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Curriculum Development-Activity #1

Name: Jednick E. Cahinusayan Date: November 26, 2022

Instruction: Choose one statement and reflect on it. What do you think and feel
about it.

1. Statement # 2-In schools where child-centeredness is the approach,

discipline is weak.

Child-centred education does not mean weak discipline. It may well mean a
more humane, caring kind of discipline rather than a rigid “do as I say because it
is me telling you” kind of approach. Children will understand discipline if they
understand the good reasons behind it, which is far more likely to happen with a
child-centred approach where there is real explanation and dialogue.
For me, discipline is a way of keeping our students on the right track in
different levels. It is a step by step process which helps the students and teacher
in the same page, wherein routine is repeatedly done to make the students
understand the essence of it. Child-Centered Education plus discipline is one way
of building students confidence in the teaching-learning process. It leads them to
correct decisions and concepts that needs to be achieved based from the

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