fast overhauling her, having more than
double her exports to Canad a since 1926. Germany occupied fourth position as in 1927 and
1928, while Japan, as in 1927 and 1928, is in fifth position. The Dominion of New ZeaLand has
made great progress in her exports to Canada, having moved up to sixth position from eleventh
position last year and eighteenth two years ago. In 1926 imports from New Zealand were $2,725,-
000, while in 1929 they were $12,771,000, increase in three years $10,046,000. Belgium was in
seventh position this year, having nioved clown from sixth position, while British India, the
Netherlands and Switzerland occupied eighth, ninth and tenth positions, respectively, this year
as last year. Argentina has moved from seventh down to eleventh position. Colombia occupies
twelfth position, as last year, while Fiji has moved from nineteenth up to thirteenth position.

In 1868, 89•9 per cent of Canada's imports was obtained from the United kingdom and the
United States, the proportion from the United Kingdom being 56-1 per cent and the United
States 33-8 per cent. In 1900, 84.9 per cent of the Dominion's imports were supplied by the
same two countries, the proportion from the United Kingdom being 25.7 per cent, or less than
one-half of what it was in 1808, while the Proportion from the United States almost doubled
during the same period, being 59 •2 per cent; whereas in 1929, 83.9 per cent of Canada's total
imports came from the United Kingdom and the United States, the proportion from the former

falling to 15.3 per cent and from the United States rising to 68•6 per cent. From 1868 to 1929
the percentage of the imports into Canada from the United Kingdom fell from 56'I to 153,
while the percentage from the United States rose from 33-8 to 68-6 per cent.

There has been a more gradual growth in the percentage of imports from "Other Countries"
than from the United Kingdom and the United States, the proportion in 1868 amounting to
101 per cent; in 1900 to 15•1 per cent; and in 1929 to 16.1 per cent. In 1868 the 10-1 per
(''ut of imports from "Other Countries" represented a declared value of $6,813,000; in 1900 the
1 per cent a declared value of $26,146,000 and in 1929 the 16-1 per cent represented a declared
ue of $203,600,000. Of this amount Europe, except the United Kingdom, supplied $92,700,-
North America, except the United States, $26,200,000; South America $26,500,000; Asia
$33,500,000; Oceania $22,500,000; and Africa $2,200,000.


N0TE:-Countziea arranged in order of importance, 1929.

Rank Value of Increase (-f) or Decrease (-)

Country 1mport. 1929 compared with-
1920 1027 1928
1920 1927 1928 1929
$ $ $ $

1 I 1 1 United States ..................... ..868.f153,897 (+) 259,437,355 (4-) 181,033.376 (+) 149.619,660
2 2 2 2 United Kingdom .................. ..194,020.573 )+) 30,299,363 +) 30,081.508 1+) 8,124,719
3 3 3 France ... ......................... ..26,215.896 (4-) 7,063,997 +1 2.223.374 () 258,036
5 4 4 4 Germany .......................... ..20,797,5831+) 10,810,920 +1 5,767.545 (+1 3,741,885
9 5 5 5 Japan .............................. .. I2,921,31 (4-) 3,357,243 (+1 1.750.937 (+) 413,944
21 18 11 6 New Zealand ...................... ..12.771,23)) (+) 10,046,001(4-) 8,193,693 (+) 4,11)6,017
Relgiuni. .......................... ..12,014,538 (+) 5,061,365 (4-) 2.351,230 +1

8 7 2,116,301
9 6
7 9 8 8 Itritih India ...................... ..10,360,548 +) 890,055 (+-) 2,485,634 +) 1.120,709
10 9 9 9 Ne)herlancls ....................... ..9,0)0,763 +) 2,152,2(H) -4-) 1,323,095 +) )2,714
8 7 10 It) Switzerland ....................... ..7,917,445 +) 454.637 -) 1,574,334 -) 678,232
18 14 7 ii Argentina .......................... ..7,127,569 (+) 3,973,460 (±1 1,770,4134 -) 2,422,186
34 33 12 12 (nl,,mbia ......................... ..6,840,408 (+) 6,156,350 (+) 5,732.362 -) 730,968
23 32 19 13 Fiji ............................... ..5,687,912 (+1 3.130,708 (+1 4,467.370 +1 1,380,036 1,016.807
15 113 13 14 llarbadon .......................... ..5,199,187 (+1 1.068.375 (+1 1,407.803
4 8 15 15 Cuba ..... ................... . .... ..4,9(13,5t16 ( - 1 6,159,778 (-1 3,173,009 -) 683,865
14 17 14 18 Ilrit,ih Guiana ...................... ..4,873,237 (+) 370.034 1+) 281,131 -) 1,199,935
..4, 711)1,295 1+) 1,006,914 (-I-) 30,732 - ) 691,013
III 16 18 17 .Jumaicn ...........................
12 13 18 8 Peru ............................... ..4,447.858 -) 1,252,251 '-) 1,445.248 1-) 708,544
Italy ............................ ....4,260,325 -1-) 1,662,560 +)
19 818,263 +1 10,533
22 20 20
19 II 17 2)) Australia .......................... ..3,484.830 +) 442.792 -) 2,811,328 -) 1810,782 1.276,857
32 21 28 21 'I'rinith,d and Tobago................ 3.370 . 1 )58 +1 2,311,544 +1 554.573 +)
30 29 27 22 Czeeho-Slovakia ................... ..3,207,5)13 +3 2,025.948 +1 1,570,671 4-) 873.(05
24 IS 23 23 China ............................. ..3.085.200 +) 547,301 -1 1,946,296 1+)
25 20 24 24 Spain.............................. ..2,700,033 -I-) 614.183 +1 479,210 (+3 2)32.391
20 23 22 25 Ceylon.............................. 2,528, 1 40 -) 218.31)2 1-) 03,691)-)
Newloundlancl. .................... ..2,513,361 +) 898,220 4+) 644,793 1+) 415,839

28 28 29 26
$wo,k'n ............................ ..2,185(188 +) 1,050,445 (+1 541.110 (+) 322,960
2.077.839 +1 1,081,504 (-) 408.252 (-) 1,475,160
31 30 32 27
33 24 21 28 l5riti,'l, West Sndies, Other
13 22 25 29 Ilritish Straits Settlements 2,1)15,207 -) 2,690. 181 (-) 741,610 (') 443,838
26 27 30 30 llmziI .................... ......... ..1.726,314 -) 122,444 (-1 243,307 (-) 361.886
29 31 33 31 Iloitg Kong .. ....... .. 1.402.502
............... 143,6451 )-) 19, 700 (-1 18,395
49 30 31 32 British West Africa ................ ..1.226.530 281,2713 (+) 10)1,417 (-3 712,774
25 35 33 Mexico ............................ ..1,170,245 -) 2,514,215)-) 1.202,727 -) 3,812
11 12 26 34 San 1)omingo ...................... ..I,135.3'SO '-) 5,655.979 () 4,980,181 -) 1,317,481
36 36 36 35 Norway ........................... ..989,504 +) 318,723 (+) 78,147 -) 74,711

Total above 35 Countries 1,257,471.921(+1 337.256,852 (+) 235,291,692 +3 158,020,019

Total Iniports ............. ..1,265,679,091(+3 338.350,359 (+) 234786,586 +) 156,722,625
I3ritinh Empire....................... 257,398, 531 (+3 48,578.405 (+3 43,329,993 (+3 8,311,203
Foreign Countries................... 1,008,280, 503 (+) 289,771.916 1+) 191.456,503 (-4-) 148,411,422

Exports to Principal Countrles.-During the fiscal year 1929 Canada's domestic exports
compared with similar exports in 1928 show an increase of $135,379,000. Increases occurred
in exports to thirty-three of the forty principal countries, the decreases in only seven. The
increases in most cases were quite marked, while the decreases were not very large. Of the
total increase in the exports, from 1928 to 1929, the British Empire accounted for $36,738,000
and foreign countries for $98,641,000. The principal countries to show increases were: United

States $22,164,000; United Kingdom $19,039,000; China $10,255,000; Japan $9,132,000; the
Netherlands $8,829,000; Greece $7,568,000; Belgium $6,520,000; France $6,185,000; New
Zealand $5,991.000; Australia $5,281,000; Spain $5,095,000; Portugal $4,793,000; Germany
$4,465,000; Italy $4,282,000; British South Africa $3,507,000; and Argentina $3,407,000;
while the principal countries to show decreases were: Cuha $944,000; Newfoundland $501,000;
Denmark $410,000; and the Irish Free State $181,000.

It will be noted by reference to the statistics in the following table showing "Canadns
Domestic Exports to Forty Leading Countries, 1929" the United Kingdom and the United StaI
took 682 per cent of the Dominion's exports, the percentage for each being,—LTnited Kingdoiii
31.5 and the United States 36.7. The United States occupied first place in 1929, as in 1927 ani
1928, though she was in second place in 1926: while the United Kingdom was in first place in 1926,
but in second place in the last three fiscal years. Of the other loading markets for Canadian
products, Germany occupied third place in 1927, 1928 and 1929, but fourth place in 1926; while
the Netherlands was in fourth position in 1928 and 1929, but in fifth position in 1927 and sixth
in 1926. Japan was in third place in 1926, moved down to fourth place in 1927, and up to fifth
place in 1928 and 1929; while Belgium was in seventh position during the years 1926 and
1927, but advanced to sixth position in 1928 and 1929. The Dominion's exports to China
have changed materially during the past four years, clue no doubt to the unsettled conditions
of the country. In 1926 China occupied fifth position, in 1927 she moved down to eleventh
position, in 1928 she was in ninth position and in 1929 she had advanced to seventh position.
In 1929 Italy, Australis, New Zealand and France occupied eight, ninth, tenth and eleventh
places, respectively, though in 1928 Italy was in seventh place, Australia in eighth, New
Zealand in eleventh and France in fourteenth, while Argentina was in twelfth position during
each of the Past four fiscal years.

In the fiscal year 1868 the exports to the United Kingdom and the United States combined
were 89-2 per cent of the total exports of domestic produce, the proportion for the United King-
(lom being 36.9 per cent, and the United States 52-3 per cent. In 1900 similar exports to the
United Kingdom and the United States were 91.3 per cent of the total dorne8tic exports, the
proportion for the United Kingdom being 57-1 per cent and the United States 34-2 per cent;
while for the year 1929 the domestic exports from Canada to the United Kingdom and the United
States were 68•2 per cent, the proportion for the United Kingdom being 31.3 per cent and for
the United States 36-7 per cent. From 1868 to 1929 Canada's domestic exports to the United
Kingdom fell from 36-9 to 315 per cent, to the United States from 52-3 to 36-7 per cent, while
the exports of similar products to "Other Countries" increased from 10-8 to 31•8 per cent,
whereas from 1900 to 1929 the proportion of Canada's domestic exports to the United Kingdom
fell from 571 to 315 per cent, while the proportions to the United States and "Other Countries"
rose from 34-2 to 36-7 per cent and 87 to 31-8 per cent, respectively. At Confederation the
proportion of Canada's exports to "Other Countries" amounting to 10-8 per cent of her total
domestic exports, represented a declared value of $5,249,000; in 1900 the proportion of 8-7 per
cent, a declared value of $14,413,000, while in 1929 the proportion of 31 8 per cent represented
a declared value of $433,689,000; which amount exceeds the Dominion's total domestic exports
prior to 1916. The increase in Canada's domestic exports to "Other Countries" from 1868 to
1900 was $9,164,000 or 174 per cent, while from 1900 to 1929 the increase was $419,276,000 or
2,909 per cent. During 1929 the exports to "Other Countries", amounting to $433,700,000,
were distributed by Continents as follows: Europe, except the United Kingdom, $213,100,000;
North America, except the United States, $42,900,000; South America, $32,600,000; Asia,
$87,200,000; Oceania, $37,600,000; and Africa, $20,300,000.

NcrrE:-Countriee arranged in order of importance. 1929.

Rank Value of Increso (+) or I)errense (-)

Country Exports, 1929 colnpOrt'(I with--
1926 1927 1928 1929 1928 1927 1928

$ 8 8 8
2 I 1 1 United States ..................... . 500,167,51)0 (-4-) 25,180,232 (+) 33.744,810 (4-) 22,163,953
I 2 2 2 United Kingdom .................. 420,730,485 (-4 75.507,075 (-) 17.142.360 N-) 10,039,093
4 3 3 3 Germany .......................... ...46,708,904 (-1-) 15,974,767 (±4 12,297,763 (+) 4.464,587
5 4 4 Netherlands........................ 44,366,882 4±) 20,890,281 (3-) 17,992,510 (4-) 8,828,937
4 5 5 Japan .............................. . 42,096.982 1+) 7,383.106 (+4 12.148,937 N-) 9.131.725
7 7 6 6 Reliuni ........................... . 27,301.394 11) 4,408.043 (+4 8,9(10,2(18 (+4 6,519,527
11 9 7 China 23,687.053 -) 786. 393 t+) 10,170,114 (+4 III '4 (57
II 6 ' 8 Italy .............................. 23.024,889 3-) 10,236,246 +) 209,816 (+) 4,282,383
8 8 9 AustraliL .......................... ...19.470,305 (3-) 4,038,550 +4 504,424 (+4 5,280,859
10 II 10 New Zealand .................... .... 17,357, 7(13 (+4 705.756 +4 3,810,250 1+) 5,891,263
Ia 9 14 11 France ............................ .. 16,131,188 (+) 2,178,1126 +4 810,959 (+4 6,185,043
12 1' 12 12 Argentina 14 473191 ()) 1 843 484 (+4 1,391,315 ) (-4 I 411 4I,.3
11 15 15 13 British South Mr,ca 12 31 4(3 ) 3.153.311 (+4 3,843,042, 4+) 1. 506, 804
26 Ii) 23 14 Greece ........................... . 11.650, 771 (+) 8,140,1175 (+4 5,827,610 (+4 7,5118,544
16 14 13 15 British India.......................11,735,436 1-4-4 4,314, 771) (+4 1,74(1,051) )+) 6112,525
13 13 lO 16 Newfoundland .................... . 11,1(9). 511) (-1 94.672 -J- ) 12,519 ) -) 500,738
17 21 16 17 Norway .......................... ...7.435,537 1-4-) 0(17,650 (3-) 2,44)7.433 (+ 7119,767
18 20 17 IS Denmark ..... .................... 5,081,035 N-) 234,191 (+4 314,048 (-) 409,627
19 III 20 19 Brazil ............................. . 5,972,1)40 (+) 1,040.540 )-) 1,418,539 (+4 975,858
74 41 38 20 Portugal .......................... 5,735,2901+) 5,613,520 (3-4 4,461,642 (-4-) 4,793,029
44 49 50 21 Spain .............................. . 5,7)14,255 (+4 4.871.708 (+4 5.161,233 1+) 5,094.602
21 22 19 22 Jamaica ............ .............. ..5,2083 60, (+ ) 1.289,873 (3-) 958,332 (+4 314,887
28 26 21 23 Sweden ............. .................4,708,816(±) 1.223,109 (+) 1,350,013 4+) 15:1,476
24 24 25 24 British %Vest Indies, Other 4,826,2111 N-) 604,1171 1±) 907,50) (+4 794,372
IS 17 18 25 Cuba.. ... ... .. ... ........ . 4,442.953 4--) 4,082,6311)-) 2,384.618 t-1 943.726
23 23 24 2)) i'rinidad Tobago
and .............. . 4,153,571 -4-) 278,2+4 ±) 4 312,587 -) 87,180
20 19 22 27 Irish Free State ................... . 4, 144, 713 4 - ) 563,946 4-) 1,912, 20) - I 180,508
22 25 29 28 Dutch East Indies ................. 3,6(15,3)17)-) 276,590 N-) 40,144 (-4-) 1,241,033
38 36 32 29 Egypt ............ ................. . 2,845.973 (3') 1,5415,1(53 (3-) 1,3110, 156 (-4-) 1,047,969
33 37 27 30 Hong Kong ........................ 2.837.4171 (+) 951,1125 (+) 1,377.18)) (+1 371.517
51 48 35 31 St. Pierre and Miquelon ............ . 2,72)1,124 (-4-) 2,241,229 1+) 2,147,110 ( -4- ) 1,252.784
20 28 28 32 Mexico ............................ 2,075,1185 ( - 4 314,788 N-) 84.701 H-) 136,038
25 II 28 33 Russia ............................. . 2,457,492 (-4 1,330. 77) (+4 50,286 1+) 33.421
39 35 41 34 Chile .............................. 2,403,442 (-4-) 1,013.655 (+4 905,541 (3-) 1075,914
31 30 30 35 British Guiana .................... . 2,238,50(1 (-) 18,050)-) 170171 (-) 46,238
35 33 31 36 Finland ................ ............ 2, 122.129 (+) 543,575 (+4 239.255 4+) 283.682
40 39 46 37 Colombia ....................... 1,797,393 (3-) 1,113,693 (+4 448.070 (+1 64,820
68 53 37 38 Cuecho-Slovukia .................. ..1,703.825 (-4-) 1,571,711 (+) 1,227,173 4) 2(i4,342
34 34 31 39 Barbadc .......................... .. 1,681,950 4+) 89,380 (+4 57.547 4-) 155.902
41 40 38 40 Bermuda.......................... .. 1,,003
628 (+4 477,200 (+4 341,233 (+4 263,051
Total above 40 Countries.. I.340,403,122 4+) 47,747,550 (+) 111.441,794 4+) 133,1)25,026
Total Exports (I)oinestic). 1.363,526,072 (+4 48,230,821 (+) 111,420,166 (4-) 135.370,060

British Empire .................... . 5315,004.I)17(-) 02,541,978 4 - ) 4.411,744 ( +) 36,738.172

Foreign ountrien .................. . 827,582,155 (+) 110,772,850 (+) 115,840,910 (+) 08, 640,894

Trade Balances.-('anrula's visible track lcd:tnce was unfavourable to the anloiltit of

$29,730.000 on March 31. 1921, but since then, as well as titiring the war and post-helium boom,
it has been favourable. During the past four yeats there has been a marked decline in the
favourable trade bahtnec, until on March 31. 1929. it was only $123,094,000 compareti with
$401,371,000 in 1926. The principal factors responsible for the decline in the trade balance are
(1) lower prices received for staple products exported, (2) increase in imports of products for use
in Canadian industries and of equipment for Canadian factories, and (3) improvement, in the
general prosperity of the country, resulting in a greater purchasing posvcr, not cililv at home
but also abroad.
There have been marketi changes in the trade balances with the leading commercial countries
of the world in recent years. Itt 1914 Casiacla had a favourable trade balance with Europe of
$65,032,000, which had increased to $358,698,000 in 1029, while the number of countries in
Europe with which Canada had a favourable trade halaitce increased from seven to eighteen.
From 1914 to 1929 the Dominion's annual credit balance with the United kingdom incrt'nsed
from $90,252,000 to $237,648,000; with Germany from a debit balance of $10.152,000 to it credit
balance of $26,081,000; with the Netherlands from credit, balance of $2,491,000 to $35,149,000;
with Italy from a debit balance of $1,435,000 to a credit balance of $18,769,000; with Belgium
from a credit balance of $330,000 t. $15,437,000; with Greece from a debit balance of $133,000
to a credit balance of $11,480,000; with Norway from tt credit balance of $359,000 to $6,445,000:
with Denmark from a credit balance of $525,000 to $5,831,000. In 1914 Canada had a debit
balance with France of $10,466,000, which amounted to $9,972,000 in 1920; while the debit
balance with Switzerland during the Same period increased from $4,268,000 to $7,357,000.

These trade balances with European countries do not represent the true situation, as a very
large quantity of the grain, especially wheat, shown in Canadian export statistics as for the
United Kingdom is diverted from its original destination, the United Kingdom, to other des-
tiriations. As a result of this diversion the credit balance with the United Kingdom would be
materially reduced and the balances with other European countries increased by a corresponding
Canada's trade balance with the continent of North America has been unfavourable since
1882, the debit balance with the United States being responsible for this situation. In 1914
the debit balance with North America amoi.mted to $22 i,963,000 and in 1929 it had increased
to $328,802,000 while the number of countries in North America with which Canada had a
debit balance was reduced from eight to four The Dominion's debit trade balance with the
United States from 1914 to 1929 increased from $219,354,000 to $346,241,000, being $123,450,000
greater than for last year; with Newfoundland the credit balance increased from $2,900,000 to
$9,049,000; St. Pierre and Miquelon from a credit balance of $117,000 to $2,697,000; with Bar-
rnitda from a credit balance of $397,000 to $1,612,000; with Mexico from a debit balance of
$1,419,000 to a credit balance of $1,507,000; with the British West Indies from a credit balance
of $143,000 to $493,000; while the debit balance of Cuba in 1914 of $2,124,000 was reduced to
$384,000 in 1929. if the trade with the United States is eliminated from North America, the
trade balance with "Other North America" increased from a debit balance of $2,600,000 in 1914
to a credit balance of $17,439,000 in 1929.
With the Continent of South America the debit balance of $4,770,000 in 1914 was con-
verted into a credit balance of $6,157,000 in 1929, the most notable change occurring in the
trade with Colombia.
The most notable change in the trade balance with any continent, from 1914 to 1929, oc-
curred with the continent of Asia, a debit balance of $8,118,000 being converted into a credit
balance of $53,904,000. The principal cotmtries responsible for this change were Japan and China,
the trade balance of the former increasing from a debit lialance of $1,015,000 to a credit balance
of $29,186,000; and of the latter from a debit balance of $110000 to a credit balance of $20,595,000.
The credit trade balance with Oceania from 1911 to 1929 increased from $2,603,000 to
$15,073,000 and with Africa from $3,459,000 to $1 8,064.000. From 1914 to 1929 the credit
balance with Australia increased from $3,993,000 to $15,995,000; with British South Africa
from $3,338,000 to $11,965,000; and with New Zealand from a debit balance of $1,256,001) to
a credit balance of $4,597,000. The large butter import from New Zealand was responsible for
the decrease in the credit balance since 1926, the credit balance in that year amounting to
(Values in Thosuandu of DoI1ar)
No're.-Credit balance marked (-I-) Debit balance marked (-)

Years ended March 31

1914 1920 1926 1927 1928 1929

Belgium ........................ ..1+) 330 (+1 27,686 1+) 15,940 1+) 11,738 1+) 11,008 (-I-) 15,437
Czeeho-Slovukia ................ ............. (-1 2(-) 1,13S (-1 1,249 081 (-) 1,590
(+1 6,207

Denmark ....................... .. (+1 525 (+1 2,834 1+) 6.078 1+) 5.482 4-) 5,831
Etonia .............................. (+1 48 1+) 80 (+1 25)9 (4-) ii'4 (+) 89
1"inland ......................... ....(4-) 72 (+) 1,535 ( -1-) 1,800 (4-) 1,745 H- 2,024
France .......................... ..(-) 10,466 (+1 61,198 (-) 5,101 (-1 8.689 (-) 16,430(-) 9,972
Germany ....................... ..(-) 10,152 ..(+) 612 (+) 20,776 1,-I-) 19,578 (4-) 25,270 (4-) 26,081
Greece .......................... ..(-) 433 c-)-) 28,861 1+) 3,375 (4-) 5,694 (4-) 4,038 (--) 11,480
Irish Free State ........................ (+) 4,691 H-) 6 1 011 (4-) 4,250 (+1 4,087
Italy ........................... .. (-3 1,435 (±) 15,958 (+1 10,204 19.380 (+1 14,504 (+1 18,769
Neher1ands ......................(+3 2,494 5+) 3,518 (+) 111,899 ( -(-5 18,752 (+1 26,983 (-5-) 35,449
Norway .......................... (+3 390 (+1 4,348 (+) 6,139 (+) 4,118 i+) 5,005 (+1 6,448
Poland and Danzig .............. ....5+) 150 (+1 2,258 (-5-) ill (+) 321 (±1 278
Portugal ..........................(-3 222 (-) 110 (-) 227 (-5-) 802 (+) 229 (4-) 5,1)57
iSou,nania ........................(±1 65 (+3 12,954 (+5 303 430 (+5 749 5+) 538
liussia .......................... ..5±) 949 (+) 1,484 (4-) 3.761 (-5-) 2.387 (-1.) 2.353 (-4-) 2,223
Spain ........................... ..(+) 1,288 (-1 419 (-3 1,253 (-3 1,970 (-) 1,058 -) 3,004
Sweden ......................... ..(-3 426 (±3 4,095) (±3 2,410 (4-) 1.780 (+5 2,771 (+) 2,611
Switzerland ................ .......(-) 4,208 (-) 5,289 (-3 6,231 (-5 8.860 () 6.079 (-) 7,357
United Kingdom ........... ....... (+3 90,252 (+5 380,597 5+) 345,535 (4-) 284,081 H-) 226,857 (+) 237,618
Other Europe ................... H-) 1,252 (+) 6,600 (+3 612 (+1 507 (+) 2 (+1 505
Total F,,rernn ......------- ...(-I-) 65.032 (-5-) 523,225 (-1-) 426.719 (-5-) 362,374 (+5 305,625 H-) 358,605

Years ended March 31

1914 1920 1925 1926 1928 1929

North America
(+3 101 (+1 38 (4-) 83 1-!-) 113 (4-) 199 1+) 292
+) 397 t+) 1.222 1+) 1,100 +) 1.214 (4-) 1,348 1+) 1612
Honduran.............. -) 146 (-) 271 (+3 242 (4-) 235 1+) 463 1+) 664
\%est Indies............ +) 143 . ..
................ (-) 5,382 (-) 2,490 (-3 2.111 (-) 4,330 (-) 3.488
irlitic t ...................... (4-) 667 (-F-) 225 (-1 391 (-1 422 (+1 531
'n,,iad and Tobago........ (4-) 2,819 (+3 2,860 (-3-) 1,064 (+t 2,191 (+3 831
icr B. W. Indies........... (-1-) 747 (-3-) 2.894 +'i 1.298 (+) 349 H-) 2.619
tOrn ................. ... ('4-) Si-) 84 (+) 138 (-1-) 157 (-1-) 159 1+) 112
1-) 2.174 (-) 10,727 (-1 2,827 (-) 1 1 248 1-) 198 (- 3 384
i;u,temala..................... C-) 81 (- ) 140 (-4 105 (+1 35 (+i 83 (+) 171
IIliyti......................... 1+) 38 (4-) I (+) 478 (+) 21 H-) till H-) 144
1-londuras .................. .... (+) 41+) 441-) 412 1-) 808 (-) 510 (+1 236
('tiC) ......................... 1- ) 1.418 (-) 2,734 -) 676 (4-) 410 (±) 1.387 (-3-) 1,807
Ne,, loundland................ (+1 2.800 (+) 14.795)4-) 10,041 (-3-) 9,725 ) -i- )
10,018 (±) 9.049
Nic.ri, nun..................... 1+) 5 1+) 18 (-) 33 (-) 16 ( -H 70 (-1-) 63
Port 11.0..................... (+) 541 (4-) 1,488 H-) 865 (±1 688 i -H 814 (+3 974
Si. l'icrre and Miquelon........ (+) 117 (+) 746 (4-) 485 -f-) 534 H-) 1,423 (-3-) 2,697
Slva,frr ..................... ( - 3 8 (-4-) 3 (+3 76 H-) 70 (-I-) 74 (4-) 78
San IN,,,ungo.................. (-) 2.882 (- 3 10,406 (-3 6,441 3.-) 5.555 3.- ) 2.041) 3. - ) 803
tn,t,l States.................. 219.354 (-3 269,967 3-) 122,666 (-j 207.687 ( - 3 222,791 (-) 346,241
(411er Nor)!. America.......... (-) 221 1+) 516 (+) 315 (+3 209 1+) 50 (+3 536

Total North America...... H-) 221,903 (- 3 306,107 (-1 115,548 3.-) 201,832 C-) 211.499 C - ) 328,802
Sout9 A,nericz
-\rg,i,t na...................... (-3 408 (+) 2.73(1 (+1 9,186 1+) 7.445 (-I-) 1.243 (±1 7,086
Brazil ...................... ... 398 73)1 H- ) 2,983 (4-) 5,321 (+) 2,809 H-) 4,154
llririuh Guiana................. H-) 2,526 (-3 4,291 ( - 3 2,190 3.-) 2,136 3. - ) 3,726 3.- 2.585 )
('hOe ................. ..... .... (-) 633 1+) 892 H-) 740 H-) 1,047 825 (-1- ) 2,024
(oIo,nhia...................... (-3 -)
125 397 3.-)
7 (+) 244 5, 83 0 1
(-3 5,048
Panama....................... (4-) 224 +) 410 (4-) 480 (+3 507 '+3 1,123 1,542(+)
Peru........................... (-) -)
737 4,798 (-)
4,473 3.-) 4,478 3.9233.-) 3.129 3.-)
Uruguay....................... 1+) 35 +3 369 (+)
1,640 (+3 2.729 1,548 (+3 1,090
Venezuela...................... (+) 6 (+) 105 (+1
1,294 (+3 2,103 H-) 1,284 1,091(+)
Other South America ...... .... (- 3 180(4-) 156 H- ) 423 (+) 276 3. - ) 232 443(+)
Total South America....... (-) 4,770 3.-) 4,085 (1-) 10.270 (+) 13,058 (-) 4.888 (+) 61157

British India............... (-) 2,965

4,589 c- ) 2,055 (-4-) 2,118 H-) 1,803 (+) 1,373
Ceylon..................... I,- ) 2.900 I-) 2,140 H-) 1,905 (-1 2.004 i-) 1,861
China ................... 1+) 5,507
440 (-4-) 21.931 H-) 8,478 1+) 10.801 i+) 20,595
I)utch East Indies ....... .. -) 1-) 2,216
956 H-) 2.153 (-4-) 2,795 (+1 1.238 (-I-) 2,901
hong Kong .............. .. +) 3. - ) 1,845
872 (±) 345 3.-)-) 46 (±3 1,046 (-I-) 1,457
Ji,pin 3 1,013 3.-) 5,747 3-4-) 25,139 3.-)- ) 18,777 (+2 20,48)) (+3 29,100
1+) 55 (+) 246 ( -F-) 09 (+) 52 (+3 113 (+3 125
Straits i"tittleinents......... (-3 335 3.-) 3.525 3-) 1.076 3. - ) 297 (-4 918 (-) 808
Other Asia................. C- ) 1.710 ('4- ) 53 (-1-) 248 (-4-) 1,531 (+3 023 (+) 942
Total Asia................. (- 3 8,118 3.-.) 13,458 (+) 44,644 (+3 31,592 (-1-) 33.545 (4-) 53.906
Australia...................... 1+) 3,993 (+) 10,166 (4-) 12,378 (+3 12,679 (4-) 8,891 (-4-) 15,005
Fiji............................ (-) 122 (-) 586 3. - ) 2,295 (-3 913 3. - ) 4.019 (-) 5.3116
New Zealand.................. (-) 1,256 1+) 3,515 H-) 13,855 (+3 8,976 (+) 3,123 (4-) 4.597
Other Oceania................. (-3 12 3-) 185 (-) 107 3.-) 106 3.-) 171 (-) 153
Total Oceania.............. (+) 2,803 (4-) 12,910 (+3 23,829 (+3 20,636 i+) 7.824 (+) 15.073

Britich t-:...t Arrira............. (+) 41 (-4-) 105 1+) 892 (+3 173 ....(-F-) 1,270
l4ritisli S,,ut I, .tfrica........... H-) 3,356 (-4-) 7,017 (-I-) 9,938 (-f) 7,389 (4-) 8,32! (-4-) 11 1 61)5
Britf-h Wat Africa............. (4-) 10 (+3 894 1-) 920 (-) 147 (-) 1.040 (+) 24
Egypt.......................... 1+) 14 1+) 218 (-4- ) 1,2112 (-4- ) 1,373 (+) 1,639 (+) 2,652
French Africa.................. (+1 IS (+3 364 -+) 202 (+3 509 315 (-4-) 322
Portuguese Africa.............. 1+) 911+) 49 +) 79)) (4-) 876 1+) 1,035 )+) 943
Other Africa................... C-) 703.+) 99(+) 267 (+3 680 H-) 009 H-) 888
Total Africa............... (+3 3.459 (+ 9.048 1+) 11,451 1+) 10,853 (+3 10,893 (-4-) 18,004
Grand Total............... (-) 163,757 (+) 222.131 (-4-) 401,371 (-4- 3 2)3 0, 08 1 (+) 141,500 (+) 123,094

Principal Commodity lmports.-The statistics in the following table showing "One

Hundred Leading Commodities Imported into Canada, 1929" indicate that the total declared
value of the commodities amounted to 1,044,391,000 or 82•5 per cent of the total imports into
Canada. Of the one hundred commodities listed, eighty-one show increases in value and tune-
teen decreases. Of the fifty-one commodities for which there were quantity statistics, six show


inereses in the quantity imported but decreases in the value; six show decreases in the quantity
but increases in the value; while thirty-three show uwreases in both quantity and value; and
six decreases in both quantity and value. Of the forty-nine c(,mmothties for which there
were no quantity statistics, being entered at value only, forty-three show increases and six
decreases. The commodities imported, which show increases in quantity but decreases in value
and decreases in quantity but increases in value. 1929 compared with 1928, were:

imports, 1929 Increase Deer

Commodity in
Quantity Value Quantity V.

Coal ..... ............................................. Ton 17.778,100 55.660,851 229,520 3,
Raw rubber .......................................... '
..Lb. 77,704,034 17,410,004 19,51(5,34)1 3,8).
Tea ....... ........................................... .. Lb. 38.425.9511 11,752.521 767,462 557,893
Raw tobacco ... .........................................Lb. 18,726.616 6,766,285 250,856 252,595
Alumina md bauxite. .................................... Cwt. 3,376,730 3,805,914 723,333 2,471,314
Cocoa and chocolate Lb. 22.848.739 3,8(12.502 244,3521 986.392


Imports, 1929 Decrease Increase

Commodity in in
Quantity Value Quantity Value

$ $
corn ................................................... Bush. 14,128,888 13,792. 143 862,176 734.311
'sd. 10,325,918 13.727,659 386,989 290.095
Wor,.teds and serges ....................................
Jute cloth and canvas. .................................. Yd. 88.7113,125 8,167,067 3,056,815 304,249
2,00(1,465 189,249
Green coffee. ...... ..................................... 1,11. 25,126011 5,856,317
Dyeing and tanning materials ........................... LI,. 50,583.274 5,981, 720 1,767. 4(15 49,787
SuIj,hur Lb. 357,218.2 00 2,938,804 2,149.500 31.265

In the case of the fifty-one commodities for which there were quantity statistics, thirty of
these were imported at a lower price per unit in 1929 than in 1928 and twenty-one at a higher
price per unit. Those import('(I at a lower price per unit were valued at $342,883,000, while
those imported at a higher price per unit were valued at $212,562,000. The thirty commodities
entered at, lower average import prices were: Alumina and bauxite, band and hoop iron, bars
and rails (iron and steel), binder twine, coal, cocoa and chocolate, coke, coloured or printed
cottons, cannvcl fruit, dried fruit, iron ore, molasses, nuts (edible), crude petroleum, planks and
boards, plates and sheets (iron and steel), rice, raw rubber, raw silk, silk yarn (aitificial), sisal
and manila grass, soda and sodium compounds, spirits and wines, sugar for refining, rcfiuied
sugar, ten, tin in blocks, raw tobacco, tweeds, and canned vegetables. "I'he twenty-one corn-
modities entered at a higher average import price were: Automobiles, raw ccff cc, corn, raw
cotton, cotton yarn, grey and white COttOUS, (tress goods (wool) to be dyed, dyeing and tanning
materials, fertilizers, gasoline, raw hides, jute cloth or canvas, nails, tops and waste, pigs and
ixigots (iron and steel), vegetable oil, rods of iron and steel, structural iron and steel, sulphur,
raw wool, woollen yarn and worsteds and serges.
Non-Commodities arranged according to value, 1029.

Increeae(+) or Decrease (-)

Total Imports, 1929 1929
compared with 1928
1928 1929 Quantity value Quantity Value

— 8 0
2 1 Machinery .... .......................... ..................60,262,591 ............ (+) 11,661,978
- Automobile parts ....................... ............ 55,761.414 .............. +1 22,524.223
Coal ... ...... . .......... ........... Ton 17,778, 1811 55,660.851 (4-) 269,530 -) 3,694,713 2,877,068
3 Spirits and wines ................... Gal. 3,939,561 48,348,564) 417,451 (+1
4 5 Automol,iles ....................... No. 49,864 42,860.476 ( -I- ) 9,873 +1 +) 8,546.984
8 Farm implements ....................... ............. 44(292.899
............. 10,656.450
5 Crude pe1rOleUii ................... Gal. 953,747,717 38.614.556 1+) 123,187.605 +) 2,790,327
11 Plates an,l sheets (iron) ............. Cwt. 11,0(13,487 30,065.826 (-_) 3,385,667 ( -I-) 8,205,277
It) Raw cotton ....................... Lb. 138,734,792 26.204.261 (4-) 5,185,997 (+1 3,5741,775
14 It) Electric apparatus ....
....................... ....... . .... 20,775.215 .............+1 7,730.750
6 II Sugar for rctining ......... .......... Lb. 853.74.5,600 26,4(15.199 ( - 1 78,839,200 -) 1.056.333
0 12 Green fruits ............................................ 25,915,836 .............. +)
15 13 E,igitces and boilers ..................... ................. 19.307,250 ...............+) 2,300.421
24 14 Gasoline ........................... GuI. 152,658,272 18,038.567 (-I-) 40,408,1(13 +) 6,488,560
12 15 Raw rubber ........................ Lb. 77,704,021 17.410.(844 (4-) 19,51(4,3411 -) 3,9747(10
19 16 Raw and dressed furs .......... . ...... ................... 14.9011.184 ............... +) 44)9,885
13 I? Silk fabrics and velvets ....... .......... ................ 10.1115,68)) ................- ) 3,246,551
17 18 Books and printed matter ............................... 16,559.633 ............... +) 1,707,592
20 19 Corn ........ ..................... flush. 14,128,988 13,792. 143 (-1 862,176 4-) 290,095
19 20 Worstedsandsergee ................ Yd. 10,325.0581 13,727,859 (-) 386.969 +)


Increase (+1 or Decrease (—)

Rank I Total Imports, 1929 1929

I compared with 1928
1928 1 1929 Quantity - - Value Quantity I Value
$ 8
13,649.415..............+1 1,730.961
Copper and its products..... 13,067,992..............+3 5,81.8.358
Raw hides ........................ Lb 50,777,300 12,429.221 (—) 17,089,700 —) 1,711,117
Wood lll,Ln,Ilaetures. .................... .......... .. 12,386,421.............. +) 1. 655.11211
Plinks and hoards ................. M ft 267. 765 12,323,673 3+) 03,0)3 1+) 1,816,214
Structural iron and steel ............ ..wt 0(0)4,1)00 11,828,2:14 (.)) 1,574.896 3+) 3.171.924
Tea ...... .......................... lb 30,425,950 11.752,521 (+) 767,4112 I —) 557.893
Bars and rails (iron) ................ Cwt 4,608,137 11,278,374 (+) 1,706.212 +1 4,080,065
Vegetable oils ...................... Gal 8,999.996 10,806.181 3—) 3,321, 757 3—) 892. 204
Clay and its products ................... .................
. .. 10,417.260............. (+3 734,848
Settlers' effects ......................... ................. . 10,390,022 . .............+1 1,198,552
Coloured or printed cottons ......... Yd. 52 ,445,135 10,289.462 3+) 5,538,058 +3 38,700
Glass and glassware ..................... ................. . 9,717,519............... +) 1,587,903
Stone and its products ................... .......... ... 8,537,893..............+) 2.142,283
Jute cloth or canvas ................ Yd 98,763,425 8,167,067 (-3 3,056,815 +) 31)4,249
Fresh vegetables ......... .... .......... ................. . 8.938.269..............+) 868,991
Qistings and forgings (iron) ............. ......... 6,867.221 .............1+) 2.571.345
Grey and white cottons ...... . ..... Yd 58.712,360 8.805,549 (+3 18,402,081 3+) 2,023,8913
Raw tol,ue-co. ..................... Lb 18,726,618 1.768,205 3+) 250,856 (—) 252.595
Brass and its products ................... .............
.. 8,754,494............. 3+) 1.1148)831
Coke ........................... Ton 1,171,663 1,647,955 1+) 35.5.340 3+) 1.837.501)
I-tow silk ..... ...................... Lb 1.279.849 6,533.086 (+) 341,390 1+) 1,459,577
feather. unnnanufacturod ................ ................ 0,009,148..............1+) 49.043
l) ried fruits....................... Lb 91,851.587 5.990.345 3—) 2.232,9711)—) 312.411
Steals................................... . ..... .... 5,904,979 1+i 1.319,444
Raw cop IT .... ............. ...... Lb 25.120,04) 5,856.317 (—) 2,000,465 (+) 189,249
l'ILliIts nnd ':-trllt,4},Ew ........................ 58549114 ..... ......... 3±1 5311. 618
Nails, tops and waste wool ......... Lb 8,748,627 5.82:1,17.1 (4-) 261,012 (-4-) 912,282
Ibiw wool ... ............. ... ... . Lb 14,021,917 5.7)441,4711 3+) 1211,2:18 3-3-) 0(2.037
Sisul and IllILIlilli grass ... ........... Lb 74,583,10(1 5,766,251 (+3 22,1744,701) (+) 1,311,171
550011.11 v,irns . ........... ...... Lb. 5,111,857 5.733.444 (+1 1,137,784 (-I-) 1:177,2419
Ftuh,ln'r manufactures ................... ................. 5,675,781 .............. (4-) 397,1211
('attainers (outside coverings) ..... ...... ................. . 3+) 1.391,686
Woollen rIot hing.................................. 5.194,491 ..............3—) 1.162,514
Silk clothing 5,036.461 ..............1+) 1.037,430
l'athter manufactures ................... .......... 4.988. 881...............3.) 430,892
Fprtilir.r'rs .................. ...... Lb 435,971,800 4,847,498 3+) 67,056.018) 3±) 74)2.340
Nuts (encept cocoanuts) ............ Lb 37,771.323 4.810,583 (4-) 2.155,420)4-) 134,118
Hardware and cutlery ................... ............. . 4,774.857................1+) 677.265
Tubes and pipe (iron) ................... ........... ... 4,697.279 (4-) 958,731
Band or hoop iron .................. Cwt 1.388.110 4,677,408 3+) 36.668 4-) 62,902
Scientific and educational equipment ........... 4.438.096. ............. .....4-) 31)3,824
Iron ore ..................... ...... Ton 2.272, 130 4,391.209 3+) 780.896 4-) 1,54)1.501
Cotton yarns ....................... Lb 5,490,913 4,191,55.5 (-4-) 1.659,667(+) 1,311,172
Tweed,. ... .............. .......... Yd 4,244.478 4,125.980 (+) 431.537 (+) :153.644
Dyeing and tanning materials ...... Lb. 50.563,274 3.1481.721) (-3 1,767.465 (+1 40,787
',Vire of (clix or steel............................... 3.800.283..............(+) 489,477
Aluniiina and bauxite ............... Cwt 3,376.731) :1,805.914 3+) 723,333 3—) 2,475,318
C,n'iiin and chocolate ............... Lb 22.948, 739 3,802.502 3+) 244,352 (—) 9841.592
Mechicinul preparations............................. 3.727.106..............(+3 690,667
Soda ,intl soda compounds .......... Lb 298,169,039 3,605,775 (4-) 68,431,766 (+) 484,109
l 'ost otlice parcels ....................... ................ :3,637, 84) .................-I-) 227,842
Cl ocks and watches ..................... ................ :1,577.1)7).................-3-) 27:1.278
Fish .... ................................ ............. 3.452,233................+1 352, 700
Ciinnied fruits ...................... Lb 41,785,466 3.308,031 3+) 9,905,473 3+) 5)19,389
Carpets (wool) .......................... .............. 3.304.181 ...................(+1 497.789
llats and caps ........................... .............. 3,229,804. ................ ..(+ 3 14,782
Goods returned within five years ........ ................. . 3,213,565................—) 558.437
Tools ................................... ........... 3. 194.980............... +3 643,862
Diamonds, unset.. ...................... .......... .3.182.289
............... +) 114.451
Pigs and ingot., (iron) .............. Cwt 2,067, 795 3.143.014 (+) 509.672 +) 1,091.27.6
Animals, living ......................... ............ .. 3,194,353.............. +3 597,743
Tin in block., ....................... Cwt 58.928 2.997.56)2 3+) 10,186 (+) 710
Sulphur.. .......................... Lb 357.218,300 2.938,004 (-3 2,149,500 (+) 31.265
Binder twine ....................... Lb 27,965,400 2. 912,755 ( +) 8.500.700 (+ 618.239
Musical instruments ..................... ................. . 2.828.227..............(+) 440,0.61
Toys and dofls .......................... .......... . 2,6011,890..............(+1 480.39:1
.Jowellery ............................... ................. . 2,605,322....4-4 747,731)
Cotton clothing ..................... ... ..........
. 2.354.707 ...............3±) 00.321
Molasses ........................... Gal. 7,086,753 2.327.567 ( —) 722,917 3—) 414,289
Seeds 2.242. 051....1—) 37.885
Silk y arn, artificial... .............. Lb. 2.240. 704 2.15.3,7471+) 449,561 (+1 309.621
lcc .. ...................... .. Lb. 59,287,900 1.891.053 (-3 8,20(4:100 1—) 400,929
l)r,','e coods (wool) t.obedyed..Sq. yd. 4.436.056 1.850.516 3+) 272,908 (4-) 283,711)
lti'tin,'il sugar .................... l,b. 48, 403,20)) 1,778.056 (4-) 13,9211,700 3+) :124,1)82
Cniniied vegetables................. Lb. 20.304:1:15 1,7.52,644 3+) 3,912,763 4-) 311,555
html,' of Iron and steel .............. Cwt. 1,098, 776 .634.302 (+) 233,440 +1 4:111,544)
Cotton lace and embroidery 1.473.315.....—) 800,479
Soap .... .................... 1.162,051 ...1—) 16,057
'lAne..... ..... ............. — 1.066.551 3±1 2(10,029
Total Value of above Commodities................... 1.044.391,158..................(±1124.830,668
Total Value of Imports............................... 1.265.679,091 .................. (4-) 156,722,625
Percentage represented by above
Commodities ................... ................... 82.5 I ................ .................

Imports for Canadian Industries.—An analysis of the statistics in the following table
showing 'Imports of Sixty-two Lending Commodities for Canadian Industries, 1929" indicates
that about one-third of Canada's total imports are for use in the various industries of the country.
The increase in the imports for Canadian industries was only partially responsible for the total
increase in its import trade, amounting to $156,723,000. The value of the imports of the raw,
semi-manufactured and fully or chiefly manufactured products listed for Canadian industries
in 1929 was $391,831,000, the proportions of this amount classified according to degree of manu-
facture, 1929 compared with 1928, being:-

Importe, 1929 I Decreane (—) 1929
Degree of Manufacture
l'or cent Per cent
Value of Total Value of Total
compared with 1928

Ra w miterizile .................................................. 195, 086, (0)47.3 (±1 3,007,000 (+) 109

Semi-manufactured ...... ......................................... 82,251,000 200 (—> 1821000 —) 45
Fully or chiefly manufactured .................................... 124,494,000 318 (+1 31,819,0150 +) 93-6
Total 62 Commodities .................................... 391,831,000 10000 (+) 33.683.000 1+) 1000

A further analysis will show that forty-four of the commodities listed as for Canadian
industries show increases and eighteen show decreases; while thirty-two of the forty-eight com-
modities for which there are quantity statistics show increases and sixteen show decreases. Of
the forty-eight commodities for which there are quantity statistics, six show increases in the
quantity imported, but decreases in the value, viz.: Bituminous coal, raw rubber, automobile
engines, raw tobacco, alumina, bauxite and cryolite, and oxide of manganese; four show decreases
in the quantity imported, but increases in the value, viz.: Raw coffee, dyeing and tanning
materials, gums and resins, and sulphur; twenty-eight show increases in both quantity and value;
and ten decreases in both quantity and value. Of the fourteen commodities entered at value
only, twelve show increases and two decreases.

In the case of commodities that show an increase or decrease in both quantity and value,
it will be found on investigation that twenty-eight commodities, valued at $198,287,000, were
imported at a lower average import price in 1929 than in 1928, and twenty commodities, valued
at $93,246,000, at a higher average import price, while in the case of commodities entered at
value only, twelve, of a value of $96,886,000, show increases in 1929 compared with 1928, and
two, valued at $3,412,000, show decreases. In other words, the Canadian manufacturer obtained
his imported raw materials, as a rule, at a lower price per unit in 1929 than in 1929. The twenty-
eight commodities which entered Canada for Canadian industries at a lower average import
price in 1929 than in 1928 were: Crude petroleum, sugar for refining, bituminous coal, raw
rubber, automobile engines, lumber, (rough sawn), raw tobacco, tin plate, alumina, bauxite and
cryolite, crude cotton seed oil, raw wool, raw silk, skelp iron for pipe, manila and sisal grass,
tin in blocks, cotton yarn, raw cocoa, oil for soap industry, artificial silk yarn and tops, hard
rubber, hemp, oxide of manganese, locomotive and car wheel tires, sulphate of soda, logs, crude
peanut oil, zinc in sheets, and glycerine for explosives; while the twenty commodities which
entered Canada at a higher average import price in 1929 than in 1928 were: Raw cotton, raw
hides, raw coffee, wool tops, woollen yarn, copper bars and rods, dyeing and tanning materials,
gums and resins, sulphur, i"on ore, pigs, ingots and blooms, rolled iron and steel for agricultural
implements, dress goods (wool) to be dyed, grease for soap and leather, wire rods for wire rope,
ores of metal, sulphate of alumina, boiler plate, bristles, and silica sand for industries.

NOTE—Commodities arranged in order of importance, 1929

Increase (+) or Decrease (—)

Rank Total Imports, 1929 1929 compared with 1928
Commodity -____________________
1928 1929 Quantity J Value Quantity Value
$ $
3 1 Automobile parts ....................... .......... 55,761,414 .............(+) 22,524,233
1 2 Crude petroleum (escept for ship's
stores) ........................... Gal 920,651,440 37,660,074 (+) 134,176,161 (+) 3,534,502
S Itaw cotton ... ..................... Lb 138,734,792 28,204,281 (+) 5,372.3)9 (+1 3,876,775
2 Sugar forrefining .................. Lb 853.743,600 26,405.199 (—) 78.835,200 (—) 6,861.089
4 bituminous coal...................
. Ton 13,224,564 25,903,620 )-4- 433,291 (—) 491,827
6 Raw rubber ....................... Lb 77,704,034 17,410(104 H-) 19,641,939 (—) 3914,700
8 Raw furs ............................... ........... 14,069,793 .............H-) 779.930
Raw hides ......................... Lb 50,777,3(6) 92.429.221 H) 17,088,700 (—) 1,711,373
III Lumber, rough sawn. ............. 93 ft 267,765 12,323,673 (+) 63,013 H- ) 1,819,254
0 10 Autornobiloengines ................ No 118,817 11,727,816 H-) 8,803 (—) 229.710
12 Il Tin plate ...... .................... Lb 16l,896,(XX) 8.008.574 (f-) 27,831.900 (+) 1,040,938
23 12 Copperbarsuadrods .............. Lb 44,414,100 7,040,012 H-) 15,924,500 (+) 3,015,184
II 13 Itaw tobacco ...................... Lb 18,726,618 6.766,285 (4-) 250.846 (—) 252,595
18 14 Raw silk .......................... Lb 1.279.849 6,533.088 H-) 341,390 (+) 1,459,577
14 15 Leather, unmanufactured ............... ...............6,009.148 .............(+) 49.043
15 16 Raw roffee........................Lb 28.126,041 5,856,317 H-) 2.000,465 (+) 189,249
20 17 Skelp iron for pipe .................. Lb 315.991,000 5,826.085 H-) 78,002.500 (+1 1,329,287
19 16 Wooltops ......................... .Lb 8,745,627 5,82.1,174 1±) 1,057,254 (±) 692.282
17 19 Raw wool ........................ .Lb 14,021.917 5,790,470 (-4-) 12)5.238 (-I-) 662,037
22 20 Manilaand sisalgrase .............. Lb 14.583.1(8) 5,766,251 H-) 22,170,700 (+) 1,811,171
21 29 Woollen yarn ...................... Lb 5.111.837 5.733.444 H-) 1,137.784 (+) 1.377.209
30 22 Iron c're ......................... .Ton 2.272.13(1 4,391.209 H-) 780.896 4+) 1,501.501
32 23 Iron and steel artiol for ngricul- -
lurid ruplenments ..................... .............. 4,321.694 ................(+) I, 540. 24
31 24 Hitton yarn .......................Lb 5,460,913 4,191,553 .-'-) 1,659,867 4+) 1,311.172
13 25 Aluin)na, bauxileandcryolite ...... Lb 344.791,100 4.103,626 H-) 78,474,5)6) 4— ) 2,229.1111
24 20 I)veing and tanning muteriOla ...... Lb 50,503,274 3,961,72)) 4 — ) 1,767,465 +) 40.767
25 27 Silk 'lolli ) he dyed.............................. 3.01)5.131 ........... ...... .. +) 34,262
26 28 ()uns nil resins ................... Lb 43,159,830 3.348,543 4 — ) 2,121,387 +) 221,62.3
38 29 1)011111 iron or steel for agricultural
inpiements ...................... ..ut 1.346,376 3211,71)4 (f) 529688 4+) 1325457
27 30 Iluniomils, unset ..................... .............. 3,182,289 . .............(+) 114,451
37 31 'igs, )ngots and blooms (iron) ...... ..ut 2,087,798 3,143.014 4+) 509.8724+) 1,091,275
28 32 'I'm in blocks ...................... Lb 5,892,860 2,987,502 4+) 1,018,600 (+) 718
29 33 Sulphur ..........................1.1 357.296,300 2.838,804 4—) 2,949,500 (+) 31,265
45 34 1)iamoncl dust, or bert, and black
,li,iiii,nds for borers .................. ............. 2,615,471 .............4+) 9.125.802
16 35 ('rub. cotton seed oil ............... Lb 29.521,600 2.38,3,842 (—'I 32,793.200 H') 2,890,264
34 36 (hlforsoapinrlustry ............... Gal 3.249,387 2.384,627)—) 136,269 (—) 140,714
36 37 SaUsage casings ......................... ............. 2,16.3,664 .............(-4-) 42.572
40 38 .'irt)tic,nl silk yarn and (09mm ........ Lb '2.240,704 2,153,747 C+) 449.561 (+1 369,621
33 39 Raw cocoa ........................Lb 15,801,300 1,942,164 (—) 1,977,000 (—) 744.933
35 40 Furs, wholly or partially dreseed.. ..... .......... .......1.862.313 .............)—) 420,022
43 41 1)reus good, (wool) to be dyed .... $q. ycl 4,436.030 1.830,516 4±) 272,908 1+) 283.710
42 42 l(ubl*r, hard, recovered, etc ....... Lb 25.789.10,5 1.767.858 4±) 5,572.6.37 H-) 173.088
56 43 Crude peanut oil . ................. Lb 20,628,800 1,740,835 (+) 15,414,000 4+) 1,261,834
41 44 Celluloid in lumps. ...................... ... .............. .. 1,732.270 ............4+) 72.322
44 45 hatter' ,na(,'r)als .................... ............ 1,640,4.54 ............4+) 135,889
48 46 Wire rod 1',r making u-ire.. ........ Lb 109,189,200 1.622.567 ( +) 23,677,200 4+) 441,023
39 47 Ash's for vehicles ................... ................ ..H') 279.333
1.549,5.59 . ................
47 48 Grease for soap and leather........Lb 13.463,700 1.120.057 4— ) 2.382,000 4—) 102,713
46 49 (Ixile .1 manganese ...............Lb 213.049.100 1.053,780 (+) 73,042,900 4—) 402,3)12
52 SIt Veacers of wood ........................ .......... ...... ...997,463 ... ..(+) 212.8)15
50 51 1.OeAinmOtive (ires in the rough ...... Lb 20.850.500 840,291 4—) 1,457.200 4—) 6)1,010
57 52 Zinc in sheets an,l plates ... . ....... 1,1,, 9,975,499 731,990 4+) 4,424,662 (+) 258,618
51 83 Ore of metal, n.o.p ......... .......Lb 57,738,000 656,411 1—) 17,595,20(1 (—) 130.838
54 54 logs .................................SIft 31.153 629.171 (+) 8,024 1+4 35.950
58 85 lto)h'r plale ......................Lb 24,140.300 601,061 ( -4- ) 6,770,200 4+) 213.030
55 56 Sulphate of alumina ................ Lb 43,741.5)6) 521,782 4+) 1,037.500 (+) 36.244
53 57 4ulpinteofsoda ..................1,h 79,190,300 418,951 4 — ) 11,065,907 (—) 269.895
62 88 (;lycerinerorexpleeives ............ Lb 4,917,945 491.684 4+) 3.311,089 4+) 181,111
59 58 ilrooni corn ............................. ....427,630 ....(4-) 49,753
60 60 Bristle,, ...........................Lb. 277.265 390,367 (+) 7,254 (4-) 10.581
61 61 Safld,stliea.forindnsf,rjee .......... Lb. 326.747,600 371,776 4+) 4,599,600 (-4-) 41,648
49 62 llemp ............................. Lb. 2.739,000 234.103 4— ) 7.211.300 4—) 872.145
Totalabove Commodities ...... ................. ..391,830,908 4+) 33,894.887

Imports according to degree of manu-

fact ure-
Raw materials......................... .............. ... 158,095567 .................. 4+) 3,897,411
Semi- manufactured.................... .............. .... 82,251.079 .......... ....... . 4—) 1.821.420
Fully or chiefly manufactured.......... ................ . 124.494,182. ................ . (+1 31,818,896


Principal Commodity Exports.—The following table giving "Seventy Leading Canadian

Commodities Exported from Canada, 1929" shows that the total value of these commodities
was $1,291,893,000 or 947 per cent of the Dominion's (lomestic exports. Forty-two of the
commodities listed show increases in value and twenty-eight decreases. Two of the commodities
for which there are quantity statistics show increases in quantity, but decreases in value; four
show decreases in quantity, but increases in value; twenty-eight show increases in 1)0th quantity
and value; and twenty show decreases in both quantity and value. Ten of the commodities
for which there are no quantity statistics show increases and six show decreases. An analysis
also shows that of the fifty-four commodities for which there were quantity statistics, twenty-
seven were exported at it lower average export price per unit in 1929 than in 1928 and twenty-
seven at it higher average export price. The total value, however, of the twenty-seven con!-
inodities for which the average export price was lower in 1929 than in 1928 amounted to
$874,764,000, while the total value of the twenty-seven commodities for which the average
export price was higher amounted to $303,355,000.
A preliminary survey of the statistics in this table reveals that Canada's domestic exports
for 1929 re-valued at 1928 average export prices amounted to $1,458,000,000, being about
$95,000,000 in excess of the declared values in 1929, and about $230,000,000 greater than the
declared values in 1928. The shove statistics indicate that, when price changes have been
eliminated, the physical volume of the Dominion's exports in 1929 was the greatest on record.
The declared value of Canada's domestic exports in 1929 ($1,363,587,000) was not as large as
th(, declared value of her exports during the war year 1918 ($1,540,028,000), though greater
than for any other fiscal year; but it will he found, when adjustments for the price changes in
wheat exports alone are made, that if the !Verage export price for this commodity in 1929 had
been the same as in 1918, the Dominion's domestic exports in 1929 would have totalled
$1,837,131,000 compared with $1,540,028,000 in 1918. The outstanding feature in Canadian
trade in 1929 was the enormous increase in her wheat exports. For the fiscal year 1929, t,otl
exports of wheat reached 370,459,551 bushels, valued at $428,524,326, the largest twelve months
on record. The largest previous yearly ret-onE was for the twelve months ended Septcmler 30,
1924, when the total was 294,158,561 bushels, value $301,656,681.


Noi'z.—Commodities arranged according to value. 1929

Increase (+)or Decrease (—)

Rank Total Exports, 1929 1929 compared with 1928 - -
-- Commodity Value — Quantity Value
1928 f 1929 Quantity
$ $

Wheat ...... Mush. 370.459,551 428.524.326 (+) 103.537.362 (+) 76,407.178

Printing paper ..................... Cwt
45.204, 580 142.343.064 1+) 5,742,583 +) 13,117.240
Wl,,,at flour ......................... Bri 11.405. 728 65.117,779 (-I- ) 2,018,455 (+) 5,238.477
Planks and boards ................. MIt 1.196,110 47,1163,849 (-1 314,513 (—) 7.733,772
Woo,) I'P.............................wt 16.950. IllS! 44,895,717 (-1 9311,240 1—) 2,365.518
Aut,,,,,obiles....................... No 103,566 43.059, 733 (+) 56,828 (-1-) 18.219,058
Fish . ......................... ...wt 4,556,377 34,082.116 (+) 395673 (+) 1.462,815
C,,pper, ore and blister ............ ..•wt 2,074,423 26.004,488 (+) 747,178 (+) 12,392,777
.... 11 U1) . 35,1)19, 25.743,971 (+) 6,870,517 (+) 2,271.173
('licese ........................... Cwt. 1,1211,092 25,181.633 ( -1- ) 73,966 (+) 4,081,228
Raw turn ............................... ........ ... 24.250.172 (+) 2211.939
Whiskey ........................... Gal 2,355,431 24, 122.725 (+) 554,721 (+) 2.637.995
Nirkel ............................. Cwt 1.074.822 23,880.492 (+) 292,537 (+ 6,854,188
Meats.................................... ..... .... 19,184.930 .. 5,287.548
Rubber tires ....................... No 3,281,904 19,119,839 (—) 151.408 (—) 1,lU.498
Farm implements ...................... ............ 15,870.918 (+) 227,537
14.694.043 (—) 48.105 1+) 816,638
Cattle ............................. No 240.918
Pulpwood Cord 1,406.583 14.187.100 C—) 95.029 (—) 991,742
Rawgold ..........................................
12.3911.444 ..... ....1+) 3,360,710
Silver ore and hu1li .............. Ox 20,555,214 11.839,928 (-1 8)3.833 (-1 21,609
Asbestoe. raw ..................... Toe 2118.879 11,267.188 +i 4.752 ('I- I 590,017
Lead .............................. Cwt 2,880,444 11.130,335 (+1 128,800 (—) 750.327
Rye .............................. Bush 9.456.812 10.809.020 (—) 968.131(+) 160,280
()uts ............................. Bush 15.1117,348 10,241.938 (+) 8,498,625 (+) 5.966.5.85
1 .e,ither, unmanufactured ................ ............. 9.59)900 ............. (-1 1.594,275
Raw hides ......................... Cwt 502.625 9,479,691 (—) 136.983 (-1 2.234,666
.'tlu,,,iniutn in bars. ................ Cwt 438,099 8(108,247 C— ) 94.2)6 C—) 2.213,927
Rubber boots and shoes ............ Pair 9.689,()45 8,589.849 (+) 2,347.860 (+1 2.241,827
Zin.. ............................. Cwt 1,571,183 8,31111,847 (-1 230.412 (4- ) 188,148
Sl,inglea (wood) ....................M 2.04:1.137 7,793,271 (—) 28.158 (+) 973.025
Ms.'I'inery ............................ ................ ,337,075 ................ (4- ) 1,170.501
1"ertilizers ......................... Cwt. 3,448,
..542 ti,U78,I)38 (+ ) 702,898.(+) 663.745


arrows, (-1-) or 1)ecrease (....)

Rank Total Exports, 1929 1929 compared with 1928
1928 1929 Quantity Value Quantity Value

28 33 Milk and craum, fresh .............. Gal 6,568,225 6.089,660 1-) 1,054,385 (-) 1,780.792
31 34 Laths (wood) ...................... M 1,224.876 6.021035 (- 5 137.463 (-) 475.293
35 35 Settlers' effects ....................................... 5,917,625 .........(+5 119.820
40 36 l'lsxsoed .......................... Bush 3,028,329 5,745,397 1+) 856,550 (-4-) 1,448,827
37 37 Malt liquors ...................... Gal 4,110,698 5.608.380 (+) 285.695 (-4-) 206,1537
52 38 Bran and aborts .................... .. wt 3.'945.819 5,496,024 (+) 1.739,944 (+) 2,745,828
42 39 Apples, green ...................... 14r1 1,060,527 4,867,180 (+) 149. 136 +) 623,394
38 40 Logn (wood) ........ ............... .M ft 328,546 4,648,807 C-) 39,703 -) 335.689
39 41 Coal ............................... Ton 879.170 4,523,985 (-5 35,474 -) 221,871
42 42 Films ................................... .............4,205,322 ............(+5 722,916
47 43 Acids .............................. ...wt 702,535 4,241)672 (-4-) 75), 194 (+) 910,728
44 44 Sodannd soda compounds ......... . Cwt 747,333 3.919.540 (+) 43,643 +) 253,318
40 45 square timber ..................... Mit 183,373 3,653.015 (+3 39,834 +) 647,080
46 Ferro.manganeaessndferro.ejljccn,, '[on 54,143 3,840.780 (+3 13,709 +5 1,102,485
47 Milk, condensed ................... .. WI 330,563 3,720.745 (-) 40,073 (- 5 268,835
4 48 l'r,Ies (wood) ..................... No 855,372 3,450,370 -- 84,701 (+3 120,356
51 49 Abrasives, artificial, crude ......... ... t 1.327,797 1,446, 155 (-4-) 261,257 (+5 625,344
29 50 Potatoes ................. . ........ Bush 4,949,156 3,081,452)-) 2.795.804)-) 4255,454
62 51 Oatmeal ........................... ... t 098,412 :1,073.375 (+) 252,847 (+) 1,273,0117
49 52 Raw wool ......................... Lb 7,840,927 2,796,987 (- 5 3,299,174 (-) 352,980
81 53 Electric apparatus ....................... ................ 2,418)638 .............(+5 551,870
66 54 Automobile parts ....................... ................2.383.193 .............(-) 183,787
55 55 Paper board ............................ . 2,311.42.3 .............(-5 345753
58 58 Cereal foods............................. 2,238.690 ............ (-4-) 179,529
63 57 Tubes and pipes (iron)..................... 2.222,432 .............(+5 467,835
33 58 Sugar. refined ...... ............... Cwt 419.050 2.1711,348 ( -) 1,274,145 (-) 4,084,035
50 59 Hardware and cutlery..................... 1,969.652 .............(-) 914,851
57 60 Ituw tobacco ...................... Lb 6,583,676 1,954,482 (4-) 504,070 (-) 2111,434
54 61 ('loveraced ...................... Bush 218,722 1.809.4.11 (-) 73.702 (-) 811,563
05 62 Wrapping paper ................... ... wt 331.518 1.814.166 (+3 30,810 (+) 171,194
68 63 Fish oilq ..........................Gal 4.008.518 1,742.272 (+) 1,85.1.671 ç-4-) 749.1)17
59 64 Iliniler twine ....................... tb 12,883,400 1,317,298 ( - 5 5,666,400 (-5 735,725
69 (15 rrude petroleum ................... Gal 24,01)5,886 5,308,623 1+) 7,774.800 (+) 405,219
64 66 hay .......... . .......... . ......... 'l'on 113,753 1.127.270 (-5 57,401 (-) 556.830
60 07 lIolling mill products.............. Ton 20.316 1.057,110 (-) 19.668 (-) 8:16.588
66 68 Musical instruments ..................... .... 7117, 690 ....(-5 5)54, 253
67 69 Hutter ....... ........... ........... Cwt 18.892 764,836 (-) 7,541 (-) 288,717
70 70 Aluminium manufactures ................ ....665,451 ....(+5 52,615
Total value of above commodities...................... 1.291.892,754 .................. (+) 111. 159,437
Total value of exports (Canadian) ..... .................. 1,303,586,672 .................. (+) 135,375,066
Percentage represented by above rout.
moditjos ............................ .................. 94.7.................

Trade via the United States.-Canada's imports from overseas countries via the United
States have steadily declined in recent years, especially those from the British Empire. This
decrease has resulted from: (1) general propaganda to utilize Canadian sea and river ports;
(2) additional concessions to goods imported under the British Preferential tariff if imported
direct; and (3) provision in trade treaties and agreements negotiated with foreign countries
that goods must be imported direct in order to obtain the full benefits of special rates of duty.
There was a decrease in imports from overseas countries via the United States during the fiscal
year 1929 compared with similar imports in 1926 of $3,177,000; the decrease in the imports from
the British Empire amounting to $5,480,000, while the imports from foreign countries show an
increase of $2,303,000. The statistics in the following table provide an analysis of this feature
of Canada's import trade for the last five fiscal years:-

Years ended March 31-

Imports from-
1925 19211 1927 1928 1929

United Kingdom via United States ......... .......... $ 554,532 1,853,066 728,001 773,694 987,7.12
Per Cent of Total Imports from United Kingdom 04 ll 04 04 0.3
Other British Empire via LTnited States ............ ... $ 3,779,361 6,260,189 3,832,540 2,241,007 1,645,95
Percent of 'fatal Imports from Other British Empire 86 142 7.7 3'6 2-6
Foreign Countries via United States.....................8 7,281,781 6,106,030 8,200,079 9,102,893 9,408,832
Per cent of Total Imports from Foreign Countries 79 5-5 0-3 6'5 60
Total Imports via United States ....................... $ 11,815,674 14,219,285 12,761,220 12.117,594 11,042,534
Per cent of Total Imports from Overseas Countries... 42 4-5 3.7 3-1 2-9

The exports from Canctda to overseas countries via the United States continue to remain
about stationary, the proportions for the fiscal years 1925 to 1928 being about 39 per cent and
for 1929 36'7 per cent of the total cxports to overseas countries. From 1925 to 1929 the pro-
portion of the Dominion's exports to the United Kingdom via the United States increased from


43-7 to 506 per ccitt; to Other British Empire from 23-1 to 2S9 per cent; while the proportion
to Other Foreign Countries tiecreased from 36 9 to 21 0 per cent. When adjust meats are made
for the re-routing of Canadian barley, oats, rye and wheat from United States lake ports via the
St. Lawrence route for ocean shipment at Montreal, it will be fourni that the proportions of
Canada's exports to overseas countries via the United States will be considerably decreased
and those via Canadian sea or river ports increased by a similar amount. The total value of
commodities exported to overseas countries Via the Lniletl States in 1929 was $25,582,000 more
than for the fiscal year 1926, wheat accounting for $18,506,000 or 72 per cent of the increase.
Comparisons for the past five fiscal years were as follows:-

Years ended March 31-

Exports to—
1925 1 1026 1 --
1527 1928 P.

United Kingdom via Unitod States * 173,556,264 237,327,986 219,313.060 201,784.594 21..
............. .......
43.7 46-6 484 4)1
Per rent of Total Exports to United Kingdom
Other llriti li Empire via United States ... ..... .......
$ 18,350,57:3 22,157,401
23,540.163 26,762,373 35,4.Lci
25-I 302 249
Per rent of Total Exports to Other British Empire 23-1
70,422.046 63,060,434 66,850,420
Foreign Countries via United Stute .................... 1 65,452,730 70,480,509 28.7 251 21'0
36-9 29-1
Per cent of Total Exports to Foreign Countries

Total Exports via United States .................

...... $ 257.359.567 329,951,986 310,284.878 291,207.401 317,189.823
39-5 38-9 367
orts to verseen Countries
Per cent of Total Exp O 30-3 30-2

The statistics in the following table giving "Principal Commodities exported from Canada
to Overseas Countries via the United States and via Canadian Sea or Itiver I'orts, 1929" illustrate
the details of this movement. The 37 commodities listed arc representative of the Dominion's
exports to overseas countries, as they con iprise 89 -9 per rent of the total exports to overseas
countries; and they also represent 93-7 per cent of all goods shipped to overseas countries via
the United States, and 877 per ('ent of those going via Canadian sea or river ports. During the
past four fiscal years a considerable amount of Canadian grain exported from 1"ort William and
Port Arthur to overseas countries via the United States has been re-routed from United States
lake ports for shipment at Montreal. The amount of Canadian grain re-routed for export at
Montreal during the calendar years 1925 to 1928 was:-
1925 1926 1927 1929
Ilushets Bushels Bushels Bushels

..1,439,000 361,000 2,533,000 3,08.5,000

Barley................................ ... ............................ 507,000 394,000
Oats................................................................. ..2,395,000
371)000 2,052,000 2,589,000
Rye ..................................................................
................................................................. 17.779.000 15,794,000 34,025,000 51,172,000
22.783,000 17,222.00030.20 7.000 57,240Sf
This re-routed Canadian grain was not recorded as an export at Montreal because it had
already been recorded as an export at Fort. William or Port Arthur. It was recorded, however,
as "intransit" grain from the United States via the Port of Montreal. In order to obtain the
actual amount of barley, oats, rye and wheat shipped via Canadian sea or river ports, this
re-routed Canadian grain should be added to the quantity already thus recorded and deducted
from the quantity shown as exported via United States channels. When adjustments are made
the actual quantities of barley, oats, rye and wheat exported to overseas countries vi:t the United
States (indirect) and via Canadian sea or river ports (direct) during the fiscal years 1926 to 1929,
Years ended March31 Percentage of TouiJ
Grains 1926 1027 1928 1929
1926 - 1927 1928 1929

bushels Bushels bushels bushels % % % %

Barley- 21,709,000 67'1 59-1 52-8 60-9
via United States ............ ....... 22,252,000
15,938,000 13,903,000 13.023,000 320 409 47-2 391
via Canadian sea or river ports ......
Oats- 718.000 243 8-3 0-7 4-6
via United States ....... ............ 10.312.000
6.240.000 14.908.000 75-7 91-7 99-3 954
via Canadian sea or river ports .....
Rye- 79-1 23-5 2(1-9
via United States ................... 1,313,000 5,132,000 2,444,000
75-4 20-9 76-5 791
via Canadian senor river ports ...... 4.032,000 1,358,000
Wheat- 46-8 36-6 32-0
via United States ......... .......... 110,410.000 112.542,000
94,96(1.000 114.545,000
184,432,000 245,280.000
51-0 53-2 63-4 08-0
via Canadian sea or river porte ..... 123,977,000
Pt hITS ( DlREci- )— vl:.\ I) ENDED MARCH 31, 1929
Ii .. -- ('ore mod itjes arrnegr-rI in fwder of importance of tot.rtl value.

Total Exports (1929) via Percentage via

to Cadian or
Rank Commodity Overseas United Canadian U td
e States river orts
Countries States sea or
1929 river ports 1927 1928 1929 1927 1528 1929
I Wheat .... ........ Rush 259.824,717 160).716,891 194,107,806 53-4 49-3 460 466 507 540
$ 410,143,503 182,206,600 233,056,903 513 47-8 43-7 487 52-2 59-3
2 Wheat. flour ........ Br! 11,403,635 4.072.474 7.331,181 38-1 34-0 35-7 61-9 66-9 643
63,04,562 21,824,061 43,280,533! 37-7 33-0 33-5 62-3 07-5 011.5
3 Automobiles.......No, 1 1115,587 41,1110 37,377 64.6 89 , 5 63.8 35-4 10-5 36-2
8 42.987,382 28,031)830 14,1)47,552 74-4 90-3 67-3 25-0 11-7 327
4 Harley ........... Bush. 35,651,951 24,794.035 10.037.016 60-0 61-6 69->) 40-0 384 30-4
8 25.734,923 16.6118,536 9.043,1193 53-4 60-tI (14-8 16-6 40-5 35-2
5 Cheese ........... .Cwt 1,1151.973 5,016 1,046.083 1-4 1-0 0.9 98-8 90-6 99.5
1 25,312.328 110.067 23,196,261 1-6 I-C 0-5 98-4 99-1' 99-9
6 ">ca print paper Cat 962.257 314 07 5.697.55C, Ii 8 10 3 6 1 88 2 89 i 93.9
$ 19.245.346 1,1641,813 18.3178,727 10-9 10-1 lI-I 8th-I 89-9 93-9
7 I{u(,ber tire ca.sixgsNo 3.295, 191 2,050,741 .588,488 64-5 68-4 82-1 35-5 3(6 17-9
- $ 10,0161,480 13.414,579 5.675,511 629 673 70-3 37-1 323 25-7
8 Farm implements. $ 11.503.310 8.1)36,308 2,567,002 77-2 769 77-7 22-8 23-1 22-3
9 Planks and boardaM ft. 378,943 1,043 377.900 74 1-1 03 020 1)8-9 99-7
11.289,681 45.877 11,239,854 5-3 0-0 0-4 94-7 99-4 99-0
10 Raw furn.......... , . 8 11.156,795 555,51? 15,63)13,878 6-0 6-4 5-0 94-6 936 95-0
II Rye .............. Bush. 9438,512 4.569.468 -1,888.044 84-8 43-I 48-3 15-2 50)) 51-7
1 10.809,020 5,286,456 5.519.324 82-4 40-4 46-0 17-6 551-8 51-0
12 Nickel in ore and
nickel fine.......Cwt, 455.228 141,077 314,141 18-3 24-3 31-0 81-8 75-7 990
$ 10.391,548 4,895,515 5,538,038 29-0 39-6 46-7 71-0 60-4 93-3
13 Pig lead..........Cwt 2.533,741 566 2,33:3,175 25-8 1-5 . ...........76-2 08-5 100-0
$ 10,259.891 3,111) 15.216.531 24-1 1-6 75-5 98-4 1(8)-6
14 Oats ............. Slush 15,1125,88>1 1,111,893 14,513,793 13-0 10-2 7-1 87-0 89-8 92-9
9 10.219.327 677.098 9,542,229 9-6 51-3 6-6 90-4 90-7 95-4
IS Canned salmon Cwt ... 630.307 5,322 644,689 0-6 0-7 0-8 99-4 99-3 992
9,0)19.803 53,561 (1.044.213 0-4 05 06 99-6 89-5 91)4
16 Rubber footwear, PaIr 1 9,3>86,202 3,1302,595 0,689,867 45-5 32.1 31-0 547 0713 131-9
11 8,580.565 2,221407 0,36.5,158 34-0 28-1) 25-0 65-4 73-1 74-1
17 Wood puljr ........ Ca-! 2.788 085 9.033 5.770,350 0-I 2-5 0-4 00-9 07-5 09-8
7,954, 122 24.238 7,3)29,884 0-2 28 0-3 99-8 97-2 89-7
18 Slrwhinery ......... 9 7,064.771 4,403.543 2,059,228 87-3 81-I 62-4 12-7 1810
JO bacon and hams. .Cwt. 37-4
330.798 30.527 306,271 27-7 25-0 9-2 72-3 7.50 90-8
$ " 6,819.111 609,174 6.200957 27-7 24-0 9-8 72-3 76-0 91-2
20 Zinc spotter ....... Cwt 1.275.076 ............ 1.275.076 19-0 3-8 . ........ ... 81-0 962 1000
$ 6,652637 . ... ........ ...6,652,637 19-0 4-5 . ........ ... 80-5 9.5-5 100-0
21 Silver in ore, and
silver bullion ..... Oz 10.102,707 906,916 9,195,791 30-7 34-I 8-9 89-3 65-11 91-1
$ 5,8>39,566 .532.046 5.337,520 29-9 34-1 9-1 70-1 65-9 90-9
22 Apples,green ....... ltd 1.032.438 14.322 1,023,318 1-h) 0-9 99-0 97-4
2-0 99-1
$ -14.075 4,570602 1-2 3-0 1-0 98-8 97-0 99->)
23 Asbestos, raw......TOT) 57,20 19 57.191 0-7 0-3 --------- --99-3 99-7 100-0
1 3,887.390 1,625 3,885.774 1-0 2-6 . ........ .. 99-0 97-4 100-0
24 Copper ore, and
bli8ter copper ... Cwt, 345,820 1.840 343,086 ........................0.6 100-0 1000 90-4
$ 3.817,441 32.480 3,784,061 . ........ ......... 8-3 ....... 0-9 100-0 1(8)-0 99-1
2.5 Codflsh,dried .... Ca-t. 421.432 18.535 402,897 12-4 4-3 87-6 91-7
S 3,715.889 16.5.24>1 95-7
3.550.845 14-2 9-6 4-5 85-8 50-4 95-5
26 Milk, condensed..Cv.-t 305,460 139,093 169.367 56-5 49-1 45-6 43-5 50-9 54-4
$ 3,282,397 1.697,255 1,905.112 59-1 52-9 51-4 40-9 47-1 48-6
27 Oatmeal and rolled
oats. ............ Cwt 508,399 144.815 453.584 111-6 31-5 24-2 89-4 68-5 75-9
3 3.073.289 6.511.221 2.417,068 12.0 32-0 21-3 88-0 68-0 78-7
28 Aut-omobileparts... 11 2,230,573 1,070.940 1.162,624 66-7 66-9 48-0 33-3 331
29 Cereal foods ......$ 52-0
2,231,999 788221 1,443,777 45-7 37-11 35-3 54-3 62-1 64-7
30 Sugar refined ...... Cat, 419.734 . .......... ... 411?. 734 ............ 99-8 1000
$ 2,175,303. .......... ...
.... 2,175303 0-2
.................... 99-8 100-0 100-0
31 Canned lobsters.,,Cwt 32,450 093 31.706 2-3 4-6 2-1 877
2000375 95-4 87-9
$ 58,311 2.0-11.3)64 2-9 0-7 2-8 97-1 04-3 97-2
32 Potatoes ........ . Bush. 3.075,830 135.1>42 2,935,897 3-0 4-0 4-6 96-2 96-0
1,942.121 39.107 95-4
1 1.91)3,534 2-6 2-2 2-0 97-4 97-8 98-0
33 Wrapping paper .... Cwt. 323,033 1047 321,986 I'S 0-2 0-3 98-5 99-8 99-7
$ 1,797.940 5,185 1,7312.4111 1-9 0-3 0-3 98-1 99-7 99-7
34 Paper board ....... .8 1,963,604 171.118 892.546 9-8 11-9 16-I 90-2 88-I
35 butter ............ Ca'! 10,578 839
783 15.795 0-5 4-1 4-9 99-5 959 95-I
$ 81(3,804 34,1173 653>131 0-7 5-1 5-1 90-3 94.9 94.3)
36 Oilcake ........... Cat, 140160 25.2134 114,896 7-6 2-0 17-9 92-4 980 92-1
$ 355.416 01.3)38 203,478 7-2 2-0 17-5 92-8 98-0 82-5
37 Cattle...............No. 3.078 2>10 2,800 2-2 6-5 8-7 97-8 93-5 91-3
$ 231,438 2,891 228,547 2-1 26 1-3 97-9 97.4 98.7
Total Exports
of above Corn-
modihles ..... $ 776,484,007 297,372,899 479,111,109 418 407 38.3 581 693 617
Total Exports
to Overseas
Cormtrice.,.. $ 863,419,073 317,189,823 546.229,250 39-5 38-9 36-7 60-5 61.1 63•3
Precentage re-
presented by
above Corn-
rnoditis. .... $ 80-0 93-7 87-7 - ........ -........ -........ -------------------------- -


Canada's Share in World Import Trade.-Since 1913 Canada has made remarkable
progress in the expansion of her export trade to the world's markets. The following table of
'Canada's Share in World Import Trade" shows that, in 1913, the value of the total imports
into the thirty-seven leading countries listed amounted to $18 199,509,000, which by 1927 had
increased to $28,546,670,000, a gain of $10,347,161,000. During the same period, however,
imports into the same countries from Canada increased from $356,762,000 to $1,103,375,000, or
$746,613,000. That is, the total increase was about 57 per cent, while imports from Canada
increased about 209 per cent. In 1913 Canada's share of the total imports into these countries
was about two per cent, while in 1927 it was about four per cent.
In 1927 Canada's stated exports to the thirty-seven countries totalled $1,186,963,000, but
import statistics of those countries showed $1,103,375,000 only from Canada, the difference
between the two sets of figures being $83,588,000. This discrepancy is due to the fact that a very
large proportion of Canada's exports to overseas countries is shipped via the United States,
and when they reach their destination are credited to the 1:nited States and not to Canada.
This is especially true of countries in Europe, South America and Asia. The particulars are
set out in the following table:-
Reeorcled Canada's
Principal Countries of- Imports from Exports
Canada to

8 8
4800 513,241.1)00
North America ............................................................................7,485,000 23,423,000
S outh America ........................................................................
..................................................................................... 36,182,000 57,016.000
Asia 33,060,000 27,750,000
Oceania ................................................................................. 11.113,000 11,224.000
Africa ...................................................................................
1,103,335,000 1.186.963,000
Total ................. .............
(Yours ended December 31, 1913, 1926 and 1927)
Norg:-values in Thousands of Dollars.
UnflUilIt S OL1Uit fl
Total Imports- Imports from tinada Imports
Countries 1913 1926-.-------
1927 1913 1926 - 1927
1913 1920 1927
811,216 5,677 18,410 17,939 0-6 24 22
Belgium ................... ..........891,865 444,162 269 3.362 7,105 01 0•8 16
Den,nark ............................229,234
424.797 1-4
1,930.986 2,079,535 3,597 12,922 28,362 0-21 07
France ............................. .. 1,025,310 3.386,278 16.256 62,681 91,852 0-6 2•7 2-8
Germany ............................2,503,331
2,380,343 3.4
133.060 167,606 ..5,181 5595 . 3.9
G reece ............................. ...
...703,666 1.049.018 2,786 24.386 37.819 0-4 24 3-6
Italy .......................
....... 1,015.486
1,022,346 3,795 12.24! 14,678 024 1-3 141
Netherlands .......................... 1,574,990 978,732
244.103 254,400 217 5,237 6,980 0-13 22 28
Norway ......................... ..... 148,022 662 255 0•6 02 0-1
Spain. ....... ....................... ..273,084 370.444 441,348 1,743
3,302 001 06 08
398,673 424.926 70 2,342
Sweden ... ......................... ..226,872 494.812 3,830 21,093 17,120 109 I'S 3-5
Switzerland ......................... 370,525
148.377 311.702 268.405 3.9 5-1 45
United Kingdom .................... 3,741.178
6,041,292 5,929,260
105,761 5,117 19.132 20.375 92 18-2 193
British West India Colonies ......... .. 54,753 104,801
257,384 1.754 7.743 8,032 1-3 27 2-3
Cuba ................................. 140,004 190,632 173.100 151 2,788 2,395 02 1-3 14
Mexico .... .......................... ..97,454 25,814 5,212 11,826 11,635 325 429 45-1
Newfoundland ........................ 19,008
4,184.742 142,128 475,881 475,028 79 107 11.3
UnitedStates ........................ 1,792,596
831,100 1,594 7,969 5,570 04 10 07
Argentina ............................. 406,600 797,822
393,107 1,330 7,121 500 0-4 1-9 0-14
Brazil ...................... . ........ ..325,961 130,583 1 65 28 . 0-04 0-0
Chile .................................120,274
158,318 03
107,370 121,400 145 451 . 0-14
('oloinl,ia ............................. 28,536 .. 1,032 720 . 1-i 0-8
Peru ..................... .............29(432
95.059 94,110
633 210 . 06 02
Uruguay ........................ ...... 50,666
99.064 113,574
70,173 2 6 .. 001
'Venezuela ........................... ..17,005
853,022 001,100 29 .6.154 6,067 . ..0-7 084
British India ..........................620,688 577.402 570.589 84 1,723 2.706 0'Ol 0•3 0-5
British Malaya .......... .............313,558 131.579 752 386 . ..0-6 0-3
127.902 21 1-2
60,288 731,481 1.362 18,277 8,930 0-3
China ................................. 427,992 869.932 I'S
1,119.795 1,220,212 915 30,111 17.612 024 27
Japan 363,257 461 0-1 0-14
0-1 0-2
93 305
Philippines ................. ........... 58,328
4,695 19,799 20,078 1-2 2-6 26
770,072 783,746
Australia ............................. 380,504
7,126 5.916 102 290 249 2-5 4-1 4-2
Fiji ................................... 4,101 217,942 2,20(2 16.700 13,333 21 69 01
New Zealand ......................... 105,381 242.417
4.314 10.891 10.627 2-0 2-9 2-9
370,809 373,780
British South A.fria ..................212,068 240,308 49 131 135 0-03 001 0.04
Egypt ................................137,654 41,092 56,653 68 339 ....0-13 0-6
Gold coast ......................... ...17.003 62.075 75,287 14 49 12 004 003 0-04
Nigeria ............................. .. 55,049
356.762 1,120,058 1,103,375 1'96.4'09 3-87
.wmtriez 18199.509 27.387,533 28,546.670

Canada's Position in International Trade.—Canada continues to hold her position in

international trade, as indicated by the following table giving "Comparison of the Trade of the
Principal Countries of the World." In 1913 the Dominion occupied eight place in imports
among the leading trading countries, being exceeded in value of imports by the United Kingdom,
Germany, the United States, France. the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, but in 1928 she
occupied fifth place displacing the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. In 1913 Germany occupied
second position in import trade, the United States being in third position, but in 1928 the United
States had moved into second position, Germany moving down to third. In export trade,
Canada in 1913 was in tenth position, being exceeded by the United Kingdom, the United States,
Germany, France, the Netherlands, British India, Belgium, Italy and Argentina, but in 1928
she had moved up to fifth position, displacing the Netherlands, British India, Belgium, Italy and
Argentina. In 1913 the United Kingdom occupied first place in export trade, the United States
being in second place, but in 1928, the United States was in first place in export trade and the
United Kingdom in second place. In aggregate trade, Canada in 1913 was in ninth position,
but in 1028, as in 1926 and 1927, she was in fifth position, being exceeded by the TJnitecl States,
the United Kingdom, Germany and France. In 1913, in aggregate trade, the United Kingdom
was in first position, C',erinany in second and the United States in third, but in 1028, the [itited
States had moved into first position, the United Kingdom into second and Germany into third,
while France was in fourth position in 1928 and in 1913.

Canada has also made remarkable progress in proportionate increase in trade, both in amount
and percentage, from 1913 to 1928. In the amount of increase in imports she occupied fifth
position, being exceeded by the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan; in
exports, third place, being exceeded by the United States and the United Kingdom; and in
aggregate trade, third position, being exceeded by the United States and the United Kingdom.
In percentage of increase in trade from 1913 to 1928, Canada occupied eight place in imports,
first place in exports, and second place in aggregate trade, being exceeded by Japan.

In trade per capita, Canada has made a very creditable showing since 1913. In that year
she occupied fifth place in imports per capita and in 1928 she occupied fifth place, being exceeded
by New Zealand, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark. In exports per capita Canada
in 1913 occupied seventh place, but in 1928 she had advanced to second place, being exceeded
by New Zealand. In aggregate trade per capita Canada in 1913 was in sixth place among the
leading commercial nations of the world, but in 1928 she had moved up to second place, New
Zealand being in first place as in 1926 and 1927. In 1928 the aggregate trade of New Zealand
per capita amounted to $330.64, imports amounting to $148.07 and exports to $182.57; while
that for Canada amounted to $263.78, imports totalling $124.03 and exports $139.75.

With regard to visible trade balance Canada in 1913 occupied seventeenth position among
the principal trading countries of the world, it being urifavourable in that year to the extent of
$222,900,000, or $29.61 per capita, but in 1928 she was in third position, with a favourable
trade balance of $151,800,000 or $15.72 per capita. In 1928 as in 1913, the United States was
in first place and British India in second place in amount of favourable trade balances. Although
Canada's favourable trade balance in 1928 was $241,100,000 less than in 1925, she occupied
second place in favourable trade balance per capita in 1928, New Zealand being in first place
and Argentina in third place. The standing per capita in 1928 was; New Zealand $34.50, last
year $10.73; Canada $15.72, last year $15.93; and Argentina $10.52, last year $14.22. In
1928 among the leading commercial nations of the world six had a favourable trade balance,
nine in 1927, six in 1926, eight in 1924 and 1925, six in 1923 and only three in 1913.

(Calendar yeara 1913 and 1928)
Noit:—Countries arranged in order of importance of trade. 1928.

Increase 1+) or I Trade

Rank Foreign Trade Deiresse (—) I per
Countries 1928 compared with 1913 Capita


1928 Aino: 1 1913 I 1928

NET I.aironrs FOR Million $ Million $ I Million $ I $ c.I $ C

I United Kingdom....................... 3,207-9 5,2:39-4 (+) 2,031-5 (-4--) 63-3 69 08 114 83
2 liniteil States.......................... 1,756-9 3.992-0 (+) 2,2351 (+) 127-2 18 10 33 241
3 (..ierruiuny............................... 2,563-3 3,314-0 (+4 790-7 (+) 30-8 3862 5305
4 l'raiu'e................................ 1,625-3 2,095-2 4+) 469-9 l4-) 28-8 4104 5142
S Canada................................. 659-I 1.197-9 (4-) 538-8 5+) 81-7 87 55 124 03
6 Italy ................................. 703-6 1.156.8 1+) 453-2 (-5- ) 64-4 2028 2835
7 Netherlands............................ 1.5750 1.080-5 4—) 494-5 4—) 31-4 256 35 136 98
13 8 Japun................................... 353.3 991-4 1+) 828-1 4+) 172-8 1194 1573
9 Itritisli India.......................... 394-I 910-8 4+) 316-7 (-I- ) 53-3 188 285
10 Belgium............................... 880-0 (—) 14-9 (-1 16 118 07 110 94
10 11 Argentina.............................. 871-2 4+) 468-6 4+) 115'2 41374 8220
11 12 Australia 6413-5 5+) 292-9 4+) 79-0 7530 10558
12 13 Switzerland............................ 528-9 (+4 158-4 5+) 42-7 9799 13266
16 14 Sweden .................. ............... 226 458-6 (-I-) 231-7 5+) 102-I 4044 7535
14 15 llrazil.................................. 3213 443-7 5+) 117-7 5+) 36-1 1341 1135
15 If Spain (1927) ............................ 252 439-7 4+) 187-8 5+) 74-0 1284 1988
17 17 I)enyuark............................... 208 434-2 5+) 225-9(+) 108-5 7508 12494
18 18 British South Africa.................... 1911 378-9 4+) 152-4 c+) 92-8 2872 3839
19 19 Norway................................. 148 2157-2 1+) 119-2 (-4--) 80-5 6011 9551
20 20 New Zealand........................... 104 214-8 (+) 109•7 5+) 105-4 98 89 148 07
Exroas (DoMEsric)
2 1 United States........................... 2,448:1 5+) 2.581•4 5+) 105-4 2523 4191
2 United Kingdom........................ 2,5511-2 3,520-7 5+) 964-5 4+) 37-7 5552 77119
3 Gerniiiny................................ 2,402-3 2, 721-0 +) 318-I 4+) 13-2 3622 4304
4 France.................................. 1,327-3 2,3112-8 (+4 684-9 (-I-) 51-5 3353 4940
10 S (.un:iila 436-i 1,349-7 (4-) 913-5 (+) 200-4 57 95 139 75
6 6 11 ritisli India........................... 781-3 1,208-9 (-3-) 428-0 (+1 54-7 2-IS 379
9 7 Argentina.............................. 4415-6 987-2 4±) 521-6 (+) 112-0 53131 9272
8 Japan .................................. 313-5 888-4 1+) 574-9 4-) 183-3 599 1410
1 9 Belgium................................ 701-5 840-4 1+) 138-9 1+) 19-8 9255 10598
5 10 Netherlands............................ 1.239-4 799-1I 5— ) 439-8 (-4 35-4 201 71 103 59
8 IIItaly.................................. 484-7 782-0 4±) 277-3 4+) 57-2 1397 1868
11 12 Australia............................. 3 54-0 646-4 4+3 292-4 (+4 82-ti 74 78 102 87
12 13 Brazil................................. 3 14-7 476-8 5+) 162-i 4-f-) 51-5 1294 1219
15 14 Sweden.................................. 219-0 420-3 5+) 201•3 (+4 91-9 3905 0904
17 15 Denmark................................ 170-S 412-4 (+ 24I•6 (+) 141-4 61 55 118 67
14 16 Switzerland.............................. 268-6 411-3 1+) 145-7 4+) 54-7 7021 10316
18 17 British South Africa ................ ..... 133-9 375-5 (+1 242•0 4+) 181-2 1958 3804
113 18 Spain (1927) ............................ 204- 322-1 +-) 115-0 4+) 57-8 1023 1456
19 19 New Zealand......................... 102-I 283-6 4+) 181-5 (+) 158-1 97 01 182 57
20 20 Norway................................ 102-I 178-8 (+3 76-7 (+) 75-I 4146 6393
AoonzoATx TRADa

I United States........................... 4.201-2 9,021-7 4+) 4.816-5 (-4-) 114-5 43 33 75 17

2 United klingdom........................ 3.764-1 8.760-1 (-4-) 2.996-0 (4--) 51-9 125 20 191 96
2 3 Germany................................ 4,9644-2 8,075-0 (+) 1.108-8 (±) 22-3 74 84 94309
4 4 France.................................. 2,853-2 4,108-0 4+) 1.154-8 ( -5-) 39-1 74 57 100 82
9 5 Canada.................................. 1.005-3 2,517-6 (+) 1,452-3 (+4 132-5 145 58 263 78
7 6 British India............................ 1.376-0 2.120-7 (+) 744-7 (+4 54-1 4 38 8 64
S 7 Italy.................................... 1,186-3 1,918-8 5+) 730-5 (+) 61-4 34 25 47 03
5 8 Net)terinndz............................. 2,814-4 1,880-1 s— ) 934-3 (-4 49 6 488 06 243 57
12 9 Japan.................................... 1,679-9 (-f-) 1,203-0 (+) 177-7 12 93 29 83
11) 10 Argentina............................... 1,862-4 4 -4--) 990-2 (+) 113-5 10035 174 92
6 IIBelgium................................. 1.596--I 1.720-4 4+) 124-0 5+) 7-7 21062 216 00
11 12 Australia................................ 724-ti 1.300-9 5+) 585-3 (-1-) 80-7 153 06 208 45
14 13 Switzerland............................ 4136-I 940-2 (+1 304-1 (+) 47-8 168 24 235 82
13 14 t4riiil................................. 6-to- 71 9234-5 (+1 279-8 (+4 43-6 26 35 23 54
18 15 Sweden................................. 445-95 878-9 4+) 433-0 (+) 97-1 79 49 144 39
17 If Denmark ............................ 37911 848-li H-) 467-5 (+3 123-3 136 63 243 61
15 17 ipisin (1927) .......................... 456-21 761-8 5+) 305-6 5+) 66-9 22 87 31 44
IS 18 British South Africa.................. 3343-4 734-4 -+) 424.0 (±4 128-3 411 30 76 43
20 19 New Zealand........................... 296-2 477-4 +) 271- 9 4+) l31-5 195 99 3334 64
19 20 Norway.. .................... ........ .. 250-11 448-0 4+) 195-9 (+) 78-3 101 57 159 44



(Calendar years, 1913, 1927 and 192$)

Nors.—Countries arranged in order of importance of Trade Balancee, 1928.

Credit balance marked (+). Debit balance marked (—).

1913 1927 1928

Counes Amount Per capita Amount Per capita Amount Per capita
1913 1927 1928
Million $ $ c. Million $ 9c Million 5 $ c.
1 I 1 Unite(j Statee ................. ..+) 6914 1+) 7 13 (+3 6804 1+) 5 74 (+1 10376 (+3 8 65
2 2 2 British India ................. ..+3 187-8 (4-) 0 ((0 (+1 205 (+3 0 83 1+) 2991 (±) 094
17 3 3 (nada ....................... ...—) 222-9 (-3 29 61(+) 151-7 (4-) 15 93 (+3 1118 (+) 15 72
3 4 4 ttina
rara ..................... .. +3 590 (+) 6 781+) 1472 (+3 14 22 1+) 111-9 1+) 10 52
4 8 N-w Zealand ................. ...—> 20 () 90 (+) 153 1+) 10 73 1+) 49-8 (+) 34 20
l)r:Lz1l ......................... —) 11-3 ( - 3 0 4)1 (+) 441 1+) 1 19 (+3 33-1 (+) 0 84
6 6
12 7 ' British South Africa .......... .. —) 626 (—) 9 00 3+) 18-3 (+) 2 43 () 34 (-3 035
7 15 8 Australia ..................... .. —) 16-6 (—) 3 51 (-3 1006 —) 168 3)) —) 17-0 () 2 71
8 10 9 L)rnt,iark ..................... .. —) 37-5 (—) 13 51 (—) 29-3 —) 49 —) 21-8 3—) 6 27
5 9 10 Svden ....................... .. —) 7.9 1 41 9 +) 1 61 —) 38-4 3 — ) 6 31
15 II 11 l(elium ...................... .. —) 1934 3—) 25 50 —) 68-4 () 82 68 —) 39.5 —) 4 98
18 5 12 France ......................... — ) 297-4 (—) 7 II +) 92-9 +) 28 —) 824 —) 2 02
9 12 15 Norway ........................ —) 459 (—) 1860 —) 788 —) 2819 —) 88-3 —1 3158
II 14 14 Japan . ....................... .. —) 49-8 (—) 0 95 —) 87-5 —) I 41 —) 1030 (-3 1 63
10 13 15 Spain (1927) .............. ...... —) 48-0 () 2 41 —) 1176 —) 5 32 —( 117-6 3 —) 5 32
13 18 19 Switzerland..................... — ) 105-1 (—) 27 80 —) 104-1 —) 26 30 1— 117-6 (-3 29 50
— 200-9 (—) 36 39
19 18 17 etlicrlands .................... —) 335-6 (—) 5-1 02 —) 260-4 —) 34 14
16 17 IS Italy ........................... — ) 218-9(--) 631 —) 244-8(—) 605 — 304-8 —) 967
14 19 19 Germany....................... —) 160-4 (—) 2 42 —) 934-0 (—) 14 77 (-3 633-0 —) 1001
20 20 20 United Kingdom. ...... ....... (._) 931.7 (—) 14 10 —) I.8845 () 41 67 1—) 1.7187 —) 37 67

1923 TO 1928

(Countries arranged in order of importance of Per Capita Trade Balances, 1928)

Nozz:—Credit balance marked (+). Debit balance marked (—).

Country 1913 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928

Sc. $c. Sc. Sc.
New Zealand ..............(—) 3 90 (+1 6 35 3+) 1111 +) 7 96 ( —) 17 65 3+) 10 ( +) 34 50
2 Canada .................. 3—) 29 611+) 13 70 (4-) 28 45 +3 41 95 (4- ) 29 341+) 15 93
3+) 15 72
3 Argentina ............... 3+) 6 78 —) 2 23 3+) 17 91 —) 0 87 (-3 2 83 (4-) 14 22 1+) 10 52
4 United States ........... ..(-I-) 7 13 4-) 3 511+) 8 82 +) 5 90 3+) 3 22 (+3 5 (-4-) 85
5 British India ............ ..+3 0 60 +3 1 07 (4-) 1 37 -4-) 2 02 (+1 1 01 (+ 01 19 1+) 04
6 Brazil ............ ....... .. -3 0 46 +3 3 54 3-)-) 3 SI -(-3 2 13 (+) 1 97(4- 1+) 84
7 I3ritiuh South Africa ..... .. —) 9 IX) 3-)-) 12 25 3+) 9 09 +1 30 64 3+) 0 14 (4- 2141 43 —) 35
8 Japan .................... .. —) 0 05 —) 4 76 (—) 4 59 —) 2 45 (—) 2 62 (— —) 63
9 France .................... —) 7 51 —) 14 08 4-) 1 79 (4-) 1 72 (+) 0 02 (+ 2 28 3—) 02
10 .kustralia.................. —) 51 —) 21 74 —) 5 70 (4.) 6 28 (—) 20 88 (-3 16868 1—) 71
II l4elg,urn................... —) 25503--) 2624 —) 2280 —) 2058 (-3 15151—) —) 498
12 Spain(1927) ............. . 3—) 241 (—) 1003 —) II 36 —) 4 33 —) 3 611—) 8 49 532 —) 32
13 Denmark ................. 3—) 13 31 3—) 20 19 —) II 19 —) 8 45 —) 8 16 3—) 6 27
Sweden .................. ..(—) 141 (—) 9 39 —) 6 67 —) 3 52 —) 3 36 +3 1 61 (—) 831
Italy ..................... 3—) 0311—)
Germany ......... ......... 3—) 2 421-1
Switzerland ......
7 45 3—) 5 71
0011—) 1034
.........3—) 27 19) 3—) 88 3—) 24 80
Norway .................. ( — ( 18 60 C—) 3178 (—) 24 04
Netherlands .............. 3—) 5462 (—) 4037 (—) 3778
—) 8 35 —) 7 (Xl —) 6 05
—) 13 66 —) 050 —) 14 77
—) 29 39 —) 28 34 () 26 30
—) 2300 —) 22 77 —) 28 19
—) 3536() 3716 —) 3414
( - 3 67
—) 1001
29 50
—) 31 58
—) 3639
20 United Kingdom ... ..... . (—) 14 16 3—) 20 89 ( - 3 34 52 —) 42 48 (—)
50 08 —) 41 67 —) 37 67


Canada tolay in the prod uclion and exportation of many staple products ranks high among
the leading 1)atiOflS of the world. In the prod un ion of printing paper, ni(kel, asl (estos and nol >alt
she leads the work!, occupies second place in the production of wheat, and in output of lead and
gold she occupies third place; while in export trade she leads the world in exports of wheat,
printing paper, nickel and asbestos, occupies second place in exports of wheat flour and third
place in exports of wood pul)). The exports of these staple products f ruin Canada make up
about fifty per cent of the Dominion's total domestic exports.

Wheat Exports.—The rapid increase in the production of wheat in the Prairie Provinces
during the past fifteen years or so and the practical elimination of Russia, Roumania and other
wheat producing countries of Europe as leading factors in the grain trade, have had the effect
of establishing Canada in second place as a wheat producing country, the first place being held
by the United States. With reference to exports of wheat, Canada, for the calendar year 1928,
occupied first place with an export of 365,429,000 bushels,Argentina being second with 186,968,-
000 bushels and the United States third with 96,290,000 bushels. Canad a's exports of wheat for
the past seven years, as also for the year 1913, have exceeded those of the United States. The
Dominion's exports of wheat for the fiscal year 1900 amounted to only 16,845,000 l)usheis; in
1910 they totalled 49,741,000 bushels; in 1020 77,978,000 bushels; while for the fiscal year
ended March 31, 1929, they had reached the magnificent amount of 370,460,000 bushels. It
will be noted by reference to the statistics in the following table showing "Exports of Wheat
from Principal Wheat Producing Countries of the World" that even in 1913 Canada occupied first
place as a wheat exporting country, with an export of 129,950,000 bushels, Russia being in second
place with an export of 121,953,000 bushels, Argentina in third place with 103,300,000 bushels,
and the United States in fourth place with 99,509,000 bushels. In 1929 the order had been
changed considerably, Canada, as in 1913, was in first place, Argentina in second, the United
States in third and Australia in fourth place. Wheat occupies first place among Canada's


No:—Co,mtriss arranged in order of importance of export, 1928.

Rank Years ended December 31-

1913 1926 1927 1928 1913 1926 1927 1828
Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels
1 1 1 1 Canada .................................... .... 129,950,000 250,118.000 23,5,062,000 365,429,000
3 3 3 2 Argentina .................................. .....103.300,000 75,534,000 155,216,400 186,968,000
4 2 2 3 United$tates ............................. ......90,509,000 138,103,000 162,307,000 98,250,400
6 4 4 4 Australia .................................. ..... 42,923,000 13,027,000 80,081,0tH) 58,325,000
10 6 6 5 1-lungary .................................. ........ 796,000 14,531,000 11,423,000 10,444,000
8 10 10 6 Algeria .................................... ......4,285,000 4,049,000 2,675,000 7,113,400
9 7 9 7 Serb-Croate-Slovone State ...... ........... (a) 3,534,000 10,920,000 2,980,000 5,779,000
5 9 7 8 British India .............................. ... 48. 216,000 6,611.000 11.240,000 4,241,000
7 8 8 9 Roumania ................................. .. 42,337,000 8,545 1 0(H) 7,613,000 909,000
2 5 3 .... Russia ..................................... .121,953,000 22,385,000, 31,98,5,000 ...............

(a) Statistics for 1912, no statistics available for 1913.

Wheat Flour Exports.—Canada, since the opening of the twentieth centur , has made
remarkable progress in the flour-milling industry. This development is reflected in the increase
in her flour exports. To-day Canada ranks second among the countries of the world as a
wheat-flour exporting country, the first place being occupied by the United States. Canada's
exports of wheat-flour for the fiscal year 1900 amounted to only 768,000 barrels; ten years later
they totalled 3,064,000 barrels; in 1920 they amounted to 8,863,000 barrels; while for the last
fiscal year (1929) they amounted to 11,406,000 barrels. It will be observed from the statistics
in the following table showing "Exports of Wheat-Flour from Principal Flour-Producing
Countries of the World" that in 1929 Canada was in second place with an export of 10,737,000
barrels, the United States being in first place with an export of 11,848,000 barrels; Australia in
third place with 4,879,000 barrels; Hungary in fourth place with 2,209,000 barrels; and Argen-
tina in fifth place with 1,016,000 barrels. The exports of flour from the United States in 1928
were 430,000 barrels less than in 1913, while the exports from Canada in 1928 were 5,843,000
barrels greater than in 1913, and from Australia 2,617,000 barrels greater. From 1927 to 1928
Canada's exports of wheat flour increased from 9,263,000 to 10,737,000 barrels, while those from
the United States decreased from 12,826,000 to 11,848,000 barrels.
Nern:—Countries arranged in order of importance of export, 1028.

Rank Yea,'s endod December 31-

1913 1929 1927 1928 1913 1926 1927 1928
Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels
I I I I United States ............................. .... 12,278,000 11.850,000 12,826,000 11,848.000
2 2 2 2 Canada .................................... .... 4,894,000 10,457,000 9,263,000 10,737,000
3 3 3 3 Austi'alia .................................. .... 2,292,000 4,813,000 5.269.000 4879.000
9 4 0 4 Hungary ................................. ....... 399,000 1,694,0011 1,748,000 2,21)9,000
5 5 4 5 Argentina .................................. .... 1,402,19)0 1.5116,0(91 1,91)8,000 1.010,000
13 6 6 6 .lapm ...................................... ....... 1,000 1,151,000 8.51,0(6) 1,613,000
7 8 8 7 ltritinh India ............................. ....... 908,000 699,000 079.000 660,000
8 II 9 8 Belgium ......................................... 645,000 328,000 249,000 349.000
4 7 7 9 Roumania ................................. .... 1,585,900 1,030,000 829,090 300,000
(1 12 10 10 Italy ..... ................................. .... 1,061,000 29)1,000 210,000 292,01)0
11 13 13 11 Algeria .................................... .....140,000 60,000 41,1)011 107,090
10 10 12 12 France .................................... .... 231,000 334,000 04,000 25,000
12 9 11 13 Serh-CroatSlovc,no State .................. .(a) 79,000 369,000 142,000 21.000

(a) Statistics for 1912, no statistics available for 1913

Newsprint Paper Exports.—Canada, according to statistics issued by the Canadian

Pulp and Paper Aasocintion and from other sources, led the world as a producer of newsprint
paper during the calendar year 1928, with an output of 4,762,000.000 pounds; the United States
was second with 2,830,000,000 pounds; the United Kingdom third with 1,200,000000 pounds,
and Germany fourth with 1,200,000,000 pounds. The production of newsprint paper for the
world in 1928 was estimated at not far from 13,500,000,000 pounds, of which North America
supplied 60 per cent, and Canada alone about 35 per cent. The estimated production of news-
print paper for sixteen of the leading paper producing countries of the world was : 1926,
12,092,000,000 pounds; 1927, 12,706,000,000 pounds; and in 1928, 13,221,000,000 pounds. The
estimated production for the calendar years 1926, 1927 and 1928 for the sixteen leading countries,
arranged in order of importance of output in 1028, were:

Rank Years ended December31:

1920 1927 1928 1926 1927 1928

Pounds Pounds Pounds

Canada ........................................... . 3,764,090,000 4,174,000.000 4.762.000,900
2 United States ..................................... 3,374,000.1YMI 2,072,000,000 2,8.30,0610,1)00
3 United Kingdom .................................. . 1,124.000,000 1,440,0)91,900 1,200.000,000
4 Germany ......................................... 908.000,1101) 1,130,0)91,006) 1,2)91,000,000
5 Japan ............................................. . 502,0011.00(1 492,000,000 534,01)0,000
6 Sweden ........................................... . 449,000,000 478,000,01K) 480,000,000
7 7 Newfoundland .................................... . 372,060,000 406,000.0)9) 461,000,900
8 F'inland ........................................... . 364,000,000 400,000,000 428,000,000
9 9 Norway ........................................ ... 330.000,000 384.000,0(6) 390,000,000
It) tO 10 France ............................................ . 200,090,000 242,000,0)0) 272,000,000
11 II 11 Netherlands ...................................... . 154,000,000 154,000,10)!) 152,000,000
14 12 12 Austria ........................................... .. 94,000,000 110,1100, 1)111) 1)4,001), 00))
13 13 13 Belgium .......................................... 106,000,000 100.000,0(0) 100,000,000
IS 14 14 Czecho-Slovakia .................................. ... 78,000,000 90,000,090 90.000,000
12 15 15 Italy ............................................. . 140,000,000 84.000.000 90.900,000
11) 10 10 Spain .................................... .......... 52,000,000 .80.000,000 52,000,000

1)uring the fiscal year 1890 Canada's total exports of paper were valued at only $122; in
1900 they aluounted to $29,741; while in 1910 the exports of printing paper alone were valued
at $2,612,000. Exports of newsprint paper from Canada for the fiscal year 1920 amounted to
1,427,251,00() pounds, value $53,204,000. while for 1929 they amounted to 4,526,458,000 pounds,
value $142,343,000. The Dominion's exports of newsprint paper rank second in importance,
wheat being in the first place.
In 1928 Canada occupied first position by a wide margin among the world's chief exporters
of newsprint paper, her exports being over ten times as great as those for Newfoundland, her
next competitor. From the statistics in the following table showing "Exports of Newsprint Paper
from T'rincipal Paper Producing Countries of the World" it will be noted that, even in 1913,
Canada led the world as an exporter of newsprint paper, Norway being in second place, the

Tjnited Kingdom in third place and Finland in fourth place. In 1928 the total quantity of
newsprint paper exported by the thirteen leading exporting countries was 6,896,475,000 pounds,
compared with 5,642,464,000 pounds in 1926 and 6,220,947,000 pounds in 1927, of which Canada
in 1926 contributed 3,463,972,000 pounds or 61'3 per cent, in 1927, 3,763,731,000 pounds,
or 605 per cent, and in 1928, 4,413,175,000 pounds or 63'9 per cent. Canada's exports of
newsprint paper, therefore, exceeded the exports of the other twelve leading countries combined
by 1,285,480,000 pounds in 1926, 1,306,515,000 pounds in 1927, and by 1,929,875,000 pounds in
1928. Canada's 9xports of newsprint paper are greater than those of the rest of the world com-


Noxa—Countries arranged in order of importance of export, 1928

Rank Years ended December 31—

1913 1928 1927 1928 1913 1926 1927 1928

Pounds Pounds Pound,, Pounds

1 1 1 1 Canada ............................ 513.372,000 3,463,972,000 3,763,731,(00 4,413,175,000

7 4 3 2 Newfoundland ..................... ..99,51(1,000 238,976,000 383,515.000 414,292.00(1
5 2 2 3 Germany ............................ 151,522,000 390,340,000 440,909,900 411,415,000
4 5 6 4 Finland ............................ ..154,425,00(1 317,162,00(1 342,603,000 378,126,000
2 6 4 5 Norway ............................. 217. 01 4,000 305.163.000 380,117,000 567,519.000
6 3 5 6 Sweden ............................ ..135,87(1.001) 383,583.000 378,507.000 3.52,372.000
3 7 7 7 Uhited Kingdom .................. ..210,3(15,000
.. 213,612.000 198,294,000 188.703.090
9 8 5 8 Austria ............................ ..29,711,000 103,570,000 112,590,000 118,528.000
10 10 10 9 Japan .............................. ..6.540,000 59.184.000 63,822.090 110,388.000
9 9 10 Netherlandø ....................... ....71,385,000 73,325,000 66,947.1)00
Czect,o-Slovakia ................... ....37.924,000 38,85(1,000 30.629.000
12 ii 11
Switzerland ....................... ..24,000 22,027.000 23.560,000
II 13 13 12 19.969.000
8 ii 12 13 United Staten ....................... 86.602,000 38,518,000 24,657,000 22.781.000

Total above 13 countries ........... ........... .5.042,484.000 6,220.047,000 6.898,475.000

Wood Pulp Exports.—Canada's great advance as a newsprint paper producer and exporter
since the opening of the present century, has been based on the great expansion of her wood
pulp industry. Canada's exports of wood pulp during the fiscal year 1890 were valued at only
$168,000 and in 1900 at $1,816,000. In the year 1910 the Dominion's exports of wood pulp
amounted to 590,346,000 pounds, value $5,205,000; in 1920, or ten years later, they amounted
to 1,538,958,000 pounds, value $41,383,000; and in 1929 to 1,695,016,000 pounds, value
$44,896,000. The very small increase in the exports of wood pulp from Canada, from 1920 to
1929, is due to the fact that year by year larger quantities of wood pulp are used in the Cana-
dian paper industry in the manufacture of newsprint and other forms of paper, and consequently
the product is being exported in a manufactured form (paper) rather than in a semi-manufac-
tured form (wood-pulp). According to statistics in the following table giving "Exports of
Wood Pulp from Principal Countries of the World," Canada, during the calendar year 1928,
occupied third position among the world's exporters of wood pulp, with an export of
1,727,602,000 pounds; the first place being held by Sweden. with an export of 3,453,265,000
pounds; while Norway was in second place with an export of 1,751,1)1)9,000 pounds. In exports
of chemical pulp in 19'28 Canada occupied second position, with an export of 1,299,133,000
pounds; the first place being held by Sweden, by a wide margin, with an export of 2.346,191,000
pounds; and third place by Finland with an export of 1,106,612,000 pounds. With regard to
exports of mechanical pi.tlp, Canada occupied fourth !)lace in 1928 with an export. of 428,469,000
pounds; the first, second and third places l.eing held by Norway with 1,152,813,000 pounds;
Sweden, 1,107,074,000 pounds; and Finland 461,877,000 pounds. In 1913 Sweden occupied first
place as an exporter of wood pulp, Norway second place, and Canada third.

Note:—Counliies arranged in order of importance of export, 1928

Rank Ywu-sended December31;

1913 1927 1928

1913 1927 1928 Total Total Total Proportion 1928
Wood Wood Wood
Pulp Pulp Pulp Chemical Mechanical

Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds

1 1 1 Sweden .................... --2,224,626,000 3723,770,000 3,453.205,000 2,346,191,000 1,107,074,000
2 3 2 Norway ................... --1,558,049,000 1,615.402,000 1,751,909,000 599,096.000 1,152,813.000
3 2 3 Canada .................... ..506,339.000 1,758,308,000 1,727,602.000 1,209,133.000 428,469,000
5 4 4 Finland .................... ..265,348,001) 1,171,052,000 1,568,489,000 1,106,612.000 461,877,000
4 5 5 Germany .................. ..412.083,000 427.206,000 520.562.000 514,128.000 6,434,000
6 8 6 Amtria .................... ..225.420,000 245,945,000 265,435,000 207,693,000 57,742,000
8 7 7 Czeeho-Slovakia ........... ..47.871.000 203,711,000 206.320.000 206,125.000 201,000
9 8 8 tjnitedStaus ............ ... 39.552,000 64,112,000 66.967,000 55,357,000 11,610,000
10 9 Ii Switzerland .............. ...14.653,000 28,265,000 30,069,000 26,021,000 4,078,000
- 10 10 Poland .................... ....19,386,000 35,891,000 19.94,000 15.627,000
7 11 11 Newfoundland ............. ..115,331,000 8,263,001) 49,000 .... ........... .49,000

Total above II countries. .............. . 0.203,500,000 9,626,594,000 6,380,320,000 3.216,274.000







Imports Entered for Consumption (Merchandise) I Exports (Merchandise)

Average Ad
Val. rate of
a Duty Duty on
Dutiable Free Total Collected Canadian Foreign
Duti. Total Produce Produce T°tel
able Imports

8 $ $ $ P.C. P.C. $ $ $
1868 43,655.896 23,434,463 67,090,159 8.801,449 20-2 13-1 44,504.899 4,196,921 52,701,720
1889 41.069.312 22.080,599 63,154,941 8,284,507 20-2 13-1 52.400,772 3.835.801 58,259,573
1870 21774,652 66,902,074 9.425,028 20-9, 14-1 59.043,590 6,527,022 6.5,971,212
1871 80,080.362 24.120.026 84,211.388 11,507.590 19-6 14-0 57,6300241 9.853,244 07,483,268
1872 68,276.157 30.679.210 104,0.55,367 13.020.084 19-1 12-4 95,931,093 12,790,182 78,929,268
1873 71,198.176 53.310953 124,509. 129 12,907.578 18-3 10-4 79,538.02.5 9.403.010, 8.5,94:1.935
1874 76,232.530 40.948.357 123,186.887 14,407.318 18-9 11-7 79,741.997 10,014,000 87.754.093
1875 78,138.511 39,270,057 117.408,5118 15,354,139 186 131 69,709,921 7,137.319 70.847,142
1878 60,230,297 32.274,810 92,513,107 12,825.1)14 213 13-9 72,491.437 7,234.9111' 79,726,398
1877 60,911.770 33,209,624 94,12004 12.544.319 206 13-3 68,030,511) 7.111.10S 75,141,654
1878 56,773.0:19 30.1)22.812 90,31)3.85) 12.701,5:11] 214 14-2 67.909,80)) 11,144,675 79,154.078
1870 55,426.834; 2:1.975.683 78,762,520 32.035,26)1 23-3 16-4 62,431,025 8,355.141 70,7811,609
1880 54,182.967 15,717.575 69,91)0,542 14,120,95:) 26-1 20-2 72,899,697 13240,11110 86,139,703
1881 71,020,720 18.867,604 90,489,329 18,492,045 25-8 20-4 83,044,701 17,375,117 97,310.910
1882 8.5.757,433 2.5.787,751 111,115.181 21,7011,028 25-3 195 04, 137.657 7,628,4531 101.796.110
1883 91.588,329 30,273,157 121,861,496 2:1.162.513 25-3 19-0 87,702,431 9,751 .773, 97,454,204
1884 80,010,4)18 25,962,480 105,972,978 211.15(1.448 25-2 19-0 79,833.998 9,780,1061 89,222.204
1880 73,2119.618 26.486.1.57 99,755,775 10.121.254 26-1 192 79,131,735 8,078.9461 87.211,381
1886 70,058.81)1 25,333,318 95,902.137 19.427,398 27-5 20-2 77.756.794 7,438,0791 95,191,783
1887 78.120.679 29,986.531 105,107,210 22, 439,309 28-7 21-3 80,9450,909: 6.549.333 89.510. 242
1888 69,645.824 31.025,804100,671,628 22.187,860 31.8 22-0 81.382,072] 8.803,394 90, 185.4 06
1889 74,475,139 34,623,057 109,099,196 23,742,317 31-9 21-8 80,272,456' 6.938.435 87210.911
1890 77.106,269 34.578,287. 111,682.573 23,921,234 31.0 21-4 85,257,586 9,051,781 04.309.3137
1891 74.136.036. 30,997,918. 111,533,954 23,416.266 31-4 21-0 88671,738 8,793,631 97,470,369
1892 88,190,737 45,999,6761 115,100,413 20,550.474 29-7 17-8 99,032,460 13,121,791 112,154,257
ISlE) 69.873.571 45.297,259 115,170,830 21,161.711 30-3 184 105.488.798 8.941.8.54 114,430,654
1804 62.779.182 46,291,729 100,070,011 1)1.379,822 30-9 17-8 103,851.764 11.833.805, 1(5,66.569
1895 58,557,655, 42.IIS.236 100.075,801 17,887,268 30-5 17-0 102,828,441 6,485.043 109,313,484
1896 67,276,73(4 38.121.402 105,361,101 20,219,037 30-0 192 1(10, 71)7, 8)15 8,lMl6738 116,314,543
1897 60,220,705 40,397,0412 ; 106,617,827 19,8111,997 30-0 18-7 123.632,540 10.825.163; 134.457,703
1898 74.025.088 51.082,074 126,307,102 22,157,788 29-7 17-5 144,546,642 14.980,883, 159,520,545
1899 89,433.172 50,989,244 149,422,416 25.771.220 28-8 17-2 137,390,792 17,520,069 154,880,880
1900 104,346,795 68,304,881 172,651,676 28.889.110 27-7 16-7 168,972,301 34,265,2541 183,237,555
1901 105,969,756 71,961,16.3 177,930,919 29,106,080 27-5 16-4 177,431.386 17,077.757 194,509,143
1902 118.607,496 78.080.308 186,737.804132,425,532 27-3 16-5 196,110.703 13.051,101 209.970,864
1903 1341, 7911,1415 8L298,744 225,094.809 : 37.110,355 27-1 19-5 214,401,674 10,828,087 223.229,761
1904 148.91)9.576 94,999,839 1 243.909.415 40,9.54,349 27-5 16-8 198,414,439 12,641.239 211,055,678
150.928,787 101,075.427 25h9&4,2141 42,024,340 27-8 16.7 190,854,946 10,617,115 201,472,061
173.046.109 110.604,171 283,740,2811, 46.671,101 27-0 16-4 235,46.1,956 11.177.646 246.637,802
152,069.520 98.100,306 250.225,835' 411,290,172 26-5 16-1 180545.306 11,541,927 192.087,233
1908 218,160.047 134.380,832 352.540.879 58,331.074 26-7 16-5 246,060,908 16,407.964 263368,952
1909 175,014,160 113,580,038: 298,594, 196J 48,059,792 27-5 16-7 242,603,584 17.318,782 239.922.368.
1910 227.264.346 ] 143.053,803 370,319,199, 61,024.239 26-8 16-5 279,247,551 19,518.442 208.763,980
170.000,791 451 . 724, 110.3 73.312.368
187.100.615 522,404, 6751 87.576,037
25-9 162 274,316,957 15,663,657 290.060,210
26-1 10-8 295.223,857 17,492,294 307,716,151
1013 441,6013,855 229,600,349 671. 207,234i 115.063.688 26-1 17-1 385,754,618.) 21.313,755 377,068,355
1914 410,203,744 208,835.254 619.193,068 107,190,578 20-1 173 431,556,439 25,848,785 455,437,224
1915 279,702,195 178,163,713 455,955,008 t 76.5117,417 27-4 16-8 400,418,836 52,023,673 4131,442,509
1916 289, :106.527 218,834.607 6)18,21)1,134 0 78.1183,313 27-2 155 741.610,638 37,689,432 779,300,070
1917 461, 737,900 384,717,269 846.430,878 0 100.9111,025 23-8 13-0 1,131,375.7118 27,8.35,332 1.179,211,106
1918 542,341.522 421.191.050 863,532,579 ttl6.577,097 21.5 12-1 1,540.027,788 46.142.004 1.586.108.702
1919 526,404.850 303,217,047 919,711.705 0113.320,242 21-5 12-3 1.216.447.806 52.321,470 1,268.705.285
1920 693,955,165 370,872,958 1.064,128,123 f156, 154,866 22.5 14-7 1,230,492,068 47.166,611 1,286,698,709
1921 847,561.406 392,597,476 1.240.154,8S2 t174.775,787 20-6 14-1 1j89,163,701 21.264,418 1,210,428,119
252.178.000 747,8(14,3:12 1121.482.495
285,320,462 802,579,244 f133,802,899
302,067,773 893,3611.887 135.122,345
24-9 16-7 831,451.447 1
24-5 16-2 740,240,080 13,888,329 753.027.009
13844,394 948,295.837
22-9 15-1 1045,351056 13,412,241 1,058 763 297
1925 516,014.455 280,918,082 786.932,537 120,222,454 23-3 15-1 12,294,290 1,093,381,943
1926 591. (1151. 670i 344.277.062 927.328,7:12 143.933,110 24-7 15-5 1,315,255,794 13,344,346 1.325.700,137
1927 659,807.013 370.995, 492,1,030,892,505 158.968,367 24-1 15-4 l,252,157506 15,415,636 1,267,573,142
1928 710. 050.238 398,906,238] 1,188.956.466 j 171.872. 768 242 155 1.228,207.80)) 22.248.691 1,250,450.297
1929 821.075.4301 444.603.66111.265.679.091 200,479,264 24-4 158 1.36:1,886.872 25.186,403 1.388,773,075

9 montbn ended SSnrcIu 31. t Excludes "War tax" in 1915 of $2,638,493, in 1916 of $25,256,788, in 1917 of $37,830,427, in.
I Figuree not available.



Coin and Bullion Total

Total Excis of Imports
of Imports of Imports for Can- Duty
for for Consumption Imports adian Col.
Consumption Consumption Exports ani 'l'otal per Exports lected Fisrel
and (i)or Imports Exports Capita per per Years
Exports Total for (Memhn.ndise (Mdse.) Capita Capita
and Coin (Mdse.)
Merchandise) Exporta (s) Consumption
Canadian I Foreign and Bullion)

S $ $ I S I I $ $ C. Ic $ o.

1I9.791,879(i) 14.388,439 4,805.147 4,866.168 129.583,194 191 1438 2'61 1868

119.411.314 1 (i) 6.898,368 4 247,2264 4,218.208 127,876,951 1533 243 1881
132,475,2845(i) 1.330,862 4,335,529 5.002,278 144.811.093 17 09 2•73 1870
151.697.656 ),) 16.351,120 2,733, (614 6,69(4. :so 104,221.100 2394 1638 3•36 1871
183,584.632 (i) 26.320,102 2.753,749 4,010.398 190:145. 779 2906 182.3 3'fil 1872
220.453.044 (I) 38.5 65 ,194, 3,005.405 3,845,087 217,308,516 35.94 20•87 304 1873
210.036.900 (I) 35,824.794 4.225,235 1.6198.838 216,756,097 8220 20(6 377 1874
194,255.7111 (1) 40.561, 42I 2,210,0864 197,505.636 302t 1793 399' 187.5
172.239.505 Ii) 22.786, 7(i0' 2.220,11I 1,240.037 175.690,853 2343 18-3)11 3.72! 18741
169.268,045 (1) 19,994,740 2.174,0814 .............. 733.739 172,175,876 25 ' 45 1607' 313 1877
169.550.529 Ii) 11.231,172 803,72................ 268,989 170,523.244 2216 16' 87 3•14 1878
149.489.188 (1) 7.915,850 1.0.19,085' .............. 704,386 151.432.863 18-98 15116, .312 1879
156.040,245 (e) 16.239.161 1,881,807............. 1,771.755 159,693.807 1658 17'20 3•35, 1880

187,858.147 (e) 6,831.469 1.123,271............. 971,005 189,802.427 2086 19361 4.36' 1881
212,911,294 0i 0,379,074 1.503.743 371,093 214.788.130 2535 2 I'471 4.951 1882
210,315.7184 (i) 24.407.292 1.275.523............. 631.600 222.222,823 1978 5.23! 1883
105.195.135 (i) 16.750.774 2.207.666............. 2,184.292 199.507.140 17 SO 1 4.48 1884
186,967,156 (i) 22.544.394 2,934.244............. 2.026.9811 191,0•18,380 22-98 17.43 4 21 18413
181, 186, 920 (II 10.797,354 3,610,557 56,531 184,854,008 20' 92 541.' 4 4.23 1648
194.617,435 (i) 15,596.968 552.218............. 5,569 19.5, 255,228 l746 494 1887
190, 857, U94 (i) 10,494)162 2.175.472............. 17,534 103,050,106 1736 473, 1888
196,309.107 (i) 21.857.285 575,251............. 1,978.256 198,862.614 2302 16.04! 5-0! 1889
205,901,940 (i) 17,374206 1.083,011 2,439.782 209,514733 23'SO 17.79] 4-90 1890

209. 004.323 (i) 14,063.585 1,811,170 129,325: 817,599 211,762,420 1831 483, 1892
227,314,670 (i) 3,006.136 1.848,331) 306,447 1,502,671 230,942.318 2355 2026 4.3))1 1892
229,601.484 (1) 740,176 6,534, 2)10! 309,459 3,824,2301 2411,269,382 23•33 21•37' 428! 1893
224.758,480(e) 6,614,658! 4,023,0721 310,006 1.529374 230,618,932 21'SS 20•84 3801 1894
209.989.375(e) 8.637.5931 4,576,620! 256.371 4,068,746 218.891.314 2000 2043 3-551 1895
221.875.704(e) 10,953.382 5,226.318 207,532 4.491,777 2:11,601,332 2072 21'57 398 1806
241,075.530(e) 27,839,876 4,676.194 327,298 3,165.252 249,244,274 2073 2404] 3.87! 1897
285,836.707 (e) 33,222,383 4,390,5441 1,045,728 3.577,415 294,850,689 24'20 278))' 4.26] 1898
304,30.3,296 (e) 5,458,464 4.6211177 1.101,245 2,914,78)) :112,948,488 2841 2622 4-89, 1899
355,889,231'(e) 10,585.879 8.152.640 1,670,068 6,987. 100 372,099,038 32'44 31'75 543 1900

372,440.062 (a) 16.578.224 3,307,060............... 1,978.489 377,725,620 3313 32'84 539 1901
406,708,668 (e) 13,233,060 5.038,791............... 1.889,422 414.431,881 3550 35.43 5•66 1902
450,324.570 (a) 134,952 8,695,707............... 629,963 459,940,246 3968 37.79 654 1903
454, 065.093 Ci) 32.8.53,737 7, 554.917............... 2.465,557 464,985,567 41 87 3400 70.1 2904
455,436,275 (1) 50,402,153 9,9(11,340............... 1,844,811 465.242,426 4205 31 85 792 1905
530,398.082 (i) 37,082,478 6,629,527............ 9.828,828 546,947,437 4.5.99 3816 7.56 1006
442.3I3,068 (I) 68,138.602 7,029,047............. 13.180,904 462,532,078 3970 2865 6.30 1007
615.809,831(i) 88.171.927 5,887. 737............. 18.637,654 638.435.222 5431 3805 890 1908
548.516,562 (i) 28,671,8.30 9,611.762 2 1,589,791 559.718,110 43' IC 3624 718 1909
669.082, 182 ) 71,554,206 5,514.817............. 2,594,536 677.191,545 53.54 882 1910

742.724,813 ) 182,724,393 9,228,725............. 7,186,155 751,147,883 62'82 38 1017 2911
830,120,826 (I) 214.686.524 25,077,515............. 7,601.009 862,700.440 7093 39 1180 1012
1,948,275,589 Ci) 294,138.879 4.309.811............. 16,162,702 1,0418,740.105 8917 47 1520 1913
1,074,631,222 (i) 163.756.774 14,408,451 1,219 25,550.485 1, 112. 690.377 56 13.93 1914
917,388,417 (c) 5,486,64)1 131.483,39) 667 29,365,701 1,078,248.181 52 974 1015
1,287,501,2114 (e)271 .068,93(1 33,876,227 313 103,572,117 1,424,019.862 92 979 1018
2,025,601,978 (e)332.760,222 26,986,549 80,087 196.460,961 2,240,195,574 t1342 1017
2,549 702,370 (e)622,637.214 11.2911,341 290,281 3,201,122 2,164,484.114 t!4.0fl ISIS
2,184,476,990 (e)349.fl.SS.580 I I 1111848 14:1.48 fJS.37 1019
2,351.186,832 (e)222,I30.588 50163,494 230,117 40.815.279 2,451,695.722 12334 I436I t1800 1020

2,450.587.001 (I) 20.730. 7631 7.218.775 24.388,84)1 9.815,827 2.401,000,4411 141 II 13531 l980 1021
1,501,731.341 'a) 6,122.6771 4,788.240 15,985,05! 5.251.430 1, 59, 856,919 43.4).) 450) f13'64 1 1922
1,747.875,081 el 142.716.593 26,455.22!: 2.706(4 III 25, 782,8(4(1 1,801.870.175 889(4, 1(1117 t14.82] 1023
1,052.130.161' (a) 1)15.3)41,431)1 .3.496.705] 12,521,619 12.024,211 1,681,1172,699 114'23 14-77 1924
1,875.264,185 (o)284.42L 104) 4,142,2021 2.93835:1 1.971.620 1.857,236.442 85.9ii 1l5') 1287' 1925 (e)401.371.405 51,4:47.85)4' 45.88'). 408 25.242.303 2,378.588.439 98.7' 140 08 1533 1026
2,295,465,4517 (e)236.690,637 46.086.458 2.1)11,301 43.040,819 2,389,6454,315 10830 i:ii•si 16.70 1 1927
2.359.412. 7'H "4 l41.09. 831 48(17 5.01)8.9181
31.308. 58.878.18)7 2,452.64(8.03) 1145' 127171 1928
2,654.452 106 ] 1e) 123.093.984 29.560,310 36,932.465 58,299.0081 2,779,244,931 12919 139 18 2046 1929

1918 of $45,018,562. in 1919 of $44,726,092, in 1920 of $31,389,297. in 1921 of 85.891.896, in 1922 of $4,899, and in 1923 of $471,

Imports Entered for Consumption (Merchandise) Exports (Merchandise)

Average Ad
Fiseal Val. rato of
Yesrs Duty Duty on
Dutiable Free Total Collected Canadian Foreign Total
Duti- Total Produce Produce
Imports Imports

$ $ $ $ P.C. P.C. $ $ $

1888 28,284,191 9,333,131 37,617,325 t t 17,905,808

1809 28,483,1145 7,013,119 35,496,764 4,799,758 16'9 135 20,486,388
1870 30.022.948 7,514.117 37.537,095 5,037.440 18'8 13-4 22,512,991
1871 39.815,550 8.682.652 48,498,202 6,544.088 18•4 135 21,733,556
1872 48,197.337 14,011,817 62,209,254 7.808,152 18'4 12'7 25,223,785
1873 47,443.293 20.553.742 67.890,945 7,392,957 156 109 31,402,234 7,257,277 38,659,511
1874 47,794,745 13,629,1162 81,424,407 7,867,481 16•5 17'8 35,705,190 9,105,400 44.874.590
1875 48.949,803 11,059.281 60.009,084 8,881,888 181 14-8 31,199.134 5.782,657 39,981,991
18711 32,395,482 8,093,771 40.479,253 11,075.758 188 150 34,379.005 0,303,459 40,682,4114
1877 32,916,778 6,414,845 39331,621 6,377,580 194 182 35,191,871 8,035,010 41,527,290
1878 32.139,703 5,117,986 37,252,769 11.445,985 20'1 173 35.881,110 10,056,583 45,817,693
1879 77,075,555 3,892,223 30.967,778 5.501.933 205 180 29,393,424 6,873,685 36,267,119
1880 28,038,118 5,726,321 33, 764,438 6,737.997 24'0 20-0 35,208,031 10,606.095 45,814,128
1881 35,860,461 7,024,681 42,885,142 8,772,050 24-5 205 42,837,219 11,110.151 53,747,370
1882 41.458,730 8,896,538 50,3511,268 10,011,811 241 199 39,816.813 5,157,117 45,273,930
1883 40,732,476 10,947,286 51.670,762 9,897,785 243 102 39.538.067 7,473,113 47.011,180
1884 32,828.307 9.096,811 41,025,121 8,001.371 244 181 37,410,870 8,324,767 43,735,637
1885 30,702,359 9,329,089 40,031,448 7,617,249 24-8 190 36,478.051 5,392,940 41,871,981
1886 30,385,797 8.647.209 39,033,006 7,817,357 25.7 200 38,094,263 4,816,041 41,540,304
1987 35,766,273 9,975,077 44,741,350 9,318,920 261 20-6 38.714,331 5 1 856,981 44,571,312
1888 30,848.116 8,318,520 30,167,1144 8,972.740 291 22'9 33,618,284 6,436,700 40,084,084
1889 32,219.807 10,031,382 42,251,186 9,450.243 29.3 224 33.504,281 4,583.770 38,068,051
1890 33.267,721 10,009,288 43.277,009 9,576,966 288 22•1 41,409,149 8.854.545 48,353694
1891 31,447,660 10,571,283 42,018,043 9,111,272 29.0 217 43,243,784 6,037,074 49,280,858
1892 30.831,809 10,231,902 41,063,711 9,074.201 294 22-1 54.919.055 9,957.494 64,009.549
1803 31,869,287 10,060,073 42,529,340 0,498,747 298 223 58.400.600 5,670,987 64,080,493
1894 27,483,160 9.542.803 37,025,903 8.245,840 300 22-3 60,878,056 7,860,600 68,538,856
1895 22,311,911 7,747,421 31,059,332 7,006,677 301 2211 57.803,584 3,953,426 61,856,960
1886 24.366,178 8.458,326 32,824,505 7,358.514 302 224 62,717.041 3.971,392 60,689,253
1897 20,217.422 9,183.768 29.401,188 6,205,367 307 211 08.533.852 7,093,650 77,227,502
1898 22.558.470 0.486,982 32,043,461 6,049,429 295 20-8 93.065.019 11,933.789 104,988,818
1890 27.521.508 8.445.044 38,960.552 7,328.192 26-9 19-8 85,113,681 13,973,300 09,006,961
1000 31.501,756 12.718.285 44,280.041 8,074.541 256 18-2 96,562,875 11.173.093 107.735.888
1901 31,701.854 11,118.680 42,820.334 7,845.400 247 18-3 82.857,525 12.471,431 905,328,956
1902 35.0112,564 13.805.182 49,022,726 8,424,693 24-0 17-2 109.347.345 7.870,870 317,318,221
1903 42,210.1115 16,582.873 58,793,018 9.841,627 233 16-7 125,199,080 6,002.118 131,202,008
1904 44,039.829 16,785,08-1 61.724.893 10,838,017 241 176 110.120,882 7,470,484 117,591,378
1905 45,009,527 15,243.177 110.342,704 11,171,010 248 185 07,114,867 4,843.904 101,059,771
1006 52,615.725 16.908,160 69.183.916 12,944,240 24-6 187 127,456,465 5.838,908 133,092.571
1007* 48,750,741 15,665,015 84,415.756 11,823,107 243 18-4 98.681,180 6.438.415 105,1211,601
1008 71,212.207 23,205,113 94,417,320 17,265,293 242 16-3 126.194,124 8.283,000 134,477,124
1909 52,219,881 18,4112.716 70,682,600 13,448,342 25-8 19-0 120,384.724 7.380,399 133,745.123
1910 71,822,941 23,514,117 95,337,058 10,032,629 251 189 139,482,949 10,147,543 149,630,488
1911 84.511,835 25,422,918 100,934,753 20,766.811 24'6 18-9 132.150,924 4,890,047 136,062,971
1912 89,514.201 27,302,159 116,900,360 22,307,040 25-0 191 147,240,413 4,592,800 151,833,379
1913 108.095,685 30,8811,779 138,742,844 27,156,162 251 198 ' 170,161,903 7,620.099 177,082,002
1914 102,379,867 29,091,539 132,070,406 25,910,854 252 18-5 215,253,969 7,068,323 222,322.202
1995 66,010,299 22,116,9115 90,157,204 18,447,534 27-1 20-5 189,1168,554 25,089,164 211.797,718
1918 52,009,078 25,305,203 77.404,361 14,792,858 284 101 451,852,390 11,228.812 463,061,241
1817 75,504,932 31,599,603 107,006.735 18,801,123 24'9 17-8 742,147.537 13,923,522 756.079,059
1918 58,047,170 23,277.113 81,324,283 14,077.045 24-3 17-3 845,480,069 19,593,330 861.073,309
1919 50.008,008 23,027,190 73,835,118 11,184,990 223 15-3 540,750,977 20,088,139 560,839.116
1920 93,244,969 33.117,862 126,362,831 20,563,024 221 162 480,152,637 6.807.491 495,060,118
1921 170,135,906 43,837.696 213,973.562 35,615,7611 20-0 16-8 312.814.871 1,383.806 314.228,671
1922 95,144,553 21,990.700 117.135,343 23,585,155 248 20-1 298,361,675 1,001,518 300,363,193
1823 116,162,438 25,167,705 141.330,143 28,424,185 246 20-1 379,067,445 651.061 379,916,526
1924 126,047.103 27,539,587 153,586,6901 28,136,459 223 18-3 360,057,762 1,103,020 391,160,802
1925 124,665,804 213,418,142 151,083,046 27.513.040 221 18-2 395,843.433 1,324.615 367,160,048
19211 133.125,438 30,605,772 16:3,731.2101 30.134,250 21-6 18-4 508,237.500 1,028,583 500,266,143
1927 134.670, 927 28,968, 136 103.039,065 32,330, 634 23.9 197 446,872,551 1.146,233 448,019.084
1928 150.053,603 39,842,254 186,895.897 38,377.522 2591 20.6 410.1191,192 2,071.961 412,763,353
1920 154.407,231 38,563,342 191,070,573 40,858.939 26.5 21-1 429,750.485 1,938,472 431,6c8,9.57
0 9 months ended March 31. t Exclusive of Special Duties and War Tax. t Figures not available.


Coin and Buflion Total

Total Excess of Im ports Percent Percent
of Imports of Imports for Par cent Can. Dut y on
for for Consumption Imports Exports Imports
Consumption Consumption Exports and Total from to U.K. from Fiscal
and (i) or Imports Exports U.K. of of Total U.K. of Years
Exports Total for (Iferchandise Total Can Total
(Merchandise) Exports (e) Consumption and Coin Imports Exports Duty
Canadian Foreign and Btsllion) (Md-se.) ( t

$ $ 8 $ $ P.C. P.C. P.C.

(i) 19,711.517 46,370 889.032 . .............. ......... 56-1 86-9 1868
(I) 15,010.375 267,706 12.486 . .............. .......... 56-2 391 579 1669
(i) 15,024,104 .................. 1,134.784 . .............. .......... 56•1 18-1 53-4 1870
(i) 26,794,646 788.183 2,576,738 .......................... 576 37-7 55-4 1871
(i) 36,985.469 880,371 5,395 ...........................59.7 35.3 60-7 1872
106,658,456 (i) 29,337,434 462,829 ........................ 107,119,265 54-6 410 36-9 1873
108,298.997 ii) 16.519.817 1,024,187 67,652 ..............107,990,83f 49-9 46-6 54-6 1874
911,991,075 20,027,093 18,607 .......................... 100,039.742 51•1 491 57.0 1875
81,161.717 (e) 203,211 248.200 38,017 . ....... .... 81.417,034 43-8 474 47--i 1878
80.858.1111 I:) 2,195,669 240,11(8 . .............. ..........40,179 81,139.708 41'8 52-2 51-0 1877
83.170,4(32 Cc) 8,604,024 170,411 ..... .......... ..........23,846 83,372.719 41-2 52-7 50-4 1878
87,2:14,897 Ic) 5,299,341 25.270 . .............. ......... 28,590 67,268,780 39.3 47-1 43-0 1879
79,578,565 (c) 12,049,687 cso. 7S3 ........................ 31,936 80.307,28(1 48-3 48-3 47-7 1880
011,032,512 Cc) 10,882,228 698,6011 ......................... 4,200 97,335,378 47-4 50-8 47-4 1881
95,030,158 5,092,338 241,073 531 95,871,802 45-3 423 461 1882
1(8,6.10,94? (I) 4.668,582 372,701 . .............. ...........90,003,645 42-4 45-1 42-7 1883
85,660, 758 Cc) 1,810,516 1,4112,894 560 87.154.242 39-6 46-0 39-7 1884
81.1103.4.30 to) 1,810.543 1,275,120 .............. 5.714 83.284,482 40-I 461 39-9 1865
86.57:1:110 (e) 2,507.298 1,568,163 . ..................... 2,325 82.143. 828 40-7 47-2 40-2 1886
89.312,6112 170.038 220.883 534 80.534,079 42-6 47-8 41-5 1887
79.252.628 (c) 917,340 131,077 ....................... 79,383.705 38.9 413 40-4 1888
50.339,240 (i) 4.163,138 66,200 .......................17,075 80,422,515 38-7 41-7 39-8 1889
91,630.703 (c) 5.076,685 113,232 ........................ 91,743,935 38•8 48-7 40-0 1800
91,299,801 (e) 7.201,015 28,583 ........................91,328,384 37-7 48-8 38-9 1891
105,070,260 (e) 23,942,838 284,724 ............... ..............
.. 106,254,984 35-7 55-5 44-2 1892
108,600,333 (c) 21.551,153 619,073 ........................ 107,228,906 369 55-4 44-9 1893
105,571.819 (c) 31,502,893 1,681,304 ........................ 107.256,123 34-0 58-6 42-6 1894
02,1118.322 (c) 30.797,658 72,405 ........................ 02,983,727 30-9 56-3 39-2 1895
99,513,758 (e) 33,864.748 155,237 1,006 35 09,670,030 81-2 57-2 36-5 1898
1(111,628,0(10 Cc) 47,826:314 11,000 ........................106,830,600 27-6 56-2 31-3 1897
137,012,279 (e) 72,955,357 457,456 30 137,496.774 25-4 64-4 30-5 1898
136,053,533 (c) 62,120,429 03,571 874 4.000 136,151,078 24-7 02-0 28-8 1899
152,016,009 (e) 03,455,927 509.689 400 152,526,098 25.7 57.1 28-0 1900
118,140,290 Cc) 82,508,622 197,830 ......................148,347,120 241 52-3 27'0 1001
188.340,947 (e) (38,205,495 191.036 ....................2,000 166.533.083 25-0 55-8 26-0 1902
189,985,136 Cc) 72,409,060 103.863 223 190,099,222 26-2 58-4 26'6 1003
179,316.268 (a) 55,866.483 52,681 .......................179,368,950 25-3 55-5 26-5 1904
162,394,175 (c) 41.616,067 5 . .............. ........182,301,480 24•0 50-9 26-7 1905
202.278,488 Cc) 63.008,656 10.673 2,366 202.289,525 24'4 54-1 27-9 1906
169,545,357 (o) 40,713,845 165,6... .............. .........0,260 169,717.174 25-8 54 , 29-5 •1907
228,894,444 Ic) 40.059,804 542.151 ........................7,032 229,443,627 26-8 51-1 29-8 1908
204,427,723 (e) 63,062,523 344 2 250 204.428,319 24'5 52-1 25-1 1909
244,067,546 (c) 54.253,430 13,242 .............. 3,619 244,984,407 258 50-0 29-7 1910
216,897.724 (e) 27,023,218 1.709 ........................ 2,140 246,901,573 24-3 48'2 28-5 1011
288.738.739 (c) 34,927,019 862 ........................20,034 268,760,455 22•4 507 25-7 1912
316.724,010 Cc) 39,239,358 0,323 .. .........................318,730,969 20•7 47-8 23-7 1913
354,352.858 (c) 00.251,886 470 54 420 354,393,642 21•4 49-9 24•2 1914
301,91-1,922 30)121600,514 2,619 45 1,100 301,518,886 j9-8 45-6 24-2 1015
51(1485,682 ie)385,676.860 2.704.434 .......................... 543(90,036 15.2 60-9 18-9 1916
803,187,784 (e)048,974,324 14,666,470 18 ...........877,831,291 127 84-5 17'2 1917
942,397,882 (e)779,746.116 531 .......................... 942.398,213 8-4 549 122 1918
633,874,234 10)487.803.698 8-0 14-5 9'9 1019
022,322,7411 (e)369,507,487 45.032.037 10 60,251 667.4(5,047 11-0 39-5 13-3 1920
528.202,233 (e) 100.255, 1011 1.119 8 2,958 528,206,318 17-3 26-3 20-5 1921
417,498.536 )o)183,227850 7.527 .............. 2.154 417,508,217 157 40-4 19-4 1922
521,248,669 (o)238,838,383 13,544 ........ 521,264,220 17-6 407 212 1923
514,747,492 (e)207,574,112 5,272 ..................2,488 514,755,232 17•2 34-5 20-8 1924
518,251,994 30)246.094,102 4,072 ...............4,339 548,260,423 19-0 37-0 22-9 (925
072,997,353 ()345,534,933 4,558,007 490 677,556,840 176 38•6 20'9 1926
811.958.149 (e)283,080,019 2,194.669 572 614.113.390 15-9 35-7 203 1027
598,6S11,210 (e)226,867,4913 7.786 .............. . 3,6.55,643 602,322.639 167 33-4 22-3 1928
625.680,530 (e ) 237,648,384 4,939,832 1,115,8(36 831.744,928 15.3 31-_S 20-4 1929



Imports Entered for ConumpUon (Merchandiae) Exports (Merchandi!e)

Average Ad
Fi.caI Val. rate of
Years Duty Duty on
Dutiable Free Total Collected Canadian Foreign Total
t Duti- Produce Produce
Irpo6t•ta Importe

I $ $ $ P.C. P.O. 8 1 $

1868 10,014304 12645,828 22,660,132 1 1 25349,558

1869 7,793,748 13703032 21,497,80 1,565.566 201 73 28,711,656
1870 8,699846 12,998,92 21.697217 1,700252 195 7-8 30.361,328
1871 14.085,3133 13,100,203 27,185,588 2,290.881 16-3 8-4 29,504,3513
1872 13,271,042 20,470,953 33,711,895 2,385,592 18-0 7-1 32,871,496
1873 16,078,805 28,510,305 45,189,110 2,945.906 17-7 6.5 36,714.144 1,517,875 38.232.015
1874 21.097.531 30,809,375 51,7(9)908 3,681,014 17•4 7.1 33,195.805 1,113,194 34,375.998
1875 22,312,546 26,617,812 48,930,358 3,853,134 17-3 7-9 27,002,748 1,020,307 28,923,952
1876 21334,613 22,765,267 44,099,880 4,104,484 19-2 9-3 30.080.738 653,701 30.714. 439
1877 23,510.846 25,805.162 49,376,008 4,393,511 19-7 7-0 24,326,332 758,513 25,084,842
1878 23,464.504 24,538,371 46012,875 4,790427 20-4 9-4 24,381,008 719,096 25.1(6),102
1879 23,803,457 18,306,849 42,170,306 5,524,879 232 131 25,451,356 1,007.258 26,498,574
1890 19,566,567 8,627.216 28,113,783 4.512,415 23-1 15-0 29,560,211 2,043.879 31,610.006

1881 25,032,313 10,706,388 36,338,701 5,949,152 22-0 15-5 34,038.431 1,863,989 35,902,426
1882 32,941,061 14,111.674 47.052.935 7,073,912 21-5 15'0 45,782,581 1,787.565 47.570.149
1883 38,652,045 16,485.198 55,147,243 8,148.208 21-1 14-8 39,513.225 1,657.935 41,171,166
1884 35,750,607 13,0611.191 49.765,888 7,411.9411 20-7 14-9 34,332.641 2,324,197 36,55)1.831
1585 31,231,847 54,341,563 45.516.510 6,624,100 21'2 14-5 35,1116010 2,164.658 37,731,461
1866 20,659,876 13,158,775 42,819.051 6,769,365 22.8 15-8 34,284.490 2,244,179 30,528,051
1887 30,570,809 14,223,298 44,785.908 7,268,19.5 23-8 10-2 33,2611,922 2,383,242 37,r35,I6
1888 27,097.680 16,342,616 46.440,296 7,109.234 26-2 13-3 40,407.481 2,147.1948 42,554,531
1859 28.862.213 21,047,130 50,029.419 7,371,148 25-4 14-7 38,519.040 2,041,263 45.565,22:
1890 30,575,397 20,700.264 51,365,661 8.126,625 26-0 15-8 36,213,279 1,869.749 38,083,021

1891 29,790,402 22,243.075 52.033,477 - 7,734,555 26-0 14-11 37,743,430 2,455.136 40,194.581
1892 29.501.550 22,236.562 51,742,132 7,814,559 29-5 15-1 34,006,070 2,512,839 37,176,901
1893 28,562,050 23,777,74f) 5' '119 eglj 7 636 0i6 26.7 14.6 37.2913,110 2,49 -1.202 39 89 11
1894 25,623.616 24,922.453 50,740.091 6,960,951 27-0 13-7 32,562,5018 1,406,051 33,870,56)
1895 25.763,538 24,383,406 50.179,004 8,807,395 26-7 13-7 35,603.861 1,8110.794 37,464,65]
1896 29.101,046 24,427,744 52.520,390 7,767,9113 26-7 14-5 37,789,481 5,90,740 39,710,22
1807 30,482,599 26,540823 57,023342 8,147.075 26-7 14-3 43661.187 2,256,735 45,685.92]
1898 38,0*33,960 36,760,961 74.924,923 9,911,624 26'I 13-3 39,909,575 2.092,712 41(152,23]
1899 44,471,824 44,035,057 88,506.881 15,713.839 26-3 13-2 30.326,483 1,793,885 41,122,371
1900 53,897.561 48,327.356 102,224.917 13,491.873 25•0 13'2 57,996.488 1.964.417 59,962,90:

1905 53,600,278 53,777.624 107,377,90*1 13,311,750 24-8 12-4 67.0S3,673 2.423.108 70,406,84
1902 50,181.808 54.859.725 155,001.533 15.151.136 25•2 13-2 66,567,764 2, 904,448 69,582,23]
1902 95,539,323 93,532.874 120,071,197 17,069,851 24-9 53-3 67,760,367 3,443.602 71,209,961
1904 77,543,780 65,785.957 143.329,607 19,554,585 252 13'6 66.056,883 3,850,568 70,753,65:
1905 78,797,44' 73,861 .136 152,778,576 20,580,302 26-1 13-5 70.426.763 5.430.250 75,563.05
1906 86,510,771' 79,715,676 169,256,452 22,187,103 24-8 13-1 9.1,546.300 4,455,003 8601)1.30
1807 78,968,026 70,516.549 149,1185.577 19.084.738 24'2 12'8 02,190,430 3.658,197 65,828.63
1908 110.361.367 94.946.436 285,309,803 27.132,545 24-6 13-2 90.814,871 6.11(5,2)97 08.020,13:
1909 90.589.507 79.847.053 170,432.360 22,526.807 24'9 13'2 9.5.334.806 5,087,591 01,022.38
1910 118,834,173 90,170,383 258,004.556 29,515,836 24'8 13•5 104,105,675 0,454,652 110,614.52

1955 133.067.232 122,757,033 275.824,265 37,854.728 24-7 15-7 104.115,023 8.092.853 112,206,67
1952 11(6,886,150 134.485.51(7 :1:11,384.657 49,577,584 25-0 14-8 102,1)41,222 10,955,1(73 112,0511,20
1913 270,3:1(1,4:14 1)10.556.98) 4:16,887,315 68,628.805 24-8 15-8 13)). 725,1(0:) 11,235.722 15(1.905.67
1914 249 482, 010 546 8)9 528 196 102 118 61,895, 168 24.8 15 6 163,372,825 13,575.474 176,948,29
1915 168,658,2)19 128,103, 760 287,143,055 42.335,575 25-1 14-2 173,320,216 13,022,9411 588.342,85
1918 199,466, 115 1 I 4!) 981 370,880,549 48 908 889 25.0 13.5 201,106,488 15,562,774 216,669,26
1917 332,1)39,327 333,273,432 6115.312,759 75,516.314 22•7 114 280.610,336 0,962,443 290.578,77
1018 429,298,716 363,500,199 702,691.057 86,058.759 20-5 11-1 417,233,207 33,570,11:1 440,851.40
1919 416,470,422 333,732.002 750.203.021 87.079,923 20'9 11'6 454,973,17)) 22,622.469 477,695,03
1020 499,719,625 501,380,093 801,097,318 112,350.703 22-5 140 464,028,163! 37,101,924 501,130,11

1921 544,010,080 112,155.84() 810,176.92)) 110,368.770 20'3 120 542,322.957 18,378.963 500,701,9.3
1922 312,093,5:1-1 203.864,6)12 515,958.195 71.864.942 230 13-9 292,588.543 11,515.534 21)4,11)4,17
1921 332,237.955 208.755.783 540.089.738 74,779.234 22'5 138 369,080,218 11.207.503 380,347.72
1924 355,934,430 241,322.017 001.256,447 70,345,250 223 13-2 430,707,544 10,035,365 4-11,642,91]
1925 287.037,2)4 222,742.785 509,78)1,009 06,317,460 25'1 13'0 417,417,1-1-) 9,767,4!'!) 427. 194.64
1926 337,972,32)) 270.64.216 608,018,542 80,614,739 23.9 13.3 474,987,307 10,964,968 485,952,2)
1927 392,665,357 284,357.2(14 1)97,022,521 90.779.493 23-1 13-2 466,422.789 12.012,-Ill 479.3:15.22
1928 416.047,044 303,348.593 7114.430,237 97,124.431 23-3 13-5 475,003,04) 19,840.873 .1116.644.84
1929 523.8611.729 344.186,931 81)8,056.680 122.781.789! 23-4 141 50(1,167,599 21, 6411, t1211 521.914.5)

months ended March 31. f Exolualve of Special Duties and War Tax. Figure not available.


Coin and Bullion Total Per cent

Total Excess of Imports Per cent Can. Per cent
of Imports of Imports for Imports Exports Duty on
for for Consumption from to U.S. Imports
Consumption Consumption Exports and Total U.S. of of Total from Fisesi
and (I) or Imports Exports Total Can. U.S.of Years
Exports Total for Merrhandiae Imports Exports Total
(Merchandise) Exports (e) Coesumption and Coin (Mdse.) (Sides.) Duty
Canadian Foreign and Bullion) f

$ $ $ $ 8 $ P.C. P.C. P.C.

(a) 2,689.436 4.848,777 3,975,189 ................33'8 52.3 1968
(a) 5,220,276 3.979,325 4,205,722 ................340 51.0 18-9 1869
(e) 8,664,091 ...................6,867,494 ..................32-4 61-4 18-0 1870
(a) 1,978,772 1,94-4,911' 4,113,612 .................323 50.6 19'4 1871
Ii) 870,499 1,873:170 ..........................32-1 49-9 183 1872
83,421,129 (i) 6.057,095 2.552,636 2,740,957 .............. 88,704,718 36-3 48-0 29-7 1873
86,095,905 (I) 17,327,907 2,599,092 1,928,183 .............90,613.183 420 43-3 25-5 1874
77,85:1,413 (i) 20,007,303 2,Itl,422 1,039,837 .............81,054,672 417 44)0 251 1875
74.834,319 (i) 13,305,441 1,971.91t 1,202,020 .............78,01)0,250 47-7 41-5 321) 1878
74,400.853 Ii) 24.291,183 1,833,471 ...................690,400 77.084,724 52•5 35'8 35-1 1977
73,102,980 (it 22.902,771) 625,315 ..... .......... ....144,793 73,872,088 53-1 35-9 37.5 1878
65,668,681) (i) 15,671.732 1.565,91)) . ..............

....666,264 70,900,953 53.6 40-8 42-7 1879
59,803,873 (e) 3,416,307 1,153.165 . .............. ..1,739,819 62,696,857 40-3 40-6 31-9 1880
72,241.121 (i) 436.781 365,411 . .............. ....983,805 73,570,337 40-6 40-5 30-5 1881
94,62:1,09-I (e) 517,214 1,230J.................. 370,562 90,229,763 42-3 48-0 32-6 1882
96,318,403 (I) 13,976.083 8S5,090 ................6:11,000 07,8:15,093 45'3 45-1 35-2 1883
811,442.726, (I) 13.120.050 706,938 ............. 2,163,702 89.333,368 470 43-0 36-8 1884
83,307.970-(i) 7,845,042 1,571,091 ............. 2,021,206 86,803,935 457 449 346 1885
79,347:1211 (I) 6,289,1)82 2,039,388 ...............50,11)0 81.41(3,808 44-6 44-1 34-8 1888
82,451,t}72(i( 7,140,744 311,158 ...............5,tOtS 82,767,285 42-6 43-6 32-4 1887
88.904.827(1) 3,885.765 2,041,552 ...............17,5:14 91.053,913 46-1 49-6 320 1888
01.590.6421 (I) 8,1118,1911 508.021 .............. 1,901,131 94,059,844 45-9 49-a 3 1889
89,448,689 (I) 13.282,633 928,312 .............. 2,439,782 92.814,783 46-0 42-5 34-0 1890
92.228,043 (I) 11,838,911 1,652,180 129.328 814,801 94,824,352 46.7 42-6 33.0 1801
88,921,041 (I) 14,563,223 1,395.680 306,447 1,502,671 92,125,599 44-9 35'0 38-1 1807
92,129, 108 (i) 12,550,484 5,852,180 309,459 3,824.239 102,144,956 454 35'4 36.1 1893
84.716.651()) 10,775,531 2,288,009 310,006 1,529,374 85.844,040 45.5 31-4 35-5 1894
87,843,061(i) 12,714,347 4,455,517 266,571 3,570,448 95.632,197 49.8 34-6 38-6 1895
63,279,611 (iS 13,770,109 5,044,034 206,447 4,491,742 103,022,434 50'8 34-4 38-5 1896
102,90-1,204 (i) 11,142.420 4,825,699 327,293 3,165.252 111.022,513 53-5 35-3 41-1 1897
115,907, 100 (ii 33,742,084 3,880,067 1,0-45,72:1 3.57-1,718 124,41)8,268 59-2 27-0 456 1898
120,629,251 (i) 47,384,511 4,500,285 1,100,371 2,910,780 138,1-80.887 59-2 29-0 45-7 1899
162, 187.822 (i) 42.262.012 7,619,481 1,670,068 6,980,050 178,463,401 59•2 34-2 46-8 1900
177,784,747 ii) 38,971,065 3,107,102 . .............. ... 1,975,389 182,867,238 60-3 38-3 45-8 1901
184)9(3,765 (i) 45,4:19.301 5,805.5... .............. ... 1,035,452 192,004,734 58.4 34-0 46-8 1902
206,2)11.106 (1) 57,861,228 8,533,999 .............. 573.055 209,388,119 57-3 31-6 48-1 1903
214,002.750 (i) 72,610,614 7.49)1,810 ..................2,460,490 224,000,084 587 3:1-7 479 1904
228,311,591 (i) 77,215,561 9,959.995 . .............. ...1,841.056 240,142,642 60-8 369 49-2 1905
257,257,761 (i) 81,255,143 6,605,619 .............0,805.243 273.068.623 506 35-5 47-8 1906
214,92-1,213 (1) 83.240.041 0,857,452 .,,,,....,., 13,182,844 234,90-6,500 5915 34-4 47-6 9907
302.229.941 (i) 108189,665 5.343,022 ..,,.., 18,600,382 324.173,328 58-2 38-8 46-6 1908
261,454,747 Ii) 79.409,973 9,584,190 .............1,581.970 272.830,907 59-0 352 47-1 1909
328.618,863 (ii 107,390,229 5,497.253 ..............2.536,481 336,852,587 58-9 37-3 48-6 1910
38S.0t2,941 (((163.615,889 9.110.474 ..............7,188,125 404.331,648 60-8 38-0 51-9 1011
444,340,952 (i) 218,428,362 24,969,821 ..............7,878,339 476,889,112 63-4 35-2 56'5 1912
587.848,990 (1(285,925.640 4,255.278 ..,,..,..,, 18,148,707 608,252,975 65-0 39-3 60'2 1913
573,250,437 (I) 219,333,S30 14,48:1,953 1.015 23.510.059 811.245,464 64•0 37-9 58-1 1014
483,484,9(5 Ci) lt0,799,211:( 131,474,80.8 582 29,005,885 644,026,253 65-2 42-3 55-6 lOtS
647,519,811 (I) 154,211,287 27,813,171 115 10:1,555.703 718,8l8,800 73.0 27-1 63.8 1916
955.891,522 (1):174.733.986 12.318.857 152 196.291.763 1.184.502,306 78-6 24•4 69•2 1917
1,233,706,357(1)352.00-3,557 11,221.118 513 2,573,426 1,247,501,414 82-3 27-0 76-1 1918
1.227,898,653 (I) 272,507,365 0 81-6 37-4 77-4 1919
1,302.227,435 (ii 209,967.201 5,431,252 15,430 49,448,961 1,357,126,078 75-3 37.4 72-4 1920
1,418,878,786 (1)295,474,884 7,172,308 24,382,089 9,790,866 1.458.120.017 69•0 456 63-7 1021
820,062,372 (1) 211,854,019 4,770,45:) 18.085.097 5,238,480 848,156,403 690 39-5 59•2 11122
921,537.450 (I) 160.642,017 26,422,5711 1,760,068 25,759,122 975,285,211 67-4 390 55-9 1023
1,042,899,330 (i)159,613,238 3,476,1)6 12,521.619 12,87:1.427 1,071,770,598 67-3 412 58-7 1024
936,964652 (i) 82,595.366 2 940.284 1,933,34-) 946,973.733 64-0 39-0 552 1928
1,094,570. 777 Ii) 122,666,307 46,871,053 45.680,468 25,208,200 1,212,5.30,528 65-6 36.1 .56•I 1926
1,160.357.75) Ci) 207.087.291 43.865.589 2.011,391 42.067.589 1.263,222,330 60-6 37-3 57'I 1927
1,216,081,756 (iC 222,791.716 31,296.311: 3,008.960 85.139.104 1.305.525,198 64.9 389 56'S 1928
1.389.671.205 Ii) 346,242,1.58 24,600.616 39.032,465 57.124.912 1.508.529,328 68•6 36-7 61.2 1929


4—SUMMARY OF TilE TRADE OF CANADA, by Main Groups, during the Fiscal Years ended March
Kingdom and the United

Total Trade
1920 1927 1928 1929

Imports for CorssmpUois $ $ 8 8

Agricultural and Vegetable Products.................. 203,417,431 213,098,121 238,185.500 233,130.244

Animals and Animal Products....................... 49,185,558 53,214.135 05,790.021 71,061,764
Fibres and Textile I'roducts.......................... 183.761,831 195.533 - 931 186, 995.814 206.444.044
Wood, Wood Products and Paper ............. ........ 40.403,090 47.062,209 51.740,824 59,214,818
Iron and Its Products ......................... ........ 181.196,800 229,629,405 258,573,565 346,010,939
Non-Ferrous Met.isln and their Products.............. 47.692,085 52,747,842 60.100,030 75,438,431
Non-Metallic Minerals and their l'roducts............ 139,033,940 156,754,707 153,049.435 100,904,231
Chemicals and Allied Products...................... 28,404,276 31,844,715 33.572,113 37,723,046
Miscellaneous Commodities........................... 53.232,815 82,227,271 50.845.892 68.491.584

Total Imports................................ 927,328.732 1.030.892,505 1,108.056.466 1,265.079.091

Dutiable Imports ........................... ......... 583,051,670 669.897,013 710.050,220 821.075.430

Free Imports ................................ ......... 344,277.062 170,095.482 298. 900,238 444.603.061

Per cent of Free Imports...................... 37'1% 360% 300% 35'l%

Exports (Canedisn Produce) 1 $ $ $

Agricultural awl Ve8etable Products.................. 608.058,672 574,994.162 555,110.598 646.514.068

Animals and Animal Products........................ 190.975,417 187.291,589 165.845.096 158,757.272
Fibres and Textile Products.......................... 8,940,046 7,065,553 10,904.073 9,070,019
Wood. Wood Products and Paper ........... .......... 278,074,000 284,120,207 284,543.390 288.621.745
74.735,077 74,284.821 02,753.034 82,256.717
Iron and Its J'roducts ....................... ..........
Non-Ferrous Metal'i and the r Products............... 97.478,270 80.039,197 90.840.441 112.055.194
Non-Metallic Minerals and their Products............. 24.712.684 28,880,831 25.808.193 27,401.790
Chen, icala and Allied Products....................... 17,354.389 16.203.760 17.365.516 19.438.064
Miscellaneous Commodities........................... 16,428,376 18,077,313 15,056,369 18.263.813

Total Canadian Exports......... 1.315,355.791 1,252,157,506 1,228,207,606 1,363,580.672

Export8 (Foreign Prod ucC)

Agricultural and Vegetable Products................. 1.811,788 4,347.294 8.837.402 10,433.444

Animals and Animal Products....................... 1,498,160 1,254,060 1,915.046 1.736,561
Fibres and Textile Products......................... 1.320,099 1.375,778 1.808. 750 1.755.418
Wood, Wood Products and Paper..................... 391,619 414.301 444.119 335.898
Iron and Its Products .......... ...................... 2,893,093 2.629.176 3,301,107 4,277.189
Non.Ferroua Metals and their Products.............. 620,850 888.836 696.855 773.267
Non-Metallic Mineraln and their Products........... 1,197,070 1.020,677 891.287 1,377,751
Chemicals and Allied Products ............. .......... 600,867 708,953 422.818 284,805
Miscellaneous Commodities ................ .......... 2,914.814 2,874,958 3,932,011 4,092.070

Total Foreign Exports...................... 13,344.346 15,415,630 22,248,691 25.186,403

Excess of imports (1) or AU Exports (e)

Agricultural and Vegetable Products................. (s) 404.453.009 (c) 3136,243,335 c) 326,703,530 CO 423,057,258
Animals and Animal Producte....................... ( c) 143,288,015 (c) 115,432,120 el 10t.070.I21 () 88.832.079
Fibres and Textile Products .................. ....... (6) 174,501,886 (i) 174,542,500 (6) 174. 282,985 (1) 195,010,807
Wood, Wood Products and Paper ............. ....... (e) 238,003,483 (c) 236,572,270 el 2(0,236.591 (e) 229,742,825
(6) 103,508.1330 (i) 152.515,405 (6) 183.813.027 (6) 200,077,033
Iron and Its Products .......................... ......
Non-Ferrous Metall and their Product,e, ....... ...... (e) 50,410,141 (c) 28,580.100 ci 31.346.460 (c) 37,990,030
Non-Metallic Minoral and their Products........... (1) 113,124,286 U) 126.833.159 il 120.349.953 (i) 138.184,690
Chemical and Allied Products ............. .......... (6) 10,359.0w (1) 14.931.002 0 16.783.779 (6) 17.006.177
Miscellaneous Commodities ................ .......... (1) 33,889.626 (6) 41.275.002 (6) 40.380,522 (6) 46.135,701

Net Excess................................. (e) 401,371.405 (e) 236,680,637 (s) 141.499.531 (c) 123,093.984

31, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1929; with Portions Imported from and Exported to the United
States (Merchandise only).

Trade with United Kingdom Trade with United Statee

- 1929

1926 1927 1928 1926 1927 1928 1929

$ 1 $ 6 8 $ $ $

34,613.364 38,254,029 51.133,838 53,670,561 98,495,849 97,104.813 102,209,933 103,690.332

5,966,932 9,404,629 6.0911,435 5,604,451 32,924,1711 35.437,384 40,982,857 42,154,255
70,163.647 72,752.164 71,414,176 77,021,060 74,195,295 58,923,517 69,430,521 81889,767
3,473.664 3,918.098 4.360.348 4,935,029 34.714,904 41.122,302 43.092,228 50,564.294
17,1107,204 15,008,051 17.725. 745 18,997,316 158.027,944 206,655(121 233.891.420 317.080.125
5.302.581 5,642,570 5.7(14.818 0,6.53,6.32 37.810,205 42.221,587 48.383,742 62.104.988
14,226,795 9,253,721 14.467.621 12,100,661 110,878,814 131.955,558 117,447,997 135,151.049
4.282.489 4,907,477 4.422.349 4.042,870 18,746,266 20,625.850 22,246.232 26,223,786
7,800,530 8.797.426 10.436.423 10.034,784 38.084,135 44,873,689 41.150,207 48,685,281
163.731.210 163,939.065 S5.S05.857 194,020,573 608.618,542 687,072,521 719.436,237 888,055,897
133,125,438 134,570,027 150.051.603 154,457,231 337,972,326 392.665,317 416,047,644 523,868,946
30.608.773 28.008,138 35,842 251 39,583,342 270, 648,216 294,357, 204 303,386.593 344,188.051
186% 177% 193% 203% 44.5% 43.9% 42'1% 396%

$ 5 S $ $ $ $ 8
357,051,044 330,070,229 310. 210.731 325.109.581 65,964,214 59,958,923 56,099.402 59,527,194
98.879.065 67,819,473 48.1183.298 47,644,800 83,464,732 75,320,135 92.244.086 84,963.501
1,237,7(13 860,030 1.906.791 810.836 4,1128,071 3.451,081 4.922.001 4.930.498
10,147,838 15,835,904 17.171 :111 22,350.947 257,9911,110 242,019,001 238.080.005 235,06.5,010
8,307,441 8.129.365 8,195.072 8,721,020 7,582,853 10,680,762 8.831.287 11,157.421
15.605,732 14,174,2011 15, 6116.472 16,347,438 58,710,061 30.007.020 44. 114.49(1 63.777.009
1.220,494 2324,110 1.933.969 1,771.253 17,101,006 17,622,306 16,036,815 17,994,515
3,318,611 3.567,258 4,2.34,278 4,036.883 9,1(61,819 7,721,388 8,150.013 10,779.475
3.469.539 4.092,186 2,868.575 2,941,722 10,258,431 10,643,561 8,618.633 12,342,876
508.237,500 446,872,851 410.691.392 429,730.485 474,987,367 466.422.789 478,003.646 500.167.599

11,007 17.206 82.716 289,767 1,523,098 3.900,955 8.351,087 9,751,731

55,876 98,344 35.034 145,311 1,428,275 1,217,880 1.834,475 1,479,184
225.930 234355 252.106 340,674 853,367 8.35,872 1.166,037 1,054,720
17.734 44.485 27,844 30,590 354.548 353,348 307,609 282,900
156,985 159.337 216. 647 133.812 2.646,486 2.407,157 2.098.996 4.037.037
72,764 108,386 59,33(1 53.396 510,092 554,951 507,611 607.943
345,909 252.404 91,218 242.241 572.768 6611.488 531.611 896.648
30,701 42,351 19.353 12.416 631,512 527,268 360.139 304,823
111,619 189.367 1.284.509 890,265 2.444,722 2,513,524 2.113,308 3,171.040
1.028,583 1,146,233 2.071,981 1.938,472 10,964,868 12,912,441 18.640.873 21,646,928

(8)322,448.747 (e) 291. 833.406 el 259,159.609 (') 271,724,787 (1) 31.808,537 (1) 33,246,655 (1) 37,758,541 (1) 35,411,407
(c) 92,974,039 (c) 62,513,188 el 42.677.6811 (c) 42, 125.663 (e) 31,938,523 (e) 41,100,631 Ic) 53,496,706 (e) 43,818.430
(i) 68699 954(i) 71.657.779 (;l 69315276) 75,869,550 (s) 73625 857(i) 62638564 u) 6334 450 (,) j5,904,569
Ce) 15,691,96.8'(e) 11,962,289 el 12.838.807 (e) 17,446,508 W 203. 545. 6911 (c)201,250,557 'e 183,391.386 '"(185,385,946
Ci) 9.442.780 (i) 6,720,249 il 9.313,130 (il 10,142,484 (1> 147,798,625 (6) 195,567,102 'i 222.161,137 (z301,893.767
Ce) 10,375,915 (e) 8,840,105 el 9.900.890 ( ,') 9,747,002 (e) 21,439,948 (I) 2,662,616 6) 3,683,632 Cc) 2,339,964
(1) 12,860.396,(i) 0.877.198 i. 12,439,430 (6) 10.087,167 (6) 92,744.950 (I) 113,731,764 6) 100.879.571 (0116,262,986
(6) 933.1741 (i) 1.297.870 Ci) 168.518 6) 893,178 (I) 0,032,935 (i)12.375.174 13,735.150 (i) 15,138.488
(6) 4.219,372 (6) 4.515,873 (4)6,493.339 (1) 6,402,797 (I) 25,381.582 (i) 31,816,604 (4) 30,118,266 (6) 33.171.285
(e) 345,534,933 (e) 284,080,019 (e) 229,867,406 (e) 237.848.384 (1) 122, 666,307 (i)207,687,291 (i) 222,791,718 (6) 348.241.372
5-IMPORTS FOR CONSUMPTION AND EXPORTS OF CANADIAN PRODUCE, by Principal Countries, during the Fiscal Years ended March 31, 1926,
1927, 1928 and 1929

Imports for Consumption (1.63se.) Exports of Canadian Produce (Mdso.)

1926 1927 1928 1929 1926 1927 1928 1929

Brilish Empire $ $ * $ $ $ $ $
United Kingdom ...................................... . 163,731,210 193,939,065 185,895,857 194,020.573 508,237,560 446,872,851 410,691,392 429730.485
Irish }'reeState ....................................... ..19.318 47,140 29,611 58,875 4,708.689 6,057,004 4,325,251 4,144,743
Anon.................................................... 50.320 28,094 14,546 21.939 36.640 38.638 31.036 40,906
Africa-BritiehEast..................................... 102.682 476.074 1,223.113 297,683 995.022 640.885 1,223,232 1,568.171
British South.................................... 120.579 1,001,502 494,364 280,207 9,078, 462 8.388, 731 8,724,969 12.231.773
British West..................................... 1,507.818 1,030,122 1,939,313 1,226,539 587.083 883.865 893.074 1,245,818 -5

Bermuda................................................ 77.097 112,185 53.042 61.771 1,150.803 1.286,770 1.364.952 1,028.(03

BritihEat Indies-British India...................... 9,477.45 7,880,914 9,239,779 10,386.548 7.420,708 9.905.386 11.042.851 11.735,436 -5

Ceylon............................ 2,747,442 2,612.831 2.731,531 2.529.140 606.638 708.096 727.369 681.793

Straits Settlements................ 4,674.388 2,756.817 2,439.945 2,015.207 3,568,498 2.40(1,430 1.540,530 1.203.909
Other ..... ........................27.819 40.016 6,150 1,739 239 1.210 4.428 8.520
British Guiana ...... ...................................4,503,203 4,597.106 6,072,172 4.873,237 2,256.556 2.408.677 2,284,744 2,238,506 r
British Honduras....................................... 271.293 262.282 157.925 260,218 504,411 464,712 604.613 900.034
British Sudan ...... . ....... ... ............... ..........13.534 21,437 6.844 12.180 45.445 20.661 118.449 160,704
British Westlndies-Barbados.......................... 4.130.822 3.791,394 6.215.804 5,199,197 1.392,570 1,524.403 1.836.052 1,681.950
Jamaica........................... 3,783,481 4,759,563 5.481,308 4.790.295 3,976,210 4.307,751 4,951,196 5,266,083
TrinidadandTobsgo.............. 1.061,514 2.821.485 2.099.201 3.370.058 3.875.332 3,840,984 4.240.751 4,153,571
Other............................. 000.335 2,486.001 3.532.999 2,077.830 3,851.248 3,748,716 3,861.847 4,656.219
Gibraltar................................................. 957 683 160 61.269 405.064 23,958 75,301
Hong Kong............................................. 1,540.166 1,422.207 1,410,897 1,402.302 1,883,838 1,4110,274 2,4115,946 2,837.463
Iraq (Mesopota,uia)....................................10.806 2.044 06,738 31,129 122,257 163,153 289.938 137.729 Co
Malta, ('yprus and Gozo ............................... . 221 067 875 2,023 277.861 454.872 348,881 1.11(1.143
................ ......................... . 1,611,132
Newiouncllartd 11868.601 2,097,523 2.5,13,361 11.277.182 11.169.991 11,661.248 11.160.510
Oceania--Australia..................................... 3,042.054 6,298,165 5,301,918 3.484.836 15.411,746 18,965.881 14,189,446 19,470.303
l"iji ........................................... 2,587 , 204 1,230.542 4,317,870 5,1197.912 271.004 317.367 297.545 329.707 -5
Now Zealand................................. 3,725,235 4,577,546 8.282,322 12,771.239 16,562,007 13,538.513 11.366.500 17.357,763
Other......................................... 1.14 1 ..... .. 129.278 78,521 49.319 78,051 -5
Palestine............................................... 0.86 1 7,921 15,590 25.163 77,389 105,352 11)4,408 189.9.52 2
Other British Countries........................................... ... 283 Co
Total, British Empire..........................208,820,128 214,068,538 249.087,328 257.398,531 598,507,995 540,437,761 499.265,845 530,004.017

Forei9n Countries
Argentina................................................ 1,454,108 5.657.074 9,848,754 7,427,568 12,639.706 13,101,846 11,085,728 14,483,191
Austria.................................................... 196.033 482.264 594,875 678,193 21,536 191,152 291,824 340,701
Belgium................................................. 6,953.173 9,663.308 9,898.237 12,014,538 22,802.741 21,341,110 20,781,857 27,301.384
1,031 ...................... 1 . 068 . ................ 173.698 66.670 117,954 87.034
Brazil................................................... 1,849.758 1,909,621 2.088,200 1,726.314 4,832.391 7,291,479 4,897.082 5.872.940
Chile ................................. . ................ .... 670.145 471.424 522.597 379.453 1,409.787 1.517.901 1.347.328 2,4(1:1,442
China .................................................. .. 2547995 5.041,592 2,572,453 3.095.296 24,473.446 13.516,939 13,432,396 23.687.053
Colombia ............................................. .... 093.058 1,117.046 7.580.376 6.649.408 683.700 1.349,315 1.732.573 1.797,393
Conta Rica ............................................ .....77.065 44,488 47.338 75,062 213.445 198.946 203.060 184,773
Cuba ..................... . ............................ . 11.003.284 8,076.575 5,587.171 4,903.506 8,525,583 6.827.572 5,386.679 4.442.953
Czocho-Slovakia ....................................... 1,272,045 1,726,922 2,423.984 3,297,593 132.114 476.632 1.439,483 1.703.875
.137.466 175.215 128.283 152.721 6.215.226 5.666.387 6.300.862 5.981.635

cuador . 663 618,001 150,079 54,444 124,570 139,874

Egypt . 77.858 113.052 159.213 193,973 1.340.020 1,485,823 1.798,004 2,845.973
Entonia . 3.310 188 168 86,3)7 212,104 174,181 88.680
Finland . 43.586 82,836 93.108 98,286 1.578.554 1.882.874 1,838,447 1,122,179
France . 19.151.699 23.992 322 26,473.732 26,215,698 13. 952. 262 15,220,232 0,940.145 16,131.188
French Africa . 8.501 10.971 142,331 153,244 210.803 520.249 456,012 475.026
French Went Indies.................................. 1.169 2,834 1.719 223.770 234,298 371.511 511.371
St. Pierre and Miquelon.............................. 36.442 73.054 77,560 85.524 497.895 582,008 1.470.340 2.729. 124
Germany................................ .............. 9.986.763 15.030.138 17, 055. 798 20,797.683 30,734.037 34, 411. 021 42.244.217 46,708.604
Greece................................................ 334.909 329,031 254,134 370,708 3,709.798 9.023,161 4.282,227 11,850.771
Guatemala............................................ 256.523 182,800 93.390 20,984 152,329 218.383 175.917 191.930
Hayti................................................. 130.162 373.479 198.206 251,497 608.117 393,799 364.770 394.791
Honduras.............................................. 582.153 927,108 622.299 168.379 117,893 1)0. 832 235.957
Italy.................................................. 2,597.759 3,444.082 4,241,602 4,260,325 12.788.6.53 22.815.083 18.742.516 23,024.890
Japan.. .................. ............... ............... 9,564.074 11,170,380 12,505.373 12,921,317 34,694.862 29. 929, 031 32.988.243 42,099. 9r8
Korea............................................... 270 74 2,101 2,359 067 946.807 487,360 16.0.995
Lettonia (Latvia)...................................... 400 41.043 22,102 528.763 68,019 125.322 34,715
Mexico................................................ 3,684.460 2,372.972 1,174.087 1,170.245 2.990.773 2.760,686 2.539.947 2,075.985
Morocco............................................... 7.260 13.215 14.728 28,666 125.494 425.550 277,783 393. 6.09
NetherlamLs........................................... 6.864.563 7.693,668 8.704,049 9,018.763 23,478.007 26,374.378 35.537.951 44, 366. 888
Dutch Eaat Indien................................... 1.729.283 687,439 1.131.283 704.663 3,881,937 2,364,334 3,805,367
DutchGuiana....................................... 7.442 13.409 52.592 107.934 107.270 110,414 123.580
Dutch West Indies................................... 180,267 495,078 173,319 79.902 142.808 163. 249 18.5.1)14
Nicaragua............................................. 78.665 70.038 2.561 3,337 46,267 53.976 72.735 043.56.2
Norway............................................... 630,781 911,357 1.064.215 989.504 8,767.887 5.028.104 8,666,770 7.435.537
Panama............................................... 4.410 240 3.230 483.449 504.030 1,124.817 1,040.519
Paraguay.............................................. 47.735 14.047 130.406 5,589 46,099 58.956 80. 716 90,194 tel
Pemia................................................. 152.980 115.483 124.427 248. 823 17.691 38,203 72.896 83.577 0
Peru........ ........................................... 5,700.109 5.893.106 5.2)6.102 4,447358
928 1.226,255 1,106.858 1,285,525 1,311.267 -z2
Poland and Danzig ................................. ... 33.566 43.875 135.452 79.247 2.295, 215 154,814 455,975 356.759
Portugal........... .................................... 348.817 471.026 722.279 678.030 121.773 1,273.457 942.210 5, 735. 399
Azores and Madeira................................. 69.946 91,941 130.343 84,804 79.297 180.678 210.004 187.199
Portuguese Africa.................................... 20.770 811,086 876.114 11054.816 943,194
floumania............................................. 2,363 35,668 46.947 32,364 305, 169 463.840 798,9.53 588. 432
Ru.ssia................................................. 7.207 20,336 73.119 230,881 3,788 2613 2,407 206 2.424.071 2.457.492
Salvador.............................................. 54,623 78,635 23.041 127,093 141. 297 97.232 75.803
San Domingo.......................................... 6,791,339 6.015,541 2,452.841 1,135.380 350,255 461,120 413,034 332.802
Serb-Croat-Slovene State.............................. 1.407 6.854 12.041 25,543 105, 156 116.325 127,955 48.829
Siam.................................................. 95,731 16,988 42.379 10.391 294,246 317. 928 117,227 2.50,575
Spain.............................................. .... 2,085,850 2.220. 823 2.572. 150 2.700,033 832,547 $43. 022 609,653 5,704,255
Canary Islands...................................... 916 326 1.964 7.060 78,581 185,840 131(158 71.374
Sweden................................................ 1,134,644 1.643.973 1.862.150 2,185,089 3,642,709 3.415, 805 4,612,312 4.7435.818
Switzerland........................................... 7,462,608 9,491,779 8,595.677 7,917,445 1,218.616 504,179 498,270 493,9)9
Syria.................................................. 3.940 13.268 15.162 18,368 47,588 113.134 158,742 476,229
Turke- ............................................... 344,26.8 406,114 526.321 851.360 110.597 39,137 62,640 146.933
Unitml States......................................... 608,618,042 687, 022. 521 719, 436.237 868,055,897 474,987.367 468,422,789 478.003,640 500, 167.599
Alaska.............................................. 191,715 173,572 171.562 14.5,010 270,250 249,214 311.434 411,836
Hawaii.............................................. 251.293 295,576 309.753 316,030 785 38,027 79.309 37.267
Philippines.......................................... 74,253 178.764 159.879 108,859 172,631) 230,647 272,751 321.219
PortoRico.......................................... 2.372 15,696 1.490 3,760 866,688 914,957 815.388 977.961
Uruguay............................................... 69,528 55,280 80.507 9,122 1,910.209 2.784,391 1,628,209 1,107,631
Venezuela............................................. 198.70 190.778 213,858 701,935 1,483.333 2,293,878 1,497,544 1,702.549
58, 038 91.799 248.929 279.876 178.490 288,376 515,733 736.35.5
Other Foreign Countries...............................
Total, Foreign Countries.......................
Grand Total...............................
719,808.604 1 816,823,967 1
927.328.732 1.030,892,505 1,108,956,466
1, 285. 679. 091
711. 719, 745
728,94 1.761
1,228,207. 606
6-IMPORTS INTO CANADA FOR CONSUMPTION, by Principal Countries and Main Groups, Fiscal Year ended March 31, 1929

Agricultural Animals
and and
Vegetable Animal Fibres, Wood, Non-Ferrous Non-Motsdlic
Countries from which Imported Products Products Textiles and Wood Pro- Iron and Metals Minerals and Chemicals Miscellaneous Total
(except (except Textile ducts and its and their their l'ro- and Allied Corn- Imports
Chemicals, Chemicals, Products Paper Products Products ducts (except Products modities (Mdse.)
Fibres and Chemicals)
and wood) and Fibres)

Thus?, Empire $ 8 $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ $
United Kingdom ......................... ..53,670,561 5,664,451 77,021,060 4,935,029 38997,316 6,653,832 12,100,661 4,942,879 10,034,784 194.020,573
IriehFreeState .......................... ..8,803 ....44,342 779 ......... 730 0
4,221 58.875
Aden ...................................... 21,937 ...................2 21.939
Africa--British East....................... 270,189 ....27,490 ............. 4 297.683
Br:tish South .................... ..80,979 33,977 119,682 11500 497 22 30.457 385 12,760 280,267
British West....................... 284,529 10 349 . ..... 940,475 .....1176 1,226,539
...... ..20,371 2,041 223 019 61559
628 10 ... 31,020 61.771
British East Indies-British India.......... 3,801,556 324,578 5.874,807 5,219 2,459 78,723 41, 601 4,909 232,036 10,366,548
Ceylon ......... ..... ..2,496,273 39 200 339 .....32,289 2,529, 140
Straits Settlements, 1,458,761 ....1,135 2,308 ....549,448 .....3,465 2,01.5,207
Other ............... ..................1,611 128 1.730
British Guiana ....... ...................... 4,812.688 83 255 45.700 12,187 .....2,323 4,873, 237
British Honduma.......................... 254,200 ......4,794 1,320 .......'203 260.519
British Sudan ......... .... .....
.......... ..12,180 .................12,180
British West Indies-Barbados............. 5,180,948 ......173 lu 081) 1,030 5 0 1,958 5,199,197 Ci
Jamaica ............ .. 4,746,649 1,898 7 930 2,665 854 ....8,17? 29,120 4,790,295
Trinidad and Tobago 3,356,064 307 5.5 21 12,769 2 1 115 .....4,727 3,376,028
Other ............... ..1,820,983 54,189 2,914 2.324 20.725 8,770 50.580 1,078 18,227 2,077,839
Gibraltar ................................ ......38 ...........122 tao
Hong Kong .............................. ..936,322 137,180 44,205 77,746 1,193 2,714 7.609 94,919 100,614 11 4021502
Iraq (Mesopotamia)........................ 31,017 ...............112 31.129
Malta, Cyprus and Gozo ... .................2,351 241 ...........31 2,623
Newfoundland.............................. 20,593 1,185,023 6,136 123,312 701,665 1,050 173,234 87 302,251 21513,361
Oceania-Australia......................... 1,822,885 1,069,343 410,032 33,685 1,378 712 112 1,994 144,675 3,484,836
Fiji ............................ ..5,696,491 .......... 302 ......1,110 5.697,912
New Zealand ................... ..119,133 11,366,864 1,238,872 1,811 713 156 ......46,327 12,771,239
Other .......................... ....................
Palestine ................................. ..19,951 630 1,530 1,258 252 310 81 ....1,185 25,161
Other British Countries .................. ....................
Total, British Empire ............ ..91,046,415 19,840,491 84.791,348 5,192,351 19,809, 655 8,251, 655 - 12,404,348 5,056.709 11,005.489 257,398,531
Foreign Count rien
Argentina ................................ ..... 5,093,880 2,227,578 70,385 311 1,254 152 .................... 30,143 3.88.5 7,427.568
Austria .................................. ........19,565 24,017 317,325 40,254 14,908 77,210 15.255 6,506 163,123 678,153
Belgium ................................. ........859,554 864,584 1,136,278 290,494 3,679,869 426,154 3,595,708 402,288 255,609
Bolivia ................................... ...................................................... .............. ............... ............... ................ ............ 12,014,338
Branil .................................... ..... 1,725,339 ................................................................................. 445 ...................
530 1,726.314
Chile .................................... ........................... .............. ............... ............... .................................... 379,453 ................ 379,4.53
China .................................... . 1,384,543 1,079,513 357,554 73,505 3,511 73,174 8,909 27,403 57,179 3,095,2013
Colombia ................................ ... 922,118 785 ............... ............... ............... ..... 5,926,483 22 6,849,408
CostaRica ..................... .......... ....75,062 .................. ........... ............... ............... ......... . .... ...............................
........................... 75,062
Cuba .................................... .4,785.089 32463 16,124 4,463 430 202 ................ 93,050 4.907.5013

Czecho-Slovakia 188.426 114,938 892.911 98,473 58.894 112,154 907,375 7 1 694 916.728 3.297.593
Denmark 21,915 52.107 6.238 48 28.162 10,538 4,454 2.067 27,192 152,721
Ecuador................................. ............... ..
Egypt. ................................... ....... 163,394 140 28.783 590 68 30 559 193,573
E,itonin.. ................................. ........... 168 ............................................................. 168
Finland......................... ......... ............. .. 18,919 . ..................15,150 38,437 ..................23,408 9 2,365 98,28t1
France ............. ...................... ..... 6,908,011 1,790,813 11,513,516 936,721 786.979 482,882 635,528 1,347,310 1,812,690 26,215.696
French Africa .......................... ........ 18467 41,099 91691 131 $3,083 40 ................... 2,733 153,244
French West Indies ..................... ........1,719 1 ,7 19
St. Pierre and Miquelon ................ ........7,815 4.765 220 220 163 38 42.206 55.524
Germany ................................ ......1,756,558 822,413 5,012.121 703.425 3,030,229 1.364,956 1,380,851 2,893.967 3,831.163 20,797.693
(reece ................................... .......182,367 5,411 170,001 464 ..............................409 ...................12,056 370,708
Guatemala .......................... ..... ....... 20,984 20,984
Ifiiyti........................................... 261,497
I tonduras ................................ .......... 251,497
italy ..................................... .....1,802,885 154,414 1,747,530 42,196 38,306 130,178 200,466 103,500 225,847 4,260,328
Japan ....................... ............. .....1959,047 268,893 8,872,053 128.026 11,297 220,270 520,535 104,917 839,309 12,921,317
Korea............... ................... .......... 649 25 .....................1,800 ................................ 85 2.359
Lcttorna (Latvia) ........ .......................... 17,148 817 4,083 ....................................................54 22,102
Mexico ....... ................................... 850,053 1,254 7,380 5 .................307,308 ...................... 3,345 1.170,245
Morocco.................. ....... 27,972 11 124 43 10 ......................................... 506 28.666
Netherlands.............................. 3,922,398 156,268 3.008.993 41,969 123,250 60,234 763,042 778,517 303.092 9.018.763
Dutch East Indies...................... 866,824 10 28.025 ........................................ 2,337 ....................7,487 704,663
Dutch Guiana........................... 52,592 ........................................ 52,592
Dutch West Indies...................... 172, 974 545 173. 319
Nicaragua.................................8,337 3 . 337
Norway................................. 18,604 750.738 53.095 102,971 40,521 5.713 6.502 347 11,015 989 504
Paraguay................................. 6 1 589 ...................5,589
l'cruta.................................... 4205 136.012 206,588 ............................................................... 2,018 348.823
l'eru...................................... 578, 092 253 ............................... 5,467 ............... 3,863,173 ......................273 4.447,8.58
Poland and Danzig........................9,145 13.392 42,512 8,624 3,777 107 12 ....................3,678 79,241
Portugal ................................ .384,034 3.359 18,581 262,603 12 126 .................... 8,606 678,0341
Azores and Madeira......................1,147 83,413 .................................................................. 244 84,804
Port ttgtuuu' Africa ................... .......
Rouriutnin.................................. 31,793 558 3 ................................................................... 10 32,364 48 152,182 .....................1,075 .................. 3,382 70,764 430 236,881
Sun I)nmingo..............................1,132,033 3,307 ................................................................ 20 1,135.360
Sc'yb.Croat-Slovene State.................. 3,824 819 8,974 75 ..............................11,709 143 25,543
5mm . ....................................... 10,341 10,391
Spain...................................... 1,938,593 50
61,466 9 1 8.59 464,910 37,119 935 45.445 18,508 122,798 2,700,033
Canary Islands........................... 7,040 ................................................................. 20 7,061)
Sweden....................................13,026 86.796 61,792 168,115 1,646.205 134,911 38,022 12,762 23,031 2,185,089
Switzerland ................................ 67,510 171.369 5.374.205 61,860 122,963 11098,819 9,847 317.148 104,124 7,917.445
S yria...................................... 2,216 23 1,014 1 1 015 62 4,430 III 3,461 6.030 18.368
Turkey.................................... 252,436 299.202 68 12 131 177 1 2,333 564,3110
United States..............................103,690,332 42,654.256 81,889.787 50,564,294 317,089.125 62,164,988 135,154,049 26,223,786 48,685.281 868,055.907
Alaska ..................... .............. 17 112,535 ...................... 13,385 6.721 241 3,047 158 8,306 145,011)
Hawaii .................................. 315,189 42 894 .............................................. .. 805 310,930
l'hilippinez .............................. 54 186,968 120 1 46 ............................... 7,670 198,8.59
l'orto Rico............................... 2,278 1,482 3.760
1.. ruguuuv................................... 4,415 4,139 .......................................................................... .. 538 9.122
S'cnczuela..................................156,078 545,847 10 70i,g:ts
Other Foreign Count,ires.................... 43,830 - 10.133 2,786 723 ................ 214,276 1.701 696 5,881 270.876
Total. Foreign Countries........... 142,083,829 81,821,263 121,85 54,022,467
2.696 326,801,284 67,186,746 154,558,883 32,666,277 57,486.115 1,008.289,560
Grand Total Imports.............. 233,130,244 71.661,754 206,444,044 89,214.818 340,910,939 75,438,431 166,964,231 37.723.040 68,491.584 1,205,679,091
7-Expoa'rs OF CrnIAN PRODUCE FROM CANADA, by Principal Countries and Main Groups, Fiscal Year ended March 31, 1029

Agricultural Animals
and and
Vegetable Animal Fibres, Wood, Non-Ferrous Non-5.tetallic Total
Countries to which Exported Products l'roduetH Textiles and Wood Pro- Iron and MetaLs l5inerals and Chemicals Miscellan.ous Cmiilian
(except (except Textile ducts and its and their their Pro- and Allied Cons- Exports
Chemicals, Chemicals Products Paper l'roducts Products ducts (except Products moditios
Fibres and Fibres) Chemicals)
and Wood)

Bri4ishEmpire $ $ $ 8 8 $ $ 8 $ $

United Kingdom ......................... ..325,105,581 47,644,803 810,836 22,350,947 8,721.020 16,347,438 1,771,253 4,036,885 2,941,722 429,730,485
lrishFreeStuute .......................... ..3,827,796 22,665 2,974 188,781 40.346 8,307 4,077 17,181 32.616 4,144.743
Aden...................................... 11,921 .. 11 28,974 .......40,906
Africa-British East ..................... .185,570 10.605 66 1,767 1,361,468 5.724 406 2.565 1,568.171
British South .................... .4,724,693 262,469 154,357 1,834,612 4,737,899 324,074 51,912 42,378 99,379 12,231,773
British West ..................... .159,967 245,513 .. 8,203 824,140 194 22 6,822 957 1.245,818
Bermuda.................................. 839,329 547,830 35,054 88,428 24,516 9.833 19,718 22,254 41,041 1,628.003
British East Indies-British India......... 3,092,816 61,773 87,338 16,505 5,855,243 2,475,125 17,265 97,188 32,183 11,735.4315
ceylon............... 156,898 11,796 1 1.148 471,067 15,361 421 5,101 ...061,793
Straits Settlements - 325,947 62,077 739 14,172 756,755 39,506 11390 1,574 1,749 1,203, 909
Other................1,365 . ...6,958 203 . .... 8,526
llrtislu Guiana............................ 1,301,982 260.652 32,304 205,214 147, 071 24,793 96,746 44,081 125,663 2,238,506
l3ritislullondurus.......................... 678,831 141,444 16,260 10,377 24.744 873 6 1 566 7,928 13,011 900,034
British Sudan ........... .................. 26,209 ..... ..125,149 9,294 . .. 59 11111,704
British West Indies-Barhmlos ........... 79(1, 735 271,970 30,099 342,130 142,881 4,535 12,547 35,773 45.280 1,081,950
Jarioujea..............3,175,122 1,283,183 48.643 200,099 438.323 6,778 12,651 52,422 59,882 5,294,081
'l'rinidadand'Fobago 2,460,613 873,244 70,301 155,867 419,773 28,070 18,542 72,146 55,015 4,11:1,571
Other................ 1,825.220 337.082 27,528 208,538 118,274 6.530 40.801 41,496 50,150 4,650.219 0
Gibraltar................................. 49,864 946 489 .. .. 23,899 200 75.391
hung Kong............................... 1,782,781 728,668 14,226 9,415 120,016 91608 393 159,937 6,420 2,837,403
Iraq Mesopotsrnia)....................... 11,986 693 406 124,844 ....137. 729
Malta, Cyprus and Gozo...................787,964 17.675 12 303,542 425 . ...525 1,110.143
Newfounulliuid.............................4.773,701 1,383,457 051,558 532,283 797,229 ..547.722
173,748 1,998.772 322,000 II, 100.510 .6
Oceania -'Australia........................483,907 20'22,392 296,947 5,090,881 10,434,037 359,180 299,564 215,733 267,864 19.470.305 -5
Fiji.............................. 63,574 72,325 4,105 90,540 97.127 1,360 73 693 320.797 713
New Zealand....................4,782,980 728,987 742.115 2,414,228 7,303.236 788,748 255,414 133,695 208,360 17,3.57,763
Other........................... 2,797 34,651 1,024 13,222 26,357 . ......70,031
Palestine.................................. 107,514 15.571 189 66.014 58 54 552 189,952
Other British Countries.................... 85 198 . .........283
Total, British Empire............. 943.542,298 57,004.501 3.027,161 33,786,766 43,522.803 90,639,765 4,631,946 5.540.849 4.307,939 536.004.017

Foreign Countries
Argentina ... 3,558.609 32,686 165,072 2,715,989 7,856,557 122,780 26,364 919 14,205 14.483,191
Austria .......... ...........................
. ... . ....... . ....... ........... 243,728 6,802 ............... 2,749 46.901 19,448 300 ..............29,775 349,701
15elium.................................. 22,539,841 655,977 19,975 870,910 127,759 2,588,427 429,022 263 69,910 27,301,384
Bolivia........................................ 12,385 . 16,151 482 55,175 1,511 .........................
.....1,900 87.604
Brazil...................................... 1,810,416; 332,976 11.893 73,117 3,085,805 473,322 47,594 5.595 26,222 5,872,940
Chile........................................ 372,101 218,317 6.431 73,815 1,665,470 38.347 1,431 21.974 5,496 2,403,442
China..................................... 17,698,535 1.096,695 91,349 396.685 300,369 3.820,066 12,661 167,145 103,247 23,687,053
Colombia................................. 1,014,952 137.763 42,706 142,985 283,635 38,509 65,616 19.041 69,186 1,797,393
Costa Rice................................... 42,083 63.755 1.730 3,296 60.911 384 11501 7,839 1.274 184,773
Cuba .................................... .1,8.51,143 1.447.726 5,918 720,292 20,888 92,644 11,140 265.323 27,879 4,442,953
Czeclio-Sdovakia 1,379.960 23,936 96,117 2,044 164.863 4,223 10.211 2,471 1.7(23,823
Denmark ................................ ..5,488,657 114,312 5,068 2.555 289,866 19.977 29.1187 83 30,850 5,981.035
Ecuador ................................. ..20,571 22,706 4,582 5.315 82.342 131 ... 1,696 2,537 139,874
Egypt .................................... .. 2,070,0213 67,592 4,650 486 697,475 332 38 1,222 4.149 2,815.973
Estonia ................................... ..88,245 299 136 ....... 88,680
Fi'dand .................................. ..2,033,593 10,700 30,599 290 45.1144 887 421 2.122,120
France ................................... ..7,451,11139 3,008.901 33,447 1,723,518 738,578 2,107,778 787,543 20,586 168,908 16.131,188
French Africa .......................... .. 25,929 9.041 4 ....427,850 125 11,856 221 475.026
French West Indies....................... 378,565 17,817 ... 47.379 47.938 ...10.186 47 9,442 511.374
St. Pierreand Miquelon ................ .. 2.266.587 110,358 71,194 59,835 39,151 2,131 87.432 11.445 81,391 2.729.174
Germany.................................. 33.401.955 1.959.092 93,979 658,974 1,306,977 5.828,642 1.420.247 13,1302 22. 33 6 40.708.804
Greece ... .......... . ......... ... ......... ..11,744,003 8,636 5,876 5.901 49,382 417 26.085 .. 9.481 11,8.50.771
Guatemala ............................... .. 84.910 161505 2,006 6.798 71,220 2,538 3,014 764 3,569 191.930
Ilayti ....................... ............. .. 270.352 32.289 691 8.679 78,551 934 226 3.069 391,791
Itcinduras ................................ .. 181.005 11159 2,429 638 4,777 82 5.014 36,927 4,026 235.957
Italy. .................................... ..19.918.411 1,106.148 29,505 779.122 151,530 523,573 337.360 90 179,070 23.024.899
21.508.0330 1,544,459 88,461 9.978.938 547,987 7,175.235 487.167 361,115 410.556 42,01231. 968
Korea .................................. ...110,092 24,6312 1,407 109 20,089 .....3.822 724 160.995
Lettonia (Latvm) ........................ ..31,144 ................. 2,921 ........256 34.315
Nenico ................................... .. 522.507 147.475 39,369 71.815 73,522 231,559 25,249 1,519,573 44.916 2.075.985
Morc.e.c'o .................................. ..128.1332 2.968 IS 252.460 82 12 ... .38:1. 1399
Netherlands ............................. .. 37.625.525 1,335.510 24,879 177.973 246.030 4,606,173 301,620 .... 49,178 41.3116.888
Dutch East Indies ..................... .. 1,110,581 88.073 4,798 7,349 2,303,75! 47,369 4,838 37,459 1.649 3.605.367
Dutch Guiana .......................... ..35,576 62,585 1,487 340 3,230 ....... 219 143 123.580
Dutch West Indies ..................... .. 73,425 47.370 8,808 8,500 12,140 467 ....8.2913 0.038 185.044
Nicaragua ................................ ..28,602 10,844 2,279 1,455 18,038 ......3,684 1.660 613, 562
Norway .................................. ..6,810,912 130.3.53 105,505 3,773 '214,1172 31,822 135.599 76 2,825 7,43.5,5:37 tZ
Panama .................................. ..103,217 307,065 2,227 42,210 468.4111 678 9,797 5,474 10,835 1,040.510
Paraguay ................................ ..11.034 116 . .....85,041 .... ....913.194
Persia .................................... ..13,461 ........... .... ......70,110 ..........83.577
Peru ..................................... ..329,722 310.373 23,504 27,824 545,629 8.214 31,007 12,959 22,035 1.311.267
Poland and Danzig ....................... ..54,194 12.152 220 818 168,413 111.917 2.419 554 3533, 759
Portugal...................................5,6.45.277 60,176 3.976 11019 10,987 1,040 12.829 .... 5,735.299
AzoreaandMadeira .................... ..186,177 ................. 20.841 117 64 . ...187.109
PortugueseAfrica ...................... .. 230.037 44,317 736 130,492 187,012 4,782 1.388 335.882 2,348 943.1360
Roumania ................................ ..21,860 12,0133 45 529,435 4,954 . ....122 568.432
Russia..................................... 656.741 .. ..548,851 825 1,223,216 22,728 2,106 2.9135 ... 2,457.492
Salvador ................................. ..20,438 1,901 680 2,227 43,074 3911 1.896 4,750 479 75.803
San Domingo.............................. 111,491 167,815 194 18,363 9,279 3.086 ...13.957 8,617 332,802
Serb-Croat-SloveneState................... 12.134 ......380 35,980 .......355 48.829
Satin...................................' , , 10,275 554 584 928 7:14,130 3,993 Ill ...250.5Th
Spain...................................... 4,560.825 31,630 35.3013 84,970 670,820 164.084 71,420 63,242 1,938 5,704.255
Canarylslands ......................... ..26.190 19.600 2.886 ....22.808 ........71.314
Sweden. ................................. ..4,009.338 419,692 76.803 5.072 177.323 21.024 521350 ....4.156 4,765,818
Switserinnd .............................. ..201.109 60.126 448 20,966 27,402 60,593 218 174 112,883 483,919
Syria .................................... .. 316. 790 23,871 875 91 130.670 ....3.738 98 90 476.229
Turkey.................................... 68,051 2,683 1,506 .. ..69,473 .... 4.154 1831 146.053
United States.............................. 85,527.194 84,993,501 4,930,498 235,665,010 11,157,421 63,777,009 17,904,515 10,779.475 12,342.976 500, 167,509
Alaska ........ ........................... 1,930 105,034 10 11.199 1,710 775 265.990 ....19,108 411.8:16
Hawaii ................................ ..770 27,517 ....6,655 25 67 133 2,212 37.262
I'hilippinen............................... 250.544 53,275 3,257 362 125 7.455 5.095 305 321.218
Porto Rico ............................. ..4,5.48 897,196 198 16,7a9 1,989 30 1,650 50,923 4,068 977.961
Uruguay...................................446,220 116 3.965 172.001 441,415 7.072 12,631 1,964 19.247 1,1117,1331
Venezuela ................................ ..854,246 138,759 14,630 31.799 626,267 10,402 835 110,028 6,283 1,792,539
Other Foreign Countries .................. ..2431,982 58.383 208 15.218 383,700 7.474 844 477 8.063 736,355

Total, Foreign Countries .......... ..282,971, 760 101.752. 771 8,650,858 254.834, 990 38,733.914 92,015,429 22.760,844 13,897,215 13,95.3,874 827.582,655

Total Exports (Canadian) ........ .646,514,068 138,757,272 0,078,019 288,621,745 82,756,717 112,655, 194 27,401,790 19,438,064 18.263.813 1.303,5811,672 0


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United $tates
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


PR oin,ci—A. Msiyi.y FOOD-
Apples................. Eel 201.589 199.223 194,620 100 199.011 190,022
8.51.583 1.124.839 943.980 914 1,123.1115 917.144
Bananas ............. Bane. 2,808.947 3.393.790 3.589,693 . ............ ............. ..19.447 3.531.015
4,987.899 3.571,521 5,240,109 . ............ ..........5,497,999 5.204,262
Cranberries ............ 13r1 29,024 19,8110 21.689 ...................10.888 21.689
216.183 221,260 241.371 ...................221.25.3 241,371
Grape fruit............. Lb 17,817,020 19,575,229 20,528,581 ...................19,057,3.30 10,945.682
S 863.471 041.523 911.099 ...................921.142 883.007
Grapes................. Lb 10,800.808 23.073,583 34,398,174 421.320 246.317 22,3541.587 33,980.103
939,164 1.189.124 1,620.793 54.811 28.782 1.097,230 1,573.547
Lemons ................ Em 385,889 359.088 406.600 2.723 4.317 246.317 203.517
$ 1.216,222 1,471)633 1.833,883 12.078 13.320 1,079,3)10 1.330.500
Melons ................. No 3.520.987 4.312.636 5.740.167 114 325 4.512.322 .5,7:1.5.066
382.044 498,731 573,287 68 43 498.61.3 577,382
Oranges ................ Em 2,2C3.31i9 2.488.644 2.389.309 10.805 8.015 2,2112.14!
8,421,630 9,940,781 10,326,871 34.997 38,191 9,5.54.5,7 9.893.629
Peaches................ Lb 13,508.888 15,725.107 20.734,458 ...............15.725.11 02 20.734.438
$ 301,576 663,01)2 625,848 ............... 063.0112 625,848
i'ears ................... Lb 22,430,147 18,434.357 27.416,131 3,420 7,000 18.424.30)7 27.309,706
$ 855,274 928,56.5 1.020.907 978 682 927,144 1.1)19.863
Pinoapples .............. $ 538,737 324.489 404,774 ......519.042 462.056
Plums ................ Bush 172,013 208.239 208.705 ......205,230 2118,735
$ 423,22)1 544.1)35 .572,402 ...... 544,055 572,402
Strawberries ........... Lb 3,944,707 6,222.419 8.787.468 ......6,222.419 8.767,468
$ 6118.417 832.018 1,029.277 . ..... 832.019 1.029.277
Other .................. $ 414.203 408.902 503,226 144 1,952 315,4811 382,758
Total fresh ........... 8 21.288,234 24.859.503 25.915,836 103,076 83.910 23,795.082 24,708,007
Currants... ............ Lb 4.609.481 6.100,608 0.122,795 2.743 11160 38,536 17,396
118,716 626,833 773.965 346 192 4.425 2.234
Dates .................. Lb 10.033,027 13,885.325 10.970,640 8,472.708 5,486,205 4,503,840 3,034,028
$ 762,820 815.829 664,532 351,395 236,591 418,6010 341.220
Figs.................... Lb 4.607,351 4,775,414 4,989,470 213,819 876,049 1,586,192 1,553,929
373,282 327,653 382.608 10.696 53.766 128.079 139,679
Peaches................ Lb 1.630,022 1,717,532 2,384,785 ... 1,717,252 2,384.795
$ 220,349 137.299 222.943 . ............ 157,246 222.943
Prunes and plume ....... Lb 17.3107,119 20,107,470 18,962.384 . ............ 20,092,72)) 18,957,083
$ 1.105.501 1,140,147 1,203,085 ... 1,137,749 1,201.000
Raisins................. Lb 39,407,420 44,710,803 43,656.095 381,336 310,8133 39,321,010 39,775,494
2,912,743 2,965,970 2,371.556 35.800 25.396 2,363.984 1.903,387
Other.................. 318,283 278,025 380.958 91699 14.319 245.008 338,715
Total Dried .......... I 6.071,694 5,311,756 5,999.345 407.936 330.283 4.456,691 4,146,778
Otherwise prepared-
Canned ................. Lb 26.047.533 29,591.401 39.908,271 124.734 66.899 17.940.832 23.459.351
8 2.158,261 2.373.780 2.978.012 9.947 5,190 1.585.682 2.032.741
Jollies and jams........ Lb 2,151,818 2,288.592 1,877,195 1.438.509 1.061,771 117,797 244,117
227,772 334,802 330.019 193,202 141,892 22,393 52,908
Other.................. $ 300,650 299.300 443,105 17,276 31,019 86,412 83,015
Total Prepared ....... 8 2,784,683 3,007,951 3,751,136 210,425 178,098 1,094,487 2,170,664

Fruit juicesandayrups ... Gal 76,528 114.131 130.940 23,823 8,364 45,159 83,851
8 152.133 200.076 210,156 35.344 24,013 142,003 159.888
Total Fruits ........ $ 30,296.744 34.379,286 35.876,473 156.781 616,284 30,087,263 31,185.372
Cocos,nuts .............. No 8.463.347 8,375.017 9,050.925 .........................154.058 110,980
$ 177.091 188.25! 201,7137 .........................6.00! 5.743
Cocoanut, desiccated ...Lb 2,196.351 2643,86.5 2.280.850 101,191 49.191 9,310 3,465
$ 168.737 193,226 1192,955 7281 4.146 1,449 495
opra .................. Lb. 4,125 . ....................................... 4,025 ............
86 .......................................... 82 ............
Other, not shelled-
Almonds ............. Lb. 1,108,414 811.575 1.106.981 ........................... 53.87! 39,228
154,512 107,615 148,199 ........................... 9.216 9,379
Brazil nuts ........... Lb. 1,738,008 1,030.436 1,2:18,335 82,162 279,170 805,907 755,91)5
I 185,741 170.7:18 189,986 13,067 41,950 130.7119, 121,452
Walnuts .............. Lb. 1,388,99.5 2,025.445 1,703.593. ............ . 1,630 447,49.5 473.948
$ 165.536 224,521 250,194 242 90,844 109,609
Other................Lb. 9,242. 195 8,643.158 10.0114,977 8,551 120 1.619,617 2,016.904
6 56)1.104 520.652 40144.30)1 731 IS 174.724 245.808


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) tnited Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1928 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paoorc,re-A. MAINI.Y FOOD
Almonds, shelled....... Lb. 1.701.648 2,208,890 2,020.952 110.331 115.521 43.841 65,085
8 660,495 791,361 733,946 51,789 56.755 27,939 37.009
Other shelled........... Lb. 20,238,105 20.876.381 21,027.585 158,023 238,627 8,053,854 8.607.5319
$ 2,621.851 2.845,310 2,703.951 53,938 87.141 1.110,324 1,074.223

Total Nuts ......... $ 4,703,0197 5.056.030 8.175.287 126.800 190.249 1.557,318 1,603.718

Onions ................. 8 427.1125 548,521 7110375 67,282 77.000 221,433 275,472
Potntoos (except t)(wt 282.055 200 1 886 473.351 13 .. 360,617 472,071
$ 647.54)8 790.039 .540.807 14 .. 798,316 530.603
Tomatoes, fresh...... Bush. 427,100 571,277 71.5,051 3 14 495,603 600,871
8 1,173,0117 1,550,102 1,9191,054 26 94 1,349.1914 1.437.989
Other fresh ............. 8 2,531.360 3,171,616 3.737.0.53 4,347 4,151 3,060,627 3,644.273
Dried .................. $ 13,284 1.786 4.619 51 21 4,683 3.7(11)
Canned................. Lb. 13.977.167 16,443,572 20.356.335 21.659 898 20,204.180 14,210,283
$ 1,219.379 1,441,059 1,752.4144 4,246 165 840,162 1,169.546
Sauces and pickles..... Gal. 419,2.54 497,528 474.153 197,931 167,184 153.334 152,179
$ 582,489 659,396 604,390 354,233 288,929 221,956 247,211

Total Vegetables ..... $ 6,591,722 8.175,549 9,289,328 430,179 350,369 6.495,376 7,337.994

Grains and Farinaceous

Beans ................ flush. 595.924 430.880 327,828 22.090 18,367 47.535 73,264
1.126.976 9(12.585 1.128.112 43.033 60.320 161,059 322,729
Corn ................. JIunh. 14,171,27,5 14.991.0114 14.126,688 .... 7,484,774 9,583.974
lo,9lo,e11 13,057.832 13.7142,145 .... 6.771,583 0.346,215
Oats................. Bush. 1.833.349 3.082,995 3.036.759 664 1.276 3.1192,331 3,035.480
794,736 1.784.698 1,540,32(1 1,081 1.731 1,783.813 1.544,595
Rice .................. Cwt. 523.547 075.842 592.879 2,522 14.036 161,049 198.313
2,115.787 2.357.982 1.891.653 10.167 44.153 Sf1,517 284,239
Other .................. $ 320,177 488.760 1,100.773 12,706 25,307 436,213 595 1 085
Milled Products-
Cornmeal .............. BrI. 41,414 43,402 411,749 .... 43,354 46,7 4
177.849 218,937 234.892 .. ..216,625 234,892
Wheat flour ............ lSrl. 57,488 69,733 72,432 197 138 69,488 75.246
S 454,295 530,160 840.853 2,109 1.234 527,496 1139,037
Other .................. $ 192.621 285,058 492.02 27,188 28,237 225,641 444.665
Prepared Foods and
Bakery Products-
Biscuits ................ Lb. 2,817.078 3,586,008 3.724,9452 1,307.412 1,558.495 2,140,702 1,987.128
$ 364,26.5 453.7811 509,687 168.714 211.636 281,986 282,432
Cereal foods, prepared. 8 326,650 278.633 31(6.67:1 21,981 22,954 253,818 282,289
Macaroni, etc ........... Lb. 2,007,452 2,095.189 3,074.300 1,275 522 1,848,511 2,817,834
I 190.071 196,500 265,170 165 71 178.166 248,4170
Other .................. 8 434,637 47.5,474 3819,601 150,764 149,830 311,577 234.643
Other grains and tarts.
aceous products-
Malt ................... Lb. 21,410,349 32,524.599 41,195,472 110,068 49,656 32,180,126 40,881,816
8 559,578 981,491 1.293.830 8,111 3,152 983,044 1,276.278
Sago and tapioca ....... Lb. 2,824,100 3,379.833 3,075,0442 207,031 5,769 232,662 158,556
102,771 133,080 157,149 6,650 352 23,646 26,841
Other.................. 8 145,328 154.568 85,563 15,285 8,286 110.459 50,059

Total Grains and Facts-

aceous Products...... S 18,216.352 22.358.442 23,737,007 465,924 557,239 12,784,443 16.300,339

Oils. Vegetable, for Food-

Cocoanut oil, n.o.p.....Gal 37,111 36.970 81,798 28,761 86,290 8,209 25.263
44,636 47,096 93,976 35,688 61,503 12,428 32,208
Cotton seed oil for can-
ning Iil.h ............. Gal 73,726 90.416 196,880 58,825 126,955 28,773 60,934
86.892 89.616 166,625 55,256 110,505 30,033 86,120
Cotton seed oil, n.o.p.. Gal 21,963 15.884 51.623 . ... 14,395 16,884 30.928
$ 27,94.8 22,795 50,739 ....13,060 22.795 37.3115
Olive oil, flop ......... Gal 305.0459 283,493 354,702 1,489 1,354 12,796 20.711
8 489,035 552,420 615,805 4,137 2,973 25,589 38,339
I'alm oil, bkached, and
shea butter...........Lb ....8,000 . ............ 60,518 ..
68.518 . ............
8 ....1,187 .............4,462 ..
5.619 . ............
Peanut and soya bean
oil, flop ............. Gal 84,0.41 87.454 126.408 5.813 71,164 14,946 2.548
85,372 90,202 120.290 5,532 58 1,714 13,362 2.953

Total Oils, Vegetable.

for Food ........... 8 735,883 808,048 1,047.435 101.650 246,755 108,669 186.888


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 ' 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paoorcrs—A. MAINLY Foo-
Sugur and its Produet-
Candy (mel. chocolate) U 5.092,531 4.801,1100 4.640,867 3,219,645 3,237.111 1.153.8111) 1.075.638
$ 1,224.526 1.030.678 650022 084,296 621,182 221,886 205,386
Molasses, 56 degrees or
Ien, imported under
Preferential tariff... Cal 4,768.283 5.098.890 4,507.093 .........
$ 1,7)61.071 2,212.249 1,692,874 ........
Sugar. not above No.
16,D.S ........... Cwt 11,295,589 8.947,779 8.191,708 47 ...127.401 181,532
$ 34,947.6416 31,475.335 25.3(19.147 200 ... 384,491 399.112
Sugar, above No. 16.. .Cwt 444,077 722.814 829,760 2.300 52 33.998 57,536
1,680.039 3.245.527 2.874,108 10,879 580 17(1,117 227,302
Other ................. $ 873,014 857,889 930,5(15 137,442 127,294 521,252 724,0114
Total Sugar, etc ..... 6 40,486.310 38.821,678 31,757.310 832.817 746,056 1,297,776 1,555.894
Tea. Coffee, Cocoa and
Cocoa beans, not
roasted, crushed,
or ground .........Cwt 137.6117 177,783 158.013 40.218 15,736 30.520 31.604
1,7811,435 2,687.097 1,912.164 603,1(111 160,736 490.754 120,521
Cocoa butter.........Lb 5.195,298 5,406,622 5.573,18)) 282.252 (82,131 978, 4oiI 1.548.869
$ 1,444,354 1,016.510 1,586.814 100.909 (#7, 787 3)3,79,1 489,053
Other ................ $ 160,101 185.287 273.524 16.180 88,150 132(14(1 11(1,400
Coffee and Ch(cnry-
Coffee, green.........Lb 24,907,691 27,126,500 25,126,041 2,488,810 3,219,477 67,191 42.658
I 6,676,759 5,667.008 5,856,317 626.068 830.481 16.426 10.758
Other coffee and
chicory ............ $ 453,242 543.039 646,971 09.156 28,969 498,300 607.336
Ginger,unground.....Lb 1,147.497 732,336 425.504 256,397 84,469 13,006 15,718
S 150,516 59,476 46,542 22.813 9,350 1,1182 3.102
Mustard, ground......Lb 922,245 618.371 5,1511,107 673.11111 825,022 244.753 331,485
S 379,518 375,128 477,645 347,17(1 441,494 27,95 7 :16,151
Vanilla beans, crude, .Lb 54.833 03,3215 511,742 2,500 500 46.481 49,250
$ 171.180 125.817 107,966 5.293 395 115.17:1 97.3645
Other spices..........$ 650.519 927.094 946,488 239.456 253,175 102.428 149.956
Total Spices ....... $ - 1,354.733 1.487.815 1.580.639 614,702 704.414 247.240 286.474
Tea....................Lb 37.091.340 38.858.494 39,425,956 14.864,322 16,245,586 107.038 53,277
$ 12,236.714 12,310,414 11,752,521 5,279,929 5.282,578 30.095 25.387
Yeast. ................... Lb 2,322.887 2.1117,396 2.186.237 46A 1,588 2,161.539 2.185,968
697,244 408,346 357,103 78 416 406,582 350.296
Other Vegetable Pro.
ducts, Mainly Food-
Hops................... Lb 2.251,007 2,068.81)5 2.399.294 142.390 198.482 1.460.038 1.625.629
749,604 709.344 1(62,493 33,9511 25.680 481,160 445.441
Liquorice paste.........Lb 1.1181,30)6 1,640.179 1.589.246 1.440 224 1.632, 245 1,560.022
25.0t' 232.17: 223.740 217 60 231,101 223.686
Malt extract............Lb 3.8111.902 4.022.855 3,816,045 372.490 397.685 3.649.898 3,4,16.700
211.502 309,151 304,492 26,733 25,948 282,364 278.533
All other agricultural
and vegetable pro-
ducts, m8inly food.., $ 205,208 209.481 220,803 69,096 54,061 128.354 157.573
Total )igrieull 'I and
\'egetahle Products
—A. Mainly Food. 8 126,355,107 130,267,062 132,320,533 10,125,194 10.039,236 55,610,660 61,651,726

13. Oniga THAN Foot,-

Beverages, Aloholi-
Brewed (beer. etc.)... Gal 153.105 234.701 242,100 161,228 199,794 13 519
S 333.383 421,673 495.531 322,817 409,522 26 1,004
Distilled spirits... PS. Gal. 1,633,254 2,457,131 2,604,769 1,849,255 1,934,302 2,011 1,729
$ 27,342,743 47,206,017 44,750,619 38,243,127 39,733,995 9,386 4,221
Non-sparkling ........ Gal 684.132 828.979 690,5)19 16,891 ' 24,907 150 33
S 958.894 1,582,585 1,977,598 111,206 166.470 353 334
Sparkling ............ S 677,295 1.682,912 1,620.333 15.476 9.146 ...
Total lleveragea ..... 8 29,312,315 45,900,187 48.844.111 38,892.726 40,314,836 6.7655.5.59
Gums and Itesins-
Chicle gum, crude...... Lb. 1,125.547 1,186.255 1.225.895 .............. 1,450 077.861 810,4311
558,27)1 553,655 552,407 . 381 447,057 344.101
Lao, crude............. Lb 15,732 15,169 19,430 6 5 15,108 18,436
$ ais sat 7s 9s7 win n07 555 SAn au eta Q;q rite

8—Pn1Nc1ru. IMPoRTS ITO CANADA FOR CoNstmwrlox, ETC.—CoflhflUed

Total Imports for Consumption Imports From Imports from

(Merchandise) Loited I'lingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929 AND VIurTAatl

Pnouuors—B. OTHIa THAN
Gums and Resins—Con.
Resinorrosin ......... Cwt. 317849 334.544 302,952 28 52 333,677 301,245
$ 1,356.967 1,093,382 1,091,351 310 1,404 L089.397 1,078.178
Other .................. $ 712,066 706,686 804,688 28,270 34.176 601,008 680,627

Total Gums and Resins 8 3.270,323 3,126,920 3,348.543 28,886 36,195 2,907.872 2,956,844

Oilcakeand meal ....... Cwt,. 255,921 113.218 162.851 .. 102,927 151,834

$ 393.183 229,469 359.073 15 209.844 337,785

Oils. Vegetable, Not Food-

Clirnuwood ........... .wt. 44,941 45.066 55,335 . 42,461 52.701
$ 562,366726.472708,937 .. 686,444 672,536
Cocoanut, palm, etc.,
not edible. et., for
rnlr.ofeoap .......... Gal, 3.177.800 3.377.856 3.241.587 40,093 49,156 3.180,403 3.137,83!
8 2,602,346 2,525,341 2.384.627 34,901 42.367 2,355.904 2,205,071
Cotton seed, crude, for
refining ............. ..;vt. 297,700 623,148 201.216 192 47.686 618.416 216,000
6 2,421,200 5,244,106 2,393,842 3,548 346.200 5,205,047 2,044.234
Essential (except pepper-
mintandeucalyptus). Lb. 523,490 554,415 485,654 116,151 81,938 256,239 246,390
$ 790,354 854,081 833,657 111,957 141,040 302,0)0) 373,255
Eucalyptus ............. lb. 18,0)13 17.80)) 23.245 2,212 113 1.279 840
7,231 9.430 8,833 807 130 1.305 516
Flanseedorlinseeci .....Lb. 885,718 725.084 705,133 428,160 412.580 280,802 274.560
9 80,217 68.828 66,977 31.407 30,314 35,700 34,741
Peanut for refining for
ediblepurpoees ...... Cwt. 374.460 52.148 200.288 . 48,153 22.717 51.105
8 3.490,799 478.20) 1,740.035 . 423.810 234.105 421,12))
Other .................. $ 951.804 985,375 1,624.838 104,040 225,373 802.079 1.278.021

Total Oils, Vegetable.

Not Food .......... $ 10,912.499 10.892,737 9,761.746 286,750 1.209,234 9,713,631 7.120.333

Plants, trees, shrubs and

vines...................5 1,365,757 1,490,115 1,792.171 56.012 67,552 422.013 520,716

I) u hbe'r-
Itaw (mci. balat.a) ..... Lb. 50.231.202 55,203.865 77.716,891 165,212 420.326 52,604,713 72.6201126
$ 22.317.583 21.31)2,406 17,415.202 65,604 79,530 19.335.999 16.450.361
Recovered ............. lb. 8.602,535 10,218,64;) 178.558 5 10,217.660 178.193
5 1.061,909 873.24.11 1.240.060 6 873,123 1.249.054
Thread ................ I.b. 151.230 237.023 228,701 9,057 20,200 227.833 208.443
5 220,235 298.053 240.635 11,533 20,893 280,493 219,61)2
l'neumntie tire casings.
flop ................No 20,497 21,381 20.908 18)1 758 21.18)) 20.146
$ 283.385 264.721 238.170 1,831 3,331 262,713 234.002
Jnnertuhes,n.o.p ...... .No. 23,393 45,705 21.019 74 40 45.715 20.579
9 52,395 88.58(U 31.238 169 316 88,392 30,922
Other tires ............ .$ 53,583 31,710 58.C80 5.373 5.824 23.676 44,592
Otlierrubbcr .......... 9 3.382,957 3,717,349 3.856,598 639,986 587,674 2.904,000 3,103.030

Total Rubber ......... 9 27.377.947 26.61,064 23,000,983 724.496 697,774 23,775,355 21,332.253

Closer ................. I.b. 2.370.034 2,138,576 1.007,818 3511,930 1,193,854 030,854 610.320
S 086,468 496.081 346.280 92,073 209,378 210,100 121.1108
Flux ................. flush. 831,675 313.630 356.964 12 178 38 20,200
8 1.064.839 576.441 715,358 818 1,282 102 33.943
Timothy...............Lb. 0,570,174 8,247.303 7.220,005 .. 8,247.363 7,104,155
$ 440,402 408,676 448.339 .. 408.676 444,656
Other .................. 9 900.384 797,338 732,674 170,001 149,688 451,282
Total Seeds .......... 8 3,492,183 2,280,530 2,242,651 263.882 300,348 1,079,220 1.011,205

Unnianufactured .......Lb. 17,440,774 18,475.772 18,720,618 22.311 41.909 16.853,790 17.441,819
$ 6,473,167 7.018.880 6,768,285 29.625 53,630 5.594,640 5.616,975
Cut ....................Lb. 343.513 537,130 317,921 134,362 124.321 173.0113 188,756
$ 074,515 673.376 636,091 464.451 430.460 193,820 192,519
Other manufactured.... 9 454,531 508.860 536,447 307,239 292.156 70.313 83.940

Total Tobacco ....... 8 7,602,013 8.201,116 7,938,823 801.315 778,245 5.859,079 5.805,434

Other Agric. and Vot.

Products, not Food-
Broom corn ............ $ 382,214 377.883 427,636 166 377.883 425,035
Hay ................... Ton 5,464 8,48I 5,380 ..........................8.484 5,380
8 92,016 129,035 83,192 ..........................129.035 83. 192
Starch, including corn
5liU'h. potato starch.
potatoflour,etc......Lb. 4,693,145 6,566.004 7.169.134 232.045 201.863 2,880.909 3,414.743
1 au ass un 552 13.306 11.966 162.489 228.532


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929
Tar, pine, crude........ GIL • 249.329 424.337 466,634 2,878 9,726 405,546 420.161
106.325 108,4113 122.409 965 1,608 102,910 111 1 360
Turpentine, spirits of.. • 971.739 995,395 1081.359 53 2,573 989,301 1,078,294
852,749 587,422 596.445 121 1,527 582,275 594,348
Other agric. and veg.
products, not food.. - - 8 1,355,601 1,619,616 1,845,371 140,145 151,859 5,270,195 1,416,011
Total Agric. and Veg.
Products-IS. Other
Than Food .......... $ 86.743,014 101,918,498 160,809,411 41,008.854 43,631,325 46,598,387 42,058,605
Total Vegetable Pro-
ducts (A. and B.)... $ 218,098,121 238,185,500 233,130,244 51,133,858 53,670,581 102.209.033 103,890,332
AtcmAz.s AND A.NIMA), Pgoovci
For exhibition .......... $ 1,470.987 1,181,411 1,840,726 ............ 1.400 1,381,411 1,845,326
For improvement of
stock ................ $ 460,294 695,414 738,119 207.829 242,486 455,260 493.891
Other .................. $ 403,050 426.785 519,508 28.227 51,077 391,731 461.114
Bone dust, charred bone
and bone ash..........Cwt 47.343 57,688 59.075 15,226 16,447 34,405 32,824
8 147,735 183,459 194,336 35,827 54,733 137,286 112,910
Bone, ivory and shell
products, n.o.p ......... I 293,754 300.070 303,232 51,107 17,753 186,581 227,902
Feathers and quills ....... $ 225,584 207,168 318,698 54,879 97,081 89.954 138.297
Fishery Products, n.o.p.-
Halibut .............. Lb 1,247,872 1,771,212 1.578,063 . ............ ..........889,807 650.558
* 142.048) 180,125 160.649 . ... ................... 87,018 64,048
Oysters, shelled.....Gal 118,034 126,569 152,474 . ... ...................128,569 152,474
$ 360.448 330,911 381.524 . ............ .......... 330,911 381,524
Oyster. other ........ $ 23,863 25,283 24,954 ...........24,980 21,810
Other fresh fish ...... $ 275,225 310,161 408.165 1,594 2,995 166,141 227.869
Dried, S3lted, Smoked
or Pickled, n.o.p.-
Cod, dried...........Lb 5,003,380 8,023,943 4,123,777 ........... 8,075 4,537
8 257.923 3117.724 233,054 ........... 917 572
Cod, other...........Lb 208,222 3,753,400 4,030,090 .......... 32,526 18,712 11,968
14,307 141,651 166,870 .......... 3,606 2,110 1,567
Herrings, pickled.....Lb 7,406,477 6,015,830 6,3113,141 842,368 1,237,405 672,322 544,888
328,073 259.1)14 312.818 60,891 91,492 71,641 62,550
Herrings, smoked .... Lb 93,048 682,830 497,980 179,123 208,909 2,596 30,092
9,895 59,755 47,183 20.644 22,796 348 4.549
Other fish, dried, etc. $ 223,632 2073,323 197,958 1.230 5,408 38,313 36,042
Canned -
Sardines, Sos. or less Bro 6,446.978 7.319,532 8,342,258 85,226 56,155 35,417 58,037
$ 498,694 619,452 651,451 7,974 3,589 4,272 6,522
Sardines, other......Box 127,460 113,412 145,214 1,152 1,942 6,747 12,910
$ 24.265 27,853 37,590 206 245 1,496 2,450
Other canned fish.....$ 527,862 571,095 820.716 127,248 112,510 239,675 403,914
Other fishery products. $ 164.228 193,488 232,804 6.258 8,971 99,622 103.658
Total Fishery Pro.
ducts, n.o.p ......... I 2,790,455 3,290,015 3,685,037 226,045 251,542 1,067,487 1,320,073
Fur8 and Fur Skins-
Undressed (including
marine) ............ $ 9,953,730 13,289.863 14,069,793 916,967 874.341 11,097.336 11,882.535
Other ................ $ 3,281,370 3,206,436 2,836,391 278,212 200.546 1,110,625 1,185,205
2danufactured .......... 8 130,024 157.522 2,59,656 38.692 36.186 96,028 194.985
Total Fursand Fur Skins 8 11,385,124 16,663.821 17,165,840 1.233,871 1.111.073 12,305.989 13,242,725
Hides and Skins-
Calf ................... Cwt 81.687 88,507 60,650 . ............ ...79,788 55,737
8 1,947.738 2,461.515 1,929,292 ......2,194,407 1,787,450
Cattle................Cwt 452.680 554,816 384,367 5.636 3,852 323.256 275.789
$ 5,833,279 10.324,681 8,613,120 100,167 75,350 6,824,780 6.009,305
Sheep.................Cwt 31.175 38,811 35,874 87 1,029 38,317 32,611
885,574 990,881 1 1 088,080 1,439 29,456 980,513 991,438
Other.................Cwt 13,543 16,530 26,962 696 577 81699 13,998
S 390,260 363,261 800,729 17,653 11.074 185,217 427,870
Total Hides and
Skins ............. Cwt, 579,085 878,670 507.773 61119 5.458 480,058 378,135
8 9,067,183 14,140,338 12,428,221 128,244 115,680 10,184,917 9,286,066
Unmanufaetured ....... $ 5,134,475 5,960,105 6,009,148 1,501,004 1,280,9524,398,312 4,637,927
Boots and shoes,peg-
ged, etc ........ ...Pair 43,PZ71 50.389 31,705 2.441 1,393 47,928 30,512
8 67,873 70,893 47.657 4,284 2,134 72,409 45,523


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

M.erehnndise) United Kingdom I nited States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

ANIrsi.s 6D ANIMAl. Pa'DDUC5

Boots and shoes-(-On'
Men's........... Pair 322697 337,534 275,931 221,941) 191,009 110,802 80,668
$ 891,531 1.018,232 943.2119 683,343 680,259 327.068 258.927
Women's........ Pair 359.956 159,917 471,964 55,746 49,104 292.373 369,165
$ 1,052,151 1,205,218 1,598.959 99,441 92.210 1,065.140 1,355.855
Children'5 ....... .,,Pnir 105,21)7 75,005 84,367 51.232 59.252 21,495 24.258
86.103 114,225 78,476 41,756 55.330 20,059 21,884
Gloves and mitts... $1 806,073 883,059 1,084,4011 175,570 136,878 14.517 15,990
Other.............. $ 1,198,102 1,310,562 1.256,084 331,983 315,289 94)1,343 901,755
Total Leather...... $ 9,236,368 10,518,094 10,998,029 2,837,381 2,564,152 6.843.848 7,235,884
Bristles, animal........ Lb. 259,820 260,994 273,835 18,376 8.349 198,489 226,826
$ 384,458 364,226 385,401 20,023 11,973 291(140 329.557
Hair and refra. of, n.o p. 1 281.229 194.460 124,689 14.425 23.454 159.127 257,123
Beef, fresh............ Lb. 176.333i 331,928 3,292,155 1,020 132,054 126,849 124,831
$ 52,672 73,499 309.643 98 12,080 60,258 58,873
Mutton, fresh......... Lb. 1,721.453 2,295,163 4,1)03,484 11.716 . ............727,661 574,400
9 290,8)3 3112.926 563,080 1,005 .............165,086 134,882
Pork, fresh........... Lb. 1,864,860 1,1:37,362 523,876 . ..... ....... ...........1,137,362 523.876
$ 3l)2.-l6.S 165,532 85,605 . .................185,5:12 85,605
Other fresh meats.... $ 126,521 169.401 173,809 27083 60.100 13:3,012 107,632
Bacon and hums...... Lb. 824,003 2,883,018 2,878,599 89,931 1,658 2,792.781 2,876,625
$ 162,624 :148.3)5 380,831 12,393 712 336,795 379,994
Canned meats........ .,Lb. 3,955,012 4.022,9106 5,918,875 547,950 637.485 284,482 395.996
I 606.011 558,630 802.422 110,960 99,526 53,617 5,333
Pork, barrelled in brir ie.Lb. 7.710.575 7,758,322 9.895.6481 600 .............7,753,592 9,89.3,248
$ 981,627 5116,073) 1,152,035 87 ..............895,477 1,151,675
Pork, dry salted..... ,.Lb. 1,220.307 758,053 .
1,229.143............ .... 788,053 1,229,143
$ 181,113' 1(31,589 171,908. ............ .... 101,589 171.908
Sausage.............. ..Lb 412,6.38 458.620 496,316 43 64 457.839 490,625
8 153,203 164,018 180,717 42 29 163,640 178,376
Soupe, all kinds...... $ 1,402,113 1,464.731 1.800,607 4,070 1,512 1,459.969 1.847,074
Other meats......... 3 204,183 259,821 234.322 154,304 103,720 44,477 91,333
Total Meats..... $ 4,581,648 4,585,53,5 5,904.979 310,040 277,679 3,609,366 4,282,706
Milk and its Products-
Butter................ Lb. 7,190.267 15,6211,007 25.809,915 1:125,190 610,570 104,079 46.58f
3 2,548.856 5.532.910 9,028,528 457,809 228,512 43,005 21,474
Cheese............... Lb. 1.340.017 1,665,992 1.936,196 84,615 70.768 471,044 357,281
9 459,923) 970,141 572.049 28.999 28.938 186.204 135,204
Other................. 8 109,98770,608 90,600 5,101 5,766 35,710 40,496
Oils, Fats, Greases an d
Cod Liver oil......... Gal. 262,256 251,480 181,566 3,94.5 2,440 34,657 14,567
$ 199,183 248,563 204,872 2,050 3,344 28,526 16,364
Grease, rough, for ml
of soap and oils...... Cw-t. 159,388 142,065 122,389 64 ....128,240 112,470
$ 1,312,7381 1,130,155 1,052,082 389 .....1,042,549 972.775
Lard................. ..Lb 1,537,314 453,938 948,271 650 96 453,101 948,176
8 197,6361 48,676 110,405 123 19 48,508 110,386
Lard compound....... ,,l,b. 947,2161 1,075.009 1.510,132 22,857 22,41)0 237.552 1,374.756
8 97,475 58,859 144,243 2,342 2,416 24.507 131.975
Other................. .9 442,618 415,104 434,585 15,341 12,365 312,28.5 297.118
Total Oils, Fats, etc $ 2,249,550 1,931,457 1,946,187 20,245 18,144 1,456.375 1,528,618
Other Animal Products-
Eggs in shell.......... Dos. 3,120,940 1,01)0,278 1,138,207 85 13,842 939,983 1,078,255
8 1,317.484 476,605 395,513 197 3,031 449,83)4 380,323
Eggs, n.o.p............ Lb. 1,691.359 1,625,956 2,8111,183 70.974 722.161 793.319 412,150
8 329,119 402,791) 651,841 17,752 120.992 197,431 112,879
Gelatine............... Lb. 1,180.306 1,350782 1.698,167 332,724 296,785 257,573 298,465
$ 413,549 472,630 590,706 66.872 67,525 215,062 230,422
Glue, powdered a
sheet................ Lb. 2,310,742 3,245,594 3,201,625 2,159,295 2,126,674 580,000 537.190
$ 248,475 367,734 371.436 224,431 250.521 77.778 66,336
Glue, othez............ 8 73,358 68,4.50 72,129 5,908 10,224 62.354 60,340
Sausage casings........ 8 1.955. 148 2,121,092 2.163
,664 29,363 ....204,498 223,072
Other................. 8 830,831 825,808 967,578 85,860 110,535 552,551 611,517
Total Animals ani
Animal I'roducts., S 53,214.135 65,790,021 71,661,754
6.090,435 5,664,4,51 40,582,857 42,654,255



Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchanthse) United Kingdom l'nited States
Classification 1928 1929
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929

1'ianzB s.o TIxTILSS—

Raw, and haters meroly
................ Lb 149,743,841 146,224, 621 151,126,982 92,209 15,954 145,132.355 150.839. Ml
$ 20.934,964 25,928.102 28,069,275 11,221 3,343 25,616.881 29,027.014
87,829 73.249 264,332 159 617 70,632 261,701
Other unmanufacturod. $
aim, Thresd and
flovings, yarns and
warps, singles, not 45,065 72,758
exceeding No. 40.. Lb..68.080 175.725 21.015 102.967
30,164 71.507 7.578 43.149 22,606 28,368
8 .
Ravings, yarns, etc..
for sewing, packag- 550,808
ing, etc., Lb n.o.p ...... .. 788,937......... 173,991......... 327,672
$ . 452,643......... 108.208..........
132.924 86,468 52,176 3,158 850 6,370 5.374
Crochet and knitting.I.b. 11.386 7,716
$ 320.933 92.770 148.267 5.738 1,0f5
602.185 363.142 268.664 231,145 107.662 121.325 159.238
Cordsandtwine,n.o.p.Lb. 45.457 76,230
227,055 113,745 105.119 65,381 28.480
Sewing thread on 49,693 58.378
spools .............. 8 99,828 08,220 88.252 11,822 9,019
Yarn,cte., No.l0and 2,215,596 2,338.505
liner . .............. Lb. 2.960.943 3,117,986 3,506.944 903.370 1.101,187
2,377.131 2.523,134 2,830.701 667.857 951,227 1,855.182 1,875,687
Yarns for mfr. of
734,185 .......... 458,836 . ............ ..... 272.028
thread. Lb
............. . ..
$ .. 654,774 ..........377.877 ............. 272,714
1.101,380 1.218,111 171,830 606.842 30,754 598,957 123,190
Other yarn, warp. etc. 1
Piece Goods- 8,659,477 l9.359.451 36,482,811
Not bleached Yd,........ 21,181.037 26,772.857 45.241.920 9,329,995
1.823,372 2.6'l.0216 4,965,271 757.359 88.5.553 1.816,804 4.080,918
* 385,695 708,899 779,487
canton flannels, etc,.1d. 1,919,069 1 1 335,901 1,105,790 563,567
241.968 191.514 180,803 98,356 107,002 91,898 73,669
1 872,944 1,242.995 351,070,etc ... Yd. 1.454.517 2,047.315 1.254.738 771,047
231,806 318,944 187,124 123.445 111,815 189.534 51,074
Bleached or mercer- 5,379.586 6,503,672
ized ................ .d. 10,247.761 11,537,422 13.467.440 4,890,715 5,676,947
1,906,491 1,578.027 1,840,278 800,256 1,012,796 724.908 771,286
6 8,330.879 6,134.042 9.875.889
Printed,n.o.p Yd.
........ 9.822,617 11,988,276 18.933.308 5.470.924
1,898,147 2,308,651 3,475.321 1,147,180 1.677.236 1.057,622 1.620,745
Yarnorpieoedyed Yd. ... 42,312.297 36,917,801 33.511.827 18.418.949 16.084,921 15.858.547 14,599,442 2.998,846
9.656.932 7,942,071 6,814.141 3,948.031 3.382,417 3,021,281
With cut pile (velvet- 241.001 486,774
eensandcorduroys)Yd. 1,149,0.52 1,711,50.5 2,346.448 1,162,621 1,481.472
812,985 1,171,534 1,548,547 711,028 802,239 147,361 402,393
8 193.514 859,970 230.894
Other piece goods.,.. 8 1,794,528 1.371,711 428,825 504,883
Lace and Embroidery- 36,840 8,721
Embroideries 8 ....... . 188,473 209,749 142.307 28,786 37.237
2,242.515 2.064.045 1.331,008 1,134,176 707,236 345,915 252,707
Lace, ne'tand mfrs... $
Wearing Apparel-
Socks and stockings of 11,051 494.107 397.788
vegetablofibroE) 599,927 561.441 619.434 19,864
1,004.727 871,870 730.514 48.841 29.860 764.650 524,958
* 7,058 2,397 3.132 3.762 3,248
Shirts,notknitted..Dos. 8,770 6.245
100,849 67.640 86,911 35,525 43,603 31,287 35,400
$ 338.809 446,352 669.827 832.248
Other clothing.......$ 3,359,496 1,334.876 1,537,282
Manufactures. n.o.p.-
Blankets. housaliolcl.No .. 445 . 838 . 19,127 . 234.806
254. l54 420,612 311,897 43,252 17.644 286.645 218.898
$ .. 120.910
Curtains ............. $ . 001,764 . 299,068
1,392,295 1,385,768 1,096.138 919,679 743,023 22.290 31,568
Quilts, etc., not ..
coloured No . .. 94,287 . 72,564 20,018
552.850 455.008 175,549 284,161 145,442 150,118 26,904
Sheets and pillow 36,945 21,285
eases, not coloured. $ 299,817 357,963 394.999 309,230 371.371
3.613.125 3,778,340 3,541,303 1.182.847 1,019,740 2.098.887 2,244,670
Othermanufactures.. 3
Total Cotton ....... 8 54.101.448 58,279.600 63,293,78 13,791.342 13,616.887 40,621,777 46.266,761

Plan, Hemp and Jute-

Hemp, dressed or tin- 22.339
dressed Cwt.
............. 123.426 99503 25,595 ...................... 96.020
1,458,768 1,106,248 217,934 ................... 1,075.207 189,780
8 11.750 149.443 187,077
Otherraw flax, etc ..... $ 241.847 172,580 184,195 l4,434
Jtovings, yarns, etc., for
weaving or for inu1a- 757.529 944,402
tingwtre Lb. 3,60.3.468 3.956,563 2.831,112 2,990.853 1,819.437
513.191 497,747 507,839 321.251 334.943 129,696 148,899
$ 248,742 244,878 6,224 15.692
Linenthroadforsewing,Lb. 300,966 268,794 267,144
418,716 342,757 333.043 325.935 311,534 7.901 17,672
* 410.007 25.799 42,853
Otheryarn,thread.etc. $ 1561183 184,794 518,230 118,346
Fabrics, flax, not 2.176,796 75699 5(374
bleached .............. d. 3,080,674 2,300.252 3.326.228
2 45.6.095. 620.364 390,498 484,652 386.005 9,799' 1,964



Total Importi for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) tJnited Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

8'I13RPS ADThxru,gn—Con.
Flax,Hemp and Jute—Con.
Fabrics, flax, printed,
dyed or coloured .Yd 205,130 413900 3.198.404 380,316 3,091,048 25,572 33,738
$ 84,489 135,509 618.605 120,125 575,529 8.123 14,539
Fabrics, flax, bleached
or morcorisee) ........ .d 832.093 506,347 554.494 475,371 523,244 16.815 1,993
8 179.318 161,045 157.329 152,358 140.532 21968 464
Fabrics,wovsn,jut,e ... .d 89.356.892 101,820,240 08.763.425 21,647,870 19,6g1.129 ll,845.603 4,893,533
8 6,890.604 7,862.818 8,167,067 2,056,560 2,153.714 985,143 384.339
Otherfabrics ........... $ 522.219 400,100 289.093 384,573 94.9.56 3.806 54,921
Bags ................... $ 410,363 278.678 254,816 5,538 3,379 210,623 200,962
Handkerchiefs ......... 8 412.70! 502.491 665.353 449.367 531,192 3,886 8.819
She,'ts. pillow-cases,etc, 1 300,331 357,760 220,352 193,031 213,058 4.688 5,785
'I'abk'-eloths,napkins... $ 1.172.535 1.313,057 877.127 1,115.950 835.313 81509 3,474
Towels.................1 488,203 502.415 237.830 439,120 212.882 7.088 17,581
Other flax, hemp, jute.. 8 549,251 788,644 2,205.169 473,848 859.177 - 120,528 604,079
Total Flax, etc ..... 8 14,214.814 15.132,066 15,854.434 6. (55,429 7,153,973 3.751.807 1,871,310
Raw, singles, not do.
gummed.............Lb 679,923 938.459 1,279,849 367 685 710,239 877,169
8 4,005,514 5,073,511 6,533.088 2.181 1,658 3,856,327 4,513,748
Other raw, yarns and
thread..... .......... $ 358,180 394,054 385.428 212,018 220,009 144,279 132,413
Fabrics, unfinished Yd
..... .. ............
....6,888.185 ..............5,390 . ... ......... ......43,723
3 3,382.115 3.930,869 3.968,131 10,177 4,022 1.983 45.854
Fabrics exceeding 26
inches in width ...... Yd............ 12,302,842 .............135078 .............1.631,133
* ...........38,938 7.070,855 18,545 167,383 13,063 1.054,615
Fabrics, 26 inches or
less .................. Yd............. 979.118 ...............59339 . ....... .....64,486
$ ............304.667 ........... 46.932 .............43634
Fabrics, n.o.p..........Yd.............. 2,299.127 ..........123.483 ........... 435950
I .............1,2.50 . 635 ..........109,277 ........... 275.894
Velvetsandplushes..,.Yd, 1,312,029 1,319,765 1,474,070 050,886 311,190 21,522 48,033
$ 1,627,791 1.671,209 1.860,417 909,359 302.923 36,929 102.603
Ribbonq ............... 1 1,373,312 929.682 444,250 46,459 21.354 181.324 127,085
Fabriesforneckties,,,. 1 1,140,228 1,457,639 1,582,080 28.571 41,607 371,038 319,228
Otherpiecogoods ...... $ 13,452,946 11,552,953 71,629 454.883 6.553 1,741.853 59,806
Soeks&stoekingn..Doz. pr. 79.241 79,145 80,923 4.219 8,210 69.298 69.288
8 706,340 821,120 683,359 33,907 62,225 537,043 581,374
Othorapparel ..........8 3,130,677 3.377,911 4,353,102 412,005 414,087 1,406,158 2.430,372
Othersilk .............. 8 840.369 815,121 1,064,463 152,598 218.037 319,121 373,495
Total Silk ....... $ 30,077,470 29.963.007 29,613,120 2,280,572 1.616,325 8,603.718 10,700,312

Raw ................... Lb 16.423,421 13,895,879 13,340,139 6,756,498 5,435,34.5 2,757,188 3,748,29
6 5,655,760 5.128,433 5,668,715 2,848,722 2,635,759 883,731 1,429,441)
Hair of the camel, alps.
ca,elc.. ............. Lb......................... 681.782 . ..................73,118 ...........
$ .......................123.755 ...............34,730 . .................. 73,876
Noils ........... ....... Lb 359,034 444,747 518.195 404,514 479,030 35,667 38,505
9 136.008 211,081 251)844 188,665 2:53, 42 20,033 26.295
%orsted tops Lb 27.553 '88 3 3 8 128.303 86 3 74 1 580.090 0 .2
S 4,4111,0)0 4.831,288 5,514,743 4.106,622 4,904.5991 298,470 133.426
55'aste,garneit.ed ....... Lb 440.785 351,495 98.029 338,197 89.200' 13,298 9,349
3 69.970 88,523 48.587 85.060 43,449 3,463 5,138
Yarns .................. Lb. 3,581.337 3,974,053 5,111,837 3 1 788.100 4,976,777 23,335 3,804
$ 4,118.110 4.356,235 5,733,444 4,108,668 6,566,261 31,145 3,938
Fabrics, to be finished
Sq. yd. 5,231,485 4.163,148 4,430,056 2,402. 955 2,826,993 .....................
$ 2.225, 133 1,506,806 1,850.516 808,408 1,159,705 .....................
Lustree,Ital;s.n linings..Yd 1.885,359 1.103.599 788,388 1.096,880 782.154 4,072 5,121
S 1.005.499 1105.360 466.539 598,022 463.811 6,030 2.070
Overcontings............d. 200, 84 316,227 410,400 293,149 383,331 371 1,406
395,46'! 435,250 541.621 383,738 477,2.58 613 1.843
'l'wecds ................ d.. 4,218.552 3.812,94! 4,244.478 3,478,905 3.809,035 37, 24,003
$ 4,029,996 3.772,336 4,125,980 3,286,378 3.634,08.5 24,833 :12,074
Worsteds, sergee, coat-
ings...................d 10,797.625 10.712,927 0.573.388 8,423,926 38.144 35.373
3 14,140,704 13.437,564 13,727,650 10.927,901 11.235,198 71,062 59,841
(>therpiecagoode,,,.,, 8 396,772 379,975 5,984,851 216,150 3.778.930 26,931 446,060
Carpetsinthorotj ...... .d. 235,022 218,377 218.345 173,036 160,109 5,444 11,895
8 329,031; 357,023 342.290 293,212 270,926 9,213 9.971
Carpets,other .......... 8 1,852,138 2,448.7691 2.961,891 1.033.156 1,150.299 178.701 304.981
Socks& 584,790 552,090 5.53.082 534,134 525.347 15,443 14,45.5
4 2,598,324 2,345,28.5 2,277,729 2.268,070 2,211,822 51,254 40.888
Underwcsr.,...,.,,.,., 8 363,076 362,688 402,729 333,430 437.757 10,901 13.171
Wornn's and children's
outergarmt'nte ....... * 626,6451 ,985 591,628 195,382 216,1071 185,9791 261.225.



Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports From

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
Classification -
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Fisags AND TaxTrx.'s-Con.

Otherapparel.... ...... $ 2,839,095 3,12.5.046 1.882,407 2.488.223 1,447,898 343.206 296.624
Blankets, household ... Pair 143.359 172,951 228.487 159,036 180.430 11,082 27,298
631,154 800.390 925.462 750.225 827,281 43.389 66.239
Felt, pressed ........... Lb. 810.278 483.950 504.900 104.353 76,580 174.023 168,475
$ 481.018 240.665 262.561 37,933 31,015 75,715 77,625
Other wool manufac-
tures.................$ 4251.093 3,815,047 697,803 2,345,152 354,908 409,017 297,585

Total Wool.......1 50,575.753 48.832,350 54,428,816 37,364,117 41,115.840 2,676,191 3.601,113

Artificial Silk-
Rovings. yarns, warps,
................... Lb 1,516,448 1,563,020 2,240.704 56,190 53.955 138,588 63,878
1,850,385 1,733.540 2.153,747 83,899 72,856 350.587 87,392
Other unmanufactured.. $ 190,518 200.895 . 1,734 . 77, 828 .
Woven fabrics, except
............ .15.313,240 . ............ .8,432,190 . 3,598,44 2
ribbons ............. Yd
$ 3.994.077 5,518,223 7,8.50.548 3,425,072 4,697,763 605.767 1,413.463
Other Fabrics ........... $ . 290,518. ........... ..30,408 . 45,289
30.002 61,978 387.545 11,729 73.328 46.905 287,054
Socks&atockings..Doz. pr.
127,106 193,342 1,044.052 58,782 30(1.829 113,577 635.780
Othernianufactures.... 6 134,190 214,752 537,527 77,972 139,653 64,485 200,622
Total Artificial
6,301.886 7,860,718 11,876.383 3,847,459 5,301,508 1,212,244 2,382,560
Silk ........... ...$

Other Fibres-
3,267 5,417 25,105 190 45 4.216 24.667
Mexican, istle, tampiooCwt.
53.010 62,881 193.274 2.268 841 44,733 184,615
....... 510.007 524,121 745.831 6.057 4,712 479.920 706,587
Manilanndsisal Cwt,
6 5,030.9011 4,255,080 5,766,251 48.791 37.919 3.829,485 5,452,967
.......... Cwt. 282,614 194,647 279.654 4,549 26,022 09,119 138,233
$ 4,076.338 2,294,510 2,912.755 55,633 325.330 960,162 1,566,442
Other .................. $ 567,920 698,109 923.417 72.576 89,657 265,084 377,895

Total Other Fibres. 6 9,718,768 7,310,586 9,795.697 179.208 453,753 5,005,484 7,581.919

Mixed 'l'extiles-
Uags,wastes.etc ....... $ 1.509,213 1,542,011 2,782,320 286,933 480,499 1,036,028 1,894,810
Fishing lines, nets,
ropes, etc ............ $ 2,860,400 2,739,453 2,294,969 1.347,762 1.086,777 1,186,898 1,062,204
Twine and cordage,
cop ................. . Lb ............ 1.653,315 . 1.004,726 . 423,323
515,108 490,508 320.778 350.703 176.875 118,438 112.437
Artili,'inl leather ....... $ 170.008 192,404 415,934 685 011 191,003 414,556
Cotton fabrics, coated,
rul,berized, etc....... $ 1,258,089 1,422,219 2,271.441 419,058 552,911 993,852 1,689,554
1,380,943 1,487,944 1,507.975 683.108 673.065 792,420 893.425
Oilcloth's, all kinde.Sq. yd.
778.848 790.516 889,392 517,801 487,482 271,531 400,752
Other coated, etc ...... $ 44,259 49,399 547,7114 2,286 171,887 47,014 344,454
Embrr,ideries, lace,
ot,'., ............
n.o.p 1,404.608 . 720,398 . 183,148
$ ..
Garisionts, knitted
cop. (md. under-
932,404 864,051 1,498,731 474.822 1,028,779 182,948 188,370
wear) ................8
Gloves and mitts, fab-
1,401,375 1,587,136 1,620,414 588,921 515,683 113,363 85,370
ric ................... $
Hat shapes, crowns,
227.845 386,600 488.424 244,556 273,867 14,068 25,163
etc ................... $
1,389,024 1,581.944 1.748.786 726.291 740.787 361,741 456.649
Hats, Felt .. ............ $
1,780,061 1,633.078 1,481.018 713.914 5011,186 595,093 633.881
Hats, raps, etc., cop.. $
6(12,780 530.883 681,588 102,286 335,720 280.548 I49,51 I
Other apparel .......... 8
584,079 283,510 460,900 11,369 4,386 126,814 lSli,657
Braids. etc., for hats... 8
671,250 863,381) 634,283 151,124 158,036 703,038 464,313
Surgical dressings. etc.. 8
3,827,928 4,659,388 2.035,715 1,608,419 525,883 2,340,443 1,213,972
Otherniixedtextiles.. , $
Total Mixed
Textiles ........ $ 18,553,686 19,616.601 21.580,031 7,545.990 7.762,773 8,559,320 9,485.806

Total Fibres rind

Textiles ........ $ 183,563.931 186.995,814 206,444,044 71,464,176 77,021.060 69.430,521 81,989,787

W000. W000 Pnooucs AND

Wood, Unmaaulactured or
Partially Manufactured-
435,706 691,801 888,738 . .. .......... ............. .691,801 888.738
Railway ties ......... No.
453,122 740,838 869,388 ......................... 740,838 869,3711
Sawmill Products-
Lumber dressed on
one side-
Chestnut and hicic.
6,691 9,012 .............. ..9,012
8,914 . ............ 8,914
ory............. SIft. 508,203
404,566 556.810 508,260 ............ ............ 656,610
$ fl,41t
Gumwood ....... .SIft. 20,372 17,274 22,499 ' 4...............17,143
1 1.052.767 875,174 951,237 486 ...............881,127 942,458


Total Imports for Consumption Iniports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Woon, W000 Paonvc'rs AND

Wood, 11ninsnu'f'd.-(7on.
Sawmill Prorturts-Crni.
Oak...............M ft. 42,339 45,913 46,098 ..... 15,612 45,996
$ 2,896,985 2.943,375 2,922,491 ....2,943,199 2,701,033
Pitch pine ......... 7,1 ft. 33.502 31.728 41,482 2 31,728 41,480
5 1.273.119 1,077,036 1,318,906 418 1,077,036 1.318,488
Whitewood ....... M ft. 7.718 8.612 11,939 19 .. ..8,593 11,639
$ 420,694 429.434 586.837 8,000 .. ..421,434 586,837
Other.............. $ 3,841,088 4.185,115 5,401,229 14,911 11,642 4,110,357 5.338.222
Lumber, dressed one
sideandedges .... Mft. 7.216 7.391 18,554 2 7.363 18,498
$ 346.680 368.876 687.691 279 368,013 686,107
Veneers .............. $ 789,713 784,598 997,463 2,874 3,377 781,724 993,600
Othersawinill prods. $ 867.464 1,061.440 764,783 . ............ ..1,064,194 784,783
Other untold, wood.,,, 6 1,061,870 1,244.138 1,751.121 8,415 4,077 984,323 1,448,323
'I'otul \V(Yoil , I Inniunu'
facturod or l'artisll y
Manufactured........8 13,087,938 14,269,634 16,639,349 34,688 19,993 13,908.825 16.245.433
Wood, Manufactured-
l3arrels,empty ......... No. 221,763 189.305 193,180 6.492 9,614 179.788 179.828
6 404,522 400,936 486,835 46,641 103,552 345,035 372,808
Staves of oak..........M 5.929 9.950 9,029 .....9,945 9,029
$ 395,998 886,338 848,578 .....886,258 848.578
Other rooperage........ $ 237,015 269.102 330,405 142 184 268,811 329.967
Corks over 1-inch in
diameter ............. I.b. 337,733 399.145 416,700 52,403 66,814 66,123 90,855
$ 207,259 2511.430 305,606 52,418 45,631 52,460 94.249
Other corks ............ Lb. 85,783 86.423 71.149 96 2,743 16.393 18,541
8 55.774 61.292 56,996 93 2,765 17,084 19,228
Other cork nifra ........ $ 519,843 714,046 823,641 7,903 3,736 380,362 449,234
Turned and carved
wood ................ $ 924.394 725,621 776,047 19.807 18,837 697,228 749,828
Wood pulp ............ Cwt. 464.455 179,099 438,980 3. ..477,941 439,980
6 1,257,635 1.230.161 1,085,817 15 . ..1,227.305 1,085,817
Doors .................. 8 391,354 548,069 588,595 919 546,069 585,676
Fibre, kartuvert, and
mfrs, of .............. $ 374,502 335,509 337,542 3,991 4,499 327,568 329,439
)"urnhture ..............8 1,957,739 2,271,777 3,228,217 388,540 544,649 1,656,680 2,298,240
Other wood manufac-
tures ................. $ 3,047,721 3,033.514 3,520.142 172.075 208,457 2,555,741 3,095,170

Total Wood, Man-

factored ............ $ 9,773,756 10,730,795 12,386,421 691,626 933.229 8,960,581 10,258,234
Total Wood and Wood
Products ........... $ 22.861,694 25,000,429 29.025,770 726.312 953.222 22,869.406 26,503,667
Chipbosrd, not pasted..Lb. 4,287.503 1,725.340 10,602,203 . ............ ....1,72L340 10.602.203
8 123.873 53.218 223.496 ........53,248
.. ...... 223,496
Newahoaril, "" Lb. 7,484,6.56 10,410,855 11.256.147 59,183 115,230 10,303,114 11. 123.653
8 362,911 464.731 505.405 5,038 9,921 457,437 494,628
Strawboard " " Lb. 19,200,496 17,101,236 10,319.775 25,711 560 15,625,774 8,907,912
8 502,695 431,601 257,916 751 18 403,947 226.466
Other paper boards, ... $ 624,031 522.404 833,500 24.971 40,400 493.510 792,398
I3.00kgradesufpaper ... Lb. 657.821 1.744.018 5,973.746 394.487 51,179 1,349.531 5,922,567
1 46.230 99,346 317,733 26,705 3,845 72.641 313,888
Book and printing paper,
not coated, n.o.p ...... Lb. 5,946.886 8.776.394 7,423,806 1,709.271 2,213,659 . 4.922.973 5.110,149
8 449.591 532.469 567.025 155.944 188,681 364.550 368,223
Printing paper, n.o.p .... Lh. 1,526,425 1,199,132 1,489,561) 445.153 349.869 941.429 1,034.701
$ 137,043 159.150 166.670 46.332 33.664 101.364 119.910
Wrappingpaper. ........ U,. 5.041.227 14,972,124 9.342.003 236,588 302,878 12,531,582 0,502,1188
8 491,824 614,436 566,943 21,462 28,489 473,811 396,771
Writing paper and sta-
tionery, n.o.p ......... $ 419.578 385.957 363,799 115,215 98,738 220.622 220,994
Envelopes ..............7,5 63.749 59.895 63,936 6,572 6,676 48.185 51.682
8 145.527 149.891 167.329 25,138 24,891 113,970 131,918
Wallpaper ............ 15011 2,919,378 4,160.417 4,170.399 580,461 554.041 3.437.066 3,426,653
8 481.035 601,127 611.806 129,730 136,750 439,312 432,074
Other paper ............ 8 3,422.249 3.427.604 4.237.947 450,125 510,314 2,323,487 2,971,257
Paper boxes and con-
tainers .............8 1,145,757 1,261,325 1,393.225 19,773 22,233 1,203,562 1,330. 104
04 her uianufactures of
paper. ............... $ 3,007,227 3,216, 165 3,436,001 430,642 434,492 2,440,250 2,659,127

Total l'nper .......... $ 11,359,582 11.918,454 13,640.415 1.451,826 j 1,532,436 9,167,711 10,679,222


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States__-
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Books and Printed Matter-
Newspapers and maga-
nines ................. $ 3,266,974 2,989.406 2860,056 11,591 23,709 2,970,786 2,827,261
I'hotographs, chromos,
engravings, prints....8 1,542,937 1,322,302 1,467,556 140,044 154,308 1.064,548 1.165,732
Advertising chromos,
chromotypea, oleo-
graphs, etc ........... 1.1: 183,353 168,187 219,367 13,568 10,712 151.529 203.922
$ 78,880 92,405 124,955 7.186 8.369 84,531 115,143
Advertising pamphlets,
cards, catalogs, etc... Lb 8,409,408 5,936,204 6,778,757 269,900 339,736 5,508,118 8,347.786
2.259,953 2,723,885 3,322.241 104,656 117,858 2,594,827 3,170,259
Advertising bills, fold-
ers and posters ........ Lb 420,687 337.002 298.630 12,036 6,194 324,965 292.212
191,362 253.789 134,108 7,358 4,317 146.431 129,700
Labels, tags, tickets,
etc ................... $ 381,497 339,074 359,038 61,180 67.923 264.508 270.679
Bibles, prayer books,
hymn books, etc.....S 511.468 509,547 461.917 193,124 173,131 169.674 161.217
Text books ............. I 1,100,306 1.198,371 1,329,989 612,489 599,607 588.116 627,253
Other hooks and printed
matter ............... I 4,407,653 5,503.262 6.479.775 1,144,582 1,300,149 4,071,690 4,915,161
Total Books and Print-
ed Matter ............ 8 13,741,022 14,832,041 16,539,633 2,182,210 2,449,371 11,955.111 13,382,405
Total Wood, Wood Pro-
ducts and Paper......$ 47,962,298 51.750,924 59,214,818 4.360,348 4,935.029 43.992.228 50.854,294

IRON AND ITS Paoouc'rs-

I ron ore.................Ton 1,445,504 1,491,234 2,272,130 7 1,010,223 1,565.942
8 2,835,159 2,889,768 4,391,269 448 2.227,040 3.425,168
Pigs Ingots, Blooms and
Pig iron...............Ton 34.569 48.415 46.425 6,455 6.499 39,249 38.514
$ 623,182 809.872 757.660 118,356 106.599 658.589 632,028
Ferro-silioon and ferro-
manganese .......... Cwt 68,217 80.598 129,568 63,626 42,888 12.133 14,318
333.440 367,682 463,876 209,455 142,717 117,942 117,966
Billets, not less than
60 lb. per lineal yard. Cwt 264,461 437,298 470,107 2,562 1,674 185,957 185,281
$ 421,729 599,510 782,317 5,704 8.552 344,460 437.994
Other pigs, ingots,
blooms and billets.... $ 255,697 274,675 1,119,161 30,526 41.204 242.968 1.075.802
Total Pigs, Ingots
Blooms and Billets $ 1.634,048 2,051,739 3,143,014 364,041 296,072 1,363,959 2.263,792

Scrap, wrought..........Ton 73,851 115,700 132,004 ... 114,956 130,659

* 870,298 1.369,436 1,468.647 ...1.285.671 1.453.553
Scrap, other.............Ton 1,647 5,109 9,011 ...2,394 8,003
8 55,965 51,139 104,388 37 33,322 93.696
Total Scrap..........Ton 85,498 120,809 141.915 ...117,350 138.752
8 926,361 1,440,575 1,571,233 87 1,418,993 1,547,549
Castings and Forgings-
Azles, parts and l,lankn. $ 2,638,166 1.828,892 1,549,559 5.758 7,924 1,823,134 1,541,635
Castings, n.o.p., not Cwt. 81,018 87,096 211,938 510 1,722 84,856 208,737
malleable ........... $ 467,617 499,529 1,185,962 4,348 6,841 492,583 1,175,784
Locomotive and car
wheel tires.......... Cwt. 186,598 223,077 208,505 115,051 86,320 107.868 122,185
8 822.394 1,000,301 940,291 539.368 415,441 460,144 624,850
Other castings and
forginga .............$ 846,656 967,454 3,191,709 47,201 26,598 918,297 3,160,037
Total Castings and
Forgings ........... 8 4,764,732 4,296,176 6,887,521 596,665 456,804 3,694,158 8402,306
Rolling Mill Products-
Band and hoop........Cwt 1,489,801 1,351,442 1,388,110 146,918 37,913 1,156.382 1,284,895
11 8.177,767 4,614.506 4,677,408 473,286 150,995 3,878,142 4.338,728
Bnrs and Rails-
Railway rails........Ton 27,873 24,637 33,858 18 41 22,428 31,130
890,802 746.843 1,054.406 737 1,720 697,221 089.909
Other bars and rails.Cwt. 2,753,478 2,409,185 3,930,977 143,340 147,743 1,850,166 3,287.886
7,458.132 10,223,968 874,461 1.020,842 4,948.816 8.410.381
Plates and Sheets-
Boiler plate.........Cwt. 189,538 173,761 241,463 46 1,361 165.150 239,390
451,407 388.031 601.061 '93 2,709 374,2413 1 594.653


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
Classification 1928 1929
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929


Rolling Mill Products-Con.
Platce and Sheeta-Cos. 100,577 181,094 105,203
Canadaplate Cwt.
....... 188,990 268.837 207.871 87.743
$ 770,871 1036,965 770.457 337,057 353,452 699,986 412,123
Tinnedplates ....... Cwt. 1,432,558 1.339.651 1.618.969 478.286 525,686 861,342 1.093,246
$ 7,631,628 6.867.816 8,008,574 2.340.105 2,415,503 4,627,284 5,592,924
Plates not less than
30 in, by j in., 120,684 1,047.763 1,419,257
n.o.p.............. Cwt. 1,083,996 1,172.305 1,140,913 25.407
8 2,100,039 2,234.458 3,335,877 42,792 241,380 2,051.128 2,771,393
Sheets. No, 14 gauge 937,323 1.466,090
and thinner. n.o.p.Cwt. 1,234,433 1,112.509 1.640.672 124,800 146,755
$ 4,479,010 3,898.284 3,566,984 431,423 421,550 3,391,451 5.086.015
Galvanized, other. .Cwt. 3,601 1,920 6.612 ............ 1,821 11920 3,775
$ 14,183 7,470 18.538 8,404 7.470 12.106
Galvanized, fiat Cwt.
.... 543.158 455.905 676,521 88,347 228.953 366,527 446,894
2.344,633 1,852,355 2.547.871 363,357 557,881 1.488,112 1.688.317
$ 2,873.827
Skolp.forpipe,etc,.Cwt. 2.232,369 2,379.885 3,172.428 112,604 190,846 2.258.795
4,515,179 ' 4,487398 5,855,728 296,698 496,690 4.190.092 5,229.158
Other platee and 190,554 607.738 1,384,505
sheets ............. Cwt. 792.280 713,728 1,690,018 21,783
8 1,777,889 l,5i7.9ii7 3,556.739 46,037 488.815 1,346,437 3.294.685
955,824 863.330 1.096.770 13,004 11,151 164,951 296,090
Rods ................. Cwt. 14,343 533,035 572,292
1 1,409,732 ,1,197,7'2 1,634.302 10,316
Flat eye-bar b1ank,.. . Ton 3,188 40 262 . 40 262
131,856 1,548 10.216 . 1,548 10,216
8 4.903 70.200 160,637
Bridges ................ $ 72.723 84.769 165.576 14,509
Other structural iron. Ton 186,927 221.445 299,868 3,086 7,016 208.091 286,011
$ 7,490.721 8.569.993 11.652,442 122.030 259,943 8,121.758 10.948,277

Total Rolling Mill 38,226.884 49.811,812

Products...........$ 46,693,062 44,067.436 60,084,144 6,329.470 6,736,940

Tubes. Pipes and Fittings- 907 1.801

Cent iron
pipe.......... Ton 5.281 6,146 5,672 1.048 370
247.948 238.222 201,027 32.840 17,537 77,106 90,318
6 55.188 810,066 935,352
Boiler tubes ............ $ 954,830 917,047 1,092,018 34,255
Seamless tubing, not 33,415 64,189
ksathan3c.peu'lb.Cwt. 57,864 68.371 96.055 31,020 28.871
390.368 424,668 700,297 175,914 191,045 222.017 478.871
Other tubes, pipes, etc. $ 2,268,962 2.158,111 2,703.437 184,128 270,800 1,942.223 2.379.964

Total Tubes, Pipes 3,051.862 3.884.483

and Fittings ........ $ 3,841,906 3,738,548 4.697.279 427.137 534,580

Wire- 82.530 68,208

Barbed fencingCwt.
........ 136,140 120,517 113,229 4,792 581
476,982 383,061 303,585 14,0159 1,887 273.322 224.285
Galvarized, No. 9. 12
and 13 gauge, not tele- 234.864 209,784
graph or telephone. .Cwt, 242,379 249.009 212,350 531 627
613,240 653,029 545,541 1,457 3,520 615002 537.023
Wire rope, twisted wire,
clothes hues, wire 84,762 134.478
cable, etc., n,o.p ...... $ 317,880 325,1577 407,078 229,147 255.189
Steel wire for rope.....Cwt. 92,594 105.044 15.5. 145 99.791 135.45$ 8,103 19,687
$ 577.375 675,828 954.632 036,730 826.374 39.098 128,258
Other..................$ 1,175.372 1,280,181 1,545,417 288,703 400.706 813.063 973.184

Total Wire...........$ 3,160,848 3,317,776 3,806,253 1,170,106 1,487,676 1.825.247 1,997,228

Chaina ................... $ 986,740 790,177 1,030,694 178,057 220.023 567.022 752,418

Eaines and Boilers- 109,014 118,817

Engines, automobile... No. 90.050 105,014 118,817 ..
8 10609,308 11.957,526 11,727.816 .. 11,957.626 11,727,816
Engines, internal com- 13,232 15,497
bustion, other No.
........ 14.428 14,104 16,642 845 1.085
$ 1,565.449 1,979,707 2,469.546 170,261 502,101 1.506.913 1,840,631
Locomotives and parts.No. 55 90 121 ... 90 121
606,098 558,874 1,151,286 ... 558,874 1,151.288
Other boilers, engines, 1,904,763 3.313,629
etc ................... $ 2,141,242 2,510,662 3.958,602 884,635 616,406

Total Engines and 15.928,076 18,033.362

Boilers ............. $ 14,922,187 17,006,829 19,307.260 964,896 1.118.507

Farm Implements and

Mhinery- 7,076 10,112
Cream separators No.
....... 23.658 15.910 19,451 521
997,548 611,245 853.495 17 11.882 857,270 586,484
$ 216,288
Otherdairy machinery. 1 109,427 144,654 219.659 345 739 142.511
Harvesters ............ .No. 3,949 5,612 7,567 ...........................5. 7.586
998.771 1,372,578 1,998,914 182 ............1,371.979 1,993,528
Other harvesting linple- 428.109 497,180
,enndn nd rnenhinnrv 1 408.682 455,930 535,412 10.342 13,7361


Total Importa for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United Statos
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Farm Implemerts and
Planting and 'rilinge.—
Dritisand parts......No, 8,048 0,157 6,968 1 2 6,156 6,926
$ 836,374 870.840 997,168 51150 267 865,890 993,564
Pb08!,8 and parts.,.. 8 1,649,303 1,731,738 2,158,059 103 93 1,731 .33(1 2,151,498
()tlii'rpbiintirig ........ 8 647,613 803.140 1.112,015 4,968 4,015 785.298 1,091.071
Seed Separation-
Fanning mills ........ $ 63,278 77,332 $0,021 14 . ............ 77,318 49,918
Thr&shing machine
separators .......... No. 2.897 4.825 7.323 . .............. 4.825 7,323
8 2.482,574 4.354,182 7,884.772 ............... 4.354,182 7.884,772
Threshing machine
separator parts.....8 705.806 769,905 1,221,204 . ............ .1,303 789.905 1,220,041
Traction engines for
farm purposes-
Notovei-$1,400each.No 91101 18,471 21,777 . ............ ...
.18,469 21.777
$ 6.847,239 14,893.586 18 , 931,613 ................14,890.800 18.931.813
Other ................ No. 263 263 3.30 ................26i3 330
8 374,292 558.879 (50,857 ....558.579 680.857
Farm tractor parts and
repairs ............... $ 1.336.089 1,367.189 1.998,164 37 372 1.367,152 1.997.782
Othcr farm implements 8 1,489,312 1,625.545 1,681,546 , 176,442 109,319 1,434,469 1.561,702
Total Farm Implements
and Machinery ....... 8 18.946,288 29.636,449 40,292,899 191.660 141,706 29,132.852 39,826,254
Hardware and Cutlery-
Cutlery ................ $ 1,585,382 1,625,122 1,704,873 094.000 741,932 388,511 404,908
Nails,wire .......... Cwt. 30.166 20,335 15,130 2.936 all 2,853 1,242
1 114235 85.239 49,113 7,984 1,632 18,447 12,100
Other nails, spikes,
tacks (inc. railway) $ 37,991 33,764 40,408 5,670 4,979 22,581 20,696
Needlcsendpins.....$ 413,699 437,946 471.462 176.199 205.807 217.394 229.993
Nutsand bolts......Cwt. 33,509 31.586 31.201 2,271 4.752 29.509 441,284
3 347,385 337.750 593.877 11,433 22.353 325.186 570.120
Screws...............1 116,972 142,546 163,144 1,539 1,329 133,111 175,133
Other hardware ...... $ 1,259,072 1,455.205 1,731,778 104,708 154.971 1,233.942 1.447,100
Total Hardware and
C1rtlery .............. 8 3,874,736 4,097,572 4,774,857 1,001.533 1,133.003 2.339,172 2.869,146
Machinery (except Agri-
Sewin.gmachinos ....... No 17.121 19.929 24,805 6,185 11,980 13.690 12.764
* 555,052 593.657 735,410 134,403 209,489 454,129 522.039
Sewing machine parts
and attachments ..... S 430,176 360,230 473,350 155,017 249,397 203.532 222,366
Wash ag niacliines,
domestic.............No. 15,492 18,496 24,738 I 1 18.495 24.722
$ 1,070,193 1,251,070 3,602,425 57 384 1,251,013 1.681,013
Other hoenehold ma-
chinery..............$ 146,724 220,965 215,972 315 2,296 220,059 213,198
Dianroncl drills and
parts ................. 8 412,C42 687.299 872.040 68 12,449 680.888 853,295
Ore ci-wiliers, stamp
mills................$ 622.269 542,932 669.028 252,928 193,015 255.983 429.330
Rock drills.............No. 1.478 480 554) 11 36 467 514
8 491,271 472,752 635.189 20,871 12,703 451,079 618,281
Well-drilling machinery
and equipment ....... 8 1,015,616 807,741 1,779.221 416 2,280 802,600 1,776.941
Other mining and metal-
lurgical ........ ....... $ 850,127 1,031,230 1,570.243 112,685 109,324 915,238 1.448.055
Ofllct or Buaine-
Adding ............... No. 4,191 7.956 9.923 4 3 7.934 9.897
$ 670,770 990.500 1,269,423 237 104 967.725 1.208.044
Typewriting,,,,,, No. 14,103 16.455 21,044 IS 19 16.307 20.832
$ 807,063 901.309 1,115,982 1,387 1.171 899.134 1.112.228
Other ................ 1 599.522 882.046 6801553 3 1 662 4,873 578,373 694.679
I5rirting and Bcokbind-
l'rintingprosse ...... No.. ............
.............2,33.3 ..............543..............1.657
$ 1,596,174 2,505,113 3,515,309 119,432 139,945 2,289,315 3,232,033
Typesetting machines 6 672,041 962,689 1,161,953 015 15,294 962,254 1.136,936
Other printing and
bookbinding ........ 8 620,281 836,219 1,093,572 04,799 53.582 742.976 1.001,225
.'tirconiprc'rio)ro ........ 8 885,323 1.028,681) 1,393.839 57,659 114.849 943,538 1.273,003
Coke and gas iiiuchinery 8 242,453 488,884 538,654 68.214 291,149 419,870 247,505
Cranes and derricks,... No, 176 283 342 15 4 268, 338
1 594.958 1,152,132 1,395.607 95,793 37,733 1,03(1.429 1.357,874
Loggingequipment.....$ 1,112.888 1.231,327 1,424.028 259.859 83.031 926.459 1,271,518
Metal-working, n.o.p $ 2,279,377 3,558,849 4,702.307 03,272 119,831 3,469.571 4,540.620
Paperandpulpmili 6 4.466,465 3,319.935 1,757.850 1.101.423 343.842 2.326.134 1.360.674


Total Imports for ('onsumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1928 1928 1929 1928 1929


Macbinary (except Agricul-
tural) —('on.
Pumps, power, and -
par-tn ................. .'Sc 7.468 8.083 9,177 89 87 7.957 9,066
967,533 981.695 1.210.836 73,288 66,640 902.128 1.130.989
Rolling mill machines. $ 239.501 284.601 563.577 4.122 905 250.479 562.672
Shovels, stssm, electric -
orotherpowcr ....... Nc 51 100 172 1 3 108 169
I 562.005 951,766 1.533.649 81028 46,510 943.738 1.487.139
Textile................. 3,855.639 4,939,284 5,038,465 1,301.993 753.498 3.346,417 3.828.228
Other machinery ...... $ 15,309.603 17,618,710 23,245.509 1,203,099 1.132,638 15.947,690 21,340.381

Total Machinery (ex-

cept agricultural)... $ 41,081.874 48.600.613 60.262.591 5,103,641 3.996.722 42,343,396 54.614,486

Springs .................. $ 190,009 188,140 276,479 2,063 491 185,956 275,503

Stamped and Coated
Tin cans ............... $ 679.371 639,489 520,454 42,775 42,873 593,803 474,134
Other.................. S 1,413,612 1,439.547 1,896,151 150,336 182,309 1,197.337 1,573,306
Tools and hand imple.
meats.................. $ 2,409.152 2,551.118 3.194,980 272,656 312,845 1,864,810 2,427,399

Autotnobiles, freight... No 2,548 4.208 7,417 129 98 4,078 7.319
3,200,626 5,187.886 8,795,929 270.042 218,300 4,917,317 8,577,629
Automobiles, paseenger.Nc 29.202 1.5,783 42.447 56 55 35,723 42,386
$ 23,882,455 29,234,003 34,173,547 128,887 119.891 29,099,989 34,041.286
Automobile parts ...... $ 30,336,461 33,237,181 55,761,414 92.297 41,055 33,104,133 53,467.166
Railway cars, all kinds. No 680 1,158 1.118 86 64 1,028 1.010
* 744.791 515,170 877,147 4,789 2,500 507,987 871,882
Railway ears, parts of.. $ 1,008.006 975,050 1,602,729 48,602 196,421 926,178 1,406,110
Other vehicles of iron.. $ 702.352 1,245.704 1,736.017 153,615 200.091 1,085,393 1,526,958

Total Vehicles.....$ 59.874.191 70,395,597 102.946. 78.3 698,232 778,298 69,640.997 101,891,031

Drums, tanks, cylinders.. $ 876,508 1,202,878 1.401,321 50,726 - 67,414 968,227 1,185,313
Furniture................$ 592,188 913,208 1,259,964 33,789 26,017 856,119 1,220,324
Plates for agrirultural
implements...........Cwt 61,532 61.607 24.040 . ............ .. 61,607 24,040
314.889 302,650 103,763 .... 302.650 103,763
Pumps, hand ........... No. 37,162 35.455 58.644 318 160 31,038 52,203
607,152 388,264 572,861 1.168 735 370,614 547,582
Stoves ................... $ 497,40l 726.902 878,487 7.041 8.641 717,704 862,436
Valves ................... $ 714.437 759.461 920,762 48.679 55,292 707,208 854.583
Articles for shipbuilding.. $ 1,456.093 1,350,1)43 1,179,127 194,846 193,330 1.075.206 1.163,299
Other iron and steel ...... $ 16,136,437 16,773,733 20.870.803 895,809 l,206,533 15,392.129 19.082,448

Total Iron and its

Products.........$ 229,429,485 259,573,668 346,610.938 17,725.748 18,997,316 233,991,420 317,089,125

No-Faous Mtsts-
Alumina and bauxite .... Cwt 1,568.908 2.663.397 3.379.730 . ............ .. 2,372,150 2,294,437
3,634.939 6,281,232 3,805,9l4 .....6,239,427 3,625.940
Cryolite................Cwt 78.336 9,769 68.181 .....9,379 10,783
S 473.523 52,005 297,712 ......48.829 76.269
Aluminium ingots, sheets.Lb. 1,084.179 1.306.060 1,101,761 887,578 80l,919 391.690 287,185
$ 293.468 399,127 315.233 246.183 229.414 143,437 82,398
Other aluminium .........$ 1.171.225 1.438,171 1,952.783 110,633 102,552 1.087.574 1.668,924

Total Aluminium.. 8 5.573,135 8.190,535 6,371,662 356,816 331,966 7,521,267 5,453,531

Scrap ................. Cwt 31,047 29.929 53.347 487 224 28.539 50.330
8 297.148 288.408 625,027 6,476 3,182 275,005 509,172
Barsandrods ......... Cwt. 9.91)2 6,163 9.313 2,474 3,297 3.689 6,018
$ 174.493 1l0,460 172.751 38,202 50,803 72,258 121.948
Strips, sheets, platee. .Cwt. 13.722 7.1174 15.367 521 1,126 7,133 14.441
$ 253,834 152,910 303,537 10.831 22,360 142,079 281.177
Tubing .... ............. Lb 2,933.727 2.676,331 3.845.790 484,555 652.255 2,167,109 3,162.389
8 680.912 805,912 892.573 114.731 140,539 488,015 744.808
Wire, plain.............Lb 474.690 387,993 435,363 29,473 37.322 356.782 398.043
I 125,257 97,465 111.223 8.838 11,332 88.270 99.891
Wire cloth ............. * 89.656 31,432 56,418 8,055 26,325 19,290 23.293
Other.................. $ 3.333.651 3,867.076 4,592,965 339,4433 393,208 3,178.686 3.828,753

Total Brass ........ $ 4,995,981 5,183.663 6.754,494 526,536 647,749 4,263,603 5,699,012

Blocks, pigs. ingots... Cwt 80.398 31.916 .
93,156............ ...............31,916 93.156
1,137,701 412.653 1,474.1120 .......................... 442,633 1,174.620
Scrap ................. Cwt 47.11.5 14,935 73.341 20 710 44.391 72,422
623.031 587,377 1,092.1211 281 9,934 562,813 1,080.009
Barsand rods ......... Cwt. 195.822 284,896 444.141 628 52 283.426 443.089
I 2681 677 4 02 895 7 040 013 5 657 099 4 005 575 7 093369

8-PRrNcIPAt. IMPORTS INTO CArOADA FOR CoNstmlr"rIoN, re.-Continu8d

Total Imports for Consumption

I Imports from
United Kingdom
Imports from
United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

NON-FERJiOUS Me'rei.s-Con.
Strips, sheets, plates. .Cwt. 20361 17.698 31450 919 2 1 556 16.686 28,789
$ 429,889 162.520 670,010 20.150 83,131 340,501 604,890
2,587,584 2,045,121 2.610,568 195.944 268.218 1.836,740 2,320.837
Tubing................ Lb.
3 579,559 486,265 633.404 48,195 62,724 436,767 565,582
Other..................$ 1,319,736 1,365,991 2,157,768 77,119 161.528 1,273,829 1,967,329

Total Copper ....... $ 7,071,553 7,249,834 13,007,992 150,582 298,241 7,062,232 12,715,820

Piga,barsandsheets ... Lb. 851,718 4.71,420 697,655 185.102 365,452 280,623 317,788
$ 75,015 34,021 44.141 11.680 18,296 22.001 24,094
Other ................... $ 302,120 344,794 359,503 172,716 151,710 96,958 108.599
Bars, rods, sheets, etc,.Lb. 1,110,429 693.687 769,031 368 2,278 693,310 766.755
6 250,7(13 202,284 297.258 127 848 202,157 296,408
Nickel.platedware.....8 5,619.179 2,308.586 2,858.227 278,975 239,020 1,750,567 2,269.327
Other .................. $ 341,001 913,805 869.410 47,958 139,780 855,288 523.439
Precious Metals-
Electro-platedware.... $ 880,532 1,070,298 1,276,130 790,855 960,333 202,404 238,506
Silver in bars, blocks.
................... $ 972.406 893,380 1,029,524 10,292 34,899 882,697 994,601
Other .................. $ 745,604 710.459 820.437 303,276 266,844 334,096 376,030
l3locks,bars,pigs.....Cwt 50,858 48,742 58.928 15.462 22,843 25,915 24,961
$ 3,258,515 2,986.784 2,987.502 948,157 1,112,963 1,763,156 1,307,892
Foil .................... Lb. 296,736 11(3. 135 97.849 4.553 7,618 106.005 90,251
$ 148,292 77,311 58,238 4.057 7,099 69.763 49,139
Other (collapsible tuhes)8 49,132 74,340 43,703 31,858 20,762 42,574 22,941
Spelter ................. Lb. 1,312,169 1,217,950 2,104.902 ............ 122.080 1,206,790 1,955,288
90,275 76,684 125,011 .. 7,032 75,815 116,605
Sheets and plates ....... Lb. 5,1163,810 5,550,836 9,975,498 140,720 69.461 3,331.352 4.423,329
$ 559.529 472,5781 731,195 21,823 4,980 207,134 365,655
Other ...............
... 9 209,599 317,280 210,345 933 2.371 314,835 255,023
Phosphor tin and bronze,.Lb. 665,226 (182,331 788,266 176,101 229,746 417.595 463.715
8 297.222 249,631 303,054 60,500 77,318 157.607 191,530
Otheralloys,n.o.p ....... $ 68,354 58,985 46,320 31.728 19,025 24.792 24,506
Clocksaudwatches ...... $ 1,141,254 3.303.708 3,577,073 75,004 70.110 1,218.9114 1,333.282

Electrical Apparatus-
Batteries, storage......No. 40,287 28.735 29,499 138 34 28.597 29,462
8 716,553 527,031 631.557 236,485 319,258 290.496 312.274
Dynamos. generators ... $ 1,178,380 1,328.828 3,557,000 389,820 294,119 924,153 1,248.639
Incandescent lamp8-
Carbonfilament No.
..... 1,498,694 1,785.232 1,161,808 1,136 520 175.88.5 48,062
$ 77,462 97.49.5 543.211 227 322 18.740 5,914
Metalfilament No. 2,881,548 3,054.346 1,492,304 8.612 12,201 301,732 346,626
$ 270,710 222.677 k 134,063 1,489 3,304 50,065 69,819
Electric light fixtures.. 8 709.417 813,579 1,102,905 14,541 19.382 772,449 1,040,948
Meters ................. 5 398,283 348,515 400,173 18,960 41,246 327,412 365,072
Motors ................. $ 2,403.688 2.964,123 4,3015,317 484,1141 547414 2,307,988 3,589,225
Spark plugs, etc........$ 659,226 747,697 1.108.518 14.212 15,060 732,433 1,081,1350
Switriies,etc ........... $ 1,274,710 1,421)474 1,613,250 813,117 63,764 1,325,562 1,536,082
Telegraph instruments.. $ 230.2111 266.612 493,061 19333; 16.523 1811,735 473,392
'rclephone instruments.. $ 872.334 875.3132 1,854,546 65.305 215.800 832.415 1.038,358
W;relessapparatus.....6 2,842.538 3,71(1.01(9 5.939,116 120.073 115,989 3.566,558 5,822,286
Other .................. 8 5,2138.642 5,705 193 7.570. 187 275,6136 271,719 5.43:1.873 7,217,101

Total Electric Appa-

ratus.n.o.p ....... 9 16,932,193 19.044.465 26,775.215 1,740,302 1,927,181 16,761,915 24,410,750

Gas apparatus... ......... $ 172,500 227,767 263.405 6.258 5,810 211,930 249,837
Printing materials (except
Stereotypes 5,321,438 6,1526,674 5,985,608 28.549 68.788 6,795,114 5,900,085
6 300.024 262,402 337.953 2.863 4,239 250,162 332,763
Other .................. 9 120,473 1112,645 135,188 17,151 14.891 87.818 113.093
Manganese oxide........Cwt. 767.539 1.400,062 2,1:30,491 31 35,097 26,147
$ 776.579 1,456, 142 1,053.780 105 88,702 50,968
Ores, n.o.p .............. Cwt, 568,447 75 '.1 . 3:321 577,380 326 11.188 752,821i 565,232
8 484,659 7157.040 656,411 6,430 17,042 778,787 1135,119
Antimony, notground .... Lb. 1,265,712 1,074,10 1,850,511 40.680 75,373 1,017.603 1,595,545
162,530 117.742 165,271 5,390 8.600 111)91)1 141,790
5 130.621
...... Lb. 114,450 99.056 202,296 4.615 33,870 40.041
6 105,138 136.675 274.148 (3,554 50,132 57.317 171,400
Lamps,sidelights.etc.... 8 957,048 1,088.973 1,h44.898 39,785 34,347 947,124 1,463,156
Othernon-lerroasinetals. $ 2,110,393 2,265,178 2,505,945 146,711 79,101 1,924,056 2,215,087

Total Non-Ferrous
Metals ........... S 52.747,842 60,190,036 75,438.431 5,794,918 6,053,832 48,385,742 62,104,988


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Asbestos other than crude $ 622,793 671,407 929,897 121.028 130,447 531.793 784,219

(May and Clay Products-

China clay ............ wt 387,676 453,437 423,963 274,201 228,697 179.216 194,825
223,802 244,485 247,391 127,089 118,337 117,388 128.518
Fire clay..............Cwt 958.441 951,444 1,371,621 22,127 25,1150 928,597 1,344.879
195,994 219,074 289,255 9.128 7.819 209.288 280,825
Other clays .........S 86.604 97,645 127,646 4,706 8,677 92,142 117.630
Bricks, building........M 4.293 6,201 14,792 199 60 8.002 12.1378
100.585 164,700 257.121 9 1 360 3,511 155.348 245,394
Bricks, tire............. 3,547.1317 1.869,110 1,978.074 160.099 177,930 1,701.424 1.799,807
Brick and tile, n.o.p ... . S 690,043 708,537 940.2154 308,259 403,132 281.470 380.58.5
Pott4:ry and chinaware. 4,508,513 4,930,329 4,8611,502 2.863,582 2,748,025 344.755 424,354
Artiliciel teeth......... 378.742 402,074 1:11.958 1,715 2,465 400.184 429,439
Bathtubs, CtC.......... 409,723 487,313 583,195, 384,254 491,368 103,088 121.613
Other ..... ............. 488.433 539,079 675.9941 40.938 28,514 425.831 550.404
Total Clay and Clay
Products ........... 8 - 8,590,056 9,662,412 10,417, 260 3,909.126 3.957,778 - 3,831.018 4.478,579

Coal and Cral Products-

Coal, anthracite.......Ton 4,378,668 4,168,5215 3,882,418 780.321 552.974 3,378,232 3.312.093
35,097.013 31,828,463 28,329,122 6.192,720 3,686,131 25,555.154 24,753,718
Coal, bituminous ...... ..on 13,079.418 12,791,273 13,224,564 127,689 146,908 12,863,415 13,077,619
26,980.950 28.395,455 25,897,628 495,355 472,939 25,899.251 25,424,255
Coal for ships' stores.. .Ton 537,252 658.960 ................531.252 658,960
$ 1,080,486 ........ ....1,086,486
1,177,824 . .... 1.177.524
Coat tar and pitch.....Gal 3.441.963 4,427,702 5.976.575 1137,832 518 4.280.070 5.975.757
$ 241.787 331.128 441.385 10,644 III 320.484 441.165
Carbolic oil............Gal 4,320.054 1.347,00 1.915.528 194,755 262,536 659.5615 1.152,221
$ 707.158 284,472 36l373 38,890 52,197 135,712 213,402
Coke..................Ton 889.382 816,323 1,171(163 12,911 29,354 785.969 1.133,635
5,537,604 4,810,440 6,647.955 107,371 158.997 4,593.538 6.449,037
Lignite and coal pro.
ducts, n.o.p ......... $ 72.115 80.845 75.098 .....60.845 75,098
Total Coal and Coal
Products ........... $ 68.636.627 84,815,285 63,130,083 6.844,980 4.370,345 57,671.470 58.533,199

Glass and Glassware-

Carboys, bottics, jars,
etc. (md. milk bot-
tke)... ... .......... $ 1,389,207 1,444,259 1,524,950 102,832 100.110 1,167,103 1.241,419
Tableware ............. 8 868,395 901,029 1,848,599 55,344 66,099 512,188 636,700
Incandescent lamp bulbs
and tubing for ........ 8 552,500 535,663 560,261 ....454,847 514,695
Common window
glaa ..............Sq. ft. 40,275,641 43,984,102 44,315,528 2,739,311 2,197.388 67,155 142.309
1,187,776 1,163,911 1,168,734 94230 83.664 8,824 17,611
Plate glass-
Not over 7 sq. ft., . Sq.ft 4,021,948 3.672,517 5,337.047 1,171,072 666,360 1,135.887 1.152,611
1,612,665 1.187.593 1,469,900 445.419 214.992 384,118 414,614
7to25sq.ft ....... .q.(t. 730.4711 676,878 1,013.248 216.952 381,751 177.689 209,427
339.916 262.157 360,264 96,704 121.516 71.701 83.917
Other,not bevolled.Sq.9ft 1,065.336 1,078,085 1,452.51)6 489,685 598,542 256,511 254.474
566,756 482,104 065,050 229,294 552,793 108,614 193.732
Other glass and glass-
ware ............... S 2,101,144 2,172,900 3,018.831 307,482 386,638 1.501.699 1,848.464

Total Glass and Glass-

ware ............... $ 8,638,579 8.129,616 9.717,519 1,331,305 1,226,413 4.069.675 4,861,164

Graphite and products.... $ 123,705 123,121 137,443 51,883 49,605 71,238 87.803

Petroleum, Asphalt and

'l'heir Products-
Asphalt, solid......... Cwt 440.193 974,502 983,995 37 121 968,841 983.874
I 450,865 865.573 839,025 348 398 861,640 838.627
Other asphalt and oil... $ 42,403 101,479 147,828 7,277 5.115 100,205 141.955
Crude Petroleum-
Natural for refining.Gal. 596.466,714 109,914.337 884,732.999 . ............ ............. . 470.507,386 613.275.057
32,375,077 30,792,037 35,372,515 . ............ ............. ..18,868.515 24,647,199
Other, for refining... Gal. 45,500 (102.850 .............................45,500 6412.850
4,226 45,332 .............................4,226 43,332
Other. 8235 & heavierGal 97,120,093 75.914.345 54,845.275 ........................... 60,496,585 49.721.798
8 4.063.272 3.234,704 2.204,975 ............. ............ ..2,516,094 1,989.461
Fuel oil for ships'
stores .............. Gal. 44.074,770 33.096.277 ............. ............ . 30,108.245 28.276.261
$ 1,728,699 884,524 ............. ............ ..1,059,565 8601068
Coal and kerosene oil.
refined..............Gal. 4,991,423 3,987.460 3,752.170 ........................... 3,985.408 3,751,810
557,711 335,945 344,971 ............... ...... . ... ... 335,340 344.881

Under 725 sp. gr.... Gal. 88,823.449 88,936,5.56 88089 .......................... 88 , 934 , 875 123.993,789
9.135 629 8,800.094 ,693,066 ........................... 8,799.540 14.683,066
Other...............Gal. 23.716,772 23.313.613 .6134,483 1.840. .... ........ . 23.297,3313 28,1125,808
$ 2.557.755 2.740. 713 , 3,01 813 . .... ......... 2,745,904 3.341,149

Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Xingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Lubricating oil.........Gal 10,823,082 12.065,986 143,283.090 336,010 387,414 12,228,343 10,892,207
3,100,11111 3,708,791 4,780.350 241.880 204,730 3,480,372 4,518.282
Other oils .............. $ 187,822 222,485 241.851 28,111 0,230 191,912 232.967
Other petroleum pro.
ducts .............. $ 1.157,110 979,573 1,106.463 50.437 28,551 902,219 1,031.237
Total Petroleum, As-
halt and Their
roducts ........... 9 54,457,703 53,529.319 64.059.306 328.566 303,690 39,850.535 52,882,140
Stone and Its Products-
Abrasives .............. $ 2,909,967 3,328.884 4.646,551 226,515 258,039 3,050,185 4.346.197
Building and paving
stone ................. S 497.956 539,234 713,126 96,061 100.853 307.907 498,695
Cement...............Cwt 62.720 73.652 121.208 560 80 70,792 1161803
I 81.715 90.613 1411.4311 803 162 87,533 144.497
Silica sand............Cwt 3,178,040 2,917.306 3,207.476 112 3 2.318,820 2,611,351
I 381,108 329.706 373,776 59 36 260.258 307.896
Whiting...............Cwt 349,081 306.761 345.220 181,068 180,724 81.924 107,908
212.347 381.705 198.889 100.974 99,006 58.535 72.274
Marble, slate and other I 1,882.800 1.925.408 2.458.012 97.304 147,827 1,807,049 1.937.071
Total Stone and Its
Products ........... $ 6,965,893 0,395.810 8.537.893 521,766 605,723 5,378,067 7,3011,620
Carbons, electric.......I 1,271.000 773.927 450.265 1,000 507 760,567 438.903
Diamonds, unset ....... $ 2,799.5241 3.067,838 3, 182.2844 987,296 1,085,847 17,926 00.150
Insulators, electric ...... $ 271.4811 310,388 432,145 9.408 7,010 283,298 416.584
Salt ......... .......... Cwt 3,624,733 3,500.272 3.711.721 490.404 511.836 2,103.011 2,161,023
$ 1,025.732 1.0417.104 1.106.728 2621327 246,433 648.938 686.981
Sulphur...............Cwt 3.726.963 3.593.658 3.572,363 i31 4 3,591,664 3,571.653
$ 3,004,540 2,907,539 2,938.804 90 10 2.902,8641 2,037,814
Other non-metallic min-
erals ............... $ 1.371.903 1,597.892 1,924,599 98.846 116,803 1,423.6381,679.383
Total Non-Metallic
Minerals ........... $ 156.784.707 353.049.438 166.984.231 14,467,621 12,108,601 117.447,907 135.154.049
Cazszrcsns a .'m M.ur.i, Pso-
Acid, citno ............... Lb 245,955 202,684 374,382' 163.854 230.543 4,808 104.125
$ 71.493 70.983 185.178 08.019 92.028 2.150 48.090
Acid, stearic..............Lb 1.032.396 1,573,619 1,892,403 79.042 320.779 1.409.817 3.195.441
I 121,170 153,051 219,525 8.633 36.090 134.934 140.476
Other acids.............. 425,814 519,183 731,840 139,3043 263,252 248.778 335.007
Alcohols, industrial......Gal 5,710 5,767 18.201 48 2 3.043 111.506
10,031 16,949 34, 906 200 56 7.9343 25,11)5
Cellulose products ........ $ 2.335,38.5 2,508.493 2,019.303 86.141 91,852 2,146.027 2,274.0111
Drugs and medicinal pre-
parations ............... $ 3.108,199 3,036.439 3.727.300 908.983 1.043.526 1.446.654 1.946.554
Dyeing and Tanning
Aniline and coal tar dyes Lb 2.934.770 2.964.050 3.038.504 104.909 125.188 1.640.980 1.725.407
1,834,220 1,664,383 1,794.107 75,901 82.069 808.203 989.817
Coal tar dye produet.s,
n.o.p ............... ..Lb 033,850 4013.537 699.806 625 850 359.907 535.725
120,632 111,570 127,858 112 387 74,001 84.055
Logwood, oak, quebra-
cho extracts ..... ..... Lb 37,542.752 47.878.857 41.382.901 428.316 223,789 33,853,091 40.379.235
3.388,860 1.717.014 11616,590 23,011 13.089 1.288,140 1,5115,157
Other dyeing and tan-
ning articles .......... $ 395.2401 448.166 445.170 39.287 57.463 334,539 324,242
Total Dyeing and
Tanning Materials., S 3.738,952 3,940.933 3.983.720 138,316 153.008 2,555,003 2.963,271
Ezplcsives ............... $ - 409,893 586.865 557,025 61.772 58,877 460.285 445,948
Fertilizers, n.o,p.-
Potash, muriate of.... Cwt 314.800 379.529 400,977 ................131.100 147,285
$ 472,1471 r70,02:1 706,002 3 214.004 291,482
Soda nitrate..........Cwt 454.264 548.444' 560.056 172 240 264.480 315,760
1.130,698 1,203,7114 1,238.9111 727 1,233 719.805 824.109
Superphosphatea ...... . 1,529.8114 (.734.400 3.879.922 21.560 100 1.1124.iOlO 1 1.630.960
927.176 945.032 1,1438.295 9,712 60 888.875 1,043,557
Other.................. $ 977.893 1.266,393 3,734.240 15.759 10.671; 1.098,415 1,501,734
Total Fertilizers,
n.o.p ............... $ 3.492,448 4,145,158 4.847,498 26.198 11.980 2.921,189 3,658,882


Total 1mporti for ConNumption Iniporte from Imports from

(Mcrc)iandiac) United Kingdom United states
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paints, Pigments and
Litharge .............. CWt. 25.185 30.556 44.584 I1.C20 16.579 12,721 21.946
5 239.787 234,227 314.443 86.612 111.303 1113,387 166.169
Ld,red .............. I,b 1,289.975 1.869,477 1,451.678 963.070 927.859 1C9,021 234.889
$ 121,995 119,222 100.793 60.956 63.997 16.100 18,154
Black, carbon .......... Lb 6,885.744 10.079,921 14,039.959 . ............ .3,2542 10.000,898 13,934,402
$ 497.225 667,094 944.973 83 639 857 935.933
Blacks,other ........... Lb 1,427.863 1,997.831 1.759.994 563.819 387.942 1.334,158 1,213,133
$ 124.228 144.733 126.1185 22.965 16.242 114,158 95.527
Ljthcpone ..............Lb. 13,768,543 15,821.372 17,259.5101 1.416.872 2.032,522 3.985,028 7,019,005
$ 572.283 646,231 760,802 52,392 78,185 203.813 343.498
Oxidoofcobalt,ete ..... Lb 283.000 228,342 272,899 96.253 115,504 129.077 152.745
11 160,633 130.699 137,320 60,152 60.290 68,831 76,026
Oxides firepr ails Lb 6,357,798 6500 0I 7,184,9 95 1159906 1 5411 In ., 160 943 5143 '50
$ 598,177 624.690 750.154 133.304 157.440 463,189 586,118
Zinc, white (oxide) .....Lb 14,011.210 17.068.221 18,965.1137 144,640 427,160 12.901.334 14.370,937
$ 982,110 1.126.850 1,228.178 10,821 21,817 850,418 950.278
Liquid fillers, eta ...... Gal ...426.672 . 132,627 . 286,283
5 511,686 528,587 595.479 149,510 168,807 381,969 411,984
\'arnish,lacquers,eto..Gal. 131,953 109,821 149.307 19,683 27.685 89,632 1243,8.59
5 281,47') 2111,262 256.283 33,037 44,21)0 181,271 210,1110
Otherpaints,etc ....... $ 517.7011 576,795 640.286 191,622 172.735 304,710 361.770

Total I'ainta,etc ..... $ 4.607.41) 5.015,180 11,854,804 771,371 895,101 3.327,713 4,135,617

Perfumery. Cosmetics-
Perfumes over 4 on. .... Gal. 4,403 2.497 2.811 379 393 391 287
$ 103.231 105,478 109.260 25,004 24,500 9.489 5.496
Other .................. $ 1,000.423 1,207,365 1.310,637 260,746 238,340 592,704 715,653
Castilu ................. Lb. 1.331,991 1,215,658 1,145,803 7.524 6.203 98.353 42,671
$ 107.491 101.312 90,248 1.128 637 14,234 5,314
Commonlaundry ....... Lb. 9,812.480 9.652,153 9.593,746 86,841 162,960 9,491.341 9,382.356
8 095,013 705,996 716,033 7.658 14,400 692,413 698,381
Other ..................8 402,115 370,800 355,150 139.372 149,483 186,508 162,112

Inorganic Chemicals,
Alum in hulk... ....... Cwt. 55.962 25,259 51,636 8,436 ,003 16.517 44,5.53
$ 70.752 37,420 70,936 14.057 12.354 22.801 58.545
Sulphate of alumina ... Cwt. 428.026 427,040 437.415 9,176 17,332 406,366 408,762
$ 488.935 485,538 521.782 10,397 19,113 464,716 488,984
Amnionia,nitrateof .... Lb. 4.848.717 5,416,287 4,049,818 1,573,877 4,048.000 229,644 1.818
8 210.1101) 240.986 154,439 85,597 154,145 10.395 294
Salammoniac .......... Lb. 2,586,26') 3.412,082 3,723.236 271.4118 428.581 1.731,545 1,244,420
$ 127,509 141.138 146.680 13.408 21.976 73.902 52.417
Coppersuiphate ........ Lb. 3,608.065 5,510,671 4,479,846 884.694 1,388,227 2,101,107 1,807.267
8 170,531 270.104 231.792 43,121 70,432 106,530 87.390
Chlorine,liquid ........ Lb. 12,645,170 7.678.901 5.340,359 ... 7.678.901 5,340,359
6 394.191 252.311 184,473 ... 252,311 184.473
Chlorideof lime ........ Lb. 17,714.507 14,823,099 12,792,632 1,487.763 2,502,953 21,958,440 9,507,411
$ 294,084 238,721 198.969 25,629 39.5118 197,005 1411.727
Potash compounds ..... Lb. 5,7110.2118 5,666,641 4,882,191 553.415 485.508 2,030.519 1,273.480
8 529,882 539.897 498,657 70.860 67,500 223.091 183,878
Sodacompountis ....... Lb. 215,575,523 229,737,273 298.169,039 42,488.403 22,407,303 180,723,823 264,868,1113
3 3,163,121 3,181,366 726.966 533.711 2,210,744 2,838,525
Acid phosphate ......... Lb 4,003,723 3,080, 101 3,151,502 97,074 73,349 2,880.327 3.078,243
8 261,522 232.306 238,642 5.766 4,425 226.3111 234.217
Other .................. $ 662,372 883,110 1.154,995 130,000 204,620 649.243 861,4511

Total Inorganic
Chemicals, n.o.p... 1 6,373,499 6,502,895 7,001,140 1,125,891 1,121,874 4,407,078 5,139,914

Other Drugs, 1)yes and

Glycerine .............. Lb. 4,041.102 1,703.611 5,999,890 488,697 943,452 194,774 829,118
$ 866,361 330,020 622,515 89,822 102,469 36,421 94,751
Other chemicals and
allied products ....... $ 3.906.184 4,255,204 4,713,238 573.796 039 414 2,996,716 3,448,648

Total Chemicals and

Allied Products.... $ 31,844,715 33,572,113 37,723.046 4,422.349 4,942,819 22,246,232 26,223,786


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchandise) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Miacgiyeaous C0MP.!ooIriI.s-
Amusement and Sporting
Films for motion
pictures..............Ft. 19.955,919 11.359.245 10.630,282 1,099,2411 1,184,045 10,211.245 9,413,846
11 1.594,443 912.150 868,163 89.241 96.990 817.556 769,402
Toyssaddolls.........$ 1.940,842 2,118.497 2.606.890 239,481 301.274 838.159 1,095,592
Ot,her ............... ...$ 895,696 1,179,492 889,905 104,085 121,668 1.538.940 040,309
Brushes..................$ 840,469 631,714 686,056 162.266 186,728 248.076 286,880
Containers...............$ 8.468,469 4,088,123 5.479,789 1,046,947 2,150.529 1,380,182 2,046,029

Household and Personal

Boots and shoes with
canvas uppers.......Pair 73.303 69,703 108,066 6,438 1,236 62,586 106,826
6 65,579 49,393 66,199 4,781 1,652 44.052 64.540
Boots and shoes with
kit uppers...........Pair 396,606 381,570 531,970 138,251 421,188 39,448 86,382
$ 219,345 224,780 311,061 199.402 241,200 23,162 52,147
Bt,tons ................ $ 045,117 307,756 531,755 31.575 32,811 239,263 245.188
Uoinbs ................. $ 266,923 249,768 249.421 42,461 43,740 41.480 32,346
Jewellery ............... $ 1,475,461 1,957.592 2,005,322 131,405 191,045 1,145.235 1,407.889
Pocketbooks, etc ....... $ 859,714 1,058,209 1,288,276 373,915 465,400 360,851 457,189
Refrigerators...........No. 3,735 5.223 10.857 3 1 5.220 10.855
1 462,830 672.872 1,319.180 456 10 672.4161 1,319.011
Tobaccopipes .......... I 880,121 963.517 709.212 454,614 325,889 36.948 33,313
Other .................. $ 2,828,649 2,928.852 2.590.819 664,073 486.162 1.873.682 1,736.752
Total Household,etc. 11 7,703,739 8,542,539 9.672,145 1,802,772 1,788.215 4,436,998 5.348.381

Mineral and aerated

waters ... 8 189.427 212,753 223,846 11,075 12,882 73,013 74,956
Musical Instruments-
Phonographs and parts. $ 1,004.120 978.816 1.327.915 20.546 25,875 926.807 1,250,085
Other .................. 8 1,531,831 1,398.960 1,498,312 68.332 66,005 970,360 1,022,843
Scientific and educational
equipment ............. 8 4,076,410 4,147.272 4.458,096 269,400 339,232 3,465,771 3,638,224
Ship5 and materials for,
n.o.p...................$ 2,680,313 1,8.54.915 1,056,163 994,637 42,804 835,983 847,770
Vehicles,n.o.p...... ...... 1 919.927 1,717,477 3.344.764 290,061 669,992 1,417,976 2.642.720
Worksofart,n.o.p ....... $ 859,267 1.177,808 2.384.998 359,400 859,827 557.203 1.139,618

Miscellaneous Imports
Under Special Condi-
For army and navy.... 8 46.233 27,900 273,899 20.068 249,319 1,121 5,657
Re.imported....... ... .$ 4,253.163 3.772.002 3,213.565 471.836 242.778 3,002.01(1 2,581,163
Foreahibition..........$ 5,261,486 2,827,730 3,265,342 640,478 112,117 2,097,878 3,130,350
Ex-warehoesed for ships'
stores (ezal. coal and
fuel oil for 1928 and
1929) .................8 4.238.499 542.236 490.917 279.153 237,200 197,304 173.561
Other .................. 9 2,269,754 2,410,769 4,021,487 303,018 200,412 1,563.869 3,169.960

Total Miscellaneous
Imports Under
Special Conditions. $ 16,069,135 9.980.637 11,295,210 1,715,151 1041,826 8,862,180 9,060,691

Incubators and broodera.No. 16,616 29,572 24.255 3 I 29,560 24,253

8 371,186 519.348 451,037 464 337 518.057 450,584
Pencils,lead ............. 8 803,874 813,838 833,553 105,7114 157,512 515.731 561,198
Precious stones ........... 1 473,938 521.303 837,477 144,531 376,458 80,234 85,953
Settlers' effects ........... $ 7,797,518 9,192,3701 10.390,922 1,178,745 760.455 7.736.887 9,343,313
Waste paper, etc.........Cwt. 986,452 916,6113 754,889 53,225 16,615 858,126 724,044
$ 1.306.080 1,192,546 804,925 160,035 22,001 996,546 773,638
Wax, vegetable and mm.-
eral,n.o.p .............. Lb. 613,758 2,681.138 2,921,307 1,596,190 708,041 731.258 699,482
$ 122,297 246,294 255,157 78,530 32,888 149,215 140,027
AU other articles import-
ed ..................... 1 7,778.100 8,322,240 9,026.282 995.030 983.679 6.784,393 7,468.030

Total Miscellaneous
Commodities ...... $ 62,227,271 59,848,892 68,491,584 10,436,423 10,034,784 41,150,207 48,665,281

TOTAL bu'oRTs role

CoNsimn"rlo'e ...... $ 1,030,892.605 1,108.956,466 1.205,679.091 155.805.887 194,020.573 719,438,237 868.055,897


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paotvcrs-A.M.iai,y Foot-
Apples ............... Bri. 1,038.768 934,389 1,080,827 800.515 868,003 57,263 48.089
4,670,091 4,243,786 4.8117,180 3,568.018 3,864,822 281,618 252,508
Berries ............... 8 466,425 420.673 282,384 414 186 420,102 279,359
Other ................ $ 129.503 84,153 118,526 57,794 85,303 22,026 27.455
Dried Apples ........... Lb. 1.778,239 1,8541,937 123,965 114.585 32,750 .
163,348 210,049 15.036 12,835 4.240 .
Dried. n.o.p............Lb 981 74,917 1,330 .. 71,687.............
8 145 12,752 170 .. 12,720 . .......
Canned or preserved. . Lb. 5,974,479 6,331,557 5.085.895 5.4600.994 4,731.935 100,604 19.634
8 486.468 504,300 390,087 435,079 353.143 10,359 2,375
Fruit juices and syrups.GaI 414,178 2611.746 346.664 227,076 308,069 8,494 10,504
399,237 207,432 213,763 172.998 202.1427 5,045 5,793

Total Fruits ....... $ 6.315,217 8,683.145 5,917.152 4,247. 108 4,830,321 751,8701 567.490

Beets, sugar.........Ton 63,580 53,225 40.648 . 53,225 40,648
8 395,966 323,683 245,521 . 323,063 245,521
Onions.............Bush 84,399 42,881 18.340 . 1,123 3,844)
8 123,439 50.059 28,932 . 1,500 7,012
Potatoes...........Bush 8,319,080 7,744,960 4,949.156 .. 5,193.680 1,873,317
9,717,425 7.338.906 3,083,452 .. 4,593,441 1,140.31
Turnips ............ I4ush 2.049.849 2.630.958 2,852,171 . 2,517,047 2.829,590
8 665,272 708,548 633.483 . 703,688 626,872
Pickles ................. 8 592,217 870,096 486,824 814.275 433,657 31.304 16.590
Canned................Lb. 9,667,1114 14,172,410 20,690,134 13,041,554 11,075,970 1,820 3,947,976
704,391 1,005,280 1,123.061 916,544 1,019,890 197 215,301
Other................. 8 140.124 177,628 182,398 158 343 157,116 159,231

Total Vegetables ..... $ 12,540,934 10,471,192 6,083,673 1.730.977 1,453,890 5,811.009 2.411.458

Grains and Farinareous

Barley ............. Bush 38,943,642 28,829,250 35,699.767 19,209,509 25,960,614 13,262 67,818
25,875,024 23.472,708 25,743.971 15.329.821 17,552,851 8,079 29,048
Beans..............Bush 22.251 120.386 48,970 1,000 88 118,735 44,324
67,387 422,842 214,845 000 418 420,455 207.387
Buckwheat.........Bush 319 393 349 533 44)2,358 78,949 205,052 83,013 59.051
S 253,710 281.385 361.616 62.787 180,313 67,919 53,203
Oat, ............... Bush 15,438,329 7,158,723 15.1153,348 2,439,966 6.298,471 876,264 31,662
8,508,755 4,275.353 10.241.938 1,395.242 4,043,185 501,719 22.611
Peas, split.........Bush 14,891 6,782 4.329 . 1,886 201
36,808 18,892 12,292 . 5,242 483
Peas, whole........Bush 146,887 175.09.5 66.093 31.562 19,880 127,968 25,157
$ 395,551 432,341 230,158 108,333 83,129 272,425 117,743
Rice.................Lb 1.001,990 400.704 519,400 142,000 165.900 . 7,500
8 45,012 15.360 20,478 3.560 8.833 471
Rye...............Bush 6,495.384 10,424.643 9,458,512 4.703.076 4,646.828 1,522 .
8 6,050,140 10,648.740 10,809.020 1.505,120 5,365.687 1,215 .
Wheat.............Bush 248.497,482 2116,902,189 370,459.551 188,6.57,268 229,801,402 7.503,681 10634,834
8 353,094,940 352,117.150 428,524.320 244,816.036 260,008,624 9,503,062 12,380.823
Other (corn).........8 6,500 7,705 28.289 . - 150 103 5.170

Total Grains ....... * 394,423.830 391.695,566 470.186,733 260.221,808 287.240.190 10.780.819 12,810,939

Milled Products-
Bran, shorts and mid-
dlings.............Cwt 1,598,806 1,905.875 3,645.819 5,582 1,680 1,829,215 3,562.618
2,017.558 2.750.196 5,4911.024 9.421 3,101 2,628,457 5,351,954
Oatmeal............Cwt 307.448 345.563 51(8,412 274,338 388.055 13
1,624,029 1,799,408 3.073.375 1,480,538 2.072,979 88
Wheat flour .......... BrI 10.147.705 9,387,273 11,405.728 3.072.494 2.775,924 7,111 2,073
68,720,331 59,879,302 65,117,779 20.217.022 19,971,964 46,357 13,217
Other ................ 8 102,260 - 75.489 108,958 35,020 20,496 1.770 2.329

Total Milled Pro-

ducts ............ 8 72.464.181 64.504,395 73,796,136 21.772.001 19,068,560 2,674,584 5,367,686

Prepared Foods and

Bakery Products-
Cereal (oods, prep'd., 8 1,895,259 2,059,161 2,238,690 2,022,666 2,176,645 3,464 6,692
Other................$ 205.068 201,438 377,303 15,434 8,754 36,026 190,793
Other Grains, Farm-
aceous Products-
Malt ............... Bush 154,078 83.026 38,240 ......1,260
$ 205,099 110,407 54,332 ......2,400
Other (screenings).... S 589,401 730.203 934,757 ...53,368 ' 730,203 881,389

Total Grains and Far-

inacoous Products. 8 469,783,504 459,301,260 653,587,951 290,031,612 308,553.517 14,225,096 19,265,799

Total Exports of Canadian Enports to l'xports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paootcrs—A. MAIXI.T
Sugar and its Products-
('andy. ......... ....... U 1,616.078 1.589.366 1.681.007 49.198 7,750
3,587 10.345
$ 495,990 489,988 501.255 15,030 3.129
1,277 4,529
Confectionery, n.o.p.... $ 347.871 408.713 224.163 291,710 95,564
1,570 5.389
Maple sugar ............ Ii 4.178,821 6.551,296 7,701.311) 38,229 6,508,519
28.138 7,663,247
$ 676.237 1,141,783 1,320.181 6.869 5,799
1,133.942 1,312.172
Maple syrup ........... $ 40.701 30.902 45. 71111 4.754 7,409
31,447 37,968
Sugar, n.o.p...........Cw 2,941,100 1,294,095 419,950 851,236 127,600
5.023 216
15,1111,2311 8,200.963 2.176.348 2,727,722 621.186
37,506 1.045
Other .................. 8 89,087 69,055 62.129 ... .......68.559 61.851

Total Sugar and its

Products ......... I 19.768.728 8,407,424 4.329,822 3,046.085 733,086 1,274.301 1.122.954

Tea and Coffee-

Coffee and imitationS. . Lt 47,1138 49,852 50.909 ...11,983 15,620
17,882 21.013 21.283 ... 6,736 7,848
Hops ..................... LL 257,897 868.877 327.039 843.102 307,240 1,912 417
$ 85,365 230,113 92.505 226,175 90,189 765 .58
Other agric. and veg. pro-
ducts for food .......... $ 190,071 199,386 220,889 32.307 56,073 40.339 35,323

Total Agric. and Veg-

etable Products-
A. Mainly Food.... $ 505.501,701 484,316,535 570,253,275 299.311,264 315,417.085 22,110.116 23.710.930


Beverages, Alcoholic-
Brewed (ale, beer)..... Cit 4,252,583 3,825,003 4,110,698 ... 3.799.170 4,092,113
5,554,092 5,401,429 5,608,366 ... 5.376,363 5,588,870
Whiskey ............ Gal 1.526,842 1,800,710 2,355,431 47,984 20,820 1.128.152 1,126,399
18,712.574 21,484.730 21,122.725 123.796 85,758 18.380,070 18,111,598
Other................ Gal 58,523 25.379 34.112 11 II 20.420 17,730
I 452.190 292,147 267.160 40 60 270,371 231.'142
Fermented (wines) .... Gal 34,179 32,184 40.046 178 133 30,847 38,722
I 119,197 108.831 120,658 336 214 105.384 118,591

Total I3everages.....$ 24,838.083 27,287,137 30,118,907 124,172 86,032 24,132,188 24,050,698

Oil-cake and meal.......Cwt 382418 474,352 425,527 16,800 12.880 258.766 285,387
$ 826.907 1.057.740 1.047,993 36.009 30,540 565.537 692.577
Oils, vegetable..... ..... C,aI 341,022 42,167 18,251 .. 32,938 7.887
$ 160,971 36.110 14.246 .. 24,077 4,799

Waste ................. Cwt 128.942 129,434 153.185 107 128,265 150,426
8 296,787 281,389 258.835 802 270,767 242,108
Belting................. Lb 1,067.573 1.247.670 1,170.700 154,609 218,418 100
$ 517,031 495.013 410.958 17.564 75.076 61
Bootaandshoes ........ Pal 6.590,2711 7.341,176 9,689.045 2.208.906 2.612.370 1,919 2,783
6.374,621 6,348,022 8,589,8491 2,354,336 3,257,835 2.052 3.284
Bose ................... $ 279.480 250,325 268,688 35,439 28,979 59,228 61,625
Tires, auto, casings..... No 1,344.675 1,6)13.863 1.722.502 329,210 100,1)62 1.363 2.187
15.550,571 16,708,510 10,640.374 3,345,042 1,186,614 25,843 23.533
Tires, auto, inner tubee.No 1.328.300 1,757,542 1,551)62) 198,547 48.084 217 4.409
2,671,871 3,075,103 2,464,368 375,786 91,1)80 240 5,790
Tires—solid ............ No 10,83.5 13,036 10.798 1,332 447 78 34
341,787 423,152 313.314 30,033 6.094 850 223
Other manufactures.... 633,346 983.437 1,390.120 552,271 1.093,842 20.479 10,407

Total Rubber ........ $ 26,695,803 28,625,951 30,582,514 6,740,491 5.724,231 379,439 347,031

Alfalfa ............... Bush 89,810 15,665 2,977 ............16.557 2,975
8 1,040,192 209,934 41,807 ............. 208.399 41,776.
Alsike............... Bush 118.612 189,055 133.388 34,834 18,093 124,455 95.972
$ 1,815,118 2,181,571 1,595,010 386,448 222,881 1,4110.229 1,241.566
Other clover......... Bush 1711,925 84,704 80.357 1,1110 2,17)1 82,500 77,891
$ 905,621) 310,509 253,634 9 1 458 6,408 298,471 245.382
Flax seed ............ Bush 2.664,073 2,171.779 3.629.3211 1,211 1.164 2.170,098 3.027.155
5,371.830 4,296.570 5,745,397 4.320 4.656 4,290.900 5,740,716
Other.................. I 250,473 197,884 308,777 22.006 35.951 - 150,846 233,266

Total Seeds ...... I 9,383,239 7,196,438 7,944,623 422,232 26.9,986 6.438,845 7,503,126

Unmanufactured.. ,.... Lb. 8,330,972 6,079,606 6,583,078 6,054,907 6.247,871 6,660 5,388
$ 2,569,300 2,215,916 1,954,482 2,212,474 1,926,065 2,358 2,120
Cigarette .............Lb. 33.482 91950 2.373 4 27 97
I 18,243 11,913 2.468 18 109 102
Other manufactured..., $ 138.954 71.772 SILOIOII 1.000 1.5R5 17Q5 17 04

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1929 1029
l'aouicrs-B. OTHER THI N
Other Agric. and Veg. Pro-
duets, Not Food-
Fedders, n.o.p .......... $ 843,534 1,515,856 2,071,822 707,1164 999,156 617,285 823,1193
Hay................... To 321,733 171.164 113,763 58,400 47.1121 95,826 50,433
S 3,246,170 1,484,100 1,127,270 584,414 496.307 809,291 440,427
Senega root ............. Li 212,850 271,1185 524,119 4,836 100.942 209,244 260,178
$ 140.873 278.157 593,017 4,838 115,973 218,415 283,434
Straw ................. . 32,004 23,258 15,1172 2 3 23,090 15.442
179.226 127,571 56,723 25 26 125.835 84,415
Other .................. $ 451,638 482,402 665,718 63.039 38,477 567,834 563,588
Total Agric. and Veg-
etable Products-
B. other than Food $ 69,492,461 70,794.063 76,260,783 10,896.467 9.688,496 33.989,286 34,816,264
Total Agric. and Veg-
etable Products-
(A.andB.) ........ $ 574,994,162 555,110,598 646,514,058 310,210,731 325,105,581 58,099,402 98,527,194
Animals, Living-
For exhibition .......... $ 257,598 443,017 392.435 . ............ ........ 7,050 443,017 384,335
Cattle for improvement
of stock .............Ni 2.198 5,6112 3,516 ............................5,496 3.3117
S 412,530 712,114 589,213 ............................ 683,570 556,058
Animals for improve-
mcat of stock, n.o.p.. $ 108,384 166.214 146,032 1,592 435 152,511 137,591
Cattle, I year or less. N 64.005 78.671 76,989 . ...........
.................78,280 76,720
$ 1,086,154 1,593,495 1.922,311 . ............
....1,590,714 1,919,420
Cattle over one year
old.................Nc 153,977 204.668 160,411 1.222 405 200,013 157.731
I 10,080.373 11.571,796 12,182,519 130.140 61.770 11,253,203 11,987,127
Horses...............Nc 2.017 3,547 920 4 2 449 545
$ 275,534 309,326 166,251 11 1 900 25(1 79,835 104,901
Poultry..............Nc 850.901 677,919 676,234 .............. ............. ....676,785 674(161
752,595 580,333 594.064 . .............. 579,239 591,631
Sheep................Nc 18,7811 17,333 10.559 ...............15,907 9.684
$ 138,336 160,535 121.481 ................ 149,714 114,082
Swine................Nc 174,11711 119,000 9.298 ............... 116,581 6,758
$ 3,880.413 2,296,931 131.983 ............... 2,274.244 111,739
Foxes ................ Nc 3,908 3.806 2,409 25 121 2,276 788
I 880,767 979.337 624,954 11,180 34.950 435,287 144,544
Other ................ $ 100,148116,693 162,914 1,436 8,125 104,330 103.188
Total Animals, Living. $ 18,082,832 18,929.781 17,034,157 156,250 110,580 17,745,964 16.154,716

nones, horns and hoofs,,, $ 86,248 133,601 96.651 493 132,772 91,158

Fishery Products. n.o.p.-

Fresh Fish-
Halibut ............. Cwt 32.140 32.366 49.950 499 32,135 49,151
$ 469,219 424,303 622,1136 .................... 5,000 420,749 614.174
Herrings. ........... Cwt 309,230 293.767 383,377 . ............ .................293,370 382.925
I 620,835 747,872 574,807 .......................745,215 571,599
Salmon trout or lake
trout..............Cwt 38,998 46,171 47,1137 ..............46,171 47,637
$ 440,888 511.247 564,149 ..............511,247 664,149
Lobsters ............ CIwt 49,532 43.370 54,407 . ...... ...... . 43,370 54,407
$ 1,396.700 1,347,865 1,612,9116 . ............ . 1,347,1165 1,812,966
Mackerel............Cwt 24,175 14,257 25,249 . .............. 14,257 25,249
$ 151,206 127,319 180,069 . .............. 127,319 180,069
Salmon.............Cwt 75,800 78,105 84.714 11,110 15.126 62,458 62,437
1,053.739 974,850 1.051.199 257,839 277.396 654.733 660,064
Smelts..............Cwt 82,343 72,124 73,372 .............. 72. 104 73,355
$ 1,115,778 1,029,501 1,091,993. ............ ..1.029,199 1,091,751
Tullibee ............. Cwt 76,9113 92.679 96,960 252 ..92,427 96,960
$ 459,245 531,394 718,681 2,520 ... 528,874 718.681
Whitefish...........Cwt 124.480 112.997 116,810 ..... 112,097 116.840
$ 1,406,606 1.387,607 1,516,094 .....1,387.607 1.516,094
Other fresh .......... 5 3.498,164 3.442,385 3,325,178 445 881 3,408,981 3.263,609
Total Fresh Fish... $ 10,611,783 10,524,343 11,257.772 260,804 283,247 10.161,789 10.793.156
Dried, Salted, Smoked
or Pickled Fish-
Codfish, dried ...... Cwt, 638.266 625,983 541,72,51 3 1 589 8.088 122,712 120,293
8 4.769,436; 4,555,545 4,754,829 29,058 65,830 899,061 1,068,944
Codfish, pickled.... Cwt. 67.0951 58.872 80,003 ...........................55,810 80.764
$ 300.26P 242.172 375,0731 ..... ...... ............. . 241,848 374,545
Codfish, smoked ....Cwt. 23.078' 21,947 18,3391 ............ ............. ..21,830 18,120
$ 282.611 258.753 227.179 . ..... ------- .---- ....... ttcs six sea


Total Imports for Consumption Imports from Imports from

(Merchsnd,se) United Kingdom United States
Classification 1928 1929
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929


FisheryI'roducts, cop-Con.
Dried, Salted, Smok-
ed, Pickled Fish-Con. 20,514 23,442
Haddock.........Cwt. 58.158 36,757 42,502 10 .
$ 414,057 261,389 321,596 81 . 148,681 189.068
l{erring, sea-
Dry salted...... Cwt. 803,849 1,080,491 1,157,139 ..............64 10
1.524,410 2,019,486 1,998.462.............1 94 33
Pickled ......... CwL 57,265 62,554 55,186 .............24 , 103 17,341
182,063 184,457 .. 80,752
172,943 . ............ 78,300
Smoked........Cwt. 90,418 85,779 76.760 25 15 37,961 35,997
303,350 286,733 310,781 188 55 144,125 162,823
Mackerel, pickled. Cwt. 50,315 80,796 63,281 . ............ . 9,804 12,082
367,248 327,184 397,015 . ............ . 85,254 101.741
Pollock, hake and 3,704 9,628
cask, dried......Cwt 83,445 40,635 53,233 . ............ .
8 300,871 229,347 320,597. ............ . 18,650 53,898
Salmon, dry salted 20 25
(chum).........Cwt 155,251 97,649 211.600 2
568,949 363.008 775,205 30 95 100
Salmon. pickled.. . Cwt 19,551 25.428 24.210 150 831 12,856 8,022
407,772 560.799 540,313 1,806 11,392 302,291 173,833
Other..............$ 147,528 120,016 175,1109 316 . . 61,394 126,577

Totai, Dried, Salted. 2,237,538 2,551,374

Smoked or P,ckled $ 9,569,402 9,417,468 10,308,712 31,449 77,317

Canned Fish- 10.711 11.721

Clams .............. Cwt 8,742 10,767 11,740 7
8 149,819 145,675 171.524 .............122 144.910 171,104
Codfish, boneless.. .Cwt 19,124 18,397 27,5.51 11 18,073 27,504
100.911 185,665 289281 140 182,386 288.369
Herrings, sea........Cwt 47487 392 36 . .
439,294 4.317 296 ..
Lobsters ............ Cwt 83,047 47,887 47,085 25,131 22,971 14,882 14.626
3,668,954 3,118,623 3,014.735 1,720,868 1,453,569 963,098 915,360
Salmon.............Cwt 601,538 574,496 651,100 138,947 103,857 3,112 793
8 9,717,353 9,151,062 9,108,342 3,401,204 1,902,627 51,333 8,539
Sardines ............ Cwt 59,219 47.538 292 1,876 262 2
548,495 488.941 2,600 472 2,499 68
Other................5 105,896 174,035 218,110 ............ 1,005 29,822 23,781

Total Canned
Fish ........... 8 14,270,227 13,528.872 13,272,129 5,124,701 3,357,935 1.374.048 1.407.221

Other fishery products. $ 801,948 1,075,962 1,226,456 1,833 1,373 200.204 781,987

Total Fishery Pro- 15,513.738

ducts, n.o.p ........ $ 35,253,420 34,546,646 38,156,069 5.418,787 3,719,872 13,973,579

Undressed- 86.466 79,445
Beaver ............... Nt 162,148 143.989 118,145 58,076 38,510
3,804,836 4,043,084 3,156,712 1,557,031 052.1431 2,460,948 2,152,918
Fox, black and 4,431 2,809
silver.............. N( 17.236 21,338 30,290 12,469 19.765
S 1.368,272 2,080,131 3,037,367 1,101,672 1,915,774 418,292 331,246
For, other........... 145,4511 126,029 70.898 53,755 32,028 71,577 47,357
$ 3,228,348 4,165,419 3,1511,285 1,772,275 1,331,563 2.369,848 1,802,086
Marten............... N( 61.1150 58,033 48.192 30,092 25,595 25.609 21,938
1.212)40 1,420,808 1,438,185 725,677 748.840 1187.746 691,272
Mink ................. N, 158,332 128.287 115,191 511.077 36,313 70 1 205 77,309
$ 2,339,897 2,180,472 2.345,194 902.794 614,357 1,192.219 1,712,220
Muskrat .............. N 1,600,151 1,478,333 2,137,340 515.325 1,337.591) 944,001 709,849
$ 2,570,852 2,972,477 3,252,169 054,903 2,052.505 1,880.1120 1.056.417
Other ................ $ 5,760.470 7.650.841 7,844,330 1,984.850 2,422.568 5.168.637 5.347,223
Dre"ac'd ................ $ 209.423 179,174 176,944 10,385 3.728 98.884 91,711
Manufactures ........... $ 114.259 112,837 137,838 25.613 20,451 68.523 95,843

Total Furs ......... S 20,608,687 24,315,244 24,564,954 9,185.200 10,062.029 14,335,751 13,280,936

Hides and Skins, Raw- 85,611

Calf .................. Cw 91,402 102,984 86,697 19 102,494
8 1,593.607 2,286.600 2,250.727 370 2.255,497 2,220,955
Cattle................ Cw 428.228 484,625 370,620 843 469839 358.093
$ 4,8311,380 8,601.855 6.472.291 .... 8,059 8,317,880 6,260,932
Horse................. Cw 16,458 17,050 20,101 .....17,059 20,101
$ 110,663 189,708 2l5,4)i .....189,708 219,478
Sheep ................. Ow 211,555 30.176 20.535 48 30,139 20,487
453.785 579,889 458.283 .... 2,927 377,399 453,666
Other.................. $ 50,311 76.289 00,904 810 76,127 80,062

Total Hides and 9.244.131

Skins .......... $ 7.058,766 11,714,357 9,479,691 ...........
. .. 1i,866 11.416.611


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Sfdse.) United Kingdom United States
Clas ification -
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929
Leather, nm'f'd.-
Harness, 8 250,133 540,609 1,011.957 ............. 532,118 1,004,098
Sole.... Lb. 8,433,388 9.112,079 7,647,822 1,103,505 1,703,244 7,509,827 5,468,025
8 2.751.380 3.658,820 3,343.558 492,773 1145.434 2.905,413 2,470,561
Upper... 8 5,316,936 6,961,829 5,157,194 1.950,591 1,357,797 4,713,807 3,647,801
Other. - $ 46.183 42, 146 79.191 9,536 8,292 28,443 68,728
Total leather,
Unui anulaetured. $ 8,364,632 11,203,404 9,591,900 2,462,900 2,011,513 8,239,781 7,091,188
Leather, Al lamufactured-
Boots, hoes, Inocca-
SInS, SI Pair 159,194 117,988 146,345 30,039 20,219 64,982 100,230
$ 822.439 281.014 383,186 29,475 28,764 206,585 287,441
Other. 8 403.716 439,362 681,081 13,417 28,237 404,388
'J'otal Leather and 627,246
Mfrs of .......... 9 9,090,787 11.923,780 10,656,167 2,495,792 2,064,514 8,850,754 8,005,875
Hair........ $ 460.830 588,426 471,359 106,620 123,929 387,056 273.012
Beef..... Cwt. 235,555 532.758 432,856 1.065 66 405,063 411,532
1 2.638.227 7,021,119 6,990,868 8.575 2,452 6,566,760 6,604.512
Game I 49,08(1 48.640 49.382 . ... ......... .............
Mutton, 48.983
CwL. 12,984 18,433 11.644 97 .............15,622 8,791
$ 202.240 381,282 260.849 1.915 323,383 200.856
Pork..... Cwt. 153,1(06 97.282 79,464 11,416 4,707 83,053 72.137
1 3,350,832 1.888,823 1,595.246 212,739 91,930 1,629.428 1,460,009
Poultry.. 5 492.444 158,506 169.384 16,687 62,157 64.865
Cured, Ow mod or P re . 50,671
Bacon an 1 hams,,, ,Cwt, 787,447 568,447 366,5821 517,300 329,754 12,868 29,764
6 19,117,097 11,940,909 7,974.026 10,241,395 6,636,497 1,481,300 1,054.895
Beef, piel dod ........ Cwt. 36,18(1 47,405 7,775 . .............. 45,246 7.195
$ 360,757 427,267 113,855 .............. 403,582 106,212
Ciutnod ii bats ........ Lb. 288,913 307,968 230.831 224,508 183,610 48 495
$ 101,726 117,287 93,759 95,843 76,822 10 149
Extract beef ....... Lb.
C 23,627 39,962 21,894 ............... 39,586 21,882
8 57,69)) 39,409 56,530. ............ ...39,274 56,517
Pork, dr rsaltcd..,,Cwt, 60,244 39,047 13,002 36,745 9,324 33 ..
$ 1,242,488 732,253 250,485 687,541 176,112 437 ..
Pork, pie kled ....... Cwt. 27,235 27,152 10,1)61 118 141 10,069 903
5 477.020 401,338 123.917 2,857 2,001 195,765 18,887
Soups, all kinds ...... $ 217,768 248,493 353,730 247,038 343,656 297 20
Other meat S ........... $ 1,011,3.36 1,069, 063 1,252,899 227,401 127,757 534,889 781,025
Total 3 1eut ........ $ 29,408,705 24,472,478 19,184,930 11,741,991 7,519,384 11,288,594 10,382,736
Milk and Its Products-
Cream. Gal, 4,496,528 4,017,796 2,834,354 324 714 4,016,964 2.833,640
8 7.750,233' 7,118.925 5,227.012 926 1,583 7.118,254 5,225,429
Milk, fresh, Gal. 4.886.445 3,024,794 3.753.871 . ............. ...........3,624,794 3,753.871
$ 980. '46 721,557 833,678 ..... .................721,557 833.678
Butter..... Cat. 98,704 26.433 18,892 170 19 2,661 2,314
$ 3,351.589 1,053,553 764,836 15,450 841 101,252 71,032
Casein...... Lb. 27)1,501 318,695 254,806...... ...... ............227,675 254.806
$ 29,901 40,185 35,3113 . .... ...
...26,458 35,363
Cheese..... Cwt. l,366,i1sI 1,052,126 1,120.092 992,188 1,025,397 125.335 74,119
8 24,956,179 21,100,625 25,181,853 17,827,648 22,636,047 2,444,452 1,869.525
Milk powde Cwt. 74,400 87,255 50,147 28,152 36,631 36.318 10,471
$ 809.412 629,057 608.460 246,059 200,599 348.969 247,479
Mdk, conde nand ....... Cwt. 231,917 209,750 207,869 19,660 19,295 8.916 19,392
8 2.895,945 2,4511,337 2,364,967 195,520 158,864 80,069 180,182
Milk, evapc rated ...... Cwt. 11)9,838 109,532 78.548 84.897 48,738 10.504 1,240
8 872.012J 904.186 747,312 695,767 445.993 91,589 10,687
Total Mi Ik and Its
Product $ 11.616,017 34,023,435 35,763,487 18,991,970 23,537,527 10,934,600
Oils, Fats, Gr eases and Wax 8,473,375
- ________ ________ ________
Animal aim Gal. 79.710 233,028 124,721 757 . ............ ....93,390 11,554
$ 93.574 273.1921 131.292 700 . .................114,243 11,631
Fish, whale ,ete., oils.GsI. 2,381,902 2.342.847 1,098,518............

. ..2,149 2,329.274 3,345.625
$ 1,058,126 903,2251 1,742,272 927 983.628 1,428,764
Grease and scraps.....Cw't. 20.387 30,099 24,621 . ........... ....15,583 15,330
$ 174,024 178.434 134.644 ...............52,971 51,010
Lard ...... Cwt. 58,021 311,379 (.93)) 13,457 201 550 1
8 904.7.97 508,523 102.020 170,250 4,330 7,329 22
Lard compc and ....... Cwt. 13.820 13,925 2,983 20 8 25
$ 179,760 168,862 39,681 300 95 320
Tallow..... Cwt. 20.704 30,453 32,179 22 ....30,262 30,619
S 164, 748' 238,453 270,228 175 ....236,383 255.487
Wax, nnima I............Lb. 14,298. 7,592 3,643 ..............3,075 7,202 568
$ 4,873 2,455 1,297...............1,095 2,353 202
Total C ils, Fats,
Greases and Wax., 8 2,579,832 2,365,144 2,421,434 177,125 6.652 1,399,002 1.747,436


Total Exports of Canadian Eaports to LxlXlrt8 to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1921 1928 1929 1928 1929


Other Animal Producta- 18,7813 5,043
1':ggs .................. DOS 1.730,849 517,991 919.787 338.562 782,910
S 669,609 194.121 319.169 121.289 264.880 6,749 1,892
Honey.................Lb 1,568,712 2.097.023 1,168.599 582.137 346.271 41,706 29,251
S 147.255 181,237 96,643 65,740 33,382 5.5721 3,329
Sausage casings ......... $ 1,180,791 1.251,890 1,405.745 192.007 121,991 706.0121 881,320
Tankage..............Cwt 306.305 304,539 260.973 . 304,539 260,973
$ 596,704 698,948 599,370 .... 699,948 599,310
Other..................$ 450,806 488,008 507,446 40,539 67,704 362,424 340,480

Total Artinialu and

Animal Products... $ 161,291,889 365,845,096 158,757,272 48,683.290 47,644,805 92.244.088 84,993,501

Fmnss AND Tgxrnge-

Ootton- 4,388 1.734
Waste ................. CWt 3.572 5,117 2,118 225 .
$ 35,403 48.114 23,497 2,752 ............ 40.789 19,371
Duck .................. .d 408.418 502,808 488,1300 53,473 69,137 648 783
$ 247.221 267.584 238,437 34,308 313,021 288 1,151
Other fabrics ........... .d 317,985 554,710 549.073 47,475 33,341 5,954 24,370
$ 65,519 00.538 80,755 11,843 5,341 2,098 6,069
Underwear ............. $ 167,830 148,013 163.73(4 31,244 19,708 3,219 126
Other .................. $ 115,278 455,311 195.353 243.385 56,102 19,356 8,821

Total Cotton ....... $ 631,841 1,009,560 701.806 423.832 127.232 65,750 35.538

Flax, Ijemp and Jute- 3,100

Flax fibre and tow.... Cwt 5,384 4.312 1,390 2 290 3,227
$ 28,356 53,681 7,588 35 3,100 31.646 4.488
Other.................. $ 79,768 28.123 41,995 628 1,666 20,057 30,511

Total, Flax, Hemp 34.999

and Jute ............ $ 108,124 81,804 49,583 663 4,768 51.703

Silk manufactures ....... $ 81.166 137,358 124,610 856 1,980 6,823 7.463

Wool- 8,254,566 7.039,910

Raw ................... Lb 5,233,981 11,140.101 7.840.927 2,611,304 646,917
$ 1,138,400 3,149,967 2,796.987 719.521 210,570 2,351,662 2,530,420
Fabrics ................ .d 12.204 12.238 14,227 55 70 501 517
17,844 113.484 18.767 45 133 863 952
Underwear ............. $ 41.597 40,231 33.306 ... 1,796 1,938
Other clothing ........ I 172,892 194,277 252.791 1,678 3,456 12,223 33,996
Other manufactures. .,. S 51,175 105,899 154,872 12,054 8,391 47,715 58,561

Total Wool ........... $ 1.822,168 3,506,838 3.256,693 733.298 222,5502.414,259 2,625,865

Miscellaneous- 49,839
Ariiticial silk... ....... .$ 34,777 551,018 245.231 327,296 5,944 4,892
Rags .................. Cwt • 251,0111 311.128 286,1339 23.827 23.267 268,631! 250.529
1,467.728 1.764,465 1,800.865 237.356 246,587 1,370,004 1,401,590
Binder twine .......... Cwi • 1313,1)33 187,495 128.834 1,120 . (19,299 53,904
$ 1,626,389 2.053.015 1,317,290 11.983 . 823,158 573.152
Bags, texile ............ S 58.842 132.654 132.304 49,789 64,531 19,110 1,6132
Felt mfrs. .............. $ 425.288 486,898 561:127 73.707 84,938 23.537 10.755
Corsets and brassieres.. Nc 282,06.3 143.700 124,457 7,374 8,962 10 462
$ 425,098 101,518 149,513 12.915 18,145 8 367
Gloves, etc., textile ..... I 233,461 104,707 206,091 .............. 2,635 446 60.4
Socks and stoekints $ .. 173,721! 2117.012 464,794 3,554 4,373 950 765
Other fibres and textiles 8 577,445 554,328 667,832 21.845 27,117 135.358 187,899

Total Fibres and 4,930,498

Textiles. ........... $ 7.665,563 10,904.073 9.678,019 1,898,794 810,836 4,922,004

W000, WOOD Pnootcm AND

Wood, Unmanufactured-
Logs and Round Timber- 30,908
Loge, cedar.........Sift • 166.831 162,442 156.211 100 ...37,288
$ 2,290,154 1,997,038 2,030,809 725 .....583,759 482.954
Logs, other ......... Si It 159,023 205,867 172.335 2,377 2,688 172.050 119.288
2,457,277 2,988,858 2,617,9:18 97,255 110,102 2.532.356 1,871.128
Poles, telegraph......No 771,123 770,668 855,372 ......770,227 855,221
3,318,575 3,321,773 3,444.1131 ......3 ,324(107 3,443,283
Railroad tiO .........No 1.333.926 1,030,089 1.110,557 57.481 405.591 720,9111 6133,294
$ 1,125,642 851,598 909.159 39.412 282.015 084,291 580,590
Other round timber. $ 389,107 342,929 341,491 3,636 200 - 215.928 173,093

Total Logs and Round 6.557.048

Timber .............. $ 9,581.355 9,506.796 9.344,088 141,030 392.317 7,320.347

Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Eiport to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1921 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Wood, Unmnnufactured-1
Saw and Planing Mill
Planks and Boards-
Cedar.............N ft. 601598 53,213 44,760 11 98 52,191 43,480
I 2,639.997 2,168.740 1.893.753 $97 4.691 2,124,807 1,840,857
Fir...............N ft. 532.913 559,571 477,047 25.289 28.371 360,134 317,664
I 10,731,770 11,168.450 9,517,201 698,146 678,140 6,813,460 5,906.455
Hemlock ......... N ft. 98,242 108.532 132,975 245 7101 81,886 102,441
9 1.891,920 2,042,315 2,440,246 7.188 18,147 1.454,374 1.764,935
Pine .............. 51 ft. 442.348 376,672 303,987 30,843 29.906 332,929 259,029
$ 15,857,685 13,164.201 11,200.589 2,047.203 1,989,823 10,598.565 8,659,259
Spruce............N ft 843.406 801.640 623.087 124,465 86.702 j 659,207 526.455
9 22,953,865 21,547,519 17,201,126 3,296,136 2.247,790 17,691.496 14,617,055
Other.............N ft. 112.920 110,995 114,354 36,884 45,075 73,306 68,118
I 5,720,034 5,305.396 5.410.934 1,411,872 1,738,063 3,837.182 3,589,607
Total Planks and
Boards ............ N ft. 2,090,429 2.010,623 1,696,110 217,737 190,862 1,565.653 1.317,167
9 59.795,171 55.397,621 47,663,849 7.460,920 6,676,663 42,519.884 36,378,168
Timber, Square-
Douglas fir ....... 51 ft. 113.600 134,607 177,365 5.333 15,066 9.118 8,659
1 2,335,983 2,779,549 3,500.499 132,966 307,971 180,360 172,125
Other ............. 51 It. 5.002 8.932 6.008 3.406 2.808 1.435 1,184
1 324,599 427,280 353.426 291,274 262,707 39,460 38,7041
Laths................ M 1,738,263 1,382,339 1,224,878 37 ...1,353,891 1,219,996
5 8,997.095 6.499,328 0.024,035 135 ...6,469,913 5,999,341
Pickets............. M 51,797 53,597 41.213 .............. 53,134 41.001
5 510.910 495,391 389,584 .............. 685,431 385,070
Shingles.............. 51 2.470.453 2,071.295 2,043,137 420 1,928 2,035,510 2.005,589
8,415,970 8,920,246 7,793,271 1,692 6,081 6,712,637 7,663,419
Sliooks............... 1 729,413 071,069 610,580 53,563 41,570 20,813 14,508
Other saw and planing
mill products....... 1 520,351 538,129 377,087 216,819 173,998 232.854 127,585
'I'otal Sawmill and
Planing Mill l'roducts 1 81,629,201 73,628,619 88.712,335 8,157,369 -_7,468,988 56,661,352 50,778,922
Pulpwood ............ C rd 1,530,485 1,501,612 1,406,583 . ............ ..1,501,612 1,406,583
1 15,400,34,3 15.182.842 14,187.100 ....15,182,942 14,107,100
Ilpool wood............. 1 594,108 331,343 042,963 328,617 640,573 2.726 2,390
Other unmanufactured
wood................. 1 650,423 720.916 789,189 .....716,295 786,811
Total Wood, Un-
manufactured..,, 107,855,430 99,370,516 91,675,675 8.627,016 8,501,878 79,883,.582 72,312,271
Wood, Manufactured-
Cooperuge.............. 153,418 206,889 282,171 600 .... 76,443 58,422
Wood Pulp-
Sulphate (kraft).....C et 3,311.473 3.442,484 3,103.669 . ....................... 3,440,720 3,056,989
1 10,249.691 10.253,903 9,181,924i. ....................... 10,248.339 9.054,489
Sufphite, t,leached. .0 Vt 4,218.175 4.858,139 5,064.582 74,449 138,932 3,594,330 3,784,479
1 16,474.469 18,608,237 19.331.364 .... 343,271 606.890 13,582,187 14.263,297
Sulpliite, unblcachedC Vt 4,568,432 3,973,236 4.097.438 . ..... ... ..53,063 3.345,966 3,389,739
1 12,826.530 10,381,466 10,223,376 . .........126,458 8,716.771 8,523,948
Mechanical.........C 't. 6,863,271 5,106.729 4.062.998 1.633,806 728,304: 3,472,92J 3.334,694
1 10.337,049 7.529.975 5,541,243i 2,749,552 1.048.696 4,780,423 4.492,547
Screenings..........C Vt ..... 505.824) 621,478 ............ ............ .. 5(15,820 615.875
I ....
. 487,754 614,807 . .. 457754 605,316
Total Wood Pulp.. C "6. 18,989,351 17,886.405 16,950.165 1.708.255 920,331 14,359.756 14.161,776
49,887,739 47.281,235 44,895.717 3.092.823 1,785,053 37.815.474 36.941,595
Doors, sashes, blinds... 1 147,036 75,848 67.889 12,299 11.943 1,509 1,308
Furniture............. 405.361 296,778 381.7341 33,135 61.440 28,822 52,444
Match splints.......... 466,248 385 1 685 392.632 295,380 328.299 170 43
Other manufactures.... 954,060 821,921 1.145,9901 481,939 509.102 165.929 433,855
Total Wood, Manu.
fac'tured............ 52,014,768 49,048,356 47.168.122 3,918,156 2,695,827 38,088,347 37,487,667
Total Wood and
Wood Products.... 159,870.198 148.418.872 138,841,797 12,543,172 11,197,705 117,971,909 109.799,938
Paper, nap.-
l'aper hoard ........... 2.733,747 2,657.188 2,311,123 839.509 698.962 1,427,607 1,247,759
29x,k paper ........... C 't 63,465 104,481 80,384 2.702 3.922 45 57
541,099 718,723 659,516 28,316 44.740 1.215: 1,370
Newsprint ............ Cs 't. 35.437,629 39,417,522 45,204,591, 898.103 3.1314,427 36,411.593' 39,202,329
116,482,138 1.28,507,101 142,'J43.964 2,889.786 9,711,867 118.404.904 123.097.724


Total Exports of Canadian Experts to Exports to

Produce (Stdse.) United Eingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Paper. n.o.p.-Con.
Wrapping paper.......Cwt. 351.472 294.699 331,518 54,114 81,476 128 8,485
2,051.390 1,642,972 1,814,166 272,864 310,446 966 18,220
Bond 6 writing paper. Cwt. 18,850 13.036 4,419 177 9 19 83
142,553 107.518 41.226 1,351 225 707 3,300
Wallpaper..............Roll 3460,771 3551.385 2,706,413 1,385.206 642,713 120,528 172,204
5091335 511.748 365,696 232,596 160,990 25.877 35,994
Roofing paper .......... $ 198,219 227.536 89,300 119,971 8,874 1,216 434
Waste paper...........Cwt. 314,894 357,815 380,977 . 357,424 380,494
290,267 327,698 345,646 ............ 327,342 345,003
Other paper and nifrs.
of.................... $ 303,967 284,895 414,941 101,649 82,857 19,604 150.657

Total, paper, n.o.p.. $ 123,222,734 134,985,777 148,394,868 4,486.042 10,964,961 120,209.438 124,898,461

Books and Printed Matter-

Hooks ................ ..$ 199,481 167,195 174,141 24,326 29,788 114,871 114.732
Photographs ........... $ 10,222 6,784 10,245 1,552 1,943 3,752 3,341
Newspapers, etc ........ $ 817.632 064,760 1,200,694 116,210 158,550 686,035 848,538

Total Wood, Wood

Products and Paper $ 284,120,267 284,543,396 288,621,745 17,171.311 22,350,947 238,988,005 235,665,010


Ore, including chromite. Ton 724 2,475 .
2,720 ............ 2,475 2,720
I 7.061 12,125 .
13,790 ............ 12,125 13,790

Pigs, Ingots, Blooms and

Pig iron...............Ton 2,197 516 1.142 . 481 1,005
8 45,264 0,949 19,502 . 9,338 16,980
Ferro-manganese and
ferro-silicom .......... Ton 59,437 40,434 54,143 . 40,308 53,592
3,351,423 2,738,315 3,840,780 . 2,725,573 3,792,142
Billets, ingots and
blooms .............. Ton 1.254 1,420 1,026 . 4
$ 31,092 33,959 23,524 . 176

Total Pigs, Ingots,

Blooms and Bdlets.Ton 62,888 42,370 56,311 . 40,789 54,602
3,427,779 2,782,223 3,884,106 . 2,734,911 3,608,298

Scrap iron...............Ton 98,350 76,147 101,942 578 335 56,241 85,068

667,583 783,403 1,120,029 10,606 7,994 547,342 911,465
Castings.................$ 144,119 131,786 90,839 23,828 25,185 83,825 43,315
Forgings ................. I 64,646 24,613 4,286 2,004 2,099 4,441 1,087

Rolling Mill Products-

Bars and rods..........Ton 28,053 15,537 24.743 1,525 116 2,040 2,377
1 1 094,900 608,124 847,248 61,240 11,889 101.448 114,345
Plates and sheets.,,... Ton 214 176 231 1 98 68
$ 17,205 12,232 15,053 62 . 5,416 3.401
Rails .................. .on 13,712 50,085 3.879 . 1,782 3,822
$ 513,434 1,047,744 137,053 . 49,103 135,561
Structural steel........Ton 9,743 2,286 463 . 47 46
8 745,580 225,6417 57,163 . 2,686 4.606

Total Rolling Mill

Products ........... $ 2331,169 1,893,707 1,057,119 61,302 11,589 158,653 257,913

Pipe and tubing .......... $ 2,064.401 1.754.597 2.222,432 119,603 79,610 666,741 745,223
Barbed ............... Cwt 24,774 27,254 30,332 ....
8 83,299 92.876 102,8)37 ....
Woven fencing .......... $ 162,754 173,081 122,127 51,600 34,556 923 664
Other .................. S 648,544 609,433 726.736 163,484 126,258 2.429 1,680
Engines and Boilers-
Locomotives and parts.No 2 3 ...... 2.
88,041 60.873 43,486 . ...45. 292 25,933
Other .................. $ 238,297 146,816 192,122 8,157 5,871 11,2835,758

Farm Implements and

Cream separators...... $ 100,062 77,197 51,991 11,701 4,015 40.672 11.620
Harvesters .......... ... No 17,285 14,002 11,510 758 188 33 367
I 2,939.985 2,303,798 1,982,669 128,148 31,489 4,631 60,454
Hay rakes............. No 1,803 2,142 3,460 365 266 668
60,307 79,533 128,854 11,507 ...................8,074 19,746
Mowers................. No 26.763 18,664 10,580 1,831 923 220 1,008
1,566,584 1,074,426 625,168 111.645 60,288 12,123 53,057
Reapers................ No 1,488 1,462 818 10 ............................... 1
143,703 131.312 75,412 973 ............................... 60
Reaper-threshers ....... No 2,472 1 ................. 1,026
2,471,678 .............. 1,004 ............. 1,028, 141
Cultivators ............ No 13,083 14.232 14,335 351 65 6,639 5,546
823,732 901,147 799,887 9.521 3,901 610,630 475,418


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 - 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Fariii Implements and
Drills .................. ho 6.423 6,164 7,000 239 lOt 119 1,255
1,019,701 1,024,222 1.176517 21.839 10.733 17,329 176.321
Harrows ............... 8 313,283 355,150 322,497 10,412 23,525 171,969 298,505
Plougha ................ I 2.226.255 2,151.278 3.272,043 39,685 33,754 227,402 503,057
Threshing machines .... $ 4,283,799 3,549,380 326,114 2.538 1,460 1,082,659 126,884
Spades and shovels.....$ 232,591 308,025 295. 128 3 5,207 2,177
Other implements. etc. $ 713,986 576.854 1.078,507 93.147 79.125 75,908 468,595
Parts .................. $ 2.988.927 3.051.059 3.064,433 197,468 199.009 1,265,929 1,143,349

Total Farm Imple-

ments & Machinery. $ 17,412.947 15,643,381 15.870,918 638,584 448,376 3,522,603 4.367,408

Hardware and Cutlery-

Razors ana razor blades $ 2,326.610 1,774.322 633,568 53.825 3,100 31 ..
Nails, wire............Cwt 75,914 69.127 69.284 788 998 2,354 2,782
$ 287,485 245.492 245,441 2,916 3.398 8.121 9.552
NaiI, other...........Cwt 24,723 17,639 18.243 493 394 2 92
156.400 135.025 124,672 5.386 4,446 14 588
Needles and pins....... 273,059 385.472 612.077 324.337 531,08 3,713 471
Bolts and nuts........Cwt 15,442 8,929 9.911 1.123 203 831 338
92,282 57,271 65,413 6,573 1,226 5,240 1.942
Other hardware ........ 8 264,956 276,021 288,461 109.374 134,266 119,844 97,930

Electric v$cuum alean-
era................... No 25.892 35.185 39.556 25.253 29,653 15 5
8 1,228.326 1.415.806 1,607,642 1.038,732 1,127,075 906 155
Sewing machines ....... $ 1.997.011 3,464.098 4,333.533 400 85 4,431 4.144
Adding machines.......No 1,981 2,307 4,056 1,601 1.288 18 8
$ 280,960 236,323 400.289 123,399 102,909 925 3,217
Typewriters............No 380 930 1,089 3 3 393 31
15,008 39833 54.948 500 265 19,779 1,856
Metal-working .......... $ 235,513 262,538 90.924 4,535 3,464 8,385 10,977
Wood-working..........$ 93,952 37.677 20,705 8,013 108 1.269 833
Other machinery.......$ 905.155 710,299 731,034 174,656 145,002 275,036 251,222

Total Machinery ..... $ 4,755.925 6,166.574 7,337.075 1,350.235 1.378,908 304,731 272,304

Tools, handor machine.. $ 261,467 296.790 228,095 46.205 25,222 18,686 29,07

Automobiles, freight-
Onetonorless ....... No. 20,405 15,079 22,185 288 2 3
I 8.870,927 5,569,890 7,871,430 72,875 800 585
Over one ton.........No. 6 12 8,293 5 2 2 4
$ 14,786 22,068 3,923,301 5,700 2,280 5,457 5,882
Automobiles. passenger-
$S000r less...........No. 38,019 17,683 51,561 1,162 2,485 206 131
$ 13,223,406 7,009,647 19,219.420 326,009 642,060 40,447 30,612
$500 to 11,000 ......... No. 9,9115 9,566 15,723 3,326 4,794 34 34
$ 7,475,481 6,849.243 9,894,681 2,418,514 3,317.145 25,482 25,072
Over $1,000..........No. 3,322 4,398 1,824 1,501 1.278 9 7
$ 4,106,652 5,309,827 2,150,898 1,894.553 1,504,237 14,790 10,400

Total Automobiles. No. 71.715 46.738 103,566 6,282 8.559 253 179
$ 31,751,252 24,840,675 43,059.733 4,717.651 5,465,722 86,976 72,351

Automobile parts.......I 4,665.369 2.566,960 2,383.193 84,196 120,551 69.095 143,620

Railway cars and parts.No. 2 169 70 .......
$ 82,233 269,444 508,490 500 ... 7,980 3,205
Tractors and parts ..... No. 7 9 39 ......6 6
$ 122,678 141,059 20.361 .....136,633 9,433
Other vehicles of iron.. $ 194.813 101,203 102,003 1,392 1,351 12,910 2,272

Total Vehicles ....... $ 36,816,445 27,919,341 46,773,770 4.803,739 8,987,624 313.594 230,881

Chains ................... $ 151.842 149,256 184,144 27,297 40,098 248 12,316

Stoves ................... $ 141.019 114.482 129,573 14.103 25.981 39.908 38,582
Other iron and steel ...... $ 1,455,124 1,114,074 1,205.531 372,815 243,831 228.460 280,271
Total Iroa and its
Products ........... $ 74,284,824 62,753,934 82,258.717 8,195,972 8,721,020 8,831.287 11,157,421

Noa-Fxnov MEIAI5-
Scrap................. Cwt. 6,082 4,950 25,173 311 460 3,674 11,936
$ 85,225 60,791 318,372 3,187 7,246 44,216 97.677
Bars, blocks, etc......Cwt. 238,068 532,315 438,099 39,559 74,698 396,257 218.924
$ 5,347,969 10,822,174 8,608.247 845,510 1.420,844 7,918.826 4.323, 108
Manufactures ........... $ 1,160,025 612,836 719,575 37,568 47.275 21,742 3,982
Oldand scrap.........Cwt. 61,438 73,882 131,866 3,490 3,575 56,057 118,008
$ 540,505 595,464 1,200,737 33,250 38,531 428,435 1,072,671
Valves ................. $ 203,348 222,588 272,300 132,863 165.673 3.994 4,725
Other.................. $ 124,840 697,773 567,636 620,605 472.154 37.496 39,515


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United ICtngdom 1nited States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929
No'-Fauitoon Mx-r,ua--Cen.
Fine, in ore, matte,
regulus .............. Cvt. 60.607 749,455 855,906 235.679 214.321 513,776 641,585
9 7.835,143 7,083,725 7,936,179 1,770.865 1.603,291 5,312.860 6,332,888
Blister ............ .... Cwt 468,606 577,790 1,218,517 . ............ ............. . 574,448 1,087,012
$ 5,018,914 7.427,986 18,968.309 ..... 7.377,863 16,75.4,159
Old and scrap ......... Cwt. 54,460 86,183 73,573 768 1.716 0.859 66.473
$ 540,515 846.713 825,672 9,714 18,478 738,277 734.466
Bars..................Cwt. 2,815 2,148 1,476 850 32 2 32
6 78,105 84,341 37,892 25,900 1,380 55 812
Vire.insulated ......... 8 387,573 139,475 253,163 7.286 17 3,085 565
Other..................$ 57,206 40.442 25,469 6.147 210 933 6,562

Total Copper ......... $ 14,917.456 15,592.882 28.046,684 1.819.912 1,623,376 13,453,073 23,829,452

In ore ................. Cwt 136,458 135,551 146,622 . ............
......49,7913 145,553
$ 798,524 871,543 879.148 . ............
..... 299,316 872,914
Pig ................... wt 2,115.627 2,4111.1193 2,533,822 970.257 1,1611,492 8,722 81
8 12.667,959 11,009,119 10.251,187 4.255.915 4.746,588 47,412 295
J.noro ................. Cwt 365,689 367,312 405,842 318,078 273.254 .51,254 132,588
8 6,037.990 5,503.745 6,085,934 4.738.004 4,097,726 765.741 1,988.208
Nickeloxide .......... Cwt ....79.371 95.829 2.5416 2,066 11.605 16.537
$ ...2,472,589 2,919,043 65,817 55.343 251,202 318.782
Fine .................. Cwt. 255,758 335.582 573,151 27.995 28,318 254,65.2 470,171
8 6,883.200 9,019,970 14,875,515 980,751 996,390 6,115,407 ll,I81,954

Precious Metals-
Gold-bearing quartz,
dust, etc.............* 6.854,342 9,035,734 12.396,444 1,104 21,631 8,990.186 12,371,060
Silver in ore. concen. -
trates, etc ............ Cx 6.034,514 5.463.309 6,5l ,822 . ............ ..5,366,070 6,378,786
8 3,528.065 2.905,130 3,671,422 .....2.831.367 3.596.903
Silverbullion ........... Ox. 15,778.443 15,906.738 14,037,392 24,903 478.214 2,801,265 4,073,721
* 9.448,269 8.956,407 8,168.506 14.194 272,583 1.647.357 2.373,459
Other .................. 8 380,494 481.534 403.819 57.735 46,677 423,422 148,142

Total Precious
Metals.............3 20.211,170 21,378,805 24.730,191 73,033 339,891 13.912.332 18,789,564

more... .............. Cwt.. ............ ...225,212 .......105
$ 1,393.368 862.293 1,4314,278 .......659
Spelter ................ Cwt 984.827 1,217,522 1.275,076 214,422 271,432 80 .........
8 6.806.054 7.085.422 6.652,637 1,176,600 1,410,394 760 .........
Scrap, drossand ashes,Cwt 43,578 59,593 70.895 12,285 3,304 40,379 63,96G
$ 155,138 170.982 214,932 40,942 13,528 109.672 197,045.
FJectrie apparatus ...... $ 1,698.411 1,848,968 2,400.838 292,402 298,649 98.342 94.816
Cobalt in ore .......... Cwt.....4,364 634 1
8 26I..699 305.226 541.023 ...124.500 103
Cobalt, metallic ........ Lb 202.320 338,526 261,548 138.799 18,000 133,669 243,548
$ 363.5.70 704.46(3 492.968 300,412 41.000 262,293 451.968
Ores, n.o.p ............. Ton 371 711 76 25 5 70
$ 10.784 1.4115 6,335 1,000 237 6.155.
Other non-ferrous me-
1,51)3.................. 9 893,962 970,601 1,434.614 278,701 448,230 564,003 503,597

Total Non-Ferrous
Metals ............. 8 80,639,197 90,540,441 112,65,5.194 15.696,472 16.347,438 44,114,499 63,777,009

Asbeatca ................. Ton 138.732 1213,402 134.062 11,0414 6.151 74.179 85.477
I 8,6132,037 8,1414.3611 9.090.392 767.465 504,55.5 4,606.536 3,401.953
Asbestoesand.............on 127.214 134,721 134.807 2,397 1.729 125.600 126,196
8 1,622,657 2,127,8(15 2.176,79(1 5.5,407 34,904 1,928,149 1.977,836
Asbestosmfrs ............ 9 59,431 48,1112 76,043 5,2(14 10,233 17.241 26,015
Porcelain inCUlator9 ....... $ 109,081 180,1149 14,279 4.1168 43.783 7,060 161
Other clay and products.. 9 1146, 437 136.753 148.589 1, 4(11 223 99,174 131.175
Coel (md. lignite) .......'ron 1.288,511 914,644 870,170 29.2111 20.870 4419. 135 43(3,28!
$ 7,187,000 4,748,11511 4,523.985 216,345 118.338 2.114.927 2.077.199
Coal Products-
Cinders ................ 8 24,418 14.087 10.010........................ 14.087 10.0I0
Coke .................. Ton 88,336 67,323 42.159 . ....................... 66.1)14 42.419
$ 092,233 730,623 6.10.078........................ 722,274 638,847
Tar .................... Gal. 4.3111.758 3,797.001) 3.256.6111 1,236,878 ............... 746,787 375,009
$ 378,874 352,247 216.08! 128,667 ................ 52,961 28.110
Creosote oil ............(3al. 2.234,125 3,056.6411) 1,128.152 ..................... 3,056.443 1.128,052
8 370,993 527:486 183.926 ..................... 527.287 183.850
Glassandglassware ...... 8 206.180 107,61131 157.227 33,316 06,702 14.501 11.473
Graphite ..... ........... Cwt. 42.867 36.531 19.100 2131 146 36.303 18.932
9 152.598 101.285 45.686 2.212 1.488 98,976 43.995
Mica splittingn..........Cwt. 6.389 2.267 1.748 ISO 90 2,ll7 1,658
362,271 151.284 83.941 11 025 3.005 140,258 80.636
Othermica...............11 79.143 107.335 93.556 3.300 3.707 103.015 89.415


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United States
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929
Petroleum and its Products-
Petroleum, crude ...... Gal 25,674.282 16.291,088 24,065.888 6,056,011 7,242,258 10,947,848 16,274.142
1,135,422 813,413 1,308.623 104,420 193,404 482,006 785,843
Kerosene, refined......Gal 1,518,820 2.118.861 1,101.863 ................530.099 3,281
191,744 213.953 147.455 ..56,819 357
Gasoline and aapbtha. Gal 3.278.689 3,118,503 4,035.744 ....
............ 232.859 1,098.976
829.761 524.348 724.385 . , .. .........5O.lSti 224.416
Other oil .............. Gal 725.197 258.108 263 .818 6.0 65 4,780 54.449 75.794
156,714 87,028 81.269 7,256 6.056 11,917 12,195
Wax ................... Cwt 11,481 1.931 11,510 . ............ ............. .1,724 11,294
67,871 11,024 64,480 .....10.105 62.937
Stone and its Products-
Abrasives, artificial ... Cwt 1,003,392 1,046,540 1,327.757 80.563 64,866 965.275 1,237,428
2.677,657 2,820.811 3,446,155 183,204 239,495 2,505.348 3,088,318
Grindntons ............$ 94.000 37,763 30,1100 .....37.361 30.768
Gypsum, crude........Ton 6)13,747 633.723 868.044 .....633.723 868.044
S 1,064,205 1,041,824 1.240,439 .....1,041.824 1.240 439
Lime ................. wt. 378.529 411.655 443.lttO .....401.263 427.074
$ 341,660 358.394 391,797 ... 350.756 380.176
Cement, portland . . . . Cwt. 1.022,819 900,202 ... 82 860 113.283
I 370.935 310,730 339,267 ... 47. 288 78.674
Fedlapar ............... Ton 30.885 31.174 28,613 10 6 31,134 28.517
232.860 • 281.991 229,970 300 180 250.854 227,990
Sand and gravel.......Ton 907,084 639.962 792,141 .... 639,962 792.108
6 276.964 176,404 230,443 ... 176,404 230,172
Tale..................Cwt. 212.632 214,377 223,457 15.121 14.918 192.806 202,374
$ 124.680 126.459 138.390 8,7841 8.861 114,073 121,400
Other .................. $ 372.756 368.893 491,182 83,709 94,485 173.100 311,545
Other non-metallic
minerals ............... $ 609.399 784,008 913,666 117.387 81934 280.228 511,570
Total Non-Metallic
Minerals ........... $ 28.880.631 25.808,183 27,401,790 1,933,969 1.771.253 16,036,813 17,994,515


Acid, sulphuric .......... Cwt. 475.856 323,599 245,339 ..........323.571 245,307
267.338 179,732 139,128 ...........179.629 138.927
Acids, other............Cwt. 252.449 308.742 457,196 187.647 181.636 115.543 269,917
2,372,263 3.150,212 4,101,544 2.234.653 2.155.707 850,200 1,882,549
Wood alcohol ............ Gal. 34,197 48.3961 21.611 5.151 2.039 96 .........
32.488 48,882 18.529 3,7741 1.733 91 ..
(.)ther industrial spirits... 15,502 21,746 14.650 11,704 3.171 5,236 11,099
Drugs, medicinid......... 627,011 440,876 660,687 157489 295,935 12.934 12,063
Dyeing and tanning
iiiateriiila ............... S 1,342 1.058 1.081 ...............83 ..
Explosives ............... $ 121,250 175,096 216,557 ...............985
Ammonium sulphato..Cwt. 326,950 307,466 318.040 ...............51,419 83,492
I 766.665 657.884 637,146 . ............ ............ 105,877 151.094
Cyanamid............Cwt. 1.700,638 2.412.592 3.065,812 . ............ ............ 2.376.463 3.041.524
$ 3,821.507 4,726,119 5,367,298 4,644.427 5,318.671
Other rnfd., n.o.p.....Cwt. 22,982 25,566 64 6.90 ... 22 911 59.884
24,864 30,251 73,591 .. 25,875 66,072
Paints, pigments and var-
i shes ................... S 409.691 420,197 529,203 144,202 190.044 60,047 74,714
Soap, toilet...............Lb. 4,087,806 6,836,546 4,049,785 6,437,259 3,864,470 158 715
I 75(1,553 947,98)) 562,836 878.387 523,422 II 159
Soap. n.o.p ...............Lb. 479.965 402,861 390,392 108 ...
1,000 1,044 1.240
$ 41.375 40.440 31,185 21 115 121 96
Inorganic Chemicals,
Arsenic, n.o.p ...... ...Cwt. 38.091 34,611 34.965 ....34,611 34,985
127.241 113,612 l34,03 ....113,612 134,073
Acetate or lime ........ Cwt. 50.776 74.361 115,852 2,4112 2,283 72,090 113,5119
$ 181,525 245,21)3 145.845 6,607 7,198 238,686 438,647
Soda and sodium coin-
pounds. ............. Cwt. 608,223 703.690 747.333......301,737 433.971
3.601.1)48 3.666,242 3,1)19.560 ......1.362.967 2.022,607
Cobalt ozide and salts.Lb 26.1.073 395,059 342,797 202,080 lll,tJ22 147,850 156,350
147.228 673,303 6.17.535 289,923 160.835 290,985 300,993
Other .................. $ 1,618.484 963,734 920.764 4.60)1 5,388 88,677 134,862
Totnl Inorganic
Cheiriicids, n.o.p... 6 5,975,520 5,662,184 6,037,777 301,190 173.421 2,094,927 3,031,182
Glycerine ............... C. 7,218 8,483 1,458 . ............ ............. ..8,48.3 1,458
127,807 101,531 10,206 ..
. . ..101,531 10,206
Other drugs, dyes and
chemicals.. ............ $ 758,105 751,387 1,036,573 502,560 687,337 68.917 82.143
Total Chemicals and
Allied l'roducts.... $ 16.203.760 17.365.510 19.438,061 4.234.278 4,036,855 8,150,913 10,779,476


Total Exports of Canadian Exports to Exports to

Produce (Mdse.) United Kingdom United Statee
1927 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Misc u.,'cEo,je CoMionn'ixs-

Amusement and sporting
..............$ 95.210 77.134 128,203 16.924 39.699 31.066 85.636
Brushes..................$ 120.686 178.256 120,652 111.681 59.291 261 563
Containers ............... $ 683,734 715.120 572,109 5.269 4,098 324,808 199.524
Household and personal
equipment ............8 424.598 629,331 679,313 199,710 209,682 79,055 100.224
Mineral waters... ........ 8 49,995 12,594 34,982 . ............ ..6,462 560 17,645
Musical Instruiiienta-
Organs ................. No. 468 392 270 89 31 25 17
11 326.597 231,578 242,276 9,063 3,297 181,250 217,131
Pianoe ................. No 821 825 860 32 16 71 12
$ 211.896 211,656 228.426 10.954 5,370 23,985 26,169
............ $ 1,109,432 828,909 297,188 29,116 25,742 15,509 10,995
Scientifir and Educational
Cameras.. ............. 8 1,276,461 619,520 128.040 400,703 6,687 8,699 5,905
Filmq. ................. $ 5,104.042 3,542,404 4,2115,322 1341.457 2.049.518 1,397,042 1.330,140
Other .................. 8 87.751 116,477 78.309 66.416 27,281 27.074 35,896
Ships and vessels ......... $ 410.183 609,767 209.187 1,737 2,593 181,432 108.781
Vehicles, n.o.p ........... $ 47.216 82,068 77.699 993 253 22,915 54,180
Works of art ............. $ 102,427 121.622 138,455 21,703 45.155 95,867 81,504
Cartridges...............$ 16,212 16,229 31,368 886 575 448 629
Contractors' outOts ...... $ 269.678 600,330 421,969 . ............ ............. .590,681 388.154
Electrical energy ...... Kwh.......1,442,903,217 .......1,442,932.363
8 ......3,938.182 ....... 3.835.899
Ice ....................... $ 179.790 137.356 162,139 .....137,108 1111,720
Junk .................... Cwt. 88.250 34,888 32.844 . .... 34.888 32.844
$ 239,922 112,481 95,549 .....62.481 95,549
Settlers'effeets .......... $ 6,994.877 5,797,805 5,917.625 370,809 427,508 5,148,498 5.187,067
All other articlee ......... $ 326,605 445,720 499.730 67,184 29.161 294,894 319.665
Total Miscellaneous
Commodities ...... $ 18,077,313 15,036,3.59 18.263.813 2,668,575 2,941,722 8,618,633 12,342,976
Toi. Expowra. CAN-
ADIAPi Pitot'c.... $ 1,252,151,508 1,228,207,606 1,363,586,672 410.691,392 429,730,485 478,003,846 500,161,599


(Fiscal Years)

Alaska Bawaii Porto Rico

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

IMPORTS FOR Coresussp'rloN

Grapefruit ............................. Lb.. ............ ............ .21,692

$ ............ 1,950
Pineapples, fresh ........................ I .......... 506 . 1,125 ..

Pincapples. canned ...................... Lb........... 2,021.035 2,196.467 ..

$ ..........180,532 193.331 . .
Other Iruit,a, preserved )except dried)... $ ..........8! 88
Coffee, green ........................... lb........... 465,311 462.978 ..
$ ..........119,887 120,997 ..
Cigiirettt'e..............................* ..........305 240
E'kli, fresh or frozen ..................... $ 37,574 74,2414 ..
Other fish products ..................... .... 789 4.313 173 ..
Furs, undressed (md. marine) ........... $ 90.94)8 32.411 ..
Milk and cream, fresh ................... 1 1.737 1.061 ..
Wood, unmfd. (ted. lumber) ............ $ 15,572 13,336 ..
Tubes, pipe and fittings, iron ............ 8 425 85 ..
Machinery, except for farms ............. $ 5,389 3,800 ..
,5,utonial,i lee and parts .................. $ III . 894 . .
Other iron and steel .....................8 2,231 2,836 4 ..
Petroleum and its products .............. $ 2,909 3.56'! ..
Menageries..............................1 27)) 1.300 ..
Ship ...................................I ............493 ...
Vehicles, no p ... ....................... .. IS 78 ... .
Articles re-i niported....................5 2,4)30 1,895 449 ...1,482
Ship's stores, n.o.p ...................... .. 4,380 2,009 107 278 ..
Settlers' effects ......................... ..4,812 1,819 4,775 40 ..
All other articles ........................ 8 2.407 1.756 3,300 1.309 ..

Total Imports ............... $ 171,562 145,010 309,753 316,930 1,490 3,780


Apples .................................. BrI... 3 69 1 4 ..

$ ...90 666 6 38 ..
Jams, jellie8, canned fruit ............ ....Lb 601 1,091 ........
$ 115 169 ......
Potatoes .............................. Bush 67 7 1,133 600 688
1 160 24 680 600 137
Oats .................................. Bush 281) 58 . ......
5 580 130 ........
Groceries ............................... 3 315 416 .......
Rubber tires, inner tubes.. ... . .......... ..... 8 ....... 1,400 1.273
1 12 ......4,715 3,763
Hay .................................... Ton 7 9 ........
$ 420 680 .......
Sheep for improvement of stock.........No 100 ..........
S 1.020 ...........
Other animals, living ................... $ 10 3.020 105 850 . ...
Fish, dried, salted, smoked, etc ......... $ 550 207 395 251 723,248 897,196
Bait fish ................................ Ton 60 .. .........
335 .............
Furs and mfra. of ........................ ...19,947 96,333 ....7 ....
Meats .................................. ... 5,361 4,884 21,872 26,253 ....
Wood, unmanufacturod (mci. hunber) . 14,709 15.798 7,376 5,871 12,601 7.222
Wood, manufactured .................... ... 568 40 25 211 ....8,210
Pater and mlrs.of..... ................. ... 1,333 1.332 2,140 ......1,108
Books and printed matter 572 29 542 573 129
Farm implements and machinery 116 ........2,317 1.986
Har,lware and cutlery ................... ... 106 52 ........
Machinery, except for farms 1.269 53 45 . ...85 . .
Automobiles and parts. ................. ..... 1,119 6,500 . .....
Cla' niiinufiictures ...................... ...4,212 108 65 50 . ...
Coal ................................... Ton 28,235 23,979 ........264
8 205,909 172.766 ........1,658
Petroleum and products ................. $ 35.611 93,031 108 ......
Explosives ..................... ........ .9 428 ..........
Ammonium sulphate ................... Cwt.............6,030
$ ............13 , 025
Cyanamid ............................. Cwt........... 29,109 19,712
8 ..........08,496 37,898
Containers (packages) ................... $ 12,789 7,922 ........
Stationery .............................. $ ......33 ....2,680 3,653
Boats, canoes, etc ....................... $ 484 282 ........
Ships ................................... No....... 1 ......
8 ......35,000 ......
Contractors' outfits ..................... 8 43 2,603 ........
Electrical energy ........................ $ .... i,l8S ........
Settlers' effects ......................... $ 2,847 4,705 3,375 2,195 ....1,000
All other articles ........................ 8 1,614 3,758 442 995 605 891

Total Exporta (Canadian) ....... $ 311,634 411.836 79.369 37,262 815,388 977,961
(Fiscal Years)

Bermuda Newfoundland Mexico

Articles Imported -
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

ISIPORTS FOR Coasw&s'riorc

Bananas .............................. Bunch . ............
........4 .......... ............
.....1,610 . ........
$ 3 ....................3,170 . ........
Berries,wild ............................ $ ......................5,118 17,857 ...............
Grapefruit ............................. Lb.. .........................
8 . .....................2.700
Oranges ................................ Box 200 ....................... 1.912 3.581
$ 388 ............ ............
...3,692 7,162
Cabbage ................................ $ 321 235 ................. 12 ...............
Onions .................................. $ 9.359 7,947 .................6 ...............
Tomatoes ......... .................... Bush 7,703 855 .....................65.310 139.079
$ 12,196 2.311 .....................181.517 426,527
Other vegetables ........................ $ 2,913 7,268 101 29 2.432 3.022
Rice, uncleaned ........................ ('wt ........................ 69.360 38.190
$ ....................... 199.053 114.894
Coffee, green ........................... Lb.. ............
.............856,584 1.108,308
$ ....................... 233.779 294,679
Chicle, gum ....... .................. ...Lb.. ............
.............31.354 ...........
$ ........................ 19,126 ...........
Cotton seed oil, crude .................. Cwt.. ............
..............4,340 ...........
I ........................35.511 ...........
Florist stock: Azaleas, etc .............. $ 3,029 2.802 254 29 41
Fish, fresh ..............................I ......................... 172,913 190,007 . .....................
dried, salted, pickled ............. 8 .........................673,656 534,037 82 ...........
canne d. ........... ............... 8 .......................... 8.409 70.181 ......................
Fishery products, cop. (cx. oils) ........ I .......................... 5.668 19,052 3.289 1,284
Fox skins, undressed .................... I .........................94,309 51528 .......................
Other furs, undressed .................... I .........................49,938 45.210 .......................
Hides and skins.... ................... Cwt 22 5 464 1.486 .......................
$ 200 96 6.742 41,0.12 .......................
Leather boots and shoes ............... Pair .............................1.344 693 .......................
$ ......................2,828 1,007 .......................
Fish, seal and whale oils ................ Gal....................... 195. 125 177,876 .......................
$ ...................... 174,495 166,681 .......................
Fibre. Mexican, istle, tampico .......... ..wt ......................... 578 278
$ ............. .......... 9,618 5,533
Fibre, vegetable, n.o.p ................. Cwt.. ............ 11
$ ... .....3,051 1,359
Rags and waste ........................ Cwt.. ............
.......... ..........
...... 361 227 273 ............
S ............. .........3,420 547 547 ............
Fishing lines and nets ................... $ ............. .........1,588 2,242 .......................
Logs and round timber.................M It..... .......... .........3,332 ............................
$ .............71,465 ....................
Pulpwood .............................. Cord ..............14,833 .....................
$ ..............118.840 ..................
Barrels, empty .......................... No............. 1.549 1,154 ..................
$ ............3.434 1,963 ..................
Furnitureof wood ....................... 8 1,210 811 30 113 ..................
[ronore ................................ Ton ............427,682 677.231 ..................
$ ............427,720 627.255 ..................
Scrap iron, wrought .................... Ton 45 705 1.300 ..................
$ 231 3.525 12,763 ..................
Iron drums, barrels, etc ................ $ 1,260 6,220 61.277 59,099 ..................
Brass scrap ............................ Cwt.... 110 470 38 ..................
$ 330 2.800 52 ...........
Blasa bottles. carboys, ate .............. $ ......1,946 ............
Crude petroleum, natural ............... Gal........... 5,392,920 8,101,752
8 ...........221.815 277,7711
Fuel oil for ships' stores ................. Gal........... 4.981306 453,686
8 ..........249,018 29,444
Lubricating oils ........................ Gal....... 1.499......
8 ...... 1,286 ......
Stone refuse ............................ Ton ......157.219 241.828 .............
$ ...... 96,668 158,349 .............
Salt for tine fisheries ................... .wt....... 31,551 34,535 .............
6 ...... 11,027 12.723 ....
ntainorsofCanadianmlr ............. I 5,031 13,485 25,594 ....
Containers, n.o.p ........................ $ ......14 86 2.171 2.142
Ships for coasting trade ................. No......... 1 ....
I ........100,200 ....
Launches, etc ........................... No....... 5 ......
1,450 ......
Ship repairs ............................. .......4,557 ......
Vessels, etc., n.o.p ....................... ....... 4.851) 1.249.....
Articles for army and navy 6,661 18.563 ......50 ..
Articles re-imported.................
... ...4,7.51 4,626 135.754 82,511 ....
Articles for exhibition...................... 825 ..........
Ships' stores (cx. coal and fuel oil) 3,606 293 663 193
Punk ................................... .wt....... 401 127 ....
$ ......435 338 ....
Settlers' effects.........................5 3,500 2,580 33,356 50,823 2.845 1 1 010
Adl other articles........................$ 3.423 2,917 21.714 27,213 3.261 2.107
Total Imnorta ............. ..... 9 53.612 61.771 2.097.1125 2.511.261 1.174.687 1.170.245.


(Fiscal Years)

Bermuda Newfoundland Mexico

Articles Exported
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Expoera (CAeAD1Aw)
Apples, fresh .................... . ...... BrI. 1,285 1.790 14.5)15 25.997 . ....
$ 6.351 81084 59,238 100.763 . ...
Potatoes .............................. Bush. 50,209 31,064 116,530 233,026 . ...
8 51.37.5 22.555 81.227 146.120 ....
Pickles. sauceeand cataupe .............. $ 94 71 20,530 18,790 .....
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb. 55.342 102.665 296.312 1,026.594 . ...
8 4.424 6,710 17,258 62.384 .... .
Oats .................................. Bush. 2401292 268,558 549.385 570.223 ....
8 172,644 191,137 360,064 376.100 .......
Wheat ................................ Bush, 250 86 166 2.000 396,496
$ 44.5 154 260 2.450 448.021
Bran, shorts and middluigs ............. Cwt. 42,322 46.795 23,502 26.897 .....
$ 68.200 80,608 36.880 46.738 ....
Cornmeal ............................... TSr!, 44 97 5,5)13 17,838 ....
1 192 467 23,971 84.322 ....
Flour of wheat .......................... Brl. 12.9'9 14,841 341.543 311.563 2,500 300
1 96.904 99,367 2.612.594 2.228.605 16,184 1.680
Confectionery, all kinds ................. $ II .189 9,585 185.169 199.807 116
fOugar, n.o.p .................. . ......... Cwt. 10.895 11097 154.872 146,258 ....
$ 61,017 4,911 898.389 823.471 ....
Alcoholic beverages ..................... $ 62,702 303,569 26.873 9,149 12(44 16.022
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 3.2(2 3.820 249.2.50 205,070 68.602 76,365
3 2.721 3,069 250.620 217.318 45,803 47.854
Rubber tires ............................ 8 50 . ......... .........12,324 11.247 9,255 5,925
Foilders, n.o.p .......................... 1 11,032 15.913 37,180 61,830 ....
hay ................................... Ton 2.428 2,796 7,570 8.692 ....
8 30. 173 36,448 91.661 101,687 .....
Cattle .................................. No, 7 26 3,000 1.912 ....
$ 740 2.315 170,924 111,772 ....
Horses .................................. No. 33 .59 231 298 ....
3.725 8,310 29,831 47,615 ....
Fish, dried, salted, pickled .............. $ 29,4011 34,537 41,24)1 41.761 ....
Fish, preserved or canned ............... ...10,22(1 15.375 3.151) 6.839 183.221 142.320
Furs and m0'. of ........................ ..... 433 932 37,407 10.865 417
Loatherandmfrs.of .................... ......814 1,007 80,119 87.114 219 33
................................... .. 236,820 250,500 567.002 500.404 8
Butter ................................. Cwt, 2.671 2,871 4,332 3,727 .....
$ 101.537 112.329 1)5,39(1 148.411 .....
Cheese ................................ C'wt 1,887 1,893 4.9 6 1 5,792 .....
$ 42,32(1 46.580 103.349 132,575 .....
Milk powder, condensed, evaporated .Cwt 4,305 5.741 10.295 13.145 387 424
53.669 69,798 117,251 147,486 5,100 4.382
Animal oils, fats, greases................$1 8,868 3,120 57,510 45,665 ....
Eggs ................................... Don 60 490 136,725 114,507 ....
O 28 202 56.222 45,359 .....
Cotton mn,,ulactureg .................... 5 2,6.55 7,123 127,521 110.386 1.295 3.325
,Milk manufactures ...................... 8 5,134 4,412 25,4411 26,584 962 564
Wool clothing ........................... 8 6.461 7,283 104,6111 159,424 48 4,674
1"elt manufactures ....................... I ......57.513 110.890 29,219 27.518
('lathing, n.o.p .......................... 8 2.760 3.485 14.3,345 149.360 9 ..
$ 20 ..............33.118 31,625 .....
Wood, unmunufacturod (md, lumber), ,, $ 67.7(10 39,764 120,683 178,929 1.470 16.040
Furniture of wood ....................... 8 21,538 20,907 60.330 71,685 ....
Paper unit manufactures of ............... S 9.13)1 9,370 181.734 198.721 4.5,804 51.804
ltooksiin,f printed oia(ter ............... 5 734 4,569 10,911 44,930 3,485
F'erro-silicon iuid manganese ............ Ton ............ 105 256
$ ............. 10,960 25,352
Rails, iron or steel ...................... Ton .. ......15.197 57 .. ..
$ .......566.011 2.092 .....
Iroiipipoiundtubis,g ..................... 1 2,635 5,447 21(518 27,941 5.077 15.869
Wire, iron or steel ....................... $ 359 536 48,827 63,573 .....
Engines, all kind,, ....................... 5 .. ..599 52,1)91 71.117 .....
hardware and cutlery ................... 1 5.944 6,094 49.510 59.107 3.31 94
Machinery, eseept for farms ............. 1 1.288 1,907 54.838 154.930 11.310 18,950
Railway cars ,in,1 parts .................. ....... 14,57 2 80,054 ....
i4toves .................................. ...383 322 41,12(1 53,582 ... .
Automobiles.. .......................... No.......42 87 90 ..
O ......14,486 36.523 82,043 ..
Aluminum ..... ......................... $ 315 649 2.081 6.269 115.410 117.365
Copper and ii,frs. of ..................... S 501 1,195 33,21(0 40.015 21.304 14,766
Electric apparatus ....................... 5 757 6,315 59,504 53,873 68,562 95,146
Coal ................................... Ton 346 659 271 .293 2.57.077 ....
8 2.779 5,272 1,417,374 1,3,55,707 ....
Petroleum and its products .............. $ 1,449 2.417 370.331 538.345 ....
Coinent ................................ Cwt. 21,825 14.852 179.021 58,334 24.020 47,691
$ 9,426 6.552 59,009 17,216 6,6.14 13,172
Medicinal preparations..................$ 6,782 7,246 72,113 84,604 632 ..
l'.splosivcs, all kinds....................5 ......172.961 214,870 ....
Paints, varnish, etc.....................5 6,041 5.381 62,455 63,637 5,854 2.709
Other inorganic chemicals.... ........... $ 121 2.407 6,721 203.964 143,003
Baking powder ......................... Cwt 6 3 3.842 3,619 ....
$ 122 82 98,304 98,284 ....
Soda and compounds ................... Cwt. 2 351 184 220. 162
6 8 ....1,906 1,020 1.457.038 1,322.663
Slope, boats, launches ................... $ 830 .... 55,464 74.923 120 ..
All other articles ........................ $ 141,130 153.486 1.104,278' 1,153.976 196.345 132.708

Total Exports (Canadian) ....... 1 1.364.952 1.628.003 11,661.248 11.160.510 2.539,947 2.675,985


(Fiscal YearB)

Barbados Cuba San Domingo

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Iagpoam you Ccc4SUSIPS1ON

Pineapples, fresh ........................ 8 ..............3,777 2.635 ..............

M olasee., .............................Gal, 4,758.424 3,992,516 49.826 429.706 ..............
8 2,100,982 1,524.031 4.037 26.875 ..............
SugaruotabohNo. 16, D.S ........... Cw8. 1.124,963 1,077,242 1,099.987 1,117,212 871,094 360.378
I 4,395,710 3,634.105 3.241.452 2.593,901 2.452.827 874,547
Sugar above No. 16, D.S.... ........... Cwt, 790 1.827 263.017 309.744 . ............ . 70,451
$ 4,043 6,242 1,093.085 1,064,415 ... 255,867
}tum ................................ Fl. Gal II 975 9.150 8,278 ....
$ 125 4,433 93,119 90,283 ....
Tobacco, unmanufactured ............... Lb...... 1,169.789 944,138 118
S ......942,750 825,382 65
Cigars .................................. Lb......16,702 21,070 . ...
124,568 147,732 ....
Sponges ................................. ...... 13,718 16,636 ....
Cotton bags ............................. $ .....10,505 15,760 .....3,307
Iron drums, tanks, cylinders, etc ........ ... 9,275 15,080 ....................
Articles reimported ..................... * 325 1,200 . ...76,115 214 20
Articles for manufacture in bond ......... $ .....33,470 24 ......
Settlers' effects ......................... S 750 323 625 9,370 .....
All other articles ........................ 1 4,594 13,783 25,156 34,378 . ............
... 1,5.54
Total Imports .............. $ 6.215.804 5.199,197 6.587,171 4,903,506 2.452.841 1,135,360

Exeoars (CNADI.aN)

Potatoes..............................Bush. 7,030 22,274 2,113,5.57 2,380,902 ....................

$ 6,664 18,560 2,390,756 1,500,516 ....................
Other vegetables........................8 1.888 1,755 3,818 ..................... 12
Oats .................................. Bush. 218,012 151,811 1,562 30,117 ....................
$ 136.933 98,293 937 19.571 .....................
Wheat flour ............................. BrI 62,369 60,478 18,804 36.428 12,774 7,353
$ 416,982 404,264 126,085 195,535 94,788 48.666
Sugar and its products...................$ 74,179 54,096 233 722 40
Whiskey ............................... Gal 38 37 7.044 19.844 247 189
$ 183 142 37.750 103.710 989 716
Oilcake ................................ Cwt. 78,273 49,656 .....................
$ 178,435 127,416 .....................
Out, 'vegetable, not food ................ $ ............... 3,172 ..........
Eubbermanufactures ................... $ 91,658 69,181 13,582 11.171 77,799 61,545
Hay ................................... Ton 35 520 5 1 021 1.383 ....................
$ 577 6,582 58.970 12.118 ....................
Fish, dried, smoked, pickled ............ $ 109,505 68,720 834,592 839,551 74,461 117,872
Canned fish ............................. $ 29,409 36,193 21,059 9,110 34,925 34,363
Leather, unmantijactured ................ $ 4,828 4.510 1,705 78.188 5,701 6,760
Meats ......... .......................... $ 66,162 63,039 ......................
Butter ................................. Cwt 664 679 553 316 64 85
$ 31,167 32,517 20,533 12.627 2.949 3,720
Cheese ................................ Cwt, 999 802 2,205 615 83 3
$ 20.068 22,150 34,234 10.525 1.190 78
Milk, condensed ....................... Cwt, 1,868 2.841 45,667 38,345 528 480
$ 26,082 39.6.50 546,523 449.275 5.428 4.796
Milk, evaporated ...................... Cwt...... 23 . ............ .......3,410 II 28
$ 224 . ............ .......42,370 90 224
Cotton mfrs ...................... .......$ 7.317 7.365 3,457 977 221) 75
Planks and boards ..................... Mit 6,038 8,228 5.677 1,754 180 103
$ 169.709 171,730 145,514 66.502 6.005 3,981
Shingles ................................ .M 24.037 21.055 ..........................
8 63.867 67.813 ..........................
Shooks.................................$ 01,154 ..........
Staves and headings .................... 8 27,640 80.175 1,515 2.864 ............
Newsprint paper ....................... Cwt 034 201 152.211 197,198 2,218 2,821
$ 2,275 664 511,514 633.973 7.223 9.122
Books and printed matter...............$ 3.482 4.478 8,250 5,636 359 662
Rolling mill products .... ................ 8 1.165 617 .........................
Wirenail8 .............................. Cwt. 3,746 3.222 .........................
$ 17.789 15.624 .........................
i8utomobiles ............................ No 129 251 76 8 28 5
$ 70,993 109,641 84,313 9,217 29,478 4,991
Copper wireand cable ................... $ ....1,211 44,211 49,000 44 ..
Electric apparatus ....................... 5 6.138 2,361 40.122 39,793 198 3,086
Coal ................................... ..on ......88 1,107 ....
$ ...... 726 9.290 ....
A.tnmonium uulphate ................... Cwt. 19.533 8,960 12,030 5,047 ....
41,090 19,360 21,977 9,210 ....
Paints, varnish. etc ..................... ...3,463 5,218 890 2,519 ....
Dther inorganic chemicals 104 409 249.149 244,138 13.989 13.513
lt.ationerv, n.o.p ........................ ...4,933 3,729 28,885 16,343 6,068 7.006
kllothernrtivles ........................ ... 168,321 144,265 152,319 63,138 46.550 11.592
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 1,839,952 1,651,950 5,385,679 4,442.953 413,034 332.802

(Fiscal Years)

Jamaica Trinidad and Other

Articles Tobago British West Indies
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Bananas..............................Bunch 43,355 56,785 . ... 4 604
$ 39,450 38,936 .. .. 2 828
Grapefruit ............................... Lb 436,441 412,194 8,480 2,378 8,540 " 25,410
$ 15,092 15,794 385 137 7 898
Cocoanuts .............................. No- 4.722,306 4,695,605 85,0Th 2,078,635 274,760 ' 71,354
$ 103,197 100,52 20,053 46,698 6,310 1 1 868
Molasses ............................... Cal....1,006 10.402 5,769 307.441 419,873
$ 370 3.773 1.336 101,715 -138.430
Sugar not above No. 16, D.S ........... Cwt 881,15.5 737,582 405.417 809,450 732,863 343,093
8 3,308,515 2,520,322 1,561,314 2.649.592 2.936,023 1,229,737
SugarahoveNo. IC. fl.S ............... Cwt 10 84,389 22 2 33 585
8 50 244.572 123 10 86 1.696
Coconbeans,notroanted ............... Cwt 15,53! 12,323 31,451 43,739 15.211 28,342
$ 236,316 129,855 478,279 564.308 219,462 256,592
Coffee, green ............................ Lb 7,181,653 6,272,978 43,040 387.394 2,000 43.950
8 1,477,114 1,397,147 8,577 73,312 369 8.870
Spices .................................. $ 65,66)) 62,754 416 ... 62,418 49,207
Rum ................................ P1. Cal 33.793 37.242 81 57 175 267
$ 169.709 212,663 304 235 724 1,633
Whiskey ............................ P1. Ga!....... 12,512
$ ..... 1 77 ,304
Sponges, marine ......................... $ .... 35,080 48,711
Oils, vegetable, not food................$ 11,820 12.079 1,930 15,114 18.070 11,900
Iron druma, tanks, cylinders.............$ 4,363 2.665 20,790 11,159 30.925 13,266
Salt...................................Cwt..... 332,812 404,691
$ .... 52 . 5.51 50,580
All other articles........................$ 49,966 52.612 3,257 12,157 88.787 86,321

Total Inports.............. 8 5,481,308 4,790,295 2,099,201 3,376,058 3,552.999 2,077,839

Exrowt (CAwAoisro)
Potatoes..............................Bush 22,54! 34,542 42,154 89,744 6,239 7,045
8 22.906 29,032 40,355 68,548 6.723 8,326
Oats..................................Bush 64,956 54,861 192,474 155,367 26,514 44,985
$ 44,597 38,162 127,933 101,936 18,692 30,623
Flourof wheat..........................Br! 286.5.92 444,87! 281.129 290,252 177.5112 171,424
$ 1,856,707 2,569.178 1,827,335 1,772,672 1,162.153 1,028,002
Biscuits and bread.....................Cwt 1,471 720 1.195 1,120 1.146 1,350
8 14,596 8.528 18.305 18,043 17.890 18.471
Sugar. all kinds, n.o.p..................Cwt 22.030 20.032 40,352 31,711 19.107 17,746
$ 133,685 100.921 230.458 168,702 115.704 94,133 1,833 1,345 1,203 254 318,756 483,799
8 7.S55 5,892 5,053 1,127 1,518,047 2,458,791
Oilcako ................................ Cwt 25 ...38,505 24,999 14,280 14,654
8 55 ...90, 814 83,560 33,t582 40,519
Rubber manufactures ................... 8 427,843 393,828 259.149 245,298 114,590 109,817
Fish, dried, salted, pickled .............. $ 708.920 621,163 393.4(15 445.432 130,193 152.975
Fish, canned............................$ 113,984 84,905 90.531) 83,976 21.388 20,434
Meats ................................... $ 60,574 62,178 89.076 74.671 25,393 22.910
Butter ................................. Cwt 3,238 2,889 2.269 1,329 1,528 1,344
1 141,152 126.012 94.479 59,921 62,070 60,208
Cheese ....,..,...,.,,,.........,., (280, 3,388 3.113 2.671 2,301 1,255 1,039
$ 82,482 78,566 64.271 59,839 31,642 28,224
Milk,conilensed ....................... Cwt 17,230 22,220 6.830 10.055 3,122 3,112
$ 219,111 264,924 90.1134 131,433 32,328 32.134
Lard and lard compound ............... Cwt 2,29)) 599 9.555 1 868 965 768
$ 29,746 8,356 110.4U.51 10.327 14,750 10,804
Cordage, n.o.p .......................... 5 11.513 8.911 25.459 12.649 10,504 9.940
Other fibre and textile products ......... $ 37.391 39.732 46.453 57,652 15.745 17.588
Planksand boards ..................... MIt 3.203 2.566 3,497 2.858 4.145 4,284
$ 68,190 .55,387 95.596 74,021 134,214 154,420
Shook ................................. ...3,396) 4,11.13 14.640 17,320 3,397 2,460
Furniture (wood)........................$ 21,234 19,164 13,223 12,418 11,324 6.928
l'aper and manufactures of............... 5 59.631 78,127 19.076 29,952 5,719 7.794
Nails, all kinds ........................ Cwt 10,043 9,459 7,027 8,235 5,576 7,466
8 38.082 33,297 19.5115 22,1.59 23,362 29,560
Machinery, except for farms ............. $ 1,352 33,753 35,801 1,774 10,172 7,075
............................ No
Auto,iiobilea 787 628 331 604 118 142
3 391,571 305.373 159.230 273,798 55,170 62,956
Electric apparatus ....................... 8 789 2.161 30.062 23,275 1,214 1.003
Cement ................................ Cat 57.716 34.796 35.340 43.001 40.452 84,732
$ 14,562 8,174 12.545 14.212 19,540 30,073
Medicinal preparations .................. S 24,030 17,103 23.736 19,185 11,169 12,538
l'ainta and varnish ...................... 6 14.300 14,080 8,879 14,506 11,726 10,886
Soup .................................... Lb 47.417 41,998 374.179 282,951 66,768 58,193
$ 13.374 11,746 30.228 22.626 7,373 6 1 033
Containers (packages) ................... $ 22,845 11,138 8,005 10,946 12,410 21,306
Stationery .............................. 8 4,033 16,395 14.088 12.913 8,680 3.355
All oilier articles ........................ $ 360.974 215,634 150,835 228.081 211,453 157.849

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 4,951,196 5.266,083 4,240,751 4,153,571 3.861.847 4,658,215

(Fiscal Years)

French West Indies St. Pierre and Miquelon Dutch West Indice
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Iacpo,ra ron CoasuHrrlon

Wldskey ............................... Gal.. .......... .. ............ .. 2,736 17 ....

$ .....23,112 III ....
Other diti1I spirits...................I .....1.719 224 6.997 ....
Wince ................................... S ......17,022 ......
Furs, undressed (mel. marine) ........... $ ......419 2,819 ....
Hicks and skins ......................... $ ......2.195 1,731 ....
Petroleum oils, crude ................... $ ......495,043 172,974
Articles re-imported .................... $ ....32.828 7.809 ....
Containers (packages)...... ............. 4 ....676 32.929 ....
All other articles .... ... ................. 8 ....1.381 3.027 35 345

Total Imports .............. $ 1.719 77.560 58,124 - 495.078 173,319


Potatoes .............................. Bush................ 427 17,788 19.704 ....................

$ ............... 298 13,770 10,828 .....................
Other fresh vegetables .................. $ ............... 3,964 4.850 ....................
Gruinq .................................. $ 28 20 3.264 6.411 ....................
Floer of wheat .......................... Un 38.287 63,382 5,804 4.640 4.660 4,220
$ 229.096 341.151 41,720 30,931 29,013 25,544
Sugarand its products .................. $ 9 40,577 30.080 932 518
Whiskey ........................... .... Gal........... ............
....169.785 425,549 253 139
I ................891,351 2.111.883 11010 2,079
Rubberbooteandahoce ................ Pair 7,377 31.056 9,5115 9.753 37.888 61.180
3 6,331 26.533 9.757 11.556 26.788 44,602
Rubber clothing ........................ $ ....................... 6.426 12,822 .....................
Rubber tires ............................ $ 22,759 9,836 721 327 4,194 226
Hay ................................... Ton 2 1 453 510 .....................
8 35 15 7,262 6.411 ....................
Cattle ............................... .................. 840 623 ....................
* .............22.050 24,161 ....................
Swine............................ ....... No............... 13a 565 ....................
$ .............8,995 9.847 ....................
Other live animals ...................... $ ............. 50 9,811 31,275 ....................
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt................ 20 29 6411 1.992
S ...............333 4.80 7,604 23,692
Other fishery products. ................. $ 3,546 12.814 714 78.5 9,735 23,667
Boots and shoes, leather ............... Pair .............. 4,511 3,125 ........................
S ...............5,978 7,523 . ............
Meats .................................. $ .............2.488 13,443 8.722 .............
Butter ................................. Cwt................ 820 1,042 .............
I ............... 29.127 36.917 ..............
Eggs .................................. l ................ 14.578 14,562 ..............
I ............... 6.076 5.901 .............
Cotton clothing ........................$ ............... 4.327 7.311 .............
Silk manufactures ....................... $ ................433 701 2,329 1,962
Woollen clothing ........................ $ ....... 18.613 32.1174 .............
Bags, teutila ............................ $ ....... 4.408 10.1125 .............
lInt." zuol caps..........................$ ....... 1.520 2.658 .............
iklothu ...............................$ .......3,3119 4,134 ..............
Socks and stockings .... ................. ........2.668 4.188 2,740 6,788
Planks and boards ..................... H ft 2,329 1.486 670 1,067 21 349
$ 59.194 45.193 29,626 40.418 7)17 7,321
Wood, manufactured .................... $ .......15.122 10.379 999 751
I'apei' and mfrs. of ...................... S 227 3.771 3,099 1.368 134
Automobiles ............................ .No 46 Ill .5 16 107 80
1 19,009 43.977 1.010 8.513 47.881 31,818
Other iron and steel ..................... 8 3,961 20,083 29,889 587 312
Aluminium. ............................ $ ...........14,308 450
Coal ...... .............................Ton ....... 4,706 5.241 .....
$ ....... 28.408 32.375 .....
Petroleum, crude ....................... Gal........ 120.086 135.476 .....
8 .......16,847 15,133 .....
Coal oil and kerosene ................... Gal........ 17,460 54,0118 .....
8 .......3,439 10.202 .....
Gasoline and nuphtha ................... Gal........67.447 53.005 .....
8 ....... 14.1100 13.333 .....
!ineral oil, n.o.p ....................... Gal........ 20.753 11.487 .....
8 .......11,124 3.883 .....
ament ................................ Cwt. 17,108 38,352 12,340 22,530 1.000 ...
$ 4.943 10.186 6,026 10.407 2711 ...
fedicinal preparations .................. 8 47 56 143 579 7,709
Paints and varnish ...................... $ .......3.964 4.812 1102 297
.onthiners (packages) ................... 8 3,157 7.633 38,307 48.882 264 ...
Ships ................................... $ .......45,000 ...5.500 ...
Ilotherarticles ........................ 8 22,813 0,936 87,379 65.672 5,773 7,174
Total Exports (Canadian),,. $ - 371,511 511,374 1,470,340
1 2,729,124 163,249 185,044


(Fiscal years)

Costs Rica Nicaragua Panama

1928 1929 1928 1029 1928 1929


Bananas .............................. Bunch.............. .550...............

9 L.......... 625 . ..............
Coffee. green ............................ J.b. 141.033 266,470 7,712 15.423 5,020 .
$ 42,044 74,437 1,668 3,337 1,417 .
Cattle skies ........................... Cwt. 328 .
$ 5,254 .
Strawmh s.............................$ . .1,813 .
All other articles........................$ 60 . 893 ..
Total Imports..............$ 47,358 75,062 2,561 3,337 3,230 ._

Expoiss (CANADIAN)

Potatoes .............................. Bush... 811 ... 81,415 133,166

6 1124 ....48.000 37,959
Wheat ................................ Bush.....5,000 . ...
8 .... 7,995 .....
Flour oiwheat .......................... Rn 1,070 4.205 5 . .. 13.694 15.636
$ 6,914 28,425 48 ...86,647 97,693
Candy .................................. Lb 4.991 6.518 790 ... 6,629 9.113
5 2.563 2.500 415 ... 2,018 2.489
Whiskey ............................... Gnl 547 303 1.059 2,595 2,646 1.902
$ 2.051 1.256 8.446 10.701 10.707 7.982
Canvaauhoeswithrubberso!es ......... Pair 1,016 3,523 12,307 9,800 1.873 3.193
5 835 3.155 11.171 8.865 1.305 2.149
Rubber tires ............................ 9 6.826 4,1155 4,277 8 1 081 34.782 43,871
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt, 3,784 3,170 ..... 8.381 12.240
$ 29,004 29,226 .... 55,028 98.130
Mackerel, pickled ...................... Cat 285 413 .... 1.011 1.109
5 7,183 2,9111 . ... v.020 6,562
Other dried and salted fish .............. $ 1,407 37" 3.5m 2,384
Salnios, canned ........................ Cat 1,014 1.778 913 908 808 1.987
$ 10,350 10,108 9,7FO 10.016 9.515 21,890
Other canned fish ....................... $ 924 1,274 172 672 2,792 1,057
Butter ................................. Cwt 113 222 .... 20 9
3 5 1 1611 10,072 .... 1,026 446
Milk. condensed ....................... ...wt 5 ..... 14,1111 9,805
1 60 .. ... 260. 138 138.530
Milk, evaporated ...................... Cwt......... 2,823
$ ....... 38.068
Cottoaduck ............................ .d 4,108 1.240 9,682 4,911 5.1121 3,713
$ 2,063 11006 3.991 2,279 2.485 1,558
Planks and boards ..................... M ft........ 76 9 000
$ ........ 14.457 12,601
Furnitureof wood.......................$ . ....... 2,091 (1,577
Paper and jitirs. of......................$ 4,750 2,564 1,454 1,198 1,611 17,521
Itooks anti printed mutter ............... $ 119 732 195 257 418 534
Pipe and ttihing, iron .................... $ 2.787 4,310 . .... 2,783 240
Farm iiztpicrnuntu and machinery........8 388 . .... 12 106
Sowing ineeltinro ............ ............ $ 7.425 .......
Metal.workirig machinery ............... $ 3,076 2,307 ......
Other ntaehinery ........................ 5 5.853 23 ..... 200 ..
Automobiles, freight.,.................. No 79 48 12 751 490
$ 29.747 17,419 ....4,609 301,170 192,559
Automobiles, passenger ................. No 124 09 16 28 515 653
$ 61.060 33.571 16,4.59 13,278 313.998 262.619
Cement ................................ Cwt........... 11,693 32,1347
I ..... ..... 3,229 9,115
Modicinial preparations .................. $ 330 403 45 .. ..4,367 4,089
Othor inorganic chemicals ........... .... $ 8,165 5.244 3,314 3.684 580
Soda and compounds ................... Cwt. 240 300 ........
$ 1 1 529 1.911 ........
Mattresses and pillows .................. $ 576 316 871 601 701 764
Stationery, a.o.p ........................ $ 1.287 858 237 181 ....4,299
Musical instruments .................... $ 270 ....1,741 605 7.890 ..
Setticru' effects ......................... 5 ............ IOU
All other articles ........................ $ 7.714 9,957 2,133 1,385 4.825 27,556
Total Experts (Canadian)... $ 203.050 184,773 72.733 0(5,562 1,124,817 1.040,519

(Fiscal Years)

Guatemala Honduras Salvador

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1029

Iu'oars FOE CosstjMr'rioN

Bananas.. ............................ Bunch . ............ ..410 8.050 ......

S .... 612 10.012 . .....
Sugar, not above No. 16, D.S .......... Cwt......220.010 ......
$ .....604,245 ......
Coffee, green............................Lb. 345,552 74,886 .... 88,184 ..
$ 93,390 20,362 .... 23.007 ..
Ships' stores,no.p......................S ......37 ..
All other articles ........................ $ .... 10 42 ......
Total Imports .............. $ 93,390 20,984 022.299 ....23.044 ..

Expoa'ra (CANADttN)

Flour of wheat ................. ......... BrI 53 999 730 150 225

$ 621 5,472 5.412 . ............ ........1,033 1.354
Malt..................................Bush 24.276 35,138 ...............122
$ 17,986 49,24° . ...... ........ 213
Alcoholic beverages ..................... $ 14.592 10.817 32,806 174.012 20,387 9,055
Canvas shoes with rubber soles ......... l'air 22,090 18.052 541 448 . ............ ......... 2,703
$ 13,123 10.150 352 320 .................... 1,488
Tires, pneumatic casings ................ No 526 485 169 293 421 41(1
$ 8,179 7.423 4,445 5,080 6,985 7,141
Tires, inner tubes ....................... No 991 548 112 206 521 492
1 2,435 1.288 381 695 1,474 11169
Fish, dried, salted, smoked ............. S 2,852 1.040 ..............
Fish, cannel............................$ 3,580 10,083 ............1,159 954 506
l:pperletler ........................... $ 921 882 .............2.508 1,455
Cotton manufactures .................... $ 1.413 2,000 1,251 2,420 478 080
Paper and i,Irs. of ...................... 1 1,912 2.1(08 331 790 397
Ilooksandprintedinatter ............... $ 827 3,800 155 207 312 1,830
Tubing and pipe of iron and steel ........ $ 17 41 ...............
Far,i iriipleiiients and machinery... ..... $ 438 816 67 41 162
Metal-working ioaehiner ............... S ..........14.279 135
Automobile'i ............................ No 152 157 7 8 64 107
$ 76,106 67.461 4,573 4,459 28.722 42.638
Automobile parts ....................... S 103 2(13 ............ 12 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 1.816 2,433 ................398
Cement ................................ Cwt. 5,358 12,506 16,150 13,159 ....
$ 1,482 3,484 4.187 3,631 ....
Painteand varnish ...................... $ 982 630 ...... 104 ...........
Other inorganic chemicals...............* 215 134 4.579 1,402 15,053 4,690
Soda and compounds...................('wt....... 8,418 5,719 ....
$ ......40.900 35.337 ....
Brush..... ............................... 1 1,102 193...... 170 35
Conusiners,ii op. (packages).. .......... $ 990 1,590 2.584 2,100....
Mtit.lrcsses and pillows .................. $ 100 42 318 324 198 37
Rdrigcrators ..........................No. 34 ...................
$ 500 ...................
Stationery .............................. $ 1,411 1,020 58 407
Musical instruments ..................... $ 1,401 612 2.993 921 3.377 ..
Cartridges .............................. $ .......4,783 (123 ....
Ailotherurticles... ..................... $ 21,213 7,990 033 2.097 399 2.113
TotalExports (Canadian)... $ 175.917 191,930 110,832 235,957 91.232 75,803


(Fiscal Years)

British Guiana Argentina Brazil

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Nuts....................................8 6.417 1,756 ....10,168 26,584

Corn..................................Bush ....... 7,506,290 4,509,203 .....
$ .....6.286,249 4,407.430 ....
Molasses ..............................Gal. ...... 22,623 88,704 .....
$ .5,776 28,608 ......
Sugar. not above No.16. D.S..........Cwt 1.054.826 1,400,277 ......
S 5,832,635 4,377.8(0' ......
$uir,above No. 16, D.S .............. Cwt. 502 128,722 ......
8 1,825 371,554 ......
Coffee, green ............................ Lb........ 10.732.120 8.908,575
6 .......1,871,585 1.697,427
Rum ................................PS. gaL 13,0Th 9.684 .....
8 38,564 32,555 .....
Flax seed. ............................ Bush...... 312,788 3 ..
$ .....573,210 678.286 ....
Jliilesancl skins, raw....................* ......2.lQii.93l 1,565, 440 201,007 . ..
Ment ...................................$ 65...... 386, .82 602,947 . ... ...........
Casoin .................................. LI,...... 11i3.502 273,400 ....
$ ..... 20,034 30.474 ....
Wool, raw ............................... II,...... 178,733 172,888 ....
S .....72,545 70.365 ....
Iron drums, tanks, cylinders.............5 27,545 44,260 ......
Oak, quebracho and similar extracts... Lb....... 6.750.230 627,019 ....
$ ......314,783 29.515 ....
All other articles........................$ 19,042 10.305 89,210 43.889 5,440 2.303
Total Imports ............... 8 6,072,172 4,873,237 9,849,754 7,427,588 2.088.200 1.726.314

ExpoRTs (Cs_'cAOIAN)

Potatoes .............................. Bush. 62,924 106,092 ..................300

$ 59,645 84,735 ...................184
Oats .................................. Bush 130,338 90,000 ..................
$ 93,519 66,069 ..................
Flour of wheat .......................... Hrl. 150.160 l52,lI6 ................... 49,205 11.814
1,039, 134 951,616 ................... 275,200 76,027
Suw and its products...................8 67,812 35,806 232 .................
I3uhhermanufaetarcs ................... 8 113.408 122,256 2.436,597 3,552,066 1,107,747 1.720,899
Fish, ilrie,l. salted, smoked, pickled .... $ 08.295 66.186 ........... .... .....523,080 330.849
Fish, canned ............................6 42.254 27.094 27,641 18,288 ..................
8 35,314 20,421 .....................
Butter ................................. Cwt, 1,681 (138 ......................
$ 70.743 28.559 .......................
Cheese ................................ Cwt 1.409 1.333 253 65 ....................
8 37,529 34,232 7,628 1,864 ...................
Milk, condensed ....................... Cwt 4,495 4.854
1 63,575 72,030 ......................
Cottons.................................8 6,180 8.646 392 199 7,246 3.530
Binder twine ........................... Cat............... 12,500 12.000 ..................
8 . .............137,500 532,250 ..................
Cordage, other ......... ................. .........13,480 7,814 .....................5,279 5,572
Woo,!, uninanufactured (inch lumber)... 9 82.438 92,402 97,558 68,819 121 712
Woo,!, tuinnulaciured .................... .........45,034 93,507 6,879 7,067 310 00
l'utper and mfrs.of... ................... .........13,803 12,528 1,300,240 2,032,781 1.435 72.011
Iron pipe tend tubing ..................... 8 639 9,071 57.535 133,954 55,118 46.349
Engines................................ 1 537 81) 11,418 15,675 424 9.014
Farm implements and machinery ........ 8 263 215 3,534,894 3,322,773 22,363 63,7(15
Nails, spikes, tacks, etc.., all kinds 13,073 17,464 14,112 6,503 4,732 716
Sewingmachines ...... .................. $ .............1,5:611,912 1,766,768 1,73.5,008 2,389,045
Automobiles ............................ No 961 188 1.772 5,209 686 695
$ 50,303 91,003 1,296,504 7,531,172 573,071 365,377
Aulomobileparts ....................... $ 4,254 2,660 125.215 15,648 4,360 14,615
Other vehicles of iron...................1 850 475 2,855 489 148,564 87.324
Aluminium ............................$ 33 253 4,453 35,436 35,620 66,220
Copper wire and cable.... ............... $ 178 .....70 7,205 118,248
Lcaul in pigs ............................. $ ..... 20,835 18,31)0 12,108 25,982
Zinc spelter ............................ Cwt...... 18,486 5,042 .............
$ ..... 99,483 27,023 .............
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 1,573 15,057 8,873 34.379 100,179 244,495
Insulatoru,porcelain ..................... $ .........21,478 18,111
Coal.....................................on .... 1,066 ...4,046....4,046
$ 6,393 ...24,276 . ...24,276
Petroleum and products.................$ 48.974 45.3011 .......
Cement ................................ Cwt 30,080 92.1211 26,320 .... 82,720 18,860
15,161 42,8011 7,286 ....24,265 5,087
Paints and varnish......................$1 10,148 10.4511 641 446 3,541
Containers, n.o.p. (package8) ............ $ 84,837 97,396 7.920 ....13,560 3,000
Musical instruments.....................$ 1,811 527 131.638 3,000 4)6,860 2,083
Allotherarticles ........................ $ 170,132 171,261 198.767 142.079 171.290 168,328
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 2,284,744 2.238,506 11,085.728 14,493,191 4,897,082 5,872,940


(Fisc1 Years)

Bolivia Ecuador Dutch Guiana

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

IMPOETh FOR CoNet,n"r1op

Cattle hides and skins.................Cwt. 76 . .....
$ 1.968 . ...
Bauiite ................................ Cwt......147,224 431,880
$ ..... 12,729 52,502
Clay. n.o.p ......................... .....$ ...... 680 ..
Potrolaurn innaturaistate .............. Gal...... 11.577.745 .....
$ .....818,001 .....
All other articles ........................ $
Total Imports .............. $ 1,968 ....618,001 ....13,400 52,592

Exi'om (Cagaew)
Peas, split ............................ Bush.. ............
.......... 733 ..........
$ ................... 2,020 ..........
Flour of wheat .......................... .3d 24 ....................2,000 .................. 4,522 7,372
$ 204 ....................9,300 ................. 31,564 48,425
Candy .................................. lb. 311 1,240 170 91 67 ...........
$ 267 404 125 66 65 ...........
Alcoholic beverages ..................... $ 708 ....................2,745 1.806 .....................
Canvas shoes with rubber soles ......... Pair 650 523 8 22.264 11,111 325
$ 5011 320 8 14.201 8.909 189
Rubber tires ..................... ....... $ 6,680 11,580 8.067 4.108 651 229
Alewives, salted ....................... Cwt.......................... 2,329 2.069
$ .......................... 8,523 61091
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt........................... 116 22
$ .......................... 831 142
Haddock, dried ........................ Cwt........................... 2,849 2,249
$ ..........................17,335 15,129
Herring, sea, smoked ......... . ........ Cwt...........................663 471)
$ ........................... 3,343 2.734
Polloek, hake and cask, dried .......... Cwt...........................3,376 3,1105
$ .......................... 19,068 22,311
Salmon, pickled ........................ Cwt........................... 854 8711
$ ..........................7,422 7,790
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 1,497 1.621 2,380 1,594 569 506
8 15.122 10,130 23,567 16,431 6,722 5,672
Other canned fish ...................... $ ..............3,150 1,528 1,853 2.054
Lsather, unmanufnctureiJ ................ I ............21 1,508 4.041.............
Cotton duck ............................ .d............... 10,595 4,974 313 615
$ ......7,189 4,329 198 387
Cordage, etc., n.o,p ..................... I ......34 ............1,277 845
Planks and boards ..................... MIt l99 .................
8 4,406 .........
Furniture of wood.......................$ ...........747 340
Wallpaper ............................. Itoll 16,376 6,044 20,350 55,868 ..............
1 1,808 482 1.708 5,315 ..............
Other paper. .... ....................... $ 1,345 .........
l'ipe and tubing, iron .................... $ 109 170 15,781 8,775 ..............
lam, implements and machinery ........ $ 1.749 4,137 102 150 ..............
Automolules,freiglit .................... No 130 78 44) 118 1
$ 50.551 28,8.31 15.154 45,044 381
A.utomobAles, passenger .................. No 50 41 35 50 7 7
8 29,535 21,548 30,120 28,209 2,049 2,070
Uther iron and steel ..................... $ 108 483 424 104 73 179
&lun,iniuni manufactures. ............... $ 610 . .....55 378 .
Electric apparatus .......................8 ....1,511 729 76 ...
Tar and pitch, coal ..................... Gal....... 7,100 .....
5 ......1,518 .....
Inorganic chemicals ..................... $ ........1,408 ...
)ther chemicals, etc .................... 5 173 30 288 561 219
brushes.. ............................... $ 324 ......2,502 14
Franks and valises ...................... $ .......... 192 86
Musical instruments ..................... $ 3,444 1,900 772 ......57
OIl other articles ....................... .$ 305 21 1.073 618 1,7597,044 ..
Total Esports (Canadian)... $ 117,954 87,604 124,570 139,871 116.414 123,580


(Fiscal Years)

Chile Peru Uruguay

1028 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Sugitr,not above No. 18,D.S .......... Cwt....... 125.919 244,183 ...

$ ...... 310.451 578,692 ...
Hiden nd akinu, raw .................... $ .......253 72,399 ..
Meats, c,,nried ............................ Lb........ 60.463 28.800
$ .......8.108 4.445
Wool, raw ............................... Lb....... 994 ............. 8,000
$ ......328 .............4,139
Mtcliinery, except for farms ............. $ ....... 5.3211 ...
Petroleum, crude, for refining ........... Gal.......73,500.589 76.781,1197 . ..
$ ......4.2)17.017 3,725,300 . ..
Petroleum, sop., .8235 or heavier ...... Gal....... 14.085.795 3,475,632 ...
$ ......608,577 137,461 ...
Soda nitrate ........................... Cwt. 245.837 192,767 . ............................
$ 522.458 379,453 .......
All other articles. ....................... $ 139 2.5 826 538
Total Imports .............. $ 522,597 379,453 5.216,402 4,447,858 80.507 9,122

J':xroam (Cstoaoias)
Wheat............. .... ............... flush 12 .....260,851 145,331 .. .
$ 28 . ....377.902 175,946 ...
.................... IOn
Flour of wheat...... 454 960 212 . .
1 2.550 4,553 1,370 ...
Sugar, all kinds, n.o.p ................... Cwt.....................110. 7'31i . .
8 . ...................735,201 ..
Whiskey ................................ ....l 612 1.083 489 501 1.250 1.937
$ 2,329 4.3.85 1 1 850 1.936 4,451 7.301
Rubber boots and shoes... ............. ..air 211.061 ISO. 803 815 3,778 131.085 178,279
5 130,723 110,701 577 2,568 86,7112 121,804
Rubber tires ...........................$ 177.872 252.631 72.386 139.124 216.082 308,931
Simon. cunned ........................ ....t• 11,538 20.60! 3,136 5,33:1 JO
$ 00.812 214,890 31,757 55.849 116
Butter ................................. Cwt......... 136 132 ....
S .. ......6,887 6,1121) ... ..
Milk, and evaporated ....... ...ut 24 82 17,920 14.384
6 300 1.020 257,638 1811,50)1 . ...
Lord .................................. ..,svt ........ ti,229 4.222 .. ...
$ ....... 94.291 801032
Binder twine ............................wt 500 . ....... 1.500 ...
8 4,02.5 . .........14,250 ...
C0rdage. etc., n.o.p ....................$ ......... 7.092 21.009 .....
Wood, unth(d. dccl. ............. ......
lumber)............$ 1,880 7,833 98 541 18,762 6,498
Wood, ,nnut:,etuwcl $ 2,280 411 3,291 1.278 18,832 12
I'ulp and lil,re wallboard ................ 9 19.399 7,237 2,585 3,777
lOcok paper ............................ C'wt 297 245 348 360 ... ..
6 3.391 3,1140 4.132 4,280 .. ...
Ncwsprnt paper ....................... ...wt..... 0,120 . ..........2295 54,535
9 29,9:10 ...........7.006 164,676
Wall paper ............................. lOoll 319.322 268.197 110.392 4,102 3,160
$ 30,476 25,703 12.900 13,533 4113 451
Structural steel.............................n 228 ............ 120 ....
111,215 ............20,810 ....
Pipe and tubing, iron ...................... 38.21)6 34,556 8.621 17,3011 2,424 12,000
Far,,, implements and machinery 151.741 122,030 2,105 13.577 85.872 178.025
Sewing machines. ..... .............. ................. 132.848 116,767
Other macliiiiery, except for farms 1,142 173 1,032 6,252 61
Automobiles ............................ No 1,141 3.610 714 1.159 309 255
.526.110 1,482,314 297.010 474,8413 246,080 123.511
Automol,ile parts ....................... ...1,399 671 211 200 1,106 1.140
(7haiir ... ...... ...................... ...1,591 4,179 II 6,12.1 10,123
3'urnitareofn, ....... .. ............. ........... 1,507 1,500 2,723 2.45)1
Aluminium 'nd mfrsol .................. ...2.992 10,857 318 209 271 1.403
I.PO1l in pig'. ............................. ........... 6,100 5,349 ....
Cool.....................................on ...................801 2.02!
$ ...................5,008 12,631
Oil, mineral, n.o.p. ......... ............ ..,ILI .. ....... 12,147 36,8111 . ...
$ ...........1.1641 15.321 . ...
Cement..... ........................... Cu't.......... 75,204 50.83!) . ...
$ ......... 20,739 15,142 .. ..
Other inorganic chemicals ............... $ 52,421 21.175 8,629 1.188 1.125 ..
Soda and coiripounds ................... Cwt ............ 1,900 4.010 ....679
$ .......... 4.708 9.1)25 .... 1.673
Brushes. .............................. ..$ 1,378 733 5,054 6,7114 2.3 ..
Containers, sop. l,packages) ............ S ..........1:1,352 9.855 1,38 ..
Municl instruments ..................... $ 58,919 400 14,662 513 36.240 14.254)
l"ilmu ... .... ........................... $ (9.823 425 288 875 ....
Allotherartieles ................ ........ $ 17.521 63,773 41,278 37.019 5.751 23,793
Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 1.347,528 2,403,442 1,285,525 1,311.267 1.628.208 1,107,1131
(Fiscal Years)

Co1ombiir l's raguay Venesijela

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Cocoa bean.s, not roasted ............... Cwt........

........255 66
$ ................4.542 1,007
Coffee green... .................... .... Lb 2.977.810 3,431.509 ...... 932.288 655.759
$ 762,186 922.050 ..... 201.879 154,328
Hides and skins, raw .................... $ 24.601 .... 41.170 . ...5.275 ..
Straw mfrs., n.o.p ....... ................ $ (1,095 785 .....
Petroleum, crude, natural ............... Gal 148,875, 697 145,347,112 .....21.227.341
$ 6,786.688 5.926, 4 83 .....545.847
Oak and quebrachoextraet ............. Lb.......1,825,835 105.934 ...
$ ......89.230 5,589 ...
Tanning articles, crude .................. Lb........46.643 ..
$ ......1.098 ..
Allo(herartjclej, ........................ $ 806 84 .....740 753

Total imports .............. $ 7.580,376 6,849,408 130,406 5.589 213,538 701.933

Ex,oia (CANamAN)
Wheat ............................... .Bush 444,010 540035 . ...............................
1 676.307 689.817 ..................................
Flourof wheat..........................BrI. 2.495 7,130 ................................ 99.012 95,019
$ 17.231 53,242 ................................ 671.213 550,160
Candy ............................. ..... Lb. 7.630 4.713 ................................. 471 3.782
$ 3.413 1,798 .................................427 1,574
Whiskey ............................... Gal 74 32 . ............ ................... 1.080 281
$ 306 135 ...........
. ................... 4.303 1,093
Rubber boots and hoea ................ Pair 02.547 154,721' 7.500 83 150
8 42.712 104.574 ........ 4.119) 61 128
Rubbertiree ............................ $ 114.851 148,159 9,281 0,245 204,192 293.048
Other rubber ... ... ..................... $ 10.971 10.103 10 204) 2,011 1.805
Salmon, canned ........................Cwt 2,819 6.835 12 8,802 10,033
$ 30.486 78,403 116 71,790 107.119
Sardines ............................... C'wt 676 968 .. ........... ...884 1.531)
$ 7,545 10.128 ................8.611 14,9116
Milk, condensed and eva1,orated .... ..Cwt, 5 2.662................52 ..........
$ 60 35.850................ 660 ...........
Cotton duck ............................... tl 25,898 47. 101 ................20.005 33.394
$ 101868 22.155 ................10.822 14,484
Cotton clothing ......................... $ 1.187 22 . ................
('orraes, rope and twine, n.o.p .... ...8 31.536 19.966 .................91
l'elt tirrinuf,wtures ................... ...$ ............486 ..........
Piling ............................ .Lie. II. 20.380 6.000 .................
5 7.301 5,000 .................
Planks and boards .....................M ft 70 85 ................535 115
$ 2.856 2.786 . ........ . ... ...10.974 2,992
Pulp ann fibre wall.boardn. ............. $ 7.736 142 ................8.210 8.402
Newsprint, paper ....... . ........ .. Cwt 0.356 28.314.............. 542 1.562
$ 54.05? 106.035 . ...............1.758 4.378
Wallpaper ....................... .... Roll 144.848 107.542. .......... .... 9.918 9,160
111,025 11.tliH . .............. 675 716
Hooks and printed matter ... .............1.880 5.221 ............. 447 3,628
l'apeannl tubing, iron. ........... ... .....3 029 1.225 ............. 8.765 6.083
S%rre fencing, woven ..................... ....3.36 170 . ............ .... 2.981 009
Engines. ... .... .. ............ ...... ....595 ............4.135 2,025
Finrrnrnrplcrnentsannl machinery 8,098 5.810 2,364 830 6,707 221
Maehmer, except for farms 3.958 1.652 11114 15,852 3.395 2.720
Tools ... . ..... ....................... ....1.528 3.641 .......14 192
Automobiles ... ......................... No 784 407 115 161 803 1.591
439,049 210,220 59.829 68.545 353,308 612,701
Automobile parts ....................... ....4.119 3.250 21 17 102 82
Bicycles and parts... ................... ....6.137 7.203
Cl,n,ias, iron and atei ... . ............... ....1.280 10.473 243 699 367
Alunrinjun,, ...................... .......7.498 24.560....... 5.262 6,185
Brass and nnfrs, of. .................... ....2.273 7,1)01 .........70
r.opper aim' and cuble. .................. ....5.986 225 .........2.623
Dthercoppn'r ................ . ..... ..........0.865 142 .........
Lead in pigs ........................ ...Cwl. 1,120 580 .........
$ 4.928 2.172 .........
Elertrimapparatus .................. ..$ 2.125 1.159 ....... 1.080 1.524
Gemont ...............................Cwt 158,810 235,648 .........
$ 42.894 63.492 . ............ ....... ...............
Dther drugs and chemicals ............$ 2,135 17.131, .......83.090 199. 895
['ontainers, n.o.p. (packages) ....... ....8 23.8.30 39.771 .......404
6tationery ........................$ 14,835 15,910.......5.068 4,174
Stusical instruments ................ ... $ 71,220 5.544 1,425 14,260 114
Allothemarticlen... .............. . ... .$ 59.155 65.207 6.460 481 14.637 ..

Total Ezport (Canadian)... $ 1.722.573 1.797,393 80.758 98,194 1.497,544 1.792,349



(Fiscal Years)

Belgium France Germany

Articles Imported --
8 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Jellies, jams, mince meat ................ Lb 18.491 12,426 328.829 319,778 404 . .......
$ 3,299 2,881 62.998 83.006 73 ........
Walmiuts, shelled or not .................. Lb......... ............
.... 2,606.561 3,243.025 ... ..........
........ 10.125
8 ........ ..........Th4.960 850.124 2.475
Other nuts .............................. $ 639 . .............. 68.437 36.424
\'ogetables,canned ...................... Lb 2.490.874 2.686.300 1,064.831 1.108.11(5 154 390
$ 172,669 184,903 150,597 100.448 41 51
Beans ................................ Bush 202,941 119.871 6,750 6.227 3,366 2,670
$ 415,572 349.377 14.848 20,833 7,439 8,406
Olive oil, edible ......... ................ $ .............72 166,228 171,080 ... ............
Sugar above No.16, D.S ............... Cwt 43,879 32.369
8 172,381 124,134
Cocoabutter ............................ lb... ...... ............ ........ ........ 423.182 55,118
$ ........................... 149.116 15.947
Brandy .............................. 287.719 344,631 27 1
$ .................2,320,599 2,544,391 50 9
(ordiala, liqueurs, etc ............... Fl, gal 220 281 40,062 50.540 4
8 1,640 11969 254,452 324.661 304
Whiskey ............................. P6. gal 273 783 439 6,860 37.533
5 6,305 3.078 4.435 82.000 355.747
Wines ................................... 8 7.192 8,265 2,084.182 2,261.861 29.917 49,266
Eeeentialoils (except peppermint) Lb................ 382 37.989 41.386 43.212 24,100
8 5,338 131.953 118.022 22.462 15.069
Peanut oil for refining .................. Cat .......................................... 1(16,7 20
Plnnts,trees,ete ........................ .......61.338 60.049 65.474 90,229 60.792 60.901
Itubber and mfrs. of. .............. .........7.298 4,3911 26.254 35.577 126.279 112,830
Seeds ............... .................... ....... 9.585 5.031 39,791 14.289 35.758 40,828
Furs, undressed (mel, mifle) 31,514 76,893 100.351 80,810 439.4(17 308,121
Furs,clresspd ............................. 2.761 3,141 1,024,196 640.082 82.949 78,790
Itatters' furs, not on the 8105 552.307 493,054 932 98 91,468 161.584
hides and skins, raw ..... ........ .... ............ ...... ....... 1 10 .4 60 56.547 63.4(30 29,196
Glovesanil mittsof leathor 128,831 210.413 483,985 508,415 56,651 58901
Cheese......... ......... .............. Lb .. ...................4.201 222,122 220.650 2 398
$ 989 71.157 96,362 I 114
Gelatins ................................ Lb 89.481 142.368 233,185 365.695 3,479 64,618
$ 15,478 22.201 53,408 87,606 1,899 49,071
Cotton, crochet and knitting ............ Lb 80 ...................70. 860 45.820 332
8 2311 . ......................175.410 135,877 609
Cotton fabrics, dyed .................... Yd 278.293 65.528 632,678 191.378 179,403 281,195
$ 139.077 76.536 335,820 101,278 93.940 141,105
Woven fabrics with cut pile ............. .<I 24,008 93.970 233.198 158.547 17,294 39,466
$ 22,714 118.848 240.1(44 174.351 21,051 39,270
Laee,net and mfr.of (cotton) .......... 8 15.536 3.437 296.629 135,5192 89.419 104.646
Clothing of cotton ...................... .$ 78.382 57.539 118.556 95,863 58.234 55,158
flax, hem, jute, mfrs ..... ......... ...$ 106,028 109.951 75.838 191.475 ,343 175.372
''Ribbons,'' silk, noteS 12 ins, wide .... $ 4,969 879 336.916 175,3(92 63,746 13,913
WOven silk fabrics, iinfinjshesl ...... ....$ ....................452.970 433.237 818
Volvetsanil plush, silk orartificial silk .Y,l 48,688 44. 154 533.538 702,870 41.06.5 320,954
$ 51,945 65.334 550.731 858.267 88,012 477.749
Otliersi!k pincegoods ................... 8 30.694 3,611 2.400.233 1,643.699 304.564 354,591
Silkelothing ............................ 8 74.829 55.883 1.223.788 1,076.910 77.147 48,067
Wool, raw ..............................1.b. 59.803 10.763 47.512 77.313 23.898 3,530
$ 33.802 7.719 35.232 95,09(1 7,355 2,483
iVorstod tops ............................ I.b. 72.432 40.840 204.210 150,729 7.352 .........
$ 63.020 36.404 209.870 148,180 6.410 .........
Woollen yarns ........................... Lb 21.856 18.8311 140.241 110.087 503 2.079
34.700 30.128 180.008 129.407 641 3,520
8 485
Woven fabrics, wool, unfinished ...... .q. yd 65.378 298,273 1,690.218 1,307. 212 3,705
$ 25,185 111.733 670,170 577.459 2,531 219
Woven fabrics, not en. 5oz.. n.o.p .... ..Yd 62,752 496,871 1,871
8 . ......... 25.491 . .............. 3113.435 ..........1 . 669
Worsteds, serges, coatings .......... ...d 17.1383 14,1302 1,130,784 1,146.950 385.637 454.681
S 16.606 15.868 1,743.556 1.549.388 431,8413 566,863
Tweeds ...................... ..... .tI ... 143 4.219 177,068 127.993 71.86.5 148,312
$ 560 4.801 302.923 201.329 73,073 167.719
Woven fabrics, wool, n,o,p ........... 35.079 673.847 .............252.427
S 41.766 .. .... .......... 781.490 ..
......... 287.861
Carpets, wool ........................... 5 69.440 85.095 2(313.374 267.783 171,485 159.856
Women's and children's outer garments,. $ 3.355 1.085 79.806 68.803 39.865 13.537
Felt,pressed ............................ Lb 17,299 756 .........................64.587 113.927
$ 9,138 1,096 . ... ............. ......... 51.235 86,620
Artificialsilk rovings, yarns, warps ..... Lb 124,114 40.364 55.044 8,498 323.063 454.608
8 168.981 49.553 54.969 10.783 291.126 471,994
Artificial silk, fabrics and mofre ......... $ 47.189 l22.262 525.964 741.391 247.6.53 259,500
Rags and waste ........................ Cwt 1,749 4.931 4.120 23.483 7,499 6,907
8 13.015 30,678 26.337 82.129 70,888 79,724
Embroiderics,lace,etc,,mixedmateriale 8 11.583 283,194 78.706
Knitted goods, mixed materials ......... $ 22,653 24,543 59.458 32(321 53.939 12.687
hats, all kind-' .........................$ 6,456 5.373 210.859 271. 008 6.3,270 .14. 650
I lat shapes and matcrials ............... 5 14.262 54,078 59,257 53,10 56,518 29,900
Garments, knitted, joined. ............. $ 32,364 ........ ......... 96.527 ..............23.637
Gloves and mitts of textiI fabrics.. ..... $ 4,173 11.344 135,746 136,302 719, 225 850.278


21—T11E OF CANADA with BELGIUM, FRANCE and GEIJ.r—Continued

(Fiscal Years)

Belgium France Germany

Articles Imported
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Furniturewood......................S 20806 41,002 13,06I 109166 19466 43.139

Pn;Mranhl n-irs. of ... ........ .....$ 142.346 I65.757 412,36II 455,864 362,727 420,393
Books ncl printed matter ............... I 102,039 9I.368 349,764 313,449 148.044 193.704
Iron in pig., ingots, blooms, billets ...... S 131,315 1SS,304 100,376 109,326 15,792 193.855
Iron,rolled,inbara,n.o.p .............. OwL 358.851 429.0711 3,840 13,893 25,830 14,448
$ 433.911 577,3071 4,770 21060 31,552 23.893
Wire rods .............................Cwt 598,656 737,975 57,193 22,382 13,254 16076
$ 735.293 970.514 71,414 31,236 17,675 24,613
I(oUingmillproducts,other ............. 8 710,628 1,333,919: 124,340 194,437 83,448 143,570
Cast iron pipe..........................Ton 879 748 3,241 2,770 12 181
35,837 91,610 67,396 379 6.698
Wire, iron..................................... 183.826 227.38)1 236 674 20,987 55.371
Pen knives, jack-knives, etc 4.635 .............2,923 5,447 196.911 203.501)
Sc,ssors and shears............................ 1.336 .............2,173 970 1)7,343 101,125
Slnchinerv ....... .. .................... ......56,642 26.700] 70,392 110,822 587,734 1,030,546
Agate, enamel, etc., ware.. ....... . ..... .......1.744 861) 1,382 2,731 15,422 81,778
Toots rind hand iniplenteata 5.844 3,005 8,805 (1.308 258, 670 207,777
Cunrs,rittes,etc ......................... ......84.629 85.374 953 2.848 12,663 35.985
Aluntinium and mint, of ................. ...... 9,225 4,524 50,668 115,9118 190,947 146.301
Brass and ntfrs, of ............................11.121 15.680 120. 107 99.008 113,264 119,658
Nickli' and infrs. of ..................... .......2,824 4,867 25,588 32,225 154,378 149,044
Zinc sheets and plates... ................ lb 2,078,764 5.478,224 ... .......... ............................
153,621 360.210 ......................................
Clocks and watches ............ ......... ....... 489 173 38,695 34,057 516,019 559,828
Electric apparatus ...... ................. ......6.988 24.515 21,169 24,706 45.671 55,065
l'nblewrir,' ofcliinn.e(r' ................. ......11.638 12,538 280.947 345,610 515.283 437,950
Class car) oys, bottles, etc 831 1,1)2] 25.475 32.543 ItO....9 131.111
Class tableware ......................... $ 98,003 111,841 20,742 24,801 42,154 40,708
Common window glass ............... Sq. it. 40.939,16)1 41,4611,75)1 31.673 ............ 131.017 42,254
$ 1,034,558 1.023.690 2.741 ................. 5.9)13 5,738
Plateglass not over 7sq. ft ........... Sq. ft 1.130,346 2,947,685 41,06)1 74,801 83.798 263.881
$ 292.951 705.430 12.537 18(4] 22,927 57.349
Iiatoglass,7to25uq.ft..............Sq.ft 220,136 434.58:) 1,967 4,119 10,976 58,728
$ 72.763 12t1,ii).12 1.058 1.347 4,771 18.512
Plateglar.s,n.o.p., not bevelledorbent Sq. ft 293,290 455,510 818 4.335 2,490 129,069
9 08,275 163.027 421 1,922 1,302 41.246
Sand, silica ............................ Ow). 598,418 553,1158 .......................................
63,380 55,1)87 ......................................
Dinmonds,unset ........................ .. 1,025,091 1,337,511 21,902 51.373 26,678 13.391
Acids .................................. ....6,753 5,70)) 11,940 10,755 07,905 105.491
('eltaloid, lilocks,
sheets, etc 14,733 35,783 28,558 14,951 183.116) 148.234
Drugs and medic;nal preparations 8.643 6.200 401.843 459,983 154,423 118.551
Dyes, antlinc ...................... ......1,o 2,607 780 35,820 25,514 799.378 797.770
S 1,781 568 14,758 11.314 508,278 474.678
Blast furnace and basic slag, ground .... Cwt. 134,153 205.290 .. ........... .......44,862 .....................
S 86,894 89,463 . ...... .............17.956 ....................
Potnh, muriateof, crude .............. Cwt 20.878 8.640 ............ 39,986 210,83)) 201.068
S 37,487 13,5)17 . ............ .......72,405 373044 319,322
Lithoponc ............................... 1.h 79,354 149.400. ............ ............. 2,006.0.38 2,346,343
$ 3.140 5,1)61) . ..........................102.671) 96.125
Zinc white .............................. 2.0 1,000.711 866.757 19.006 24,339 378,649 421.974
$ 63.114 54.111 1,1135 2,154 20.564 23,286
I'ertuntery .............................. $ 900 112 388,882 380.894 28.5.56 27,975
Seep.. .................................. $ 337 147 120,335 121,6112 5,231 4.310
Copper sulphate ......................... 1.0.............. 66,156 ........................ 2.330.870 1,118.202
$ 3,610 .... .....................120,444 70,360
Cream of tartar... ...................... 1,tt .... ............... 420,323 442,030 ....................
S ................... 76,781 84,940 ....................
Ethylene glycol ......................... Lb....................... 1.364,8116 ((23.164
S ......................284.031 127,269
Glycerine for explosives ................. lb ......................1.005,1132 3,303.923
S ......................2(0)5.39 322.236
Dolls ......................$ 343 1.202 .. 6.729 3,9)14 1(10,71.3 229,836
.. ... .. ....... . ................ $
.. 4,307 3,229 37,141 33,774 698,812 767,167
Brushes....... ....... ................... $ 5,179 6.7011 21,055 20.038 55.07.1 46,702
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) ............ $ 31,733 46,749 265.523 280,303 207.1)45 297.613
......................$ 524 ISO 13,371 11.332 122.175 139,717
lewellery ............................... $ 320 100 98,521 132.977 139,706 294,624
t'iiekr')lu,oks, etc. ........................ $ 2,266 2.202 153,877 177,567 1(18.306 126,49)1
r,il,,ci•,, pipes, cigar holders, etc ........ S 402 232 322,356 216,412 30,0)10 49,031
Mineral wu]ers .......................... 5 349 859 117.7(18 121,590 8.1)1)1 7,802
Musical instruments ..................... $ 2,728 918 42,037 32,8119 268,301 324,15))
cienti6e apparatus, etc ................. $ 573 2,713 135,073 110.002 240,212 328.298
Worksolart ............................ $ 4,858 6.145 121,149 164,189 22.892 26,089
Veathers. etc., artificial, for hats ........ $ 388 279 129.280 77,923 251.174 390,058
fancy, ornamental cases, etc ...... 5 1.276 1,927 50.031 50.739 156.922 171.418
Pencils, lead ............................ $ 409 142 12,325 5,398 158(158 1)18,033
Precious stones, n.o.p ... ................ $ 7,129 1,093 11)2,989 87.142 32,480 41,927
&llotherarticler, ......................... 1 1.415,230 1.393,949 3,211,760 2.199.189 4,051,103 4,111,585
Totalimports ............... $ 0.898,237 12,014,938 26,473,712 26,215,695 17,055,798 20,797,683


21-TRADE OF CANADA with BEIA,ulnl, FRcR and GERMANT-COflC1Ude4

(Fiscal Years)

Belgium France Germany

.. ,...
1928 1 1929 I 1929 I 1929 1 1928 I 1929


Apples, fresh ............................ lid. 1 76,404 1 3.281 7041 12,344

5 311.553 10 12.82t 3.400 51,527
Apples, dried ...................... ......Lb. 1.120,475 1,250
131,997 2015
Barley................................ Bush. 951.184 773.783................... 5.073,058 6,097.806
781,959 594.492 .... 4.31706 5,228,796
Oats ...... Bush, 75S,123 2.994.457 335,722 300,887 51513,1)89 936,73))
$ 448 O68 1.979.658 182.139 222,865 347.985 1105,151
Rye.................................. Bush. 04, 7211 42.893 4.083. ............ . 3.154,003 1,902,727
114. 721 44.837 4.08.5........... 3.374.814 2.173,162
Wheat ................................ Bh. 1(1,292,853 14,809,234 2,438,709 5.170,282 12.696,919 16,002.864
14,480.011 18,762.087 3,271,220 6,720,061 17,902,413 19,798,909
Wheat flour ........... .................. Bri. 1,490 4,844 1 2,391' 1,050,011 1,179,255
10,202 30.887 9 14,191 6,635,552 6,962,466
Alcoholic beverages ..................... $ 84.818 21.319 233 1,903 27.526 160,832
Rubber tires............................ $ 300,641 353,966 180,049 174,45( 178,219 29,061
Other rubber rnfrs ...................... $ 31,423 54,307 53,418 135,665 109.4159 109,368
Seeds. .................................. S 1,350 808 74,933 23,574 147,255 74.974
Fodders, n.o.p .......................... $ 24.092......... 85.443 113,879
Foxes.................................. No. 33 2(58 55 231 55 402
10,475 51,100 19,450 83,572 22,525 114,835
Fish, fresh ..................... ......... $ 3,181 17,682 65,966 57,1311 82.359
Fish, dried, salted, pickled..... ......... $ 420 480 . .................. 136.945 282,539
Lobsters, canned....................... Cwt 612 732 1.352 3,141 399 470
47.867 49,042 122,218 201,331 31,925 34,385
Salmon. canned ........................ .. 18,0)11) 37,975 100.536 193,442 1,134 1,597
$ 223,171 473.795 1,178,037 2,224,031 13. 175 18,965
Other fishery products. ................. $ 12,990 5.675 1,461 7,256 793,833 227,110
Furs and mfrs. of........................ $ 3,454 12,858 303,022 459,540 375.321 497,485
Meats................................... $ 237......................0.......... 01.539 64,229
Cheese ................................ Cwt. 1.304 1,603 619 465 5,770 2,142
$ 26,870 35,491 14,037 11,931 151.805 55,407
Lard.................................. Cwt .8,1339...........
$ 79,4)55...........
Other oils, fiits, greases ................ ..$ 102. 205 48,651
Sausage casings ......................... $ 265.835 336,308
Fibres and textiles .... ................. $ 1215,326 19.075 11)327 33,447 115,546 03,979
WOthi. iininanufact.ured (inn, lumber)... $ 32,219 43,673 1)1,785 90,242 178.2131 331,575
Wood l)UIP ............................. Cwt. 137.917 185,1741 21)8,954 374,838 30.175 68,755
$ 664,857 800,417 1,442.969 1,608.381 138,439 295.098
Harvesters and binders................. No 291 320 3,9343 2.402 3,137 2,535
48,288 52,019 623,3434 397,339 524,937 418,383
Mowing machines....................... No. 5915 192 8,938 702 158 121
S 33.960 11.299 504,731 39.301 8.719 8,948
Iteupers ................................. No. 100............. 572 481
9,483........... 48.709 47,898
J'louglis and parts. ...................... S 545 688 17,597 48,194 815.11.12 122,823
Electric vacuum c1eanrs ................ No. ,
3. 600 7,080
$ 132,564j 325.842
Adding and calculating machines........ No 44 250 487' 1.308
4,182 23,325 85.637 185,985
AutornoI,i1e, passenger .................. No. 149 23 19............ 134 II
120,169 9,786 ..
15,635......... 157.248 13,915
Automobile parts ....................... $ 33,371 3.696 105,495 8 1 279
Aluminium in bars, etc. ................ Cwt 2,800 8,601 I,5651 3,543
59,431 172,204 33,4313 414.527
Aluminum scrap....................... Cwt. 4432 11.3651
6.083 199,219
}trass and mfrs. of ....................... $ 200 . ........ 11.219 15.280 105.764 90.745
Copper, blister......................... Cwt. 3:142 131,505
50,123 2.214.120
Lead in pigs, etc ....................... Cwt. 54,495 67,523 67,174 143,582 74.4414 107.104
$ 245470 266.851 272,657 571,610 325,11)8137,780
Nickel, fine, and oxide ................. Cwt, 536 23,827 9,529 15.726
19,791 812,945 240.084 5150,179
Zinc in ore............................. Cwt 225.107
$ 735,183 1.438,619 .
127,112 ..........
Zinc, spelter........................... Cwt. 120, 2831 111,268 36.975
36,975 .174 99 326....21 340. 715
673.9821 592.280 203, 4193 507,292 1.837,350 1,791,382
Ores, n.o.p. (md. cobalt or(') ............ $ 77. 200 173,650 228.2541 242.950
Cobalt, metallic........................ Lb. 06,650 ............
$ 141,'4iS . ..... ........
Asbestos................................ $ 511.471) 381,194 4711. 131 558,217 1,374,638 1.273,091
Coal................................... Ton 9.1413 7,01)9 2.384) 3.951 8,5549,799
$ 62,536. 44,227 15.073 11 28,273 53,667 42151
Coal tsr and pitch...................... Gal 733.1)99 2,775,860
S 67.93SI 197,691
At,rasives, artificial, crude ...... ........ $ 1,735 0921 3,012 1243,780 103.384
l'ainta, varnish, etc ..................... $ 52 1119 5,5711 9,013 20.4)01 12,445
Settlers' effects......................... $ 10,158. 14,177 71.203 58,972 5.349 10,763
All other articles ........................ $ 868,753 636.338 463.859 619,206 755,099 752,623

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 20,781,757 27,301,384 9.946,145 16.131,188 42,244.217 46,708,890



(Fiscal Years)

Italy Netherlands Switzerland

Articles Imported
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Lemons ................................. $ 376,208 491.911 .. .....

Other fruits, fresh .......................$ 87.578 105,510 58 ......
Citron, ete,,rinds in brine ............... $ 31.520 35,720 . .........
Fruits, canned .......................... $ 2,365 1.865 52.941 44.112 . .....
Nuts .................................... $ 184,770 81,848 ... .......
Vegetables, fresh ........................ 8 647 2,071 38.589 58,792 .. ......
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb. 1,304,317 1,22,5,240 354,224 200. 618 .... ....
8 104.949 87.544 33.300 19.070 ........
Rice .................................... $ 31(533 2,50)) 184,713 90.013 .........
Macaroni, etc ........................... Lb. 78.882 89,572 ...............
8 7,081 8.702 ...... .........
Oliveoil, edible ........................ ..'uS 174.301 245,501 ...........10 . ....
$ 314,384 384,62 ...........93. .....
Confectionery, chocolate ................. Lb 1,287 5 132,888 105.305 76,768 137.644
8 637 3 30,136 26,826 25,916 45,578
Sugar, above No.16 .................... Cwt.............. 11.000 . ........

$ ................. 94)044 . ........

Cocoa butter ............................ Lb............ 171 3,744,722 3,153,347 . .........
52 1,332,686 972,941 . .........
Coconinpowderforn'i ................... Lb................ 100.213 1.001.100 1.100 19,243
$ ...............25.074 61.154 Ill 2.035
(Sin ................................. Pf, Gal .............. ..... 06,361 131,677 . ........
$ ............... 815,390 1,077,160 . ........
Wines ................................... $ 115,687 147,801 30 401 1,461 2,217
Essentialoils(exceptpeppermint) ........ LI, 31.047 37,312 9,548 7,356 6.514 5,201
* 79.998 90.851 30.413 12.946 10,965 12,689
Plants, shrubs, trees, vines .............. $ 201 208 787,698 915.253 1,721 40
Seed', ........................................2 000 80,112 45.763 362 1,461
203,853 97.378 139.135 175,010 . ........
Tobacco, unmanufactured ............... 1.h
$ 169,214 38.169 211,522 213,278 ... ......
Starch .................................. Lb....... ..... ....3.189.846 3.421.104 . .........
$ ................ 123,777 110,062 ..........
Fish, dried, salted, smoked, pickled ..... 1.b 2,586 . ...........743,545 093.367 ..........
8 559 51,538 67.170 ..........
Hides and skins, raw .................... $ 37,761 8.216 14,606 210 100.659 ......
Cheese .................................. Lb 340,067 331.271) 112.926 199.31)8 233,513 307,491
$ 128,73.5 111.745 21.942 41,188 95,615 100,410
Milk, condensed ......................... Lb 732 2,4)14 24.140 33.499
$ 123 479 3.300 5.352 .. ...........

(lelatine ................................ Lb...................59,167 48,800 20,060 20.660

$ .................. 14, 846 9.924 5,702 6,140
Cotton fabrics, bleached or mercerized Yd 1,288 2,643 . .......... 2,000 91,724 151,740
8 237 765 351 21,082 31.780
Cotton fabrics, dyed .................... .cI 236,531 397,212 236,423 263.059 325.941 10.5.825
$ 124.451 152,311 67,695 75.472 101,205 32.546
(Sotton fabrics, cut pile (velveteena) .... Yd 783 8.527 30,721 74,777 673
$ 2.158 7,787 24,596 52,131 385
Cotton handkerchiefs ................... $ 853 467 . ................ 351.130 2)40, 756
Embroideries, cotton .................... 8 4.488 913 2.54 80,790 73.154
Cotton lace, net and mfrs. of ............. 8 21,917 4.259 14,960 4,703 77,880 67,884
Rovings, yarns, warps of flax, hemp, ete.1.b 184.300 215.439 1,872 257,536 148
8 40,1414 39.214 1.133 25,073 154
Woven fabrics of jute, not bleached......Yd 460,725 81,500 1,159,870 33.6.660 .. .........
............ -----
41,409 13,400 25,810 6.788 ...............
Handkerchiefs,Iinen,etc ................ ........1,134 ......
1.351 .............. ..................24,798 .57,605
Ribl,ons of silk ................................ 1.456 1,882 655 403 202.448 14)2,277
Silk fabrics for neckties....... .......... ....... 16 7 .973 168.477 ....................... 426.983 437.061
Woven silk fa),r,i's, unfinished 8,841 4,917 172 398,783 5i15,37C
Silk, piecegoodu. n.o.p .................. ....... 100,765 105.783 4,438 25.161 3,125,182 1,830,591
Tweeds .. ............................ Yd 20.704 24,132 11.459 9,187 1,930 . ........
$ 14,117 15.171) 15,846 18.621 3,067 . ........
Woven fabrics,wool, n.o.p ............... .d ................ 83,471 .. .............25.110 . .............14, 364
S .... ........... 63.035 .. ........... .........48.00)) ............. ........16,261
Worsteds, serges. coatings ............... .d 56,326 1(4)4.44.12 32.607 5)). II)' 42.620 43fl2
$ 46.662 1)7,54v 70,147 119,40)) 54,390 6,001
Artiflcialsilkrovings, yarns,warpa ...... Lb 87.568 84.520 760.552 1,352.754 18.001 160.811
8 89,916 68.118 698,011 1,241.300 16.047 149,191
Artificial silk fabrics .................... 8 59,335 82,249 7.507 28,323 765,233 858,661
Binder twine ........................... Cwt................ ....... .......119,828 112.341 ..................
...................... 1,357.718 1,020.379 . .................
Straw mfrs.n o.p ....................... 3 134,188 126,762 5.461 3.821 6,266 25.751
Ragsand waste .... .................... Cwt.. ............ .................. 7,583 15,123 4 .........
52,960 115,868 107 .........
Curtains, n.o p ................................. 257 649 220 ................. 138,488 4.5,484
Embroideries, lace, etc , n.o.p. (mixed)................. 9,537 ................... 6,242 ............. 66,63)
54)nitted goods, flop. (end, underwear) 00 157 ........................ 31,356 36.481
Gloves and mitts, tentilo. ............... $ 441 975 1,334 ............. 17,376 8,551
Hatsicupesanderowna..... ............. 1 69.677 101.123 181 .............. 6.190 7,331
Hats, felt................................. 327.073 340.070 32.5 .............. 1.584 2,561
Hats, straw... .......................... .. 84,872 47,110 ........................ 14,188 8,031
STats, caps. hoods, n.o.p ................$ 21,332 83,050 4 10 11.845 4.97 1
Braids of grass, elc.,for hats ............ 8 51891 12,157 ........................ 112.410 227.38)
W,4 ,,,f,.,..,,,',.,1 21.402 24.788 32.842 12.888 4.102 55F


(Fiscal Years)

Italy Netherlands Switzerland

Articles Imported
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

IMPORTS POE Coxsuan.'riop—Con.

Paperand rofra. r,f ...................... $ 6,771 12.233 31,613 27,687 64.395 29.129
ltooksan.lprinteilmntter ......... ...... 8 8,255 5.177 2.033 1,394 10.315 17,204
Engines. steno,, and 1,oifers .............. $ ............................15,835 525 ..................
Machinery (except forfarms) ............ 8 4.743 3,611 5,139 2,270 52,935 106.884
Axton,oIiile and parts .................. $ 7,433 31,528 100 2,296 ................
Alu,atniur,, unit nifra, of ................. 8 1120 25 21,975 8,625 21.087 9,757
llrassan,t nifrs.of ....................... $ 1,677 1.774 7,948 9,534 5,245 654
1,ead and mfrs, of ..................... ............1169 ................. 13,633 22,110 ................
1'recios metals... ...................... 8 766 876 1.237 287 28,033 13,587
Clocks .................................. $ 71,717 69.992 2,118 1114 11,836 13,636
Watches ................................ $ 347 ............................ 1044 315,1.42 284.379
Viatr'h eases ............................. $ ....................... 1,846 ................. 91.848 109,207
Watch actions and parts................$ ........................ 969.070 1.086,299
I.amp, electric, incandescent, metal..... No ........................ 23,609 61,239 ...................
8 ........................5,927 8.135 ...................
Electric motors ........................ $ ......................... 2,1119 20.063
Electri.' switches, etc ..... .......... ...8 ........................ 2,559 12.039
Electric transformers ................... $ .............. ..............5,061 17,233
Mercury................................ 1.b................... 38.000 ................................
$ .................. 52.116)8 ................................
Ti6hlewnre'.f china ...................... $ 1.017 7,254 5.319 3,913 134 51
('oal, anthracite .......................Ton ........................... .5.155 1.102 .....................
8 ........................... 37.335 7,935 .....................
(ke.....................................on ........................... 5. 115 ........................
$ ........................... 31,329 ........................
Tablewarcof glass. ................. ..$ 6,083 10,236 6.182 15,757 28 3
Incandescent lamp bulbs and tubing for $ 300 .................. 57.853 43,100 .. ........... .........
Plate glass not over 7 sq. It ............ Sq. ft .............................34.291 22.795 ...................
$ ..............8,026 4,29.5 ...................
Phtteglass,n.o.p.,notbevelledorbent,tq ft ..............44.180 2,253 ...................
$ ..............17,206 740 .................
Marble and mfrs. of ..................... $ 79,837 107.1211 ...............................434 40
l)ia,nonrl, unset ........................ $ ..............875,130 604,837 2,969 4,938
1itricacicl ..............................Lb 34,022 57,512 ..................
$ 10.814 24,119 ..................
rartw'icarid crystals .................... l.b 75,840 54,424 ................. 14,248 .................
6 16,270 17.123 . ................5,352 .................
Dtheraci,ls ............................. $ 370 4.236 7,292 47,833 55 371
l)rugs and medicinal preparations ....... $ 5.034 7,816 42,101 34,636 23,557 26,268
Aniline dyes ............................. 1.h 224 5 ................ 379,447 363,9.50
$ 38 38 ................ 204,976 235,658
Potash, muriateof ..................... Cwt.................. 16,681 4,000 .......................
8 ................45.488 7.280 .......................
Superphoephate ........................ Cwt.................46.734 141,099 .......................
$ ................23.1142 69,695.......................
Lead, red, dry .......................... Lb................. 295.900 .................................
$ ................11.020 .................................
Lithopone ............................... LI,................ 7,643,185 5,492,150 .....................
$ ................284. SIli 229.025 .....................
i5inc,white ............................. Lb................ 2.623.881 2,834,481 .....................
$ ................178.098 176,472 ............
7ream of tartar ......................... Lb 109.638 138,053 .................
8 18,837 25,5011 .................
Cilycerine for explosives ................. Lb............. 396.136 ............
41.779 ............
roysanil dolls ........ .................. ......6.723 3,847 4,630 623 1.562 2.939
Srushe., .......................................... 732 1,013 11.395 8,322
'ontancrs, n.o.p. (packages) 34.432 35.949 45.116 49,690 18.955 20,928
Ituttona of vegetable ivory ............ Gross 79.14)) 27,579 ...............6110 ..........
31.8111 10,038 ...............602 ..........
!tuttons,n.o.p ........................... ......16.7'il 19,587 133 531 ..
.:oniba ................................$ 12,704 3,464 39 75 242 115
:'ocketbooks.satchels,etc .............. 8 13.089 4,831 270 43 953 1.515
Ilusicat instruments ..................... $ 0.835 14,482 12 220 17,406 23,563
'aintings .................................15.247 52.471 54,372 64.937 251 7,000
statues and statuet).eq ................... ......20,751 32,341 844 1,781 374 429
H'eattiers, etc., artificial, for hats 1,017 485 .......590 361
Settlers' effects. ....................... 8 15.903 20,535 8,940 14,536 4,035 1,195

',.11otherarticles........................ 8 670,53! 528,50! 589.019 831,653 446.148 713,765
Total Imports .............. 8 4.241,802 4,260,325 8,794.049 9,016,763 8,395,677 7,917,445



(Fiscal years)

I Italy Netherlands Switzerland

Articles Exported
1928 1929 1929 1929 1928 1929


Apples.................................. ............
BrI... 13,164. .............
$ .. 73,645.....................
Apples, dried ............................ Lb... 400,166 27,570.....................
$ . 43,100 3.574.....................
Barley ................................ Bush 109.710 68.790 2,700.187 2,500.272.....................
6 86.908 86.699 2,347,482 2,680.173 . ......... ...........
Buckwheat ........................... Bush.. 153,102 136,878 .....................
$ . 120,534 126.096.....................
Oats .................................. Bush 12,928 141.894 536,875 3,213.434.....................
$ 64,411 96,049 327.843 2,100.002 ...................
Rye .................................. Bush 17.143 .. 1,469.232 1,360,54 0, ....................
8 17,143 ...1,601.974 1,060,550 ....................
Wheat ................................ Bush 9,510,408 14,637.286 10.693,557 22,885,033 ....................
$ 14,303,994 19,146,678 22,814,000 28,968.902 .......... ...........
Oatmeal and rolled oats ................ Cwt..18,017 39.911' 1 . .......
8 . 84,718 196,894 4 ........
Flour of wheat .......................... BrI 40,965 66,898 96,616 295,808.....................
$ 256,165 393,861 389,320 1.705.295......................
Oilcake ................................ Cwt...56,288 32.004' .....................
$ . 125,849 79,494 .....................
Rubber boots and shoes ................ Pair 30,493 32,019 12,756 15.011 20,526 35.043
$ 50,474 60.4123 10,700 18,745 17,925 28,534
Rubber tires ............................ $ 192,026 103.841' 441,010 574.81 228,459 169,021
Seed. ............. .............. .. .. $ 75 158 14,797 2.344..
Fedders, no.0.. ........................ $ .. 18,198 42,805 .
Codfish, dried ......................... Cwt, 68,040 76,842 .
$ 569,893 701,030 ..
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 63,801 32,132 2,921 4,162 168 6514
9 682,164 341,394 40,113 48,80(4 1,950 8,406
Sole leather ............................. I.h ... 24.642 45,828
$ ... 12.719 24.337
Upper leather ........................... $ 28 11,146 1,538 .
Meats .................................. 8 482 5,318 2,575 .
Cheese ................................ Cwt 1 34 2,594 437 .
$ 26 870 65,462 12.522
Milk, condensed and evaporated ........ Cwt....47.304 49.034 .
$ ...475,421 488.049 .
Aninuiloils ............................. Gal.... 13,456 34,024 .
$ ...12,944 34,92:1 .
Fish oil, n.o.p .......................... Gal .. .. 747.345 .

8 ....310,18') ..
Grease and scraps ...................... Cwt.... 11.977 7.379 ..

$ ....109,720 65,110 ..
Lard .................................. Cwt .. .. 5,513 ...

$ ....74,740 .. ..
iloney ................................. Lb 120 .. ........630.549 608.991 350 . ...........
S 16 .......... 40,598 34,768 24 . ...........
Sausuge casings. ........................ $ 170 38,309 38,023 427 . ...........
Cotton fabrics.......................... ..d 415,918 97.311 131.223 91.867 ...
$ 9.821 13,678 20,224 16.421 ...
Raga.. ................................. $ 757 2.076 94.579 1,991 . ..
lligofco6ton,ju(e,etc.................$ 11,7418 13,626 10.840 6,302 . ..
Wood, unnianufactured (ml lumber).... 8 27,220 27.921 40,301 131.169 ...
Wood pulp ............................. ...wt 280,630 171.930 110 ..... 2,466
9 1,121,433 738,61)1 573 .....10,606
Paper and rnfrs. of ...................... $ 11,542 11.320 40.186 4') ...29 11,822 8.570
Farm implements and machinery .. ..... $ 32,090 85.110 217,2419 159.352 9,859 7.497
Electric vacuum cleaners ................ No...... 2.190 1.382 360 .............
S .....78,745 52,445 14.487. ...........
Adding and calculating machines ........ No.... 200 .. .....
$ ...14.865 .... ....
Antonmohiles, passenger ................. No 51 47 77 35 77 27
8 62.849 31.44.') 48.676 19,273 49.759 16,682
Alunminiimnm nc1 rnfrs. of ................. $ 490,483 263,875 6,765 7,344 ...51,004
Brass amid nifra. of ...................... 8 54 31.960 15.33 6,190 0,442
Lead in pigs ............................ $ ......777.272 472.440 ....
Nickel, flue, and oxide ................. Cwt 4,502 7.276 101.1498 05,73.3
$ 160.963 255.225 3,508,1415 3,276,307 ....
Silver bullion ........................... On.......55.0)9) .......
$ ......31,000 .......
Zincspelter ............................ Cwt. 5,154 5(10 162,806 150.311 ....
8 29,673 2,907 908,510 816,006 ... .
Electric apparatus .............. . ........ $ 00 1,511 50 53 28 ..
Asbestos nd asbestos sand ............. Ton 2.445 3.306 4.473 4,683 .. ..
$ 187.128 290,014) 239,639 227,529 ...
Coal ................................... Ton 8,903 8.893 7.207 9 910 ...
55.001 56.717 45,632 16,965 ...
Stationery..............................$1 ......4,270 96 11.315 6.946
(amslerns ...............................9 99,841, 7,614 14.1-5.3 ............ 32,834 598
Films. ................... ............... $ 111,001 151,593 24,929 45,600 69,071 100.202
All other articles ... ..................... $ (15,745 109,767 219,617 461.010 32,406 41,984

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 18,742,516 23.024,899 35,537,951 44.366.888 498,2701 483.919

(Fiscal Years)

Denmark Norway Sweden

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929
Distilled beverages..................... 8 2.402 6.856 3770 L292 3,549 5,130
Seeds ................................... 8 19,05 9.08! ............
FeatheN................................ 14,352 25.107 ............
Fish-Sardines in boxes ................. Box ..................0,882,018 770.358 15,300 16,468
$ ..................560,944 580,91)1 1,672 1,822
Fish-tither preserved or canned........8
... .................. 85,459 82,517 452 2,338
Bides and skins, raw................. $ 802 1,340 .............881 79.221
Leather and mfrs ....................... $ 5,733 7,160 1,025 1,482 4 1,221
Cod liver ml ........................... Cia!...................... 55,70 05,201 ...................
$ .....................b5.09 67.8.....................
ltennett ................................$ 6.172 15,100 ............4,086 246
Wool manufactures ...................... $ 2,351 3.9t16 156 13,010 56,227
Fishing lines and netS ................... $ 2,801 336 45.692 50,843 .........
Matches.. .............................. $ ......................... 88,575 11.204
Paper md mnfrs. of ...................... $ 52 ....................53,754 95,934 140.162 129,975
Iron ore ....................... ......... Ton .........................32,470 55,633
$ ........................ 146,159 247,91)5
Forro-manganese ....................... Cwi......................... 2,240 440 2.297 2,1111
$ .............12,361 2.050 22,1149 25,037
Rolling mill products ................... .............. 245,906 183.908
Engines . .............................. $ 24 .............53,256 113,870
Cream separators.......................$ 4,837 2, 372 ............106,802 100,532
Fish hooks ............................. ............... 13,712 19,275 ...........
Other hardware and cutlery 102 51 54 19 42,662 52,440
Machinery, except for farms 31081 16.069 35,756 4,061 293.304 332,949
57,51157 42.814
Other tools ............................. ............291 435 ISO 220 75.969 99,517
Vehicles of iron ......................... ................. 33.1)74 212,908
Articles for mfr. agric. implts. (iron) ..... ....38 ..............24,156 23,877
Articles for building ships (iron) 1,300 3.031 876 3,297 53,352 56,123
Aluminium. ............................ ....4905 ..............3,595 47
Electric apparatus. ...................... ..1,470 3,257 40 187,114 124,629
$tone ..................................... 2,740 3,118 13.001 6,250 31,372 32,987
Amnmoniumn nitrate ...................... Lb......2,198.520 ..... ............
S .....911,932 .....
Settlers'effects ......................... 8 9.719 14,800 8.138 4.400 1,930 1,375
All other articles ........................ $ 49,860 35,627 64.464 64,250 229,994 236.407
Total Imports ............... $ 126,283 152,721 1,064.215 980.504 1.862,120 2.185,089
Exr'oats (C.NADMxe)
Apples .................................. Br!. 11,681 1,758 3,592 8 15.798 7,535
5 55,992 9,143 20,950 99 85,089 30,511
Barley ................................ Bush. 237,465 . .............254,607 209.853 ..................
8 187,444 .............. 227,077 175.162 ..................
Oats .................................. Bush.........................58,703 102,511 ....................
$ ........................35,222 66.810 ....................
Rye..................................Bush 182.060 250.409 697,1)80 1,040,047 50,621 154,002
8 199.839 283,134 772.040 1,158,103 58,989 159.987
Wheat ................................ Bush, 833,912 2. 158,059 8116.817 1.971,243 1.070,313 2.306,946
$ 1.078.336 2.010.220 1,226,144 2.577,338 2,789,868 2,856,780
Flourof wheat .......................... Br! 281,410 352,942 285,811 436,150 118,137 80,029
$ 1,875,876 2.140,801 1,909,919 2,552,794 461.774 497.918
Sugar of all kinds, n.o.p ................ Cwt...........................194,205 35,792 ...................
$ ...... ..................1,055.439 164,037 ...................
Rubber manufactures ................... 8 830.220 2,095,467 123,799 135,589 279,541 457,827
Clover seed, alsike .................... Bush. 2,1146 1,154 .........................
$ 35,590 14.513 .........................
Foxes ................................... No, 4 .....................1,246 195 55 164
$ 600 . ............
........ 436,1)5(1 56.350 20.970 72,300
8almon, pickled ............. .. ......... Cwt 1,202 36 892 924 470
$ 26,381 251 22,101 ............ 30.875 11,977
Lobter, canned ...................... Cwt 963 1,030 267 275 3,613 3.022
$ 79,919 76,233 21.872 10,886 298.428 250,927
tYpperlenther ........................... $ 19,535 3,526 ............ ........ .........73909
Meats .................................. $ 59,784
969 .................14,800 36,340 11,828 15,308
Animal oils ............................. Gal............. 20,393................................
8 ........... 21,532 . ...... .................... ... ....
l'e1t manufactures.......................3 257 .................81,692 88,985 59.146 73.123
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... 3 497 ....................4093 94259
Internal combustion engines ............. No. 30 272 .....................
8 3.661 20,744 .....................
"arm implements and machinery ....... 8 159.347 71,071 59,648 27,547 109,467 59,576
Razors and blades ...................... 8 1,510,250 170.019 .....................
(t,utomobiles ............................ No. 65 23 402 333 325 .............
$ 54,078 11,100 246,940 173.460 221,175 .............
'tutomol,ilo psrt.s ....................... $ 15,096 61151 056 876 4,809 2,341
tluininiuiui aid mfrs. of ................. I ...............161,514 2,523 ............. 20,241
irass and rnfrs. of ...................... 8 8,497 14.502 ............. 37 60.............
Load in pigs, etc ....................... Cw(......19,038 6.330 .............
$ ......75,517 23,295 .............
7oal ................................... Ton 1,299 832 1,1)12 1,829 477 1,082
$ 7,874 5,158 8.857 11,082 2,911 6,492
lectroden, carbon, etc .................. $ ......132,255 122,334 32,255 27,622
'ameras ................................$ 41,586 2,394 ........ 101
.......................8 61,659 22,537 .
UI other articles ........................ $ ............354
77,680 85,442 51,884 02,910 87.490 65,399
Total Exports (Canadian)... 8 8.390,662 5.981.035 6.665.70 7.435.537 4.612.342 4,768.819


(Fiscal Years)

Estonia Lett.onia (Lat.sia) Russia

1028 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Isu'owrs pon Cotsu'rio

Vegetables..............................8 . 1,543 ..
148 648 1.704
Fishery produce ......................... I .
Furs. undressed (ine!, marine) ........... ... 60,026 ..
S'urs. dressed ........................... $ 2.217
37,223 17.148 ............ 11.513
lutes an,! skins .. ...................... S .
Cotton and rnfrs of ....................... $ . 2,713 720 ..
Overcoatings ............................ .d..57 .
$ . 168 .
wool carpets ............................ .. 7,000
Furniture of wood ....................... 8 122 ..
Paper sni mfrs. of. .................... $ . 4,083 ..
Books and printml matter ............... $ . 10 1.004
Coal ..................... .............. Ton .. 79,764
$ ..
l'et.rolcu'n products ....................$ . .547 . ..............
Lead, whits. try ........................ Lb.. 4.4(1 0 ..
a . 302 ..
1,671 160
Settlers' effects ......................... $ . 4
All other articles ........................ .. 110 - 151 3,771

Total Imports .............. 1 188 168 - 41,043 22,102 73.119 23(1,881

EXPORTS (Ca'rsowe)
Wheat ................................ Bush .....19.000 ...491.519
$ .....29.640 ...
Oatmeal and rolled oats................Cwt 1,657 32 ...126 ....
$ 6.000 197 ...813 . ..
27,113 16,2111 8.419 ... 3,204 2,849
............................. BrI
Wheat flour 10.942
$ 167,225 87.s40 51.657 ... 18,4811
Rubber manufactures ................... $ 287 408 2,207 691 ....

Seeds ................................... $ ......97 144

horses .................................. No....... 2 . 810 ...........
179,1004 ...........
Foxes ................................... No.......
$ ......1.800 ...........
........................... Cat....... 70,352 $5,988
Binder twine 548,202
$ .......734.889
Wool and mfrs. of ........................ $ ........ 5,603 .............
Socksand stockings ................. Don. pr.......... 433 .............
S ........1 . 843 . . 1,101)
Harvesters and biwlers.................No......... 1,620
$ ......... 302,238 219.870
Mowing machines ....................... No....... 20 .... 1,383 1,184
S ......1,171 ....73 , 603 58.844
ltcspers ................................. No........ 3 .......
$ ......293 .......
................................... No............748
Drills 310.177
$ ..........159,605
Ploughs and parts ....................... 8 441 ........ 24 ,234 412,317
Other halo implementu ................. 3 ......8......31.417 114,655
Parts of farm implements, n.o.p ......... $ 228 136 108 123 68.481 67,100
Tools ................................... S . ..........613 ..

Automobiles, passenger...... ............ No....... 2 7 42 56

5 ......1.565 2.798 48.232 39,942
Railway cars and coaches ............... No....... 11 2 .......
5 .......67.200 .......
Lead, pig .............................. Cwt........... 99.264 4.400
$ .......... 521,72 1
............................ Cwt........... 36.647 1,120
Zinespelter 5,881
I ..........246.779
............. 313 !
Coal ................................... Ton
$ ......... .... ... 2,lilil
All other arti.des ........................ $ ...,.,.. 299 250 5,400 4,750

Total Exports (Canadian)... 6 174,181 88,680 125,322 34,315 2,424,071 2,457.402

(Fiscal Year8)

Czecha-Sloyakja Finland Poland and Danzig

1928 1929 1928 1920 1928 1929


hOPS. .................................. Lb. 292,026 408 , 64 9 .................................

$ 103,630 161,104 ..................................
Clover need ............................. 9 ......................................
75,610 ...........
'tar, pair, crude.........................S ..........................................
l"Iiri .. ................................ S 2,724 7,398
7.175 350 197 13,748 0,980
hides and ,kinn, raw .................. .. $ 2,585 ................. 6,054 18.197 ......................
J,x"tthe and mfrs. of .................... 5 11513 97,426 154 21 50
Cotton and elm, of ...................$ 161,70t1 172649 35 ...................... 8,287 8,008
Flax. hemp and jute products............$ 135,98(1 200.983 ....................................... 20
Silk and nifig, of........................9 9ti, 5:11 139, 7al ................................ 8,971
W ureds,sergee,eoatip. ................d 10,315
31,113 41.346 . ............ ...........................6,41!
,417 .57 412
Felt,prenncd ............................1,1 Al. 11I.230 1 23, 1 75 . ................................ 14,712
9 50,231 53.811 .................................. 7,721
Other wool and inks, of ................. 8 1411. 504 12.035
1 4 1•.................................. 1,194 1.660
Artificial silk ........................ ... $ 13,311; 28.91(4 ...........................
Ibits, felt ................................. 43.11141 398
25,107 .............................1,1132 ............
Furniture of wood......................... 29,545 70,916 ..........................923
ISiper ti'I nifru, of ...................... .........10 412 2,463
16,420 8,718 8,748 28 66
hains. iron .....................................10,631 18,210 ...........................
Criam e separators and parts ............$ IS...,35 .................38,707 37.545 .........................
agate, granite, enamel .............$ 11,01.5 19.591 ................................ 2,168
Itaux ite .............................. ..Cwt...............123,200 3,395
Nickle and n,frs of......................... 11,708 28 . 1150 ...................................
10038 .................
l'.li'etricapparatnz...........................10,11w 11,735 . ................. ups, etc metal)............................. 19,806 22,689 .....................
laIlcwari' of ('baa............................. 348. 923 325,590 .....................
Other cmv products..............................12,879 isO, 170 ......................
'Iatil.'wire of gluan............................... 86. 526 122,535 100 .........................
Clas,s lamp churnnys............................ 17, 4:14 20,290 .......................
Common window ghaan. ...........................S q . 'I, 71, 737 466,843 .......................
1 7,452 37,82u .......................
Other glass..................................... 87,503 321,323 .......................
Stone........................................... 4,789 12
13,763 17.337 23,306 ............
Potash , ebjlorateoj,400
8 ..........13,328 ..............
'I'OyS ................................... 24,017 33,081 ............................
('i,nliiiners, n.o.p. (packages) 70,202 80,457 954
lliii Ions ................................1 1.317 411 452
35,108 25,121 ...............
icwcllerv .............................9 295,371 522,282 ...............S ............
Pocket books...........................8 18,031 14,241
I ot;iicco cigar holders, etc........$ 141 ............
28.631; 29,458... 72 ..
Musical Instrunient9.................... 33.5:14 30,502 196 .... ...
l'ealI,ers, elc.,urtificial, for hats ........ $ 27,069 71,037 ....
Itoses, fancy, ornamental cases .......... $ 7,284 14.577 .....
I','neils, lead ...........................$ 17.191 22536 .....
l're"i,;us stones ..........................8 11,444 19.202 ....150 ..
Aliotberarticlea........................ 229.166 244,640 7,273 8.557 18.670 17,851
'I'otal Imports .............. $ 2,423.984 3,297,593 93,106 98,285 13.5,452 79247


Rye .................................. Beah.. ............ .....................

5,000 ...........
$ ................................51,560 5.000...........
Oatmeal and rolled oats................Cwt............................ 15,856 62,752 379 9453
8 ........................... 47,383 101,078 2,188 13,695
Flourofwlxeat .......................... Dcl 110,154 124,158 236,978 294,095 90,079 6737
$ 704,954 678,981 1,568,163 1,737,506 375,488
Rubber tires ............................ $ 39,784
637,108 099,911 9,865 39,419 3.913
Foxes, living ............................ No ..................... 5 38
2 27 ....................
$ ....... ............3,750 900 10,700 ....................
Canned fish............................. $ 10. 121 7.226 1,570 . ...................
F'ursnndmfra.of ........................ $ .................. 12,723
..................9,190 12,132
lOngs .................................. Cwt. 2.960 7175 ...................
$ 35,915 96.105 ...................
Felt manufactures....................... s
........................ 18,684
Scrap iron..................................................... 30,599 ......................
8 .............199,980
Farm implements and machinery.......1 7,110 14,087 12,028 22.529 34,601 54,675
Adding and calculating machines ........ No, 10 .............. 270 ............
8 ............... 10,999 . ..
Automobiles and parts .................. $ 25,721 140,480 128. 157 383
Aluminum bars ........................ Cwt.....242 20.041 6,895
......... 5850
$ ............. 113,329
.braaivre,artjficiaJ ..................... $ 3,897 10.211 201 ....402 ..
Psllotherarticlea ........................ $ 10,512 8.12852.298 18,359 5,152 13.251
Total Exports (Canadian).,, 8 1,439,483 1.703825J 1,838,447 2.122,129 455.975 356,759


(Fiscal Years)

Bulgaria I Hungary Serb.Croat-Slovene

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Beam ................................. Bush. ............ 23.27 2,728 .

I . 57,624 8,187 .
69 128 157
pices................................... I .
(lasentmloils ............................ Lb. 485 .
10,325 .
539 .
Seeds............................... .... ..1,502 1.667 3,227
Drugs, crude (vegetable).................. 154 ..
Rubber mirs ............... .............
259 .. 338 .
Cottons...................................01 . 781 225 .
Silk and rnfrs. 0r............................ 2,489 .
Outside garments, wool ................. ..125 . • 1,380 .
(es incl.espartOl..................... 3.180 2.970
Hat, cap, etc. siaupes......................5,695 5,291
Ilats, felt ......... .... .................. 182 .. 75
Books and printed matter ............... .. 11,709
Mineral nUl)stanres. n.o.p 56................ 696 ..
Chemicals and allied products ........... $ .

Toys.. ................................. ..630 71

21 47 142
Containers. ............................. $ . 87 25 115 .
Mu1cal instruments....................... 6.120 1.337 1,972
All other articles.. ..... ................. $ 240 . ....... 1.684
10,751 .. 66.939 18.001 12,041 25,543
Total Lmports ... . .......... 8


Flourofwheat .......................... BrI... 3,335 2,141

22,484 11,821
$ .. 10
393 65 1.698 1,708
Tires, pneumatic casings ............ . .... No 15,256 20,003 .
$ 5,413 748
430 38 1.814 1.705 30
Tires, inner tubes.......................No 3,002 3,156 35
$ 895 53
Foxes ........ ...........................No..... 16 . .........
8 .... 9,500 ..........
20 46 13 55 13 21
Harvesters .................. . ........... No 8,258 2,282 8,876 2,234 3.631
$ 3,678
12 3 2
Mowing machines ....................... No.....702 160 Ill
I ....
Iteapers ................................. No.....
$ ....855 ............1
Cultivators .......................... ...No..... 40 57
I ....5.310 7,320 97
13.030 20.783 18,325 57.184 7.206 3.301
Ploughn and pacts ....................... $ 250 . .............
Other farm implemelits ........ ......... S 150 932
1,118 1,758 16,658 23.324 618 61
Parts of farm implements, n.o.p ......... $ 12
Automobiles, freight....................No 22 18 .....60
8,518 6.443 ..... 22.312 4,203
3 172 52
Automobiles, passenger .................. No 21 10 5
$ 15,594 5,284 ...81,780
3.863 . ............ 24,552
Brass valves ............................ I ...... 1.062 2.282 ....
Batteries, telegraph, telephone and radio 4,91)9 189 ..
apparatus ............................. $ ......10,865 687 51 ....
Sporting goods .......................... $ ...... 0,805 887 ....
C:oneras ................................ $ ......2,730 4,993 ....
Films ................................... 5 ...... 412 1,061 912 94
All other articles........................$ 239 22.

Total Exports (Canadian)... 8 48.636 44.672 98,374 1.34,026 137,955 48,821



(Fiscal Years)

1928 I 1929 1 Roumania
1928 I 1929 1 1928 1 1929

Lo&eonxs roe CoesvrION

Dates.................................... Lb.. ............ 92.784 26,697
$ 4,924 1,450
Figs .................................... Lb.. ............ 2.384,297 2,373,901
9 157.422 170,864
Raisins ................................. Lb.... ........... 689.921 6711341
72,148 59,785
Nuts .................................... 5 9,304 5,346 26,058 6 1 999 28,210 10,082
Heans ................................. Bush 764 9119 6.482 8,147..........................
$ 1,680 2.447 12,636 24, 784..........................
Rubber and inks, of .................... $ 7,132 4.983..................................................
Glue animal, powdered or sheet.........Lb - ............. 24,200 22,400.......................................

Cotton and infra, of .................. ....$ 18.517

Silk ,nd inirs. of ........................ $ 115.009
Wool carpets ............................ $
other woollens .......................... $ 22,411
Artiliciiil silk (rayon) and infrs, of.......$ 23,581
Felt hits ............................... $ 17,364
()tln,r lists and shapes ................... $ 9,040
l'aper anti infin. of... ................... $ 21,897
Iriiti nndateel infrs ...................... $ 29,425
Itraums nianuIacturee. .................... $ 13.878
Nickel rimanufactures .................... $ 20.7.i8
Liiinpuu. electric. incandescent, carbon No 281930
$ 3.144
Lamps, electric, incandescent, metal.....No 383,95))
$ 39,361)
Incandescent lamp bulbs and tubing.....$ 3,040
Tanning articles, crude .................. Lb..............
foys and dolls.. ........ ................$ 4,052
oIIt4mInors, n.o.p. ipuickages) ... ......... 5 4,611
e onibs ............... .................. $ 21,5119
l'ockct books, purses, i't.................. 3
Tobieco pipes, cigar holders, etc ........ $ 68.810
'l'olcmeco pouches ........................ $ 10.925
Toih't md manicure sets ......... . ...... $ 51857
Musical unstruments ..................... $ 1,211
Works ii art .............. .............. $ 3.772
11,)nve, fancy, ornamental eases, etc ...... $ 17.196
Fountain pens ........................... $ 2,776
Settlers' effects.........................$ 1.350
All other articles ........................ 8 90.940
Total imnorts ........ ....... $ 504,871

Wheat ........... ...................... Bush. 42,844
Wheat flour ............................. BrI. 28,257 1,213
$ 181)290 6.61)6
Canvas shoes with rubber soles......... Pair 11.593 1.475 548 450 2.704
8 8.112 (144 248 370 2.066
Rubber tires ............................ 8 25.386 133.155 21,546 1,675 8.5
Fish, cmuirm&sd ............................ $ 23,400 7.202 1,959 . ............ ..2,853
Internal combustion engines..............\o. 20 2 5
$ 2.263 161 290
Ifarveslers.............................. i",O. 05 130 17 31)
11,829 23,983 3.102 5.418
Roapers ................................. No. 2 10 . ...
190 95(1 ....
l'loughs ........................... ...... 7,188 2.3.708 39.008 2,708 8.961
Uther farm implements and parts....... $ 3.103 31.075 10.575 2,539 4,100
Adding and calculating machines ........ Iso. 120
Automobiles, freight .............. ......No. 332 312 32 Il
$ 128.597 113,606 12,037 4.140
Automobiles. passenger.................. No. 971 819 67 112
$ 452.311 338,657 39,485 46.051
Automobile parts ....................... $ 710 104
Aluminium and mfra, of................ $
Brass valves ............................ $ 338 3.033 4,954 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 1.167
Sporting goods .......................... $ 593
(aui''ras ................................ $ 5.253 186
Films ................................... $ 15.079 112 ....
All other articles ........................ $ 7.024 4,209 101510 563 5.790

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 291.824 795,953 $68.432 62,640 146,953

28—TRADE OF CANADA with husu FJtE STATE, Gitucu and SPAn'!
(Fiarat Years)

Irish Free State Greece Spain

1928 1929 1028 1929 1928 1929


Grapes ......
.............. ......... ...... ............ ...................225046 127.459
$ ................................ 76 . 108 13.186
Oranges ......... .......... ...... ...... ............ .................... 14.988 28.046
Currants, dried ...... . ...... .......... Lb ........................... 1,109.149 1.133.495 5.00(1
$ .............................. 87 . 444 107,272 544
Figs,dried ........ ............ Lb--------------
......... - -------- 09,015
........... 80,708 175,571 101.743
$ ------------------------------- 1,891 5,634 14.811 6.244
Raisins ...................... ........... Lb................................ 18,USa 165,077 611,118 616.988
$ ............................... 2,370 14,894 100.608 98.125
Fruits, preprod, n.o.p. (except dried) ................................ 14.846 39.417 103.585 243.923
Nuts ................................... $ ................................... 782.874 841,046
Onions ....... ........................... $ ...................................77 . 714 128,102
Vegetablss,canned ...................... Lb . .................................. 1,102 419.957 568,674
9 ................................... 66 38,586 34,003
Rice, uncleaned..........................wt....... 31 . 344 2,240
117,070 6,974
Olive oil, edible ........................ Gal....... 21,386 12,182
$ ......41.865 16,647
Spices .... ............................$ ......18,484 16,445
1-ipirits, pothl..........................f. gal 287 1,620 1,986 3.868 2.555
6 464 4,137 13,418 37,414 22,900
Wines, non-sparkling .................... ...1,605 91 818 260 429,457 466,882
Tobacco, uninanufactured ............... Lb....... 11,537 2,455 .......................
$ .......8 . 340 488 .......................
Furs, undressed ......................... $ .......3.996 5,4)) 81.705 26,646
Silk n,fra ............................... ...5 . 09.1 3.447 ...... 66
Wool, raw ............................. OwL 10. 384 58,777 ......
$ 3,024 23.936 ......
Wool carpets ............................ ..... 117. 075 169,917 288
Wool mfrs, n.o.p ...... ............. .....$ 9.9& 8.498 728 81 194
('ork manufactures......................8 .... 407,572 458.563
[roe ore ................................ .........
S ..... 31,340
Ntercury.. .............................. Lb. .... 54,0.0 ...........
$ ..... 74.514 ............
................................... Cwt...... 300,537 7.51,535
8 ..... 45,512 , 11.619
Containers, n.o.p. (packages) ............ $ (58 178 1,617 1,275 62,521 74.135
Allother articles........................$ 8,521 17,7117 4.356 12,586 40,576 128.536
Total Imports .............. $ 29.611 68,875 254.154 370.708 2.572.150 2.700,023

Barley................................Bush 191,178 ...........................................
$ 185,756 ...........................................
)ats .................................. Bush 9.43,1 94,115 ............................. 148,157
$ 5.660 6.5,410 . .... .........................88,895
Wheat ................................ flush 833,40_ 1.345.254 1,410,259 7,481,031 .............. 3.113,071
$ 1,211,043 1.633.211 2.149.688 9,980.110 . .... ......... 4,185,125
)atmeal and rolled oats ............... Cwt 5.851 14.947 . ...........................
$ 30.o.ji 78,363 .................................
)lourofwlieat... ....................... BrI. 294.665 21)3,044 346,300 300,071 .................
$ 2,994.763 1.773,57s 2,043,140 1,764.332 . ................
Itubber tire' ............................ 230.598 40,976 607 401 39,590 271,089
Leather, unnnunufoctured ...............9 128 ............36,022 7,327
)ils,zinirnal ............................ Gal. ......................8,402 .......................
$ ........ ..............5 , 9 6 4 . ............ .............
)'ihresnnd textiles ...................... 8 3.163 2,974 4,477 5.876 1.715 35.306
Planks and boards .......................'ii ft 10,265 2,226 4 53
$ 280.631 75,676 286 ............2.220
Woodpulp ............................. Cwt............... 1.196 10,028 18.429
5.142 49.167 79.265
Satch splints ........................... .........95 .155 55.900 .........................
Paper board (md. wall board) .......... .........39,168 38,546 .....
'arm imnplemnontsnml machinery 4.874 7,638 17,428 45,310 199,26-4 175.842
Ifachinery, except for farms 385 342 ... 6.010 2,685
tutomobilea ...................... ...... No Il 13 5 I 1,022
9.235 12.255 8.515 1.502 490.721
tutomobile parts ....................... ...2.3171 8,802 432 350 650 6,9
roots ........... ........................ ...2,475 2.78! .... 1,212 679
tluminium mfrs ........................ ......... 119,538 163,527
4.951 29,405
,nsulator, porcelain ..................... ..... 7 ...... 42,496 22.503
oal................................... Ton 2.25) 489 2,027 3,973 501 3,221
9 13,553 3,232 12,264 25,866 3,0011 19,512
loap .................................... Lb. 279.115 77.884 ........
$ 55.743 10.697
oda and sodium compounds ........... Cwt........... 10.000 10.000
$ .......... 63.700 63.242
........................$ ...... 716 100
t].lotherarticies. ....................... $ 88,277 111.334 35,974 19,583 40.105 66,253
TotsdExcorta (Canadian) .....9 4.325.251 4.144.743 4.282.227 11.850.771 609.653 5,704.255


(Fiscal Years)

Morocco Portugal Azores and Madeira

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

IMPORTS FOR Coxgt'x&p'rIoN

Figs, dried .............................. Lb..... 293. 925 ..

8 ... 9.858 .... .

Nuts.. ....... ..................... ......I ... 14 218 24,647 . ..
Seed,., anise, caraway, etc .... .......... Lb 34.556 134.097 . .....
$ 11067 4,408 . .....
Wine,., non-sparkling .................... Gal.... 17)1 ,128 159,389 50 152
3 ...413.741 360.007 202 1.147
t,her cod ............. .... ........... $ 12.912 21.579 . ......
Sardines . ............ ...... ......... .Box ... 8.100 18,0(X) . ..
9 .. .. 7 72 1.708 ...
l)an,aak of cotton ......... ............ I ....1.225 ... 20.1.13 . ............ .
Quilts an.l eoilntcrpancs. cotton..........$ ..... 132 ...........
I land k,'rrl,iefa, cotton ................... $ ... 1 ... 114 ...........
Sht'et, nail pillow cases, cotton .......... $ ... 548 4.487 95
Ebroiderie' ...........................$ 50 . ...239 1,439 2,060
('Ithing, cotton ........................ I ...... 2 . 158 886
(ttler cottons........... .... .... .......$ 20 642 1.404) 6.639 5.379
Clothing, linen ...... ...... ...... ....... $ ....3.642 1.386
Tbk 'lain nail napkins, linen .......... $ ... 2 . 443 2,658 46.635 1.327
Doylics, tray cloths, etc., linen ..... .... $ ... 3.096 ...39:122 ..
tler lax, hemp. etc .... .......... ..... $ ... 904 8.558 7,58 62,972
CorkwooI, innmnufactured ............. S ...158.044 lSn.992 . ...
CorkwoorL, mxmmnufactnred .......... ..... $ ...106 . 79 100.604
Salt ................................... Cwt....17.380
S ... 2.484 ....
Contuiners, no p. (packages) ............ 5 ... 1 . 737 8,29)' 243 233
All tIer articles ........................ $ 679 2,679 5,269 4,2 , - 1.121 81910

Totnl Imports .............. $ 14,728 28,666 722,279 678.030 130,343 84.804


%Ylieat ......... ....................... Bush ...... 4 64. 029 4.383,180 . ...

S ......8 l 3 ..01 5.630.189 . ...
Flour of wheat .......................... BrI. 9.011 4,800 852 . .. 29.693 28.754
$ 04,761 26,083 5,719 . ...203.810 16.9.8
Rubber mfrs ....................... ..... $ 78.092 102.079 11.824 15.083 388 199
Coltish, driod ......................... cwt .......12 . 329 6.906 112 ..
$ ...... 84 . 804 60,104 812 ..
Salmon. (xLnned .................. .... ..('wt. 84 271 ..................
$ 883 2.9.)5
Cotton manufactures .................... $ ......1 . 343 2,097 77 ..
Bags of cotton, jute, etc. ... ...... .....$ ......1 . 476 1.845 . ...
Planks and boards.....................M ft ......... 19 70 543
$ ........99-I 3.607 20,839
Itarveaters..... ........... ............ No 30 121 21 21 . ....
$ 5.198 20,807 5,674 3.385 . ....
Flougha nd parts .............. ..... $ 23.490 18,787 3.271 3.061 .....
Threshing separators and parts ....... .. 1 23.339 ...........
(Other trio iii plumb sand parts ....... 8 21,394 61,090 2.813 1.953 . ....
Nceull's and pins ......... .. ............. $ ...... 7.219 2.413 . ....
Automobiles, freight ...................No. 5 . ..........
$ 1.400 ...........
Autonobiles, passenger ............... .. 0. 122 310 .........
8 66,263 141,686 .........
Electric batteries, telephone, radio, etc.,
apparatus .... .................... ... $ ..........1.510 117
Coal ................................... 'ron ......598 1,672 .....
$ ......3 .588 12.829 .....
All otherarticles ................... ..... $ 28 10,172 1.216 1.359 68

Total Exports (Canadian) ..... 5 277.783 383.699 942,210 5,735.299 210,004 187.199

86773 -8
(Fiscal Years)

Frenoh Africa Portuguese Mriea Canary Islands

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

IMPORIrS FOR CosistasrrloN

Se8s. anise, coriander,eto .............. Lb. 13,200 37,987 .................

$ 874 2,122 ..................
Wines, non-sparkling ........... ......... Gal. 43,955 40,233 ..................
5 43.619 44,144 ......
Hidesand skins ........................ Cwt............. 796 ......
$ ............41,099 .......
Cotton and mfrs. of ..................... $ 142 33 .....079 87
Flaxandmirs.of ........................ $ ................979 5,953
Silk end mire of ........................ .....111 ........
Carpets, oriental, etc.,squares .......... No. 9 36 .......
$ 810 5.267 .......
Other wool and mfrs. of.................$ 1, 884 196 .......
Furnitureof wood ....................... 5 99 .......
fron ore ................................ Ton 20,859 12.697 .......
$ 88.849 53.m'3 ........
Containers (packages) ................... $ 3,116 2,630 .....9 20
All other art cbs........................$ 2,524 4.680 .....

Total 1mport ..............8 142.331 153,244 .. ........... . 1,964 7.060


Wheat ................................ Bush 102,683 . ............ .............

.....3,733 . ............ ...........
8 179.695 ....... 4.3 7
Flourof wheat .......................... Rd 1.797 3,394 16,639 26.886 292 is
$ 11.129 20.597 137,982 ......205.663 2.206 122
Whiskey ............................... ..51............................ 49 . .............

8 ...........................150 .....................
Rubber boots and shoes .............. Pair 275 725 1 .525 7.674 .....................
$ 244 523 1,150 5,861 .....................
Pnurnatic tire cesingu .................. No ............ 344 290 1,019 1,292 1.975 1.080
S 3,542 4,004 13,118 19.02.5 28,232 21,1180
inner tubes ............................. No 793 415 1,1179 1.9011 2,468 1,337
8 1.570 788 3.512 2,983 5,135 2,809
Tires of solid rubber .................... No.. ...................42 8
S ............................... 1,800 205
Other rubber manufactures..............5 173 . ..................247 812
Salmon, canned ........................ Cwt 268 796 2.782 4,02.5 1,11.52 1.635
8 2.91(4 9.041 29.553 43.320 18.886 19.600
Sardines ............................... Cwt 22 128 88 ........................
8 24 9 1,300 897 ........................
Milk , condensed ....................... Cwt 192 ........................
4 1,940 .........................
Cottonduck ........................... .Id ....................... 2.558 1,506 16.354 9,053
$ ..................... 691 418 4,947 2,524
Planks and boards.....................Bit. ..................... 2,833 3.888 71 .............
$ ..................... 70,184 05,149 3,599 .............
'l'imber. square, I)ouglas fir ............ B It .....................438 ................
$ .............8,872 ................
1)txirs, anshes and blinds ................ 5 ............. 12,939 17,184 ................
I'ulp and fibre wall hoard ............... S .............921 1,392 ................
Newsprntpnpor ....................... Cwt .............4,473 2,442 ................
............. 17.995 8.714 ................
Wrapping paper. kridt.................. 4t. .............4.503 1.122...............
8 ............. 26.473 6,830 ...............
Pipe and tubing, iron....................5 .............57,994 19,944 ...............
Farm implernenteand machinery.......5 116.092 286,886 18.594 54.677 ...............
Machinery, except for farms..............S ..............2,655 2,9011 ...............
l 'ools...................................5 .............. 4,649 ................
Automobiles............................No 140 3118 412 203 (lb 54
5 54,382 130,0114 167,981 101,200 65,747 22.808
Autoniohileparts ....................... $ 878 1,5211 2,030 4,8:11 25 ...
Furniture of metal .............. .... .... $ ................... 213 ......
Mectricapparatus .. ..................... S ................22 2.865 69 ...
Coal . ...................................Ton 228 1,737 . ....................
5 1.328 10,419 ...........
Tar and pitch, coal ..................... Gal 974.783.............
$ 82,163 .............
Plaster of Paris, ground ................ Cwt.. ............ .... 527 .........
S ......783 .........
Sodaandcompounds ................ ...Cwt....... 74.000 52,164 ......
$ ...... 468.023 335.164 ......
Refrigerators ....... .................... $ ......957 853 ......
8e.ttlers' effects.........................5 ......1.058 100
Allotberarticbos ........................ 8 542 2.181 5.211 14,523 (85 ...... 367

Total Exports (Canadian)... $ 450.912 475.028 1,034,816 943,194 131,058 71,374


(Fiscal Years)

British Eust Africa British South Africa British West Africa

Articles -____________
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


............... ................... Lb.. ............ ............ .189,710 418,356 ...............
$ ....17,300 29,391 ............
Pineapples, canned ....................... Lb..... 1. 12(1.744 482,552 ............
$ .....911,446 39,703 . ...........
olrssue ............................... Gal...... 1,159.081 ............ .... ........
$ .....132,135 . ......................
Sugar, not above No. 16, D.S..........wt 55,295 74.913 . ..........
1 242,2.55 236.617 . ..........
Sugar, above No. 18, S..............Cwt 219.779 . ........
$ 906,568 ... ......
ocoa beans, not roasted ............... Cwt......... 38,467 23,454
$ ......... 556,085 281.414
offee, green ............................ Lb. 211,531 134.852 ...........
$ 51,271 29.313 ...........
...........................$ 21.550 4.259 145 2,533 1,532 3.015
hider, and skins, raw .................... $ ....52,682 14,256 33,391 ..
Wool, raw ............................... Lb.....141. 172 258,732 ...............
$ .... 63,031 119,5.3 . ...............
Sisal fibre ............................. wt....3,122 . ...........
$ ... 26,525
1nngrurcseoxide ...................... .Cwt ........1,355,407 2.008,313
S ..... ...1,340,46.5 940,475
Diamonds, unset ........................ $ .....10,840 21,042 ...........
5.11 oilier articles........................$ 9 969 31,185 50.810 7,740 1,635
- 'rotal imports ............... $ 1.223.113 297.683 404.364 280,207 1539.313 1,226,539

kpples, fresh ............................ Bri........................ 0,274 8,948 .............
$ ......................50,404 44,438 . ............
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb....................... 204,807 298,053 813
$ ...................... 19,902 22,825 71
Wheat ................................ Bush....................... 561,718 1,968,453 . ............
$ ......................803,165 2.243,050 . ............
)atmcal and rolled oats ................ Cwt....................... 7,206 4,970 . ............
$ .......................41,081 30,384 .............
riour of wheat .......................... BrI 327 1.131 815,055 85,956 15,660 18,238
5 2,391 8,092 1121,920 480,331 130,284 112,854
andy .................................. Lb. 808 524 485.579 522,190 ...............
8 301 131 132.857 142,704 ...............
Rubber bootsand shoes ................ .air 3.227 4.590 316,891 375.671 1,150 3,350
S 3.003 4,067 213,1413 222,128 003 2449
Rubber tires ............................ $ 160,645 169,445 1,715.842 1,439,498 411,449 44,281
Ither rul,ber ........................... 5 5,770 807 144,791 60,662 98 ..
11'ish,cunrmrr.I ............................ $ 9,077 10,605 218.882 174,337 234,920 243,416
Leather nrl inks, of ................ ... $ .......9,852 18,842 22 20
..........................('wt........1,790 1,801 ..............
$ .......50,753 54,442 ..............
thilk , condensed ....................... Cwt........5,328 . ............ .......... ....
$ .......52,776 . .......................
'ottonnn(lmfrs.of. .................... 8 281 26 30.341 41,033 525 . .
Binder twine ........................... Cwt........ 5,697 5,942 ..............
$ .......59,002 59 1 061
Wood, unmid. (mel. lumber) ............ $ 137 494,637 159.450 20,377 8.112
Wraxi, manufactured .................... $ 5412 ...94,163 07,546 182 11
'riper 1iril (int'l. ivall board) .......... S 4,678 926 151,001 142,058 150 ..
trwuprmntpriper ....................... Cwt.......16° 1".....................
$ ......510.5645 841,396 ..............
Wrapping paper ........................ Cwt....... 78,535 81.586 ..............
4 6 1.872 487,857 ..............
)ther paper and mfr. of ................ ........ 42,955 58,144 ..............
Pipe and tubing, iron .................... .... 472 ....186,575 107.340 ..............
Wire, iron or steel ....................... ......544 5,0116 13,042 ..............
rarimi immiplt'ments and machinery 135,146 101,061 1,156.300 1.211,862 300 ..
llar,lware and cutlery ................... .... 50 .. ..22,527 25,756 ....
luchinery, except for farms ............. .... 2,838 1,889 25.804 21.575 150 ..
reals ................................... ....42 . ...58,301 36,815 79
tutommiobik's ............................ I\o 1,953 3,022 749 7,316 1,007 2,135
820,139 1,2(J0,57;4 382,085 2,086,056 397,313 708,862
utomnohileparts .................... .......46,730 46.195 188,455 251,197 30.772 54,678
lSr,wsvalvesandmtrs ................... ........ 12,170 11,481 ....
Electric apparatus ....................... ....2,042 738 201,535 301,396 120
Insulators. porcelain ..................... .........39, 787 13,474
oal .................................... Ton .......9,923 4,578 1,650 ..
67,803 27,468 11,306 ..
Paints, varnish, etc ..................... ......61 5,062 28,285 284)
,tusiuil instruments ..................... .....000 ...16,412 9,301 ....
r:anteo ........................................ 6,167 11.926 ....
'.'ebiclea, nap. (wagons, carts, buggies). 300 1,109 19.280 12,365 ....
8.11 other articles............................ 18,325 12,745 257.606 300,475 10,173 9.185
Total Exports (Canadian),,. $ 1,223.2321 1,308,171 8.724,009 12.231,773 803,074 1,243,818

32-TRE or CAXADA with IRAQ (MEs0PO'rAMIA), PALEsTi-.E and Prasti

(Fiscal Years)

Iraq (Mesopotamia) Palestine Persia

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


Datee ................................... Lb 716.963 519,750 . ............ ......35,000

$ 33,006 26,1.59 ........ 2,031
Other driedfruits ....................... Lb. 75.970 70.658 ........31,114
$ 5,463 4,858 ........ 2,174
Passover bread ....................... ..S ......11,075 ......
Brandy .............................. P1. gal . 153 .......343 ....
8 998 . ..... 2,045 ....
Cordials ............................. Pt. gal. 829 328 842 .. ..
$ 5,847 . ...1,344 10,438 . ....
Wines, non-sparkling .................... Cal. 1,825 403 3,310....
8 5,189 957 6,015 ....
Gums-A,nber,etr ...................... Lb............ 10 ............
$ ............. 13 ............
Furs, undressed (mci. marine) ........... $ ...........25,302 136.012
Otheranimalproducta .................. $ ...... 1,393 630 ......
Carpets-Oriental squares, etc ........... No. 744 .... ..9 2,324 5,664
$ 15,070 .... ..1,228 94,481 192,OisO
Carpets-Mats, hearth rugs, etc ......... $ .........295 3,732 14,528
.................. $ ......III
l"urniture,wd...... 615 .....
Manufacturen,,fwx,d. n.o.p............. $ . .....141 623 ....
Bibles, prayer hooks. etc ................ $ ......200 ......
Electro-plated and gilt ware.. ........... 8 . ..... 120 ......
Cream-coloured ware (china) ............ 8 . ........_40 III ..
Contauwrs, n.o,p. (packages) ............ 5 192 12 11 ,08 41 2,018
Jewehlery ............................... S ......105 53 ....
Settlers' effects.........................8 .....100 . ...400 ....
All other articles ............... ......... 8 972 133 2,043 4i ..

Total Imports .............. 5 68,738 31,129 15,590 25,163 124,427 348,823

Expona's (CANADIAa)

Potatoes. ............................... $ ................180 ....

Flour of wheat ........................... ISrl............... 9,093 18.220 . ...
$ ..............64,754 100,658 . ...
Pneumatictiroeasings .................. No 3,511 395 812 271 1,536 557
$ 40,498 8,000 15,543 4,864 22,896 11,089
Inner tubes ............................. .0 2,818 150 1477 676 2,137 678
$ 5,851 669 2.572 1.569 4,829 1,823
Otherrubber manufactures .............. 8 2,184 3,3......243 1,203 549
Salmon, canned. ....................... Cwt. 50 64) 448 678 12 ..
8 516 693 4,793 7,445 111 ..
Sardines ............................... Cwt................. 92 479 . ...
$ ...............811 4,462 . ...
Upperleather ........................... ................. 278 3,595 ....
Paper and n,frs. of................................. 184 408 ........
Ploughe an') parts ..................................... 427 55 593 1,067 587
Other (arm imple'ricnta ................. ................... 1,326 753 549
Autoniihiiles. freight .................... o 129 120 66 7 146
5 123,783 43,627 ....24,121 29,493 64,309
Autoniohilea, passenger .......... ........ .",,, 24') 205 28 96 25 36
3 107,664 80,028 14,212 38.569 12.544 14,109
Autoniohile parts ....................... 8 062 ........562
Contiiiners,n.o.p. (,packages) ............ ....... 290 ......
Settlers' erects ......................... ....... 1,450 200 ....
Alt otherartioles ........................ ... 236 ....150 2,127 ....
Total Erports (Cunnilian)... 8 289,938 137,729 104,408 189,952 72,896 83,577

(Fiscal Years)

Egypt i)utch East Indies Philippine Inlands

Articles -
1928 1929
1928 1929 1928 1920


204,050 111558 .
.........................$$ ..
Nuts ....................................
110,018 151.665 .
iagonnd tapioca flour ................... Lb... 118 , 897 150,090 .
$ ...3,062 4,722 .
Sagoand tapioca ........................ ............ LI)...1,4 4 4.341 2.1t15.431 .
$ .. 55.852 74,335 .

:7ofsea, groen ............................ Lb... 153.068 408,164 .

.. 46.030 72,4...
Spicea........................................8.304 16,642 .
rca ..................................... 1,1)...661.306 502,823 .
8 .. 180.18') 138,551 .
Gums ................................... .8 3.667 5.155 03 170 .
Rubber,erude .......................... Lb.... 1, 462 . 316 1.221,579 .
$ .. ........ 5 15,528 232.158 .

Tobacco. raw ........................... Lb....56,692 10,240 ..

$ ............. 57.946 10,581 .
Cigarettes ............................... Lb. 094 744 .
$ 3,004 3.609 ..

Fibrilla, flax fibre and tow ............. Cwt....270

8 .... 2,250
Wool carpets ............................ 5 2,839 4.426 .. 10
Maniltsgraus ........................... Cwt...... 8,515 18,960
8 ... 106,031) 172,182
Vegetable fibre, n.o.p .................. Cwt...814 356 4,026 270
3 ..
............ 9,418 3,357 43,474 1.983
Straw mire., n.o.p .......................$ .. 13,672 20,498 . 10,733
cords and twine, n.o.p .................. Lb .. . 3 . 043 .
$ ... 557 .
Wood, uri,uanufacturcd (mci. lumber).... $ .... 5 . 912 .
Furniluri' of wood. ...................... $ 100 590 . 109
Petroleuiii, 8235 or heavier ............. Gal.... 01.002 .
16,9(10 . .
Wax. parefline ........................... $ ... 2,337 .
Conut,ners, n.o.p. (packages) ............$ 91 447 1.691 1,014 .
Ships' stores. n.o.p ...................... $ .. 107 5,820 262 77
Settlers' effects.........................$ ... 7,500
AllotherarticleC ........................ 5 39,,404 27,702 8,412 9.303 3,635 2.015

Total Imports .............. 5 150,213 193.573 1,131.283 704,663 159.878 190.859

Exroais (CANADIAN) 4 28
............................ fin
Applee,fresh 200 1.373 58
$ 1.075 7.476 322 38 208
Oats .................................. Bush..... 19,449 14,834
S ......12,911 0,506
Flour of wheat .......................... Bri 152,14,' 383,247 37 250 28.353 30,418
942.50)) 1,024,729 375 1,375 171.450 217.73))
Alcoholic beverages ..................... ...10.000 440 70 8.040 13,080
flu(,ber mirs ...... .. .................... ...134.036 137,824 838,671 1.108.625 13.946 .504
Fish.cunnoml ............................ ... 43,444 64,503 111.405 80,788 40.302 42,840
Upper either................................ 13.537 3,558 ...............
Meats ....................................... 4.770 3,602 4,221 1.400
flutter ................................. (wt......270 67
Milk, evaporated ...................... Cwt.... 288 .....
2 . 570 .....
Cotton duck ............................ 'Sd .....24 . 377 7,635 .. .
13.130 3,751 ...
Cotton fabrics, n.o.p .................... \d .... 57.420 .....
4,213 ......
t4liooks ................................. ...10,204 ................
1':,per nd moire, of ...................... ...20 ............426 6.760 ....
Boots nail printed matter 148 186 20 389 2,866 3,257
Farm,, mmnplorneats and machinery 12,060 23.546 ..... 21 8
Hardware and cutlery ................... .......9,101 3,675 ....
Machinery, except for farms ............. ....... 218 238 ....

Automobiles ............................ No. 1.316 1.882 1,517 5.418 . ...

611,21)8 651,067 051.086 2,147,046 .. ..
Autormiol,ile parts ....................... ... 3,922 2,040 185,035 148,040 429 6
Furniture of mimetal ...................... ...20.0(13 17,400 ........229
Scales ...................... ............ .......1,8(18 1.786 ....
tluininiumandmfrs.Of ................. ....... 86.426 41,512 300 125
Lime .................................. Cwt ......8,090 11.030
I ............ .. 5,86s 7,455
Soda and compounds ................... .wt....... 4,300 5.500 800
$ ......30,674 36,250 ....5,696
Cameras ................................ $ ....2,900 .....484 ....
Stationery .............................. $ 590 1.148 .....371 ....
AUotherarticles ........................ $ 7,103 3,371 13,162 18,716 2,923 9,329

TotalExports (Canadian)... 6 1,798,004 2,845,973 2,364,334 3,605,367 272,751 321,219



(Fiscal years)

British India Ceylon Straits Settlements

1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

hrpotrcs ron Const'ssrrio&

Pineapples, canned ...................... Lb.. ............ ............
... 6,902,037 11,364093
$ ............... . . - 366.670 518.578
Cocoanut desiccated....................Lb.................32.340 2.484.942 7.197,638 ...................
$ ................ 2,423 188,818 155,503 . ..............
Rice ................................... Cwt. 104,007 111.207 ...........................
$ 264.447 265,322 ...........................
Sago and tapioca flour..................Lb...................... 759.642 328,535
$ ..................... 23.490 8.794
Sagoand tapicos........................Lb...................... 1,371,41)6 1,134,345
$ ..................... 41.814 36.731
Cocoa beans, notroasted, etc ........... Cwt...................... 5.505 5.089 ....................
$ ................. 87. 121 97.831 ...................
(offee,greea ........ .................... 1.b. 85,989 359,932 35,273 ..................
$ 21,725 89,825 8.730 ...................
Spices .................................. 1 72.458 48.730 1,129 309,479 305,925
Tea ... ............ ................ ..... Lb. 12.046,353 11.682.064 6.622.007 6.873,310 ...................
$ 3,705.743 3.366.973 2.286,507 2,157.212 ...................
Oils, vegr'table, not food ................ 8 27,922 15.349 122.410 24.816 . ........
............ 1,117
Rubber, rrude ......... ................. Lb 16,17)) ............82.341 295.470 3,800,801 3.120,578
$ 6.707 . ....
.. ....
....... 33,035 59,790 1,420.407 587,600
iflcles an,! skim', raw .................... $ 4,938 288,822 ....
I,eatli&'r, urn,anufwtured ................ $ 2,417 30.291 ....
Cotton t,ianufto'ture.' ....................$ 19,160 19,748 .... 1.135
Woven fabrics of jute.....................- d. 66.495.855 75,934,570 ....
$ 4.744.5311 5,588. 1)75 ....
Bags of linen, hemp, jute................$ 08,S'iS 33.05$ ....
Woolcarpets............................$ 74.906 132,093 19 ....
Cocoa darpctir.g.........................$ 17,0-10 27.303 703 ......
Coir and yarn..........................Lb. 447.552 4,045 .....
S 28,374 30.72)) .....
lOrass and mfr's.........................$ 10,482 21,110 ....29 ....
Tin in blocks..........................Cwt........ 4,395 10,788
$ .......275.471 549,449
Manganeaeoxide.......................Cwt..... 98.000 ......
I 57,232 .....
Sties and mtrs .......................... I 13.87$ 41,260 .....
Preciousstorrs ..... ................... $ 73.941 134,66( .....492 1,273
Wax, vegetable and mineral, n.o.p ....... Lb. 291,2011 1,407.420 ......
$ 14.817 78,087 ......
Allotherarticles ........................ $ —__68,687 91,646 12,132 32,953 21,216 4,606
Totallmports .............. $ 9,239,779 10,396,948 2.731,531 2,529,140 2,459.045 2,015,207

Exrors (C'.aomt)
Wheat.. .............................. Bush............... 813,920 ..........................
$ 921.000 ...........................
Rubber belting ......................... I.b 35,324 35,287 248 45.841 40,919
11,691 12.824 87 15.203 10.042
Rubber boots and shoes................Pair 1 312,1168 345, 691 1,035 2,936 7.627 28.100
1 225.854 429.662 1,892 2.839 6,268 19.333
Rubber tires ............................ $ 1,330.938 1.691.977 171,723 153.206 548.104 268,451
Salmon. canned ....................... Cwt 1,932 4.503 7.504 1,092 8,3(15 1,807
8 21.1160 53.299 26.431 11.796 84.093 20.228
Artificial silk... ........................ $ ls.t,4t14 77,196 .................................. 38
Plunks and boards ..................... 38 ft 1(l)) 242 ........................ 30 84 ...........
18,428 4.601 .............620 2.452 ...........
Shooks...... ........................... ..... ............ ..1,708 . ... .........
Paper and manufactures of .............. ...13.398 6.407 722 401 2,152 5,037
lt,x,ks tool printed matter ............... ...6.13).) 4,866 327 5.592 9.078
Rolling mill products ................... ...277.820
Iron pipe and tubing ....................... 2.3151 21.497 . ....... .....5,837 238
Wire, iron, woven fencing ................ ...78.854 65. 42)) 430.......................
Farm implements tint! machinery 0,013 12.937 3,044 3,260 653 360
hardware and eutlt'rv .................. ...3,705 2,871 ..............8.501 14,211
Machinery (except forfarnis) 1.318 19.455 .............. 110 14,484
Automobiles, freight .................... No 5,677 5.498 300 399 263 380
$ 2,120.808 2,381.800 110.865 151,851 77,477 157.920
Automobiles, passenger.................No 5,360 7,5111 686 692 803 1,242
$ 2,564,046 3,006.759 352,419 209,299 335118 501,524
Autoinobileparts ....................... 5 267.512 297,860 15.423 16,415 336,738 61,736
Lanips and lanterns ........... .. ........ S 3.538 456 ..............3,038 3,091
Aluminium and mire, of ................ .$ 82,324 230.819 170 598 507 7.480
Silver bullion. ........................... On. 5,460.342 5,010.330 .......
$ 3,067,700 2,067.500 .......
Zinc,spelter...........................,Cwt. 1.598 1,568 .......
8 9.015 8,485 .......
Elcetricapparatus ...................... ....39,071 40,239 2,834 8,248 20,102 18.135
Insulators, poreelnin ..................... 8 27,024 4,402 .... 5 ...
Stedicinal preparations ............ ...... 5 49. 22(1 57,002 1,044 2.666 6o9 689
inorganic chemicals ....................$ 18,983 16.609 3,115 2,393 176
Allothcrart.icles ........................ $ 611.589 277,397 41.787 9,902 86, 128 85.458
Tntn.l Eunnrtx (Canadian) .. & 11.042.851 11.730.436 727.399 0)11.703 1.540.550 1.205.000


('Fiscal Years)

Hong Kong China Japan

Articles Imported
1928 1929 1928 - 1929 1928 1929

IMPORTS Yost Co'otTjIa-tIoN

Orutges................................. $ 2,529 4,7 51 1,079 177 315.775 240.390
Fruit.s,dried ............................ Lb 70,812 98.728 3.1)84 3,054 7,197 13,128
$ 13.796 19.305 1,057 453 744 1.129
Nuts ................................... $ 11.1117 11,238 900,704 996,584 10,040 15.694
ugl'llLbIt's, fresh........................$ 34,247 38.706 11.32(1 2.019 34.949 35.329
Vegetables, canned ...................... Lb 331.396 354.529 77.047 10.872 162,723 173.854
$ 32.6411 46.047 8,741 3.598 53,070 17.096
Picklen and sauces ...................... Gal 50.669 53,965 2,147 1,226 87265 (fl .004
$ 27.691 32.258 2,071 736 43,456 44.463
Beans ................................. Bush 4.157 4,402 400 75 101,397 92.091
$ 8,244 8.803 898 163 220.236 208.057
Peas, n.o.p ............................ Bush 898 1.363 1.608 8.226 13,272
8 1.778 11912 1,923 19.741 34.319
Rice ................................... Cwt, 152.448 139,7911 632 2.(I 59.040 53,518
$ 559,41.111 480.222 2,726 10,353 301,280 281,5541
Peanutandsovabeanoil ................ Gal 34,9{)5 34,478 21.460 17.875 320 355
8 38,1173 42,820 32,267 15.447 361 445
Ginger, preserved ....................... Lb 274.296 210,261 191,420 65.804 6,024 5,621
$ 28,61)) 21.491 17,420 8.830 567 664
6pices.. .... ........................... $ 9.073 8.501 12,717 15.123 5.380 8,039
Fen ......... ........................... Lb 213,013 193,527 722.114 518.614 3.621,110 3.456.335
$ 61,010 53.605 112.705 95,723 (144.452 632,278
Beverages, alcoholic....................$ 39,703 40.459 45.333 42,691 95,001 87,906
Peanut, etc., oil for soap and fish ....... Gui ..................................... 96.616 ......................
Peanut oil for refining. ................. Css-t..... ... ...... ............ 58.593 ......................
........29.431 ..................
8 ........................ 244,006 ......................
Plants,trees,e)e ........................ $ 10143 11,924 1.512 1,556 18.823 49,081
[)rugs. crude, vegetable ................. $ 22,182 23,304 329 521 18.295 18,993
Born', ivory nml shell products.. ........ $ 587 236 91 22,857 51,720 29,073
(lulL, dried, salted, pickled 100.206 177,125 2(9) 1,040 110.140 118.017
$ 36. 9)12 40,55(1 154 157 47,348 45.040
('ish, canned... ......................... 8 37,690 44,059 2.13.1, 940 63.533 87.913
('tire, unlresred (mel. marine) .... ...... $ ............................. 105.208 3011.641 39.210 56.589
('urs, rlrt'sm'd ......................... 8 ................. ...........50,981 58.006 .......................
iriet lee, arnnuil ......................... Lb..............................42,086 36.020 612 860
8 ............................. 47,164 36,127 3.240 3,423
Flair, manufactures....................S ................................... 37.822 25 36
tlhumen and egg yolk ........... ..... .............6 8 73.396 130,404 ....................
ggs in the ehell.. .................. ... Dos 60,031 44,808 175 1,449 ....................
8 26,440 11,822 72 275 ....................
Sggu,n.o.p .............................. lb................... 420 791.66.3 1,722,662 ....................
$ .................. 13 187.807 410,662 ...................
elatine ................................ Lb 1,146 601 5 260 33.390 14.199
$ 281 172 4 15 23,389 10.912
7otton fabrics, dyed .................... .ii 2,447 100 7.713 ..............576,168 .527. 724
646 135 2,062 . ..............52,610 41,625
)ottonlace,net,otc ..................... .........1,399 .353 44,485 35,969 1,983 2
'.ottoIt clothing ......................... ......... 11,769 13.353 7,628 3,238 88.391 173.265
tilk 11111 ntfrs. of ... ... .................. ........ 10,592 13,215 48,114 6.3,778 8,250,471 8,145.729
Voolearpels ............................ ...........251 178 123,416 45,276 58,760 04.714
((raw carpeting ......................... .........2,488 1.278 793 71 28,540 20.303
'jelling ljns and nets. .................. ..................59695 43897
urnLturt'o( wood. ...................... ........ 58,222 47. 687 7,854 10,000 11.680 13,102
'aperand mire, of ...................... ........ 15,030 12,821 2,825 1.614 23.478 27.210
800ks ttt<1 printed matter ............... $ 10,326 9.900 20,033 41,974 8.923 19.979
(race and trifre, of ............. .......... $ 1.082 2,131 43,911 55,240 6.54)6 13.306
4i,'kel Lad infre. of ...................$ 14 13 55 12 58,571 SI). 448
amps. electric, incandescent, carbon ....No......................1,518.407 1,0)17,917
$ ......................71.939 40.252
.amps, electric, incandescent, metal..... No.......................120 2.156,482 802.022
S ......................18 100.100 27.34(1
Thinaware and clay products ........... 8 9.926 0.898 4,126 7,724 400,130 402,772
'tLrl,olie or heavy oil................... Gal........................... 179,403 8(6). 771
8 ....... ................... 37,425 65,804
ilLee and glassware .................... 8 666 356 380 471 33.975 21,051
)rucs and medicinaiprepacations ........ $ 38.178 42,378 8.538 7,820 13,220 28,747
'ireworks .............................. $ 11,910 20,828 11,229 12,149 115 ..........
atnpbor ............................... Lb 21 10 .......53.262 50,571
17 8 ......30,872 33.115
)olls ................................... ....141 50 30 168 38.448 311,296
611 342 306 595 49,643 80.295
(rushes ................................. 9 1.422 2.854 166 203 118,787 123,502
'.ontniners, n.o.p. (packagee) ............ $ 36.809 38.881 18,308 18.251 141,415 157,402
'ootwenr, except leather and rubber ..... $ 14,926 13.504 1,514 3,219 8.791 It), 056
littOn .............. ................... 8 12 2 1 138,531 11)0,953
ewell'r\' ............................... 8 736 471 3,090 5,8811 31,430 30,418
laukets ................................. $ 2,537 51409 3,068 1,816 50,241 17,474
loxes, fancy, ornamental cases, etc ...... 5 723 569 3,320 5.412 21,785 29,630
'reciousutones ......... . ........... .... S 4411 82 3,072 54,526 69.439
,llothersrticles ..................... ...8 209,445 226.28.) 354,549. 490.913 540,929 747,959
Total Imports .............. $ 1.440.887 1,402.502 2,572,453 3,095,296 12,505,373 12,921,317

122 1)aM1.VIftV BI RJ'.t 1' UP 'J'A TJSTI '


(Ideal Years)

Hong Kong China Japan

Articles Exported
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

EXPORtS (CstcDtsN)
2,461 1,784 29.946 18,732 93 209
.................................. 1
Fruits 0,919,649 21,371,207
Wheat. ................................,334 2.364,540 7.469.680
11,032.655 20,397,748
$ 4,750 2,555,050 7.495,0148
269,238 337,594 795,451 2,191,655 187,665 45,159
Wheatfiour ............................. ..ri
$ 1, 4105, 2581 1,725,601 3,903,852 10,001,335 9117,430 238,413
1.806 i 1,964 18,051 25,361 846 1,368
Sugarand its products................... $
11.742 3,736 80,305 17.531 9,830 13.071
Alcoholic beverages ..................... $ 35,218
Rubber belting .......................... Lb. ............ 12,660 13,059
8 .. 3,561 414
Rubberbootsandshoes ................ Pair 1.874 1,300 11,186 29,747
1,276 841 9,015 21,344 2,514 260
190 ...........44,987 87,612 437,293 700,045
Rubber tires ............................ .$ 3,200 750
Cigarettes ................... . ........... Lb.. 5,320 1,283
I . 7,096 1,253 3,286 855
38,038 08,566
Senega root ............................. Lb.. 34,132 86,720
$ ...
Fish, dried, salted, pickled .............. 8 565,352 636.777 843,653 912,798 953,006 1.21)2.960
14.792 11,017 5,317 15,636 17.258 42,818
Other fishery products .................. $ 8,592
Cattle hides ........................... Cwt.... 256,4 111
S ... 156,110
16,126 34,983 7,506 53,158 4,4116 2,397
Leather,unmanu!actw'ed ................ $ 19.541
9,4345 12,761 62.085 59.920 90,962
Meats .................................... $ 3,104 857
Butter ................................. Cwt It))) 32 1,327 65
4 4,270 1,414 47.218 2,556 121.851 33,712
632 693 1,442 703 .5(39 523
Cheese ....................... ......... Cwt 17,297 15,676
6 18,450 20,959 35.438 20,305
Milk, evaporated and powder .......... Cwt 768 1,058 I .5116 1,931 56 1,221
8 7,000 9,456 11.432 17,799 480 42,709
3,881 2,117 8,262 21,170 3,919 1,502
cotton manufactures....................$
Wool and manufactures of ............... .. 5,030 8,986 5,487 8,125 120 907
521 1,042 1,8511 12,267 98,416 85,521
3"elt manufactures ....................... $ 147,703 1(15,773
Logs ..... ............................. 25 ft 6 1,704) 2,389
$ 100 21.364 29,088 1,674,071 1,991,4321
8.52,328 1,435.667
Piling (wood) ......................... ft.. 3,21 0 171,880 140,620
457 10,312
Poles, telegraph ......................... No.. 58 297 38
$ .. 252 3,118 335
Railroad ties ............................ No... 1,415 81.11)111...........
$ . 1,395 52.381)...........
..................... 25 ft 659 394 7,1308 16,236 08,153 67,971
Planks and boards 1,863,722
$ 15,316 6 1 990 154.138 322,688 2,101.336
Timber, square ........................ 25 ft 448 3 1914 97 103,060 143.493)
8 10,570 70 3,975 1,704 2.Oed,54 2,787,158
l,108,31 1,014.980
Woodpulp ............................. Cwt.. 2,330,348
2,531.859 (101.190
l'aperandmfrs.of ...................... $ 798 657 11.040 33,155 520.002
.............................. ..on 6 .. ...........28 7,750 9.0.32
Scrap iron 86,421) 96,345
9 115 ... .......... 3435
...................... Ton .. 681 606 2,1141 10.412
Iron bars and rods
11,1185 12,480 82,915 287.6943
lronpipoandtubing ..................... ....80 06,099 103,013 169 22.627
Wire, Iron ............................... ...1,912 3,267 16.50)1 15,054 8,OISS 48,910
lures iuipleriients sn(I machinery 2,790 2.119 22,1i32 11.819 6,073 8.858
lfardwero and cutlery ................... ... 1 , 9 78 231 10,011 24,705 13,178 12,709
Machinery, except for farms 272 1,373 313 1,1043 32,803 20,993
75 295 231 304 390 21
AUU,100l1110'i ............................ No 261,570
1 47,250 117,403 166,564 127,487 16,369
Automobile parts ..................... ..$ 50 110 349 57,886 14,917
Alunitmun, and mIre, of ................ $ 978 1 1 991 1,841 11,069 1,342,197 2.013,469
Lead, pig, reliaed. etc .................. Cwt 2,912 672 114.5119 89,625 11014,321 812,912
8 15,819 2,661 548,088 376,976 3,861,975 3,278,464
4,51)1 6,692
Nickel, 6ne,andoxide ................. Cwt.......
8 ......1(37,260 324,814
Silver bullion ............................ Ox..... 7.475 ,2 28 5,759.511 ....
$ .... 4,196,1511 3,370,5711 ....
Zinc speller ............................ Cwt.....5,953) 306,221 275.012
8 ....38,650 49,727 1,8430,356 1,429,459
4,958 4,5911 2,935 89.8(6) 74,457
Electric apparatus ....................... $ 362,053
Asbestos ................................. S ...... 5.326 473,350
................................... Ton ...... 2,155 1.497 '2,005
(Soul 55,824 13.334
I ......15,192 12,424
75,492 139,393 41,114 21,997 85.127 112,000
Ammonluinsuiphate ................... Cwt 2211,708
6 164,063 162,028 94,(320 43,479 181.632
Cohaltoxideandsalts ................... Lb....... 19,539 43,400 2.5.500 32,000
$ ...... 39,3(35 89,395 52.800 641.300
Stusiculinstruments ..................... 8 4,106 2,276 12,877 17,088 31,921 10,761
)ilris ......... .......................... $ 330 85,270 61,218 326.238 384,556
"lijpi and vessels........................$ .........226 . 1105 8
)icttlers'elTects ......................... 8 480 2,353 5,571 12,488 14,24.1 11,157
All other articles ........................ 8 51,101 58,945 115,030 153,667 323,759 231.571

Total Exports (Canadian).,. 1 2,465,940 2,837,463 15,432,396 23,687,053 32,088,243 42.009,968

T1?AJ)E OF ('AN.11)A 123


(Fiscal Years)

Australia Fiji New Zealand

Articles Imported - __________ -
1028 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929


\pples ................................. .Rn ................... IS . ............ ..................252 3,940
$ 91 ............................... 924 25.833
'rapes.................................. Lb. 76.613 42.675 .................................. 1,620
$ 10971 5.043 ..................................236
her fresh fruits ....................... S 2,311 ..................................
arrants, dried .......................... lb. 5,039,843 4,9145,744 . ............ .............................. ...
$ 534,568 6143,723 ...................................
Raisins ................................. Lb. 3,401.883 1,595, 236 . ..................................
$ 373.158 240,348 ..................................
Pineapples, canned... ..... . ....... ...... 1.b................108,016) 165,659 24.430 ......................
8 ............... 4,627 15,215 2,105 ......................
Fruits, canned, other .................... Lb. 276,501 1,307,2)9 ..................................6 ...........
S 24,789 93,282 .........................2 . .........
Fruits prepared, other (including fruit
pulp). ................................. $ 2.735 2,470 .........................40 ..........
OniOns .................................. $ 29,488 18,477 .........................3,184 23.980
Peas .................................. Slush.................. 100 ..........................75 2.024
$ 28)) . ........................ 173 3.952
Sugarnot above No. 16, D. ...........Cwt. 401,977 70,560 1.169,820 1.673,006 ............ ...... ....
8 1,867.134 269.402 4.299,806 5,694,079 ................
Sugar above No. 18, D.S ............... ('.wt. 158.274 153,114 .............................
$ 885,000 481,457 . .............................
Wines ................................... $ I8,604 27,344 ...............................
Ciun,s, Australian, copal, kaurie, etc....('at.. ..................... ..........................3,656 4.289
8 ..............................................32,695 34.584
Fssenti:il oils ............................ Lb 1,5,475 22,511 .................................
8 7.778 9,027 ................................
Seeds .......................$ 49 27 .............................. 59,302 24,607
Furs. undressed (ad, marine) ........... $ 29,903 ....................................
hides and skins, raw, calf .............. Cwt. 10 352 ............................... 4,691 2,247
S 306 11.258 ............................... 135,568 82,922
Ilidea and skins, raw, cattle ............ Cwt 38,123 15,732 ...............................8.71.6 16,29.S
8 526.247 318,629 .............. ............ .....147,472 ,909
It idea and skins, raw, sheep ............ Cwt................... 37 ..............................345 802
S 1.110 ................................ 8,002 27719
Reef, fresh ............................... lb................1,159,334 . ............ ................... 201,928 1,875,509
$ ................. 97,895 ................................13,103 140,7.55
Slutton.................................. Lb 1,179,242 2.041,963 . ............ ................... 576,544 487,121
8 133.658 377,633 . ............ ............. ........43,171 50,385
Poultry and game.......................8 4,558 5,518 ................................ 12 ..........
:LInno(I moats ........................... I,b 62,813 70,303 . ............ ..............135,900 232.745
8 11.372 11,101 ........................... 114,241 214.670
Butter .................................. Lb 571,872 221.760 ...........................11,623.917 24,730.851
8 214,780 03,268 . ............ ..............1,817,07)) 8,885,257
Theese .................................. Ti, 3,132.............. ............ ..............169,9)8) 399,007
$ 582........................................ 31,599 76,819
Iilk, condensed ......................... Rh............... ...........
........ .... ......... 1,282 41,919
$ .................................483 5,103
Dronsr,rough,torsoapandoils ......... Cwt, 12.848 6.378 ............................7
$ 01,769 52.054............................ 35
3olatine ................................ Lb 21)6,042 400,606 . ............... 35,96)) 44. ®
$ 61.059 95,614 . ............... 8,892 10,902
tausnge casings.........................$ 901 1,999 ............ ...1,851,876 1,915,900
"ibrilla, Osa fibre, etc ................. Cwt.................. 495 . ........
$ .................3497 .........
temp ......... ........................ Cwt...................1,694 1,356
8 ....................13,370 7,861
Vool, raw ............................... Lb 320,324 274,987 ................. 3,474,328 3,242,830
$ 197.321 138.4)11 ................. 987,579 1,163,735
-lair of the camel, alpaca, goat. etc ...... Lb.. ...............600 .................. 26529
$ 210... ............ ..... 9,212
Piorsted tops ............................ lb. 137,712 243,976 ..................
$ 146,706 272.126 ..................
Ilaidlu fibre ........................... Cat........... 1,811 507
$ ..........13,009 4,244
'egotuble fibre, n.o.p.. ................ Cwt........... 1,593 7,631
8 ..........12,359 49.028
1umwood lumber ..................... 80 ft. 127 93 ..................
$ 13,551 8.779 ..................
umber, dressed one side. n.o.p.........$ 14,2414 19.822 ..................
looks and printed matter ............... $ 2,620 5,074 ......49! 1.799
¼dding machines ....................... $ 20,000..........
)OOp .................................... 1 1.514 1,507 ........
'ontainors, n.o.p. (packages) ............ 8 3,015 5,520 9 ....2,213 2,660
hrtieles re'inportod..... ................ $ 8,87)) 126,51)2 92 25, 814 9,867
iluip's stores, n.o.p ...................... $ 3,995 4,529 2,212 077 21,792 27,04.5
ettlers' effects ......................... $ 10.840 5,632 50 2,435 4,543
I1otherurticlea ........................ $ 68,717 11,044 034 009 7,992 9,547
Total Imports .............. 8 5,301,018 3.484,830 4,317,876 5.697.012 8.202,322 12,771,239


(Fiscal Years)

Australia Fiji New Zealand

Articles Exported -
1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1929

Exowrs (CAaA000)

Apples .................................. Bri. ............ 113 264 11,668 8.400

$ .. 726 1,340 83,386 47,033
Fjuits, canned.. ......................... Lb 23.566 480 2,661 651 350,857 137.206
9 2,092 46 333 90 31,517 13.022
Onions ................................ Bush .... 41 717 24,469 10.033
6 ....65 1,457 33,517 13,368
Vegetahles.ennnod ...................... Lb 77,080 42,046 4,653 8,199 292,815 367,934
$ 8.348 3.673 462 761 24,924 27,405
Wheat flour ............................. fIn 343 204 9 33.180 63,982
9 2,807 1.129 488 22(1,816 453,447
Cornstarch ............................. Lb..... 767,320 1,059,020
$ .... 3 7,4 68 55,479
Confectionery, all kinds ................. $ 30,836 33.469 27 323,955 147,125
Rubber ritanufacturea ............... .... $ 813,845 394,398 55,044 58.427 3,454.951 3,848,397
Soeds ............... .................... $ 2,575 988 ............... 49,234 45.006
Fisli,canneil ............................9 1,724,087 1,968,7111 90,487 70,976 444,185 5(10,292
Furs and nifrs. of ........................ 8 1,489 13.430 . ...............111,501 27,3s3
Leather an.l infra, of .................... $ 1,354 510 . ...............1311,1911 12.5,187
Cotton manufactures .................... 9 21.852 5,101 1,712 2.486 94,678 112,921
Silk iiianufa'tur.s.......................9 29,711 839 1,172 555 5,574 8,367
fl intier twine.............................•wt. 22,400 . ..........
8 222,382 . ..........
Felt manufactures ....................... 8 34,261 30,766 . ...............1,328 877
Braces anti suspenders ................... $ 512 123 85 33.523 44,646
Corsets anti brassieres ................... No 14,337 17,313 . ............ .. 89,099 64, 64(1
$ 28,528 33,696 . ............ .. 96,516 71.351
Gloves and mitts (textile) ...............8 102.039 180.309 ............... 28.33(1 18.743
Socksanclstockin .....................$ 2,042 12.963 2.742 962 141,123 325.871
...................... 8 377 540................ 17,116 43.872
Wood, unmanufactured (mel. lumber) $ 1,405,712 826.856 76,699 82,447 435,563 425,460
Wood pulp ............................. Cwt..... 3,093 .. ...1,217 24.003
9 7,301 ..... 3,814 61.689
Doors, sashes and blinds ................ 9 .... 180 . ..29,299 18.591
Furniture...............................8 1,333 2,787 ....... ... 25,418 35.637
Paper board. md. wall board ............ 8 50,212 30,232 .......... 58.85.5 59.115
Paper,printing ......................... wt 1,075,712 1,097,988 248 382 334.943 391.062
$ 3,903,787 3,950.972 1,222 1.882 1,287.031 1.424,524
Paper,wrapping ........................ Cwt 28,813 24,023 541 524 31.692 32.467
S 173,290 142,967 2,723 2,650 178.712 210.435
Paper, bond andwriting ........... . .... Cwt, 4,237 3,230 ............ 7,202 760
33,625 ...54,559
20,576 . ............ 6,452
Paper, hanging or wall ................. Roll 366,887 302,820 ............ 278,266 264.975
$ 68.830 49.095 .. ..........43,911 42,099
Booksand printed matter ............... $ 32,733 16,902 5,303 1,230 20,990 41,471
Iron pigs, billets, ingots, blooms ......... 8 ....... 34,583 24.t170
Iron barsandrods......................Ton 19 . .......... .............. 7.ti53 10,113
$ 849 . ......................290,451 375,688
Structural steel.........................Tea . .......1,620 75
149,970 9,739
Iron pipenad tubing ..................... ...162,301 362,165 . ............ 22 2, 711 300.251
Wire, iren ............................... ...70,909 59.593 341 ... 380,085 4711,21)3
Fare, itiplemeats and maehinery. 1,814,977 1.497.313 583 299,5041 24(8,35(4
Razor9... ............................... ... 121,000 375.4411 213 41)1 58.534 4(4.584
Nails, spikes, tacks of all kinds ......... Cwt 1,8.58 1,761 38 3 41,390 37,348
1 19,150 17.972 150 25 159,5.55 148.020
Needles and pins ........................ ... 32,8414 37.173 ................
Macliinery,oxeeptforfarms ............. ... 332,248 78,121 504 427 102,609 208.115
Tools ................................... ...12,695 5.093 6,5.00 5,574 70,787 92,012
Automobiles ............................ No 2,210 23,198 85 173 1.127 9,0(2
927,991 7,204.967 38,045 73,317 682.265 4,787.504
Automobile parts .................... ......626,780 714,581 3.897 8.153 232,768 368,47:1
Biryclesanilp:irtsof. ................... ... 5,513 7.710 1,286 ............ 11,004 17.9(1)
Chains .................................. ...14,5 78 8.541 ...............9 , 8 74 13,1)714
Copper and mfrs. of ..................... ... 188 . ............ ............. .....5.4. 791 47.970
Electricnppiu'atua ....................... ...271,998 298,313 11196 1.360 471.686 077,503
Asbestos ............................ .......121,076 106,4................. 1 , 001 1,955
coal...................................T n 22.317 21,472 ............... 17,418 7.458
175,524 178,165 ............ ... ..99,842 43,025
Glass and glassware ..................... ... 773 127 218 ....25,559 28.1442
Plaster of Paris ......................... ...4,426 3,590 ...............68 , 972 58,171
Medicinal preparations .................. ... 4,069 19,713 20 32.889 52.374
I'aints and varnish ...................... ...35 , 1 19 4,660 207 ....5,606 3.632
Other inorganic chemicals ............... ...22,826 27,467 ...............46,742 43,625
Soda no.1 compounds .................... ... 17,841 48,402 .................
Stationery, n.o.p ........................ ... 8 , 253 18,202 ...............17,701 18.298
Musical instruments ..................... ...250,015 186,639 280 135,742 163,593
A.11otlserarticles ........................ ...362,054 483.142 5,865 13,308 527,124 748,411

Total Exports (Canadian),.. 3 14,189,446 19,470.305 297,515 329,797 11.386,800 17,357,763

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